#idk maybe i'll delete this later
espionn · 7 months
im not gonna say that much about this. i didnt think i'd say anything about it at all. but im too angry, and too fucking sad. i wont get too personal but this isnt gonna be like my usual posts so be warned if you follow me for more lighthearted stuff.
i also just wanna say, i talk about myself a lot in this post. *obviously*, i am not the victim here. i have never been a victim of this situation. but it's caused me grief and fury, and this is an outlet. we should be supporting shubble and all other victims. i don't really expect anyone to read this. i just needed to write it for my own sake.
the whole wilbur soot situation is devastating. when i first heard about it, like a lot of others, i immediately shut myself into denial. i have watched this man since he joined the dream smp in 2020. i was there through the entire server, through his 100 player challenges, the sbi mccs, all of it. i was a lovejoy fan from the moment one day came out - hell, i hoped to see them in concert someday. i did countless (though probably shitty) art and writing pieces inspired by his work. it wasn't that hard to tell that he isn't someone with flawless mental health by any means. but i never thought anything like this would happen.
when i accepted that he was the abuser shubble had talked about, i was upset and confused and unhappy. but i also had hope. i hoped that maybe this had served as a wake-up call, that maybe he was getting the help he needed. maybe he'd take a break, come back with a genuine response, and then make his mental health and personal morals a priority. i hoped he was better than this.
needless to say, i am furious. "disappointed" doesn't begin to scratch the surface. i'm angry. i'm insulted. i'm embarrassed to have ever looked up to him. his response was robotic, emotionless, and gave no indication of remorse or accountability. he didn't even apologize. he claimed that he had already received help. if he has, then it clearly wasn't enough. this is not a man who's ashamed and looking to better himself, this is a man who is going to keep hurting people. and that is terrifying. i genuinely can't connect this with the person i've kept up with for 4 entire years. i can't believe it. i really can't.
this response has corporate PR bullshit dripping right off of it. this so clearly did not come from wilbur soot himself. he might not have been involved at all, beyond a glance over and an okay to whatever team did the writing. and that's the most insulting part of all. he didn't even type this up with his own words. he didn't even have the balls to make his own response. and that pisses me off.
he abused someone. probably more than one. and he didn't even acknowledge her. the 4 paragraphs of nothing are addressed to the wider audience, not shelby, the person this should be about. if this is the best he can do, i'm genuinely shocked he developed such a loyal and amazing fanbase. fucking revolting.
with all that said, i'm probably going to stop listening to lovejoy. that hurts me, a lot. that's a hard choice for me to make. but there need to be repercussions. and this is what i hope: i genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, hope he gets help. i hope he wakes up and realizes he isn't ok, and takes genuinely strives to better himself. i hope he grows and improves and becomes better for the people around him. and i hope he leaves social media permanently. that hurts me to say, but i don't think i could ever really trust him after this, and i don't think it would make his situation any better. i hope he leaves, and i hope he makes a better life for himself. it's an optimistic hope, considering how much evidence is pointing to his unwillingness to change. but i won't let go of it.
that's pretty much it. i've said my piece. i'm angry. i'm sad. i wish this was all a dream and no one ever got hurt. but shelby did get hurt, and others almost certainly did too, and no nice fancy corporate words will change that. good-bye, wilbur soot. the memories were good. i won't let you taint them. but there's no going back from this, at least on the internet. i hope you make a better life, and i hope you do it far away from anyone you have hurt or could hurt.
what a waste.
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blurred-antics · 10 months
if your parent(s) try to tell you that they did the best they could in response to you bringing up how they hurt you in the past, it may be true that they did the best they could (read: what they, with their experience and knowledge, thought were the right choices to make, even if it's clear to yourself and/or others that they were not), but that doesn't automatically make them a good parent, nor does it excuse the ways they've hurt you. you're still allowed to be angry and upset with them. you're still allowed (and encouraged) to set boundaries with them.
