#idolish7 rabbit chat
hunieday · 3 months
Momo - La'Stiara Rabbit Chat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Momo: Heyyy Yuki-san heyyy
Yuki: I’m here
Momo: Oh. here comes Yuki!!!!! 🫣🫣  what are you doing right now?
Yuki: here comes yuki
Yuki: Harvesting pea sprouts
Momo: Now that’s the best lololololol 
Momo: You’re the handsomest for doing that in the middle of the night. Well no, it’s too cute. But also still too handsome
Yuki: Who did you go drinking with today?
Momo: How did you know I was drinking!?!? I went with Gakuuu!!!
Yuki: Gaku-kun, huh. I can also tell you just finished drinking and you’re in a taxi
Momo: Whaaat!? Are you watching me from somewhere!?! Could this dandy driver actually be Yuki in disguise!?!?
Yuki: That's hilarious
Yuki: You always send me a rabbichat out of nowhere like this after drinking, pretty amusing how easy it is to tell because you're always in high spirits.
Momo: I guess my darling can see right through me…🥹
Momo: Whenever I'm drinking, I always think things like “Yuki would like this flavor" or "I'm sure Yuki would laugh a lot if I told him this story" so… 
Momo: When I'm having drinks without you I just really wanna chat with you afterwards...🥹
Yuki: You say such romantic things
Momo: I feel that sense of comfort you get from being back home… 
Yuki: Would you like some peaches? You've always liked them
Momo: That's right, you always remember the things I liked when I was younger...
Yuki: Here, I made plenty of stewed dishes, so take some with you. I also packed some rice crackers and candies. Don't overwork yourself.
Momo: That's how it is right? you always made me take home more food than I can eat by myself...
Momo: But you sound like Old Man Yuki right now lololololol your image of a family house is way too high!? lolol
Yuki: I just watched a TV drama about stuff like that
Yuki: Were you and Gaku-kun shooting for "La’Stiara" at the same time?
Momo: No, we just happened to bump into each other at the studio after the shoot! 
Momo: Gaku didn't have any plans after that, so I invited him for a drink 
Momo: He said “I'm so happy to go drinking with you for the first time in a while, Momo-san!" he looked so happyy~~
Yuki: How cute
Momo: Isn’t hee~~!! 😳 I almost gave him the gem I had on me 😳
Yuki: That's funny. Though Gaku-kun doesn't seem that interested in jewelry
Momo: that’s right lolol but he has a dignified face so I’m looking forward to seeing the gem + Gaku combo picture released to the public 🥺
Momo: By the way Yuki! We were talking about instant tempura soba. Do you add the tempura before or after you pour the hot water!?!?
Yuki: Now that sounds like a drinking party question
Momo: We were talking about buying tempura soba from the convenience store as a late-night snack and it somehow turned into a conversation topic lol
Yuki: Momo, you put it in first then add the hot water, right?
Momo: Yeah!! I ate it that way first because I thought I’d get a bigger portion that way but I grew to love it 🥹 It soaks up all the flavor and it's delicious!!!
Yuki: Yeah, I get it. The juiciness is delicious
Momo: Right!?!? As expected of you, Darling!
Yuki: What about Gaku-kun?
Momo: "I like to taste both the crispy tempura and the smooth texture of soba, so I add it afterward."
Yuki: I get it. Enjoying different textures is important
Momo: Huh!!!! But you just said you understood my way! Are you a post-water tempura person? 🥹
Yuki: I eat them separately.
Momo: lololololol a surprise third option!!!!
Yuki: I thought it might be interesting.
Momo: Yuki, you're always making conversations more lively during drinking parties, you’re so handsome,,,!!!!!!!
Yuki: I know
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Momo: Can I take you to this place I took Gaku to next time? It's pretty lively though
Yuki: Of course. Was it a good place?
Momo: Actually it was opened by the manager of an izakaya I used to work at back in the day!!!
Momo: Do you remember it? The place with the really delicious rolled omelets!
Yuki: Isn’t that the manager who used to pack you meal boxes to take home?
Momo: Yes, yes!! Isn't that a huge coincidence!!! He even recognized me! 
Momo:  He said he buys our CDs every time
Yuki: I remember him. He used to hand out flyers for our concerts to the customers at the izakaya.
Yuki: He was a really nice guy. Now that I'm looking back, we were really blessed with the people around us.
Momo: I really think so too. And because of that I wanted to chat with you even more, Yuki!
Yuki: Let's take a bunch of our juniors there to repay the favor. I'm sure he'll be happy to see how successful of a senior you've become.
Momo: Yeah...! If I told my past self that I'd become the Absolute Kings with you he'd be super surprised.
Yuki: If I told my past self that I learned to appreciate people and the environment surrounding me right now he'd be surprised too.
Momo: But Yuki, you've always been super, super kind, you know!? you wouldn't have accepted my unreasonable request otherwise
Yuki: Momo
Yuki: Let's talk about this in detail tomorrow. We've been reminiscing about old times a lot lately, but it feels like a waste to only rabbichat about them
Momo: Yuki...
Yuki: And
Yuki: sleepy
Momo: lololol you must be sleepy right!!! Thanks for chatting with me 😆😆
Momo: See you tomorrow, Yuki!!
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torahoes · 4 months
(IDOLiSH7) Minami Natsume - 16PRODUCERS Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Touma Inumaru: Good work, everyone! 😄
Touma Inumaru: Wait, maybe I got here too early? We're all separated today so I'm bored 🤔
Touma Inumaru: The "Ź" in ŹOOĻ stands for "Zealously always singing together!"~
Touma Inumaru: The first "O" in ŹOOĻ stands for "Outstanding and unrivaled!"~
Touma Inumaru: The second "O" in ŹOOĻ
Touma Inumaru: stands for "Oh, I can't think of anything!"~
Minami Natsume: Aren't you giving up too quickly?
Touma Inumaru: Mina!! You were watching? lololol
Minami Natsume: Yes. From the very beginning.
Touma Inumaru: The heck? You should've said something then! I wouldn't have wasted my time with that nonsense! 😂 lolol
Minami Natsume: I was waiting to see when you'd get lonely and call my name, but you started talking about ŹOOĻ instead. It was amusing so I couldn't help but observe you silently.
Touma Inumaru: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself 😂 Are you done with your magazine shoot?
Minami Natsume: Yes, it went smoothly. Good work completing your variety show recording as well, Inumaru-san.
Touma Inumaru: Thanks! I'm on my way to the next location now 🚘 Is Utsugi-san going to join us after his meeting? Hope he'll be able to make it on time
Minami Natsume: I'm sure he'll make it no matter what. I believe he's a man who always keeps his word.
Touma Inumaru: That's true 😄‼️ Where are you now, Mina?
Minami Natsume: I had some free time, so I came to a café. It's wonderful here.
Touma Inumaru: Wonderful?
Minami Natsume: They're playing "ZONE OF OVERLAP" inside the café right now.
Touma Inumaru: Seriously!? That's a pretty hardcore café! 😆 lolol
Minami Natsume: Oh, the customers around me are getting excited, saying they love this song
Minami Natsume: I'm happy.
Touma Inumaru: Really...!? That's awesome. It's fulfilling to know that our songs are a natural part of our fans' daily lives
Touma Inumaru: Let's keep working hard, Mina!
Minami Natsume: Yes, of course.
Shiro Utsugi: Good work today! I'm dying to know what the "Ļ" in ŹOOĻ stands for!
Touma Inumaru: Ah, Utsugi-san, you too! I hadn't thought about that lolol
Touma Inumaru: Umm, the "Ļ" in ŹOOĻ is for "Lovely ŹOOĻ"~ 👍‼️
Shiro Utsugi: That's perfect! I'll make sure we'll be able to sing this at after-parties and such.
Minami Natsume: Good work, Utsugi-san. I'm glad you were able to make it.
Shiro Utsugi: I made it just in time, somehow!
Shiro Utsugi: Incidentally, "Sasagero" was playing on the radio this morning while I was driving. For a moment, I was genuinely startled, thinking Inumaru-san had called me.
Touma Inumaru: No way! Really? I've gotten a bit hesitant about what to say when I call people now LOL
Minami Natsume: Oh, so that’s why you always start so politely with, “Hello, this is Touma speaking.”
Touma Inumaru: I know they can see my name on their screens, but I still feel the need to say it 😅 Wait, it's time, isn't it? My bad!
Shiro Utsugi: Yes! Alright, let's begin then. I'm sorry that we have to conduct it remotely this time. 🙇‍♂️
Shiro Utsugi: Let me explain it once more. We've been asked to show your usual interactions in a friendly, dinner-table-like atmosphere, so we opted to have a conversation in this format using Rabbit Chat.
Shiro Utsugi: Natsume-san, how did you feel when you found out Inumaru-san would be your producer?
Minami Natsume: I was very excited. Composing a song is a lot like writing a love letter, as the lyrics and melody convey how the composer feels about the singer.
Minami Natsume: So I was curious what Inumaru-san would write about me. After all, I'm the one always writing love letters to them.
Touma Inumaru: A love letter! That’s our Mina; you know exactly how to put it! You're right, I do love you! 😊
Minami Natsume: You say it so casually
Touma Inumaru: No, I'm serious! You were on my mind so much, you even showed up in my dream 👍
Minami Natsume: In your dream…?
Touma Inumaru: That's right! We did stuff like attempting to break the record for eating the most fried rice and cycling across Japan together 😂
Minami Natsume: Is that so? You had quite a naughty dream, I see.
Touma Inumaru: Must've been because I watched a show about that before going to bed 😂
Minami Natsume: Well, I suppose it's fine. I’ll gladly accept it.
Touma Inumaru: Seriously, my mind was completely consumed by thoughts of you! I couldn't give anything less than my absolute best to ŹOOĻ's composer, after all. And above all, I really wanted you to like the song.
Minami Natsume: Thank you very much. It’s become one of my favorite songs.
