#idw leonardo x reader
you can pick which Leo. For fun. But you know how Leo always looks at his love interests with complete adoration, can I possibly get a scenario of his s/o being like “I really love the way you look at me sometimes?”
Eyes Of Love (Fluff)
IDW!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: The lucky wheel chose IDW Leo for you. A short one this time, but I still thought it was cute. Hope you enjoy💙
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Warnings: Spelling💙
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Leonardo had always been known for his great control, both over his actions and emotions. He was focused, able to reach his goals within a very short time, all due to his well timed and thought out actions that brought him there. But there was one area where Leo had a hard time controlling himself, where it almost seemed impossible for him to keep his actions and emotions in check; you.
When Leo first met you, he fell for you hard, developing a crush on you that kept him awake at night, thinking about you with a happy beat of his heart. But for the first time, Leo wasn’t able to control himself. He would feel himself get nervous whenever you were around, focusing more on your presence than the task at hand, which often had landed Leo in some serious mishaps during training, causing his brothers much amusement.
But of course Leo’s nervous little crush grew stronger, and before long he finally managed to pull himself together, using the determination and focus he had trained in this life and his past one. He finally confessed his feelings for you, and asked you out on a night stroll around New York. And to his delight, you accepted, letting him know that you reciprocated his feelings.
During that date, you and Leo had your first kiss, sitting on top of an apartment building, overlooking the streets below. A small sweet kiss, mirroring the sweet and soft feelings you and Leo had for each other. And that was the start of you and Leo’s relationship as more than just friends.
But even as your relationship developed, only getting stronger and more serious, Leo still lacked a certain amount of control when you were around. Mainly the ability to control his eyes. Whenever you were in the room, or your voice could be heard in the next room, Leo’s eyes would automatically search for you. And as soon as his eyes landed on you, they would stay there, finding peace in the knowledge that you were close by.
You had of course noticed your boyfriend’s eyes lingering on you, butterflies erupting in your stomach when you saw the adoring look in his eyes. Even back when you were nothing but friends he would look at you like that, and even back then your stomach tingled at the way he would look at you. To say that you liked the way Leo was looking at you, was an understatement - you loved it! Even when you were sitting together, just you and him, either at the dining table, on the couch, or maybe even lying in bed, he would look at you like that, listening to your every word while he took in all of your features, feeling his love for you grow even stronger.
One Friday evening, you were laying with Leo on your couch, telling him about your day at work. Leo was nodding along to every word you spoke, a small smile spreading across his face, as his eyes took in your features once more. Your beautiful eyes, and the shapes your pretty mouth made as you spoke. He once again questioned how he was so lucky, that the universe decided to let him have you. Whoever he was in his past life, he must really have been a good person in order to be rewarded so well.
However, Leo was soon pulled out of his thoughts about what a gift you were, had the sound of your small giggles.
“What’s so funny?”, Leo asked with a smile.
“I really love the way you look at me”, you smiled, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him closer, so that you could rest your chin against his plastron, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “It makes me feel like I’m beautiful”.
“That’s because you are”, Leo smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You are beautiful, and I love to look at you”.
You smiled brightly, titling your head upwards, pushing your lips forwards, asking him for a kiss. And with a smile, Leo gave you what you asked for, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, before wrapping his arm around you, making sure both of you were lying comfortably, before asking you to continue telling him about your day.
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in3rci4 · 8 months
Warning : Yandere hints ¿??????? Idk
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IDW comic's Leonardo ( This one might be much vague since i didn't read the next comics after Leonardo's stopped being mind controlled )
Depending on his mood he might be more open about PDA some days ( Special occasions , peace before / after war, etc ), but in general he likes to keep it simple in front of others and let himself go in private
Unless you already know or start training self defense he won't let you go on missions , he would try to convince April to persuade you to stay with her while they do their stuff
Tries to take you beautiful or aesthetic places , but more often than not you two will be interrupted , so to avoid that he started to give you more gifts and spend more quality time inside a safe place
He loves it when you compliment his appearance , but if you compliment his skills and wisdom ? OOF , this man would be all giggly and blushing like a school boy
Denial and silent jealousy , he would not communicate his thoughts and would try himself to stop thinking that way , but it only gets worse . Fortunately , when he's on the edge of exploiting he would try his best to talk with you about it
Even when he's on the foot clan he would still choosing you
He would probably kidnap you and force you marry him and keep obedience and loyalty towards him ( And if he was feeling threatened by certain someone close to you , he wouldn't doubt twice on hurting them bad enough to make them know who you belong to )
After it's all over he would apologize for his actions and spend more time with you than before
Although his jealousy might be transform into more straight to point , being a little sharp with his words but nothing extreme
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LEONARDO 2003-2009 ANIMATED SERIE ( I haven't watched it in a long time too lol )
At first he would be shy with PDA , but as times passes by he would start to care and less about what other people has to say
Wich would leads to a shameless romantic Leonardo
The ego bust when you compliment him is insane , he might act all humble but he won't stop smiling proudly for your words
Quality time and service are his main love languages , but gifts with sentimental reasons behind them are also a good part of him too
Rarely gets jealous since he trust you with his heart , but that doesn't stop him from not liking a person at all for trying to hit you ( Worse if they know that they were dating someone )
He would act fake nice to the point it's way too obvious for everyone in the room that he's not content with their presence , and would act clueless if you said anything about it
10000000+ points if you're good with kids and eldest people , makes his heart go brrr for you
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Ok so first to talk about this version I say that if you decide to keep being his friend you have to teach him a lot of stuff ( Maybe I'll add a HC )
Maybe you're a close friend of the turtles , maybe you're Leonardo's partner / ex
The thing is that you were just or more patient with him than his counterpart , making him reflex about his existence , morals , actions , everything
So he decides to stay on Earth and try to be like the other turtles , to give his " brothers " a better life far from their creator
So , after a long time of learning , communicating and spending time with you , he decides to date you so he can be finally your boyfriend ( You told him that mate is weirdly used to call a partner here , he asked why , but you avoided the question flawlessly lol )
That being said , he would be slow with PDA but once he learns all the types of affection , he would SHAMELESSLY french kiss you , talk about how good you were last night , hug you on the air , etc
Even he's more civilized than before , he would steal without care things that he knows you like or need ( Be careful with saying " Oh I wish I had money to buy x thing" he won't think twice on breaking the law if it means he'll get it for you )
Cuddling with him is cool until you wake up first but he don't , and he won't let go even in his sleep ( Might even pull you much closer like if he's trying to absorve you with his body )
Yes , he did learn the sharing importance , but with you ? Hell nah , he growls to anyone who is way too much confident with you , including his brothers , but specially humans and the og turtles ( Leonardo having it worse , he would probably get hurt more than once just for talking with you inconveniently alone )
If you talk with him about his jealousy he would try his best to not push you away , but don't expect it to happen soon or fade away completely
Your loyal servant at lifting heavy weights , helping you get something out of your reach , etc , but if you don't know how to fight or be just as strong as him , good luck on trying to go on a mission / train or put yourself at any danger
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chloeillustrates16 · 1 year
Flustered Cheeks
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(I haven't really read the IDW comics, so if this isn't accurate at all. Please, for the love of God, don't go into the comments and tell me that. I know that this is probably not accurate at all.)
