#idk if i would even include them here
r0mc0m · 2 years
do u folks wanna meet carlos and imogen (the other 2/3 of pushing daisies) im thinking about them today
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laugh with me while i make my own posts real
tha fuckin outfits under the cut
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danothan · 7 months
tough pill i have to swallow is realizing that “getting better” doesn’t mean “getting to do more things,” getting better for me means taking better initiative in protecting myself. and THAT means making sure i do LESS things
#sounds kinda obvious but i only just realized it lmao#feels like i have to grieve a lot of my goals now but no one said the healing process would be easy#danbles#and for anyone else that has a disability that prevents them from doing smth#or trauma that makes certain triggers limit their opportunities#or neurotypes that make it harder for them to love smth like they used to#or whatever else#i don’t want to make it sound like you have to give up on the things that make you happy#I’M certainly not going to#but a huge value of mine has always been experiencing everything life had to offer#and everytime that backfires (whether it’s burnout; triggering a flashback; triggering an episode; putting strain on my body; etc)#i always just thought to myself ‘it was bad timing’ or ‘i haven’t gotten better yet’ bc the endgoal was to always get to that point where#i could experience it. i want to try new things all the time. i want to feel normal and be included in everything#but if smth keeps Making Me Feel Bad then maybe there isn’t a version of myself that can take it on#it’s not resilience to put yourself in harm’s way#idk how well i’ll be able to put this into practice tbh. i rly rly like exploring different experiences#even negative ones are valuable to me#but the least i can do for myself is recognize that i might not always be the problem#maybe i’ve already hit the limit on all the self-work i can do. maybe it’s the environment or situation itself that’s the problem#fuuck guys ​i feel like i’m going thru a stage of grief here why is this shit so hard 💀
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
its so crazy seeing the new tailstube episode and hearing modern team sonic talking about mighty and ray and fang like i know its probably just meant as sonic superstars promotion but Helloooooo i thought those guys were banished to the classic sonic hell dimension forever
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ghst-signal · 8 months
if you know anything about me, it's i love collecting tarot cards. i especially love fandom related ones. heck i even have the official fallout tarot cards.
so when i saw that they are coming out with officially licensed good omens tarot cards i was ecstatic
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look at them! beautiful! cool as heck!
wait a minute
isn't the 6 in the major arcana usually the lovers card?
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what the hell is "the duo" card?
y'all out here really making official Good Omens tarot cards and are really going to "gal pals" aziraphale and crowley? really? REALLY??
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
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here we go. please ignore the quality, but these are a few of the media I highly rate that I've sorted into groups based on shared qualities with other media. the idea is along the lines of "if you like this show because of y theme, then you may also like z show which shares said theme".
a few bonus recs that I couldn't fit on this list (because I either didn't want to give stuff away or because they fit into multiple different groups at once):
Link Click (donghua) (time travel, first season much more about individual stories, second season more plot-based. Two seasons out at present.)
Spy x Family (animanga) (yes, I know everyone knows about this one already, but it's one of those shows that strikes such a good balance between the humour and the drama. and the way that the manga arcs start to increasingly weave in social commentary is so well done. Ongoing series.)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (animanga) (full disclosure, I haven't yet completed this hence not wanting to put it down yet, but so far it's really impressed me. It's a complete series.)
Full list of media (and some more tidbits) below the cut:
Serial Experiments Lain (anime)
Really fascinating dive into the Internet, identity, and conspiracy theories. Despite being released over two decades ago, it's somehow more relevant nowadays. That said, there is an underlying thread of tension and it's hard to piece together what's happening at times. Very surreal and heavy on the unreality. So, it's probably not for everyone (and it'll be fairly obvious early either way), but if that sounds like your jam, then go for it. (EDIT: Also, I just realised that I entirely forgot that this series also belongs in the ND-coded protag circle because Lain's whole deal has a lot of overlap with schizophrenia/psychosis in general.)
Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun (animanga)
The anime is an incomplete adaptation for this (though it does have Ogata Megumi) and the manga goes much further. It's a monthly release and the art is gorgeous. It's centred around a school where urban legends come to life as the supernatural. I've seen some people say it's fairly light-hearted a series before, but I can't really say I agree, especially when it comes to the later chapters. It can play into particular anime tropes at times though.
