#idk the buster just makes more sense to me
adwox · 1 year
i think ive defeated every boss in mmx1 so far without their weakness except for one... thats crazy
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glitched-username · 3 months
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So with that first bit, Raph mostly stopped because the he got a bit too big for the lair. Was mostly eyeballing it again so while the lair is probably 50+ feet tall, the diameter is a lot smaller and since Raph is build like a square I figured low 30's would be a good place to stop while giving him room to move/lay down without breaking anything.
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Raph can ABSOLUTELY get a lot bigger if he needs to and knew that which is why he went so slow the in the lair, didn't want to overshoot his size by accident :)
Actively studied the moment in bug busters to try and scale Raph down enough for Leo to give this line
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I wanna write/draw something where Raph gets suuuperr protective during a fight and EASILY doubles his last projection's height to just one shot whoever/whatever hurt his family
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As for this, I kinda tried to explain it here, but mostly made more sense to me when writing it
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Specifically Raph's vision in this is actually based on my own experience with strabismus (misalignment of eye muscles leaving to double vision) so Raph normally is like me with my glasses, being able to see one clear image, full field of view, etc.
But him using his power is kinda like me without my glasses. Seeing 2 different things at the same time. It's uncomfortable trying to see both directions/angles at the same time so I would close my bad eye often (in Raph's case seeing through the projection) and it makes it easier to focus on a single thing even if I'm not getting the full range of my visual field. I'm still able to see out of my bad eye too without my glasses, but it's harder and requires a more conscious effort to do (Raph trying to see through his physical eyes while still inside)
Idk if that makes sense. I'm mostly just projecting most of my personality traits/ailments onto the turtles :)
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whack-patty · 9 months
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more comic practice! Context/rambles below the cut but all u need to really know is This Is Fun
idk what im doing but i'd highly recommend throwing your ocs into another universe and practice writing comics n stuff with them bc it takes the edge of "oh no this has to be perfect/presentable/make sense" off bc it just gets to be absolute nonsense bc w h o gives a frick. nobody
((Plus this was genuinely good practice for how my own ocs would handle this situation/how I want to write them WITHOUT worrying about inventing the perfect side characters/scenarios. Just a "what would Simon/Ethan do in THIS situation?" and now I feel More Confident in writing them in my own stuff. 10/10 would recommend. This is your cringe pass, dear reader, join me))
for those of you who might give a frick/be curious:
one of the Detective's main antagonists is an arsonist who attacks big fancy buildings f u l l of people, which just hAPPEN to be like the ones Buster and his troupe perform / rehearse in a lot. Making them a very bright and bubbly and fun target.
I moooost likely won't be drawing the rest of this comic bc this one in particular would just get kinda dark ((ɥqʇ ʇᴉ opɹǝʌo ʇuplnoɥs ʎllɐǝɹ ᴉ os ɥƃnouǝ ʞɹɐp ʇǝƃ ɐuuoƃ sᴉ ǝuo dɹous dǝǝus ǝɥʇ puɐ)) but if it were to keep going, Simon and Ethan would split off in two teams:
Ethan would be in charge of getting everyone OUT safely, but she knows that at this point the mystery arsonist would already have blocked off all the main exits and fire escapes, so the challenge is finding a new, safer exit. The team probably would've ended up taking some weird hidden tunnels (bc hc that no matter HOW good things get, Buster always has a backup escape/hidey hole. Tis The Way of people who have come from bad places -- they're generally prepared) and having to do a mad scrambling dash out.
BEFORE the teams split, Simon would've pulled Clay and Johnny to the side to give them some unfortunate instructions --- ideally it won't come to this, but there's a good chance their group may be attacked by someone VERY dangerous before they get out. Clay and Johnny, as the largest/toughest/most experienced with danger, would be the best bet to protect the others should worse come to worse.
Simon would split off to both call the cops, find ANYBODY who may not have been with the main group (janitors etc), and if he can, stall the Arsonist themself. ((aaaaaaaaaaaand potentially some of the more ambitious/crazy troupe members sneak back to see what the frick is going on. Nooshy I'm looking at you)) (((actually that scene might be fun to draw. potentially)))
also. Simon can speak in emojis. That's how they communicate quickly without causing panic in the people around them/alerting antagonists of their plots right away. Why can he do this? that's a ramble for another day lol
if you read this far you get a royal kiss on the hand btw thanks for indulging my madness <333
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Hello Hello! I've spotted the Deck of Phoenix tag enough times on my dash now that I HAVE to ask. Whats it about? Care to share the cool oc universe story thing? If you're interested in doing so of course! I would love to hear about it (:
This is going to be long and barely coherent/word salady but here you go friend Merin :)
Okay so... Deck of Phoenix. Prefacing this with with the fact DoP's message is about finding your own way to deal with trauma of all kinds. All of the characters have their own trauma and deal with it in different ways for better or worse LOL! LMAO! The main 6 we have for the cast are Neptune, Vikki, Teresa, Twilip, Ichigo and Salem. Salem is Ollie's OC that got absorbed into the story and became one of the linchpins in Ichigo's backstory (Childhood friends who were kinda romantic then shit happened and then OUAHGAHFDHGgeF anyways)
The magic system in the story is really complicated to explain because it really only makes sense in my brain at the moment and it's supposed to be universal across many different alien worlds :) Hehe! Did I mention this is a fantasy sci-fi? In the way of a fantasy world in a sci-fi setting!!! HEHEHHE!
Every person/soul is born with an ability that aligns with two sigils (magic types) and it can range from something extremely powerful and useful to something that never even manifests. An example of the latter would be a character we have; she seemed powerless until she died because her power was to revive permanently when brought back by a necromancer. Back to the main characters! Neptune canonically has schizophrenia, he has the ability to see the future of someone when he looks them in the eyes, which is how the story starts and also how he finds out he saves the universe from an evil tyrant called Paradox (Name might be temporary, idk lol) But yeah he has a character arc that might be spoilers so i'll explain on discord but it makes his schizophrenia so so soooo much worse <3 <- Projecting my problems onto him. (Also he is the only human in the group)
Vikki's powers are under construction but! She is basically the glue holding the crew together and is a satyress :3 She likes ballet and is the sweetest person you'll ever meet unless you get on her bad side HFGJEHFVQ Also she's built like a centaur and it's so cool to meee cuz I love drawing non-human characters
Teresa is like if Doc was a Loverboy and also a necromancer >:) I'm thinking about giving her the weird gender swag just to make one of the others the only cis person in the group TKYURLF (Twilip) Xe's an alien from a desert planet and is kinda a cyclops lynx/kangaroo mouse and she kinda looks like a vortigaunt now that I think about it..
Twilip. How do I even explain... He's like if Boomer (bubby x coomer) was a person tbh.. Cranky old man who gives tutorials and worked at a library and he misses his late wife so so much :( BUT he has a swag ass pen that can make drawings come to life and he's about the size of a cat btw if you even care <3 /ref
Ichigo... WHERE DO I START. Ichigo's been our OC since we were a KID! So they technically have the deepest lore due to sheer time scale soooo.. They use any pronouns with a preference for they/them and ze/zir and zir sooo everything to me <3 Imagine Leading Light with cloud's buster blade and soooo many more insecurities... Yea :) I can't even begin to dive into their backstory because I will be here FOREVER but long story short, canon system allegory with being 3 souls meshed into one body by the US government to be a super soldier (A human, an alien, and an inter dimensional being) and the alien part is destined to destroy the universe but that's beside the point! Teehee!
