#idk it will probably wear off soon enough but for now i feel very content
imreallyloveleee · 7 months
the difference between working 9-6 and working 9-5 is literally life changing
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xflippinfrogx · 9 months
Hear me out hear me out
remus and james fic
lee remus
idk the prompt but maybe remus overworking himself idk take it however you’d like but there isn’t enough james and remus fics
Don’t be so hard on yourself~
A/N~ EEEEEE I am so happy you requested this I love this pairing more than life itself and there is not nearly enough content of them!!! Hope you like the fic and thank you for the ask!!< 33
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ LEE: Remus
LER: James. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
You know that burning feeling you get in your eyes sometimes from reading for too long? Normally you’d stop reading at that point right? Yeah that’s not how Remus Lupin works.
The OWL’s were coming up in a few weeks and he was determined to do his very best on every exam. Only problem was that he was so tired that he couldn’t make sense of what he was currently writing down. He didn’t think it was that big of a deal that he had worked all through the night. It was now 6:00pm and all his friends had gone down to dinner. He was running off coffee and leftover honey dukes sweets.
If he could just get through this last chapter and finish his notes he’d be fine. He just needs to concentrate.
Well there goes that plan.
James burst into the dorm looking for his friend and immediately became concerned at the state of him.
His hair was a mess, he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and there were books and papers strewn all over his bed.
“Moony, aren’t you coming down for dinner? Everyone’s looking for you.” James asked softly. He could tell Remus was stressed and he wanted to make sure he remembered to eat.
“No no I’m busy, I need to finish this essay.” He replied, his words slightly slurring together.
“Remus, I hate to break it to you mate but that book you’re using is kind of… upside down.” James had to refrain from laughing as a sleepy Remus became really embarrassed.
“I uh I knew that, I needed it that way to do the.. the spell.” Remus was literally talking nonsense at this point but James is a pretty good translator. He does live with Sirius after all.
“C’mon, why don’t we leave the studying for a while? Take a break, get some food, maybe sleep?? It’ll do you good mate.” James said trying to stack some of the paper on Remus’ bed into a pile.
“No I need- put that down James! I need to work the exams are soon.” He was trying to stop James’ attempt of cleaning, which is hard when your hands don’t want to cooperate with your brain.
The tussled for a moment with James trying to clear away the papers and Remus being petty by knocking over his pile.
“Right that’s it, if you aren’t going to take a break willingly then we’re just gonna have to do this the hard way.” James said, a mischievous glint in his eye as he grabbed Remus’ hands pinning them to the bed.
If he hadn’t been so tired he probably would’ve fought it, but at this point Remus was so done that he let himself lay there exposed. he totally knew what was going to happen and he was really looking forward too it
“James c’mon just let me study it’s not gonna kill me-” he was cut off by James beginning his attack.
He was right, studying wasn’t going to kill him.. James and his fingers were.
He ran his skilled fingers nimbly over the already giggling boys ribs.
“Prohohongs cuhut it ouhut!” Remus threw his head back laughing but that was a mistake as it left his neck completely open for attack.
James took his chance and blew a massive raspberry just below his ear and Remus completely lost control of himself.
He thrashed from side to side, laughter frantic and bubbly. Streams of half hearted pleading poured from his mouth as James continued exploring each spot illiciting even more noises from his friend.
His goal was simple, make Moony laugh so hard he tires himself out and FINALLY falls asleep.
Spoiler, it works.
“Okahahay okaayy, I gihive!! EEK JAHAHAMES I SAHAHAID I GIHIHIVE!!!” He squealed as James blew a final raspberry into the crook of his neck.
He let up, leaving Remus a sleepy giggly mess. James magicked him a glass of water and encouraged that he drink some.
They lay side by side for a few moments in comfortable silence until Remus calmed his giggling down.
“Thanks Prongs.. I really needed that.” A blush spread across his cheeks as he spoke softly.
“I’m always happy to help Moony, just promise me something ok?” He sat up looking down at Remus. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re really smart, the exams will be a breeze!!” Remus smiled. James was right it was going to be fine, he seriously needed to stop being so obsessed about his school work. There’s more important things in life.. Like SLEEP!!
They both stayed there talking for a little while until Remus fell asleep. James covered him with a blanket and began clearing away his books seeing as there was no one to stop him now.
It wasn’t long before Sirius and Peter returned to the dorm confused as to why both of them had now missed dinner. James told them with great pride that he had finally gotten Remus to relax and the three gryffindors spent the evening in the common room giving their friend his space to recharge in peace.
Remus was never more glad to find sleep in his life and he was definitely never staying awake that long again.
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sydnee-kom-spacekru · 3 years
Cosmically Connected (Spencer Reid x Reader Fluff)
Disclaimer: The first part of this one-shot is a rewrite of @reidsnose one shot, Cosmically Connected. This is in no way meant to steal credit from them, or steal their work. This is merely a rewrite and extension. I have permission to rewrite this.
Summary: Reid doesn't believe in soul mates, and you convince him. After, you go and watch movies and he reads to you, and things are said.
Warnings: FLUFF, slight language, makes me want to scream just starting to write it, etc. Nothing bad.
A/n: Idk if Reid has watched Harry Potter. So let's just say he hasn't. This is set in season 5. F/c stands for favorite color.
Requested: No. Well, by me but that's it.
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The BAU was had an unusually slow day. Paperwork and jokes were all that went on.
It was just you, Garcia, and Reid left. Even though it was only six in the evening.
You were coming back from the restroom when you heard a loud bang! You panicked, and rushed to the cubicles, getting ready to pull out your gun.
After you realized that nothing was wrong, you noticed that Garcia was the source of the loud noise. She had slammed her hands down on Reid's desk.
You sighed out of relief, "What the hell?" It was part relief, part anger at them for causing you such grief.
Garcia stood straight up, pointing at Reid, who looked amused. "Him." Was all she said.
"Uhm," You breathed out a laugh. "You'll have to fill me in." You were smiling, you adored the people in front of you.
"He, he doesn't believe in soulmates, Y/n. Soulmates! What kind of person..." She trailed off, sitting down in your chair.
Spencer just shrugged, smiling. "I am a man of science, Garcia! And science says no."
You hummed, and he turned towards you, "What's that supposed to mean?" His voice got higher as he went on.
"Because," you said, leaning against his desk. ""Science Man", science says "yes"."
"Oh! Y/n told me about this last Tuesday!" She turned towards you. "You remember, I said you sounded just like boy genius over here." She giggled and waved you on.
You nodded and stood up, stealing Reid's glasses, putting them on. Reid just smiled at you, laughing making you snort.
"Now tell me!" He said impatiently.
"I am, calm down!" You cleared your throat. "So, you know when the big bang or whatever caused the creation of the universe, there were all sorts of molecules and space dust that was together at one point, broke apart. I'm accurate so far, yes Mr. Science Man?" You smirked.
"It's Doctor. And, yes?" He glanced to the sides.
You snickered, then continued. "The whole universe is made of such particles?"
"You're correct."
"And humans are made of previously mentioned space dust?"
"Yeah, that's right." He said cautiously.
"So two people could be made of the sae space dust that was once whole?" He sputtered, you smiled. You knew you had him.
"Y-yeah, I guess that could happen."
"In such a case, these two space dust beings are cosmically connected. They are bound together from the beginning by the beginning." You watched as he slowly became more impressed. "These two souls are connected. In other words;" You paused, wiggling your fingers and underlining the imaginary word, "soulmates!"
You sat back, satisfied with the effect that the words had on him. You knew his brain was racing, you could tell. You watched him as he worked this in his brain. You loved to just watch him think, to exist, every little thing he did brought a blush to your face. Never in your life had you met a person quite like Doctor Spencer Reid. It was quite embarrassing, actually. To have such a ginormous crush on one of your co-workers.
But, you shook off your euphoria, you were convinced he didn't feel the same way. As long as you could be his friend, you were content enough, for now.
He kept opening and closing his mouth, trying to think of something to say. He felt as if you had electrocuted him, but in a good way. A refreshing way. "I-, I can't believe it, Y/n."
"Ha! You did it, Y/n! You proved our very own resident genius wrong!" She smiled an award winning smile, flashing all of her teeth at you.
"So," You grinned at him. "Wha'd'ya say, Brainiac? Convinced yet?"
"Well, Y/n, science is science. Soulmates are true." He cracked a goofy smile.
But what you didn't know is that it wasn't your lecture that convinced him. It was the fact that he believed that he had found his soulmate, right then and there. It was you.
Spencer realized as you were telling him, the way you looked at him, with complete adoration, he thought he was going to melt. He felt his heart rate speed up as he thought about the last couple of weeks, how you were there for him when he needed someone most. How he loved to be around you, how he longed to be. How he felt warm inside when you were around, how he loved every little thing about you. He was then hit with a sudden realization. He loved you.
"Yes!" You practically screamed, snapping him out of his thoughts. He realized that it had only been two seconds, two seconds of him thinking of everything about you.
You jumped off of his desk, and hugged Garcia, who had stood up. You pulled back, now you were both chanting "Science says soulmates! Science says soulmates!" You sat down, and Garcia pushed you in your chair around the office.
Garcia pushed you down the hallway, the sound of you guys' laughter fading off.
Morgan came into the office, slapping Reid on the back, laughing. "When are you going to tell her?"
"I don't know, probably never. Maybe not even then." Reid shrugged. Then, desperate to change the subject, he quickly said, "By the way, what are you doing here, Morgan?"
"No no no, Man! Don't change the subject. Why not?"
Reid turned red, "She isn't into me like that, Morgan. You've seen the guys she's gone out with." He scoffed.
Morgan sat down, getting serious. "Come on, Reid. You're a profiler, you have to know she's into you." Spencer just shrugged, but enjoyed the idea of you liking him back.
Morgan just hung his head, laughing. He stood up. "I can't wait to tell you I told you so."
"Then you'll be waiting for a long time."
"Ah! But not forever, Pretty Boy. Not forever!" He laughed as he walked out.
Reid laughed, but a small smile tugged at his lips at the idea of a relationship with you.
"Damn it." You sighed in resignation at your phone. You were getting ready to leave, to head to a friends house. Have a Harry Potter Marathon, watch all of them consecutively. You baked 200 cookies, literally.
And they just cancelled on you. You spun in your chair, you were disappointed to say the least. You've had this planned for a month.
Reid walked up behind you, peering over your shoulder. "What's the matter?"
You sighed, leaning your head back and looking at him. "It's nothing, my friend just cancelled on me. She's sick." He pursed his lips, "Oh, I'm sorry Y/n." You shrugged.
"Can I do anything for you?" He sat down in his desk, which was in front of yours, facing you. You guys only had laptops, so it was easy to see over them.
You thought as you packed your stuff. You both headed to the door, it was dark even though it was only seven. It was November. "I guess you could come over and help me eat all of the cookies I made. And you could have a Harry Potter marathon with me." You grinned, looking up at him.
"Okay," he paused. "How many movies are there?" You stopped as you came to your car.
"Have you never seen or read Harry Potter?"
"No, it didn't interest me." You raised your eyebrows.
"Okay, then we'll start the books tonight." You stated, and opened the passenger seat for him.
The ride to your apartment was quiet, The Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background. It started to sprinkle. You were nearly home, maybe five minutes.
"Hey Spencer?" You started.
"Hmm?" He turned to face away from the window and look at you.
"Do you really believe in soulmates now?" You shifted in the driver seat, glancing over at him.
He didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes." His breathing had sped up. "Uhm, Actually," You came to a stop at the red light, and turned up the heat, it was cold. "I think that I've met mine." He barely blinked as he waited for your reaction.
Your heart sunk, but you recovered. Quickly telling yourself it was never going to happen anyways. "Really?" You voice sounded unnatural, but you didn't know how to fix it. "Who is it?"
He hesitated. "I'm not sure I want to tell anyone just yet."
You swallowed, and resumed driving after a car behind you honked at you.
You waved at them as they passed you by, mouthing "Sorry."
You pulled into the parking garage, taking out an umbrella from the trunk. You could hear the rain beating down on the floors above you. Spencer got out of the car, coming up beside you and putting his hand on your shoulder, making you shiver. "I'm sorry, I didn't bring an umbrella." He shouted over the thunder, but at the lat second it ended, and his voice echoed throughout the garage. A mother holding her baby glared at him, and he whispered sorry. After she was gone, you both burst out laughing.
"That's alright," you said as soon as you calmed down. "We can share. But you have to hold it, my arm would get tired." You smiled at him, handing him the umbrella. He unravelled it, and it had a hole in it. Right in the center.
"Oh no." You said, dragging out the 'o', groaning. "It's too big, it wouldn't cover us up anyways. I hope you have extra clothes." You chuckled.
"Wait," He shrugged off the trench coat he was wearing, and held it over both of you. "There we go." He sounded proud of himself. You just giggled at him, and held yours and his things close to you.
You ran across the street, trying to keep up with Reid.
You flopped down on your couch, Reid stood there awkwardly with the sopping coat. "Shoot! Sorry, here give it to me." You stood up and reached for it, and went to put it into the washer.
"It should be done pretty quick," you hollered from the laundry room, "my washer and dryer-" You turned around, then yelled. Reid was standing right there.
"Jesus! Spencer you scared the living hell out of me!" You smacked his chest.
"Sorry, I heard you talking and I came back here..." He backed up to let you by.
You sighed, laughing and turning on the heat. It was freezing in your apartment. "Come on, I have literally over two hundred cookies in my kitchen, and I have the first book in my room." You point out the kitchen, and tell him to grab the cookies.
You went to your room, looking through your book shelves for the first book. "Ah-ha!" You whisper shouted to yourself, you had found the Sorcerer's Stone. You grabbed it off the shelf, and went back down the hallway.
"Hey, Spence! I found..." You trailed off as you found Spencer on the floor in your living room, with a large plate piled high of the different kinds of cookies you made. He was watching some random movie that was on. You just set the book down on the table, and sat down next to him, taking a cookie off the plate. He smiled close lipped at you, "These cookies are so good, Y/n." He looked adorable, he was so happy. You couldn't help but look at him for a little while, he kept laughing at random parts in the movie.
About an hour and forty-six (Spencer counted) cookies later, the movie was over. "I need to go shopping, so I don't have very much food in here besides leftovers." You said, opening the fridge. It was nearly empty, day-old Chinese, a small bottle of orange juice, and just a smidge of cookie dough. "Do you wanna order some pizza?"
You heard Spencer get up and enter the kitchen. "Do what? I heard you say that you had leftovers, but not the second part."
You turned around. "I asked," you paused, turning around and closing the fridge. "If you wanted to order pizza. Or I could just drop you off at your apartment." You added the last part quickly, not thinking about it until the last second. You walked back to the living room, sitting down sideways on the loveseat, your feet up on the second cushion. He came and picked up your feet, sat down, and put them back on his lap.
"We can order pizza, what kind do you want?" He asked you. You shrugged.
"How about we just get hot wings." You suggested.
"Oh my God, my mouth is on fire." You laughed. "We shouldn't have gotten the ghost pepper flavour."
Spencer was whining, waving his hands in front of his mouth. You burst out laughing, he glared at you but he was smiling. "Hey! This isn't funny."
You groaned, drinking some water. "Shit. That didn't help." You whined, sticking out your tongue. Spencer had gone to your kitchen, you didn't notice.
"I found Orange Juice. Can I have some?" He asked, faking desperation. It was a cheep little bottle, one you get from the dollar store.
"Yeah, just don't drink it all." He took a long drink, and handed it to you. He sighed in relief.
"It's better. Did you know, the reason the orange juice helps is because of the..." You weren't listening. You weren't trying to be rude, but you were just focused on the orange juice. You finished the small bottle and set it down on the table next to the empty container that smelled spicy. You laid down on the loveseat, closing your eyes for a second. It was only ten, but you were unusually sleepy.
"...Neat, right?" You just nodded. You were sleepy, and you still wanted to read with Spencer.
"Y/n? Are you tired?" He sat down in the space between the coffee table and the loveseat, and you felt his put his hand on your cheek, rubbing over your cheekbone with his thumb. You opened your eyes, a sleepy smile on your face.
"I have to take you home." You said, but made no move to get up.
"Hey, shh." He brushed your hair out of your face, causing you to turn red. "I can sleep on the couch here tonight."
You sighed contently, "You should come read Harry Potter to me." You whispered. You were in a daze, half asleep and unsure if this was real or not.
"Okay." Reid whispered, and waited a few seconds. When you didn't move, he reached under your head, and your legs. Then picked you up.
You woke with the sudden movement, "Sorry, you can put me down now." He set you down in the hallway, and you stumbled to your room. You pulled back the f/c blanket, and laid down. You patted the spot next to you, and he climbed in next to you.
You scooted closer to him, snuggling into his side. "Can you read to me please?" He nodded, not that you could see, but started reading.
""Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of Number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."" He started playing with your hair mindlessly, lulling you to sleep even faster.
"Spence." You looked up at him, your eyes were droopy. He raised his eyebrows, asking you what was wrong. "Can you sleep in here, please?"
"Yeah, I will." He said gently. You nodded, and laid back down. You barely heard the rest of the first paragraph.
You were running through a hallway. The lights flashing. Someone was chasing you, screaming things at you. But you couldn't hear, it was like the words were blurred. You glanced back, he was right behind you. You tried to run faster, but when you turned back around, there was blood spattered everywhere. It made you stumble. The unsub caught up with you, tackling you to the floor. He grabbed onto your neck, and bashed your head into the ground-
You woke up with a jolt, terrified, in a cold sweat. You grabbed onto Spencer in pure reflex, waking him up. He sat up quickly, reaching over to turn the light on. It let off a soft light, and you saw the book on your bedside table with a bookmark in near the end.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face in his hands, brushing your hair out of your face.
Your breathing was shallow, and your heart was racing. You were having a minor panic attack. "Spence," You breathed out, it was like you couldn't stop moving, you had to convince yourself you were safe. "I can't- I can't- I can't breathe." You were sweating, horrified that the unsub was going to find you.
He held you close, trying to soothe you. "I need you to breathe with me, Y/n." Your chest was heaving, you struggled to get your breathing under control. You nodded, and tried to breathe with him as he showed you to breathe in and out. You were tugging at the bottom of your shirt, until Spencer grabbed your hands in his and started covering them.
"You'll be alright," he whispered, pulling you close again. You had calmed down, now silent tears were falling down your face. You were just trying to listen to the sound of his heart beating.
"Do you want to talk about it? Talking about your feelings actually have positive effects. Talking leads to Catharsis, which is the feeling of relief." He toys with your hair while you tell him about the nightmare. "I'm so sorry."
He pulled away from you, looking at you. "I just want you to know, I will never let that happen to you." You pulled him back to you, you probably looked like a mess. "What time is it?"
"It's one in the morning."
"Can we go back to sleep, please?" He nodded, and lay back, taking you with him. You sniffed. "Can you read, please?" He reached over to grab the book, and resumed reading.
"I'm on the last page, I hope you don't mind that I read ahead."
"Of course not, I'm surprised you didn't finish the entire series."
He laughed a little, then five minutes later, ""...I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer. . ."" You sighed, you were calm now. Still shook up from the nightmare, but calm.
"Do you have the nightmares often?" He whispered to you, tracing circles on your back.
"Yeah, almost every night." Your eyes were closed, and you were close to sleep. He lifted his head up, hesitated and laid back down.
Another ten minutes went by, you were nearly asleep when you heard Spencer say something. "You're my space dust." He sounded groggy, and you had convinced yourself he was sleep talking. But you still hoped.
You woke up to your alarm at seven-thirty. You were laying on top of Spencer, between his legs. "Sorry. Do you want me to drive you home so you can change?"
"How about we call in sick, it's just paperwork today." He sounded tired.
"Okay, I'll text Hotch." Though neither of you made a move to actually text him for another hour. When you did, he just smiled at his phone. The entire team had suspicions about the two of you, although you had never acted on it.
After, you both just laid there together, until you remembered what you thought you heard last night.
"Spencer?" You asked hesitantly.
"What's up, Y/n?" You were laying next to him, head on his chest. His arms were wrapped around you, which is weird. Because he's generally not very touchy.
"I think you said something last night. But I'm not sure that I heard you correctly..." You were timid, and you felt him tense up.
"W-what do you think y-you heard?" He stopped moving completely now, but you were very fidgety.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but I thought I heard you say that I was your space dust. D-did you say that? Do you mean that- that..." You rambled on, just until Spencer interrupted you.
"Y/n." You stopped talking, and you both sat up. "I mean it like that." You sucked in a breath.
"I need to hear it." Your voice was shaky, and your throat was burning. But you didn't want to cry, you couldn't cry in front of him again.
He grabbed your hands in his, took a deep breath, and "Y/n, I-I love you." You couldn't help it, you pulled him to, and pressed your lips to his. It was like fireworks had gone off.
Your stomach was turning, Spencer had one hand on the back of your neck, and the other was holding one of yours. You had never kissed anyone and felt something deep inside you like this.
You pulled away from him, smiling. "You're my space dust too, Spence." And you gave him one last kiss before getting up and going to make breakfast
AHHHH IT'S FINISHED lmk if you like it
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1-800-smash · 4 years
「 first time sexting. 」
feat. midoriya, bakugo, and todoroki.
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summary: distance was never uncommon in your relationship, that would always come with dating a pro hero. but what would happen if one of you decided to spice things up while the other is away?
warnings: nsfw content. 
[ all character’s are aged up appropriately. ]
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i really enjoyed this prompt, not all characters could avoid the awkwardness that is sexting for the first time *cough* todoroki *coughs harder* midoriya. anyways, i hope you like it!  ♡ — shelbs.
submitted — [09.16.20]
nsfw under the cut.
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⚘ midoriya looked nervously down at his phone, his face as red as the lipstick you were wearing in that scandalous photo you just sent him.
⚘ you were standing in front of your bathroom mirror at home, lips parted and eyes gleaming mischievously.
⚘ You had positioned yourself in front of the mirror with one finger outstretched to barely cover your nipples through the reflection, while the other hand which held your phone captured the same finger, only this time, with precise positioning of your arm, it now appeared to cover your naked lower half through the screen.
⚘ wish you were here ;)   
⚘ midoriya.exe has stopped working.
⚘ he shook his head at an attempt to focus better as he tried desperately to think of a response.
