#idk i guess i should drop the lore but idk where or how
meg-noel-art · 1 year
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Older Versions of my OCs Lucy and Samantha (top) vs their younger selves! 
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tauforged · 2 months
Do you have any tips/tricks on getting into warframe? I want to play bc the designs look cool and I'm sure the story is just as interesting!
(It is completely OK to info-dump!)
OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!
ive probably said it better before, but cant find the posts because this website has the worst search function known to all mankind -_- so i will give you some bullet points that will not be all inclusive and i invite anyone else who wants to chime in to do so!!
while the devs are definitely trying to streamline new player experience, the story is uh. a lot! the game has like, what, 11yrs worth of content behind it by now? there's a lot! depending on your playstyle and how you progress through the game, it might take you a while to really get into the meat of it -- or you might speedrun all the main storylines in like a month. there are lots of side quests and secondary objectives you can dick around with as much as you like, which some people find fun and some people find annoying. i liek it :) but it can definitely be a lot
there have been a lot of time limited events and hidden lore entries that make some things pretty inaccessible to new players. they seem to be trying to get better about this but its still not ideal. the wiki is not always right (afaik, theyre still hung up on whether or not albrecht and loid were ~canonically~ together, which is literally just blatantly textual) but it can be a good place to find summaries of shit you've missed out on. ive never watched a single one of those 'warframe lore explained' videos so i cannot vouch for any of their accuracy. i dont really pay attention to the subreddit or the official forums either, but those might have information too? idk
i personally find that some of the quests are thrown at you wayyyyy earlier than they should -- heart of deimos is one that i strongly believe should be way more lategame than it is, since it builds on a lot of stuff that you probably won't know by the time you get to it unless youve been paying veryvery close attention or have been going wiki spelunking. i wouldnt stress about it too much if something seems to make no fucking sense, though. most quests are replayable if you want to go back to something with fresh eyes or different context
i have probably already spoiled you on a lot of the lategame stuff and for that im sorry! lmao this isnt really a game where spoilers will ruin something per se, but since ive been playing the game since like 2013 i went into everything blind as it was released and i always had a huge blast when the game dropped a bombshell on us, so i try not to rob anyone of that experience if i can help it -- not a huge deal though depending on preference
there's a lot of grinding and farming. i personally dont find it overly tedious as there's a lot to do and it's easy to mix things up and take breaks, but for some people it's a huge turn off, so just a heads up i guess. you can technically bypass a lot of the grind by buying new frames or weapons off the market if you really want to spend your money on that, but there's some things that are locked behind a reputation grind and such. and honestly, you dont Need to spend money on anything but some cosmetics
trying to play through everything solo might be fun if you enjoy a challenge, but i personally find it to be unsustainable. you're going to want to find a decent sized clan and you're going to want to either find friends to play with or hit up the recruiting chat for backup.
you can make platinum pretty easy by farming prime parts or rare mods and other such tradeable things and selling them to other players. i dont bother with this because im bad at keeping up on video game economies and it never interested me. but it makes being a 100% f2p player a lot easier when you need to buy inventory slots and such
there are over 50 warframes and countless ways to mod each one, and an absurd amount of different weapons -- there isnt really any one playstyle thats 'better' than any other. i perosnally pay next to no attention to the meta outside of keeping in mind what damage types are effective against which enemies. some people really enjoy minmaxxing the hell out of their shit. you can kinda just do whatever
don't buy plat without having at least a 50% discount login bonus unless it is an absolute emergency. the discounts are random but ive found they happen often enough that i can just wait around for one to pop up and replenish if i'm low. or dont bother idk i cant tell you how to spend your money im not your dad
mute region chat for the sake of your own sanity. nobody in there is as funny as they think they are. moderation is better in there than it used to be but it's still a wasteland
the most important part of playing warframe is having fun and being yourself :)
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lemmmmmmmmmmonade · 2 months
tell me about your current Favourite Guy. Tell me anything you want about them you have full permission to Go Nuts. also whats your credit card information
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Shout out to Ronald Roy Raymond Rockwell, gotta be one of the characters ever
So, a while back, I decided to watch through various DC animated shows, and really thought that Firestorm was neat, so I decided to delve into his comics (this was also around the start of me finally getting into actually reading comics and not just reading the lore of them because I was so intimidated to jump in and not understand what was going on)
Cut to now where he's my profile picture on every site I can plaster a pic of him onto. He's endearing, what can I say? He has a bit of that Spider-Man charm to him (makes sense I guess, he was co-created by two men who worked on it for a while, particularly Gerry Conway, who wrote for Amazing Spider-Man during the 70's, including the death of Gwen Stacey. Idk I just thought that was interesting) But,
Who the hell is this guy
Ronnie is one half of the hero Firestorm. Then he's the whole shebang. Then he's one half again. Comics are weird man. But the basic deal is that he was caught in a giant nuclear explosion alongside nuclear physicist Martin Stein, and they fuse together into Firestorm, The Nuclear Man. That accident also rendered them the ability to transmute any elements into any other elements. I am fully serious when I say if Firestorm weren't so commited to the bit, he'd be one of the most powerful characters in all of DC. But then a lot of stuff happens, he joins the JLA, he gets caught up in that crisis on those infinite earths, he gets sued, he dies (he got better dw), but I'll just finish off with a few cliff notes
He got essentially drunk off of atomic radiation he absorbed once
He made that goofy ass outfit himself as soon as he figured out his powers
He got sued, yeah. For accidentally destroying property while stopping a villain, but honestly he probably should have gotten sued for a lot of other stuff way before that
Like that fact he turns so much stuff into asbestos to stop fire
Ronnie it's the 1980's people know that's a carcinogen at that point
Stop making things into asbestos
Shit got weird for a bit after he got a nuke dropped on him
Like how the story transitioned from weird science stuff as a base to pure fantasy and Firestorm became a fire elemental which completely nixed the whole nuclear part of the character
Literally two of his villains are more popular than him right now (Killer Frost and the Weasel)
He's got ・゚: ✧・゚: DADDY ISSUES :・゚✧:・゚
He died so bad he came back as a black lantern when that event happened, and when he was fully revived he immediately went back to college and partied it up
But despite all of that, the reason I find myself liking Ronnie is that it's his immediate gut instinct after he gets powers to help people. Even when he's sulking and being angsty, he gets over it as soon as someone needs his help
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also i dont have a credit card, would debit work
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miilkyrolls · 3 months
a finch rambleshit of id2's finale
now that id2 is fully released for vip and is on its way to being wide released. i have some thoughts in the form of a tag "rambleshit" noun: a long winded, strings of thought, typically about a choices book made by finch
minor spoilers, BUT JUST IN CASE
okay let's get my final feelings about the book/ last couple of chapters out the way. i've needed these last few days for 2 reasons: one, the last chapter came out on my birthday and i was literally sitting in the parking lot waiting for my reservation while watching the Himeme playthrough , and two, i needed to digest just how much exposition lore was dropped in the last 2-3 chapters that to a point I felt overwhelmed ! Anyways, overall score 8.5/10. it was a good book story wise, however, it had SO MUCH RETCON and plot holes to a point that i felt like id2 could've been it's own standalone, set apart from id1 (kinda like untamable vs unbridled). there's a few i could explain away, for example, the concept that was the entire point of book one about how vampires get sick from even the tiniest bit of fellow vampire blood, but we have an entire ceremony of vampires doing the exact opposite? or the scene where cas bites mc's lip and licks the blood away. now, imo this could be explained as A) the vampires are just biting for the symbolic purpose of the ritual OR they're injecting venom without drinking mc's blood (which kinda makes less sense then the former but anyways) and B) Cas just doing shit for the sexy thrill or whatever which i can accept
what I CAN'T explain away is things like..mc having powers that everyone just..accepts(?!) with no issue but with cas it's seen as some type of anomaly..? claims "the leylines can grant special abilities" but why only cas and mc? why not the oh idk leaders of the covens? or the elders or even just pull a warrior cats "Power of Three" situation and give gabe, cas and mc powers that's because they have a special destiny or are reincarnations or something freaky deaky about them being polyam or being from different covens IDK SOMETHING! and before someone mentions it, i know cas is a more direct witch descendant then the other vamps, but considering we know nothing about her family, if we go with the assumption that cas is last preforming witch since great grandmama constance, that still wouldn't explain why her powers get awoken now? like please for the love of god correct me if i'm forgetting something but the only connection we have is
cas gets cut from the business card, lennox's face morphs (again, odd ability cause cas's powers seem to be exclusively nature related and premonition doesn't seem to match that, unless she has mc's type of premonition from the leylines but that wouldn't make sense either cause mc's manifests in out of body, future seeing, while cas's manifestation is more like actual intention sensing *cough, they should technically switch their ability names cough*, the cut never heals unless cas let's the power out/or is happy and gets worse when she's upset. so when you think of it, there's really nothing that directly correlates with the leylines that connects it. maybe it's because the leylines come from creators and witches are split descendants of vampires so whenever the ley lines are getting fucked with it affects witches too?? idk
a few more unaddressed issues are but not limited too: what beef cas and gabe have in the branding room (i'll get back to that one later), libby having partial memory, (same thing as above), if vampires can sleep, how in the first book G+C can hear us murmuring their names from miles away but we can't hear cas screaming in the woods, having vampire sight but can't straining to see that pile of bones in the dark in the back of the cave etc, WHY LEWYN IS STILL NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR KILLING HIS OWN COVEN MEMBERS??
that's my biggest issue with id2, there's so much guess-timating on w/ info and lore that would be fun to theorize or hc in a standalone but in an ongoing series it creates more headaches and others are plain plotholes. i think id would've been more consistent if they spent more time explaining the lore of WHY things are instead of WHAT things are, you know?
