#idr if there were other things that made me interested but those were key things
cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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today is a national holiday HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATER DIAMOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i pulled his union bday card today so here’s a bunch of caycay LOVE to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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catusbeanius · 3 months
I had saved up 160 pulls this year just for that card!! (20 single keys, 8 tenfold keys and 1900 gems that i never used) He came home in 80 pulls BD
I also got Ace's Dorm Uniform at 30 pulls and Rook's Dorm Uniform at 100 (I wanted to see if I'd get Lilia's Stitch/Dorm Uniform) So, I'm only missing Cater, Epel, and Ruggie to complete those dorms!! Fun fact, I'm not Rook's biggest fan. BUT WAIT!! I still appreciate his character, dwdw. Time to yap about Rook rq
One interesting thing about him is that he doesn't really fit the NRC vibes, imo. Everyone else is kinda believable to meet. You don't exactly meet stalkers every day. Tbf, you don't meet prince dragon-fae guys every day either, but you'll meet loners with a non-typical family. Ig, by that logic, you could say Rook's hunter/stalker-ness is his unrealistic part, but I feel like it's too major to just brush off.
Same kinda goes with Floyd, but I don't dislike him. Weirdly enough, I probably should hate him because I've been chased around like Riddle is and I hated it.
Oh, also, they (Idr who in particular, I think it was Ridde or Ace) called Lilia horrible to be in an emergency with and I both agree and disagree.
On one hand, I've been in semi-emergencies and hated it when people weren't taking it seriously (mostly bc ik I'd be the one responsible and it feels like they're not respecting my panic smh) but, also, Lilia is a trained warrior. Ofc, they don't know that. Also, I think Lilia has a tendency to overestimate humans. At the same time, I think he's learned enough to estimate them better. I say them like I'm not a person too, smh /j
Completely off topic, but I almost died last night watching the mv for Risky Venus. At the end, they were all facing the right, but Niki was facing the left and it killed me. I wheezed and then I couldn't breathe so I had to cough. Risky Penis almost killed me :'( (I'm pretty sure there's something weird with my lungs, but it hasn't killed me yet soooooooooo)
Anyway, that's all my twst yapping for today. I almost forgot, HAPPY PRIDE!!!!
I will say, though, the main reason I haven't made posts is because I don't have any comments on enstars (I almost got a perfect combo on enthralling theater though!! I also read hot limit and that was crazy) and I've been doing more oc stuff!! Do you wanna hear about it?? Too late, I'll yap rq
Not going too far into detail, but I've been calling it my oc gladiator battles (very misleading name, there's no gladiator battles in sight) and it started bc i watched someone bitch about high guardian spice (in 2024??? crazy) and was mildly inspired to make a shitpost. It has pretty much nothing to do with hgs, but I take a bit of inspiration!! As well as inspo from pretty much everything else I've consumed. I just wanted a highstakes comedy (which negates the highstakes, but it'll still be compelling. idk why I'm pitching this, I'm not doing anything fancy with it) with convoluted stories like enstars (if you don't know enstars, one group is literally a dude in disguise, an assassin, a king, and a chef who might be a cannibal. It's crazy. Another is a dude who lives in the walls, a fanboy, the king's little brother, and a priest. I love them all <3) I've also given them all nicknames which is really funny. So far, I have catboy (Cálictos), organ boy (Corgandry), blueberry headmaster/principal (Prof. Shrub), and goldfishie (has nothing to do with riddle, i just found a bunch of stock photos of fish. also, he has no name. I made him last night) and a couple other conceptual characters like a shady business guy that gives you discounts if you do sidequests.
lmk if you want more yapping about them!! Once again, happy pride!!
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Starting off, I don't ship Graylu or Grayza (Nalu and Jerza ftw!) but I believe Gray had crush on both Lucy and Erza once. Gemini revealed in Oracion Seis arc that Lucy is Gray's type. And if we try to find similarities in Erza and Lucy, there are quite a few :
Both are level-headed and mature while also being absolute dorks at times. Of course, they're the prettiest too. They both have what it takes to keep the team in check, they're passionate about their friends and lastly, they both respect the boundaries of their respective lovers(Natsu and Jellal) despite both having been shown to have clear crush them. They are willing to wait for the right time.
That's Gray's type. Lucy and Erza are everything Juvia isn't nor can she ever be. She isn't Gray's type at all. She has been forced upon him. She doesn't have many friends, she doesn't respect personal boundaries, she is over possessive to the extent of attacking and wishing bad for others, she's even jealous of Wendy, a kid who happens to be like Gray's younger sibling, Frosch, an exceed even. Which is utterly disgusting. That's not the woman Gray wanted but unfortunately got. Would bring rain upon an entire town because of her own emotions.
She shouldn't exist honestly.
I actually really love how you ship differently than me, (I mean not really, since I ship Nalu and Jerza as well, just in how you don't ship Gralu) but that you're able to look at the manga/anime objectively! That's seriously a skill so many fans don't have.
You're not being delusional like some Pro gr///vians are when they try to claim juvia and Natsu are best friends, or that Gray and Lucy act like siblings so shipping them would be inc*st. (Seeing 2 characters as a BROTP is totally fine, but what's not fine is claiming that shipping them would be inc*st. And yet, some Pros claim it to make Gralu shippers look bad.)
