#idk if anyone cares but you know post things for yourself lolol
heavenfelll · 6 months
Finished backing everything up. 🙃 And got a new plan for how I'll be writing things from now on. maybe this was all a blessing in disguise It wasn't, this whole thing is stupid, but at least it got me to get organized again lol
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Hey! Hey! I just read your answer to the writing reader x character fics ask and wanted to bonk you with a LOT OF APPRECIATION FOR CALLUNA!!
I'm so amazed by it still, it's so heartwarming that you've written something so beautiful inspired by one of my pieces and from where I'm currently at, the story, the plot, SAERAN, the MC/reader, every other character, they're all so on point. I just love it so much, your use of words is wonderful and the whole fic is incredible, I still cannot comprehend how good it is?? I can with no doubt say that you're currently my favourite MM writer out there, everything you come up with is just so incredibly well written and thought of. I've had to hold on giving any feedback till now because I wanted to finish reading it first before throwing all the love I have for it at you, since I'm currently just on chapter 11 because I was following it as it was getting published at first but then school got the better of me (since I always read fics at night and lately school has forced me to go to sleep way to early to do that, and I'm so deprived of fics oh my god), and as I'm only on chapter 11 I know that there's still a big storm coming because sadly someone happened to spoil something about the fic for me, but you bet I'm gonna throw even more love at you when school gives me time for that and you BET I'll be drawing some art for it too 😌💞 It's what you deserve
Also, the post itself really resonated with me, like the things you said about writing what makes you happy. It wasn't only relatable with me drawing things I enjoy, there's also the fact that I've been writing fics for myself lately. That writing has also kinda replaced my activity of reading them as much, but I really enjoy it! Idk why I never did it before honestly, but writing them just for myself is really...therapeutic in a way? There's no pressure of anyone judging you and you can do anything you've ever wanted, it's so comforting. I'm just not showing them to anyone because 1. I feel ashamed of them, I'm not the best writer but I find doing it fun 2. my headcanons are sometimes really different to others' and I sometimes feel bad for that or afraid of getting backlash/into arguments for my headcanons. But writing them is fun, and the same goes for you, I hope you continue to do what makes you happy! Though I do enjoy some good old reader x character fics, reading about Lila is also interesting and sometimes she sounds a lot like what Sunset would do so that's just a huge plus lolol
(also me 🤝 you
giving Saeran CMCs who like lolita fashion)
Pat yourself on the back! That Prince Ray art just lit a fire in me with an idea that was already in the back of my head for a while and it smacked me in the head the second that I saw that handsome boy. It was only the moment I saw a pretty boy in a crown. I am nothing but a simp.
That's the good thing about being in fandom. There are people in these places that make art inspired by writing or writing inspired by art. I love seeing that because it's a testament to the harmony in fandom and it is so easy to look to each other when we feel as if we're making an impact on everyone.
It just feels so good to create something from nothing, even if it's art or writing. The process is cathartic and we cannot deny making something makes us just feel accomplished! Your passion to your art is something that we all see and recognize! I'm glad to have been able to watch you progress with your art because you are very talented and you will only continue to better the more you have fun and practice.
Goodness Gracious, I don't know I'm prepared to see anything from the fic drawn out! I have all of these outfit references for Sparrow and for all of the other cast members in the story but I've not been able to flash them out myself. There's just something really sweet about the aesthetic that exists within fairytale AUs that I can't ignore. I am sorry to hear that someone spoiled you on one of the events in the story.
At least you don't know how it builds up or leads to that point in the story where the incident occurs. I've been spoiled in a few stories before and how I reason with myself is that: I don't know how we get to [Spoiler] and that means the full experience isn't robbed from me. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! I put a lot of care into the story because it was such a great piece of art to work with.
I'm not ready, Seeme. Don't kill me. I don't think we can handle it. Prince Ray already kills me on sight.
Shfksnrowneoehe! Sunset is really cute. I always love seeing her on my Instagram or over here on DailySaeran. Her hair is really bouncy and sweet and it just makes me feel some kind of way. I just love frilly clothes and we need more cute MCs in big skirts. I'm very OC positive and I try to make sure that all kinds of people in this fandom know that they should shamelessly write what makes them happy.
I am glad to hear that you're exploring writing for the first time. I hope you know that you don't have to share with other people of you don't want to do that. You put your heart and soul into your writing even if there's spelling errors, translation errors, or what have you within the story, you put a piece of your heart into what you're writing. I say this with the utmost sincerity write for you and nobody else. Write what makes you happy no matter what anyone says.
I don't care if that means you're writing Self Insert Fics where you have cat ears, rainbow hair, or everyone loves you without question. Or If you're writing about an OC who loves without reason or can do "impossible" things without trouble. It's your story.
You create the canon. You create the universe. You put yourself into it. It is unashamedly you.
If it makes you happy, you write it. Put your heart into it. We put ourselves into the characters, not just our OCs. But, we put our soul into the cast of canon characters. So, just know that even if you do not share your writing, you should never feel like you have to share it for it to be proof of skill or talent. If anyone hits you with discourse if you do share it one day, let me know. I will mess them up with a Hello Kitty bat all the while wearing the cutest dress.
I've got a lot of Saeran x Reader story ideas, I'm gonna make a poll with my general ideas and let people vote on that later once I get home. It'll be a Google Form. I'll probably link it on my IG too. I hope you guys are interested in that! I hope that you're able to slow down and enjoy yourself soon here! I know that school must be really rough with everything right now. I gotta wish you luck with that.
Meanwhile, I gotta go smack myself or something, I admire you and here you are hitting me with the same thing. Djwkdhekdnodbeie
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shorkbrian · 4 years
casual sk answering time!!!
If you don’t see your ask, it’s because I’m saving it to use as a reminder to write a Drabble/thirst/fic!
As always, if you don’t want to see these types of posts from me, block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks
No particular order lol I just got stressed cause my inbox is hecka full and it’s hard for me to find stuff lol.
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ahh I am trying so hard to get better at writing!! If anyone has any tips lmk fr PLEASE god bless u
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I don’t like responding to praise it scares me
(I try my best bc I appreciate and care for everyone and anyone who talks to me. I literally would stab myself in the leg 4 u I'm not joking <3 )
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Sweaty I will write for anything I know the characters of I am so horny all the time this is me
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Yeah Shinsy and Aizawa would totally adopt your pet if it’s a cat. they’re chill like that. There was this one Levi fic I read where he kidnaps u but he brings along ur kitten and it’s SO SOFT (but the smut is what drew me to it remember first and foremost I have a high libido)
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Bro Shouto in general he just make me wanna 
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Hey hey it’s all good guys! No worries! I can’t ever say no to people lol I’m sorry
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Don’t you dare talk down to yourself like that!!!! It’s okay to not know stuff lol sometimes u just gotta like give it a second to sink in while you think about it yknow? If anyones dumb it’s me. I had an IQ test done once and I got an F.
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That shall be done, do not worry!
