#idk if kouyou is still alive
ssiegfriedsystem · 5 months
「A hundred years had passed. So, so much has changed in the world, but not as much to Kazukiー
And the golden vestiges of someone still donning an all too familiar scar, smiling on the back of his mind.」
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biscuits-tragic-diner · 11 months
you have a bsd oc.... pls tell me abt them
i typed a whole ass essay for lani and fixed it up a bit and put it in my notes app, so…
tw for uhh mori being himself and mentions of dazai kinnie-ness ig? i don’t want those fuck ass twitter users on my ass cause i said “pedophilia” and “suicidal shit.” …wait-
and she has an older sister. and so basically her and her family were chilling and then her parents got MURDERED!!!!! in front of her and her older sister!!!!! (her older sister is the real natsuo, you’ll find out later,,,,,,)
so basically dazai is there and she forces him to take her to mori and when he finally gives in she’s like “RELEASE MY SISTER YOU ASS!!!!!” to mori and he’s all like “ummmm no but how about i become a colleen balinger kinnie lol” and she joins the port mafia.
so she’s basically told to stay by mori’s side for two years, she’s kinda like a new yosano (her ability, grotesque, allows her to give people wounds from someone else) and so basically she finds out (before she transitioned, and yes i mean she kinda forced herself to transition) that her sister starved herself so she didn’t have to be trapped and she died in the process from two guards that are like “yeah we should tell the boss” (both of which natsuo kills), natsuo (the still alive one) tries to um… kick the chair away… but fails. dazai was sent in to investigate ig and he kinda shoos away the guards when natsuo gives it away that she’s still alive and kinda needs help,,,,, and so dazai takes her to kouyou and (since i headcanon both kouyou and dazai as trans) kouyou tells her that she can pretend to be the “real” natsuo. so basically she starts estrogen at the age of 6 and mori never suspects a thing! but when she’s about 10-ish (for reference this means dazai is 17 and has likely met oda) she was sleeping on a park bench or sm after “running away” from mori (which just means she got sick of his shit and decided to spend the day in town) she meets oda, and they become friends. nothing really important there i just wanted that to be known. anyways, my boyfriend (realtweekscoffee) has an oc named yasunari and him and natsuo are like in love,,,,, and so basically they’re partners and together create atarashii soukoku, or new double black, and are pretty damn cool. so then when natsuo is 12, almost 13, mori is like “hey why don’t you spy on the ada” and she’s like “aight bet” and so she leaves, only telling chuuya and mori, to join the ada. but, backtrack, she’s a member of the doa! how can she hide all this? well,,,,, she came from incredibly smart parents and was always trying to get their attention,,,,,, but the original natsuo (her older sister) was “better” than her,,,,,, so she just kept on trying and trying, even after they died. so one day she goes to a café after a mission when she’s like 8 and she meets fyodor. she probably looks at him weirdly a couple times before walking up to him (with that 8 year old confidence) and says “you look cooler than my current boss and i don’t like how he touches me funnily. wanna be friends? i’m natsuo!” and he’s probably like “oh my an impressionable youth i must keep it in my little jar of trans children” and then they meet up a couple more times until she’s idk how old but she joins the doa,,,,,,, okay back to the regular story!!!!!! so she’s in the ada for about 2 years, collecting information and passing it to mori and chuuya (she mainly says “lol dazai drools in his sleep” to chuuya cause it’s fucking hilarious to her) and then one day she decides to tell yasunari (it doesn’t go great,,,,) but UH OH! i forgot to say! yasunari is a hunting dog! we found out this bombshell about 6 weeks before natsuo tells yasunari that she’s still in the mafia. but then one day idk what happens but she leaves the ada and goes back to the mafia,,,,,, then yada yada she leaves the mafia and then she meets up with fyodor who introduces her to sigma, and she’s told that she is his bodyguard from now on. but uh oh! remember the scene where the hunting dogs go to the casino? yeah, yasunari replaces one of those hunting dogs on that mission,,,,,, so him and natsuo fight,,,,,, lovers quarrel ig. but she’s also stinkin’ rich! not only were both her parents incredibly successful in the italian mafia, but she bought two, yes, TWO, incredibly successful businesses. she bought a law firm that she gets 50% of the income of, and she also bought a fucking lemonade company,,,,, so she’s clearly loaded,,,,,,, not to mention being in the mafia herself????? like this bitch is probably a multi-billionaire(usd-wise),,,,,,,
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Character opinion bingo ask: Kyouka and Akutagawa?
