#if I'm wrong about any of these ummm ... take me out back and shoot me
gnpwdrnwhiskey · 1 year
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Pairing- Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels x f!reader
WC- 450-ish
Warnings- ummm, I don't think there's anything really? let me know if I'm wrong...
A/N- so @wildemaven-prompts dropped the mood board for this week and I was like yeah, I got nothing and three days later my brain said here, write whatever this is.
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You hate it here in the city. The apartment they put you up in is okay, befitting the pay grade of a secretary in a clandestine agency such as yours (what a waste of your skills but needs must you suppose) but it's small and cramped and the only view the tiny balcony (fire escape) provides is of the building next to yours. You miss the mountains and the fresh air and seeing the damn stars at night.
And they've sent you here to investigate an absolute tool. You hope he's up to something just on general principle and a gnawing desire to see him taken down a peg.
You'd walked into his office the first day and he'd leered at you, arms crossed behind his head as he leaned back in his chair, booted feet propped on the corner of his desk, not even bothering to stand to greet you.
He'd called you three different pet names in just about as many sentences before he dismissed you from his office and you were wondering if was possible to physically hurt yourself from the effort it took to not roll your eyes at him. Or if maybe you could make yourself a statistic of the big city and find some one to shoot you and put you out of your misery.
Everything about him irritated you. His jeans were too short, his boots were too shiny, his accent is the worst thing you've ever heard in your life and if he'd ever actually spent any time on a ranch and roped anything with that fancy lasso of his, you'd eat your fucking hat.
He was also mind-numbingly gorgeous and you immediately hated yourself for thinking it because it was beyond obvious he knew it too if his cocky little smirk is anything to go by.
Three weeks later he's taking up entirely too much room in your bed, arms wrapped around the pillow, broad shoulders and strong back on full display while you sit up smoking. The sheet is bunched up around his narrow hips and you fight the urge to reach out and trace the dip in his spine, you don't want to wake him.
You're still not sure how you ended up here, how he managed to get this close to you. Maybe it was the first time he slipped up and dropped the ridiculous fake accent, maybe it was when he gave you a real smile instead of a smirk and a leer.
It doesn't matter really, there's only one thing left for you to do. You stub out your cigarette and grab your cell, sending an encrypted text back to headquarters.
"I'm compromised."
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shorty-tolentino · 7 months
Depressive Episode
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I know the title is a little serious, but I'm pretty sure I had one yesterday and I guess this is what I wish I had if I was in a relationship.
Let's get to know our characters a bit:
Maria- Maria is me, I guess. Whenever I wanted to write a story and I wanted to insert myself into it, I'd always end up using just enough of my name so I can separate myself from the story if I wanted to or imagine that it was me because it was close enough to my name. So if you want to imagine it's you, you can do that too.
Seven- the number seven is considered to be the "perfect" number, so Seven is who I've always imagined to be the perfect guy. You can imagine Seven as being whoever you want though, that's the beauty of imagination.
Kylo- I've always wanted a Doberman Pinscher named Kylo. That's all, lol.
Summary: Maria's disappeared for a couple of days and it's stressing our boy Seven out. After a few phone calls, he decides to show up at her house to see what's going on.
Word count: 2.2k+
Warnings: character A has a depressive episode, character B doesn't know what to do
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She didn’t mean to have one. These kinds of thing just sneak up on you sometimes.
Sometimes she'll go a day or two without contact, that happens. But Maria normally shoots Seven a text saying she's alright and that she's been busy, so when she hadn’t answered his calls or texts after about four days, Seven knew something was wrong.
<Have you heard from Maria lately?> <<No. I’m actually a little worried about her. She doesn’t normally go this long without saying something>> <do you know if she’s home?> <<I don’t. Maybe call one of her siblings, they might know>>
He was at work and he had half a mind to just up and leave. It’s been harder to see each other since they both stopped working in the same department. Her coworkers said that she called out the past two days and because of damn HIPPA they can’t tell him why.
