#idk maybe this is an unpopular take
secondhandconverse · 2 years
"Saiki Kusuo isn't actually canon aroace it's just a headcanon"
Okay but
"These romantic feelings allude me" -Saiki K
"Another reason I don't get romance, the whole things a mystery to me"-Saiki K
"Anyway, what's so great about seeing naked bodies? I see them all the time and they don't seem that special" -Saiki K (referring to his xray vision that he doesn't really have control over)
"Romance, huh? While not my priority it is unfortunately all my classmates seem to think about" -Saiki K
"I'd rather fall to my death than go on a date with her" - Saiki K (about Teruhashi)
Saiki K literally changing the weather to get out of a romantic situation
Aiura saying things like "We do it all the time" when pretending to be Saiki's girlfriend, then Saiki not entirely understanding what is going on and being horrified by the conversation (they never specify what "it" is, at least in the sub, but judging by reactions of the other characters and the conversation, im assuming it's referring to something sexual)
One argument I keep on seeing as to why Saiki is definitely not aroace is that he admitted Teruhashi is pretty, and like admired how she looked for a few seconds when lost his powers. Like ok???? You can admire people's beauty and looks without being romantically and sexually attracted to them.
Anyway just because Saiki never says "Hi I'm Saiki Kusuo, and I am aroace" doesn't mean that he automatically can never actually be aroace. He was still written as a person without romantic or sexual attraction/ a person who doesn't understand romantic or sexual attraction whether the artist intentionally meant him to be aroace or not. Just like if a character expresses being attracted to the same gender, or multiple genders, they would be canonically queer even if they never actually say "I am *insert sexuality here*".
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iztea · 4 months
Do you like drawing in a sense that it relaxes you? Like a hobby you‘re looking forward to after a day of work. Do you feel joy while you draw?
I‘m currently battling my art demons and came to the conclusion that drawing actually makes me feel shitty a lot of the time because I only take joy out of the results yk? So if it‘s good, great! If I get overwhelmed woah my world is breaking down. My therapist told me I need a hobby that actually relaxes me and that I like solely for itself, not connected to performance, and I was wondering if drawing is just generally the wrong thing for that or if there‘s a way for people to actually enjoy it in a relaxing way.
You‘re so open about your drawing process and you‘re my favorite art account so you fell victim to my question haha but I get that this ask is pretty specific and kinda weird, don‘t feel pressured to answer :)
i do very much enjoy drawing in a relaxing way; for me, it's the equivalent of playing video games or watching Netflix so, in a way, i think of drawing as "unproductive work". Not sure if you're actually looking for a solution-based answer to your problem or if you just want to hear my side/my opinion on the matter, but I'll try to delve into both. 
I think for me personally, I've always found drawing to be relaxing for the most part. Frustration is always to be expected, of course, but I wouldn't say it ruins the mood, it's just something that comes and goes. The only unpleasant part about drawing for me is strictly related to the social media aspect or just making it public. Now, I'm not sure if you have an art account as well or how much you relate to this but I very often dread posting stuff online. I kinda have to force myself almost every time to make something public because I hate the applause but I am also rational enough to understand that art is meant to be shared with others, even if I personally don't feel a strong need to... It's just one of those human behaviour things you have to mimic or adapt to get by, similar to many other things that don't make sense to me personally but I cognitively understand why they happen but I digress
 When it comes to the process itself, I actually enjoy it more than the final result. If I had a lot of fun experimenting with brushes and new techniques and crazy effects i saw online then i get a sense of joy no matter the end result, and here is where my first piece of advice comes into play: learn to enjoy the process without thinking of the destination. For me, even when I do have a clear idea in mind, it always fluctuates and I let it fluctuate. Sometimes it even looks like shit. So what? It's just for your eyes, who cares if it doesn't look good? Just call it a flop and move to another thing, or revisit it sometime later when your skills improve. This is even easier when you do not have an art account where you share your art, there's zero pressure, you're creating the pressure yourself.
Just think about it: 
>why do you feel shitty and overwhelmed? -> because you care about the end result
>why do you care? -> because if it turns out bad, it feels like wasted time. or because you put your worth into what you create or because [  fill in your answer here ]
>do you still want to continue drawing? -> if there is a way to enjoy it in a relaxing way, then yes i assume
Ok great! Then, the solution is to remove that root feeling of disappointment, overwhelm or despair by learning to appreciate the process of creation and bask in the uncertainty of it instead of being so dead-set on the final piece. If you are not content enough with your skills to end up drawing something that you're always satisfied with, and if it causes you this much distress, then drop your expectations and don't reach the finish line. I mean this literally: draw forever-WIPs. Sketches. Doodles. Don't render, don't even try to think of a color palette. Don't Finish Your Art. Enjoy the process of discovery, of trial-and-error of indecision and I can assure you it will be during these moments when you'll find the relaxation you're looking for.
Enjoyment and relaxation, in my experience, come from two places/approaches: 1. the subject itself and/or 2. noticing improvement in your skills.