For Salem I suggest asking Ollie because I don't wanna misinterpret anything about him <3
That's all I have for now because my fingers are starting to hurt from typing /g /lh I hope you enjoy!!!!! >:)
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xxfillerxx · 2 years
Hypmic cooking headcanon list:
A list where I headcanon if certain hypmic characters cook good or not. Brought to you by someone who isn't a chef
Ichiro: I think canon says he can cook for himself and his brothers, which checks out. A great malewife and amazing at cooking. Not a professional, but it's pretty good.
Jiro & Saburo: I forgot what canon says about their food quality- I think they can cook decent enough to help out, which makes sense since they're living on their own. Overall, the Buster Bros are self-sustainable.
Samatoki: listen he can COOK and I WILL stand by that. It'd taste great, but RIP if you're vegetarian bc he'd have a lot of meat with everything. Anyways I have a strong feeling that Samatoki can cook well.
Jyuto: Rich Guy Can't pick up a spatula and fry an egg. I've seen headcanons that this guy can't cook and I definitely agree.
Rio: yeah
Ramuda: Doesn't want to. He'd rather do some baking and even then just buys the stuff. He can't cook, does some stuff like adding too much of certain ingredients he likes or forgetting about what's in the oven.
Gentaro: He can cook well for independent living, but he has a lot of quick snacks for the deadlines.
Dice: Uhhh so apparently the wiki says he roasts grass??? I feel like he'd be able to grill but idk if he'd be able to cook considering his background. I'd say probably not but he might be able to.
Jakurai: Makes great food, or at least good enough to be better than Hitoya 🤣 doesn't have a lot of time for it but he's decent at it.
Hifumi: Cannonically a good cook, certified. Another malewife
Doppo: Moreso relies on Hifumi since he has zero time to cook. Probably a bit wonky at it but manages. There's an image where they're all making a meal or something and Doppo's cracking an egg into a cup
Sasara: Decent enough to cook on his own. Idk much about him but I think his favourite food is more on the creative side or adjustable in terms of cooking it? Also his SSR I got TWICE instead of Rosho's
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Yeah this one, so I feel like he's a real good cook
Rosho: Idk??? I'm stumped on this one. I think there's a bonus manga page where they swap jobs and Rosho goes on a quest to perfect a pudding recipe. Probably good at baking at least.
Rei: Buys some food and tells everyone he made it himself. Sasara does this as a prank (or the reverse, pretends his cooking is fast food), but Rei does it unironically
Kuko: Can't cook for shit but has fun doing it
Jyushi: Self-sustainable but also gets scared cutting stuff and flinches when the oil starts popping. Me too tbh, how do you not get scared cooking with oil
Hitoya: Good at it, but always loses to Jakurai. Tbh this'll never not get funny I looove dunking on him. I don't hate him tho I just find the rivarly funny
Yotsutsuji makes good cooffee, so he probably cooks well. Doesn't want to be a burden so he puts effort into cooking
Honobono: Feasts on the souls of the innocent with hellfire to wash it down.
Nemu's a canon good cook I'm pretty sure
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littleviolence2016 · 2 years
inspired by @b1mb1b00
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1) i would rather not say
2) 7-10
3) i dont have one but would like one - i know when i get one despite me wanting one its gonna be really hard for me to open up because im not the best at being vulnerable and thats like the most vulnerable thing i can do - leave someone in charge of my inner child - i have 2 partners but i never like brought it up to them ya know like 1 is aware of what cgl is the other absolutely no idea & i dont wanna ruin our dynamic
4) build a bear workshop & mcdonalds - i love stuffies and wanna see how they’re made and be part of it itll be so sick & mcdonalds has the best chicken nuggets and fries fight me about it im right yeah they aren’t dino shaped but i can get over it they are the best AND i get a free toy and there’s no catch its great - another would be chuck-e-cheese i wanted to spend my birthday there again but haven’t had the money to i love games alot and maybe i can finally win something at the top of the prize wall even big me would want a chuck-e-cheese date okay i love games and pizza id always prefer chuck-e-cheese over dave and busters
5) i only have sippy cups & stuffed animals & toys - i would like more when i live in a bigger space i dont really need much because im a bigger boy but id like mostly food stuff like plates spoons i like the spoons with the plastic handles alot they have to be teaspoons cuz tablespoons are the devil they attack the senses in my mouth in a /neg way it’s awful who would do that to help regress maybe some of the handles spoons can be cute i dont want the bowl part plastic though thats also evil to me personally and i like the bath tablets that make the bath colors too and shower crayons i want those and blankets i love thoses and yeah i want more things when its safe
6) i dont know i dont think so i am into petplay tho does that count?
7) not that much different than big me i guess you can say even MORE childish than i already am (ik thats not the best word cuz they’re a child duh) i guess more baby like - like playful, bratty, causes problems on purpose im more quiet than big me but i also don’t have anyone i trust enough to talk to in that state so im mainly going based on my alters which i don’t say much
8) coloring because drawing frustrates me when it doesn’t go on the paper right
9) i don’t know that many 😿 i just met @adorableblindemo and they r real sweet
10) it depends - most times it’s voluntary but in really high stress situations i can regress usually then i tend to get mute like nonverbal i have select mutism and also other stuff its just scary
11) yeah thats what i would consider my voluntary is most of the time because i dont have a space that would allow me to even think about regressing fully
12) no
13) mac & cheese, cereal, chocolate milk/hot chocolate but if its hot chocolate it has to he more warm than hot because im a punk
14) love them adore then need to protect them
15) not really im usually rejected so i just don’t anymore i actively avoid it even
16) idk really i’ve never been called like pet names ive vibed with just nicknames
17) kids shows & having things in my mouth
18) no because i don’t really have a safe space so i always need to b on like high alert to switch back into big mode asap
19) its so hard to find like a side that i vibe with all i see is the stereotypical stuff (younger/baby regressers who r and super pastelly & like preferred not alternative baby things and have baby gear like diapers and pacis) i dont see that many middle regressiors or ones who like alternative pop culture things
20) i can’t find that many for fandoms im in but the ones i do i really do like i wanna make a masterpost one day mainly for myself cuz i wish i could find them easier its like i gotta dig for content
21) very - im real sensitive the air could blow the wrong way and im jumping
22) i mostly indulge in rpf so i don’t have anyone fictional per say just blorbos from bandom and select tv shows
23) no different than my room now really i wanna beanbag
24) ive never realky tried it before it looks fun but im kinda shy
25) i want my childhood/innocence back it was taken too soon i wanna nurture that side of me when things were simpler and protect it not have to think about how hard things are now and how i can’t really get help for it because i simply cant afford it
26) yes mainly my comfort artists (mainly mcr & waterparks atm)
27) no i don’t have a cg i tried making a chore chart that i printed from a blog on here but forgot about it a few weeks in
28) like i said in #7
29) ive been told i had the potential to be and i think so because when im big i do tend to be more protective, parental, nurturing and just overall alpha like
30) i dont know what to say rly but hey if you like the content i post lets be friends i’ll try not to bite
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lemon-plort · 8 months
[ FFVII Demo thoughts below :) ]
Dumping all my first impressions here now that I've sat on it for a bit
This is probably going to be a bit of a mess bc there's just so much I love about this franchise...
Starting off obvious, the music oh my god. Nobuo Uematsu smashed it out but that was to be expected.
