#idk if this is a normal thing people do i'm so sorry if this is Really Weird 9^9;;
thefooljester · 1 day
could u write maybe a little fic/scenerio where reader and Toby are in a very like calm, relaxed, comfortable environment, I’d say Toby and reader are very close. Anyways Toby takes off his mask and reader is admiring his scars. With a more gentle gaze, not judging or disgusted. And that’s when Toby realizes he likes reader!
What a cute request! + big thanks for the compliment you left in my anon box, i appreciate it alot :3 i hope you like this (and i'm sorry for specifying the reader's gender like this, i just didn't know how to rewrite this as gn in the "scenraio") - - - - - -
toby realizes he’s in love [+ scenario?]
features: ticci toby
reader: female
warnings: maybe body horror? idk scar description but not graphic, i promise
You don’t mind Toby’s scars and treat him kindly – He realizes that he loves you Meeting:
"Oh. ...Oh. I... I didn't expect... I mostly tutor kids, but... u-um... Are you...", you looked down at your clipboard, "...Tobias?"
Said man in question could only nod at your inquiry, not really expecting someone like you to open the door either. It happened on a whim, as most things in his life do, but he really did want to put time and effort into finding a tutor to learn more - or rather... relearn everything.
It might be a bit difficult, simply because he never graduated high school and, on top of everything, forgot most things about his childhood, only really remembering some core memories ...most of them terrible.
Toby really wanted to participate in society again, though. He's left his "previous occupation" behind and ignored the voices in his head... and the static. He wants to put all of that behind him and start anew.
But. Um... He expected a kind older lady, someone who'd remind him of his mother – did he even have a mother, by the way? He doesn’t remember – or something, not... you. You were basically his age and you were so nice to him so far, despite his battered appearance.
"Is everything okay?" Your eyes swam around nervously. ...or so he thought.
"I have Tourette's. The tics are normal, don't worry." He replied without thinking, a sigh escaping his lips. He's needed to explain himself a million times already... What's one more time going to change? Still, he thought that… he’d seem like less of a freak these days.
"Yeah, okay... but... I meant... Don't you want to come in? I don't usually teach outside. Is that uncomfortable? I promise I have no ulterior motives or anything. You… didn’t reply to me…"
Oh. Right. Yeah. Right! Toby smiled, conscious of the bandage covering the gash in his cheek. The wound has healed up by now, but had never been able to close up entirely. He knew that normal people would find it quite gross to look at, especially because drool would sometimes seep out of the literal hole in his cheek. And... He didn't want to scare you away.
"I...I-I'll come in, thank you." He said bashfully.
He looked around curiously. He's been living with Tim and Brian in a cabin for so long that he forgot how regular homes look... especially because he's never been at a girl's - um, woman's - house before. It was... very nice.
"Do you want something to drink? I have water, tea, coffee, juice... milk?, probably. Whatever you want."
He wanted to nod, feeling his mouth dry up and his heart flutter in nervousness by merely looking into your eyes, …but then quickly shook his head instead, remembering his scarred face. He'd have to tilt his head so far back to ensure that no liquid escape his mouth, otherwise you'd definitekly grow suspicious. He can't have that.
"O-okay. Just ask if you want something, yeah? Let's see... I... well, I mostly teach everything up to 8th grade but most p-parents want me to teach Math and Science. What do your k-kids need help with, if you don't mind me asking?"
You're really gentle... He liked that a lot about you. He would almost claim that he'd felt safe around you if he hadn't been so hyper-aware of himself.
"My kids?" Toby wanted to giggle but only managed a wry smile – did he look so old? - and added,”I… need a teacher…” "You need a teacher?" You repeated, tilting your head to the side with wide eyes, at which Toby blushed, "I... Forgive me, but... I might have misjudged your appearance. I thought you were an adult, but if you’re in 10th grade and about to graduate, then I don't kn..."
"No, no, I am. I am an adult." He looked away from you, embarrassed about admitting this, "I'm 24, but... I dropped out. Years ago. I want to learn everything now though... to get a job...and yeah." Toby has never felt this awkward in his entire life. Never - and he's had his moments. Here he was, confessing his messy circumstances to a stunning, intelligent woman.
