#idk if he'll actually become red hood in this.
lost-batarang · 1 year
Mother, Mother (3500k Characters)
Talia gently held Jason as he woke from the Lazarus pit, covered in bruises, cuts, and with a horrendous scar; Jason tried to opens his eyes, and saw Talia holding him. He could barely speak, let alone walk; "T..Talia..?...That..yo..you..Jo...ker....he.." Jason tried to speak, before violently coughing, rolling out of Talia's grip and lying on the cold, wet floor of Gotham's sewers. "I....B...ru...ce...he..." Jason tried to bring himself together, but to no avail; he was dead for quite some time, and the Lazarus pit may not have been able to cure all his wounds; and post-resurrection headaches is something both Talia and Ra's experienced often. "N...ee....d..s..a..ve...Br...u....ce.." Jason continued in a raspy and hoarse voice, trying to drag himself across the sewers, but barely moving his arms an inch. Blood and Lazarus water ran down his face, and then, he realized; Joker had left him with a scar. A large chunk of the left side of his face was crushed and torn apart by the crowbar, leaving an almost entirely visible skull, scraps of torn skin, and mushy flesh stuck to it; excluding the many metal splinters stuck inside it. Jason's eye on that side of his face was long gone, too, and his teeth were anything but intact. Talia quickly made her way over to Jason, and placed his hand on his chest. "Shh. The Lazarus pits have not healed you fully...scars remain, and your head must be pounding. You won't be able to move so quickly- your body is barely adjusted to the pit, so I wouldn't recommend trying unless you want to be writhing in pain after trying to move your ankle." Talia spoke in a soft yet stern voice. "T...a..lia..?..N..o..w..hy..." Jason tried to speak, but he was barely understandable. "Shh. You have suffered grievous injuries, and you need to rest, Jason. You were- you are, one of Bruce's sons, and now you are one of mine aswell. I need you to stay alive." Talia responded, but soon after Jason completely blacked out. What felt like a second later, Jason awoke inside a small room, laying on a finely crafted wooden bed with the softest silk sheets he had ever felt, and he could barely feel.- He was, however, starting to regain movement and speech. He would have to certainly talk slower to be understandable, but he could move his arms slightly now and turn his head. He looked down and saw that he was not dressed in his Robin costume, and it was clear this wasn't the manor or the sewers; all his memories were a haze, especially his death, but he saw that he was wearing a set of red robes commonly worn by high-ranking league of assassins members.- Minus the red coloration. Talia entered the room, "I always knew red was your favorite color. That old Robin costume won't be doing you any good- trust me. It's....damaged at the moment. And far from anywhere we could enter, certainly. " Talia spoke in an almost joking voice. "Why...why'd..you..save..me....I...I...died.." Jason replied in a withering voice. "Because, Jason. You're family. Bruce's family, and now mine. You're an Al-Ghul now, and you will be treated and trained as one. Speaking of training, it begins tomorrow, at dawn. Do not be late, for you should be able to walk by then. I'll have escorts to show you to the training room tomorrow, but it's the courtyard outside this temple. Oh, and don't fight them. It wouldn't end well for you, nor them. For now, rest, Jason. There's much ahead of us." Talia said to him confidently. Jason was still confused, but there wasn't much he could do. He could only sleep and see what's next.
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yvtro · 1 year
also, in light of your writing on bruce and his secret identity vs jason not having a civilian identity, what do you think would change? i think it's an exellent point but i'm not sure there's more in it beyond he'll understand that split better? i mean personally i'm not sure how to interpret the way bruce uses this v much at all. like, beyond logistics. idk how bruce wayne processes this and how jay would, if you catch my meaning.
this is a really good question, and tbh i'm not sure of the answer myself? (and yet i went on to write a literal essay)
the thing is, i sympathise with jason on this a lot. there's no actual objective line between bruce wayne and batman. the way bruce compartmentalizes his identity is rather hazy, and esp in relation to people who know both of his identities it seems to be internal (and a coping mechanism) rather than anything else. there's certainly an element of wanting to remain true to civilian life in order to stay close to people (btw this is something that got severely distorted with the rise of popularity of an over exaggerated brucie persona) and avoid becoming an authoritarian figure (something that jason actually does... interesting). but as i said, with people he trusts (including his kids) he doesn't make this separation clear.
so there's no clear conceptualising of bruce's thinking that could make jason go: oh, that makes sense actually. valid. don't kill the joker then. but to twist your question a bit, i think what jason would need in order to actually reconcile with bruce is not even understanding how bruce divides all of this (because once again, it's arbitrary and of use only for himself), but rather:
- be clear with bruce on the fact that bruce is his dad no matter in cowl or not and that jason is his son both in mask and without it,
- (hey it's fascinating how it's possible for bruce to stay in denial and detach himself from jason's demands and desperation in utrh because jason is in mask too. do you think it would go like that if jay went through with his whole plan without a red hood? using his actual name? a dead son of bruce wayne coming back to gotham, going on a murder spree and establishing a crime empire. now that would be something that would actually disrupt bruce's flow. if jason recognised what the whole problem was about, and if he thought that he wanted bruce as his dad and not batman, i think he would do it this way.) (sorry for the random tangent.)