now lastly, here are my id3 theories/ hopes:
libby is a witch. that's the only explanation we have for why she acts so odd all book + why her memories are the most intact despite her not doing anything to awaken them like for mc's mom did
gas's beef with each other is explained. i saw someone hc that the reason gas hate each other beyond the typical Clement vs Venandi bs is because they're exes and while i would love the angst of exploring that + it would explain their sudden intrigue (if u choose the poly route end) to possibly get together + it would be so carnally delicious if we have some real slow burn enemies to frienemies to lovers out here but i doubt it. however their beef seems to stem from before mc came into the picture purely because of how gabe talks and treats cas in the first few chapters of book1 and from the branding room scene (my hc/ theory however: in the branding room premium scene, g+c talk briefly about a situation where gabe "was playing the hero", cas was "scaring humans" and as a result got punished likely by branding. my theory is that while as a human, gabe's grandmother was a fluked hunt by cas, with gabe protecting his nan, this sparks sarah to investigate into vampires more which leads to the covens trying to kill her. so gabe hates cas for nearly killing her and consequently getting him turned and cas hates gabe for ruining her hunt / giving her first brand)
gabe getting powers. we know gabe is kinda a literature nerd and can read specific vampire languages that seems like pretty rare ability for a newer turned vamp so maybe that could be his. idk it just feels odd that cas and mc have powers but gabe doesn't (even if reading super well is for NERDS 🙄/j maybe they can make it fun and unique to him)
witches are absolutely the villain of the next book, there's no doubt in my mind but since it seems like witches were playing both sides of the field of vamps v hunters, it's safe to assume we might befriend a teenage witch (possibly libby??) and we have to fight with against evil witches??? 🤷🏾‍♀️
more like point 4.2 but we could also possibly meet cas's family or even parents! while its safe to assume them being dead is what made cas an orphan, its pixelberry and there's a good chance they'd bring out that a random plot twist like with gabriel and lennox being cousins like that out of the blue andddd the heirloom book cas has from her parents looks suspiciously like the grimoire astoria has🤔
multi pov: if id3 is assumingely the last id book, and they're going to keep teasing gas, i would love see that all exclusively from their pov's (ik it's unlikely pb would suddenly change the format of a book at the supposedly end of the series but these books need a new element or it's going to feel like a repeat of the last 2 books)
gas. self explanatory. they need to kiss regardless of which route you choose. idk how or why or when but it needs to happen
these mofo's will graduate human high school. yeah that very forgotten aspect of immortal desires is that it's a TEEN supernatural, so we need to pop in some extra credits or something and graduate since they're all seniors/ "18" (in my hc cas is a super senior and is like 19 when she was turned but anyways)
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vivipuri · 1 year
༻¨*:·.Sugar Rush
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Bittoria Basquemada: The Bitter in Bittersweet
Make way for Bittoria Basquemada, the mature and dignified in-game villainess of Sugar Rush. As cold as frozen cheesecake, this lady’s elegant but calculating demeanor opposes Vanellope’s brash but sweet nature, and this sugar-and-ice contrast leads her to believe she would be a better fit for the throne. Her drive to become the ruler of Sugar Rush is nothing short of handy when challenging Vanellope. Her strategic intelligence makes her a cunning obstacle on the track, all while retaining an image of grace. Dropping the villain act outside of arcade hours, however, she is sweet at heart and deep down has a motherly soft spot for Vanellope, although she refuses to admit it.
finally finished the 3d-esque style render for my burnt basque cheesecake-themed Sugar Rush villain OC! Very happy with how she turned out! I’m not sure how exactly I should talk about her lore in its entirety and how she fits into the whole WIR story, but perhaps that’ll be a separate post once I have her other design posted too!
“Wait-other design?”
Yes, indeed! This is Bittoria prior to Turbo’s machinations on SR. Basically he messed with her code too because he found her motives to usurp the throne a threat to his own motives, despite hers only being for the sake of the game. Still though, Turbo took interest in her scheming wit, finding her to be someone that could aid him in his own usurpation and ensure the longevity of his reign. Reprogramming everyone’s memories and the world of Sugar Rush, Turbo made the former ruler a glitch and the former villain his royal etiquette consultant.
Okay that’s enough lore for now! And yes this is where the oc x canon shipping comes in um yeah I ship her with Turbo (her programmed age is 30. idk if you can tell but she has “sharper” features than the average SR racer. also, taller than the racers and is the same height as King Candy/Turbo) 😭 but uhhhh more on that later I guess! hopefully I can get to her consultant design soon! first I’ll work on a reference sheet for her villain design tho so stay tuned! 🖤🍰🤎
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 days
Ok before I say anything else BRUH I took the quiz you reposted and guess who I got….also mf sae…..bro??? Wavelengthed too hard but STAY STRONG NO CONVERTING
EVIL YUKI SHSHSHSJ actually know dw all the shit and slander yuki has to go through now is just setting him up to become rough and tumble yuki so he can get the development he deserves it’s all part of the plot!!! STOP ITS SO EMO but ig its better than one of them being left behind by the other shevdhshsh (or you let mc live and then we can be with Karasu instead/j) I’ll never be get over how interesting hollyhock mc is though (the whole belonging/ownership/love dynamic is SO unique I love it sm) on the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have otoya being done TOO MUCH justice LMAOOO it’s ok the story and plot slap so he can have a pass
DADFAILURE LOSERS I LOVE IT HAHAHA esp while yuki has his life (pretty much) together truly the embodiment of tabieitaken shenanigans also KING OF KALOS GOES SO HARD??? Mm yes we love yuki supremacy (also the ref to his emperor of 1-on-1 title ugh so peak)
That’s actually insane I feel you though because I’m also scared shitless of getting mobbed by insane parts of fandoms (partially why I’ve never really used tumblr to do anything before besides lurk and also why I am NOT subjecting myself to being one of those regular translators on twitter or tiktok or whatnot I’m not about to get people attacking me in the comments for wild shit shshshsb) BUT I agree lowk….i mean tullireo isn’t going to be rubbed in our faces in the story anyways (I assume) since we’ll be too busy burying Barou’s corpse (I’m screaminf) but THSTS SO REAL “I make money so my wife can breed pokemon and keep them all for herself instead and I’ll build them a whole pokemon pasture/sanctuary” (that would be me as a pokemon breeder fr) bro it was just meant to be the team vibes…it’s giving elegant but strong
LMAO chigiri and Reo forced platonic close proximity chigiri is just THE bestie whether it’s gossip or wingman duties he’s got it all but I’m crying otoya tweaking because he’s like “NOOOOOOOOOOO MY OTP” and Karasu patting him like “idk what you’re on about but hate to break it to you but I don’t think Tullia doesn’t likes you that way”
Wait I know the exact vibe you’re going for it’s giving “drops random lore/information and disappears for three months” LMAOOO fr that older mentor who comes gives hints and guidance kinda like a walk through tutorial guide in a game where they’re like “oh yeah you should go here” only to never be heard from again LFMOAOAAOAOAO GANDALF REAL but that kinda puts a bit of distance in his dynamic I feel? So yes TULLIREO WE ALL CHANT guess I gotta side with otoya this time tullireo OTP LOWK DO IT it’s just the vibes too yk…they just match….guys…..
LMAO my first thought was fr “that scrawny ass kid with a bug net on route 2” imagine they don’t even battle the boy is so scared of ghost type aeguslash that he just runs (I see that typo but I’m not fixing it because it’ll get autocorrected into something unrecognizable and I’m channeling my inner Nagi and being lazy)
LMFAOO reader fr like “where tf did my genes go…” THE PARENTAL LORE GOES CRAZY LMAOAO imagine their kids going to school and yk how elementary school kids usually get those assignments that’s like “what do my parents do?” Etc? Yeah their daughter has to fill out that and her drawing is reader on top of a pile of dead team z grunts carrying nagi or maybe they’re just holding hands but nagi def has to be shown asleep taking a nap and uncle Barou flying in the sky as an angel and readers giant ass red gyarados in the back looming over it all and like a crying Mr. Mikage on the floor
LMAO Reo exclusively using luxury balls so true lowk the premier balls kinda fit Barou’s aesthetic too maybe he splurges on them generally to keep everything consistent and neat looking LOL bro my luck was ass with quick balls actually I think I’ve only ever caught my donphan (as phanpy) with one LMAOA
Pause I see the abamasnow vision (it’s intimidating but imagine it’s as dumb as him LMAOA openly walking up to fire types) arcanine accidentally burning tf out of it is so funny they would SO bully him for that for the rest of his life
Aiku getting what he deserves!! He has his happy ending though he’s just gotta finish up his community service first LOLL ok but him actively very involved with sae and Barou because he deals with them on a more regular level because they’re on the same team and he’s like “I can’t deal with their bitchlessness anymore PLEASE get a girl I’ll even help you but you need STRESS RELIEF. NOW.” LMFAOO wait I’m very excited to see aiku put in his place LMFAOO
When the familial relationship steals the spotlight from the romantic one>>>> LAMSOA /hj perhaps this can be a character study in the future…I’m crying their relationship is so sweet though ugh
EYES WIDE OPEN OMGOMG NEW GRAPHICS!!! No I lowk love the clean look too it fits the vibe fr!! Guys yk it’s serious when the graphics ready…pokemon au here we come!!!!!!!
