#idk what to tag this but I love it 10/10
skeetskrrt · 1 month
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Why yes of course I have no idea how to post my art that isn’t digital how did you know
This was also me trying out muji pens for the first time and to say I’m in love is an understatement (this post was also because I haven’t posted in a while, something big is coming though so maybe idk, stay tuned for it later??… shrug emoji idk)
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aq2003 · 10 months
really love how throughout a lot of smith and jones martha is really skeptical and apprehensive towards ten (+ one of my favorite exchanges between them - "what, people call you 'the doctor'?" "yeah?" "well, i'm not. far as i'm concerned, you've got to earn that title."), not taking everything he says at face value, even doubting the fact he's an alien until over halfway through the episode.. And like. i really truly think the thing that wins her over isn't him kissing her or any of the other insane mixed messages he manages to send, it's this scene here, where he /earns that title/ in her eyes:
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(+ david's bit in the commentary, where he says: "[the doctor] has actually sacrificed himself, and - i would say, that that final act of selflessness is what finally, eventually, welds martha to him. [...] and she now returns it. she returns that act of selflessness.")
this is what their relationship is built on. it isn't about martha being the second-best replacement to rose or a rebound or whatever. bc it isn't really about rose. it's about doctor-in-training martha meeting someone (quite literally, "the doctor") whose ideals she aspires to, and doing her best to be the same person to him as he is to everyone else. it's about ten in return admiring her intelligence and inquisitiveness and how she cares for human life, recovering his compassion, letting himself lean on her for support - and then remembering at the most inopportune moments that he's supposed to not need anyone and be on his own forever. And around in their little nightmare loop they go where they save each other over and over until one of them breaks
i've seen ppl look at martha and go "why she does she admire/why is she so in love with ten if he acts like that to her?" or something along those lines and like. it's not just the fact she's in love with him (in fact i'd argue she actively tries to push it aside post-gridlock). it's the fact that she knows he's the kind of person to put everyone else's lives/well-being over his own. she trusts him to save her when she's in trouble even though it's been like two days at most that they've known one another bc she recognizes that same "deep all-encompassing drive to help others" in him. and she also recognizes, much much earlier than him, that he needs someone to save him, especially when he's unwilling to save himself. and yeah for a bit she thinks he returns her feelings and is just playing hard-to-get, but she realizes pretty early on that this probably isn't the case, and i think that realization fully solidifies here:
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(this is when she's listening to ten talk abt gallifrey). And idk it might just be me but i think this expression isn't just her empathizing with his loss. it's also guilt, for wanting something from him that he's clearly unable to give when he's wracked with so much grief. (and you see it in the next episode, where tallulah asks if they're together and martha says for certain that they're not, and that he doesn't know about her feelings for him. she keeps everything to herself bc she now knows that when he shut her flirting down at the end of 3x01 it was the genuine reaction of someone who a) isn't interested and b) is scared of getting close with someone else again)
freema described their dynamic as "she's keener than him" and i think about this all the time. martha doesn't really take what ten throws at her. what she does instead is constantly poke holes in his already-failing front of "i will show someone the wonders of the universe so i can ignore what is wrong with me". what she does is stand up and fight him when he tries to go off on his own. what she does is put aside her well-being in favor of helping someone - just like what she saw him do for the people in the hospital when they first met. tldr, that's the doctor and his doctor and rip martha you would've loved who's gonna save u now by rina sawayama
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juvian · 3 months
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Contestshipping (DrewXMay) - in Who, what, when, where, wynaut! (AG113)
Do not repost!
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namocchi · 1 year
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a little bear chillin in some cheesecakes
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zackstriker · 24 days
shipping is not cringe!!! there’s something so human and beautiful about looking for and seeing love in everything !!!
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,054
Tw: blood, trauma to reader (slayed), Leon being the bad ass agent as he is.
Summary: You found him, he found you.
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You can’t believe it.
You just shot someone, someone’s son or husband.
Panic sets in when you heard footsteps approaching, you want to ask for help but they start to act aggressive and howls like a god damn wolf, started twitching and shaking uncontrollably as the person act aggressively and you shot him right between his brows.
