#unpopular opinion maybe but yeah
heavenknowsffs · 2 years
I think if they remastered the entirety of St Anger people would actually love it as much as other albums
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venacesaur · 3 months
where's that one post about how it's extreme mode to headcanon a character as aroace when they're part of a really popular ship....so true. especially when you headcanon both characters in the ship as aroace
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donnydamakkk · 2 years
unpopular opinion: there is no point in the show in which jeid would have made sense. jj never seemed interested in him, and his feelings always felt misconstrued and misplaced. they never had that kinda chemistry.
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
do you ever feel like people only like chick-fil-a so much because they're not supposed to
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l00ney-m00ny · 3 months
Looking at some people and they've clearly never been disciplined before. Some of them just need a good old fashioned beating with a belt. That's what my aunt did when my brother and I misbehaved. Let me tell you, we only did it once.
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Controversial opinion of the night:
Rayla was raised in a culture that would cast out or even kill* her for fear or weakness. She views herself as a mean of defense for others, or even as a pawn to be sacrificed for someone else’s sake.
So maybe a situation in which she is cared for or rescued or romanced isn’t stripping her character of agency or reducing her to a love interest or whatever the complaint is. Maybe her playing the damsel in distress demonstrates that she is not only a protector but also someone who deserves protection, and who has inherent value just for being herself, not for her abilities.
Also Callum swooping in to rescue her is heckin’ romantic
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
Soap soap soap soap soap soa-
(For the ask game :3)
hi hi :3
My first impression
woah he sure pouts a lot
My impression now
puppy...precious...[cradles photo and sobs] they'll never let me forget you
Favorite thing about that character
his voice....the growl- HHGHGH
Least favorite thing
this is hard...buuuut I guess I'll say the latest gas mask skin
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there's a lot going on with the vest and shoulders like excuse me sir what are you packing
Favorite line/scene
too many from that one mission Alone in mw2....so I'll give 2
Ghost: “Narcos… they’ll take videos.” Soap: “I’ll give ‘em your email so they know where to send them…” Ghost: “I won’t watch ‘em… more than once anyway…" Soap: “Sick bastard…”
Soap: "away and bile yer heid!!" Ghost: "English, MacTavish" Soap: "let me translate, go fuck yourself" Ghost: "Much better"
Favorite interaction that character has with another
Alejandro: "I can't call Soap 'Johnny'...." Soap: "Don't. Only Ghost can pull that off."
*giggling kicking my feet*
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
I think Soap would hang out well with Alejandro and Rudy! so them for sure
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Johnny Cage....(idk why either)
A headcanon about that character
actually, I think between Ghost and Soap, Soap's the kind of guy who likes salty, savoury things instead of a sweet tooth(to which I hc Ghost as) but he might be a lil weak for a good ol milk butter round candy
another is he has high alcohol tolerance, but he likes to act like he's drunk as hell just for fun
A song that reminds of that character
you know what? this probably ties in with the hc and the next question but this song...I just feel like Soap knows what it's like to be lonely
An unpopular opinion about that character
I...actually think. that Soap doesn't have a big family that many others has hc him to have.
I like to think he has a good family yes, ma and pa holds a special place in his heart, but no siblings and nothing.
No close relatives after he joined the army.
Favorite picture (tw: blood)
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I guess my outlook on Mori and Dazai's dynamic is - it wasn't abusive. Dazai was Mori's subordinate, yes, he absolutely could (and did!) manipulate him to an extent, and he had this weird need to teach Dazai everything he knew because he really projected hard on that kid, huh?
Thing is, Dazai held enough power in that dynamic such that he was never completely subservient - only person who knew the truth about Mori's takeover, threatening to overthrow him, etc. Moreover, abuse is something that is perpetuated over time and I really see no proof in the story so far that this happened.
However, one thing I'd like to make clear, and my true takeaway from this, is that just because a relationship isn't abusive does not mean that it can't be god-awful for your psychological well-being.
Mori did not abuse Dazai, but Dazai still does better (even if only a little) when he is away from him and his amoral utilitarian views.
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inneedofsupervision · 4 months
who do you think Peters favourite ler is and why
Oh, that's a very interesting question! I hope you don't mind me going deep for this one. 
If we include people outside the Avengers, my first choice would be Ned.
Now, one could argue that with the potential of Peter accidentally hurting Ned if the latter tried tickling him, the whole thing could be stressful and not fun.
That's the part where it gets interesting.
The thing about Ned tickling Peter is that he knows exactly what drives his friend up the wall. He can predict his reaction pretty well, knowing that it's safer to dig into Peter's underarms when the latter has his back turned to him or lies under him, pinned on the couch or a bed. He is aware of the flailing of arms that follows if you go from Peter's stomach to his ribs without a pause, as Peter cannot hold in his flight reaction when two of his worst spots get attacked one after another, so he goes for his knees instead.
