#idk ranty today
horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
i have so much beef with this one girl on YouTube whos whole channel is " making 15k a month as a full time artist? tips and tricks on how to be a full time artist " videos. and like. you click on it and she's like " you can sell on Esty! " ooo what does she recommend selling? " I sell financial guides for artists!" ..ok I cant do that, what else! " I also have a patreon! " ooo I've always wanted to make a patreon, what do artists post there? " I provide financial guidence for artists! "....ok.... " and my biggest money maker is YouTube! I get to make a living making art videos :)!!" ............*checks her yt and its 95% financial tips for artists videos*...........
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gaylactic-fire · 26 days
"They should let us choose Link's gender." They're forcing the purposefully androgynous and GNC character into one of two comfortable boxes now. Because of woke.
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wearethekingdom · 1 month
Also related to my last post
My doctors have told me for a long time that I am too young to experience hallucinations and that it can't be that serious. This lack of attention to my problems have made them worse over the years and convinced me that I am just crazy, when am I going to be old enough for my symptoms I have had for so long? When am I old enough for a diagnosis?
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rantceratops · 1 year
Me a decade ago(up to just a year ago or so maybe): Spitfire is life, my life is ruined they killed Wally and my ship is dead, I don’t want Artemis paired with anyone else Wally is her one and only blah blah blah blah
Me now: I literally don’t care. Give me more Artemis and Dick friendship. Give me anything but copious shipping.
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haruhikage · 1 year
i would like to thank beabadoobee for existing
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femboty2k · 2 years
This is just a side rant but man I wish I could talk about my own like, sexuality and what not without feeling guilty or gross. And by that I don't mean my orientation I mean about things like sex and what interests me about it and all that. But no I've been treated like shit my whole life because fat people get treated like shit and now I have internal fuckery that tells me that everyone is valid to be sexual but me. Eugh.
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raspberrysmoon · 26 days
ok forgive me for getting ranty but i just got really suddenly angry over a conversation i had today
so we can all tell im like, genuinely sick right? idk whats wrong but there is Something.
ive been to like.... three specialists? a cardiologist, a rheuatologist and two different types of physical therapists (three therapists overall) and we still dont have any idea whats wrong with me.
according to my father, this means im fine and we dont need to see any more doctors ever again even though i am consistently getting worse as i get older. he suggests diets and otc meds but refuses to take me back to the doctor wven for another blood test because the other one (ONE) was normal.
apparently i, (16, female, family history of extreme joint issues, arthritis and various other issues like diabetes and heart disease) am supposed to grow out of every symptom i have? including the fainting/pre sycope, extreme fatigue, insomnia, debilitating stomach issues/pain, near debilitating joint pain and migraines. all of which my mommy and extended family are coddled for having.
but when i look my dad in the eyes and tell him ive considered suicide because i havent gotten help he attributes it to me being a teen girl :/ i had to sneak-buy a cane that i may not get to use til i have a car (which atp will only happen because im being forced) which wont happen for another several months, to which ill have to have another drs appt for. yk routine shit. so ill end up handing my doctor a goddamn list and being like "figure this out or i am going to kill myself" (only half genuine i wont. but the idea is there) and by that point i may be banned from driving because of "concerns" (aka i have a FAINTING DISORDER and you arent supposed to drive if you regularly get dizzy/faint/lose vision, which i do)
im so upset. actually. why do they drop everything for my grandma when her wrist hurts a little but when im on the floor sobbing because i jerked my shoulder out of place i need to suck it up. why does it feel like nobody in my real life cares about me. why are my closest friends on tumblr. why does it feel like one person irl wants me to keep living. my parents are the ones all my friends always wanted until youre sick and they tell you to take some pain meds and get your goddamn grades up
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atla-confessions · 2 months
not a confession but rather a small ranty rant i did my college meeting today and idk if it went well or not (it was online) and im really scared,its not that i wanna go to that specifice place but more of im lost in places,one of the collges in my country alread rejected me sooo yea either way im happy i really never exepcted myself to finaly say im going to college/uni yk? pray for me yall im really exited :)))
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charliespringverse · 2 months
about 50% of my f1twt timeline is INSUFFERABLE today bc an unfortunate side effect of loving oscar is that so many of my mutuals love lando as well and i simply do not 🙏🏻
anyway racing ranty ramblespam under the cut bc i'm not about to force my Soft Gay YA Fiction mutuals to scroll past twelve paragraphs of bitter rage about motorsport lol
anyway FUCK lando throwins !!!!!!!!!