He perfectly got down and died on the floor and right between your legs. Tears escapes from your eyes, you starts to hyperventilating again as you take a couple of deep breaths before standing up with wobbly legs. Taking the bag with you and the gun that happens to be under the bed, it’s in a box so you took it and claim it yours.
Finders keepers, right?
Outside was ruin, forest haunting and creepy.
You couldn’t believe that someone took you away from your home, you comfort and done unspeakable things to your body. You are ruined.
Fighting the tears that blurred your vision, you reload your gun. Leon’s taught you how to handle a gun and loading and unloading it became handy. You steady your focus and analyze your surroundings, good thing your purse is still with you and your smartwatch.
Time check: 5:05 PM
Almost dark, you need to find somewhere safe and if Leon is here, may you pray that he finds you nor you find him.
You’d cry in his arms and sniffle a disgusting snot from your nostrils. How you just crave Korean foods and it results you getting kidnapped. You want to feel his touch, his lips kissing the crown of your head, his fingers caressing your hair and back as he rocks you like a baby you are.
He would sing assurance to your ear, mumbling that it’s not your fault and that you’re brave for making it this far to finding him rather than staying in the cottage that you were held experimented on.
You wanted to cry at that thought, but held back those tears. If Leon was here, he would tell you to fight and take what felt like you have lost.
You were taken away from your home. Your butler must be worried, your best friend crying and your parents constant worry and reporting to every possible authorities.
You need to fight for them and stay alive, you still have a future to fulfill. Do it for them, for yourself and Leon’s.
You held your power-bank light in your free hand, careful not to step to any branches that could potentially make a sound and alert more things than it should be. (Funny that you have your power-bank with you but not your phone, must it be for your smart watch?)
Steps were slow and steady, flashing your light to every corner of your surroundings, which is filled with more god damn trees. The hair from your neck stood up as you snap your head back.
There, stood a human figure, you squint your eyes to get a better look at their face.
“what the fuck..?” you mutter, your eyes widen as you made sure, “that’s not human…” you added, stepping back as you step on a branch. The figure that stood before you in the distance has a menacing smile, bloodshot eyes and tears were black as the void.
Your body was frozen, your breathing became heavy again—your head dizzy and your palm sweating from holding the light and gun too tight.
The figure tilts its head until it rotated to 360° which is humanly impossible for a normal person, it let out a quiet screech. Got down to the ground, and starts chasing after you in speed.
As if in instinct, you ran. You ran away with much speed as possible, it’s laugh were scary and it’ll give you nightmares when you sleep. It’d haunt your dreams and kill you while you sleep.
Tears accidentally slipped down as you mindlessly ran away, not knowing which directions you’d go.
“Help!” you screamed from the top of your lungs as you sniffle, a laugh broke out from the entity that’s still chasing you. It called your name but you didn’t respond. What you needed right now is to find someone to help you.
You don’t have much choice… for now.
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Leon was out of the mansion, the sun is setting. His objective for now is to find you as soon as possible—a voice broke out to his earpiece, “Hunnigan,” Leon spoke, “find anything?” he asked.
“I did, but it seems like she’s not in the cottage anymore.” A disappointed sigh was heard from Hunnigan from the other side of Leon’s earpiece, he frowns and take a deep sigh, “all right, thank y—”
Leon’s attention was snatched away, he snap his head to his left. Focusing his hearing to his surroundings, “Leon? Hello, are you still there?” Hunnigan asked.
“I found something, thank you.” Leon whispered and slowly walked towards the trees and move his head to the side. He could hear branches snapping and a cry for help and an inhumane screams and screeching that would make his ear bleed.
He took his gun, pointed between the two trees and waited for someone or something to come out.
“Don’t shoot!” a familiar voice yelled, it was yours but his attention was at something that was following you, you quickly threw yourself at Leon with your aching and bleeding leg. As the entity emerges from the forest and started crawling faster than he could imagine.
He held you in his arm, while he shoots at the monster a couple of times until it was shrieking from each bullets and its pace was slowed down. It lie dead on the ground, twitching and black blood spilling.
