#idk pls don't judge
overnightheartbeats · 2 months
closed starter // @ruinedsoulsrp
"I just can't go, alright?" Lying was a newer specialty of hers, but lying to Jack...she still hadn't gotten the hang of. With good reason though, lying to your best friend was not easy. That, and she hated how it made her feel. "I have a ton of shit to take care of, and despite my fuck it attitude...I should finish it, or I won't pass this class."
Kate had pulled her aside sometime ago, confessing how much she liked her best friend and asked for any tips. At the time, Laurel rolled her eyes and just said good luck. Her and Jack had some blurry history, but that wasn't the reason she dismissed the girl. She just, frankly, didn't care much for helping others and their relationship dreams. But, with the yearly school trip coming up, she had a change of heart. Call it sympathy, guilt - whichever, but Laurel figured it was best for them to connect without her around. His brother had been right months ago when he told her to stay away. It was time she listened. "It's just a few days. I'll hunker down here, finish these papers. You can connect with nature on the camping trip, and tell me all about it when you get back. If Jake takes a fall, definitely tell me."
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barbieaiden · 1 year
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2. Aiden: [Deep breath]
3. Aiden: Fuck.
4. Sam: For future reference, please, please, use butter. You're ruining my pans.
Aiden: Ooooh. That's why it ended up like this.
Sam: How—How did you forget?
Aiden: I mean, you should be impressed I even made something semi-edible.
Sam: ...sure.
5. Aiden: You slept longer than usual.
Sam: A whole six hours.
Aiden: That must be a record.
6. Sam: You shouldn't have done this. I can make my own breakfast.
Aiden: Well, I wanted to do it for you.
Sam: Yes, but—
Aiden: Making breakfast isn't going to kill me, I promise. If the doctor people say it's fine, it probably is.
7. Sam: But if you're also going to work... I just don't think you should overexert yourself.
Aiden: Making half-assed breakfast was not that strenuous.
Sam: You're serving me "half-assed breakfast"?
8. Aiden: Well, I mean, the bread is really dry, the pancakes are rubbery, and the coffee is probably bitter, but it was made with love. Enjoy.
Sam: Shut up, Aiden. It's perfect.
Aiden: You're so cute when you lie straight to my face.
9. Sam: I mean it. The pancakes aren't nearly as rubbery as they look.
Aiden: So I'm pretty much a professional chef now.
Sam: I wouldn't go that far.
10. Aiden: Did you sleep well?
Sam: Sort of. Are you sure you're able to work?
Aiden: I feel fine, really. Worst case scenario I'll go to the ER and Jordan will take care of me.
Sam: Comforting.
11. Aiden: I feel fine. Really. I'd tell you if I weren't.
Sam: Would you?
Aiden: Yeah. For sure.
Sam: Mhm.
12. Aiden: Seriously, I feel so trapped, you know? I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get to actually do things again. Not that I mind hanging out with you 24/7, but I'd like to go outside too. Breathe real air.
Sam: I understand.
13. Sam: Are you leaving already?
Aiden: Sorry. I'll go grocery shopping on my way home, do you need anything?
Sam: Didn't I just tell you to not overexert yourself?
Aiden: You know what, just text me a list of everything you need.
Sam: Aiden...
Aiden: Have a good day I'll see you late love you byyyyyye.
Sam: I love you too.
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
no no okay maybe i'm just dumb but i honest to god thought eddie was making himself a sandwich in the middle of the night because why the heck not but noooo-
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he was making chris' school lunch! could this scene BE any more domestic?!?
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spellingizmypassion · 5 months
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I unironically want a pet trimming. They look so cute.
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laterlavender · 8 months
Jubilee seems the type to get the weavemothers armor and immediately put it on and ask Wyll how she's looks
The way you just sniped Jubilee with that assessment LMAO (you are absolutely right)
Nobody asked for this but I couldn't not draw something
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Wyll is a supportive king 🩵
Silly Bonus:
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jerevision · 11 months
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roublardise · 2 months
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benetnvsch · 9 months
if I had a nickel every time I watched an anime where a character voiced by Patrick Seitz blows up a character voiced by Griffin Puatu I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice-
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snudootchaikovsky · 2 years
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
One thing about me is that if I see someone reblogging AI images, I will let them know 👌🏻
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artbyvampiraptor · 10 months
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Bro thinks he's gonna solve an entire rebellion with eyeshadow and good hair.
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mcmuppet · 1 year
self explanatory tbh
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negaiishipping · 1 year
LISTEN TO ME!!1 I am obsessed with these old sites for editing pics from like 2010-2015. And I’ll start posting my amazing creations (? here because I have nothing better to do and I hope someone can laugh with me lmao
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Medusa is not white. Her actress is biracial
Okay, that's cool, I didn't know that and haven't really seen anyone saying anything about it. I read the several pieces of her being the casting and I don't think it mentioned her being biracial? But I've looked up her race specifically now (because I checked three more articles and none mentioned it) and she is ❤️ I think that's really great for her.
But, and this is important specifically for this work, she is not dark skinned. And Medusa in the books is very clearly dark skinned.
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999-roses · 1 year
@ihatethewest is a radfem who has a huge terf following and often interacts with other radfem blogs (if you search "feminism" on their blog, it's all from radfems)
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Anon I think if you go tell them about it directly, it might resolve your issue??
inb4 the rest: I haven't contacted her before posting this reply;; anon i did take your suggestion to search her blog under 'feminism' and originally did see some questionable posts. but as I'm typing this response, I refreshed the search and it appears that she's actively removing rbs from radfems, maybe she got shinigami eyes a little late in the game, who knows. so... anon. did I do anything wrong? I don't think I've reblogged posts with terf radfem content but please let me know if I did thanks 👍
this is not an invitation for any radfems/terfs thinking my blog is friendly to you lot. you will be welcome here once you dismantle the hateful ideology from your mind and are no longer a radfem including you 'cryptos'
#asks#anon#the girls are fighting.txt#I mean if I've rb'd any specific posts that have harmful rhetoric pls let me know. I'll delete it#because yeah. I don't support any transphobia or misandry#while tumblr does seem to want to suggest 'blogs like this one' that have those components of radfem off of @ihatethewest's blog.#i don't see posts of that flavor on their blog? maybe she was radfem back in the day but i'd say it looks like she's not anymore#idk maybe that's where a lot of people start & then realize there are many parts of it that are bad!! u can talk to them directly about it?#I don't want to judge people purely by their past as if their current actions/change don't count.#i don't want to subscribe to 'once an x always an x' especially when it comes to ideology. which is something that CAN change#this is also like the 2nd blog that someone's told me is a radfem but also happens to be black ???#the other one was legit BAD w/ terf shit tho. like that was deserving of calling out. also the person who told me wasnt anon#<- im NOT saying that being black is an excuse/shield for terfism NOR am i saying that black feminism->radfem.#but is it a coincidence?? it is misogynoir on the part of anon???? whats going on folks. what. is. happening.#idk im tired. hey anon! you wanna tell me about other blogs that are for black liberation and aren't 'work with the establishment' liberal?#like im trying to get clued in to aligned struggles. clearly i have a void to fill wrt listening to black folk & im trying to remedy that#thru youtube and tumblr. purity policing is making it... annoying. also people's thoughts can change over time hello#exhibit A right here. I used to be a liberal & thought NPR was the bomb.com lmfao. u think people should start out perfect or be beheaded??#chen yells at clouds. more at 10
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dokyeomini · 1 year
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