#twenty 7 in bali
leekimdramas · 1 year
2023 Drama List
Here are some of the dramas I have finished this year. If it has bold font, I gave the drama a 10 and if it has italic I really enjoyed it but it’s just not a 10 for any reason.
I write the reviews for all of the dramas I finish, so you can just click away and enjoy the reviews!
Last year’s list: 2022
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1. Unlock My Boss
2. Island Part 1
3. Work Later Drink Now 2
4. The Glory Part 1
5. Missing The Other Side 2
6. Crash Course In Romance
7. Island Part 2
8. The Glory Part 2
9. Delivery Man
10. Divorce Attorney Shin
11. Taxi Driver 2
12. Bora! Deborah
13. Doctor Cha
14. The Good Bad Mother
15. My Perfect Stranger
16. See You In My 19th Life
17. King The Land
18. Heartbeat
19. Not Others
20. Bloodhounds
21. The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch
22. My Lovely Liar
23. Moving
24. The Worst of Evil
25. The Kidnapping Day
26. Evilive
27. A Time Called You
28. Twinkling Watermelon
29. Doona
30. The Escape Of The Seven: War For Survival
31. Daily Dose Of Sunshine
32. Vigilante
33. Castaway Diva
34. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Dramas From Other Countries:
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1. Love Between Fairy And Devil (Chinese drama)
2. Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu Season 3 (Japanese drama)
Web Dramas:
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1. Semantic Error
2. Love Playlist 3
3. Finland Papa
4. My 20th Twenty
5. One Day Off
6. Drama Special Season 12: A Moment Of Romance
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1. Unlocked (Korean)
2. The Witch: Part 2. The Other One (Korean)
3. Dream (Korean)
4. One In A Hundred Thousand (Japan)
Variety Shows:
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1. Love Catcher in Bali (Finished)
2. Single’s Inferno 2 (Finished)
3. HyeMiLeeYeChaePa (Finished)
4. The Devil's Plan (Finished)
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1. Trolley (ep 3) 
2. Agency (ep 7)
3. Call It Love (ep 3)
4. The Heavenly Idol (ep 6)
5. Delightfully Deceitful (ep 5)
6. Numbers (ep 4)
7. Misty (ep 4)
8. Destined With You (ep 8)
9. The Killing Vote (ep 8)
10. Strong Girl Namsoon (ep 5)
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jimkleban · 1 year
10 Goals for 2023
9 years of foolishly posting my annual personal goals. A look back at 2022 is here: https://at.tumblr.com/jimkleban/my-2022-in-review/muu9t9hu9fkh
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Themes for 2023
The world is changing quickly with polarization, evolving norms, war in Europe, inflation, tech layoffs, and a looming recession. These are also very exciting times especially with what has been made possible by advances in generative AI. This year finds me happy to pour my heart into my work and looking forward to explore more of the world. 
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller
10 Goals for 2023
1) Crush it as Head of AI at Supernormal
A new year finds me in a new role running AI at a startup called Supernormal. Supernormal is an AI-powered meeting assistant that automatically gives you detailed notes after your meeting. The generative AI space is on fire for now, and for a product like this it's a race to win. I'm excited for this role as a career step. It's a good fit for my background and skills, the team is great, and I'm finding in really fun to work at a startup. My goal for 2023 is to hire an AI team and deliver a great product.
2) Follow the muse with Infeather.
We are born to create. What we make are expressions of ourselves and sometimes in creating there is a sense of something calling us forward. A muse, if you allow it to be. Over the last year I've been building an AI-powered reader called Infeather. By crawling twitter and other sources it finds high quality articles for people to read on followed topics. My dream is for this project is to grow it further into something people can use day-to-day. The recommendations can expand beyond linked articles to include videos, forum threads, and posts. The goal this year is to keep going, following the muse, and make the reader better and grow the number of users.
3) Live abroad with the family.
In 2019, Elizabeth and I took the girls (7 and 4) on a year of travel where we stayed in Bali and Australia. We want to do something like this again before our kids grow up. I'm not sure if the timing for traveling again is right this year given our work, health, and family commitments, but ideally we'd set up somewhere in a new country sometime this year. We would find schools for the girls, work remotely, and spend our free time exploring. 
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4) Respark the romance with Elizabeth.
My wife Elizabeth and I have known each other for more than twenty years, and we have been married for over thirteen. It's not always easy to find good, quality time for one another given our full time jobs and parenting duties. And yet, it's the relationships that matter most in life. My goal this year is to do ten amazing things together with my partner.
5) Develop the art of long term friendships.
One of the key predictors of long term happiness through life apparently is the presence of long term relationships. It can be hard to prioritize friendship when you a busy life with family and work takes up time and energy. Yet, it pays off in the end. I think there is a real art in making friends, and maybe it's mostly a matter of making oneself available. I want this year to be one for friendships, new and old.
6) Build 3 new AI apps as experiments.
I'm intrigued by what is possible with AI and it's never been easier to wire ideas up quickly. This year I have the goal to write three new (mini) apps. The ones I have in mind at the start of the year are a spoken language practice chat bot (using Whisper) for my attempt at learning French, a personal health assistant that helps build positive habits, and an oracle/therapy bot that helps you  reflect about what is happening in your life.
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7) Get a couple of home improvement projects done.
Out of all of the things that I like to do, spending on home improvement is not one of them. As such, the house is in a bit of disrepair and there are a couple of things we want to make better. The goal is to land at least two of these house projects (even if it's just scheduling and coordinating contractor work) before we go abroad. This could be new upstairs bathroom fixture, a shed in backyard, and repairing the deck. I think these things can be fun and rewarding.
8) Get into the mountains.
The best part of the Pacific Northwest is probably the nearby mountain ranges with the Cascades  and the Olympics. These are wonderful places to explore and spending time in the mountains is also a great way to stay in shape, get tough. I try to have a physical goal each year, and this year I'll be working on adding strength exercises to my routine, but I think an even better goal will be to spend more substantial times in the mountains - getting out on a day trip at least twice a month.
9) Give up added sugar and fast food.
Health matters more as you grow older and I don't think you can keep bouncing back from treating your body poorly. This includes the diet. I've been blessed with a fast metabolism and I'm physically active, so I haven't had a reason to avoid eating poor food. I've done well in the past with giving up alcohol, but at times the cravings have just transferred to donuts and cheeseburgers. I feel much better when I don't eat these things. The goal this year is to give up added sugar, save for the occasional shared desert, and stop ordering fast food.
10) Break the phone addiction.
The iPhone was released in 2007 and changed the world. Like television, we both benefit and suffer from the adoption of the omnipresent computer in our pocket. The device and its apps are designed to be addictive, fueling profit, in ways television never was able to be. On the other hand, we also gain from having these tools. We own our phones and how we use them, not the opposite way around. The goal for 2023 is to change how I use mobile phone, through a mixture of behaviors, settings, and apps so I can demonstrably claim my phone serves me.
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2023 has energy, legs to it. I feel happy, empowered. A lot is going to change quickly, so buckle up and take the ride. Here’s to what comes. 
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orthodoxydaily · 11 months
Saints&Reading: Thursday, August 3, 2023
august 3_july 20
zekiel was the son of a priest from the town of Sarir. He was taken to Babylon into captivity with King Jeoiachim along with many other Israelites. Living in captivity, Ezekiel prophesied for twenty-seven years. He was a contemporary of the Prophet Jeremiah. While Jeremiah taught and prophesied in Jerusalem, so Ezekiel taught and prophesied in Babylon. The prophecies of Jeremiah were known in Babylon, and the prophecies of Ezekiel were understood in Jerusalem. Both of these holy men agreed in the prophecies of each other. Both were mistreated and tortured by the unbelieving Jewish people. St. Ezekiel had frightening and unimaginable visions. By the river Chebar, Ezekiel saw the heavens open, "a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it" (Ezekiel 1:4), and four wild creatures like molten copper [burnished brass]. One animal had the face of a man, the second the face of a lion, the third the face of a calf [ox], and the fourth the face of an eagle [Ezekiel 1:10]. The face of the man signifies the Lord Incarnate as a man, the face of the lion, His divinity, the face of the calf, His sacrifice, and the face of an eagle, His resurrection and ascension. At another time, he was shown the vision of the resurrection of the dead. The prophet saw a valley full of dry, dead bones, and when the Spirit of God descended upon them, they came to life and rose to their feet [Ezekiel 37:1-10]. He also saw Jerusalem's most terrible destruction when God's wrath mowed down all except those earlier marked with the Greek symbol called Tau [Ezekiel 9: 1-7]. This mark is like our letter T which is also the sign also of the Cross. The evil of the Jews did not even spare this holy man. Infuriated at him because he rebuked them, the Jews tied him to the tails of horses and ripped him in two. He was buried in the same sepulcher with Shem, the Son of Noah.
THE VENERABLE SIMEON AND JOHN (590) These two young men left their homes and relatives: Simeon, his aged mother, and John, his young wife. Both received the monastic tonsure at the hands of Abbot Nicon in the Monastery of St. Gerasimus and withdrew into the wilderness, where they lived an austere life of asceticism for many years. They mortified their bodies so much through rigorous asceticism that they resembled two withered trees. One day, Simeon told John that, according to God's command, he must depart from the wilderness and go among the people and serve God. John gave him this counsel: "Guard our heart against all that you will see in the world. Whatever you touch with your hand, do not allow it to touch your heart. Whatever you eat with your mouth, let not your heart be satisfied. When your feet begin to walk, let there be peace within you. And whatever you do outwardly, let not your mind remain disturbed. Pray to God for me, that He does not separate us, one from the other, in the future life." St. Simeon accepted the counsel of his companion, kissed him, and, after that, departed the wilderness and went among the people as a "fool for Christ," to teach men and to convert them to the Faith of Christ. He pretended insanity before men, but his heart was the temple of the Holy Spirit and, in that temple, was unceasing prayer. He possessed abundant grace from God and could discern all the inner secrets of men, both near and far, healing men from evil spirits and other ailments. Dancing in the streets as one insane, he approached men, whispered their sins in their ears, and called them to repentance. He even appeared to sinners in dreams, rebuked them for their sins, and called them to repentance. Thus it was with Bali, a pagan actor who openly mocked Christian shrines and to whom St. Simeon appeared in a dream, rebuked and warned him so that he repented and became a model Christian. A young fornicator went out of his mind because of sexual promiscuity. Seeing this insane young man, St. Simeon struck him across the face with his hand and said: "Do not commit fornication." At that moment, the unclean demon departed from the young man, and he became well.
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6 But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you unless I say to you either by revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or teaching? 7 Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played? 8 Who will prepare for battle if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound? 9 So likewise you, unless you utter words easy to understand by the tongue, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. 10 There may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none is without significance. 11 Therefore, if I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to him who speaks, and he who speaks will be a foreigner to me. 12, Even so, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel. 13 Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 15 What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. 16 Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say "Amen" at your giving of thanks since he does not understand what you say? 17 You give thanks well, but the other needs to be edified. 18 I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all; 19 yet in the church, I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue.