Anyway, the thing you're looking at objectively here is that Gray seems to canonically have had a crush on both Lucy and Erza, and I agree, despite also not shipping Grayza! Gray thought both were strong and beautiful. It shows us hints at a crush on Erza in that one episode where Gray thought she looked beautiful while she was sleeping, and maybe the flashback one where Gray kinda blushed as kids when Erza idr cried or something. And then yeah, you mention it right, Gemini showed how highly Gray views Lucy and how she's the "whole package". And then throughout the show, Gray shows how hot he finds Lucy, and blushes several times, like the time he was looking for her in her house, or in the Tower of Heaven, or in the Key of the Starry Heaven arc where he imagined her in an outfit made of paper etc. Anyway, those were just some supporting examples of what you were saying.
I totally agree with you about the similarities Erza and Lucy share! Oh wow, every point is just so perfect. They're both smart, hard-working, lively and fun, they're strong, and they're loving. And you're darn right that they're the prettiest of them all! I especially love how you bring attention to how they are both willing to wait for the right time for their respective partners! That's such a good point: they put their love interest above their own desires.
And yeah, that's the exact opposite of what juvia is. she puts what she wants first, disregarding anyone it hurts, namely most of all Gray, the fricking object of her affection. That goes against all the morals the whole story of Fairy Tail tries to extol onto its watchers and readers, where you should be giving it all for your friends, that you'll put them first. But Mashima decided to completely dump that moral when it comes to juvia and make selfish, jealous, delusional, obsessive romantic "love" a virtue.
I agree, there is no reason juvia exists. she shouldn't in the first place. she doesn't make Gray's life better (she's literally ruining him), she doesn't make Fairy Tail a better place (she antagonizes all the women, even literal children and creatures of other species like you mention, Anon), and she certainly doesn't make her own life better through being a horrible person and manipulating and forcing an unwilling man to be her lover (not that I care that she's ruining her own life, it just goes to show that she's helping no one out).
Thank you so much for sending this ask; I'm in awe of the amount of thought you put into it!
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taeyamayang · 2 years
YOU ARE BUILDING A LIFE SIZED SLEIGH????? girl WHAT??? AND NINE (9) N-I-N-E???? REINDEER??? That is absolutely batshit crazy I love it. Are you doing it by yourself? What is the competition for? Were you told to do the sleigh and reindeer specifically or were you like “imma show everyone up by doing the ABSOLUTE MOST.” (In the best possible way ofc lol) Ok for some background info I’m an extremely artsy person and is known for doing the most when it comes to my projects. There’s a TikTok that basically goes “Unlike others, my homosexual audacity makes me believe that I have all the nesceceary skills to accomplish whatever even though I have no prior knowledge in that area.” Which basically describes me to a T. Like if I have an idea I try to do whatever I can to produce that idea. I literally just finished a Medusa head. A fully gold, clay snake-d, clay covered styrofoam head. It’s magnificent…. But it almost made me lose my shit. It was supposed to be and interactive piece but the weight of it was too heavy (despite my homosexual audicty I also have ADHD and anxiety which means I need to get everything I can fit this project done NOW. Screw waiting! Screw planning! Therefore I didn’t take into account the amount of weight it would end up being and how hard it would be to keep it hanging smh) I also had a due date for it that absolutely did not help but whatever. It’s done, and it looks pretty badass if I do say so myself. That being said, I’m really excited to hear more about the sleigh and reindeer. ALSO MOMO LOOKS SO CUTE SITTING ON THE SLEIGH???? SHES SANTAS LITTLE HELPER 🥺🥺🥺
Aria isn’t that photogenic, she usually ends up rubbing her face against the camera or worse- her butt. That was just a lucky shot. I snatched Loki to cuddle with me and he actually did for once???? He usually gets bored and walks away smh. But then he was a really cuddly baby and I was NOT gonna let the opportunity slip away.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS IN MY WRITTING!!!!! they really made my day! I really kept pushing myself to keep going even when I doubted myself. I read online a quote from a famous author (Idr which one lol) that said when writting, consistency is key, even when writting in small amounts. 200 words a day. It adds up. So I always tried to write 200 words a day and would praise myself if I wrote anything considerably more. It’s a pretty good system to be honest, bc then I don’t berate myself for not writing as much as I want myself too.
When It comes to the yams fic it originally came from one of my first Haikyuu fic ideas, which was kind of a reverse harem thing? IDK IF THATS THE RIGHG WORD SKSHJS. like kinda a chose your our adventure/route kind of thing and it would be with several different characters. The idea changed a lot, like for example the love interests you could chose from at the end would be (at some point of my brainstorming process) ALL of the first year boys from Karasuno, Noya and Suga, then Oikawa, Kuroo AND kenma. I limited it down to Tsukki, yams, hinata, (or) noya, (Idr which one) suga and Oikawa after. Basically all the Karasuno first year boys but Kageyama. I don’t think you’ll ever catch me writing for kageyama tbh. He’s very one track minded and I don’t think I’d get his personality right.