⚘ the silence on his end made you smirk in satisfaction; you knew he had read your message and you delighted how easily you could render your boyfriend speechless.
⚘ i really wish i was home now. 
⚘ it wasn’t a rare occurrence for your boyfriend to leave for extended periods of time for work trips, being the no. 1 pro hero wasn’t an easy job after all.
⚘ but right now, midoriya couldn’t wait for this work trip to be over.
⚘ ...and for his hard on to stop painfully rubbing against his boxers.
⚘ not yet satisfied with teasing your helpless boyfriend you decided to push the limit just a little bit more.
⚘ what would you do if you were? 
⚘ and with that you have officially broken your boyfriend.
⚘ midoriya’s body felt too hot under his clothes and his mind was running miles a minute, all filled with images you two together in not so innocent positions.
⚘ he felt relieved that you sent him this while he was in his hotel room for the night, wasting no time trailing his hand all the way down his stomach, stopping just at the tent protruding from his boxers.
⚘ i would kiss you. he replied.
⚘ where?
⚘ he whined a little at your text, you kept making things so difficult for him.
⚘ his hand was now underneath the fabric of his boxers, slowly fisting his cock in a rhythm he was all too familiar with. 
⚘ everywhere.
⚘ you grinned at his response, your own hand coming down to tease at your wet folds.
⚘ the hand that held your phone came down to snap a pic of just how dripping wet you were for him, your arousal glistening in the image from the flash going off.
⚘ do you want to kiss me here? you teased him.
⚘ god yes.
⚘ midoriya thrust into his hand sloppily, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer if you kept this up.
⚘ just then an idea went off in his head and he ripped his hand off his cock, already missing the sweet friction it had given him.
⚘ he pulled his boxers down his legs and held his phone up, bringing his hand back down to his length he pumped it once more, a bead of precum oozing from the tip as he squeezed his hand tighter.
⚘ he quickly took the photo and sent it before he continued his earlier ministrations.
⚘ is it ok if you kiss me here too? he asked.
⚘ midoriya drinks respect women juice.
⚘ oh i’ll do more than kiss it... ;)
⚘ it did not take him long to finish after he imagined your plump, velvety lips wrapped sinfully around his shaft, his cum spilling over onto his stomach with a heavy sigh.
⚘ god, he loved the things you did to him.
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⚘ bakugo glanced down at his phone with a grunt of annoyance.
⚘ shitty woman... it was damn near midnight, why the hell were you texting him?
⚘ he didn’t think it was anything too important, otherwise you would have called him.
⚘ unlocking his phone, he was met with quite the surprise.
⚘ you sat naked on the bed in a tantalizing position, your phone catching your reflection through the mirror. you were all but naked except for the towel wrapped loosely around your waist and your hair was wet.
⚘ you must’ve just gotten out of the shower.
⚘ miss you ;)
⚘ you waited on the other end of the screen, your heart beating out of your chest at the anticipation.
⚘ it wasn’t like you hadn’t thought of doing this before but now with bakugo was gone for a work trip you couldn’t think of a better opportunity.
⚘ wtf are you doing y/n?
⚘ of course behind his cold, hard exterior, bakugo did like the pic you had sent.
⚘ like wasn’t enough, love was much closer, but he wasn’t going to admit that to you so easily, oh no.
⚘ you had to work for it.
⚘ i thought you would like it...
⚘ your chest hurt a little at thought of bothering him, he was probably tired after his trip and maybe it was just poor timing.
⚘ of course i like it dumbass, just send more pics already
⚘ you smiled inwardly at his message, but just like your stubborn boyfriend you wouldn’t be so easy to back down either.
⚘ idk... why should i send more when you haven’t even sent one back? that doesn’t seem like a fair trade katsuki...
⚘ bakugo cursed under his breath at your response, god why did you have to be such a fucking tease.
⚘ his cock strained against the fabric of his boxers, his hand leaving a hot trail against his skin until it stopped just at the hem.
⚘ his fingers made quick work of releasing his length from the tight confines of his boxers, hissing slightly when he felt it hit the cold air of the room.
⚘ bringing his phone down, he snapped a picture of his one hand wrapped tightly around the shaft of his cock, a bead of precum protruding from the tip.
⚘ here, dumbass... you’re lucky i’m not there right now.
⚘ you couldn’t help the mischievous glint in your eye as you read over his response, the picture he sent a familiar heat pooling between your thighs. 
⚘ what would you do if you were?
⚘ you smiled cheekily down at the screen, you knew exactly what you were in for...
⚘ and you couldn’t wait.
⚘ i’d throw your legs over your head and finger fuck you until you squirt all over my fucking hands then pound pussy into the mattress.
⚘ the deep blush that tinted your cheeks made you feel too heated and your fingers began to wander down your body, burning a trail wherever they went.
⚘ is that a promise? you replied and set the phone down to tease yourself some more.
⚘ your nimble fingers slipped down and teasingly ran over your slick folds, you shuddered at the feeling as you continued to lazily stroke your clit. 
⚘ a buzz from your phone caught your attention and your eyes took in every word of his response.
⚘ and don’t even think about fucking touching yourself until i get home, princess.
⚘ now, let me see that pretty pussy of yours... he continued.
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⚘ shoto looked down at his phone screen, confusion clear on his features.
⚘ he could not wrap his head around why you were asking him for a picture at 12:08 at night. 
⚘ he was pretty worn out from his flight and had only made it back to his hotel a few hours ago. he made sure to text you when he arrived and you two had texted back and forth for a little while.
⚘ shoto knew how badly you missed him whenever he left on work trips but he didn’t expect you to miss him so soon.
⚘ he took a quick pic of himself lying in bed, his hair was tousled and his eyes looked tired but he still managed to form the barest hints of a smile for you.
⚘ of course, you would’ve loved to see your boyfriend’s cute face any other day but right now all you could focus on was his bare, toned chest cut off at the bottom of the photo.
⚘ you giggled at how he misread your flirty text of send me pic, sexy ;) for wanting an innocent, non x-rated, photo.
⚘ regardless, you did save the picture he sent anyway because i mean, come on your boyfriend is adorable, why wouldn’t you?
⚘ you decided to move things in the right direction by sending a picture of your own.
⚘ you discarded your shirt and set your phone on the bed to take a photo. one of your hands came up to toy with your breast while the other explored the inside of your lacy panties.
⚘ your phone’s photo timer went off and you quickly had the picture sent to your boyfriend’s phone, followed by maybe something more like this?
⚘ shoto stared at the risque photo and it almost seemed as if a light bulb went off in his head.
⚘ he could feel his cock start to get hard at the thought of sending you something like what you had shown him.
⚘ which he loved, by the way.
⚘ only issue was shoto had zero experience with these types of things.
⚘ did you want a picture of his dick? he had no idea.
⚘ he thought that would be too much, so he opted instead to take photo in front of the hotel’s bathroom mirror. the brightness bothered his eyes as he turned the light switch on so he could see.
⚘ he cupped his erection with one hand and took the photo with his other, trying to look at least somewhat casual as he did so. 
⚘ he hit send followed by the question of is this ok?
⚘ oh it’s more than ok, babe ;)
⚘ however, you still weren’t quite satisfied. the heat pooling between your legs at the very thought of swapping naughty texts with your boyfriend.
⚘ you are by far the sexiest person to exist, holy fuck babe.
⚘ i can’t wait to for you to come home so i can run my tongue all over your hard cock...
⚘ shoto’s face flushed pink at your words as he kneaded his cock through his sweatpants.
⚘ he couldn’t deny how much he wanted you here with him right now, making you scream his fucking name as he pounded relentlessly into aching cunt.
⚘ it took him a moment to realize how dirty his thoughts had become and it made him chuckle at how easily you got inside his head the way you did.
⚘ his pulled his sweats off of his body as he walked back towards the bed, his hand leaving teasing strokes down his length.
⚘ god, he missed you.
⚘ i really need you right now (y/n).
⚘ it took him about 5 seconds to facetime you. it almost caught you off guard, a moan escaping your lips at the way your fingers played with your dripping wet pussy.
⚘ your lips twisted into sinful delight at your boyfriend’s impatience, your hands slipping back down to tease your swollen clit at the thought of him wanting to see you so bad.
⚘ when you answered the phone you were greeted with shoto’s needy expression, his face flushed pink and his lips parted deliciously.
⚘ “show me how much you want me...” you purred.
⚘ shoto wasted no time in showing just how much he missed you, his cock coming into view on the screen.
⚘ you couldn’t wait to see him come undone soon.
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arhvste · 4 years
❝ kuroo tetsurō - wedding hcs ❞
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tetsu week masterlist
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-> nothing over the top
-> you guys agreed upon a modest wedding with the relevant family and friends invited
-> by that i mean you guys don’t bother with inviting far extended family and friends of friends because you guys shouldn’t have to waste your budget feeding people y’all rarely talk to
-> also kuroo doesn’t like his 3rd cousin so he just didn’t invite the whole extended tree
-> it’s a pretty traditional wedding like y’all really don’t add any unecessary features to it
-> like 3 water fountains at the front of the entrance might look nice but there’s a good chance someone bokuto will end up in it somehow so it got scratched off the list
-> anywho
-> your wedding is immaculate because your mans considered everything down to a t
-> of course he took on board everything you said you wanted to include
-> he’s heavily involved in the planning and has pinterest downloaded on his phone too
-> making a romantic playlist for your s/o? nah
-> making a pinterest board for your s/o 😎
-> lowkey y’all get followers on pinterest just because your board is ugh chefs kiss
-> so you guys have a spring wedding because it’s not too hot or too cold
-> also the weather is good enough to hold plthe ceremony outside
-> you know who actually helps you find a good venue?
-> akaashi
-> the mans in the shoujo manga dept he’s gonna know what a good wedding scene looks like
-> so he recommends this pretty place by a river and temple in the distance
-> thank you akaashi, very helpful 😼
-> seeing as the place you guys hold the ceremony is already quite natural and has a nice colour palette to it, you guys don’t go overboard with flowers
-> of course you’ll have some white flowers and soft tones of any other colour flowers you think suit
-> kuroo insists on using your fav flower as the most dominant one
-> in reality he’s just trying to show off to you the fact that even after all these years, he still knows your fav things like flowers off by heart
-> ceo of simps 🤩
-> no it’s actually very cute he remembers and insists upon the small detail being included
-> overall though your decorations are really pretty?
-> like they’re not too in your face they’re just very delicate and dainty 😼
-> as for food, i’m gonna leave that for you guys to imagine because idk if y’all have allergies or religious rules you have to follow etc
-> but just know kuroo’s having the menu made exactly how you want it
-> as long as there’s some form of mackerel on there
-> so back onto your actual wedding day
-> kuroo is NERVOUS
-> he’s marrying the love of his life !!!
-> and he will cry 😜
-> he has no idea what you look like but he’s gonna cry because you’re going to look ethereal
-> okay i know everyone hcs that he would wear some red suit or something
-> but he’s wearing a black and white formal one,, i said what i said 😌
-> and this is purely because this means it can’t clash with your own colour scheme
-> what a considerate husband 😎
-> so when the time comes for him to see you his hands are sweaty asf
-> i just know sakusa is somewhere in the audience cringing because his gross spidey senses are going off
-> his little leg is shaking up and down cause like damn
-> can this old man just shush and get to the part where you walk down the aisle?? he’s missed you all day 😾
-> ugh finally everyone is standing up to welcome you and kuroo is already tearing up
-> his breath hitches from the moment you’re in his eyesight
-> y/n, luv, YOURE SO HOT
-> kuroo is all 🥺😖🤩🥰
-> while he’s taking in your appearance the world just kinda stops for him
-> well actually it gets a little closer because you’re his world duh
-> but he’s never seen someone so breathtaking
-> is this legal?? are you about to cut of his oxygen supply??
-> when you finally get to the front of the alter and stand right in front of him he swears he could die happy
-> he has waited so long to officially make you his
-> and now you’re finally standing here about to take his last name
-> he takes your hand into his and is relieved to feel yours are a little sweaty too
-> ugh you guys are so happy and nervous
-> the whole time the priest is talking neither of you are really listening because wow
-> you’re both finally here together
-> all kuroo can focus on is you
-> and vice versa
-> when the time comes, his vows are stuttered out at first but he grows more confident as you give him a pure and genuine smile
-> “i knew you were the one after you asked me for my homework answers right before class back in our second year 😌”
-> your second year home room teacher and close friend sat somewhere in the audience : 👁👄👁
-> “you were so cute. had i of known that letting you cheat on the homework would’ve led us here i would’ve let you cheat way before so we could’ve met sooner”
-> kuroo is cute but he’s just straight up snaking you up for your lack of homework in your second year
-> you’re like ‘stop talking 😀’
-> overall his vows are very cliche and he has some bad jokes littered in there too but that’s what makes it so him
-> y/n, luv, yours aren’t much better though because they’re just as cheesy
-> that’s okay though because they’re still cute
-> kenma will be gagging behind the two of you while y’all display your affection 😜
-> so when kuroo finally allowed to kiss you he doesn’t told back
-> he’s just made you his officially if you think he’s going in for a shy peck you’re wrong
-> mans a lil stiff but he’s going to the whole arm under back and dip
-> everyones too excited to care over how over the top it is though
-> anyways, your food
-> it was immaculate because your man is getting you nothing but the best
-> and as for your cake
-> kuroo tries to do that thing where he swipes buttercream on your nose to be all cute
-> but he miscalculates his angles and got it in your eye 🤩
-> that’s okay though because you get him back by swiping a handful in his face
-> don’t worry, the baker knew this would happen
-> so there’s a spare layer to make up for the one you kinda ruined
-> ugh your baker came in clutch 🤑
-> anyways onto your first dance
-> kuroo steps on your feet a handful of times 😖
-> he’s lowkey embarrassed but your footwork isn’t amazing either so he feels a little better
-> i’m not calling you guys bad dancers
-> you’re both just still so in shock that you’re really married now 🥺
-> the whole dance is just a little teary eyed as he whispers how much he loves you and how happy you’ve made him while you dance
-> the less tearful dances occur after you’re all done though
-> the whole night people are stealing the two of you away from each other to congratulate the two of you and dance and drink with you all etc
-> the whole time spent with your family and friends is so nice and just fulfilling??? 😌
-> by the end of it though you just want to be in your husbands arms alone
-> and that’s exactly what kuroo grants as soon as the last of your guests leave
-> he carries you bridal style to the car waiting outside for the two of you
-> “tetsu, i can walk”
-> “we just got married arent i allowed to carry you as such? 😿”
-> and with that the two of you are driving off into the night to the 5 star hotel you’re staying at
-> listen, i know it’s been a long day for the two of you and you guys are probably tired
-> but you’re not tired enough not to give him one last wedding gift 👀
-> it it just so happens that this is his favourite one 😼
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dt - @aislastetsu
general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @tsukkaria @kuxredere @warakou @mattsuny @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @waitforitillwritemywayout
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bokukawas · 3 years
Drunken Mess
pairing; Kuroo Tetsuro  x Reader
warnings; alcohol, suggestive in the end, some grabbing from some random stranger
a/n; ok guys, enjoy, this took me forever to write and idk, i just hope someone here likes it ♥
summary; when you have a shitty day and then your boyfriend presses all the wrong buttons upon his return , you just need a little alcohol to keep your sanity… and maybe have a drink too much
word count; 6k, I actually planned to keep this short. WELL HUH jokes on me, right? 
The only thing that got you through the day was the thought, that when you came home later, your boyfriend would be back from his training camp with his team. Because, seriously, today had sucked. You had to take a double shift at work, because a colleague had called in sick and all the customers had just been annoying and rude. You had expected working in retail to suck, but compared to the reality your imagination was a fucking dream come true. Retail was the worst. The absolute fucking worst. And no one could truly understand it if they haven’t worked in retail at least once in their life.
By the time you could clock out, you were nearly crying from frustration. You were so eager to see Kuroo and leave your work; you nearly ran the whole way home.
When you finally arrived home, you could already see light seep out from under the door, which meant he actually was home already. Your heart made an involuntarily somersault as you pushed the door open and yelled “I’m home!” with a huge smile plastered on your face. You had missed him terribly. Yet instead of your boyfriends loving arms around you, you just found the mess he somehow managed to produce in less than a day. Your smile slipped just as fast as it had appeared. “Kuroo, what the actual fuck!?” No answer to that.
You could see him, lying on the couch, one leg slung over the back of it, controller in one hand, a piece of pizza in the other, headset on his head, while he cackled. He didn’t even seem to hear you. And damn it stung. You waited the whole day with dinner so you could eat together with your boyfriend. And not only that, you had cleaned the whole house before he returned, so you could just relax together once he was back, hell, you even dumped your friends who wanted to go out and have a girls night, and this was how it turns out?
With watering eyes, you inspected the spectacular mess in front of you. Eyes flicking from the kitchen, where he obviously already made ramen before he ordered pizza, to the living room where the whole content of his sports bag seems to just have been dumped on the floor. Then to the bathroom, where the door was open and showed the still wet tiles and a towel carelessly thrown in the middle of it, fog still clinging to the mirror, because he once again had not opened the goddamn window.
In that moment all you could feel inside of you, was burning anger and huge disappointment. It was not the first time you had asked him to just please be a little bit more considerate of you. Why didn’t he fucking get it? The damn flat didn’t magically clean itself; it was all you who did it. The mess he made in literally only a few hours felt like a punch in the face.
Clenching your fist, you angrily throw your bag into the mess he already made, which seemed to finally get his attention. Head popping up from the couch, he pulled down his headset a bit and looks over to you: “Oh hey kitten, didn’t hear you come home.”
“Yeah never mind”, you spit, “continue your thing there, I’m gonna be gone soon anyways.”
You slip out of your sneakers, phone already in your hand to call one of your friends.
“S’ something wrong, kitten?” Kuroo sets down his headset, mustering you with concern in his eyes. Obviously something was wrong, but his brain still felt foggy with exhaustion from all the training he had pushed himself and his team through this week.
The answer came in the slamming of the bedroom door, where you had disappeared.
He sighs and briefly puts his headset back on to give his friends a heads up: “Guys, I’ll be back later, seems like somethings wrong with Y/N”, then he left the game and stood up, slowly walking to your shared bedroom, before he tentatively knocks on the door.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Did something happen at work? Are you alright?” Upon not getting an answer, he pushed down the latch, only to find that you had locked the door. He silently swears. It had to be bad when you actually locked him out. “C’mon hun, don’t be like that. Talk to me.” Door rattling followed, which you blatantly ignore.
You were sitting on the bed, which was, of fucking course, not made any more and stripped out of your work clothes, throwing them carelessly on the floor. The damage was already done, what bad could your few clothes be then, right?
It was then, that Miwa finally picked up. “Oh hey, Y/n, whats up? I thought you were having some quality time with Kuroo?” You could hear loud voices talking in the back; she must have gone outside to answer your call.
“Yeah you know what? I thought so, too. Plan has changed, though. Where are you? Mind if I join you? I need a drink.”
“Are you alright, Y/n? You sound a little upset?”
“Miwa, for god’s sake, just tell me where you are so I can join you. I’m going to explode if I stay here any minute longer.”
You could hear Miwa sigh into the phone. “That bad, huh? We’re at our usual place.”
“Good, I’ll be there in twenty.” You hang up and throw your phone into the pillow and start rummaging through your closet, finding one of the dresses you like very much, but never actually wear, because it is actually very short. Well, fuck it, you think to yourself and put it on, together with your new high heels. Quickly freshening up your smudged make-up, you grab your keys and your clutch and brace yourself for your escape. Because that was exactly what you were doing: escaping from this whole mess.
Then, you unlock the door and push it open, marching straight for the door, which was, of course, blocked by your boyfriend, who was leaning against it and now eyeing you from head to toe. He probably had heard you talk to Miwa and taken his position at the door right away. He did not comment on your outfit though, having the good sense to know he was walking on very thin ice.
“Going somewhere?”
“I’m going out with my friends. At least I would like to, but someone is standing in the way. Do you mind?” You look up at him and give him one of your perfect angelic smiles as you try to squeeze through. Even though you were wearing your heels, your boyfriend was a goddamn giant and he somehow managed to still be taller, which was mildly frustrating at the moment.
He does not budge; not even an inch.
“Are we not going to talk about what is going on? Because something clearly is going on.”
“I’d actually rather go right now.”
Kuroo could basically feel the passive aggressive energy radiating from you, but still, he didn’t budge. He didn’t even have the chance to talk to you yet, what could he possibly have done to upset you so much that you could not even stand to be in the same room as him? It was a mystery to him.
“Y/n, please.” He reaches out a hand to brush a thumb against your cheek, because he knows how much you always enjoy these little affectionate gestures, but he stops right in his tracks, when he found you staring at him with barely withhold anger. He was surprised that you did not swat at his still outstretched hand.
“Move Kuroo, I mean it.” And when you try to squeeze through this time, he lets you.
You were rarely in such a bad mood and he knew when he needed to let you cool off, first. As you walk by him, he catches your wrist in the last second, holding you still for a moment. “At least send me a text when you get there, alright?” he whispers while brushing his thumb once over your veins and then lifting your hand up to press a soft kiss against the palm of it.
The urge to just turn around and press your head into your boyfriends’ chest right then was overwhelming, but you were still so mad that you stubbornly continued on your way, leaving Kuroo standing there, watching you go.
When he turns around to go back into the flat, he feels like a train hit him as he takes in the mess he made. “Oh fuck.” He groans as he ruffles his spiky hair, because how could he be so stupid. Of course you would be mad if you came home to such a mess. The worst part was, that he didn’t even contain his chaos in one room, no, he seriously fucked up the whole flat, which by second thought, you had probably cleaned just hours before. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Your foul mood suddenly made sense to him. Groaning again, he closes the door behind him and goes to the kitchen. He better gets rid of this whole mess before you come home later. But first, he wants to apologize. Fishing out his phone out of his joggers, he opens the chat with you and freezes all over again. There it was, black on white. Dinner later, Tetsu? We can order from your fav restaurant if you like ♥
Oh sweet fucking hell, he was the biggest douche in the whole wide world. How could he forget that you two wanted to eat together? “Ah shit.”
He types out a quick message to you. Y/n I’m so sorry. I’m the biggest idiot in the world. You can punch me later if you still feel like it. I sure as hell deserve it. Pls text me when you get there safely. I love you.