To give you an example, when I was sick with fever I drew Dazai as that "let's take ibuprofen together" meme and I thought it was the best shit in the world I was on cloud nine and giggling to myself. Looking back on that art, I now realize it looks terrible (and i lowkey want to redraw it) but back then i was laughing while drawing it and felt Great. because I was drawing something i thought it was funny. Not even once did I think "oh man, I hope this turns out nice ohh it will be so awful if it doesn't the world will explode" because that was not its purpose. Granted i was a bit,,,,,, unwell given my sickly state but my point still stands! So, what I'm trying to say here is that you can try drawing "funny/silly" things as a way to sort of lessen that burden of expectations. Or just something you reaaalllly want to see and you know no one else will do it. Taking matters in your own hands type beat
The second way to enjoy drawing in a relaxing way is by taking the other route: instead of focusing on the subject matter, try focusing on new techniques, new brushes, new tutorials or approaches you found online. Basically, focus on improving your skills in a fun-no-pressure-no-strings-attached way while keeping your subject of choice neutral or uninteresting. Or maybe take the artwork of an artist you really like and try to deconstruct it/ reverse engineer it and apply it to your own art. But whatever you do or choose, just never finish it. let them stay as wips or else you won't be very.. relaxed.
*please note this is an "and/or" statement, so you can absolutely do both: try a new technique you found while drawing something that you also enjoy for uhhhhhhhhhhh relaxmaxxing as the would kids say
Lastly, what I would highly recommend is listening to Adam Duff's podcasts, he really hits the nail on the head when it comes to such topics and more, he really narrates and explores that soulful part of an artist way better than I ever could with this answer so please check him out, I think you'll find your answers there
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donnydamakkk · 2 years
unpopular opinion: there is no point in the show in which jeid would have made sense. jj never seemed interested in him, and his feelings always felt misconstrued and misplaced. they never had that kinda chemistry.
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heeliopheelia · 10 months
no cause i've just listened to sweet venom and it sounds so... generic to me 🧍
ever since tamed-dashed enhypen hasn't put out a comeback that i actually enjoyed 👀
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Ok but am I the only one who pictured Jeremy as a dark redhead??
Like it didn't cross my mind once that he coud be blonde before talking to my friends that were already in the fandom. Brunette?? Sure.
But OMG Jeremy just dying his hair to match the colours of his team>>>>
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sun-marie · 1 year
I can't tell if J.K. Simmons is phoning it in with his performance of Ketheric Thorm or if Jason Isaacs and Maggie Robertson are just crushing their roles that fucking hard
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drawnaghht · 1 year
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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icarus-suraki · 7 months
Unpopular opinion, but some of y'all have got to get over yourselves when it comes to artwork and writing. It's not just "art" or "writing." It's like ART!!! and WRITING!!! around here. It's like some kind of sacred vocation around here if you draw pictures. And I am tired.
IDK, maybe someday there'll be less ridiculously overwrought "poetry" that gets slung around. Just chill.
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depressedraisin · 1 year
every time article makes a thinly veiled remark abt how *people* don't think AM's "newer" stuff won't work for a stadium tour or whatever istg a part of my soul dies
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ceciliatllis · 2 years
criston cole has/had the potential to be one of the most interesting, tortured antagonists/characters of this entire series but people latch onto this illogical take that he’s an “incel” who’s bitter about rhaenyra not accepting his proposal when it’s so much more layered than that. he represents being the paragon of ideal, virtuous, medieval knighthood (who take their vows to the crown EXTREMELY seriously) and becomes incredibly resentful and bitter when it comes to rhaenyra because she serves as a consistent reminder that he LOST that core identity he built his entire life around by giving into his desire and love for her. he’s not a heroic, good man by any means (none of these characters are) but this character’s arc has so much unfulfilled complexity that could be expanded upon and yet the writers are not developing ANY of the HOTD characters with the depth they deserve. so of course the general audience who doesn’t critically analyze the media they consume watches the show and thinks “incel” (even though that doesn’t make any sense either considering an incel wouldn’t reject the chance to sleep with the princess whenever he wanted and is fueled by sexual rejection lmao) because we don’t get any insight into these characters’ motivations, values, and foundations so people are left scrambling to make sense of their journeys and decisions.
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tiercel · 1 year
I love explaining things and giving things reason/meaning to exist but also i almost prefer it sometimes when things in fiction are left unexplained... sometimes this is simply more narratively compelling
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1dhq · 2 years
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all my amvs have like 100 hits except bakudeku cascada which has 17,000 hits since i checked last. i see how it is, bnha fandom.
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
I think if they remastered the entirety of St Anger people would actually love it as much as other albums
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I have decided that if I still care by the time I learn to edit I will make a comp of all the lore that esmp s2 Jimmy had that wasn't in some way related to him being Woody.
I really liked the sheriff stuff, and I would do this for me and for everyone who got tired of the toy jokes!
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ilostyou · 1 year
so the thing is i’m reeeeeeally attached to the song maroon … hm
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