I absolutely adore how they explored Cloud's recollection of events from his pov!! Zack's mannerisms and personality showing through while the real Cloud stayed in the background and kept mostly silent (especially around Tifa). It was cool to see, and I think they did a great job blending cloud's perspective with what actually happened. It felt believable that Cloud could recall everything the way he did and seeing how his mind mended or flat out ignored the gaps and inconsistencies was perfect.
Speaking of, the method they chose to retell it. I'm so glad they opted for more of a story around a campfire kind of approach than just showing us through flashbacks. The added dialogue from Barret, Tifa and Aerith was the cherry on top.
Loved the choice system
I've seen others mention it too but how they aren't afraid to keep things a little silly :)) Cloud stuffing his mouth with those sandwiches, butchering Tifa's theme on the piano and stretching with the exercise class were great little moments and I can't wait to see more.
Sephiroth. He honestly deserves multiple bullet points. I LOVE how we got to see more of his personality pre-nibelheim disaster. His banter and expressions were such a welcome addition since I feel they never expanded on it nearly enough in crisis core! He looked genuinely upset after losing the other Shinra trooper and the amount of expression purely in his eyes during and just before the disaster- *chefs kiss*
The small details around the environment, I spent a good chunk of the time just getting in the camera mode and zooming into all the pictures Tifa had around her room or the posters in the general store and inn.
How realistic the physics were for those mako purifiers?? It made me feel like I was back hauling around road cases
Screw it he is getting more points. I need to mention his hair and boots. I couldn't stop looking at them, they were so nicely rendered...
Expanding on that everything was tbh. The fabric of Cloud's pants looks so so soft (they were looking a bit rough in remake) and all the detailing on the buster sword and metal like Tifa's gloves. I could spend hours just zooming into every little detail and texture.
I also think they nailed Cloud and Tifa's models. They both clearly look like themselves even though they're younger which I feel some games struggle with.
More Sephiroth points soz- his model was just so accurate. There were shots where his silhouette literally looked like his original art, it was so satisfying to see.
The use of the L2 R2 buttons. Idk the proper name for the feature but when they make it physically harder to press. I feel they used it sparingly which made it more effective. That scene especially with Cloud crawling towards Sephiroth...oh my god chills. It gave me the same sense of immersion like the end of Crisis Core during Zack's final stand.
More on the immersion. How they differentiated between Sephiroth and "Cloud's" skill levels by allowing Sephiroth to cast the higher level spells from the get go.
Combo moves!! One of my favourite features in FFXV so to see it translated here was great
Just going to make a general point for the atmosphere, environment, voice acting, enemy design etc. bc otherwise I'll be here forever.
Though the scene with Sephiroth cutting down all the tubes has to get a special mention. The pure disdain in his voice towards Hojo was done super well.
Some of these might be a little nitpicky since I really don't have much to complain about
I found some of the dialogue to be a little clunky at times, like the characters weren't given enough time to say their line before the camera changes. This is probably just a translation issue though and really doesn't bother me that much
Not the biggest fan of the white interface for your spells n shit. It feels like it sticks out a lot more than the blue and not in a good way.
I think I just generally prefer remakes UI (except the pause screen, I enjoy getting to see their models rather than the still images we had before)
Moving around the map is a bit clunkier than I would've hoped. The inside areas were better but outside felt choppy at times.
the storage space....
I find it generally funny how they completely skipped over any mention of gackt Genesis. Like it makes sense but as someone with no real hatred towards him like a lot of fans have, it came across like square enix was shoving him in a box and hoping no one brings it up lolol
surprised to see we're getting a demo update too, the Junon demo? curious to see what they'll cover in that
Overall though I'm absolutely buzzing. February 29th can't get here soon enough :)))
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kazumahashimoto · 1 year
okay oeople are literally BLUDGEONING my door down trying to get me to talk more about crisis core beyblade so i GUESS i will. see the reason why i think the Buster Bey would be a changable stamina and attack type is BECAUSE it would be used by all three angeal zack and cloud of whom have different battle philosophies. angeal reads like impossibly easily into a stamina type like he refuses to attack using buster unless under VERY dire circumstances which is exactly the strat for a stamina type. just stay in the middle and out last. zack similarly is trying to emulate angeal while still incorporating his own style. zack likes to hit stuff, but he knows when to back off and he always uses the blunt end of the sword which to me in a beyblade sense reads like him having a specific mode he can switch into where attack becomes the main focus, like choosing to use the sharp side of the sword. i'm not a beyblade schematics guy so idk how it would function but that is what i'm envisioning. on the other end now we have cloud who could not give two shits about nothing. attack mode only. why did he even get a bey with stamina put more spikes on this thing. honestly cloud changing the ornamental bits on buster to be more utilitarian could super easily be read into a bey upgrade. cloud just takes the stamina bit off to make it stronger. cloud also gets like ten more beys and has compartments for them on his motorcycle. angeal and zack are kinda rolling in their graves.
and like i said before crisis core and burst actually have a lot of plot similarities like the mako and ESPECIALLY whatever the fuck was going on with the firsts and cloud is easily comparable to forced possession. the snake pit in general fits as a shinra equivalent really easily. i imagine genesis was hit fully with a lain and aiger situation where he could feel everything his bey felt in battle and it was literally physically tearing his body apart while also making him crave more battles (the fated triple battle between three friends) which ultimately leads to him going insane and almost dying. angeal actually does die from a similar power corruption that just burns him out entirely and he dies after battling zack. i imagine sephiroth is. something of a combination between s2 shu and phi. phi is straight up a Demon from Hell so the possession doesn't do the Exact same thing but like with shu i imagine he just becomes so entirely corrupted he fully believes he Is his bitbeast. which i guess would be masamune. sephiroth is definitely the kinda guy who shatters beys also. no remorse. for zack's death i think the 100 blader challenge is pretty 1:1 with fighting 100 infantrymen. like that's basically what it's always shown to us as. these days they're getting pretty lenient with how many battles someone can physically do in one sitting but back in MY day valt literally passed out from exhaustion trying to do the challenge so. imagine zack is possessed and he can feel everything the bey feels. i think him dying makes sense there. and then he gives buster to cloud. one thing i think would be cute more on the beyblade side than it is accurate to cc would be cloud having his original bey too and zack doing the gay little pressing their beys together thing. like auygh. peak romance in beyblade world. and then i imagine cloud starts using buster instead which is actually fucked up I AGREE but bitches are getting so loosey goosey with their bitbeast morals lately. remember when bashara fully switched bitbeasts and no one cared. where am i. but that's very cloud so he does that too. ok thast all
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gwyn-apple-nudd · 2 years
Assigning the TF2 mercs YouTube channels they would probably watch because yes
Medic: he would probably enjoy watching Micheal Reeves, Specifically the surgery robot video, and Doctor Mikes reaction videos. (I also have a funny hc that he looks up surgery tutorials mid surgery because he forgot a step.)
Sniper: you know those outdoor wilderness videos where they make random structures out of clay and bamboo? Yeah he would watch that. Also National Geographic wild.
Spy: This guy probably watches those ASMR videos where someone taps their nails and rubs their hands over the mic. Also he uses those 8 hour white noise videos because this prissy man needs his beauty sleep.
Scout: he probably watches Penguinz0 and MLB compilations and then starts clicking on random videos until he realizes he’s watching Pawn Stars, and Paternity Court.
Soldier: he watches the history channel without a doubt, crash course history, and oversimplified. (He would watch the WW2 oversimplified video a concerning amount of times).