Minami Natsume: Unlike ŹOOĻ's usual songs, the melody really complemented my singing voice. I could tell you put an incredible amount of thought into it.
Touma Inumaru: Really!? That makes me so happy!! Your voice is so sweet and delicate when you sing; I wanted to make sure it shone, so I worked closely with the composer!
Shiro Utsugi: It has such a pleasant rhythm and a trendy feel to it! Please tell us more about the creation process!
Touma Inumaru: Mina may be younger but he's the #2 Sexiest Man Alive so he's got that sex appeal, right? I figured fans would love it if I brought that out more!
Touma Inumaru: But I didn't want it to be too mellow either. I wanted to capture the lightness of Mina's dancing in the song 👍
Touma Inumaru: And, honestly, I just really wanted to hear Mina sing a love song!
Minami Natsume: Why?
Touma Inumaru: Because you're so affectionate, Mina. You're super observant, strong-willed, and dedicated to your work.
Minami Natsume: Are you sure? I'm someone who ran away once, you know.
Touma Inumaru: It’s because you cherish everything so much that you wanted to run away. If it didn’t matter, you would have just quit. But you didn’t give up on music or this job, did you?
Touma Inumaru: Remember the whole thing with Tora and his stunt a while back? You told us you understood how he felt. That was when I realized that you probably always face everything head-on, one thing at a time, just like this.
Shiro Utsugi: Inumaru-san…....
Touma Inumaru: Haha, this is a bit embarrassing!
Shiro Utsugi: Can I hug you?
Touma Inumaru: Huh!?
Minami Natsume: Why would you hug him!?
Shiro Utsugi: I apologize! I got carried away thinking about how great ŹOOĻ is.
Minami Natsume: Well, naturally. It's ŹOOĻ we're talking about.
Minami Natsume: Inumaru-san, thank you for sharing the story behind "FANTASY." I will cherish this song for the rest of my life.
Minami Natsume: There's no need to run away anymore. I won't be tied down by anyone’s feelings. The sounds surrounding me give me confidence. "Guided by the never-ending melody, let's take off and fly."
Touma Inumaru: Oh, those are the lyrics! The music you make always gives me confidence too, Mina.
Touma Inumaru: "There's a sight beyond the starry sky that I want to see someday," so let’s keep singing together — the four of us. ‼️😄
Touma Inumaru:
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Minami Natsume:
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Minami Natsume: Feeling good. Maybe I’ll order two cakes
Touma Inumaru: Sounds nice! All I have with me right now are some gummies. Guess I'll just eat those!
Shiro Utsugi: In that case, I’ll have the candy I got from Isumi-san yesterday!
Minami Natsume: Both of you are adorable. Next time, all five of us should go out to eat together.
Shiro Utsugi: That’s perfect for Lovely ŹOOĻ! 🐾 Please tell us about the outfits and photoshoot too!
Minami Natsume: I was curious about that as well. I was surprised that someone like Inumaru-san who prefers rugged materials would come up with these outfits.
Touma Inumaru: They were awesome, weren't they?
Minami Natsume: Yes, I honestly really loved them.
Touma Inumaru: I'm glad! 😆😆 I agonized over it a lot, you know! Our tastes are probably very different
Touma Inumaru: You're sophisticated, mature, but then suddenly you're cool and tough. You've got so many different sides to you, it's amazing. So I figured anything would suit you.
Touma Inumaru: I went for a nightclub-like vibe, with colors reminiscent of the night sky that I thought would complement your fair skin. I also used lots of soft, flowy materials and elements to accentuate your dance moves! ✨
Minami Natsume: I’m happy. I took a screenshot
Minami Natsume: The silk fabric felt great against my skin. And the delicate yet commanding accessories were also perfect.
Minami Natsume: So that's the reason why only my outfit used the chic colors. You wanted it to complement my skin tone.
Shiro Utsugi: Inumaru-san, you must be incredibly popular with the ladies.
Touma Inumaru: What!? Where'd that come from!?
Minami Natsume:
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Minami Natsume: For better or worse, you’re a very straightforward person. I don’t dislike it.
Touma Inumaru: I can't tell if that’s a compliment or not, but thanks!? lolol
Shiro Utsugi: Was the night pool for the photoshoot chosen because of the nightclub vibe you mentioned?
Touma Inumaru: That's right! Like I mentioned, Mina has this night-time feel to him. It suits him. But I thought a pool with soft lighting would fit him better than an overly flashy club 😆
Minami Natsume: Inumaru-san, you mentioned during the shoot that the four lights reflecting on the water were like ŹOOĻ.
Minami Natsume: Each light may be faint on its own, but when they come together, they shine brightly, illuminating each other and creating a large, warm and enveloping light.
Shiro Utsugi: You’re definitely popular, aren't you?
Touma Inumaru: Not in the slightest lololol
Minami Natsume: My, at the very least, your words did make my heart skip a beat. I'm moved by how romantically you described our relationship.
Touma Inumaru:
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Touma Inumaru: I’m usually not that great with my words but being your producer kinda made me feel like a better man as well, I guess 😂‼️
Minami Natsume: Because I'm a great man?
Touma Inumaru: Exactly! Isn't that obvious 😄👍
Minami Natsume: Thank you very much. I'm sure the fans will love "FANTASY", which is sung by two great men.
Shiro Utsugi: Sounds wonderful! Please keep bringing us incredible music as ŹOOĻ! 🐾 Lastly, do you have any message for your fans?
Touma Inumaru: Mina, the composer of ŹOOĻ and the #2 Sexiest Man Alive, has many sides. I wanted to create a song that highlights his delicate, loving nature and expansive vocal range.
Touma Inumaru: Be sure to give Mina's love song plenty of listens, alright? If you do, I'm sure you’ll fall in love with him even more! 😄
Minami Natsume: I have always been in search for people who would put their soul into my songs and sing them with all their heart. Laughing at and scorning the world, while hoping that someday... I'd find such people.
Minami Natsume: Meeting ŹOOĻ and being able to create the best music was already a blessing for me, but I never imagined that one day they would make music just for me like this.
Minami Natsume: However, this is not something to take for granted. It's all thanks to the support from our seniors and the staff.
Minami Natsume: So, just for tonight, following the lyrics of "FANTASY," I want to try being a bit more honest.
Minami Natsume: I love you all. As long as I live, I will never let go. Let's stay connected forever.
Touma Inumaru: So cool…
Shiro Utsugi: You both are the best! Super handsome!
Minami Natsume: Thank you. Next time we meet, you’ll hug me along with Inumaru-san, won't you, Utsugi-san?
Shiro Utsugi: What!? Is that really okay…!?
Touma Inumaru: Can I join too!? I'll join! I’m totally joining! Let’s get Haru and Tora too! 🤗🤗
Minami Natsume: My, it's starting to sound like we’re forming a huddle.
Touma Inumaru: True LOL but I'm sure it’ll be fun with the four of us!
Minami Natsume: Yes, I think so too.
The End.
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chengfei · 10 days
I mtl-edited Sougo's "Sugao" rabbit chat! I took this on bcz there's been no tl of this card for nearly 2 years (T_T) .... Even though my JP is lackluster I wanted to try it. So this turned out 50% Google and 50% dictionary.. Please let me know if you find anything awkward or incorrect and I'll correct it!
* Please note that you're free to re-translate it fully in human translations!! This was a temporary thing I did and If you post it, please contact me thru dms and I'll take down this translation! Thank you.
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5 - A Horror Mystery?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tsumugi: Mido-san, congratulations on the release of Sugao!
Tsumugi: I learned a lot from that interview article!
Torao: Oh, you’ve read it? I hope that it was helpful.
Option 1: I loved the part where you talked about your charms!
Torao: You mean that part of “know yourself first before knowing how to charm”? I think there are many people in the world who don’t realize their own charm.
Option 2: Your interview about your sex appeal was wonderful!
Torao: If you have confidence in yourself and stand tall, it will come out naturally. My manager told me that he would like to try out what I was saying.
Option 3: You look wonderful on the cover!
Torao: Thanks. Come to think of it, Izumi Mitsuki also sent me a Rabbitchat with his impressions. It’s typical of him to compliment me straight up, saying that I was really cool.
Torao: You also have good charm.
Tsumugi: How do you mean…?
Torao: You look like a small animal, but you’re actually bold and unpredictable. 
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Tsumugi: Can you read what’s on my face?
Tsumugi: Everyone in IDOLiSH7 says it’s easy to understand because it’s often on my face, so if that’s the case, I would be happy about it!
Torao: It’s just that they don’t understand. 
Torao: Even if I can read simple emotions, I feel like I’m caught in your pace before I know it. 
Tsumugi: Me!?
Torao: It’s my first time with such a woman (laughs)
Torao: You can be proud. It’s because I’m praising you. 
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Torao: Does the fact that you messaged me mean today is your day off?
Tsumugi: Yes, I have a day off in the afternoon today!
Torao: I see. I got a call during my long-awaited break; Touma scheduled himself to come to see a movie with me in a little bit.
Torao: It’s a pity that we just missed your schedule. 
Tsumugi: Ah, that’s wonderful…! There’s something different about watching at a movie theater and watching at home!
Torao: Well, we do have a theater room.
Torao: Touma said he wanted to see it on the big screen anyway, so I had no choice.
Tsumugi: That sounds like a lot of fun! What movie are you watching?
Torao: It’s a mystery story recommended by Minami. He said that the audience can also speculate about the culprit as they watch. It seems that it gained popularity from the drama and was derived into a movie. 
Tsumugi: Oh, I think I know that movie!
Tsumugi: It was advertised with the catch phrase, “In which scene will you find out who the real criminal is?”
Torao: Oh, that’s right. Minami figured it out in 32 minutes. Touma is excited about surpassing Minami’s record. 
Torao: I’ll tell you what time he got after. Please look forward to it.
Tsumugi: It’s going to be a hot match…!
Tsumugi: I’ve never seen it myself, so I’m curious, but I heard that it has quite a few horror elements!
Torao: Eh
Torao: Is that so?
