#idk thats something for me to figure out im still just laughing at this whole thing like jvlkvlkj
so. uhh. any rgg meetups at animenext this weekend or 🥴
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fuckitupfelix · 1 month
hi!!✨ i rlly rlly love your fics and idk how to say this but i wanna request u one, if thats alright! its about the reader being a manager at karasuno and openly gay, so one day (night, after practice) kageyama asks reader that how he knew he was gay, because he was doubting, and reader tells kags to practice kiss to really know if he's gay and they kiss kiss 💋💋 add things if you want cuz this may seem kinda short but its yr choice!! thank u
ahh thank you im glad you like my stuff!! this is such a cute idea ahh i hope i wrote what you had in mind well 🫶🫶
trial kiss ♡
kageyama x male reader
word count: 0.8k
how is he supposed to figure out if he likes guys?
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kageyama never really tried to give his sexuality a label, purely because he’d never really thought about it. sure, he thought some girls were pretty, but since most of his time was spent thinking about volleyball, he didn’t attempt to explore relationships any further. maybe he should have?
that didn’t really matter now, because now he’s sprawled out on the floor of the gym, eyes absentmindedly glancing over the ceiling. practice had just ended, and most of the team had gone to the clubroom to change. maybe he should go do that too— later, though. he’s got one main thing on his mind right now; (name). kageyama didn’t have any classes with him, so the only times he’d get to see him would be at lunch or during practice. he was curious about (name). yachi had mentioned him being gay when kageyama had tried to ask her for advice about guys, saying something about how (name) would be the better person to talk to. maybe he would.
(name) was always super attentive in conversations, giving everyone on the team tips on how to improve, and always bringing in extra snacks he’d make. he cared about his teammates.
kageyama finally sits up, his legs still stretched out in front of himself. his gaze falls onto (name), who’s currently tucking his notebooks into his bag.
“(name)-kun.” kageyama calls, and the manager’s head snaps up. “can i talk to you about something?”
(name) nods, shrugging his bag back onto the bench before making his way to where kageyama sat. he plops himself directly next to him, crossing his legs. “what’s up, kageyama?” he asks, leaning over.
kageyama shifts in his position, moving to stretch out his legs. “you’re. . . you’re gay, right?” he asks. he stiffens up when (name) laughs. was it a stupid question? was yachi wrong?
“yeah, i’m gay. any reason you’re asking?”
“how’d you, like. . .” kageyama furrows his eyebrows, his face morphing into a frown. “like. . . figure it out? did you always know?”
“mm, i definitely didn’t know my whole life,” (name) chuckles again, and this time kageyama notices how warm it sounds. “but i really liked one of my friends in middle school. i thought we were just really good friends and i cared about him a lot. but, deep down, i kind of knew that wasn’t true? like, i was lying to myself. one day, we were hanging out, and i kissed him.” he shrugs, leaning his body weight back onto his arms. he looks up at the ceiling, almost like his eyes were searching for something.
“but yeah! that’s how i figured out i was gay,” (name) grins.
kageyama frowns again. “so i need to kiss a guy to see if i’m gay . . ?” he asks. (name) laughs again.
‘warm. . . ‘ kageyama noted.
“i’m not saying you have to kiss a guy, that’s just what helped me figure myself out.” (name) pauses, an imaginary light-bulb glowing above his head. “you wanna try it now?” he grins.
“what, kiss you?” kageyama sputters, sitting up straight. “Seriously?”
“only if you want to!”
. . . kageyama did want to see if something would happen. it’s just a kiss, right? He’s kissed people before—- it was just one or two girls that kissed him on the cheek in elementary school—- but still! nothing bad would happen. It’s just to see if he’d like it.
“. . .okay.” kageyama nods. “sure.”
(name) nods. he scoots closer until their shoulders touch. he plants a firm hand on kageyama’s shoulder, rubbing his thumb over the fabric of his shirt subtly. it’s at this moment kageyama notices a few details about (name) he hadn’t noticed before; a lock of hair that looked the slightest shade lighter than the rest of his hair, how pleasant his smile was, and the fact that his hands were slightly colder than kageyama expected them to be, even through his shirt.
(name) leans in, and kageyama mimics, albeit a bit slower, and their lips connect. strange. that's the only word kageyama could think of to describe it. Just like his hands, (name)’s lips were kind of cold. it was almost refreshing. by the time all of these thoughts flit through his mind, (name) has already pulled back.
“So? what’d ya think?” he asks, tilting his head. kageyama was a bit confused— disappointed, almost.
“that’s it?” he voices his thought out loud, and (name) feels his face grow warm with embarrassment. “you didn’t like it, then?”
“no. i mean, i-i did. it was just. . . shorter than i thought.” he manages.
“ahh, getting greedy now, are we, kageyama?” (name) giggles, nudging his shoulder against the setter’s. “at least take me out on a date, first.” he jokes.
“okay.” kageyama says it so fast (name) has to do a double take. “okay?” he repeats.
“Yeah. i’ll take you out on a date. is that, uhh, okay? am i allowed to do that?” he asks, squinting.
“. . . of course you are. and i’d love to.”
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i hope you liked it!!! i love kageyama so much aghh
divider by @/plutism !!
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kewpidity · 4 months
Okay So i had a brain blast about my ship with alastor so this is gonna be the Definite Kewpie x Alastor Ship Post that covers everything i have so far about it ↷↷↷
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so this whole thing starts because somehow someway i get a demon attached to me as a kid, a toddler even, dont really know how or why, but because of this my whole life growing up is plagued by insane near death experiences all orchestrated by this demon (this is based on some real shit in my life btw, not to sound superstitious or anything and i dont even think i believe in demons of any denomination but there was some Weird Shit going on, i might talk about it someday) and by the time im an adult ive tired everything under the sun to stop these things from happening- different religious practices, spells and charms and rituals and so on and so forth im at my god damn limit im so tired
eventually im pushed to try to fight fire with fire, and end up summoning Another demon to try and idk cancel out the old one? make a deal to keep me safe? not sure What my plan was but i'd come this far and i didnt know where else to turn
well the demon i summoned was alastor. he wasnt even my intended target, in fact of demon of his power shouldnt really be able to be summoned at all under normal circumstances, and would require someone with a ton of power of their own to pull it off (havent decided if this is something i managed to do because of all the varied rituals etc mentioned earlier, or some dumb luck) and that alone is kind of intriguing for him
tbh he hasnt been summoned in a While, its something that got lost to time and he kinda assumed it would never happen again, and even when it happened before he would usually just kill the person without bothering to strike a deal, cause even people who did manage to do it usually werent strong enough to do it safely
but hell has been kinda Boring lately, the hotel hasnt given him as much entertainment as he had hoped (this is like. mid season 1, and with the understanding that the story stretches way longer than the breakneck speed the actual show takes) and he sees this as an opportunity for something interesting to do for a while
when he hears what im looking for, he's gotta laugh about it- there's no way this other demon that had attached to me would give him any trouble, and this was a great way to guarantee he get another soul when i eventually died anyway, so he offers up this deal:
for a few hours a day he gets complete control over my body, a full on possession to do whatever he wants with that time.
obviously im hesitant, but we go back and forth on it a bit before deciding to make the deal with some ground rules (like he cant do anything thats gonna get me killed prematurely for example- after all im doing this specifically so i dont die by another demon's hand)
so we strike the deal! no all he has to do is get rid of that other demon and my soul is as good as his! its not that simple tho of course- he's not sure how the demon is accessing the living world, and figures its likely similar to what he's doing- somehow tethering himself to the living world, while their actual physical body is still in hell, so he needs to figure that out on his end, and it ends up being a more difficult task than previously expected- so he could be dealing with something older and more powerful than he realizes.
he'll figure that out later tho, he's got living stuff to do! at first he's v dismissive when i ask him what he could possibly want to be doing with my body, like what was he even planning to get up to, but he cant keep me completely in the dark about it cause im still sorta There when im possessed- its a bit like lucid dreaming where you're aware that you're dreaming, but not quite aware enough to control what you're Doing in the dream, and over time i become more and more present the longer he's possessing me
so eventually he admits that he's curious about what happened after he died- he was a bit of a celebrity when he was alive after all, he's sure it would cause Quite a stir when it was revealed after he died that he was a criminal- a moonshiner for one, but a serial killer and cannibal! he wants to know if there was a media circus, where he was buried, wants to visit his old stomping grounds, and so on and so forth. this leads me on all kinds of adventures through the deep south, the dusty aisles of libraries and newpaper archives, old graveyards, and so on, all the while we keep getting more comfortable and close despite ourselves
and eventually i realize that he isnt actually interested in what happened to himself after his death, he's actually using all this to try and find out what happened to his mother. she was Not a local celebrity, and his infamy was so large that it eclipsed most of the people he knew in life, so tracking it all down was kind of a hassle. but he was and is a mama's boy, and he wanted to know if she lived a good life
now all of this eventually winds down to figuring out why there was that first demon attached to me, probably some fucked up nonsense a little while back in my family tree or something (tbh im not sure how much i want to focus on the how and why but we'll see) and we get that settled finally as well as finding out how alastor's mom's life played out and put him at east there, and all that's left is to simply live my life until i die, where i'll go to hell and alastor will have my soul to keep (we're v cozy at this point and quite comfortable cohabiting a body and mind space so he's not particularly eager to completely break the tether until my time comes)
and the thing about sharing a mindspace with something extremely dangerous and powerful that has just enough sway over the world around you to keep you safe in a bad situation, or even fully take over your body to get you out of it, is that you feel v confidant most of the time and fear isnt really something you deal with anymore, so i frequently go wandering around the woods at night for example because im sure nothing can really touch me when i have a demon for a companion
a demon in your head cant protect you from a bullet however, and maybe i should have known better than wandering the woods at night during deer season, and maybe the unholy aura i had around me hit the moonlight just wrong and the hunter thought he was aiming for the silhouette of a creature with antlers, and then i was dead
and then i wake up in hell
if this was a fic, at this point it would be like the 'part 2' (and who knows if i iron it out enough maybe i Will write it sometime) and im not sure exactly what i want to do about it just yet obviously it would loosely follow the canon of the show, just with a lot of extra stuff thrown in. maybe in 'part 1', we didnt actually Kill the other demon, just broke away from it, and its still in hell somewhere, fuming about losing my soul, or maybe finding out about his mom actually did Not put alastor at ease- maybe his actions made her life very difficult and now he has to deal with knowing that and i can use that as a catalyst to him getting redeemed to see her again in heaven, not sure yet!
but i do know a big part of the interpersonal situation is that we dont share that mindspace anymore, we're just physically There Together and tbqh its really difficult to cope with. we both got so used to it that we feel like something's missing now, and we might even go so far as to try to find a way to reestablish that mental link, or maybe there's still echoes of it lingering, but only if we're asleep or something like that
like i said, still ironing out the hell part of it all, but thats what ive got! much to think about much to think about
and to add to this- some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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lichtecht · 5 months
@is-this-taken-too-questionmark the entirety of my dfk 2023 notes are a bit too long and incoherent and unstructured, so i figured i'd try to compile some topics ive thought about
putting it under a cut cause its still very long
jo and martina get a scene that directly parallels the martin/jonathan bedside scene from 2003. i would also change the way jo’s backstory is shared. and the backstory itself „my mother abandoned me in a disco“ is hilariously iconic, but it doesn’t have any emotional impact. it makes you laugh, even though it’s meant to be sad. instead, jo shares her backstory in the aforementioned parallel. and instead of telling her why SHE is sad, jo comforts martina by, idk, taking her to the lake. -„i always come here when im sad. or when i want to be alone.“ -„its beautiful.“ bonding moment basically. maybe they stumble over the Externs and overhear their plans or something, and thats how we make the shift to action and plot again
some things i wrote down:
Martina/Jo lesbianism
bedside scene
"I'll just stay here. At home. With you."