Pyro: they would more than likely watch toy channels like cookieswirlc and doctor squish. (Someone would probably have to keep an eye on them so they don’t click on a random creepy video because of their pyrovison.) Also I feel like they would enjoy watching Bluey.
Demoman: he probably watches how it’s made- idk why I feel like it makes sense, and those videos where explosives experts break down explosions in movies.
Engineer: He would watch Crazy Russian Hacker and The Myth-busters. Also a Micheal Reeves fan (Probably introduced medic to him and made something that Micheal has made, like the “Camera that makes me the tallest person in the photo” or the “Tazer Tag” thing.)
Heavy: he would watch random gun reviews, and that one person who builds a random structure to survive in the wilderness for 1 year. (I feel like he wouldn’t watch specific people or just wouldn’t remember who he watches- he just types whatever he wants to watch in the search bar.)
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Here are my bingo card for the anniversary and some templates I made for myself later down the line. I will admit I made this cause of KitaSean, but didn’t agree with everything he made in his wonderful video. So decided to make my own for fun. Anyways under cut is me explaining the card. So if you care to know what the bingo card means, then go there.
Bingo line up: From Right to Left First Row:
Archimedes: Honestly I feel he will be in game and be the quick support we need. Kinda like Castoria for buster users after Merlin. If that makes any sense.
Galahad: The 7th anniversary is a shield so he could come out. Everyone sees this, and I am no different.
Rasputin: He’s a NPC in game. Everyone wants this to happen. So might as well put it here for the memes.
Marie Alter: I am a fanboy of Marie and Maire Alter is a dream of mine. So let me live.
Proto Gil: Look....Proto Merlin is never coming to mobile version. So let’s accept Proto Gil as a concept to make Arcade pissed.
Second Row:
Quick support: We have so many Arts and Buster mains. Give us Quick supports other then Skadi. I am tired of using my NP3 version of her. I need another good quick support servant please!
Bond 10 Mashu: Call me crazy but I think because of the shield we might get more Mashu appreciation. So maybe we can finally get her to bond 10? Or grail her. Either or I would be happy with.  
Animation update: Look! So many servants need one, and I swear to god they better get one to Jekyll or I’ll flip.
FP Servant: Friend point servant. Okay that’s a typo. I believe we are going to get more then one. So servants. My bad.
300+SQ: 300 saint quartz or over! LETS GOOOOO!
Third Row:
New Merch: They always drop some new merch...Sucks I can never buy it, but it’s going to happen like it dose every year.
GSSR: Payed guaranteed 5 star. They normally do this as well so on the list it goes.
25+ tickets: I believe it’s going to be over 30 (32-35) honestly, but 25 to be safe or in case I am wrong.
USO Pay: Okay crazy idea. But what if they make a bundle in game where you can buy one of these hard fuckers every month? Do you have any idea how much people would spend for that? Oddly enough I can see fgo doing this.
Forth Row:
Prototype collab: Look if proto gil comes and Jekyll has a animation update they BETTER DO IT!
Tsukihime collab: Putting this here for the memes. I want this, and hope they do it, but it’s still very low on this happening.
New Mystic code: Idk I just think we could get a new Mystic code. We will wait and see.
FER news: As odd as I think this is, but what if they talk more about fate extra record? Nero is the only servant we have yet to see the NP of so it could happen.
Servant interrupts Stream: Okay this can go down so many ways. I feel this could be how it starts out with the FER news. It could be Nero taking control of BB channel, or BB talking, or heck might be a servant interrupting for a different reason. I don’t know I just think it could be fun to see if it dose happen.
Fifth Row:
5 + new servants: I honestly think there going to be 7 new servants in total, but I could be wrong so I put 5 plus to be safe.
7th anniversary: It’s just as it says. Everything is going to be in sevens. Seven new servants. 7 things for maybe a shop Da Vinci grab bag, and so on.
New Costumes: New outfits for servants. I don’t know how many or even who is getting them, but I am for it if it happens!
Choose CE: Every year we pick a CE or 2 so on the list it is.
Adult Andersen: My one huge wish. Give me him as a servant or costume. I don’t care I need this NOW!
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
hypmic boys and their charm point
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this is just another rambling post courtesy of yours truly lol, simply me sharing my thoughts and hcs that I've cried about to my friend in informal fashion lmao. These are my thoughts about what the hypmic boys' charm points would be or what their fans in universe (im sure theyre treated as idols and have a large fanbase) would say is like their most attractive feature lol. Again, purely based on my thoughts and their physical traits that pop out to me the most so it's not written well at all lol; just a stream of my thoughts. But i decided to share these with the rest of the class. Put under the cut for length and also quite a bit of thirst maybe (nothing specific though)? lol beware!
Ichiro's charm point, in my eyes, are probably his muscles? lmao. Ofc, I think with all the buster bros, they're prob also their moles/beauty marks or heterochromic eyes, but for ichiro individually, it'd prob be his muscles. I mean, in the manga too or in official art, i feel like there's emphasis (well, not like emphasis emphasis or whatever lol) and they kinda just pop out to me, especially when he rolled up his sleeves in that one poster for the 1st round of the drb lmao. Can def see fans posting thirst tweets of him since he's pretty muscular too, but like same. Heart eyes galore
Jiro's i wanna say is his dorky/goofy smile, like the type where he just grins and rubs his nose. It's just so endearing and cute! I think he unconciously does it though but his fans find it rather adorable and go !!! each time he shoots that dorky grin haha.