God should just strike him down right now.
"Tobias, sorry, but... I'm no real teacher. I can't give you a high school diploma or any other qualification." You looked disappointed on his behalf. You definitely had a kind heart.
"That's fine... I didn't expect that much when I contacted you. I'm doing this for me." He added, nervously chewing on his bottom lip before he stopped, knowing that it was weird.
You looked to be deep in thought, considering his reasoning.
It would only be fair if you shot him down now. If anything, he expected as much.
"Then... sure. Yeah! I think it's admirable, to be honest. You're a good guy, I'm happy to teach you!"
Ah, don't play with his heart like that...
"You can just call me Toby, by the way. Everyone does..." "Okay, Toby." You chuckled, causing him to shuffle his feet…
He so wasn’t used to this.
Listen. I don’t want to be the first one to say it but someone has to say it: Toby is a loser – like, socially speaking. He cannot talk to people, how was he supposed to talk to women? Such a beautiful one at that… and you smiled at him… as shallow as it may be, that alone was enough to have him interested in you.
Now, he wouldn’t ever dare to openly flirt with you! He thinks that the relationship you two have is strictly platonic! Even if he becomes good friends with you, even if he appreciates you so much for selflessly helping him… all platonic. Toby doesn’t like you, okay! You’re just a close friend who helps him through his hardships and offers great life advice. He can’t deal with rejection.
Plus… well, he wouldn’t ever dream of admitting his feelings to himself because he knew that you wouldn’t want this whole mess.
...That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to be near. Far from it! He wants to be around you all the time, and he adores the fact that you’ve become so comfortable with him that you invite him over.
On such a day, you admitted that you just wanted to have someone with you because you had a stressful week. Work has been difficult and you had to deal with some personal problems on top of everything. You told him that you needed him “here” because he “never fails to cheer you up”… No, Toby! Hold your horses, she obviously doesn’t mean it like that… But his heart never stops fluttering, even if he tries ignoring it.
It��s been some time since you met and you, over these past months, fell into a quaint routine that mostly involved you two sitting on the couch… comfortably close to one another. Still… all platonic though. Friends can sit next to each other and talk until the sun comes up… all while he’s nervously bouncing his leg and sweating like crazy. It’s perfectly normal!
He notices that you’re quieter than usually… and offers to hug you – impulsive decision… he was about to take it back and apologize, but you just muttered a “please.”
How could he deny any of your pleas?
Awkwardly, he put his pale arm around your shoulder, breath shaky as soon as he felt your warmth against his scarred skin.
Boldly, he tried pushing his luck by laying his head on top of yours as a way to get even closer to you, but your pout and quiet whine made him shoot up and get away from you immediately. Toby was ready to apologize in multiple languages at that point.
“Your bandage scratched me… it’s itchy…”
Oh. Of course. Why didn’t he think of that? He only wanted to please you.
So he took it off with a boyish grin, immediately noticing how your eyes zeroed in on… oh. Oh my God! How could he forget?!
“Sorry! Sorry, I-I wasn’t thinking?! I know it’s, l-listen, I know that it’s… uh…”
Shit. He wanted to die. That thing was beyond obvious…
“Did it hurt?” You asked gently, your hand hovering just above the gash that revealed parts of his gums and teeth, the very scar that proved his past mistakes for everyone who had eyes.
“No?” Toby replied, sheepishly smiling down at you… he couldn’t feel pain – he told you as much, but you… you still wanted to know. You just wanted to make this easier on his soul, didn't you? Your kindness knows no limits, but you don't have to lie to him...
“Are you sure? You… Can I touch your cheek?”
He… was he going deaf?
He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, not wanting to be faced with the disgust you’d surely express once you realized how hard and damaged the scar tissue is… how much courage it took him to look in the mirror sometimes… He knew that is was a grim sight, that is was gross and… just branded him as the sicko he is, deep down.
Your touch burned him. He wanted to cry at your feather-like caresses that traced the edges of his damaged skin, humming at its strange texture.
“I’m just glad it healed up nicely.”