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE THE SAME PERSON FR no but i think it’s so funny we’re both NOT itoshi lovers which is pretty rare i feel and yet we’re the ones who ended up getting sae himself 😭 the universe wants to convert us to itoshism but we MUST stay strong
HELP YOU’RE SO RIGHT this is just the development he requires…rough and tumble yuki’s bad past is actually a bad past LIFE where he led to the death and despair of all of his current friends (that’s lowkey a crazy fic premise like the whole hollyhock gang reincarnated but only yukimiya gets his past memories back so he has to live with the knowledge that he once betrayed everyone he now loves 😰) agreed at least it’s not one living/the other dying!! LMAOO no because hollyhock reader x karasu is such a normal dynamic tbh free hollyhock karasu from her he does not have the insanity to match her freak 😭 it really is like i said HAHA with a normal reader and author karasu would be endgame but (un)fortunately for him reader is fucked up and i’m an angst lover so he does not get that privilege 🙂‍↕️ also yeah every time otoya does some dumbass shit in the manga/anime i’m like okay YOU are the one who’s starring in hollyhock?? YOU are the bloodthirsty ninja who dies because he loves someone that much??? he would actually be so hype to know that that’s how he’s viewed though…we’ve talked about bllk otoya meeting hollyhock otoya but imagine PURSUIT otoya meeting hollyhock otoya he probably bursts into tears because at least he’s living his cool ninja life SOMEWHERE
YUKIMIYA SUPREMACY ALWAYSSS i had sm fun coming up with everyone’s little nicknames (barou’s being the “never-champion” because he never actually got to challenge mr mikage vs reader’s being the “reluctant champion” because she never even wanted to be champion in the first place…did somebody say #siblinggoals 😜⁉️) and the king of kalos just rolls off of the tongue sooo well especially because his mentor is chris PRINCE like come on now!! pls pokémon au tabiektaken are basically the epitome of their miraverse dynamic like it’s how i would write them if i were in charge of the manga HAHAHA they’re so funny together
PLSS i respect you sm for that because it’s such a double edged sword like on the one hand i love making my silly posts and having my followers and mutuals react but on the other i’m always afraid a post will break containment and reach the wrong audiences because some people are BRUTAL 😭 but if you do ever decide to become tumblr active trust i will defend you from any hate 🤫🫡 can’t say the same for twitter because i don’t have an account nor tik tok because people on there are a different brand of terrifying but i can tussle w some tumblr trolls if needed!!
yeah i def think tullireo will have that togetullia from pi vibe!! like there’s very obviously something going on and it’s mentioned now and again but reader’s relationship with nagi / search for barou are much more forefront so it’s not at all the main focus!! with such an expansive story though it’s so important imo to have more relationships than just the main pairing otherwise things fall flat and/or the main pairing can almost feel out of place?? like why are y’all falling in love when NO ONE else is 😭⁉️
otoya bawling over the loss of his otp meanwhile karasu’s like “there there buddy it’ll be okay plenty of other girls out there anyways what’s an otp 🙂❔” HAHAH he’s the dad with 0 clue of modern slang or anything also wait this reminds me of a specific exchange nagi and reader have during the aegislash arc where nagi’s like “wait i think we’ve been isekai’d” and reader’s like “how do you know what that is” and nagi’s just like “oh reo loves reading villainess isekai manhwa on his pokétch before bed every night” and reader’s like “huh okay” and it’s never mentioned again LMAOOO
yeahhh that’s exactly isagi’s vibe!! along with aiku’s a bit but isagi’s more mature aiku is like the problematic version of that trope 😭 isagi’s the voice reader hears in her head when she tries to ride her bike inside ykwim…agreed it really does differentiate him from the main cast a bit too much for a romantic relationship between him and tullia to make sense!! especially given he’s meant to be barou’s contemporary and barou’s looked up to as The Big Brother of the story isagi kind of ends up giving off that vibe too 😩 now REO on the other hand…otoya and chigiri cooking fr i lowkey love the juxtaposition too where tullia is super motivated and has a dream she wants to accomplish of her own merits whereas reo has everything handed to him but he’s only doing things because his family expects him to?? idk could lead to some fun interactions…plus the first nagi and reader battle (where her houndour uses pursuit on his growlithe) only even happens because she wants to battle for experience but tullia’s already challenged reo so nagi’s her only option ☝🏻 so if you think about it that kind of foreshadows tullireo…maybe my mind already knew what needed to be done FJSKSKA just like i only noticed the arcanine/houndoom parallels AFTER the fact
that kid is so cocky too imagine he throws out his fucking rattata or metapod and he’s like “beat this 😜” because nobody else on route one has been able to yet and then nagiy/n’s daughter’s just like “ok 👍” and out comes aegislash…wait lowkey ykw would be cute is if the bug catcher just becomes her traveling companion after that because of how strong “her” aegislash is (i bet after their daughter has enough pokémon of her own reader’s like ok give aegislash back now and train your own team up) like he’s like “woah if i stick with you i’ll definitely become more powerful” and ofc nagi’s daughter is as nonchalant as he is so she doesn’t gaf but then they end up falling in love or smth and having that black cat introvert girl x golden retriever extrovert boy dynamic FJDNFJSKJS omg now we’ll have to come up with nagiy/n GRANDCHILDREN lore (unrelated but the thought of nagi as a grandfather is so cursed)
I’M CRYING AT THE IMAGE OF BAROU IN HEAVEN he’s definitely one of those baby angels with the trumpets and little white wings but it’s just barou’s head and massive hair pasted onto it 😭 and gyarados is just drawn with a massive grin on its face meanwhile mr mikage is just face down on the ground LMAOAOAO and nagi is holding hands with y/n who’s like 🙂 meanwhile nagi is just drawn to be 😴 imagine the teacher’s like why is your father asleep and their daughter’s like “he sleeps a lot 😄” so the teacher is concerned for the child’s welfare?? and that afternoon she pulls up to the nagi household and knocks on the door determined to confront “mr and mrs nagi” about how nagi’s always sleeping and if their daughter is being cared for properly but when they open the door the teacher’s like WHAT THE FUCK because it’s y/n l/n and SEISHIRO nagi not just two randoms standing there 😰 safe to say she runs away real quick…i feel like their son being the older of the two is a lot more like barou somehow?? which is crazy because neither nagi nor reader are anything like him but he just takes after his uncle sm…i kinda picture him looking like season 1 kiyora actually in the sense that he has a very barou-esque coloring but more of nagi’s hair texture 🤔 lowkey he probably acts like wicked game kiyora too like always getting into fights (in this case pokémon battles) and whatnot but also pretty chill (he got the reuniclus because it’s a former nagi team member so it’s much calmer and holds him back whereas aegislash would def egg him on HAHAHA)
okay wait now i’m stealing that for reader’s phanpy…it’s her second pokémon/the first she ever catches so imagine she just panics and throws a ball at it and karasu’s like bro that’s not going to work lmao but it was actually a quick ball she took from his stash because she didn’t have any of her own so it DOES work HAHAHA ofc karasu’s like what the hell because he always tries to use quick balls and they never work for him despite being really effective when yayoi and apparently reader use them (maybe he catches gible in one though?? and that’s why he doesn’t even need to battle it and is able to capture it while otoya and reader are arguing)
i def had to think about zantetsu for a second but him having an absolute idiot of an abomasnow just fits him so so well lowkey the aesthetics are matched too?? imagine he can mega evolve it eventually HAHAHAH you just see dumbass zantetsu with this enormous mega abomasnow and you’re like wait am i cooked?? but then one fire type move and it’s out for the count 😭 pls it’s especially funny because reo actually doesn’t have any fire types so he has to actively work to beat abomasnow meanwhile arcanine BREATHES and it’s gone 😩 zantetsu lucky fr that nagi doesn’t gaf abt battling him…wait lowkey yk what would be fun is just a mini arc of like ovas/spinoff chapters?? showing what characters other than reader are up to…maybe one focuses on manshine trio and the reo vs zantetsu rivalry, another shows a day in the life of isagi and gives a bit more characterization to the other elite four candidates (kunigami kaiser bachira) as well as the elite four themselves, another is like aiku’s field journal of him getting bullied by pokémon, another is yukimiya’s contest training, another is hiori like settling a dispute amongst some safari zone pokémon (or even amongst his team to show the dynamics we talked abt earlier), and maybe even a tabieita one to show what they’re up to when the girls aren’t around 🤔
oaeu aiku is lowkey so entertaining to write though i can’t even lie he has some HILARIOUS lines i just started the barou version and there’s sm lorenzo slander i’m crying…people can’t even get mad because they’re not MY thoughts they’re aiku’s!!! that’s why i was able to get away w sae slander hehehe 🤫🤫🤫 anyways we finally had the dream team of aryu sendou niko and aiku show up as well as the aiku + niko duo getting some screen time so it’s been fun 🤩
no because lowkey a character study of noel noa’s rise to fame through the eyes of someone who’s known him from the start could lowkey be insane if only i didn’t have like ten requests, oaeu, pursuit, and my upcoming 1k event to worry about 😩 not to mention peregrine and hollyhock KFJDJSJS rip to them fr
YAYYYY I LOVED THE GRAPHICS the grey matching nagi’s character color…houndoom being the only splash of color and really standing out…the super neat font (serving barou realness tbh) idk i just really like it it’s def not the same vibe as the oaeu one for example but that one def gives “this is a silly cute crack fic” whereas this one you can tell you’ll need to lock in a bit to read if that makes sense
ALSO DID YOU SEE THE NEW TRAILER it’s looking like we’re getting s1 animation again but honestly it’s whatever s1 was liveable plus they always do my man nagi (mostly) right so i’m chilling…they made otoya’s face and chin SUPER pointy in that one screencap i reblogged but otherwise idm it too much!! KARASU LOOKS SO CUTE I’M SO GLAD HE’S FINALLY GOTTEN SCENES i really like his hair actually it looks sm softer and fluid in the anime style vs the manga!! at the end of the day at least we didn’t get yona of the dawn-ed like maybe the anime isn’t perfect but at least it exists ykwim?? although given how well the manga sells i’m surprised they don’t put more effort into the anime…anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kimberlyannharts · 9 months
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY: Sage is fully committing to the high school life, even if there are some obstacles like bullies, hard classes, her friend's tragic backstory, and the discovery of the Chamber of Secrets.