Tsumugi: It seems that it was once talked about as a horror mystery with thrilling elements; I remember vaguely that there were some haunted parts that appeared.
Torao: Isn’t the mystery the main thing?
Torao: I see
Torao: That sounds like a totally different story
Torao: It looks like Touma came
Tsumugi: Please enjoy it!
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End of Part 5
TL notes: Please contact me if there are any mistakes with the translations! (Remember I’m not a professional translator).
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yukimomodivorce · 2 months
The Ghosts in IDOLiSH7 are a Literary Device, Mostly
(an essay by me)
People are always asking me, "Robin, what the fuck is up with those ghosts in IDOLiSH7? How come this otherwise completely non-supernatural universe randomly has these two ghosts that show up and then never get acknowledged again? Is it just canon that ghosts exist and only Riku and Momo can see them?" and I am always telling them that I have an analysis about this I just haven't written it yet. But that ends today, as do all of these very pressing concerns about the i7 Ghosts™, because here I am, finally writing the analysis. This essay will have two sections, the first on the training camp ghost from part 3/third beat, and the second on the Re:vale house ghost from Yuki's third chapter of Re:member. So, spoilers for all of part 3/third beat in both sections, Re:member in section 2, and there's one extremely minor spoiler for part 4 in section 1 but it's honestly so predictable I don't think it even counts. Also, I'll reiterate this once we get to it, but just a warning that section 2 will contain discussions of depression, suicide and suicidal ideation, and a brief mention of self-harm, so please stop reading after section 1 if you don't want to see any of that! Another less important disclaimer about section 2 is that I am going to spend an entirely unecessary amount of time talking about Yuki. I am normal about Yuki. Okay. Without further ado, let's watch my spiral into ghost analogy insanity unfold!
Game translations: @seigyokus Re:member translations: @ takara_time (+ scans and editing by @ waitamomoment) Rabbit chat translations: @osakaso5
Section 1: The Training Camp Ghost
This first point applies to both ghosts, but I wanna start by noting that I think superstitions and beliefs like this are more common in Japan than a lot of other places, so yeah it is entirely possible that ghosts are just a canon and accepted thing in Idolish7's universe and this isn't really that strange of a detail for the series to include. However, I don't have any real background knowledge about if ghosts are normal in non-supernatural anime/etc. and I am not committing to that kind of research, so we'll have to leave the specifics of the ghost canonicity issue to someone else. But regardless of how canon they are, I think we've established well enough by now that the i7 writers don't put much of anything in the series without reason (re:vale band name you will always be famous. to me), and that definitely applies here as well - both of our ghosts are doing a LOT of potential symbolic work in their brief appearances, and that's what we'll be unpacking today, starting with the TCG.
The infamous TCG (training camp ghost) of Atami needs no introduction, but I'll give her one anyway. During the filming of the Friends Day special, upon following the shopping group home, she offers her services to Riku (inexplicably the only person capable of communicating with her) for the evening entertainment group's test of courage, terrorises several cast members throughout the day, and finally brings us Soma Saito's incredible cover of Dis One before probably being sent back to idol fan purgatory forever. Who is she? Where did she come from? I have several theories.
1.1: The TCG is the audience
While the 'ghosts are real in i7' possibility is there, I think it's also important to note in this case that the whole training camp is very explicitly being filmed for TV, and the biggest vibe I get from this episode of the anime is that the ghost is a part of the show, and we're seeing that show through the eyes of its in-universe audience. This happens pretty often in i7 (for example, when we see the groups talk to their fans during concerts), and generally the line between the real fans and the fictional ones can get pretty blurred (which deserves its own much longer analysis but I Am Not Writing All That), so everything with the in-universe audience here kind of naturally extends to us as the real audience. The TCG would probably be easy enough to manufacture with special effects as long as Riku and the driver guy were in on it, and it would make sense for the Friends Day producers to include it to keep things entertaining and be a stand-in for their viewers/fans of the idol groups - the ghost is specifically a female fan of male idols (Zero), and a lot of her interactions with the cast would qualify as self-insert material (e.g. Tenn singing for her and Riku looking directly into the camera to smile at her). And speaking of Tenn and Riku,
1.2 The TCG is Nanase twins angst
I think this connection is fairly obvious in their exchange here. You could make a case for the ghost representing either one of the twins. Like Riku, she's being pushed away by Tenn before she's ready to leave, told that it's necessary and for the best that they stay separated - after all, they live in different worlds. Like Tenn, she's leaving despite Riku's protests and part of her not really wanting to go at first, because she believes it's for the best that they stay separated - after all, they live in different worlds.
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There's also the association with ghosts of being ignored/invisible, and Riku being the only person able to see or talk to her. Maybe it's because he's the only one who's able to reach her. Maybe he can see her because he understands her on some level - she was torn away from life like he was torn away from his brother, and she's now practically invisible to everyone else around her, like Riku probably feels to Tenn (and arguably the rest of his family in some ways). Maybe he wants her to feel seen, and he can make Tenn acknowledge her in the way he wants to be acknowledged by him. I might actually be going somewhere with this so bear with me for a second.
1.3: The TCG is monster Riku foreshadowing
So my first thought when I watched the Nanase twin angst portion of this episode was 'well obviously the ghost isn't real and Riku is just using it to talk to Tenn indirectly' because they are always having indirect conversations like this and it makes me insane, and I do still think that's the idea here, just not quite in the sense that Riku is making things up. Going back to the whole 'ghost is a stand-in for the audience' thing, and assuming that she's saying the things that Riku wants to say and Tenn is telling her the things he wants to tell Riku, then we could say that rather than Riku purposefully having the ghost speak for him, this is an extension of the monster effect. I guess in this scenario the TCG is a real ghost (and a figurative representation of the audience), and Riku is having the same effect on her that Iori says he has on everyone else. He unknowingly projects his desire to connect with his brother onto her, and she tries to help him. Really, the only times we see her after she follows the shopping group to their cabin are when she's helping Riku, with the test of courage and then with speaking to Tenn. This gets convoluted so I kinda doubt it's intentional? But it's fun to think about.
1.4: The TCG is the friends we made along the way
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Riku spells this out a bit more explicitly in the game here, but the TCG represents the each of the groups in the series in a couple different ways. I guess one way you could interpret this is that the ghost is meant to be there to emphasise how extraordinary it is that they're all together, but I don't think that really holds up considering how often they end up working with each other throughout the series anyway. What's important here is the idea of the ghost itself, something that can be present and felt even when it isn't physically or actually there. Again, the ghost is the audience - a constant influence for better and for worse on these idols even when they aren't watching, even in their personal lives; and vice versa, the ghost is the idols being able to reach their fans without ever actually knowing them. More relevant to what Riku says, the ghost is the groups to each other - friends, mentors, rivals, pushing them forward even when they aren't standing side by side. You could even say the ghost is ZOOL, friends who aren't here right now but will be someday. Re:vale and Idolish7 as groups don't especially fit the ghost description, but they have their fair share of ghosts - Banri, Haruki, Tenn, Aya, Sougo's uncle. Zero. The list goes on, for Trigger and ZOOL as well, but I think the most important way the ghost analogy applies to this section of the story is with Trigger. Because during the imminent Arc Where Trigger Gets Cancelled™, despite leaving their agency and disappearing almost entirely from the public eye, they're still very much there to their fans and to their friends. So. I kinda forgot what I was saying but to sum it all up the ghost here represents everything that stays with you even when it's far away or after it's gone from your life. Mikanseinabokura and all that. And now that I mention it-
Section 2: The Re:vale House Ghost
Once again, a warning that this section has a brief mention of self-harm, as well as in-depth discussions of depression, suicide and suicidal ideation (which I'm gonna be talking about pretty bluntly the entire time), so please don't proceed unless you're comfortable with all of that!
Like most things in Re:member, the RHG (Re:vale house ghost) makes me insane. Today I am going to attempt to form coherent thoughts about it and it is unlikely that I'll succeed, but try to bear with me. Though it isn't around for as long as the TCG, we have a little more info about the RHG - it's the ghost that haunts the shitty apartment Yuki and Momo live in together in their early days as Re:vale. Supposedly. All it actually does is slam the door of one kitchen cabinet and I don't think that this is definitive evidence of paranormal activity because most houses are just like that. It's all a little bit vague, but according to Re:vale, their house is definitely haunted by the ghost of someone who died in the kitchen, because when they move in there is a mysterious black stain on their kitchen floor. Momo introduces himself to the floor stain while Yuki stares at him in awe and blushes and shoujo filter flowers appear in his eyes. God I hate them. I think the RHG is just a figment of their collective imagination or maybe they're having one of those shared delusions or something. But that's really besides the point because this ghost exists for one very specific thematic purpose: the RHG is Yuki.
And on that note, let's go back and talk about Yuki for a few minutes (potentially hours) before we get to our actual analysis of the ghost scene. Mostly because I just wanna talk about him, but also because I do understand why some people think the 'Momo starts talking to ghosts' part of Re:member is kinda weird and random, and I think at least some of this is important to go over before we unpack it.
A consensus has already been established among Yuki scholars that our subject has autism (Kei et al. 2024). Today, I would like to propose an additional diagnosis: Yuki has depression.
2.1: "I lost my dreams, friends, and passion as well."
So, Yuki pretty clearly gets depressed when Ban leaves him. He loses interest in everything he used to care about, gives up on his dreams, blames himself for Ban's injury and disappearance, he's constantly sad, tired and irritable, and he lashes out at Momo (and Kujou, though there are some other pretty strong reasons for that one) and presumably everyone else he knows (I doubt he had a particularly good relationship with anyone else in the first place, but still).
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He's grieving here, and it would make sense for him to react this way because of that fact alone. But I really don't think that's all there is to it, because he exhibits these symptoms (among others) long before Ban leaves him. He can't get out of bed in the mornings, he rarely leaves the house if he can avoid it, he has days where he can't eat or sleep, he's underweight and always tired and generally known to lack energy and be slow (or 'lazy') and in some cases listless and despondent. Ban even says that he wouldn't put it past Yuki to start slitting his wrists. And it's subtle, but there's one more really big one that really never goes away for him, even after he finds Ban.