He opened his eyes. Yours were filled with concern… and relief, mostly. You… you were so tender, weren’t you? How could he doubt you for a second… of course you wouldn’t judge or gag at the sight. Of course you’d accept him.
Toby felt his cheeks burn – and if he were able to observe himself, he would have seen that his pupils dilated, practically exploding with love for you.
Oh, he was down bad.
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harocat · 22 hours
Perhaps this is inaccurate, but does it ever feel to you like general cdrama fandom takes the FL being a “mature” character as the end-all indicator of the show’s quality? Recently with legend of Shenli I see quite a few people start their praise along the lines of “unlike those other garbage xianxia with their annoying FLs”. And often it becomes clear they’re trashtalking Lbfad specifically
This is not just Cdrama fandom, it's fandom on the whole; the girlbossification of female characters.
I've generally always favored characters that get this treatment. Riza Hawkeye (badass) vs. Winry Rockbell (immature), Sango (badass) vs Kagome (immature). Sorry those examples are anime, but they're very well known so 🤷
These are also often healer characters, which is a trope that tends to be... sort of maligned. How dare a women be relegated to just being a healer! But IDK, I'd rather have a well written healer than a generic, flatly written warrior any day. XLH would definitely fall under the healer class.
(One good thing I've noticed is that while all the above mentioned girls got a lot of hate back in the day, as time has gone on, they've grown to become beloved characters. You rarely see hate for any of them nowadays. It's great.)
Keeping in mind fandom's general disinterest in women, so naturally the appreciation that does exist is often extremely shallow. Characters that tend to catch their attention because of this are ones that are 'badass' or that they want to 'step on them' or whatnot. A character that starts out more mature is more likable to them because they don't need to look beyond the surface to see how 'cool' she is.
This is not an implication that Shenli is a shallow character (I am only on ep twelve, so I'm not here to give any kind of overall impression), but just that she from the beginning has more traits that are easy for people to glom onto as a 'strong female character' Do these specific people (this is obviously not all fans of Shenli) who say 'finally a mature character' write meta about Shenli? Do they gush on her and share fanworks and create and all the like. Generally no, because in my experience people who like characters for 'girlboss' reasons don't really appreciate them beyond the surface.
These people will gripe about characters like XLH, sing the praises of 'strong female characters', then go back to only caring about male characters 90% of the time.
Xiao Lanhua takes too much work for these kinds of fans. Obviously we know she is strong, we know she is badass and brave, but the XLH we meet at the beginning is silly, immature, and boy crazy. To appreciate her character fully, you have to do more than just look for five seconds and go 'wow badass'. She's a layered, richly written character, but she doesn't start out as the kind of character that fits a girlboss reading.
On the other hand, almost because of this, you can find pages and pages of meta, fic, and fanworks about her, and almost any fan of hers can give you a plethora of reasons they love her that have actual depth.
On the subject of maturity, it's often a case of the kind of immaturity that's acceptable. Dongfang Qingcang is deeply immature at the start of the series. I don't need to explain why.
But his immaturity is appealing to fandom; cute, likable, and funny. It's good immature, cool immature. And I think this is because in addition to being a male character, we're also taught that being immature like Xiao Lanhua is--- is like... a horrible thing to be? But that's not the case at all. It's just normal! Again, back to girlboss feminism. Women and female characters are held to an impossibly high standard. Female characters that act in a way that might be seen as cringe (if they aren't also badass)? Yikes.
Yes, Xiao Lanhua starts out flighty and silly, but she's also a hard worker, and even from the beginning, she's courageous (despite her timidity when confronted with bullies). She's a good character, even at the beginning; she is lovable, charming, and so, so funny. People just refuse to see beyond their first impression.
The goal in writing a female character should be to make them well written, and in that sense, Xiao Lanhua is a great character. She just happens to also be extremely brave and badass, but some people are too shallow to see it. At this point in time I don't even argue with XLH haters. I'm just like 'well fine, I'd rather not have you here anyway.'