Lowkey breakup
jo gifting martina the phone
Justraucher Reunion. Obvsly
Expand on how Robert & especially JUSTUS feel afterwards (cause we dont see justus again until they meet at the hospital)
also on what happened back then
more detailed backstory
(Note -> i have a whole other document with just things about Back Then, i'll get into that later (possibly in a seperate post so it doesnt get *too long*)
Jo & Nichtraucher bonding at the piano
gay mentorship
-> after Jo/Martina’s breakup
show him being bullied more
make it more of an actual internal conflict
uli being assigned to lead the distraction - would i keep that? i feel like him running away when hes in a leadership role and for everyone to see cheapens his character. and i feel like it doesnt fit with the perception of his character if the others have trust in him. in the 2023 film, its seemingly just the externs who make fun of uli and bully him? so the „enemies“. i feel like its quite important to ulis character that everyone doesnt take him for full, even people on „his side“, even his friends. its a nice gesture from martina to assign uli that role, but it doesnt make sense character-wise. uli isnt used to leading. or even stepping up. the kids should theoretically not have trust in him to be able to do this. it also doesnt make sense to award someone like that with a leadership role, even if its an attempt to help them stand up. (which it didnt seem to be? or am i missing that? maybe it was.) it just… doesnt make sense. and it does uli dirty. when i watched the movie for the first time, i said „thats what you get when you cut sebastian.“ because someone from their group needs to be at the battle and direct it, someone is captive, and several people need to free them. it wouldnt work if only martina stormed the boat house. you need multiple people, and martina and matze need to be there. uli, however, should not and would not lead the attack. thats what we’d have sebastian for. (wonderful, cynical, bitchy sebastian) instead, uli would TRY to partake in the attack, chicken out, and run away. you know. like in the book
The Legend???
the reveal was literally just stupid.
I mean, you could keep that the legend is made up, but it should still have some kind of impact on the other students
like "yeah ok the legend is fake, but dude, he still climbed up there, that was crazy impressive"
Dont know how to feel abt Uli planning the whole thing. Doesnt feel right.
Fr. Kreuzkamm not as ridiculous. Like she still has a sense of humor and her style stays the same (ms frizzle fashion) but she should at least have some respect from the students
Bökh shouldnt be a school director
Bökh Vertrauenslehrer. (dont know how to translate that. like an official teacher who's supposed to be a confidante for the students (although at least i never went to any appointed confidants. but maybe that depends on the person))
school director always threatens to close the boarding school, Bökh stands against it and supports the students
the strict one and the nice one should simply be 2 separate people
would a nicer 2023 Bökh still have acted so shitty regarding Robert and Marie though? it kind of only feels right if he sucks a little bit
(although he obvsly could have changed in those years. but he doesnt seem to regret it or feel guilty so i doubt he feels bad abt it)
i was thinking i'd give this new strict boarding school director the name of the headmaster in the book (grünkern), but grünkern just isnt that kind of person. he's someone the students laugh about. which is more like frau kreuzkamm is in the movie
so i figured i'd call the boarding school director professor kreuzkamm and have frau doktor kreuzkamm be called frau doktor grünkern instead
(and take some more inspirations from book grünkern as well, with how the students treat him)
ruda would be called ruda grünkern then too. she doesnt really need to be kreuzkamm anyway
… i guess kreuzkamm would just be one of the internals then. or i suppose the externs would work too, if kreuzkamm is just a background character. i havent thought about if i would change who gets kidnapped
about that.
im still struggling with figuring out how i wanna do the conflict. i was thinking maybe i should throw the whole conflict out cause i find it entirely annoying. but it is a really big part of dfk 2023 wether i like it or not, and it's really hard to change it when i dislike fundamental parts of the way it is written.
first, i had the idea to make it about a conflict between the rich kids from the city up in the boarding school and the less wealthy kids from town, but im not equipped to write about classism and i dont want to be an asshole on accident
maybe instead, it’s a rivalry between the students from the school in town and those in the boarding school. yes, that sounds like it’s exactly the same, but i would make the boarding school be an actual school on top of the hill, not just a place where the students sleep.
i'm definitely keeping the part about it being two separate schools though. it would be a bit more close to the book in that way. (i would also give the other school the name from the the book, but i couldnt find it. it might not have had one?? would appreciate some help here if you know a name)
and ig the easiest way to explain the animosity is also like in the book. that its a thing between the schools which predates any of the students involved. they just carry it out.
but would they make up in the end then?? im still not sure. it's so hard to find some kind of middle ground between the way it is in the book and in dfk 2023 !!!
(which is because they have a fundamentally different understanding of how this conflict ends!!!!!!!! in dfk 2023, its a thing of overcoming differences and making peace, while in the book that was never the goal to begin with!!! they start and end as enemies!!!!! carolina!!!! carolina, you dont get it at all!!!!!!!!)
to tie it back in with the 2023 movie, you could make it so that the two schools are still doing some kind of "friendship project" to bury the hatchet. although that probably wouldnt come from the schools themselves if theyre so hostile towards each other...
(MAYBE. its a thing that frau kreuzkamm, or rather, frau grünkern started. but none of this is thought out rn, i’m getting away from my goal with this post)
like i said, i would make it two separate schools. town school vs boarding school prehistoric feud boarding school director kreuzkamm; i kind of see him as an old man with balding white hair and a big moustache. wears black suits. never laughs. closer to book kreuzkamm, but less sympathetic. he's supposed to fill the role of the antagonist within the boarding school. instead of justus (who's supposed to be a safe place for the students) threatening to close the boarding school, it's direktor kreuzkamm. frau professor grünkern, headmaster of the town school. (she needs a first name. (i made a note here to consult the dfk girlies (gn) so please drop your suggestions? how do you feel about friederieke)) mother of ruda, still. wears colourful shirts, is basically like in the movie. although i still stand by what i said earlier about making her less of a comic relief
OH!! i completely forgot to tell you about that. i had a thought when i made part ... i think it was part 27. where i wrote in the tags #now that i think about it #WHY is frau kreuzkamm not sitting with her family?? #girl you have a husband and kids stop making eyes at your colleague whos gay anyway and my thought was a big WHAT IF. what if frau kreuzkamm cheated on her husband ties together ruda’s disappointment in her, frau kreuzkamm making eyes at justus und justus perhaps trying it with women to get over/ignore robert that might be a bit too much if we’re talking about a realistic rewrite, but let me engage the thought for a moment back to what i was saying
if i want to go with the cheating-storyline; justus has caught her eye. EVEN THOUGH she has a stay-at-home-husband. the second child doesn’t seem to have saved the marriage i am still unsure about her role in the conflict between the schools. cause in the movie she's both „everyone be friends 🥰 we don't need to continue these disputes!“ and "your INMATES are HURTING my SWEET CHILDREN you need to CLOSE THE BOARDING SCHOOL" and i still don't know how to deal with that. but now i had the thought that maybe she's the one who wants the opposing schools to make up Still thinking about that
i have a lot more notes, especially about matz, and i haven't even touched on my thoughts about the justus-robert-marie situation. but i will put that in a reblog or something. this is getting too long.
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technicalknockout · 1 month
I wanted to reply to some of the stuff from my ask, but didn't know whether to reblog it or send it as an ask, I thought it might be easier this way?
silly straws page - i read in 'dipper and mabel's guide to mystery and nonstop fun' that bill likes silly straws and thought it was a silly random tidbit, imagine how surprised i was when i realized there was LORE behind it.. im still figuring out some codes bc i dont wanna look them up and im having so much fun !!
YEAH the silly staws page! I'm so mad that Bill said "I cut the page where I was gonna talk about Shermie Pines" stop teasing mee
I know there are some really cool codes on that page, I haven't decoded most of the book for myself yet but I intend to. There's another code on that page which is a super cool and fun one to decipher (though i've already seen what it says online but I want to replicate it myself). The one that starts with "215 858 117 450 110 628.." etc.
stanford trying to keep me from reading the book page - "you cant hear the disappointed sigh im making rn, but i assure you it's devastating" i mean he failed to stop me from reading the entire thing in one sitting but i was just very happy to see ford's cursive again. It was really funny seeing him trying to guess what the reader would be convinced by (i saw the moth picture and thought 'whats that called, a goth moth?' I laughed out loud when it turned out that was actually its name)
Sameee I got to that page and i was thinking "hiiii!". I loved his attempt to stop us from reading by showing his cool moth, and it was even better when Bill says something later on along the lines of "if he tries to show you his moth collection, throw yourself off a cliff"
Also the photo of him looks cool, but the context of it is so funny. I've seen some posts on tumblr about Ford dragging Stan into the woods and getting him to take a picture of him looking angry and mysterious. Why else does he have a photo like that. It's so silly.
urban legends page - as a long time fan of creepypasta the references in this page absolutely delighted me. Also the art is so realistically horrifying, whoever drew these i love you
YEAH that page and the Mirror Realm one and others look so cool. The new artists brought on to work on this book did a wonderful job. It fits in perfectly with Bill's weirdness.
the one true intelligence test - idk this page just made me laugh a lot
So freaking stupid i loved it so much. I think my favourite was the "divide this number in half" bit.
Entire anti-cipher society part - i love how instead of telling the story in just plain text, they made us follow the story with newspapers and journal pages. What was that called. I swear there was a name for that kind of storytelling if anyone knows pls pls tell me
That whole bit was so interesting. It was a really fun way of telling the story!
Imma be honest i never really... cared for Fiddleford before. Like, I think the show is better with him in it, and I like that Ford had someone good in his life aside from Stan back in the past, but I didn't know enough about Fiddleford to care. Granted, I haven't reread Journal 3 in a while so I likely would have liked him more if I could remember what was said there, but the stuff presented in the lost Journal 3 pages here were such a treat and I understand now. I really really like him now.
Fiddleford and Ford were so wonderful together! Fiddleford was so, so nice to Ford. I'm never going to get over how Fidds made Ford TWO christmas presents, one which had multiple prototypes to get right, then forgot to get a present for his own wife. Stanford means so much to him it's crazy.
Then Ford decorating the portal room with pretty lights and played Fidds' favourite song and they made snowmen???? That's adorable omg.