Leon turned his attention to you, “princess?” he mutters, you nodded and sniffle at his arm. “It’s okay, I’m here…” he mumbles and pulled you into a tight hug, “I’ll get us out of here, yeah?” he kissed your forehead, his palm cupping your cheeks as he brush those tears away from your eye.
“I’m here, I’m here and you’re safe.” He continuously assured, craving it at the back of your mind that you are safe, he’s with you and he’s not going to let anyone or anything hurt you.
“It’s getting dark, I’m sure you need some energy and sleep.” Leon mutters as you nodded, “you’re bleeding…” Leon frown at the sight of your leg bleeding, he also noticed that you have a bag pack with you.
“Let’s get you ins—” what Leon hates most that he gets cut off every time he fucking talks, “shit!” he curses and turns around to see the entity he couldn’t kill, its body was distorted as its face and laugh. You whine at the sight, he uses his body to shield you from the entity that he failed to kill.
“God fucking damn it,” he carried you bridal style as he knew that you’re too injured to even run. It chases the two of you, you could only close your eyes and muffle your cries and cling closely to Leon.
Leon found the basement was open and made the creature away as far away from that safe zone, he’d shoot any enemies if there are any inside.
“Hold on tight, princess.” Leon mutters right to your ear, his lips brushing against your skin as he made a run for it. You clung to him like a koala, his two hands finally set free as you made sure to hug as tight as you can.
He ran, with you clinging to him. He almost missed to grab the two handles and shut the door of the basement. It was dark, and it reeks of rotten fish. “You can let go now, you’re safe.” Leon mutters and gave your neck a kiss to calm you down.
You slowly let down your feet as it finds the ground and you let down the other. Leon find the light switch and turned it one, there was a few zombies inside and he quickly got them removed from the frame.
“Stay here.” You nod and decides to listen for now. You watch Leon swiftly move one bodies to another and stack them up right in the corner. He found a clean mop and two buckets of clean water, one with powered soap and one clear water.
You watch him clean the floor for you, to get rid of the rotten smell. You smiled at him, lifting the muscle from your face was kind of hard since your tears were practically dried and hard on your face.
“what’s so funny, princess?” Leon asked as he wipe his sweat with his wrist. His attention was now in his earpiece, “have you found her, Leon?”
“Yeah, she’s safe. She’s bleeding though.” Leon turn his head and his eyes scans your injured leg, you were standing idly and tilt your head to Leon.
“Good, after retrieving the item. Make sure to get her home safely.” Leon nodded at Hunnigans words, “you can count on me.” Before the call gets disconnected.
Leon finishes mopping the floor wet and got some clean dry mop again to dry the floor.
He also found a sleeping bag and other useful things inside this basement, he thought to himself that they used this as a storage room.
“Come here, princess.” Leon gestures as he sat down on the sleeping bag, the softness of it makes him relax. You made your way to him, legs still wobbly as you sat down with him. He turn to you and caress your bleeding leg, “may I?”
You nodded and lift your leg to him, you hiss at the pain and choke a sob. “I got some aid kit…” your voice dry and hoarse, he nodded and gestures for you to give him the bag. He takes the aid kit out and began to change your bandage.
“I’m sorry…” an apology got out from your lips, Leon turns his head and cock an eyebrow, “sorry for what, princess?” his voice low and his tone calm, “that I added another burden to your shoulder.” You sniffle and began to have a breakdown.
“Hey, hey…” Leon coos, finishing wrapping another bandage roll when he cleaned your wound. He pulls you into his strong arms as the cologne you’d grew to love hits your nostrils, “It’s not your fault, and you are not a burden.”
“No one wants to be in a situation like this, sweetheart.” His hand caress the back of your hair. “But, you were one brave woman.” He praises, lift your chin with his finger to have your eyes look at his cold yet loving gaze.
“I am here whenever you need me, I’m still on duty as your bodyguard. Am I right?” he chuckles and gently pushed you away to get another sleeping bag, you whined and held his hand, you don’t want him to be away from you more than one second.
He look down at your vulnerable form, you were cute—Leon thought to his mind, he would be damned if he got hard to situations like this.
“I’m just gonna get another sleeping bag.” You shake your head to his words, a voice barely going out to your lips but he manage to catch it, “sleep with me.”