It's a technique he had mastered before the spider bite. It's a well-practiced method to keep his friend's occasional sass at bay but Ned never takes it too far, mindful of Peter's asthma. Imagine his surprise that the same technique would be the safest way to mess with Peter after he became strong enough to catch a school bus with bare hands. Ned had mastered the way of wrecking the heck out of his friend by keeping a balance with the intensity, knowing to read his friend's reactions. 
Peter, on the other hand, loves and hates Ned for the way he tickles him. He sometimes feels like an idiot at how quickly his friend sent him to the floor into a giggly heap, squirming from side to side. At the same time, he can't deny he's having fun, and he would never admit it out loud, but it kinda relaxes him.
He doesn't have to hold back his reaction, doesn't have to muffle his crazy giggling in a pillow, or hide his reddened face behind his hands because this is Ned. The other teen has seen him during some of his dumbest and most embarrassing moments, laughing his head off in front of him barely counts as embarrassing anymore. That, paired with the knowledge that Ned wouldn't turn the tickling too far, adds to it being fun and relaxing as Peter can trust his best friend to avoid overwhelming him and drive him into accidentally hurting him.
Now, with the Avengers it's a little different. They know him well but not as well as Ned, so sometimes Peter's afraid to hurt one of them, especially the non-enhanced people on the team. Clint can be pretty ruthless at times, same as Sam and sometimes Natasha when provoked. At those times, Peter simply flees the scene.
Mr. Stark is better at reading him, but his mentor keeps it to some light tickles, which Peter is grateful for because the last thing he wants is to hurt Mr. Stark. That leaves Peter with the other enhanced individuals, and while they are having movie nights and team bonding and all that stuff, Peter sometimes cannot help but feel silly showing this side in front of Steve. With Bucky, it's easier and pretty fun but Peter's favorite whom he will never tell anybody about cause the teasing would be endless and Mr. Stark would for some weird reason feel jealous, is Thor. 
Yes, Thor. God of Thunder, brother of Loki, former King of Asgard. That Thor.
After his hero worship and general worship (cause, hello, his teammate is a literal god, how flipping awesome is that??) died down, Peter caught on quickly that Thor is rather playful. The god often acts confused, but there is that mischievous twinkle in his eyes when he hears his teammate groan, telling him the god isn't as oblivious as he pretends to be. Thor also very much likes to use this act of his to tease Peter when tickling him, and it's the silliness and playfulness of the god, as well as the fact that Peter can try fighting him off without hurting him, that makes it so enjoyable to fool around with the man. 
"This strange reaction is very amusing to watch. Does this also happen when I do this?" Thor glances down at him, one of Peter's arms pinned over his head as the god tilts his head in curiosity, free hand hovering over Peter's ribs. 
Peter playfully glares up at the blond, pushing against his chest to shove him off, but a smile tugging on his lips. "Loki told me you know what tickling is. You don't fool me, Thor."
He receives a grin, full teeth, and twinkling eyes.
"Alright. I don't have to hold back while playing pretend then."
The fact that Thor can overpower him and keep up when he chases him around, plus the playful teasing, leaves Peter in such a weird stage of excitement as his spidey-sense keeps completely quiet while his adrenaline spikes and his flight instinct kicks into full gear.
Peter sometimes wonders if this is what it feels like to have an older brother who messes with you for fun because that's what playing around with Thor feels like. It's genuine silliness and fun without holding back, and if Thor had caught on that Peter secretly enjoys getting thrown on couches like a ragdoll or picked up and carried over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, if his giggling is any indication of it, he doesn't comment on it but only grins at the teen's reaction.
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finexbright · 1 year
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oldtvandcomics · 2 months
I watched X-Men (2000) last evening. Still awesome. But also, it made me think.
Just how much *ehm* point is there in trying to keep bringing these heroes with us forward in time? Wouldn't it be better to leave them as a period piece?
Like, with the Holocaust being such an important part of Magneto's backstory, at least him and Xavier are pretty firmly anchored in time. And of course we can start making up all the excuses about why they are immortal / not ageing, but how much sense does it make? I also seem to be noticing an ongoing trend in newer X-Men media, at least on the big screen, where they aren't allowed to be traditional heroes any more, and instead all the focus is on the genocide. Which, I understand, that is 100% absolutely the direction the story is headed. Also, that post about how with the world being as it is, we can't really pretend any longer that Magneto is not right. So yes, I understand where they are coming from, but also, it isn't fun any more, is it?
Maybe the X-Men would be best as a period piece set somewhere between the 1960's and the early 2000's AT THE LATEST.
