#idol min yoongi
fearlessword · 4 months
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Chapter 1
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Chapter 1
Wake up. Teach. Eat. Plan. Overthink. Cry. Sleep.
You didn’t know how your life turned out to be like this. You hated it. You hated the city streets were empty. You hated that the principal kept watching each lesson just to criticize your teaching.You hated teaching online and how burned out you were because of it. You hated not being able to see your friends, or what’s left of them. You hated that fucking virus that postponed all of your plans. You hated how much you missed your cheating ex and that traitor you once called best friend.
Everything sucks in 2020.
At first, it seemed like it was just for a while, which also meant a good break before the craziness that came with Spring and the end of the school year. Two months after the government announced the quarantine, you were burned out, rethinking life choices, crying yourself to sleep because of a break up you thought you had moved on from. Your roommate and coworker Camila was the only good thing. She became a nice friend who could relate to you. Both of you were just two tired teachers trying to survive in New York City during a pandemic. The growing friendship you had made it bearable. When nights were especially hard for you and you’d sob and cry at 3 am, your friend wouldn’t say a thing, only to greet you with open arms, a mug of hot coffee, and a silent promise of ice cream and movies after dinner. You didn’t deserve it, considering you were the reason she’d wake up in the middle of the night, but she didn’t hold it against you, and you were grateful for that.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew you shouldn’t be crying for a relationship that finished two years ago. It was hard not to, especially now that there wasn’t much, besides work, to keep you busy. It was the last week of May, Summer was just around the corner and you yearned for the joy the season brings. At the same time, shaking off the feelings that came with the isolation was not an easy feat. He cheated on you with your best friend, after all! You tell yourself he doesn’t deserve your tears, but it takes time to erase things like that.
You are lonely and confused, angry to feel the way you felt. Grieving the youth you’re giving away while staying at home. So, on that night of May, you did what you should’ve done 2 years ago. You got your blue journal, a pencil, bursted your earbuds with the saddest songs you could find, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, you wrote.
The words spilled from your mind to the paper, a letter addressed to the one who made you feel like this. How you met, how you became friends, the moment you realized you loved him. The memories you wanted to erase flowing so easily through your hands. The story was kept in your head for so long, suffocating you a little bit every day, it was like you could exhale for the first time. How you missed this!
You were so focused on revisiting all of the moments to write, that you didn’t check the time. It was late, so late. And you needed to sleep now if you wanted to have energy for the long day of teaching you had ahead of you.
You checked the amount of words you’ve written. Seven pages. It was still just the beginning. Your eyes were red and wet and you got yourself a headache. As cathartic as it was to write like this, it had left you with zero to no energy to keep going. As you were embraced by your sleep, you wished the part of your brain that processed traumatic experiences just did its job.
That night, you dream of a man and a piano.
Not exactly a piano, it was more like a keyboard.
All you could see was that he was making music.
The room was compact, so much it didn’t look like a room. “Maybe he’s camping”, you thought. There was a bunk bed and a tiny table underneath it, which was where he was working with a yellow notepad and pencil positioned close to the laptop. His pale skin was in contrast with the black straight hair covering part of his face. Still, you were able to see some of his facial expressions. He was so concentrated in his craft, long fingers testing notes in the mini keyboard connected to his laptop.
You wish you could listen to the melody he is so focused on, he was clearly showing signs of conflict, while listening to it on his headphones. He throws his head back and breathes loudly, like he needs a break, the hair moves out of his face and you can see his eyes now. Deep, dark, catlike eyes.
Oh God. He 's beautiful.
You could feel a pull, an inexplicable warmth inside of you… You were curious about him. You were curious about the circumstances. Why were you consciously dreaming about a man you have never seen in your life? Why aren’t you in this dream? How could he fascinate you so much in minutes?
A door opens and there’s light in the room. You hear a voice speaking a language you don’t understand. You hear a deep voice, his voice, replying in the same language. Then, everything goes black.
You were pulled out of the dream, eyes open, back in your room, but with remains of the comforting warmth inside of you.
It stayed with you the whole day, just like the memory of the boy making music.
That night, the crying is not that loud, your writing process still hard, but not unbearable.
You were still tired, still heartbroken. The routine was the same.
But there was that warm feeling in your chest. And as your head touches the pillow in the middle of the night, you hope to dream of him again.
>>> Next Chapter
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euphoricfilter · 6 months
HIIII GIRLY. I saw your drabble game anddd how about
"How could we ever just be friends" + yoongi djskskjs
just friends:
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pairing: yoongi x gn! reader
genre: fluff || mild hurt with a lot of comfort || non-idol au
summary: maybe you were never just friends
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: feelings, fluff, the smallest hint of hurt, they’re actually just really in love and the m/c is slightly oblivious but yoon is a big old sweetheart
notes: OMG HEY!!!!! you didn’t ask for a specific au so i did indulge slightly and made it fluffy and soft, hope you like it :D
drabble masterlist || all my other works
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
There had always been something utterly unique about Yoongi’s existence in your eyes. He had been the first, and only person whose life had meant anything to you.
You’d spent most of your life aimlessly wandering, taking each day as it came and only hoped it would get better the more you trudged through. Fingers letting go of the ropes of friendships you’d made and lost—people you didn’t pay any mind to now that they weren’t in your life.
You didn’t miss them. Never thought of them unless they were right in front of you, if they never made themselves known.
But Yoongi had been different.
It didn’t take his physical presence for you to wonder how he was doing. He didn’t need to message first for you to ask how his day was. Dreams filled with another reality, what the two of you would be doing the next time you met, how sweet your name sounded from his lips. Or that sweet smile he would give you every time you stumbled over your words, too caught up in his eyes your brain malfunctions and you forget how to speak.
Thoughts consumed by him, feelings wrapping around the idea of his existence, soul dancing around his in this weird push and pull, not quite just friends but not really anything more.
Special, precious, perfect, Yoongi.
In all your years alive you’d never had a crush until that first moment you met. Never once thought of another human being in any other way that wasn’t platonic. It felt as though part of your world had started to crumble to moment, you’d acknowledged how you truly felt about him, stuck in this endless dilemma. Because who were you meant to tell him about your feelings when he was your closest friend? What if he asked who it was? He knew you rarely went out, and you sure as hell would have told him if you’d gone on any dates. So, you’d been stewing in your own feelings for as long as you can remember, too scared to utter a word about what was really happening between the two of you.
Because, sure his touches lingered, warm skin pressed against one another until the heat has travelled to your cheeks and you refuse to look at him, too scared he’d see how flustered you were. And sure there was the nicknames, though that was something he’d started early on, and you had doubts he fell in love just as quickly as you did.
Sometimes it felt like he only smiled at you, and yet you could only assume it was because you were his best friend, a safety net for him as much as he was one for you.
But not once had he made it obvious he liked you any more than a friend. A fact you’d slowly decided you could live with.
Just like yourself, it wasn’t very often Yoongi went on dates, you don’t think he’s been on one in the time you’d been friends. Which makes this whole dilemma slightly easier to swallow, because at this moment in time you were probably the most important person in his life.
You got to live out your secret little fantasy, and he got a low maintenance friendship. The perfect exchange.
And truly you believed it would be like this forever, until that little dream in the forefront of your mind was shattered by someone else coming into his life, and the two of you slowly drifting apart.
That was until tonight.
It wasn’t often you drank, never indulged in the fine whiskeys Yoongi would bring over to your place, stashed away in the cupboard when he wanted a little something before bed. However, Yoongi had come over with a cocktail making kit, saying he’d done some research because he knew how much you liked sweeter drinks.
And maybe you’d had a few too many, eagerly asking him to make you different drinks from the little book he had, excited as you watched him mix everything together. Utterly amazed by how good everything he made tasted.
You can’t remember what you’d said, words tumbling out your mouth quicker than you could swallow them back down. The small, sane part of your brain slowly catching up to what was happening as you watch Yoongi’s face morph into something slightly more surprised.
“How could we ever just be friends?” he shakes his head, scooting closer to you on the couch.
“Because you don’t like m—”
He holds a finger up to your lips, quick to silence you.
“Don’t finish that”
A frown tugs at the corners of your lips, “but Yoongi—”
He takes hold of your hands, thumb running over delicate skin as he looks at your face.
“No” he shakes his head, “listen to me for a moment, yeah?”
He’s calm, voice tender and smooth.
You nod.
“You’re not forcing me into anything” he starts, “I thought I was being too pushy with you”
You swallow.
“Huh?” your eyes widen slightly, “But I could have sworn you didn’t like me more than a best friend”
The low rumble of a laugh vibrates from his chest, “Best friends don’t look at each other the way I look at you. They don’t hold your hand on days out, or wish they could kiss you when you make that sweet little face when you first wake up in the morning”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you murmur, “I really thought—”
“And why didn’t you tell me, hmm?” he smiles, “feelings are weird.”
You nod, outburst having helped you sober up slightly.
“What now?” your legs bounce a little, so far out of your comfort zone.
“Whatever you want” he reassures.
“I’m scared” it spills past your lips before you can think about it.
He tilts his head slightly in question, “About what? Commitment?”  
You shake your head, frantic “I just—I don’t know what to do I’ve never dated a person before”
He gives you a gentle smile, “Just be you. Just like you are now, that’s all I want”
“But what if I want a kiss?” you inch a little closer to him.
“Then I’ll give you a kiss”
“What if I wanted a kiss when we go out to dinner with your friends?”
He laughs, “Doesn’t matter when or where, I’ll always be willing to give you a kiss if that’s what you please”
You chew on your bottom lip.
“I’ve never actually kissed anyone before” you say, shoulders losing their tension, because now this felt normal. Like how it always was with Yoongi, where you didn’t need to have secrets or be scared about what he thought. Because for all the time you’d known him, he had always been by your side, and you hope it will stay like that for the rest of time.
“Then I’ll teach you” he hums, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, “Try not to worry your pretty little head too much, I know what you’re like”
“But—” you worry.
“Nope” he laughs, “We’ll work through this together like we do everything else, I’m always here for you, you know that right?”
Your eyes flicker between his for a moment, words settling into your soul as you nod.
“And I’ll always be here for you too, just so you know” the corners of your lips curl up into a smile.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Always, Us (Suchwita)
Min Yoongi/FemIdol!Reader Requests open!