2.2: "I don't need anyone to love me."
I'll get straight to the point. Yuki hates himself. Maybe only a little bit, maybe only sometimes, but it's there. Especially when he struggles with composing - he even says it himself in part 1 of his birthday photobook rabbit chat, almost immediately after saying that it made him want to kill himself but we'll get back to that part.
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But it's really everywhere on what seems to be a mostly subconscious level for him, if you know how to look, even from the very beginning:
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On paper, this line is just his frustration with being judged by anything other than his music, because it's something he cares a lot about and puts a lot of work into and he wants that to be acknowledged. But I think that if you take it in conjunction with some of the other things he tends to say, there's a little bit more to it.
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I dont need anyone to love me. Yuki's songs are worthy of love. Yuki is not. There is nothing valuable about Yuki other than his songs, he has nothing else that deserves any sort of praise, and without them, he's just a useless burden with nothing to offer. He doesn't need anyone to love him - he doesn't understand why anyone would. And Momo does, and he's a good person, and Yuki doesn't deserve that when there's nothing he can actually do for him. And when that starts to change and he starts getting better at showing kindness to others and being there for Momo, he doesn't see it as learning to better express his feelings, he sees is as learning to feel affection and be a good person, because he believes that he is inherently not. As far as he can tell, Yuki is just naturally a bad person and a bad partner who isn't kind and isn't capable of love or compassion, not unless he tries to be. He knows, because he's heard it god knows how many times - even Chiba Shizuo blatantly tells him that neither of them can become good people - and maybe things are different now, but on some basic level it'll always be who he is.
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Ok breaking character for a second, imagine you show up to your acting side gig and on the first day Keanu Reeves comes up to you and gives you $300 cash and then later he indirectly tells you that you're a nasty lonely egotistical failure. Now imagine you're Yuki and you have no fucking clue who Keanu Reeves is. He also shows you pictures of his top secret illegitimate son after talking to you for like 10 minutes and you have to lie to him about being straight. I think this is objectively the funniest situation to be in ever. Chiba Shizuo and Yamato both probably have depression also, but I'm not gonna spend any time on it, because every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in Northern Queensland. I forgot what I was talking about. Anyway
2.3: Hey remember that one time Yuki just straight up tried to kill himself
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Yeah, that one. As far as I know this is really never addressed or acknowledged again, so we're just gonna take the page-long gag from Re:member at face value and say that after Ban's disappearance, Yuki (almost) attempted suicide, and the only reason he didn't go through with it is because he couldn't find anywhere to hang the noose. And like, yeah you could say it's just because he thought Ban might have killed himself and he's always been the kind of hopeless romantic to be waxing poetic about how "I can't live without you," but at the same time, he had no apparent reason to believe this (even if Ban did have suicidal tendencies I doubt Yuki would've really known), and he was planning to go through with it (I know it's probably just for comedic effect but he left a will. He left a will. He's, like, 20, and surely not the kind of person who would just have something like that in order already). This is also emphatically not the last time or the only reason he thinks about it.
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I told you we'd get back to the photobook chat! I think there's also a lot you can infer from all the times he says he'd probably be dead by now without Momo and he wouldn't be able to handle losing him, what with the whole "when you jump, you'd better take me with you" thing. But regardless, this really isn't just that one time that Yuki tried to kill himself. It's suicidal ideation, and it's something he consistently struggles with especially in the few months after Ban leaves him. It even comes up in how he sees the 'paranormal activity' his new apartment:
2.4: "It seemed as though someone had hung themselves there."
Yeah it's the ghost I'm finally gonna talk about the ghost. I'm done with my Yuki has depression rant we can talk about why the ghost is Yuki now. I guess it might be more accurate to say that the ghost is Yuki's depression/suicidal thoughts/Banri trauma/whatever, but either way I think it represents him and he might also be semi-consciously projecting onto it, and I'm gonna go through line-by-line and try to explain my interpretation.
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I think if you want to there's definitely room to take the 'usual paranormal activity' super literally and say that Yuki was having outbursts and slamming doors at the time (which would also match up with him being startled by it). I think it's also important to note that this is happening around the time he mentions feeling suicidal and not being able to compose in the photobook chat, but the main thing here is that second line. Even though Momo is always so nice to him, he can't stop himself from getting mad and being difficult and depressed, and he can't return that kindness - he can't even be useful to him.
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I've already mentioned how I think Yuki's conclusion about the stain here plays into his suicidal ideation, but let's look at it a little more thematically. It's the way that even though it's glossed over earlier in the manga, Yuki's suicide attempt and everything that accompanied it still follows him, and it hangs (lol) heavy in their house like a ghost. To Yuki, it's startling and eerie - it scares him, and he's expecting it to scare Momo once he sees that side of him too. And it probably does scare him a little, and he hesitates, but he doesn't scream. Again, there's room to interpret this more literally as Momo finding out about his attempt/ideation/depression, or just as him inevitably seeing how he gets on his worse days, but either way the outcome is the same. Momo is starting to know Yuki as a person instead of an idol, flaws and probable mental illness and all, and his first reaction isn't to shy away or start to hate him or want to leave. It's an introduction. He makes it clear that they'll both be staying here from now on, that he's willing to live with the 'darker' sides of Yuki, and to help him do the same. Another point on this that's up to interpretation (because let's be real they're probably never gonna deal with this stuff explicitly in canon), you could see the whole ghost thing as neither of them really being able/wanting to accept that Yuki's symptoms are actually a part of him (and this is veering completely into fanfic territory but now I'm just imagining both of them silently agreeing to blame the things Yuki does on bad days on the ghost) but we've had enough angst for one day.
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Everything else lines up well enough with the ghost and Yuki, but it's really his reaction here that sells the whole thing for me. It's a simple gesture, but just by Momo greeting him, being by his side, waiting for him when he comes home, that constant reminder of all his darkest thoughts becomes just another mark on the floorboards. It's not gone, and it probably never will be. But at least now, he doesn't have to face it alone. And it doesn't look so scary anymore.
2.5: "Now I know joy, and the meaning of a smile."
I must confess that I lied to all of you earlier. I'm actually not done with my Yuki rant and also there's a good reason I've been ignoring all the parts of Re:member where he isn't being self-deprecating or trying to kill himself. The end of the ghost scene is only the beginning of the end of this analysis, and the end of this analysis is pretty much just me having a meltdown about Yuki. Also I'm running out of space for images so we're doing some of the quotes like this instead.
After losing Ban, I lost my dreams, friends, and passion as well. I could only feel a sting as the wind passed through an empty, gaping hole in my chest. But I breathed as best as I could, and he tried to clear the dirt out of that hole, filling it with his earnest words instead.
Yuki still exhibits a lot of symptoms of depression all the way through the series, like the low energy and the trouble eating and sleeping, and [redacted part 5 spoilers] makes me think there's definitely some sort of connection between his writers' block and his depressive episodes. He still mentions feeling guilty towards Banri in second beat, the suicidal ideation doesn't really come up explicitly but he kinda hints at it on a few occassions, and he's very adament that he was a bad person and still isn't really a good one. But it's like. I don't really know how to put this, but I guess it's not his default state anymore like it was right after Ban left (and possibly before that, too). For the most part, he really does get better, and these things become less intense and fewer and farther between. He would probably say that it's all thanks to Momo, and it is, but he also very much does it of his own volition. Momo refuses so desperately to give up on him, and because of that he makes that choice to keep going by restarting Re:vale with him.
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Yuki allows himself to let someone else in and start to love again - his partner, his music, his life. Even while he's thinking that he's just a burden to those around him, he doesn't resign himself to his fate like he might have done in the past. He's determined to become a better person, someone who can be a source of strength for Momo just like he was for him. And in the end, he does, but it's not just that. Now he knows joy. Now he can genuinely smile. And now,
I want to hear them scream my name. The voices that called out had annoyed me in the past. But now, I'll smile, together with Momo, who'll be by my side.
Going back to what I said about some of Yuki's subconscious self-hatred coming through in the way he wants people to look at his music and not at him, I. Cannot finish a sentence. Do NOT think about Yuki learning to love himself and see himself as worthy of love because Momo loved him just that much in a way that he could accept. BAD IDEA. Okay. So. It's Ban's advice and Momo's fan letter that get Yuki to accept that his fans do genuinely love his music in the first place, and I think it's here that it really starts to turn into him accepting the idea that they love other things about him too? Or that he really starts to want it and be happy about it instead of just accepting it? Whatever. I give up. I don't even like Re:vale anyway
That day, I would play the guitar I'd almost thrown at Kujou, because I now knew the power of a song that could not be silenced. I would dry my tears, open the door, and say, "I'm home."
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khashanakalashtar · 2 years
Masterpost of AO3 Skins
Nonspecific email window by La_Temperanza
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You don’t need to code iOS, because 221b_ee made a generator for it
inspired by iOS by CodenameCarrot and La_Temperanza
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Retro iOS by Azdaema Codes
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kakaotalk by beherrscht
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Screenplay by astronought
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Screenplay on an actual piece of paper by junietuesday25
AO3, including comment section by lordvoldemortsskin
AO3 header by ElectricAlice
Comment and Kudos buttons by La_Temperanza
 Fandom Specific
Disco Elysium by SarunoHadaki
Blaseball by facingthenorthwind
Fire Emblem by gadaursan
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Deadpool’s Thinking Boxes by La_Temperanza
Homestuck extended by unpredictableArtist
Star Trek PADD by duskyspirit
Incredibly expansive Among Us by Umbry2000
Another Among Us by mystyrust
S-Class by unpredictableArtist
IDOLiSH7 Rabbit Chat by associate
A3! LIME by associate
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bearsanpancakes · 1 year
Mitsuki Izumi - RabbiTube Mini Rabbit chat
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[Note: I am translating from the Taiwanese server of IDOLiSH7, not the Japanese server! Translations might differ from the original Japanese version due to that, but it shouldn’t make too much of a difference overall!]