~ Note
Hi Note! :D
Omg... Kyouka and Akutagawa my beloveds...
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They are sooooo cool looking: Kyouka's outfits are excellent and she looks great in everything. Ok so maybe it's more pretty/cute but still. I think it counts.
Wasted potential: Sigh... ok so this might be an unpopular opinion, but while I think she's fine in the main series I felt her role in Beast should've been more significant. While it made sense that her and Atsushi would end up unhealthily over-reliant on each other in an environment where they're the only ones they have... I think it would've been more intriguing to have Kyouka take a bigger role there, since she was so important to the sskk dynamic in the main universe. Also I was under the impression that the whole reason she bonded so strongly to Atsushi was because of his helping and inspiring her... so idk. I wish she had've left the Mafia in Beast and stayed out but didn't get found right away. Maybe Akutagawa is forced to reassess his role as an older sibling based off their interactions (early indications that his and Gin's relationship won't be magically repaired once he finds her). Maybe Kyouka is constantly conflicted between her desire to get out from the Mafia and her desire to not see Atsushi get hurt. Maybe Akutagawa is faced with someone who can't decide whether or not she is helping or hindering him, someone he doesn't know well enough to reach but knows just well enough to feel uncomfortable with the notion of cutting her down. I just think more could've been done than using Kyouka as a means of forcing Atsushi's hand. Plus it would've meant Atsushi and Kyouka angst as she tries to reach him and he tries to reach her and they both, due to acting out of their own trauma and fear, fundamentally miss what the other really needs. Anyways. Sorry for the rant. To clarify, I don't hate what was done (Beast is really good!) I just. Yeah, wasted potential.
They're deeper than they seem: I mean that was the whole point of my "Kyouka's impact on sskk" post. But more than that, she actually has a lot of depth to her. She's clever and competent, as well as childish and snarky. She's easily taken with simple joys and also capable of unshakeable focus. She has issues trusting people and real, honest, believable reactions to her own pain and seeing others go through it. Slowly but surely, she comes alive. She's a whole person!!! And her development is still one of my favourites in the series.
They work better as part of a dynamic: I would love some solo Kyouka focus but it's funny because much as Kyouka isn't intending it, for some reason her mere presence means that someone around her is getting some realization or character development. Seriously. She kickstarts sskk, her choices are at the crux of Kouyou's story and development. Her conflict with Higuchi affirms Higuchi's loyalty even in the face of severe injury, and Mushitarou starts taking advice from Yokomizo when her and Atsushi go to save him. Even Dazai has a moment of genuineness when he's talking to her about people changing for the better - he's thinking about Oda and I'm pretty sure Asagiri confirmed those were his honest thoughts. So, yeah, I love Kyouka as a character individually but also whenever she shows up it means we're getting some good conflict and scenes with other characters too. Which is awesome and compelling.
They've never done anything wrong in their life: yeah :)
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They are sooooo cool looking/Why do they look like that: I. I want to roast him for what he's wearing and his hair but sometimes he really does look legitimately cool, especially in the manga. I don't think I will ever get that one panel from the Fukuchi fight out of my head - the one where he creates essentially Rashoumon spider limbs out of his shirt - I have no idea why he dresses like a goth victorian edgelord but props to him for somehow pulling it off. (This panel btw. Gosh he's so cool.)
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If they were real, I'd be afraid of them: I mean, I think this is a valid thing to feel.
Didn't get enough screen time: Ok so I know that sounds weird but for his importance he actually doesn't get that many scenes... surprisingly? Like, he shows up at key scenes and then basically dips lol. For a deuteragonist and foil of the main character, idk I guess I was just surprised when I started reading at how little he actually appeared. Especially since the doa arc started. Where is my boy Asagiri??? Can he maybe... not be a vampire anymore? K thanks.