Warnings: Established relationship, discussion of pregnancy and marriage, idol!au
Word Count: 1506 M.list
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‘Today on suchwita, we have someone people have wanted for a long while.’ Yoongi addressed the cameras as you stood at the side, excitedly waiting for your cue. Since Yoongi started his show, fans had wanted you to make an appearance, but there was never a good enough reason for you to appear until now. You don’t know if the reason fans wanted you here because they genuinely liked you, or if they just wanted to be nosey about your relationship now that it was public. Either way, you were happy to do this for Yoongi.
‘It’s Y/N of the group Prima.’ He stood from his seat and welcomed you with a bow, before pulling your chair out for you. You feigned shock as you sat down.
‘This is how you know cameras are around. He’s acting like a gentleman.’
‘YAH! Don’t say that!’ He snorted with a laugh as he sat down opposite you. ‘I’m always kind.’
‘Sure if you say so.’
‘I’m sure you noticed I got your favourite alcohol here. I’ll keep it for myself if you carry on.’ He smirked, gesturing to the various colourful bottles on the table.
‘You wanna play that game?’  You challenged, leaning forwards with a smirk to match his own. Yoongi relented, leaning back and waving his hands with a smile.
‘Ok, we’re getting off topic and we haven’t even started yet.’ You also relaxed, but you knew you had won that round.
‘As I was aying, this is your favourite. Let me pour you a glass.’ You held out your glass and thanked him as he poured.
‘People have been curious about us since we went public right?’ You asked, getting right into why you were there.
‘Yes.’ He agreed, drinking from his own glass. ‘How did it feel for you to finally be open after having to hide it for so long?’ Yoongi had given you a brief run down of the kind of questions that would be asked the night before, so that you could prepare, though you didn’t want to just write and memorise a script, especially when it came to your love life. You wanted your words to be as natural as possible.
‘It felt good to not have to sneak around. I know you were relieved too.’ Yoongi nodded in agreement.
‘It made me feel like we were a couple of horny teenagers sneaking out at night.’ He laughed.
‘Oh yeah you’re right! But looking back I don’t know why we hid it so long. People have been shipping us since we first met pretty much.’ You smiled warmly, thinking back to when you posted a picture of yourself and a young trainee Yoongi onto your groups twitter account. Yoongi wasn’t well know back then, but your fans were curious about your connection to the young trainee.
‘Do you remember how we met?’ Yoongi asked, smoothly moving the conversation along. You didn’t answer right away. You looked down as a subtle blush spread across your cheeks as you thought of the memory.
‘Why are you blushing? Don’t get shy now!’ Yoongi laughed as he called you out.
‘Shut up.’ You mumbled, all in good fun.
‘Ok. I was late for rehearsal and I ended up barging into your guys room by accident.’ You cringe at that part. ‘ You all stared at me and I was so embarrassed, but you also offended me that day!!’ Yoongi raised his eyebrows questioningly. Had he really?
‘Yes!’ You exclaimed, making him a little nervous. ‘You didn’t know who I was! Even though I debuted like 2 years before that!’ Yoongi sighed in relief and rolled his eyes.
‘I told you before! I didn’t know many current groups back then! I was too busy trying to debut myself.’
‘Yeah, sure.’ You crossed your arms with a pout.
‘Why are you pressed about that still? It was over a decade ago!’
‘That’s not the point! I’m your senior so you should respect me!’ Yoongi choked out and exasperated laugh, before he addressed the crew.
‘do you see what I deal with on a daily basis?’
‘You see! This is what I mean.’ You laughed whilst gesturing towards him. ‘No respect...’ Yoongi shook his head, laughing at the interaction.
‘You know, my mom keeps asking me when we’re going to give her grand kids.’ You froze and internally cursed him for bringing up this topic. It’s not like you don’t want babies with him, it just never felt like the right time to try. Especially now with his military service coming up...
‘I always thought we’d try after your enlistment, but we never really discussed it....’ You confessed, feeling the energy of the room die slightly. You saw Yoongi’s eyes widen ever so slightly at your answer, but he covered it up by rubbing his face.
You weren’t lying when you said it hadn’t been talked about, so your answer definitely caught him off guard.
‘We also need to find time for a wedding.’ He played it off cooly, trying to move on with a joke. You frowned to yourself. His reaction was strange. This definitely needed more investigating.
The remainder of filming flew by. You’d managed to avoid any more awkwardness after that and put on a good show. You were fairly certain that part would be cut anyway. It may have been a little too personal to bring it up in that way in hindsight....
‘So, do you want to talk about what you said?’ Both you and Yoongi were sat in his car in the parking lot. You could get a lift from the company driver, but Yoongi proffered the freedom of being able to drive himself. ‘About having kids?’ He looked over to you with an expression you couldn’t quite read. Looking down at your hands in your lap, you began to speak.
‘I meant what I said. I want kids with you, but I ... also don’t want to give up my career...’ You trailed off. He sucked in a breath at your words, but stayed silent. ‘I just said that about your enlistment because I didn’t know what else to say.’ You sniffled slightly, but you were determined to not get upset. Yoongi placed a comforting hand on your thigh and leaned across the console.
‘Hey. You won’t loose your career. You really think Bang PD would let you go after all these years?’ He spoke soothingly. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop a few tears escaping your eyes.
‘I know it’s stupid to think this way but-‘ Yoongi quickly shook his head.
‘Don’t talk like that. If you’re upset it’s not stupid, ok?’ He had now moved his hand to the back of your neck, rubbing calming circles into your skin. You slowly looked up at him to see him giving you a reassuring smile. You were unable to stop yourself from reaching up and pulling him into a hug, or as much as you could manage with the gear box between you.
‘I’m sorry I got upset.’ You mumbled into his neck. He craned his neck to place a kiss on the side of your head.
‘Nothing to be sorry for.’ You both stayed like that for a few relaxing moment as you calmed down. Pulling back, you wiped at your eyes before quickly pecking his lips.
‘We need to talk properly at some point, but right now I need you to take me home so I can stuff my face with ice cream.’ Yoongi broke out into his iconic gummy smile as he stared at you.
‘You must be feeling better if you can crack jokes. Now put your seatbelt on woman.’ Yoongi pulled out of the parking lot and started the journey home. You both sat in comfortable silence, only the sounds of the quiet radio played in the car. You thought back to the filming, when you suddenly remembered something he so casually said during the interview.
‘So...’ He glanced at you briefly, before looking back to the road. ‘What was that about a wedding?’  You smirked when he choked on his own spit and clearing his throat.
‘Ah yeah. That...’
‘You haven’t even proposed to me.’ You teased, hoping he might get a hint. Yoongi fully looked at you when he pulled up to a traffic light, smile tugging at his lips.
‘Do you want me to?’
‘I certainly wouldn’t be oppose to the idea!’ You both sent coy smiles to each other and that was that. Conversation over.’ The two of you didn’t need to get married to know you loved each other, but having said that...
And thus, a few weeks later, Korea woke to the news that you and Yoongi had secretly eloped and made your marriage official.
You had a lot of explaining to do to your parents, but you got out of it by promising that you would have a ‘proper’ ceremony at a later date. For now though, you were both content with how things were.
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loien · 7 months
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   ┄   ✿  everyone adores you   🖇️  ♡
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   ⭆   ∬   at least i do. . .    ♫   ♡
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71/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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swmeltem · 10 months
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Vintage Yoongi💫
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violetsiren90 · 1 year
What the Moon Saw
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Pairing: Yoongi x f!Reader
Genre: One-shot; non-idol AU; friends to lovers; young love; summer nights, angst/fluff/smut
Summary: Having been with each other through thick and thin, you and your childhood friend, Yoongi, realize that nobody knows how to say goodbye.
Listen to: "Nobody Knows" by The Lumineers
Drabbles: Stolen Tides; Beacons Ashore; The Lighthouse Keeper
Content Warnings: 18+ (minors dni); allusions to domestic abuse; divorce of parents; cigarette smoking; infidelity (not between main couple); kissing; hickeys; making out; hand jobs; oral sex (female receiving); loss of virginity (female); moments of body insecurity; unprotected sex; cumming inside; cockwarming; characters are ADULTS at the time of their sexual encounter; LOTS of emotions
Author's note: I moved. Like, a block away from the beach, and the views and the vibes have me ALL up in my feels. I wrote this in two nights and then sat on it. I wasn't sure if I was going to post it or just keep it in my heart because parts of it are so personal to me. BUT, here it is. I want to give inspiration credit to @orchidyoonkook , because I will never ever be able to write young love or Yoongi without being influenced by the beauty that is Under the Willow Tree. 💕 If anyone chooses to read this little love story of mine, I hope it brings you something wholesome!
If no one has told you yet today, you are loved and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
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    You inhaled deeply, taking the salty air into your lungs as you gazed out over the cliff side and across the rippling blue that stretched on and on until it met the soft pink glow of the horizon. Your eyes tracked the tide lapping at the smooth sands. You slipped off your heels to meet the cool pavement, but you could feel it already - the soft golden grains molding to meet your steps. These shores hadn't borne your footprints in over a decade, but here you were, drawn back again by the hypnotic crash of the sea and the lonely call of the gulls. It felt as though you had never left. You leaned over the railing of the rickety staircase that wove its way down the cliff side into the sand and scree. Your gaze trailed down the steps, one by one, until you saw it, jutting out halfway down: the lip of a ledge in the rock face. Your breath caught in your chest. Old, familiar feelings of a time gone by washed over you. The years rolled back like clouds from the sun in the western sky.
You were nineteen.
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You shivered, drawing your knees up and hugging them to you as sat on the thick woolen blanket you had laid over the cool stone of the ledge. Even on a summer night like this, you should have worn something more practical. But you had worn your cotton sundress with the cherries. He had once told you that you looked like the main character in that dress, and it had been your favorite ever since.