He sigh and nodded, “all right,” he tuck you and himself in and pulled you to cuddle. You clung and acted the little spoon, his hand to the curve of your waist as he sprayed kisses to your forehead and cheeks. You smiled and felt relax to the sensation and scoot yourself closer to him.
“You need some rest, sweetheart.” You nod to his words, sleep finally hitting you when your mind and body felt assured that Leon is here to protect you and that he’ll get the two of you safe.
You were sound asleep, so adorable and little before him. Leon’s mind wonders how he could get the few pieces of the relic he needed to retrieve when it’s inside you. There might be a lab somewhere in this mansion that he could bring you.
But for now, he should get some sleep with you.
A smile forms on his lips, “sleep tight, baby.”
He mutter in a loving tone before getting an eye shut.
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Next Chapter>>>
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
thank you for the tag, @sasheneskywalker!!!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: it changes regularly, but currently, a dusty/greyish purple
last song: Maps by The Front Bottoms
currently reading:
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver is my current fiction read and i *hate* it with my entire being. don't read it.
Postcolonial Astrology: Reading the Planets through Capital, Labor, & Power by Alice Sparkly Kat is my current non-fiction read and so far, it's very good
i'm reading a lot of comics at the moment, but my main read is Manhunter (2004) which so far, is very good, i highly recommend. i'm also planning to read Midnighter (2007) and Black Widow (2014).
currently watching:
The Acolyte has been my most recent fixation so that's just on loop rewatching over and over in the background. a lot
i've been watching Pennyworth which is far better than i expected it to be, i'm really enjoying it
i also started Invincible, which i've been enjoying
idk if it counts but i've rewatched Madame Web a concerning number of times in the past few days.
currently craving: i'd kill for an Italian Cream Soda from tea2go rn
coffee or tea: tea. i used to be a big coffee person in my teens but my chronic illness doesn't like caffeine and it *really* doesn't like coffee so i just drink tea now, but i do love tea
hobby to try: the unrealistic hobby i'd like to get into a fanfiction binding, but that takes materials and resources i do *not* currently have. i think a more realistic answer is i've been meaning to get into marvel comics more.
current au: tbh the main AU i'm working on is a Lance Brunner-centric Post-Crisis fic where i'm completely rewriting his origins to make his death as Robin more significant but still something no one talks about, leading to the ressurection of Jason also reviving Lance and Jason going on his little spree, having no idea he's not the only dead Robin. i've figured out all of the backstory and how i want to characterize Lance, but the actual plot of the fic i'm still working out. i'm leaning toward Lance/Dick as a ship, but i haven't decided. i have so many notes and ideas though and i think it's funny to take a random one-off character from a random 60s comic and actually turn him into something substantial and how he'd shape the Batfamily. trust me i'm so close to infodumping about it here everyday.
i'm also working on a *really* messed up unhealthy Damian/Tim fic, where Damian purposefully breaks the timeline so Tim was never Robin and Damian was the third Robin instead. but when Bruce "dies" Damian realizes he has no idea where to start with finding Bruce so he has to go to a civilian!Tim for help, who has no idea the timeline was changed or that he was ever Robin in a different world. it's gonna be fun and fucked up and full of Damian's jealousy complex over Tim.
i don't know if i can come up with nine whole people to tag for this since i'm still new here but i can try: @searchforahero @divine-dominion @kevin-day-is-bi @kerakeriza @deepwithintheabyss
@maryshellyswife @alicemaem @justmyshittyspace @sandmanwhore and yeah that's all i got.just tagging some mutuals/ppl i see on my posts a lot!!!