like i'm the first to admit that the primary fault lies with mclaren itself and not with either of the drivers bc once again the pit strategy was incomprehensible . fork found in kitchen .
but Way too many lando/481 stannies are just categorically refusing to admit that lando's absolutely stinking attitude didn't help anything . boohoo your team fucked up nobody's surprised Follow The Team Orders . oscar prioritises the team at every opportunity even when it doesn't suit him . he followed team orders at His Home Race despite the fact it would've made him the first ever aussie on the podium at australia . he abided by the orders for the overall benefit of the team because he's not a fucking arsehole
i keep seeing ppl post lando's radio messages acting like only one side of the conversation was at fault when?? every fucking one of those messages highlights him as a petulant fucking child who can't stand to not get his way . nobody has ever fucking told that man that he's anything but the best (he isn't) and it fuckin shows . ppl are straight up calling it manipulation/emotional abuse and i just???? yeah i can see why it's annoying that they were badgering him to resolve a problem They Caused but at the same time . if he'd just Done As Instructed when the first message came over it wouldn't have had to come down to them needling him and ascribing morality to his decision and referencing his role in the team?? it became "do the right thing, remember you need the team, remember you need oscar" because he was BEING SELF CENTRED
and i'm not being funny . if he'd given the place up As Planned with ~20 laps to go, and he genuinely was quicker/better than osc, they could've made that argument . if oscar went ahead and it led to lewis closing in on them both, they could've swapped back . if they'd extended the lead with no issues, maybe they could've raced ! had a fun little last lap battle ! which would've given either one of them the chance of the win in a way that ppl wouldn't have called unfair/gifted/whatever . the only person that Actually Benefitted from him extending that gap until two laps before the end was Himself
and idk . maybe i'm a conspiracy theorist . but his long-awaited first win was met with gifted win accusations (cough because it was a safety car win cough) and it's Certainly Interesting that he singlehandedly made sure that oscar's was as well lmao
anyway . it's not just the radio & on-track behaviour . it's chucking his P2 hat across the cooldown room floor . and making sly snappy retorts to lewis' compliment . and bringing back the champagne pop ppl have been missing before osc (his teammate, "friend", and FIRST TIME GP WINNER) got to pop his . and skipping over osc to go straight to spraying lewis Instead Of His First Time GP Winner Teammate And "Friend". and his body language in the press conference . making sure to point out in post-race press that it was Oh So Tough For Him To Give That Place (that wasn't his) Back, But He Just Had To Do The Right Thing, Just Had To Remember How Important The Team Is ❤️ after ignoring his engineer saying the exact same thing to him repeatedly . and the longstanding precedent for shit like this . egging on fans chanting his name during another driver's national anthem . the face like thunder after silverstone . his whining on the radio during qatar last year .
i just find him to be such an utterly insufferable human being whenever he's given even the slightest indication that he's not the centre of the universe for 5 minutes . he's perfectly charming when the sun's shining up his arse but he can't stand to be anything less than everybody's top priority
anyway . the points today put osc within 5 points of p4 and 13 points of p3 . they put lando within 76 points of p1 . with this specific 1-2, oscar could theoretically jump two places (or fairly easily jump one) in the standings before the summer break, meanwhile even if he'd won today lando would still need three wins & multiple max dnf's to even Try and take p1 any time soon . which, considering he's allergic to race wins (0.85% start -> win ratio vs osc's now 2.85%) seems fairly fuckin unlikely lol
like yeah today was a fuckin MESS from mclaren's side and i absolutely refuse to grant them any grace here bc any fucker with half a brain and a single speck of racing knowledge could've told them that pitting in that order was idiotic . but at the same time their god awful strategy could've and Should've been cushioned by their drivers' responses & attitudes . and One of the mctwinks is a reasonable, level headed team player who is capable of putting the team above himself without acting as a doormat . One of the mctwinks has a championship mentality beyond "wahhh i deserve it because i want it" .
and with that, i will be shutting the fuck up 🙏🏻 because it is nearly 6am and i have to be out of the house in less than 5 hours .
big up oscar jack piastri, first gp winner born in the 21st century, hungaroring T1 demon, polite cat, future wdc 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i can't wait to watch him win more races in future that WON'T be tainted by the actions of his inept team & shitheel teammate 😌
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I’m behind on reading/commenting ugh. I did read one of the fics that updated but it made me sad. But like it wasn’t even really a sad fic, it was more open.