MATTHEW 20:17-28
17 Jesus, going up to Jerusalem, took the twelve disciples aside on the road and said to them, 18 Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and scribes. They will condemn Him to death, 19 and deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock, scourge, and crucify. And on the third day, He will rise again. 20 Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Him with her, kneeling down and asking something from Him. 21 And He said to her, "What do you wish?" She said to Him, "Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on the left, in Your kingdom." 22 But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you ask. Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?" They said to Him, "We are able." 23 So He said to them, "You will indeed drink My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father." 24 When the ten heard it, they were greatly displeased with the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27 And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave- 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
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kratomlibraryus · 1 year
Kosta Kratom Green Vein Malay Capsules
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Best Quality Green Vein Malay Capsules Kratom is an evergreen tree that grows in Southeast Asia. Kratom was first recorded in history in 1836, but dates use of the plant date back even further. In the past ten to twenty years, kratom has become more widely known in the United States. This is because of the vast amount of information that is publicly available on the internet. Unfortunately, the majority of Kratom information is either hard to find or false. This is because kratom lies in the grey area of United States law. What this does it prevents research from being conducted on kratom.
There are two active alkaloids found in kratom, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These are believed to be responsible for its energetic and analgesic effects. There are over 23 other alkaloids in the leaves of the kratom tree. It is believed to be that the ratios of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine vary based on kratom variety. Kratom is given its name by strain. However, there aren’t different kratom strains, such as a purely red vein or exclusively green vein kratom tree. The color of the strain is actually created by the fermentation and drying techniques used by the farmer. Which may be the reason each particular strain causes different effects. The consensus is that kratom in small servings is a light stimulant. In larger servings is an analgesic.
How can you ensure that you are purchasing high-quality kratom? Make sure that you are buying 100% authentic kratom products. When you purchase from a reputable site (like ours), you ensure you are getting 100% natural kratom.
Why is our information different from the consensus of other kratom vendors and brands? It is because, upon our research, the majority of the information found on kratom is false. We want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. For kratom to evolve as an actual industry, we need to grow as companies. We need to focus on providing factual information instead of making kratom another marketing scheme. It has the power to help, and it is up to kratom retailers and brands.
Brand: Kosta Kratom
Strain: Green Vein Malay
Kratom Type: Capsules
Quantity: 25, 50, 100, 250
Kratom Quality of Kosta Kratom Kosta Kratom is a brand that is located in Orange, CA. They are a very reputable brand that believes in their product. Third-party testing on every batch of Kosta Kratom ensures you are receiving high-quality kratom without impurities. Kosta Kratom’s product line consists of Maeng Da, Green Vein Malay, Red Vein Bali, and White Vein Borneo, which come in capsules and powders.
Why consumers love Kosta Kratom Kosta Kratom’s Green Vein Malay is a popular strain of kratom that is of the green vein variety. Kosta Kratom test every batch of their products this particular strain has about 1.44% of mitragynine and 0.014% of 7-hydroxymitragynine. Many users report feeling a boost in energy and focus along with analgesic effects. When using any kratom product it is best to test with lighter servings of kratom and gradually scale according to how you feel. Generally speaking, kratom in lighter servings is more of a stimulant while at a higher serving is more of a sedative.
Kratom Library’s Promise At the Kratom Library, we believe in the power of the individual and their ability to live life naturally. Here you can find the best names in Kratom for sale, we have carry all strains of Kratom (Mitragyna Speciose) species and if you have any questions you can reach us at [email protected]
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Kosta Kratom Green Vein Malay Capsules(https://kratomlibrary.com/products/kosta-kratom-green-vein-malay-capsules/)
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Explorer le globe|Voir ce qui se passe dans le monde entier. | Les motivations du voyageurl autour du globe (autour du globe)
Selectour : Voyage Sur-mesure, Séjour, Aller-retour, Croisière, Vol
Choisissez votre location de rêve et envolez-vous avec TUI pour un séjour tout compris pas cher ! Il est temps de profiter de nos meilleures offres de voyage tout compris. Fileêtez ou détendez-vous avec un séjour aux Baléares. Chatouillé par les eaux chaudes de la mer Méditerranée, cette chaîne d'îles au large de l'Espagne est une belle desired destination. Visitez des soirées clubbing de renommée internationale en vacances à Ibiza. Prenez le temps de séjourner à Formentera, qui est as well as bohème et in addition calme que sa grande sœur.
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Découvrez la "Dolce Vita" lors de ce voyage aller-retour de twelve jours à travers le sud de l'Italie. Découvrez les Cyclades, également connues sous le nom de "Perles de la mer Égée", lors d'un circuit de eight jours en Grèce qui... Vous trouverez de additionally amples informations sur la manière dont nous traitons vos données et vos droits dans notre politique de confidentialité. Ce numéro de Get hold of est destiné uniquement aux réservations FTI Voyages effectuées via le site-voyages.fr. Réduction de eighty€ à 300€ par dossier avec le code EVASION. Offre valable du eleven janvier au twenty five janvier 2023 pour des séjours du 16 janvier au 31 octobre 2023, hors produits marqués "Imbattable" pour lesquels l'offre "Journées Exclusives" ne s'applique pas.
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waaatchlist · 2 years
kdrama (black/blue)
7 First Kisses Cheese in The Trap Crash Landing on You Descendants Of The Sun Doctors Fated to Love You Flower Boy Next Door (2013) Hospital Playlist S01 I'm Taking The Day Off - Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu (2014) It's Okay, That's Love Legend of the  Blue Sea Lie To Me (2011) Love in the moonlight Madame Atoine My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (2010) Complete (hardsubbed) My Love From Another Star (X264) Oh my Venus Reply 1988 Scarlet Heart Ryeo Smile, Dong Hae 2010 Complete Small
49 Days A Business Proposal Do you like Brahms Dream High Goblin Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (2007) Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021) Hotel del Luna Memories of Bali  ???? ?? ? Meteor Garden (2001) My Girl My Princess Perfect Match  (Personal Taste Kaeinui Chwihyang  ??? ??) Second Time Twenty Years Old Smile You Something in the Rain Strong Girl Bong-soon W
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
Best Indonesia tour & vacation packages | 2023
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Indonesia is a nation in the Indian and Pacific oceans, off the coast of Southeast Asia. It is an archipelago that lies across the equator and extends for one-eighth of the planet's circumference. Its islands can be divided into the Greater Sunda Islands of Sumatra (Sumatera), Java (Jawa), the southernmost tip of Borneo (Kalimantan), and Celebes (Sulawesi); the Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara), which include Bali and a string of islands that extends east through Timor; the Moluccas (Maluku), which lie between Celebes and the island of New Guinea; (generally known as Papua). Jakarta, the country's capital, is situated not far from Java's northwest coast. Indonesia had the most people in Southeast Asia at the beginning of the twenty-first century and was the fourth most populous in the world.
With a maximum length from east to west of nearly 3,200 miles (5,100 km) and width from north to south of 1,100 miles, Indonesia is the largest nation in Southeast Asia (1,800 km). In the northern portion of Borneo, it borders Malaysia, and in the heart of New Guinea, it borders Papua New Guinea. Over 7,000 of Indonesia's approximately 17,500 islands are uninhabitable. Sumatra, Kalimantan, and western New Guinea make up over three-fourths of Indonesia's total area, with Celebes, Java, and the Moluccas making up most of the remaining land. Borneo is the largest island on the Sunda Shelf and the third largest in the world. The tallest mountain in Southeast Asia's archipelago is Mount Kinabalu.
Tralover offers several Indonesia tour packages like
 Bali Tour package- 4 nights & 5 Days
Bali Tour Packages - 3Nights & 4Ddays
Bali Tour Packages - 7 Days & 6Nights
Bali Tours Packages - 7 days & 6 nights
Not only that, but the Indonesia tour is also rich in culture. Numerous tribes coexist peacefully in Indonesia, and each tribe has unique traits contributing to the country's cultural variety. In addition, each region of Indonesia has a distinct cuisine. The nation with the most astounding natural richness is Indonesia. This place has well-known attractions from all over the world. Hundreds of National Parks in Indonesia must be visited. One is the Komodo National Park, which serves as the species' primary global habitat.
Additionally, Carstensz Pyramid, where the peak was covered in unending snow, is a favourite of foreign climbers. There are innumerable natural attractions in Indonesia. Please travel to Indonesia, a suggested tourist location, to demonstrate this. 
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massageinmcallenx · 2 years
Massage in McAllen
In stark contrast, prostitution is all about physical intimacy. People transact cash relying on physical intimacy and what it involves. There is no wasted time in refilling out paperwork. That rebooking my subsequent appointment is extraordinarily easy, and with my card on file, so is leaving a tip.
Another Hell's Angel, Steve Tausan, an "enforcer" for the Santa Cruz chapter, was shot at Pettigrew's funeral. According to police, after the shooting, the suspect, Steve Ruiz, disappeared and a quantity of folks tampered with the crime scene, washing away bloodstains and removing proof of the taking pictures. A two-year ATF investigation of the HAMC resulted within the arrests of twenty-six membership members within the San Fernando Valley, San Francisco and Ventura County on December 3, 2003, on racketeering charges filed at the us District Court for the District of Nevada and stemming from the River Run riot. Nine Hells Angels, including the chapter president and three officers, had been arrested in the San Fernando Valley and one other seventeen had been taken into custody in northern California.
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However, some classes could also be half-hour, or some even 2 hours! Also, should you go to an occasion to offer massages, they could even be shorter – from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. It is natural to be nervous when giving a massage.
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"Passaro acted with a knife to cease Meredith Hunter from capturing." A woman was allegedly gang raped by 4 members of the San Diego chapter of the Hells Angels on July 27, 1969. After submitting expenses towards the 4, she was subjected to threats and intimidated into leaving the San Diego area, and she or he refused to testify in courtroom for concern of reprisal. Trip.com works intently with main airways throughout Asia, so whether you are jetting off for pleasure or traveling for enterprise, we provide low-cost flight offers to one of the best destinations in Asia. Looking for the most affordable airline tickets to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Okinawa, Jeju, or Taipei? Or budget flights to Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Phuket, or Singapore?
Thus, hundreds of tourists flock right here to this metropolis for having a beautiful time right here. If you may be touring alone in this metropolis, even then there is nothing to fret. There are trusted Nuru therapeutic massage and happy ending therapeutic massage supplier companies working on this city that provides you the best Nuru massage and happy ending massage provider providers to be able to eliminate your boredom and loneliness while you're touring this city on their lonesome. Waring robbed and killed the couple, taking pictures Lajeunesse five or six occasions within the head earlier than additionally shooting Brannigan to remove her as a witness. Waring, a tow truck driver who labored as an informant for California Highway Patrol detectives for over ten years, was convicted of first-degree murder on October 12, 2001 and sentenced to two consecutive life prison phrases without the potential for parole on February eight, 2002. The case was documented in the North Mission Road episode "Hells Angels Mystery", which aired on August 22, 2005.