And ik this is about the book, not the website, but the stuff on there as well, like the college photo and it describing how they met. AND THE AXOLOTL. Fidds getting one for Ford because it reminded him of him. And i don't think it was even a holiday of any kind. BILL WHEN I GET YOU-
"but my aim is getting better" - do i need to explain this one
I CHEERED at that bit. I showed it to my friend and they didn't get it. I forgot that they're a casual fan who's watched the show like, once, and not like me where Gravity Falls has just permanently taken up some space in my brain.
whatever this page is called;
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I hated reading this (i loved reading this). i kinda got spoiled before i bought the book with an analysis post, had to literally put my phone down and think about what id just read. i think this page really puts bill and ford's relationship into perspective. ford's a person and bill's a multidimensional semi-god creature, bill will do and say anything in his power to get ford to do what he wants. this relationship cannot even begin to resemble normal. and also the forgetting your own name part horrified me, thats some good horror right there.. love it when books make me have a visceral reaction to tiny words on paper
I don't think I have anything extra to add I agree completely. I just love how much of a threat it shows Bill as. I think it works especially well because most of the book has been Silly Bill Shenanigans, you kinda forget what he's capable of. Brilliant stuff. i hated it.
call transcript from the police - OH the LORE and CHARACTER ANALYSIS FOOD RIGHT HERE. i could talk for hours about how bill straight up sucks at relationships and he's SO unwilling to admit he was upset about falling out with ford that he's lying to himself MULTIPLE TIMES OVER AND OVER and how a lack of genuine connection with people is eating him up - but if i talked about all that this post would spiral into insanity real quick. Also drunk bill talking into the phone was very very sad and very very on character and i could hear hirsch's bill voice inside my head it was really good aghjgnkhhh
LITERALLY YEA. And that kinda links up with the end of the book, where Bill is convinced someone will free him at some point. But he has no positive connections. He has no one that cares about him. And he did that all himself. Please, anytime, i will listen to your rambles. (just might not respond to it straight away but I WILL)
The messages from Dipper, Mabel and Stan were so lovely to see at the end. Stan is so happy now, and I'm happy for him. And it's just all really funny. "I only met him once and he cried like a baby then I punched him to death." Yeah that is basically what happened.
YEAH the silly staws page! I'm so mad that Bill said "I cut the page where I was gonna talk about Shermie Pines" stop teasing mee
>:( he knows us too well he knows we'd give anything for more info about shermie...
I know there are some really cool codes on that page, I haven't decoded most of the book for myself yet but I intend to. There's another code on that page which is a super cool and fun one to decipher (though i've already seen what it says online but I want to replicate it myself). The one that starts with "215 858 117 450 110 628.." etc.
Ive been stuck on the numbers one, im gonna give it one more try today but i think it's gonna take a brain bigger than mine jfbsjdkskfs im STEAMING aleeeeex why are you making this so hard for me/silly
Sameee I got to that page and i was thinking "hiiii!". I loved his attempt to stop us from reading by showing his cool moth, and it was even better when Bill says something later on along the lines of "if he tries to show you his moth collection, throw yourself off a cliff"
does that imply ford tried to show bill his moth collection at some point ????? imagine jdbshfjsnf
Also the photo of him looks cool, but the context of it is so funny. I've seen some posts on tumblr about Ford dragging Stan into the woods and getting him to take a picture of him looking angry and mysterious. Why else does he have a photo like that. It's so silly.
I WHEEZED WHILE READING THIS ID NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT??? but like. it's definitely on character i fully believe it happened. i mean this man backflips out of windows why not hnskdkdshd thanks for putting that image in my head
YEAH that page and the Mirror Realm one and others look so cool. The new artists brought on to work on this book did a wonderful job. It fits in perfectly with Bill's weirdness.
YEE!!!!! I think they were allowed to take more creative liberty than in the actual show, being a book and all, and i think thats really cool.
Imma be honest i never really... cared for Fiddleford before. Like, I think the show is better with him in it, and I like that Ford had someone good in his life aside from Stan back in the past, but I didn't know enough about Fiddleford to care. Granted, I haven't reread Journal 3 in a while so I likely would have liked him more if I could remember what was said there, but the stuff presented in the lost Journal 3 pages here were such a treat and I understand now. I really really like him now.
WELCOME TO THE FIDDLEFORD FANCLUB MY FRIEND. ive been a fan of him since the legend of the gobblewonker tbh.. i tend to latch onto very random silly side characters that fill the specifically shaped holes in my brain. Loved him more when i found out he had lore, love him even more after reading the book. Yay fiddleford 🎊
Fiddleford and Ford were so wonderful together! Fiddleford was so, so nice to Ford. I'm never going to get over how Fidds made Ford TWO christmas presents, one which had multiple prototypes to get right, then forgot to get a present for his own wife. Stanford means so much to him it's crazy. / Then Ford decorating the portal room with pretty lights and played Fidds' favourite song and they made snowmen???? That's adorable omg. / And ik this is about the book, not the website, but the stuff on there as well, like the college photo and it describing how they met. AND THE AXOLOTL. Fidds getting one for Ford because it reminded him of him. And i don't think it was even a holiday of any kind. BILL WHEN I GET YOU-
i swear these two are absolutely adorable and that is an objective fact i will not take criticism. the page where ford was rummaging thru fiddleford's desk and found the glove prototypes broke me.
and also yeah the college photo ! i mean like. augh. how do i put this. theyre so friends. ford believed fiddleford was right even tho they barely knew each other and worked together and came up with an entire theory. idk it's so wholesome. AND FRILLIAM !!!!! FIDDLEFORD GOT FORD A LITTLE GUY AND FORD NAMED HIM FRILLIAM AND I AM GOING TO PERSONALLY SPRAY HAND SANITIZER IN BILL'S EYE FOR RUINING THIS. these two are dear to my heart im so so frickin glad they made up and are somewhat keeping in touch now..
I CHEERED at that bit. I showed it to my friend and they didn't get it. I forgot that they're a casual fan who's watched the show like, once, and not like me where Gravity Falls has just permanently taken up some space in my brain.
I don't think I have anything extra to add I agree completely. I just love how much of a threat it shows Bill as. I think it works especially well because most of the book has been Silly Bill Shenanigans, you kinda forget what he's capable of. Brilliant stuff. i hated it.
exactly.. bill is a Scary Silly Guy™️ thank you tbob for reminding us. it was very on character and we appreciate it a lot. but like did you HAVE to make ford suffer for it :'(
LITERALLY YEA. And that kinda links up with the end of the book, where Bill is convinced someone will free him at some point. But he has no positive connections. He has no one that cares about him. And he did that all himself. Please, anytime, i will listen to your rambles. (just might not respond to it straight away but I WILL)
Guy had it comin for him tbh. rest in therapieces bill ciphor reincarnate as a vole (also YOU WANT TO HEAR MY RAMBLES🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺???? dont mind me if i raid your asks sometime. or discord dms. whichever you prefer !)
The messages from Dipper, Mabel and Stan were so lovely to see at the end. Stan is so happy now, and I'm happy for him. And it's just all really funny. "I only met him once and he cried like a baby then I punched him to death." Yeah that is basically what happened.
JASIDNFJSNFKSS PRETTY ACCURATE ID SAY. Stanford pines you are absolutely awesome take my money
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shipsational · 2 months
Okay So i had a brain blast about my ship with alastor so this is gonna be the Definite Kewpie x Alastor Ship Post that covers everything i have so far about it ↷↷↷
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so this whole thing starts because somehow someway i get a demon attached to me as a kid, a toddler even, dont really know how or why, but because of this my whole life growing up is plagued by insane near death experiences all orchestrated by this demon (this is based on some real shit in my life btw, not to sound superstitious or anything and i dont even think i believe in demons of any denomination but there was some Weird Shit going on, i might talk about it someday) and by the time im an adult ive tired everything under the sun to stop these things from happening- different religious practices, spells and charms and rituals and so on and so forth im at my god damn limit im so tired
eventually im pushed to try to fight fire with fire, and end up summoning Another demon to try and idk cancel out the old one? make a deal to keep me safe? not sure What my plan was but i'd come this far and i didnt know where else to turn
well the demon i summoned was alastor. he wasnt even my intended target, in fact of demon of his power shouldnt really be able to be summoned at all under normal circumstances, and would require someone with a ton of power of their own to pull it off (havent decided if this is something i managed to do because of all the varied rituals etc mentioned earlier, or some dumb luck) and that alone is kind of intriguing for him
tbh he hasnt been summoned in a While, its something that got lost to time and he kinda assumed it would never happen again, and even when it happened before he would usually just kill the person without bothering to strike a deal, cause even people who did manage to do it usually werent strong enough to do it safely
but hell has been kinda Boring lately, the hotel hasnt given him as much entertainment as he had hoped (this is like. mid season 1, and with the understanding that the story stretches way longer than the breakneck speed the actual show takes) and he sees this as an opportunity for something interesting to do for a while
when he hears what im looking for, he's gotta laugh about it- there's no way this other demon that had attached to me would give him any trouble, and this was a great way to guarantee he get another soul when i eventually died anyway, so he offers up this deal:
for a few hours a day he gets complete control over my body, a full on possession to do whatever he wants with that time.
obviously im hesitant, but we go back and forth on it a bit before deciding to make the deal with some ground rules (like he cant do anything thats gonna get me killed prematurely for example- after all im doing this specifically so i dont die by another demon's hand)
so we strike the deal! no all he has to do is get rid of that other demon and my soul is as good as his! its not that simple tho of course- he's not sure how the demon is accessing the living world, and figures its likely similar to what he's doing- somehow tethering himself to the living world, while their actual physical body is still in hell, so he needs to figure that out on his end, and it ends up being a more difficult task than previously expected- so he could be dealing with something older and more powerful than he realizes.
he'll figure that out later tho, he's got living stuff to do! at first he's v dismissive when i ask him what he could possibly want to be doing with my body, like what was he even planning to get up to, but he cant keep me completely in the dark about it cause im still sorta There when im possessed- its a bit like lucid dreaming where you're aware that you're dreaming, but not quite aware enough to control what you're Doing in the dream, and over time i become more and more present the longer he's possessing me
so eventually he admits that he's curious about what happened after he died- he was a bit of a celebrity when he was alive after all, he's sure it would cause Quite a stir when it was revealed after he died that he was a criminal- a moonshiner for one, but a serial killer and cannibal! he wants to know if there was a media circus, where he was buried, wants to visit his old stomping grounds, and so on and so forth. this leads me on all kinds of adventures through the deep south, the dusty aisles of libraries and newpaper archives, old graveyards, and so on, all the while we keep getting more comfortable and close despite ourselves
and eventually i realize that he isnt actually interested in what happened to himself after his death, he's actually using all this to try and find out what happened to his mother. she was Not a local celebrity, and his infamy was so large that it eclipsed most of the people he knew in life, so tracking it all down was kind of a hassle. but he was and is a mama's boy, and he wanted to know if she lived a good life
now all of this eventually winds down to figuring out why there was that first demon attached to me, probably some fucked up nonsense a little while back in my family tree or something (tbh im not sure how much i want to focus on the how and why but we'll see) and we get that settled finally as well as finding out how alastor's mom's life played out and put him at east there, and all that's left is to simply live my life until i die, where i'll go to hell and alastor will have my soul to keep (we're v cozy at this point and quite comfortable cohabiting a body and mind space so he's not particularly eager to completely break the tether until my time comes)
and the thing about sharing a mindspace with something extremely dangerous and powerful that has just enough sway over the world around you to keep you safe in a bad situation, or even fully take over your body to get you out of it, is that you feel v confidant most of the time and fear isnt really something you deal with anymore, so i frequently go wandering around the woods at night for example because im sure nothing can really touch me when i have a demon for a companion
a demon in your head cant protect you from a bullet however, and maybe i should have known better than wandering the woods at night during deer season, and maybe the unholy aura i had around me hit the moonlight just wrong and the hunter thought he was aiming for the silhouette of a creature with antlers, and then i was dead
and then i wake up in hell
if this was a fic, at this point it would be like the 'part 2' (and who knows if i iron it out enough maybe i Will write it sometime) and im not sure exactly what i want to do about it just yet obviously it would loosely follow the canon of the show, just with a lot of extra stuff thrown in. maybe in 'part 1', we didnt actually Kill the other demon, just broke away from it, and its still in hell somewhere, fuming about losing my soul, or maybe finding out about his mom actually did Not put alastor at ease- maybe his actions made her life very difficult and now he has to deal with knowing that and i can use that as a catalyst to him getting redeemed to see her again in heaven, not sure yet!