But there's no time to dwell on that, because it's time for the Morphin Trial, where kids are dumped in a hostile landscape to be color-coded by some weird old alien cult. Sounds legit!
It's Ranger Academy #4!
Before we begin let's take another look at that Katie cameo. Sure she doesn't do anything but drive the bus and I still have no fucking idea how these cameos work when they're appearing in-person vs those inter dimensional tubes but it's at least nice to see her
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ANYWAY. Time to drop some children off to die
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= So some lore stuff established already is the Bandorian Monks reside on the planet "Chromia" specifically in the "Zeo Chamber" in "Prism Peak." It only opens for a limited amount of time once a year. From what I can remember none of this, except the Zeo Chamber I suppose, was in Eltarian War's established lore, but I guess that can be chalked up to Ranger Academy being its own thing. (And for what it's worth, the Zeo Crystal itself is not in the chamber.)
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= yes yes guys we get it you want that video game/RPG adaptation
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= This is so valid of Theo but unfortunately for him I know what happens to PR characters with his kind of jokey, charismatic personality
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= So are they going to be the book's main romance or not. I'm calling upon protection spells against sisterzoning
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= So.....okay. Here it is. Here's the line
So obviously there are colors missing from the Academy and at the very least Theo's dialogue is implying that's on purpose. Which makes me hopeful for my old "Camp Half-Blood" theory that this book will end with more color campuses being added. And obviously, Theo's source isn't telling the whole story or getting facts wrong.
But. Look.
Even if Lindy's dialogue is only saying that Green and Orange Rangers don't exist in the Academy rather than the universe as a whole, the entire concept of certain colors being forbidden or unknown is ridiculous when this is a school that fully encompasses itself in Ranger history. Sage mentioned in a previous issue learning about Jen and why their library is named after her, so their adventures must be part of the curriculum. Even if it isn't, their teachers are Ranger alumni. ONES THAT HAD GREEN RANGERS ON THEIR TEAMS. Their bus driver was KATIE! She can't talk about Trip, her best friend? Crueger never brings up how Green is the third-highest ranking ranger at SPD? I think this wouldn't even annoy me so much if they weren't equating Oranger Rangers (of which there have only been three official ones in the franchise, with others being so-so canon) to Green Rangers (of which there's only been. four seasons, I believe? where there was no Green at all). I know Power Rangers wants Green to be special but it just simply doesn't work because by definition, it isn't.
I think this would only work for me if a) we establish that the present of Ranger Academy is set either extremely far in the past or extremely far in the future, where Rangers either barely exist yet OR it's been so long that the canon we know has been shrouded in legend or b) we didn't have the alumni ranger cameos and we establish this school is completely cut off from the established canon we know. And the last one doesn't work because they clearly want the cameos to be one of the main gimmicks of the series. So idk. It's probably Ranger Academy's biggest headache for me
And just in general I don't know how "forbidden colors" work when the students' color is just chosen based on what the Monks see inside them. It should be unique to them, not based on a criteria that can pick and choose or throw out different options.
ANYWAY. The trio finds Kartyr and Maev and, unsurprisingly, these children are about to die
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= what's with Green Rangers having to rescue their rivals that suffer broken ankles. Oops, spoilers
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= Sage has only been part of this school for a few months and she's already indoctrinated into their religion
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= Kartyr is such a hater for no reason. You should be connecting with your green-haired brethren
= Also I just realized that Kartyr is most likely a Xybrian yet he doesn't follow the naming motif that Trip and the Supersonic Rangers did. I won't hold it against the author as the Supersonic Ranger origin story is pretty obscure but still, it's funny to me.
Though wait if he's a Xybrian shouldn't he know about Trip and how he's a Green R [I am yanked offstage via a giant hook]
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= Okay guys I get we're using MMPR theming but are really trying to say Pink Rangers are good pilots? Because what, Kim had flying zords? That's getting a little ridiculous. What's next, Pink Rangers are all amazing archers?
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= Maev becoming Yellow was a little surprising since Mathis is already a major character who's yellow, but at the same time I'm really not sure.....what the guidelines are to what color each person becomes. It feels kind of arbitrary at this point tbh. Though maybe it's just because I don't really know Maev as a character yet compared to Theo, who fits the Black Ranger archetype like a glove
and speaking of which
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= Lindy not being able to morph genuinely pissed me off like. Again. What are the guidelines here. What about Lindy isn't ranger-worthy. Can I just call the Bandorian Monks racist for denying a Black girl the chance to morph because I think I'll just do that
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= SHAME SHAME SHAME SHE HAS THE MARK OF THE DEVIL (her novelty lightning bolt coin turned green, a color that has never existed before this)
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youthofpandas · 2 months
im glad to see someone criticizing the concept of don being a bloodfiend again because the entire concept and explanation just seems so convoluted like we have abnormalities and ego and distortions but we also have these thousand year old monsters that have barely been talked about until the last event and one is a part of the company i guess?? like idk i guess well see about where this goes in c7 but so far it just seems like a very strange way to adapt the novel making don some meat puppet for an evil all powerful being. but like i guess we will see when everything comes out
I'm glad I'm not alone in this like there was a moment of hype and then deep confusion for me as I played. at first I thought her determination to protect the innocents and kill cassetti was going to be an ego manifestation adjacent thing (like how at the end of cantos the sinner normally does a cool ego attack on the big bad) and i was excited for that and then boom. bloodfiend. I have started DD which i know mentions it but the fact its a discontinued series that they're planning to make into a game (or something?) later lulled me into a sense that nothing monumentally important would be required reading there. and LoR i know also mentions them but i got stuck at SotC1 for months and so I haven't even gotten to that lore drop yet </3
anyways i dont think it's bad to bring back in worldbuilding from the past series or anything, but i know they're well aware LC is an introduction to their world for a lot of people. i wish sinkle or rodya had brought it up when they were talking about sweepers last canto, would've felt really natural there... I dunno it feels really unearned and strange. For it being the twist of one of the main characters I think LC should have introduced the concept at some point beforehand in game.
I won't be shocked if c7 is good and they pull it off, I'm just not very excited. I do want murder vampire clown IDs though if they give us random fixers instead of fun carnival stuff I'm going to be so sad. sighs. maybe we'll get split vampire hunters/vampires for the IDs? but I need that carnival theme to pay off its all I have left to cling on to rn
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bentosandbox · 1 year
hoshi headcannons GIMMIE [pwease im starving]
woah how did you know i had some (more) bubbling in my head recently after reading the mh collab (not that she appears in it :( but…yato does) also perfect timing since hoshi module Y is about to drop just dropped on EN
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read it NOW!!!!
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ok so . shes basically like an old salaryman to me just look at that bow (salute emoji) and with all the salarymen traits that come with that like terrible work life balance(well they are all office workers so. all have this but shes like, THE salaryman you know) nomikai addict (kind of real) and a super yes-man except..nobody dares to even make her do something she wouldn't do herself, and not out of fear(well maybe a little for some) but out of respect (probably saved every officer at least once), and being a senior (since she's been with the lgd since day 0) she could technically treat people like they're beneath her (true) but instead she goes super formal-mode the gapmoe(?) is so endearing its like . suddenly thought of the mc from vinland saga whos like ^_^ im so harmless i wont harm anyone (havent not caught up with it for very long though idk if it's still like that)
she likes to (Module X spoilers I guess) idk roleplay being a pushover??? in that story she tl;dr comes to the rescue of a colleague who is like 'ty oni-sis but you should just leave me here 🥹 and she's like (tanks like a champ getting her ID card cracked in the process module.jpg) and goes 'haha sorry that request is a bit too hard why not i uhh help you apply for a bonus instead' it was here i was like ok hoshichen (in that order) is dead to me she would never yaoitop chen !!!!!!!!!!!!!! basically could be left.jpg but is right.png most of the time
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she's old… but how old?? I guess touhou type of old…? the other two are like kids to her at times, maybe sometimes she does an old man act to get them to stop quarrelling like sitting at the window and with a coffee and reading something and telling them 'ok im just going to sit here until you two sort it out ok take your time' (they instantly stop)
her and chen: i think i mentioned this somewhere before but chen = wuxia protag hoshi = her mentor (in some capacities since technically wei was her [absent] mentor) she has all the qualities you would want except like in standard mentor fashion, a little conservative (i really do like this…flaw? because to be content with how the LGD operates, it makes you wonder how things were like before…)
her and swire… i like to think sometimes swire brings That Day up and hoshi is just ^_^ i see! and then after chen is gone maybe swire has some difficulty cleaning up the mess and at times takes out the badge to have a 'what would mysterious officer x do' moment and one time hoshi catches her doing that and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg forgot what i wanted to write here
her and lin: man…………….they didn't seem that hot in ch7 but man the potential interactions of an ex-underworld lackey and current underworld heir where is my food hg where are the ingredients i will cook the food myself but i need the ingredients to start with that one interaction was not enough
(quick spoiler warning for monhun collab) basically only the el gatos and rathalos got isekaid so the village is all higashinese and not like a MH village so you get sprinkles of higashi lore
i bring monhun collab up because yato and noir used to be an assassins but they quit da life and yato mentions 'killing your own kind', talks about her last hit she flaked out on but that that another assassin simply killed the mother and daughter duo she was supposed to kill so i was like damn what if hoshiguma also…?? (they are all oni and we all know she's ex-yakuza) or what if… she was the one that had to do yato's job, the hoshi/yato yaoi would be UNREAL but i dont think HG has the guts
also she and yato are ace because uhhhhhh i said so my rhodes my rules no joke i had wanted to do a hoshiguma dating sim for this year's april fools (with a bunch of other ops too but she would be the 'main' route even though there's no 'good' end) but then uhhh time issue anyway don't forget to set the LGD trio's voices to cantonese
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eradicatetehnormal · 8 months
It's Over For Now
The questions! Lilith made a deal to stay in heaven? BITCH. What do you want Alastor? To be free, I guess. They formed parts of the hotel around angelic metal and that's how the building falling hurt that angel. Sir Pentious went to heaven? So is hell essentially more like a purgatory as opposed to a final destination? You would think that human souls would have more incentive to fight off the angels than the citizens of cannibal town. Aren't they natives of hell?