Touma: Thank you both for yesterday’s RabbiTube Mini afterparty!
Touma: I feel glad to be able to visit your dorm 😄
Mitsuki: Mhmm! Thank you for coming over!
Sogo: Thanks for your hard work, Touma. We should be the ones to thank you instead for bringing a hostess gift.
Mitsuki: The locally-made beer you brought was super good! 🍻 The muscat flavor felt very refreshing!
Sogo: It wasn’t too sweet despite having a fruity flavor to it, it goes down really well.
Touma: I had some of it while I was doing some on-location filming and thought it tasted really good…! I’m glad that you both like it as well!
Mitsuki: Sogo drank until his face was flushed, after all!
Sogo: It was very delicious, so I drank it a little too fast on accident…
Mitsuki: Thankfully it went unnoticed by Tamaki w
Touma: Would something bad happen if he noticed?
Sogo: Not really… It’s just that I’d get caught in embarrassing situations if I had too much to drink… especially that I’d keep causing trouble for Tamaki-kun…
Touma: Is that so? Now I feel like the serious and tense Sogo has a funny side to him after all!
Sogo: I
Sogo: I didn’t act unseemly in front of you, did I!?
Touma: No, no ww It’s just that you constantly gave me peanut shells as a gift w
Sogo: I’m sorry for my unseemly behavior…
Mitsuki: ww
Mitsuki: It’s alright, everyone was drinking super fast and the atmosphere was lively, so don’t worry too much!
Touma: Yeah, that’s right! I also drank tons of beer because Mitsuki-san’s cooking pairs well with alcohol, and it tasted really good!
Mitsuki: Ah!! Your compliment sure does make me happy!
Touma: It truly was amazing!
Touma: The sausages and the mustard potato salad kept me craving for more…
Mitsuki: I’m glad that it suits your appetite! I’ll prepare lots of them for you the next time you visit 💪
Touma: Now that I’m reminded of the dishes, I’m craving them again…
Mitsuki: You sure are an adorable foodie ww
Sogo: Those two dishes are quite popular amongst our teammates as well. 
Touma: Oh, I’m sure it tastes great!! It must be amazing to have a teammate who’s good at cooking…!
Mitsuki: Does ZOOL not cook often?
Touma: We have a guy who can make perfect Japanese cuisine and help out around the kitchen, a guy who once said he doesn’t quite know how to show off his culinary skills to other people, a guy who knows a really great chef, and a guy who only recently learned about temperature and time control when it comes to cooking!
Mitsuki: Ah, I think I know who’s who!!! 😆
Sogo: Once you learn about temperature and time control, you’ll be able to learn how to cook in no time. Touma, you’ve mentioned that your senses are sharp when it comes to picking out seasoning. I think that you could memorize different seasonings immediately, you might have the talent for it.
Touma: So you knew which one was me huh ww
Mitsuki: Yeah! You were previously able to quickly discover ingredients that enhance the flavor of a dish, after all! Especially when it comes to seasoning for Chinese cuisine!
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Touma: Yup! I’ve been into slightly spicy flavors recently, so I really enjoy Chinese cuisine!
Sogo: I’ll make some mapo tofu the next time you come over then. There’s been a spice I’ve been wanting to test out…
Mitsuki: Oh, what spice is it?
Sogo: There’s some in the kitchen, let me go take it!
Touma: So you’re both at the dorm right now, huh!
Mitsuki: Sogo is currently tidying up the clothes that need to be washed and I’m looking through my script, we’re doing our own things while chatting!
Touma: That makes me long for a dormitory lifestyle~
Mitsuki: Although there are some exhausting aspects, it’s still really enjoyable!
Mitsuki: Regardless of exhaustion or joy, we can always return to the same home and share the same feelings. That’s what happiness is, don't you think?
Mitsuki: Zool may also suit a dormitory lifestyle. I think it’ll be nice to have some time to understand each other, or in other words, some common time together!
Touma: You’re right… senpai’s words have touched my heart deeply…
Mitsuki: Mhmm, if you all do plan on doing so, then I can give you all suggestions. Just contact me whenever!
Mitsuki: Uwah!
Touma: !?
Touma: Mitsuki-san!?
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Sogo: Sorry Touma! Mitsuki-san started coughing violently after opening the cover for the spice!
Touma: For real!?
Sogo: He went to drink some water
Sogo: I think he’s still coughing… He’s shaking his head still, could you please wait for a moment?
Touma: About that, our definitions of “slightly spicy” means the same in that it’s only a little bit spicy, right…!?
Sogo: Mhmm, that’s how I comprehended that term as well.
Mitsuki: Sorry for the wait!
Mitsuki: I directly smelled the spice on accident! I forgot to fan the spice with my hand while checking it, so I choked on it!
Touma: Are you guys running a science experiment or something!?
Sogo: Indeed, cooking is quite similar to an experiment. You do have talent after all, Touma.
Mitsuki: Oh~ I see! That’s an appropriate description!
Mitsuki: Sogo, let’s use this spice when we’re together!
Sogo: Okay! Let’s do that…! Touma: IDOLiSH7’s dorm does sound lively after all, how nice!
Sogo: I take it that you want to live a dormitory lifestyle with your teammates after reading Mitsuki-san’s messages?
Touma: Yup~ I think that would be nice!
Touma: It feels lively to simply walk out of the toilet and into the hallway.
Mitsuki: What does that mean? 🤔
Sogo: Did something happen?
Touma: I was startled by Yotsuba and Rokuya in the hallway the moment I stepped out of the toilet.
Touma: They both hugged each other and screamed “It appeared—!?”
Touma: So I said, “Yup, I’m done, so you guys can use it now.”
Touma: I thought to myself, “Simply meeting in the hallway can be so lively after all, huh!”
Mitsuki: www
Mitsuki: I think that’s somewhat our fault.
Sogo: I think it’s because Mitsuki-san and I secretly practiced our zombie acts in the living room at night…
Mitsuki: As we were practicing running while attacking, Nagi and Tamaki, who just finished playing their games, suddenly walked in.
Mitsuki: They screamed, “It appeared—!?” and caused a huge scene 😱
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Mitsuki: After our RabbiTube mini was released, they were watching it with their eyes closed w
Sogo: That’s right… Maybe they were startled when they saw you in the hallway because you also became a zombie in the video, Touma.
Touma: I see! Mitsuki-san and Sogo’s zombie acting skills were quite good after all w
Mitsuki: Thank you! Although it scared someone, all that practice was worth it ww  
Mitsuki: Touma’s zombie act was perfect as well!
Touma: Speaking of which, my manager grabbed a chair to use as a shield and walked into the practice room while I was practicing ww 
Touma: He thought there was a strange person in the practice room ww
Mitsuki: How cute ww
Mitsuki: We’re creating victims everywhere w
Mitsuki: But that also proves that our performances as zombies were great!
Touma: If I were to receive a job offer to act as a zombie on the spot, I think I’d be able to act it out well w
Sogo: I had lots of fun ever since the start of practice because there were a lot of acting techniques and moves that I don’t get to do often!
Mitsuki: Mhmm! I’m glad to be able to partner up with Sogo and Touma! Thank you! Both of you were very nice to work with 😄
Mitsuki: Let’s have some Chinese cuisine together at our dorm next time! Seriously, do come over soon!
Touma: Okay!! I’ll bring the drinks!!
Sogo: Then I will need to learn how to make some good, slightly spicy dishes.
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End of RabbiTube Mini
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gakkyun66 · 5 months
Bunta Tsushimi’s commentary about 《IDOLiSH7: Shisei no Hekireki – Volume 1》 manga adaptation by Arina Tanemura
This was taken from my physical spanish copy of the manga, so it may not be a 100% translation accuracy and i apologize for that. But i also hope you enjoy reading and appreciate a bit of my effort while i practice my conversion skills from such a complex language as spanish
Congratulations for the publication of Make a Wish to a Shooting Star (1) first volume! After TRIGGER's secret formation story, I wasn't expecting this story to be adapted into manga and that makes me really happy. Thank you very much to Tanemura-sensei, to everyone that participated in the publication and to all the fans. Based on the concept that “since otome* features like Rabbit Chat are present, friendship is the main topic on the novelization” i’ve truly learned that when you convert handsome guys' conversations into something visual, their destructive power increases! And I enjoyed the cute 4komas like always! The next volume also looks promising so I hope you keep supporting IDOLiSH Seven for a long time.
Bunta Tsushimi
(1) The spanish title for the manga is “Pídele un Deseo a una Estrella Fugaz” and can be translated to "Make a Wish to a Shooting Star". It’s better known in English as -Wish Upon a Shooting Star-
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ao3feed-ioriku · 2 years
That Obligatory Onsen Scene
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oq1iNsV by Gamesse
by Gamesse
Most anime have what it seems like an obligatory onsen scene. Except i7. So i decided to write what I imagined it'd be like if it did have one lol.
Words: 1358, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game), IDOLiSH7 (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Izumi Iori, Nikaidou Yamato, Izumi Mitsuki, Yotsuba Tamaki, Ousaka Sougo, Rokuya Nagi, Nanase Riku
Relationships: Izumi Iori/Nanase Riku, Ousaka Sougo/Yotsuba Tamaki, Izumi Mitsuki/Nikaidou Yamato/Rokuya Nagi
Additional Tags: no beta we die like tsumugi's mom, i know this is not how an actual onsen works, not based off of rabbit chats or anything, Fluff, rating for nakedness but it's not described in detail, I saw a need and I filled it, it's probably kinda cringe but i tried, the ships are there but could also be platonic as well, Tenn is mentioned, bc how can he not be
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oq1iNsV
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souchanai · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 1st Album Bonus Group Rabbit Chat - PART 2: Terima Kasih!