‘Maybe she’s just sick…like…really sick’ that thought didn’t do any good for him either. Maria never got sick. So the thought of her practically dying in bed because she simply wouldn’t ask anyone for help stressed him out even more.
“Hello?” Two siblings later, her youngest brother answered his phone.
“Hey, bud. Would you happen to know if Maria is at home?”
“Ummm, I think so. She hasn’t asked us to take care of Kylo so I don’t see why she wouldn’t be”
That’s right, if she wasn’t able to take care of Kylo for whatever reason, she would ask Seven or her family to take care of her precious Doberman.
“Ok. Thanks, man”
“No problem”
So she was probably at home. Seven just had to make it through the rest of the day and then pass by her townhouse to check on her.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Maria? Baby? You home?” He heard her dog huff and his collar jingle as he approached the door.
“Kylo, buddy. It’s me, Seven” he heard Kylo sniff the door and whine. Probably in excitement that Seven was visiting. The jingle of his collar sounded as if it was going away from the door. After a minute or two, Seven got impatient and called Maria.
No answer.
Did he do something wrong? He did a mental check, no anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays that passed as far as he knows. And they hadn’t gotten into any arguments.
He started looking for her hidden house key. But then he remembered that she gave it to him and so he started looking through his set of keys to find the right one.
Just as he was about to slide the key into the keyhole, the door slowly creaked open.
He sighed in relief. She was alive.
But his relief was short lived. Maria’s face was red and her eyes were puffy, like she’d been crying.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Seven..” she choked out as she started to cry again, he immediately wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest. He walked her back into the townhouse and closed the door. He picked her up and settled in the couch cradling her as she continued to cry.
She eventually calmed down, and he wiped her tears away with the sleeve of his sweater.
“Wanna talk about it?” She just sniffled and fumbled with the sleeves of her hoodie. Well, his hoodie, he didn’t even realize he was missing it.
“Hey. Can you look at me?” He lifted her chin up so they made eye contact. It scared him for a moment because her eyes looked…vacant. Like she was far far away from him rather than just a couple inches away. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’ll always be here for you. Even if-“ he took a quick breath in cause he was afraid to say it, “-even if something happens between us”
It was like those were the magic words to take her out of her trance. He watched a little spark of life come back into her eyes and she gave him a weak, but small smile.
“Nothing’s happening between us. The void really got me the past couple of days”   Seven looked confused.
“The void?” Maria took a deep breath and wiped her nose.
“Um..yeah. That’s what I call it. I guess I should’ve told you about it before but it’s um..it’s depression.” Oh.
That makes a lot more sense now.
Maria looked tired. Like just talking to him was taking so much effort out of her.
“I see. That’s why you haven’t been answering my calls?” She nodded. Kylo came up whining and put his head in her lap. She pet him slowly.
“Yeah..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was just…hard. Everything is hard right now. I just want to lay in bed and stare at the wall” that vacant look went back into her eyes. Seven hated to see her like this. He felt so powerless. His girl was hurting and there was nothing that he could do.
“What can I do? How can I help?” She leaned against his chest and took a deep breath. It looks like she was listening to his heartbeat.
“Can you just…hold me?” That he could do. He’d quit his job and hold her all day and all night if she asked him to.
“Of course, baby. You still got an extra change of clothes here for me?” She nodded. “Can I change real quick and come back? I want you to be comfortable”
“Yeah. It’s in my dresser, top right drawer” he stood up and gently placed her on the couch. She curled up into a little ball and Kylo jumped up on the couch to cuddle with her.
“Good boy, Kylo. I’ll be right back, honey” he gave her a kiss on the head and hurried upstairs to change.
His clothes were right where she said they were. He noticed that his scent was beginning to fade and hers was taking over as he slipped the tshirt over his head. After folding his clothes and placing it on one of her hampers, he jogged downstairs, stopping by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and refilling hers before picking her up again and getting comfortable on the couch.
She looked like she had cried again. He kissed her forehead and allowed both her and Kylo to settle themselves around him.
“Do you wanna watch something?” She shook her head.