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So, I don’t have like a “folder” folder lol I just use Pinterest bro. it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free. I’m unoriginal and trashy but that’s my brand and who I am as a person so
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You’re so very sweet!! I appreciate your kind words so so much bro. This is totally not crossing a line, dw about it, I like to think that I’m chill lol. (just don’t be surprised if I take over and overshare abs myself for 8 hrs lolol)
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Me pretending that fic doesn’t exist
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fr I don’t know where the story would go from there man. All it would be is just like sex scenes and idk there’s only so many ways to have sex lol. but ty for supporting me with your lovely words! 
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girl.... your standards..... pick them up sweetie they fell in the trash!!!
(Ajlsdljsa I’m sorry I don’t know how to accept compliments like a normal person I swear I’m trying to get better at it tho I promise I do)
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Dis is u
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Never babe I only do wrongs
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I don’t know how to respond or talk to people im sorry
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I’m actually being very unhealthy rn..... but it’s fine cheesecake counts as meals so
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Me jus tryna enjoy some liquid while my Brian screeches at me abs all the stuff I have yet to accomplish in life
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I hate having my Brian be mean 2 me I’m just tryna vibe w u guys and answer asks and my Brian is like “get into a fight with one of them over compliments do it”
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Maybe bc I’m not doing any of it for profit? I don’t have to worry about legal repercussions? idk who knows
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It’s on Spotify so it means that it has my name on it, sorry. Also I hate sharing things that I’ve made w ppl this blog is scary enough lol
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I don’t know where the story would go, sorry. This isn’t a story that looks like it’ll have continuations anytime soon. 
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You making a fun joke about NNN to Bakugou vs u getting railed over every possible surface in the house
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Awaso! you should DM me sometime dude! I’m not making fun of you, that’s not my jam.
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you’re so very sweet, like I said!! DM me!!
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I’m scared what does this mean
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worksby-d · 3 years
Hey Dest! I’m thinking about possibly starting my own fanfic blog on here and was wondering if you had any tips? I just have so many ideas in my head for stories/one shots that I want written but there’s just too many to request them all to someone else and I kinda wanna write them my own. I enjoy writing and am decent enough at it that I think I could do it. It’s also just that I’m starting college in a few months so idk how much time I would have to keep up with a blog. But I also think it would be a good way to de-stress and just do something I enjoy when I get the chance u know? Do you have any tips on how you made your blog grow so fast? Or how to attract followers? Or just tips in general for writing and keeping up with a blog? Thank you so much! Your writing inspires me!
hey yay exciting!! you should absolutely start your own writing blog! that's kinda how i started. i had so many ideas that i was always thinking about, and i eventually decided it'd be cool to write them down to clear my head i guess lmao and then beyond that, actually post them just in case anyone else was interested idk apparently it worked out ok lolol
as for tips– you mention you're starting college. so i actually wish i would have started writing sooner! i started during my last semester of college, and it was a great way for me to focus on something other than school work. so i definitely wish i would have allowed this to be a hobby of mine a lot sooner. i'd encourage you not to worry too much about keeping up with your blog/posting frequently. this is for your enjoyment and something to have fun with in your free time! so don't stress yourself with that
hmm growing your blog– i have no idea hahah i'm not sure why anyone follows me. my blog kinda peaked last fall and has steadily grown. with that, i think i've just tried to engage better with my followers. i wasn't good at that in the beginning because i felt like no one cared when i first started posting fics, but i think people like to get a feel for who's behind the blog idk
basic tips for reaching readers–
utilize tags well. what i did is pay attention to the tags people were using for the fics i was enjoying, and pretty much just copied them lol
proofreading and editing is very important. if you need help with that/need a second set of eyes, don't be afraid to ask someone (i'm always happy to help with that btw!!)
as for keeping up with your blog, themes tend to be a popular thing..... they don't need to be though idk who really cares that much about what someone's writing blog looks like lol ? just have fun with that! i kinda just change the colors when i'm feeling like a change and that's fun! and then other blog-related things like posting frequently and what not– like i said, you set the pace with that. 'tis your blog, friend 😌
i'm really bad at providing tips haha i don't know! just go for it and have fun! you'll learn along the way what people like, and what you like posting. if you have any other questions, i'm happy to try to help <333
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sunkissedpages · 4 years
Do you think there is a part of you that think that you and tom won’t get along irl? Lolol directed this ask to you bc you usually write enemies to lovers tropes (not a bad thing! I love em) and i feel like maybe u understand/feel the same way i feel sometimes abt him lolol like yes let’s not put him on a pedestal bc we dont actually know him but like his behavior towards blm, working w mark... idk lol any time he posts im still a weak ass bitch for him tho and i hate it 🤷🏻‍♀️
Same anon abt not getting along w tom. Lol before anyone comes at you because of my ask i would just like to say i know we shouldnt waste our energy projecting onto celebs our expectations but i also think it is healthy to be critical of them as well instead of following blind and ignoring the blatant problematic things they are doing that can be harmful. But my first ask was just a random thought. Rabid fans, pls dont take it too srsly there are bigger fish to fry ✌🏽
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hmmm i think i would get along with tom in real life just bc he seems like such a genuinely nice person!!! when i use him as a faceclaim for my enemies to lovers writing it’s just bc i’m combining two things i love!!! tom + the enemies to lovers trope lol 
i think that yeah, we wouldn’t always agree, but i feel like we’re both pretty easy to get along with (i’ve been told i have a very ‘chill’ vibe lmao) so i think, or rather i hope, we’d be friends
but to address your other points: i wholeheartedly agree that fans should be able to more or less criticize their faves. like they don’t have to cancel them or whatever, but to be blind to their mistakes is setting yourself up for disappointment in the long run. then again, it’s also important to remember not to put them on a pedestal, like you said. they do have these big platforms that they should use to spread awareness for important issues but at the end of the day they’re human
tom is not perfect by any means, but i think his heart is always in the right place. like... he’s the co-founder of a really giving nonprofit organization that he’s very passionate about, he’s super generous to his family and friends, he goes out of his way to visit hospitals as spider-man (even doing that on his birthday one year), and uses his social media to promote his dad’s books which is arguably charity work in of itself. and i know he’s dropped the ball on things recently, but i don’t think that’s because he doesn’t care. 
but i’m biased bc i truly am such a weak ass bitch for him so idk
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Process Things! Intro Time!
Hey there....so idk if anyone cares about this or wants to hear anything from the likes of me on how to do Things but I have decided out of procrastination (the next chapter I have to draw takes place in a classroom and i hate drawing classrooms if you know me you know this) - and also because everyone seems to be bored during quarantine - to make some posts about the process by which I go about churning out sub-par but tolerable comics.
I really debated about whether or not it would be stupid and pointless to do anything on this subject because I’m a programmer by day and am not really a comic professional. I mean I’ve done work for people who aren’t me, so technically I don’t have 0 professional experience, but since mostly I work on my own thing on my own time for fun (Boku no Kokoro no Ongaku), I’m not a PROFESSIONAL professional by any means. So I’m definitely not saying any of what I do is the “”””right”””” way to do it, but I am saying that it works for me, and maybe it’ll work for you.