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Part 1
Tsumugi: Karena dah pada kelar makan es krim e, mari kita lanjutkan sesi komentarnya di rabbit chat!
Nagi: Aneh sih. Tapi, chat di grup udah jadi tradisi kita, sih... (1)
Iori: namanya juga masa remaja. Kenapa engga?
Mitsuki: gue berasa jadi murid lagi wkwkkk
Tsumugi: Maaf! Yoroshiku!
Mitsuki: OK! CDnya kusetel lagi ya
Yamato: wihh, lagunya Ichi ama Riku
Riku: Wah! Lagu duetku dengan Iori!
Riku: Liriknya mengejutkan! Jadi nostalgia deh...
Iori: Maaf kalo aku kurang imut di sini.
Iori: Bukan berarti gue peduli Nanase-san anggep gue itu imut ato engga
Tamaki: Iorin, itu kan dari lirik wkwkwkk
Yamato: Tama, di waktu seperti ini, yang udah tua hanya bisa ngawasin mereka.
Tamaki: Yama-san, pls stop akting kek orang tua walaupun itu cocok denganmu (2)
Riku: Sekarang kita sudah lebih dekat dari yang tertulis di lirik ini, jadi gapapa!
Riku: Aku tau Iori memikirkanku dengan cara pikirnya sendiri. Kadang-kadang ia bersikap keras tapi dia baik.
Mitsuki: cukup, Rik wwkwwk
Tamaki: muka Iori merah ges
Iori: itu karena hari ini panas!
Tsumugi: Apa ACnya rusak? Nanti aku cek deh. Maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya><
Iori: Gak usah. Lagian aku udah ada es krim.
Riku: Iori, perlu gue bawain kain basah?
Iori: Enggak usah!
Yamato: Udah kelar belom lu pada?
Tamaki: Bukannya yang tua tugasnya ngawasin mereka aja?
Nagi: di keadaan seperti ini, kita gak bakal tau kapan mereka berdua mengakhiri konversasi mereka
Sogo: Denger, weh, ini intro yang kita semua tau
Riku: lagu yang menandakan kelahiran baru kita!
Sogo: masih ada sesuatu
Tamaki: yang kita belum dapat lihat
Nagi: keinginan untuk tahu apa itu
Mitsuki: getarkan detak jantung kita
Yamato: Sama seperti dahulu
Iori: ringan bagai udara
Riku: Ingin meneriakkannya, sedikit takut
Tapi kita masih harus terus maju
Riku: Gak bagus, aku gak bisa sesuain timingku dengan lagunya! wkkwwkk
Tsumugi: Kalian nyanyi sambil ngirim rabbit chats, gak adil
Nagi: Jangan nangis, Tsumugi. Sebuah senyuman di wajahmu lebih cocok di keadaan seperti ini.
Mitsuki: senyum, Manajer!
Tsumugi: maafkan aku... Kau benar
Iori: lagian liriknya menyentuh tapi melodinya riang. Jadi gapapa
Tamaki: perlu tisu?
Tsumugi: Gak usah. Trims, Tamaki-san!
Tamaki: Oh, lagu yang kita nyanyikan untuk pembukaan acara pak tua
Sogo: dia bukan pak tua, dan judul lagu ini "THE FUNKY UNIVERSE"
Tamaki: So-chan menakutkan. Douglas kan?
Sogo: Douglas keren banget. Aku tidak dapat percaya kalau aku berkesempatan untuk bertemu dengan orang hebat sepertinya.
Mitsuki: kek mimpi, gile...
Riku: Trims, Sogo-san. Aku berakhir jadi fan beratnya Douglas!
Yamato: Abis itu, Mitsu ama Riku jadi maniak Douglas untuk sementara (3) Western music dimainin mulu di dorm.
Iori: Ku pikir kita belajar banyak dari mengamati Douglas
Tsumugi: Dia juga ramah dan hebat!
Yamato: Gue merasa bersalah karena kita ngeduga dia tukang servis kabel.
Nagi: hal itu bikin Sogo jadi seputih kertas
Tamaki: Gue beneran mikir So-chan bakal ngelakuin harakiri
Sogo: Itu karena dia si Douglas Rootbank, kan?
Nagi: Douglas orang yang baik hati. Kita juga saling ngirim surat dari dulu ampe sekarang.
Tsumugi: Nagi-san punya banyak teman dari seluruh dunia ya!
Nagi: Gue punya temen ke mana pun gue pergi. 8->
Nagi: Douglas bilang padaku kalo dia pengen ketemu IDOLiSH7 lagi. Keknya dia selalu dengerin single baru kita tiap kali rilis.
Mitsuki: Gue seneng ngedengernya!
Sogo: Dia bakal dengerin album ini gak ya?
Mitsuki: Aku pengen denger live Douglas tekadang!
Riku: Ah, KoiKake!
Tsumugi: "Koi no Kakera" bener-bener bagus~!
Tsumugi: Duet kalian terdengar indah!
Nagi: Umur Tamaki jadi lebih ambigu tiap kali dia nyanyi
Tamaki: Aku... apa?
Yamato: Ambigu. Maksud e orang jadi gatau umur lu sebenernya berapa
Tamaki: mungkin
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Sogo: Nyanyianmu terdengar lebih dewasa daripada milikku... Tamaki-kun pandai menyanyi
Tamaki: So-chan juga
Tamaki: harmonimu adalah yang terbaik
Sogo: Tamaki-kun...
Iori: Tumben lu bertingkah lembut, Yotsuba-san
Tamaki: Iorin juga harus bertingkah lembut pada Rikkun.
Riku: Hm? Aku?
Sogo: Aku senang dapat main drama dan bernyanyi dengan Tamaki-kun
Sogo: Presiden bilang, "Koi no Kakera" akan menjadi lagu dari hasil pertumbuhan kami. Dan... Ternyata yang beliau katakan itu benar.
Tamaki: Hm
Tamaki: Sama
Mitsuki: KoiKake bagus!
Riku: Iya! Nyanyiin lagi ya kapan²!
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Nagi: Dan sekarang lagu BoW kita
Mitsuki: Lagu yang kita nyanyiin pas BoW! Sial, aku akan menangis.
Tamaki: Mikki, lu lagi sedih?
Mitsuki: Engga, aku hanya senang! Karena, lagu ini membuat sebuat leajaiban terjadi!
Mitsuki: Kita mulai dari nyanyi di gelanggang yang kosong dan berakhir menghadapi TRIGGER di stadium yang penuh fans!
Tsumugi: Aku tidak dapat melupakan penampilan kalian dulu. Panggung yang berkilau dan teriakan para penggemar.
Iori: Gak ada yang bisa menduga siapa yang bakal menang pada saat itu
Yamato: Lagian lawan kita itu TRIGGER
Iori: Mengetahui kapasitas kemampuan TRIGGER membuat mereka tambah kuat. Aku yakin keberuntungan berpihak pada kita saat itu.
Tamaki: Tapi menang, ya, menang. Ayo jangan kalah tahun depan-
Sogo: Tamaki-kun itu optimis yak
Tamaki: Kalau kita gak bangga dengan kemenangan kita, orang lain juga merasa demikian
Sogo: Sama kek yang Tamaki-kun bilang. Aku juga gak mau menghina TRIGGER.
Nagi: TRIGGER dan kita sudah bertumbuh sejak saat itu. Mari kita menang lagi di kesempatan selanjutnya.
Riku: Ya! Grup Tenn-nii dan kita dua²nya hebat! Ayo bersifat optimis!
Yamato: Mendengar anak² akan membawa kita bersama mereka itu menenangkan.
Mitsuki: Elu leader kita, Pak Tua! Harusnya elu lah yang ngebawa kita!
Nagi: Mitsuki bener, Yamato. Lu harus berhenti bertingkah seolah² udah tua banget dan hadapi masa depan. Apa kacamata lu itu cuma hiasan doang?
Yamato: Berisik lu. Kacamata gue gak cuma hiasan kok! Onii-san bakal bekerja keras juga. Lagian lagu selanjutnya merupakan lagu yang menghilangkan keriputku.
Riku: Lagu yang kita rekam buat albumnya!!!
Riku: Aku harap fans dapat segera mendengarnya!
Iori: Denger ini abis "MONSTER GENERATiON" akan menunjukan seberapa berkembangnya kita pada mereka.
Yamato: Lagu yang sesuai untuk lagu masa lalu dan lagu masa depan kita.
Mitsuki: Aku ingin menyanyikannya saat live! Aku yakin mereka akan suka!
Sogo: Kita menaruh semua rasa terima kasih kita di lagu ini.
Tamaki: Menyenangkan untuk dinyanyikan dengan semuanya seperti, waaahhh
Nagi: Kepada siapapun yang menyayangi IDOLiSH7. Lagu ini kami persembahkan pada kalian. Aku harap lagu ini menyentuh hati kalian.
Tsumugi: Aku yakin lagu baru ini akan memvuat komentar kalian lebih berdampak!
Tsumugi: Dengan ini, kita sudah dengarkan kesemua lagunya! Kerja bagus!
Yamato: Gue pikir kelarnya bakal lebih lama
Nagi: Tiap lagu penuh dengan memori.
Mitsuki: Aku tak sabar untuk meluhat lagu ini rilis!
Sogo: Para fans siap gak ya baca ini?
Iori: Aku bakal senang kalo fans dapat merasakan pertumbuhan kita saat mendengarkan album ini
Tamaki: Trims seperti biasa.
Riku: Satu, Dua...
Riku: Kami IDOLiSH7 desu!
Translator note:
(1) Di sini aku berasumsi bahwa member i7 udah ada di dalam agensi semua tapi mereka tetep ngechat bukannya ngobrol secara langsung gtu. Makanya Nagi berasa aneh wwkkwk😂
(2) sebenernya osakaso5 pake istilah adult alias dewasa. Tapi, biar asyique aku pake kata 'tua' bukan dewasa wkwkk
(3) Author bingung mau translet ke Indonya gimana. osakaso5 di tumblr nulisnya gini: After that, Mitsu and Riku had a real Douglas boom going on for a while. Masa ku tulis 'ledakan nyata Douglas', kan gak lucu😂 jadinya aku tulis mereka jadi maniak Douglas aja. Lagian, artinya mirip :v
I used an English Translation as a reference for this translation. The English translation is credit to osakaso5.