You watched the moon dance on the dark water and thought about all it had seen. It had been watching the little alcove from the beginning. It had seen you the summer after your first year of middle school, wrapped in a blanket with book between your hands, as you took refuge from the emotional turmoil that shook your house nearly every night leading up to your parents' divorce. It had seen the boy one night, wandering the beach with a cigarette and busted lip, trying to smoke away the tears in his eyes. It had seen the boy climb the stairs, only to discover his favorite hiding place was already harboring another runaway. It had seen you look at him - skinny limbs in a jacket and ripped jeans not lanky on his small frame, tussled dark hair, round face, little bleeding pouted lips, dark sharp eyes wide with surprise - and consider that he was likely the most beautiful thing you had ever laid eyes on. It had seen him offer you a cigarette which you refused. It had seen him ask you for a light, which you didn't have. And then it had seen you become friends. Best friends. It had watched you become all that the other truly had in the small, beautiful, painful world of a child. And now it would watch him amble up the beach one last time to find you there.
Yoongi. He had been so upset when you told him that you were leaving for college, but he had tried his best not to show it. He was always like that, keeping things deep inside. You had to wait and watch and listen and coax them out. You could always find the right time to do it, when he felt safe to let you. Most nights, though, it was you pouring out every little thing in your heart. Yoongi loved it when you did that. He would listen with the softest little smile and warm eyes, creasing in the corners, as he watched your hands move with as much animation as your voice when you spoke. His nearly-silent breathy laugh would come like a breeze off the sea and waft around you, lifting your spirits and cleansing your soul. His rare, full smile spreading in breathtaking beauty over his face, pulling his upper lip away from his gums. There were the good times, and the bad ones. On hard nights you would hold each other in silence, letting the beat of the other's heart and the steady undulation of the tide carry you through to the dawn.
You remembered the first time you had awakened in his arms after such a night. The light had just started to stream over the tops of the cliffs, painting the water in rose gold. You had shivered, feeling the dampness of the cool salty air in your hair. And then you had looked up and seen him there, holding you, still fast asleep. His face was angelic, little pink lips just parted, chest rising and falling with the swell of his breath, and you swore you could endure anything life threw at you if the first thing you saw each day were his dark lashes resting gently on the apples of his cheeks. Yoongi had finally stirred and blinked down at you, just gazing silently - the little warm smile in his eyes rather than on his lips. In that moment, something had changed. In the weeks that followed, you thought you had never felt so many things at once.
You felt giddy. You felt a little sick. You felt like you could fly.
You were in love.
You were in love and you had very nearly worked up the courage to do something about it when you saw it - that horrid little purple bruise right below his ear. You had asked him if his father had done it and he had been confused at first. But when you brushed your fingers so softly over the mark, his eyes had widened and he had recoiled, pulling up the collar of his jacket to obscure it from your view. He had insisted that he was fine and not to worry. But worry you did, all the way up to the day you realized what the little bruise really was. Then your worry morphed into something different. You felt sick again, but this time it felt like a burden. You had chided yourself for being so stupid. He was beautiful and sixteen, of course he was involved with girls - girls that weren't you. Your heart broke. You pieced it back together with the succor of his friendship, and, soon, you started seeing other boys too. But you never let them give you purple bruises. You didn't want them from their lips. 
As the seasons went by, you remained tethered to one another. Regardless of friends or suitors who would come and go, you knew each other in a way that no one else could. A way that didn't require words. Laughter bubbled up without effort or restraint. Fights ended in tears and forehead kisses and never lasted more than a few moments. Never past parting. Until one day a few weeks ago when he had told you that a boy you were going with was seeing another girl. Yoongi had never liked your boyfriend, and so you had reacted badly, gotten defensive and let yourself be angry with him for telling you. You had snapped at him to mind his own business. When he had insisted that you were his business you had said no you weren't, not in that way. He had gone quiet. So quiet. And then he had left. And he hadn't come the next night. Or the night after that.
You were so angry and anxious, and you told yourself you wouldn't wait for him another night, so you stayed home for the rest of the week. Then, on the third night away, you had tucked yourself into bed only to imagine Yoongi waiting for you, alone in the darkness. You had whipped off your covers and gone to find him in your pajamas. When he had seen you he had jumped up, throwing his cigarette aside, and crushed you in his arms. He had hugged you from the other side of the railing, not even waiting for you to climb over, then lifted you to stand before him on the ledge where he had enveloped you in his arms again. You had tried to apologize, but he wouldn't let you. And then you told him what you had been dreading to tell him all summer: you were leaving. He hadn't reacted. He had just held you in silence. But there was something different in him now, something that had his eyes trained immovably on the horizon. Something that wouldn't let him look at you. Something that distracted him from all you had to say as his thumbs brushed softly over your arms. He had looked at you so strangely before you had parted that night.
Now you were meeting one last time before you would watch the little coastal town and all its hurts disappear in your rearview mirror. You needed a second chance and this scholarship might be your only shot. Your reverie broke as you noticed a figure shuffling down the waterline in the bright light of the waxing gibbous. The figure sprung nimbly, with practiced steps, up the stairs, and lightly vaulted the rail, landing with a soft thud, catlike, a few feet from where you sat. He stepped forward, standing over you as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket. He was wearing tight khakis, white tennis shoes, and a plain white tee under his green military jacket. With a smoke tucked behind his ear and that little smirk on his lips, you thought he might be cooler than Steve McQueen.
"Got a light?" he asked coolly, shoving the pack of Marlboros back in his pocket. You rolled your eyes.
"Of course not, Yoongi. And why on earth do you always ask me that when you've got one anyway?"
Yoongi smiled to himself as he brought a lighter to the little yellow-tipped cylinder between his lips. It was a secret kind of smile, the kind that made you want to snatch the cigarette from between his teeth. But tonight wasn't for fighting, even the bickering kind. He eased himself down beside you with his signature careful grace. You sat in silence, gaze trained out over the water. While you were looking elsewhere, he relaxed, and you tracked his movements in your peripheral vision. You would do this sometimes, especially when he was particularly guarded. He had always been bad at eye contact, but if you gave him a little space he would let down his walls, and you could read him like a book. Just now, he had let his gaze settle on you. Smoke hissed through his lips, his mouth hanging open just a little in that way it did when he was lost to his thoughts. His eyes roved over you in a way that made you mouth go dry. You swallowed. He suddenly shifted his gaze, coughing a bit.
"I like this dress," he offered, like an apology.
"I know," you murmured with a smile.
"Yeah?" he questioned, brow furrowing, as he took another drag. He was quiet for a beat before pressing out another question. "Paul headed out east too?"
"I broke up with him," came your answer, but without a smile this time.
    "Oh come on, Yoongi," you bit out, "You knew that was going to happen. That's why you told me!"
His jaw ticked ever so slightly.
    "You know that's not true. He was cheating on you. I couldn't let you be in the dark about it - get hurt by another one of these assholes who don't deserve your time in the first place."
You sighed, frustration rising unbidden again as Yoongi casually hurtled the unspoken walls you had erected to make things easier.
    "What I deserve is my business. I don't go chastising you for letting random bitches suck on your neck and god knows what else so that you don't feel lonely."
The remark had been soft but laced with venom, and you had regretted breaching your own resolve against negativity the moment the words had spilled from your lips.
    "Random..." He stared at you intently, surprise and confusion mingling with another indiscernible expression in his eyes as they traced over your features. You were trying to think of a way, any way, to salvage the conversation when he huffed out a laugh.
    "You did know what it was!"
    "That hickey you asked about sophomore year."
Your stomach flipped.
    "How do you even remember that?" You blustered in incredulity.
    "How do you?"
    He was staring at you knowingly with those achingly beautiful dark eyes that always saw you. It was one of the things you loved most about him. But right now it was terrifying. Right now you wanted to escape, only, there was nowhere to go. So for a moment, just a moment, you didn't hide anymore.
    "Because," you swallowed, trailing your eyes back up to his, your voice shaking a bit as you whispered, "I remember everything."
A beat. Two. You didn't make a disarming jest, or a hurried qualification. You didn't even blink. In a flash as quick and heavy as a summer storm, years of yearning filled your eyes like intangible tears, holding his face in your gaze before casting it back out over the sea. Yoongi had froze where he sat, eyes trained immovably on you before he suddenly stood, tossing his cigarette and cursing as he took a step toward the edge, weaving his fingers through his hair.
"What?" you asked, almost defensively.
He didn't turn around, but you could hear the emotion in his voice, his head bowed as he wrestled with the words.
    "Nah, that's not fair. You're leaving...You're leaving and you're gonna make it even...even harder right now?"
Turns out you weren't the only one who had been building walls with invisible bricks. You jumped to your feet.
    "Oh, so this is my fault? You've been telling me my whole life to get out! You convinced me to apply to the Ivy Leagues! You spent the last weeks pushing me away! I don't understand what you want from me, Yoongi!"
He turned toward you, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, eyes on the ground.
    "A clean break," he said lowly, "Not from you...for you. I just wanted you to run, no guilt no pain, and not look back."
You felt a lump rise in your throat as you shook your head.
    "That's not how it works though. I was always going to look back. Whenever I was frightened or lost or uncertain. Whenever I woke up in the morning or closed my eyes to sleep, or laughed, or...or felt so much joy I didn't know what to do with it. I was always going to look back, Yoongi," You took a deep breath, "I was going to look for you."
Hot tears slipped down your cheeks as you grabbed his arm and pressed your wet face into his shoulder. You could feel his body shake with little sobs.
    "Don't," he croaked out, "don't look for me."
    "Sorry," you huffed a tearful laugh into the fabric of his sleeve, "I don't think my heart will listen to you. Pretty rough deal when it's yours after all."
You had tried to say it like a joke. It had come out like a promise.
    Yoongi stilled. Everything stilled. For a moment, it was as if even the sea and the sky and the moon held their breath. He let his hands fall from where they covered his face. As he lifted his head and turned, you dropped his arm, thinking for one horrible moment that he meant to push you away. But he didn't. He reached for you, and gently, firmly - like every move he ever made, like every word he ever spoke - slipped his hand around the nape of your neck and pressed his mouth against yours.
    You gasped softly against his lips.
    Sweet, methodical, insistent. He slipped his tongue against your bottom lip and you tilted your head to slot your mouth against his, deepening the kiss as his tongue brushed languorously against your own. He tasted like mint and cigarettes and him. You could do this all day. A little dagger pierced your heart at the thought that you only had tonight. You stumbled back, tugging him down beside you onto the blanket. You pushed him to his back and slipped onto his lap, leaning down to reconnect your lips with his. He chuckled into your mouth, his cheeks still wet with tears. 