but i do know a big part of the interpersonal situation is that we dont share that mindspace anymore, we're just physically There Together and tbqh its really difficult to cope with. we both got so used to it that we feel like something's missing now, and we might even go so far as to try to find a way to reestablish that mental link, or maybe there's still echoes of it lingering, but only if we're asleep or something like that
like i said, still ironing out the hell part of it all, but thats what ive got! much to think about much to think about
and to add to this- some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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lqfiles · 4 months
hiii thank u for your kind words :( yesterday i fell asleep hoping u would answer cause i really like reading ur responses so i fell asleep at like 2am and i have volleyball practice at 9AM on saturdays, so i was SO sleepy i put my alarm in the calculator 😐😐😐😐 not funny did not laugh, anyways R didn’t go to volleyball practice and hasn’t talked to J yet, she does speak to me so i guess me yelling at her didnf psis her off as much as i thought it would, M never texts in our gc 😒😒 but its okay we love her, A talks to me too, its just between J and R that things are kinda… tense.
aw thank u so much :( im sorry if i don’t know how to take compliments bc i dont personally think im cute, but hearing u say it so many times makes it easier for me to be confident about it 🫶🏻🫶🏻 so thanks! i do find you to be really cute (and VERY funny) too !!!
also 2 week long holiday??? THATS GREAT im really happy for you!! how are you doing w school? any test or projects you’re working on? i still don’t understand this whole college thing… is it something u do during junior and senior year? or after you graduate?
also jisung is my bf and all but chenji overrated asf imo… people will focus on popular ships and turn their head away from a duo like markmin… i personally really like jaemin and hyuck’s dynamic too but anyways o did vote for markmin !! at least lqfiles appreciates them 🙏🏻
ps why does everyone think yn and mark are having sex??? 🤔
- 🐣 anon again…
HELLOOO i’m so happy to see you’re active here omg i hope you’re studying tho, DONT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON HERE
i’m sorry if my response was late i normally only reply when it’s 11 pm here because i post at 12 😣 i also never knew you did volleyball WTFFF that’s so cool, i wish i was talented in a sport.. i mean i can skate well but that isn’t rlly a sport. IM HAPPY THAT IT DOESNT SEEM TO BE TOO BAD WITH YOUR FRUENDS tho i hope those other two will come around and stop making things so awkward 😭
LOLLL i’m sorry if me calling you cute bothers you btw it’s just that i always awe at your messages so i instinctively call you cute </3 i’m so you tho because i truly don’t know how to take compliments either, i always get shy, especially when it’s irl lmao but thabk you for thinking i’m cute and funny IM VERY HAPPY RN!!!!:D
school is almost finishing and i just submitted my last coursework for the school year so rn my class is just kinda doing anything! idk about other colleges but since i go to college in the UK we don’t do junior stuff and all, instead we have levels and (level 1,2,3) and here you can apply based on how good your grades are (if they were really good you can immediately start in level 3, if not you start lower) i’m currently doing level 3 year 1 (level 3 has two years over here) but i’m still figuring out if i wanna do this next year or just apply for an apprenticeship (basically getting education while also getting work experience)
CHENJI ARE CUTE BUT SO OVERRATED LIKE they barely interact and if they do it’s so little (imo) i’m more of a markmin girl because of the way mark treats jaemin, like jaemin is the same age as 00 so he treats them like friends but with mark he literally becomes a baby and it’s so cute i fucking love it IM SUCH A HUGE MARKMINIST YOU DONT GET IT, ITS MY BRAND, i should do a dream pair ranking tbh. THANO YOU FOR VOTING MARKMIN i think they lost regardless because they went against chenji (WHICH ISNT FAIR….) i love a bit of nahyuck too, not my fave pair but they’re funny tgt!!
I WISH I LJEW WHY EVERYONE THINKS SO guys pls if they were i would insinuate it more but laughing around and her asking to hang and her directly saying they only kiss.. COME ON…
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anarchistbitch · 1 year
well it's not like according to tradition I replied in a timely manner lmao dont worry about it
sfjkfjsdk me too, i dont usually make playlists, i just leave everything in my liked and shuffle it and let it be what the universe dictates but idk i felt like getting them into one playlist
well if you add pepa pig id burst out laughing in the middle of a call probably and one of my work friends would probably shout "send her to sleep" bc thats what we say when we send clients back bc we cant do anything from our end so it would be funny and we would just ultimately skip it lmao
im looking forward to whatever songs you add, the playlist is long as fuck already tbh so it might take a while for the oli london song to come on
SFGDSJKFGDS well in my defense I had to ask bc i didnt know how long youve been on tumblr so yeah (shiro's cloning and the episode about it and the fight with keith)
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anyways i motherfucking hated that they exploded adam and then tried to console us with curtis but anywaaaaaaay the fanfic is dirty laundry which if you were in the fandom i doubt you didnt end up hearing of it or at least the discourse around it but anyway it got deleted but i had it downloaded so have a google drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwU9LMiUJoN7RjFWSGZVUlJQd1U/view?
yeah, the whole not enrolling classes in uni is a mess and i try not to think about it too much rn (i am seeing a therapist and i hope that by next year i have figured out what i want to do) but i like my job, we(my team)'re actually planning to rent a house and stay there a weekend very soon to celebrate our supervisor's bday :'3
making choices that will greatly impact our futures is seriously so hard, and i also not qualified for any career advice but manifesting that whatever you choose in the end allows you to be happy
just last night it started raining hard so i got up to turn off the fan but then like two minutes later i got up to turn it on again bc even tho it was raining it is still so fucking hot, seriously hate the weather rn
god mountains are so preetty, specially when the weather is cool and they get all foggy
atsv is a masterpiece and it continues from itsv so damn well, i really do love it and i hope hollywood gets up it's ass and pays their workers what they're owed so we can see it soon
KJSDFJKSDFHJS i am still seeing so many miguel o hara edits everywhere for real, i gotta say tho im in love with hobie and pavitr
JKSHFJS i used to do something similar with fob, i had a lot of them printed out and would put them on my binder cover so that i could memorize the lyrics so i was all day everyday singing them until i memorized it and the changed it for another song
idk how id rank fob albums, its so hard when theyre soo good but i really do love so much for stardust, aside from that one i think my favs are save rock and roll and american beauty american pyscho, mania was the first album i was a fan of them when it came out so it has a special place in my heart as well
my special lyric is part time soulmates full time problem, ive always been a fan of soulmate aus and hhhhhhhh just makes my brain smooth, also we started off as shiny dimes but we got flipped too many times, we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never going to change 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
cheers to us and our interesting meeting jdfshjf
love you and i hope you have a good week :3 get plenty of rest and fun and water!!
i feel like if we had a competition on late replies i would emerge victorious😎(crying inside)
honestly fall is prolly the best time to make playlists[not that im gonna, but sure is a nice time yk] but ahhhh anyway!!!! havent added anything but u will know when i add it <3
check hello tumblr user nonbinarymikaela pls provide access to the drive check [i checked out of any fandom drama cause i had so many exams that yr lmao. only time the edu system saved me]
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[this is me actually hi]
honestly idek if i like my degree rn, like i really wanted to go for a history degree a couple years back before i changed my stream[its a whole educational system thats actually fucking fucked in india i hope it dies soon💜] but on the flip side - it was pretty hard to get a spot in my uni anyway so now im just in a whirlpool of smth. bleh
thinking of how next year is so close is like skewering me and roasting me like a kebab😭😭😭😭[but like dont keep a strict timeline yk, ur like seriously cool and i think any decision you take will be the best as along as your the one taking it ] [i wish i had answered this earlier so i couldve wish you good time on ur retreat but i hope it was good anyway💜💜💜💜💜💜💜]
man i need to like seriously cope up with my decisions cause i need to take an exam for my career which is seriously sooo..... but yea thats how its going
omg its raining here too and my college[which is seriously just a reformated jungle] turned into a swamp ish and they STILL didnt cancel classes. and i forgot my umbrella. i came back home like a sad wet cat .
gotta love that near-to-the-equator ass weather with climate change [i need to kill billionaires rn]
hope the strikes come to a fruitful end soon[for saf-aftra & iatse !!! fuck the amptp!!] but also i wouldnt mind waiting a couple years for btsv if the animators need that time to like animate in a safe and healthy manner yk
OH wait also im on my halloween movies watch rn!! just finished the addams family and watching paranorman rn [i need a gomez man btw. need him to be silly and obsessed and intense.and mwah]
[also if u wanna watch an indian series made in heaven is pretty cool(its okay-ish in terms of writing but it covers some very important social issues + the main leads are hot and dubious. what more do i need to watch a show)]
hobie kinda scratched a very specific itch in my brain like i want to be him AND kiss him , pavitr is so slay, and o'hara needs like a massage session thing where they unlock the trauma in ur knees or like a stamlo 50mg.
me & my friends fav fob lyrics was the 'how the mighty fall' cause we would do that "fall out...boi" intro everytime lol
i dont think i have a fave lyric but i think immortals was a top contender for reasons[i like big hero 6 :3]
Song rec: nothings new by rio romeo (saw it in a reels animatic and .. yea)
to many more yrs of late asks 🥂(appy juice cause i dont like the taste of alcohol)
my love and hopes to u💜💜💜 and also an umbrella for this weather☔
p.s. drink water/soup/iced tea + i care for u+ W in the chats
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hi I'm sorry if this is. idk awkward but I saw your tags on that post about changing how people talk about getting gynecologic care and you might want to look into vaginismus. It's a condition that causes those muscles to tighten up often very painfully anytime any sort of penetration is attempted. Physical therapy, dilators and muscles relaxers can help but ofc its something that should be discussed with a doctor to make sure you're getting the correct treatment. ALSO! You can request laughing gas for pap smears and other invasive gyno procedures. It is something they do. Usually if you tell them any insertion at all is extremely painful it'll be offered but if not you can ask for it. Some places might be able to do full sedation but I think that'd just depend on the facilities since that would require an anesthesiologist as well
and also vaginismus is like extremely super common (iirc at least 20% of people with vaginas experience it at some point in their lives) the problem is just that nobody talks about it because well. Society. this is not something abnormal or wrong with you in a bad way, it's just a medical condition that you happen to have and need accommodations for. if that helps at all
hey thank you for reaching out fr, it's not weird at all! ive been trying to figure out if it's that or just general "pelvic floor problems" whatever that entails. im getting HRT/gender care from Planned Parenthood these days, and they have told me i would Have to get another exam/smear next year (which i am terrified about tbqh) and they've mentioned they'd give me something or other to help, probably laughing gas like you've said (which ive never actually had).
i did tell that gyno that i'd never put anything in me and that even tampons were horribly painful, and their reaction was to act like i was crazy and lying and that never happens to anybody lmao the woman literally stared at me as if she was waiting for me to say 'haha just kidding' and asked me like 3 times over if i was sure i was a virgin at my big age (21 at the time). even after i was crying and bleeding and having a panic attack they were incredibly apathetic towards me. so! yeah. to be quite honest i'm not interested in dilators or physical therapy--not to knock them, i just want my whole shit removed, so why put in that effort and (probably) gain new trauma from putting things in me, yknow? the mere concept kinda makes me ill. im considering looking into surgery sometime soon-ish. my family might lose their shit about it, but, i dont think they can stop me now that i live by myself, and unless their insurance blocks it, i should be good to go on that.
anyway. id be so down to get fully sedated for it. put me under for like 30 minutes to get all that shit done and i dont have to be present for it or acknowledge it at all thanks. also might help in general, if the muscle tightening is something semi-voluntary/if that even is my issue. ive also considered if i just have a very small hole. i think thats referred to as a neovagina? i dunno.
i really appreciate these asks <3 very kind of you and. somehow i did not really register the potential of asking a different doctor about their thoughts on it i guess ASDFGHJK i just sort of. the initial event was traumatizing enough i still sometimes have nightmares, which is super dope, and remembering it too hard makes me feel very violated, so really i try not to talk about it so much. i was super fucking stoned last night, is probably why i even left those tags jhgvbhnjkm.
tldr thank you for your kindness and i am really hoping my next exam will feature me either Unconscious or Off My Ass On Laughing Gas Or Something. if theres some chance i HAVE to keep my equipment rather than getting surgery i may genuinely look into therapies just for my own convenience but beyond that i just really ... really do not want any items up in there.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
EDIT: I removed the "W"'s because it felt too unnecessary
Plain text: K I'm dropping one more HC AND napping my god fasting( for ramzan) is making me so goddamn hungry
CONSIDER: Putunia also picking up Habit's speech patterns.