“No, but you can if you want” he turned the tv on, lowered the volume, and played a compilation from her favorite game play channel.
“I’m just gonna leave this on in the background. Is that ok?” She nodded and sniffled.
“Yeah, that’s ok” he leaned forward and grabbed her water bottle.
“I promise this is the last thing ’m gonna ask you for now, ok? Can you drink some water for me?” He held the straw up to her lips and she took a couple sips.
“That’s my girl. Ok, I’ll leave you alone now” she sat across his lap and he had one arm wrapped around her back and another went between holding her legs and scratching Kylo behind the ears.
After about half an hour, Maria just stood up and stretched.
“I’ll be back, I have to use the bathroom” she said, and slowly shuffled the restroom,  the door softly closing behind her. Kylo followed her and sat right outside the door. He was overprotective of Maria, so no doubt he was on high alert because of her mood.
Seven stretched on the couch. He could bench press more than Maria weighed, but sitting in the same position for an extended period of time makes your joints all stiff.
He heard the toilet flush and the sink run. Kylo stood up when the door opened and was right there for Maria to pet when she stepped out. When she got to Seven, she just stood there for a moment and he faintly heard her stomach growling.
“When was the last time you ate?” She shrugged.
“I don’t remember. Maybe this morning..or maybe it was yesterday” Seven stood up and cupped her face in his hands.
“I know you probably don’t want to, but I have to get something in your stomach. Will you try for me?” She slowly blinked and nodded.
“Yeah..I can try” she said quietly. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Awesome. I’ll see what you got”
After giving her a couple of options, she decided on some instant ramen. As he was nuking it in the microwave, she got up and shuffled to the kitchen and poured some dog food into Kylo’s bowl. He pushed some hair out of her face and leaned down a little to look at her.
“Hey there, cutie” he gave her a small smile. A corner of her mouth lifted up.
“Hi” she said softly. It was quiet for a beat and she motioned towards Kylo’s bowl. “That was the only thing getting me out of bed these past couple of days”
Seven’s heart hurt. He wished he could just make her stop feeling this way.
“Baby, it’s really hard for me to see you like this. Can we talk about it, maybe figure out what else I can do? When you’re ready, of course” she nodded and bunched the sleeves of the hoodie in her hands.
“Yeah, I can talk about it” he had a flicker of hope. When the microwave beeped, he carefully took the food out, grabbed a fork, and made his way to the couch. Maria sat cross legged next to him and he rolled some noodles on the fork, blew it gently and offered it to her.
“I can do it myself”
“I know, but let me help you. Please?” She smiled and opened her mouth. “So, tell me more about this”
“Umm, well. It’s one of those things that kind of catches you out of nowhere. Sometimes I can pick up signs on when I’m gonna have an episode, but this one didn’t have any.” He just listened quietly, continuing his task of rolling and feeding. This way he could made sure that she ate something. Knowing her when she gets upset, she might just pick at the food.
“So the episode started when? Four days ago?”
“Yeah..I was hoping I could snap out of it by Tuesday, but it took everything out of me to get out of bed so I just called out sick.”
“Hm” he said pensively.
“I know I should’ve said something. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
“It’s ok. Four days I think is the longest you’ve gone without talking to me in a while. We don’t see each other at work anymore, so I think I got a little more freaked out than I should’ve” she shook her head.
“No, I think it was appropriate” he quirked his head as something in his mind clicked.
“Did you take forever to open the door cause you didn’t have any pants on?” She gave him a sheepish look.
“Maybe..” he quickly kissed her cheek.
“You are so adorable, yknow that?” She just looked off to the side. “I’m serious. I don’t tell you enough, but I’m really lucky to have you. You’re so special to me” Seven saw tears pool in her eyes.
“You’re special to me too” her bottom lip wobbled. He set the ramen down and kissed her deeply. Pouring everything he can’t put into words in that kiss.
When they pulled apart, he wiped the tears that had fallen.
“Done eating?” He asked, feeling his stomach rumbling a little.
“Yeah, you can have the rest” He finished off the food as Maria curled in a little ball on the couch again and watched the tv.