    "Slow down," he hummed.
    "No," you murmured in simple defiance, kissing along his jaw before dipping to press your mouth to the soft flesh of his neck.
You licked softly, experimentally, along the side of his throat, and his fingers tightened against your waist. He tasted like salty skin and the alcohol of that cheap musky cologne he wore and Yoongi. You leaned back, supporting yourself with hands on either side of his head as you looked down at him.
    "Can I?" you asked with a shy smile
    "Hm?" he hummed, large, lithe hands massaging your waist.
    "Leave a mark?"
His eyes squeezed into little crescent moons, and his mouth pulled up into a full smile he couldn't repress. He chuckled again, reaching up to brush his palm over your cheek, and nodded, tilting his head to the side to expose the creamy skin of his neck. Your heart hammered in your chest as you leaned down and placed an open-mouthed kiss to his throat before sucking until you had pulled a low, deep groan from him. You pushed up again, surprised at the sound, new and lovely, to find him flushed - his blown pupils darkening his eyes, and a little wet patch of smooth skin growing rosy against his throat. You felt a thrill rush through you, making you tremble. You leaned down and marked him again and again, pulling sweet moans from his lips until his neck and collarbones were littered with the proof of your mouth. You lifted your face to kiss him again, but after pressing his lips to yours twice, he pulled back.
"One more," he whispered, taking your hand from his face and guiding it down to the slight firm swell of the top of his left pec.
His eyes played over your face as you felt it softly against your fingertips - his heart. In a valiant fight for your composure, you pressed your eyes shut and buried your face in his chest. He ran a hand over the back of your head soothingly. You raised your face to meet his gaze again, choking out a little sob at the depth of its gentle affection. You slipped your fingers to the collar of his cotton tee and stretched it down and to the side, revealing his bare chest. With reverence you pressed your mouth to his skin, fulfilling his request.     
No sooner had you raised your eyes to his again than he was pulling you against his lips and rolling you to your back. His weight sank into you as your mouths moved together and you thought, maybe, under his warmth was the only place you ever wanted to be. Your body responded to him seemingly of its own accord, your legs weaving around the backs of his thighs as a thrumming ache intensified at your core. As he moved to kiss your neck you found your hips rolling up, seeking relief for the sticky ache at their center, and you were met with a firm knot in his groin that pressed just where you were neediest. Your high-pitched whine was a sharp contrast to his low growl into your shoulder. It was intoxicating - his sensation, his sound, and you undulated against him over and over to slake your want on his growing hardness and hear his breath come quick against your ear. He began to rock against you in return, and soon you were whimpering into his neck, beads of sweat cooling on your forehead against the night air as each rut of his hips became overwhelming and not enough.
    "Yoongi, please," you begged in a breathy moan, lightly squeezing the back of his neck and turning your damp forehead against his soft cheek.
He pushed up to look at you, brushing away the little hairs clinging to your brow. He looked as needy as you, but a little uncertain.
    "What is it?" he asked. You knew he knew. You leaned up and kissed him chastely before letting your head fall back against the blanket.
    "I want you," you murmured, suddenly barely able to look at him as the words formed on your lips.
Yoongi dipped to press another kiss to your mouth before sitting up and back on your thighs, and gently tugging you up with him. You noticed the bulge straining against the front of his khakis, and he winced slightly as he wiggled to adjust against your legs. He took your hands in his, that little smile tugging at the corners of his pink lips, tongue darting out lick at them as he considered you thoughtfully. Impatient, you pushed his jacket off his shoulder, which he fully shed and cast aside, and ran your hands over his cotton-clad chest. His muscle jumped when you grazed down over his stomach, which you thought must be as soft and lovely as the rest of him.
  "Are you sure you want this to happen right now, with me?" he asked tenderly. You looked up at him, your brow pinched in question. "Your first time?"
    You scoffed, your face heating as you looked away, brushing bits of sand from the blanket.
    "How do you know if it's my first time?"
His little smile spread into a grin.
    "Because I know," he offered, a bit smugly.
You toyed with the hem of his shirt.
    "I'm sure," you murmured. And then you looked up at him. "Have you ever..."
    "Yeah," he responded, almost like he was sorry, as he glanced down and took your hands in his again. He bit the bottom corner of his lip. "I don't have a condom."
You felt your heart pounding as the concept of him taking you where you sat became increasingly real.
    "So pull out," you offered nonchalantly, hoping you sounded far more experienced than he knew you were.
He nodded. You snaked a hand between you to dance your fingers over the strain against the crotch of his pants. His hand flew to encircle your wrist and still your movements. He took a deep breath.
    "It might hurt you at first. Maybe the whole time," he said, his thumb brushing in a pendulum motion over your arm. You nodded.
    "I know. I don't care."
He smiled again, regarding you for a long moment. 
    "Okay," he said, nodding and licking his lips before taking your jaw delicately between the rounded pads of his fingers. "But you have to promise me one thing."
    "You still have to leave in the morning."
You heaved a sigh. Oh, Yoongi. You thought you might cry again, so you nodded, pulling him down over you once more.
    "Promise me," he murmured against your lips.
    "I promise," you breathed.
    You kissed slowly, greedily, learning each other's mouths and mapping each other's faces and necks. At some point he dipped below your collarbone to drag his lips along the tops of your breasts. Your hand flew into his hair and he looked up at you, dark eyes seeking permission. You nodded, bottom lip clamped between your teeth as he tugged down the stretchy bodice of your sundress to reveal a simple beige bra that clasped in the front.
    "It's not sexy," you remarked apologetically.
He shook his head, his dark hair falling into his eyes, and dipped to kiss the tops of your breasts as his fingers found the clasp.
    "Shhh, it's just the wrapping," he whispered as he snapped the garment open, letting your breasts fall into view as they pushed aside the fabric cups that had confined them.
He cursed under his breath as he brought both hands to your tits and kneaded them gently, sliding your pert nipples in the spaces between his fingers. You mewled, arching your back to press your chest up into his grasp. Before you could truly revel in the feeling of his hands plying your supple flesh, they were gone, but your whine of protest was cut short by a sharp keen as his mouth replaced his fingers. He suckled and nipped at one bud and then the other, and each time he released one with a pop, you were certain you had been rendered temporarily unconscious. Soon he was sitting up and smirking down at the panting, writhing mess of you beneath him. You saw him grimace again as he adjusted his stance, and you reached for his zipper, only to find your hand caught in his.
    "No yet," he chided lightly, a twinkle in his eye, "I have to make you cum."
You drew your arm back and cast it over the top of your face, suddenly shy at his remark.
    "To get you ready for me," he explained again in a murmur as he pushed your dress up to your rib cage.
He traced his hands lightly over your naked waist and you shivered. He moved to his knees, pushing your legs to either side of him. He hooked his fingers into the top of your pink cotton panties, when you suddenly felt yourself sitting up, your dress falling back over your midriff. You were a sight - wild hair and your tits half out, still panting for breath while worry painted your features. Yoongi pulled his hands away and sat back, confusion in his widened eyes. 
    "I don't shave," you rushed out, "I know some girls do, but I've never tried. And...I don't know, I'm kind of a mess down there right now..."
Yoongi's face softened and he leaned forward to press his forehead to yours.
  "I don't care," he whispered. You huffed out another sigh.
    "But...but what if you...don't like it?"
    "I know I will."
He bumped your nose with his, swallowing again as his hand found yours.
"Because I love you."
He only let the words hang in the air for a millisecond before he was crashing his lips into yours again, passionately, as if it was the only way he could convey his conviction.
He loved you. You could have died. But he was pressing one of the kisses you would always remember into your lips like an oath, so you didn't. And then you let him bare your skin and lay you down and tell you that you were beautiful. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes when you felt your heart believe him. How were you to leave in the morning when his soft, warm words felt like the sun?
    He ran his hands over your sides and thighs, dipping to trail slow, deliberate kisses down from your navel until his chin brushed the soft, curly hairs of your mound. Your breath caught in your chest as the cool air hit fresh slick dampening your sex. He leaned back again, regarding you with warm eyes, and took your hand in his, placing it over your lower lips.
"Do you touch yourself?"
    You stammered. He had asked you as simply as if he were inquiring about your favorite flavor of ice cream. With effort you admitted that you did. He stroked over your hand.
"Show me how. What makes you feel good."
You nodded slowly, feeling yourself tremble a little as you moved to stroke your middle finger in beckoning motions over your swollen clit. The motion that should have been almost automatic and familiar felt new and lewd under his gaze. As you dipped to gather more arousal from your entrance you watched his Adam's apple bob in his throat and his hands tighten where they gripped your thighs.
    "You're soaked," he murmured as he stooped to press a kiss to your belly. Then he did something that would be seared into your brain for all eternity: he scooped up your hand and brought it to his lips, sucking your sticky middle finger into his mouth. You gushed at the sensation of his lips and tongue, wide eyes locked on his as he slowly let your finger slip free.
    "You want to know how you taste?" He asked, not waiting for an answer before humming, "So fucking good."
    "Yeah?" you asked breathlessly, propped up on your forearms to watch as he laid down between your legs.
  "Mhm. Sweet. Like honey."
He kissed into your pubic hair, slipping one of his long fingers to trace over your clit the way you had showed him. You gasped as you watched him work you up, something inside your growing taut like a bowstring. And then a kind of pleasure you had never imagined, the kind that made you want to melt and scream, rushed through your trembling body as a single finger pressed slowly past your entrance while his mouth found your clit. You found your hips bucking to meet his thrusts as he pressed in a second finger. You felt a slight sting at the stretch, but the exquisite pressure of this knobby knuckles caressing your walls overwhelmed any pain, and when he pressed the pads of his fingers to massage a spongy patch of muscle, you cried out, gripping his dark locks. 
    "Yoongi!" you moaned as he repeated the motion, and when he took your clit between his lips to suck you came.
You came hard and in waves, rolling your hips into him until you were clamping your thighs shut at the raw sensitivity of overstimulation. Yoongi sat up to rub his hands over your shaking thighs and heaving belly before leaning back down to kiss you and return your spirit through his lips from the astral plane.