Tbh it wasn’t TOO far out there, even with the crazy cast of characters and I really liked some parts of the story idea! but I feel like a lot of the parts between those parts would feel forced or rushed. Like for example, i feel like it was very Oikawa and Tsukishima heavy (which is weird bc they are total opposites) so you could see MC’s and their relationship grow, where all the other boys relationship would feel awkward and out of place. I also feel like when stories have so many routes and options in love it takes away the feelings and what makes a good relationship for the characters, whether it be platonic or romantic in the end. Writting all that down is making me kinda miss the idea LMAO. IT WAS SO CUTE! but I know it isn’t meant to be. Even after deciding against the idea of this massive size I kept a lot of the ideas for it. Again this fic idea came right after watching haikyuu for the first time and I feel like it was my brain trying to fit in as many scenerios and stuff at once into one timeline. After watching more of it and learning more about the individual characters I was able to seperate some of these story ideas and flesh them out. Now would they ever reach any the point where they hit paper (or in my case, a fresh google doc? )That’s another question entirely
The Yams fic originally came from a scene (lmao a deleted scene ig) bASED ON MY INSECURITY. ABOUT MY FRECKLES. *gasp, I know* ok tbh my freckles are a lot different I have them spread out everywhere on my body, including my face. They always kind of annoyed me since they are just kinda randomly dotted on my face, and aren’t big enough (or enough in general) to look like constilations. They aren’t even noticeable enough for anyone to notice but me. Except the marylin Monroe mark right above my lip. I had that one all my life. But still, they annoy me. And like right after I started working on the fic, MORE STARTED APPEARING? LIKE HOW???? ITS WINTER! ITS NOT LIKE THE SUN IS GIVING KE MARKS OR ANYTHING? sigh. But anyway, the scene was supposed to have MC complaining about their freckles, which makes yams want to talk about how he hates his freckles until they say how their freckles aren’t even cute, like his are. idk it was a cute little thing based off my Insecurities. After I scraped the whole thing, along with the little scene I just mentioned, years later I read a Haikyuu or BNHA (I can’t remember which one) scenario where the boys compliment the MCs freckles, which turn out to just be acne. Then VOILÀ! The idea returned! This time new and updated! It was originally NOT supposed to so long or emotional. I just REALLY got into his character and fleshed it out a LOT. It was supposed to be a quick kind of thing, where yams gets embarrassed and flushed, then teased. All that cutesy stuff, but ik that yams has been struggling with his insecurities about his freckles for a long time, and insecurities like those don’t just go away. It’s not always something you can laugh about later. Sometimes the scabs from others words and your own thoughts don’t heal over, and with enough force, they can be picked off to show a fresh wound, like the pain never left. I know what it’s like to have severe anxiety and let small things tumble and grow into something incomprehensible. I know what it’s like to be stuck in your own head and I really wanted to show that. I’m really happy that you could feel his worries through my writing cuz that is 100% what I was aiming for. I hope others who can identity to yams in any way can see themselves in it too.
I might take you up on beta reading one day, when I get a discord. I think I had an account, maybe at some point? But I honestly have no idea how to use it. But I love how you took your psych major daydreams and put them to paper (figuratively, again) by writing haikyuu scenerios and headcannons. Putting your major to good use I see kksjkdkdk 😂. Before I started putting work on tumblr I was super scared about how people would react andd more importantly, how I would react to others reading my work and interacting with it. But tbh, I don’t really care that much? Like it’s weird, I thought I’d be obsessing over it but it’s kinda a background thought. Like it makes me happy when I see people interacting with it and I wish sometimes I cold have more validation in that aspect sometimes but it’s not a NEED. Now it makes me wonder if I should’ve started a fanfic acc before, or if I should be glad I did it now instead of before when I possibly could have let it take over me. Now I just worry about consistency- in posting that it’s.
Which leads me to another question. How do you differentiate between your different blogs? I know you have like two or three, but how do you decide what to put on you personal vs fanfic account? What to reblog on which ones? Bc I know even though I’m writing everyday, I’m not putting out work everyday so my fanfic account kinda sits vacant from time to time, where my main gets daily action (man when I put it that way it seems like my fanfic account is my side chick or something LMAO)
I LOVE HOW YOU JUST LEFT THE CLASS AFTER THEY TRIED PRESSURING YOU LMAO!! Like “oh one sec, I’ll be right back” *narrator voice* “And pea did. not, in fact be right back. She walked straight out the door, and kept walking. And walking. Till she got home. The end.” KAHSAJSJS. iconic. AND I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE BREAKING UP WITH YOUR BF! NOT GF!! There could have been a possibility you said “partner” and I assumed boyfriend, BIT EITHER WAY, I FEEL HOMOPHOBIC IM SO SORRY! but I’m glad you broke up! Like in the nicest way possible!! Dragging out relationships when there’s no spark is just trouble for EVERYONE. like idk why straight people insist on doing it for sooooo long. Like I understand it’s hard, and they are probably quite comfy and change can be difficult for everyone, but there has to be a point where you know that things aren’t gonna fix themselves? Like why wait till everything blows up instead of breaking things off like grown ass adults, not teens in some over dramatic coming of age movie? I can’t stand how in tv shows the standard husband and wife absolutely hate each other. Because it’s supposed to reflect real life (at least in America) where spouses are supposed to fall in love, get married, have kids, then fall apart. LIKE IF YOU CANT EVEN STAND TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM WITH THEM WITHOUT WANTING TO SPEW VERBAL ABUSE WHY CANT YALL GET A DIVORCE??? like I know it’s long process and shit, bit damn, anything is better than that sheesh. And people wonder why whenever someone dies they look at their spouse first smh.
Bruh those beauty standards sound like they are describing an anime character LMAO. That shit ain’t realistic! It’s so wild to hear that your aunt told you not to play too much bc you get “MAN LIKE MUSCLES???” WTF WHO SAYS THAT TO A CHILD? Good for your mom telling you otherwise.