Princess Tutu (anime)
There is also a manga, but I've heard it's pretty different and I've not tried it so can't really comment. If you like ballet and European folktales then this is the show for you. It's... probably aimed at the lowest age range of all of my recs and it does show at times, but I'd point to it as an example of how just because a show is aimed at younger ages, that doesn't mean it has to look down on you. Anyway, it's neat seeing the protagonists interact with the concept of the story they themselves are a part of.
Revolutionary Girl Utena (anime)
The manga for this is meant to be pretty different so keeping this rec to the anime. Obligatory "look up trigger warnings" if you think you may stumble into something you can't handle, because this show sure covers a lot of fairly dark topics. Still, it's pretty surreal and at times ridiculous so it's not all dark all the time. The premise is around a girl who wants to be a prince, who participates in duels for the hand of the 'rose bride'.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (animanga)
Complete (og series)
The manga iirc is fairly similar, but the anime is really good in its presentation so would recommend anime over manga for sure. The soundtrack and the way it's directed both elevate the story massively. Anyway, twelve episode season, with a movie afterwards you can decide whether to proceed to or not. It's about what it takes to be a magical girl, and what is taken. I imagine most people nowadays know the big twists already but in case you don't, I'll just say that the foreshadowing in it is one of my favourite things. So much rewatch value.
The Locked Tomb (book series)
Ongoing. Three books out, with fourth expected to be final.
Speaking of foreshadowing, this series has so many levels of foreshadowing going on, I think it would take many rereads to catch it all. The first book in the series is a relatively standard murder mystery, but after that, the author immediately cashes in the good will earnt to become increasingly experimental. Each book therefore is pretty different genre-wise, despite being set in the same universe and progressing the same story. Anyway, I know this one isn't for everyone, but I'd say at the very least give Gideon a shot.
Orphan Black (Canadian drama)
This is a co-production between a US and CA company but Wikipedia classes it as Canadian so okay let's do that. Okay. Orphan Black is about discovering you may be a scientific experiment and the questions inherent in that. In this case, it's about clones. The main actor has such range and she plays half the cast and somehow makes it work. I will say it takes her a couple of episodes sometimes to get the accents right (I took psychic damage occasionally), but once she's got it down she keeps it. This one is another genre blender, with different clones progressing different subplots. One of them off doing an investigation whilst another is trying desperately to live in a soap, etc.
Severance (US drama)
Season one complete, season two ambiguously in the works.
More science experimentation. This show is based on a premise wherein people can partition off parts of their brains so that their work selves are entirely independent of their non-work selves. The two selves have no shared memories, but they are in theory the same person. It brings up a lot of questions about nature vs nuture, along with commentary on religious cults and workplace rights.
Oddtaxi (anime)
We follow a taxi driver through his daily life, picking up passengers, dropping them off, getting accidentally (or maybe--) involved with the local gang members. It's pretty chill, but as you go on you realise just how thoroughly everyone's lives are intertwined with each other. And there's a mystery or ten to be solved. If our driver guy can be bothered. This and Reset both fit into the incredibly small niche I like to call "character-based mystery show with social commentary set in a vehicle". Very catchy.
Reset (cdrama)
Time loop scenario where a pair of strangers are caught on a bus that keeps blowing up and have to try and figure out how to escape. I feel like the pace at which the audience figures out stuff is timed really well to whenabouts the characters figure out stuff, but there's a lot of foreshadowing I didn't realise until I rewatched a few episodes. Just, really solid mystery and character drama.
March comes in like a lion (animanga)
Ongoing (manga)
Full disclosure. I have only watched the anime of this and from some of what I've heard about the later parts of the manga it's likely to stay that way, but! The parts covered by the anime are something special. I grouped together this series with Skip and Loafer and Frieren because they're very... they're all about 'moving forwards, despite'. So, at the start of this series, the mc is pretty depressed, but as it goes on you get to see him slowly unfurl out of that. You get to see him make new connections, progress with shogi (aka, what the series is ostensibly about), and just generally let himself live again. It's a very wholesome anime without letting itself forget the darker aspects of life.
Skip and Loafer (animanga)
Ongoing (manga). Season one of anime complete.