This is getting angry and ranty so I’m hiding it under the cut
But idk I’m just so so so tired of my queen being given the short end of the stick. Again it’s why I hella overcompensate and make him suffer. But it’s v annoying to me that he can do whatever and my queen will still love him? Fuck that bullshit. I’m sick of it. I’m sure it’s cause I’ve never been in romantic love so I don’t get it, but if that’s what it’s like I don’t want to understand. All these stories I hear of women staying in toxic relationships where as the men are always able to leave their shituationship and find better matches, is so difficult for me to wrap my head around. This is just in regards to the people in my real life and from some podcasts I listen to (and social media shit) but I swear the percentage is heavily skewed to women trying to save their shitty relationship while the men are able to break out of it.
Anyways, yeah it’s why I absolutely loathe fics where he’s a scumbag and my queen suffers but ultimately he gets to keep her. First that seems very ooc to me, but I also write him ooc too but just way opposite from that. So I guess whatever. But again I ask why must my queen suffer? Hasn’t she suffered enough? Why are we putting her through all this bullshit and tearing her down and making her believe she can only love this one man? Is this supposed to be romantic? Like what? Like oh wow, guess she’s so fucking lucky he decided to choose her after fucking around and being an absolute dick. Grody.
I swear I’m just too American or at least too much of a Vegas gal to be okay with this. Because I see this shit so much in fics and irl I am fucking terrified of it happening to me. To lose my complete sense of self for an underserving asshole who makes me question love? I would rather die. Like kill me please. Cause if there’s anything I know, it’s love. I’m Lots of Love for crying out loud! All forms of it! It’s not just romantic, but the rest of the world seems to think it’s the only one that matters. And I know I’m guilty of that too, cause I am to my core a hopeless romantic. But when it is pure. Not this brainwashed mess where men can be whores but women aren’t allowed to even look at another person.
Back on my fuck first love being the only love bullshit. I fucking hate this trope when it applies to only women. Not super fond of it with men either, but that’s more of a dig at my main fandom I can’t even enjoy anymore.
Would love to read a fic where she’s the player instead of him and it’s perfectly fine. Make him the one who wonders for fucking once. Does she love him? Maybe. Is she enjoying her life and fucking around? Absolutely and as she should! Not caring that she’s stringing him along cause he’s the back up that she knows she can always go back to, and maybe she does actually love him. Go figure.
Some days I get so angry I just want to write a fuck you fic, but also I don’t cause I hate writing and I have too many other projects I would rather finish so I never have to write again. But then I think about having to read these fics and noping out or sticking it out and being pissed even though I knew where it was going and I would hate it. And I’m like hella judgey but at least I’m not an awful person who leaves rude comments for a fic not meant for me. Yeah if you do that shit you’re a fucking asshole and I want nothing to do with you.
I didn’t intend to start this post off so angry, and now I don’t even remember my main reason for trying to make an update here. I’ve just annoyed myself and I need to leave or else I’ll be too tired for my hopeful boost of serotonin tomorrow (or today rather). I’m probably just irritated from being at the airport like all day. I love traveling but some airports and airlines suck.
Anyways main point, let Shiho bejeweled! Don’t keep her locked up in the basement! She’s a diamond, so let her shine damn it!