They work better as part of a dynamic: Well, clearly the sskk dynamic is top tier. And I love his relationship with Gin and would like to see it expanded on, plus the complicated mess that is his dynamic with Kyouka. His dynamic with Dazai, uncomfortable though it is to see, is very intriguing as a reader and I desperately want to know more. However... tying back in with what I said about the screen time, I really want to see more of just Akutagawa. The Hawthorne/Mitchell fight is so good to me because he's the only character we really know in advance at that point, and a lot of the fight is him thinking over Atsushi's words. I would like to see more of Akutagawa on his own tbh, and I'm hoping that's what the whole vampire thing builds up to.
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kunikinnie · 2 years
pairing: Ozaki Kouyou x GN!Reader
a/n: idk what this is HAHA was just listening to Losing My Mind by Sondheim and thought of Kouyou so yeah lol it's my first time writing for her like this but I hope it's not too ooc? I wanted to try mostly in hopes of getting rid of my writer's block HAHA
A flower born in the dark can only survive in the dark; the slightest sliver of light could burn its delicate petals. But that does not mean it does not long for it like any other flower would.
It was a mistake and yet…
“I should have brought you more of that,” you chuckled heartily.
It was annoying how much you laughed at anything she did. You knew these were her favorite, yet you keep mocking her like this. Were you really trying to get on her bad side?
“Don’t look at me like that. It just makes me happy to see you eat well.”
She knew you could never land on her bad side no matter how aggravating your presence was. Your smile was too bright - it was almost blinding - but she couldn’t take her eyes off even if she wanted to.
You shouldn’t have lingered. She shouldn’t have let you. Now that you’ve finally gone away, the memory of you will stick around forever. It’s so troublesome. So deeply troublesome.
The empty space on the mat she brought made that all too clear. As other people walked around or gazed at the falling cherry blossoms, Kouyou’s loneliness had only been rubbed cruelly into her tear-stained face. Her eyes then fell onto the untouched treats now invaded by faint pink petals. Ah. If only she could bury her feelings so easily as well. Even the finest sweets couldn’t distract her from her thoughts.
“I’m so glad I met you.”
She had vowed to never love again. But the echoes of your maliciously kind words still haunt her - every little moment and encounter where she could have said or done something other than pushing you away continue to eat her alive.
If she had, perhaps these feelings bloomed from ambiguity and uncertainty would have fallen and been carried away by the wind by now.
“I like you, Kouyou.”
Did you? Did you really? If you truly loved her, you would have never said such evil things.If you had any ounce of mercy in your tender heart, you would have left long ago. No. If you truly meant what you said, then you would never have left.
But there’s no point. The only version of you she can beg to is the one that refuses to leave. Like the cherry blossoms that come back faithfully as the seasons come and go, so did her yearning wax and wane. The only option left was to kill the tree from its roots.
A flower born in the dark can grow toward the direction of the light. But try as it might, it can never be strong enough to be able to finally touch it.
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Black Beast, Silver Blade [3]
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Akutagawa Gin, Ozaki Kouyou, Dazai Osamu, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya (briefly)
Warnings: Violence/homicide, mild gore, some angst, idk.
Word Count: 3.4k
"If you're his mentor, then isn't it your responsibility to look out for him?" Ozaki's voice was lightly venomous. Gin had never heard her speak in such a tone before, so instead of walking past the older woman's sitting room, she cautiously peered inside. A pot of tea had been set out on the table, but neither Ozaki nor the young man sitting across from her seemed to be touching their cups. Gin's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the heavily bandaged man swathed in black. If Dazai was here, was it somehow related to Ryuu?
"You know I have to stay with Chuuya-kun this time," Dazai retorted, leaning back on the couch. His eyes flicked to the doorway, widening fractionally as he noticed the girl watching them, and then he smiled as if he'd been expecting it all along. "Why don't we let Gin-chan decide, since she'd be the one in danger? Come in, come in."