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osakaso5 · 2 years
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Tenn Kujo Leopard Eyes Rabbit Chat Part 5: The Future In His Hands
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tsumugi: Good work with the Diamond Disk award ceremony today, Kujo-san. 
Tsumugi: I was happy to share the podium with you..! Especially since even Re:vale made a guest appearance!
Tenn: Hello.
Tenn: I wasn't expecting Re:vale to be there. They sure love riling up their juniors.
Tenn: They even invited us to a dinner party.
Tsumugi: I can't wait for tomorrow evening..!
Tenn: And miraculously enough, we were all free to go on such short notice. We've all been busy since the awards were announced, so I suspect you managers had a hand in that. Thank you. 
Tsumugi: It was no trouble at all..! And please thank Anesagi-san, too ><
Tenn: Riku managed to accept the trophy with his head held high, too.
Tsumugi: Apparently his hands were sweaty from Yamato-san warning him not to drop it, but in the end he was fine. 
Tenn: I'll curse Yamato Nikaido's glasses into constantly slipping off his face.
Tsumugi: T-that's a very slightly inconvenient curse..!
Tenn: I know ^^
Tenn: Nagi Rokuya may have a strange personality, but he carried himself well at the ceremony. The same goes for that press conference.
Tsumugi: He did seem to be used to that sort of thing. He even said "How I have missed these dazzling lights and the noise of the microphones"...
Tenn: He's another tough one.
Tenn: IDOLiSH7 is a frightening group.
Tsumugi: They're not frightening at all..! Although we've finally made it to the same stages as you, we still can't let our  guard down with TRIGGER and Re:vale around.
1. We're aiming for the Diamond Award next year!
Tenn: I admire your passion. Come at us whenever you like. We're always locked and loaded.
2. We're hoping to make it to the the Hall of Fame someday!
Tenn: I guess we'll have to see which one of our groups makes it first.
3. We're living in incredible times.
Tenn: Have you been talking to Gaku? Not that you're wrong. Even I can tell that we're entering a new era. We won't be able to create anything new if we remain stuck in the past, anyway. We need to let our talents bloom.
Tenn: I see fun times up ahead.
Tenn: The restaurant we'll go to tomorrow is up to Re:vale, but I'd still like for you to look into foods that won't irritate Riku's throat.
Tsumugi: Leave it to me!
Tsumugi: He's not too picky of an eater, so I can fully focus on maintaining his condition.
Tenn: Right. I'm sure we've got all the hospital food he had to eat to thank for that.
Tsumugi: Oh... right. I'm sorry, that was thoughtless of me to say
Tenn: It's fine. Just make sure to treat him as kindly as you've been treating me
Tsumugi: Riku-san's excited to have dinner with you. I hope tomorrow will be a day to remember, for both of you..!
Tenn: Since Re:vale will be there, I'm sure we'll have a busy night.
Tenn: See you tomorrow.
Tsumugi: See you..!
Translator’s notes..? 
Next up, Toma’s Twelve Hits! Rabbit TVs
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hunieday · 7 months
Yuki - La'Stiara Rabbit Chat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo
Yuki: 🕺 I saw this emoji and it reminded me of your sleeping posture back when we used to live together 
Momo: !?!? lolololololol
Momo: What the hell this is so embarrassing!! 😂 was I really like this 😂 lololol 
By the way, since you’re sending me such a mischievous rabbichat, you must be free right now!!!!
Yuki: you get it?
Momo: I get it!!! 
The thought of Yuki scrolling through emojis and thinking of me makes my heart race 🥺🥺
Momo: Is it break time over at 'La’Stiara'?
Yuki: Yeah. It's boring without you
Momo: Oh, youuuu~~~ darling ‼ I'm off today, so I’m free as well!
What do you wanna talk about? Let’s take a quiz!
Momo: Is what I would say, but sorry if it sounds childish 😭
Yuki: I’d like to take a quiz
Momo: That's right! That’s the best way to play for someone as handsome as you!!! Alright, here we go!!
Momo: What do I want right now? 😎✨
Yuki: A necklace for everyday wear
Momo: Ding-ding ding-ding 🤩💫
You hit the jackpot! Yuki knows me well, you’re the most handsome...!! (*´艸`)
You shine brighter than any jewel!!
Yuki: That's right ^^
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Yuki: The other day you sent me a bunch of URLS for necklaces and asked which one looks good
Momo: Hey how do you remember that lololol
Momo: I thought you forgot because you said any of them would look good 🥺
Yuki: That’s because I genuinely thought any of them would look good on you. It wasn’t that I was disinterested or anything
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Momo: I am going to buy all of them.
Yuki: Haha
Yuki: Here's a question
Momo: Bring it on lol
Yuki: What’s the first thing I ate in yesterday’s lunch bento box?
Momo: you always come up with tough questions, yuki 😳‼ 
Momo: But you know what? I got this one in the bag! The answer is "the Broccoli with Bonito Flakes" that came as a side dish!
Yuki: Correct. You got it right
Momo: Yesterday's lunch was from your favorite restaurant! I know you always eat the broccoli first :pudding cheer:
Yuki: Boiling it to perfection makes it delicious
Yuki: You can see through everything Momo. I can't lie to you
Yuki: From sleeping habits to even food preferences, we know everything about each other don’t we
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Momo: I never thought I'd be so close to you to the point where I’d know everything about you!
Momo: At first I was content with listening to your music from the audience, and then I was content with helping you out and being as useful as possible
Momo: I've become quite greedy...
Momo: Juuust kidding 🥴 sorry for getting sentimental all of a sudden 🤗‼ good luck with the 'La’Stiara' shoot ‼
Yuki: I'm the greedy one
Yuki: Momo, when you told me you liked my songs, you reminded me of the joy of making music and the purpose of my life
Yuki: I want to continue making music with you forever
Momo: Yuki
Momo: Yukiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: Yes?
Momo: You’re so handsome,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: I know.
Momo: Is it really my day off today? am I supposed to be normal after being bombarded with your powerful words??? I can't calm down you know???
Yuki: Momo, what are your plans for today?
Momo: Absolutely nothing!!!
Yuki: I think I’m gonna finish work early today as well
Momo: w   which means...!!???? 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yuki: I'm inviting you to dinner.
Momo: I'm coming!!! I am SO coming!!! Is it okay if I come to your place!?
Yuki: Mhm. I'll buy delicious meat on my way home.Just like that day
Momo: I can’t
Momo: This is not good, Yuki… I might burst into tears if I see your face today
Yuki: If they’re tears of joy then I’m fine with it
Momo: How in the world can I be anything but happy!!! 
Back then, our house was so small but was so full of hope
Momo: Now we live in a big house, but we haven't changed at all
Yuki: That's right. We are sharing the music we make together with the world as idols
Yuki: Always, and forever, nothing will ever change.
Momo: Thank you, Yuki. Those words bring me so much relief, they’re like a good luck charm for me. I feel like I can do anything.
Momo: I’ll be waiting for you to finish your shoot!!
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Yuki says "just like that day" in reference to a re:member scene where he uses money he gets from Chiba Shizuo during their debut days to buy Momo expensive meat. Yuki cries from happiness on his way home, which is why he tells Momo he's fine with tears of joys.
My god they make me so violent /pos
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Nagi Rokuya - RabbiTube mini Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Nagi Rokuya: This is Rokuya. Currently taking a break in the green room. Report your status. Over.
Torao Mido: This is Mido. Currently in a car, on the move. Haruka looks sleepy and is nodding off. Over.
Nagi Rokuya: Iori, how's your situation? Ignoring me even though we made eye contact is not acceptable. Over.
Iori Izumi: This is Izumi. We're in the same green room so there's no need for a status report. Out.
Torao Mido: He just cut the transmission
Nagi Rokuya: Iori is a cool boy, so he might just be feeling a bit shy. X-D
Torao Mido: Hm. So he's still wet behind the ears, huh?
Iori Izumi: I'm neither wet behind the ears nor shy (angry)(angry)
Iori Izumi: Rather, Mido-san, seeing how you've managed to keep up with Rokuya-san's energy, you must've trained quite well over the past few days.
Torao Mido: Well, there's nothing I can't do. And I've watched enough movies to understand how this stuff works
Iori Izumi: Ugh, so I'm outnumbered....
Nagi Rokuya: Iori, come over to our side! キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! [1]
Iori Izumi: What's with that emoticon? Please don't assume I've joined your side.
Nagi Rokuya:
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Iori Izumi:
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Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi, send a sticker too.
Torao Mido: Uh
Torao Mido:
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Nagi Rokuya: Nice choice! It fits right in.
Torao Mido: I'm glad I got it right…
Iori Izumi: And this is how people get trained…
Iori Izumi: More importantly, Rokuya-san, aren't you forgetting the main topic? You contacted Mido-san to schedule the airsoft game, right?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! That's right! ;-P
Nagi Rokuya: About the airsoft game we discussed the other day, how does next month sound? If we do it early next month, I can adjust my schedule.
Torao Mido: Roger. I'll check my schedule as well
Torao Mido: Do you have a place in mind?
Nagi Rokuya: I'll start looking for one now 📝 It might be difficult, but if we're going to do it, I'd like a serious match, so a field of about 10,000 tsubo [2] would be ideal!
Torao Mido: 10,000 tsubo, huh. If that's all you need, there's a place on our property we could use.
Iori Izumi: Wai- wait a minute. Are we still talking about airsoft?
Torao Mido: In Japan, there should be more than ten such locations from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
Iori Izumi: More than ten!?
Torao Mido: Yeah. It's land we bought but haven't started construction on yet. Apparently, they've been putting it off.