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royalswille · 2 years
this is gonna be a really ranty post but i just have to get these thoughts out my head y’know bc i’ve had a really bad few days anxiety-wise and i think if i just get this to stop rattling around my head quite so much it might help. i totally understand why people say to be proud of the little things you do when you’re struggling with your mental health yeah. we take things in small steps, we don’t try too much at once, we go at our own pace and let things improve slowly rather than trying to rush anything. we have to be proud of ourselves when we do the things that we struggle with. but i never see anyone talk about how hard that actually is, being proud of yourself for small things, i mean. like how the fuck am i meant to be proud of myself when the thing i’m celebrating is “i talked to someone today”? how am i meant to go about my life being proud of something i see people do effortlessly? how am i meant to be proud knowing that seemingly everyone around me doesn’t have to pluck up courage for up to several weeks or months just to fucking open their mouths? it’s so easy for people who don’t get it to sit there and say “but you did it! that’s something to be proud of!” but i certainly don’t feel fucking proud. i feel like a failure for having a to celebrate something most people wouldn’t. and it feels so patronising when my parents say i’ve done well for talking to people in my classes because i really struggle with it, even though i know they mean it in a good way and it’s coming from a kind place. idk maybe the being-proud-of-little-things works for some people, and if it works for you then i’m really glad, you do you, but i’m going to need an alternative that doesn’t make my mental health worse than it started out because this is becoming absolute bullshit
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got here early this morning, like i do every morning, and the doors - all 4 of the double doors - to our hallway were locked. i went back downstairs, through the downstairs hallway and up the back stairwell which (thankfully) was not. sat down in my chair and started eating my breakfast while sending a ranty text about it to the group chat (4 other teachers here who are also tired of this damn place, bc they’re all in my department and hate what they did to ELA at this school) 
my neighbor gets here with kids for tutoring, peeks her head in my door, and says, “thank you for getting here first!” lmao i needed that. 
and that, dear friends, is what i am going to miss about this place. these are good people that i am leaving behind. (mind you, most of them are also leaving.) but we’ll all be scattered. they took a good thing - a strong, cohesive department who all respect and support each other, who all share ideas and solutions, who stand up for each other - and ruined it. 
every one of us started this year with the intention to be returning next year. we spent time outside of school celebrating birthdays and milestones, helped one of us through a breakup, another through a death. we all showed up for people - when that former student died from a car accident, we all went to the vigil. when our school psych’s husband died, we all went to the funeral. we’ve had late-night conversations about injustices at the school and early morning pep-talks just to fucking show up. (and sometimes “sorry ladies, i can not be there today”)
in the 7 years i’ve been here, this team is the strongest it’s ever been. and admin even complimented us on that! we are a unit! we would speak to admin as a group, not individually. we would do our evaluations in pairs, not separately, and team teach our classes. we worked together. we are a unit, and admin claimed to love that.
and then they ruined it, by giving us a shit plan that we all knew was shit and we all said was shit and they ignored us, started babysitting us and criticizing our every move, and took away all our autonomy. 
and they think we want to stay? 
i want nothing more than the five of us to stay next year. i love these people. i’m sure i’ll find My People at my new school eventually, but i have My People now. i don’t want to lose them! (and i’m sure we’ll still chat, but it’s not the same ofc.) 
but how can we stay when admin will just do the most to us, and expect us to lie down and take it? to violate contract and expect us to be okay with it? to change our teaching assignments around and think we won’t be upset? to take away everything that makes language arts great to teach and think we’ll just go along happily like nothing is the matter? fuck dude, even my students know i’m unhappy as shit with this and a lot of them are oblivious as a box of shit lol. many have told me “this is bullshit” and “i haven’t learned anything since december” and i’m like i KNOOOOOOOOW i tooooooold them. but all i can do is apologize and say “it wasn’t my decision, i’m sorry, it wasn’t supposed to be this way.” like. no one feels worse about it than i do. 
admin thinks this is all fine, we’re all perfectly happy and can’t wait to start next year with their boots on our necks. admin has already learned that 3 of us are leaving, and once i get an offer 3 makes 4. half of the reading department is dipping too. want to know how to nuke an entire english/reading department? dm me for my admin’s emails. 
anyway. idk where i’m going with this, just a lot of emotion. anger, frustration, SADNESS. i wouldn’t be here right now without the support of these amazing teachers (and, well, my therapist lbr). it shouldn’t have been this way. they could have listened to us. they could have taken our concerns. they didn’t. they didn’t. and now they don’t have an ELA/reading department next year. 
i hope they’re pleased with themselves, though. actions have consequences. you fucked around, and you’re about to find out. 
ok i’m done. i should get some of this grading done or something lol idk.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
My dear bestie, I saw your ranty rant.