Summary: After the mutagen blast and dancing around each other. Leo finally gets to talk to you alone.
Warnings: You're short, Y/n use here and there, no pronouns used.
You were saved by the turtles when you were fifteen. Ever sense then, you've been close to the turtles. Especially, Leonardo. He was the one that you saw first, his brown eyes, warm and caring. Something about him drew you closer.
After the Mutagen Blast, most of New York was mutated into animals. You too were also mutated, into a tiger. You stayed small, though which caused other mutants to mock you.
You and Leo were walking down the street, it was still strange for him to walk around in broad daylight. The two of you had boxes of supplies for the mutants that had lost their homes due to the blast.
"I can't thank you enough for this, Y/N," Leo smiled.
"Of course, Leo, you didn't need to ask."
Leo watched you, as you set the box on the table. Leo didn't know when he started to have feelings for you, but after a conversation with Jennika, that's when he realized.
After your mutation, Leo blamed himself. You were miserable; who wouldn't? Leo tried his best to help you through it, but you sort of pushed him away. Your reason being that you didn't want Leo to not like you more than you already thought he did.
Leo let out a sigh before glancing around, there was no one in sight. "Can we talk?"
"About?" you asked, your hands busy with the supplies. Leo rounded the table, lightly grabbing your hand.
"Please," you glance up and drop the can.
"Yeah," Leo's hand retreated from your own. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know that you still haven't gotten used to being a mutant. I'm sorry, for this happening to you."
"Leo, it wasn't your fault."
"But it was!" he argued, "If we had stopped the Kraang none of this would have happened."
"Leonardo--" he froze. You only called him by his full name if you were pissed or serious. Sometimes both. You reached up, cupping his cheek. The one thing he missed was seeing your red face; whenever you laughed or got embarrassed, your face would flush a beautiful pink.
Now, your fur obstructed his view of your fluttered cheeks. Leo watched as you retracted your hand away; he was confused as you rounded the table. He waited as your hands bottled into fists; you pulled him into a tight hug.
Leo felt his heart skip a beat. You never hugged him before, even when you were human. He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
It wasn't that you didn't want to hug Leo in the past, it was just so hard for you to trust people. Leo knew how much this meant to you; You slightly pull away to look at his face. You felt your skin turn 100 degrees,
"This wasn't your fault."
"Y/n," he whispers. You realized how close the two of you were, Leo's warm brown eyes was so soft. Your hands moved up his arms to his neck. "Can I?" You nod, Leo leaned forward pressing his lips against yours.
Pulling away, Leo smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"It's okay, I should apologize too. I pushed myself away from you, I didn't mean to make you feel like the mutagen blast was your fault."
"Why did you push yourself away?"
"I thought that...you wouldn't like me if I was this," you stared at the orange and black stripes going up your arms.
"I'm going to be honest with you, I think you look gorgeous. The only thing I miss is seeing you blush."
You let out a laugh, "I beg to differ, that was the only thing like about the fur."
"You don't think it's pretty?"
Leo leaned forward; Leo had always been a little taller than you, but you haven't felt this small before.
"I think the markings are beautiful," he brushed the fur against your forearm. "I think you're beautiful."
Your jaw went agape, you composed yourself after a bit. "You aren't bad looking either," you muttered.
"What was that?" he asked, teasingly. He had in fact heard you, he just wanted to hear it again.
"I said, you were handsome," Leo smirked. Trying hard not to freak out.
Around the corner, Jennika and Sheena watched not too far away. Jennika put her finger to her lips; Sheena was trying her hardest not to scream with delight.
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juukeboxx · 1 year
Hello hello! My name is Jukebox and welcome!  I started this blog to simply write about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and recently I’ve been working on my own pretty big TMNT projects that I really want to share with people.  Please read the rules and check out the masterlist under the cut.
Here’s where you can find me!
Twitter: juukeboxx
Ao3: jukeboxx
This is a STRICTLY SFW blog. In no way, shape, or form am I going to write NSFW.  It is something I am uncomfortable doing, especially because these characters, in pretty much every version, ARE MINORS.  Please do not ask.
I DO NOT allow t*est whatsoever.  I am monitoring this blog pretty closely so anyone who is neutral or supports it will be blocked.
I do take requests! The ask box will be open until it gets full enough to close it, so please send in requests! I will get to them as soon as I can but I have a pretty busy schedule so I might not get to all of them right away.
I write for 2003, 2007, 2012, Bayverse (2014/2016), Rise (2018), and the IDW comics.
I am open to doing x readers!  Fluff or angst is gladly welcome, however when it comes to angst I am not comfortable writing about s*icide. When requesting one please specify female, male or gender neutral pronouns and give a description of what you would like written. However, I do not want these to be the main focus of my blog so I won’t write them that often.
Please do not spam the ask box.  If you spam, your messages will be deleted and ignored.
There is NO HATE ALLOWED on this blog.  Do not hate on someone because their favorite series or movie is different from yours, or that they might have a headcanon that you don't agree with, etc.  I do not tolerate hate and you will be blocked.
This is an LGBTQ+ friendly blog!
If you're just looking for someone to talk to about TMNT, then don't be afraid to send an ask in if it isn't a request! I love these four funky turtles just as much as the next person and I will find any excuse to talk about them. So if it's a headcanon you want to share or you want to ask me a question related to TMNT, send them in!
Individual turtles
General Headcanons - Leonardo
Bayverse!Leo Headcanons
Future!Leo Headcanons
General Headcanons - Raphael
2012!Raph - In Sickness and In Stubborness
2012!Raph x male!Reader - A Good Hugger
2012!Raph - We Still Need You
General Headcanons - Donatello
2012!Donnie x male!Reader - Just a Little Squeeze
Bayverse!Donnie Headcanons
General Headcanons - Michelangelo
Pokemon AU - pt.1
Press Play on the Jukebox
Here you’ll find posts where I analyze anything and everything TMNT related
Mutant Mayhem Hype!
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sscreamy · 5 years
What happened with the ROTTMNT?
Is in hiatus or something like that? Please answer me you beautiful people!
Sorry for the English if I wrote something wrong...😅
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bionicragdoll · 5 years
Requests are Open!
I want to start writing again so I'm recreating this blog to be a requests/writing blog. In addition to posting ninja turtles memes I'll also be accepting requests for asks, prompts, head cannons, and any other form of writing you can think of. That being said there are a few restrictions as outlined below.
Things I will not write
Smut (I'm not good at it)
Sexual violence
Character death
What I will write
All non t-cest pairings
X reader
Mental illness (to the best of my ability, some things I dont have experience with)
If there a specific version of the turtles you want me to write (rottmnt, bayverse, 2012, 2k3) please specify so I can get the characters right.
I reserve the right to turn down a request if I feel uncomfortable writing it.