    "You did so good," he cooed, "Came so easy for me."
    "That's good?" you asked between pants. He chuckled into your neck.
    "It felt good, Yoongi, really good." He dropped a kiss to your shoulder, and then mumbled into your skin.
    "You still want to go all the way?"
    "Yes," you whispered, pulling his shirt up his back and running your hands over his bare skin.
Yoongi sat up and pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it to lay with his jacket. He was slender and milky, as you had expected, but his shoulders were surprisingly broad, and his upper chest firm. The soft swell of his belly was dusted with a trail of delicate dark hairs leading down from his navel. You reached instinctively for the button of his pants, and this time he let you. Trailing the zipper down, he helped you shed his tight pants and boxers, sighing in relief as he freed his erection. You bit your lip as your hand trailed over the velvety skin of his shaft. Even this part of him was beautiful, you thought - not overly long but thick and proud with a pretty vein and a smooth tip glistening with precum. You had been so consumed with drinking him in that you only now noticed the little needy whimpers falling from his lips as you stroked him. You squeezed a little firmer, pumping him with more confidence.
    "Like that?" you asked, unable to look away from the sweet sight of his face as his eyebrows knitted and his head tilted back.
"Yeah, just...no, no, I won't last," he groaned, his hand stilling yours.
When he met your concerned gaze he reached up to stroke your cheek.
"Feels too good," he murmured reassuringly, then he guided you back down on the blanket, balling up his jacket and slipping it under your head.
He lowered himself carefully over you, skin to skin, as he kissed you again and again, his right hand toying with your breast and trailing lower to caress your clit. You could feel the heat rising in you again, and an aching want inside growing deeper and hungrier with every shock of pleasure. When he trailed his fingers through your folds to find you thoroughly wet he leaned to the side, gliding his length between your lips, his smooth tip brushing over your bud. You cursed, fingers digging into his back and he huffed a little laugh, eyes sparkling down at you.
    "Dirty girl," he chuckled, before kissing the tip of your nose. "Are you ready?"
You felt a squeeze of trepidation in your chest, but you pushed it away.
    "Yes," you assured him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
For a long moment, he just stared down at you, the same look in his eyes as the morning you had first awakened in his arms, but so intent - as if he was trying to commit every feature of your face, in this moment, to memory. Finally breaking his gaze, he glanced down between your bodies, aligning himself with your entrance. His eyes flicked back up to you as he slowly, slowly breached your core. When he had pressed in past his tip you felt the searing stretch he had warned you of. You closed your eyes, drawing in a sharp breath.
"You okay?" came is worried voice, "Want to stop?" You shook your head.
"No, just do it," you panted through the pain, "I want it to be you."
You pulled him down to press your mouth to his. Every kiss between you seemed to say something. This one said that you trusted him in a way you would never trust another.
He was so gentle. Pressing in slowly, giving you time to stretch around the thickness of him, kissing you sweetly through your whimpers, until he was fully sheathed inside you. Tears filled your eyes and trickled down your cheeks. You were so full of him.
    "Why are you crying?" he cooed, touching his forehead to yours.
Your hands clutched his back as you raised watery eyes to his.
"Because I'm yours, Yoongi. Yours first and no one else's." He buried his face in your neck.
"Take me, Yoongi," you whispered desperately into his ear, "Take me like I'm yours."
You felt him let out a tiny sob against your skin and then he started to move. He kept a slow pace at first, carefully gliding against your tight walls, unaccustomed to his presence. You could feel him jerk and twitch as he moved, and thought he must be restraining himself. You found the worst of your pain had passed, and all you wanted in the world was to make him cum.
    "Don't hold back," you hummed as you rolled your hips to meet his thrusts.
He didn't need you to tell him twice, instantly setting a quicker, sharper pace that had his balls slapping your ass and his pelvic bone pressing to your clit with each forward snap.
    "You're so fucking tight," he mumbled, a dazed look beginning to overtake his features, "You feel so good, baby. So good." You wove your hands into his hair, pulling him down to kiss him as you breathed in every curse, whimper, and moan. And then he was looking down at you with dark, wild eyes.
    "I'm gonna cum, sweetheart, where do you want me to cum?"
You didn't have to think.
    "Inside," you answered breathlessly.
    "But I'm not..."
  "Please, cum inside me, Yoongi. Please," you whimpered, tempted to wrap your legs around his waist - your desire for him transcending every fear of consequence. But you wanted to give him the choice.
He raised himself up on his elbows, his thrusts coming impossibly harder and more erratic, and then he came. You watched him in exaltation as he threw his head back and cried out, emptying himself inside you. So beautiful, you thought, with his hair clinging to his brow, his chest heaving and flushed, and his face drawn in the throes of his release. You did wrap your legs around him then, and he collapsed, his head falling to your breasts as he gasped for breath. You tangled your fingers into his hair, caressing his head. You were swollen and sore and messy, and yet the thought of him abandoning you was unbearable. And the moon saw it all.
It saw you stay each other's as long as possible. It watched you both try to hide your tears as you pulled on your clothes. It watched you fight desperately, and fail, to put your heart in words. It watched him silence you, and hold you, because you didn't have to say it. He knew. It watched you fall asleep in his arms one last time.
You opened your eyes. The gulls were crying and the pale morning sunlight was spilling over the tops of the cliffs. The sea was soft and plashing and cerulean. It was the most beautiful of the ninety-three mornings of summer. But you didn't notice - all you saw were dark lashes on the apples of soft cheeks. You watched his breath rise and fall as the sun tipped over the horizon in the east, the dew trickling down your face as salty as the sea.
When Yoongi's eyes fluttered open they met your red ones, and he pressed is forehead to yours only for a moment before pulling you up to stand.
"Get outta here," he whispered shakily, hands still clutching your arms and brow still tilted into your own.
"Come with me," you choked tracing your hands over his chest.
"I can't leave her with him."
"I know." Your fingers traced over his heart and the little bruise you knew rested under the cotton fabric.
Yoongi wept.
"Go," he whispered, squeezing your arms. You nodded weakly.
"Go, goddamn it, go!" he cried, as you shook with sobs, then he crushed his mouth against yours.
Time didn't stop, you'd have any - so you stole every second you could.
And then you kept your promise.
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You shivered as a zephyr sprang off the water to whip around you, disrupting your thoughts. You tugged at your blazer. It had been a long time since you wore a sundress with cherries.
It was time to let them go, the little girl huddled in a blanket and the boy with the bleeding lip. They had held your hands for so long. They deserved to be free. It was time to let them go, so you did.
With a deep sigh you cast one last wistful glance back over the great blue expanse as the sun sank into the sea.
The moon was just a silver slip in the sky that night, but it saw. It saw before you did, as you turned to go, the breath catching in your chest when a low, soft voice behind you asked,
"Got a light?"
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fearlessword · 4 months
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Masterlist
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Slow burn/ Slow build/ canon divergence/ d-day tour / soulmate- ish
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoongi x Reader
Ongoing. This fic is updated on AO3 first. You can find Chapters 1-5 here.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | Masterlist❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Status: Ongoing
Word count: TBD
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
Ch 1: Love
Ch 2: Taboo
Ch 3: Stunt
Ch 4: Who?
Ch 5: Drink
Ch 6: Drank
Ch 7: Drunk
Ch 8: Caught in a Lie
Ch 9: Gone
Ch 10: Love & Hate
Ch 11: Out of Sight
Ch 12: Guilty
Ch 13: Weight
Ch 14: Progress
Ch 15: Management
Ch 16: Break
Ch 17: Emotions
Ch 18: New Attitude
Ch 19: Your Letter
Ch 20: I’m Fine
Ch 21: Look Up
Ch 22: Healing
Ch 23: Together
Ch 24: Forever
Ch 25: Approval
Ch 26: Clout
Ch 27: Forward
Ch 28: The Last
Ch 29: 00:00
Ch 30: More Energy
Ch 31: More Passion
Ch 32: Insecure
Ch 33: Coffee
Ch 34: Pout
Ch 35: Comeback
Ch 36: Fly
Ch 37: Electric
Ch 38: Drip
179 notes · View notes
sweetlyskz · 6 months
Strange||Chapter Three
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐨𝐭𝟕 × 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲, 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐮, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
PLEASE READ: I can't lie... It took me a minute to figure out where I wanted to go with this story- I CRIED! I hate that it took me so long to get this to you guys :(... Hopefully the updates will be a little more consistent. ALSO I did revamp the banner a bit- the other one just doesn't fit the direction I’m about to take with this fic so BE READY!
thanks for all the love <3
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Not once, did it ever occur to you to do a DNA test. You grew up in an orphanage, so obviously you didn’t really know your parents. Honestly, you had no reason to know them, to know if they're dead or alive. You had Jin. And when he left, you had Jae. That was enough for you.
But now knowing that your father was out there, and that he knew Jin, made you curious. You weren’t really curious about your father, more so your mother. But, how did he know Jin? Phone tapping? Listening to your private conversations? Is that something that your potential father is capable of?
After ending the phone conversation with Jin, you both agreed to meet at a discrete location. He didn’t have to say the usual spot, you already knew.
A tree behind the orphanage, now old and abandoned. Someone could’ve spotted you from a mile away, but you didn’t care. It’s not like you were famous or anything. Unlike Jin, who showed up in a black zip up hoodie with a mask. He looked like he was about to rob someone.
“Dude, you look like you’re gonna steal my purse or something”, you teased. “We’re literally meeting behind an abandoned building. I don’t think anyone is here.”
“You never know, especially with your dad.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth about this whole dad thing? This could just be another lie you’re spinning to get me to forgive you.”
He sighed. “At this point, I have no reason to lie. And this is serious, Ynie.”
You climbed your way up the old oak tree, sitting on one of the limbs. “Where is he? Do you know? He shook his head.
“No, and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you”, Jin snarked. “He is dangerous, deadly.”
“I don’t care, Jin. He’s my father. You can’t protect me from this one.”
He climbed up the tree also, claiming a spot next to you on the limb. He laid his head on your shoulder as you sat in silence.
Just like old times.
“You still lied to me. Don’t expect me to forgive you that easily”, you reminded him. Yes, hearing about your father puts things in a different perspective, but the principle still stands. His loyalties should lie with you, not your potential father.