And I just wanna say, I know it's frustrating & annoying but do not let it discourage you to stop writing, I'm excited on what you have for the future and you know damn well imma fully support you. They're just a hater trying to discourage you. And get to you. You're an amazing writer and I love watching you grow each day. Every single one of your works are amazing, even if it's not my thing it's still really well written!
That being said. I adore you so much and I adore your writing so much as I said. So keep at it and keep doing the things! You're a great writer 💖 ilysm twin, the jisung to my felix & together were literally real life Jilix 💖
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bestie 🥺 i literally stopped crying, read this and now i'm crying again 😭 ‹3
idk what to say apart from thank you ;-; i appreciate the message and also the love and support you always give me, i cannot put into words how much i appreciate and love you ‹3 even when i write something that's not to your taste, you still show me support ;-; ajjsjwkw ‹3
i guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed and maybe a lil bit discouraged rn, just one thing after another and i let it get to me, however, after today i know I'll be okay again and will come back fighting (because i'm petty like that, lmao)
again, thank you bestie for your words, they helped cheer me up. i appreciate & love you sm ‹3 😭
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phantomknights · 2 years
2, 3, and 4 for the ask game 👀
2. Do you still play the game today? Are you any good? Do you use your original deck?
this one is funny because i actually started playing with my original deck BEFORE kinfirming. if my sister hadn't gotten me that box set i might not have ever realized at all lol. anyway
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yes. yes i do
i think i'm pretty good but definitely not like. champion level good. i'm a little rusty but that's just what happens when you don't have to duel for your life every day
gonna answer 3 last because i could go on for literally so long
4. What’s something mundane that you recall that’s funny to you now?
ive got a few for this one
i know ive posted about kite before but i don't know what exactly ive shared SO here's all my silly kite facts. the blue part of his hair is dyed he made shun help him dye it. he snuck a minifridge into his dorm so he could keep a stash of dr pepper. one time he set loose a drone in the cafeteria and broke a light and got detention for a week. he had cat stickers on his laptop. i can't believe this man was a number hunter in zexal
also shun was camera shy and his parents LOVED showing off baby photos. deadly combination
3. Is there anything particular you remember that wasn’t shown in your source that you feel is important?
okay im going to talk about war for a little bit so this one's going under a cut. it got a little more ranty than i expected oops. all of you have been warned
ok so. first of all. people fucking died they never Talk About This but not everyone was carded people Died. even after all the carded people were brought back the population was like. half of what we started with. and it pisses me off so much when people are like "oh if x character was there they'd have won" FUCK YOU because they WERE there and it still sucked.
speaking of people who were there who aren't in canon. i put this on my kin carrd but i don't think most ppl know i have that so here
rio was there shark was there (he was annoying) hart was there iii was there iv was there. v was PROBABLY there but i never like met him or heard anything about him so idk. anna was there she taped a nerf gun to a litterbot.
also clover and spade were the same school idk why they talk about it like theyre different schools its all one school. its a boarding school also
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zeenbean · 1 month
yapping about school, again
a lot as happened since my last ranty post, like that i have gotten B on my final grade from english(as a secondary language) but nobody really follows this blog so much so they would actually know what am i talking about.
in multiple posts ive been whining about my secondary laungage english teacher bcs shes dumb af and doesnt even know english past average 9yo vocabulary(except the slang💀) so when i use my fancy fancy worlds on her(telling her that taking drgs is NOT silly) she ofc gets mad. and that is, how she made my final grade from exact 9 marks from the second semester. 2 of them were group activities(two A`s), 5 quick tests(one A, one B& three Ds) and the rest unit reviews(one A and one B, but the b was my falut bcs im not gonna remember in front of what words u put the, a or nothing. but that were the weird ones like i dunno i cant remember bcs the only ones i remember are the ones that are obvious ones help) im a person who to function needs to have EVERYTHING planned. also when the teachers are all extremely chaotic i cant focus when i have to sit in place where i dont normally sit(i sit there for four years there, last place on the left but idk how other classrooms are build so it differs) its even worse. like this btch will be like so okey i know i said were gonna write the test tomorrow but i dont feel like it so were gonna do it today and than theres me who had planned to study today afternoon bcs it works for this types of tests best for me, also i had to practice on my saxophone yesterday bcs i ALSO had some MORE IMPORTANT EXAMS so now the whole thing is messed up & i have the saxophone exam today but im gonna be stressed form this test and it will completely ruin my day and maybe even a week.