Send me your requests so I can get writing!
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methealicefromkwa · 3 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: TMNT (2007), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Bay Movies), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 1987), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Comics), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever (2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonardo (TMNT)/Original Female Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT) & Original Female Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT)/Original Character(s), Leonardo (TMNT)/You, Leonardo (TMNT) & Reader Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Splinter (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Original Female Character(s), Original Characters Series: Part 7 of TMNT x female reader Summary:
A short story about anger issues and how to overcome them. IMPORTANT: It is a part of my whole au, but can be read independently.
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allspark · 5 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Transformers, Clue, Samurai Jack, Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more! All coming your way for June 19th!
John Barber, James Roberts, Mairghread Scott (A) Livio Ramondelli, Sarah Stone, Andrew Griffith, Marcelo Ferreira, Corin Howell, Alex Milne, Hayato Sakamoto
The Autobots and Decepticons’ uneasy peace is threatened by the flames of war! Starscream, ruler of Cybertron, makes contact with Windblade’s homeworld-and the only defense against a new Cybertronian Empire is the Combiners-multiple Cybertronians joining together into huge, dangerous forms! Collects Transformers issues #39-43, More Than Meets the Eye issues #41-44, and Windblade, Volume 2 issues #1-5.
Greg Preslicka, Heidi Preslicka
Advance solicited for June release! You’ll need to divide in order to conquer in Amoeba, the tile-laying game that requires you to think strategically and act microscopically. 2-4 players draw and place tiles in order to build the biggest amoebas. But be careful: your opponents can place tiles on top of your completed amoebas to split them up and hurt your score. After all tiles are played, the players with the biggest amoeba wins! 2-4 players o Playable from ages 8+ o 30 minutes.
Dash Shaw (A/CVR A) Dash Shaw
Was it Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with the lead pipe?! In issue two of this mind-boggler based on the timeless detective game, suspicions mount and Scarlet’s story is revealed. Still, more bodies will fall. Cartoonist auteur Dash Shaw deepens the mysterious, quirky, and colorful world of Clue!
•   From the creative mind that brought you the animated movie My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea! •   Visionary creator Dash Shaw re-imagines the world of Clue in this suspense-filled murder mystery! •   Each extra-length issue also features playable Clue cards based on the comic!
Sen-Foong Lim, Jessey Wright (A/CVR) Toei Animation
Ultimate power collides as Goku and Hit face off to determine which of their universes will be spared from destruction in The Tournament of Destroyers! Dragon Ball Super: Tournament of Destroyers is a 2-player combat game that challenges players to predict their opponents next move while building their ultimate combo. Unleash devastating combos in order to knock your opponent out of the ring, but be warned, after each ring-out your opponent will grow in strength! The last fighter standing after 3 knock-outs is the winner! 2 players o Playable from ages 10+ o 30 minutes
•   Replace cards in your deck to improve your abilities and learn new moves. •   Knock your opponent out of the ring with powerful card attacks and clever combos. •   Includes 2 large, fully painted, combat-ready miniatures.
Delilah S Dawson (A/CVR) Fico Ossio
Advance solicited for June release! A Marvelous new era begins here! Readers of all ages can get tangled up in these all-new adventures of Spider-Man and his astonishing friends! Peter Parker has thrown down with deadly villains and legendary heroes, but high school life might be his greatest challenge yet. Luckily, he has a shot at making the grade with a little help from his new friends… Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy!
Paul Allor (A/CVR A) Adam Bryce Thomas (CVR B) Gavin Fullerton
“Samurai Jack and the Empty Village!” As Jack travels through lonely mountain roads, he’s warned to turn back lest he disturb a haunted village. Of course, Jack’s never one to shy from danger, he continues forward. But maybe some things are better left undisturbed…
Peter Laird, Kevin Eastman (A) Peter Laird (A/CVR) Kevin Eastman
Revisit the glorious origins of the TMNT during the 35th anniversary month! This special box set includes Mirage Publishing’s TMNT #1-4 and the Raphael Micro-Series at their original 8″ x 10″ dimensions enclosed in a box with new art from TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman. A must-have for all shell-heads!
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor, Ian Flynn, Sophie Campbell (A) Sophie Campbell, Brahm Revel, Michael Dialynas, Ben Bishop (CVR) David Petersen
First, Donatello understands that more is at stake than his brothers realize and in order to prepare for the coming conflict, Don will aim to repair his relationship with his mentor, Harold… and his malicious robotic counterpart, Metalhead! Then, Michelangelo’s deteriorating relationship with his father, Splinter, reaches a point of no return! Will Mikey fight those he loves to save those who need him the most? Next, Leonardo seeks refuge in Northampton, but danger follows-in the form of Koya and Karai! An epic throwdown will result in Leo making a drastic decision that will quickly alter the course of TMNT history! And finally, Raphael is pushed to his breaking point as he is separated from his brothers and forced to endure an onslaught from the nefarious Bishop unlike anything he has experienced in the past!
•   Advance solicited for June release. •   TMNT returns to its roots in these stories spotlighting each of the individual Turtles.
Gary Carlson (A/CVR A&B) Frank Fosco (CVR B) Erik Larsen
The search for Deathwatch continues! As Leo, Mikey, and Donatello face new hardships in Arkansas, Raph attempts to scare some sense into the criminal underbelly of the city with a very familiar-and unsettling-disguise. What happens when the long-lost Master Splinter comes face-to-face with the Shredder?!
•   The entire TMNT Volume 3 run-all 23 issues-reprinted in full color for the first time! •   Culminating in 3 brand-new issues to close out the series!
Carlo Gentina (A) Stefano Intini (CVR A) Marco Gervasio
When Uncle Scrooge receives a hexed cell phone from Magica De Spell, he falls completely under her sway and starts behaving in a very hilarious and un-Scrooge-like manner. Will Magica finally get her hands on the much-coveted Number One Dime? Find out in “The Cursed Cell Phone”!
Stan Sakai (A/CVR A) Stan Sakai
Follow the adventures of rabbit ronin Miyamoto Usagi as he wanders Edo period Japan on his warrior’s journey. In the start of this three-part story, Usagi becomes embroiled in a puppet drama where the players are not quite what they seem! Written, drawn, and lettered by comics legend Stan Sakai! Colors by Tom Luth (Groo the Wanderer)!
•   The start of an exciting new chapter in the epic ongoing saga of Usagi, now published by IDW! •   Exciting retail incentive variants are offered for the serialized Usagi Yojimbo series for the first time! •   This series will be in all color!