Kuroo really wants to kick his own ass in that moment. You were always so good to him, going out of your way to make the time you got to spend together as pleasurable as possible, taking time where you actually had none to spare and just simply spoiling him in any way possible and this was how he treated you? He didn’t even kiss you when you got home, which was funny, because it was one of the only thoughts in his head, besides volleyball this whole past week. The feeling of your soft lips against his.
He was not surprised that he didn’t get a message back, but he still unmuted his phone, just in case you called him when you had enough and wanted to go home.
Then he starts cleaning up his mess.
You on the other hand nearly arrived at the bar where you and your friends usually met up once a month to keep in touch. You already regretted wearing your new heels. As you turned the next corner, you could already spot the bar and with it, a whole lot of people standing outside at high tables. Your friends amongst one of them.
“Hey ladies”, you call out as you get closer. “Long time no see.”
Fighting a smile to your face, you found your place right next to Miwa, who gently nudges you in the side.
“Stop that grimace and tell us what happened.”
Alisa, who was standing in front of you, just reaches over the table, takes your hand in hers and squeezes it softly.
“Actually, I think I’d rather have a drink first”, you moan.
One drink followed the next and your friends realized later, that they probably should have stopped you after your 5th cocktail or so. Which they didn’t, because you spilled your heart out to them, nearly crying a few times, which was rare to see, because usually you managed to keep your cool in front of others, even your own friends. Moreover, the drink in your hand seemed to be the only thing holding you together. They were a little taken aback, too, because you usually were a very good drinker, and could handle alcohol very well; but by the time you went inside to dance and just bumped into stranger after stranger while trying to walk a straight line, they figured you probably had not eaten anything before coming here.
Miwa squinched up her face. “She’s gonna feel even worse tomorrow. We should probably get her home.”
Alisa just nods, before sprinting in your direction as she witnessed you tumbling into a group of men, of which one luckily caught you in his arms, before you hit the floor, but then couldn’t keep his hands to himself. You just laughed, not realizing what was going on and not feeling the hand, currently sneaking up your leg. Everything looked dizzy and swayed and you felt a little funny in the head. Vaguely you realize that Alisa was arguing with the man who stopped your fall and then her face popped up in front of you, asking you were your phone was.
You look at her irritated, not quite understanding what she wanted.
“C’mon y/n, where is your goddamn phone.”
“My clutch?”
Miwa suddenly popped up next to you, steadying you and gently guiding you to an abandoned empty chair. “Sit.”
Alisa rummaged through your clutch, only to find your purse and your house keys…but no phone.
“Your phone is not in here y/n. Are you sure it was in your clutch?” she looks at you questioningly, with her big green eyes, which were all you could focus on. She always looks so pretty.
„Focus y/n!“
You thought back to when you left the flat… “I think I …left it on the bed”, you mumble, eyes suddenly growing very heavy. Leaning heavily against Miwa, your head lolls against her shoulder. You inhale deeply. Miwa always managed to smell so good; you wonder how she does it. The girls just shared a concerned look. You couldn’t even sit upright on that damn chair, how were they supposed to get you home.
“We need to call Kuroo”, Miwa states, while brushing some strands of hair out of your face. You didn’t seem to notice.
“That was my plan. But I don’t have his number… do you?” Miwas face was answer enough. That’s when Saeko popped up next to them. “Hey girls, I made it after all.” She grinned happily at all of you. “What’s wrong with this one here, though?” She nudges you in the side, which was rewarded with a lazy grunt from you and a silent curse from Miwa as you tipped dangerously to the side.
“Is she drunk!? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drunk. What happened?” Saeko seemed mildly concerned, which leads to Miwa and Alisa freaking out a little. Saeko usually doesn’t show concern, so it must be just as bad as they imagined.
“Do you have Kuroos number?” Alisa asked her without answering her question in return, not letting her eyes stray from your face, as you looked ghostly white at the moment and started mumbling random things under your breath.
“No? But you have? Right?”
They both shake their heads. Saeko sighs and mumbles something under her breath, which rather sounded, like ‘I should’ve just gone straight home’, before facing Alisa.
“Call your brother then. He must have his number.”
“Oh my god, Saeko you are a genius.”
“Thanks, I know.”
With another concerned look your way, Alisa left your side to go outside and call her brother. She just hoped he would pick up, since it was already the middle of the night.
Meanwhile Kuroo was sitting on the couch, worriedly glancing at the clock all few seconds and constantly brushing his fingers through his hair. No wonder you hadn’t texted him back, he had found your phone lying on his pillow as he had made the bed again. This meant, you were out, with no phone and no means to contact him if something was wrong. He didn’t like that one bit. The worst part was that he couldn’t even blame someone for it, besides himself. This was his fault and he knew it all too well. Scratching at his scalp, he tried to calm down a bit. He knew you could take care of yourself; your small figure belied the strength you actually had, but still. There was always a chance that something happened. So when his phone started ringing he answered it in seconds, without even looking who was calling first. It just had to be you, right?
“Y/n?” he nearly yelped in the phone.
“No, this is Lev.”
Kuroo nearly lost it then, breathing heavily and punching the pillow right next to him, he thought he was going to combust any second.
“What is it Lev? It’s the middle of the night!”
“Yeah, I know, I was sleeping until my sister called me.” Now that he mentioned it, Kuroo could hear the slight strain in Levs voice, as if he had just gotten up.
“It’s about y/n, though. They are worried and would like you to come and pick her up. Apparently she didn’t have her phone with her and got stupidly drunk.” He paused. “…did you have a fight? Are you alright?”
Kuroo swallowed.
“Just tell me where they are, please.” And so Lev does.
“Tell your sister I’ll be there soon… and thank you, Lev. Sorry that you got involved in this.”
“Yeah, yeah. G’night.” with that, he just hung up on Kuroo, probably eager to get into bed again. Kuroo couldn’t even blame him for that, he was tired, too, but he swore he wouldn’t go to bed before you got home safely.
He gets up, just grabs his wallet, keys and his sweater and was out the door in seconds, running all the way to the bar. Never before had it been so bad, that your friends were concerned about you. You had always gotten home on your own, or were sober enough to just give him a call, or get a taxi. Your alcohol tolerance was quite high, too, but alas, you hadn’t eaten today. That was probably the problem.
Alisa spotted him from afar and just starts waving. She was impressed at how fast he was, it hadn’t even been 10 minutes since the call. When she saw him up close though, she realized that he was sweating and breathing hard. He must have run the whole way here.
“Jeez, Kuroo you look like you might pass out any second.”
“Thanks, it’s nice to see you, too Alisa. Now, where is she?”
He didn’t even look Alisa in the face, his eyes scanning the crowd around them, searching for your face.
“Inside. C’mon.”
He follows her tall blonde form through the masses, until she stops in front of a chair. An empty chair. He could barely hear her curse under her breath.
Kuroos head snaps up, when he could hear a commotion start on the dance floor.
There you were, the hands of some random stranger draped across you, while you danced as if you didn’t even notice. Which of course, you didn’t. Not really. You just enjoyed the lights and the music and silently swayed to the rhythm of it, being a little surprised that the world suddenly didn’t seem so shaky anymore. Your back felt warm, too, which was at the same time pleasant and very unpleasant at once. Something somehow felt wrong, but you couldn’t pinpoint what it was. You were just happy that you somehow managed to get yourself drunken enough, to stop thinking about how little your boyfriend seemed to care about you.
Kuroos eyes wander to the two females next to you, desperately trying to pry the hands off that damn stranger of your dancing form, but they were both so small compared to the guy, it was useless.
He lost it the moment said stranger seemed to thrust his hips into your back. Miwa and Saeko spotted him just the second he lunged at the person, shoving him away.
“Get your filthy hands off of my girlfriend!”
The guy of course didn’t like being handled that way and was in Kuroos face the very next instance. “What’s your problem man? It didn’t seem to me that she didn’t like it.”
Miwa winced. She had seen Kuroo lose his cool once before, and it hadn’t ended very well for the other dude. He had him up by his collar at once, sneering in his face “she’s so drunk she probably doesn’t even remember her own name and you want to tell me she liked it?” He shook the stranger, muscles flexing under his T-Shirt.  “Get the fuck out of my eyes.”
With that, he shoves him so hard that the guy loses his balance and falls face down onto the dance floor.
Your world had become very wobbly again, as soon as the somewhat steadying hands had left your hips. Tumbling to the side, you were caught in strong arms again. Your boyfriend’s arms.
“C’mon kitten, we’re going.”
“Wha-? Kuroo?” Were you hallucinating now? “No I don’t want to go. I want to dance.” You wind your way out of his arms, only to stagger once again.
Kuroo exhales once again and tries to pull himself together, looking at your friends who all watch you with deep worry in their eyes. “How much exactly did she drink?”
Alisa nervously twirls her hair around her finger, not wanting to look him in the eyes. Your boyfriend could be scary, especially if he was worried about you. “Don’t know… I kinda lost count after her 5th cocktail or so… she might have had some drinks on the dance floor, too.”
Kuroo breathes in deeply, watching you as you tried to dance, which was actually just staggering from one side to the other, trying not to fall on your face. He was low key impressed that you had not already broken your ankles in those heels. Trying to remain calm and reminding himself that in fact, this was his fault and he couldn’t get angry with anybody else, he sighs again, starts fumbling in his pocket to get his wallet out and pushes some money in Alisas hand.
“Here, for her drinks. I’m pretty sure she didn’t pay for them herself, did she? Well, never mind. We are going now. Thanks for reaching out to me.”
And with that, he appears next to you again, draping his sweater around your hips to keep your very short dress from flashing anyone, before crouching down and just throwing you over his shoulder.
“Hey, what the hell!? KUROO! Put me down, I don’t want to go!” you slur, as he starts to push his way through the crowd.
“Good thing I’m not asking then.”
Your friends watch as your boyfriend singlehandedly maneuvers you two outside, sighing in unison as you leave the club.
“Wow. That was intense”, Saeko deadpans.
Miwa nods. “He was so calm, though? The last time I saw someone touch y/n with Kuroo around, the guy had a broken nose afterwards. I was a little scared for a second there.”
“He must have been really worried. Lev told me he seemed really agitated, which is rare for him. He’s usually very composed.”
They sigh in unison again. “We better call her tomorrow and ask if she’s alright”, Miwa states, to which the others all nod. Saeko starts grinning a moment later. “I’m pretty sure Kuroo is gonna take good care of her now, so let’s not worry. The night is still young.” She throws her arms around the waists of her friends and pulls them all in direction of the dance floor.
 Meanwhile your world shakes violently with every step your boyfriend makes and your hair was jumping in tact with it. His shoulder blade pressed very uncomfortably into your stomach. You could feel the warmth radiating from his hand at the back of your knee, where he gripped you softly to keep you steady.
You hadn’t spoken to him since he had thrown you over his shoulder and just marched out of the bar. In fact, you felt a little ashamed. It had been years since you had gotten so drunk you could barely stand. It was a mystery to you, how he even knew where you were.
Another step, another bounce, another uncomfortable press against your roaring stomach. You clutch your hands into the hem of Kuroos shirt, trying to steady yourself a bit, inhaling his familiar smell and focusing on that, instead of the turmoil in your stomach and your head.
Kuroo of course feels you clench fistfuls of his shirt and slows down a bit, throwing a glance over his shoulder. “Kitten, you alright there?”
The fresh air had sobered you up quite a bit and you were fully aware of the gentle grip your boyfriend had on you, same as the every so often brush of his thumb across your thigh.
Since you didn’t answer, he just presses a quick kiss to your leg and then continues on his way, a little more slowly, but still persistent. You groan, as the nauseous feeling in your stomach got overwhelming. Not only that, but you could also feel your feet burning and hurting. Those heels were really not the best choice for tonight.
“Y/n?” he stops once more and tries to look over his shoulder again.
“First of all Kuroo, I’m still mad at you, secondly I feel like I might puke any minute if your shoulder is gonna press in my stomach again and last of all, my feet hurt.”
It occurred to you that you were whining, but how could you not? Today has been hell and now everything hurts and you couldn’t even just press your head into your boyfriends’ chest because you were supposed to be mad at him.
“Hold on a sec, hun.”
“I mean it Tetsu, I’m gonna puke.”
Kuroo smiles at that, not because it was fun to him that you had so much to drink that you felt like puking, but because you used his first name…which in conclusion meant you weren’t in fact as mad as you tried to be.
He could already see his target at the end of the street, so he just ignored you and walks on a few minutes longer.
“Ok, I’m going to put you down now, be ready.”
He slowly lets you slide down on his front, so that you were now standing in front of him. His hands were on your hips, steadying you slightly in case you still needed it. You wince as your feet hit the ground, your heels pressing against every sore spot on them. Kuroo could tell you were avoiding looking in his face, even though he stood right in front of you.
Sighing, he puts his slender index finger under your chin and lifts your head up, so you had no choice but to look at him. “I’m sorry Y/n, I was a total dick earlier and I didn’t even realize it. But for now, can we ignore that so that I can take care of you properly? Please?”
Damn it, it wasn’t fair. As you look into his catlike, earnest eyes, so full of love and concern for you, you could already feel your anger melt away. “You’re the worst, Tetsu.” Your words significance was betrayed by the fact that you leaned your head against his shoulder the exact same instance and inhaled deeply. He chuckles deeply at that and presses a soft kiss against your neck, holding you a little while longer.
“Sit down here for a bit kitten, I will be right back.” He guides you to a bench right in front of the 24/7 he had aimed for, noticing you were still very unsteady on your feet and actually limping now. After you sat down, he squats down in front of you and takes your foot in his hands. “Let me see.” He slowly peels off your shoes and inhales sharply through his teeth. “Damn hun, you really butchered your feet.” You decided you didn’t even want to see it and just wriggled your toes at the new found freedom.
“Yeah, I’ll be right back”, and with that he rushes into the store behind you.
After a few minutes, you feel something cold against your cheek. “Here, drink.”
You take the bottle of water out of his hands, suddenly feeling very thirsty and drink a few mouthfuls, as he squats down in front of you again, inspecting your feet once more, before applying patches at the worst spots. When he was finished, he just looks up at your exhausted form in front of him, bracing his hands on your knees, his thumbs already drawing gentle patterns across your skin. It seemed cold to you suddenly and you shiver, which leads to Kuroo taking off the sweater he had put around your waist and pulling it over your head.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.” He grabs your shoes, and turns around, squatting again in front of you, his back muscles flexing under the shirt as he motions for you to get on. With a sigh you did exactly that. No way in hell would you walk the next 10 minutes home on your own two feet. You put your arms around his neck and try a weak little jump to get on his back, which was rewarded with an amused chuckle by your boyfriend. Luckily, he caught your legs just fine and adjusted you on his back with a little wiggle, so that he now could give you a proper piggyback ride home.
“Y/n?” he asks as you got closer and closer to your home, already walking up the stairs to your shared flat.
“I love you.”                            
Ah damn that bastard really knew how to play you. Even though you could feel your insides warm up at that, you thought he could feel bad a little more, so you didn’t comment on it, as he puts the key in the locker and opens the door.
The moment he switched the light on, though, you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Ah fuck Tetsu, I love you, too. Asshole.” That made him laugh in return. It seems like he had cleaned the whole flat after you rushed out to drink yourself stupid.
“I realized why you were so mad the moment I turned around to go back in here”, he confesses and slowly lets you down from his back. “And as I said before, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I was a total douchebag.” He comes to stand in front of you and puts your face into his hands. “Can you forgive this asshole?”
You punch his chest in return. “Stop being cute!”
“Can you forgive me? Pleaseee?”
He actually pouts as he squishes your cheeks, already knowing he had won. You tried to fight the smile that wanted to spread on your face at the ridiculous show of your huge boyfriend pouting in front of you, but you fail miserably.
“Just kiss me already, idiot.”
So he did, his one hand sliding from your cheek to your neck, as his lips press against yours in a feather light touch. Your own hand finds its way into his hair at once, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, as the other steadies you against his hips. He sighs contentedly in the kiss, brushing his lips against yours as he mumbles “I missed you so much”, before kissing you again, this time a little more hungrily. Your lips move eagerly against each other and after a little while, you feel his tongue grace against your lips, which makes you shudder. Your knees started feeling dangerously wobbly again. Luckily, he had already pulled you flush against him and now lifted you up by putting his hands under your ass to carry you to the bedroom, where he gently lays you down on the bed, before slowly climbing on top of you.
You smile fondly at his expression as he kisses you repeatedly, every kiss getting a little rougher than the last one, moving your lips in time with his and then there was his tongue, finally in your mouth. He could still taste the alcohol on your lips.
When he finally breaks away from you, you were both panting. Your hands were gripping his shirt greedily and you were already pulling him down on you again, wanting more. God his kisses gave you life.
“I’m not sure we should go there today, kitten, as much as I’d like to. You’re still very much drunk, and I’d like you to feel and remember all of what I plan to do to you.”
He smirks and plants another kiss on your lips, teeth grazing teasingly against them as he did so, then snorting at the bewildered and somewhat outraged look you gave him when he pulled away. You were clawing at his biceps the moment he starts to get up from you, trying to pull him down again and groaning when you realized you were going to lose against his strength.
“Tetsuro”, you moaned in a last attempt to get him back to you, which made him freeze on the spot. “Wow you’re mean, kitten, but still no.”
And with that, he simply helps you get out of his sweater and your dress, always swatting your grabbing hands away, before he manhandles you into the bathroom to get you ready for bed.
You were getting pissed at him again, because first, he got you hot and bothered and then he didn’t want to do something about it. How rude. That would get him payback, you swore to yourself.
Still, not even your naked form had him thinking twice about his choice, he simply wrangles one of his tees over your head and pulls you flush against him in your shared bed, having a death grip on you, so you couldn’t even move around, as much as you tried.
“Sleep now kitten, and then maybe tomorrow I’ll give you what you want so desperately right now.”
He runs a hand down your side teasingly and you could feel his smile against your forehead at the way your body quivers against him.
“On second thought, I think I’m not able to forgive you yet, you are actually the worst”, you mumble against his chest. He only acknowledges this with another kiss against your forehead. Still, somehow your boyfriend had made the right call, because it only took you seconds to fall asleep in his warm embrace. 
He watches your sleeping form on his chest fondly, pressing little kisses to your face from time to time and thinking to himself, that he deserves a price for self-control, because he seriously had not wanted to restrain himself at all.
Groaning, he presses another kiss to your face as he sleepily mumbles, “I love you, Y/n.” before squishing you even more against his chest. This was what he had longed for all week after all, he thought to himself, as he tried to ignore the bulge in his pants. This was going to be an extremely long and very torturous night for him… he just hopes he would fall asleep just as fast as you did. Morning could not come fast enough…
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simpcxty · 3 years
Tenya Iida NSFW
Okay okay, hear me out.
Tenya likes grinding, humping, just anything of the sorts. He likes the friction, of course he likes sex too. But there’s something about grinding that he finds appealing.
Ofc the characters in this are aged up to 18+
I’m gonna make one thing clear, I do not promote minors reading nsfw content.
But we all know I can say minors DNI and they’ll just read it anyway without interacting. Or they’ll disregard what I say completely and interact anyway.
So with that, I’ll just say READ RESPONSIBLY, instead.
Also, idk why I switch POV’s so much. That really annoys me. I’m gonna need to work on that, but here’s this :)
Third POV
“Ugh finally.” She slammed her study book shut and started to collect her things. Tenya collapses backwards on his back making her laugh.
“We’ve been studying for hours, I’m ready to just curl up in bed and sleep.” She goes to stand up but Tenya pulls her back down quickly.
She blushes at the compromising position he had pulled her into, but decides to tease him to try and ease her nerves.
"Tenya if you wanted to cuddle me all you had to do was ask." The flushed pink that was occupying his ears turned into a flushed red that spread to his face as he sputters on his words.
Reader POV
"T-That's not it- not that I wouldn't, you're very cuddle-able- not that I'm flirting with you because that'd be weird- again not that I wouldn't, you're very beautiful and you have the ideal body type that I would love to cuddle-" i decided to cut his nervous rambling off.
"Tenya, it's okay, I was just joking." He nods but before anything else can happen he tightens his grip around my waist, making the position we were in, even more awkward.
When he pulled me on top of him my legs wrapped around his waist in a straddling position.
I know he realized what he did as soon as he did it because it sent a shiver not just up my spine but his too.
The moment he tightened his arms around my waist and pulled me down tighter, he had inadvertently pushed our most sensitive areas against each other.
He had let out an accidental strained moan when he did it too. Not that I could blame him, I did too.
No words were spoken, just more moans as he purposefully did it this time.
That was only the start.
I was still wearing my uniform and so was he. There were very thin layers between us right now, therefore, it was easy to feel his member start to harden while it pressed against me.
And as he moves his hands to my hips, instead of pulling me down tighter, he lifts his hips up into mine.
A similar sensation, but also different in completely different way.
"T-Tenya, what are we d-doing?" He lifts his hips more and pulls me down as he does it.
Tenya POV
She lets out a moan at that one. A genuine one.
I didn't know how to answer that question in this moment.
I do know that she's making the cutest noises and the feeling of her grinding against my cock was the best thing right now.
Wait when did she start doing that?
"Tenya~ mmh." That desperate little moan was enough to give me the confidence to flip us over and push her skirt up.
"This is okay? Right? I'll stop as soon as you say the word." She nods and unexpectedly pulls me into a kiss.
This was different.
Yes grinding against her felt great. But this, this felt proper, her lips tasted like chocolate and banana, along with a hint of mint. Probably from her toothpaste.
“More than okay.” She looks up at me and every bit of my self control went out the window.
I ground my hips against hers at the exact same moment she decided to lift hers up into mine, causing us both to slow our movements for a moment.
As I feel her start to move slowly again. My hand decided to have a mind of its own and wrap itself around her throat.
The little gasp that leaves her throat as she feels my fingers start to squeeze makes me twitch in my pants.
Reader POV
"T-Tenya- we should stop. You're gonna regret it later-" he interrupts me with a sigh.
"No I won't." His hand moves to cup my jaw and he presses his lips to mine gently. As if he was giving me an opportunity to pull away.
I didn't.
The kiss was passionate, but slow and loving.
"I would never regret anything with you." He presses his lips back against mine for a quick kiss and when he pulled away he laid his head on my chest.