Saburo's is prob his three moles/beauty marks since that's what pops out to me the most when i see him personally. Obvi hes still young and all but he could also be called like the young beauty or something? Idk if that makes any sense lol. Feel like he sees such comments saying how pretty the moles are and gets self conscious about them but not in like a bad way? More like how he knows people are seeing them maybe. so he prob tries to like discreetly hide it by turning his cheek or something which I'm sure the fans catch on to lol, which makes him more flustered
Samatoki's entire being is his charm point lmao. On a more serious note though, I'd say that his charm point is certainly his ruby eyes. They're one of the first things that stand out when I see him. His eyes are really captivating, especially with the way they're drawn sometimes, so I think it's his main charm point (i mean, let's be real, he's simply a charm lol). Can def see them being compared to like ruby gemstones or something like when they glimmer in the sunlight? or his fans fawning over them, especially when he glares. It becomes sorta iconic ig lol
Jyuto's charm point are prob his eyes or his devilish/cocky smirk he does I think. His eyes do have a unique color that stand out imo, so they could def be a contender. But i also think that his cocky smirk does become his charm point amongst his fans. Feel like whenever he shoots that smirk in battle or whatever his fans get more hyped since they know what's coming or just love that cocky attitude of his, as if he knows he's going to win
Rio's charm point was kinda hard for me to pinpoint since he's usually quite quiet or just doesnt speak much, but I think it'd prob also be his muscles maybe? Or maybe his hair idk (or freckles as a hc lol). But since he was part of the military and is rather fit, i feel like itd mostly be his muscles since i feel that theyre pretty hard to miss lol. Can def fawn over them since hes attractive too haha
Ramuda was also tricky for me because I personally don't see him as someone charming whatsoever lmao. Can't really think of anything besides maybe his unique hair and eye color? It's pretty, certainly, and his sky blue eyes are the first things that stand out to me, but idk lol. Prob his eyes and hair then since i feel like theyre the most unique out of the entire cast? I mean the ombre in his hair matched with his blue eyes are def eye candy. Guess his carefree and flirty persona could fit in too but not too sure. Don't really have anything to say about him
Gentaro is prob his face lmao. I mean, he's a pretty boy, that's what i think when i see him. He has a pretty face with the way his messy brown hair frames his face and his green eyes. Feel like he truly captures the essence of the word pretty lol. His nickname amongst his fans could be something like a prince or something like that since he's just pretty?? Def the visual of fp i feel like and has charming features. Don't know how else to describe it or what else to say honestly oops
Dice ahh it's for sure his tiny fang or that ear piece he always wears, though I'm leaning more towards his lone fang that sometime sticks out in the art lol. It's pretty for sure and captivating! Can def see thirst tweets about it too maybe idk. Honestly i see it and just go kakfkejakxks, a bit feral. I think that best describes it haha. That tiny fang just drives his fans crazy for sure
Jakurai ah jakurai. Was also hard to think of one but ill say it's prob his long fingers or like his tired smile?? I genuinely have no idea. Idk why his slender fingers were what popped out to me first lol, but feel like those are also his charm points and prob the subject of many, many thirst tweets (i can picture it now haha). They do have their own charm though certainly. And maybe his like smile because i think he also smiles with his eyes when he smiles but it also has a hint of fatigue which i can def sense in the pics. But i think its also very warm and reassuring and comforting, so his smile could also be his charm point. Feel like his fans feel much better and warmer when they see him smile, especially towards his teammates
Oh man, Hifumi's is most definitely his smile. Literally nothing else has to be said. His smile is so freaking warm and just !!! Gah, i see his smile and feel butterflies (well, metaphorically that is). Feel like everyone, fan or not, falls for him instantly when they see that large, warm grin of his. His fans def nickname him as the sun or the one that shines just as brightly. It's just so charming! And adorable!! Everyone fawns over it and loves to see him smile. I think it speaks for itself tbh. Am also gonna throw in his collarbone courtesy of my sis lol. She watched the anime and saw hifumi and told me that it was attractive when she saw that necklace and collarbone lmao. Can def picture it though, especially when he takes off his jacket or something lol
Doppo's charm point i feel like is more about his aggression? Like when he blows up in battle and goes berserk, from somewhat quiet and timid to just absolutely insane and rapping really quickly. Like his fans wait for that moment in battle, waiting for when he loses it and just goes off. It blows the entire area off guard but its so entertaining! And his fans always tell new watchers or whatever "its him you should keep an eye on" and they just eat it up lol. Def can see fancams or vids of it and doppo prob sees them and gets so embarrassed but is also lowkey happy on the inside haha
Feel like Kuko's charm point are also his feline-like smirk or his fangs or his like cocky laugh idk. I mean, those are what stand out to me the most and also what makes me go jskcjrjakxks all the time haha. Def feel his laugh in my soul lmao. But i think it's also attractive in a way as quirky (?) as it may seem, so it's his charm point. All hearts skip a beat when they hear that cocky laugh lol
Jyushi's is prob also his fingers i think. They stood out to me first, especially with his painted nails or how long and slender they seem. They're beautiful imo and i can also see many thirst tweets about it lol. Maybe he also gets hand modeling offers since hes also like a huge idol/figure? Idk lol. Dont think theres much else to say? Feel like his duality could also be his charm point, like how he changes from his normal self to his vkei persona. I think his normal relaxed self among his teammates become a thing that melts many hearts and just overall heartwarming haha
Ngl, i couldn't think of anything for Hitoya, as much as i truly love that man. Feel like it could also be his attitude somewhat, like how hes always so direct and could seem a little rude and standoffish? at first glance, but really, hes a bit of a sweetheart and truly cares for his teammates and is soft for them. Could def see compilation vids of him being soft towards his teammates and hitoya sees them and denies it or something haha. I think the fact that he hides this side of him or that its discreet is his main charm point maybe and is what many of his fans find to be heartwarming idk
Sasara's charm points are def his jokes and smile (specifically his eye smile maybe). I mean i feel like his jokes could be obvious? Especially his lame dad jokes and puns backstage. Very lighthearted and gives a good small smile or chuckle. But i think his main charm point would be his eye smile. Although we always see him with his eyes closed, i feel like when he genuinely smiles, you can also see him smile in his eyes? Idk if that makes sense but like personally, whenever i see him genuinely smile in the manga, i get the feeling too that hes smiling with his eyes as well even if they look the same on the outside? It's charming certainly
Rosho's was also difficult for me (ik so many of them are) but feel like it could be his sharp glare he naturally has without his glasses or maybe his like timid nature? Idk. Well, we know in canon that his timidness is found to be somewhat cute by others so that could be it maybe? But i feel like his glare could also be a charm point idk. Not much to say
Also not much to say about Rei lol. I personally dont find him charming too, so i really dont know haha. Hard to think of anything thats charming despite maybe his carefree attitude somewhat? Idk lol
Anyway, that was long lol and prob wrong or stupid or something. Hope you enjoyed my conscious stream of thoughts though and ny rambling haha
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kgirl1fromff · 3 years
for the ask meme can you do sherman please? 🥺
oh my gosh, yes, a million times yes. anything for you and also anything for Sherman
favorite thing about them Sherman is so humble. Like, the smartest person on the team in S1 and, if you contribute emotional intelligence, also the smartest person on the team in S2. Sherman just loves science so much and gets excited and even carried away when he figures things out but he would never brag about it. also, this man might have the biggest heart on the team. If I had to play screw/marry/kill with the BF5, I would marry Sherman every time. Like, he is solid, he is smart, he is dependable, and he will protect and respect you until the end of time. He supports everyone on the team that he talks to and he has such good emotional intelligence, like when he's asking Sage about her family in Stormshocker he handles that with such perfect tact. he's just a big, smart, sweet teddy bear but he will also f*ck you up in a microsecond if you hurt his brother and I love that parallel
least favorite thing about them the food jokes!! this is more of a screenwriter thing than a Sherman thing. Like, just let the man be big and strong and don't make fun of him pls and thnx also not Sherman's fault because he is blameless, but I think his character model is a little disproportionate (like, his chest is very big and his waist is very small) and idk it just throws me off a little but does not interfere with my love of this character
favorite line "no one reads your blog." hands-down, this is a top-tier Battle Force burn. Spinner should have been sent to the infirmary after this "live to see my next birthday," in response to Spinner saying "What would you do without me?" is also a classic. Like, this man has WIT and he is not afraid to use it lastly, "hands. off. THE BUSTER." from Ascent of the Red Sentients part 2 makes me feel things that cartoon characters should not make a human feel. like, that shit shivers my timbers
brOTP I'm here for the Sherman/Agura brOTP. I think the Cortez brothers remind Agura of her own brothers, which is such a perfect set-up for their relationship, and I love how much he supports her in "Behind Enemy Lines" when she's first figuring out how to be second-in-command. Also how she pays that support back in "Glitchin'" when they lose Spinner and she's helping him repair the Buster. Plus of course SmashClaw helps that dynamic blossom. Like Sherman just has so much respect for her and he remembers things Vert doesn't, like saying "guys. AND GIRL." she's literally called him the only gentleman on the team but he would never underestimate her because she's the only girl, if that makes sense. I just think he has a perfect understanding of how she wants to be seen among them and plays into it super nicely. Wow going to write about this now ok bye
OTP I don't know if I have a strict OTP for Sherman but Sherman and Tezz could be very, very cute. Like, two geniuses with vastly different personalities, supporting each other in their scientific discoveries? Late-night "lab "work?" @bronan posted fanart of them for the Christmas gift exchange and this ship has lived in my head rent-free ever since.