He flapped his hand at her, but she hesitated on the threshold, looking toward her teacher. Ozaki was frowning slightly as she also turned her head to look at Gin, but she eventually nodded reluctantly, and Gin stepped lightly into the room, stopping when she stood at Ozaki's shoulder. She waited quietly, suppressing her presence as she had been taught, as she fixed her eyes on the youngest Executive of the Port Mafia.
He hadn't changed much since the last time she'd seen him, and she found herself wondering about his bandages once more. He didn't seem like someone who could be injured so badly, given that he'd apparently single-handedly taken down a small gang without lifting a finger, and yet, she never saw him without them.
"Yah, Gin-chan, you're as cute as always!" Dazai exclaimed cheerfully, though the steadiness of his gaze didn't falter. Even so, Gin could feel herself coloring, and she inclined her head slightly in silent thanks.
"Anyways, I was just talking with Kouyou-san about how I need someone to hold A-kun's leash for a little while," Dazai continued. "She thinks--and I agree--that you're not ready for a mission of this level yet, but there's also nobody else who could handle it without losing an arm, at the very least. We're planning a raid on one of our best suppliers because they've been skimming enough off the top that they think they have a chance at taking us on. To teach them the error of their ways and make sure that none of them slip through the cracks, I want to have a team go in from each side and trap them in a pincer attack. Based purely on strength, the vanguards would be Chuuya-kun and A-kun, but I'm worried about both of them losing control during the fight. I'm the only one who can stop Chuuya-kun if that happens, but your brother will probably listen to you, right?"
Gin frowned slightly beneath the mask that she'd taken to wearing. Ryuu had never been particularly inclined to obey anyone else, and these days, the only person whose words he seemed to hang onto were Dazai's. But before she could respond, Ozaki interrupted, jabbing in his direction accusingly.
"Tell her the truth, Dazai. It's not that you think she can control him, but that if he savages her, there's a chance he'll come to his senses. I thought that we all agreed to keep their relationship a secret so they can't be used against each other: if you do this, who knows what rumors will start? Unless you're hoping that Akutagawa-kun will kill Gin to remove that weakness."
"Aiya, aiya, you're too suspicious, Kouyou-san!" Dazai reprimanded the other executive. "Okay, yes, you're right: I think A-kun would recognize Gin-chan and hesitate to raise a hand against her, which means she can push him in the right direction during our raid. But I really don't want her to die! If A-kun actually killed her, or even if she died because of a situation that he got her involved in, he'd probably be of no more use to the Port Mafia!"
Although he spoke jokingly, Gin had to repress a shudder. It wasn't that she was afraid of Ryuu, or of death. But the way Dazai had said he would be "of no more use" so carelessly, as if her brother was simply a tool that would be discarded if it broke, was an icy blade in her heart. Both of them knew that Ryuu's mentor was just this sort of cold and logical man, but it still scared her to think what would happen if the only man her brother respected, the one who had given Ryuu a reason to live, abandoned him. And on top of that, if she was no longer there…
But if she wasn't there and Ryuu turned his fangs on his allies, he would either be killed by the Mafia or blacklisted if he somehow managed to survive.
"I'll do it," she said softly. She couldn't see Ozaki's expression from where she was standing, but she could read her mentor's feelings anyways in the way the older woman tensed. She was happy to know that Ozaki cared for her, but this was something that she couldn't back down from, and she was relieved when Ozaki didn't try to dissuade her. Instead, the executive addressed her next words to her counterpart.
"It has to be tonight?"
"Yup! I've already sent out the call to muster, so we're committed now!" Dazai stood up, brushing off his pants and clearly indicating that the meeting was over. As he passed Gin, he pulled a twist of paper from the pocket of his coat and offered it to her. Knowing that it was probably information regarding where she had to rendezvous, she accepted it silently.
"Tonight, then!" he reminded her brightly before he left. Afterwards, the room was filled with a tense silence, and Gin wondered if she should just leave. But then Ozaki sighed, taking another cup from the tray and filling it with tea before placing it beside her own.
"Sit down, Gin."
Quietly, she obeyed, taking a seat beside the older woman and turning her head to look at Ozaki. She was startled when her mentor suddenly reached out and placed a hand on her cheek, and she could feel the warmth even through the thin cloth.