- but also appreciate that parenthood is not bruce's only role in life. this has to do with what was pointed out in the tags of my post; children tend to perceive their parents through their responsibility towards them. growing up, you realise that your parents are also normal people, and that while they are responsible for you, their failure to meet your needs does not always come from some place of neglect or malice. they're just flawed human beings. jay didn't have an opportunity to go through normal healthy emotional development, so he idealises bruce's role in his life (as kids tend to do) and all bruce's decisions extremely personally. so, tldr: you have to agree that batman is jay's dad, sure, but batman has other stuff going on for him than being a dad. only children can be as naive as to believe that their dad can (and should) abandon everything for their sake. and well, i'm not saying that jason's demand is completely confused: you would imagine that any father in power to protect their children would do so; and if batman can't do it, then maybe he shouldn't be a father. (fair and square. vigilantes don't make for the best parents because the world will usually come first) but most adults learn to compromise and sympathise with their parents more, and accept that they're not perfect. even if they love you unconditionally, they will not do everything and anything for you.
this will sound incredibly boring (and frankly speaking, is; there's no big resolution or anything) but i think if jason were in a better place and had time to mature more emotionally, he would eventually come to this conclusion. i know that lots of people say they hate scenarios in which he just gives up on his grievances to "play a happy family," but, isn't that how life goes? does it have to be "playing" a happy family if you simply learn to let go of something? personally i definitely wouldn't like it to happen abruptly, and as quickly as it usually does in fanfics, but i'd say realistically jason would either come to this realisation as years go by (and he's not 18 and scared out of his mind anymore) or he would decide that vigilantes with moral codes simply make for shitty fathers as a rule and give up. alternatively he remains resentful but in bruce's vicinity forever.
i don't know, does it make sense? this is all pretty much thinking out loud, let me know what you think.
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gangrenados · 2 years
Oh my a ship game!! So exciting! Let's do this 💙
So full disclosure I haven't followed you for long, but based off your description, honestly, I ship you with Jason. I think he'd be a good match for your extrovertedness as well as all of your energy. He'd need a person who can keep up with him and he'd like someone he can always be doing stuff with, ya know? And, while I don't particularly see him as social, I think he'd admire that in an s/o, and use it as an avenue to maybe become more social himself, or at least come out of shell he's been safe inside every since becoming Red Hood. Also I think hes a good match for what you said about liking cheesy stuff but also being kinda out of about it? Yeah, I think he's kind of in the same boat there, like he wants love and affection but is just SO awkward about it sometimes, I think you two could really help each other with that! He's not super clingy but still wants you, and wants to be with you and feel loved and would learn how to give you that in return! Idk, I just can't imagine anyone but Jason when I read your description lol I ship it tbh 💙
Now if it's not too much trouble could you tell me who you ship me with (romantically)? Pretty please and thank you 😊
I'll try to make it short but I warn you now, I'm wordy lol I'm a woman who is bisexual but does have a strong preference for men. I'm an introvert, I like being around my loved ones but I do need space to myself sometimes and being around new people always takes a lot out of me. That's one of the reasons that I tend to hold people at arms length until I get to know them, but once I do I'm a very loyal and dedicated friend (and that goes same when you're my s/o). I think my sense of humor is one of my best qualities, I love making people laugh and Will honestly do some silly stupid shit to make you smile 😂 also, I think a reason I tend to be wordy is that I'm a writer! That's what I'm slowly turning into a career, I love crafting stories and entertaining people with them and I want to make my living off of what I love. I'm creative in other ways too, I cosplay and make decorations for my house as well as my own clothes. I'm just a very creative person in general. As for my love language I... honestly don't know. Probably acts of service just because I've been in a caregiver role so often in my life and do a lot to care for my family, that's actually why I'd love a partner who takes care of me, too. I want us to pamper each other with love and loyalty you know? I just want someone who loves me as much as I love them 💖
I hope that wasn't too long! Also hope your week gets better, you deserve it, my dear! -Sincerely 💙 Anon
Omg that was so CUTEEEE brb I'll go cry cuz Jason is not real 🙂
The first person that came to my mind when u read your description was Dick, look, he's a care caretaker at heart but will benefit from someone who also has the tendency to look after others.
I don't mean this in a bad way, this exchange will come out as something pure and natural. It'll be nurturing and beneficial for the two of you to find someone who gives the same care you put into others or looks after you in those days you don't feel like giving anything at all.
Another thing that might be a good thing and a bad thing is that you'll have a lot space for you in this relationship. It's not that Dick doesn't care, of course not, he wants to know you're okay and also make you feel loved.
But he also likes to have his own space to recharge. His job is consuming and so is being the emotional support of a lot of people, he doesn't regret this, but he likes to have his own space sometimes. This usually happens when he's sad tho, and he can leave for days without showing signs of being alive.
Dick is supportive so I can see him cheering you and motivating you to keep writing the stories you love, it makes him happy to see you excited about your craft. He'll read whatever thing you write and even give you a few ideas if you left him.
He can also be a model if you want him to, can you do the new version of the disco wing costume?? He can wear that for Halloween lol
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