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keirnytee · 7 years
I could hear birds chirping in the distance. It was now morning which meant day 3 had arrived. The sun tried its best to pierce through the windowsill but to no avail. The windows were locked so tightly, the wolf from The Three Little Pigs wouldn’t be able to blow it open. Talk about strength. Like Day 1 and Day 2, I waltzed over to the garden. No other guest wanted to do a shared tour, so once again I would be paying 45 USD for transportation all day. This did not include entrance to my next destination. It was at that  juncture I said ‘f— this budget.’
  Meet Budi
After riding the elephants on Day 2, and having only been to two locations, I NEEDED to visit the monkey forest. It didn’t matter what I did, the monkey forest just had to be part of the day’s activities. My driver for the day was Budi because Wayan felt poorly. Budi was so confident in himself and I was happy to have him along for the ride. He was definitely more knowledgeable about international music which was a huge plus. Since I had already researched all there is to do within budget, and by research I mean rewatched the Bali episodes from The Real Housewives of Orange County, the forest I wanted to visit, was in Ubud. Another quick search on the internet and the usual suggestions from Rudy’s staff, led me to a bigger monkey forest, Sangeh. I was bothered by this. “What geotag would show up on snapchat?” I thought. But when they said it was cheaper than Ubud, my eyes glistened and ears perked up.
The forest was beautiful. Another first for me. No monkeys were in sight which was a good thing. Let me tell you why. [About 4 years ago I visited my aunt and uncles in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. I love visiting my relatives. Anyways, My aunt and I went to the Swap Shop to purchase a very cheap duffle bag (I see where my frugality comes from). While there, we saw a man with a pet monkey parading around, doing tricks. I was intrigued cuz I’ve never seen a small primate before, only the big orangutans and other species at Zoo Miami (dang that place is hot). I wanted to take a picture with it but realized we had to pay. Like a good negotiator, my aunt got a discount from the 10 USD fee to 7 USD (a bargain is a bargain LOL). To make the story shorter, I panicked the whole time the monkey was on my shoulders. I wanted it off so badly. I decided then I was terrified of monkeys and wouldn’t put myself through that again. Let’s see how that worked out. 
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I paid the entrance fee of 2.65 USD and Budi parked the car. One of the many guides walked over to us and the tour began. I was the only tourist on the compound at the time, so if I did anything embarrassing (like run and scream like a petrified little kid) no one would see me. Except for my camera which Budi had to capture and film every moment. I cautiously strolled through the towering entrance and there I saw the little creatures running around. Like clockwork, my heart began to palpitate. Fear washed over me like the moment the walls of parted Red Sea crashed into each other drowning the Egyptians. I looked over at Budi and he was just as scared as I was. Home boy literally took a few steps back saying he���ll zoom in to get my shots. Before I could get myself together, not one, not two, not three but FOUR, four freaking monkeys attached me at once. Paralyzed. I knew how Vicki Gunvalson from The Real Housewives of Orange County felt when the monkeys jumped on her. (She may or may not have been putting on a front for the cameras but fake or not, those monkeys weren’t playing around.) I should note that they weren’t scratching me not was I in any danger. The little buggers were after my Oreo cookies which was in the side of my bag. I won’t do that again. 
After I calmed down, I took some beautiful shots of the forest and its residents. Group by group, more tourists trickled in. I think they caught a little bit of my mini meltdown. I didn’t mind as much because I could see the nerves on their faces and the shrieks from those further in the forest. I wasn’t being extra after all. Though I panicked for most of the tour, I ‘overcame’ my fear. Haha! I definitely recommend.
Enough monkeying around, let’s get going. (Always wanted to say this LOL.)
Bali, well Indonesia at large is very spiritual. Their main religion is Hinduism. So after Sangeh it was time to visit another temple. You’d think I would be bored of seeing temples by now, but every temple had its own unique quality. This was a rather old and undisturbed temple. Usually, Balinese people would be gathered to or have already given an offering on the temple grounds. But Taman Ayun had no sign of worship. The temple was surrounded by water both on the inside and outside of its grounds. The grass was so green and well manicured. Mother Nature tried it again but the higher power spoke and a light shun down on the temple so bright, I immediately felt blessed.
I realized soon after that light was from feeling fatigued due to hunger. It was time to have lunch. I’ve been pretty strict with my cheap meal plans, so Budi decided to stop at this restaurant after leaving the temple. When we got there the prices were so high but the food looked to good to pass up. I ended up staying, took in the view and ordered the cheapest of the most expensive meals for…10 USD. Haha! Yes I was in Bali, but I had to do the conversion to determine how much money I was spending. 
The last stop for the day was one of the most talked about spots in Bali, Tenah Lot Temple. Everyone kept saying it’s so beautiful because it stretches out into the sea and looks amazing at sunset. When we arrived and paid 6 USD entrance fee (gotta put that in their), it was about 2 hours till sunset. Could we wait that long? Budi looked at me and I looked at him. Almost simultaneously we both said nah! The day was getting hotter and I could tell Budi was tired. I suggested he take a rest and have something to eat. I didn’t want him over extending himself all for me, especially when I was fully capable of taking care of myself. Tenah Lot’s beauty was unlike anything I’ve see. The view was like a painting from Gustave Courbet. People from all over flocked this temple. Two Chinese women asked me to take photos with them as well some school girls who seemed to be on a field trip. Did I mention it was hot? 
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Budi rejoined me and we walked over to the shore where we would have to take our shoes off, rolls our pants up and walked into the ocean to get to one of the temples. I was so psyched about the idea, then I realized we had to make another contribution before we could pass. I rolled my eyes all the way back. I wasn’t interested anymore. I did the next best thing and took my shirt off so my body could feel the cool air blowing from the sea, without the hindrance of a tank top. I didn’t even think if my actions would count as public nudity but hey, technically we were at the beach.  The sun took forever to set and like we had initially agreed, we wouldn’t stay much longer to see it because it would take us about 2 hours to get back to the resort.
On our way back, I felt the need for fast food so we went to Jaya Fried Chicken (JFC for short). Like, why would I go to KFC in Bali when I knew how it tasted. I was served two pieces of chicken, a rice ball and a drink for 3 USD. I wasn’t blown away but at least the need was satisfied. I would turn Twenty 7 the next day so I was eager to get to bed. Stay tuned for the epic conclusion of my birthday trip in part 4. Till next time. 
reallyGOBBY: Keirn
TWENTY 7 IN BALI: Part 3 I could hear birds chirping in the distance. It was now morning which meant day 3 had arrived.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
23 little things about me
Well, look at the time! Well, date, actually. It’s the 20th of February which means I’ve grown yet another year older. Twenty-three winters, in fact.
Now, I’m not one to celebrate birthdays since I don’t see the point in it. Yes, you’ve survived yet another year and are one step closer to death. Good on you. All the same, I’ll use the occasionally to share twenty-three wee facts about me.
1. I am fluent in Dutch (native tongue) and English (native-like).
2. Hair colour: Currently burgundy/reddish brown. Naturally, it’s dark brown with a reddish glow.
3. Eye colour: Hazel
4. I used to be able to speak French fairly well, but my mastery over the language has deteriorated over the years. Seriously need to brush up on it, though my passive skills are still good.
5. I love to travel solo and spent my gap year doing so. I still do whenever I can.
6. Thus far I’ve been to Ireland (2x, all over), Northern Ireland (Belfast, where I picked up my accent, apparently, although it’s now also mixed with Galway’s and Dublin’s with a sprinkle of Yorkshire and Edinburgh), South-Korea (2x, Seoul, Busan & Daegu), Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia (Java & Bali), England (all over), Wales, Scotland (4/5x), Denmark, Belgium (Bruges & Brussels), France (Paris, 2x by myself, multiple times with others).
7. I have both forearms tattooed.
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8. The wolf tattoo is to commemorate getting my Celtic minor.
9. The bird and axe tattoo I got simply because I liked the design when I first saw it at the Brussels Tattoo Convention last November. I got the tattoo in December.
10. I plan to get more tattoos in the future which will be placed according to the aesthetic of being somewhat of an excavation site that contains relics that may or may not be related to Loki and the schematic I divided my body into.
11. That being said, the schematic is;
- Right arm: Blackwork (Norse/Celtic)
- Left arm: Neotraditional (preferably all done by the same artist)
- Left leg: Neotraditional (stained glass, to be done by the same artist). Getting the line art for piece to start it off on April 24th.
- Right leg: To be decided, but I think it’s gonna be either blackwork or Japanese. Maybe a combination.
12. Favourite movies: Venom, The Gentlemen, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Arthur: Legend of the Sword, The Wolfman (2010 remake).
13. I can’t handle hot weather, so I’ll start complaining as soon as the temperature rises above 25 degrees.
14. I’m a pescatarian bordering on full vegetarian/vegan (though I’m not too picky about dairy and gelatin).
15. Self-diagnosed misanthropic, anti-social, anxious narcissist with a case of high-functioning depression.
16. Also an arrogant prophet of her own creative destiny.
17. If I had to pick an aesthetic it’d be: James Joyce/Florence Farr/W.B. Yeats/whiskey/cappuccino/full bookcases/solitude/melancholy.
18. I’m guilty of Musedom and basically see myself as the female W.B. Yeats. One Muse in particular has persisted over the past four years, which is quite an accomplishment. He’s the inspiration for Christopher and Chan-Woo.
19. Favourite music artists: Stray Kids, Ed Sheeran, Within Temptation, Jay B, Jackson Wang, Gentle Bones, DPR IAN, DPR LIVE, Einar Selvik, SKÁLD
20. Despite being an artistic perfectionist, I’m an easy-going student who’s happy if she gets at least a 5,5 (the minimum passing grade). In other words, I place art above education. Please don’t ask me how I keep getting 7s & 8s, though!
21. Currently reading: How Did We Get Here? by Glenn Patterson and Solo Leveling Vol. 1 by Dubu & Chugong
22. Aside from The Last Kingdom, Vikings, Sherlock, Peaky Blinders and Rebellion, I do occasionally ike to watch a KDrama.
23. Unless you are or are similar to one of the following men, I have absolutely NO INTEREST whatsoever:
- Bang Chan/ Christopher Bang
- Clive Standen
- Tom Hardy
- Thomas Hayes
- Im Jaebeom
- Park Jinyoung
- Simu Liu
- Ben Barnes
- Jensen Ackles
- Charlie Hunnam
- Jordan Patrick Smith
- Mark Rowley
- Ewan McGregor
- IAmArankai (bassist from ARCHERS)
- Any of the wolves and foxes I’ve written about
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Sick Little Games: Twenty-Seven
“You wanna talk?” Nat said gently, handing you a bottle of water.
“Not here,” you sigh, “Too many ears.” The spy nodded. She could understand that. Agents were lurking everywhere, and she could already hear the rumor mill churning. By this time tomorrow, you were gonna be having a baby with Thor or Bruce so they could raise the kid, and Sam was gonna be mad about it.