“Maria, how did you deal with depression before?”
“When it used to be real bad, I didn't really do anything. Then I learned about it some more, even got a stinking degree in psychology, and learned how to take care of myself. Sometimes I fall back into old habits like this time.” He set the empty cup down and leaned back into the couch. He reached out and stretched Maria’s legs over his lap and stroking them softly.
“Hm. Would you be able to let me know if this happens to you again? I want to help so at the very least you don’t go days without eating.” She looked at him.
“I’ll try my best”
“That’s all I can ask for, baby” he grabs her hand and kisses her fingers.
“Where were you when this was worse” she sniffled.
“I’m here now. I’ll always be here” he couldn’t explain why this happened to her but one things for sure, he was going to help her through it. She would later on send him some articles and blogs about depression, symptoms, how to support and he studied them like he had to take a final exam on them. He even did some his own research and went as far as asking some of Maria’s psychology friends about it.
She was feeling better by that time the following week, coming back to her usual bubbly self. By the end of that week, it was like she had never experience sadness before in her life. She hadn’t realized it, but this had made Seven so much more protective of her. He never thought the person that he would describe as sunshine incarnate could experience such a violent and consuming darkness.
Maria was embarrassed for Seven to see her like that. 'The void' as she likes to call it has been a problem for years now at this point. She's been able to manage it on her own so far. Kylo has unintentionally become more than just a guard dog, more emotional support dog than anything at this point. She doesn't know what she did to get so lucky because now she's got not only one protector from the void, but two.
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A/N: So how we feeling after this?
Hopefully this doesn't trigger anyone. If anything, I'm hoping some people can relate.
Depression is nothing to be ashamed about, and even though Maria mentions getting a degree in psychology, that doesn't mean you need to get one to understand depression and how to take care of yourself or others.
If you feel like you've been dealing with depression, it's ok to get help. And if you don't feel comfortable, maybe find someone you can talk to about it. In my experience, talking to *someone* is a good first step in helping yourself.
I'm going to leave a couple resources about depression if you want to check them out.
Unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath and a sip of water and finally-remember, your feelings are valid.
-shorty 🤍
What is Depression?: https://youtu.be/z-IR48Mb3W0?si=EUlO3b4cwz8Atm5l
How to help someone with depression: https://youtu.be/UQCzR17HE0w?si=a33z92c68IvPbcn9
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
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katiea03 · 3 years
hellu! a friend led me to your account and i wanted to req smth right away! i'm a girl who loves hurt comfort so can you do smth with tsukki and kenma where reader doesn't like sitting on their lap or getting carried because she doesn't want to squish them?? thanks bby ❤
❣︎Reader Scared To Sit On Their Lap❣︎
Thx you sm for the request! This one hit home as this is lowkey a insecurity I have but I had a lot of fun writing it! 👁👅👁
❣︎Warnings❣︎: Weight,suggestive
❣︎Genre❣︎: Hurt/comfort, lil fluff
❣︎Featuring❣︎: Tsukishima, Kenma, Oikawa
❣︎A/N❣︎: This is my first official request and I’m really excited how it came out! I/ve never written a scenero or hurt/comfort before but i really liked it! I threw Oikawa in with the other two because of how perceptive he really is. I feel like people forget how smart Oikawa is so he gets a lil love. Am I really starting to become an Oikawa simp maybeeee ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Probably for the first time ever, Tsukishima Kei was clingy. You were hanging out at his place after school as you usually did but today you couldn’t help but notice how tightly Tsuki held onto your hand, or how he would use your head as a resting place for his more often. You obviously weren’t opposed, just surprised by his sudden change in character.
You looked through the kitchen for snacks when Tsukishima hugs you from behind. You jump a little and turn in his arms to see him with his signature smirk that made your knees weak “What’s gotten into you today?”
He looked at you amused “What do you mean?”
He rests his hands on your hips , “You’ve been very touchy that’s all.”