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delicris · 11 months
tw vent post, i'm rambling about hoarding
i am so fucking sick and tired of asking for help only for people to tell me to sit down and journal, or open my windows to let the fresh air in, or even better to make my bed in the morning...
k, you want me to journal? where? show me a single fucking place in this room where i can sit down with a notebook and journal that is not too cluttered to do that. can you see it? because i sure as hell can't... i already do open my windows, in fact i leave them open the entire day because it's nice, but the second i have to close them? absolute fucking hell, let me tell you that... make my fucking bed in the morning? you mean the queen sized bed that i only get one third of because the rest is filled with shit that i accumulated over the last months? that one? how? show me how.
i've been struggling for months with this, with hoarding and cluttering my living space up to a point i sacrifice my own comfortability, and the one fucking time i ask for help, you turn me down with this shit? i don't know how to handle all of this on my own. i understand i'm the one who put myself in this situation, but i'm fucking screaming right now, begging for a ladder to be put down this fucking hole, so that i can get up and climb out.
i don't know how to handle this on my own. i don't know where to start. i look around and feel hopeless. embarrassed. it's so fucking dehumanizing falling asleep every night next to piles of books and notebooks and bags and clothes and fucking picture frames. it's not something i want, but i have no fucking idea how to turn this around. this is how it's always been. i don't know how to live my life differently, other than in shame.
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dovewingkinnie · 1 month
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will redo this shot hatsune miku and teto animation maybe
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brother-emperors · 8 months
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The river Weser ran between the Roman and Cheruscan forces. Arminius came to the bank and halted with his fellow chieftains:— "Had the Caesar come?" he inquired.​ On receiving the reply that he was in presence, he asked to be allowed to speak with his brother. That brother, Flavus by name, was serving in the army, a conspicuous figure both from his loyalty and from the loss of an eye through a wound received some few years before during Tiberius' term of command. Leave was granted, and Stertinius took him down to the river. Walking forward, he was greeted by Arminius; who, dismissing his own escort, demanded that the archers posted along our side of the stream should be also withdrawn. When these had retired, he asked his brother, whence the disfigurement of his face? On being told the place and battle, he inquired what reward he had received. Flavus mentioned his increased pay, the chain, the crown, and other military decorations; Arminius scoffed at the cheap rewards of servitude.
They now began to argue from their opposite points of view. Flavus insisted on "Roman greatness, the power of the Caesar; the heavy penalties for the vanquished; the mercy always waiting for him who submitted himself. Even Arminius' wife and child were not treated as enemies." His brother urged "the sacred call of their country; their ancestral liberty; the gods of their German hearths; and their mother, who prayed, with himself, that he would not choose the title of renegade and traitor to his kindred, to the kindred of his wife, to the whole of his race in fact, before that of their liberator." From this point they drifted, little by little, into recriminations; and not even the intervening river would have prevented a duel, had not Stertinius run up and laid a restraining hand on Flavus, who in the fullness of his anger was calling for his weapons and his horse. On the other side Arminius was visible, shouting threats and challenging to battle: for he kept interjecting much in Latin, as he had seen service in the Roman camp as a captain of native auxiliaries.
Tacitus Annals 2.10-11
there's a lot going on in there! Arminius switching to Latin is a detail that always makes me feel a deep kind of sadness, especially with how it's preceded by mention of their mother. I wonder what she thought of what became of her sons, on opposite sides of everything but still, inescapably, brothers. even when they want to kill each other. there sure are a lot of fucked up and unhappy brothers around. and Arminius asking about Flavus' injury............I also had a whole thing typed out about the horror of imperialism and colonization and the trauma of assimilation but I think this sets the tone better
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Rome's Greatest Defeat: Massacre in the Teutoburg Forest, Adrian Murdoch
and also this, just for fun
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this post is already a mile long, so lets add another mile to it: a little scene at the start of their conversation! tfw you go in for a hug and your younger brother who also ended up being taller starts roasting your hair style
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bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app⭐ko-fi
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valkubusqueen · 2 years
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Avatrice + being cute in season 1 & 2 (part 1)
requested by @warrionnunaddict 
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batshaped · 6 months
i used to like doodle dumping under a cut around here, maybe i'll start doing that again
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jentlemahae · 1 year
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chatonlaveur · 11 months
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WIP preview for the Hyrule-centric LU fan comic I've been working on in my free time 👀
I really want to work on this, but also I am very busy rn, so we'll see when I actually get it finished :,) But like since this is theoretically in part an art blog I thought I should probably post some art even if it is just a WIP like this.fi
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hws-lceland · 8 months
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It's been a long year but i am happy to finally be able to post my Polaroid for the @hws-anthology ! This was my first ever zine and I'm honored to have been part of it since Hetalia has been part of my life for 10 years now. And I've made some incredible friends due to it
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burning-academia-if · 2 months
Finally figured out how to add in an Open Dyslexic font option to the game!