Because you know the thing is that maybe I can bring something to the table for you that a super ultra professional can’t....Since I don’t really have any resources besides me, I’m probably just the right person to offer some tips on how to get a comic done by yourself and do EVERY (and I mean EVERY) step. Even though I tend to drop projects like you drop your groceries when trying to carry 10 bags of cans to your apartment at once, I have still TECHNICALLY been doing this for a very very long time. Like....I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil, have been drawing comics (albeit badly for at least a decade and then only a bit less badly till I took a damn figure drawing class lolol) since like 1997. A fact you can see if you have known me for a while and have seen all my abandoned projects strewn about the internet.
Anyway obviously you are free to scoff and go run away to a [probably better but more pretentious lol] tutorial. 
The thing about me though, is that I’m a creature of habit, as much as I’m disgusted to admit the degree to which that’s true...In any case because of that, I make EVERYTHING INTO HABITS including my comic creation process, and i’ve gotten it down to a routine at this point and I think it works. So maybe you can see what I do and get something out of it or at least have some idea where to start if you’ve had an idea tumbling around in your head for a while. I mean honestly most of this stuff you could probably just figure out eventually yourself but let me feel useful for five minutes by providing a shortcut XD 
I was gonna make videos about this but god do I hate looking at/hearing myself in any form so that is straight-up not happening. I will post pics of my process steps as relevant though.
Anyway that was long.
TLDR version: the disclaimer here is that i do comics for fun and this isn’t necessarily the “rightest” way or even the “best” way for everyone, but it’s the way that works for me and i’ve been doing it a long time.
This is going to be a series of posts. As I add to them, I will come back and add links here and this will serve as a masterpost.
Part 1: Story/Script - https://featureenvyproductions.tumblr.com/post/614502410130538496/process-things-part-1-storyscript
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cleoxortiz · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐛𝐚𝐳.
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( ARON PIPER, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) Oh hello, you must be SEBASTIAN "BAZ" MARQUEZ it’s so nice to meet you. Is it true that you’re a SIXTEEN year old LEGACY student and in your SIXTH? I should warn you, rumour has it you’re pretty HEDONISTIC & SPOILED but I think you’re really FUN-LOVING & FREE-SPIRITED - people like to gossip around here, but you’ll find out for yourself. Let me show you to SALISBURY. ( JOCEY, 23, EST, SHE/HER )
rip carter. gone, but not forgotten. herrree is an equally chaotic dumbass! clearly elite has  taken over my life and aron piper is the loml. my need to get this done won over my need for this intro to be good so lmfao. hit that like button and i’ll msg ya for plotty mcplots with my hot mess of a child.
name : sebastian javier cristiano marquez nickname : baz age : sixteen gender : cismale sexuality : pansexual hometown : madrid, spain
━  the marquez family is known to have a bit of a controversial reputation, mostly surrounding how they made their fortune. officially, marquez enterprises is an imports/exports company that controls the major ports in spain, and owns several businesses throughout europe and latin america.
━  but off the books? well, let’s just say there may be rumours that they’re involved in some shady business and have quite a few interesting contacts from all around the world. regardless, it’s common knowledge that the marquezes are filthy dirty rich, enjoy living extravagantly and lavishly, and are practically seen as spanish royalty.
━  baz is the baby of his family. growing up, his parents and his older sister, sabina, always took care of him and took on all the responsibility, so he never had to. he never had to learn how to be responsible, what consequences were or how to look out for himself because there was always someone to take care of it all for him. so, he is about as spoiled and irresponsible as a clueless, rich brat can be - just coasting through life on his trust fund.
━  completely oblivious and ignorant to the real world, you could say that baz has always lived his life through rose coloured glasses. problems are never serious problems (unless, of course, they’re his problems - in which case, it’s the end of the fucking world) and they’re never something a little (or a lot) of partying can’t fix. or a lot of sex. partying and sex. sex and partying. it’s the perfect recipe to fix just about anything. how can anyone argue with that kind of logic?
━  baz has never really been good at anything. his grades are below average, his coordination skills in sports are very below average and his artistic skills are just about nonexistent. the only thing he is good at, and will proudly say so, is having fun. whether it’s throwing the best parties, knowing the hottest clubs or having the coolest connections, baz will have you covered. going to the met gala after party, vacationing with the kardashians, being invited to leo dicaprio’s private island - his stories and adventures are endless. 
━  baz is the type to fall hard and fast. he loves love, but he’s also not the greatest at it because he’s always so fickle and indecisive. he “falls in love” faster than kim k can post a new insta. being the dramatic little shit that he is, this also means that he gets his heart “broken” on the reg. as well. baz is known to be very flirty and affectionate with just about anyone and everyone, so it’s hard to say if he’s kissing you because he’s just being friendly, or because he likes you and wants to get in your skirt/pants. or both. porque no los dos?
HOEMANCE  ━  his best gal pal. the bonnie to his clyde, but in the most platonic soulmates, legal, non-murder-y way. or the thelma to his louise? or the other way around. he doesn’t know the difference rip. basically partners in crime, ride or dies, hoes for life. if you invite one, the other will automatically show, no questions asked.  taken by ophelia sinclair BROMANCE  ━  his best bro friend. i love a good pair of chaotic dumbasses who encourage each other’s dumbassery. BONUS POINTS if we make this a trio (if you watched elite, you know da bro vibez). just some bro friends who’ve been there through each other’s good and bad shit, y’know?  taken by nathaniel darlington CHILDHOOD FRIEND  ━  grew up together. maybe their parents are friends, in which case they might know about the marquez’s family secrets?? they played house together and all that cute shit. “if we’re not married by the time we’re 30, promise you’ll kill me. or marry me.” P L E A S EEEE. i am a H O E for that angsty childhood friend catching feelz cliche omg.  EX (BEST?) FRIEND  ━  used to be friends, maybe even best friends, but somehow grew apart. or maybe some shit went down that caused the rift. maybe they found out about baz’s family and noped tf out. IDK. so many possibilities.  taken by preston morgans HELLA HEART EYES FOR YOU  ━  baz crushes on everyone at one point or another. he’s a slu for romance, what can i say. and also just a slu in general. basically people he’s crushing on. could be reciprocated, could be unreciprocated. anything and everything goes.  taken by rydel hooh, alex morgan FWBs/BOOTY CALL  ━  self-explanatory methinks?? just a forewarning that baz catches feelings so damn easily, so this will likely not be just a chill ‘3am text > dance with no pants > fist bump and peace out’ sitch lolol. it can definitely start out that way, buuuut it will probably get messy oops.  taken by nathaniel darlington EXES  ━  baz dates around so damn much, he’s probably got a long list of ex lovers who he was in a relationship with for like... a month max. or something. he loves love, but he sucks at love so either he ended it, or they ended it. there can definitely be some linger feelings. maybe baz regrets breaking up.  taken by maggie stevenson, charlie williams MOM/DAD FRIEND  ━  listen, his sister can’t always be around to save his ass, so he needs a responsible friend around to make sure he doesn’t die, or try to buy a maserati for all his friends, or something idek. also doubles as a good influence ig??  taken by rose baker & charlie williams STUDY BUDDY/TUTOR  ━  baz is borderline failing his classes and pretty sure the only reason he isn’t is because his grades are being bought. and he’s not even buying GOOD grades!!! he desperately needs a good study buddy and/or tutor who will get him to even crack a textbook open.  taken by elizabeth morley & charlie williams
das it fam, das all i got. ofc i’m always open to anything not listed here. btw, unless a plot is crossed out, i am always down for more people filling that plot!