"Poor child," Ozaki murmured, her expression soft and a little sad. "I wish that I could come with you, but I have a meeting with an important partner tonight. Which Dazai must have known."
Her eyes flashed with momentary irritation, and again, Gin felt a deep appreciation and sympathy for the woman who had been taking care of her. She herself would feel more confident if Ozaki were beside her tonight, but Dazai was always quite deliberate in his actions, despite how frivolous he seemed. If the situation really was as dangerous as he had suggested, then perhaps this was a test for Ryuu, to determine whether he would be able to expend his powers to the fullest without losing control: if Ozaki were there, even just as backup, he could afford to hold back.
But then Ozaki turned away to pick up the teacup, offering it to Gin with steady hands. Hesitantly, Gin unhooked her mask, smoothing it flat in her lap, before accepting the offering, the delicate porcelain rattling slightly on its saucer. She waited for the other woman to raise her own cup, then took a sip of the lukewarm tea. They drank in silence, and when Gin had finished, she reached out to place the cup back on the table and rose to her feet. After she had resettled her mask on her face, she bowed deeply to Ozaki.
"Thank you for your guidance."
"Come back." Ozaki's voice was low and fierce. "Whatever happens, stay alive: you and your brother. And come back to me. I'm not done with you yet."
"Thank you," Gin repeated softly, hoping that she would be able to obey the command. When her mentor said nothing else, she retreated, unfolding the paper that Dazai had given her and memorizing its contents before tearing it to pieces and disposing of it.
She had hoped that she would have the opportunity to speak to her brother before the raid, but he hadn't come home for dinner. So now she was elbowing her way through the foot soldiers--drawing more than one curious glance--and making her way to the front of the lines. One man tried to waylay her, but he immediately let go of her arm when she slashed her knife at him, leaving the faintest trail of blood across his throat. After that, she was given enough of a berth to let her slide through the crowd, preceded by a low murmur. Thus, when she finally emerged, both Dazai and Ryuu were waiting for her, and Ryuu's eyes widened with shock and recognition.
"You--" he took a step forward, but his movement was arrested by Dazai's arm across his chest.
"Akutagawa, this is Gin, one of Kouyou's subordinates. I've borrowed him to reinforce this side since I need to be with Chuuya-kun. Gin, I'm sure that you've heard of Akutagawa? I hope that the two of you can get along," Dazai introduced Gin blandly. Gin inclined her head slightly in silent greeting while Ryuu just continued to stare at her. Finally, he turned away.
"I don't need his support. He'll just get in the way," Ryuu retorted, sliding his hands into his pockets. Grinning, Dazai slapped him on the shoulder.
"Well, if he does, I'd rather you don't kill him. Kouyou would be upset with me." Apparently satisfied that Ryuu wasn't going to make a scene, Dazai sauntered away while Gin advanced until she was standing just behind her brother.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed. Glancing over her shoulder at the assembled men and women, Gin was satisfied that they were keeping enough of a respectful distance that the siblings could speak quietly together without being overheard.
"Dazai-san asked me to come. I agreed," she replied calmly. "He thought that it would be a good test of my progress without putting me in serious danger since you'd be here. And I think that he's concerned that I won't be able to kill actual people."
She lied smoothly, having rehearsed it in her head for hours as she'd waited for Ryuu. She hated having to lie to him, but she had quickly come to the conclusion that it was better than the alternative. The truth would only hurt him, knowing that the man who he respected so dearly doubted his ability, and her story was plausible enough. It might even be true: Dazai was someone who always saw several moves ahead and rarely did anything for simply one reason.
"It's fine if you can't."
"This is my choice."
Before Ryuu could continue to argue, his walkie-talkie squawked, and he turned to face the assembled forces, raising a hand.
"Five minutes."
As he turned back around, he caught sight of Gin's raised eyebrow and explained, "They'd get in my way."
Then his cloak warped, darting forward in dark blades to slice apart the heavy steel doors and send them crashing to the ground in pieces. Before the dust had settled, he sprang forward, and Gin followed at his heels. As the sound of gunfire echoed in her ears, she sprang off to the side, her eyes picking out features in the gritty haze: piles of shipping containers, a narrow walkway, frequent muzzle flashes. Then the crash of metal, screams, the bitter copper tang of blood.
