#idkkkkkk I just love it
sun-marie · 9 months
Another bg3 thought dump but I've been thinking about this all day. I think a big part of why I love the Boat Scene in Gale's romance (or at least the version I've played), and really Gale's Romance in general, is bc there's so much potential for nuance.
My Tav, Zephyr, isn't particularly faithful to any one god or the gods in general (though she does enjoy studying faerunian theology), and so in theory she's not against opposing and maybe even deposing Mystra. But she knows that many of the "gods" of the modern era were once mortals, and until the cycle can be broken she doesn't want anyone, least of all someone she cares about, to take that risk and lose themself.
When I first got to the Boat Scene, I couldn't help the feeling of dread I got bc I was sure Gale and Zephyr were about to break up. Bc I knew how strongly Gale wanted this and for (mostly) the right reasons, but I also knew Zephyr wasn't going to budge. And I feel like in many games, that would be that; characters disagree, they break up. Even though Zephyr would be against it for Gale's sake, bc she loves who he is, not who he could be.
But the dialogue is so interesting bc it actually lets them argue about it, while also giving the player to stay with him anyway.
"This doesn't have to be the end for us."
"But I could be so much more to you."
Now true source of Gale motivation is revealed. He feels like he's not enough. Which allows Zephyr to reiterate that he is, and they stay together and even grow closer!
It just makes both characters feel very real to me, and I appreciate that they can talk and argue until they get deeper and deeper into why the other one feels this way. It's almost like how couples actually are in real life!
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yioh · 1 month
feel like the reason i can’t get into m/f shojo is because they’re very… Man and Woman.. like the gender norms/boxes are always so strong idk why😭 i’m always so detached from all the characters and story
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wygolvillage · 11 months
touga as a character makes like 1000000x more sense once you find out that they couldnt put his backstory into the show because his voice actor wasnt available at the time so his movie backstory is technically canon if you subscribe to that particular authorial intent. like oh so thats why hes like that... oh 😨 <- the realization i had after seeing the movie
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girlscience · 4 months
watching shows from the early 2000's/2010's and fondly remembering the time when I didn't need a smartphone for everyday life
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artemis-pendragon · 2 years
Okay gays so what are we calling Katya x Sofia? Sofiatya? Katsof? Katfia? Sofatya? Greymoral Girlfriends? Mafia Wives? Lmk so I can start tagging my posts in a coherent way lmao
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marz its been 15 minutes are you okay 😭😭
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caracello · 1 year
ive been thinking more abt romanticism dumping it here just for because LOL umm. idk i guess id feel kind of bad calling myself demiro considering i started dating the first person from my polycule after only like... a few months of knowing him. but also thinking about doing smth like that now Terrifies me id literally never. i consider myself very very lucky it worked out hdjkf. and like the thought of going on a date with someone as a first meeting has Always skeeved me out and every time people i know now start dating rly soon after knowing each other i get like. mildly baffled (im overjoyed for them ofc its just something i dont ever consider for myself so i forget its even possible dhsjfjd). so that part is something thats always been there
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maliciousalice · 2 years
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l0n3ly4ng3l · 9 months
hey, love, wanna tell me whats going on?/nf
no t reallly </33
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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adhdo5 · 2 years
Sigh .
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dirt-mccracken · 1 year
Some of you just need to accept not everyone likes what you do and that's not a moral failing they just. Don't like the same things as you do and maybe you should try being normal about it lol
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symbiodyke · 2 years
once again dogsitting and. this household consists of 2 adults and one child (plus the dog ofc)
the house has 5 bedrooms 2 full baths 2 living rooms and a den. for fucking what!???