I wrote a little something like this a while back actually. I don't want to post the whole thing but here's excerpts. For some context here- Buddy and Rose( me and my friends OCs, a Habitician and a Flower Kid, a dubiously humanlike cat person and a rose-flower nymph. ) can't figure out what Habit is( cryptid, cartoon, evil, misguided, vampire, human?) so they go around asking every Habitican about him. Keep in mind this is an AU so it has NON- CANON elements.
Also TBH everything I've written here doesn't necessarily have to be AU canon because I'm putting it on indefinite pause...so IDK, man. But I still thought it's neat enough to share.
Here's Putunia's take...(not the whole thing, which I won't be posting ) I'll provide plaintext under the cut!
Setting: We've just questioned the punchiest kid around, who is now officially Regaling us around a campfire, her midnight cape blowing as the fire lights her acting-out up in brush strokes of orange, red and yellow against the dark sky.
*clears throat* HURRUFF-HUR-AHEH-AHEH
[ skip excerpt..]
[ skip excerpt..]
HES...A ....MAMA...DRAGON...EVIL.....WARM...WINGS....BEG...BEEG.....
( She's asleep. )
( three red hearts divider )
I have a WHOLE THING about Habit and dragons hopefully I'll have the energy later to provide more HSSJK
On a lighter note than this what aboutttt:
:- ) [ Smile emote with straight nose showing Habit ] ----> to :O ) ( Smile emote with big O nose showing Putunia )
Plaintext under the cut!
The Menace!!!!
Shoosh shush. Be vary quiet now big kid and big kitty witty
He hears
Beeg cotton fluffy ears
Like the evil dragon!
In leetle red riding hwood
"Allll the betterrrr to hearr you with my dearrrr-ieee!!!"
Goodness gooderestness!!! What beegbeeg hands you have!
"The beeeetterrrr to hugggg you withhh my dearrr-ieee!!~~~"
Dont jump scaredy kitty!! Hee heee!! Its just a story!
Flower power hero #2 rose is a weak little baby. More babie than me. He can't carry you!
*clears throat* hurruff-hur-aheh-aheh
Ohkay! So!
The most spine-burning, affrightening, chickens will exploded, herrorizing part!
At the moment
You are least expectating
"Grandmammmaaa dear!! What sharrrppp teefs you have!"
Beeg mouth open at you
Laughing! Snorting! Bwa ha ha ha! So bright!
Fire ball
Beeg one!! Wowwwww
[ skip excerpt..]
Hee hee. Sill-ee butti. Budy. Buddedy. Dont be a pussyilanimous now.
You need to be brave! [...] dont cry! Never cry! Be strong! Good girl! Good girl! Come here to me! I win!!!!!
[ skip excerpt..]
You two flower heroes will also win
When he saying
"Allll the better to eattttt you with!!!!!!!" scream!!!!! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Putunia the midnight petunia knight also knows all! Like the menace. But she is good. A very good little girlie.
Thats what mama menace habit tolden me!
Hes always always telling me that sometimes I get bored and hit him soft thump on his silly head so he stops say-say
Soooo long time! Its horrible! I luver my mummy so much! Bad! Very bad! Hes hurting all! You! Me! Buddy!
Talking yakking puppet papping blapalapping since he stealed me away from the bad parents in my seventh foster home at scary dark night when he singy-singy beautiful song and I was sleepy seepy me zzzzz......
Hes...A ....Mama...Dragon...Evil.....Warm...Wings....Beg...Beeg.....
( She's asleep.)
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
you seem to post a lot about the grooming in csm so i was wondering if you have thoughts about how he depicts these dark topics, whether it's creepy, and also whether it's irresponsible even if it's not creepy. he is sometimes too ambiguous, especially with the incest, it's not really condemned... idk just as part of the whole consuming media critically thing
like im gonna be real i dont feel like i can say much about the incest thing itself bc again i havent read those manga but its certainly sus if what people are saying is true, and it calls into question his intentions but tbh im not really sure what to think about him. like for chainsaw man specifically. i dont fucking know. i cant read his mind obviously but there are things that he has said that seem contradictory like one one hand ive read things that sounded very earnest from him about how he wants to trust his audience to know what hes going for (which may be a reason some things can be ambiguous, not necessarily a malicious thing.) and how in creating makima he did research on abusive parents and whatnot which did make it seem to me like he does care about his messages of grooming/abuse. but some other things hes said contradicts that (too me, given an english translation, bc things are always lost in translation) like in particular his comments on how he made so many 'strong women' in chainsaw man because he was bullied by girls in highschool and he thought it was hot and wanted to be dominated by women. or whatever the fuck it was that he said idr. to me this implied that he made makima (and himeno) with the intention of being sexy and attractive to the reader, and not as vessels for commentary on pedophilia/grooming/etc. so i really dont know what to believe or if its a mix of both with him because i just dont know enough about him and its not like i would ever know unless i was able to read his mind. like i personally think that csm was /mostly/ written with good intentions but there is still quite a bit of questionable choices so like?? i dont know what else you want me to say. i dont think the questionable parts are as overt as the commentary so yeah i acknowledge that there are probably some ulterior motives but the rest of it is done with enough respect imo that im able to still enjoy what he has to say. like there are weird stuff: how can you have a commentary on the exploitation of children with makima and denji, but at the same time have reze and asa running around basically naked? idfk. it makes no sense, but i think that part just comes from misogyny. (also i do admit i think that the himeno thing specifically seemed very. something to be laughed at instead of criticized. though id have to reread bc i dont remember the details) but anyway people can have good takes one one topic but have just entirely awful takes on another like its not like people are completely good or bad/right or wrong. thats a ridiculous thing to say. obligatory obviously not excusing it but i feel like i have to spell that out. like just because someone says something awful about one thing doesnt necessarily invalidate what they say on something else.
and assuming that csm was written entirely with good intentions and nothing creepy at all : you cant write things like this and please everyone. theres always going to be parts that people dont like, both for legitimate personal reasons and just because of misinterpretation. like i dont think its a bad thing for things to be subtle and ambiguous and not in your face i think its a good thing to have faith in your readers to figure things out themselves and not have everything spelled out for them but that always runs the risk of people misinterpreting things, which at worse you can have a lolita situation (disclaimer -> has personally never read lolita) where people use the book as a fetishization of pedophilia instead of a condemnation. obviously this is bad and dangerous but to say its irresponsible is idk. like i think thats a very subjective thing. is it irresponsible to attempt to comment dark topics and trust that your audience knows what youre going for? i personally do not think so? is it your fault if the audience doesnt understand what youre going for? maybe if literally everyone/the vast majority of them misunderstands you then that might be a you problem and yeah you might want to reflect on how you wrote something, even if you meant well. but i think with topics like this there are always going to be people who take your words in ways you dont want to and thats not something you can control unless you want to spell everything out for them letter by letter, which makes for. uh. terrible writing. lmfao. its infantilizing to the audience to think that they cant figure things out themselves and that you need to be responsible for every single goddamn person who reads your story. and you shouldnt just NOT write dark things (respectfully) because people might misinterpret you or because it might upset people. so no. if given that it was written with good, not-creepy intentions i do not think chainsaw man is something irresponsible, even if there is a chunk of people who take it at face value. and even if it does have some creepy intentions, i personally think enough of it has merit to make it worth something.
anyway tl;dr:
thoughts about how he depicts these dark topics: compelling but not perfect. plus i dont think you can be "perfect" in portraying anything because its all subjective and everyone has different comfort levels
whether it's creepy: cant say what his intentions are for sure obvi but in my interpretation i dont think he wrote this with mainly creepy fanservicey intentions (well perhaps some, considering all the naked girls, and the thing about the bullying being hot, and whatever, but i dont think those would be the main goal of csm), even if he made a few questionable to downright weird choices, both in chainsaw man and in other manga.
whether it's irresponsible even if it's not creepy: personally, no.
he is sometimes too ambiguous, especially with the incest: cant comment on the incest (inclined to believe that yeah it probably was too ambigious at best and positive at worst in that case tho. just from what ive heard) but for other things sure maybe sometimes he can be ambiguous but i dont think its necessarily malicious, and more just that he doesnt want to be in-your-face about explaining things
anyway this isnt an anti or pro fujimoto post . i can literally only talk from what i personally got out of the manga and what little things ive read from interviews. so yeah. thanks for the interrogation
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kaz11283 · 3 years
ok ok idk if ur still taking request but can i have a drabble or a one shot or anything of loki dealing with/ taking care/ drinking with drunk y/n??? i’m drunk rn and that’s allll i need in life
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The party at Starks compound was going off without a hitch, celebrating the man himselfs birthday. The music was to loud, lights flickering everywhere, and laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Come drink with us y/n!" Thor bellowed to you across the bar montioning you to follow him to the group that was sitting around one of the back tables. You flopped down next to Loki and let out a sigh.
"How are you this evening y/n?" He asked moving his leg over slightly so that he wouldnt have to touch you. That was your power, being able to read people minds with a simple touch, nights like tonight all ways set you on edge with to many people bumping, shoving, touching. The whole atmosphere drove you mad most of the time.
"Handling it." You forced a smile looking over at him. "Alcohol helps repress it." You said picking up your drink and giving a silent cheers to the handsome man that had decided to dress in a black dress shirt and dark colored jeans. You threw your head back and took the shot.
"Starting the party stong this evening y/n?" Tony asked raising his eyebrow at you.
"Putting everyone elses thoughts on the back burner for tonight Tony." You said smiling sweetly at him before taking another shot.
"So whos on babysitting duty tonight then?" Bucky laughed looking around the table.
"I'm not that bad-"
"Thor had to pull you off the bar last time before you started stripping." Your face turned bright red as you glanced over to Thor whos face was the same color mounthing out sorry.
"Dont worry I've got her this time." Loki laughted taking a sip of his wine.
"Babysitter." You rolled your eyes again taking a sip of the mixed drink that Nat had put in front of you making sure her hand grazed your.
Loki seems quite excited to be on babysotting duty tonight, you might be in for another private stripping session tonight.
You shot her a look that sent her into a fit of laughs.