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IDW Comics Shipping List for June 19th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like…
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 27 August 2018
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #4 focuses largely on flashbacks to the case the agents were working before whatever’s currently happening happened and...I’m not really sure of anything that’s going on. I think that’s kind of the point, unsure as to how everything is supposed to connect and what any of it all adds up to. Great art from Goran Sudžuka and Ive Svorcina, though.
| Published by AfterShock
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Beyonders #1 is off to a great start. Between this and The Lost City Explorers, it seems like AfterShock right now has pseudoarchaeology stitched up and it’s wonderful. Paul Jenkins, Wesley St. Claire, and Marshall Dillon kick this one off with a wee bit more crunch, though there’s a very interesting upheaval this issue that will make you wonder what’s going on.
| Published by AfterShock
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Blackwood #4 brings this series to an end and it is dark. Very dark. Evan Dorkin, Veronica & Andy Fish have crafted a wonderful horror story here, with some interesting twists, and one hell of an ending.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Bone Parish #2 takes a deep dive in to some of the foundational moments of the Winters clan, even as they begin to deal with the fallout of one of their dealers dying from an overdose. This is great stuff. The art from Jonas Scharf and Alex Guimarães is incredible. Great detail and atmosphere, perfectly bringing to life the premise and characters from Cullen Bunn.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Brothers Dracul #5 circles back around to the beginning of the story, as we reach the end of this interesting retelling and interpretation of the intersection of both the historical and legendary story of Vlad the Impaler, from Cullen Bunn, Mirko Colak, Maria Santaolalla, and Simon Bowland. There’s an interesting twist here that certainly paints Vlad’s action in a different light, and I hope we see it followed up upon in a second series.
| Published by AfterShock
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Cyber Force #5 is a nice change of pace as Bryan Hill, Matt Hawkins, Atilio Rojo, and Troy Peteri introduce us to another old familiar face. This incarnation of the team definitely is taking its time to be brought together, but when the storytelling is as entertaining and the artwork is as gorgeous as this, it doesn’t really matter. To note, though, this is not the kind of decompression that feels empty or padded, it’s just fleshing out characters and their lives more than what we’ve seen before.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Daredevil Annual #1 presents a standalone story of Misty Knight’s days as a detective and her first meeting with Daredevil. It’s good. It feels a bit more like a pilot for a Misty Knight series than necessarily a Daredevil tale, but, as I said, it’s good. The art from Marcio Takara and Marcelo Maiolo is nice. I really like Takara’s style which gives me hints of Phil Hester, Jim Mahfood, and Tomm Coker.
| Published by Marvel
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Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate #5 is another fun one, with a focus this issue on Boo. I’ve really enjoyed this series, with Jim Zub giving the party a bit of a breather between larger adventures and giving a great look at them as individual characters. Great art, too, including this issue from Francesco Mortarino and Jordi Escuin.
| Published by IDW
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Edge of Spider-Geddon #2 gives us a view into another alternate Spiderverse, circling back around to SP//dr, and giving us a new twist on the power and responsibility rubric and VEN#m. It’s nice to see Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson play with more technological horror, with some incredible artwork from Alberto Alburquerque and Tríona Farrell.
| Published by Marvel
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Euthanauts #2 is a thing of beauty. Nick Robles and Eva De La Cruz are seriously delivering some of the best art in comics right now with this series. The page layouts, character designs, use of colour, and incorporation of lettering choices from Aditya Bidikar, just elevate the storytelling immensely. Not even to mention how Tini Howard is making the weird science seamless in the dialogue. This is great.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Exiles #7 concludes the Old West-ish arc with cowboy T’Challa. Drop dead gorgeous artwork from guest artist Rod Reis. His depiction of the ultimate villain here shows some nice influence from Bill Sienkiewicz.
| Published by Marvel
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Extermination #2 brings the fight to the school, even as the team (and the reader, although it’s not a bad thing) is still confused as to what is really going on. I love this, the tension that Ed Brisson, Pepe Larraz, and Marte Gracia are building is palpable, and the hints of kid!Cable’s actions are chilling. Also, the art is just phenomenal. 
| Published by Marvel
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Harbinger Wars 2 #4 is kind of the end to this, but the ramifications and fallout are all supposed to appear in the Aftermath issue. That being said, Matt Kindt, Tomás Giorello, Renato Guedes, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe go all out for the spectacle in this final confrontation between Livewire and X-O Manowar. It is still kind of insane how Capshaw could possibly consider what GATE and OMEN have done as being “good”, especially in light of Palmer going absolutely batshit insane, but it does lead to interesting set-up for future conflicts.
| Published by Valiant
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Hillbilly: Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond #1 begins the next adventure of the black-eyed tramp. I get a bit of a Beowulf vibe from Eric Powell’s set-up and I’m interested to see where it goes. This series sees Powell passing on the artistic duties to Simone Di Meo, Brennan Wagner, and Warren Montgomery and it’s an interesting visual shift from the washes of Powell’s own work in the original series. I quite like Di Meo’s style, which reminds me a bit of James Harren and Troy Nixey.
| Published by Albatross Funnybooks
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House Amok #1 is something I’m not sure I can describe. It’s kind of a family drama, but if that family were all collectively sharing a hallucinatory experience or delusion. It’s a very interesting concept that’s only partially revealed by Christopher Sebela, Shawn McManus, Lee Loughridge, and Aditya Baker, but it leads to a very compelling start here. Gorgeous artwork from McManus and Loughridge.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends #1, like all four of the Hunt for Wolverine mini-series, is kind of a bit of treading water. I cannot say it or any of the previous series are bad, taken on their own separated from this “event”, they’re usually quite good, but as a whole it’s kind of disappointing. It’s a search for Wolverine that kind of comes up empty, acting as a prequel to the return of Wolverine, despite already having returned in Marvel Legacy and hopped across numerous different titles, before apparently being used for evil, as per throwaway bits in the fourth issues of those previously mentioned minis that didn’t necessarily connect with the plots of those minis. It feels a bit scattered and unnecessary, unfortunately, especially when it comes to comparing notes, coming up with the organization we already knew was behind it, and a bit of hand-waving mystery and grandstanding that still tells us a whole lot of nothing. It’s sound and fury. All of which is a bit of a shame because I otherwise generally enjoy the work of Charles Soule and Ramon Rosanas.
| Published by Marvel
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Isola #5... Just look at the artwork. Karl Kerschl and Msassyk just keep delivering page after page after page of beauty.
| Published by Image
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Jessica Jones #2 reaffirms that this is one of the best things that Marvel is currently publishing, with the next two chapters in this story. Kelly Thompson’s dialogue, narration, and banter throughout this issue is spot on, propulsive, and funny as hell when it needs to be, but what elevates it is that this isn’t your typical talking heads approach. The characters are doing stuff, like hunting sea monsters, instead of sitting at a desk or whatever. It’s a refreshing change that overall just makes this all the better. Not to mention Mattia De Iulis’ stunning artwork. It’s slick and polished with a line style that somewhat reminds me of Paul Gulacy and a bit of Rick Mays, and an approach to shadow and colour similar to Frazer Irving. This is a great series that really shouldn’t be missed.
| Published by Marvel
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Judge Dredd: Under Siege #4 wraps up this entertaining series from Mark Russell, Max Dunbar, Jose Luis Rio, and Shawn Lee. I really like Dunbar’s take on Dredd and the Russell’s idea of people creating their own law in the absence of law is an interesting philosophical counterpoint to the idea of man naturally sliding towards a state of chaos. Even the mutants striving for society is an interesting challenge to the typical idea of things falling apart.