So about the murder house at the college… I don’t go there so I wouldn’t know for sure, but it seems like no one really knows? Or cares? I mean the hs I went to being right next to it never really mentioned it and you’d think that a murder house would cause gossip yknow? I’m pretty sure it happened 20+ years ago so anyone alive during that time wouldn’t be attending the school really, or they would’ve been like infants. GIRL WHAT THE FUCK??? YOUR CREEPY DEATH TUNNEL STORY OUTWEIGHS THE CREEPY OLD MURDER HOUSE THATS NOW USED FOR ADMIN REASONS? I think it’s fucjing insane how horrible things happened and you wouldn’t even know. Whether it’s the murders in my picket fence town or the death tunnels at your Uni. Really shows you how important history books are, huh.
Tbh, when it comes to my cupcake disaster I wasn’t even that late? I thought I’d be though lol. And omg, Asian schools sound fucjing terrifying. They sound so strict and prestigious and very stressful. I don’t think my anxious ass could have handled it. Also, don’t worry you are probably way better at math than I am. All throughout my life I’ve been horrible at math, the only time I wasn’t when I was in like preschool and was excited to learn LMAO. I can’t even count how many time math has made me cry thought just the ages of like 6-18. It’s pathetic, actually.
About genshin, my bestie and tell each other everything, especially the fictional characters we simp for. She’s a big childe simp. I remember one time she told me she was talking to her friend and was like “I wanna see childe naked.” (Joking, but not yknow LMAO) and her friend was like “pedophilia????” SKaksbdjka bUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT. I send her all the pics and memes of childe and some of her other fav fictional men and she send me memes of Kuroo and bokuto LMAO. Some of our convos are WILD. Like they can go from “that’s where my trauma comes from” to “hahah GAE” in the same convo.
Like 2 weeks ago we had this convo
Me: girl I have some bad news
Her: oh no
Me: I have another fanfic idea
Her: oh no
What’s it about?
THEN I JUST DUMP EVERYTHING I HAVE IN THAT IDEA AND SHES LIKE “mood” “gay” “damn” “just like me fr” SKSHAJWH I can’t stand her sometimes. She also calls me out when some parts of the stories are familar to my other ideas (they often build off of each other since 90% of them don’t leave the drafting board of my head. She’s like “new challenge, an MC WITHOUT trauma, where the MCs parents are completely alive and well.” And I’m like 😤 “but that’s no fun!” KEBDKSJSKSB
Ok well technically this is an older one that’s been sitting in my head for a while. I have a really good idea for a hawks series (from BNHA). I probably will never write all of it but the begining is super solid so I might just start from there. BUT! I’m afraid this will completely divert me from my bokuto fic. I think I’m a little over half way done with it but idk my writing can get out of hand. Currently, it is 6,301 words long. The final number should probably be over 8,000 words long, but we will seee
I LOVE YOUR NEW STICKERS! I love how you made the present day(? Technically it’s not present day, but yknow what I mean) and the time skip versions!! AND I LOVE THE EMO MODE BOKUTO!!!! SO CUTE!!! THEY LOOK SO GOOD!!!
ALSO I SHOWED BESTIE THE PHOTOS OF YOUR GENSHIN STICKERS! after I showed her what I said about genshin she said: “GIRL i’m surprised you know so much but at the same time i can imagine considering how much i talked about them lmaooo”
SHE WANTS TO KNOW WHEN YOU START YOUR BUISNESS SO SHE CAN BUT ONE! AND MEE TOO!! but I’m not sure if that possible since international shipping can be a bitch. BUT WE WILL SUPPORT IN SPIRIT!
I look forward to seeing your sticker buisness grow and I’m excited to see how the sleigh looks when it’s finished! Keep me updated!!! Bonus cat pics for you!
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i did!! i'll attach the photos below so it wouldn't get in the way with the texts. actually it was like a community competition idk to build camaraderie among neighborhoods so when the adults were brainstorming for an idea i suggested a santa's factory theme and they were like yeahhh that's nice but it would be much cooler if have santa and his reindeer pulling his sleigh and when everyone's asking if anyone could do it NO ONE WAS ANSWERING. so a thing about me in groupworks is when the group grows silent and no one feels confident to try, i dive in head first (as long as i can pull off the task. besides, i want to give it a try too lol. i love creating things) so i volunteered and my mom was supportive of it, actually the entire neighborhood is. i sent them progress pictures and they liked it so much so they encourage me throughout the tedious task and that kept me going. btw that sleigh can fit 2 toddlers i know because i have 2 toddler nephew and niece and they can sit on it side by side lol. anyway, it's purely made from recycled materials :D DAMN your medusa craft sounds amazing!!! omg do you have a photo of it i wanna seee omg!! so we do have smth in common! we love creating things and when we get into the zone we do it with 100% focus
ohhh i like the idea of the reversed harem but just as you said it might be difficult to pull off since there may be characters that are less emphasized than the others so it will be oikawa or tsukishima heavy. that's why it is not recommended to write for many characters because it will be hard to give them the their own spotlight and it will turn out messy and may even risk the plot. if i'm not wrong the maximum characters (major characters) you can write for is 5 but ideally 3 is okay. i tried that tho with my halloween interactive fic (which i have not written for in SO LONG lol i'll get to that) so i tried to incorporate all the characters i could write for in haikyuu but i didn't give them a spotlight. i picked a few to give an elaborate background of, then they others were minor characters. i feel like i'm giving an unsolicited advice 💀 i'm not the best person to give you it but i'm glad i could discuss things related to writing to someone. maybe you can push through with the story idea but pick maybe 3-4 characters you want to focus on and others are minor characters.