That's the main issue with the show. Partially because they didn't have the time, and partially because they were moving too fast, there's not a lot of good world-building or lore. The lore that does exist is in the comics or the live streams and it's like, I shouldn't have to do homework to watch something that isn't a sequel. (Though, I'm hypocritical as a KH and Descendants fan. Maybe I should just watch and play better shit, idk).
I generally liked the series though. I just wished it had more time. Like everyone else has already said, the standout is the songs. Man, these songs slapp. I even like the ones hated by song writers like the songs in episode 2 and 6. Although the one in episode 7 where she goes to Cannibal Town? I didn't like that one at all. It was not a vibe.
Even with its lack of world and character building, there are still characters that manage to stand out. Namely, Angel, Alastor, and Lucifer, though Charlie is also great.
I remember Korey Coleman from Double Toasted saying that this Lucifer was his favorite iteration of the character. I see why. A lot of iterations portray him as pure evil and if they go for good, he's straight up a good guy. I guess Persona 5 is the best example of what I can come up with right now. Here, he's still a good guy, but he's torn down by his loneliness and feels like a failure. A decent reimagining of the cocky, manipulative, self-righteous, biblical character.
The reason Angel is so good is pretty simple. The show actually took the time to humanize him and get us to understand him. When you think back to episode 4, it's almost disappointing that Sir Pentious got to heaven before he did. That's all I'll say about episode 4. I feel like if you're anywhere that isn't Twitter, you've seen more people, survivors and others alike, defend the episode as opposed to despise it.
Alastor is by far my favorite character even if he didn't do much. Most people agree that they're happy that he's the one thing the show has managed to shroud in mystery. Who's leash is he on? How is Charlie going to help him? What favor did he ask of Charlie? Why was he so into the idea of rebelling against heaven? What made him think he could take on Adam? Was the whole Charlie's Dad thing a jist? If so, why was he irritated at Lucifer showing he was close with his daughter? Why was there an emphasis on Charlie being under his guidance in the episode 7 song? IT'S GOTTA BE LILITH'S LEASH HE'S ON.
Technically, this show isn't more than a 6 out of 10 and that might be generous, but, so much has changed for me and everyone, really since the pilot last dropped 4 years ago. Combined with the years of fan songs, animatics, VA Q&As (Man, rip the old vas dude, that's some bullshit), fan art, HELLUVA BOSS (HOW IS THE ENDING GOING TO EFFECT HELLUVA BOSS?), the property is almost nostalgic for me. I was going to see this thing through to the end no matter what. It could've been a lot worse, and I'm fairly satisfied with what I have.
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anghraine · 1 year
My best friend and I have played a bunch of ME3! I don't usually do this much media all at once, so I'm a little drained from all the Effecting Mass, but it's pretty cool so far.
The opening scene was incredible! RIP, Vancouver :(
I definitely was on team "Anderson should be on the Council, fuck Udina" way back when, but it makes sense that Anderson would hate it and he seems way happier in the resistance despite everything. And Udina isn't as obnoxious any more. I'm glad Anderson (and Hackett!) is getting his chance to shine, though.
But now we have James as the successor to Ashley and Zaeed in the Most Obnoxious Squad Member sweepstakes, and he's really bad. My bff hates Kaidan "I'm getting mixed signals from you, Shepard" Alenko more, especially because the game tries to prop him up (a Spectre? him?) where James seems at least meant to be an OTT dudebro. But James is such a mixture of grossly inappropriate (the remark about how Shepard fills out her uniform???), and inexpressibly cringe Latino stereotypes (you know the fics where Cassian Andor drops random Spanish 101 words into his sentences and largely becomes a walking stereotype to remind us that his actor is Mexican? it's like that but 10x worse) that I can't stand him.
Ashley was still The Worst, though. It's a high bar to clear. Or maybe a low bar. Anyway.
I am genuinely thrilled we get to hang out so much with Wrex, who I really like, and generally deal with the krogan in general, whom I love. We're about to try [redacted]ing the [redacted] and I really hope it goes well. And Grunt came back in a particularly spectacular way (his fight with the indoctrinated??rachni was very cool and the piano backing was perfect if deceptive. *waves krogan fan club flag*
Also, I've been deeply invested in the Protheans since ME1 and was thrilled to get more Prothean Lore (poor Liara though). At one point, I'd been like ... hmm, interesting that they were called the Prothean empire if they were that benign, so the empire being a, well, empire was fascinating. Despite everything, I like Javik(sp?) a lot.
Liara is still our one true love, and it's nice to see her becoming more herself after her rough patch in ME2 despite the Javik-shaped disappointment. Also, her design looks way better here than in the other two IMO. Her freckles!!!
My problematic fave Miranda has only briefly crossed our paths, and I hope she and her sister will be okay.
All the interactions with Thane are bittersweet in a really good way, and I'm glad his son is visiting him as he dies.
Oh, and I almost forgot one of my favorite things: we periodically drop by the Citadel for missions, but mainly to get updates on the Blasto saga. The elcor are one of my favorite species, so it's a delight.
...right, there are also Reapers, I guess. I don't really care about them except as the vehicle for the story to exist, though hopefully a vehicle that doesn't, idk, destroy all life. There are some cool mechanics, like when we're desperately searching for fuel and trying to evade the Reapers, but mostly I'm into the effects of the Reapers' existence on more interesting species and individuals. We'll see how that turns out. I know some people were really mad about the ending, but I don't know what it was/is. Mostly I'm just enjoying the ride, though.
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greenpanda-djg · 2 years
I'm back on my Kingdom Hearts bullshit-
I've always been annoyed at Kingdom hearts but even tho I love the fandom I can't help but think If I point something out as "This doesnt make sense-" I'll be called stupid and I obvs wasn't playing the game/paying attention and its right there but honestly? Theres just some things in KH that annoy me when I remember them because the game is just jam packed with so much lore and bullshit that even matpat from game theory just did one video about frozen and dipped and thats-
Armour. This one bugs me.
It was Introduced in BBS and 365/2 days later, and then dropped it like it was yesterdays news.
Like Aqua, terra and ventus even Xehanort in KH3 had armour.
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Strangely enough Eraques armour looks like Xemnes [Mansex kh2 villains final boss thing]
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Okay fair enough because Xehmnes is a possesed Terranort/nobody so his armour nobody resembles Eraques for some reason? Even though it SHOULD resemble Xehanorts -_-
But then the next thing that pisses me off is Xion.
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even SHE got armour in 365/2 days later and the armour looks like Sora thats what EVERYBODY was saying which was why the BBS trailer of seeing all the armour of Terra/Aqua/Ven in the keyblade graveyward because of the reds/yellows we all assumed that Terra at the time was an older Sora or Soras dad [Man I miss those old theories]
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So we have lingering will that hosts Terras [idk his heart? His soul? something] And we fight it in kh2- and its used to protect Terra [who then becomes that weird heartless thing attatched to Ansem how that happened I still idk] Aquas armour is also locked in Xehmnes basement but she used it to push Terranort away from the realm of darkness to save him and Xehmnes even keeps the armour as if he had some emotional attatchment to it. So Xehmnes is strange as a character coz you assume he IS xehanort but theres moments he acts like Terra you would think such emotions would be seen as foolish.
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Also why does Terras armour have a cape? Pretentious much?
Then Vens armour that was used to protect Sora in DDD but got corrupted so Riku had to beat the shit out of an unconcious Sora being puppeted by a dark armour to 'save' him.
Riku: Don't worry Sora! *Smack* I'm SAVING YOU *SMACK!*
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But THEN in KH3 we don't GET armour? Why? Don't we need protection!??!?!?!?! Yen Sid?
What is the point of introducing Armour just to say-
Nah, plaid jeans and zips and belts are a better aesthetic* Like sure I understand if they drop it because it doesnt HAVE a place in KH its also to differentiate the generations like "Wow Armour is so old school." But its annoying because KH lore and details and other such bullshit is like "It wouldn't be put into the game unless it had a reason! It has purpose!" But then to not include armour in KH3 like Riku could've used it in the realm of darkness or the seven could've had it before the keyblade war-
OR Re-introduce the fairy god mothers and how they used their magic in Soras clothes in kh2 [new duds/drive forms] could say that they've advanced to the point of not needing armour anymore which fair enough. I take everything back. It just gets me that Ven/Aqua/Terra wont look at the new keyblade weilders and be like...