This is a definite comfort show and has one of my favourite depictions of developing friendships (I want to say something here about the intersection of platonic and romantic but I'm not sure how to put it). This show/manga follows Mitsumi as she starts at a city school after growing up in a rural village. It has her meet new obstacles and new people and shows how they all influence each other. Overall, it's a fairly gentle story, but I think it pulls off heartwarming so well because it can also do heartwrenching.
Frieren (animanga)
I may regret putting an ongoing anime here before it's even finished airing (staying anime-only for now personally). So far though, this is a show about grief, and living life beyond that. It's a show that could so easily be a tragedy but chooses to venture beyond instead. It follows Frieren (an elf with a long lifespan) as she realises that she hasn't really allowed herself to know people properly and decides to fix that. It's a fairly standard fantasy setting so it's hard to describe what's so appealing about it, but it's very intentional with its parallels, with putting the words of long dead characters in the mouths of those who never knew them. Very cyclical. The first four episodes released in one go, so if you're thinking of giving it a shot, I'd watch those four before deciding whether to drop.
Stranger (kdrama)
Two seasons out. Can be taken as complete at end of either season though still open for more.
So, it's a drama about prosecutors/corruption, a lot of the standard kdrama jazz. It has one of my favourite pairs of besties though and I love how many threads are woven through all levels. It's a show that's heavily plotty (the number of times you're forced to recalculate as you get more pieces is ridiculous but in a good way), but despite that, doesn't neglect the characters.
Mob Psycho 100 (animanga)
An OP protagonist would rather focus on his non-psychic attributes. I tend to struggle with OP protagonists sometimes, but this show/manga deals with it well, because the point isn't actually *about* Mob's powers. It's more about how his powers are linked to his emotions. There are plenty of fights (and they're all incredibly well animated), but the tension isn't usually in "who will win", and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. Anyway, the show is for the most part a comedy (it does have some off-colour jokes at times unfortunately, though they're mostly relegated to specific episodes at least), but my favourite parts are always when you get to see the other side of things. This show also has Reigen, for whatever that's worth. (I hate the fact he's so well-written. Why couldn't he just be the meme and nothing else.)
Arcane (US animated)
Season one complete. Season two in the works.
You don't need League knowledge for this despite it being based off it. This (like a few of the others actually) is a three-act structure following Vi and Jinx as they grow up in the shadows of Piltover. Visually, it's a gorgeous series, and the mix of 3d and 2d works so well. Despite being only nine episodes long, it manages to fully develop scores of characters with their own interweaving subplots, all culminating with the finale. It's another one with social commentary, in this case, it's not particularly subtle, but it doesn't actually need to be. And it does the showing not just the telling so it works in tandem.
Blue Eye Samurai (US animated)
Season one complete.
And now we reach the revenge trio of shows. I will fully admit I started this series because I saw many a pretty gifset across my dash. And the aesthetics absolutely hold up. This is an Edo-era revenge quest by a samurai who has given up on happiness. It starts fairly tropey and by-the-book, but it pulls off the execution solidly and infuses a lot of symbolism into the main trio (especially Mizu, but Akemi gets plenty as Mizu's reflection). There is a decent amount of sex and graphic violence though and, given that the show deliberately conveys various characterisation points through them, they're not really skippable. Try not to wince at the pronunciation of Japanese words either. It's old-style English anime dub level a lot of the time when it comes to names/places, despite a lot of the setting itself being relatively well-researched from what I can tell. I guess it's just a disparity between the voice actors and the writers.
Nirvana in Fire (cdrama)
Complete. There is a season two but it's a next generation deal.
Terminally ill guy returns to the capital to get justice for a betrayal before his time is up. Despite how grim that sounds, the show itself has a much nicer balance between the light-hearted and the serious. It does chuck you right into the depths from the very start (I know a lot of people refer to charts for relationships for the first few episodes until they get the hang of it), but once you start to understand, you can really get the impact. How the previous generation has echoed onto the current generation. Also, the main character is Mei Changsu, one of my favourite schemers. He knows how to troll, even (or maybe especially?) as he's plotting someone's downfall.