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flyingsculptures · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @sadienita​, ur wonderful and ily
1. What takes up too much of your time? Stressing about doing things rather than actually doing them lolol
2. What makes your day better? If it’s been a bad day, then coming home and having a massive vent sesh with my roommate
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? My coworkers and I all get along, but this morning everyone was in a really good mood and joking around with each other, it was fun!!
4. What fictional place would you like to go? King Kai’s Planet in dragon ball z, that shit looks peaceful af
5. Are you good at giving advice? sometimes, depending on the topic
6. Do you have any mental illness? I do, issues with depression mostly, but anxiety as well, but things have been SO much better since I’ve gone to therapy and started medication
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? YEAH BRUH SHITS SCARY
8. What musician inspired you the most? this is gonna sound lame af, but debussy. i’m a classically trained musician and playing his pieces shaped me
9. Have you ever fallen in love? i’ve been in love with someone once, but they didn’t love me back the same way. it hurt but i’m glad i’ve experienced what it’s like to feel that way about someone
10. What’s your dream date? tbh i’m a sucker for coffee dates, but only if i know the other person at least a little bit. otherwise, maybe a museum?
11. What do others notice about you? i dunno, you’d have to ask them i guess, but i’ve been told i can be stubborn and that i care too much
12. What is the annoying habit you have? sometimes i can run over the end of peoples sentences in conversations, i think. i promise it’s only bc im excited
13. Do you still talk to your first love? lol NO
14. How many ex’s do you have? two my dude
15. How many songs are on your playlist? binch which playlist, i’m a playlist QUEEN. I think my biggest one has over 300
16. What instruments can you play? i’m a classically trained pianist, started when i was 4 or 5. because i have such a solid theory base, i can usually pick up most things, at least a little bit
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? i have a ton of pictures on my phone rn of my parents when they were super young, but otherwise maybe my roommate?
18. Where would you like to go before you die? i would want to go back to ireland, but i would want to go with my family
19. What is your zodiac? both moon and sun in taurus, ascending in leo *finger guns*
20. Do you relate to it? I don’t know how much i actually believe astrology, but i do know i’m stubborn as hell, and fairly grounded
21. What is happiness to you? watching other people be stupid happy, like not in general, but experiencing something that just makes their face light up
22. Are you going through anything right now? all day erryday
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? trying to do what made my parents happy instead of what made me happy
24. What’s your favorite store? a local store called Stick it in Your Ear, they sell records and cds and stuff
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice, i can’t tell anyone what to do with their own body
26. Do you keep a bucket list? mmm not really, i don’t like putting that stress on myself lolol
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? i listen to playlists rather than albums these days tbh, so i can’t think of any
28. What do you want for your birthday? to see my KC friends, i miss them :(
29. What are most people’s first impression of you? i’ve been told i’m really intimidating when you first meet me, but once u get to know me you’ll just realize i’m a bit different (i’m NoT lIKe oThER GurLS)
30. What age do you seem according to most people? I get told a lot that i’m an old soul, whatever tf that means, i feel like i’m a living meme
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? my mattress is on the floor, so plugged in next to my head
32. What word do you say the most? ”listen”, i tend to start sentences with it
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? probs, like, 26? so about 3, 4 years older
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? i’m gonna be 23 this year, so 21 would be my limit. any younger and they feel like a baby to me
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? what would SUIT me the most? ur asking me about the thing i’ve struggled w most in my life, IDK
36. What’s your favorite music genre? pretty much anything that isn’t stadium country or absolute shrieking is a genre i’m cool with, but i really enjoy post punk revival, like modern baseball (and then of course kpop lololol)
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? i don’t think i could permanently live anywhere else, i’m too attached to my friends and family
38. What is your current favorite song? Making Breakfast by Twin Peaks
39. How long have you had this blog for? oh goodness, im not sure (i just checked and holy shit i’ve had it since aug 2012, dam)
40. What are you excited for? im not sure, it sounds sad but nothing much right now. i’m kinda just coasting and keeping my head down, which isn’t bad
41. Are you a better talker or listener? i think both, but since i’ve broken out of my shell i tend to do a lot more talking which i’m not super pleased about
42. What is the last productive thing you did? TAXES HELL YEAH MURICA
43. What do you want for Christmas? time, just time
44. What class do you get the best grades in? in high school it was english, college it was design and media classes
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? a 6 i guess, a bit stressed atm
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? bruh i aint got the foggiest, i didn’t think i’d make it this far
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? i thought it was 18 bu the first genuine heartbreak was 21
48. At what age do you want to get married? idc as long as it’s before 35 tbh
49. What career did you want to have as a child? i thought it was fun to say a marine biologist lolol
50. What do you crave now? falafel. mmmmmmmmmmm 
this was neat, it was almost like a diary entry lololol, i want to hear more from @captainlokispeople @abbyarrgh @verngyu and @cult-of-time tho of course if you don’t want to or don’t have time then all is well!!
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kakkoweeb · 7 years
tagged by @atsumus thank you i see this is about writing and i love you for that
i,, don’t know who to tag WRITER FRIENDS ASSEMBLE okay maybe @karasunovolleygays hello i am interested to see you do this, if you haven’t yet
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
i formulated it for tumblr and and decided to use it for ao3 to retain my branding. it’s basically just, cool weeb idk it’s not even true but i’m owning it
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
that would be the multi-chapter i guess. though i do want to maybe someday do actual math like. compare the kudos/comment ratio with the hits and then calculate which ACTUALLY performed the best based on that.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
oh it’s that one art i did of oikawa saying “4 YEARS WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER AND YOU DON’T WANNA SEE ME JUMP OUTTA DA CAKE” except i put a comic sans ‘excuse u’. not sure why i used it either; it makes me look sassy whenever i reply to comments but it got me a mutual (lolol hi vio) and people comment about it when they see it so No Ragrets
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
yES. the oikage ao3 community is so kind to me tbh ever since i posted my first fics. of course i love every single commenter i get (with one exception, maybe.) and i appreciate the diversity when i post non-oikage fics too. (those are basically my ao3 categories. oikage and misc JDFKSJD)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
i reread my own fics from time to time for no reason and the ones that i come back to the most are from the p+c series i did for oikage week. i’m sort of proud of them? but i feel like they didn’t get as much feedback as i would’ve liked so i appreciate them in my own time. #2 and #5 in particular.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
i’m a picky person, so i only have 25 bookmarks, 8 work subscriptions, and 3 user subscriptions. the bookmarks and subscriptions may overlap
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
i am a private au royalty, and i have so many idek which to start, which i’m actually going to write, etc. i’m a sucker for complex and adventure aus, as well as the heart-wrenching ones
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
uhhh user subscriptions are 25, subscriptions are 86, and bookmarks are 331. doesn’t seem like a lot haha how dare you ask me this,
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
basically everything that i write yet don’t post. mostly because they involve my ocs. don’t get me wrong; i’m good at making ocs now i don’t mary sue or anything and they’re all really cool and story-relevant but people just don’t want/need to see that kind of thing, you know?