| Published by IDW
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New Mutants: Dead Souls #6 concludes the series with Illyana putting the pieces together for what actually has been going on, it isn’t a pretty picture. This has been a great series from Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Gorham, Michael Garland, and Clayton Cowles and the revelations this issue are heavy. The implications for the X-universe is huge and I want more.
| Published by Marvel
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The New World #2 essentially reveals itself as a romance comic, amidst the ultraviolence and social engineering. Didn’t really see that coming, but it’s an interesting move. Trippy art from Tradd Moore, Heather Moore, and Ludwig Olimba.
| Published by Image
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Paradise Court #2 continues to be an entertaining horror comic from Joe Brusha, Babisu Kourtis, Leonardo Paciarotti, and Taylor Esposito. This gives us the part of the story where our protagonist is experiencing the horror and everyone else is telling her she’s just imagining it, but it’s still well told and well illustrated.
| Published by Zenescope
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons #1 is about as perfect a crossover of two properties as you can get. Morty trying to get into D&D because he thinks it will get him laid is the perfect in to the world of the game and the cartoon, perfectly blending the two for fans of both without alienating or diminishing either. Jim Zub, Patrick Rothfuss, Troy Little, Leonardo Ito, and Robbie Robbins are faithful to both and in doing so deliver a wonderful beginning to this story, that also educates along the way.
| Published by IDW & Oni Press
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Runaways #12 is easily one of the best issues in what has already been an exemplary series. Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Carmagna focus here on forgiveness, acceptance, and second chances, with some truly beautiful character work between Gert & Victor and Nico & Karolina. If you don’t have a giant grin on your face by the end of the issue, I question your humanity.
| Published by Marvel
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Submerged #2 is still weird, very weird, but there’s some really good bits in here demonstrating some of the emotional manipulation that family members sometimes employ. Beautiful, ethereal artwork from Lisa Sterle and Stelladia.
| Published by Vault
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Venom: First Host #1 is somewhat strange to see in light of where Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman have taken the character, but this limited series from Mike Costa, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Clayton Cowles serves as both an interesting addendum to the symbiote’s history and as a continuation (and likely capstone) to the previous creative team’s run. It’s pretty decent.
| Published by Marvel
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Web of Venom: Ve’Nam #1 is a one shot fleshing out the backstory of Rex Strickland and the SHIELD experiment that bonded the early symbiotes to soldiers set loose during the Vietnam War. It’s an entertaining tale with some nice guest stars and sweet art by Donny Cates, Juanan Ramírez, Felipe Sobreiro, and Clayton Cowles. I particularly like the scratchy, faded look in the art to make it look a bit “old”.
| Published by Marvel
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X-23 #3 is great. Mariko Tamaki has nailed the characters and the art from Juann Cabal and Nolan Woodard is incredible. The page designs alone elevate the storytelling immensely.
| Published by Marvel
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The X-Files: Case Files - Hoot Goes There? #2 concludes the second of this new approach of a series of mini-series and it’s...weird? Funny, but weird. Definitely taking a page out of some of the more outlandish episodes of the series, where you question whether or not what you saw happened actually happened. Still, it’s entertaining, which is all that really matters. Fun from Joe and Keith Lansdale, Silvia Califano, Valentina Pinto, and Shawn Lee.
| Published by IDW
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X-Men Blue #34 looks like it largely serves as a capstone to Cullen Bunn’s work with Magneto over the past four years or so, as he winds down his run here and continues to tidy the characters up a bit before he’s done and hands the reins off to the next band of storytellers. It feels like there’s a lot more here that he would have like to have told, but what we get here is still excellent. The hints at the next stage for Magneto and mutantkind are intriguing. Great art from Marcus To and Matt Milla. 
| Published by Marvel
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X-O Manowar #18 gives an interesting transition from this flashback of Aric’s pre-Shanhara life to his return to Earth, focusing on how ideas, people, and culture keeps changing. Matt Kindt delivers a pretty chilling reaction to it. All with some nice artwork from Trevor Hairsine, Brian Thies, and Diego Rodriguez. 
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: Deadpool: Assassin #6, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #255, KINO #9, Marvel Two-in-One #9, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1, Modern Fantasy #3, Moon Knight #198, Ms. Marvel #33, Red Sonja #20, Rick & Morty #41, StarCraft: Scavengers #2, Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing #4, Star Wars: Poe Dameron Annual #2, Star Wars Adventures #13, TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #5, Wayward #28, X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis #2
Recommended Collections: 2021 - Volume 1, 30 Days of Night, Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack - Volume 1, Black Cloud - Volume 2: No Return, DuckTales Classics - Volume 1, Eugenic, Factory, Femme Magnifique, I Hate Fairyland - Volume 4, James Bond: Hammerhead, Judas, Killer Instinct, Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses - Volume 2
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d. emerson eddy is not the very model of a modern major general. Nor a scientist salarian for that matter.
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Angel With A Warm Home (Angst/Fluff?)
IDW!Raphael x reader
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A/N: Taking place after unmutated Raph gets separated from Splinter and his brothers, and just before he overhears the fight between Casey and his father.
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Warnings: Hunger, homelessness.
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His stomach rumbled as he dug through the trash, looking for something to eat. Anything at all. He just needed to eat. He did not care what it was. Leftover Chinese food, a half rotten tomato. Heck, he would even eat the soggy last few bits of an old salat. He just needed something!
Digging through the dumpster, he felt a slight dispersion build up inside of him, mumbling to himself as he jumped into the dumpster, in order to look further down. “C’mon. C’mon…” He pushed a filled plastic bag to the side, finding the corner of a discarded pizza box poke out beneath the trash. “Bingo!”
Excited to finally eat, he pulled the pizza box from the trash with a big smile, opening with a small dance of his shoulders. “Dinner is served”.
But the disappointment came, as he found the pizza box filled with nothing but grease and crumbs. “Damn”, he sighed, his shoulders slumping. “This ain’t gonna cut it”. With that he dropped the pizza box back into the dumpster, before he jumped out of the trash, landing with his feet on the pavement of the dark alleyway.
“Okay…”, he muttered to himself, tugging his hood closer around his face as the wind took a hold of his coat. At the mouth of the alleyway, he looked around, making out the two story houses on the other side of the street. “What’s next?”
Under the dim light of the full moon, he rushed over the street to the nearest townhouse, his eyes locked on the trashcan out in front, by the small path leading up to the front door.
Looking through the trash, he finally found what he was looking for. Food! The leftovers of a lasagna, probably from the day before. It was cold, but it did not matter. Food is food, and at that moment, that was all he needed. Hungrily eating what he found, he looked up in sudden panic when the light behind the front door turned on. Quickly, he ran to the hedge that separated the small front gardens, watching through the leaves as you walked out the front door, standing in the front step.
Your eyes scanned the street, all while he shivered behind the hegde. You were beautiful with soft human features. It caused him to look down on his big green three fingered hands, once again wondering why he had to be what he was. Why was he this strange creature, in a world of humans? It was scary. The last fifteen months had been horrible, and he still did not know how he ended up on the street in the first place.