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allpromarlo · 1 year
they did not have to give miguel o'hara them crisp ass booty cheeks bro
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rustyscootersss · 3 months
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To tired to draw today so I made this
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oddsel · 11 months
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𝄞. gold-bordered feedback layouts ! like if using ♡
( requested by ;; anonymous )
\\ i wasn't sure if you wanted tumblr layouts or discord ones so i made headers for both :]
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batsplat · 3 months
from the stuff i’ve heard marc’s former honda teammates (dani jorge and pol in their media careers but joan also i guess) say about him now that they’re racing is generally quite positive, both on a professional/riding level but also seemingly on a personal level? i’m wondering what you make of that given that, yeah, marc doesn’t seem like a very good teammate (unless you’re alex who i’ve left off this list). like MARC wants to separate on and off track stuff and it seems like all of these guys are willing too at least in retrospect, so he can’t have truly burned bridges with them. do you have any thoughts on that
(x, x) most riders are quite good at not burning bridges with each other! it's not like marc's competitors don't know that this stuff is kinda part of the game. I mean, all of marc's past teammates were also trying to assert themselves within the internal hierarchy... you can say that certain teammates engage in 'worse' behaviour than others, but, like, these people do understand they're supposed to be fighting each other! a baseline degree of nastiness is factored in and will be accepted to a greater or lesser extent by your rivals - especially when it comes to asserting yourself in intra-team power struggles. you might hate the other guy in the moment, but generally speaking once the active part of the rivalry is done with... you will probably get over it. marc's fellow riders are aware of how ultra-competitive marc is - and to a certain point they do respect it, not least because they're aware that this is part of the reason why marc has ended up with all those titles. it's like dani said, right, it's marc's strong suit. and in general, you do have to say that there's relatively few teammate pairings that devolve to the level of toxicity that it completely destroys the interpersonal relationship. you might need some level of preexisting animosity... most of the purely competitive sins can be healed with a little time
on the 'separating on-track and off-track' thing... well. this is kind of a question of how you define these things, you can say that marc generally speaking isn't going to massively hold grudges over isolated on-track incidents or whatever... but he doesn't just leave his fighting to the track, and personally I've also never felt he can entirely separate these things out in his mind. can you really say his professional and private relationships with other riders are completely detached from one another? mostly, he's opted to be pretty disengaged from his fellow riders as a collective, and obviously that's a good way to not take things too personally... it's all part of the game, isn't it? sometimes it's good to go with the straightforward approach: marc tells you he will make your life hell, he does indeed make your life hell, and then you both move on with your lives and can maybe actually have a pretty amiable relationship with him in years to come. he's not really defying your expectations at any point here, is he now? it's still a question for each of them as individuals as to whether they think that kind of behaviour is above board and acceptable or not... but everyone by now knows that marc plays these games, so it's not like they're going in blind
and it's not like other former teammates are constantly badmouthing each other. I mean... look, let's just cut to the chase here and bring in valentino as our reference point (as he is for the sport as a whole, which by the way does also help create a certain baseline of acceptability for marc's antics - maybe goated riders are just supposed to be dicks who knows). vale's premier class teammates were 1) nobody (2000-01), 2) tohru ukawa (2002), 3) nicky hayden (2003; 2011-12), 4) carlos checa (2004), 5) colin edwards (2005-2007), 6) jorge lorenzo (2008-10; 2013-16), 7) maverick vinales (2017-20), 8) franco morbidelli (2021), and 9) andrea dovizioso (2021). of these eight men (let's just exclude 'nobody' for now), do you know how many had serious complaints at any point about valentino as a teammate? that's right, it's one guy. one. some of valentino's other teammates, like hayden, checa and edwards, were even quite actively positive about their whole experience. this is the thing - you do need some specific circumstances for teammate rivalries to escalate from 'being kinda bitchy every other month' to 'actively fantasising about stabbing each other'. not accounting for natural interpersonal animosity, let's list some circumstantial factors that you need to get a bridge-burning-worthy level of feud:
you need a competitive bike. it is possible to beef about development direction when you're in the trenches (cf late 2010's yamaha, 2020's honda)... but generally speaking this is going to be quite low-level petty stuff, not actual war