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wake-up-lieutenant · 1 year
..hey would anyone be interested in a small interactive/branching dbh fanfic
it's basically an interrogation AU with Connor interrogating Kara but you can play as either of them; it has 7 endings total.
edit: adding the link :D
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vorekody · 24 days
Sorry mutuals for being so shitty about rebloging, I genuinely adore you and your content I am just stupid and anxious
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krsnaradhika · 1 year
You know, to me Raghava feels like warmth. Like the sun. He's magnanimous, gentle, very warrior like yet very caring. He'd pat your back and bob his head to all the stories you'll rattle off with even tho sometimes all you're muttering is nervous and delirious gibberish. Not a giggle, certainly not a giggle but he has an infectious chuckle, and it further pronounces his dark cheekbones and his lotus-akin eyes crinkle in half moons when he does that. He's the Raghava Rama, and he makes you bow before his excellence and kingly aura, like that of a parent and mentor at once. You cannot help but gawk at his lotus feet which house many ardent devotees near them.
And Kanha, he'll tilt your chin up from the same elysian feet and wipe the streams that flow down your eyes. "Hey, hush now. You asked for me, didn't you? See, I am all ears today," he says, and there's your nook in his eyes. There's a certain tranquility, but you can see his notoriety right there pulling your leg. He's like the moon, the tantalizing breeze in the desert of life and you've sempiternally yearned to bask in the serein of his sight. He's Dvarakadhipati- what a witty and robust and pulchritudinous man and oh lord where are my words falling- and yet you can't seem to haul yourself away from his eyes and apologize for the felony you seemed to be committing by not greeting and bowing to him sincerely. You're choking, speaking is far off...the only sound you can make out is a cry everytime your lips part. There's sympathy in his handsome facial features, and his peetambar is now gently being dabbed against your forehead, brushing off the sweat beads that deck it. "You've fought, and I am so proud," he whispers once again, only for you to burst out in a hysterical fit of tears once again and now he's giggling and wrapping his mighty arms around you. There's home as you huddle down against him, and he ruffles your hair affectionately.
"Thank you. Nobody's ever said that to me before, lord."
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suddencolds · 2 months
#very random (not snz) haha but#does anyone else feel like their social battery fluctuates like. 0 to 100 with no middle ground or is this perhaps something wrong with me#i will go for weeks without having the social energy to talk to people i love and treasure 😭#maybe it's a lack of dopamine in general idk... would not be thrilled to add another mental illness to the list#but then i'll have a night where i am super talkative and happily reply to half the people i've been talking to#or times when i send off all my responses and sit at my laptop like when are my friends going to reply 🙂 i can't wait to talk to them 🙂#i apologize if you have personally been on the receiving end of my extreme inconsistency 😭#i have been thinking about it recently and i think that's in part the reason why i also gravitate towards long form conversations;#it feels mentally easier for me to deliver a meaningful response once in a blue moon than like sustain that level of#conversational depth on a more consistent basis? because i am inconsistent#but sometimes in the long wait between responses (which i have arguably played a large role in establishing) i feel unexpectedly social and#then feel strangely lonely 😭 (🤡)... truly i feel like i am lowkey a badly adjusted adult#this is not a catastrophizing post (though i did catastrophize slightly more over it in past weeks); just passive musings atp#i go through similar flows with artistic motivation but the highs and lows are not synced with my social energy at all#i think i am someone who likes to analyze my habits just as a whole because i really enjoy optimizing for things 😭 so this tendency in#particular really perplexes me#delete later perhaps because i know this is truly a yap post. (i apologize)#i met with a friend earlier irl and this might be the remnants of the social energy from seeing her or it might be a function of#the drink i had (strawberry matcha 🥰) if you have read this far i apologize personally
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shield-and-saber · 2 months
sometimes i think about how, despite his flaws, sol is very much the person who wouldn't judge you for your body shape
i've been struggling a lot w/ my internalized fatphobia the past couple weeks and it's comforting to imagine that sol is someone who would see me as i am. he wouldn't view me as less than, as disgusting, as unintelligent or unworthy, simply bc i'm fat. he'd treat me w/ the same respect as he would any other jedi
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