Your eyes scanned the world outside your home, until they landed on the bush he was hiding behind. He hoped that you couldn’t see him, and that the only reason you kept staring at the bush was because you watched how the wind moved the leaves, and not his shivering and hungry form. But then you spoke.
“If you’re hungry, I can make you something to eat”, you called out, still looking at the hedge. He did not move, fearing that he had misheard you, and this was just his mind playing tricks on him. A beautiful human that offered him food. That couldn’t be real. Not after all the humans he had encountered had ran away in fear at the sight of his green skin.
“It’s okay”, you called out with a friendly smile. “I’m not mad at you. If you’re looking through my trash, you’re probably hungry, and I don’t mind making something for you”.
How could you be so nice to a stranger? You had not yet seen his skin, yet you stood outside in the cold, with no coat, sweater or jacket, to cover your tank top and joggers. Were you an angel of some sort?
He sighed. This might be his only chance of getting something to eat, that was rotten from the bottom of a dirty trash can. So with slow movements, he stood from behind the hedge, doing everything in his power to seem non threatening. As he moved away from the hedge, his two toed feet and lower half of his plastron now visible for you, he expected you to scream. He expected you to yell at him, telling him to get as far away from you as possible, before locking yourself in your house. But you didn’t. At the sight of him, you lifted your eyebrows in surprise, but you never looked fearful. You stayed calm, studying him, your eyes meeting his before you shut him a crooked smile.
“Does pasta sound good?”, you asked, gesturing towards your front door.
“That sounds more than good”, he answered, his mouth watering at the thought of finally eating some good food.
None of you spoke as you ate. Not that you felt uncomfortable. No, you had decided not to speak as he spoke, finally letting him satisfy the hunger that had been paining him for months, only keeping it at bay with the small food scraps he had been able to find on the street.
As he finished yet another plate, you got ready to fill him another one, but he stopped you, holding a hand up.
“I never thought I would say it, but I’m actually full”, he said, smiling for the first time in a long while.
You smiled at him, happy that the food had done him good, before taking both of your plates to the kitchen, loading them into the dishwasher. When you came back to the table, he was still sitting there, giving you a small smile as you came back in.
“So”, you started, returning his smile as you took a seat once more. “Do you mind me asking what your name is?”
His smile faltered, his eyes going blank. He hadn’t thought about that before. In the past fifteen months, he had never once thought about his name. All he had been wondering about was what happened to him, no memory of a time before the fifteen months.
“I- I don’t know”, he answered, his eyes falling onto the table where he started playing with his own fingers. “I’ve never thought about that, actually”.
Your smile disappeared as well, a concerned look washing over your eyes. You noticed how he suddenly seemed uneasy, his hands fidgeting on the flat surface of the table. You reached over, resting your hands on top of his in a comforting gesture. This caused him to freeze, staring at your hand on his. Never had a human felt comfortable enough to touch him, and never had he known how much heat human skin gave. Your hand was nice and soft, and he fought the urge to hold it.
“It’s okay”, you told him, unaware of his thought of holding your hand. “We’ll figure it out at one point”.
“We?”, he asked, looking confused.
“Yes, we”, you confirmed, giving his hand a small squish. “I’m assuming you don’t have a place to stay, so if you’re okay with it, I’ll let you stay in my guest room”.
He was almost floored, his mouth falling agape as he stared at you. Never had a human been so nice to him, and never had he thought that a beautiful human like you would invite him into your home, feed him warm food, and then offer up a room for him.
“Would you really let me do that?”, he asked in a whisper, almost not trusting his voice at the thought of a warm place to stay.
“If I wouldn’t then I wouldn’t bring it up”, you chuckled, letting go of his hand in order to stand up. He looked at his hand a little disappointed, wishing you would hold them again, warming them up like before.
He followed you up the stairs to the guest bedroom, waiting as you opened the door and showed him around.
“Here’s the bed, as you can see”, you said, making room so he could come in as well. “The heater, a desk, a closet. I don’t have any clothes in the closet tho”.
“That’s okay”, he said, pulling out at his coat. “I’ll make do”.
“If you say so”, you smiled, before moving out of the bedroom, pointing down the short hallway, showing him the bathroom.
That night he slept well for the first time in fifteen months. He dreamt about turtles and a rat, along with a large scary cat, that dragged him away from the others. But before this nightmare could turn any worse, he dreamt of a warm hand holding his own, along with your beautiful smile as you chuckled. He dreamt of you eating good food together, before spending time together, doing nothing but talking and hugging. You were not a bit scared of his shell, three fingered hands or his green skin. No, you hugged him as if it did not bother you one bit, at one point even resting your head against his plastron. And when the morning came around, seeing the golden light of the sun in through his window, he realized how fast his heart was beating at the thought of you, along with how excited he was to see you again. You were truly an angel. An angel with a warm home.
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smashpages · 6 years
Nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards announced
Comic-Con International has announced the nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards, presented annually in San Diego at the convention.
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris each received five nominations across various categories; other comics with multiple nominations included Mister Miracle, Black Hammer, The Flintstones, Grass Kings, Eartha and Hawkeye.
Check out the complete list of nominees below.
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix) “Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!) ”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), https://ift.tt/2I41VPy “Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant) “Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox) Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse) Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books) The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics) What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse) Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box) Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel) Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC) X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel) Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios) Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image) Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image) Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books) Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow) Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books) Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books) Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia) Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf) Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel) Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House) Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia) Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly) Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press) A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow) Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press) Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts) Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW) Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press) Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics) Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow) The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence) Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly) Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image) H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse) Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse) Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW) FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero) Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic) The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics) Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon) Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media) My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon) Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics) Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Ito translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel) Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press) Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books) Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press) Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha) Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW) The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC) Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant) Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image) Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image) Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow) Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics) Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse) Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia) David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic) EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM) Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW) Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image) Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal) Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image) Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel) David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image) Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image) Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse) John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorok (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows) The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics) Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows) PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids) How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group) How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics) Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk) Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi) Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press) Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press) Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press) Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha) Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel) Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology) Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate) The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant) Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm) Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideon Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates) Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital) Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon) Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com (Oni Press) Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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starwarsnewsit · 6 years
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
New Post has been published on http://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/04/27/eisner-awards-2018-star-wars/
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
Eisner Awards 2018. Verrà assegnato a breve uno dei premi più importanti del panorama fumettistico. Quest’anno tra le varie nomination c’è anche qualcosa legata a Star Wars, ma veramente poco…
Eisner Awards 2018 – Tutte le nomination
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix)
“Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!)