you also need something that approaches competitiveness between teammates. if one teammate is unquestionably stronger than the other one, then it is very unlikely that you are going to get any open hostilities. the tension comes when the two sides are close enough to each other for the internal hierarchy to actually be a contentious issue (this is also basic self preservation... if you're the far weaker teammate then you do not want to make the situation troublesome, because then you will be the one to be fired)
following on from those first two things... well, it doesn't hurt to have a title fight in the mix. there are also other ways you can generate competitive stakes, like, for instance, if you and your teammate know that one of you will be out of a job soon. basically, it helps to have something to squabble over
it is maybe easy to forget how rare it is this century for teammates to be fighting directly for a title, let alone over the course of multiple seasons. only two 1-2's since the year 2000 and they're both for the factory yamaha's (though 2006, 2011-13 and 2017 did all prominently feature two factory hondas). which means that for valentino, the prerequisites were met just the once in his premier class career... and yes, the results were pretty memorable, but (topic! for! another! post!) it's worth pointing out that even that relationship was pretty much 'fine' whenever there was a sizeable disparity between the two of them performance-wise (2008 and 2013 are the most clear cut examples). I think the way I'd frame it with marc is that he has a bunch of mildly dubious strategies up his sleeve to assert himself within the team, which don't really deviate that far from what you'd expect from a rider of marc's calibre and only need to be escalated under specific circumstances. that doesn't mean he doesn't have the potential to be ruthless, but up until now it's mostly been a fairly 'acceptable' level of ruthlessness on the intra-team level... and not something that is likely to make other riders actually hate him
taking marc's teammates one by one... dani was the closest to meeting the bridge-burning prerequisites, though he was only a title rival in marc's rookie season. and marc did go further with him than he did with anyone else, and dani has made some pointed comments about marc's style as a teammate... but yes, he is fonder of marc these days. partly I'd just emphasise again that this is a fairly natural progression when you've stopped directly competing for long enough, and partly it's also just a question of individual personality - dani's not massively into holding grudges. then there's jorge, who... I mean, they might as well not have been teammates, given that jorge was either too slow or too injured to even be sharing any track space with marc. you have to put that one down primarily to circumstance, seeing as jorge's own track record on the teammate front isn't exactly spotless. marc and jorge beefing in 2019 would have been pretty dumb and also a massive waste of everyone's time in a year in which marc singlehandedly won the team's championship. even those two needed more to get things going
moving on to the dark years, pol and marc had an extremely stop-and-start partnership on a honda that was generally pretty uncompetitive... so the only stuff they could get ever so mildly irritable about were riveting incidents like 'marc saying pol wasn't the biggest championship threat' (neither of them were) or 'pol saying he'd copy marc's set up' (which proved entirely useless). not exactly title decider territory, is it now, and marc very much had pol covered as a challenger throughout their partnership. also, those two do have a longer history! they've known each other since they were kids and hold a pretty significant place in each other's careers. now that pol's more or less retired, it's natural there'll be quite a lot of sentimentality there - which will paper over any small cracks that appeared during those two years. and joan was a one year teammate at a time in which the bike was consistently close to offing them both. they only managed to start a sunday race together as teammates on thirteen occasions. it would take some serious effort to engineer a feud with that little opportunity, and, really, why on earth would you bother. maybe if honda had gone for rinsy rather than joan for the factory seat, it could've been a bit more prickly, but it's unlikely that it would have escalated beyond that
this is the thing, right, the only one of these partnerships that would have been worth burning bridges over was dani, and even there marc pretty much had him handled after the first season. in general, marc has been pretty clear on how he's not interested in making friends with the other side of the garage while the teammate relationship is ongoing... which is fine! there's some prominent-ish teammate pairings that are actually good friends, some teammate pairings where one of them is actively helping out and advising the other one, but some riders prefer to just keep their distance. it would have been a little silly of marc to start a feud with a teammate who is galaxies away from being a competitive threat, let alone a title rival, but generally it is possible to toe the line between 'attempting to suppress your internal rivals enough to stop them from becoming a problem for you' and 'taking radical enough action to make your internal rivals despise you'
especially in the post-dani era, marc never really had any need to push things too far... and, let's face it, how many of your teammate relationships end up with burnt bridges is also quite frankly a question of luck and circumstance. do you want to guess which top rider on paper has the worst track record this century with premier class teammate feuds, in terms of a) how many they've had, and b) how little public reconciliation there has been since the end of the rivalry?