So stupid.
And usually, the pair of you might have a good time causing a few more rumors. But right now, you look like you just went ten rounds with Tyson, and she hates it. And she understands. Programming never really goes away. It can go dormant. It can be shouted over. But it’s there. Always there. And it never really goes away. Natasha helped you to your feet and sighed, “Come on. We’ll go get lunch.”
“I don’t know if I can eat,” you tell her.
“Well,” she said, “You can watch me eat. I’m starving.”
“Okay,” you say, smiling a little. She throws an arm carelessly over your shoulder and kisses your cheek.
“Chinese?” she suggests, hoping that she can tempt you to eat something.
“Just as long as there’s alcohol.”
“You can’t get drunk,” she snorts.
“I know. And I miss it so much... I really miss drugs.”
She rolls her eyes, “Degenerate,” she teased. But there was no real heat. She knew how easy it was to lose yourself in overindulgence. And she knew your drugs of choice had been depressants and hallucinogens. Things that dulled the world around you and made it feel more bearable.
“Don’t knock it,” you sigh, rubbing the back of your neck, “The closest I can get now is having sex for a few hours.”
“Which I’m sure Barton is more than happy to help with,” she said, smirking.
“Are you kidding? He’s thrilled.”
Natasha snorts, “Oh, I’m sure... Thanks for that, by the way. He’s a lot more focused on missions.”
You smile a little, “I gotta be good for something, right?”
The spy gives you a look and frowns at you.
“What?” you ask, feeling self-conscious. She has a really unique way of making you feel naked when she glares at you like that.
“You’re not a fuck toy,” she says, “You’re not just here for him to Fuck and Bucky to get a hate boner for.”
Yeah?” you counter, “Then why is everyone obsessed with my reproductive capabilities.”
She snorts, “Mostly because you and Clint will make some really adorable, really fucking clumsy babies. But also because if any of us has a chance to make the whole white picket fence thing work, it’d be you.”
You lean against the car for a second and rest your forehead on the cold metal, taking a deep breath. “You know,” you say after a long moment, “I really- before all of this. And HYDRA. I wanted to be a Kindergarten Teacher. I was maybe 7. They’d put me in the Tree of Life school by then... I was the only girl in the class that didn’t write ‘mommy’ as a dream job on my cute little paper. So my teacher wrote a note home. Said I needed discipline. So Stirling knocked out four of my baby teeth.”
Natasha blinked at you slowly and exhaled, “Can I kill him?”
“Get in line,” you snort, “I got dibs if we ever get to take him out. Fury said so.”
Natasha didn’t have to ask any more questions after that. And she didn’t need to know what had been said to you by anyone to trigger this particular thing. Marriage and Family had some bizarre stuff tangled up in your head. And pressure on it was probably gonna make you bolt. Or unravel a little. Nat made a mental note to talk to Clint. She knew he wasn’t going to press on you for anything. Mostly because you could literally tear his head off if you ever wanted to (not that you would, she amended). But he needed to know. He needed to understand if you started getting cold feet. She didn’t think she could stand it if you broke up. Not now that you’re together. It’s just adorably right. Sweet. And it suits you. You glow differently when someone loves you the way you should be loved, and Clint is a better person when he has a reason to look after himself. She wants you to have a happy little family and a house somewhere. You deserve it. And it would be nice to have a new little vacation spot.
“Get in,” she sighs, “I can’t believe you already called dibs.”
“Well, I mean. Coulson tried it, but I told him I lived the Cult life so like... I overruled him.”
“I mean, That’s fair,” she admitted, waiting for you to buckle your seat belt.
“Are you serious?”
“We’re not doing the passive-aggressive death wish shit today,” she said, fixing the mirrors.
You roll your eyes but buckle it, sticking your tongue out at her, “Not like it’d kill me anyway.”
“Not the point, Y/N,” she said, “And you know it.”
Clint sheathed his practice sword and sighed. He wished it was your day to beat up rookies. This batch was cocky, and they seemed to think he was “less” somehow. He’d really love to see you go a few rounds with some of them and made a mental note to put a bug in Steve’s ear about it.
The training room was quiet now. Quiet and Clint was grateful for it. It gave him time to think. Time to plan. He could see a future, so clearly, it made his chest ache. It was the first time in his life that he could look forward and not feel a vague sense of dread. He wanted that future he saw. And he wanted it with you.
Clint exhaled slowly and started towards the door planning on a shower. What he didn’t expect on was colliding with Steve’s chest, “Sorry, Steve,” he said, stepping aside as Steve put a hand out to steady him before he fell over.
Steve chuckled, “No worries,” he said, “Distracted?”
“A little,” Clint said, “Trying to figure out how I want to extend the dining room and add a little Atrium.”
“I didn’t know you were handy like that,” he said, amused.
“Yeah,” Clint snorted, “Offseason for the circus meant I had to get a hobby.”
Steve nodded, “Sounds like you got a nice little house picked out.”
“Y/N already had a house,” Clint corrected, “I’m just planning on making it a little better.”
“Oh,” Steve said, “Wait- When did she get a house?”
“Where do you think she went when he disappeared?” he asked.
“Hawaii?” Steve suggested, “Mexico? Bali? I just figured she went somewhere warm.”
“I mean sometimes,” Clint said, “But she goes there more often.”
“Got rooms picked out for a nursery?” he teased.
“No,” he said, “But we did decide to give the boys the attic. Plenty of space and no convenient way to sneak out.” He can feel his cheeks heat. He had kinda figured out where to put an eventual baby, but. He was reluctant to bring that up with you. At least not until you were actually married and settled in.
“Good tactical Advantage,” Steve said, “Her idea or yours?”
“She did the “escaping a Cult” thing before. She kinda went buck wild for a little bit, I guess. So she figured she’d make it harder for them to do. Keep them from learning some stuff the hard way.”
“Y/N? No way?”
“Lots of drugs, Steve,” Clint clarified, “Some weird passive-aggressive death wish.”
Steve frowned, “I didn’t know that.”
“Not many people do,” Clint said, shrugging, “She’s not really proud of it. Even if she will occasionally cop to missing getting high.”
Clint held up a hand to stop him, “Before you get all moral compass on me,” Clint said, giving him a meaningful look, “Remember. She didn’t figure she had anything to live for. Also, remember that mind control can really fuck someone up.”
Steve snapped his mouth shut and nodded.
“And that’s why,” Clint continued, “She and Natasha get along so well. They understand what it’s like to be reduced to one biological function. To be told that all you are is that one function... And that’s why I’d really appreciate it if everyone would stop talking about it. You can tease me about it all you want. As long as Y/N can’t hear you.”
“Fair enough,” Steve said, exhaling slowly. “I never thought of that,” he admitted.
“No one does. Not really,” he said, “They’re too well adjusted. Or at least, they can pretend to be.”
“Well,” Steve said, “At least she’s doing better now.”
“Yeah,” Clint said, feeling a little bit of pride. “Yeah, she is.”
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keirnytee · 7 years
After my 26th birthday and an epic trip to Seoul, South Korea last year, I knew I had to somehow make turning twenty 7 even better. I initially planned on going to Turkey but the political climate was too much for me to risk a visit. I was very staunch in finding the perfect place to mark another year of life. Per usual when I make plans, I extended an invitation to some friends but ‘adulting’ got the better of them and so they couldn’t make it. If you recall my last travel blog you’ll know that I have no qualms about traveling alone. Then it hit, I watched so many episodes of reality tv shows with the cast going on these extravagant trips, so why can’t I do the same? That goal was achieved when I booked my holiday for Bali, Indonesia. As an avid viewer of Bravo and a fan of The Real Housewives of Orange County, I recalled how much fun they had in Bali and I knew that would be the right fit. I mean, you don’t have to be affluent to travel, so Bali had better brace itself for the Keirn Up. (cc: my good friend @scheanamarie)
On February 14 I boarded China Eastern Airlines flight MU744 for Bali. As I sat in the plane, all I could think about was how much fun this whole experience will be. I was more anxious than ever before for the plane to take off. As most of my friends know, I can fall asleep anywhere and at the oddest times, which is what happens every time I travel. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 30 minutes car ride or a 16 hour flight, Keirn will be knocked out. Like clockwork, I was out like a lamp and before I could change sleeping positions, the stewardess interrupted with “Excuse me sir. Would you like chicken and rice or beef and noodles?” I couldn’t be angry at her because if it’s one thing I love about flying, is the delicious and well prepared airplane food (you can disagree if you want haha). I had layover in Beijing, China and had to switch planes but it wasn’t long before I was back in the air. I was a bit shocked to see so many Chinese traveling to Bali. Yes, I boarded a plane in China but that meant nothing. LOL. Oh, in case you were wondering, I took the chicken.
After 3 hours and 20 minutes of flight from Nagoya, Japan (NGO) to Beijing (PEK) and 9 hours of flight from Beijing (PEK) to IGusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS), I was finally in Bali.
“It was so hot, the heat hit me like a mack truck driving at 120 MPH on the freeway”
Unlike the housewives, I had no grand greeting party nor a luxury vehicle waiting for; or so I thought. When booking my trip, I opted this time to use Airbnb. (A man’s gotta save some coins for a rainy day :D). I didn’t want to be in the centre of the tourist area nor did I want to be too far out of the city and have to worry about transportation, so I reserved a quiet Joglo in Denpasar which was only 30 minutes or less from the airport. It was also very accessible to the beaches and close enough to the key attractions. Rudy, my host, had arranged my pick up from the airport. I walked around and saw my name on a sign being hoisted in the air. It felt surreal. I’ve never had my name written on a sign before, nor did I ever have a driver wait for my arrival. Coming off of the tourist high in Seoul, I felt more confident in this new role and fully embraced the character I’d assume for the next couple of days. While I didn’t have a greeting party, I did have a luxury vehicle and that was enough for me. Take that OC! 
It was so hot, the heat hit me like a mack truck driving at 120 MPH on the freeway. I began peeling off layers of clothing in the airport parking lot while Mandus, my driver, retrieved the car. For some reason, I forgot that my comfy winter attire wasn’t right for this Bali weather.
It wasn’t long before we arrived at our destination and instead of a house, cuz that’s what I pictured it to be, I shocked to see a fully functioning resort of some kind. I was tired, not because jet lag, but the heat had sucked every life out of me. I was given a key, shown my room and off to bed I went. No, I didn’t give my driver a tip. I have great excuse I’ll share later. (Hopefully it’ll hold up LOL)
I slept like a newborn after being suckled by his mum on fluffy white clouds for pillows. Never have I ever felt so rested. I heard birds chirping in the distance and reached for my phone to stop the alarm. To my amazement, it wasn’t my phone that emitted those sounds, but actual birds in the garden. I was indeed in paradise. Without hesitation, I took a warm shower and went to the garden to see what the plan  was for the day.