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
I'm about to throw all my academic values overboard to get this fucking article done
#linguistics are my enemy#not because I don't like the subject#I'm just........ so much less at ease with this than with literary sciene oh my god#I'm so glad I can mostly focus on lit in the future but let me tell you these few linguistics articles I have/had to do have really brought#me to my limit#and I thought I was already fed up and not giving a shit when I did that one article in summer... oh I had NO IDEA how much less of a shit#was capable of giving!!!#the thing is.... I think objectively I'm still? idk not the worst I could technically be doing#like there ARE people who straight up... idk don't even try to have a research question or who don't read more than a handful or articles b#t ugh#I like academic writing so much and I love putting in the work and I love actually getting into the reseach and finding the most important#texts and writing a balanced and well researched article but ugh..... I just feel like I keep reaching my limits with linguistics#and this time is worse than the others because this topic is SO FAR from being standardized and all I can do is ???? mention that there's#like a hundred different models and then just??? choose one and go with it? which is so fucking unsatisfying#but I swear... everybody in this field is just making up a new model that's just different words for the same thing (and not in the /normal#way that science /always/ is about making up a new model. no. this time they are very unnecessarily making up new models)#ugh. everything about this sucks#I should've chosen a different seminar I should've chose a different topic and I especially should've written more of this in summer when I#technically still had a little more time#sorry for blowing up your dash with complaints this festive season lol. I am just having a time (TM) with the different writing tasks on my#hands and I need a place to vent I guess#simon.out.#sounds so drastic btw I'm not about to cheat or plagiarize or anything but I'm about to do so much less of a proper work than I ever wanted#to allow myself to do. cherrypicking and all.
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obnoxiousarcade · 2 days
im thinking again
#ive been dealt the bad hand; the worse hand; the hand from the arm from the body#im just.....okay#Well aaaa its weird#nothing anyone says to me is to *me*#which is fair-- no one knows me. but i do wish i got it. i dont know#the passing of time is still my worst enemy#i love everyone so much. itssssssweird.#if youre following these posts and saw the last one: i think i am still gonna die soon. awwh man. i dunno#but i have no reason to go on truthfully and i dont feel like finding one#im tired and sad OK?#i do want an acknowledgement again#and if you're following these posts im going to do the same thing i did last time and talk to the three tumblr blogs:#1. hi. i really like you. i admit it. j think youre really cool and all. uh okay im supposed to ask a question so here; how are you? well i#hope. k dont know. i havent been reading up like i should be and as for the second blog im talking to here i also havent been reading up lik#e i should im very sorry. i will make that journal again though.#and third blog: hi!! i still have no clue how to do that one thing but youve really gotten me into the hypothetical idea of differences base#f off of like ...area. the thing you said about that one thing.! i javwnt been doing much about it but thinkin but you know thinkin is fun.#i do want to do reading on it but ive been very sad lately and i cannot be bothered#this is really fun talking to people like this. um#youre very cool blog one ive been becoming a big fan of you again#blog two.if you see this: i want you-- I'm sayin that to specify that I'm talking to you. but i dont. anyway: uh. oh no i forgot what i was#gonna say#okay here's to not talking to anyone particular:#i want to do drugs. its the only way ill be able to handle all this.but i... oh hey i have melatonin!!#hmmmmmm#idk#it just puts me to sleep and i hate sleeping cause im always having bad dreams-- both nightmares and just dreams that Suck-- but...... im#desperate.#okay im gonna take a normal dose and just keep it together i hope#I hate sleeping
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da-proti-toku-grem · 3 months
feeling like a total asshole today 👍