about the yams story!! tbh i couldn't relate to the freckles thing but they remind me of my tiny moles 💀 i have them all over my body and even on my face. in our culture it could be seen as a beauty mark but i just couldnt love the one above my mouth (tho it gets complimented by my friends, i just couldnt) but i have fondness for freckles (ironic i know) i find them cute as it somehow adds softness to the person's features hence when i was reading your message i was like "NO WAYYY FRECKLES ARE ADORABLE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!! I LOVE THEM." but then it reminds me of my tiny moles and i just 🧍🏻‍♀️ lol maybe it's human's nature to love what they don't have and dislike what they have. so even though i do not have freckles, with the emotions and realness of the characters' conflict in your yam's fic i was able to connect/relate to it. keep writing!! :)
yess!! i'm omg i would love to try beta reading heh if i reply late (i always do anyway 😭) send me an ask of your discord name so i can add you immediately and get on w the writing!! aaahh i'm excited hihi yeah!! my major actually contributes a lot to my writing lol. talk about consistency ahhh it's harder to be consistency esp when you're busy (me 💀) about the 2-3 blogs, this (main) blog is purely for fluff fanfics or fics rated general since i started this blog i never intended to write nsfw since i'm more of a fluff writer but since i'm trying to explore more writing styles i opened a nsfw blog. that's my most recent blog and i only have one fic posted there lol i find it difficult to whip a nsfw blog since i don't think that's my strength lol and the personal blog that's where i rb art, fics, post shits (personal shits), and other things lol it's like a dump account honestly. i created a personal account mainly because i didn't want my main blog to appear messy for the readers if ever they want to check my blog. i do post personal things on my main blog but only that is not too personal? or i think is interesting for many to know smth like. it actually depends on my mood whether i'm comfortable to have many people read about what's going on with my personal life aka my childhood enemy who turned hot but my college struggles that gave me anxiety that's kept on my personal blog bc it has less followers and all of them are my mutuals here sooooo heh are you thinking of running more blogs?
it's fine!! it's okay if you thought of a bf instead of a gf lol no worries. omg thank you for congratulating me on breaking up bc i'm proud i did it. breaking up ia tough because it means hurting the person close to you but yeah we have the same idea, i think it's pointless to pretend in a relationship that you are not into. it's like you're wasting you and your partner's time and i don't think anyone deserves to be treated half of how they treat someone they like. i'm kind proud i was able to do it. it is hard lol 💀 but i'm happier now. YEAH i want a more diverse family on shows. single parents, homosexual parents, found family, etc.
i could tell you more stories about the crazy place my uni sits in if i remember them lmao but overall i like experiecing creepy stuff thus the death tunnel thing. my college friends and i are amused by creepy things 💀
if i think of it now... ASIAN SCHOOL DID GIVE ME ANXIETY AND NOT ONLY ANXIETY, LOW SELF ESTEEM TOO WTH dude i think they have a kink for making you feel dumb. i mean, a competitive environment is good but when opportunity to grow is limited, it only gives the students anxiety. i remember having a private tutor until before 7th grade but beginning 7th grade was also the start of my summer classes in math (I AM BAD AT IT I SWEAR I CRY TOO LOL i never aimed to be the best i was okay being average and when i get an above average score at a test I AM OVER THE MOON) and on my senior yr in hs i attended a cram school (i think that's what it is commonly called) it's to review you for college entrace exams because the results is revealed nationwide (more anxiety, everyone knows your taking it ha ha) and it's almost a must for us to pursue a college degree otherwise the elders will think of it as a waste if you don't(?) smth like that so yeah after school and classes i attend cram school where we review lessons from 7th grade to senior hs and we answer tests EVERY MEETING so yeah that burnt me out.
the beauty standard iS THE ANIME. the standard is skinny women with humongous boobs like bruh that aint even possible without an implant like how could all fats be isolated on someones chest and not on other parts of their body that's like basic science THEY MAKE US STUDY SCIENCE SAYING IT'S IMPORTANT BUT MEN HAVE UNREALISTIC HUMAN ANATOMY STANDARDS LIKE WTF now that we're on this topic, i realized i have not adhered to the crazy body standards we have (ofc i used to but that was younger me feeling pressured and all it wasn't a good year in my life but yeah) like tatts and piercings are a taboo and more so if you're a woman and here i am with 7 piercings and planning a tatt. they want petite body and big boobs? you know what? *points at my stomach* this is a flab *points at my boobs* and my tits are small HAVE FUN LMAO i don't think i'm the type to go by the rules or at least the strict standards set by society bc i feel chained. even when my aunt told me to stop engaging in activities that would make me grow man muscles, i'm lifting weights now 😭 idk man i feel like the more i feel boxed in a set of ridiculous rules the more i'm prone to breakaway lol. anyway thats just a quick rant 💀
OMG YOUR FRIEND SOUNDS AWESOME i feel like i can vibe with herrr and that she is a childe simp bRUHHH SHE IS FUN btw the childe naked thing had me chuckling lmaooo that was so out of context and it does sound weird for outaiders bUT DAMNNNN CHILDEEEEE UGH IM SIMPIMG i ship him with zhongli does your friend ship them? i. need. to. know. and!! cynari please kaveh and alhaitham too GOD MYVE Y SHOULD PLAY SO WE CAN SCREAM no pressure BUT !!!! LMAOOO
thank you for the photos i appreciate them A LOT your cats make me happy esp UNDER A CHRISTMAS TREE AHHHH
here's the sleigh as promised (i only have them taken at night since i thought you'd like to see the lights. it's placed on a roof btw lmaooo it's crazy) and here's my friends dog. his name is gokong wei SUCH A CLINGY BABY
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thank you for writing to me!! i always enjoy talking to you! may you have/had a great new year and i hope we can end 2023 together too! merry christmas and happy new year, myve ♡
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ferretandtheweasel · 7 years
Why I ship Draco and Ginny?