Leaving Ryuu to his work, she ran silently along the wall of the warehouse, scanning her surroundings for a way up. He could handle the forces on the floor, but anyone on the walkway would be out of his reach, so she couldn't leave them be. If his men were five minutes behind him, there wouldn't be a need for her to be by his side until they caught up, so until then, she could act on her own to keep him safe.
When a flimsy aluminum ladder materialized in front of her, she quickly climbed up, peering over the top. But none of the men were looking at her, as they were focused on the carnage below them, so she crawled over the edge, staying low as she snuck up on the closest of them. Truthfully, though, she needn't have bothered: the man was screaming curses as his machine gun chattered away, and he only became aware of her presence in the moment that her left hand wrapped over his mouth and her right hand drew her knife across his throat. Instantly, she released him, and he fell to his knees, his hands reaching up to try to staunch the flow of his blood as she silently cursed herself for not cutting deeply enough to make a clean kill.
But he would die soon enough. Leaving him where he was, she ghosted up to the next shooter, her left hand gripping her right wrist tightly to try to stop its tremors. Something must have alerted her target, though, because he suddenly spun toward her, and she had a brief, terrifying moment of staring down the barrel of his gun before she ducked and rolled forward, slamming into his legs and knocking him into his companion, sending both of them sprawling to the ground. Gin, on the other hand, had risen to her knees and lunged forward, planting her weapon squarely in the man's throat and ripping it sideways, releasing a fountain of blood that drenched her and made her shudder. Her other assailant was struggling to untangle his own gun, giving her precious few seconds to reach up and slam the heel of her hand into his nose, driving the nasal bone into the brain.
And then a concussive force slammed against her left shoulder. Gasping, she retreated as a trail of bullets followed her, clinking against the metal with more than a few burning through her flesh. And then a louder roar echoed from behind her, making her flinch and drop to the ground as feet pounded by her.
"Are you alright, sir?" A hand landed on her injured shoulder, and she jerked away from the touch as the reinforcements rushed down the walkway to clean up the rest of the smugglers. Glancing over the edge, she saw the troops that Ryuu had held back surging up the warehouse in a black wave toward a figure of wild and concentrated violence. The other side of the warehouse was apparently in the process of being flattened, with dented and distorted shipping containers flying through the air. Waving off the man's concern, she stood on shaky legs, gripping the railing with her good hand and swinging over the edge, dropping onto a pile of containers, and rolling forward to decrease the impact. Her right leg cried out in pain as it was jolted, and she bit the inside of her cheek to avoid crying out herself as she looked down at it.
There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it, other than two holes that bled freely. There wasn't time to treat it properly, not if she was going to catch up to Ryuu, so she used her knife to cut off her left sleeve, wrapping it tightly around her leg to put pressure on the wounds and slow the bleeding. Then she stumbled forward, using the containers as an upper road that kept her out of the potential crossfire as she approached the maelstrom of cloth.
She paused just outside of his range, dropping down to solid ground with a wince. As she peered around the edge of the container, her heart ached to see Ryuu staggering, covered in blood, as Rashoumon whipped around him, devouring bodies with a ravenous hunger. The screams echoed in her ears even though she'd been half-deafened by the machine gun fire on the walkway, before they were abruptly silenced. But at least it was almost over: the rattling of gunfire was more sporadic now, some of their enemies throwing aside weapons and raising their arms in surrender.
And then she saw one pair of dark jaws flying towards a man kneeling on the ground. Without thinking, she ran forward, throwing herself between the two of them. With unexpected force, the beast slammed into her, its momentum driving her into the side of another storage container and making her cough and struggle to draw breath as the air was driven out of her lungs.
"Ryuu," she gasped. She didn't know if he heard her as sharp teeth pricked at her sides, and she castigated herself mentally: the man wasn't even one of theirs, but an enemy. What did it matter if he died? That was the point of this raid, after all. And yet, striking down someone who had lost the will to fight... how could she allow it?