#an aunt's mom passed away yesterday night#i didn't really know her that much just spoke to her a few times for the typical merry christmas & happy new year you know#so when my mom told me i felt bad for my aunt bc i knew they were really close but i don't feel SAD#but my parents seemed to be like so shocked and sad and my little brother even started crying#and i felt absolutely nothing#idek what my mom saw in my face but she went like 'don't you feel anything?' and like wtf am i supposed to feel#like. i'm sorry for my aunt and everything but i just?????#that already made me feel like an absolute asshole but now we have to go there (like 2hours away by car)#and because i am an adult now i *have* to go to the funeral home (?) today and to the funeral tomorrow#and i REALLY don't want to and thought it's making me so fucking anxious bc i haven't been there since my grandma passed away 2 years ago#i really don't want that feeling that i felt back then to come back#not right now#not when i've been starting to feel a bit better this past week#but i'm already failing at that because they started to come back the moment i was told i have to go#and i feel like a fucking asshole because my aunt's mom literally passed away and she (and her whole family) must be heartbroken right now#and all i can think about is that i'm anxious#i'm anxious to go back there. i'm anxious just thinking that i'll have to express my condolences to people that i don't even know#i'm anxious because i'll have to TALK to people and at least try to look a bit SAD but i can't just fake it#bc if i don't look sad my brain tells me that i'm an asshole that doesn't have feelings like apparently everyone around me has#but if i fake it my brain tells me that i'm an asshole bc why tf do i have to fake my fucking personality#why can't i just express my fucking feelings like normal people do and the only thing that i know how to do is fucking complain#like. i know i rant a lot here but it's literally the only place where i talk about my feelings#i NEVER talk about my feelings with anyone because idk HOW to do it#i have like a million things in my mind that i want to tell my mom or my therapy for example but when i finally convince myself to do it#i just CAN'T. the thoughts won't leave my mouth because i don't know how to phrase them properly#so nothing ever leaves my mind unless i make a post here bc apparently writing my thoughts in english (my 2nd language)#is easier than talking in spanish#and at least if i write them here they don't just stay bottled up in my mind#but i'm too tired of myself and my stupid brain that tells me that i do everything wrong :/#i'm gonna shut up now bc i once again reached the tag limit
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sureuncertainty · 6 months
at least now i've gone through an important tumblr rite of passage, watching a longtime mutual become a radfem :/
#the thing that really got me was that they were talking about their morality ocd triggering them about it#bc of the way tumblr and the internet in general has this black and white approach to things#and one of those i guess was 'transphobes = bad' which like. is not what i'm ever talking about when i say that things have more nuance#that said i DO think that the way this website prioritizing hating terfs over supporting trans people is kinda gross#but anyway this person was so anxious about it and it just was depressing bc i related to that#they were SO afraid of losing friends or being cancelled over it and i was just like damn i wonder if all terfs are that miserable#but they acted like they just had no choice but to believe this 'thing' that they constantly alluded to but never talked outright about#which i am pretty sure now is just that they're a radfem or at least believe in a lot of radfem ideologies#and honestly? i go back and forth between genuinely feeling so bad for them and being like well that's what you fucking get#i wish i'd had the courage to talk to them about it but whenever i thought about it i got immeasurable anxiety#sorry for the very long tag ramble i just haven't been able to talk about this and it's been eating ME up too for a long time#i just feel horrible. i know in the past they've mentioned too how they want people to tell them why if they unfollow/block them#but i can't. i cannot. and then i'm afraid of just feeding into their victim complex by doing this#i just can't win. and it's like. i'm trans i am literally affected by their bigotry that they're acting like is just not even a choice#ALSO I REMEMBER HOW THEY MADE A POST ONCE ABOUT HOW PEOPLE IRL DON'T TALK ABOUT TRANS STUFF#LIEK IDK WHAT PLANET YOU ARE LIVING ON MY DUDE BUT I HAVE LIKE 5 TRANS COWORKERS AND EVERYONE IS VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM#like maybe YOU live in a bad area#but you're just a really loud minority#anyway. yeah. just. oof.#still feeling some kind of anxiety about it#win rambles
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nonokoko13 · 8 months
<<DNI if you shame people for having "cringe" interests>> *proceeds to shame or disrespect someone for having interest in fictional stuff they don't like instead of using the block button even though that person has done anything to anyone*