Last year, I stayed at a guesthouse which included breakfast but since this was an Airbnb I had to pay. Given my budget of 500USD (about 6.7 million rupiah ‘IDR’) I didn’t want to take the chance of purchasing breakfast so I gobbled down my bottle of water with the utmost urgency. Water never tasted so good. It sounds cheap but I had no idea if the cost for breakfast was more expensive when compared to restaurants on the island. Besides, I had plans for more my birthday that would require me to use most, if not all my cash.
I met the host, Rudy, and other members of staff. They were extremely warm and friendly (as they ought to be). I was informed of a shared day tour that they had planned and asked if I was interested. Um…did they think traveled all the way from Japan to sit in my comfortable room? Not that it was a bad idea haha! “Heck yea!” I chirped. (Chirped. Get it? LOL) This also meant that transportation (45USD) for the day would be split three ways. Not a bad way to start I might add.
Ben, Faye and I boarded our vehicle and headed for our first stop on the day’s tour. This time, we had a different driver than the one who picked me up from the airport. Rudy seemed to have thought about everything as our driver, Wayan Sudar, spoke English really well so he was able to provide valuable information when requested. Remember when I said I’d tell you why I didn’t tip the first driver? As it turned out, Ben and Faye had the same dilemma. We didn’t know the acceptable amount to tip someone in Bali. It was agreed that it was better to not tip than to offer money that can’t even buy gas. We arrived at a Batik place that made sarongs. I’ve heard about the work that normally goes into making these lovely pieces of art but seeing it up close made me so appreciative of this experience.
Astonishing work
Making a sarong
We then visited Taman Ayu Luwak Coffee where our palates were met with the most scrumptious teas and coffees, Luwak Coffee, you could ever find. What was even more astounding was how the beans are harvested. That I’ll spare you the details cuz you may never look at coffee the same way again.
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Batuan Temple was next, which would set the precedent for what to expect when visiting temples in Bali. It was here that we learnt one very important use of the sarongs. Upon entering every temple ground in Bali, one has to cover themselves if they aren’t covered properly from the waist down. As with every culture and religion, the Balinese have their traditions and practices so we had to abide by the rules. Else, risk being denied access and being seen as a rude, obnoxious tourist. I was fascinated by the amount of tourists that were at the temple. As one group left, another would enter. I was once again part of this tourist brand and it was a damn good feeling. Let me just say, if you’re ever planning on visiting this temple, though free, a contribution of about 75USD is expected. “Don’t moan about it, just do it.” I thought to myself, this is what being a tourist meant.
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If you thought Day 1 was even ready to be complete, you better think again. It was noon just noon and already we had a bellyful of knowledge about some Balinese culture. The sun and heat were brutal. We needed to seek refugee. Luckily, we had a well air conditioned car that would provide solace. Ben and Faye are from England, which meant lunchtime was just as important them as it was for me. Wayan drove us to Grand Puncak Sari Restaurant for lunch. When we arrive there, we noticed it was buffet style setting. My belly let out a growl so loud from hunger, you’d think it was Gerald Butler as Leonidas in the movie 300, yelling, this is SPARTAAAAA! At that moment, any consideration about my budget was out the window. I cared very little for taking a picture or snapping shots of the restaurant. The hunger was real and I wax extremely ravenous. Heck, I’m even getting hungry writing this. LOL! We sat down and in little time, devoured our first round. I felt like I had one an olympic gold medal for having lasted 3 hours without food (due in part to my own misery ways). Lunch was divine but after two rounds, it would have been gluttonous to pursue a third. We were done.
Beyond the restaurant was the Kintamani Volcano. I’ve never been that close to a volcano in my life and I was both intrigued and nervous. It last erupted 10 years ago, so do the math. Haha!!
Kintamani Volcano
Exhaustion from viewing the beauty of Kintamani Volcano called for a relaxing time in one of Bali’s most famous hot springs, Toya Devasya. I had no plans of actually bathing in the spring but when I entered the premises, I was enchanted. The property was adorned with an purple elephants, accentuated by the black an white paint. This felt like the advertised Bali you’d find in a pamphlet. The cost was about 100USD and once again, my budget flew out the window. To top it all off, I didn’t pack any swim trunks so I had to purchase one for a measly 50USD. FML!
Day 1 was almost over. I didn’t think anything could make even better. I was wrong. You can’t go to Bali and not attend the Kecak Dance. The dance is usually accompanied by 100 men in chorus which tells the story of how Rama rescued his wife Sita from the devious Ravana. The dance was a sight to behold especially when one of the dancers danced over, on and the fire.
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The Kecak ended around 8pm and I was ready to head back to Rudy’s. When you’re having fun, time really flies. Since I was on a spending spree, I ordered dinner from the kitchen and was given a traditional Balienese meal, Nasi Ayum Betutu. I wish I had taken a picture of this well prepared meal but hunger got the best of me. 
Day 1 was filled so many new and exciting experiences. I could only imagine what the rest of the holiday would be like. Stay tuned for part 2.
Till next time.
reallyGOBBY: Keirn
Twenty 7 in Bali: Part 1 THE DECISION After my 26th birthday and an epic trip to Seoul, South Korea last year, I knew I had to somehow make turning…
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hearttstopper · 4 years
Rules: answer twenty questions and tag twenty bloggers you’d like to get to know better! <3
i was tagged by @churchofburntromances aka harry. thank youuuuuuuuuu
1. name: britt
2. nickname: i guess also britt? lmao
3. zodiac: sagittarius
4. height: somewhere between 5’10-6ft
5. languages: english. and barely
6. nationality: american
7. fav season: winter
8. favorite flower: i like roses and carnations
9. favorite scent: fresh jasmine, the smell after rain, and daisy by marc jacobs
10. favorite color: pink / gray / black
11. favorite animal: cats!!!!! and horses :o)
12. fav fictional character: elphaba 🧙‍♀️
13. coffee, tea or hot choc: tea AND coffee
14. average sleep hours: either not enough or way too many. no in between
15. cat or dog person: cat but also like the way that cat people and dog people are pitted against one another is so fuckin dumb can’t we all just enjoy both cats and dogs in harmony both are very very good and i love them and
16. number of blankets I sleep with: just one. i am a space heater at night
17. dream vacation: bali, thailand, greece. also i’ve always wanted to go to disney world
18. blog established: this one... probably mid 2018? idk
19. number of followers: [redacted]
20. random fact: i bought my cat a really cute expensive ass custom collar and name tag today off of etsy and to thank me she launched herself at me begging for a hug... taking me off guard and missing my arms completely... going freddy krueger on my neck trying to get a grip and not fall. or she was just straight up trying to rip my larynx out. i couldn’t tell which. not really a fact but there u go.
tagging: @leedsau @chaoticsue @halosboat @strongharrie @darkrainbowlouis @rhymeswithumbrella @theparisinterview @aliensyndrome @lovedtour @silverfoxlouis @hs2live and uhhhhhhhh anyone else who wants to do this. ok thanks bye!
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draisaitlpasta · 4 years
Rules: Answer twenty questions and then tag twenty bloggers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @ayohockeycheck thanks for noticing my existence!!
1. Name: you may call me Lou haha
2. Nickname: Lou is already the nickname lol
3. Zodiac sign: Pisces [which means my birthday is this Sunday (March 8th) just putting this out here lmao)
4. Height: I’m 1,75 which I think it’s 5’8 or something?? idk
5. Language: Portuguese but I speak more!! (well I mean... clearly)
6. Nationality: Brazilian oof
7. Favorite season: Winter even tho we don’t know her here
8. Favorite flower: cliche but roses are my absolute favorite
9. Favorite scent: new books!!
10. Favorite color: Black? Sometimes red
11. Favorite animal: Wolf (do dragons count?)
12. Favorite fictional characters: Dean Di Laurentis, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanova and Jane Eyre
13. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: I actually prefer capuccinos but coffee and hot chocolate are faves too. HATE tea tho sorry
14. Average hours of sleep: what even is sleep??
15. Dog or cat person: Dog person def
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: One, sometimes none bc heat is a thing here even during winter (which accentuates my we-dont-know-her-here point)
17. Dream trip: literally everywhere in the world but especially Venice (the one in Italy) and Bali
18. Blog established: started this thing in 2013 but only began using it for hockey last october
19. Follower count: used to have a couple thousand but now it’s down to 286 i think? i didn’t check before doing this lol
20. Random fact: I’m severely allergic to cats and my biggest fear are... clowns. Yes, I’m dead serious about the latter. Clowns are NO JOKE!!!
I know I’m supposed to tag 20 blogs but I literally do not know anyone in here and I’m self conscious about tagging people so I’m just gonna tag the only two blogs that have ever talked to me which are @dallasstarstea and @thathockey you guys the best thanks 🥺
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dangermousie · 5 years
So, exploring the Great Seducer further, I came across those two clips and !!!!! Now, I have no idea what is going on because I bailed long before this when the drama was airing but:
1. I don’t know what the hell is going on but I do know all these people are crazy.
2. The production values on the fight etc are cutting edge. For 2002.
3. Seeing Woo Do Hwan asking to be beaten up to protect his friend is giving me My Country feels.
4. Someone has been reading Boys Over Flowers too many times.
5. Heroine should be in a Victorian novel as she is noble, beautiful, pure of heart and dumber than a brick - who tells a violent criminal to his face you got evidence on him.
6. Any time I see golf clubs I flashback to What Happened in Bali (are they still planning to remake that? I love that drama but talk about a bad idea.)
7. On one hand, he seduced her (?? Did he? I bailed way before) for kicks, on the other he took a golf club to the head for her. What’s a heroine to do?
8. I love Woo Do Hwan to bits but the title of the drama makes me laugh (alternate title of Tempted makes so much more sense.) Yes, look at this consummate casanova! Who is in high school! Just no. If they at least let him play his twenty odd, that would be ok, but a high schooler is really not seducing anybody but other high schoolers and some female versions of Humbert Humbert.
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smkkbert · 4 years
We ended as lovers (13/13)
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Summary: Three years ago, Felicity’s life was perfect. She was offered a job at two great companies. Her boyfriend just started his own fashion label, and they picked a perfect apartment to live in together. The more heartbroken she was when Oliver got cold feet and it all ended. Now, Felicity is coming back to Starling City, well aware that she is destined to run into her ex-boyfriend there. While old feelings revive quickly, the pain still goes deep. Besides, for some reason Oliver seems to be angry with her.
Previous Chapters: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 or read on Ao3
* * *
Chapter 13: The Design of Love
3 years later 
With a sigh of utter content, Felicity sank even more into the mattress. Her head almost disappeared in the fluffy pillow completely, and she could smell Oliver’s scent on the fabric although he hadn’t been living in this room for quite some time. His scent was still there though, and Felicity turned her head to take in a deep breath and enjoy the scent even more. It made her feel at home although the Queen Mansion had never really felt like a home to her.
She stretched out her arms over her head and arched her back off the mattress, trying to make herself as long as possible. It was the only chance she had at waking her limbs at least a little bit. They were feeling out of place and kind of disjoined. She felt like a marionette, ready to be pushed to do whatever the player wanted to do with her. At least that was what her body felt like.