Too soft, a voice whispered in her head. The iron jaws released her before floating back to Ryuu's side, leaving her to slide down the corrugated steel, still fighting to breathe. A sharp pain stabbed her side as she inhaled shallowly, fighting the urge to cough that would undoubtedly make it worse. Foolish, weak, still hiding behind your brother.
An ominous-looking ball flew toward her, but she just stared at it, unable to move. It crashed into the container, crumpling it inwards as easily as if it were a tin can, and she gazed at the enormous hole beside her with wide-eyed surprise.
"Alright, alright, good job everyone!"
A familiar voice rang out in the silence that was settling over the warehouse, and Gin couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief that made her wince. Glancing over, she saw Dazai standing nearby, his hand wrapped around a shorter man's wrist: Nakahara Chuuya, she guessed. Nakahara's skin was covered with dark marks that were retreating from their point of contact in a slow crawl that made her uneasy. Ryuu stood a short distance away from them, his coat no longer a mass of blades, but shining with a dampness that made it glisten ominously. But he remained in control of himself and his ability: a small blessing.
Gingerly, Gin rose to her own feet, using the remains of the container to support herself. The movement seemed to capture Dazai's attention, and he released Nakahara, who fell to the ground in a limp, boneless collapse that suggested he was unconscious. Before she realized it, the Executive was standing beside her, his hand under her elbow steadying her. Ryuu was only a few steps behind him.
"Akutagawa, take Gin to the medics, will you? And then you'll wait to get patched up too. I'll take care of the rest here."
"But Dazai-san--"
"That's an order, Akutagawa. Both of you did well."
Ryuu closed his mouth and bent over slightly to wrap his arm around her shoulders. Bands of soft, dark cloth curled around her torso so that she was barely standing, her weight almost entirely supported by her brother.
"Thank you, Ryuu," Gin whispered. But he just shook his head in response, guiding her away from Dazai and the carnage. Now that the fighting was over, he didn't seem to be in much better shape than she was: he was breathing heavily, and not all of the blood that drenched his cloak seemed to be the enemy's. But there was a fierce gleam in his eye as they walked towards the exit, his weakness concealed by a strong sense of pride that kept every step firm. For Gin, though, it was all that she could do to not lean against him, to reassure herself that he was really there. But Dazai had gone to so much trouble to keep their relationship a secret, to give Ryuu excuses for his behavior. She couldn't risk it all for a moment of self-indulgence: that could wait until they returned home together.
As they walked together, Gin wondered again about the purpose of this exercise. It hadn't seemed like Ryuu had lost control: was it intended as a test for her, after all? Or did her brother simply have a better grasp of his ability than his mentor expected?
And then she smiled slightly, her expression hidden by her mask. They were both badly injured, but they'd survived. That was all that mattered.
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Send § for Shipping - Always Accepting
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(( Alice sent a bunch of these so I'll answer them all in a single post. 
Under the cut for length ))
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@ellegxnt​ asked:
§ maybe with Chuuya or/and Kouyou? o:
(( Chuuya x Agatha is a ship I never thought of but I'm curious about tbh. As for Kouyou x Agatha, hell yeah, classy badass women battle couple :3c ))
@mafiasstxrkster​ asked:
§ for Murasaki maybe? o:
(( Any ship involving my best girl is an automatic 'yes'~ Could be her main (ADA) verse or even a Port Mafia I've been half-thinking about lately *thinking emoji* ))
@buchgeschaffen​ asked:
§ also for Murasaki !!