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
setting description, dialogue-heavy pieces, condensing a work to involve less words, romance in general u gh how an anti-romance as a genre person ended up here is a mystery to me, and just. writing in general. as far as i see, i still suck
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
rarepairs. i don’t think i’ve ever glorified a popular ship before. if ever i do write for them it’s just because it was requested or something.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
uhhhh last i counted i had like 30+ non-drabble/short WIPs but that was last year. a lot has happened since then adfjsdkf
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
my head can’t remember what day it is, so i write em down. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
nope (i want to tho)
16. How did you discover AO3?
tumblr, i would think, back when i was still fixated on dmmd.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
nope lmfao but i could. because i am kakkoweeb from now on y’all are The Weeb Shits djdkf im joking of course. does anyone other than youtubers even do that?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
when i was eight years old, i think that would be anne mazer. right now, i’m inspired by my favourite fic authors bECAUSE THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD i’d name drop/tag but i’m embarrassed haha,, basically take a good look at my bookmarks you’ll know who they are
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
everyone has to start somewhere, and i think a pretty good start before the actual writing is reading. reading is where the whole thing begins, and from it you can get ideas and styles and words, and develop your way of thinking. as for actual writing: it’s important not to pressure yourself to be really really good and that you find ways to have fun with it. write for your own reasons. look to improvement, but not to the point that it’s all you care about. it’s normal to get stuck, it’s normal to go slow. but if you really love it, don’t quit. keep writing and you’ll never go wrong. oh, and editing is your friend.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
definitely plot out. it’s going to be impossible for me to remember everything on the fly, and ideas pop out at random times in the day and i can’t discard them, so each story has a plan. the level of detail depends on the complexity and my own creative ability at any given moment. sometimes tho i get ideas midway through speed-typing and just go with them.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
no, not really bad. some kind of off-topic, yes, but not bad. i just don’t reply.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
romantic things in general. the emotions and sensations that come with touch and affection, because i don’t write those based on experience.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
…a lot. just. a lot.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
bruh yeah. i even have projects that have spinoffs/sequels where i want to write the sequels before the actual project 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
ideally, that would be to write and then feel satisfied with what i’ve written, in terms of the degree of accomplishment (did i just finish a subsection or a chapter? get past a part where i was stuck?) and the quality. most days, it’s too high a goal.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
infinitely, yes. it’d be a little embarrassing if i didn’t improve since childhood
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
i,, i don’t know, i like and hate them all to some degree lmfao
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
:)))) i don’t want to talk about it. if you read my writing journal though, you might be able to tell what it is.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
hopefully finished with a couple of things, still writing, and maybe with some writer friends? I HOPE AND CREI
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
…finding a word processor. LMAO idk each aspect has its own easy and hard moments depending on the type of project you’re working on. getting excited about an idea, maybe? that’s easy
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
33. Why do you write?
because i have been for years and don’t know how to do anything else, and because i want to be the content i want to see in the world. also because i have like 34838 worlds in my head and need a medium for all of them 
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shes-so-rad · 5 years
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**I typed this earlier in the afternoon, I just feel like a lot of us are always so silent during the most painful times as a military spouse and I wanted to try to use my little, shakey, unimportant voice lolol**
“You knew what you were getting yourself into”
“You knew this would happen”
“At least the money will be good”
“He’s fine”
“At least...”
Oh man. Let’s get into it.
We all choose certain avenues of our lives. We know what a lot of the outcomes will be. But we still have a right to feel them.
So why do military spouses and families have to be silent? And I’m not talking for security reasons.
You applied to your job, did a whole interview, accepted the job, and still show up everyday knowing what will happen. Yet you still complain every single day..right?
Knowing an event and living through one is a different world.
I’m not sitting here asking for people to pity me. This is my life. This is OUR life.
The sacrifices military members make and their families is something most people will never understand.
As much as I envy that, I also wouldn’t EVER change the way things are. Ever.
Getting married at 21 showed me who’s truly happy for me when I’m truly happy.
Moving to another country showed me everyone’s true colors and how much or little I really meant to some.
Trying to adjust overseas while my husband is constantly working or sleeping showed me a lot about myself and put my strength to the test.
I have learned. Grown. Matured. And changed. But in every way that I am proud of. I wish I was this woman a long time ago.
A woman who protects her peace. A woman who is learning to say no. A woman who loves and is still there for people but establishes boundaries. A woman who is kind but doesn’t take shit anymore and won’t always tell you what you want to hear. A woman who doesn’t always rely on others because being married in the military means being on your own, a lot.
Military life changed me. It changed my husband. ALL for the better.
It’s a tough life. It’s a lonely life. It’s a strong unit.
At any moment your life can be picked up and thrown upside down. No warning, no mercy.
Every holiday, every birthday, anniversary, all missed because last minute your loved one had to go and you never have a real date on when they’ll be back.
“How do you not know??” “That doesn’t even make sense!” “That’s so last minute wtf” “Wow you cancelled again, you’re so flakey!”
Yup. It doesn’t make any sense. But that’s how it goes.
LOVE the people around you. Don’t just share nice things on the internet. Get off your ass and be there for others (whenever you’re able to, of course we can’t always be there!) . Reach out, TELL the people you love that you love them. And SHOW it. I’m FAR from perfect but I try my best to be there and reach out to others the best I’m capable of while also taking care of my own needs and life.
If you are able to be with your loved ones throughout the holidays or everyday in general, without worry. PLEASE don’t take that for granted.
I’m not asking anyone to care, feel bad for us, or to even like the military. But respect is welcomed. Support is welcomed. And shutting the fuck up instead of trying to belittle the situation or compare is also, very much, welcomed.
So. Military spouses are not weak, dependent, or whiny.
We are badass, entrepreneurs, strong, thoughtful, “I’ll do it myself”, suffer in silence, good secret keepers, and we may not be able to always physically be there because of moving and everything else with our crazy life’s, BUT we are THE realest ride or die friends you’ll ever have, anywhere, anytime.
This next chapter in my husband and I’s lives is going to be extremely painful individually. But as a couple this will only make us closer and stronger. I wouldn’t live this crazy life with anyone else but him because I’ve never loved anyone the way I love him. So kind, thoughtful, strong, a great friend to others, hard worker, and braver than anyone I know. So please, be nice to people because you have no clue what their life is and what they’re going through. And please, keep him in your thoughts.
Idk if anyone will even care for this post, idk the purpose besides speaking up and giving a different perspective.. ✌🏼 #DeploymentSucks #JustBeKind PHOTOGRAPHER: Annarose Photography
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This is a long post because I went on a few rants, but there are workouts and stuff in there, I promise ;) stay tuned for commentary on vanity sizing and non-scale victories!
April 13 Thursday’s workout was super speedy. Legs and a quick stretching NTC workout. I meant to do curtsy lunges to finish it out, but I was crunched for time and my legs were already burning from the seasaw lunges and step-ups because my bench was higher than a normal one would be. I always get kind of frustrated when my NTC workout ends up being a lowkey stretching one, because I use it to replace cardio for the day. I’m starting to think I should either do more than one or just do cardio anyway. At least I got in a nice half hour walk at lunch; it was much colder than I was expecting since the rest of this week has been so nice! Still pretty out tho. And my skull shirt is badass. The end.