”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), http://magazine.columbia.edu/features/summer-2017/life-comics?page=0,0
“Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant)
“Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox)
Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse)
Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books)
The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics)
What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box)
Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel)
Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel)
Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios)
Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image)
Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image)
Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books)
Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow)
Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books)
Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books)
Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia)
Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf)
Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House)
Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia)
Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press)
A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow)
Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press)
Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts)
Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW)
Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press)
Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)
Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow)
The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence)
Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image)
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse)
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW)
FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero)
Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics)
Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media)
My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon)
Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics)
Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Itotranslated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel)
Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press)
Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha)
Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW)
The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC)
Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image)
Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image)
Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow)
Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, The Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics)
Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse)
Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia)
David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW)
Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal)
Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel)
David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image)
Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse)
John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorak (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics)
Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes
Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows)
PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids)
How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group)
How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics)
Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk)
Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi)
Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press)
Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press)
Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press)
Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha)
Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel)
Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology)
Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant)
Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm)
Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideo Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates)
Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital)
Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon)
Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com
Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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nostalgiaheroturtle · 4 years
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures issue 48-50. Published by Archie Comics.
September 1993
Main story: Out Of The Blue (Into The Black) Plot Chris Allan & Dean Clarrain. Written by Clarrain, illustrated by Allan.
October 93
Main: The Dream Of The Blue Turtle. Written by Clarrain, illustrated by Allan
November 93
Main: Kill Them! Written by Clarrain, illustrated by Allan.
Back Up Stories: Mighty Mutanimals: Megadeath pt. 1-3
Written by Clarrain & Ryan Brown illustrated by Jim Lawson.
These issue comprise the 'Black Hole Trilogy' story. These were completely skipped in the UK, as Fleetway, who published the Turtles Archie comics, were intending to cancel the comic line for the 2nd time, so didn't want to end the comic's on a cliffhanger, so missed this entire arc, so to finish the UK Turtles Adventures with a self contained story.
These 3 issues are available in the IDW Turtles Adventures reprint, volume 11, published in 2016.
The backup stories are the initial 3 parts of the infamous Megadeath story, which continued the story of the Mighty Mutanimals, after their own comic had been cancelled & a few appearances by the characters in various spin-off comics over the summer of 93.
The main story continues where the previous issue ended, with the Turtles & Ninjara taking a 'vacation' with Sarnath in Dimension X. They find out why Cudley abandoned them in Brazil, as the planets in Dimension X are under threat of been destroyed by an expanding black hole. Fair enough, but as a lot has happened since that time in the comics, it suggests Cudley & those in Dimension X have been slow to react to a situation that now requires drastic evacuation of neighbouring planets.
There's an unexpected return of the Turnstone & the mysterious Sons Of Silence, associated with it, in a storyline seemingly concluded 3 years earlier.
This does tie up a lot of loose ends, many readers didn't initially think were loose, in a dark sci-fi tale.
#teenagemutantheroturtles #tmnt #donatello #teenagemutantninjaturtles #90s #leonardo
#ninjaturtles #heroturtles #ninjara #tmntcomics #jimlawson #90sthrowback #turtlepower #tmht #archiecomics
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comic-watch · 6 years
Donatello has taken the experimental Venom that Baxter Stockman developed for Bane. Splinter is in Bad shape, and A Rampaging Donnie may be the last hope to solve the deteriorating Venom Formula.
Cover A
  Cover B
BATMAN/TMNT 2 # 5 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Freddie Williams II Colorist: Jeremy Colwell Letterer: Tom Napolitano Cover Artist: Freddie Williams II & Jeremy Colwell Variant Cover: Kevin Eastman & Tomi Varga Editors: Jim Chadwick Asst. Editor: Liz Erickson Publisher: DC Comics and IDW Comics
What You Need to Know: Bane has taken over New York, he has the Foot Clan under his boot heel. After a terrible battle that the Turtles and Batman barely escaped from, Splinter was brutalized by Bane and is in critical condition. The Turtles escape but the damage has been done.
Donatello seems to take this harder than most and he decides to test the Venom on himself and become strong enough to take down the Foot and Bane on his own.
Batman and Leonardo try to calm his Rage, but Donatello is succumbing to the effects of the Venom.
What You’ll Find Out: Master Splinter was gravely injured by Bane. Raph takes care of him, but the prognosis is not good. Robin takes this opportunity to apologize. He started the battle that ended with Master Splinter being hurt. He tells Raph that he was raised to embrace his anger and rage by the Assassins that raised him, and that it is a struggle within to control that rage. Raph can relate, but Robin has an idea to save Splinter. They will open the Portal and take him to the Lazarus Pit below Gotham.
What Just Happened? Their plan of action set April and Casey prepare the portal, with guidance from Batgirl and Nightwing. They know that there’s a chance that Splinter will return with the Madness of the Lazarus Pitt. Batgirl and Nightwing are on hand, but they are all hoping that they will not need to stop a Ninjitsu Master the Caliber of Splinter.
Meanwhile, Batman and Leo are attempting to Calm Down Donnie. They are trying to reach the Scientist inside the muscle monster. They show Donatello the degrading Venom Formula, Batman tells him that the very formula that he took is unstable. They finally Breakthrough and Donnie tells them he can create an antidote.
The Lazarus Pitt works and Splinter returns. He takes the madness of the Pitt out of the army of Ninja Manbats that were sleeping in the Cave. Splinter Credits his ability to overcome this with his Zen Meditation (boy was he Scary!).
Bane enacts his Plan to Take over the city of New York. He plans to weed out the strong and control the populace with his synthetic Venom formula. Donatello still in his Hulking form, demonstrates the effects of his anti-Venom on himself.
Now with their Plan in place and the means to put an end to Bane’s reign of terror, the team discusses the one thing that will finish bane as the leader of the Foot Clan. With his defeat, they know that they will only follow someone who is stronger. Batman travels to Ryker’s Island to find the one man who the Foot Would follow in lieu of Bane. Oroku Saki, the Shredder.
Rating: 9 / 10 Final Thought: This story starts out with several emotional problems that the characters are going through and builds its way through a combination of action and family dynamics. It deals with loss, Inadequacies, and self-loathing. Enough that it is incredibly juicy and deep while holding the attention of the reader with the artwork. What a tremendous team of Tynion and Williams! They set the standards for TMNT and push the characters to their moral limits, just to keep us entertained. This gives us a glimpse of the characters in lights that we have never experienced before, and that is what keeps these two franchise’s both innovative and fresh. This is a great comic series, and if you have any love for either, I highly recommend reading this story.
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REVIEW: Donatello has taken the experimental Venom that Baxter Stockman developed for Bane. Splinter is in Bad shape, and A Rampaging Donnie may be the last hope to solve the deteriorating Venom Formula. Donatello has taken the experimental Venom that Baxter Stockman developed for Bane. Splinter is in Bad shape, and A Rampaging Donnie may be the last hope to solve the deteriorating Venom Formula.
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Why They Fell In Love With You
IDW!Turtles x reader
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Leo was drawn to your unwavering determination and sense of responsibility. Your dedication to justice and helping others mirrored his own values. Your compassion and understanding during his moments of self-doubt and frustration made him realize that you were not just a partner in crime-fighting or daily life struggles, but a pillar of strength that he could lean on. Your shared commitment to the greater good and the way you inspired him to be a better leader made him fall for you, appreciating the depth and character you brought to his life.