His bed was soft, but I'm pretty sure the real comfort I was experiencing was from him.
"What are you-" his arms wrap around my waist and his head rests in my chest now.
"Cuddles." I smile a bit.
"Why?" He looks confused.
"Do you not want me to?" He starts removing himself from the position he's in.
I quickly pulled him back in though.
"I didn't say that. I quite like the feeling of your arms around my waist." I gently run my fingers through his hair.
He sighs and I go to pull my hands away.
"No!" He whines and moves his head from the position it's in to whine at me.
The confidence came out of nowhere, but I shoved his head back into my chest.
My fingers slowly move through his hair again, earning soft sighs from the boy wrapped around me.
"You're a Teddy bear." He nods and pushes my boobs together, shoving his face in between them causing me to blush.
"I can be yes-" he interrupts himself as he pulls himself out of where he was, just to push my shirt up and shove his head underneath and do it.
"T-TENYA!" My face was furiously red at this point.
"I can also be quite mischievous at times." He finishes what he was saying earlier only to attach his lips to my left breast, sucking and biting roughly.
The more dark marks he left along her chest the more she started to squirm underneath him.
He leaves a particularly dark one planning on making it the last one.
Until she wrapped her legs around his legs and pulled him in closer.
It wouldn't have been a problem, except he had unbuttoned his uniform slacks earlier to ease the pressure on his dick.
So when she had pulled him in by his legs it had pulled down his slacks.
So now it was just two very, very, thin layers in between them.
"S-Shit." His hands were groping her hips now as he decided to push his hips into hers experimentally. His head was still buried under her shirt leaving more and more hickeys along her chest. Not caring that he was running out of room.
"T-Tenya-" she's interrupted by a moan as he grinds his hips into hers again.
"D-Don't stop. Please- ngh~" she's interrupted by a different moan as he picks up his speed and puts more pressure into the clothed thrusts.
"S-Shit" he lets out a breathy moan when she lifts her hips to the lazy thrusts.
He quickens his speed again sending her hands to his shoulders.
"Tenya, if you keep going I'm gonna cum." She lets out a groan as she lifts her hips to meet his.
"That's the idea- oh fuck- do you know how hot it'd be if the first time I make you cum is gonna be without even actually using my dick or my fingers on you?-" He interrupts his sentence to pull her hips against him roughly.
"Just me pushing and pulling you against me, leaving hickeys all over your pretty chest, just that is enough to make you cum huh?" His words were definitely more than enough to push her over the edge.
Which pushed him over the edge because of her noises and the way her legs tightened around his as she came.
"Looks like it went both ways huh?" She lets out a breathy laugh as he collapses next to her.
He chuckled and then looked down at the mess in his boxers.
"I can make sure you get back to your dorm without being bothered if you want. I'm sure you don't want to be pestered about the situation, and because of your cum soaked panties." He smiled cheekily causing her to shove her face in his neck and groan.
"You're lucky it didn't get on my skirt or I'd be having a completely different attitude towards you right now." He smirks and leaves a soft kiss against her neck.
"It takes two to tango."
Phew, okay this is all over the place but it’s done. So I took this from a fic on my Wattpad. So I had to augment it a bit. But I hope y’all enjoy it, and if you don’t. Well I honestly don’t give a fuck. I’m tired. So enjoy or don’t :)
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kandi-pendragon · 3 years
I was planning on making a YouTube video for this but I’ve got my hands full and I’m too lazy so here we go:
I’ve seen a lot of fellow Merlinites begging for a season 6 of Merlin, probably hoping for it to follow the script that three young women came up with (look them up on YouTube under the name 3RingsLeft. I love them and their songs own my whole heart) in the absence of closure from the Merlin finale. Now personally, I don’t want that to progress further than a script, but that’s only because I’m a sad pathetic excuse for a human who’s only purpose in life is to roll around in her misery and enjoy not getting any closure whatsoever from a show. And I doubt that I’m the only Merlinite out there who feels this way. That open ending is precisely what hooks you at the very end, it’s exactly what makes you so obsessed. The acting, the plot, and the characters keep you watching, but the finale keeps you thinking about it long after you moved onto other shows. And I’m too much of a coward to put that feeling of obsession on the line by rooting for closure, because my obsession is about the only thing I have going for me right now :)
Anyway, back to my point. I have been thinking about this for several months, and I wanted to get it out there. I know it might never happen but like I said. I’m pathetic. I cling to hope until the devil comes along so I can sell my soul to make my dreams come true. What have I been thinking about, you ask? Simple: BBC Knights.  
Here’s a little information I wrote down ahead of time to organize my thoughts on the matter:
What is it?
Exactly what it sounds like. The idea of BBC Knights would be a spin-off of BBC Merlin, featuring the Knights of the Round Table, set in the time jump between season 3 and season 4. During this time, Lancelot is still alive, as is Uther. Arthur is newly appointed regent, and Morgana has quieted down for the time being. We get to explore so many things that we never got to before. Nothing would interfere with the finale of season five, of course. This would only be a filler, to give more content for the fandom, as well as more information, to better understand some of the characters.
Because you can’t have the Knights of the Round Table without also having Arthur and Merlin, the two of them would still be included in the show. However, they would no longer be the main focus. This would excuse some things too, for instance, not having to use Kilgarrah anymore. If the show is not focused on Merlin, we don’t have to find our way around not including Kilgarrah, because his voice actor, John Hurt, is no longer alive. (Rest In Peace, Mr. Hurt)
Focusing on the knights and this time frame would let us see more of Lancelot being a knight of Camelot, too — something he had been working towards his whole life — while BBC Merlin only granted us 2 episodes of that before killing him off. He had an entire year of being what he had strived to become since he was a child, and we never got to see it.
It would also give us the chance to better understand some characters’ backstories, something that the actor Eoin Macken said he wanted to do in the original show, had the last two seasons not been solely focused on the plot, and achieving the finale. Gwaine once mentions that he has a sister: “Well my sister is an evil old toad, so I’d be eternally grateful.” But we never even learn her name, much less what she did to make Gwaine hate her. We know that Lancelot met Percival before the others did, but we know none of the details. We know Elyan traveled around on his own for years, but we don’t know what he did, where he went, or who he met. We know Leon has been a knight for some time, but we don’t know anything about his childhood with Arthur, nor his friendship with Gwen and Elyan. There is so much potential for backstories, not to mention character development.
Of course, this all might be hard to achieve, since it’s been 8 years since Merlin ended, and the cast has aged (though not noticeably. I swear they’re immortal.) There have been hairstyle changes, beards grown, muscle mass gained. However, it’s shouldn’t be too hard to pass off. Maybe Arthur wears a crown or circlet to cover up the fact that he doesn’t have bangs anymore, Maybe Gwaine’s hair grows like a weed, Maybe Lancelot hasn’t shaved in a while, that sort of thing. Plus, it’s the fans. Merlin’s skin could be blue and we would just be grateful to have new content to analyze and cry over.
Things to include??? This is not obligatory, however, just some of my ideas. Obviously BBC Merlin changes some of the legends that they use. The Cup of Life instead of the Holy Grail, Leon instead of Galahad, the Afanc not collaborating with how it’s described in Welsh folklore, not to mention they used characters from Arthurian legend and made them their own, like Gwaine. (Gawain) Obviously if we included more adventures that the legends speak about, we would have to change the version of those legends, to better suit the characters as the show made them. However, the legends are still worth looking into, because I believe they would make for interesting episodes if done right, and they might also provide inspiration.
* Gwaine & The Green Knight * New Characters (Yvain, Drudwas, Sir Kay, Sir Bors etc.) * Yvain & His Lion * Drudwas ap Tryffin and his Adar Llwch Gwin (his griffins) * Agravaine coming to Camelot (and everyone’s first impression of him) * Explanation of Morgause’s Injury (why did it look like half her face had been paralyzed/burned off when all Merlin did was throw her into a wall?? Idk maybe I’m just stupid) * Agravaine Meeting Morgana and Morgause * Sir Kay and the Cath Palug (Palug’s Cat) * More insight to the Knights views on Magic * More detailed and fleshed out backstories for the knights (Gwaine’s sister, How Percival met Lancelot, More depth on why Elyan left Camelot, embarrassing baby Arthur stories from Leon, etc.) * Character development * New Opening Titles (main actors will change, and it wouldn’t make sense to use scenes from the original show. Also it would make more sense to keep Kilgarrah out, since he most likely won’t have a presence in the spin-off. Music could stay the same, but the scenes and names in the opening titles would probably change, as well as the whole “The destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name… Merlin” would be replaced, since the focus is no longer on the young Warlock.) * Meliodas the Demon King ._. * More POC representation, more POC in the cast. * Maybe queer rep? Casual, passing mentions of a mlm fling in the knighthood (doesn’t have to be someone we know) a character going by they/them pronouns without explanation and without making it a big thing, etc. Small, but noticeable things. It’s 2021 we deserve the bare minimum. * Tavern scenes! We know they spend a lot of time in there, but only get to see a few moments and hear about a couple more. * Maybe a first mission with all the main knights. Them working as a small team for the first time. Bonding around the campfire. This would give an excuse to create some insight into the characters while also sticking to the plot * Arthur struggling with the responsibilities of being regent (brief scenes or mentions, him leaning on his knights for support, them having to go on adventures without him) * More Gwen and Elyan!!! Being siblings!!! Please!!! * Introductions of characters we’ve already met: King Bayard, Elena, Vivian (seriously wtf happened to her?? Is she still in love with Arthur??) * Training scenes!!! When Arthur’s busy!!! Give me Leon teaching Elyan some sword moves and laughing about something from when they were kids! Give me Percy and Gwaine sparing only a few feet away! Give me Merlin helping Lance with his armor and Gwen watching her brother from across the field! Give me insight into each characters fighting style, skills, and weapon of choice! D e t a i l s!!! * More mythical welsh creatures, like the welsh cousin of the Kelpie who’s name I can’t remember but translates to water horse. So much opportunities for cool magical creature encounters! * And more!!!!
Now that we have a director in our cast, (who was rooting for this kind of characterization chance btw) I think maybe, if we’re lucky enough, we might have a chance. Idk, maybe I’m too late, but Eoin already said that he was working on a Pseudo Merlin project (whatever the hell that means) and I just. I love entertaining this idea. Who knows, maybe the spn fandom can help us summon a daemon and we can all collectively sell what little fragments of our soul we have left.
Those who still want a season 6, I get it! And I don’t blame you! And guess what— this would not interfere with that at all. Maybe we can both get what we want :)
But right now I’ve accidentally hyped myself up and made a petition so uh. Feel free to sign? If I get enough people on board I might do something about it and message Eoin, as soon as I know he’s done with his Merlin project and it would all work out 👉👈
If you have anything to add onto this post, go ahead! What would you want out of a spin-off?
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notnctu · 4 years
heather | k.dy ❀
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━ listen to: heather by conan gray
kim doyoung x reader ❀ genre - here’s the angst we didn’t ask for, fluff ❀ details - intentional lowercase, genderneutral!reader, drinking ❀ word count - 2.1k ❀ synopsis - if only he knew how much you liked him... but you watch his eyes as heather walks by and how he falls in love with her instead.
❀ a/n - hi hi it’s author doie❀! i use lyrics from the song so pls listen to the masterpiece that inspired this fic LMAO also thank you to everyone who follows us <3 we reached a big big milestone this time and i’m still speechless how far we’ve come as a blog. it almost feels surreal? that so many people actually enjoy our content... it’s unbelievable. thank you all again for your support and interactions ): idk how to even express the gratitude i have rn 
what a sight for sore eyes — kim doyoung with eyes that light up brighter than the blue skies. heather walks by and waves enthusiastically to the both of you. her smile is kind, gentle, sweet. and doyoung reflects nothing, except hearts that shape his pupils. he’s mesmerized and unrecognizable.
you stand there dying at the hopelessness in your crush’s gaze over a single person. the nervousness in his wave says enough for you to know pain in your own chest. a sadness that pulls directly at your heartstrings.
heather, she wears cute outfits worth seeing the day of light. heather, she has a big heart that’s too good for this world. heather, she’s such an angel. heather, the one doyoung is in love with.
you wish you were heather.
you love doyoung the very day he stayed up with you to help you study for your final last semester. yet, he doesn’t even acknowledge your new haircut or the different accessories that wrap around your fingers. doyoung isn’t the type to really take these little details in account, but with heather. it’s different.
he rambles on and on about how he loves her dainty earrings. or the way her hair is pulled nicely into a neat ponytail. or how she looks better in his sweater.
despite it all, you couldn’t hate her. she has done nothing to you. effortlessly, doyoung tripped and fell head over heels for her and that is all out of her control. so, you’d rather loathe in your own self doubt than to hate someone as pure as heather.
maybe you simply aren’t as pretty as heather. she’s a doll, so to compare yourself to her is really an opportunity to crush your self esteem. doyoung likes pretty things. but is it that hard to find beauty in you? 
if only he knew how much you loved him, would that change the way he views you? doyoung is not perfect either, but that’s why you love him. his imperfections make him perfect. a little tempered, but cares with everything he can give to someone. he’s the softest boy, but won’t hesitate to snap someone in the neck. 
doyoung is more than what he makes himself out to be. a complexity that is greater to the unknown, but worth exploring. he’s outspoken, with a yield to fragility if punctured. doyoung, you know him better than anyone else. 
“are we hanging out tonight?” waving a quick hand in front of his daze, he shakes his head to refocus. 
doyoung pouts at your question, a little apologetic. “i thought i told you i had a date with heather.”
her spoken name crushes your bones, along with any hope that doyoung could ever feel anything for you. and silly you! to have buried the memory of their first date so deeply in the back of your mind that you forgot. 
“right.” your answer is limp, but doyoung is too excited to really register the drop in your tone. and the tug at the corners of your lips, the dipping eye contact to the ground. you’re not even listening anymore, drowning out the giddiness of your friend talking about someone else.
but it’s always the same. he talks about heather unwarranted, like she’s the only thing on his mind when before her, his mind was full of wisdom and insightful snarky comments. 
“listen doie, i’ll catch up with you later.” you place a lingering hand on his shoulder, and confusion blinks back at you. he takes your hand, intertwining them and kisses your knuckles. it’s a friendly gesture. he probably does this with heather too. 
his gummy smile reminds you of the man you love. instantly, pain is washed away and momentarily lost. “don’t be a fool, y/n. i always walk you to class. today is no different. plus, i like your company.” 
you wonder if this is his poor attempt at still making you seem important to him, or if he truly enjoyed spending more time with you. regardless, you don’t deny the offer and he seems to drop the conversation about heather. 
“have you ever loved anyone?” you are going to regret asking him this question, without you knowing the consequential answer that will break you further. 
“such a sudden question....” he laughs nervously, his eyes widening. “i don’t know what that feels like, and i’m sure the movies are over dramatizing it.”
“do you feel that with heather?” what on earth are you doing? the light pink that dusts across his pale cheeks can’t hide his embarrassment to being asked. your heart drops to the pit of your stomach, as you slowly feel your hand slipping away from his.
“not entirely, yet.” the shattering of your heart can be the only thing heard at this very moment. the chatter from passing students, the rustling of leaves from the wind, doyoung’s voice all fade away. 
it suffocates you, like the one word grew hands to squeeze all the life out of you. “have you? are you hiding a special someone from me?” his quizzical eyes blink with a mischievous implication and a growing smile. 
“i’ve felt it before and you’re right. it’s nothing like the movies, it’s more painful.” you speak without any control over your own words. doyoung frowns, but not evidently enough for you to point it out. instead you drop his hand and rush to your lecture hall. waving a small goodbye and a sadness that exposes more of your intentions. 
nonetheless, your friend waves back with an embarrassing amount of energy. and an irredeemable facade of kindness that taunts at your selfish feelings.
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“where’s doyoung?” johnny appears at your side with copious amounts of alcohol enough to wipe out the whole fraternity house. somehow you manage to lose sight of the people you came here with and end up sulking in the kitchen.
johnny is doyoung’s friend, but is friendly enough to acknowledge you whenever paths crossed. he opens a can of beer for himself after vultures snatch the new bottles he had brought in, but he doesn’t mind. he never does.
“on a date with heather.” grumbling, you let the remainder of the drink tip you over your limit. you’re buzzed enough, you could cry. and are you really going to forfeit the first person in college to see you cry be johnny suh? you just might.
“ah, the new chick he’s been talking about?” he mindlessly sips at his drink, while also greeting every person that flirtatiously beckons his way. but what you needed is for him to notice the suffering that love has mercilessly sprouted upon you. because your pride would never let you speak what’s bothering you.
 johnny turns around to your silently crying figure and automatically draws you into a warm hug. his shirt soaks up your tears, and in a way, he’s wiping them away. “don’t tell me you like kim doyoung.”
he whispers loud enough for only you to hear and it does nothing to help the waterfalls that wet the fabric, “no. i’m in love with kim doyoung.” 
now that is a proclamation that can be heard throughout the loud thumping party music that rumbles the house. and the single voice that has you regretting seeking comfort and vulnerability in the middle of a densely populated frat party.
“you are?” when you pull away to face the one person you did not expect to see here tonight, he shows an array of shock that you soon mirror as your eyes trail down. you see his hand nicely intertwined with heather’s, and her by his side with an equal amount of confusion. but they look promising, while your friendship with him does not anymore.
“what are you doing here?” is all you can find to say. johnny runs a hand through his locks, clearly flustered at the sight of such a tense awkwardness. 
“i came to pick you up.” a small speechless airy voice, he’s in disbelief. 
“doyoung, i’ll excuse myself.” heather proceeds to walk towards the door. you hold your breath to see his next move, but he stands there like an unmovable tower. 
is it pain in his eyes? you can’t tell what he’s feeling, but you had to do this for him. he’s your friend with feelings of his own that sadly does not include you, but must be honored and respected. so you run after heather for him, leaving doyoung to find time to process what had just happened.
“heather, please wait.” you sound breathless, chasing after the girl who holds your crush’s heart. she’s out on the pavement as you abruptly stop on the lawn, the night air feeling extremely cold against your hot skin.
she smiles at you, when you feel the alcohol running up your throat. your drunken self falls as she catches you in her arms. “y/n, it’s okay. you didn’t need to come after me.”
“you can’t leave him. please, he loves you.” heather’s hands caress your cheek softly and her round glossy eyes bore through your skin. 
“no. he doesn’t love me.” she points back to the house and you turn to see doyoung rushing out the door, taking deep breaths on the porch and staring directly at you, staring at you with a determination that has you running towards him as well.
and you melt into his long arms. his hand on the back of your head, pressing you into his rising chest. he’s absolutely breathless, why is he breathless? the kitchen is a short run from the front door, so why is he breathing as if he experienced the biggest panic in his life? 
perhaps, it’s fear of losing you. that his reaction scared you off and the risk of you leaving him. you can’t leave him, please. he loves you. 
doyoung does the unimaginable, something that you can only dream about, wish upon a star that it could come true. he lifts your chin and the streetlamps paint him a fluorescent warm tone orange. he kisses you with gentle lips and kind glides against your own.
in this very moment, you’re free falling. doyoung’s hand is reaching out for you, but it’s all too fast. the only thing that catches you is a gust of wind as it carries you to a safe landing. your heart beats like it’s never done so before, with love and confusion.
so, you push at his chest slightly aggressive as you scream with unknowing tears dripping down your cheeks again. “why would you ever kiss me? I’m not even half as pretty.” 
doyoung grips your wrists and opens his mouth to say something. anything. his eyes are frantically searching for a way to tell you what you truly mean to him. “because i--” he sighs, “i like you. i’ve always liked you.” 
everything comes to a halt, like a pause in the universe. never once has doyoung ever admitted those feelings about anyone, even heather. of course, you can tell through his reactions and constant chatter how he felt, but he’s never once said it aloud.
so were you too blinded by your own grief to realize that doyoung looked at you the same way he did to heather? that he talks about you endlessly to other people who are willing to listen? that he compliments subtle things about you, even if they aren’t things you purposefully changed? 
“what about heather?” you sniff, wiping your wet eyes.
“i thought i should learn to move on from someone who wasn’t going to look at me the same way i did them.” he brushes your cheek with his knuckles, planting the sweetest, most comforting kisses on your forehead.
your heart feels full. it feels put together. “i’ve liked you since you helped me with finals..” 
“...and i’ve liked you since the moment i laid eyes on you. then we grew closer, and today, i lied about never being in love. because with you, i feel it.” he smiles and it’s as if every bad thing to exist is resolved. doyoung grows a bit shy at his confession as his gaze drops to the floor.
“why didn’t you just tell me?” 
“why didn’t you just tell me?” doyoung turns the question back on you so matter of fact, yet still chuckling jokingly. “i’m sorry, i should have mustered up the courage to tell you a long time ago, i’m not the best with feelings... but i hope it’s not too late... that we aren’t too late to establish something?”
he draws you into a tight hug, your head rests on his broad shoulder. the scent of his cologne tickles your nose, and you’re incredibly happy. what a sight for sore eyes — the happiness that reaches to the stars, brighter than the night skies. 
you wish you were—
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heresyourramen · 3 years
Seo Changbin - Green Eyed Monster
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Halloween was ages ago but I still wanted to post this one. 
Changbin x female reader insert (Heavily tattooed y/n, she’s strong too since her job is a personnel trainer, idk whatever)
5.9 K Words
Warnings: A horror house, a lot of angst, pretty vanilla sex some light oral, jealousy, some fluff. 
"Its charming!" your voice echoed through the cold night air. 
The old mansion or at least what was left of it was probably anything but, though like anything if you looked hard enough you'd find the quirks. the gothic architecture had fallen apart, the steel spires and some old grey, rotten wood all that remained its steel spires and a  very creaky weather vane  that's rooster shape became somewhat ominous in the darkness of the night, well that and the sounds of people screaming inside every now and again probably also didn't help. 
"It's probably haunted and we're all going to die," Changbin's monotonous voice  came from beside you and you saw Felix clutch onto your boyfriends arm tighter and you half wished your love for all things spooky had remained a secret so that you could be the whiny baby  but alas, Changbin had met  you on a day you were wearing your favourite oversized Freddie Kruger t-shirt and therefor that was an impossible feat from the start. Han was clinging to your puffer jacket sleeve,  Minho stood beside you his face impassive  as he also stared ahead, out of the corner of your eye you saw Hyunjin sneak up on him from behind, he breathed down the back of Minhos neck, you've never seen someone go so pale so quickly but as soon as Minho turned around Hyunjins own fear was prevelant on his face as he flinched away from Minho who nearly put him in a choke hold.
