#idk. im spitballing here
brothfan1997 · 1 month
ok here's how i feel about dungeon meshi yaoi. i think labru would work in the short term (kabru is obsessed with studying the inner workings of laius' brain and also thighs and laius thinks he's a nice smart boy who listens) but would inevitably drive kabru insane like. he's gonna get tired of watching antscanada videos eventually and break up with him and date some like evil fantasy wall street twink who he thinks he can fix bc like... there's no fixing laius he's already perfect
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artific3r · 2 months
so you know the shell shocked ship, miles morales x mikey hamato in those spiderverse x rottmnt aus?
okay now imagine mikey bringing miles to meet draxum like "hey dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend- who's that" and it's miguel o'hara sitting in draxum's lap, both day drinking, and it CLEAR that they're in some kind of relationship. Draxum just responds "he's a friend" and miles follows up with "THAT GUY TRIED TO KILL ME-"
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u3pxx · 1 year
had the stray urge to design the gavin parents. what if kristoph was their favorite what then ...
cw: car crash mention below
thinking abt the "all gavins are terribly nearsighted" headcanon of mine. in my mind, the gavins have no concrete backstory bc i ain't got brain space for that pftt
but. i think they're similar to the skyes in which they lost their parents when they were still young. in a car accident where kristoph and klavier were the only ones who survived.
with klavier fast asleep.
kristoph was 17 and klavier was 9.
i am a "kristoph raised klavier by himself" truther bc of the [waves hands] implications of all that like wow!
(having to become a parent for your little brother the growing resentment of having to be the parent of your little brother but he's your little brother. you must remember that he's your little br
ANYWAYS , what if kristoph was their parent's favorite. like klavier was the happy precocious kid during family reunions yes, but what if bright, brilliant, and promising kristoph was their favorite. have you ever thought about th
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sentientsky · 5 months
i know this has been discussed ad nauseam, but i'm doing research for a meta, and i'm slowly realizing that i will never ever be over the Good Omens Lockdown dialogue. especially that line towards the end (begins at the 02:50 minute mark):
Crowley: [...] You know, I could hunker down at your place; slither over and watch you eat cake. I could bring a bottle—a case—of something...drinkable?
first, the unabashed expression of a desire to be near Aziraphale is so rarely evident (i mean, we have 1967 and other instances, but in the case of '67, an outsider could more easily—i guess??—interpret offering him a lift home as an expression of gratitude for the holy water). so, to witness his clear, unveiled desire for comfort and closeness (and to literally just watch Aziraphale eat cake) demonstrates the interpersonal progress made in the time after Armageddon't; he's not concealing the offer behind some flimsily-constructed reason (e.g., "I just didn't want to see you embarrass yourself"). in fact, he's implying that they'd be spending long lengths of time together ("hunker down", "a case of something drinkable"). and then Aziraphale's response is also really interesting, and kind of exists as a microcosm of their whole push-and-pull dynamic that has existed for literally thousands of years (begins at the 02:59 minute mark):
Aziraphale: No, I—I—I—I’m afraid that would be breaking all the rules! Out of the question! I’ll see you… when… this is over?
i'm sorry, but the sheer nervousness???? the grasping for excuses??? they're gay disasters, ur honour. breaks my fucking heart </3 i love them both, but also OUGH. azi, why?!?
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leolingo · 11 months
i do think its a bit of a pity that the english speaking players get praised for their eloquence and a lot of people’s reasoning for voting right now comes down to wording and semantics during the debates when the players who don’t have english as a first language don’t get that kind of grace yk ? its not like they aren’t trying just as hard to get a point across, but fluency DOES get in the way even though they’re all pretty good speakers
maybe a countermeasure here would be allowing the non-english speakers time to write down their answers and think them through? maybe an extra minute or two where they get access to the questions before the other candidates and have the opportunity to organize their thoughts
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nebularious · 2 days
Here's something I noticed:
Psyche, Goddess of the soul, Tried to kill herself several times during Aphrodite's trials, was royalty, you know who else fits that description?
Eros, god of love, was winged, had a shooting weapon, and was part of a group called the Erotes, a group of gods who are associated with same sex desire
You know what aspect is commonly associated with wings and desire? HOPE.
I am reaching so hard
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the fact there isn't more scott/kim/ramona out in the world..... tragic. where are the fanfics about my favorite power-failthrouple
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mercutiotakethewheel · 9 months
rereading fablehaven is actually so sad rn bc like fuck im not eleven anymore wtf? i keep reading expecting to relate to kendra and seth like i used to but i just dont? like i can still feel the beating heart of love i have for this story underneath but its like different now. like this fun story is deeply sad to me now like what???
these kids joined the magical world and in doing so had to sever every connection they have to the outside world from before. they only have friends their age for like a ch of book 2, and after that they basically have no peer group. how awful is that for a couple of kids?
and they dont get to be kids anymore. seth’s mischief gathers consequences until he seems to lose it in the latter half of dragonwatch. kendra gains self confidence in some ways but then also becomes more and more burdened with responsibilities she didnt ask for and shouldnt have at the ripe age of 13-16.
like i dont even know
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i might be projecting here and its def not this deep but i desperately need these bitches to re-enter the public school system and make some fucking friends their own age. please. magical or non-magical.
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 4 months
what if i wrote a fluffy fic
would you guys like it
I don't write much, so it may be bad
If you have any requests the ask box is always open!!!!!!!!