“I’m really sorry”, he apologized. “And I’ll never forgive myself for what I’ve done, but I really hope we can try to move past this, together. I’m not saying that things have to go back to the way they used to be. You’re an adult now, so you don’t need me to look after you anymore. But maybe we can start over? Clean the slate?”
You smiled, on the brink of tears. “Maybe. I have missed my best friend a little.”
“A little?” Jin teased. “I know it didn’t seem like it, but there was never a single day I wasn’t thinking about you, missing you.”
His hand reached your cheek, wiping away the tears. God, memories were a bitch. All you can think about is old times, but the good times, not the bad ones.
“You know we’re gonna have to tell them, right?” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “They’ll get suspicious if we’re suddenly the best of friends.”
You nodded. “I’ll tell them, don’t worry.” You both agreed it was better if you sat down and told his boyfriends the truth. Jin doesn’t always have a way with words, especially when their eyes pierced through his skull like daggers.
“I want to meet him, Jinnie”, you whispered. “I want to meet my father.”
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The next week went smoothly. You and Jin began to reacclimate to being in each other's presence. The bangtan meetings were more productive, considering you actually showed up this time. The beginning was a little rocky, though.
“Well, look who decided to show up?” The leader complained. “You missed– I don't know— about three meetings!”
“I’m really sorry”, you apologized, giving a formal 90 degree bow. Jin laughed at your teasing.
“This is the last meeting before we start promotions. I couldn’t miss this.”
You all discussed the boring partnership mumbo jumbo. You didn’t really pay attention half the time. You mostly texted Jin, in need of a distraction. 
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“Anything else to add Miss Kim?” Their advisors asked you.
“Yes actually”, you replied. “But it’s actually more of a private matter. Could I ask you all to step outside for a quick second? Everyone except Bangtan, of course.”
The manager gave you a quick glare before obeying your orders, grabbing their belongings and walking out of the office.
“Is she about to murder us?” Tae jumped up out of his chair, making his way to the door. “I’m too young to die!”
Jin rolled his eyes. “Yah! Would you stop being so dramatic and get back in your seat?”
You laughed. “I promise, I have no ulterior motives. I just want to apologize.”
You could tell that obviously wasn’t what they were expecting. They looked at each other, all wondering why they weren’t being chewed out by you for being a bunch of dickheads.
“I realize that everything that happened wasn’t expected, and I never meant to uproot anyone’s life. To be honest, I didn’t even know who you guys were before this partnership— well besides Jin. And the reason Jin was keeping secrets is because I told him to. But I want to be the one to tell you everything.”
The room went silent. It was like everyone was on the edge of their seats, like a movie hitting the climax.
“Ynie, you don’t have to do this right now”,  Jin assured you. “We can do this later, maybe when we’re all more comfortable with each other.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay. I need to do this now, or I’ll never do it. If I’m gonna ask for your help, you need to know the full story.”
“Help with what?” Joon questioned. “What do you need us for?”
“I need help finding my father.”
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It was a silent ride back home for the boys. With everything going on in their heads, after everything you had told them, it was hard not to ponder over it.
Even when they got back to the dorms, it was quiet. Jimin couldn’t help but beat himself up over his last actions, the way he first treated you. Looking at it from his point of view, you could see why he acted the way he did. But he still felt foolish for thinking that a person like you would be out to get him, to take what’s his. They all sat in the living room, stuck in their heads.
“We need to talk about this”, Jungkook said, breaking the silence.
“You’re right”, Hoseok agreed. “I think we should help her. Good karma, you know?”
Jin shook his head. “You don’t understand. I’ve met him before. He is dangerous. I don’t want him anywhere near her.”
“Okay, but that’s not your decision to make, Jin”, Yoongi argued with his arms crossed. “As a good friend, you need to just support her decisions and help her when she makes mistakes. You can’t make decisions for her.”
Joon agreed. “Yoon is right. Keep her from this and you might lose her entirely... again.”
“Then what do I do?” Jin asked desperately. “Just let her get hurt?”
Jimin consoled his exasperated boyfriend, lighting massaging his shoulders. “Yes, and be there for her when it happens-if it happens.”
All of those years he spent protecting you, raising you. To be honest, he missed it. But you’re not a little girl anymore. You're a grown woman, capable of making your own decisions. And he is a grown man, responsible and mature.
“Okay”, Jin agreed. “Let’s help find her father.”
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“Are you seriously gonna hang out with the same people that hated you like two days ago?”
You were getting ready to have lunch with the boys. You invited Jae to come along, wanting an icebreaker in case things are still awkward. He was helping you get ready in your lovely walk-in closet.
“We are all mature adults, Jae. Get over—”
“And let me also remind you, that Jimin guy embarrassed you in front of millions of people! They're all a bunch of dicks.”
“My favorite”, you teased. He threw an old t-shirt at you.
“You have the humor of a teenage boy.” Jae picked a shirt hanging up in your closet, handing it to you.
“That one, so we can match!”
“Like a couple?” You asked sarcastically. “How cute!”
He snatched the shirt back. “Never mind. Jin probably wouldn’t want us to match anyway.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why would he care what I wear?”
“Because he’s totally crushing on you, him and his boyfriends— maybe not Jimin though.”
"You're delusional", you scoffed. "There's seven people in that relationship. I bet they're not looking for anymore."
"Whatever you say... But that Namjoon guy was definitely checking you out at the awards show."
Another shirt was thrown across the closet, and with that drawer of socks, but even after the conversation ended you wondered…
Was what Jae said true?
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Taglist (if @ is purple I can’t tag you :()
@scuzmunkie @moon-cupcakes @quillan-pie @uarmyhore @xjiminsthighsx @dreamamubarak @exfolitae @snookerbooker @bex-tk1 @prettybitxc @frieschan @whipwhoops @lulu-83 @minaaathings @demarie04 @svnbangtansworld @juju-227592 @bangtantxts @blancflms @girl-nahh @kameko-ko @cutiethecupcake @worcesheshestershiresauce @irishhbamb
Lmk if I forgot to add you or you would like to be added <3
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euphoricfilter · 8 months
sweet girl:
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pairing: yoonji x f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || cisswap || established relationship
summary: sometimes work is hard but your girlfriend makes it all better
word count: 2.2k
tags/warnings: smut in the forms of: mommy kink 👹, strap!!!, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, they rub their clits together :D and they kiss because they’re in love, also boobie appreciation, talked about aftercare
notes: teehee, to all the girl lovers. also technically part of this universe but can be read as a standalone (not proofread because i genuinely need sleep)
where you can find the rest of my stuff!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
“Sweet girl?” Yoonji calls from the couch as the front door opens.
Your shoes pad against the floor before you’re kicking them off, bag making a loud thud as it slips off your shoulder. Desperate fingers tug at the button of your jeans, tugging them down your thighs.
You fall to a standstill when you see Yoonji, her eyes rake down your body.
“Hi” you breathe.
A gentle smile pulls at her lips, “Hey” she starts, beckoning you over, “how was your day?”
You hum, socked feet sliding against the carpet as you fall onto the couch beside her, “Long”
“You look so tired, baby” her hands skim down the length of your arm, soft lips pressing a kiss to your cheek as your eyes close in bliss. You feel some of the tension leave your body, muscles melting and mind floating as Yoonji tugs your head towards her chest.
You wriggle a little, leg lifting over her thigh as you press your face between her tits. You draw in a long breath, arm slipping around her waist as you try and press yourself impossibly closer to your girlfriend.
“My poor thing” she murmurs, fingers raking through your hair, “my poor needy little thing, can feel that greedy cunt of yours clenching, baby”
A mean little laugh tumbles from her lips as your hips jolt forward at her words, cheeks warming at being caught. And yet you couldn’t feel shame, not when she was the prettiest person you’ve ever met, how warm her skin is, touch tender and gentle.
“Need me to help you?” her fingers tug a little at your scalp, breath catching in the back of your throat as you rut your hips forward again. Your clit throbs at the delicious drag of your panties against your cunt, desperate as you roll your hips a little faster.
Yoonji pulls your face from her chest, whine on the tip of your tongue, ready to split before your eyes meet hers, “I asked you a question, sweet thing”
“Need you” you whisper, greedy fingers tugging at her shirt, needing her closer. Layers of clothes too much, an all-consuming want tugging at your body and mind, a desperate need to have Yoonji’s skin against yours.
“Need me to what, baby?” she tips her head down, lips skimming against yours. You press upwards to close that little space between the both of you. Her balmy lipstick smears across your mouth, moan catching in the back of your throat as her tongue presses into your mouth.
She’s the one to pull away from you, curl of a smile on her lips “Tell me”
You swallow, eyes flickering between her own, “Wanna feel good”
“Yeah? Need me to help with that?”
You nod up at her, hand resting against her stomach as you try and press for another kiss.
The fingers still tangled in your hair tug you back.
“Ask me, baby. Ask me to make you feel good”
You wet your bottom lip with your tongue, cheeks flushed as you look at her, absolutely enamoured by her existence.
“Please” you start, “please make me feel good, wanna cum”
“You gonna cum on mommy’s cock?”
Your fingers dig into her shirt, frantic as you nod.
“Be a good girl and get my cock then” she nods towards the bedroom.
You scramble to get up, foot almost catching on the edge of the rug as you stand up.
Yoonji’s fingers loop around the waistband of your panties as you turn towards the bedroom, you stumble backwards as she tugs you towards her.
You let out something akin to a squeak as the sudden force, “bend over for me a little, baby” she murmurs.
You do as she says, goosebumps prickling down your arms as she presses a kiss where your ass meets your thighs.
She pats your side, “Good girl”
You skuttle into the bedroom, pulling a box from under the bed. Raw need thrums through your veins, mind racing as you fumble for which dildo you want, because Yoonji asking you to get the strap meant you got to choose tonight. How much you wanted to be stretched, how numb did you want your mind with nothing but her name circling every fibre of your being until you cum, bones jelly and mind sated. Where you know she’ll kiss tender skin, run the bath for you, sat there as she warms your bones then lays with you in bed.
You pick one of the bigger dildos, lube tucked under your arm. You catch sight of something in the mirror before you leave the bedroom.
You turn a little, bending over slightly, only to see a faint red kiss painting your skin from Yoonji’s lipstick.