"Wheres your armour?" If kairi and aqua are going to 'train' Aqua would be like "This would've been helpful in the last battle -_-."
Oh and another seperate thing that gets on my nerves.
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WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? I thought oh cool this guy is norted and just EMBRACING being possesed by some crusty old guy sure coool coool cooooolio!
Just to find out that its HIS Keyblade and his name is LUXU and he's part of the old apprentiences under MOM [Master of Masters]
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Like he was supposed to observe I guess but him wanting a keyblade [because the one xehanort has is HIS which means Luxu was Xehanorts master and bequithed him his blade? But in BBS when his eyes got FUCKED by Terra and he was whining how it wasn't part of the deal of when Xehanort stabbed him to turn his body into a heartless/nobody and said "Wait you never lost your memory?" Xigbar/Braig/Luxu was just riding the currents and pretending to follow Xehanort only to have his own ultierior motives?
I just I just gyah!?!?!?!? do people still understand Kingdom hearts because I don't. Just when I think I've got it figured out it does this and I'm lost all over again -_-
...my head hurts...
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ultravioart · 1 year
I have recieved input from all sorts, ty to those that responded! Many votes for "Maelstrom" from friends, asks, and replies, so that's the pick! I also liked the idea of Hadal being the name of the omnic model.
Thus the lore is my deepsea welder omnic oc is codename Maelstrom, and his omnic model is one of the HADAL omnics used for deep sea exploration/welding/repair. There are various HADAL units, all made to withstand high preassure in deep-sea exploration.
Ability ideas and voice line ideas below:
Maelstrom will have a lot of preassure based abilities.
He repairs things via contact welding, by using his hardlight tech to apply preassure on the nano scale.
Because welding is upclose and personal, he will be a Melee support, think ana style heals/damage but shotgun. Maelstrom would be a big help if that player has good enviormental awareness, but is easily taken out if the player gets tunnel vision or is damaged from afar. His main weapon is an ally heal/enemy bleed damage welding beam, has ammo. Idk if it should be burst or a steady stream healing, but welding lends to burst?
He is able to better withstand CC with a crouch slam ability that sends him downward--timed well it can be used to dodge things like hammer strikes. It easily counters sig ults. Maelstrom doesn't take Cc from his own abilities when crouching. He has a Pistol Shrimp style snap ability (Melee range) that works like Ashe's Coachgun shot boop, booping Maelstrom in the opposite direction and applying bleed damage/ally heal similar to Ana's shots. (Again, if he crouches, he doesn't get knocked back) He is meant to be supporting the team fight, applying, you guessed it, pressure lol. Brawler for sure but possibly even dive comp due to his Melee and slam + snap fling, able to jump in, or out, but that mobility is on cooldown. He is vulnerable in the air though-- so it's good to manage the snap fling vs slam for maneuverability.
I was thinking maybe he could have some kind of sonar ability considering his deep sea motifs and how supports tends to have a special attribute, but I am not sure if that would be needed? He wouldn't use wallhacks himself since he can't damage/heal long distance like hanzo or ana. Another idea was that he could have some kind of lifeline ability (think scuba divers sharing oxygen) that puts his own armor onto a selected ally for a clutch save, but in turn makes him vulnerable?
I also like the idea of him maybe being able to change a character's armor to shield or shields to armor for a short period of time since he uses light tech to weld?--this could be a means of protecting allies with shield health by suddenly giving zen armor health for a few seconds, or fast healing allies with armor by giving rein shield health for a few seconds. Or maybe he can just switch himself... but the ow2 support passive of self regen negates any pros shields might give.
Still brewing ideas for this. Right now he's just a reaper with ana ammo, an orisa fortified drop, and an Ashe jump lol. I may even scrap the ashe jump because I want him to seem sturdy and grounded down, bc the Hadal models can withstand high pressures (unmovable like orisa) and are very strong because of it. Tiny guy, but very dense.
His ult is essentially a swiss-cheese Winston bubble that heals allies inside, but if the bubbles shields are broken by damage from enemies or if Maelstrom chooses to pop it, it does bleed damage to the enemies within the bubble. This way Maelstrom can choose to Heal or choose to damage with his ult. The bubble has marine inspired projections swimming around in a whirl, inspired by fishball schooling behavior. Maelstrom is completely vulnerable during this ult, remaining still inside the center of the bubble (think junkrat, Bastion). I thought a full shield would be too op for his ult, so the shield is segmented and rotates so it has large moving gaps where enemies can still shoot through. Sombra hacks cancels it, and Ana's anti heal can offset the healing, making the ult useless. Killing Maelstrom first before he can pop the bubble, or using Kiriko's cleanse, Lucio beat drop, etc, can counter or completely null the bleed damage from his ult popping.
Bleed damage makes most sense for him bc one: welding torch, two: Ana poison/Ashe fire/JunkerQueen bleed already exist, and three: bleed still allows the enemy team time to outheal his Melee range damage so Maelstrom isn't deleting people, only punishing those who get too close and don't have backup.
On voice lines: Since the Philippines is known to use multilingual Taglish (English + Tagalog use, It's like Spanglish, etc.), I can imagine Maelstrom uses phrases between Tagalog, English, and Sinama. I have to do more research into Sama languages to discern which specific language makes most sense for the location. Definitely three different language versions of the "hello" greeting lines though.
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damnslippyplanet · 1 year
Slippy Rewatches ATOTS, Episode 4
Previously on ATOTS: Longtae! and IDK some other stuff
It’s the same night, and Tian wakes up to find he’s wearing a different shirt and Phupha is sitting nearby watching over him and maybe wanting to do a little show-and-tell about scars.  Except Phupha is actually going to be very chill about not asking him to divulge private medical information.  Great!
Except Phupha also would like to know why Tian has Torfun’s notebook.  Oops!
I sincerely had no recollection that we got the heart-transplant secret out in the open this early, but apparently we do, because Tian decides there is no plausible lie he can tell here and just admits that he’s currently sporting Torfun’s heart.
And then Phupha starts yelling at Tian and telling him to tell the truth and - whoops, it’s a dream sequence.  
But Tian is wearing a different shirt, so his subconscious wasn’t that off-base.
Longtae is here!  He brought leftovers from the party!  Hi, Longtae!
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pov: Longtae has brought you a tiffin
They trade backstories and it turns out that Longtae is in political science.  Can’t believe he’s not an architect or an engineer, what a rare boy!
He’s also here to lore drop a little about the village and how a village wedding is coming up and it’s very exciting because these days a lot of the young people move to the city and never really come home.  (It’s the bidets, Longtae. Once they experience bidets there’s no coming back.  You’ve gotta get some bidets in this village.)  
This couple, though, they get to marry because they made a wish at Pha Pun Dao cliff!
Tian, being the Most Normal Boy about the cliff: FASCINATING so TELL ME MORE about the CLIFF and the WISHES, I read about that somewhere that is definitely not Torfun’s diary!!
Longtae, a machine for lore, explains that if you to the cliff on the last day of the year and count 1,000 stars and wish for love, you will fall in love and get to live with your love (as long as your love is not a bidet) forever.  And then he fully ends this story with: “But I don’t know if it’s true, you will have to ask a grown-up, I am just a Little Guy!”
Khaotung, please.  Your twink energy is so strong here.
Meanwhile, at the clinic, Phupha has rolled up to be extremely weird at Dr. Nam about a hypothetical situation where he might hypothetically have seen a beautiful twink’s naked chest with a bunch of scars and is wondering what, hypothetically, might have led to such a scar.
It would have made my entire day if Dr. Nam’s first suggestion had been top surgery, since Phupha gives him no indicator of where the scars are, but alas, he only makes a much more vague suggestion about surgery or accidents.
Because Dr. Nam is my favorite, he follows that up with, so HYPOTHETICALLY, if you were talking about TIAN, how would THAT be going for you and WHY did you see him NAKED?
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Dr. Nam thinks maybe Phupha should consider having an actual conversation with Tian.
Phupha thinks he should pretend to be there for actual medicine, grabs some pills, and stomps away.
Dr. Nam yells after him that he’s grabbed medicine for menstrual cramps. Leave him alone, Dr. Nam, I’m sure someone in the village can use some Midol.
Back at school, Tian has completely given up on being a teacher and is convincing all the children to call him “Phi” and just think of him as their brother.  I mean, he’s Nong to literally everyone else, so it’s the kids or nothing if he wants to be a Phi, I guess.  
Actually, I didn’t listen closely enough to catch how Longtae was addressing him.  I’ll have to check that out next time he appears.
Tian has brought a scale and he’s going to teach the kids about volumes and weights so their families can’t get cheated on tea anymore.  That’s actually…a good idea?  Tian!  You’re growing as a person!
I’m less sure about this subsequent activity where Ayi stands on the scale and everyone piles things on him until he weighs as much as Kalae.  I’m willing to go along with “my cultural experience of weight-shaming is not relevant to rural Thailand and this may be totally fine from that angle”, but I still just think this kid is gonna fall off this scale and hurt himself.
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The kids do manage to weigh Ayi without concussing him, and their reward is a paper-plane-folding party, because Tian has learned that the kids are very into the military plane that flies overhead sometimes.  Which is all very cute until Tian refers to Phupha as “The Green Giant” and Phupha has a whole flashback about Torfun giving him that nickname.  But he doesn’t get a lot of time to make pained faces about it because the kids all immediately attack him with paper airplanes.
Tian tries very hard to end the school day and fuck off out of the schoolhouse before Phupha can make him talk about his scars and fails. So Phupha messes with him just enough to make him sweat anxious bullets and then offers to take him on a trip to the store instead.