 You let out a small sigh, when you thought touring the haunted house would be a  fun little activity for pre-Halloween festivities but when the boys thought they'd be able to manage wandering with you they'd obviously forgotten the last time they let you pick the movie for the designated movie night.  Your hope of cuddling with Changbin had been thrown out the window at the first jump scare, Felix claiming a spot on his lap instead and Han clinging onto you like a koala, his flailing had caused you to miss half of the movie itself. Chan had sat quietly enduring the movie his hand sneaking to hold Jeongins hand in his own for comfort, Hyunjin and Minho had clung onto each other  desperately and Jeongin had watched with the same level of interest as you and Changbin.  Chan was stuck recording  with Seungmin and Jeongin on a new vocal unit  track, keeping them away from tonight's little adventure and leaving and your boyfriend as the only two who might actually enjoy this horror show.
"Thanks sunshine." You rolled your eyes, you loved him but sometimes he was insufferable. You stepped forward walking through the crooked iron gate along the path lined with different carved pumpkin lanterns, Han either to scared to let go or too busy looking around for the  monsters his imagination was conjuring followed after you. You were a few steps in and the other shuffled through as well, following in your wake. 
The massive door lay  turned in against the wall and if it wasn't  for the small lights decorating the tickets table it would've looked like a big mouth of darkness waiting to swallow you whole and the entryway was deserted only some graffiti and stupid kids names carved into the ancient walls. You felt Han shiver most probably because of the breeze but you took his hand and gave it a gentle and what you hoped was a centring squeeze, not wanting the activity to induce a panic attack for him although that might be impossible because of what could be waiting around every corner. When you looked back  to check that no one had tripped over some old sticks and trash  that was blown onto the porch, your eyes immediately met Changbins his face was as impassive as ever but his brow had a small furrow to them as it moved from your face to your hands now hidden by Jisungs sweater paw and you turned your head back not really feeling guilty about it. 
Changbin was a naturally cuddly person with his members but for some reason he had kept PDA and clinginess with you to a minimum , rarely even holding your hand and only ever giving you a hug as a greeting in front of his members. Of course as the relationship progressed the boys saw you often enough to be comfortable with you as well, they'd be affectionate in a friendly way but often the affection you received from the younger boys felt more than that, that Changbin would show you. 
In private it was like his hands were glued to your body, always touching you in some way, hand resting on your thigh if he was busy otherwise he'd be cuddling you and peppering you with kisses 90 percent of the time. It hurt you that he didn't want to do the same for you in person but you'd left it alone knowing he would have good reason but it also meant in your perspective he had to accept that  being affectionate was part of your nature, and babying the boys was part of your natural trait as 'the mom' friend.  Han squeezed your hand as you passed under a not so stable looking archway and into a room with an old fire place following the neon arrows taped to the floor. Suddenly Minho- and Hyunjin's petrified screeches came from behind you and you saw a white hand come from underneath a table clutching onto Hyunjins ankle Minho screeching because Hyunjin nearly tackled him to the ground in his dramatics.  Hans other arm wrapped around the one holding his hand as he suctioned himself onto you, Felix also practically now being carried by Changbin. 
When you turned to lead the way into the new room a clown towered over all of you in the middle of the entryway, its plastic hatchet raised and a terrible grin with sharp teeth painted on the mask, your eyes widened and you couldn't help but giggle this however was inaudible thanks to the howls the boys sent up at the sudden shock. You lead Han around the clown, the actor in the suit only allowed to turn as he follows you with his scary smile as you walked passed. 
This was how the rest of the evening continued a jump scare coaxing wails and terrified screams from everybody but you who simple giggled at the outrageous costumes and Changbin who's expression remained mostly passive. When you exited the massive doors Felix and Han was practically dragging you and your boyfriend out and into the cold night air again.  When you all piled into your car Han having called shotgun the boys immediately started rambling loudly over the pop hits that played on the radio. When they mentioned they should do it every year you rolled your eyes at the outrageous suggestion. 
"Hey Noona, why do you like scary stuff so much." Han inquired eyes wide as everyone's attention shifted towards yourself and everyone else in the car went quite as you scanned the street to park so you could get ice cream, you sighed and parked at the end of the street.
"Because it's fun." the truth is that it had become a comfort much like getting piercings or tattoo's had, the pain, the adrenaline rush, they all clouded your brain in a new way that your sadness didn't and since then each of those items had become associated with feeling better, and even though your mental state had changed since a few years back it didn't change the fact that it was important to you. Changbin new this was the real reason, dammit it was one of the first conversations you had when you started dating and that's when he noticed you awkwardly shifting around the smiley with your tongue as you smiled uncomfortably he announced that he really wanted ice cream and diverted the attention away from you successfully. You got out and made sure the car was locked as you started walking until suddenly you felt someone jump on you, you heard Felix giggle and you grinned hooking your arms under his thighs as you carried him on your back an easy feat thanks to the hard work you put in the gym on the daily the few meters to the front of the late night ice cream shops entrance, conveniently located on the same block as their apartment. You've spent many nights here, post date night, post gym, heck even post sex but it didn't matter because it was Changbin who had made this place one of those things that help you feel better, but it was probably because he made you feel better.  Felix hopped off and you looked over to your boyfriend eyeing the two of you with that same look he had given Han clinging to your side, before directing everyone to the counter. 
You all sat happily eating the ice cream, laughing at the boys making fun of each others expressions when they got scared. You giggled along with them your legs resting on Han's lap who had claimed the seat beside you in the booth before any one could give it a second thought, you licked at your own ice cream the metal of your tongue ring against the creaminess a sensation you'd never get used to yourself.  At first you were confused when Changbin had approached in the gym at what seemed to be the end of a session with Chan, your friends who had used to train with you telling you that you often looked more than intimidating when doing your workouts, which you understood, you were the definition of the modern post break up stereotype, hair dyed nearly white except for your dark roots, tatted from your neck to your fingertips, pierced and hitting the gym nearly two hours a day with thigs big enough to crush skulls in between them, except your last break up had been two years ago and you hadn't felt the need to date again. Well, until Changbin who had nervously shifted himself from side to side and asked you to go for coffee with him, you had barely answered your eyes scanning at the veins that lined his big arms, looking bigger thanks to the pump from working out. You swore some drool had escaped your mouth as you ogled him and quickly said yes, truth be you had admired him plenty of times from across the weight section, I mean who didn't, he was beautiful. Point is you were beyond out of place with the sunshinyness of the boys, only ever somewhat looking like you could maybe fit in when you stood next to Bang Chan and Changbin with their monotonous outfits of black. But they had all warmly accepted you, with zero reservations,  as if the piercings and tattoos barely even existed, something you appreciated in a culture it was so seriously frowned, them treating you not like an outsider meant the world to you. 
But you thanked whatever deity existed everyday for all of them, no matter what, because for now you could say you wouldn't be getting new piercings or tattoo's soon at least not for the reasons you were used to getting them. When you were done, saying good bye to each of the boys, with soft pecks on the forehead from Felix and Jisung and a timid wave directed at them as they walked away, you released a deep breath the air foggy as it left your nose. 
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Changbin taking your hand, hooking his pinky with yours as he walked with you back towards the car, it wasn't unusual for him to go home with you after a day out. When you got in the car instead of your usual comfortable silences after busyness of a day there was an uneasiness to it, you shifted in your seat uncomfortably before driving to your place only a few blocks away.  Changbin sat looking out the passenger side window not even trying to change the music on the radio like he usually would and you swallowed hard. It's been a long time since your previous relationships and they almost always ended in a week of this type of suffocating silence, with a goodbye and a 'I've found someone else', your knuckles turned white  gripping the steering wheel hard as you nibbled your bottom lip, but you felt your body relax as his hand softly rested on your thigh. The warmth a comfort to your anxiety, his thumb rubbing slow circles easing away all the bad with each rotation. 
 He got out and patiently waited for you to grab your gym bag from the back of the old SUV before making your way back towards him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tucked you into his side as much as your thick puffer jackets would allow.  Your apartment wasn't big but it had a loft that allowed a little bit of separation and when you made your way upstairs your anxiety sparked once more when Changbin didn't follow you up and immediately flop down on your queen sized bed like he usually would. 
Changing out of your jeans and into some leggings and one of his old fluffy pink sweaters you slowly made your way back downstairs, despite your intense and obviously intimidating appearance you hated conflict and honestly you wished your anxiety would vanish so you wouldn't have to worry about talking about whatever it was that caused this uncomfortable silence. As you set about rinsing all your shake mixers in hot water while some water boiled so you could make coffee you felt his intense gaze on your back from where he sat at the small counter that separated your kitchen and living room area. When he cleared his throat you froze, hands still half in the soapy water as you waited.
"Y/n we can't avoid this conversation." you sighed audibly tongue poking at your smiley as you turned around again.
"Changbin I'm avoiding it because I don't even know what the conversation is going to be about." your tongue pokes at the side of your cheek irritation bubbling inside you for some reason and you fold your arms over your chest but quickly let them fall to your sides trying to stop yourself from creating a defensive wall. Changbin's jaw flexes visibly as he bites down in frustration, this wouldn't be your first argument and you had a feeling it probably wouldn't be your last but it still didn't mean it was something you wanted to do at almost midnight after a long day. Your arms automatically crossed across your chest as you leaned against the sink and Changbin stood up from his seat to stand right in front of you his hands resting on your biceps tenderly.
"I don't like seeing the guys so affectionate with you, and before you say something-", he held up a pointed finger as you prepared yourself to interrupt him mouth already open but shutting quickly at his gesture, " - I know that's something I'll have to discuss with them and not you but I wanted to tell you how I felt." 
"Well Binnie it would help if you didn't give them any space to do so." Your brows furrowed as you looked up at his only slightly taller figure, his eyes scanned your face confused a silent question asking what you meant by that. You huffed eyes diverting to the ground and away from his gaze, your hands cupping your elbows instead of defensive you came across scared.
"You don't show affection towards me around them." You mumble and quickly look at him his gaze still confused but he didn't step away his hands were still softly gripping your arms.
"Binnie you cuddle them and let them cuddle you all the time when I'm around, there's no space for me to initiate any type of PDA between us and besides I wouldn't initiate it because they're your friends and I don't want you or them to feel uncomfortable. " His grip on your arms tighten for a second before his touch leaves you completely,  Changbin takes a step back and crosses his arms. 
"You're right I don't want them feeling uncomfortable, that's why I don't do it Y/n, you are a lot to take in and we need to give them time to get used it." You felt a pang in your chest he's never once said anything negative about your appearance, never even hinted that it bothered him and him using it as an excuse made a different kind of anger bubble inside you.
"Well I'm pretty sure they've warmed up to me by now judging by how you're getting jealous ." You didn't even try to keep your tone neutral every word dripping with sarcasm a you stared him down, hard. "Jealous?" he rolls his eyes up exasperated and chuckles and places a hand on his chest, " I'm not jealous."
"Oh? Then what are you?" you quirk a brow a smirk tugging at your lips. this was exactly why you avoided conflict, you knew yourself, and you knew you didn't fight fair. 
"I'm tired of my girlfriend hanging on my members like she isn't already in a relationship and acting like she'd rather be having them fuck her into the mattress." Your gaze darkened and your face turned into an ugly snarl.
"Changbin, listen to yourself." Your tone was low and an obvious warning, he didn't know much about your previous relationships, but he knew how you felt about cheating.  He ignored it, taking a step back into your personal space.
"Gee I bet that'd be nice, huh? Dating two famous stars at the same time." Your eyes that had been screwed shut as soon as he'd stepped closer shot open wide. Never once had you ever said anything about dating him because he's famous or done something to actively make his life even more difficult as an idol sure you were active in the industry you were a fucking dietician and personal trainer for a variety of stars but he knew how you felt about mixing your personal life with your work. 
"What . The. Fuck. Changbin?" you two both stood glaring at each other you never thought you'd see the day that jealousy could turn the man in front of you this ugly. You were looking for something in his eyes in the form of remorse or even a little bit of guilt but nothing but anger and something you could describe as jealousy darkening his gaze and staring your figure down. 
"You better give me a very good reason as to why I should still let you stay the night and not  make you get a taxi right now."  Your eyes lowered into a glare a hungry and angry fire in the pit of your stomach as you pointed in the direction of the door.  When he crashed his lips onto yours it was hard and messy and you mumbled inaudible protests into his mouth that was still devouring your lips.  Your brain went static when his one hand laced through your hair and the other your waist and in other scenarios you wouldn't have minded but now you hated it, he'd hurt you, and you were mad but his kisses had the ability to slowly melt your fury into lust a weakness he seemed to exploit.
 His lips detached from yours, messy and swollen red from his harsh biting and you gasped finally breathing, as he planted open mouth kisses past your jaw and down your neck, you can't remember when your hands had gone to his chest but you didn't mind your hands sliding down and under his t shirt finger grazing over his hard abs and back to his hard pecks. The way he moaned against your neck set off a bunch of butterflies in your stomach, and you smiled dumb. His hands roamed across your body and finally found resting place under your ass that he tapped softly ordering you to jump, and you did so legs wrapping around his waist out of habit his lips back on yours furiously devouring you once again.  He only did so until he reached the stairs, pulling back to make sure he wouldn't fall on your way to the bed, you took this as ample opportunity to strip, as you tugged off the sweatshirt leaving you bare and Changbin paused his ascent with a pretty whine, before placed a tender kiss in between your boobs right on top of the blackout rose tattoo on your sternum, before biting at the same space and you bit down hard on your bottom lip to suppress your own whine.  
He continued making his way up, knee's almost buckling when you sucked and nibbled at the space on his neck right under his ear. When he got up the stairs he put you down softly before adjusting you roughly so your head was on the pillows and he was removing the tights and panties at the same time, he quickly took his shirt off after but before you could reach out and touch him his arms immediately went to your hips as he hooked them under your legs the only part of him in reach, his head.
 He started biting and nibbling down the inside of each of your thighs soothing each new little bruise with an open mouth kiss getting teasingly close to your dripping core before suddenly pressing his tongue flat against your clit and suckling on it your moan tore through the room and replaced your pants as he continued sucking and softly nibbling on it slowly pumping two fingers in and out of your wet pussy. 
Gripping at his hair hard in an attempt to ground yourself you nearly tugged his head hard enough you thought you might've pulled out strands, when he curled his fingers inside you as you unleashed a whine, but he only groaned deep in his chest the vibrations through your clit causing a different wave of pleasure to move  through you. The way your walls clenched around his fingers almost sucking the digits he was scissoring in deeper, as you came closer to your release he detached himself from your clit and pulled his fingers out abruptly.
 The snarl you unleashed as your head whipped up made him smirk, you knew exactly what he was doing, Changbin was a motherfucking tease and after arguments he seemed to enjoy it even more as he wound you up till you were nearly teetering off the edge, dragging you further and further away from your orgasm until it'd suddenly crash into you , and crash over you hard. Using your hold on his hair you pulled him up so his face was hovering over yours again and you had to work hard to repress the shiver running up your spine at how absolutely breath taking he looked, swollen lips pulled in a smirk and dripping with the evidence of your arousal, his full cheeks covered in it, half lidded eyes looking down on you pleased with himself and the hard hold you had on his dark tresses. You were debating flipping him over, fucking him stupid and then leaving him high and dry like he often tries to do with you but he stopped all thoughts of doing so when you heard a belt buckle and a zip as Changbin pulled back to stand and take off his pants and boxers your grip loosened on his hair at the implication of the sounds. He made his way back over you, the same lazy smirk still on his face some part of the fuzziness started fade and you lowered your gaze into a glare.
"The silent treatment?" he said quirking a brow, as he reached over to your bedside drawer and took out a condom your eyes following his actions and your hands resting next to you on the sheets, fisted them hard in an attempt to contain your body's neediness. 
"It's okay baby, you wont stay like that for long." as soon as the condom was on he was positioned between your legs and he was pushing inside you slowly, inch by inch. You bit down on your lips hard enough to draw blood as you tried to contain your whine as you clutched the bed sheets beneath you, no matter how many times Changbin's size was always almost too much to handle but the pain always became a brief memory as soon as you adjusted. 
"Shhh baby," he cooed softly in your ear as he brushed sweaty strands of hair out of your neck as placed more opened mouth kisses down where his fingers had softly grazed before, his breathing heavy at the tightness around him as he waited for you to signal that he could move. When he pulled back your eyes fluttered open and you gave him a stern look and you felt him pull almost all the way out before thrusting back into you slowly.
 The pace made it feel like he was never ending but eventually his hips was once again flush against yours his head poking at a specific spot inside you that had you shuddering a moan escaping through your lips your eyes screwing shut. This time he pulled out thrusting back in hard and your lips went wide open in a silent moan as his finger directed your chin so you faced him, your eyes fluttering open.
"Come on baby, I want you to say my name..." his voice is deep and raspy in your ear as his fingers gripped your jaw trapping your head so you could only look up.
"I want to make sure you know who's making you feel," he thrusts into you hard and your back arches so your chest is pressed against his.
"...this..." another hard thrust and your moaning, borderline screaming, loud enough you know your neighbours will be complaining the next day.
"...good." this thrust felt so deep you were sure if you looked down you'd see him poking through  your stomach and your hands flew nails digging into his back and legs wrapping around his waist in encouragement. He starts a relentless pace his hips slapping against you harshly as he hits continuously hits the spot that has you moaning, tears welling up in your eyes that are screwed shut and your hands move to desperately clutch at his hair again, his grunts and own moans right by your ears making you keen, he shifts his arm hooking under your knee pushing it up and almost against your chest and suddenly he's deeper.
"Binnieeee!" your scream echoes of the walls off your otherwise silent apartment your back arching as stars start to enter in your peripheral and your moans become louder. 
"See baby," he mumbles, panting against your exposed neck as you toss your head back in sheer pleasure as he continues his relentless pace, "that wasn't so difficult." he planted open mouth kisses on your neck, nibbling at already bruised and marked skin, purple over the blue ink that decorated your throat. His high was approaching even faster as he watched you fall apart beneath him and by the way your walls were fluttering he knew your own orgasm wasn't far away. 
His arm unhooked from underneath your  leg but you were to far gone too even notice, your brain had gone blank your vision white as he brushed his fingers against your clit. You came hard, shuddering and Changbin felt himself cumming as your walls squeezed him dry as he rode out both your orgasms.  He pulled out of you and you whimpered at your own sensitivity, he discarded the condom and came back pecking your forehead.
"Go get ready for bed baby, I'll change the sheets." His voice was gentle and as you grabbed something to sleep in you felt a heavy weight settle on your chest, your fuzzy and tired brain not quite comprehending it as you cleaned yourself and got under the clean sheets. Even as Changbin came back from his shower his front pressed to your back arms squeezing you tightly against him, his lips kissing the back of your neck goodnight before cuddling you till you fell asleep the weight didn't go away. 
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You had woken up sore but not nearly as sore as you thought you'd be, when your alarm went off at 5 a.m. you had quickly switched it off, Changbin's snores the only sign he was indeed alive and not a corpse, with the way he was able to sleep through anything you often ended up checking his breathing on days he didn't even make a sound. You peeled yourself out of bed grateful that you had showered after your promiscuous activities, albeit half-assed and sleepy. You jumped up an down as you pulled up the teal coloured yoga pants and slipped a big black hoodie over the matching sports bra. You busied yourself with your usual routine, making your breakfast, blending the protein shake and then making your coffee and leaving Changbin's on the bedside table just before you left. 
It wasn't unusual for you to leave him alone at your place after he stayed the night it was rare that you didn't have a client in the early mornings but you felt that nothing was resolved. In fact as you drove to the gym you felt that frustration bubble again, you were hurt and mad that Changbin had gotten his way when he had no right too.  After your session with your first client you felt somewhat better, the endorphins from working out helping you feel better even if it was only a little. 
The days that followed allowed for numbing routine to push your unease to the back of your head Changbin had mentioned they'd be busy the days that followed your weekend but you thought you'd at least be able to spot them in the gym, better you didn't because you wouldn't know how to act. When you got an invitation for dinner at their apartment for tomorrow you were half surprised and half relieved, it had been five days of silence and work, not completely unusual but he'd at least send an 'I love you' or an 'I miss you' text when he was super busy. 
Only when you drove to his place after getting ready after work did the nervous jitters set in and you tapped away at the steering wheel before pulling into the underground parking lot. The lift ride felt like an eternity and you couldn't decide if it was unnaturally cold because of air conditioning or because it was winter and you wondered if the fluorescents were always that bright? You took a centring breath and lightly tapped the door, you heard heavy foot falls on the other side and then the door swung open and Felix was tugging you inside he'd helped you take off your jacket while you slipped off your sneakers and gave you quick side hug before having you follow him into the living room. It was dark all the curtains drawn and some red fairy lights were strung up alongside some fake cobwebs, some bat cut outs and what looked like skeletons you'd find in a biology class room, on the floor was a pile of blankets and cushions Jeongin, Minho, Hyunjin and Han sat on the floor in front of the tv different bowls of Halloween themed candy in front of them as they chatted away, Felix who had left you came back out with cookies decorated in orange and black icing and Seungmin following with two big bowls of popcorn. 
You heard Changbin and Chan's familiar giggles as they made their way from their room you assumed and your shoulders dropped the tension disappearing at the fact that Changbins smile remained even when he saw you. He made his way over to you and he tugged you into a tight hug tilting his head back and pecking your lips tenderly. Your brain stopped working for a second, his lips like a pause button for your thoughts and you couldn't help but melt as all your senses  became filled by Changbin, his cologne filled the air around you and his arms created a safety bubble around you, when he pulled away and you felt the red rush to your face you realised what he'd done. He took your hand pulling you to sit on the couch next to Chan and Felix, when he tugged you down you nearly fell into his lap and when you tried moving away he pouted and tucked you into his side as he looked down at you, the other boys chatting away without a care in the world.
"What's going on?" you whispered blinking confused and eyes wide. 
"We're celebrating Halloween and you get to pick the scary movie." Changbin said and handed you the remote. 