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Raph found himself drawn to your strength and resilience, along with your sarcastic comments that was almost as sharp as his own. Your determination to stand up for what you believed in, even in the face of adversity, resonated with him deeply. Your courage inspired him to confront his own fears and vulnerabilities. He admired the way you faced challenges head-on, and your unwavering loyalty to those you cared about made him feel a profound connection. In your presence, he found solace and a sense of belonging, realizing that you were not just a partner in battles but the anchor that kept him grounded.
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Your intellect and curiosity captivated Donatello from the beginning. Your endless questions and fascination with technology sparked his own enthusiasm, making every conversation with you a delightful exploration of ideas. He admired your quick wit and problem-solving skills, and the way you embraced the intricacies of the world around you. As he witnessed your passion for learning, he found himself enamored by the way your mind worked, realizing that you were not just a companion but a brilliant soul that complemented his own thirst for knowledge. And the fact that would make him coffee was a great bonus.
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Mikey fell for your infectious joy and love for life. Your laughter was like music to his ears, and your ability to find joy in the simplest things brought a new light to his world. Your playfulness and willingness to join him in spontaneous adventures made every moment with you feel like a celebration. He cherished the way you embraced the present, and your positive outlook on life made him appreciate the beauty in the little things. Your warmth and the way you made him smile even in the darkest moments made him realize he couldn't imagine his life without you and your pretty smile.
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Visions Of The Past
IDW!Leonardo x reader
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I’ve not read all of the IDW comics, but I’ve read enough to know about their past lives, and to be honest, I LOVE IT! But also so sad omg😭
Made it with Leo, because he can remember parts of their past life.
Warnings: Spelling, mentions and description of death and loss of loved ones. Angst?
Leonardo found himself remembering the past his father talked about in glimpses. It was never a full memory he could control, nor was it something he could truly place in time. But he did feel things when he remembered. When he was sitting alone at home, he could remember a time that was peaceful. It was the closest thing he would ever come to a childhood, and it was so long ago.
Leo could remember the small faces of his brothers, and the games they would play in their little house. He remembers his father coming home in his armor, greeting them with a smile and a big hug. And he remembered the face of a woman he called mother. A face that still made him feel safe in his new life. Her dark hair, soft eyes and big smile. She cared for them, all the time, every day. She bathed them. Leo could remember the love he felt when she bathed him, while he played with the bubbles in the water. Her hugs were warm and her voice was soft. She had called him and his brothers by a name that he no longer could remember.
Leonardo did spend more time than he would like to admit, remembering those days. Back when he had five fingers instead of only three, and black hair instead of green scales. But that also meant reliving that night. The clearest of his memories from that time. He could remember that his father wasn’t home that night, as his mother tugged him and his brother in to sleep. She had told them stories and played with his hair, calming him until he fell asleep. He then remembered walking up to the sound of voices, and seeing it as it was happening. It happened so fast, and even to that day, it still hurt him to think about it. His beautiful mother on the floor, her eyes live less and her blood on the floor planks. The face that had loved him, drained of life, staring back at him.
The next moments had always been a blur for Leonardo. His father had made it home, and slain the people that had killed his mother. He remembered grabbing his youngest brother in his arms, before running with his father out into the night, carrying his two other brothers.
The following time was yet another blur for Leo. A patch work of glimpses and pictures like frames. Nature, training, his brothers, his father. These glimpses usually came in dreams, with sounds, no names, just a memory playing for a few seconds.
Then, one night in his sleep, he saw a new face. A kind face. A pretty face. He would go as far as to say it was prettier than his mother’s. She smiled, laughed and took his five fingered hand. Leo’s eyes snapped open, with her laugh still ringing in his ears. It made his stomach tingle and his hands sweat. That laugh excited him, but it also made him scared.
For several nights he saw her face and heard her laugh. She trained with him, helped him take care of his brothers when his father wasn’t there to help, and walked with him in the meadows. At times she would hold his hands in hers. Leo would then wake up with the feeling of her hand in his, but when he looked down, it looked nothing like the hand she had held in his dreams.
In the meadows the sun would dance on her skin, and at night the stars would sparkle in her eyes. He said things to her that made her smile, or even made her try to hide a blush. Leo wondered what he had told her, and he wished he could tell her again. He liked her face when she blushed.
Leo had often wondered if he should ask Master Splinter about her. Did he remember her? Did he know her name? Or was that forgotten like their old names was?
Then one night, he had a dream different from any of the others. It was him and her, laying together in the meadow, staring at the stars above. They held onto each other, as they pointed out things they saw in the sky. He looked at her while she talked and pointed, happiness dancing in her eyes. She noticed him staring and looked back at him with a smile and tinted cheeks. They got closer and he closed his eyes, but he felt something soft being pressed against his lips. They pulled back, looking at each other for some time before leaning back in for another kiss. Had he only known that was the last time he saw her…
The next morning Oroku Saki had followed his father home to their hiding place. Bound and kneeling with his brothers in front his father, Leo showed no emotion. No fear. He did not want Oroku Saki to think his father had raised a coward to lead the Hamato clan. But as their fate became imminent, and his brothers started to cry, Leo started to think of her. He wanted her to be the last thing on his mind, before Oroku Saki would take his life. How he wished he could have seen her one more time. Hold her tight and tell her how much he loved her. He had dreamed of living with her the same way his father had lived with his mother; in love with many children.
He did not cry when the blade landed upon his neck, slicing his head clean of his body. Instead it was her laughter ringing in his ears.
When Leo woke up, he wanted to cry. And so he did. He found a place he could be left alone by his friends and family, before bawling his eyes out. Oroku Saki had taken so much away from him. His mother, his former life, her… There had been times where Leo wished he couldn’t remember, and this was one of those times. It hurt to remember, and it hurt to think of what happened to her. Did Oroku Saki know of her? Did he find her and killed her because of her ties to the Hamato clan? To him. Did she look for him at the hiding place, only to be met by his and his family's decapitated bodies?
As time went on, more questions started forming in Leo’s head. If Oroku Saki didn’t kill her, did she move one? Did she find a man that could take care of her the way he wished he could have done it, and raised the children he dreamed of having with her? Was she happy with him? Did she love him more than she ever loved him? Did she think of him while watching her children grow?
These thoughts made it burn in his heart and stomach. He thought of both outcomes as horrible, but he couldn’t escape it. He just couldn’t stop thinking about her. As Leo and his brothers traveled across the rooftops of New York City, he kept seeing her face in the eye of his mind. Her eyes shining when she looked at him, and her hair flowing in the wind - BANG!
“Leo!”, his brothers yelled, running to the edge of the roof, watching him lying confused in the dumpster he had fallen into.
“Are you okay bro?”, Mikey asked.
“Y- yeah. I’m fine…” Leo sat up in the dumpster, rubbing his aching head, looking to the street at the end of the ally. His heart almost stopped. There, on the other side of the street, by the street light with a phone in her hand. It was her face. Her smile. And as she leaned her head back, laughing at whatever she had seen on the screen of her phone. Leo wanted to cry. He wanted to run to her, and hug her the way he dreamed of before he died. It was her.
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