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themagikaauthor · 7 months
Made this my header but I want to share this animation anyways
Desperately waiting for Procreate Dreams to come out since I’m shit with audio uploading to YouTube but it’s that sound that’s like “goodnight Denise”
With Grace and Hunter obvi
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lilylilyloly · 1 year
me sleeping so peaceful after finally posting the dang fic
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caraphernellie · 1 year
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truly, madly, deeply // a.a.
librarian fem reader x abby anderson !! 🍂📚
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an: im starting my training soon!! im gonna be a librarian :D
info: reader overthinks a LOT and is shy, they flirt through sapphic literature ☺️ classic loser lesbian yearning, reader is very lonely, this is kind of very self indulgent i cant lie to you,, im worried i made abby a little ooc but i think it does seem quite like her so IDKKKKKK
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there was nothing you loved more than your job. you were so passionate about it - you loved books so dearly. you loved reading, spreading knowledge, and helping others.
being a librarian was the perfect job. it was a quiet environment and it combined many of the things you loved. it didn’t matter whether you were working behind the scenes cataloguing books, or if you were at the front desk working circulation, or if you were simply shelving books into their correct spaces - you loved it. it was stress free, and the conversations you got to have with customers were pleasant and made you excited.
one particularly chilly and rainy autumn morning, you were working circulation when a very pretty stranger walked up to you. you’d not seen her before, but you knew she must be a regular given the way she immediately placed down both the book and her library card gently before you.
you smiled sweetly at her, trying not to tremble as you picked up her book to scan. she was so pretty you seemed to be getting nervous.
she was all muscle and height, but she didn’t act that way. she was so gentle to you.
eyeing the cover of the book as you turned it over to scan, you spoke up. “i’ve not read this one yet. it’s on my reading list though.”
it was a sapphic novel, and you knew you had to say something - it was the perfect way to try and hint that you liked girls. it was not always obvious to people so you had to take any chance you had.
she laughed politely as you scanned her card, and you took note of her name. abigail anderson.
“it’s been on my list for a while, too,” she admitted, scratching her neck. you almost fell apart over her voice alone - you didn’t know if it was her voice in general, or the way she tried to speak lowly as to not disturb other patrons in the library.
you nodded and passed back her book and card. “they’re all yours until next week. i guess you’ll have to tell me what you thought of the book. an honest review might motivate me to move it up on my list.”
she looked you up and down once more, taking the book from your hands.
“i guess i will, then.”
and with what happened next, you felt your eyes practically turn into love hearts. it was so small, but said so much.
she put the book into a fucking book pouch.
most people wouldn’t think twice about it- but people who take care of their books are huge, huge green flags.
especially when you work a job where you see hundreds of people shove a book into their bag or even drop the book on the floor before even walking out of the building.
with rain gently spattering the windows of the library you glanced at her one last time for the day. if you had self restraint, that is.
“have a good day.”
“you too,” she replied, a pleasant smile on her face.
as she walked out of earshot, suddenly your coworker beside you broke down into quiet giggles.
“you should see how red you are!” they quietly laughed, pointing at your cheeks. “and what a great attempt at flirting that was!”
your face burned in embarrassment as you gasped. “shut up, ezra. she was… she was totally digging it, right?”
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of course, for the entire week that pretty stranger had not left your mind. if anything, she consumed every little space in your mind. you were up pacing at two in the morning some nights, hoping it really was the start of something special, or if it was just another dumb, unrealistic dream your imagination had come up with.
some might say romanticising every part of your life is a blessing, or a beautiful quality to have. but to you, it was just something that came with being a bookworm, your mind filling with cliches and maladaptive thoughts over everything until you went insane.
it was exhausting.
ezra hadn’t forgot, either. they teased you everyday, letting you know that it was a day closer to when you would see abby again.
ezra also knew a bit more about abby than you did, as they worked the circulation desk more than you did on the days abby would come in, and they didn’t hesitate to tell you what would be very helpful information.
abigail, or abby, as she preferred, which ezra had told you, came in weekly to borrow and return primarily classics and sapphic lit.
she was perfect. probably the dreamiest human being ever. tall, buff, and she had good taste in literature.
today was the day! you’d been looking forward to this tuesday for the whole week, but you had this horrible feeling inside of you, too - what if it went wrong?
to ezra’s knowledge, abby was single, so you didn’t have to worry about that, but still - what if she didn’t even like you in general?
what if she didn’t show up at all?
and that was how you knew you were being delusional about this whole thing - you had one conversation that lasted a minute. and now you wondered if she even cared as much as you did, or if she had literally forgotten about you.
it felt like you were staring at the clock all day long, taking note of every time an hour passed.
she didn’t come.
at the end of the day, you tried not to look disappointed as you got ready to leave. you grabbed your umbrella, noticing the pouring rain.
you couldn’t help but feel like maybe you were overreacting, but the miserable rain said exactly how you felt on the inside.
you stepped over orange leaves soaked into the road as you walked to your car and thought about her again.
you just wanted your happily ever after already.