nOTP hmm... Sherman/Spinner for obvious reasons. There are definitely a few ships that I can't really see with Sherman, but none so strongly that I'd include them here?
random headcanon Sherman is a really, really good cook, like the best cook on the team. (yes I realize this conflicts with my "least favorite thing about them" answer but like, just let him love cooking and food & don't make jokes about it.) Whenever they're sick of pizza he'll cook something really delicious for everyone. Sherman is the epitome of "Baking is the tastiest science" and you cannot change my mind about that.
unpopular opinion I don't think I have one unless y'all disagree with the above?
song i associate with them I didn't have one when I started this ask but I scrolled through my Spotify library and I'm gonna go with "Hold My Girl" by George Ezra. Not trying to ship him with anyone in particular but for me this is a very steady, comforting song and I can see it as something he'd sing to his love because he is a steady and comforting person 🥺
favorite picture of them absolutely the eye twitch in junkyard dogged when Spinner is bragging about how well he did on the mission (& not Sherman). there is no contest here
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these are so fun, thanks for sending!!!
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ramudamemura · 3 years
So I’m a little sad that buster bros didn’t win :// but like fling posse is my favorite and I kinda knew they were gonna win anyways fjffjhjdg they’re really popular yknow
SO. lets look at the champions art bc I have some things to say
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ok first of all they’re all on the throne which I LOVE because actually it’s always kinda bugged me that only jakurai was on the throne for matenro like this was a team effort 😐 I think it was on purpose tho like they def wanted Jakurai on there by himself especially since they’ve hinted at him having like a god complex
ajd they give off completely different vibes!!! Music wise matenro is like classier so it makes sense that they’d be more serious yk like hifumi is the only one smiling and even then he’s like.smirking not smiling
AND matenro has a different sort of relationship especially since wasn’t Jakurai like literally doppos therapist/psychiatrist or something at some point
even tho I get why they’re like emotionally different you have no idea how happy the fling posse one makes me like.LOOK AT THEM!!!!!! look. Look At Them they’re so happy and they’re all smiling and hugging and touching and like I love it so much and look at how far they’ve come
LIKE. if fling posse had won the FIRST drb instead of the second one I don’t think it would’ve been anything like that like I assume Ramuda would still be smiling since he’s Gotta Be Cute but I don’t think they would all be touching and tbh I could see Ramuda being the only one on the throne and it wouldn’t have been like a TEAM thing yknow??? I’m literally just blurting stuff out now but like i hope I’m making sense because I think it would’ve been SO different and ik winning is based on votes but if you only consider like the strength of their raps I don’t think they even COULD have won because they weren’t like connected
btw ramudas three lollipops took me out like the colors represent fling posse how sweet is that!!!!! (I could be wrong but I only ever remember seeing him with red/pink ones which is kinda like he thought he could only rely on himself but now he’s got fp) AND ALSO. The fact that he has more than one makes me hopeful that he’ll get access to more lollipops!!!! he better or else
honestly tho I think the best thing is that none of their feet look like Jakurai’s like ik it’s just the angle but why is his foot HUGE
Idk I think storyline wise this is great (for fling posse fans at least) but I kinda don’t like how it happens at the expense of other teams :/// hashtag sad
but like I hope they can overthrow Chuoku or something
but like see even then it would be better if it focused on all the teams instead of just them because they all have some kind of connection to chuoku (even if fling posse has one of the strongest connections) and like. IDK
I have more stuff to say but I forgot like all of it so I’ll probably reblog this with more later
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funkyrabbit · 3 years
@gay-rat-and-aardvark-wedding said: FRR there’s this comic i found in deviantart and nigel x paige is canon in this comic, but the author just refuses to retcon paige for patrick for literally no reason 🙃🙃🙃 those two don’t even have any significance to the comic so it wouldn’t even change anything. mf made a whole comic strip just to complain about it 
OH yeah, i'm very familiar with that comic. i was following it for a while but when the author went and did That it really turned me off. the comic he made about it came off like he was really disapproving of the episode, just rubbed me the wrong way 
i’m putting this under a read more bc...i’m tired of keeping my criticisms of it to myself 
the nigel x paige thing was irritating to me for so many reasons. even if nigel never got married to patrick, i just never saw him as straight?? actually, for the longest time he gave me ace vibes. but there is a lot of evidence that nigel could be gay across many episodes of the show prior to the airing of “mr. ratburn and the special someone”. to just flat out ignore all of it, especially when it was confirmed to be canon by the show, is just so wrong to me
he spoke about it like it would be such a big change. but like you mentioned, it was SO insignificant to the comic ?? bro you made like FIVE comics out of close to 200 DIRECTLY talking about the nigel x paige thing and/or your OC, so i really don’t see how it would be such a big change. it’s a comic that mainly focuses on dw and her friend group anyway, at least that was how it started?? like i don’t get why he was getting so defensive over it 😐
ugh i could be wrong but it really seems because there is now a canon gay pairing, he decided to divert from keeping the comic as much of a canon continuation of the show as possible. which by the way, that seemed to be his original plan until “mr. ratburn and the special someone” came out?? so now he claims his comic has always “done its own thing” and doesn’t plan to match the continuity of the show 🙄
he said, and i quote, that he “want(s) their lives to be meaningful as well as canonically plausible, in accord with their established personas.” except when there’s a canon gay pairing involved right? then that plausible in canon stuff goes right out the window! let’s just ignore the evidence that nigel could be gay, across years and across numerous episodes.
again, maybe this was not the case, but it sure comes off like it! his reasoning just seems blatantly homophobic since i don’t recall him making such a big to-do over anything else that happened in the show since he started the comic! 
on that note, there are zero characters in his comic who are lgbt+. across like 200 comics with such a huge cast of characters. like all he has are het couples or characters getting het crushes? and you could make someone ace, or non-binary?? but no?? 
even aside from all of that, there’s one arc where he brought bo baxter back to elwood city and rekindled things with bitzi which literally made zero sense to me. i have a much easier time seeing her get back with harry mills. they had way more chemistry and if i recall correctly, bitzi even told buster at the end of “bitzi’s break up” that the reason they split was bc she was too busy for a relationship and they had different schedules. that doesn’t mean she and harry couldn’t get back together in the future?? that seemed more in the realm of “canonically plausible” than bitzi suddenly falling back in love with her ex-husband she’s been divorced from for years 
idk this comic just doesn’t make much of an effort to show diversity and representation which is literally what arthur is all about ??? bitzi getting back with her ex-husband, so there’s no longer buster having divorced parents and living in a single-parent household (which was huge representation for me growing up as a kid, actually)...tbh i started losing interest in the comic when it went in that direction
but whatever i’m done lol TL;DR it’s homophobic, boring, and i don’t follow it anymore anyway 😂
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jq37 · 3 years
The Case File – Mice and Murder Ep 3
The Case of the Curious Clues
Before we start, a quick plea to Grant O’Brien: Please stop finding clues. I can only take notes so fast. You’re killing me Grant. Moving on...
We start off this episode with yet another flashback, this time to the final confrontation of Sly and his supposedly dead arch nemesis Fletcher Cottonbottom at Reichenbunny Falls (...Brennan please). Fletcher was using a local castle as a storage center for munitions but Sly tipped off the cops before they could be moved. They do some repartee back and forth before Fletcher, the madman, handcuffs them together and jumps off the edge. They hit the water but Sly is able to lockpick himself out and escape while Fletcher disappears beneath the waves. 