Your brain was still trying to focus on the fact that he was being affectionate in front of everyone else and you quickly selected Scream, not too scary and a movie you watched religiously every year for the holiday. 
Seungmin sat back and handed you one of the big popcorn bowls and immediately Felix, Chan and Changbin greedily stuffed their hands into the bowl as the movie started. For the most part the boys remained in their own seats allowing you and Changbin to cuddle in peace him lying on the couch with his back on the arm rest and you draped between his legs, head resting on his chest, there was still flailing about and screaming loudly at the murders and jump scares, but seeing as Felix  was seated next to Chan he got to Koala someone  else and Seungmin and Jeongin acting as the calm for the others antics. It was nearing the  end of the movie, the build up featuring an array of dramatics and Han turned facing the two of you his hand grabbing yours that was dangling down the side of the couch past Changbins waist and trying to hide behind it. You smiled sweetly but your eyes went wide as Changbins arms wrapped around you and he sat up slightly.
"Yah, this is my girlfriend hold your boyfriends hand." he said in an aegyo like tone his chin nodding jokingly in the direction of Minho, Han giggled and turned to face the screen but didn't let go of your hand and you looked up at Changbin who sat smiling at the screen and you had to contain your giddyness, nuzzling your face back into his chest as you smiled like an idiot. When the movie ended and the boys started talking animatedly about their favourite parts and getting up to fetch more snacks for the next one you felt Changbin shift. 
"Y/n?" Changbin says and hum looking up at him, he looked extremely uncomfortable and you could see how he forced himself to look you in the eyes.
"I'm sorry, I know this doesn't make up for what I did or how I made you feel, I had no right too, I know I manipulated the situation. Jealousy just got the best of me, but I'll do better for you." His voice sounded pained, every word laced with regret and you adjusted so you could hold his face between your hands squishing his cheeks, almost surprised that he let you but his neediness to be babied obviously cancelled out his anxiety.
"You're right what you did wasn't fair, but lucky for you I can't stay mad at you for long." his shoulders relaxed and you pecked him softly on his lips and when you pulled back you could've sworn you saw the galaxy in his eyes.
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thetomorrowshow · 3 years
a jig in plaited time
Happy holidays, @under-the-blue-moonlight ! I really enjoyed writing up some intrulogical content for you (and this may actually get additional chapters lol, I’m really happy with it).
Here is your @sanderssidesgiftxchange gift!
ships: Intrulogical, background Royality
cw: anxiety, intrusive thoughts, panic attack, mannequins, mentions of food
Why was Remus at the mall?
That was a simple question, with a just as simple answer. He was at the mall for a suit and tie, one he needed for his brother's wedding. It needed to be “salmon” or whatever, with a blue tie.
A much less simple answer was to the next question.
Why was Remus at the mall on Black Friday?
In all honesty, Remus hadn't known about Black Friday until he arrived. He hadn't really had a good feeling about it on the way here, but he'd paid no mind to his instincts. He didn't often have a good feeling about anything. There had been far too many cars for this time of morning on a weekday. What had really tipped him off, though, was the huge sign in the window of Nordstrom's.
Even at that point he wasn't entirely sure what that meant. It became far more clear when he entered the building to find it absolutely packed. Well, there could be an upside to this. Maybe there would be a sale on the suit he needed.
Remus hadn't been this close to someone since he was in the womb, and he could not say that he was very comfortable with it. Remus didn't care much for close spaces and touching people, he hadn't since middle school. It just made him feel sort of icky.
As soon as possible, he ducked out of Nordstrom's, only to find that the rest of the mall was in a similar condition. JC Penney actually looked worse. Normally when Remus was feeling overwhelmed, he'd sidle into Hot Topic or somewhere else with obnoxiously loud music. By drowning his feelings in the noise, he generally was able to recollect himself. The mall was certainly loud, but not in a good way at all. Even if he tried to find someplace with music, he wouldn't be able to enjoy it with all these people.
Remus was stressed. But he needed this suit, seeing as his brother's wedding was literally tomorrow. Why did he leave it this late? Well, Remus knew he was nothing if not a master procrastinator. He also knew he couldn’t be the only one.
Remus waded his way through the crowd to a relatively people-free corner and wiggled his phone out of the pockets of his definitely too-small jeans (not that he'd admit they were too small out loud—his brother had told him they were on every occasion he wore them) and texted the wedding group chat.
Remus: hey im at the mall. anything yall need?
Robro: Why are you at the mall on black friday?
Patty-Cake: ooh can you get me a pair of sunglasses? Mine broke last week
Remus: sure. stuff for wedding?
Robro: idk. Let me ask mom
Remus shoved his phone back in his pocket, then extracted it again as it buzzed a moment later.
Robro: Yeah mom says get some classy decor or something
Ant: I don't think remus knows what classy means
Remus: shut up i got this
Toby: wait what's going on? It's like 10am why are you all awake
Robro: idk if you knew this tobes but I'm getting married tomorrow
Toby: shut up man
Ant: even Remy knows
Sleep: even i know loser
Remus: toby do u need help
Toby: I hate it heeere
Patty-Cake: Aw Toby that isn't very nice! And good morning everyone!
Robro: hello sunshine!! <3
Sleep: i need you both to not start that
Remus: get a room dorks
Okay, classy decor. Sunglasses for the groom. Pink suit. Blue tie. Probably some dress shoes. A wedding present. Dress socks too. Did Remus need to have a tie pin? He'd ask later. Napkins, definitely. No one ever had enough napkins at events. Did he need to have a pocket handkerchief?
Remus checked the list of what his suit needed that Roman had sent him a month or two ago. Yes, a blue pocket square. This was a lot.
Remus swallowed back his sudden panic and took a few deep breaths, jamming his still-buzzing phone back into his pocket. He could do this. Sunglasses first, there was a Sunglasses Hut within eyesight. All he had to do was fight through the crowd.
He reached the kiosk with few incidents and surveyed the sleek glasses for five minutes before seeing a pair that were shaped like a cartoon frog. Patton would love those. And if he didn't, then Remus just got a neat pair of sunglasses! He purchased the glasses and moved on to the next place to conquer.
By the time Remus was back at Nordstrom's, he was completely out of energy. Nordstrom's had two levels, and so much stuff, and so many people. He still had to get the suit and socks, and the wedding present. Maybe it seemed like he hadn't done much, but he had actually done a lot, considering how busy the mall was. He'd barely escaped a fistfight outside of the electronics store. The fact that he'd been able to get shoes and so-called 'classy decor' and napkins? Remus was pretty proud, all things considered.
Nordstrom's was even busier than when he left, which was certainly distressing. Remus couldn't even see any clothes. Was that a mannequin or a really tall lady? Was that the escalator, or a bunch of people climbing on top of each other?
What if I set off a bomb right here? Would the whole tower fall down, the ones on top not actually hurt until they hit the ground?
Remus shook off the intrusive thought. This was getting bad. It was already almost one—that meant that not only was he stressed, but he was getting hungry. His thoughts would continue to devolve until he got out of here and got some food.
I could eat that man! That would certainly clear the place out, and I'm sure he's delicious!
Remus groaned. He needed to sit down, but there were no seats free anywhere. He hefted his bags higher on his shoulders and forged on. He had to get this suit, or else the wedding would be ruined. The man in question (who was fairly attractive) bumped him, and Remus had to close his eyes to fight his brain. This was getting out of hand.
There was a little square cut out in the wall where a headless mannequin stood, no doubt showing off the latest in boys' fashion. Remus ducked between its legs and pushed his back up against the wall, knees drawn up close to his chest. He pulled out his phone with some difficulty.
Remus: hey so ro does my suit need a tie pin
Robro: Don't worry abt it, mom got matching tie pins for everyone
Sleep: ree babes are you buying ur suit now?
Remus: shut up
Sleep: on black friday?
Remus: no
Ant: did you even know it was black friday
Remus: ...
Toby: wait the wedding is tmrrw
Robro: Believe me tobias I'm aware
Remus: yah ik im not buying the whole suit just shoes
Robro: Good I almost had a heart attack, you almost certainly wouldn't be able to find one
Now truly panicking, Remus dropped his phone onto his stomach and buried his fists in his hair. How was he supposed to find a salmon suit and a blue tie, as well as nice socks? Plus a wedding present? Especially in this crowd, when he had no clue where to even look for a suit. And he still had to go to the party tonight, then the wedding tomorrow, and it was so loud. Everyone was yelling over each other, and Remus couldn't even hear his own thoughts—except the bad ones. Why did he have to put this off so long? He needed out, he wasn't going to be able to get any of the stuff, he was going to ruin the wedding, like he ruined everything—
“Hello, may I help you?”
Remus looked up—at least, as up as he could look, with a mannequin just above him—to see a bespectacled store clerk looking down at him. 'Logan', his nametag read.
Remus opened his mouth, then closed it again before a string of curses could come out. He really wasn't doing well. There was just too much, too much everything.
“Is there anything I can help you find?” Logan asked, his voice rumbling a bit—or maybe it was the thunder of people in the shop. Whatever it was, it made Remus's stomach drop a little.
“Um, uh, pink!” If Remus had any shame, he would have slapped his own face. As it was, he started trying to pantomime a suit while stuck in a tiny hollow in the wall. Logan watched kindly, his face not betraying the disgust he was probably feeling.
“Pink what? Shirt?” Logan guessed. Remus shook his head, running his hands down his legs. Pants too, pants too.
“Pink . . . coat? Shorts? Pants?”
Remus traced back over his arms, almost crying. Here he was, bothering this poor clerk with his stupid non-verbal self.
“A pink suit?”
Remus jumped for joy, hitting his head on the crotch of the mannequin, instantly shuddering at the thoughts that flooded into his head. Logan held out a hand, and Remus took it, allowing himself to be pulled out of the wall.
“I can direct you to the suit section, right this way.”
Remus let himself be led by Logan, who occasionally looked back to make sure he was still there. The man had a curly mop of dark hair, and was slightly shorter than he was—not that it was a problem. Or anything important. Remus wasn't looking for a date. He was inconveniencing a store clerk on Black Friday. Although, he did need a plus one for the wedding. . . .
No, it was out of the question. He didn't even know this man. Roman would be upset if he ruined the wedding even more by showing up with some rando who would probably jump in the wedding cake or spill food all over the nice tablecloths or turn out to be really ugly because he was just wearing a mask made of someone else's face.
“Here is where the suits are. Do you need anything else?”
Remus stared at him, his mouth opening and shutting a few times. He wanted to say something stupid, like yeah, I need those eyes in my life, or something far more obscene, but he was okay. He could do this. He could survive peopling.
Logan gave him a sympathetic smile. “I can help you find the right suit, if that's what you require.”
Before he could stop himself, Remus was nodding. He let Logan pull him past a crying couple and two arguing families to a rack of suit coats that were red.
“Will these suffice?” the clerk asked, gesturing at them. Remus frowned. They weren't pink. Was the man messing with him? Seeing his look, Logan checked the tag and groaned. “Apologies, I'm colorblind. I could have sworn these were pink. Hopefully the last customer who I pointed this way was not upset.”
That was a joke, right? Remus almost laughed, but knew if he did he would start crying. Logan led him through the crowd with seemingly unending patience, occasionally smiling gently at him. Remus felt his heartrate spike every time one of those smiles was sent his way, but for a reason completely unrelated to the overpowering noise and crowd.
Logan found him a probably very nice pink suit—Remus wasn't really looking at it. Then Logan was kind enough to let him into an employee restroom to try it on, seeing as the dressing rooms had a line that ran all the way to the front doors. It fit nicely, tight (though not as tight as his jeans) and sleek, accompanied with a blue tie that Logan had found while he was changing.
“That looks very sharp on you, sir,” Logan informed him, as Remus blushed.
“Remus,” he blurted out. Logan raised his eyebrows.
“After the character in Roman mythology?” asked Logan, his tone betraying something like excitement. Remus nodded, then looked down at the tie.
“We—didn't look at—at ties yet,” he stammered, trying to make his voice work. “Where—?”
“Ah, it happens to be one of mine,” Logan said. For the first time, he looked a little uncomfortable. “I keep one in my locker for emergencies, and I thought it would look nice on—it would look nice. With the suit.”
Remus finally found the courage to smile back. “Thanks, Specs. Uh, sorry for taking up so much of your time. I'll just buy this, it's dope.”
“Oh no, I do not at all mind assisting you,” Logan said quickly. “At least I don't have to deal with . . . whatever is going on.”
“You could assist me by being my date!”
Logan stared.
Remus clapped a hand over his mouth.
“. . . What?”
“Nothing, nothing nothing,” said Remus. “I just—um—you need to get your tie back right? And I—if you let me, of course—I could just wear it, save money and all that, and you could come and then take it home so that I don't steal it or whatever?” He scrunched his eyes up, turning away so as to catch no sight of Logan rejecting him. Why did he have to say that? The noise pressed down on him again; despite still being in the staff restroom, it was almost too loud to bear.
“Wear it . . . where?”
Remus would already be curled up on the floor were it not for the very un-purchased suit he was currently wearing. “Um, my brother's wedding tomorrow?” he chanced, hands clenched over his eyes.
The utter disbelief in Logan's voice was clear as a bell. “You are buying a suit . . . for a wedding . . . that is tomorrow. On Black Friday, of all days.”
Tears choked Remus's throat. “Y-yeah, I'm really bad at planning.” Why was he even asking this cute clerk out anyway? Just because Roman kept teasing him for not having a date to the wedding? Or did he actually have a crush on Logan?
He searched his feelings briefly, and found almost instantly that he for sure had a crush. Okay, that was a lot to deal with right now. They had just met! It was just . . . the way he smiled at him, the way he didn't abandon him even though he'd been having a panic attack for about an hour at this point, how gentle and kind he was. Not to mention how put-together he was. And his hair? That was just hot.
Now though, just seconds after realizing he liked Logan, the guy was going to reject him because he had run his stupid mouth. Remus cringed. The silence had gone on for far too long.
“Well, I expect you to pick me up an hour before the event begins. I do not currently have my own means of transportation. You are quite fortunate that I do not work tomorrow.”
“You—you really—?” Remus's voice broke. He jumped as Logan lay a warm hand over his own, which were still pressed into his eyes.
“Of course,” Logan said kindly. “I know very little about you, but I rather feel that—and no offense meant—you will be distressed at such a large event as a wedding. I would love to continue to assist you.” He coughed, then added, “Also, the streak in your hair is very attractive.”
Remus almost sighed in relief. This was okay. He let Logan pull his hands away from his face, then ran a sleeve over his eyes and nose. Logan froze.
“Well, now you have to buy that suit,” Logan said. As an aside, he muttered, “At least it looks good on you.”
“Aw, Lo, you think I look hot?” Remus asked shakily, managing a smile. “What about my jeans? Think I look good in tight clothes?”
Logan turned away, unfortunately letting go of Remus's hands, the tips of his ears turning pink. “Are you always this insufferable?”
Remus slung an arm around his shoulder. “Yep! And you're stuck with me for a whole date!”
Logan pushed his glasses up his nose. “If it doesn't work out, we can just pretend we never met, if you like. We will both move on with our lives. There is no obligation that comes with this date, we are both free to back out at any time.”
Remus quickly retracted his arm from Logan's shoulder, then nodded. That made sense. He did like Logan, and he didn't want to upset him. Shameless flirting was definitely on the table, though.
“When's your lunch break?” Remus asked, as casually as possible. Logan snorted.
“I only have a twenty minute lunch today, they don't want me to leave them without as much help as possible.” Logan went to open the door and exit the restroom, then glanced back. “One o'clock. I plan on getting a sandwich at the Subway in the hall outside of the store. It would be wonderful if someone would wait in line for me and order me an Italian BMT and a bag of potato chips, so that I am not late in returning.”
Remus grinned. Easy-peasy, and just like that he would get to spend some time with Logan before the wedding.
Logan made to leave, but Remus grabbed his arm. “One sec, hot stuff,” he said, butterflies racing through his stomach at Logan's blush, “not to bother you any more or anything, but do you have any suggestions for a wedding present?”
The utter disbelief on Logan's face completely wiped out any blush that had been there. “The wedding is tomorrow, Remus.”
Remus's breath caught. Logan said his name. It sounded so beautiful coming from him. If a heavenly chorus had been singing around him at that moment, it would have been dull compared to Logan saying his name.
Logan sighed. “Of course I have some ideas. Do you need anything else?”
Remus pulled himself together, then grabbed his phone from the pile of his clothes on the floor. He checked the list, ignoring the notifications from the group chat.
“Uh, yeah. A pocket square to match the tie, and some nice socks.”
“That's doable. Tell me about your brother and his partner while we find those items. Perhaps you and I can put together an ideal gift.” Logan stepped out of the restroom to give Remus privacy while he changed back into his clothes. Remus shucked the suit off as quickly as possible. All the intense stimulation had blurred into the background, Logan being the only buzz he needed to keep going.
Remus didn't often have a good feeling about anything, but this? Oh yeah, there was definitely something good here.
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dc41896 · 4 years
Save Room for Us
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Hey guys☺️! So this is inspired by the songs “Save Room for Us” by Tinashe and “Should’ve Been Us” by Tori Kelly (idk if that’s a thing for an imagine to be inspired by two songs that but here we are lol). Also I feel like it’s a bit lengthy so sorry about that and hope you guys like it!
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: Tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff💕!
“Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?,” you sing along with Pocahontas on the television screen while your 10 month old daughter, Ameera, sat in your lap as you finished securing the bow on her last puff.
Babbling as she gazes at the movie, the chime of the security alarm from the front door opening draws her attention as she crawls towards the armrest. “Looks like your favorite uncle is here,” you smile hearing her excitedly squeal seeing Chris walk into the room.
“I’m coming sweetheart just let me wash my hands first.”
Having stayed with him in his Boston home throughout the entirety of quarantine so far, Ameera had become attached to her new playmate. When he wasn’t being interviewed or working with Mark, you’d find the both of them laughing on the floor on top of one of his throws playing peek a boo or with one of her many toys.
Sometimes they’d even watch Disney movies together with Chris being the reason for her current obsession with Pocahontas. Both sat with eyes glued to the screen wrapped in a blanket eating a snack, you couldn’t help but secretly take a picture trying to hide your laughter at the adorable site.
“Hi meemo,” Chris smiles picking up the already giggling little girl and kissing her cheek before sitting on the couch beside you. “What have you been doing since I’ve been gone huh?”
“The usual. Eating, playing, fussing when she wants to watch her new favorite movie.”
“Sounds like you had a busy day,” he chuckles tickling under her chin. “And what about you? Still packing your stuff?”
“Yea I uh packed some of her toys earlier but that’s it.”
“You know, you don’t have to go. I don’t have a problem with you guys staying as long as you want. Even ma told me to tell you her place is open too,” he adds looking at you while your daughter plays with the pendant on his necklace.
Being your best friend, you knew he’d try to do whatever he could for you both, but that still didn’t take away the guilt you felt from the situation. You didn’t want to inconvenience him in any way with Ameera’s crying or her, at times, crazy sleep schedule especially since he was still working. He assured you that wouldn’t be the case though when he suggested you come stay with him during an impromptu venting session on your part.
Your parents wanted you to stay with them instead of being on your own in the apartment, but with five people living in a three bedroom house you knew things would eventually feel cramped. You were already stressed enough with everything going on and doing your best to take care of your baby. You didn’t feel like your family being on top of you would help.
And so here you were these past four months and counting living with your best friend from high school.
“I know, but my parents have been on my back talking about how they wish they could see Ameera in person and how I should be spending time with them, so I think it’s time we leave. Plus I’m sure you’re ready to get rid of us,” you laugh propping your elbow on the back of the couch.
“Never, if you guys wanted to live here forever I wouldn’t mind,” he smiles as Ameera taps his eyebrows with her small palms trying to get some words out but only releasing grunts making him laugh.
“Hey now, be gentle.”
“It’s ok, I know what she wants.” Raising his eyebrows and making a stern face, she wildly squeals showing her one tooth while grinning and bouncing up and down.
“Listen here small person, if you think you’re the most adorable one here you’re in for a rude awakening,” he speaks in a low voice further prompting her giggles.
“Why have you been doing Lucas Lee in front of my child?,” you laugh as he turns to you returning to his normal expression.
“Well she was fussy one day we were waiting for you to get out the shower so I did it making a funny face and she loved it. I guess it’s been our thing since.”
“Oh boy, I don’t think you know what you’ve created meera.”
“What? Everybody loves Lucas Lee,” he ruggedly speaks getting back into character. “That’s been proven from my numerous fan voted awards,” he winks making you lean forward in laughter and him join in soon after.
“Da-da!” Both of you snapping your heads to your daughter, you watch her giggle with hands on his chest as she presses her lips against his cheek trying to give him a kiss but leaving a slobbery mess instead.
“Meemo that’s your first word! Do it again, say da da!”
“Or how about we try uncle? Say un-cle!,” you smile playing with her hand.
“Dada,” she giggles again lying her head in the crook of his neck before letting out a soft yawn and making him aw as he gently sways her side to side.
“I can put her to sleep if you want?”
“No it’s okay I got her. Come on Ameera it’s nap time.”
Taking her from his hands, she pokes out her bottom lip as she begins to fuss not wanting to leave her uncle.
“It’s okay, I’ll be here when you wake up,” he tries to soothe only to be met with tears while you walk her to the guest room. Smiling to himself he hears you quietly sing the familiar melody over the baby monitor on the table eventually getting her to settle. Whenever he heard it, whether from your mouth or somewhere else, he was always brought back to visiting you in the hospital shortly after Ameera was born.
Tip toeing in the room behind your mom to surprise you, he found you alone with a content smile sitting in bed as you gently swaddled the tiny infant lying in front of you.
“My cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore, you're the only girl my heart beats for, how I wish that you were mine,” you sung carefully picking her up to cradle in your arms.
“I picked something up for you while I was out,” your mom smiled moving aside to reveal a slightly crouched Chris holding two large pink gift bags designed with cartoon storks.
“I thought you were away filming?!”
“Well, I heard it was someone’s birthday today so I’m here for the party!,” he answers kissing your temple as he gently hugs you with his free arm trying not to wake the currently sleeping bundle. “Welcome to the world Ameera.”
“Say thank you uncle Chris! You really didn’t have to get more gifts though, you’ve already done enough. And that especially goes for if there’s anything Patriots in there, you might as well throw it out now.”