The Glory (kdrama)
The mc in this show (Moon Dong-eun) was bullied at highschool, to the extent she was suicidal. The show is about her revenge on the bullies, as she sets the pieces for their own flaws to fell them. I will say for this, that the first episode is imo the darkest in tone. The later episodes do still touch on darker topics (sexual assault, suicide again), but for the most part, the first episode is the darkest to help you understand why she's willing to go to the lengths she is. And yet, despite that, a line of hope runs through the show. There's a line early on about the solidarity between victims vs the solidarity between abusers and it's a real thesis statement for the whole show.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 12 days
husband just said "my street name is EZ Cracker" 🤣☠️
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Nope, I'm still crying
#i wish literally anybody from school remembered me#literally only 2 people i was friends with hace talked to me in the past four years#i had the realization tonight that i was never given the choice to nurture most of my friendships#everytime i tried outside of school hours including trying to join clubs my mom would make me leave halfway through then lecture me#that she didn't have time to drive to town and get me#but as soon as my brother wanted to join junior air force she suddenly had all the time and energy in the world to devote to that#so what I'm getting here is that my friendships and interests weren't important enough or worth her time#i wasn't interested in Junior air force 1 cause it wasn't offered to me and 2 I'm not a boit licker#no#i was interested in the video game and board game clubs cause my friends were in them and they WANTED me to join#but after not getting to stay for more than one full session after a month i left the board game club cause it wasn't fair to the others#and i only went to the video game clu once and i don't remember much of it cause i was too anxious that she was gonna flip on me#i kept waiting for her text but instead she showed up at the classroom and made me leave#so when the same teacher that ran the board game club asked if i wanted to join the chess club cause he knew i liked chess#i told him i couldn't cause i was too busy because i didn't want to deal with begging my mom to let me join#she would have said yes but would have continued not letting me stay and being super passive aggressive#I'm not even in the year book for the year my friends graduated#the one thing she did let me do was drama and i hated every second of it. it was genuinely a bad experience for me#yeah i had friends in drama but it's not the same as hanging with my nerdy guy friends playing a star wars ttrpg#the worst part is she gets so defensive when i bring it up and won't give me a reason outside of 'I guess I'm just the worst parent'#it's in those moments i really remember she's the youngest in her family#OH!! it gets worse! she told me when i was younger that she had to be an honorary cheer leader cause HER MOM absolutely refused to#let her join cheer and she's alsways been bitter about it but then she turns around and did basically the same thing to me ffs#at least she was allowed to hang out with people after-school i wasn't allowed to do that either#no. instead i spent the hours after shcool alone most days and my weekends home alone in my room. and she wonders why my social skills are#maybe if I'd been allowed to work on my relationships outside of a classroom i wouldn't have felt so abandoned when everyone i knew#graduated without me. maybe if i didn't have to start back at square one socially again and had people to text and hang with after class#i wouldn't have dropped out. and i think only atlas knows i dropped out. idk how to text these people without spunding like I'm looking for#sympathy when they ask what I'm up to. like yeah I'm stuck at home with an anxiety disorder and unemployed trying to get on disability#prisma vents
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ngl the worst thing about the xenoblade fandom (which I think is the root cause of a lot of other issues) is that it’s mostly on twitter. I have to subject myself to twitter for any real consistent fan talk or content. legit there's always some new stupid topic of argument ive noticed in the past few weeks on there and its all very silly and frustrating and what im saying is everyone should move to Tumblr. please. for me. 