This screenshot has nothing to do with anything but look how pretty Mix is.
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There’s an extended motorcycle ride montage which is important for both beautiful-scenery reasons and plot-mandated cuddling reasons.
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Dr. Nam is at the market.  Tian can’t believe he’s crashing their date.
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Dr. Nam: Yo!  Phupha said you were cooking us dinner tonight, Tian!
Tian: ……
Phupha: *awful little smirk again*
Tian, a spite-driven organism: I am going to make the best dinner anyone has ever eaten.
Dr. Nam then proceeds to hand-feed Phupha some satay in an extremely casual way that makes it clear they just do this shit all the time, while Phupha directs Tian about what foods Dr. Nam likes to eat. Tian is basically gnawing his arm off with furious jealousy and also does not know where to look because looking at this would be awfully GAY, wouldn’t it?
But then Phupha gets called back to base for a forest ranger emergency, leaving Dr. Nam to be like, no worries, Tian and I will finish the shopping together and I’ll bring him back!
Tian can’t believe that he is now on a date with his date’s other date. Who hasn’t even offered to feed him any satay.  He then becomes so incredibly bitchy (“Why don’t YOU tell me what else to get that PHUPHA likes, since YOU clearly KNOW since you are HAND FEEDING HIM”) that even Dr. Nam can tell he’s about to get a knife in the back for a crime he didn’t actually commit.  Like, there is zero Phupha-Dr. Nam sexual heat, they appear to be genuinely good bros!  He does not want to get knifed by Phupha’s new twink!
So he has to make it clear that he is NOT gay for Phupha, but in the most bisexual-for-Phupha way possible.
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Tian puts the knife away and the air gets noticeably less chilly, and he starts asking about Mrs. Dr. Nam and casually about whether, oh, you know, Phupha?  Ever dates anyone?  Gender non-specific?
Dr. Nam, now that he is not actually marked for death, is having the most fun.  But he declines to dish on Torfun and Phupha, because he thinks Tian should just ask Phupha.  Dr. Nam ships Everyone/Healthy Communication and I love that for him.
Back at home, Phupha is just…waiting for Tian at his house.  Lounging against his motorcycle.  Whatever the big tree emergency was, it appears to have ended so now he’s just trying out different sexy poses waiting for Dr. Nam to drop Tian off.  Which he does, and then gets roasted mercilessly by Dr. Nam about it.  I really love this friendship a lot, actually!
No one has ever third-wheeled harder than Dr. Nam is third-wheeling during this dinner-cooking scene, until he fully just yeets himself into a different room rather than watch the two of them alternate between thirsting at each other and being snippy jerks to each other about good knife technique.
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Dr. Nam, the best/worst wingman, in the course of one minute of screen time:
Tells Phupha right in front of Tian’s salad that Tian thought they were dating
Invites Phupha out to drink with him and is like, “I’ll drive, leave your bike here, then you’ll be FORCED to come back and get it tomorrow to see your twink”
Invites Tian to come to the base for dinner sometime
Fucks off to the car so Phupha and Tian can say goodnight privately
And then they head out, but not before Phupha gives Tian a new mosquito net because his old one is really worn out.  Which is a) nice and b) screams “oh no I guess I’m going to have to sleep over again more regularly to keep the Tea Bandits away and also for reasons of my dick”, and it’s very sweet.
The next day, Tian is once again tracking down wayward students, and this time it’s because wedding festivities are getting underway.  Apparently they have to build a palanquin for the bride to get carried through the village.  They’ve decided to get fancy this year and include a CHAIR for the bride, but they’re having engineering difficulties.
Conveniently enough, Longtae has just remembered that Tian has other specialties besides teaching.  (And thank god for that.)
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The rangers show up to help cut bamboo, and everyone builds Tian’s new chair design, and it’s just a very charming little “everyone works together and Tian is part of the village!” scene.  Also the bride looks so much happier now that her chair is not trying to kill her.
Longtae and Tian are very happy with their work and bend their heads close together to look at Longtae’s digital camera photos, and Phupha gets all pouty and jealous and it’s not *quite* as funny as Tian almost doing a market murder about satay but it is pretty funny.  I do hope one day some show will give me the Earth-Khaotung-Mix triad that they keep teasing me with.
Mix goes back to place for a dinner feast with most of the village, which Phupha has opted out of because he was being a pouty little baby about Longtae and Tian being friends.  Everyone is having a nice time until Khama is like, hey, this has been great, but you better hurry home because it’s dog-howling night.
Tian: I’m sure that’s something very chill and normal but uh, what is it?
Everyone else: LOL, the city boy doesn’t know about DOG HOWLING NIGHT.
Tian: Longtae, surely YOU will tell me
Longtae: I don’t know either! It’s the pre-wedding party night and kids have to stay inside and I don’t know why because I’m just a little guy!
Tian and Longtae hatch a plan to find out what dog-howling night is.  Tian thinks maybe it’s something to do with the cliff legend.  I think it’s probably actually just strippers and pre-marital sex but sure, Tian.
So after the feast, they sneak out with their little lantern to see what the deal is and notice that not a single dog is howling.  But there ARE several men with lanterns wandering around, including Rang, who apparently does not know that Tian and Longtae are too baby to be part of dog-howling night.  Rang is just like hey, it’s my bros, come to dog-howling night, bros!
And then they all go to the bride’s house? A bath house?  Unclear.  The point is they all go to peep at what I can only assume is women in some sort of state of undress, or perhaps the aforementioned premarital sex.  Sigh.  Gross, villagers and Rang.
Chief wanders up and rolls his eyes because he *also* thinks they’re being gross and maybe also that Tian’s lustful gaze should be only for him, so he kicks everyone else out, and then fully scruffs Tian by the collar, makes fun of him for having an erection about whatever he was looking at, and makes this face.
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But then he walks Tian home because he’s enough of a gentleman to make sure he gets home safe even if he’s going to make fun of his dick along the way.
Tian tries to explain that he was TRYING to learn about the local CLIFF LORE, he wasn’t out LOOKING for tits, which brings down the whole vibe because now Phupha feels weird again about whatever Tian’s entire deal is with the village lore.  Weirdly, Tian, you were closer to getting laid when you were making excuses for your dick.
Tian, who cannot read a vibe to save his life, starts in with how he heard Phupha used to take Torfun up there, and does Phupha believe in the whole “wish for your love on 1000 stars” tale?  Phupha goes sad and avoidant and drops him at home.  They have a nice little moment, and then Tian presumably goes inside to finish getting off about some combination of dog-howling night and getting scruffed by Phupha.
And now it’s wedding day!  The palanquin is a big success, the bride looks happy and doesn’t fall off once.  They do a little wedding ceremony, and Tian has fun learning the local customs and playing some sort of spinning-top game with the kids while the rangers and Dr. Nam watch and egg Phupha on about how well his wife-to-be is getting along with the locals.
This *obviously* ends up in Phupha and Tian challenging each other to a spinning-top battle and a “what will you give me as stakes for winning” moment with “you have to do any one thing I ask” stakes.  You know.  Normal stuff.  The villagers are having a great time.  “When will Chief and the teacher finally bone” is clearly a fun topic of local gossip.
Chief turns out to be better at this game than expected, but Tian has suddenly remembered he’s an engineer and knows science things and can set up his top-spinning-rope in a way that will make more friction and somehow…make it….spin more?  I don’t know, I’m busy writing top jokes in my head, leave me alone about the science here.
But Tian wins, with the MOST shit-eating grin, and for his victory demands…an escort to Pha Pun Dao cliff.  Tian! Not even a handjob?
Phupha makes pained faces.  He has ISSUES about this cliff.
Back home that night, Tian settles in to take his heart meds and read Torfun’s journal, but he’s all out of heart meds.  Great.  Seems fine.  Tian, my guy, what is your plan here?
He has a little heart to heart with Torfun’s lanyard about how he really hopes to visit that cliff of hers soon.  He does *not* ask her for any advice on finding a local pharmacy.
Meanwhile, the manager of Thai product placement realized we’ve done only one small product placement this episode and is like, QUICK GET EARTH NAKED, so now we are having an outdoor bucket bath scene where we can admire Earth’s tattoos and also his shower gel as he rubs it into a foam all over his nipples.  Thanks, manager of Thai product placement!
He then dresses up all fancy and walks through the room past the rangers, who all stop to sniff the air and say DAMN, that shower gel smells GOOD, does it also make you cool and sexy?
Dr. Nam explains that he personally brought this shower gel from the city, because it’s FANCY as well as cool and sexy, and that he’s pretty sure Phupha has a DATE.
Yod: Does not know what a date is.
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Chief: I’m not above brat-taming the three of you if I have to, shut the fuck up.
So he goes to get Tian, and he looks so good (and smells so good, thanks, shower gel!) that Tian has to give him the gay once-over not once but TWICE.   And then they go for a walk toward the cliff.
We pause halfway up so Phupha can very carefully point out the turnoff to Ghost Hill and how Tian must never ever go THAT way.  I’m sure this will never be plot relevant again.  But also there are a bunch of fresh cigarette butts, and ghosts don’t smoke cigarettes, so Phupha’s spidey senses are tingling.  He’s worried about smugglers, but it COULD just be villagers out for a walk, so he’ll call in the forest ranger emergency later and for now their date can continue.
Tian is out of breath.  I am yelling THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD BE TAKING YOUR MEDS, DIPSHIT. Phupha, who cannot take proper care of Tian because he hasn’t been given the information he needs to do so, thinks a break and a drink of water is all that’s needed here.