“You don’t like it?” He looks as if he’s about to pull away. You pull him in quickly before he has a chance to pull away. Resting your head on his chest,
“I never said that. I think it's really nice.” You take in the fresh scent of his hoodie.
“Oh yea?” There’s a faint smugness to his words that you recognized instantly
“Yea.” And before you knew it, you felt yourself being lifted up. Panic rushed through you and you tried your best to squirm out of his grasp,
“Put me down! Please just put me down.” Tsukishima could sense the gravity in your voice and put you on the kitchen counter.
“What’s wrong Y/n.” He could see the uneasy look on your face and wondered what he did wrong. You stood silent, not making eye contact with him.
“Babe what is it… did I hurt you?” You remained quiet. Tsuki didn’t want to push you to say anything you didn’t want to, but he was concerned.
“If you don’t want to say anything that okay bu-“
“I’m worried I’ll break you…” Your voice came out shallow. Tsuki almost laughed, not because what you said was funny, but because of how ridiculous the notion was, “What do you mean?”
Still not being able to look at him, you croak out, “I’m scared I’m too heavy for you.” At this point you’re trying to hold back tears. You’re weight has always been such a huge insecurity for you, and truly having to admit it was almost embarrassing.
Tsuki cups your cheek, forcing you to look at him. He had no idea you felt this way, and he wasn’t too sure what to say so the kitchen was almost awkwardly silent. You were about to pull your face away when he tells you,
“Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?” You snap your head to look directly at him. That wasn’t the type of response you were expecting.
“I love you, and no matter what size you are that won’t change. But no, you won’t break me, I’m almost 6’4.”
You choke out a laugh and wipe the tears that brimmed at your eyes,
“Yea but Kei, you’re built like praying mantises!” Tsuki poked you before throwing you over his shoulder and carried you to the living room. You shrieked kicking your legs as genuine laughter escaped your lip.
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This would be the first night you would be spending the night at Kenma’s place. He’s spent countless nights at yours but you finally asked to spend the night at his.
Stepping out of the shower, hair wet, and wearing one of his hoodies, you go to look for him. Along the way you inspected his apartment more. There was nothing too special about it, it wasn’t the neatest by any means but you could tell he tidied up a bit before you came. You passed by his living room and saw only a couple photos. He didn’t look too enthusiastic in them but a small smile laced your face seeing him with his friends and family.
You quietly make your way down the hall to his gaming room, and with a soft knock, you creak open the door. Kenma was intensely staring at his computer screen with his huge gaming headset on with his hair messily pulled back. He couldn’t hear you come in but he sensed your presence and turned his head to you.
He softly smiled at you and slid off one side of his headset to hear you properly.
You walked behind his chair and peered at the screen , “So what are you playing right now?” Kenma focuses back on the game and mumbles, “ Rainbow…”
A minute or two goes by of you just wanting his hands rush across the keyboard. His face stayed as neutral as ever, the only indication of stress was the tiny crease that bunched in between his eyebrows. He wins another game and takes off his headset while waiting for the next round to start. He pulled your hand around to sit you into his lap but you backed up and settled on sitting on the arm of his chair. He could see how uncomfortable you were and peered up at you.
“What’s wrong?” You sat a little straighter, “Nothings wrong Kozu.”
He looks up at you unconvinced, “Y/n”
You crossed your arms and try putting on your best face. Unfortunately for you, Kenma knew them all.
“Tell me, what is it?” He took one of your hands in his, softly rubbing his thumb over your palms. You searched his face for any way out of this inevitable conversation you landed in, but to no avail. You sighed and stared intently at the screen in front of you.
“What if I’m too heavy?” What you asked didn’t process in his head for a moment. But when it did, he instantly pulled you into his lap without warning. You go to stand up but he wraps his arms around you, holding you down. You hide your face in his polyester t-shirt feeling extremely self-conscious. You slowly feel yourself calm down and you get yourself more comfy on his lap.
“See you aren’t too heavy.” Kenma is a man of very few words, but as he ran his fingers through your wet hair, you couldn’t have felt more safe and loved.