#siren says#the other root problem in the fandom is that as of 2 there's just a lot of fans who are clearly there for sexy anime lady reasons. and that#in turn bleeds into certain peoples perception of those characters as mostly sex symbols and attracts a lot of...certain kinds of#individuals. specifically ones who dont really understand what fandoms basic principals are. the amount of times ive seen someone going "um#but thats not canon or some comment along those lines is so stupidly high. and I thought it was just homophobia and certainly part of it is#but I also saw it on a fucking glimmer/nikol art??? like. neither of them have any other love interests and its a perfectly cute if cliche#pairing and you STILL have people being contrarian? I think a lot of these gamer bro types just dont understand basic fandom guidelines ngl#and idk I also feel kind of alienated from other queer fans bc I kind of like some of the ships most of them hate and I felt like if I ever#tried to reach out it would just be awkward idk. at least the people I see on tw who I think are very cool writers or artists or whatever#xenoblade really should be bigger on here Tumblr goes on and on about the romanticization of cannibalism and weird divine imagery#and machines that are also alive and maybe even angels and im like. BOY HOWDY DO I HAVE A SERIES FOR YOU#including saga and gears btw ESPECIALLY them actually. tumblr would love A's gender fuckery I just know it but A is stuck to mostly being#known by twitter a cruel fate for an enby if I ever saw one. free A :(((((#actually I just need to get a bunch of Aros into xenoblade they'd understand me then :3 understand me and my nontraditional relationship hcs#xenoblade#putting this in the main tags o7 pray for me
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villainsidestep · 2 months
smth smth fawn’s self rivalry in the siblings!au
#gideon shut the hell up challenge#bc we keep randomly thinking abt how Absolutely Devastating the museum is in sibs!au it ofc led to#us thinking abt the heartache of having to see river take up the sidestep name#to have (who you think is) some stranger waltz in and just stake a claim on arguably the single most important thing in your life#(read: the sidestep name bc it’s all you have left of ur brothers)#BUT. then we started thinking abt how they Also take up the sidestep name again#and the agonizing self-loathing and Constant Mourning that they go through every time they commit a crime#bc it’s not just their own hero memory who they are corrupting and bastardizing but Their Brothers’……..#fawn in the sibs!au is literally the equivalent of being so broken and bloodied and still dragging yourself onward#bc what other choice do you have?#ALSO !!!! bc we love to discuss fawn treating destroying the exhibition as a self-inflicted funeral.#knowing that in the sibs!au they probs only intended to remove their own self ?? but spare cyrus and river’s??#except then cyrus goes and blows up the fucking museum !!!!!!#I know for a fact they’re too busy helping w evacuations to actually manage to detour and save any of it too#bc they def would’ve considered it. genuinely inconsolable later when ric talks to them abt it.#bc here’s the thing. it may not have happened in actual book canon but I know in my heart he would sit them down and explain that nothing#of the sidestep exhibit could be recovered. which is fine for Just fawn but when u include the brothers ??? absolutely not#angie also is the one who chases fawn off which makes it even more fun bc they Just run from her they don’t super fight#and genuinely…. idk if they could have right then !!!! I think they’d be way too distracted and shocked to manage it#keeping up with the beckers
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gothamcityneedsme · 8 months
ive had a ''fav superhero list" in my head for like a decade but im confirming it now. Dc only list: 1 is obviously superman. 2 is robin (all of them). 3 is blue beetle (also all of them). 4 is. Nightwing.
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
listen I think bulkhead is far MORE Boyfriend Material than most of the tfa cast but I doubt the majority of the fandom is ready for that conversation
#i admit i do obsess over the 3 out of 6 main guys the fandom goes crazy over#(the 6 main guys being bee‚ b1urr‚ shocks‚ megs‚ op‚ & blitz)#but in my defense. i only would want to kiss bee and thats it the other 2 i like to chop into pieces and cook them in a stir fry#bulkhead though is by far more hunka hunka burning love than all these losers#more hubba hubba even akdgdldhdlhffl#he goes so unappreciated tho including by myself i dont post any of my drawings of him :[#i think maybe its bc the writers dont. Bother giving him a huge struggle or anything so ppl dont get as invested in him#which could have Definitely been done bc bulkhead had this whole thing in the first ep#where hes like ''im not a brainless brute!! i have a sensitive side too!''#though they. resolve that by ''forget sensitive smashing stuff is fun'' bc this is a show for little boys in the early 2000s#oh wait did i say first ep i meant like the. 3rd ep ig#ok anyway#they do?? kinda touch on it again in later episodes here and there like the dinobots ep but its never.#Really Explored as much as i think it could have.