Went to Whole Foods with Ani when I got home to get some goodies for the weekend, and really stuck to my list (which I was proud of, bc that store is a literal TRAP) which included chocolate milk as a post-workout fuel… ASK ME HOW HYPE I AM TO START DRINKING CHOCO MILK AGAIN!!! (very. obviously.) Also started growing a mini protein bar collection because now I’m terrified of not properly fueling post-workout, so now I’m going to have very little excuse not to, since these babies are extremely portable. Just throw one in ya workout bag, and there you go. Don’t even have to remember to get it from my lunch box. I’m finally trying RXBAR and a few Quest Bar flavors (shoutout to @runningwhilenotdying for the suggestion, ty girl!) for now, in addition to the Luna Protein bars I still have. Still going to have to try a few to find out which works best for me.
Legs / butt workout 3x each 15 reps weighted glute bridges, 10# 15 reps goblet squats, 10# 20 reps step ups, alt. sides, 10# 20 reps seasaw lunges, alt. sides 15 reps weighted lying leg curls, 6# 40 s wall sits 10 reps burpee + high jump alternating leg swing stretches instead of curtsy lunges bc I’m a wimpy bitch lol
Listening to: “Under You” by Nick Jonas
April 14 Today is the day John Mayer’s full album is out, something I realized halfway through Friday morning while working from home, so I blasted the FUCK out of it in my apartment and haven’t stopped listening since. Ani took the day off, so it was just me at home designing, which is literally what I wish every work day of my life could be. Making my own schedule, eating and working out whenever I want and not having to worry about when I’m going to finish, not having to talk to people lol.
I decided to workout around 11ish and had to do arms / upper body without weights, which was a bit challenging considering my weak wrists and lack of free weights. BUT I made it, and my wrists weren’t ded afterwards, so I guess I’m building up some strength? Plus check out my schweaty knees, aren’t they purty? It was a dec workout, so hype it. HOWEVER, in the middle of my last set, this awful ringing started in my apartment, which I identified as the fire alarm after panicking for like 2 seconds. Then there was this weirdo announcement in our hallway as if we were in a damn dorm, saying to evacuate asap so I was like o fuck ok let me get my things. Ran outside with my purse and a jacket, ran into the woman who legit hates me and Ani for being loud on the weekend two whole times (fuck her tho it was a Friday and Saturday at like 11pm get your panties out of your ass amirite) and she was like idk what’s going on I’m probably not going downstairs. I was like ????? um if there’s a fire I’m not dying so bye. So I ran down 8 flights of stairs to find no one in the lobby. Sick. It was a false. Alarm. Bc they’re doing construction right in front of the elevators. Motherfuckers. So I had to go back up 8 flights of stairs once I got the approval from the doorman. Thx for the cardio break, how’d you know I needed that? 🙄 Finished my set, worked for a bit longer, then showered and decided I was done working for the day lol.
It was pay day and I was bored so I kinda went a little nuts on a shopping trip. As usual, I mostly bought athleisure, buuuuuuuuuuut there are some significant things about this shopping trip that I must share.
1: I willingly purchased two pairs of athletic shorts. I do not wear anything but leggings to workout in, because I hate the way my legs look, and I usually feel much more mobile and flexible in leggings, even if it’s like 90 degrees out and July. But I tried on two pairs of black shorts, and could actually see myself not only wearing them like to bed, but like… doing active things in them, and being ok with seeing my legs. First #NONSCALEVICTORY o the day.
2: I not only willingly tried on a one piece bathing suit, I tried on two, AND I purchased one. Every person alive knows too well the personal torture of trying on bathing suits, especially in dressing rooms that have awful fluorescent lighting that does not flatter anyone. But for some reason I was in a good mood about my bod (perhaps after the shorts win), so I grabbed two suits and said to myself, fuck it, don’t feel bad about yourself, but do not get your hopes up. This could go great, or it could not. Don’t let this be a reflection of how hard you’ve been working. It might just not fit, that’s not your fault. BUT THEY BOTH FIT REALLY DECENTLY OK. The one was like bright red and v scandalous and tbh I did not have the boobs to fill out that sucker. So despite it fitting ok, I couldn’t go with it. But the other was stripey and rouchey and pretty comfortable, so I was like welp. I need at least one suit for the summer, and can’t picture myself using any of the ones from last summer, and I don’t feel like total crap in this. So. I bought it!
3: I purchased at least one thing of every size (S, M, L, and XL), which proves that sizing is fake and literally doesn’t fucking matter. I like all my tops a little baggy and all of my bottoms tight (except those shorts I ended up getting, but who knew I would even buy shorts…). That’s just my personal preference style-wise. I went to four different stores, and ended up getting clothing that fit me, but when I was ripping the tags off when I got home, I noticed that all the sizes were different. I bought a shirt from Uniqlo (AMAZING STORE, btw, never been before today) that was a size small, which is something I haven’t done in like literally maybe 7-8 years. I also bought a cropped sweatshirt from Marshall’s in XL, even though I thought it was a large when I bought it. Either way, it’s not like my body morphed mid-shopping trip. I was the same size all day, but the stores decided I was all over the place. This just makes me a, hate the fashion industry for forcing this imaginary 00 system and ideals of size-shaming on us, but also b, feel better about myself because I know that I can’t be reliant on just being one size. I used to think of my weightloss in terms of pants sizes. Like last Friday when I was wearing actual pants, they were 12s. But like. A 12 at one store could be a 16 at another, or an 8. I used to say, oh I just want to be down to a consistent 8. That would be the perfect amount of weight to lose. If I get there, I’ll know that I’m good. But I’m really starting to see that that number and that size doesn’t exist. There is no universe in which an 8 at every store will fit the same. So judging yourself on a system that’s literally impossible to fit into is just a recipe for hurt and shame. So now I’m just gonna grab any size that looks like it’ll fit. It’s still not fun to see a higher number, but that’s going to be a mindset I have to get myself out of, and this post is proof that it doesn’t matter. I want to base my happiness with my fitness on phyiscal progress: what I can DO with my body, not just how it looks in the clothes I inevitably have to wear. But today, for a few reasons, I felt really good, and I’m proud to have seen not only one, but a few non-scale wins. Hype it the FUCK up.
Whew. That was a lot, sorry. I almost feel like a doing a ~haul~ like I’m on some fashion youtube channel, I bought so many fun things. But whatever, I doubt anyone cares about that except me lolol.
Honestly sometimes I think I just like to buy some things because I’m happy they fit me, not because I need them or are in love with them. Is that weird? I feel like I’m a pretty specific shape (very short and curvy, but not curvy everywhere), so when I find something I actually think fits me, I usually just say, yeah I’ll wear this. I definitely am spending too much money that way, but it’s nice to feel like a lot of things are fitting me well for once.