#vent??? I guess??? idk#some people is mind-blowing to me. not in the good sense#idc much about fandom discourse or whatever but the level of blindness or hypocrisy some reach is??#like you see them telling everyone they are supportive and reality ≠ fiction but then make gymnastic levels of stretching to explain why--#--what they like is good 👍 and everything they dislike or they're neutral of shouldn't exist and who enjoy it should kill themselves#and it doesn't even need to be something gross like this time I have seen it is because others like Kuromi more than My Melody dude wtf? 😭#guys is it homophobic to be cishet? Because apparently according to some who support everyone of the collective being cishet is enough to--#get blocked. If it was reversed they would get called out for their weird behaviour but ig I'm the weird one#like. One thing is blocking or putting boundaries because that's what social media is for. Curating your space is normal and it should--#always be#but another thing is opinating [insert sexuality/gender] is 'on thin ice' for just...being on the internet???#Idk what I was expecting from Twitter tbh. Although I see people like that in every social media#so sad and tiring#just say you don't want others to have different takes in whatever fandom you are and go. You don't need to give explanations or aact-#--like you are always objective and therefore correct#Anyway in this house we stan Kuromi and cishet people as long as they don't discriminate anyone for their gender identity or sexuality 👍#If you have read this far I'm sorry. Seems long. Have a nice day 🫶#and if you are wondering no that person didn't do anything to me they were talking about Kuromi/straights in general#but I felt the need to share#tw vent#edit: Seems like they did reach somebody over their interest in fandom stuff. Not surprises there#God forbid people to make their internet experience about their hobbies and interests#instead of curating THEIR OWN BLOG and thinking of what others want them to like instead#just a warning for those who like my shit. Unfortunately for you I like fictional characters being evil or morally grey as much as#fictional characters being good people#sorry guys block me if you want Imma keep using critical thinking 🤷‍♂️#OH AND WHAT UPSETS ME THE MOST: When somebody breaks their own dni to go to somebody to tell them they suck or whatever#like????? Why would you do that if you despise x trope or thing sm???? So you want everyone to respect your boundaries except yourself????#you just waste your own time and those you interact with by trying to create a raging conversation for all parts#fandom discourse
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moe-broey · 3 months
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eggmeralda · 7 months
I hate having romantic feelings this is horrendous I wanna go back to being fully aromantic
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thornshadowwolf · 8 months
#idk what I'm gonna do abt this /srs#like. I thought their videos were fun but that was 5 years ago so who knows about if I still will#and y'know obviously toxic community and annoying fans.#whatever I'll watch some and make a decision based on that I guess.#idc if they're cringe#well I mean. idc if it's cringe to watch them.#but Dan very much was leaning into that 'I'm a weirdo normal people scare me' thing that people who are only one degree removed from#normality do. so if he's leaned into that any more I don't think I'll be able to stand his 'I'm not a normie' normie ass. but I also know#he's been doing a lot of self-reflection and healing and whatever so maybe he'll be better now.#like he was so desperate to distance himself from who he used to be that he needed to make fun of everything he could have been perceived as#and make himself feel like he's better than people like that. everything from being 14 to being alternative to being a furry he needed to#make fun of all that cringe to prove that he wasn't that. y'know? he desperately wanted to be normal while still capitalizing on the 'I'm#different' thing. like his merch/clothing brand was all minimalist quirky-dark aesthetic for example. stuff you could 100% find in a big#chain store but seems just different enough for people who want to fit in but also look like they're cool and edgy and have unique opinions#like. he's the *woman in a pink tailored pantsuit* 'she's so butch!' of weird and alternative.#last I checked at least. like I said; I think he's been doing a lot of personal growth so maybe he's gotten more ok with actual weirdness.#man I didn't mean to rant in the tags here O_o sorry lol.#ThornShadow.said#(also for the record Phil is a little cringey but it's genuine so it's ok. as opposed to Dan trying to make everything 8 levels of ironic)
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startreatment · 9 months
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artekai · 1 year
It'd be nice not to feel like shit literally every night right before going to bed :(
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mooodyblue · 1 year
ignore me lol
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benjimarii · 2 years
Man, the Ben 10 Tumblr fandom has such weird takes sometimes-
It's hard to like... Understand frames of mind for some people. Did we watch the same series?? Maybe you got things out of it that I missed? I'm just so confused.
I don't doubt that their intentions are good, as the series itself has it's issues. But there's just some nitpicks I don't understand. Maybe I just don't get if people are joking or not?