“No there’s nothing Patriots in here now, but give it a couple years I’m gonna have her own jersey made.”
“You better not,” you both laugh startling Ameera as she begins to squirm and whine in your arms. Consoling her while you apologize, a soft smile forms on his lips as his gaze lingers on you.
Curls tied on the top of your head wearing your light blue ‘granny pajamas’, as you called them, and your glasses perched on your nose he knew you probably didn’t feel it but in this moment it was as if you were the most beautiful being he’d laid eyes on.
He always did think you were beautiful though from the first time you met, and now with the remnants of your pregnancy glow mixing with the one you already had from your natural beauty, he never wanted to look away.
“Hey, sorry about that,” you shyly speak interrupting his thoughts as you return to your seat next to him.
“About what the crying? Y/N I think I’m pretty used to that by now,” he chuckles while you shake your head.
“No, about her calling you dada. I promise we haven’t been practicing that or anything I was just as shocked as you.”
“Oh that, you don’t have to apologize,” he responds waving you off. “I mean she’s seen me everyday for four months, it’s understandable how it would happen. Plus I don’t mind if she wants to call me dad.”
“That’s very sweet, but what happens when you get a girlfriend? You don’t think that’ll seem weird to them your best friend’s kid calling you dad?”
“Well if after I explain why Ameera calls me dad they have a problem, then they’re not for me,” he shrugs.
“And what about when you have kids?”
“Then they’ll have an older sister. Like I said though Y/N if you’re not okay with it-,”
“It’s not that I’m not it’s just...,” you begin, sighing as you look down at the cushion below you trying to figure out your feelings. Of course it warmed your heart how he’d gladly fulfil that role for Ameera, but at the same time she wasn’t his responsibility. You didn’t want him to feel like he was obligated to do anything just because you were friends.
“Chris be honest, do you feel guilty because of what happened with me and Josh?”
Hearing that name instantly made him clench his jaw as he vividly remembered the night you confessed everything that was going on in your seemingly happy relationship. He just called to check on you and Ameera since it had been a while you two last spoke with him back working. You tried to stand strong saying how both of you were fine and updating him on how much she had grown, but being your friend for so long even through the phone he knew something was off.
That’s when you broke down explaining how Josh, your then fiancé, was feeling “stressed” from the pressures of marriage and fatherhood, and how he found comfort in, Kyla, one of the trainers at the gym he frequented.
He’d never consider himself a violent man, but it took every atom and particle in him not to pay a little visit to Josh to take care of him himself.
“Because if you are, you don’t need to be. Meera is mine and his responsibility and if he doesn’t want to step up then-.” Lightly shaking his head, he grabs your hands scooting closer to peer deeper into your brown eyes that were nearly on the verge of tears.
“No no no no Y/N listen to me, what I do for you and for meemo is because I care so much for both of you that I will do any and everything I can. That’s how I’ve felt since we were younger, since you told me you were pregnant, and how I’ll always feel. If anything, the thing I feel guilty about is not saving you from that heartache.”
“Chris don’t do that to yourself, how could you have saved me? You didn’t know that was gonna happen.”
“No I didn’t, but maybe if I would’ve told you earlier what I’ve always wanted to tell you then...things would be different,” he responds seemingly nervous as he releases a breath and eyes look as if he’s trying to carefully choose his next words.
“Our junior year I realized I liked you as more than a friend and I wanted to tell you before I left, but I got scared. So, I figured by the time I saw you again I’d have built up the courage to tell you how I felt but that wasn’t until your graduation where I found out you were going away for college. I didn’t want to be something that potentially added stress or held you back so again I left it alone. Missed chance after missed chance and eventually you met Josh and once you got engaged I knew that was it. I had no more chances. Looking back though I wish I would’ve said something sooner and then you wouldn’t have to had go through all of that and-and...”
Becoming silent, he sighs raking his hand through his dark brown strands looking towards the wooden beams on the ceiling.
“...and Ameera would be our daughter and not just mine,” you finish as he slowly nods with hands covering his face.
“I know, I’m a terrible person for thinking that.” Removing his hands to reveal his reddened face, a small smile rests on your lips as you lift his eyelids open so he could look at you.
“You’re not a terrible person for wondering what could have happened if you did something differently, everyone’s done it in some way. And as far as saving me goes, yea it would’ve been nice but in my opinion, sometimes the things we go through serve as lessons to help us in the future somehow. So take failed relationships for example, those are lessons we learn that help build us to be who we’re supposed to be. And when we finally find our person, yea that’ll come with its own lessons too, but again it’s part of the building process and what we’ve already learned will help us in that relationship with them.”
Light eyes staring into yours, you feel a bit insecure as you sit back turning your attention to the tv as you grab the remote. “Then again that probably made no sense and sounded dumb and naive and-,”
Before you could come up with more adjectives, you feel warm lips and prickling hair tap the corner of your mouth making you instinctively touch the same spot as you look at Chris.
“I-I’m sorry I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. It’s just what you said earlier definitely wasn’t dumb and-honestly figures I missed because I didn’t ask you first and you didn’t even say how you felt-,” he rambles before your hand covers his mouth.
“Christopher Dork Evans shut up. Would it have been nice of you to ask me first? Yes, and you’re right you shouldn’t have tried to kiss me....especially when my lips were turned in another direction.”
Looking at you slightly confused as you remove your hand, you shift your gaze to his lips as you inch closer until he meets you halfway to connect with yours. Slow and passionate, your lips move together as if they had plenty of practice doing this before. Feeling your body being shifted to his lap, your arms join around his neck as his hands keep you secured to his body holding your back and creeping down until...
“What? What happened?,” he lightly chuckles after you giggle against his lips breaking the intimate moment.
“You weren’t lying when you said that’s your preference.” Quickly removing his hands from your butt the heat returns to neck and face as he nervously laughs.
“Sorry, force of habit. I mean not that every girl I kiss I instantly grab it, and not that I make out with a lot of girls-,”
“It’s okay dork, I don’t mind,” you giggle leaning back in to return to where you left off. Centimeters apart, you both look towards the table once you hear the beginning of a light cry from the baby monitor signaling Ameera had woken up from her nap.
“She’s probably wet,” you both speak at the same time making you both laugh.
“You relax, I got her.” Quickly pecking your lips, you move over so he can stand up to make his way to her room. Face pressed against the pillow held against your chest, you couldn’t get rid of the giddy smile on your lips as his words and everything that followed really sink in.
“Hey meemo! Have a good nap?,” you hear him ask through the baby monitor.
“Da da,” she replies sounding a mix of sad and tired as she holds up her arms to be freed from her crib.
“I know you weren’t ready to wake up yet were you? The nasty wet diaper made you wake up?”
Silently giggling to yourself with their back and forth exchange as he changes her diaper, you soon hear footsteps returning as you sit up to see her lying on his shoulder while he carefully sits down.
“It’s a little weird, but I’m gonna miss seeing drool spots on my shirts when you guys leave,” he chuckles softly rubbing her back.
“Well I was just thinking that maybe staying with my parents doesn’t have to be long term. Like maybe we could be there for a week or two then come back and do that every now and then. If it’s okay with you that is.”
“Yea of course I’d be fine with that,” he smiles. “What made you change your mind?”
“Meera’s really comfortable here and I don’t want to possibly disrupt that you know? Plus I’d probably have to FaceTime you every day and night or else she’d be upset,” you laugh lightly grazing your thumb back and forth against her tiny hand.
“And it’s just Meera feeling that way?”
“Okay, maybe that’s how we both feel,” you smile leaning up to kiss his cheek.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @themyscxiras @lady-olive-oil @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @renfrewscorner @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @jojolu @secretmysteriousperson @plokyu23
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Snatcher x Baker!Reader Oneshot: A Trade
I blame my friend, idk if they’re gonna see this or not, for causing me to spiral into developing a mess of reader insert fics! And by that I mean yes, I have more planned because I’m a mess! XD
Word count: 2472
Summary: Of course, deciding to take a shortcut through Subcon Forest was not the best idea, but at least you had something to trade if you got into any trouble.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
The fall air was cool and crisp, and felt quite nice as it blew across your face. You were bundled up for the cool weather, of course, wearing a light jacket and a hat to stop yourself from getting too chilly. You were on a mission, a mission to get to a party.
… Well, it was more of a small gathering between you and your friends that you had not seen for some time thanks to work and the general distance between you all. One of your friends had moved to some island to study cannons while another had gone out into the desert to learn about architecture. This made it pretty difficult for everyone to get together, but this year you had planned everything out to the smallest detail, and made sure that everyone was able to attend this get together.
However, you had run into a complication that had led to your current situation. The meet up was taking place in a small village outside a forest known as Subcon. It was fairly secluded, few roads leading to it and as someone who did not have a car, transportation was definitely the biggest challenge you had to overcome.
Fortunately, overcoming this hurdle had been fairly easy as you managed to catch a train, the only train, that let you off at a stop right outside the forest. From there it was just a quick jaunt through the trees before you arrived at your destination. Of course, this was easier said than done when it came to navigating Subcon Forest in all its spooky glory.
The tower trees piercing the sky above you, the shadows that crawled across the forest floor. Overall, the forest was pretty cool and somewhere you would probably like to take a hike through, but not tonight.
Especially since you were one of the people responsible for bringing food.
Baked goods, that is. You were currently carrying an insulated pack full of all sorts of cookies, with some cupcakes stacked on top. All Halloween themed, too, even if it was not Halloween just yet. Your primary hobby was baking as you found it to be a great way to deal with stress, and making your friends happy with your baked goods was just an added bonus.
So, you were determined to get to the meet up as soon as possible with the food you were bringing being as intact as possible, which was actually more of a challenge than you had originally anticipated it being due to how many roots poked up from the ground, tripping you every so often. There were also some rocks you stumbled upon, and even a bush you had fallen into-
You could be clumsy at times, very clumsy.
Although, at one point as you had tripped over yet another uneven clump of dirt and fumbled to catch yourself while not crushing the food, you swore you had seen something that resembled a tombstone.
… Hopefully someone was just getting into the spirit of Halloween a bit early?
Foolishly, you ultimately ignored this foreboding sign and continued to make your way through the trees. Trees, trees, and more trees-
What was that?
Not too far away, you heard the giggling and laughter of some children. Were you already at your destination? You were almost certain you still had a ways to go, so where had those noises come from? Some kids who were exploring the forest that you had just managed to bump into, or something else…
Curious, you slowed down and crept around the trees, taking your time and doing your best to keep your steps silent until you spotted the source of the sounds.
Those were kids alright.
Decked out in strange, shadowy shawls that hid most of their bodies from sight, their short stature combined with their mischievous laughter definitely gave off the impression that they were young, and pranksters. You had to admit that their… clothes? Costumes? Whatever they were, the attire that they wore was pretty neat with the faint, purple glow it gave off.
Maybe there were lights in it or something?
You watched as they paused, whispering between each other before laughing once again. One of them turned to look at you, face hidden in the shadows created by their hood, and-
They flipped you off!
“Hey!” You immediately shouted, resulting in more laughter coming from the rude children as they rushed off. “That’s not nice!”
Of course, your scolding got no response from the duo as they vanished from sight, leaving you alone in the forest once again. You let out a sigh, disappointed in the rude behavior, and kicked at the dirt. “Little… jerks. It’s not nice to flip off someone who hasn’t done anything to you.”
In your agitated state, you failed to notice how the shadows seemed to be… closing in on you. Sharp, glowing points started protruding from the ground, twitching and slowly reaching up higher and higher, increasing in size. If you had been paying closer attention, you would have noticed that they resembled the children you had previously seen, in a way. Both shared that same, purple and shadowy glow.
Alas, you were oblivious to the ring growing around you, instead taking the time to check on your food and make sure nothing had been too damaged by your stumbling and tripping.
Nothing worse than broken cookies.
Upon seeing that everything was fine, you let out a huff, brushed off your clothes, and took a step forward-
Just in time for the shadows to spring up around you!
You immediately let out a startled yelp and stumbled backwards, tripping and falling in the process. Fortunately, your quick thinking managed to save the food, but you did land heavily on your butt, letting out a pained noise in the process.
In seconds, your view of the forest had been completely cut off as the shadowy vines surged up into the air, a purple dome forming between them. The ground beneath you glowed, and tall, shadow figures loomed in the distance with their bright eyes focused on you.
What the-
The loud, booming voice behind you caused you to whirl around, hands scrambling at the ground to help you turn faster while you nearly knocked your pack over in the process. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight of the being now looming over you, claws outstretched and glowing maw twisted upwards into a menacing grin.
Was… was that a ghost noodle?
For as shocking as the situation that you now found yourself in was, you had to admit that whoever this was, was not all that…
Truthfully, while he certainly did seem to be menacing, the general appearance of his body only served to lessen the impact. Even now, as you stared up into his glowing face, you realized it resembled a smiling jack’o’lantern.
Plus the fluff around his neck seemed very soft…
You were snapped out of your thoughts when the spooky shadow started speaking. His voice was also quite nice, definitely an odd thing for you to notice at the moment, but then again the shock of the situation was probably making you process things weirdly.
Definitely the shock.
“Oooooooooh, you dared to set foot in my forest.” He sneered, leaning in nice and close. Your face felt warm from the bright lights before you.
Or perhaps you were blushing, who knew.
“I-I… I’m sorry?” You stuttered out, uncertain as to how you should react in this situation. A ghost, demon, something had just jumpscared you and trapped you in some weird shadow dimension-
You had been sent to the shadow realm.
Possibly being memed to death was definitely not how your day was supposed to go.
“You should be. But, since I’m feeling nice today, I’ll cut you a deal.” He chuckled as he snapped his claws, causing an elegant contract to appear in front of you. You hardly had a chance to skim over the contents, fortunately noticing that his name was apparently Snatcher, before he continued speaking.
A snatcher of lives? Of souls? It was certainly an ironic name and you quietly wondered if he had thought of it himself or if someone had given it to him.
“Your soul for some chores. Picking bones out of the local swamp, chatting up the nooses, and if you fail…”
His smile grew wider, and far more menacing.
“You’ve got your soul on the line, that should be motivation enough.”
But, rather than accept the shadow’s demands, you had your own plan that you had managed to come up with on the fly. You had something else that you could offer other than your soul.
So, without further ado, you opened up your pack and took out your trump card.
“... What. Is. That?” Snatcher spat as he stared at the offered item in your hand.
“A cupcake!” You cheerfully replied, the vanilla cupcake seeming to sparkle in the light due to the crystalline sugar scattered across the top. The vibrant purple icing fit in wonderfully with the colour palette of your surroundings, and the spooky spectre floating above you. “I’m offering you a trade, I’ll make you some sweets or other stuff in exchange for letting me go.”
The shadow stared at you for a solid ten seconds before a strangled wheeze escaped him and he broke down laughing, body crumpling over from the force of his cackles.
“HAHAHAHHAHAHAA! Oh that’s RICH!” He chuckled, wiping an imaginary tear from one of his eyes. “You trade me some cupcakes for your soul-”
“Or cakes!” You interrupted, causing Snatcher to look at you. “Cookies too. I’ve also been working on making danishes. Besides…”
The smile on your face turned the slightest bit smug. “Since it looks like you have a business in this soul snatching deal I bet they’re pretty common here, but how often have you gotten a professional baker to offer their services to you?”
You were definitely exaggerating with the professional bit, although you had been paid to make cakes for parties before. It was a good source of secondary income, too, and would hopefully help sweeten the deal.
Snatcher eyed you, looking as though he was seriously considering your offer, before snatching the cupcake out of your hand and inspecting it. “A professional, huh? And what if I don’t like sweets, what’s your offer then?”
“I’d make other things!” You immediately offered. “I mainly bake, but I can cook other things, and…”
You thought back to those children you had encountered earlier. “I can make food for others, too! You could give it to people you care about-”
Upon seeing Snatcher’s mouth open, probably him about to argue that he cared for no one, you quickly continued speaking. “Or you could use them to lure people into a trap, or trick them and cause them to not notice. There’s nothing creepier than seeing a plate of freshly made cookies randomly on a tree stump, or something.”
“... Ohohohohoho,” The shadow grinned, and you could easily imagine him rubbing his claws together were it not for the cupcake still being held in his clutches. “Sounds evil-”
“Deliciously evil?” Your attempt at punnery caused Snatcher to immediately freeze and glare at you.
“If you ever say anything like that again in my forest and presence, you can kiss this little deal between us goodbye.” He hissed, the genuine annoyance in his voice making you quickly nod your head in agreement.
“Yup! Got it! I fully understand and consent to these terms!” You babbled as you took a step back and raised your hands. “So, we cool then?”
Snatcher’s eyes narrowed before he bit into the cupcake, wrapper and all. “... We’re cool, for now. But first..” The contract that had been floating in front of you flashed before changing. It had been corrected to include the new conditions that you had mentioned, and featured a feathered quill for you to sign with. Seeing no other option, you quickly scratched your name onto the piece of parchment and, as soon as you were finished, it vanished from sight.  “Deal’s done! Don’t forget to uphold your end, or else.” 
With that, the shadow dove in the ground and vanished from sight. The dome around you also slowly broke apart until it was gone completely, leaving you free to go and finally get to the party.
Even if you were now one cupcake short, a small price to pay for coming out of that with your soul intact. Although, now you had another problem to consider.
How to get in contact with your new boss. Maybe it was time to finally invest in a ouija board…
One week later…
“Okay, this should work.” You mumbled to yourself as you scanned over the book you had borrowed from the library. Within was an intricate circle with various symbols lining the edges and parts of the interior. It was supposed to be for summoning demons and ghosts.
Which was exactly what you were looking for since you needed to get back in contact with Snatcher. The circle offered protection from the summoned being as a bonus!
… Something you felt you definitely would need since you had a feeling the shadow would be pissed.
You looked up to check on the replica circle you had drawn in chalk on the floorboards, internally cringing at the potential damage that could be done to your apartment, but also certain that if you did not do this soon that bad things would happen.
Including you getting hunted down by an angry ghost-noodle-demon-thing.
“Okay, okay, let’s do this.” You breathed in and out, trying to slow your racing heart as you followed the instructions from the book. An incantation was needed, the demon’s name being the primary component.
Time to see if “Snatcher” was a nickname or not.
You had done it! You had summoned Snatcher, except-
He was stuck halfway in the floor. Only the upper part of his body was visible with his long tail probably extending down in the apartment below you. You doubted your downstairs neighbors were home due to the lack of screaming.
But then again, soon enough you were not able to hear anything other than the shrieking of the trapped shadow.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Snatcher squawked as he lashed out at the invisible barrier around him, ultimately failing to free himself. “I’M STUCK IN THE FLOOR!”
You dropped to your knees, tears leaking out of the corners of your eyes as you laughed. Snatcher, now finished with his tantrum, crossed his arms and angrily glared at you. The only thing that could be heard was your wheezing laughter, until-
“Well? You gonna let me out?”
You promptly died laughing all over again.
I have no idea if/when I'll put out more reader fics, but they could happen! Maybe! I have one in mind with the Prince... maybe....
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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muddy-t-wheels · 3 years
(Please ignore me) So I had this dream a few weeks ago, and it’s been stuck in my head since then...
Very quick summary: Our world combines with MHA Universe, I become an Art/English teacher at UA (more of an assistant teacher for Present Mic), and I was reminded of how stubborn people can be. Also soulmates exist in this world for some reason...
So in the dream, both worlds were collided, and faster than you can blink, anything MHA related was whipped from the face of the earth, and while it took a while- everyone silently agreed to not speak of the fandom/content for a very long time. Which of course was very sad, but it is what it is. One of the more common trends that happened was that anyone from our world was as “Qurikless as it gets”. It also came to the attention of everyone in both worlds that while soulmate marks don’t exist in our world, apparently they did in the MHA world.
A few years later, I had become an established teacher, specifically due to the fact that many students seemed to be drawn to me, even if I hadn’t taught them at all. One day, I had gotten an email from someone in Japan, asking if I would be interested in a teaching for the future heroes of Japan at “U.A. High school”. While I was surprised, and thought it was BS (for obvious reason), I decided to respond for the fuck of it, YOLO.
But low and fucking behold, the email turned out to be legit. Principal Nezu and I started exchanging emails back and forth until plans were formed. I had become fluent in Japanese, got a house to call home where I could move in with my mom and sister (we are all very close). Eventually it was agreed that I would assist Hizashi Yamada with teaching English (grammar wise) but I was also going to be the art teachers. I the day came up when I went and met with Nezu and I vividly remember the ending question of the meeting. 
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Incase you can see the image: (Nezu: Alright, so all the paperwork is filled out, I do need to ask this, since you’re quirkless and all... How will you defend your students?)
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(Me: Ah yes, I thought a good bit about this and I came up with some ideas!)
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(Me: I went ahead and got a permit to carry a specialized gun! The gun can shoot tranquilizer darts. The darts can stun most people for roughly one hour. Of course, I can understand if you or others dislike this idea so I also started taking Wing Chun class-)
Yes, I know conceal carry permits don’t really exist like they do in America but it was a dream ^^”
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(Nezu: Oh no, you’re fine, just make sure the students don’t see it!
Me: Wha- I mean, of course, but will the guardians of students be okay with this?
Nezu: Ignorance is bliss now have you thought about what your “quirk” should be? From what your references told me, I think “Mom” could be a good one!)
We had spoken about me faking a quirk to see how long it would take anyone (outside of the faculty of course) to notice that I was indeed quirkless.
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(Me: ...
Nezu: ... Do you not like “Mom”?)
This then led to us discussing what my “quirk” would be. We had agreed on calling it “Mom” and essentially allowed me to release a caring/nurturing aura that made most people feel drawn to me in the sense of seeing me as a “mother figure”. With it, the “quirk” it allowed me to be in tune with certain individuals that I grow close with and could vaguely sense if they were in great distress.
After this I was brought to the teacher’s lounge and introduced to all the other staff members. When the principal left, I sat and talked with the teachers of 1A, who eventually asked who came up with the fake “quirk” idea, and when I told them the reactions were defiantly mixed...
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(Aizawa: You... You’ve got to be kidding me!
Me: I wish I was... 
Me: That makes three of us-
Toshinori : ...