Arms / upper body workout 3x each 20 reps shoulder taps, alt. sides 10 reps pushups 20 reps walk outs + twist, alt. sides 10 reps tricep dips 50 reps arm circles forward 50 reps arm circles backward 20 reps lat pull downs + shoulder squeeze 35s, 40s, 45s plank 10 reps decline push ups 10 reps burpee + high jump + 5 jumping jacks PLUS 8 flights of stairs when my fucking fire alarm went off and the elevator didn’t work 🙃
Listening to: “Burlesque” by Christina Aguilera OR the Voices in Your Head a cappella version, both are fun
April 15 I was hella nervous for my run today; 6 miles seemed like a lot to me, and after last week’s long run on the treadmill, it had been a while since I’d done a long one outside. The last time I finished a long run outside, I felt like death. So this time I wanted to be really prepared; I read some articles and youtube videos on how to run longer without like dying, and made sure to focus on my breathing and warmup. Once I left my apartment, I didn’t start my timed run for about 10ish minutes but still ran slow to get my legs ready. Then I did some of the moves from the videos, and set off. Today I went towards the art museum and Kelly Drive for the first time, which was definitely busy for a Saturday morning, but it was kinda gray out and mid-50s which is like perfect running weather. I felt really good for like literally the whole run, and I couldn’t tell if it was the new place, good music, or what, but I was surprised at how quickly the miles came and went. I stopped at 4.56 miles to take the picture in front of the art museum, walked briskly up the hill to the building, then ran the rest of the way on the rest of the Schuykill River Trail and back towards home. I finished a little ways away from home and was inspired by a boy who seemed to be blind or albino who was running with a small leash with a girl, and continued jogging all the way home. So I really totalled something like 7.10 miles and they felt GREAT which is INSANE for me. Like that’s so many miles. And I haven’t run that far in so long, and they actually felt GOOD??? Like who am I?
I rewarded myself with a cinnamon roll protein shake, a little more shopping (I ended up getting the black Nike Tanjuns for anyone who saw my post last night lol), and Chick-Fil-A nuggets for lunch. Was considering making this day a cheat day when I saw the Chick-Fil-A, but I was good and only got the nuggets. My resolve was tested when I saw a girl with a Rita’s cup right when I got home and I wanted to be like OMG GIRL WHERE IS THERE A RITA’s AROUND HERE???!??! But clearly I held myself back.
Guess that means more Easter chocolate for me tomorrow hayyyyyy
6.02 mi 10'20" min / mi
Listening to: “Hair” by Little Mix
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nothinglastsonline · 7 years
1. Name a fruit:
2. What is the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced?
That I can remember, because I have no clue what my childhood eye surgeries were like: getting my braces put on. Idk if it’s that bad for everyone, but I was in a lot of pain the first four days and couldn’t eat anything. Or I’ve just been very lucky with the amount of physical pain I’ve had to deal with.
3. Do you know any German words?
Like, “hello“ and numbers up to ten. I like German; I find it easier to understand than most of the Romance languages.
4. Do you have a passport?
5. What do you think of London?
Assuming you’re talking about London, England and not London, Ontario... I’ve never been, but I’d like to. It’s not top of my list of cities I’d like to visit, but I’d definitely like to go.
6. Do you say any words that are pretty specific to your area? I’m not sure what those would be anymore. My town used to have a few of its own slang terms when I was in high school, but the main one fell out of fashion some time in the early 2010s. I think it’s harder these days for regional slang to develop. The kids in my teaching placement all just used slang that’s popular online. Kinda makes me sad. Maybe you could count the use of Jamaican patois, which is popular across the GTA. Idk.
7. What should the drinking age be? Ehhhh 18, I guess. Or even 16. Whatever would make alcohol less of an “oOoOoH forbidden!!!11″ thing that makes people abuse it as soon as they’re legal to. 8. Do you know anyone who everyone thinks is gay, but is not out? Mmmm not really. One who isn’t out to his family but to friends, who apparently everyone thought was gay but I didn’t. Unless someone is an over-the-top stereotype, I tend to take people at face value and not assume, because I’ve been assumed to be gay (I’m not) before based on not being feminine. I don’t care anymore what people think, but it did suck as a kid. I wonder if that would be different now that being gay is much more accepted than it was then, if kids still bully each other by saying someone is gay. 9. Are your teeth straight? They are now. See braces incident above. 10. Vegetables: better raw or cooked? Ehhh generally raw. 11. Have you ever smoked? No. 12. What is the best store to buy clothes? This cheap store up north called The Patch. 13. Are you on Facebook? Yeah, I wish I wasn’t though. 14. Would you ever paint your house an unusual color? I’d kill for one of those cute, pastel-coloured clapboard houses that you see in Newfoundland. That wouldn’t fly in my town though. Not that I’ll ever be able to afford a house here. 15. What is the cutest animal? Piggos. 16. Would you rather eat half a stick of butter or a bowl of ketchup? Uhhhhh I like butter, but I think I’d go with the ketchup in this situation. Or actually, maybe the butter, half a stick isn’t that much. 17. You’re ordering pizza: what’s on it? I usually just get the classic pepperoni and extra cheese. Little Caesars has had this stuffed crazy bread crust pizza this summer and oh my god it’s so bad for you but so delicious. 18. Would you mind dating someone significantly shorter than you? Nah, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. Height is definitely one of my biggest physical turn-ons but I wouldn’t not date someone just because of their height. 19. Can you quote the movie “Mean Girls”? The basic quotes, yeah. TIFF is having a free Mean Girls screening on Festival Street this year, da fuq. 20. How sick and tired of Twilight are you? Obviously this survey is older (aren’t they all?), but while I was never a Twilight fan, I didn’t find the craze annoying. I like seeing kids actually be interested and passionate about things, instead of how it is now where it seems the only thing that matters to anyone is social media and political bullshit. Anyway, on Twilight, I just commented this on a thrift store blog, but I went to a Salvation Army thrift store on Tuesday and oh man, so many Twilight novelty shirts. Like “I’d let Edward bite me”, “Keep Calm and Watch Edward Sparkle”, shit like that. I fucking love thrift stores. That one was gross, and I was there with my mum and she wanted to leave because of it, but I could’ve spent all day there if I was there on my own. 21. Do you say you did something “by accident” or “on accident”? By accident. I’m pretty sure “on accident” isn’t correct. 22. Would you ever like to visit Boston? I just did in May. It was nice and I wish we’d had more time there! The people were kinda rude and the traffic was horrifying, but very nice city with so much history. 23. What is your favorite movie? Little Miss Sunshine. 24. Are you a good dancer? Nope. 25. Have you seen the Statue of Liberty? Yes. 26. What about the Eiffel Tower? Not in person. 27. Do you like The Mars Volta? Are they still around? I can’t even remember any of their songs. 28. Have you ever swam in the Atlantic Ocean? Not full out swam, but waded, yeah. 29. The Pacific? ^ same. 30. What happens when you go into the dead sea? Don’t you float? 31. Can you make yourself cry? With difficulty. 32. How much older is your best friend than you? About five months. 33. Peanut butter or chocolate? Chocolate. 34. Have you ever held a starfish? I think so. A dead one, for sure, but I think I’ve held a live one at an aquarium? 35. Can you run a mile? LOLOL. (I mean, I could, but in what time period?) 36. Do you know what post-modernism is? Yes. I don’t particularly like it. 37. What would happen if you suddenly lost 25lbs? That would be awesome. 38. Can you do CPR? No. 39. Do you live in the state you were born in? Yes, the province. 40. Would you rather live in Hawaii or Alaska? Hawaii. 41. What color are your eyes? Dark brown. 42. Don’t you just hate biting your tongue? Does anyone like it? 43. Could you use a haircut? Probably. 44. Ice cream in a cup or a cone? In a cup, I don’t like cones.