Yes I sometimes joke about all the fanfics where every even remotely kinky encounter requires a full conversation about stoplights, but ALSO, I’m just SAYING, this is why you TELL the dom what they actually need to know for basic safety, like if you have an INTENSE CARDIAC CONDITION and are OFF YOUR MEDS.  Before you fuck nasty.  Or go hiking. TIAN.
Phupha is gonna murder you about this and not even in a sexy way, once he knows what a walnut you have been here.
But anyway they do get up the cliff!  It’s beautiful!  Phupha tells Tian his forest ranger origin story about coming up here as a kid with his dad, who was also a forest ranger.  His dad got shot and the guy is still at large. I sincerely don’t remember whether this is a setup for anything later, are we going to get revenge for Phupha’s dad? Unclear.   Anyway, Baby Phupha was like TREES KILLED MY DAD but he got over it and also swore to protect trees.  He would die for trees too if he had to.  Look at the fucking Lorax over here.
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Horny wins and we take a sharp left turn into Tian establishing that he is single and that he’s heard forest rangers are very sexy and have wives in every city.  (What are you TALKING ABOUT, Tian?  Forest rangers aren’t like, sailors in an old Gene Kelly movie, Phupha literally only lives here.)
But Tian does at least finally get Phupha to open up enough about Torfun to establish that he loved her like a sister.  I’m not sure Tian believes it, but honestly Phupha is doing SO much work being emotionally open here, leave the guy alone!
Tian offers to tell Phupha something in return, at least, so finally it’s time to talk about The Scars.   I think Tian’s fair here, really - he explains that he had heart surgery and what it meant to him emotionally, but doesn’t get into the specifics that it was a transplant or whose heart he has, and that seems entirely reasonable.  (NOR, though, I will note, does he mention that he is OFF HIS MEDS.)
But Phupha is actually a smart cookie and does have one more question - what’s the deal with Tian and Torfun, anyway?
But it’s the end of the episode so we dont’ get to find out how he answers.
What we DO get is a cute post-credits scene where they see birds. Monogamous birds.
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Hornbills, you see, mate for life and if one of them dies the other one waits for them forever.  Tian thinks that is very romantic, they eye-fuck about it, and then they go on with their walk.  I love them.  I hate them.  UGH.
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mdhwrites · 2 years
🦝 You know I enjoy some family fond content here and there but Toh is so overloaded with that it makes my eyes roll
And I would've just ignored it if the family fond wasn't SO focused only on the owl group. Like I'd would've prefer Hunter to stay with Darius honestly not become a Noceda, I don't get why would he opt for a family in a different realm with no connection (besides Luz) than with someone who served under the same regime as him and can understand him to a degree. Darius mentioned his mentor being the old golden guard so shouldn't that have been a settling for their bond? (And for a better character arc for Hunter to question the emperor, and work with Darius). Him and Luz aren't even that similar, nor do I understand the forced sibling bond on them. Sure they both can't use magic but Luz is a human from a realm in which is a normal thing, Hunter was an odd one out there as a witch to not use magic for all his life, the struggle is not the same. They also have nothing in common besides hating Belos.
I just dislike why everything has to be tied on the main cast/good guys, (Luz) in some way. Why can't Amity focus on her issues with her family, or her father, without Luz's intervention? Why can't Hunter establish any relations outside Luz, (I don't count Willow, that was bulls and random) Also why need her to give him the eye opener to Belos's true nature when Darius was right there?
Luz and Eda (and Hooty/king) have their own thing going on. Camila and Vee have their own thing, Amity should've had it too with her fam (Willow would've been the only one making a connection between her and Luz, cause let's be honest she was basically a stranger in the owl house even after the ship sailed). Hunter and Darius should've had it as well, maybe with Raine coming along.
Idk how to explain this thing... but I guess each group to their own struggles and priorities. Luz's wanting to bring Belos down makes sense for her and her "team" let's say but from the outcast perspective. Hunter should've been somewhere in a grey area for obvious reasons, planning an opposition maybe but still serving for some time. (If Belos was written better we could've had more grey areas to work with). Amity, as weird as it sound, should've been the one in doubt, since she witnessed only the benefit of the coven system. Vee and Camilla shouldn't have anything to do with this but we could've got better conflict between Luz and Camila. And Since nothing is ever done with Gus and Willow, these two should've also made connections on their own, maybe in school.
Making most characters agreeing with Luz fighting Belos makes the conflict appear black and white, good vs bad. It doesn't help we never get some insight on the "bad" side about why supporting Belos or going against the "good", they just do (and Odalia is the worst case), they're just one dimensional. I guess it would've been ok IF the lore wasn't so complex, cause why even bother redeeming characters if everything is black and white? Why bother creating the coven system if no one should question it? They could've made a genocide method without so much thought put into it. Why give Belos lore if he's suppose to be this one dimensional villain who does bad just because?
I think I trailed off the main subject but still, this big mess of a "family" gives me a headache. Just drop the last episode where the collector joins them and defeats Belos, we all know how it'll end 🙄
I vented more than asking... umm, ig you can tell me about this inherently "good vs bad" direction the show seems to take with it's characters and it's "misunderstood" characters.
I'm not going to respond to each part individually but kind of just the main complaint I can find in it. TOH has an identity crises. It doesn't know if it wants to be a school romance, an action adventure comedy or a semi-high fantasy drama. It wants the grand plot of a high fantasy story with fighting off armies and squads of an evil emperor's goons. It wants the romance and setting of a high school slice of life but it feels like to be accepted by places, it also decided to be an adventure comedy that focused on subversive humor of fantasy tropes for its comedy. These aren't really genres that go together without a VERY deft hand and a fuck ton of planning. TOH feels like it had neither and there are signs as early as season 1 for that, especially because it doesn't seem to ever consider the ramifications of a joke still having to make sense in universe. So... You have a LOT of different character arcs that only interact with specific portions of the show and cannot, or will not, interact with other parts. So these aspects have to be dealt with slowly because at best, they move forward half an episode at a time. Any episode that has only one plot means only a third of the show is moving forward. And, worse yet, any filler or basic episode like the ones people usually say are weaker in S1, NOTHING gets moved forward. In a series as fucked up as that, you do need some sort of cohesion. And the only one that really is possible is Luz. The main character. Hunter does this a bit but in an awkward way in retrospect because... Why does anyone become Hunter's friend? Besides "You're sad so I guess I have to be regardless of your bigotry or terrible actions." Luz is really bad at being the glue that holds everything together. She cares too much about herself to ever go look for Willow or Gus (I think literally the only time she does that is to ask Gus for his library card to go see AMITY... And for selfish reasons with the portal. Important but selfish reasons). She mocks King and Hooty as much as anyone else does so their arcs are SoL. Eda actually gets a lot of time doing things FOR Luz even without Luz and its shocking how little time they spend in S1 together. It gets worse though. Luz doesn't care about Amity's parents in the context of Amity, she literally never interacts with Amity about it, her fears, ANYTHING and is removed by a pretty dumb excuse in Reaching Out SPECIFICALLY TO AVOID INTERACTING WITH THAT PLOT so there never can be anytime dedicated to it because Luz will never dedicate time to it. Even when she does confront them, it's about her, Willow and Gus. Not Amity. And kind of in general this is just a problem with the writing. Because Luz is the focal point and Luz doesn't actually care about other people's problems, very rarely interacts with them in a proper way, (most of the time she gets involved in something not motivated by selfish desire, it's either directly her fault and guilt is hardly a noble motive, or because she gets roped into it entirely on accident) etc. like that, you have a lot of arcs that just can't go anywhere. Not naturally at least. So we can tease other relationships and the like but unless it's with Hunter, Luz or MAYBE Eda, you're just out of luck. You're just a pawn to get whatever the writers need done and that's an AWFUL way to treat your characters. But when your story doesn't have an identity, how can those characters? Sorry if this only somewhat ended up addressing your question.
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foxstens · 1 year
over 100 hours into this game and it still leaves me speechless
so i found out you can actually go to outskirts from outer expanse via this subarea called facility roots. the entire thing is literally like 4 screens but before you get to it there’s this long drop where pictures of the past plays. i knew it would happen since it was mentioned in the post where i even found out about this but fuck i still cried
and it leads to the one-way path and long swim section where spearmaster’s campaign starts. it was such a cool moment oh my fucking god. so then i proceeded to delete the save and restart bc i want to do a survivor run where i get all passages
then the opening cutscene played and i cried again and it got me thinking about how you go into this game thinking it’s about finding slugcat’s family but then when you talk to pebbles it turns into slugcat trying to escape the cycle BUT THEN when you dive into the lore and turns out it’s actually a story about these struggling supercomputers created by a previous civilization and slugcats are actually just their messengers.
it’s such a weird thing bc to me one of the things that makes this game so interesting and so fun to play (and probably so polarizing for everyone else) is the fact that it’s really not about the player. but then when you think about it, it kind of is? bc survivor and monk do actually have their own stories and they’re not messengers for the iterators so in their case this really is a rat-in-manhattan sim with a utopian sci-fi backdrop
whereas for every other slugcat (bar the one that doesn’t exist) their story revolves solely around what they have to do for someone else, whether that be delivering a message to pebbles or saving moon or ascending everyone - idk how to explain it but there’s a very big difference between the two and i freaking love it
ugh im so sad about saint. i wanna go back to moon and pebbles and i wanna go through rubicon and i wanna reach the ending myself so i can feel the emotions. but i do not have the patience and i literally can’t with the lag. and at this point i should be pretty much done with the game but i dont wanna be so i guess ill get all passages. and try artificer. and do gourmand’s food quest. and do smth with spearmaster bc i love him. ugh.
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