"Another round then!" Thor yelled at the bar tender. "We are celebrating the Man of Iron tonight." You sighed slouching back in your chair.
"Relax, darling, I've got you tonight." Loki whispered leaning over to you. "I won't let you make a complete fool of your self."
As the night grew so did your buzz, your cheeks were getting warmer, and the dress you had on now started feeling constricting. You started pulling at the bottom and then neck.
"Your fidgeting darling." Loki said placing his hand on your leg causing you to jump.
"My dress is to tight. I just need to get up for a second." You said standing to walk over to the bar.
"Dress to tight?" Steve asked looking over at Loki.
"She had to get up for a moment." At that moment there was whistling coming from the dance floor.
"Umm, babysitter." Tony said pointing behind Loki. As he turned around he noticed that you had already started to pull the dress up more than you should have. Loki jumped up running toward you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" He said grabbing your hands causing your dress to fall back down.
"Lok, I'm hot. So freaking hot. This dress, its to tight. I need it off." You said trying to shake him off.
"Come on then, lets get you out of here." He said pulling you out the door. You bumped into a man standing near the door.
Wish she would have finished. He doesnt deserve to be able to see all that undressed.
You stopped suddenly looking at the man before raring back and punching him in the face. "I dont think its any of your concern who sees me like that." Loki stopped and stared at you before escourting you out of the crowed room.
"Asshole." You huffed behind him. He was able to lead you to the floor where his room was. "You could have just taken me back to my room so that you could go back." You sighed flopping down on his bed. The buzz had slowly started wearing off but the room was still spinning.
"Its ok y/n. Besides if I'm taking care of you then I cant go back to that overrated party then can I?" He laughed sitting next to you.
"I get so tired of being able to hear what people are thinking. It is literally exhausting. Trying to find somewhere to sit thats not to close to someone. Especially one of the guys, all of yall are perverts. Course the girls are just as bad most of the time." You put your head in your hands tearing up. Nope, the drunk still wasnt over.
"The power that you have makes you you y/n. If you didnt have that power you wouldnt be here with your friends."
"Yeah friends that I can hug because im afraid that I might hear something that I shouldn't. I made that mistake once. I hugged Steve not even thinking and he was thinking about Nat. Like thinking about something that no one but those two should know about. After that I just stopped touching everyone. Do you know how bad that sucks?"
"Ah, touch starved." He said laughing. "May I try something?"
"Its no use, everyone tells me they can shut it all off but theres always something on their minds." You shrug.
"Give me your hand." He saod placing his hand out palm up. You begrudgingly put your hand in his causing him to smile. "Well?"
"I think im about to be sick." You said jumping up and running to his bathroom silently thanking Tony for sticking with one layout for every room.
"Oh dear." Loki said following you in there and grabbing ahold of your hair that had fallen. "I think you will live." He helped you sit on the side of the bathtub as he got a clean rag for you to whip your face.
"I'm sorry you got stuck with me tonight." You whispered closing your eyes.
"Stop that nonsense. I volunteered for it. I knew what was coming." He laughed as he walked out to his room to get you a clean shirt. "Now tell me. Did you hear anything when I touched you?"
"Actually no, I didnt even realize it when you was pulling me from the party." You said putting the shirt next to you. "How?"
"I can 'turn it off' if that makes any sense. Telepathic people drive me insane. Always trying to figure out what your thinking. I learned at a young age how to block stuff like that out. Wanda tends to be the worlds worst."
"Its nice. The quiet. I havent had that, ever." You leand your head aginst the cool wall closing your eyes.
"Hey, no no no. Lets get you changed and laid down in bed before you pass out." He pulled you to your feet and looked at you. "Do you need assistance?"
You laughted as him. "No. Its fine ive got this." You pulled your dress off and pulled his on before walking out and flopping down on his bed.
"Do you mind holding my hand? Its nice not having to worry about what i might hear." Loki laid down beside you and placed his hand in yours.
"If you ever need some quiet time you are more than welcome to come find me." He sais placing a kiss to your temple before you fell asleep.
Thank you so MUCH for the request! I hope you like it. I had one, erased it and restarted so thats what took took me so long to write this one. If you have any more please feel free to send them in!
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sxfik · 3 years
I have an idea!
Ok so we all know that Hanseo is abused by his big brother, and if i remember correctly, the jipuragi trio found out about it from the guillotine file for the first time.
Now hear me out, what if the jipuragi trio found out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, not from the guillotine file??
After failing to burn down geumga plaza, Hanseok threw that object at Hanseo, telling him not to dodge it, and it left a scar on his forehead. When Hanseo visited jipuragi, he seemed proud of that scar, right?? Because thats what he got from saving geumga plaza, and he hoped that the scar would show them that he wants to be on their side.
BUT lets forget about all those stuff for a moment.
Hanseok loves to strangle, threaten, and hit Hanseo with the hockey stick. It certainly happens more than once, so i figured that there must be a bunch of scars and bruises on his body right?? What if the jipuragi trio noticed one of his scars/bruises?? I know Hanseo always wear long-sleeved stuff, so its not exactly visible, but what if someone caught a glimpse of it??? Perhaps the scar/bruise was on his arm???
Maybe when Hanseo visits jipuragi, Vincenzo asks him to wash some coffee mugs, and as Hanseo is rolling up his sleeves...
"yo whats that on your arm??"
And maybe Hanseo is like "thats a bruise..? Do you not know what a bruise is??"
Okay, idk. I have no idea how he's gonna react if that happens. I just feel like Hanseo wouldnt be proud of his scars if he didnt get them from trying to save geumga/jipuragi people.
And now im just wondering, what do you think? How would Hanseo react, in your opinion? If the jipuragi trio really did find out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, how would that affect their relationship? Im really curious about what you think
Hhhhhhhh sorry if its too long. I just thought that this might be a good way for Hanseo and jipuragi to kinda get closer with each other...
han seo headcanons (part one)
helloooo, thank you for sending an ask in :D
SORRY this answer is super long and for some reason my phone isn't allowing me to add a keep reading cut thingy, apologies in advance to the amount scrolling you have to do
tw: abuse
i've been thinking so much about this ask and just how han-seo would react to them finding out, and honestly i never really took note of how many long sleeved shirts he wears. i believe han-seok has switched a lot more into emotional manipulation and abuse than physical abuse but he has a lot of anger issues. i'd honestly imagine him using han seo as a punching bag for any and every inconvinence that happens to him, even as an intern.
i also agree with you, han seo is someone who is a very bright personality who tends to hide his hurt and emotions, and he's very very good at it as he has been living under a psychopath his whole life. he's good at hiding his anger (although it definetly bubbles over in smaller outbursts) and especially his hurt (i.e. the scene that han seok throws that candle holder at him and he just smiles back). han seo has a lot of anger at himself for not speaking back or being able to act like himself. like in that scene in the office, you can tell as he curls his fist that he wanted to speak back so badly. even when he finally snaps against han seok, he said "i'm getting tired of being afraid of you." i feel like he'd be embarrassed that even after years, he hasn't been able to escape his abuse
(you can also read the following on ao3)
i feel like this scene and their dynamic would play out something similar to this:
han seo joined the team and has been working with vincenzo and cha-young for around a month. at this point han seo isn't walking on eggshells with both of them, he's a lot more comfortable and visiting their office regularly without choi/han/han seok finding out.
sometimes it's vincenzo and cha-young providing him books to study economics from, maybe even giving some brotherly/sisterly advice to him. every couple weeks, vin and cha-young give him quizzes and slowly, he's getting better and better
over time, he even got closer to the plaza residents (even though the residents were definetly cold to him in the beginning, miri scaring the shit out of him by doing her ghost thing, the lady with the lipstick from bye bye balloon staring him down, snack bar lady refusing to serve him, larry also scaring the shit out of him by doing his zombie routine)
but despite this, they adopt him into their family, han seo doing small errands for the residents, him buying the best coffee, food and getting camera equipment for the snack bar lady's son. han seo gifting the pawnshop couple with cute baby items etc.
(obviously he buys the most expensive shit bc he's still a rich boy, but they dont have to know)
(side note: he'd be fucking adorable with a baby, imagine him being the babies "uncle han seo" who gets them the best gifts !!)
even though he was comfortable with all of them, every once in a while his facade would slip.
every once in a while, someone would make a sharp movement towards him and he'd flinch. or if someone makes a quick step towards him, he'd back up and stiffen up on instinct
even if it was someone patting his back or just making a quick movement, he'd react on instinct from the years of abuse from han seok. but no one ever said anything about it if they noticed.
one afternoon after lunch, they were washing dishes, han seo on washing duty and cha-young drying and placing them back. and han seo was in his full sleeves and cha-young notices his sleeves getting wet
"yah, roll your sleeves back, by the end of this your whole sleeve will be wet! you know how uncomfortable those sleeves would be?"
"ahaha, it's alright noona, i'll be fine"
han seo tries to laugh it off, grining at her with one of his wide grins but there's something off about this one. but cha-young gives one of her patented glares and he rolls them up carefully, shielding his arms from her view, and continues washing the rest.
cha-young doesn't take note of his bruises at first, but noted the care he went through to shield his arms from her. his arms were posed almost awkwardly and he was on high alert
it wasn't until after they both finished and he was drying his hands that cha-young saw the massive bruises he had, climbing up his forearms and under the sleeves
he stiffens when he sees her stare, and quickly tries to cover them but she grabs them before he could hide it
she's completely quiet while she stares at his arms. after a moment, he speaks up
"oh i accidentally banged these against my doorway, they're just small bruises. it's go away in a couple days" he smiles at her again but she could tell from the way his shoulders were frozen and the wavering of his voice that it wasn't the truth
"did he do these?" she asked him, her face completely neutral and her voice barely a whisper. she's still looking at his forearms, her fingers ghosting over the bruises.
han seo just looks down and the silence is enough of an answer for cha-young. he walks away, embarrassed that she found out about it, even though his years of therapy told him that it wasn't never his fault, he still felt the shame and anger of not being able to break free.
he's quiet for the rest of the time, feigning tiredness and finding an excuse to leave the plaza
that night, it was just vincenzo and her working at the office late, in preparation for babel. cha-young's mind was still on what she saw that afternoon. abruptly, she stands up, her hand gripping the pen in her hand as she turned to vincenzo sitting at the other desk.
"did you know that bastard hurt him? he's been abusing han seo this whole time?" she asked vincenzo, her voice seething with anger
"i know."
"you know??? why didn't you ever say anything?"
vincenzo looks up at her from his stack of papers, setting his pen down.
"it wasn't my place. i picked up on it when he flinched when mr. tak reached toward him to place a hand on his shoulder."
cha-young sat back down then, her lips pressed together, and vin went back to his paperwork
"we should get him out of there. who knows what han seok would do in one of his rages?"
"couple nights ago, we went to drink makgeolli and i offered him a way out. i told him if he ever needs to leave, and if he's ready to leave, he has a place at the plaza."
"and is he? leaving that is?"
"no. he thanked me, but said that he needed to stay until his brother and his group crumbles to the ground."
cha-young let out a sigh, biting her lip, the worry on her face all too evident
"hong cha-young byeonosa-nim, we shouldn't baby him. jang han seo deserves revenge against his brother just like we do and the choice is ultimately up to him."