im gonna browse more on the school system in hour school bcs its really messed up. like i wanted to transfer for this year but some therapist-not-therapist who is payed by the school told my mum that that is a not good idea bcs "every school has its dark side" yes. i know. but i asked my friend a simple question. "do your teacher provide materials from the lessons ex. presentations" and she was like EVERY TEACHER DOES THAT. HEAVEN ON EARTH.
like yeah only three from 20+ teachers does that in our school. and were really small school, only one building, the friends school has SIX.
it kinda is related to this and its really me problem but i struggle to keep writing notes in class. like one time i couldnt even get myself to hold the pencil bcs i had a bit dirty notebook(my bottle cracked and everything got wet and as it dried i had stains. so i couldnt write notes in the name notebook but i didnt wanted to buy a new one so i just wrote it who knows where and i was always loosing it. but i feel that the whole idea of notes doest suit me and some other people. i can pay attention, can write it dow beautifully like when i want to i can have the best looking notes in class but WHAT FOR. like it genuinely doesnt help me a bit. i can rewrite it like with the blurting technique but i still forget everything the next hour. and that isnt even with notes, thats with textbooks, some like non fiction books(i love books about like space or sum but i remember shit. like i can remember that on the page five there was this "in some insignificant galaxy(milky way) in some insignificant arm of the galaxy(orion arm)(btw i had to search it up bcs i dont know the exact term in english and it hurts my soul that there in the recommended questions there was "are we in the milky way rn)were rotating around some insignificant star(the sun) and living on some insignificant planet(the earth)" but i dont remember ANYTHING ELSE. LIKE THIS RANDOM THING BUT NOT THE REST OF THE A LOT MORE SIGNIFICANT THINGS?(if anyone recognizes the quote pls don judge me im halp asleep)
okey im not gonna get mad by my inability to absorb information
than when the teacher doesnt even want to help me by giving me like the presentation or like the book where they take these exercises from than its har to be motivated to learn and like in some cases even not able to properly learn the things. i have a friend(that one who i asked about her school) who i literally wish i had her brain bcs were on about the same level of inteligence but she can absorb information like a average human being. like pls help me.
but back to the teacher, there is this one who is really weird, he doesnt really like me but when you email him about anything related to geography he will explain, give sources and you can always ask for like a graded presentation(kinda rare there for someone to give you request presentation). thank you for being the most insufferable person on the whole school but who somehow does his job.
i shouldn't even talk about our principal who is like the embodiment of satan and god of gaslighting in one if someone like that exists. bro will be like "were the BEST school in town!" and than hires a known person who hase fake degrees and has been accused of being predatory towards students. like bro pick i side.(fun fact i one time i got so mad that i went to his facebook under a fake name and started to like spit some real good arguments under his homophobic and transphobic posts and one time i got extra silly and made a bit personal joke and he blocked me💔)
like im so so so much sorry for his ELEVEN FREAKING KIDS and especially the girls bcs he said(in a very insignificant physics lesson) that theyre mistakes. bro how can you be so fucking disgusting towards your own children that you sometimes even bring to school. in front of the whole class.
hey so this is probably it bcs im getting more and more tired and tomorrow i have to wake up really early
also i know my spelling here is completely diabolical but who cares int the internet does anybody here seen th post about how bad english technically doesnt exist? think of that now
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trapped--in--a--jar · 9 months
tw for weight and arfid stuff, ranty and a bit incoherent, *very* brief ana mention
we fucking lost another pound after losing over 15% of our body weight. if we lose any more they’re gonna take us off the fucking adhd meds and that’ll be a disaster. i barely ate anything today, 1 waffle, 3 cutie oranges, and some noodle soup. eating anything i don’t like is a goddamn fucking nightmare and takes so much energy i don’t have. fucking stressed idk what to do. at least our ana tendencies are almost completely fizzled. is this gonna be a repeat of what happened last time? fuck
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