Me: Four of us... ow my ears)
Not too long afterwards, I became an official member of the U.A. staff. Nothing too major happened for a few years had passed, and one winter morning I was getting ready for work when my sister came into my room to do something (idk what) but then asked when I got a tattoo on my back. Confused, I questioned what she was talking about, she took a picture and showed me the image. Sure enough; there was a blue flame on my left shoulder, a purple heart in on my spine, and a red wing on my right shoulder... defiantly looked like a tattoo! 
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We did some quick research we learned that at the age of 16, people from the world of quirks would get their soulmate marks. However, all soulmates must reach the age of 16 before the other soulmates get their marks. Another thing we learned was that once the marks appeared, soulmates would be able to talk with each other via their minds. We also learned that it was becoming more and more common for people in our world to get soulmate marks!
With all this information, it started to get me worried. I was 22 (going based off the year), and if one of my soulmates just turned 16 then there was a bit of an age gap. Don’t get me wrong, it could’ve been bigger but it irked me a little. I also realized that the marks were sensitive to certain fabrics, so I had to quickly change the shirt I was wearing.
Soon enough I began to hear my soulmates’ voices, I had two, and they would “talk” often. Apparently they knew each other and already had an established relationship, so I kept quiet for a bit... until one of them made a bad joke that caused me to snort and respond to the terrible joke. Yeah, it freaked them out at first, but it got us talking, and we learned things about each other!
Eventually years flew by, I was an established teacher at UA and I had fallen into a routine. I knew who my soulmates were (Hawks and Dabi (incase it wasn’t painfully obvious)), they didn’t hide their identities very well, and I had somehow managed to keep my identity mostly under wraps (idk how (I’m very talkative) but they always asked questions about me). They would constantly pester me so that they could know more about me, and I would just... keep quiet.
At one point, I had stated that it would probably be better if the two forget about me, saying that I was shoe horned into their relationship because of the worlds colliding. If it hadn’t my mark wouldn’t be on their backs, so I got some medication that would help remove myself from their relationship. It started working, after roughly a year or so (at least going based on the calendars nearby) their marks and voices were starting to fade.
During the year of me teaching class 1A (and protecting my students from various villian attacks) I eventually met them in person (begrudgingly). Thankfully they didn’t seem to recognize my voice, however I did get the idea that could sense something was off cause I noticed they would be nearby. So I got in contact with a close friend of my and called in a favor. We went to school together and were constantly mistaken for couples because I was very affectionate while he would throw hands with someone if they got too close for his liking. So I asked if he would join me for a “date” so that some people would potentially get a hint and leave me alone.
He agreed and came to Japan and we went to the U.A.’s school festival together, we even went the extra mile and got matching fake tattoos so they would act as our “soulmate marks”. Surprisingly it worked- when the students asked who he was I stated he was my date (which wasn’t a lie). Eventually, I had stepped away to go get us something to drink, but when I had returned I saw he was being confronted by two people.
I sighed trying to think of what I could do before getting and idea. I had begun to shake the two soda cans before walking up to the two individuals and getting their attention, once they turned to me, I opened the cans and sprayed it in their faces. They stumbled back in response, obviously caught off guard, I stated that they need to cool down and began to walk away with my friend in tow. I got us something else to drink, and we continued on with the festival.
We enjoyed the rest of the festival and waited to see Eri and Aizawa off, before we left, we were approached by some of my students who wanted to know my relationship with my friends. We looked around, making sure that we were in the clear before confessing that we were just friends. That this was all just a ploy to get some people of my back and to hopefully stop pestering me. We even showed that the tattoos we were wearing were fake, everyone seemed to understand and agreed to keep it under wraps.
Thankfully things seemed to flow smoothly from there on, nothing to crazy happened. However, one day I was doing some training and decided to take a break. I was wearing a simple tanktop and sweats, which wasn’t too bad, since the soulmate mark was almost completely faded at this point, it would take a keen eye to see the remains of the “tattoo”. I was lost in my own world when two soda cans were dropped into my lap, two voice stated that I looked like I needed to cool down.
I had frozen up and slowly looked up to see that both Hawks and Dabi were standing behind me, I gave a weak smile with an equally nervously chuckle. I quickly got up to get away from them, but I was grabbed just as quickly, and thrown to the grown with them still standing over me. I sighed and chuckled once again and held my hands up by head.
The last thing I remember was me saying, “Alright, alright, you caught me, but the mark is almost gone so if you two just waited a little bit longer, you wouldn’t have me as a soulmate anymore. So why on Earth are you two still chasing me?”
Dabi smirked, “Probably cause we wanted you to be our soulmate! Fucking idiot- If you thought we were just going to leave you alone after you stated that we would be better off without you then we have some serious problems.”
Hawks chuckled, “Yeah, but don’t worry, we figured out a way to fix this, it just requires a lot of lovin from us! We gotta get that mark bright and vivid again!”
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
I simply must ask... could you spare some spooky Halloween headcanons? I know it’s not quite Halloween yet but I’d love to see your spin on a jojo Halloween!
Oho....hohoho...you have no idea what kind of a beast you’ve awakened in me...
Halloween is arguably the best holiday ever because free candy, costumes, and the weather is fucking PERFECT. (also idk what’s up with the rest of y’all but Canadian thanksgiving is in the middle of October so I’m still riding the high of good thanksgiving food by the time its Halloween (AND I’m half-American so we celebrate it in November too hehehe)
But long story short I love spooky season (and autumn in general) with a burning passion and I am SO willing to go hard on jjba spooky headcanons
Thanks again to @jjadegreen for alway being my best headcanon bud!!
Part One:
-For the sake of this, I’m making them like 13 or something, like maybe not even a year after they met
-In 19th century England, it was actually pretty typical for them to have a bonfire on Halloween!!
-Halloween costumes were popularized a few centuries ago in France so you bet our phantom blood buds were wearing costumes and shit :)
-I doubt the rich participated in such “unruly” stuff like lighting shit on fire and bearing torches and whatever (but you never know)
-Like George probably spoiled Jonathan with candy as a kid and let him dress up with his school friends and that was it lol
-Dio though OH MY GOD-
-You know based on where he grew up that all that wild shit definitely happened
-He can’t say that he misses living like that, but there’s some kind of weird nostalgia that comes with it
-...which is why Jonathan is really confused when he catches Dio sneaking out of the mansion in the middle of the night
-Begrudgingly, he tells Jojo his plan and this boy’s eyes LIGHT UP
-Instead of being a “stupid, crybaby, tattletale,” as Dio puts it, Jojo is like,,,super hyped
-“Oh! I have an idea! Why don’t we sneak out in costumes so no-one knows it’s us??”
-The sheets on their beds may have two holes in them now, but it's worth it
-They hijack a horse or some shit and skeet over to a giant bonfire
-Dio thinks it's gonna be a drag since Jonathan is there to watch his every move, but it's actually,,,really fun
-As a kid who’s barely ever left his sheltered property, Jonathan is having the time of his life and Dio never thought he would be happy to see Jonathan so happy
-It ends with the two of them sitting by the river, absolutely exhausted from the rush and Jonathan pulls out this bag of shit from his pocket and is like
-“It’s candy!! :D”
-Dio could never really afford things like sweets on Halloween growing up so he’s a bit touchy about it but OH MY GOD that shit is GOOD
-Probably one of the only times where they actually bond properly
Part Two:
-I’m just gonna start out with the fact that Joseph is fucking OBSESSED with candy. You know those kids you knew growing up that loved it more than anything on this goddamn earth? *cough cough @jjadegreen*
-That is Joseph
-And now that he consumes that type of shit with the power of mastered Hamon at his fingertips,,,holy shit man,,,it's like a child’s sugar rush but 100x worse
-Caeasr is put in charge of Jojo to make sure he doesn’t do anything idiotic *which he definitely will trust me*
-The MOMENT he goes to the bathroom, Suzi pops in like “JOJO!!!! :) Let's go trick or treating!!!”
-He can’t say no to that, bro,,,he and Suzi are tight ;-;
-While Lisa Lisa is out to meet Speedwagon and Erina and bring them back over to where everyone else is, Joseph sneaks out with Suzi and the two of them dash off into the streets of New York
Caesar: *steps out of bathroom*
“Jojo, what the hell do you and Suzi want for dinner?”
*Hears the screams of of children in the distance*
-So turns out Joseph’s way of trick-or-treating at such an old age is just terrorizing young children and ransacking them for candy
-Suzi Q is just totally unphased by how awful this is and just thinks its the funniest shit
-Caesar is running out into the streets of New York like ???? and spots Joseph being himself and he could probably just pretend he doesn’t know them
-But,,,Joseph may be an idiot but he’s his idiot and Suzi Q is his bimbo best friend so he goes out to drag them back home
-Erina, Lisa Lisa, and Speedwagon are already home by the time they get back and Caesar sits Joseph down and chews him out in front of everyone
-Erina is super pissed and lectures him about “Joestar values” or whatever and tells a really embarrassing story about how a kid took his candy once when he was little and he cried about it for DAYS
-Caesar is still really angry about it so he replaces all of Joseph’s gummies with sugar free ones (you goddamn know the ones I’m talking about) but he didn’t know Joseph WOULD EAT THEM ALL AT ONCE
-He is so fucking sick on November 1st
-Also off-topic but Lisa Lisa gives out dental floss or some shit on halloween
Part Three:
-Honestly all Jotaro wants to do is buy candy for himself, hole himself up in his room like he always does, and just munch and watch shitty horror movies 
-But of course he has actual friends now
-Kakyoin tackles him before he can get his ass upstairs and suggests that they go out and trick-or-treat
-To which Jotaro thinks is a joke and laughs because he’s not only 17, but also 6’5” but Kak’s face looks dead serious
-Kakyoin goes on this long, detailed ramble about how he meticulously made the best Halloween route for them to get the best candy
-Now THIS is when Polnareff abandons whatever he and Avdol are doing to join in on the stupid plan they have
-When Kakyoin comes back with a handful of white sheets, they already know what he’s thinking and its brilliant
Kakyoin’s 5-step, foolproof Halloween plan:
Step one: It’s already established that stands can hold non-stand items (like when Star Plat whipped Iggy across the desert) so what’s stopping them from being able to have sheets over their heads?
Step two: They faze a bit of their stands into the ground so that they at least resemble the height of children (plus non-stand users can’t see anything besides the sheets so it's perfect)
Step three: Polnareff pretends to be the father of these shy children who can’t speak (he looks the oldest) while Jotaro and Kakyoin hide nearby so their stands don’t de-summon
Step four: Hit up every good house in the neighbourhood
Step Five: Candy.
(Kak used to put a sheet over hierophant all the time as a kid and always got twice the amount of candy each year)
-It actually works pretty well, aside from the fact that Star would sometimes scream “ORA” in a really deep, manly, not seven years old at all voice whenever the people at the door would try to speak with him or make him say ‘trick-or-treat’
-They finally reach the richest house in the neighbourhood, where the snootiest lady lives (but she has a shit ton of candy leftover every year since no one goes there)
-Once the stands knock on the door, she starts saying stuff like “ohh, let me see your faces so I make sure you aren’t too old for this” and ducks under to look at the sheets…
-...Only to find that there’s literally nothing there
-She looks up at Polnareff like 👁👄👁 and Kakyoin seems to get the message because one of hierophant’s tentacles grabs her ankle and she SCREAMS and throws her entire candy stash at them, slamming the door behind her
-Half of them are full-sizes chocolate bars. Candy acquired.
-When they get back, Joseph is so fucking angry that they didn’t invite him out for Halloween shenanigans  >:(
-Avdol and Holy have a very nice chat, meanwhile. They answer the door while everyone's gone and are so sweet to the kids about their costumes :)
-Also Avdol is 100% the kind of person to bake pumpkin seeds and season them and shit
-Kakyoin sorts all his candy and puts it on a spreadsheet and also make a pie chart just like he does every year
-T’was a very successful halloween
Part Five:
-Giorno is probably short enough to go out if he really wanted to
-But he has maturity issues and there would be no way in hell that the Bucci Gang would catch him going out in a costume and begging for candy
-So as soon as all the daily tasks and shit are met Giorno locks himself in his room
-He honestly wants some candy and to watch spooky movies with the gang but he just feels like an outsider to all of that stuff since he never did it
-So Bruno slips a thing of dracula-themed chocolate pudding under his door and leaves him be :)
-Narancia and Mista DO go out, however
-Not only do they go out and steal shit, but they also go and hit up houses for candy just for the fun of it
-The moment the clock strikes 6 Trish is OUT of there
-Girl is hitting up as many parties as she possibly can and eventually meets up with Nara and Mista at some shitty Halloween party and end up just buying really shitty beer and going to the graveyard or something
-Fugo wants none of that shit
-He’s perfectly content sitting with the black cat that Giorno made him and watching shitty reruns of whatever’s on
-Bruno takes out his tacky Halloween apron that definitely looks something like this
-Fugo helps him make all this really good spooky-themed dessert shit and helps him sort the candy in the nut and nut-free bowls :))) (because Bruno really goes and does that)
-Abbacchio seems like the kind of person who would go really fucking hard with Halloween decorations
-Like, no explanation why, he just loves it and everyone knows not to get in his way
-The moment October 1st comes around, this man is in his ELEMENT. He’s READY.
-It’s the one month where he looks anywhere near normal compared to other people and man is ready to rock that shit
-Later that night they go to check on Giorno and find him asleep surrounded by bags of candy
-Turns out he snuck out and had a good time after all :’)
You’re wondering why I skipped part 4, right? ↓ ↓ 
I’m sorry to disappoint y’all, but I don’t think I’m gonna be doing much for Whumptober this year! (I’m just shit at monthly challenges in general lmao) but I think y’all need a breather from all this giant dump of whumpy stuff coming this month, so I, your dear friend Cherry, have decided to write fics throughout the month that I dub SOFT HALLOWEEN :D  (with uhhh a side of whump and hurt/comfort and all that shit because I can’t help myself)
It’s gonna vary (hopefully from parts 1-5)! I didn’t add any part four headcanons in here because Jade and I are literally writing part 4 shenanigans first and we didn’t wanna spoil anything :)
SPEAKING OF SPOILERS here’s a horrifying, blurry, teaser picture that’s only gonna make sense once you read the fic:
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Isn’t it beautiful?
Hope you enjoyed these!! Tell me what you want the Jojos to do on Halloween!
Ok so apparently its not normal to sort your candy by type, count it all out and then put it into a spreadsheet which then gets made into a graph? Because I did that. EVERY. FUCKING. YEAR. Ask Jade​. She was there every goddamn time. Please I’m begging you someone else tell me you did shit like this I need to know
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leavetwn · 3 years
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* KAYLEE BRYANT, CISWOMAN + SHE/HER  | you know SUZIE TANAKA, right? they’re TWENTY-ONE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, EIGHTEEN YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to VALENTINE BY HOPE TALA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole ROLLERSKATES SCUFFED FROM YEARS OF USE, STARTING A JOURNAL ENTRY TWO YEARS SINCE THE LAST ONE, A SIGH OF RELIEF ONCE YOU'RE FINALLY ALONE thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is NOVEMBER 28TH, so they’re a SAGGITARIUS, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
it’s me again ! bringing a character who i’ve played for a while now, just switched up & such for every rp, and now , i’m bringin her here. :^) i hope you enjoy her as much as i do! tw: mentions of mental illness (anxiety)
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: suzie tanaka. nickname(s): su, anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-one. date of birth: november 28th. zodiac sign: saggitarius. gender/pronouns: ciswoman, she/her. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: san francisco, californio. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: part time waitress at cutie pie’s thanks to her skills on skates. full time student at the local college in her junior year as a creative writing major. she minors in film pro eye color: brown. hair color/style: dark brown, upper-mid back length & she usually just wears it in a simple ponytail. it’s more manageable when she’s out. however, when she’s at home, she’ll leave it down. height : 5′3″. clothing style: you can’t really put suzie’s style into one category. it’s inspired by several different eras & many times she pieces it together. some might call it a bit tacky at times, but she thinks it looks cute. to her, that’s all that matters. tattoos: none. probably could never attempt to get one cause she’s seriously afraid of needles lol. piercings: her ears and that’s when she was fairly young. reference the tattoos portion for reasoning.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
when you were around six years old  , you first realized that you were lonely. it wasn’t like you weren’t around other people. it was just that those people were mostly your mom and dad. occasionally your cousins would come over sometimes, but they were all older than you by at least four years. your parents were kind of eccentric, and for that, they experienced how harsh other kids could be very early on. they decided they didn’t want you to experience the same things, so since both were felt they were prepared enough to do so, they homeschooled you to keep you sheltered from those types of things. 
you’re sure they had good intentions. that’s not something you questioned, but you wished they’d at least find another kid you could be friends with or have another kid. you found yourself bored by yourself, so you immersed yourself in things like books or whatever movies they had around the house. this is where your love of fairytales began, and you’d fantasize about living in one while you read or watched the stories unfold.
you lived in your head, and you still pretty much do. you’re an idealist, even though you haven’t seen much of the world. perhaps it’s the fact that you haven’t ventured very far from your home that makes you so, and while life could still be boring, you always had another book or movie to keep you company. you grew content being on your own, and the more that you were, the more you began to enjoy your own company.
that didn’t change the fact that you longed for friends. in all the stories you read or watched, the protagonist had one other person along with them for much of their journey. sure, you had people that you were friendly with, but it was never to the extent that you wanted. it was never a best friend or a close group  —  just someone you saw on few occasions. it also didn’t help how you felt when you were around others. the way you monitored every step you took, the way you crossed your legs, or going over the way you would speak to someone in your head over and over. you figured for the longest time it was because you were shy, but a diagnosis of anxiety gave you a lot more clarity and almost a sense of relief. those things started to make more sense.
being alone helped a lot when it came to academics. you spent a lot of your time studying or looking up random ass facts on the internet, and because of this, you’d call yourself fairly smart. you know your shit. it also helped a lot when getting into colleges. you didn’t aim too high though, not yet comfortable being all the way on your own. so, you chose the nearby university to attend. 
you move out. you’re excited, and your parents are nervous but prepared. they’re not oblivious to the fact that this day would come. you’re ready to go out and face the world, but most of all, you’re ready to make friends. you’re ready to go out and experience the world, every small step at a time. you’re convinced at college you’ll become a brand new person, find yourself, and make plenty of friends. 
it doesn’t go like that at first. of course it doesn’t. it’s a new environment, and it takes getting used to. but soon, people loosen up and warm up to you. you’re quick to make a couple of friends. it isn’t at all like the stories you’d read or watched when you were younger. it is happy and fun and joyous, but you realize that friendships take work. it’s a bit exhausting, as someone who had become such an introvert, but you manage and form close bonds. 
as of now, you are working on your degree and managing life one step at a time. you’re doing pretty well, and things are looking up. you keep your head in the clouds still to this day, imagining what the future will be like. you’re still idealistic and optimistic, not that that’s a bad thing.  
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
i was being exaggerative with the ‘being at home’ stuff rip. i mean, she did spend a lot of time at home, but she wasn’t always there. her dad would take her out to rockin’ and rollin’, and i mean, she fuckin rocks when it comes to skating. it was kind of freeing to her as a child. she def got a pair of rollerblades as a christmas present, and she probably was the kid skating down her neighborhood road and shit from sunrise until her mom told her to take her ass inside. 
maybe seems like she’s ditzy and she’s probably somewhat naive, but she’s definitely not stupid. she’s also a fast learner. she is, however, too nice for her own good. she’ll learn eventually, but she’s hopeful and an optimist at heart 💔
loves her dad but tells her mom everything. she doesn’t recognize it, but her mom was probably her first best friend lmaoo. they have a really good relationship. she has a good relationship with her dad too. he’s a bit more closed off than her mom, and she recognizes that but understands.
has an irrational fear that everyone’s like,,, staring at her & thinking she’s weird. really wants everyone to like her but she’s not sure how to make that happen (news flash, it won’t)
her fam is actually from san francisco but when she was 3, her dad got a better offer in irving so that’s how they ended up here. she knows this & she wonders what life woulda been like if she stayed back in san fran. probably wouldn’t have changed but she literally lives in her head and imagines shit like that’s her job at this point so yehhh 
dreams of being a screenwriter and maybe even a director one day. she saw how film and books influenced her life as a kid & she wants to have the same impact, yk? v cute to me i love that. maybe she’ll write a book one day too who knows
i’m feelin like she has a ton of online friends cause she was seeking connection /w people so it makes sense. shout out to all her online pals who kept her sane & shit, but it wasn’t enough for her cause she really wanted those kinds of things irl.
is a hopeless romantic rip to her. just wants someone to sweep her up off her feet and give her butterflies but this aint no damn fairytale so let’s make it chaotic
character parallels: lily (dash & lily, 2020) , amélie poulain (amélie, 2001) , belle in some ways lmao (beauty and the beast, 1991) more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
*  friends, best friends, etc.  — literally any friends at all. this is the connection she craves the most tbh. platonic over romantic periodt ! she just wants people to braid her hair and have deep, personal convos with about literally anything while legally blonde is on the television. 
* a bad influence  —  i mean, she stayed inside mostly & is kind of an introvert. didn’t have tons of friends either, so she didn’t really have time to go to parties, etc. BE A BAD INFLUENCE SHE NEEDS TO LET LOOSE LMAOO. it’ll prolly take a lot to get her out but hey 
* good influence  — someone she’s a good influence on & who she helps in some way. i could see it happenin’. if you see it happening, i mean... hmu you know where i am mwah 💖
* crush  — someone she’s head over heels with. i mean, it probably wouldn’t take a lot. in my head she be catching feelings way too fast. it’s just a thing, but yeah, it could go either way. maybe your character is into her too or she’ll end up getting her heart broken which is lmao bound to happen one day. could also be someone who’s crushing on her but she’s way to busy focusing all her romantic attention on someone else to notice? idk i’m just here for all the plots.
* annoyance  — someone who finds her ass annoying/does not like her. she wants everyone to like her so it would be so confusing and upsetting and she would be like wtf did i do but i want it cause i love angst. sorry to all my muses out there luv yall but i’m just bein real
* again, anything at all  — if you have an idea that you love, pls don’t hesitate to hmu and lemme know. i promise i will 99.9% of the time be down. the same goes for any wanted connection doodads that i reblog like if u see it and ur like omg i luv that... PLEASE hmu i luv u all already & just wanna have plots and write with you srsly
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