"i know. i just worry."
they stayed quiet for the rest of the night, working late but the topic never leaves cha-young or vincenzo's minds
the next day, han seo avoided her like the plague, not wanting to talk about what she saw yesterday
but while he was studying, she approached him, a glass of juice and a snack in hand, setting it next to him. she checked over his work quietly as he took a break and glanced at his arms, doing a once over just to make sure he didn't get any new ones.
"well done, han seo, you're doing well" she smiled at him and ruffled his hair and han seo let out a breath of relief and gratefulness that she hadn't treated him any different
from then, cha-young and vin only got fonder of han seo and han seo was pretty much adopted by them. after the battle and han seok is in jail permanently, he moves out of his apartment, and gets one closer to the plaza.
mr. nam would show him how the organization worked at jipuragi and put him to work, the paralegal grateful to have an extra hand around the office
eventually, even han seo grows an affection to the instant coffee and buys more for himself and his apartment
vin would take him shopping for suits, both rich boys obsessed with their sleek looks. they take cha-young with them once but she manages to sleep off at every shop they go to.
vincenzo also plays hockey with him regularly and the plaza invites him to plaza game nights. they get up to all kinds of mischief,
han seo loves spicy food, just like cha-young so they make it their mission to go to try every restaurant and compete to see just how much spice they can handle. obviously vincenzo doesn't even make it past the first round of the spice competitions but cha-young and han seo have the same competitive streak that keeps them going
han seo is also dropping hints to both of cha-young and vincenzo that they should get married. constantly teasing vincenzo about cha-young in the way only younger brothers do
obviously on one of cha-young and han seo’s days out, han seo drops hints CONSTANTLY, trying to get her to admit cha young likes vincenzo
and OBVIOUSLY she slips up, and han seo doesn’t let go of it
he does the whole younger brother teasing every single time he catches cha-young glancing at vincenzo at the firm
“cha-young noona and vin hyung, sitting in a tree. K I S S I N—” “HAN SEO!!!”
obviously chayenzo eventually get together but decide to keep it a secret (and of course, they were awful at it)
eventually when they reveal it to the office, mr. nam and han seo react like that one scene in suspicious partner (“quick, act surprised” “*gasp* you guys are together??????? we had no idea!!”)
han seo is basically adopted as a younger brother to both cha-young and vincenzo and even the plaza loves his presence and he gets to have a peaceful existence for the rest of his life
anyways han seo deserves a happy ending with a good family. he deserves a second chance with a family that LOVES AND CARES FOR HIM AND GIVES HIM CHOICES AND ALLOWS HIM TO BE HIMSELF. (and yes this covered more than just one scene but I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON HIM) as always feel free to add on :D
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 11: Guiltrip
Spoilers below (because its out of order and it just got subbed)
-So class is going on and Rose got a headache. (Alya and Nino passing NOTES. Alynino get your JUICE)
-Marinette daydreaming about Adrien. So nothing out of the ordinary
-So Rose calls her headache Miss Dora. Okay this whole exchange with Rose is so cute.
- Juleka eating lunch, (you know we never really see the students eat lunch often.) And then Juleka got the sorrow clouds! OH NO! WHAT IS HAPPENING!
-Marinette trying to cheer up Juleka, back fires spectacularly. Oh Kwami.
-Jeez what happened to ROSE?
-Shadowmoth on cue because he really gonna capitalize on that suffering.
-Marinette got the bubbles for adrien still. She is still into him.
-Yo She CORRECTED her stammer! Marinette is getting better.
-Well this adrinette is delicious
-Marinette is keeping focus, and correcting her stammers. This is growth. Im glad for her.
-Juleka "I want to be alone" (Marinette texts the class)
-OH S*** Rose is at the Hospital! What the s*** Shadowmoth! Way to bury the lead? Side note: Everyone is just There suddenly
-Okay so basically Rose got sick when she was younger and that sickness can come back at any time, Rose made Juleka promise not to tell anyone about it, which she failed. And the class promises not to treat her any differently.
-And that is how you stop an akuma. Man The class is so supportive and caring for one another. The writers really just said (F*** class salt in particular) must be a sucky season to be a class salter
-And Julrose cuteness. And now everyone is being extra nice to rose which basically NEGATES what they said earlier. But you really can't fault them.
-Juleka is like 'Everyone, calm the f*** down' and its starting to get a little... obvious.
-THEY ALL GOT HER APPLES. I wonder if they are being to subtle (Not)
-Rose figured out something is up.
-Okay so I had to pause this because I LOVE JULEKA AND ROSE'S CONVERSATION! It starts like it is going to go the way of Rose feeling hurt and betrayed, but she pivots and realizes she had Juleka always worrying and that wasn't fair to her. So Rose doesn't get mad at Juleka but decides to clear the air and fix things.
-Rose got MASSIVE strength for a sick girl.
- Again, The class is a supportive group of friends. The writers really said f*** the class salt AGAIN.
-And now they are studying viruses in class. (I can picture how this is going to go)
-And this went how I expected it to go. I cracked up.
- And Now Juleka runs off because guilt
-Chloé and Sabrina didn't move and were like "WTH"
-Thats a weird way to say Girlfriend, but hey, Shadowmoth Aint the smartest bug
-Oh an amok!
-So the sentimonster is called Guiltrip
-And Reflekta again
-Wow Reflekta just Sent herself first! OH DAMN! Shadowmoth was like 'Wait no but my jewelry!?"
-The entire class save Sabrina, Chloé and Lila just up and ditched to go help Juleka. This class sugar is making me diabetic and I LOVE IT
-Rose straight up went in after Juleka (Respect)
-Ah yes the tried and true ladybug strategy. JUMP INTO ITS MOUTH. (but in this case portal)
-Shadowmoth is just like 'YESS ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU." but he really is like, thank goodness that worked.
-Ivan sweetie no. It isn't your fault.
-so the bubbles turn them into Reflekta when they overtake you? But also make you feel guilty.
-NINO! OMG! Nino just said he feels guilty that he couldn't help Adrien face his dad. Adrino stans we got some juice! Adrien knows man. That hurt.
-Did... Did Chat noir just try to.... That is DARK
-Wow... this sentimonster making Ladybug and chat noir give up
-Yum, that is some tasty ladynoir. Well fed this season.
-I do really like how Ladybug transforms after using Lucky charm. It looks better then her standard suit. Wish we knew HOW she got that upgrade. But hey, out of order episodes, what will ya do.
-I already love Daizzi and Rose together. The pig Kwami is precious.
-Okay, I like the costume. Pigella shirt adds some flair. Gives more variety to the female costumes, which we needed. Plus the clap is cute
-Reflekta got that MEGA GUILT
-So her power is gift. but basically shows them their hearts desire.
-Omg, I just realized, Pigella is the ultimate enemy of Shadowmoth. She makes things happy while he thrives on suffering.
-Okay, I like Rose's costume, but ... those eyes creep me OUT.
-The cute Julrose is cute
-Reflekta charm! Juleka won't be victimized by Hawkmoth. So it is a permanent ward then?
-Rose is SLICK! 100 stealth on that miraculous hand off.
-Oh now they teasing her. Thats what Rose wanted. Cute
-Chloé is mad that no one laughs when she says stuff like that.
-ADRIEN! YOU SAVAGE. Sassdrien is real!
Okay so I really enjoyed this episode.
I will say I wanted some more romantic Julrose, but you know, I gotta say. This was an excellent episode for both Juleka and Rose. The class also got to be supportive but in a believable way. Really got to show them more as characters.
The ladynoir and Adrienette was on point. And I think this might be one of the better hero intros.
overall 8/10
I felt that the conflict was handled a bit too quick and kind of anti-climactic. I would have loved to see more build up to Ladybug and Chat noir almost succumbing to despair. But it was good stuff
It is a solid episode and while I personally enjoyed other episodes more, this one was pretty good.
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azucanela · 4 years
being zuko’s s/o would include hcs?
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SUMMARY: being zuko’s s/o from the confession to the weddin’ [say this but make it rhyme the way those singers do ya know]
WARNINGS: kissing, very mildly implied nsfw, soft zuko, a dragon
A/N: these are gonna be extensive bc there is no scenario but if you want whole fics there are like 6342 zuko fics coming since everyone is a zuko simp. also wow this is really long um i hope its what you wanted!
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you guys have probably known each other a long time, because homebody does not fall for just anyone, so if you become the object of his affections, you better feel HONORED. hehe honored 
i feel like it takes him a lot of time to actually accept his feelings for you are beyond platonic. the main reason he falls for you is probably your consistency in his life since thats something he tends to lack. like his mom? gone. his dad? kicked him out of the only place he ever knew. his life is filled with major changes so if you guys have known each other since childhood then consistency is key
once he realizes he likes you he kinda panics because what if you don’t accept him? what if you leave? even worse, what if you leave because he likes you? so now he’s panicking, and naturally, as one does, Zuko avoids his problems. You, being the problem. And his emotions, but he is in denial so
definitely talks to his uncle about the two of you A LOT, especially when he is first figuring out his feelings and trying to figure out what to do about them
his uncle is an elite wingman, constantly tries to get the two of you to be alone in the same space or get information out of you in regards to you
when it comes to confessing i can see a few situations
situation one is that zuko confesses completely by accident, freaks out, disappears, avoids you even more, like homie is a mess. after you get fatally injured, or maybe when he thinks you are asleep, or he just kinda blurts it out in conversation when you guys are doing something domestic. regardless, it is entirely by accident, and now zuko is freaking the heck out. 
“i really like this tea.”
“i really like you.”
“excuse me-”
“you don’t have a dragon!”
so that’s how zuko gets his dragon from LOK, storytime over
you kinda have to find him and get a word in before he runs off because he is really scared of rejection, he doesn’t want you to leave and assumes that if the situation is never addressed then you can’t leave woohoo problem solved. 
his uncle yells at him lol
when you corner him you gotta confess super fast and handle his anxieties because he is super worried about you hating him now even though it is the opposite. 
“please don’t leave me.”
“i’m not gonna leave my boyfriend.”
“your- your what?”
“we are dating now. i like you, you like me, so we are dating.”
situation two is equally chaotic, but far less dancing around the feelings since you confess! congrats! you have more balls than me! im so proud! good job bb!
when you confess, its probably late at night, a comfortable silence between the two of you, or maybe he’s ranting about something, like how dumb the concept of tea is idk. regardless this is DOMESTIC, so it’s soft and cute and you are just like you know what screw it this nerd is so easily flustered by me maybe he likes me back! look at us cuddling like a couple! might as well make it official!
zuko.exe error, not working
you broke him good job. 
he externally panics and internally congratulates himself while panicking. he is very shocked you feel that way for him because he is an oblivious boy. 