The next match started and as he slid on his headset (only one ear had it on), you stayed there watching him play. You felt yourself doze off in probably the most comfortable position you had ever been in.
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Oikawa was going on about another ridiculous alien conspiracy documentary and was begging to watch it for tonight’s Friday movie marathon. He already had his ‘stylish’ purple alien socks along with his even more ‘trendy’ neon green space martian shirt (according to him of course!). He was already comfy on the worn down couch he owned with tons of blankets.
You come out from the kitchen wearing a big t-shirt of his with the popcorn and set it on the coffee table.
“Oh my beautiful Y/n, what would I do without you?” He sits up on the couch with his head in his hands.
“Probably starve and die.” Oikawa opens the blanket waiting for you to cuddle on the couch with him,
“Rude, but you’re probably right.” He pats at his lap and you come closer to the couch, nervously taking a seat next to him rather than sitting on his lap. You turn on the couch looking for the remote when Oikawa outbursts,
“Ummm excuse me?” He has a hand on his heart with an exasperated look on his face.
You turn to him pretending to be clueless but as you play with your fingers, Oikawa knew something was wrong.
“Shawty, is my lap not good enough for you?” He puts on his best fuck boy face to try and make you laugh- and it usually did, but not this time. He drops the act and pulls your leg onto his.
“Spill, what’s going on?”
Not a sound comes from your lips and you just continue to look down at your lap.
With an extra dramatic sigh he wipes fake tears from his eyes, “ If you're not gonna say anything, I’m gonna have to assume you have terminal cancer.”
You shoot up with wide eyes,
“No!” With that Oikawa throws his head back laughing and you can’t help but laugh too. Eventually the laughter dies down and Oikawa has his serious face again.
“So are you gonna tell me what’s going on now?”
It’s quiet for another moment before you actually speak, “I don’t really wanna talk about it babe.” Of course, Oikawa wasn’t satisfied with that answer.
He takes both of your hands in his and kisses them both gently.
“Y’know you can tell me anything.” He was genuinely a little hurt that you felt like you couldn’t talk to him about whatever it was.
“Yeah I know, it's just-I .” You took a deep breath as you felt the tears sting your eyes. Oikawa waited patiently,
“I just feel like I’m too heavy for stuff like that.” Small tears began to stream down your cheek, but Oikawa wiped them away before they could fall too far.
Oikawa’s heart broke wiping away your tears. He had no idea you were dealing with this. He feels the tiniest bit of futile guilt. Despite it not being his fault, he wishes he could’ve done something to make you feel better about yourself. He kisses the top of your head before telling you,
“You are beautiful exactly the way you are, and I’m gonna prove it to you. I promise you.”
You feel your face go warm at his promise to you as he easily lifts you onto his lap. He pulls you into a deep kiss, and as your lips connect you feel the worry and anxiety melt from your body. His kisses trail to your collarbone and the collar of his shirt falls down one side of your shoulder. He leaves a sweet kiss on the edge of your shoulder,
“I don’t care if it takes all night baby.”
He looks up at you with such adoration, you know what he was saying was true. The way he looked at you made you feel beautiful inside and out.
Oikawa was true to his word, and made sure to worship you like you deserved.
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Ink Stains - Jack Kelly
A/N: Drabble where reader/writer has ink on her face and Jack notices. Cute fluffy piece. Might be kinda cringey because this is my first one with the boys. More with other boys coming soon!!! You can imagine Jack as Jeremy, Christian, Corey, Dan....etc. Whoever you want. :) Big time flirty!Jack and big time shy!Reader/Writer/Y/N
Climbing up the fire escape has never been more exhausting.
It's a hot day in July and I'm so tired I feel like I could collapse at any second. It's been a long day of selling papes and I just want to hang out with Jack and then go to bed.
I finish climbing up the fire escape and wipe the back of my hand across my forehead as I walk onto the rooftop.
Jack sits off in a corner, scribbling away with a pencil on an old newspaper. His eyes flick up to me when he hears me enter.
Crutchie, who is sitting on his mat down on the roof with his leg stretched out, is in the middle of some elaborate story when he spots me as well.