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inkedmyths · 10 months
When the girl character is a fantastic character if you just cut out a solid 90% of the Unnecessary Weird Hetero stuff
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doodle17 · 3 months
Unpopular Bendy opinion : Boris in the first game isn't that good of a character, especially if you never read DCTL or weren't there when Ch3 and Ch4 were released. I really like the boy, but come on, give him something to make his death more significant and heartbreaking
Also the concept of his boss fight is awesome but the execution is really not that great
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
So, I've seen a lot of people getting mad at Bones for seemingly erasing bkdk moments and replacing them with Izu//ocha. As someone who began as an anime only and migrated over to the manga, I never really saw this though? I got bkdk vibes pretty fast, even when I was just watching the anime. Besides that, a lot of people forget that Bones has added shipping material for every ship, not just specific ones. They added the Kabedon (wall pound), and they also animate plenty of added little winks to the audience. I think a lot of them slip by the western audience though because I think they're more Japanese specific. I only found out because I was hungry for bkdk content and looked up the eastern side of the fandom and cultural meanings in Japan XD. Another person explained what Bones might actually be doing. Usually studios add shipping moments for multiple groups in the interest of making money, since animation is expensive. Due to this, they might be doing more filler for ships that don't have a whole lot of canon content, while moving ships that do get canon attention along through use of the plot. Idk, I just don't understand the arguments others have made. Bkdk is incredibly popular in Japan, Japan's culture on bullying means they don't (usually) have the same issues that we do with Katsuki himself, and they've added shipping moments for KiriBaku and bkdk, which means they're open to the idea. I think it's less discrimination and more about what makes sense monetarily. Business is really difficult to run, especially in the entertainment industry. Finally, for all people have complained about the distance, I noticed that in season 5 they started moving bkdk closer to each other in general. I also feel like the adding distance thing could come down to a lot of factors. They had a lot of moments of bkdk sitting next to each other or (in one case) outright leaning on each other, only to randomly be back to distance again. It could make a nice visual metaphor for how Bakugo has gotten closer to Deku, but is still internally rebelling against it. Idk, I feel like that could a lot of ways. All depends on how you view it.
Now, okay, here’s my take on this
It’s not necessarily bones as a company rather the audience they have to conform to. And they most definitely leave in a lot of bkdk scenes, yes, but that’s quite literally because they can’t go around it, not only for plot but also that like, unless you were completely clueless most people KNEW Katsuki was going to get a redemption or atonement arc of some kind. We just weren’t expecting horikoshi to make it so… romantic. And intimate.
Bones isn’t necessarily homophobic, the amount of kiri//baku scenes in the movies and in the show is undeniable. Ntm the fact that Rody and deku had a whole romantic song montage in their movie. But there’s a REASON why kiri//baku is seen as the “most straight gay ship” and that’s simply because every other boy in the show (excluding Katsuki) has a “main woman” if you will. Kaminari has jirou, kirishima has Mina (I know I’m contradicting but I’ll explain later), Izuku has ochako, etc etc.
My point is that the reason that Katsuki is never the one getting comments like “bakugou is straight” like they say “deku is straight” is because he is the most queer mother fucker you’ve ever seen. He doesn’t HAVE a love interest (see in Katsuki meta👀) like every other boy does. Some people say it’s camie but, let’s be honest here, in every scene she’s in she doesn’t even pass the bechtel test. The friend group is fun and awesome, and she teases him a lot, but, in reality, she just doesn’t have enough scenes or screen time to be a full character and develop out of a rare pair.
And bones is aware of this, just as the fandom is. Katsuki simply doesn’t have a woman to establish him as straight AND ALSO has a lot of queer coding by fitting the “gay delinquent” trope. Kirishima also fits a lot of the Japanese ideas of the “gay delinquent”. This, was entirely purposeful.
In a way bones, like many mha fans, fell for a lot of the bait hori threw and then even exaggerated it. There’s this scene in the anime where ochako is changed to questioning why she likes Izuku and then says how she’s going to “lock away these feelings”, but in the manga she says “what the hell am I doing? He’s trying his best to be a hero, I also need to try my best.” This is paraphrasing ofc, I’d need to rewatch the scene and grab the panel but I don’t currently have access to my mha books. (Which is currently my only way of getting the official translations for older chapters lol)
In some cases, it’s a stretch I won’t lie. But, while bones isn’t exactly HOMOPHOBIC, it doesn’t change how bones tries to appeal to, ultimately, a bigger audience. Shonen needs a girl and boy ending and because mha is a shonen then it will have a girl and boy ending.
Another aspect is that homophobic fans just straight up hate Katsuki. Not only because they’re usually bullied white boys that fell down the alt right pipeline, but also because Katsuki gets in the way of any of their straight ships. He’s competition for not only ochako but also Mina. And they don’t like that, but since they can’t be outwardly homophobic they just say that he’s abusive or completely un redeemable. (Which is also weird bc these people tend to also like endeavor ?????? I don’t get it. Like, I like endeavor too but what)
There’s no getting around Katsuki being a VERY queer coded character. Not only with Izuku but also with kirishima. Bones doesn’t want to take away from izu//ocha so they put their eggs into one basket; aka kiri//baku.