Seriously nobody asked for this 😂 tbh this is just my Harry Potter and Drinny journey. Also this is just me posting something to start this blog with. So, here's how everything went down:
So before anything I want y'all to know that I started reading Harry Potter at like 14? 13? (don't remember exactly). I was given the first 3 books as a gift. I was instantly hooked and finished them all pretty quickly. And because I am a slut for grey characters, Draco managed a place in my heart even when I low-key hated him (In the first two books lol). He was interesting to me because I wanted to see where his story would go? On the other hand I already had a soft spot for Ginny since Sorcerer's Stone. I had older cousins who wouldn't include me in their stuff so I found her adorbs and relatable in the first book and my sympathy for her only grew in CoS. Book 5 Ginny though, was my fav Ginny because she really put Harry in his place and hexed Malfoy. She became one of my favourite side-characters along with Luna and Neville.
Despite my love for her, like most people, Ginny ending up as Harry's main love interest definitely surprised me. JKR did a good job of convincing me though. I accepted quite easily that Harry and Ginny were endgame but before embracing Hinny, I was a believer that Rowling would make Ginny Weasley end up with Draco Malloy.
Some might ask and God, I wish there was some proper logic behind this but for some reason, my 15 year old romantic self was sold on the idea that Ginny and Draco are going to be Romeo and Juliet of the Wizarding world?
No, I don't know why I thought like this 😂😂😂 It just made perfect sense in my head at that time for Drinny to happen, I do laugh now at how cheesy I was as a teenager. I just loved thinking about the wizarding world, imaging about other characters that weren't the trio.
Anyway, so this revelation of Drinny possibly being Romeo-Juliet happened during Order of The Pheonix, Ginny hexes Draco with bat-bogey hex and for some reason I was fixated on that particular interaction in the book. I used to imagine Draco being flustered that little Weasley had hexed him, it just gave me so much thrill thinking how annoyed he would be that a girl got the best of him, I imagined him being turned on while he was mad at her, or that he would eventually get attracted to her while trying to get back at her. I just imagined them having the enemies-to-lovers sort of relationship and it just made sense.
Now let me tell you when I read Harry Potter, I lived in a small town in Pakistan, not only was internet not easily available there, it never occured to me back then to actually search for the Harry potter fandom online the few times i did get a connection, so I had no idea of "shipping" or "OTPs" and I didn't know any spoilers. So yeah I used to create scenarios in my head where Draco and Ginny would meet in the Hogwarts corridors and they would argue and have intense sexual tension, or how Draco would want to take revenge on Ginny for hexing him and it would lead to them to having an angry shouting matches which would lead to make out session etc (Yes, I am aware we call these 'headcanons' but back then I was not familiar with fandom terminology).
Anyhow, I finally get my hands on Half Blood Prince Book and lmao remember the scene where Harry is spying on Draco, and then Blaise (or someone else? Idr correctly) brings up how hot Ginny is, I was losing my shit because I was like, why else would JKR bring this up in front of Draco? I was sure that she was building up a secret romance between Drinny behind the scenes because we see stuff happeing through Harry's eyes. Yes i was connecting dots of my conspiracy theory, or at least wishing that that is what was happening.
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So y'all can now probably imagine how freakin' surprised and confused I felt when Harry got jealous over Ginny and Dean in the Astronomy tower? 😂😂😂 Like i did not see Hinny coming, it hit me like a wrecking ball... But ofcourse I accepted Hinny at the time because I also loved how tables had turned and now it was Harry who became obsessed with her, I also loved the whole "But she is Ron's sister, I thought I liked her as a sister, Ron will be so mad".
So anyway I go move on with my life and finish Deathly Hallows but ofc Harry Potter series felt like my childhood ending and I couldn't accept it. In my head, even when I had embraced Hinny, I still felt the love for Drinny and saw their potential, by this time I was finally allowed a phone. (Yeah I got a mobile phone when I was almost 16 😂) and while searching for random hp related stuff online I came across Fanfiction...
I started reading fics because I wanted to know what happened between the time when the war ended and when epilogue happened. I also wanted more answers about all the characters. However, I used to find most stories/character ooc, so I used to leave most fics in the middle and move on, very few fics could satisfy me because few writers nailed JKR's Harry.
Anyhow exploring the world of fanfics to read something that I actually like, that's when I was introduced to the giant that is dramione. Dramione introduced the idea of fanfiction deviating from actual books, so I gave them a try but then there were so many Dramione fics on Fanfiction.net but their fics pretty much very early on put me off of that ship, and then I altogether gave up on it because the disrespect to the Weasleys especially Ron was astounding to me. Also people turned Hermione into a mary-sue character in fics which also put me off. I feel like people dont know how to seperate Emma Watson from Hermione. Anyway that is a rant for another day.... So yeah, It was then when I randomly decided that maybe I should check out if anybody wrote Draco and Ginny fics and it was like magic 😍
ff.net had some great Drinny fics Some of them were post series, some of them during their Hogwarts years. Some were pure fluff others K I L L E D me with angst! I still have issues with fics where in order for Drinny to happen they show how bad/abusive Harry-Ron-Hermione are. I leave them instantly, or fics where Ginny is ashamed of being poor (i feel like she loves her parents and everything they've done for her) or fics where I find them ooc... but over all Drinny is a ship which has given me some great fics and those fics have helped me deal with personal stuff and cheered me up when I was down.