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(btw I am now taking requests for agent elvis x reader... if that counts as a different elvis? im not sure... still gonna write him though teehee)
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extra austin!elvis just because <3
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kurtzhot · 11 months
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(my rotting corpse abruptly sits up breaking through the casket* we're so back
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mellohirust · 5 months
i havent been sappy on main yet even tho it's been new years for a bit here um it's been a really really rough year for me for a ton of reasons but there are so many wonderful people on here who share their writings and artwork and their stories and make each other laugh and it's just very nice to think about. we are all here!!! together!!! we are not alone and there is always light in some corner of the world and there are so many places one can belong and there is so much good one can do. isn't that worth everything in the end. i love you guys <3
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orcelito · 1 year
a note for people who may not have noticed this:
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at the start of chapter one, we get this view of Vash's wanted poster. notice that bit there about the murder of "Count Revenant Vasquez"
and then in trimax chapter 37, we see here:
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Count Revenant Vasquez.
That's Conrad.
now the interesting bit is that Conrad hasn't died by the time we see that wanted poster. he's currently busy working to revive Knives, then follows him around once he's alive again. for Whatever Reason, Vash is being blamed before Conrad's death for his "murder"
which makes me contemplate a few possibilities. Conrad was present around the time of the July Incident. and not only that, but we see in chapter 28 that Vash was looking for him just prior to July
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so like, What's The Deal? "Count Revenant Vasquez" is not "dead" by this point, just acting oddly in his big house. perhaps after July with his disappearance, people attributed his "death" to Vash, along with all the rest of July... but why would they focus on just him, rather than all of July? is this Nightow wanting to keep the reality of July under wraps this early in the story? or was Conrad really That socially important that his death would stand out among all the rest of July?
and another thing to consider is how Vash knew to look for him under that name in the first place. Vash was pursuing Knives at this point, the whole Point was that he managed to find Knives in July, but he did it by following the trail of Conrad. he met Conrad when he was a child, the second human he ever met, so maybe he somehow managed to deduce that Conrad was helping Knives out?
except when Vash sees Conrad in trigun chapter 20
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he recognizes him, but he can't place from where. is this his July amnesia getting in the way? the general passage of time? it HAS been a century and a half since he officially met him. but if he knew to look for him by that name to find Knives, he must have known Conrad was following him around... and then perhaps as part of the amnesia of everything surrounding July, Vash forgot Conrad too.
it's interesting! brings the question of how Vash caught wind of Conrad's involvement with Knives in the first place. we do see that Vash has his fingers in information networks (like when he talks to the "shoemaker" in May City to try to gather information), so maybe that's how he found out? which honestly I find fascinating, given that Especially this early in the story, we just see Vash acting the fool. but even Years prior to the start of the story, he shows a level of resourcefulness and intuition that is Very much not congruent with his act of being a "fool".
and then he shows up to confront Knives in July and his plan is to just
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show up, point his gun at him, and then... ???? something? which obviously blows up in his face in a MAJOR way bc Knives easily knocks him out & then has Conrad experiment on him.
which. isn't directly related to the Conrad point lol it just baffles me how smart yet dumb Vash is constantly. high intelligence, low wisdom build for SURE.
but yeah! I didn't notice the Count Revenant thing my first read through, so here's this detail for anyone else who might've missed it like i did
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bulkhummus · 2 years
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it me
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suspiciousmammal · 2 years
What are horse naming conventions and why are they Like That
Naming conventions are different depending on the breed so I'd love to know which one in particular has upset you enough to send this ask A lot of the warmblood registries just want you to give the foal a name that starts with the same letter as the sire's name, which is alright. But then again, not everybody sticks to that. Some stud farms will give their horses names based on the year they're born in. This year, the names start with an A. Next year it's B, and so on.
My personal worst favourite are the Kladrubers and Lipizzans. They name their horses based on the lines they descend from, so a mare will be named after her dam line and a stallion will be named based on his sire and dam line. A Lippizan stallion might be named Maestoso Trompeta, because he's out of a mare named Trompeta and by a stallion from the Maestoso line. With Kladrubers it's similar. But then again, some stud farms don't follow that tradition. It's guaranteed to cause a load of confusion, love it.
Trakehners were supposed to get names that had the same first three letters as their dams. But that was a loose guideline more than it was a rule, and it wasn't followed as religiously as some of these other naming conventions. However you'll still be able to notice that most old school Trakehners got their name's first letter from their dam and not their sire, as is the norm with most warmblood registries nowadays.
And then there's the old suffixes and whatnots. When you see a horse from the 1900s named So And So xx, the "xx" isn't some stud farms suffix. It's to indicate the breed of the horse! xx meant Thoroughbred, ox meant Arabian and a single x meant Anglo-Arabian.
For Icelandics, the names tend to be a personal name plus the name of the farm they were born at. An Icelandic Horse named Álfadís born at a stud farm called Fljótarfákum would thus be registered at Álfadís frá Fljótarfákum. With Mustangs you've got to give them a cool name, no other rules, just a cool name, because holy shit we didn't put that much effort into capturing that horse for you to give it a shit name. Idk, I'd like to believe that that's the rule there.
Quarter Horse breeders are obsessed with the concept of puns, at the price of the horses dignity.
As for thoroughbreds? You know when everyone has to get unique usernames, but you've run out of good ones? That's how you name thoroughbreds
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branmer · 5 months
my hottest take on delenn is that her atonement quest is ultimately a futile one. no matter what she does she can never take back the lives lost because of her, she can never take back the orders that started the slaughter, there is ultimately nothing she can do to make up for having participated in a genocide because it is done and those people aren't coming back and she will have to carry that guilt for the rest of her life. and i think she knows it's ultimately futile because she doesn't tell sheridan. because she knows that what she did was unforgiveable and that it would break him
and imo, i think this is one of the things that makes delenn a very interesting and tragic character, because despite everything she does after the war, and how ultimately she pretty much gets everything she wants, this is one thing that she can never put right and that she will have to hide even from the love of her life
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mukuberry · 7 months
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can we get him a hobby or something. maybe he'd enjoy crocheting or birdwatching or swimming or something
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