yes, that's right, it's the first name that comes to mind when you're thinking of toxic and conflict-prone riders: andrea dovizioso. that old devil, constantly causing trouble. just couldn't stop undermining his poor, innocent teammates. can somebody please stop this ruthless bully before it's too late
I think you get the point. I would personally suggest that dovi is not in fact the worst teammate it is possible to have in a motogp top team. he just happened to find himself in a situation where he was teammates with two separate guys he did not click with at all, in situations that involved a pairing of riders who were (or had the potential to be) competitive with each other, as well as some proper stakes attached to the rivalry. in general, situational factors are going to determine this stuff more than anything else... and marc more often than not does have a reasonably good feel for picking his battles. he's flirted with the line, but he's mostly avoided crossing it. he hasn't had to
#'joan also i guess' hold on now anon that's his former teammate relationship that's most important to ME i love them...#elephant in the room is 'let's revisit this in 1.5 years time'. ik people will try to make that just about the vr46 factor but *shrug*#i kinda feel like maybe i should have mentioned in the casey/marc post that casey is arguably more of an outlier than marc is#like his alienation with the sport ran deep which is how you get him engaging in melandri slander who was pee one million in 2008#y'know casey/jorge ducati was a real possibility for a hot second and my take on that would ALSO be 'hm yeah maybe not <3'#ESPECIALLY given that it's quite likely the incoming jorge would've been paid way way more than casey was ('09 ducati... let's not even)#AND given how yamaha had repeatedly burnt casey and then handed jorge the seat on a silver platter... like idk man!!#genuinely fascinating '10 counterfactual... i do like casey/marc but i've also game planned casey/vale and casey/jorge i'm a completionist#(either dani or vale would've likely won the title in that timeline. but crucially casey/jorge interpersonally would've been. well)#//#brr brr#alien tag#batsplat responds#i need an ask tag so badly but i can't be bothered to back tag... i'll do it at some point#in my notes i did once actually rank the aliens by how much they'd suck as teammates but the order might be a wee bit controversial#i'm sorry to the guy i ranked number one but he did objectively have the worst track record like... it has to be said#i think u have like. different modes right. where how bad u are as a teammate is scaled to how big the threat ur facing is#now EYE actually think marc's not got a particularly *great* neutral mode either but it's not bridge-burning mode#also what even is a burnt bridge... i mean god knows even valentino and jorge are taking photos together these days...#jorge's still conducting autopsies of old beef every fortnight but otoh he's joking about motegi on instagram which is crazyyyyyy#you genuinely cannot. CANNOT convince me that if marc/jorge had had a title fight as teammates it wouldn't have been a MESS#there is literally no way. none whatsoever#and if i said dani had a higher number of strained premier class teammate relationships than valentino did... what then...
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peppermintpegis · 10 months
netflix one piece live action feels a little like fanfic in that it makes sure it hits all the important notes but doesnt do all the work to make them hit which works in fic where the reader is supposed to bring all the emotional story investment from the original but doesnt work in a multi million adaptation that is supposed to be able to stand on its own or even serve as an intro to the series. it even does this in service to have more koby and helmeppo gay moments in this essay i w
#one piece#opla#the fleshing out of koby and helmeppo is like honestly good its a beacon of light its truly really fun#and all the actors are great it is just what they are given .#they didnt let nami do any real betraying. they didnt even have her steal the merry!! she just stole the map that they added in!!!!#ddont get me started on the gutting of sanjis intro. i dont give a shit about if don krieg appears or not i need to see this guy fuckin#feed the hand thats about to kill him im going to start shaking like a dog.#im almost madder krieg appeared for just a little id rather have that time be used for. anything else really.#like have one of arlongs guys starved half to death when they get to arlong park!or idk anything! no gin appears look its gin! you know him#sanji doesnt even get to beat the shit out of a shitty guest. like i guess he does a little but it feels so blink and you miss it#+the first like two eps were good!! buggys great hes scary and weird and fun. i dont mind that he sticks around longer in theory#but the way he is comedic relief instead of basically every character having funny bits is like. ahghhhgggg. its a symptom of this really#mean and edgy feeling the whole thing has. like the removal of people missing usopps pirate calling :( and how cocoyashi didnt know#nami was working to help them. like p. please. can we have caring and bonds in this world?? trust and love???#anyway. sorry for having expectations of a netflix show im so close to putting this into a more proper form rather than tags. just to get i#all out of my system cause fuck man.#anyway solid 7/10 not as bad as it couldve been
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jester-pip · 4 months
wdym.. I totally didn’t give in to the urge to draw humans again…
okay listen it’s because I saw an art style that I liked :P
(I kinda don’t like some of these drawings but 👍)
This might not last long, but I’m not making any promises.