You feel arousal dribble past your walls, cotton soaked as you slip out of the bedroom.
“Greedy little thing” Yoonji hums when you drop everything on the couch, “come on, stretch yourself open then” she pats the pillow beside her.
You fall back on the couch, tugging your panties off.
“On your knees” she hums, tugging her shirt over her head, pants kicked off along with her own underwear.
You turn over, back arching as your fingers run through your folds, slick soaked as your cunt clenches.
“How pretty” your girlfriend murmurs, shuffling behind you as she steps into the strap, eyes trained on you. Watching as your fingers slip through your folds, teasing as you dip a finger into yourself, thighs quivering as you press in a little further.
You hear the cap of the lube click open, teasing a second finger at the entrance of your cunt, gentle as you press further into yourself, fingers spreading to stretch yourself open a little more.
“That’s it, sweet thing” Yoonji hums, hands skimming down the back of your thigh. You feel the silicone cock nudge against your ass, lube clinging to your skin as Yoonji ruts against you.
“Please” you shake your ass, fingers spreading yourself open for her.
“Please, what” she taunts, rubbing the bulbous head of her cock over your slick soaked cunt.
“Mommy please” you try and press her into you, fingers balling into fists, “please please please”
“Oh baby” she croons, one hand pulling at your ass to get a better view as she lines up the head of the dildo with your entrance better. A moan drips off your tongue, sweet like honey as she presses into you.
Your hand trails down your body, fingers grazing over your pulsating clit as Yoonji sinks further into you.
“Good girl” she hums, hands kneading your ass, “always such a pretty thing for me, right, baby?”
You nod, eyes squeezing shut as your mouth tips open in bliss. That full, perfect ache of being stretched open just right wracks up your spine, arousal dripping onto the couch below you as you rut back onto the cock. It’s obscene, the wet smack of your tacky skin against Yoonji’s pelvis, cock shiny, wet with your evident arousal.
“Thank you” it comes out breathless, fingers greedy as you play with your clit, toes curling when Yoonji pulls you back by your hips.
You feel the cock press against your sweet spot, staccato of moans muffled by the coach.
“That’s it” Yoonji croons, fingers digging into your flesh, hips snapping forward. Pleasure crawls up your body, clit throbbing as your hands grasp onto the couch.
“Wanna cum, please, please” you cry, each breath caught in the back of your throat.
You barely get the words out, “Please” is all you manage, thighs shaking as you slip closer and closer to release. Yoonji is unrelenting, pulling her cock out to the tip before her hips quickly snap back into you.
“Make a mess over Mommy’s cock”
One of her hands slip across your hip, dancing over your stomach before thrumming at your poor clit, so swollen and desperate.
“Fuck” you moan, hips rutting backwards as she plays with you.
“Cum for me”
Her name lodges in your throat, pussy clenching sporadically as you near your high.
You barely register your own voice, “Please”
“Come on, sweet girl” she presses over your clit a little faster, “so close for me, make a mess of my cock”
Stars dance behind your eyes as you tip over the edge, hiccup of a moan falling past your lips.
“That’s it” Yoonji hums, arousal soaked fingers skimming over your back. She rolls the cock into you slowly, helping you draw out your high.
Your toes tingle as you come to, thighs aching and cunt still clenching around the girthy intrusion.
“Good girl, you still here with me?” she murmurs.
You give her a nod.
“Words, baby”
You swallow, “I’m okay”
“Just okay?”
“Feel good”
A breathy laugh vibrates from her chest, “good”
You feel the ridges of the silicone cock drag against your sensitive walls as she begins to pull out. She lets out a low moan, watching the head of the cock spread your walls open before its slipping out of you, a pitiful dribble of creamy cum slipping down your thighs.
You tilt over, laying on your back, arms open for Yoongi.
She smiles down at you, unhooking her bra, letting it drop to the floor before she’s laying over you.
“God, you’re so pretty” she presses a kiss to your cheek.
Your hips roll upwards, cock pressed between your legs.
“And insatiable” she hums.
Your arms hold her close, “wanna make you feel good too” you murmur, head tilting upwards to press a kiss to her lips.
She indulges you, tongue licking over your bottom lip.
“You don’t have to” she whispers, eyes closed as she presses another chaste kiss to your lips, “just wanted you to feel better after a hard day”
You hum, “please”
Your hips rut upwards again, pleasure shooting up your spine, arousal tacky dildo pressing against your clit deliciously.
“What do you want?” she asks, fingers brushing your hair out of your face.
“This off” you tug at the straps of the strap on dildo.
Yoonji pushes herself off you a little, loosening the straps. Your own fingers press into your cunt, palm grazing your clit as the dildo falls to the floor.
“I’ll clean up later” you murmur, another dribble of arousal falling to the couch.
“Don’t worry about it” she leans over you, “leg up baby”
Her fingers wrap around your ankle, helping you lay back on the couch a little better. She tugs your leg up, slotting her own thighs beside yours.
She lifts her hand to her face, spit dribbling into her palm as she brings it down to her own pussy, spreading her folds. She drags her arousal soaked fingers over her clit, low moan catching in the back of her throat at the sudden friction.
Impatient, you lean yourself up onto your elbows, mouth latching onto one of her nipples, teeth grazing the sensitive skin.
“Shit” she whines, lowering her hips. You moan around her nipple at the first slick contact of her cunt pressed against your clit, warm, slick arousal dribbling over your folds.
Her hands trail down her body, fingers lifting up the hood of her clit as she ruts against yours.
“Ah” you moan, mouth falling open in pure bliss.
One of her arms stay hooked around your thigh, using it as leverage as she starts to roll her hips, your own thick arousal mixing with hers.
Your clit throbs, moans drowning out the obscene slick of your pussies rubbing against one another. Your mound is coated in arousal, her inner thighs tainted with your slick.
Each press of her clit over your sends you reeling into delicious overstimulation, still recovering from your last orgasm.
“Oh, darling” she moans, free hand falling to grope your chest.
Your lips wrap back around her nipple, warm breath fanning over her skin as you lick over her chest. Your teeth nip over sensitive skin at a particular thrust, unbridled pleasure coursing through every fibre of your being as she moans your name.
“Cum with me” she whines, trying to catch her own breath.
“Close” you whisper against her skin, teeth sinking into her pert nipples. That twinge of pain is enough to tip Yoonji over the edge, hand grasping at her free boob as she bounces a little.
Your cheeks heat at the lewdness of it all, tingling overstimulation helping you topple over the edge just after Yoonji. She continues to rub your pussies together, riding out the pure pleasure it brings the both of you.
“My good girl” her head tips back, “perfect girl”
You rub the mixture of both your cum and arousal over your clit, fingers twisting to run through her folds as she lets that final wave of arousal dribble over your cunt.
You bring your fingers up to your mouth, sucking on the mixture of your cum as you look up at her.
“How about a nice bath” she suggests, hands skimming up your sides, letting your leg fall back onto the couch.
“Can we use the new bubble bath we got?”
Yoonji lets out a breathy laugh, “Of course”
She leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your lips, tasting that mixture of your arousal.
“Love you” she whispers.
“I love you so much” you say, arms wrapping around her neck, pulling her in for a proper kiss.
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dirtybtssnaps · 9 months
Pros and cons of bts members please
Genre: Lovely smut
Pairing: Dominant! Bangtan Sonyondan and Submissive Female Reader
Name: Kim Namjoon (Rm)
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Pro: Namjoon’s such a cute, smart but slightly ditzy boyfriend to have. Both of you are usually just home alone or in a hotel room together, he’s usually just on the computer while you’re lying down on your phone. Occasionally both of you will go out on dates or just a walk together, this is when his ditziness comes out the most, with him trying to show you something new and destroying something on accident. You know he means well and just gets too excited to show you sometimes he thought was cool.
Con: Just like anything else when he touches something while excited he forgets his strength. Namjoon ripped your clothes off, effortlessly threw you on the bed, pinned you on the bed, and fucked you unmercifully for an hour. Afterward, both of you cuddle together for a while, until he has to get back up and work on his computer again.
Name: Kim Seokjin (Jin)
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Pro: After years of dating and traveling the world seokjin’s ready to settle down with his love, during the first time you both met he asked you out on a date. He was a complete gentleman during the whole date even picking you up and dropping you back off. After dating for a while he asks you to be his girlfriend, and after that you both become attached. Whenever someone sees Seokjin you’re usually right by him, you’re friends get slightly jealous of you thinking you’re lucky to have him.
Con: He offhandedly asked you if you were into Bdsm after you said yes and since it was introduced to your relationship it’s there forever. You’re always at his beckoning call no matter what, he’s stern but also very nice and a cutie sometimes. As time goes on the kinks and rules slowly get rougher, and the love you receive from him gets more intense with it. After each session, he cuddles with you and teases you about how you acted and the noises you made during it.
Name: Min Yoongi (Suga)
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Pro: You’re treated like a big spoiled fluffy house cat, everything you and anything you could want was easily at your fingertips. He hates leaving you all alone during tours and dislikes seeing his kitty getting grumpy before his flights he’d take you if he could, so you get extra treats, cuddles, and cute little cat toys. After pestering him a bunch of times about needing somewhere to sit in his studio, he got you a human-sized cat bed in the corner of his studio.
Con: Besides your being “Yoongi’s cat.” In everybody’s phone, and if you’re in your cat bed while anyone walks in they’ll greet you like your a cat. Yoongi’s kinda into free use, if he’s in the mood and you are too why wait and just do it somewhere nobody else is? That’s why he has passwords on his recording room doors, and he just loves seeing your cute little eyes looking back up at him while giving him head.
Name: Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
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Pro: Hobi Oppa is such a ray of sunshine to your life honestly, you both hang out and go out on cute little dates all the time. He always makes sure to compliment everything you wear, your hair, and even your makeup. He’s also kinda overprotective of you, and also not against being away from each other for too long. Somehow both of you even started sleeping together naked even without having sex, he often hugs you, cuddles with you tightly during it, and gives you deep kisses all over.