(( Sigma x Murasaki? Hell yeah, sign me the hell up! A woman who can manipulate memories and a man with no memories? Makes for an interesring match for sure and they could definitely bond over having been exploited for their Abilities. ))
@preislosetrxnen​ asked:
§ for Murasaki or/and Chuuya? o:
(( Oh yes yes yes, Jouno x Murasaki is a ship I've wanted to try out for a while! I'm up for Jouno x Chuuya as well of course ^^ ))
@gxldenerdxmon​ asked:
§ for Oda maybe? o:
(( Oh hell yeah! Given my Oda's canon divergent nature, it'll depend on what we come up with whether Kouyou knows Oda is alive or not, but I'm already looking forward to it :3c ))
@perfektesverbrxchen​ asked:
§ maybe for Ranpo or/and Poe or/and Arthur ? o:
(( Yes to all three of them honestly! It's gonna be interesting with Arthur in particular, since his Ability needs evidence to work and Mushitarou's Ability erases them - enemies to lovers potential? ^^ ))
@nichttxtend​ asked:
§ for Murasaki or/and Henri or/and Kouyou? o:
(( Murasaki out here getting all the love~ The poor girl needs a good man like Oda in her life. Regarding Kouyou, she's another canon divergent muse so their meeting might be different that what could be in canon, since my version of her left the Mafia when she was still a teenager. Oda x Henri is another yes, I'm very curious about how it would go given their respective factions. ))
@rxsshxmxn​ asked:
§ for Murasaki or/and Kuniko?
(( Akutagawa x Murasaki, you mean Beauty and the Beast BSD style? Joking aside, it's gonna be an interesting dynamic, they're both quite damaged deep inside although they both try to hide it in their own way. And Akutagawa x Kuniko? Hell yeah! Although be warned Kuniko will always start off with a great dislike for Akutagawa, she loves her big sister and isn't happy with how Akutagawa mistreats her. ))
@dxnklerweg​ asked:
§ maybe for Kuniko? o:
(( Kuniko x Mafia!Atsushi? Interesting! Given her sister's connection to the mafia I can see it happening and I'm all for it ^^ ))
@schxchterndschlau​ asked:
(( *holds up Chuuya* Ask and ya shall be given~ ))
@kopiertrxumend​ asked:
§ maybe with Murasaki? o:
(( All the love for Murasaki~ ))
@keinexberstunden​ asked:
§ for Murasaki or/and Ango ? Also for Arthur maybe? o:
(( Yes to all three of them, particularly Ango and Arthur! Murasaki too ofc~ ))
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
1 and 98 uwu (chuuya gets cursed by Fyodor and dazai needs to try and wake him up)
1 - Historical AU98 - Curse
Everyone in the small room stared at Dazai who just entered it together with Atsushi. 
Then Kouyou stepped in front of the group and glared at him, her aura deadlier than ever. “I really hope you have a good excuse for being so late.” 
Dazai just shrugged it off, Atsushi finding his way next to Kyouka in the group. “I’m here now, so what’s the problem?”
Everyone stepped aside, Kouyou as the last person and they revealed a sleeping Chuuya.
For a moment, Dazai was taken aback by the thought of him being dead but he shoved that thought away quickly. “What? Chibi is sleeping? And now?” 
“It’s because of your rivalry with Fyodor that he got cursed by him,” Kyouka explained to Dazai and grabbed Atsushi’s hand, hiding a little behind him.
Before Dazai could answer, Kouyou spoke up: “You’re the only one who can break the curse.” 
“Sorry for being a disappointment,” Dazai answered, “but you know I need to touch Fyodor to break it.” 
“No, this curse is different.” Atsushi’s face heated up. “It can only be healed by- by-” He swallowed hard and wasn’t able to get the words out of his mouth. 
“A kiss.” Ranpo stepped forward and pointed at Chuuya. “He needs a kiss of true love.”
All eye pairs were directed at Dazai and he felt uncomfortable for the first time in a very long time. “And what makes you-”
Kouyou’s aura got even darker. “Only because I never said anything does not mean I am not aware of you two dating behind our backs.” 
Stepping closer to Chuuya and without answering Kouyou, Dazai still felt all the eyes on him. Chuuya would probably kill him for spilling the secret without counters and kissing him in front of everyone. 
Slowly leaning down to Chuuya, Dazai closed his eyes before touching Chuuya’s lips with his owns. 
Only the moment where Chuuya slowly put his arms around his neck, made everyone relax.
For a moment at least because Kouyou’s aura was at the deadliest point, Dazai ever felt and he was pretty sure, he wouldn’t come out of this alive. 
Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to hide their relationship and he will be the one getting cursed now. 
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