Also reading about them gave me an insight on how healthy a relationship between them can be where they can both provide each other with validation, comfort, love and passion.
Reasons why i think they work:
1) Ginny and Draco are opposites but they compliment each other rather than repel. Eg: Ginny and Draco both belong to ancient pureblood families yet the environment and ideology they grow up with completely opposite, their values are opposite even when their world is the same. That gives a lot of foundation for both of them to learn from each other.
2) Ginny is fierce, talkative /bubbly (Ron mentions how it's strange that she's quiet around harry because usually she won't shut up), stands up for those she feels are being unfairly treated (Luna, Neville), she's quite popular as harry realises in year 6 that she has her own friends, she even gets invited to the "slug club"... I think this works so well with Draco who hides his emotions, is under control of his feelings... He's also somewhat of a bully in early years which just goes so well because can you imagine how explosive their encounters would be in the great hall? Draco saying mean things to Ginny just to wind her up and her reacting and never backing down. I think Ginny is really one of the only ladies who can match him inch by inch and call him out on his bullshit. Maybe wind him enough to lose control even.
3) They both play quidditch, can you imagine the friendly rivalry? That is one thing they can bond over, they can also bond over their ancient families and their respective experience of growing up in wizarding world post voldemort... It can be similar and different. They really have the potential to be attracted like magnets. Sorry dramiones, but the angst and enemies to lovers that Drinny delivers... No other hp ship does it for me.
So yeah guys Drinny is my guilty pleasure and I think Draco and Ginny could have worked out really well as a couple but off course I understand that JRK wasn't writing a romance 😂. There is just so much to explore in their dynamic though and I am glad for all the fanfics and fanarts are out there because they really satisfy my curiosity and love for them.
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keirnytee · 8 years
After my 26th birthday and an epic trip to Seoul, South Korea last year, I knew I had to somehow make turning twenty 7 even better. I initially planned on going to Turkey but the political climate was too much for me to risk a visit. I was very staunch in finding the perfect place to mark another year of life. Per usual when I make plans, I extended an invitation to some friends but ‘adulting’ got the better of them and so they couldn’t make it. If you recall my last travel blog you’ll know that I have no qualms about traveling alone. Then it hit, I watched so many episodes of reality tv shows with the cast going on these extravagant trips, so why can’t I do the same? That goal was achieved when I booked my holiday for Bali, Indonesia. As an avid viewer of Bravo and a fan of The Real Housewives of Orange County, I recalled how much fun they had in Bali and I knew that would be the right fit. I mean, you don’t have to be affluent to travel, so Bali had better brace itself for the Keirn Up. (cc: my good friend @scheanamarie)
On February 14 I boarded China Eastern Airlines flight MU744 for Bali. As I sat in the plane, all I could think about was how much fun this whole experience will be. I was more anxious than ever before for the plane to take off. As most of my friends know, I can fall asleep anywhere and at the oddest times, which is what happens every time I travel. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 30 minutes car ride or a 16 hour flight, Keirn will be knocked out. Like clockwork, I was out like a lamp and before I could change sleeping positions, the stewardess interrupted with “Excuse me sir. Would you like chicken and rice or beef and noodles?” I couldn’t be angry at her because if it’s one thing I love about flying, is the delicious and well prepared airplane food (you can disagree if you want haha). I had layover in Beijing, China and had to switch planes but it wasn’t long before I was back in the air. I was a bit shocked to see so many Chinese traveling to Bali. Yes, I boarded a plane in China but that meant nothing. LOL. Oh, in case you were wondering, I took the chicken.
After 3 hours and 20 minutes of flight from Nagoya, Japan (NGO) to Beijing (PEK) and 9 hours of flight from Beijing (PEK) to IGusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS), I was finally in Bali.
“It was so hot, the heat hit me like a mack truck driving at 120 MPH on the freeway”
Unlike the housewives, I had no grand greeting party nor a luxury vehicle waiting for; or so I thought. When booking my trip, I opted this time to use Airbnb. (A man’s gotta save some coins for a rainy day :D). I didn’t want to be in the centre of the tourist area nor did I want to be too far out of the city and have to worry about transportation, so I reserved a quiet Joglo in Denpasar which was only 30 minutes or less from the airport. It was also very accessible to the beaches and close enough to the key attractions. Rudy, my host, had arranged my pick up from the airport. I walked around and saw my name on a sign being hoisted in the air. It felt surreal. I’ve never had my name written on a sign before, nor did I ever have a driver wait for my arrival. Coming off of the tourist high in Seoul, I felt more confident in this new role and fully embraced the character I’d assume for the next couple of days. While I didn’t have a greeting party, I did have a luxury vehicle and that was enough for me. Take that OC! 
It was so hot, the heat hit me like a mack truck driving at 120 MPH on the freeway. I began peeling off layers of clothing in the airport parking lot while Mandus, my driver, retrieved the car. For some reason, I forgot that my comfy winter attire wasn’t right for this Bali weather.
It wasn’t long before we arrived at our destination and instead of a house, cuz that’s what I pictured it to be, I shocked to see a fully functioning resort of some kind. I was tired, not because jet lag, but the heat had sucked every life out of me. I was given a key, shown my room and off to bed I went. No, I didn’t give my driver a tip. I have great excuse I’ll share later. (Hopefully it’ll hold up LOL)
I slept like a newborn after being suckled by his mum on fluffy white clouds for pillows. Never have I ever felt so rested. I heard birds chirping in the distance and reached for my phone to stop the alarm. To my amazement, it wasn’t my phone that emitted those sounds, but actual birds in the garden. I was indeed in paradise. Without hesitation, I took a warm shower and went to the garden to see what the plan  was for the day.