You know what I got from that story? No body.
Anyway, we jump back to the present where there *is* a body, Squire Badger’s specifically. Everyone in the room who isn’t a PC thinks that this must either be the work of ghosts or Mrs. M who was the only person in the room when it happened (allegedly). 
This is a crucial time for clue gathering and Brennan keeps everyone in initiative for investigative purposes. Now, *so much* stuff happens here that I’m not going to recap every single detail--just the major clues and the things that seem relevant. I’m serious, this is like the volume of info we usually get in the once per season later game lore dump ep but it’s episode THREE.
Daisy tries to find a secret door but critically fails. She clocks Gangie, a fellow criminal, and in the moment Rekha and Katie decide that they prob have worked together in the past even though they are very different kinds of criminals. 
Buck, who is outside listening to what’s going on in the room notices that his ankle knife is missing which is Concerning considering a man was just knifed to death. 
Sly has Lars guard the door (he opens it and Buck is discovered, whoops) and then rolls a NATURAL 20 plus NINE to investigate so Brennan just has to tell him literally everything. RIP to him and me. Anyway, here’s the rundown (along with some of the stuff other ppl got):
Mrs. M’s hands are covered in blood but she couldn’t have done it. Based on her personality for one and for other reasons we’ll get to.
The wound is much messier than it would be if a person stabbed themselves typically.
There is a note in Squire Badger’s handwriting that says “Sylvester Cross I am afraid” No indication of if that was the whole message or if he got interrupted (maybe Buck could figure it out with his handwriting checking skills). Daisy from across the room clocks that Sly’s name is written on the paper but can’t read the rest.
The knife is a hunting knife with a pronghorn handle--an animal not common in England but very common in Texas (and Buck is sweating obv).
There is a slight layer of charcoal type dust on everything on the big resolute desk in the room (which makes sense, ash from the fireplace) but there is parchment type dust on the bust of Barkus Aurelius (OK, that one’s good) on the table and that’s the only place that dust is. Ian later notices that the date on the bust is wrong. 
Speaking of, the desk (which we learn later was put in and taken out of storage once Loan Hall was modernized) is bolted to the ground and a lot of stuff has been thrown off it as if by a powerful force but Sly notices that it’s just the metal stuff like things made of silver or with screws. Stone things like the bust and other non-metal things have stayed put. Plus he smells ozone. This was the work of magnets, not ghosts, he concludes. And, for the record, Grant figured this out himself!
Mrs. M’s eyes are rapidly dilating. She is questioned about what happened and she says that she was told she was fired and would receive a small pension. 
(Not a part of Sly’s clue dump but Buck rolls a 24 with disadvantage to persuade everyone he didn’t do it but then 2 nat 1s in a row to see if Harding--who said he was standing outside the door--is suspect. Buck thinks he’s at most a stooge but he did roll a nat 1 so who knows?)
Anyway, back to Mrs. M. Gangie fully believes Mrs. M is innocent and scared. She doesn’t quite remember what happened for a couple of seconds in there and it’s clear this is not the first time she’s had missing time. Sly calls Longfoot (the bunny photographer) over to take a picture of Mrs. M which everyone is a little appalled at until they realize he’s making a point. When the flash goes off, she bugs out like she did in episode 1 and forgets that the picture was ever taken. Sly then has Dr. Magpie list the symptoms of epilepsy. It seems that Mrs. M had an episode triggered by the flash she mentioned seeing and then lost time. It’s possible that what she thought she saw after that she didn’t actually see.
[While Sly is monologuing this Rekha texts Brennan and gets a 17 to swipe the “I am afraid” note. Sly doesn’t notice.]
So if it wasn’t her, then who was it? There’s only one door into the study and anyone who walked in would have to have walked past Mr. Harding, Shellcrest, Calliope, and Tabitha (who is having a marvelous time being in the midst of so much drama). Ah, but who said there was only one door? Sly has Harding pull a sconce and a SECRET DOOR OPENS! Woo! Finally! It’s a classic bookshelf one that opens into the hallway and there is some extremely fine crushed glass under the door. Hmm.
Sly clocks that there is something under the desk but we don’t know what it is because Brennan texts it to him and it’s redacted. There are actually a couple of redacted texts that go around this ep so we are def missing information. 
OK, that’s more or less everything. 
Sly notices that the page is missing and Grant gasps while Rekha does an excellent job of pretending like she doesn’t even remember what paper is being talked about. Constance asks if it’s possible that Mrs. M totally made up the memory because of her epilepsy and between Dr. Magpie and Sly they determine that that’s uncommon but possible. Dr. Magpie says that everyone should leave so he and Sly can examine the body and Sly says that someone should watch Gangie at all times. 
At this point, Harding and Gilfoyle (the butler) say they should establish where everyone was at the time of the murder. A lot of the staff and guests have solid alibis cause they were in big groups/cleaning up together. But the PCs were off alone (or with each other) and had reasons to want to guy dead so they’re prime suspects. Sly even admits that he’s one too. Also everyone dogpiles Ian because Raph makes it so fun. 
Harding mentions the letter that was given to Buck (the one selling his shares in BB and giving voting writes to his rival Josiah) and asks him to read it. Buck reads it and gives a streamlined version of the truth, saying everything except for the part with the proxy vote. With a 26 he is able to allay everyone’s suspicions for now, but now he’s purposefully hidden the truth in a way that can be readily called out if anyone sees the letter or the contract which he resolves to find. 
Buster distracts the group so Daisy can “check the body for a pulse” aka: check the body for the contract. She doesn’t find a it but does find a key attached to a piece of red silk--something that would be weird for him to be carrying around instead of his valet. She figures this must open whatever locked drawer the contract is in and swipes it but Sly clocks her stealing it (his perception ties her sleathiness but an earlier Bless from Ian tips him over the edge--poetic).  
Calliope says that everyone is kinds suspect, including Sly, but *someone* has to solve this and Sly’s their best bet so everyone should just stay put and they can guard the exits. The butler says that, besides the front door, there are some towers that poke up above ground and a servant's exit/entrance by the elevator in the kitchen wing but they can lock down both and have someone guard the front doors. 
The butler is like, lmao yeah Sly I know you didn’t do it and I’m not gonna stand guard here but you know, everyone is keeping an eye on y’all. And then he leaves the PCs, Mrs. M, Constance, and Dr. Magpie in the room with the body. 
Lars is about to go watch the kitchen staff but, before he goes, Sly says to him that he saw Cottonbottom and is obviously quite scared. Gangie, who used to work for the guy, overhears and asks what’s going on. Sly assumes Gangie is playing coy but rolls high enough to know that he isn’t. He saw a starkly white Cottonbottom and one of his known conspirators doesn’t know he’s back? Perhaps it was a ghost after all. 
Case Notes
My 2 fave bits of this episode were “bad to bad bad bad” (and the further riffing) and Daisy throwing increasingly bigger books at Sly.
Even with a Nat 1, Sly gets a 16 on Investigation. Wild. 
I don’t think Rekha got enough props for her “Cross examination” line so I’m mentioning it here.
Brennan said the ozone question was still open--but I assumed it was like the electricity smell from an electromagnet. That would make sense, right? Maybe he meant they hadn’t found the source of it specifically yet?