Opening her eyes, she looked at Oliver. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, his naked body covered only by the blanket in his lap. It was the same blanket that was wrapped around her middle, not really covering any of her naked body. He was holding her feet in his hands, continuing to massaging them. He had been massaging them since she had mentioned that they were feeling a little cold.
Felicity chuckled quietly, shaking her head. She had mentioned her cold feet innocently, no second thought on her mind. Oliver had immediately felt like he had to warm her feet though. He did want her to show up at the end of the aisle tomorrow after all.
Showing up at the end of the aisle tomorrow and giving her hand to Oliver was everything she wanted too. She was ready to spend the rest of her life with him, being linked to him as closely as possible. Oliver was all she wanted, and she couldn’t wait for the rest of their life to start. Together.
“You do know that my feet are all warm and actually kind of sweaty now, right?” Felicity asked, cocking her head. “You can stop and come up here any time. I have a lot of ideas on how we can spend the last few hours of your bachelor life.”
Oliver’s jaw clenched, and Felicity could see in his eyes what he was thinking about. Twenty minutes ago, before she had mentioned her cold feet and made him slide to the foot of the bed, so he could take care of that, they had been making love to each other frantically. The couple of hours that they have to spend apart because of Thea’s traditional thinking and her superstition had been enough to make them desperate for each other again. They really weren’t good at being apart. They were all the better at reuniting though.
“As much I would like to come up there,” Oliver said, his hungry eyes ghosting over her naked body and filling with desire as they did so, “I’d rather take care of your feet. They are more important than anything right now. They do have an important role tomorrow.”
Felicity smiled. “My feet couldn’t possibly be cold enough to not show up tomorrow.”
After the three years they have missed out on, Felicity knew that she would never risk losing Olive again. She wanted to link herself to him as much as possible. She wanted to hold him as close to her as possible and never let her go. She loved him to no end, and really nothing could ever change that.
Watching Oliver, Felicity felt her smile widening all the more. She couldn’t wait for their life to begin. Technically, she knew that they had a life together already. They had had a life together since they had found each other again three years ago and had never let each other go again. Still, it would just be more official once they had said their vows.
With a sigh, Felicity pushed her bottom lips forward. There were still so many hours until they were finally going to say their vows – 15 hours to be exact, Felicity thought with a glance at the alarm on the nightstand. They should use those hours to catch some rest. They certainly wouldn’t get that rest at all when Thea found them. She had forbidden them to have any contact with each other for the last 24 hours before the wedding.
“You should go,” Felicity said with a long sigh that betrayed how little she wanted him to go, “because your little sister will kill us if she finds out you saw your bride the night before the wedding.”
“If only seeing her had been a problem, I should have blindfolded myself. I could have done anything I did with you before without taking a single look at you.”
Felicity hummed, thinking back to the great orgasms that Oliver had given her. If she didn’t loved Oliver as much as she did, she would have certainly gotten married to him for the good sex anyway. Nothing and nobody could make her feel the same way he made her feel when they had sex.
Groaning lowly, Felicity tried to shake the growing feeling of need. They couldn’t go for another round, at least not if they didn’t want to be found by Thea.
“You have to go,” Felicity whispered. “I don’t want you to go, but you need to go.”
“I can deal with Thea if she finds us.”
Felicity didn’t need him to say it for her to know that he’d do anything to stay here with her for just a little longer. They really were the worst at being apart. When Oliver had to leave their home in Hub City to get some work done, they often called each other late, so they could fall asleep to each other’s voice and each other’s breathing.
“We have forever starting tomorrow,” Felicity said softly, “so it doesn’t matter how long we have to stay apart today.”
With a soft smile on her lips, Felicity thought back to the moment Oliver had proposed to her. She had known that he was hiding something from her because he really wasn’t good at keeping secrets, at least when he was supposed to keep them from her. She just hadn’t known what he had been hiding from her.
When they had been in Bali, he had eventually asked her to spend an evening sailing during the dawn. Oliver had designed her a white dress of some floating fabric that had moved in the gust of wind. He had told her that he had been dreaming of her wearing it when they were on the boat. That had been when Felicity had finally started realizing what Oliver had been up to, and she had barely been able to wait until the sun went down halfway and Oliver had finally popped the question.
Felicity remembered that they had been standing on the boat, looking at the setting sun. Oliver had his arms wrapped around her from behind. His chin had been resting on her shoulder. He had swayed them from side to side slowly, almost like they were dancing to the rushing of the ocean.
“Is this like in your dreams?” Felicity had asked eventually.
“Almost,” Oliver had answered and had brushed a kiss against the side of her neck, “there is just a little piece missing.”
With that, Oliver had let go of her. Felicity had turned around, wanting to know what was missing. She had found Oliver kneeling in front of her, holding out the beautiful diamond ring to her. He had told her how much he loved her, how happy she made him and how much he really wanted to make her happy. He had asked her to trust him with her heart for the rest of their life, and she had agreed. Oliver had slipped the ring onto her finger where it had stayed since that moment.
Felicity yawned, still smiling at the memory. She loved to think back to how perfect the proposal had been. It had been better than she could have possibly dreamed of, and she was sure that it was going to be the same for the wedding tomorrow. The venue in the mountains right outside of Starling City that they had chosen for the wedding had been magic when they had seen it without all the decorations and all the romance of the wedding day. It will be even more magical tomorrow.
At Oliver’s question, Felicity looked at him. He was smiling at her softly, already knowing the answer. It was written all over her face, and Oliver could read her so easily.
“Kind of.”
“In that case I will leave you alone, so you get some good hours of sleep.” He kissed the soles of her feet. “I have a lot of plans for us tomorrow night.”
Felicity chuckled. “We will party all night, and I will force you to dance with me a lot, so I’d say the wedding night has to be delayed.”
Oliver gasped for breath dramatically. “I am shocked.”
While they had been planning the wedding, they had already had the silent agreement that they would use their honeymoon in Bali to catch up on the wedding night. They were going to spend three weeks in Bali, and they were certainly going to spend an entire week of that in bed. Who needed the sun or food or anything when they were rolling around between the sheets all nakedly?
“We are not even married yet, and it’s already clear that we won’t have sex the moment we are married.” Oliver sighed desperately. “I will never get to undress you anymore.”
Felicity perked up her eyebrows. “Are you serious?”
“Have I failed to show you how much I love to undress you lately?” Oliver asked, his fingers taking a trail up her leg. “Maybe I have to do better than that. You can’t possibly step in front of the wedding guests with me tomorrow as long as you have no idea how much I love to undress you. It’s not a good start to our marriage.”
Felicity sighed at Oliver’s touch. When he reached a certain point at her calf, she let her leg sink even more into his touch. Oliver got the hint and massaged the tight muscles beneath her soft skin.
“So,” Oliver asked, still massaging her calf although his eyes were already directed at her, “why do you doubt that I love undressing you?”
Of course Oliver didn’t let go of that topic easily. He never failed to make her understand how much he desired her and how much he loved her. Maybe it was one of the longer lasting effects of their break-up. They needed each other to know how much they loved each other, so not even the worst misunderstanding could drive them to just leave without talking things out first.
“Oh, you always show how happy you are to undress me,” Felicity said, rubbing her foot high on his thigh, “but you also look very eager to put some clothes on me again as soon as I am naked.”
“Occupational disease,” Oliver replied immediately. “I love you. I love clothes. I love clothes on you.”
Felicity chuckled. “I knew there were going to be three in this marriage, and I am glad you state it that clearly now too.”
Smiling, Oliver chook his head. He lifted her feet to his lips and kissed them once more. Instead of letting go of them, he held them against his heart and looked at her though.
“You’re really the only woman that I love to dress as much as I love to undress her,” Oliver said with a chuckle. “It’s a deadlock between both which is not easy. Taking clothes off your body and putting clothes on your body is just so much fun. Both activities unite my passion for clothes with my passion for you. It’s a win-win.”
“Speaking of,” Felicity said, looking at Oliver, “did you already get over the fact that I didn’t offer you to design my wedding dress?”
Oliver snorted, but it turned into a grumble. Her wedding dress was still a sore spot for him. Two weeks after they had come back from Bali, she had come home from work to find him sitting on the floor of their living room with photos, sewing patterns and swatches all around him. He had been gathering her ideas, sketching some designs. He had been completely hyped about it. Pulling at her hand, he had made her sit down on the floor next to him, so he could have told her everything he had envisioned.
“You didn’t just not offer me the possibility of designing your wedding dress,” Oliver said with grumpy voice, “you told me that I was the last person to design your wedding dress. You said it right into my face. Cold-hearted and right out evil.”
Felicity chuckled. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“Worse,” Oliver told her, “so much worse.”
If the expression on Oliver’s face, right after she had told him that Thea was going to help her with the dress, had been any indication, his heart had indeed been broken a little. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he had backed out from the wedding. The designer’s spirit was quite strong in him after all.
“I told you that you could design my wedding dress,” Felicity replied honestly, “all you had to do was give up the role of the groom. I am sure I would have found someone else for that part.”
“Never,” Oliver replied, “never, never, never.”
Letting go of her feet, he crawled up the bed and lay down on top of Felicity. His naked body pressed to hers, and Felicity felt tempted to wrap her leg around his hip. She knew it would push the blanket a little aside and could feel Oliver’s cock against her wet folds. Lust would flood her body and take her with it into the ocean. She loved the idea of that, but she knew she’d regret it if she looked like a living nightmare in all of her wedding photos.
“I mean the designer in me really wants you to get married to someone else, so I can design the wedding dress,” Oliver explained, “but the fiancé in me would never let you go again, especially not to get married to anyone else.”
Felicity perked up her eyebrows. “How did they decide?”
“The fiancé has beaten the designer up, so the wedding can come.”
Oliver leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She could taste in the kiss that he meant it. He would never let anything come between this wedding. It was a long overdue to finally take this step and link themselves together as tightly as possible.
As soon as their lips parted, Felicity yawned. The tiredness was overwhelming her. Soon, she’d fall asleep.
“Well, I guess that’s my cue to go,” Oliver said with a long sigh, “although I’d rather stay here.”
“I know,” Felicity replied, stroking her hands up and down Oliver’s warm back, “but don’t you worry. From tomorrow on, we will spend every night together.”
“Every night for the rest of our lives.”
It didn’t matter that they both knew it wasn’t true. Their jobs were keeping them busy, and they had to travel around far more often than they’d like. Since OJQ was still seated in Starling City, Oliver had to leave their home in Hub City quite sometimes. They managed to work their lives around it because they both loved their work, and they both loved each other. Still, staying nights apart was nothing they did easily. They just didn’t like to be apart for too long.
Oliver leaned down and kissed Felicity once more. Scrunching up his nose, he rolled off her. Felicity turned onto her side and propped her head up onto her hand to watch Oliver while he was picking up his clothes from the floor. She loved watching him, especially when he was naked.