Last year, I stayed at a guesthouse which included breakfast but since this was an Airbnb I had to pay. Given my budget of 500USD (about 6.7 million rupiah ‘IDR’) I didn’t want to take the chance of purchasing breakfast so I gobbled down my bottle of water with the utmost urgency. Water never tasted so good. It sounds cheap but I had no idea if the cost for breakfast was more expensive when compared to restaurants on the island. Besides, I had plans for more my birthday that would require me to use most, if not all my cash.
I met the host, Rudy, and other members of staff. They were extremely warm and friendly (as they ought to be). I was informed of a shared day tour that they had planned and asked if I was interested. Um…did they think traveled all the way from Japan to sit in my comfortable room? Not that it was a bad idea haha! “Heck yea!” I chirped. (Chirped. Get it? LOL) This also meant that transportation (45USD) for the day would be split three ways. Not a bad way to start I might add.
Ben, Faye and I boarded our vehicle and headed for our first stop on the day’s tour. This time, we had a different driver than the one who picked me up from the airport. Rudy seemed to have thought about everything as our driver, Wayan Sudar, spoke English really well so he was able to provide valuable information when requested. Remember when I said I’d tell you why I didn’t tip the first driver? As it turned out, Ben and Faye had the same dilemma. We didn’t know the acceptable amount to tip someone in Bali. It was agreed that it was better to not tip than to offer money that can’t even buy gas. We arrived at a Batik place that made sarongs. I’ve heard about the work that normally goes into making these lovely pieces of art but seeing it up close made me so appreciative of this experience.
Astonishing work
Making a sarong
We then visited Taman Ayu Luwak Coffee where our palates were met with the most scrumptious teas and coffees, Luwak Coffee, you could ever find. What was even more astounding was how the beans are harvested. That I’ll spare you the details cuz you may never look at coffee the same way again.
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Batuan Temple was next, which would set the precedent for what to expect when visiting temples in Bali. It was here that we learnt one very important use of the sarongs. Upon entering every temple ground in Bali, one has to cover themselves if they aren’t covered properly from the waist down. As with every culture and religion, the Balinese have their traditions and practices so we had to abide by the rules. Else, risk being denied access and being seen as a rude, obnoxious tourist. I was fascinated by the amount of tourists that were at the temple. As one group left, another would enter. I was once again part of this tourist brand and it was a damn good feeling. Let me just say, if you’re ever planning on visiting this temple, though free, a contribution of about 75USD is expected. “Don’t moan about it, just do it.” I thought to myself, this is what being a tourist meant.
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If you thought Day 1 was even ready to be complete, you better think again. It was noon just noon and already we had a bellyful of knowledge about some Balinese culture. The sun and heat were brutal. We needed to seek refugee. Luckily, we had a well air conditioned car that would provide solace. Ben and Faye are from England, which meant lunchtime was just as important them as it was for me. Wayan drove us to Grand Puncak Sari Restaurant for lunch. When we arrive there, we noticed it was buffet style setting. My belly let out a growl so loud from hunger, you’d think it was Gerald Butler as Leonidas in the movie 300, yelling, this is SPARTAAAAA! At that moment, any consideration about my budget was out the window. I cared very little for taking a picture or snapping shots of the restaurant. The hunger was real and I wax extremely ravenous. Heck, I’m even getting hungry writing this. LOL! We sat down and in little time, devoured our first round. I felt like I had one an olympic gold medal for having lasted 3 hours without food (due in part to my own misery ways). Lunch was divine but after two rounds, it would have been gluttonous to pursue a third. We were done.
Beyond the restaurant was the Kintamani Volcano. I’ve never been that close to a volcano in my life and I was both intrigued and nervous. It last erupted 10 years ago, so do the math. Haha!!
Kintamani Volcano
Exhaustion from viewing the beauty of Kintamani Volcano called for a relaxing time in one of Bali’s most famous hot springs, Toya Devasya. I had no plans of actually bathing in the spring but when I entered the premises, I was enchanted. The property was adorned with an purple elephants, accentuated by the black an white paint. This felt like the advertised Bali you’d find in a pamphlet. The cost was about 100USD and once again, my budget flew out the window. To top it all off, I didn’t pack any swim trunks so I had to purchase one for a measly 50USD. FML!
Day 1 was almost over. I didn’t think anything could make even better. I was wrong. You can’t go to Bali and not attend the Kecak Dance. The dance is usually accompanied by 100 men in chorus which tells the story of how Rama rescued his wife Sita from the devious Ravana. The dance was a sight to behold especially when one of the dancers danced over, on and the fire.
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The Kecak ended around 8pm and I was ready to head back to Rudy’s. When you’re having fun, time really flies. Since I was on a spending spree, I ordered dinner from the kitchen and was given a traditional Balienese meal, Nasi Ayum Betutu. I wish I had taken a picture of this well prepared meal but hunger got the best of me. 
Day 1 was filled so many new and exciting experiences. I could only imagine what the rest of the holiday would be like. Stay tuned for part 2.
Till next time.
reallyGOBBY: Keirn
Twenty 7 in Bali: Part 1 THE DECISION After my 26th birthday and an epic trip to Seoul, South Korea last year, I knew I had to somehow make turning…
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