Brennan says Buck’s knife is a pronghorn knife. I assume they’re made from the animal’s horns? Even if they’re the kind that fall off every season, is that weird? Or is it just like human hair wigs? Also, does this world have leather?
I love that the dice keep supporting the narrative that Daisy simply cannot get her shit together when she’s with Sly because he distracts her too much. Delicious. Their whole relationship is delicious. 
OK, I am a tiny bit suspicious of Calliope. It’s partially the way she took control of the situation near the end and partially the fact that she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would be involved in this which would make her heel turn delicious. No hard evidence and obv she couldn’t be the person who actually stabbed a guy but idk. Just spitballing. I’m very curious about whether we’ve met everyone we’re going to meet more or less or if there are still outside people/hidden inside people. Because, in real life, a murderer could be literally anyone but in a story, you can’t just introduce a new villain all of a sudden at the end. Bad storytelling. Weak payoff. We’ll see how things start to pan out. 
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
sorry for such a late review, but i figure no time like the present lol
here's my review of snc's third episode in their attachment series
aka "The Bellaire House: A Portal to Hell..."
the trailer alone had be excited for this week. i will be honest, they KNOW how to make a trailer for a video lol
so kristin... was an interesting person. for the longest time, i thought the necklace she had on was just a big ass mirror and i was like "okay... that's a choice". i can't tell if she really believes in all the stuff she is talking about or if she's really trying to upsell the house to make it seem scarier. probably a bit a both.
so quick question, how much money are you willing to bet that snc have never played the video game they got sponsored by sksksksks
the little disclaimer they put was nice. i personally always assume there is a ton of bias in how they research and explain what has "happened" in any location they go to. also, like i kinda mention in an ask prior to this, boys... let me do your research for you. just pay me and i'll do it. and then the history of the house... yeah, idk if i really buy any of it. something about it just seems kinda dumb, minus having an untrained psychic or medium coming in and opening a fuck ton of portals bc they don't know they're doing it. i can 1000% see that being real. the rest... sounds nice, if this was a horror movie.
can i just say, i LOVE when they tease each other like brothers? it's literally the cutest thing. like colby asking sam where does it say the bellaire house is the most haunted-iest house in america. as my mom would say, they're "busters" (aka they like to bust each other's balls haha)
this is a weird thought i just had. kristin made is seem like she doesn't live in the bellaire house anymore bc of all the crazy activity they get (plus renting it out to ppl to investigate in) so... why is the house still furnished? like, if ppl are only coming in to do investigations, maybe occassionally spend the night, why have furniture in a house you don't use? just a thought.
i think the editing in the beginning was really nice, them going back and forth between the history and the interviews. nice touch, boys.
if someone could explain to me why seth has 17 tattooed on his body, that would be great bc idk the significance of it and it just seems like such a random number to tattoo on your body. also kristin saying "there's no such thing as a coincidence".... okay lady lmao
can i just say i think it's the funniest thing that there is apparently a demon/daemon in that house that goes by emily davis sksksks that is such a weird name to go by. like, that sounds like someone i went to grade school with. she was probably also a demon tho lol
the idea that all of these portals are connected and that's how this sallie thing is follow snc........ look, imma be honest, i'm not well versed in portals and understanding how they work. but personally, just the way i think, i would be more likely to believe i have something connect to ME, rather than following ME, if that makes sense.
mike is also an interesting character that we meet in this video. i like them bringing in other ppl that have investigated the house before, or at least know the locations better than them. it was really brave of mike to come back and be in the house again if it really scarred him that much. and then him casually admitting that the spirit wanted him to deck colby was lowkey kinda hilarious to me.
and then colby saying "it's bc i have god on my side" was really sweet and wholesome.
so onto the investigation:
for there "equipment" that they brought... i understand that apparently the ghosts (or one in particular) likes light up things... but why did they harp on it for SO LONG?? like you bought a bunch of raver toys to a haunted house. how are they supposed to be trigger objects
also colby, the kid that did church choir and was forced to do plays as a kid, saying "yOu GuYs HaVe NeVeR hElD oNe Of ThOsE" about the tamborine was just *chef's kiss* to me sksksks
i love how any basement, no matter how finished it is, stil looks creepy. idk what it is about basements but they almost never not look creepy lol
also the color of the basement was really nice looking. a nice mint green if you will.
mike pointing out that the spirits are intimidated by colby... and him just saying "yeah i've been told that before".... IS FUCKING CRAZY TO ME. I NEED TO KNOW MORE. LIKE RN.
seth: colby's my protector 🥰
the basement - what a bust. that's fine tho. bc i think the rest of the video makes up for it.
okay so the PORTAL SEANCE... absolutely NO. that thing creeped me the fuck out. idk how i believe it, but it definitely unsettled me so much ngl. idk why every voice was coming in as a whisper. that was freaky too.
also the screams that sounded like they were saying "colby"... sounded like sam to me. just like, slightly higher pitch so do with that information as you will.
also also it's clear that whatever radio stations the portal device was cycling thru was like meditation stations, which i didn't think really existed. you can just tell by the verbiage that's used like "quietly in your head" "relaxation", shit like that
...who was that random guy that was there with them sksksksk ANYWAY
sam: three boys alone in a haunted house ready to get in the dark and do some ~spooky stuff~
seth: NAKED
okay so the boo-bear... idk about that thing. it's creepy for sure, but like... idk how much i believe it. any equipment outside of snc's i feel like is being rigged to say shit or go off.
i will say tho, the rempod going off bc of a temp change and then the bear saying "did it get warm in here" was... concerning lol
look at our boys listening to us with the second camera, it would have been good if it had a LIGHT on it, or was night vision, but we'll save the semantics for another day
idk why sam was so hell bent on trying to figure out if sallie or emily is who they were talking to. leave sallie for another video in an non-haunted house.
okay so they caught a lot of evidence in the second floor area. all of that was really interesting and you could tell they were talking to an intelligent spirit.
on god, i wish they would stop using the cat ball. like, i can't imagine them seriously saying into the camera "we caught some serious evidence. the cat ball went off!"
the flashlight falling was really only scary bc of how loud it was and how they reacted to it. but it is weird how it fell in the first place.
so the estes method: again, i always love when they do the estes method. i think it's some of their best evidence personally. granted i just wish they would calm down and stop trying to connect everything together as it's happening. like, let the words flow and then connect them all later, if that makes sense.
i think i just get annoyed by sam talking over everyone else while i'm still trying to process what was just said lol
so them coming to the "conclusion" (cause is anything really a conclusion with them sksk) is that the entity that might be attached might actually be from the conjuring and not sallie house.... i can believe it. again, like i've said in a bunch of different asks, they need to go to a professional that will help get rid of the spirit/entity, regardless of where it's from.
seeing colby do the estes method is always the worst idk why. i think it's bc he's too loud and he always looks like he's in physical pain.
them confirming that they're talking to sallie is so weird. idk why but talking to a spirit that's following you rather than the spirits that are already in the house is funny to me. like the other ghosts are just like "am i a joke to you?"
OVERALL: i would rate this video like a 4/5. i think snc with seth (along with josh and nate too) are like my favorite ppl they collab with. i think their energies just mesh well together. i think this video was very interesting. i'm curious how the rest of the season is gonna go, and what's gonna happen with the sallie ghost. hopefully they go to a professional, that for the love of god isn't amanda, and get the spirit removed or at least make sure it isn't bad if it's gonna stick around.
can't wait to see the penitentiary. hopefully it's a good one :)
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