Nagi Rokuya: Buying land in prime locations is like a game of musical chairs, so it's common for corporations to purchase it in advance. But if we consider taxes, it's quite scary.
Iori Izumi: You two are probably the only people who would discuss land on Rabbit Chat. This is very different from Yotsuba-san or Nanase-san's carefree chats.
Torao Mido: Oh yeah, we also own mountain land. Would that be better for airsoft?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! If it's in the mountains, playing with a large group would be better. Shall I summon Northmarea's elite force? 😉
Iori Izumi: Please don't say scary things like summoning Northmarea's elite force!
Nagi Rokuya: Fufu, it's just a joke 😉 Even I'm not crazy enough to do something like that 😎👍
Nagi Rokuya: Although I aimed high, realistically, a decently sized indoor field would be best!
Torao Mido: So indoor was fine all along?
Nagi Rokuya: Good question, Mido-shi.
Nagi Rokuya: What month is next month?
Torao Mido: Is this a riddle…?
Iori Izumi: It's July.
Nagi Rokuya: Yes. Basically, that's what it means.
Torao Mido: What does it mean!?
Iori Izumi: I'm sorry for the confusion, Mido-san. Rokuya-san is from Northern Europe, so he isn't accustomed to Japanese summers.
Torao Mido: I see. Japan does have high humidity.
Torao Mido: I thought so during the shoot too, but you're quite level-headed for a high schooler.
Nagi Rokuya: YES! He's my pride and my cute younger brother ;-)
Iori Izumi: Who are you calling your cute younger brother?
Iori Izumi: There is another level-headed high schooler in ŹOOĻ as well, isn't there?
Torao Mido: Yeah, Haruka is also ŹOOĻ's pride.
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Now that we're getting coordinated, let's assign roles for the airsoft game.
Torao Mido: Sure. This is getting fun.
Nagi Rokuya: I plan to assign Iori as the scout and Mido-shi as the attacker!
Iori Izumi: I see. So I will handle reconnaissance and Mido-san will be on the front lines.
Nagi Rokuya: Iori can calmly locate the enemy and relay the situation to allies, no matter the circumstances. He was calm even during today's chat.
Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi has the physical strength to lead the charge and clear the way for his allies. The way he fearlessly challenged himself when using stickers shows he's perfect for the front lines.
Torao Mido: Were you analyzing us all along? No way... could it be that all our previous messages were setting the stage for this?
Iori Izumi: That's… wait, but knowing Rokuya-san, he actually might have been…
Nagi Rokuya: Fufufu. And I will be the commander, leading everyone to victory! X-D
Nagi Rokuya: It's time to put the tactics I've mastered — such as time management, optimal route planning from store to store, and winning various merchandise wars — to the test… (dark smile)
Torao Mido: What's with that last part?
Nagi Rokuya: OH, it's "darkness smiling." 😏
Nagi Rokuya: It's a slang term said to be reserved for use only by the chosen ones. But since you have the potential, Mido-shi, I shall impart it to you specially.
Torao Mido: Does that mean I'm one of the chosen ones? (dark smile)
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Wonderful!!! Mido-shi!!!! You have exceeded my expectations!!!!
Torao Mido: Thanks. (dark smile)
Iori Izumi: Mido-san...
Iori Izumi: Please don't teach Mido-san weird things!!!
Nagi Rokuya: Iori is also so moved that he's trembling with emotion right now!
Torao Mido: Really? Then you should use it too, Izumi.
Iori Izumi: !?
Torao Mido: You showed some great expressions during the shoot. You must be one of the chosen ones too.
Torao Mido: If you use what has been imparted to us, I feel like it would strengthen our bond.
Iori Izumi: Can a phrase like that really strengthen our bond…?
Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi is right!!! Our bond is deepening!!!
Torao Mido: Right?
Iori Izumi: I'm not convinced at all though!?
Nagi Rokuya: But Iori, see how happy Mido-shi is. It's definitely important for our communication!!!
Iori Izumi: Ugh…
Iori Izumi: Dark
Iori Izumi: Smile
Iori Izumi: ↑ This is merely to ensure smooth communication moving forward, alright??!!!
Nagi Rokuya: キタ――(゚∀゚)――!!
Nagi Rokuya: キタ――(゚∀゚)――!!
Torao Mido: It's finally starting to feel like we're a team.
Iori Izumi: Just do whatever you want.
Nagi Rokuya: YES!! We are a wonderful team!!! I'm so excited I might not be able to sleep tonight!!!!
Torao Mido: Thanks. You guys made what was supposed to be a boring car ride enjoyable.
Iori Izumi: I might not to be able to sleep either but for different reasons.
Nagi Rokuya: Hoo!!!! I'll send you the details later. Be on standby until then. Out!!
The End.
[1] The "キタ" at the beginning of the emoticon literally means "it's here," as in "here it comes." This emoticon is used to express anticipation or excitement for something that's about to happen. Iori's reaction, "Don't assume I've joined your side," is because Nagi's use of "キタ" makes it sound like Iori has already come over to their side.
[2] Tsubo: A traditional Japanese unit of area measurement, commonly used in real estate and construction. One tsubo is equivalent to approximately 3.3 square meters or about 35.6 square feet.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 3 years
Yuki: Marie Marriage Rabbit Chat Part 5
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work. The bridal magazine was released huh!
Yuki: Maneko-chan, good work. So today was the release day.
T: It was!
T: Even though we shot at different times, it was an honor to participate in the same project!
Y: Same here.
T: Perhaps if it’s alright, could I tell you my impressions of the photo?
Y: Let me hear them. ^^
T: Your face as it was lit up by the lamp was all sexy… Combined with the sunset atmosphere, I was unconsciously captivated.
T: There were a lot of adult Yuki-san as you announced to me, it was really wonderful!
Y: Did you fall in love?
T: Yes!
Y: Maneko-chan, you started to get used to it huh?
T: [Sunglasses Pudding Stamp]
T: I think the fans will surely obsess over it!
*T: If you would do it again, which season would you want to choose?
Y: Anything but summer and winter. ^ ^ I’m fine if it’s indoor, but I want to be in as comfortable an environment as I can.
Y: Oh right, I liked the lighting that was used during the shoot so I bought some.
T: Perhaps, was it the lamp that was in the photo?
Y: Yeah yeah. It’s round and cute.
Y: When I only turn that lamp on, it looks like stars appear in the room.
T: That’s wonderful huh! Just looking at it would heal you huh.
Y: Momo said it was nice when he came over yesterday.
T: You invited Momo-san immediately huh!
Y: Yeah.
Y: As a return for the plate he gave me, I treated him to dinner.
T: I see!
T: That’s a Yuki-san like return!
Y: Maybe. ^ ^
Y: Momo was also happy and he was relaxing after eating as if it was his own house. lol
T: Maybe it was really comfortable for him.
Y: If so I’d be happy.
T: [Sparkling Kinako Stamp]
T: I think the fans will surely obsess over it!
T: If we featured other things, what do you think would be good?
Y: Maybe an interior article? I like interiors and I want to try seeing more.
Y: Oh right, I liked the lighting that was used during the shoot so I bought some.
T: I think the fans will surely obsess over it!
T: How was the bridal project?
Y: It was the first I’d heard of a forest wedding but there are a lot of others huh.
Y: Oh right, I liked the lighting that was used during the shoot so I bought some.
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 4 - Altruism
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Torao: I was happy to talk to you.
Torao: This time, it seems like you guys didn’t hesitate to call out to me.
Tsumugi: Thank you very much for allowing us to visit your magazine shoot! Last time, he asked me if he could talk to you, so this time he said hi.
Torao: I’m glad I got to talk with you both, too. It’s been a while since I talked to Izumi Mitsuki. 
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san also seemed happy to be able to visit! 
Torao: Ah, that little chat with him was nice. I don’t mind being impressed by a man though. 
Tsumugi: That goes without saying, when I saw a female staff member who was getting a drink she was recommending I drink it, and I told her that I was glad for her consideration!
Tsumugi: I’m sure the staff must have noticed that I was sweating and having a hard time.
Torao: Does that count as consideration? Rather, I’m more concerned about how I treat women.
Torao: Did you watch me during filming?
Tsumugi: Of course, I was allowed to see it!
Tsumugi: I also respect your ability to quickly sense what the cameraman is looking for and your ability to respond, as well as your ability to charm people!
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Torao: Well, that’s what I do.
Option 1: Did you discuss anything else with Mitsuki-san?
Torao: He praised me a lot, but Izumi Mitsuki’s charm is in a different place from mine. I hope that is being conveyed.
Option 2: Are there any things you pay attention to when shooting for magazines?
Torao: Nothing in particular. It’s better to be who I am than become someone that’s a stranger to me.
Option 3: Do you have any tips for noticing details? 
Torao: If you look at them, you will know what the other person is looking for. It’s easier for me to do that though because of my experience.
Torao: Why did you come here alone with Izumi Mitsuki?
Tsumugi: After recording a variety show, I had some free time. Mitsuki-san also wanted to go observe the shooting since I was talking about it!
Torao: He often appears on TV. I can understand why he’s so good at it and is treasured.
Tsumugi: If Mitsuki-san heard that, he would be happy!
Torao: I talked about him when Nikaido and I went out drinking together. 
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Torao: He was surprised because he looked like he was about to cry, but…he was not saying anything strange, was he?
Tsumugi: When someone in the same industry says something like that, I think that is something that really makes him happy.
Torao: He put his arm across my shoulders and also patted me on the back…when he drinks, he becomes a strange character, right?
Torao: At the end of it all, the two of us laughed at each other’s funny faces. I’m on pretty good terms with him. 
Tsumugi: We get along with everyone in Zool!
Torao: That’s correct.
Torao: It’s a strange feeling, I don’t know whether to feel happy with this praise, but it’s not a bad feeling.
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End of Part 4
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I just read the 2016 birthday card for Riku and Tenn and they got each other matching mugs I’m DEAD it’s too cute
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