Anywho, there’s a reason why so many anti bkdk shippers are anime only’s and that’s both because bkdk is “cringe” in mainstream media (thanks alt right pipeline) and also because a lot of the subtext and magic was lost. Ultimately, anime is just an adaptation. The only thing that REALLY matters IS the manga. So, in the case of bkdk being canon, there’s going to be an influx of anime only’s that say that this wasn’t implied, rushed, he was forced, etc etc etc and they will ultimately just have to cope and cry and wine about it in their own pity party.
Yada yada, I kinda rambled, but yeah. I do think bones censors and then pushes a certain narrative. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing either since, well, like I said before, anime is an adaptation of the manga. It’s not going to be accurate a LOT and that’s just a fact we kind of have to accept. I watch the anime to get the scenes I love animated now. I started out as an anime only (who started shipping them after dvk2) and I’ve re read most of the manga at this point. A lot is different and I’d honestly recommend to anyone who has the time and patience to read the entire manga. It truly is a different experience. Bkdk was more implied in the manga and izu//ocha was even more boring too. The only reason I even like izu//ocha is because of the first two seasons of mha, and then ofc fandom content. Otherwise, I’ve stopped caring for it mostly. They’re boring and have been boring for a long time. The only reason they WERENT is because of bones.
Again, anime adaptations are just that, adaptations. I don’t think it’s really a bad thing.
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llycaons · 6 months
I've been into dunmeshi for almost as long as cql...but it's a quieter and more reliable interest. more sustainable. cql was an incredibly intense emotional experience, and I obviously still love it deeply, but that kind of strength of feeling is really hard to maintain over a long period of time. meanwhile dunmeshi never drove me to such emotional extremes, and I'm actually not really a big fan of the heavier plot stuff nor do I think it really has a very strong political message, but I love it in the sense that its characters and story and worldbuilding are very comforting and feel-good and interesting to me, and it has valuable and broadly applicable messages about life and death and consumption and our role in the world
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kkeke99 · 5 months
Enough time has passed now, so I can finally say with certainty that the only good MLs of the Jewelpet Series are Akira Nanase and Retsu Akagi 👍🏻
#jewelpet#jewelpet twinkle#jewelpet sunshine#jewelpet kira deco#jewelpet happiness#lady jewelpet#magical girls#txt#like— be so for fcking real????#all the ‘mls’ in there are like ‘i will always save you!’ meanwhile akira and retsu are like ‘i would k word for you’#AND THIS IS WHAT’S A MAN SHOULD BE ABOUT WHEN IT COMES TO HIS GIRLIE MIND YOU????#also yeah they’re all like… kids in there so IDK why sanrio put love interests for elementary/middle school kids 😭#but some mls (coff coff yuuma and mikage coff coff) just piss me tf off 💀#then again in jewelpet sunshine all the peoples are ANNOYING af because like… kanon… sweetie… WHY ARE YOU BEEFING WITH A BUNNY???? 😭#idk guys… maybe it’s cuz i’ve seen many shoujo anime read many shoujo manga and want my man obsessed with me like— i want him WEAK for me…#the other mls in the jewelpet series sometimes i think like ‘what… are you there… for??’#akira nanase PISSES ME TF OFF his personality is SHIT but the way he goes on about rinko??? he is a SIMP and i love that#and retsu??? retsu would literally roll a red carpet down the path pink walks on and that makes me HOLLER every single time guys 😭#like— once you see how akira and retsu treat rinko and pink… the other mls become just bland in there#yuuma mikage and cayenne give NOTHING to their series#they’re love interest just for the sake of having love interests#because akari and momona are better off alone tbh cause they genuinely are such BADDIES#they’re so cool that when you see their love interests you are like… ‘babygurl don’t settle for mediocre guys like that pls…’#like… akari and momona are the men in their ‘relationships’ 😭#don’t get me started on kanon and mikage like— wHY ARE YOU CRUSHING ON YOUR TWIN BROTHER???? AND WHY IS HE CRUSHING ON A BUNNY?????#thank god they broke up after finding out they were related (THANK YOU GOD!) but now why is he head over heels ROMANTICALLY over a bunny???#aside from all these weird shit the plot wasn’t interesting at all and gave… well… nothing…#anyways!! akari and momona deserve better men for real 🫤#or sanrio could’ve left them single yknow…? we wouldn’t have even noticed pft#these are controversial and unpopular opinions among the jewelpet series fandoms… but i just had to get them out of my chest phew
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