“You know, I might have been a little too quick when I said that we get to spend every night together,” Felicity said eventually, making Oliver perk up his eyebrows at her while he was getting into his boxer briefs, “because your mother showed me a the three-year-plan she has set up for OJQ. After you are doing an exclusive wedding collection to celebrate our wedding, she thought it was a nice idea to do a maternity collection in two years and then regular collections with complementing designs for mother and daughter.”
“So it was more like a three-year-plan for our marriage.”
“Kind of, yes,” Felicity chuckled. “It was a little crazy.”
Oliver shook his head and sat down on the side of the bed. His hands stroked over her face, pushing aside some strands that had fallen into her face.
“I will talk to her,” he promised, “because my mom is not going to decide when we are going to have a baby.”
“I’m not sure that she will agree with you on that, but you can try.”
Felicity chuckled. Of course it was a little audacious of Moira to just assume that Oliver and Felicity would schedule the big events of their life in a rhythm that worked best for OJQ. As much as she tried, Felicity couldn’t be mad with Moira though. She was just excited that Oliver had finally found the happiness he had always wanted and that she had always wanted for him.
Oliver leaned down and kissed Felicity’s lips once more. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I will wait at the end of the aisle.”
“Good.” Felicity touched his cheek with her hand. “I will hold you to that.”
With one last kiss, Oliver finally got up and strolled over to the window that he had come in through. If Thea would have found him trying sneak in, she would have kicked him out and let him be taken away by the security staff. It wouldn’t be much different if she caught him here now.
“You do remember where we are supposed to meet tomorrow, right?” Felicity asked with narrowed eyes. “I mean I don’t want us to repeat old mistakes.”
“Don’t worry,” Oliver replied softly, “we won’t. I will be at the Lavender Farm, waiting for you to-“
Grunting, Felicity pulled her pillow away from under her head and threw it at Oliver. Of course he caught it easily, chuckling over her weak attempt.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered, “I will be there. Nothing could stop me from doing so.”
“Good because it’s the same for me.”
 * * *
 Looking out of the window and at the wide fields to both of her sides, Felicity stroked her hands over the fabric of her dress nervously. Her heart was racing although she wasn’t even walking down the aisle yet. She just hoped that she would still get a chance to do so.
“It’s going to be okay, Felicity.”
John’s soothing voice and the warm expression in his eyes was exactly what Felicity needed right now. Her life had had a lot of bumps in the road, so she had really wanted everything to be easygoing today. Life just liked to put some hurdles in her way to watch her jumping over them. It seemed to find some fun in that.
The drive from the Queen Mansion to the wedding. “I just really want to be on time,” Felicity replied, “it’s my wedding day after all.”
“Don’t worry,” John said and squeezed her hand, “I think it’s said to be fashionable for the bride to be a little late.”
Felicity could only hope that John was right because she would really prefer to be on time. Since the universe seemed to hate her or Oliver or even both of them, there had been a terrible car crash on the highway. The limousine that was taking her and John, who had been assigned to make sure Felicity would really show up to the wedding, to the venue hadn’t been able to pass. That was why they had to take a long detour through the large fields towards the venue in the mountains.
“Maybe we should at least text Sara, so Oliver knows that-“ Felicity stopped when the limousine became slower and slower until it eventually stopped completely. “What is going on?”
The driver let down the black glass pane between the driver’s cab and the back of the limousine.
“I am sorry, Ma’am, but the engine is giving off clouds of smoke,” he explained, “I will hurry to take a look at it, so I hope we can continue our way in a couple of minutes.”
Felicity felt her heart racing even more. This was not how things had been supposed to go. She was expected at the wedding in a couple of minutes, and they were still quite far from the venue. If the car didn’t work anymore, they needed to contact another driver to pick them up. It might take over an hour until she arrived at the wedding.
“I will take a look at what is going on,” John said soothingly, still being completely relaxed, “and I am sure we will find a way. Relax. Breathe. Everything is going to be fine.”
With that, John got out of the car. Some rays of the blazing sun fought their way into the limousine. Felicity hurried to slide as far away as possible. It was incredibly hot today, the hottest day of summer so far, and Felicity could just hope that she hadn’t soaked her wedding dress when she had made the short way from the climatized car to the climatized pavilion that they would get married in.
She waited until the door was closed again before she took the small purse that held some of her most important things. Sara, as her maid of honor, would make sure that Felicity got everything she needed whenever she needed. She was the one who was taking care of Oliver right now too. They had thought that, in the light of their past, it was good to have a reliable help at their sides.
Pulling her phone from her purse, Felicity checked if she had missed any texts or calls, but there was nothing there. Unfortunately, this nothing included reception. There seemed to be no reception possible out here.
Groaning, Felicity leaned back in the soft leather seats and tapped her finger onto the floor nervously. It was a nightmare.
When Felicity had woken up this morning, she hadn’t felt the slightest of nervousness. She knew what she was doing, and of all the decisions she had made in her life getting married to Oliver was probably one of the five smartest decisions she had made. She knew that she couldn’t get married to any better man because nobody could make her feel as safe and as loved as Oliver did. He was the one.
The thought of Oliver helped to relax Felicity at least a little bit more. All the chaos that had happened in their past or today wouldn’t matter once she was standing next to him and they were saying their vows. All that would matter at the end of the day was them and that they were together.
“Bad news.”
Felicity scrunched up her nose at John’s word. His words weren’t the only sign that things weren’t going to be worked out easily here. His face gave it away too.
“How bad?”
“We don’t get the car going, and our phones don’t have reception.”
Felicity nodded her head slowly. She already knew that she really didn’t want to hear what John needed to tell her.
“Rob is running back into the city to get us a new car and a new driver.”
Felicity perked up her eyebrows, looking through the darkened window pane towards the city. Even though she knew that Rob was fit and he would certainly be quicker than the usual driver, he would need at least two hours, probably longer, to be anywhere that would offer reception. This was all going to take too long.
“Oh, screw it!”
Sliding towards the door, she opened it and got out. Felicity had to blink against the sun and immediately wished she was still sitting in the cool car. It was really terribly hot. She hadn’t asked Sara to take the white dress she had worn during the proposal to the location for no reason. As much as Felicity would love to spend the entire day in her wedding dress, she wasn’t sure that she would manage to do that. She might need something easier if it continued to be this hot.
Felicity lifted the skirt of her dress to provide a little more air for her legs. With the sun shining down on them, she wasn’t sure it was a good idea though, so she lowered the skirt back quickly. Touching her already shoulders, she wished that she had put sunscreen on them. With the way she had ahead of her, they would probably be bright red by the time she was arriving at the venue. She couldn’t let that stop her though.
“What exactly do you think you are doing?” John asked, quickly stepping into her way with his arms crossed in front of his chest, when Felicity took the first step further down the long path through the fields. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“To my wedding,” Felicity said matter-of-factly, “because I have waited so long to finally get married to this man that nothing will stop me from getting married to him today. If I have to walk all the way to this wedding, I will.”
“Unfortunately,” John said pointedly, continuing to stand in her way when she wanted to push past him, “Oliver made very clear that I was fired as his bodyguard and his friend if I took my eyes off you for more than twenty seconds. Besides, this walk will take hours.”
“Well, the driver can catch up,” Felicity replied, shrugging her shoulders as she felt her belief in the greatness of her idea fading, “but I cannot sit here and do nothing, John. I’d rather walk for a couple of hours than spending weeks traveling around the world until I have found Oliver on some deserted island in the North China Sea because I am sure that is where Oliver is going to go when I don’t show up there anytime soon. I will go there whether you come with me or not, so…”
Felicity shrugged her shoulders and looked at John urgently. She knew that there was little to no logic in trying to walk this way. Walking would probably even take a little longer than it would take to organize a new car although Felicity wasn’t sure. Nobody could say how long Rob would take to get a new car. All of the Queens’ limousines and basically every other car was already in the mountains.
John took in a deep breath and looked back over his shoulder at the path ahead of them. Felicity could see in his face that he was anything but agreeing with her idea. He probably thought that Felicity was crazy and there probably was something crazy to Felicity’s idea indeed, but she couldn’t help it. She needed to do something.
“Fine,” John said, nodding his head, “but I warn you that this idea is crazy.”
Felicity shrugged her shoulders. “Then it is crazy. I don’t care.”
Side by side, Felicity and John started their way down the path towards the mountains. What started as a nice walk that Felicity was eager to make quickly and without losing any hope to make it to her wedding, eventually turned into something else, something she had much less energy for and something that made it much harder to stay hopeful.
The path changed from an asphalted street a graveled pathway. Felicity had to lift the skirt of her rock to not cover the hem in dirt. The high heels of Felicity’s shoes sank into the ground with every step, almost causing her to stumble again and again. John offered to carry her, but Felicity chose to just slip out of her shoes that had been terrible to walk in anyway and walk barefoot. The sharp stones scratched and pricked against the soles of her feet, but she knew it was better this way nonetheless.
That the entire path led through the glaring sun, making Felicity’s skin prickle from the heat. So far, her shoulders still looked okay, but Felicity was sure that a little time out of the sun and they would shine in a deep red color. The straps of her dress were probably burnt into her skin by then.
“What time is it?”
“The wedding should have started about an hour ago.”
Felicity groaned. Being sixty minutes was probably not that fashionable anymore. Oliver was probably panicking if he hadn’t run away already, scared that history was repeating itself again now. Even though he had sent John to take care of her, deep down, he certainly knew that he would help Felicity escape if that was what she really wanted. John wouldn’t force her to go to the wedding if she didn’t want to.
What did he believe she was doing and what was he going to do if she didn’t show up?
A fly buzzed right next to Felicity’s ear. Trying to slap it away, her fingers got tangled in a strand of hair and pulled it from the updo. She guessed the messed-up hair looked a little more fitting to the sunburnt skin and the – thanks to the sun and sweat – smudged make-up.
Maybe she needed some other plan or at least a break.
Seeing that the groveled path was soon continued as another asphalted street, Felicity quickened her steps. The relief of not having to walk over these stones anymore made her uncarefully though. She stepped right onto a stone, scratching the sole of her foot.
Jumping onto her left foot, she almost lost her balance. John’s arm wrapped around Felicity’s waist quickly while his other arm pushed beneath the back of her knees and lifted her into his arms. He took a few large steps and sat her down on a big rock at the side of the street. Kneeling down in front of her, he checked on her bleeding foot and wrapped his handkerchief around it carefully.
Felicity felt a sob rising in her throat and she let her face fall into her hands. “This is all a mess!”
When people talked about weddings, they always called it the most beautiful day in a person’s life. It was definitely said to be the most important and the most beautiful day in a woman’s life. Felicity didn’t give much about what most people said, at least usually she didn’t, but it was different today. It was her wedding after all.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like that,” Felicity said, still crying, “I barely ask for anything. I love my life. I love Oliver. I love the way we manage our life around the fact that we have companies in different cities. All I asked for was for this day to be perfect.”