"Hey, Y/N," Jack calls out during a break of Crutchie's story and Crutchie looks up mid story.
"Y/N!" he says, "How ya doin'? I was just tellin' Jack this story and you oughta come listen." I smile at Crutchie.
"I'm kinda tired but doin' okay other than that," I answer, and then I notice Jack staring at me with a teasing smirk gracing his lips. "What?!" I ask.
Jack's smirk doesn't go away. He shrugs and goes back to his drawing.
"Jack, what's wrong?" I ask, stepping closer to him. He and Crutchie exchange looks. I cross my arms, feeling slightly exasperated with the two of them. He sends a small smirk in my direction and starts doodling on the newspaper. I sigh in a frustrated manner and go to walk away.
"Wait! Don't move," Jack calls out, waving the hand that's not holding the newspaper to try and get my attention, "Just stand right there and look at me."
"Jack, why won't you just tell me what's wrong?!" I demand, starting to get impatient with him.
"Cause this is more fun," Jack answers honestly as he continues his doodling. Crutchie just sits there and watches the whole ordeal.
"Jack, can I just tell her?" Crutchie asks, "She'll probably be happier if I do." Jack shoots a small scowl in Crutchie's direction.
"Where'd the fun in that be?" he asks, glancing up at me again, rubbing at his drawing with his fingers. His eyes linger on me a bit longer than any ordinary friend's would. A few second later, he finishes the drawing and holds it out in my direction. I walk over and take it from him.
A portrait of me looks back at me.
With one ink stain in a swipe across my forehead.
"Jack! Why didn't you tell me I had ink on my forehead?" I ask moodily, "I didn't know..."
"What? I think it's cute!" Jack exclaims, "Ink looks good on you."
"Ink just sticks out," I say, "And we both know how I feel about sticking out." Jack gets up and steps closer to me.
"So ya sayin' I stick out to ya?" he asks me, reaching for my free ink splotched hand. I bite my lip as a blush rises to my cheeks. He got me good.
This boy, what am I going to do with him?
"Well...I ummm...." I stutter, trying to make my brain come up with the right words and placing my hands down in front of me shyly.
Jack holds his hands out to me.
His ink covered hands.
His smirk only grows bigger as he reaches for my cheek with one of those ink stained hands.
I let him stroke my cheek, only putting more ink on my face. I run the back of my hand with the ink on it down the side of his face, leaving a nice trail of ink.
"Pencil rubbings look good on you too," Jack compliments me, obviously ignoring my shyness, "And I ain't improvin' that truth."
Jack Kelly will be the end of me.
His eyes look into my own and I can't pull away.
"Jack Kelly, you're something else," I say, "But I enjoy that."
"Oh for cryin' out loud! Just kiss already!" Crutchie calls out from his mat.
A blush instantly floods my face at the idea of Crutchie being right there.
Jack's thumb caresses my cheek, reminding me of who's right in front of me.
And then I forget everything because there's a warm sensation on my lips. His drawing slips from in between my fingers.
I never felt a more beautiful thing in the world than Jack Kelly kissing me.
Ink-covered and as much of a mess as we both are, I love him and he loves me. And I have a feeling that will never change.
We kiss for a few more moments. Our beautiful moment only ends when somebody clears his throat.
Jack and I break apart. His hand moves to cup my cheek again as we both turn and look at Crutchie.
"I'm still here," Crutchie says with the tiniest bit of sass. Jack groans slightly and turns back to me. I blush and shuffle slightly under Jack's gaze. He grabs my hand and leads me elsewhere so that we can have some privacy.
Pulling me through the various city streets as the sun sets, he interlaces our fingers and squeezes tight. The two of us are giggling and flirting, not really keeping track of where we are.
Jack finally pushes me up against a brick wall and my hands weave their way behind his neck.
"I finally get some alone time with Manhattan's famous leader," I say with a little giggle.
"Ohhhhhh! So now you want to be around me?" he retorts, leaning forward so that our foreheads touch. I smile and take his hand, stroking his knuckles with my thumb.