#bc honestly i Love the arc bulkhead goes though where he goes to art#to express himself & kinda try to prove to the world that theres more depth to him than just The Big Guy#but they use it to be like ''BULKHEAD SUCKS AT ART LMAO!!! look at everybody making fun of bulkhead bc isnt it SOOOO funny''#like its not :[ but again this is a boys cartoon from the early 2000s idk what i was expecting#i think if it were made later it would have tackled that a lot better#and Actually have bulkhead being an artist be smth a lot more meaningful#idk maybe thats like me as a sappy artist though#at least the little kernels of a well crafted compelling bulkhead focused narrative are there. they just never put them in the ground#ogh maybe i should start obsessing over bulkhead and do the shit canon failed him on#this is how bulkhead lovers can win#i'll singlehandedly convince everyone that man is kissable (/j i dont actually think i have that skill to do that)#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦
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8aji · 1 year
im a lil embarrassed that most of the posts ive posted (duh) as of late were text posts abt me being sick LMFAO n it feels silly to write this but i think i may log out of this acc for a lil while at least on mobile <3
#not being able to write is making me feel a lil dizzy dizzy#a lil embarrassed a lil 'i do not belong' ya know???#hm yeah i also need to get off my phone bc i start uni next week and i need to wake up early and im soooo stressed bc of another uni thingy#so...i will be deactivating 😔👊#im joking im joking#ofc i wont deactivate i think my shrink would kill me if i did anyway /hj#she was the once that convinced me to make the writing blog#but rn the internet doesnt feel good to me and i need to be more present and more real and prioritise other aspects of my life#i wanna be more stable and journal and move my body and read books bc i like the feeling of the paper and and#i had the sweetest ask ever about my book recs and i was also a lil embarrassed to respond bc im not much of a reader but i try TT#anyway !! aside from this mildly incoherent ramble which i loved writing ngl#i havent been writing a lot and i think ive lowkey un-hyperfixated on tr and jjk so the inspo isnt inspoing#and tbh that feels a lil awful to say bc tr has taught me so many things and helped me grow and im so painfully in love with shin but idk#idk what happened i think i just hit a lil bump in the road of life and the stress has me focused more on real life and other things than#my darling beloveds. and im sure itll pass like most things in life i will feel good again#but rn it doesnt. i havent even caught up with the latest ep of tr :') but nonetheless writing is one of my truest loves as well#so i will comeback hopefully with a few stories mapped out including a lil gojo series and all that fun jazz :D#i have shin naoto izana gojo and toji in store !! and tbh im not ready to just leave them all behind#ANYWAY OKAY this' gone for too long LMFAO but thank u if u read till here i think i needed to rant#that means ill probably be less active than im already am but ill be back !!#still i dont think this exactly qualifies as a hiatus so i wont mark it down as such wait is this a semi-hiatus??? lmfao idk but eh 🤷‍♀️#i love love love love love yall so so so much and forevever and always will#MWAH#<3
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homoeroticvillain · 1 year
extended aitsf soul eater au ideas
aiba: standard issue pistol with a little bug decal on it :] | meister[s]: date, mizuki [briefly]
tama: bright red chain whip | meister[s]: ryuki
mizuki: her pipe, obvs | meister[s]: herself
ota: taser | meister[s]: iris
renju: sniper rifle | meister[s]: pewter, shoko [previously]
saito: carving knife | meister[s]: himself, rohan [previously]
bibi: i don't know.... *head in hands* i want to make mizuki and her different but it is so hard :[
kizuna: very fancy rapier | meister[s]: lien
amame: trident | meister[s]: herself, maybe gen?, maybe iris??
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echthr0s · 1 year
it's pretty common for people to have OCs that reflect their gender and/or sexuality, or their conception of themselves, or their ideal self
unfortunately my conception of myself and my sex/gender is mercurial by design, which means all my OCs also have ambiguous/amorphous sex characteristics, which would be fine except for the fact that I can't always magically handwave that sort of thing. at some point another character is gonna take off my OC's pants/skirt/dress and that sucker is gonna have to collapse into a particle or a wave or we've got some heavy-duty splainin to do
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
hi its four in the afternoon im still in bed and i do feel like shit about it, but
1. my preorder of tears of the kingdom shipped, so it should be here friday after all
2. i found a job listing i could actually apply for that feels really promising
and 3. i got an email inviting me to an interview for school which means i passed the earlier assignments and im actually one step closer to getting in to a dream school aaaaaaa
that is all i gotta try to consume some coffee im just vibrating rn holy shit
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