Felicity wasn’t sure why she was crying. Usually, she could deal with a lot of things. Even the worst imperfections could make her laugh out loud in amusement, at least as long as they wouldn’t about her work. She could take pleasure even in the worst failures as long as she was with her family and her friends. Not today.
It was just that she was tired and exhausted and devastated. One single day in her life had been supposed to go well. She had wanted this day to be free of chaos. After everything that life had put them through already, she had felt like she had deserved this.
“It’s going to be okay, Felicity,” John told her, stroking a hand over her head, “I promise.”
“It feels like life is sabotaging us,” Felicity said, lowering her hands after wiping away some tears. “At first, it puts us through all this stress with Adrian and now this. It’s not fair.”
It wasn’t fair. Other couples met, fell in love and built a family by getting married and having kids. She and Oliver had been put through a lot. They had worked through their long-distance relationship. They had been driven apart by Adrian. They had through some miracle found their way back to each other. Now this.
“Maybe,” John said softly and tugged a strand of her hair out of her face, “life is just giving you another chance at doing things right this time.”
Felicity frowned at John, not quite understanding what she meant, but he just nodded his head to the side. Turning her head into that direction, Felicity saw the Porsche that she and Oliver were going to take tomorrow morning to head to the airport driving in their direction. Sara was sitting behind the steering wheel, honking the car horn as soon as she saw them, while Oliver was sitting in the passenger seat.
The car hadn’t come to a full stop yet when Oliver already got out. If his facial expression was any indication, he had been just as worried as she had been seconds ago. Seeing her provided him with as much belief as seeing him made her feel.
Dropping her shoes in place, Felicity ran the distance over the hot asphalt. As soon as she was in reach, Oliver wrapped his arms around her waist and scooped her up into his arms. Felicity put her arms around the back of his neck and tightened them as much as possible. She was never gonna let Oliver go again, and she knew that he was thinking the same.
“Are you okay?” Oliver asked and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. “Are you hurt? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” With her nose pressed to his cheek, she breathed Oliver in. “I’m fine now.”
Although Oliver’s body was certainly as heated as hers, she felt her body cooling a little. Her panic had faded. Oliver had found her. She hadn’t come, so he had come to her.
“I am so sorry,” she hurried to say and leaned back, so she could look at him, “but there has been an accident on the highway, so we had to take this detour. Then the engine of the car failed. Rob went back into the city, but I didn’t want to wait there, so we started walking. There wasn’t a single square foot of shadow. My foot is bleeding. My hairdo is destroyed and I think I have a sunburn on my shoulders.”
“And on your face,” Oliver said, stroking the knuckles of his fingers over her skin that was indeed aching a little, “I fear.”
Sighing, Felicity rested her forehead against Oliver’s. She was sure that she looked like a nightmare which was not what she had wanted. She had wanted to be as beautiful as a bride could be, surprising Oliver with her entrance.
While all of this sucked and it had made her cry seconds ago, Felicity didn’t really care anymore now. Oliver had found her. Although she hadn’t showed up to the most important date they had had so far, he had looked for her. He hadn’t let her disappear like it had happened three years ago. They had learned from their mistakes.
“How did you know how to find me?” Felicity asked, still keeping her forehead against Oliver’s. “When you didn’t show up, I just knew something was wrong. I tried to call John and you, but you weren’t available, so I figured that I had to find a different way to find you. I knew something happened. You wouldn’t have left. I knew you wouldn’t.”
Felicity smiled. It seemed like life had indeed just tried to show them how much they had grown in the last six years. They didn’t make the same mistake of letting each other go twice. They had lost each other once, and they had both suffered greatly for it. This time around, neither of them would have rested until they had found each other again. They wouldn’t lose each other ever again. No matter how long they had to look for each other, they wouldn’t give up on each other and they wouldn’t give up on what they had together.
“We should get you into a hospital,” Oliver said, setting Felicity up onto the ground and framing her face with his hands, “to take care of your foot and your burnt skin. You might have a sunstroke.”
“I am fine,” Felicity replied quickly, “really fine. I really just want to get married to you. I don’t care about my foot. I don’t care about the sunburn. I mean I will look like crap on all the wedding photos, but I don’t care. I really just want to be your wife. Once we have put the rings onto each other’s finger and signed the marriage certificate, you can drag me to the hospital. I just want to be your wife first. I don’t want to wake any longer.”
Oliver looked at Felicity urgently. He seemed to be taking in her sunburnt skin, checking how bad her condition really was. She could see the fight in his eyes. He wanted to get married to her right now and right here, just like she wanted to get married to him. It was just time for the both of them to finally tie the knot.
“As soon as we are announced husband and wife, I will scoop you up in my arms and take you to the hospital to have you checked up, just to make sure you really are alright.”
“Agreed,” Felicity said, “absolutely agree.”
Oliver nodded his head slowly. He didn’t seem exactly convinced that this was what was best for her, but he was selfish enough to put his need to be married to her over her medical condition. Luckily, as it played right into what Felicity wanted right now.
Still unsure about the decision he had just made, Oliver puckered his lips and lowered his gaze. There was a break of second that he hesitated before he took a step back and looked her up and down. His eyes moved up and down her body again and again, taking in the dress she was wearing intensely.
Felicity rolled her lips over her teeth and pressed them together. She looked at Oliver, watching him narrow his eyes at the dress to take it in more closely once more. She could see the different emotions playing on his face as he was taking her in.
When Oliver lifted his forefinger and circled it, Felicity chuckled slightly and turned around for him. Oliver’s first priority had been making sure that she really was okay. He had needed to know that she was fine and that she didn’t need medical help. His second priority had been making sure that the wedding was going to happen. He had had to make a compromise between his need to make sure she wasn’t injured and his need to finally be married to her, and he had found a way to compromise between both. Now, his next priority was a dress since he was a designer after all.
Smiling softly as this was finally what she had expected her wedding day to be like, Felicity turned around herself. She let Olive take in the thin straps that were attached to the tightfitting top of her dress. With the deep V-neckline on the front and the deep neckline on her back it was quite fitting for summer. The semitransparent fabric also made it quite sexy. The fine lace that decorated the top and the first couple of inches of the skirt also made it look very classy and valuable. The skirt was put into fine folds. The fabric was so light that it was swaying even in the slightest of wind.
Oliver’s eyes met Felicity’s, and the expression in them was intense. It seemed to burn into her eyes and right into her soul.
“This is the dress I designed for my second collection,” he said and his voice proved how speechless he actually felt, “the one that the board didn’t agree to, so I trashed it.”
Felicity nodded her head. “I picked it up from the trash and kept it. I thought it might still have its use one day. It was a good design, so it didn’t deserve to be trashed just because it had been done at the wrong time.”
Oliver took in a deep breath and his shoulders tensed at whatever thoughts were going through his mind. He looked up and down her once more, only briefly though, like he needed to assure himself that this was really happening. She was really wearing one of his designs, one that he had put a lot of heat in, but that had been taken down by the board.
“This is my design.”
“It is,” Felicity replied and framed his face with her hands, “so now you got to design my wedding dress after all.”
Oliver took her in once more, looking at her dress intensely. It was like he was comparing his design to what Felicity and Thea had made out of it. The difference between Oliver’s own sketched designs and the ones he was actually having made at the end could be miles apart. When two other people’s style mixed into it, the difference could be even more.
Biting down on her tongue, Felicity wondered if she had made the wrong decision. Oliver was very strict when it came to his designs. He was a perfectionist, so he didn’t really like to agree to changes that had been made without his consent. For every dress he designed, he had a vision. That vision couldn’t be changed easily.
“Felicity Megan Smoak,” Oliver said eventually before Felicity could voice any of it, “you are making dreams come true.”
With that, Oliver put his hands to her cheeks, sensitive of the most sunburnt parts of her skin, and angled her head back. His lips captured hers in a gentle kiss. It tasted like happiness, and Felicity could see the same happiness sparkling in his eyes when they pulled apart.
“Let’s get married.”
Felicity nodded her head and laced her fingers through Oliver’s to make the way to the car. She hadn’t taken a single step yet when Oliver already lifted her into his arms. Felicity screeched a little, but she relaxed against his muscles quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She let herself be carried towards the car where Sara and John were already waiting for them.
Oliver gave her a bottle of water, making sure she was hydrated and cooled down a little. His fingers massaged after sun crème into the skin of her shoulders, her cleavage and the back of her neck. His lips whispered sweet words into her ear, taking all the stress she had felt seconds ago from her.
As soon as they arrived at the venue, Moira hurried towards them, asking what had happened. Felicity and Oliver told her a shortened version of the disaster they had just been through. She urged Felicity to freshen herself up, while she would take care of the guests. Oliver as well as Sara and Thea joined Felicity. Sara made sure Felicity’s make-up was freshened up and her hair looked okay, Thea was taking care of the dress and Oliver washed her feet and wrapped her injured foot.
That was what the models for Oliver’s fashion show had had to feel like. Three people working at her to make sure she was as beautiful as possible within a short time was just not what Felicity would like to experience regularly. Right now, she was just relieved that she was being taken care of. She didn’t want to wait even longer for her wedding.
Within twenty minutes she looked less like the trouble she had just gone through and much more like the bride that had left the Queen Mansion full of excitement at the prospect of finally getting married to the love of her life. She did look like she had been in the solarium for a little too long the night before, but Sara had managed to hide the worst of the red well. Photoshop would do the rest.
When Sara tried to usher Oliver out, telling him to wait for Felicity to come down the aisle, Felicity held Oliver back. Her hand grabbed his and she shot Sara and Thea urgent gazes, making them leave them alone.
“Did you change your mind?” Oliver asked, cupping he jaw with his hand. “Should we go to the hospital?”
“No,” Felicity replied firmly, shaking her head and squeezing his fingers, “I just think that we should go down the aisle together. Whenever we get somewhere separately, one of them gets lost on the way. The universe seems to be willing to tear us apart.”
Oliver nodded his head slowly and wrapped Felicity’s arms around his middle. Putting his own arms around her loosely he kissed the tip of her nose. His smile was soft, his eyes full of amazement.
“I don’t care what the universe is planning to do because I won’t let anything tear us apart anymore.” Oliver brushed his fingers over her head. “What we have is just so much bigger than the friggin’ universe.”
Yes, Felicity thought to herself. What they had was so much more than anything the universe could want for them. They were stronger than anything the universe could do to tear them apart. Whatever the universe would try, they would be stronger.
Oliver lowered his head. His lips brushed against hers in a gentle kiss. Moving a hand into his hair, Felicity straightened up onto the tips of her toes and deepened the kiss. It was as much of a promise as their vows would be. They loved each other, and they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, turning it into one shared life. Nothing and nobody should ever get in their way again because they wouldn’t let anything break them apart. Not anymore. Not ever again.
Hand in hand, they left the room and hand in hand, they walked down the aisle, taking their first steps to a shared life.
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Thank you all so much for following this story. I am already working on the sixth of 15 chapters in my new multi-chapter. I can’t promise that it will be posted anytime soon, but who knows. I will tell you as soon as I know a date. :)
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