[small edit: I suck at drawing lighters, and I know that :D]
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sovonight · 4 months
#xadri au where they never met during the timeline of the games#and radri had chosen to ascend in a mixture of guilt/loneliness/'i'm no good as i am i might as well go'#but like 10-20 years later radri hasnt focused on worshippers or anything at all and is coasting on whoever still worships her just from#what she did during the games timeline (helping people; killing people; others see what they want to see from her history)#and radri's started spending more time in avatar form just like. tagging along in her old companions lives--mainly jaheira and imoen#and she's clearly so lost and so sad and meanwhile jaheira and imoen have like processed what happened and moved on#and whats unspoken is that radri really really should not have chosen godhood over staying mortal#anyway in this process of tagging along/playing mortal she somehow meets xan and xan soon unknowingly has a goddess courting* him#(* radri will not admit or examine what she feels for him but to anyone else her feelings are pretty obvious)#(* xan doesn't have the space to take her attention seriously when he's more concerned with her near absent sense of self preservation)#maybe its a greycloak harper collab where jaheiras brought radri in as extra support idk#anyway all this just for radri to finally go 'i love you' and xan to go 'no i dont want to love you and have to lose you'#and for her to go 'oh if thats the only hangup this is probably a good time to segue into the other confession i have for you--'#xan x radri
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legendarceus · 6 months
pinned post / introductory?? post since yeah that might be important
hi! my name is ally, but i also go by neptune / nept :)
i go by they/she/he pronouns with a VERY STRONG PREFERENCE for they/them !
the classic basic dni criteria applies here!! also no nsfw blogs following me as well thanks :)
my interests tend to rotate around sometimes but i usually try and keep this blog mainly pokemon (and just. personal. lmao), but i'll also post about other stuff too, usually whatever i like at the moment. but i also have other blogs for that stuff even if not the most organized :D
@ftlolbit - my fnaf blog
@antaresww - my marching/concert band blog (note: not very much in use yet LOL)
@sixoclockuty - my undertale (yellow) blog
ty for reading this :D
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her-canine-teeth · 6 months
bad astrology by flower face
#yellowjackets#jackieshauna#ITS DONE OMG ITS FINISHED#what do I do now. with my life (ranking)#also ive decided i am gonna do literary analysis. on all of em#literally i have NO idea if anyone cares. well. i do bc I care and tbh that's enough to me#<- guys look im living so healthy#anyways this was a blast#hope somebody has at least discovered flower face trhu me bc its one of my fav artists#mitos incredible life#mine art tag#also im sorry the like long scenes 3 and 4 arent on beat :/ i love that song but it has so long instrumental stuff and idk what to do there#ALSO!! i had it all planned out like at least half in my docs (like always)#and then in the middle i was like 'omg what if I only show jackie-after-the-argument and shauna-after-jackies-dead'#(excluding the argument and the flashbacks (they used to hear us thru the floor))#which was. restricting. very much#also meaning was changed (originally wanted jackie to have the line 'idc if ure not made for me' but the only scene i could think of was th#ure hungry for and that was the next scene already so.)#anyways this was originally gonna be lottienat before i started with The Shark In Your Water#bc I thiught it fit them SO well. (still do) but now I like have to get away from the jackieshauna thought and then ill do the lottienat#probably#omg also I want everyone (who has read this far. whoever would do that) to know i was running on like 25 screen#recordings and 3 jackieshauna scene packs form yt#that's why. I dknt have that many clips alright im not using like 10 scenes over n over on purpose#gotta go but im gonna make a wrap post thingy once im back slay#no actually I get like average 7 notes (<- that's a lie Idk bc I didnt count) but im proud of myself this is amazing#ive wanted to do smth similiar alr#but it was some album by alec benjamin and a different thing for every song (like a poem‚ a painting or a play)#but I lost motivation this is the first thing that i actually pulled though all the way I think#jackieshauna: The Shark In Your Water
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