“honestly, i don’t understand why my uncle likes those flavored water leaves so much-”
“i don’t understand why i’m in love with you.”
if y’all were cuddling on a bed or smth he THROWS YOU OFF BY ACCIDENT SKJDHJFHKHWJKF oopsie, he just gets up so quickly that you kinda go tumbling.
homie literally asks you why so naturally you gotta start listing all of these reasons why because hes like perfect and beautiful and yeah we all love him a lot :D marry me zuko <3
you gotta give him a hot minute to process all the information you just gave him, he is in shock for a short while, kinda just sitting there confused. once it gets through his thick skull that you like him he’s gonna thank you 💀
then he’ll ask you how you wanna handle this and boom you have a boyfriend now good job! 
dating during a war is hard so when y’all first start dating, probably towards the end of the war when he finally joins the Gaang, its gonna be really chaotic and you guys are still gonna be sorting through everything, like what kinda couple do you wanna be? neither of you know
kisses are rare during this time, especially since zuko is a generally private person who doesn’t really do PDA much, especially since he wants to avoid teasing and judgement from others. he’s a real people pleaser at the end of the day, he literally spent three years of his life looking for someone the world thought just disappeared permanently because he wanted his dad’s validation.
when you two do kiss, it tends to be a night in your shared tent, even then Zuko is weary of Toph’s seismic senses.
his kisses tend to be soft and sensual, he really just wants to take his time and enjoy it. however, bb does have a temper so you can expect some spice on occasion when he gets frustrated.
this comes later on in the relationship, once the war is resolved, but that just brings about new problems! like having to deal with the new fire lord who is always busy as your boyfriend!
especially at the beginning, when he’s newly crowned and everything is busy and new and he’s struggling with being organized, he rarely has time for you. however, you are likely his right hand, main advisor, general, whatever your area of expertise is he will find you a position in the castle, unless you tell him you want to stay out of politics. though, deep down, he wants to give you a position so he can spend time with you
once things calm down and he’s got being fire lord in the bag, he starts blocking in time during his day to actually take you out on dates and stuff
at one point just disappears for the whole day with you and everyone thinks he’s been kidnapped until they realize you aren’t around either
that’s not very responsible of you guys smh you have a nation to run 
is soft with you, though zuko’s temper definitely lessened when he became Fire Lord, but it no doubt shows itself sometimes, but never with you
well need your assurance sometimes because he gets insecure
like why is the beautiful amazing intelligent woman dating me i do not understand what the heck why have you not left me yet
knock some sense into him
also gets worried that he is a horrible ruler and wants you to tell him that he in fact does his job very well
did you forget you helped end a war zuko?
kiss. his. scar. give him love, its one of few physical parts of himself that he is insecure about and if you kiss him there he might start crying because wow intimacy didn’t know what that was
speaking of intimacy, he is a touch starved boy so when you start giving him love do not stop, never deprive him of cuddles he gets grumpy
lol play volleyball with him
very domestic??? like his parents highkey did not like eachother so now he just wants to hold your hand, lay with you in the morning, wake up to your pretty face, and just cuddle with you while you read aloud 
overall you two are a power couple and zuko simps for you 25/8 you rule as a team and he values you and your opinion VERY much, tries to take you out as often as he can despite his VERY demanding job, and expresses his love to the best of his ability
zuko took the throne YOUNG he was like 16, so he is not proposing until y’all are at least adults, but i imagine that he is probably gonna wanna date you for like at least three years before proposing
he wants to make sure you are there to stay even if you’ve been around since childhood
there are two ways he is gonna propose here
situation one is where he kinda just does it,,, randomly? like out of nowhere he realizes that w o w he wants to marry you, he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and dedicate everything to you because you are HIS forever person
so he’s kinda just laying with you in the morning, nice soft kisses here and there, will not let you leave the bed and you are definitely complaining, especially if you have a position in the palace and need to get to work
regardless its a soft moment, there’s light filtering in through the window in your shared room, and its shining on your face, and yeah you are lowkey a mess because its the morning but you are just,, so,, beautiful??
and you start telling him about your plans for the, playing with his hair and stuff, and he’s listening to his heartbeat when he breaks from your hold and looks up at you and is just like
“marry me.”
“we also need to feed your dragon- wait what”
you are kinda just in shock for a moment, so you sit up and look at him, mouth gaping open like
“are you serious?”
he suddenly realizes he doesn’t have a ring and it is 7AM in the morning and it is not the best time for this
now you are laughing, falling back onto the pillows, and maybe there’s a tear in your eye as you nod rapidly, “okay, yes.”
now you are thinking of the fake story you are gonna tell people when they asked how he proposed because you are NOT saying it was in bed at 7AM while you were looking like a whole mess
“yes? yes as in yes you will marry me? are you serious?” 
such an idiot, but he’s cute its okay
you kiss him and its passionate and adorable, and he kisses back but he quickly breaks apart and is like “you’re sure? because i don’t have a ring-”
“how have you successfully run a country.”
“good thing you are gonna join me on the throne i suppose.”
“oh my god you’re right-”
“you aren’t reconsidering are you?”
have fun being the fire god woo
now y’all go back to making out and traumatize whatever advisor comes to check on you because they’re like where are the people who rule this country??? 
situation two is where he has been carrying around the ring for MONTHS but is looking for the perfect time to propose because you are perfect so this must be perfect
he couldn’t sleep and in the middle of the night he was like WELP I WANNA GET ENGAGED and kinda just decided he was gonna marry you
since you were asleep he couldn’t ask you right then and these
confides in the gaang and everyone is super excited
now he’s been walking around with this ring for months and what is he supposed to do now oh god
the gaang is like stop procrastinating bro, just ASK HER, and hes like NO IT NEEDS TO BE PERFECT
they help him set up the palace courtyard and make it all nice, there are lanterns, and candles, and a path of rose petals, and this time around he does have a ring so yes its great
he’s like hey let’s go for a walk! and you’re like okay??? lol
so you two are walking around the palace, holding hands, when he leads you to the courtyard and you are just like DAMN this is romantic AND pretty
“i think we are interrupting Zuko let’s leave”
“what do you mean interrupting-”
“well someone clearly put in a lot of effort!”
“that someone is me!”
its not that he isn’t romantic its just that he’s never done something like this so now you’re confused
“did i forget our anniversary?”
NOW you understand, looking around, you turn back to him to find that he’s on one knee, you two are in front of the pond with the turtleducks and wow it must be raining why is there water on your face? haha...
he tells you he loves you and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and how he hopes he never loses you because you are just so vital to his life and his being and everything he’s done to make this world a better place has been for you and damn zuko you wonder if he got possessed
obviously you agree
and obviously something goes wrong
when he stands you tackle him with a hug and you two fall into the pond
the wedding[disclaimer: i have never been to a wedding so i do not know what happens in weddings, feel free to educate me pls] is either REALLY intimate and private, or really big and stuff, since you gotta go through that whole coronation process now and like public weddings n stuff
no matter what his uncle is the one who walks you down the aisle.
change my mind.
you cant. 
the intimate one is almost similar to eloping, probably happens in the court yard where he proposed, and you are wearing a AMAZING outfit, whether its a tux, an amazing dress, a jumpsuit, you gonna look FIRE
hehe fire
anyways it’ll probably be the people who fought with him in the war, the gaang, the white lotus, kyoshi warriors, maybe a few others, 
its a really nice ceremony, and the courtyard is decorated so beautifully, though Zuko considered putting a fence around the pond considering what happened when he proposed lol
if its a more public wedding, then its going to feel like the entire Fire Nation came to watch y’all get married, much more flashy, there’s a band performance, a banquet, y’all gotta use the ballroom so that everyone can dance 
kinda nerve wracking ngl
regardless, after you two get married nothing really changes because you always acted like an old married couple, and even as the other ruler of the fire nation, you always had an important job in the palace so its kinda just the same but more official
its a vibe
moral of the story is zuko is a simp for you and your marriage is mutual simping, that is all
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A/N: i kinda went off ngl, also im about to hit 200 followers and i feel as though i should do something special so i am taking suggestions pls
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taglists[lmk if you wanna be added or removed :D]
zuko: @shawni-h @lil-lex1 @boxofteenageideas @izzieserra @eridanuswave @bigbuckyenergy @outerxorbit
permanent: @chewymoustachio
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aries-writes-shit · 3 years
Hello hi uh i hope you are doing well and are staying safe and sanitized during this whole pandemic, um I hope the matchup is still up, if not my apologies uh ig I'll get started :) (platonic or romantic is fine by me, I dont mind either or cuz I honestlydont know what I want heh...ya..) My name is Dioceline (any pronoun is fine by me but people usually go with (she/they), my nickname is Dio or Small as most of my online friends call me. I have been told that I'm very impulsive and funny but im also emotional and I stand up for what I think is right and know when to be serious. I usually take the lead of things if no one else feels comfortable enough to deal with it which has landed me into some trouble in the past but id do it again for my friends because frankly I love and appreciate them and I make sure they know it by drawing them things they love or write poems about what I love about them and what I find beautiful about them every couple of weeks. Im not very big on socializing in person but I'm very bubbly and eager to meet people online (my socialbattery does brain pretty fast so I I ti take a quick nap or go on YT for a bit before I can go back to being stupid), I'm shy at first in person but the longer you get to know me I start to get annoying and very touchy feely cuz I'm ✨touch starved✨. Im 5'7 and a half and I like to flex that I'm taller than most of my family because its known that Mexicans/Hispanics are short asf. I am a Capricorn but I don't really feel connected to my sign so I'll give you my enneagram and my mbti! I'm an Infp-T and my ennegram is 2 wing 1. My music taste is all over the place at all times and I listen to anything as long as the lyrics speak to me or the instruments sound good asf (guitars are my favorite instrument, any type of instrument with strings speak to my soul) but I have been listening to a lot of old rock singers/bands recently like Queen, AC/DC, Hombres G, ABBA, Roger Taylor, Bon Jovi, and a lot of other singers/bands. Now since I've been the middle child of 5 other siblings before my little brother was born I have developed a strange humor, it's very mixed and changes a lot but I adapt and go with the flow of anything as long as it makes people happy and laugh. I usually flirt in very awkward ways like throwing horrid pickup lines at friends or pulling the fuckboy face while saying that they look like the snack that smiles back. It's a form of breaking the ice with a people after ive concluded that I want them in my life cuz idk why but I do so ya (in a platonic way ofc). I tend to get a little overprotective and take the parenteral roll when I hear that one of my friends haven't ate or is being insulting and ir being made uncomfortable. Now for appearance, I smile with my eyes, have a cupid's bow and I have lip asymmetry on my left lip. I have a lot of beauty marks on my face and arms, I have dark brown hair and eyes. I'm on the curvier side, I have really big thighs and my chest is pretty big to so it makes it look like I have somewhat of an hourglass figure which is cool ig. I usually wear shorts and baggy sweaters that are 2 times to big for me, most of my clothes is black except for a couple of red and grey shirts/sweatshirts that I have in my closet. I love music, drawing, painting and pretty much anything to do with art. I also really like Chemistry/Science, English, and Philosophical talks, I like learning about the ocean and space but im to scared to actually go into the ocean and my family never really goes out cuz money issues and stuff but it's nice to see it on the internet. I also really enjoy the company of animals and plants :) ok I think that is all, sorry it was so long I tend to ramble and say things that aren't necessary. OH idk if this would help at all but I want to be a family therapist and will be joining the army next year after I graduate so I can get my degree without getting into terrible debt. Ok now I think that is all, hope you have an amazing day/night and stay safe!
Woah 😳, Why are yall so cool?
I think ima match you with....
C!Philza and C!Techno
Oh no, two protective anachists, what they gonna do
In all seriousness
These two are 100% very protective of you
One of them is always with you
Either making sure your safe
Or just making sure you dont do something to crazy
You play the guitar?
Expect to preform pretend concerts to Phil, Chat, Techno and all technos animals
If neither of the boys can be with you, philza's murder, Chat, as he calls them, would follow you from a distance
Phil would paint with you 100%
Techno wouldnt paint with you two, but he would watch
Philosophical talks with techno
But their like, in like the middle of the night
"Why do you think were here on earth"
"Woah, thats a good question"
Definitely would concern phil, when you two talk about the meaning of life out of nowhere.
They would definitely support your choice of becoming a therapist
And the military as well
Despite fighting for a government
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