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purgatorily · 7 years
long post !
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
thank you for tagging me @skullbygloy100​ i always enjoy your posts (^O^)
LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: well i don’t really talk on the phone (ever) but i skyped with a friend sometime last week so if that counts then yeah 3. Text message: my sweet friend isaiah! we were getting excited for bts’ comeback together haha  4. Song you listened to: agnes by glass animals 5. Time you cried: i believe it was wednesday? i got upset about chester bennington again:(
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: in real life, no (thankfully). i plan to play byron’s route in midcin again soon tho;) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i wouldn’t say “regretted” is the word. the guy who was my first kiss is kind of a wild card though so there have been times when i wished i’d kept my lips pure lolol 8. Been cheated on: no! 
9. Lost someone special: i lost my maternal grandfather when i was very young and a great-uncle on my father’s side 
10. Been depressed: when i first moved (two years ago now) i was very unhappy and buried myself in anime and tumblr and my writing just to get as far away from my new life as possible. but i’ve never been officially diagnosed with depression 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: ya girl is a very innocent one. i’ve only ever tasted the barest sip of vodka and spat it right now lolol
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: purple, yellow, light blue??
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: i guess? mostly i’ve just gotten rid of the toxic ones though ahaha 16. Fallen out of love: kind of. more like i let go of a love i’d been holding onto for far too long, which was a really good choice! 17. Laughed until you cried: definitely yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: LOLOLOL YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW OKAY EVERYONE IN MY IRL LIFE ARE DAMN SNAKES 19. Found out who your friends are: not really  
20. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: not in the last year
GENERAL: 21. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them lmao i don’t friend people i don’t know 22. Do you have any pets: 2 cats and a dog 
23. Do you want to change your name: not at all:) i don’t like telling people my full name but only because my best friend has only called me by it since i told him (many years ago) and so it’s become too precious for me to let people use lightly lolol  24. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to see a movie and hung out with my family (and started having an age crisis that’s still currently going on oops) 25.What time do you wake up: 7:30 during the week, 8:00 on the weekends. BUT right now i’m waking up earlier every day because i’m playing mystic messenger (gotta get all those chats ya know? 
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: watched johnny test to keep me awake till 00:00 for a chatroom in mystic LOLOL  27. Name something you can’t wait for: getting to zen’s route in 2 days lol 28. When was the last time you saw your mom?: this morning at breakfast 
29. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i could be better at math and figure out the reason i have writer’s block rn. oh and also get the $79 VIP package for mysme 
30. What are you listening to right now: midnight movies by saint motel 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: prolly idk 32. Something that is getting on your nerves: CHERITZ I LOVE YOU BUT HGS ARE WAY TOO EXPENSIVE AND HAVING TO TRADE A HUNDRED (100!!!!) HEARTS FOR ONE (1!!!!) HG IS UNREASONABLE PLEASE LOWER THE BAR JUST A TINY BIT 33. Most visited website: probably just google lmao or maybe otomeobsessed for game cheats oops 
34. Mole/s: too many to count? 35. Mark/s: a few on my face from a dog bite last year (nothing bad dw) and some on my knees from being a kid 36. Childhood dream: never really had one which sounds depressing but i don’t mean it to be haha 37. Hair color: brown  38. Long or short hair: im growing out an extremely short pixie cut but it’s just a little lower than my chin now! 39. Do you have a crush on someone: hyun ryu, gal gadot, jason momoa, jack lowden, fionn whitehead, derek hale....but no, not on anyone i actually know  
40. What do you like about yourself: im pretty tall so i like my legs. my hair is also naturally curly which can be rlly nice and i have small t*ts so my life is rather easy in that department lol. i also like how passionate i get about my interests! 
41. Piercings: three on each lobe of both my ears  42. Blood type: don’t know but i wanna find out!!  43. Nicknames: i have a friend who calls me cutie and there are more but i won’t say what they are ahaha   44. Relationship status: firmly disinterested in irl relationships due to my thorough dedication to albert, inuchiyo, nobunaga, and zen:)) 45. Zodiac: geminii 
46. Pronouns: she/her 47. Favorite TV Show: stranger things, bob’s burgers, lots of different anime  
48. Right or left hand: right 49. Surgery: never had it!! 50. Hair dyed in different color: i bleached, like, the bottom INCH of my hair a few years ago but it’s all gone now 51. Sport: i like figure skating (yoi anyone ahaha) and basketball/volleyball (because of knb and hq oh boy) 52. Vacation: i desperately want to visit japan (not because im a weeb or smthg stfu) and france and greece and italy and new york and yeah i just wanna travel 
53. Pair of trainers: 0
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing currently 58. Drinking: nothing, again 
59. I’m about to: finish this and go to an open house for something secret:) 60. Want: to get a good enough score that fills all the requirements i need the next time i take the ACT 
63. Get married: maybe one day but not until i’m absolutely certainly in love 64. Career: like i said, i wanna travel, so maybe some kind of writing job where i need to travel for it? or something in social media or music. 
65. Hugs or kisses: i don’t like kissing anyone (besides an S/O) on the lips but i love hugs and cuddling from everyone 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes  
67. Shorter or taller: taller but i don’t really care unless the height difference is H U G E 68. Older or younger: again, doesn’t matter if the gap isn’t so big that it affects the relationship 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive like me 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship i guess but also i don’t like super lovey-dovey intensity   73. Troublemaker or hesitant: i try to be as levelheaded as i can be and i’d hope the person i fall for would do the same
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no sir 75. Drank hard liquor: no wayy 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t need them anyway so 
77. Turned someone down: yep, multiple times but he doesn’t seem to get the message 78. Sex on the first date: uh no   
79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah kinda but he’s over it now so  80. Had your heart broken: when i realized i had to let go of my feelings for aforementioned-boy i stayed up really late crying but then i was like fine in a day lolol 81. Been arrested: no 
82. Cried when someone died: i probably cried when my grandfather died but i don’t remember. i’ve cried over countless fictional characters though 83. Fallen for a friend: yes but they’ve always liked me back so does that count?? i’d only fall for someone i knew and liked as a person anyway 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84: Yourself: i try to 85. Miracles: they go hand-in-hand with religion so (no offense) i definitely don’t.  86. Love at first sight: not really 87. Santa Claus: LOGICALLY i obviously don’t. but EMOTIONALLY?? yes, i am in fact still a six year old:’) 88. Kiss on the first date: i mean i believe that it happens obviously but i don’t know if i’d be comfortable with it unless, like i said, i’d already known the person for a while beforehand 
OTHER: 90. Current best friend’s name: jorge and he says that i’m art and that i sing like an angel and i love him he’s the best 
91. Eye color: brown (often described as amber by my mother) 92. Favorite movie: ferris bueller’s day off. i also like heathers and currently im loving spiderman: hoco and dunkirk
TAGGING: everyone lol im too lazy okay peace
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