Con: Hoseok is such a sweetheart it’s honestly hard to find any faults in him…. Except for one…it’s just that he’s a masochist. He’s obviously the dominant one in your relationship, but it’s kinda embarrassing for him but you love him so you don’t mind. He regularly fucks you hard until you can barely control yourself, your legs and arms going everywhere until they wrap around him. Your nails start digging into his back making him moan and go rougher and deeper inside you.
Name: Park Jimin
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Pro: The honeymoon phase is forever, Jimin always thinks it’s important to make sure you’re secure, happy, and satisfied in your relationship together. Fights are usually tame between both of you just being simple disagreements, he loves surprising you with cute things he finds while away/on tour.
Con: From Humble to greedy, From Divine to Sinful it only takes one step to be off the path. As trips and work shifts seem to get longer his infatuation gets deeper for you, and when he sees you he just wants to drink every drop and still thirst for more. One time they even extended a tour for bts, and he couldn’t take it anymore the phone and video sex weren’t enough anymore so he flew you out.
Name: Kim Taehyung (V)
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Pro: Taehyung is just a nice shy guy, he couldn’t even make the first move, he just slipped you a cute note with his name and phone number. After a bit of texting you both got comfortable texting and talking to each other on the phone and he invites you over for dinner at his place. You’re hesitant at first but you go and both enjoy yourself a lot, both of you end up spending a lot of time together making people think you're both moving too fast. Taehyung defends both of your relationships, he honestly loves you and sees both of you being together for a long time.
Con: “It’s not true love if she’s not satisfied I’m bed.”, these are words Taehyung has taken to heart and keeps true to himself. So whenever both of you have sex he goes for as long and hard as he can. Taehyung may be rough in bed, but he’s always gentle with you during it fixing your hair, checking up on you, calling you sweet names he even gave you water during the middle of the sex when your throat sounded dry.
Name: Jeon Jungkook
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Pro: Jungkook loves your personality, the way you talk, your interests just everything about you. But he really loves your body, whenever you could be wearing regular clothes, a nice dress, an oversized shirt, a nightgown, lingerie, or just fresh out of the shower he loves it. You’re his favorite person to take pictures of, even setting up photo shoots at places to put up in his studio.
Con: He wants to post them so badly, not in a malicious way but in a beautiful way. In old paintings there are women simply in gardens and rivers naked, it’ll be actually tasteful nudity and he knows people would come from around the world to see you like that. Even with photos, your skin looks so soft, and everything always seemed like it was made to make the best background for you.
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katnisspeetaprim · 9 months
Broad Day Light
Min Yoongi/Reader
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Im so sorry if this is bad. i haven't had time to properly edit this. I've been sick again recently, but I wanted to get at least something out for you guys!
Warnings: Injury, crowds, anxiety, established relationship, idol!au
Word Count: 1203 M.list
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Walking down a busy street in the middle of the day shouldn’t have been an anxiety inducing task, but here you are. That’s all it’s felt like these days.
You and Yoongi went public a few years ago and paparazzi and sasaeng’s had mostly started to leave you alone after a few months, just the odd personal space invader here and there, but you learnt to live with the new found attention.
Fast forwards to 2023 and Yoongi’s solo tour was well under way. With a world tour came massive media attention, and with media attention, came paparazzi.
You weren’t famous, so having people run up to you with cameras was a surreal experience.
You tried your best to shield your face, but it was to no avail as the group of photographers bolted towards you from across the road.
‘Y/N! Over here!’
‘Are you going to any of the shows!?’
The group of men had effectively blocked your path, not allowing you to leave.
‘Please let me through. I have somewhere to be...’ You mumbled and wrapped your arms round yourself as you kept your head down and away from the cameras. You started forcing your way forwards.
‘Y/N! Yoongi and Halsey have been acting close! Did something happen between them!? Is that why you aren’t on tour with him?’ You know you shouldn’t dignify these people with a response, but the gall of implying that Yoongi would cheat on you with someone that had become a good friend to the both of you... It was enough to make you rage.
‘Of course not! They are good friends, now let me through- Ah!’ As you forcefully pushed your way through the crowd, you didn’t realise how close you were to the curb.  Your ankle rolled, causing you to topple over into the road.
Your hands, arms and knees were all scratched up, along with a twisted ankle. At least no cars were coming so you wouldn’t get run over. Though that seemed like a more preferable situation than the one you were currently in.
‘AH!’ You shakily sat up and grabbed your ankle, causing you to hiss out in pain.
‘Please just leave me alone!’ You screamed out and swiped out at the paparazzi circling round you.
‘Hey that’s assault! She just tried to hit me!’ One of the men shouted out, trying to garner sympathy with his fellow low lives.
You were all but breaking down into a full blown panic attack, when all of a sudden you felt a wave of hope flow through you when you heard the shouts of police officers approaching the scene.
‘Hey! What’s going on here? Out of the way!’ They pushed through the crowd and one knelt next to you, whilst the other two pushed back the group, ultimately threatening arrests if they didn’t dispurse.
‘Miss? Are you ok? Are you hurt?’
‘My ankle- I think it’s twisted!’ You whimpered, trying to hold back your tears.
‘Don’t worry. We’ll get you to the hospital.’
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Hours later and you were finally able to go home. With a lot of help from your best friend, you were now sat in your living room, feeling sorry for yourself with your poor ankle all wrapped up.
The scraped that littered your limbs weren’t too bad, just a little sore. Stories had hit the web pretty much immediately, along with plenty of videos of the incident, filmed by multiple people.
With any luck, Yoongi would be too busy to even think about going online...
-Incoming video call from Yoongles-
Ah well. There goes that idea.
After a slight hesitation, you pushed the green answer button.
Yoongi suddenly appeared on screen. He’d clearly changed out of his concert gear and was now clad in comfy sweat pants and a jumper.
And he looked pissed.
‘Hey Yoongi...’ You trailed off, trying to sound normal.
‘Seriously? You going to pretend nothing happened?’ He stared at you in disbelief.
‘You should have called me when it happened!’ He continued on, raising his voice ever slightly.
You looked away from the screen, feeling guilty that you tried to keep it from him. Of course he would see the articles, so it was pointless to even try.
‘I’m sorry...’
Yoongi  took in your defeated appearance and groaned internally for adding more upset to your already stressful day.
‘No, I’m sorry for shouting. When I saw what happened, I just got so angry.’ He paused for a moment before shaking his head. ‘You got hurt because of me...’
‘Yoongi no!’ You sat up straighter, trying to reassure him. ‘This isn’t your fault. At all!’
He nodded slowly, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t believe you.
‘I’m going to send you the number for one of our bodyguards. If you need to go somewhere, get him to drive you.
Yoongi suddenly moved the phone in his hands. He was clearly texting you.
You couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend.
‘Yoongi! I’m sure they have better things to do than look after me!’ His message however, had already pinged on your phone.
‘You got attacked in broad daylight Y/N. Seems pretty serious to me.’ Yoongi deadpanned as he stared you right in the eyes.
The smile fell from your face. You couldn’t argue with the fact that you would feel a lot safer with someone escorting you...
‘I won’t be going anywhere for a while. My ankle is all screwed up.’ You joked, trying to lighten the mood a little.
You didn’t get to see Yoongi often these days, given how in demand he was. The last thing you wanted to do with your precious time together was be miserable.
Yoongi smirked mischievously.
‘Maybe you’ll stay out of trouble then.’ You drew back in mock offense.
‘Excuse me!?’ Where has the compassion gone to?’
‘I’m sure you’ll survive.’ He said, trying to hold back his smirk.
You couldn’t hold back and began to laugh for the first time that day.
‘I wish I could be there for you’ Yoongi suddenly spoke over your laughter. You immediately went quiet, knowing that Yoongi was still upset by the days events.
‘It’s ok. This is enough, for now.’ You smiled gently and gestured towards the phone screen separating the two of you.
‘Remind me again why you couldn’t come with me?’ Yoongi groaned and slumped back in his chair.
‘You know why. I couldn’t get off work.’ You giggled as you also snuggled down into your chair.
He frowned before once again beginning to type on his phone.
‘What’s wrong?’ You enquired curiously.
‘I’m not there, but Tae will be close by tomorrow. I’m sending him to check on you.’
‘Oh my god!’ You exclaimed with a laugh. ‘I can’t convince you I’m fine can I?’
‘Definitely not.’
You and Yoongi spent a long time on call together that night, making the most of every moment.
It was only after ending the call for the night, did you notice Taehyung had sent you a message.
Hey noona! Hope you are ready for a home spa day tomorrow!
P.S, Please tell Yoongi-hyung I made you happy... He’ll kill me if I fail!
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7698 · 6 months
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softandsourcream · 1 year
Stop, you’re losing me~ | masterlist
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| “And I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser, who only wanted you to see her~” T.S
Pairing: Yoongi x (f.OC) Reader
Genere/Tags: childhood friends - to strangers- to ???- to lovers; vet! OC x idol! D-DAY Yoongi era; slow burn angst with good ending (just trust me); past “lovers”; childhood friends; reader has a tween; angst, comfort, fluff, smut.
Series warning: family drama; grief; uncomfortable conversations; hurt reader - yoongi in denial; four/explicit lenguaje; distancing and moving away; anxiety attacks; mental health; long hair yoongi (yes this is a warning); explicit sexual content (specific warnings stated per chapter) (18+)
Status: ongoing. Not too long tho~
Series summary: Yoongi has his life solved. According to him, being the age he was and his dream fulfilled had made his days two things 1. Very busy and 2. Pointless. He was currently on tour all by himself, had new music released, trips done, and he was about to enlist after finishing his itinerary. Nothing had made him return to Daegu, why would he do it, he didn't have the time or the need, in fact, he almost didn't make it to his brother's wedding because of work.
Seeing you there after so many years, tho, transformed his days from nothing, to just wishing.
Wishing he never set foot in that place at all.
💭 each chapter will have its own warnings sometimes! so check them before you proceed ♡.
💭 idkn yet how long this is gonna be, or if I'm going to publish it at all. it depends on how this first post goes~ it’s something I got in my drafts so, yeah:)
★彡 enjoy!
—————————•。・゜  ♡ ゜・。_______________
a start (teaser) - 1k
one “breathe” - 9k
two “but I’m still here...“ - 8,5k
three coming soon!
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swmeltem · 4 months
Would you look at this sweetness, he is a green flag forever🥹
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