Do the people who watch the show and are in the Tumblr part of the fandom not like the show? Is it a Danny phantom situation? To a smaller degree of course, but still. I mean, I enjoyed each iteration of the show, flaws and all. It's a good series 🤔 A lot of people I come across enjoy the series as well, so the nitpicks seems to mostly be a Tumblr thing.
Nitpicks and criticism aren't the same thing btw. I understand and agree that most forms of media can and should be criticized to better understand it. You can criticize something and be absolutely infatuated with it, that's where Ben 10 stands for me.
Idk, maybe I'm just looking too deep into things. 🤷
Also, please don't take this the wrong way, as I'm just curious and want to learn more about how other people view the series. Different options absolutely matter, and often help people see new light on subject manners that are in the show. Sorry if I appear hostile or anything, as it's not my intent.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Talking with Fabian and whooooooooo boy that was an conversation and a half...
#miranda talking shit#Uuuh i was kinda rightfully anxious? I told him about how i am a little freak and i basically am down to date 90% of my friends#But i got told by Oliver that it could be i act that way bc i dont want to be abandoned/left so im willing to compromise however they want#Me to... So talked about that with him and yep. We finally got into the whole... 'what are we' business. Or well kinda not directly#He said he didn't want to bring it up but we basically are on the subject so... And how hes worried that i will think too much about him#'i worry the more time we spend together the more your life will revolve around me and you'll value me so much more than i do you'#'it doesnt seem fair to you so ive occasionally not talked with you because i worry about that. You're a great friend but I know how much#You think about people. And im worried if you think about me too much you'll develop feelings or I'll mean more to you than before' i... He#Isnt wrong? Thats kinda how i work. The more people prioritize me the more ill value them and cherish them? But also... Idk if he understod#That i dont actively think about kissing or dating my friends? Its just a thing i know that if anyone asked I'd be down for it. But i dont#Daydream about it or anything. But then again he said some cryptic fabian shit like 'i dont have anyone else to compare with so i assume#What we have is normal. I sometimes want to cross the line to see where i still stand with you after doing it' like bro... Im so sorry i am#I am so far from 'normal' and him having me as his biggest both friend and female/woman in his life is probably such a mess i am crying#Me: ok then cross the line and see how you feel. 'but thats the problem. You dont have a line you're so open and down with everything you#Dont really react badly' I know i... Probably am making things hard for him sometimes but this was an holy shit moment /: hes worried to#Spend too much time with me bc of how i can potentially feel? Meanwhile I'm basically 80%+ of all his social interactions 😭 at one hand i#Appreciate him thinking of me and worry i guess but... Yeah. I told him: listen Fabian. My life does not revolve around you and youre not#The only one i think about. You are safe.' his and mine relationship is my favorite but also i definitely worry bc i know how much what we#Have or talk about or act is his... Only reference for girls basically. I mean outside his mom. He's not had any other girl friends and no#Actual girlfriend. So his reference to whats... Okay and appropriate is basically dictated by me and im seeing that very clear now im kinda#Afraid. Like... Im not normal on any level. If he's basing his view on women on me hes going to have an awful time truly... Idk if i should#Be offended or flattered that he thinks he's the center of my world 😭 like hes not completely wrong. I talk with him multiple times per#Week. But i can also say hes not all i think about at all waking hours lol. I obviously love him and care so much about him but im not#In love with him. Not as far as i know anyway. I dont think of him how i do people i have crushes on for example so yeaah. It bothers me#More that he couldn't just say 'im not into you' bc thats fine. He added the whole element of 'im not sure' like buddy now im going to be#Anxious about that in the future. I guess he have no reference to crushes so he cant tell but like... How do you want me to act so you can#Tell? I want an solid answer putting in an maybe is cruel even to me. This is funny bc tbh i dont even know if i would be able to date him#Even if he said he wanted to. Bc i know his biggest wish is to be a dad and i have nog fully embraced that idea even /: 'i can feel how ego#Centered i am. Assuming im the center of your world like that' at least youre self aware sweetie. Sounded like he was at peace with all we#Said and im here like... Binch there's so much to think about i wish i could read your mind i need more information to understand all this
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ukulelegodparent · 2 years
ok yeah maybe I am just a very petty little bitch so what?
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