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abby had no idea what had gotten into her - she really spent all of last night writing a spoiler-free review of some dumb romcom for the cute librarian. reading romcoms was typical for her, sure, but writing an in depth, spoiler free review? for the cute librarian?
unusual behaviour, for sure, but there was no way she would let whatever this was lead to a dead end. and as abby was walking towards the door of the library, crunching leaves in her path on a day that finally wasn’t raining, she realised she had forgotten something.
she mumbled a curse quietly to herself as she grabbed the paper she’d typed up and printed out, leaning against the wall and fishing through her bag for a pen.
she finally found one, scribbling down her name and number in what she hoped was legible handwriting, drawing a small heart next to it.
with a small nod at herself she finally mustered the courage to walk through the doors. she paused for a second in defeat, spotting the front desk with no sign of you there. fuck. how embarrassing, she mused.
she’d seen you shelving a few times in the past when she’d come, and admired you from a distance. she was praying to god that that was the case today.
she walked up to ezra, who she’d seen many times, to return the book. they gave her a knowing smile.
abby nervously returned the smile, turning back to walk upstairs. she held the paper so delicately in her hand, trying her best not to crease it, and fiddled with her braid in the other hand.
as she reached the top of the stairs, she was so relieved upon seeing your checkered brown blazer that she almost jumped in the air.
this was the hard part - getting the courage to speak to you. she almost didn’t want to disturb you while you were working, you just looked so cute in the dark lighting, searching through the classifications to find the right spot for every book you shelved.
until she noticed you struggle to lean up and push in a book on the highest shelf. that was her chance.
“hey, you need help?” she asked, walking over and leaning a little closed to you. she cringed a little at the way she sounded, so shaky and nervous for no reason - it’s not like you were going to laugh at her.
you jumped a little, looking at her, unable to stop a wide smile from crossing your face.
“if that’s okay- i just have some trouble with the high shelves sometimes…”
“of course, no big deal.” abby suddenly felt a bit more confident, taking the book from your hands gently. “where am i putting it?”
you pointed up high at a little gap you had created. “just up there, thank you-”
“hey, it’s no problem,” abby said as she shelved the book with ease, then leaned down to squeeze your shoulder. she liked the way you suddenly grew bashful over that. “i know i was supposed to come in yesterday- i needed an extra day to finish…”
“oh! that’s alright,” you laughed off, suddenly feeling a bit dumb. of course she needed an extra day to finish. why hadn’t you thought of that? “one extra day’s not bad. so how was the book?”
now abby didn’t exactly know what to say - she knew there was a chance she’d come across weird. she rehearsed this a million times and yet she strayed so far from the script she’d made in her head.
“uh- s-so i had like a lot of thoughts about it and- i mean, i don’t know, there was a lot to say. so i kinda wrote a- a review? no spoilers, don’t worry! i just-”
“no way!” you exclaimed, a wide smile on your face. you realised you were a little loud then, trying to calm down. “that’s really nice! thank you-”
“it’s no biggie,” abby mumbled shyly, handing you the written review and rubbing the back of her neck. she was close enough that she could smell your perfume - a warm, vanilla scent, almost like cookies.
she couldn’t help the small smirk that played at her lips when she noticed you stutter and pause when you saw her number at the bottom of the page.
“i- thank you- i’ll read it when i get home,” you said, a quiet giggle accompanying it. everything about you drove abby insane.
“you got any recommendations for what i should read this week?” abby asked.
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