"I'm shy!" I protest, still holding onto his hand and stroking his knuckles, "You should know this! I like having my alone time."
"Oh believe me," Jack says, "You know how hard it is to get a pretty girl to hang out with a guy like me. It's so hard. She neeevvveerrr gives me enough attention." His casual chatter turns into whining in pretty short order.
"You have some time with me," I answer, "Kiss me already, Kelly."
And he does. His lips on mine is a feeling that will never get old. I move to run my fingers through his hair and knock his newboy cap onto the ground. His strong arms wrap around my waist, holding me so tightly that he's afraid he'll lose me.
It's at this moment that I recall that I don't know where we are.
At the sound of Jack's cap falling, a door opens.
"Jack Kelly! What are you doing?" the voice of Medda Larkin rings out through the alleyway. Jack and I quickly leap a part as if we'd been shot at. Medda's eyebrow raises as she crosses her arms and stares at us.
"Miss Medda! We were just...." Jack starts to try to explain but he can't come up with anything.
"Don't improve the truth. I think she deserves an honest answer," I say, reaching over and rubbing his arm. His very strong arm. Medda continues staring at us, waiting for answer. Her eyes flick between both of us.
"Someone better start talking because it looks like there's a story here. You're both covered in ink and pencil shavings, and you were kissing right behind my back door. Rather passionately, I might add," she says, "So tell me the story."
"It's a long story, Medda," Jack says, reaching for my hand, "I'm sure you ain't got the time..."
"Oh I have time for this story, Jack," Medda answers, gesturing between the two of us, "So you better start talking."
And Jack does. I'm too shy to say anything besides anything that would defend Jack from any chastisement from Medda.
When he finishes, Medda just rolls her eyes and sighs.
"Jack Kelly, what did I teach you about girls?" Medda asks him.
"That they're pretty and they like a guy who tells them so?" he asks. Medda just rolls her eyes and looks at me.
"I honestly don't know how you put up with him," she mutters under her breath, "I did teach you that but I taught you something else. A women has flaws. A man can help her see those flaws and love her regardless. She can do the same for him. They work through their flaws together. That's the goal."
Jack and I exchange looks, slightly confused on what that's exactly supposed to mean.
"Which, based on what I'm seeing here, you two have no problem with that," she says with a slightly exasperated sigh, "Now, Jack. Go have your PDA sessions elsewhere. I don't really want them happening by my back door."
Jack and I do just that. We bid Medda goodbye and then find another rooftop in the city where we look out at the city around us, covered in ink and relishing in each other, and our hopes and dreams.
Life could not be more wonderful.
A/N: Hope this isn't too cheesy and that I wrote Jack okay. You can also find this on Wattpad!!! This is the first of a mini series with the boys. I'll eventually put these in a master list once I'm done with them so you can go read them at your own leisure. Hope you like having ink on your face with Jack!! He was pretty fun to write on here. I've never done Jack x non-canon character before so I hope that was okay.
If you liked this, feel free to drop a note, comment, or reblog!! I appreciate those of you who reblogged my Racetrack chat. I'm hoping to put some more drabbles up here soon!!
See you around, friends.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 9
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.Flashbacks are in bold.
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“Oh, my God.” Jane picks up the keys from the floor of the cave.
“Am I interrupting something.” Richard whispered.
“No, no, no, nothing at all.” Realizing how they can return to Earth, Jane turns to Thor. “Come on.”
Thor picks up Y/n bridal style. “Don’t worry Y/n we are going to find out what’s wrong.”
“I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?” Richard asked.Thor starts following Jane.
“Where are we going?” Thor asked.
“Hello?” Richard said into the phone.
They start walking further into the cave, Thor notices the discarded shoes that were thrown through from the abandoned factory. “Why are there so many shoes in here?”
As they walks further in suddenly they disappear; back in his office Richard loses Jane on the phone. “I'll just text her.”
Y/n, Jane, and Thor appear back on Earth outside the factory. Jane points to car and Thor places Y/n in the backseat. Jane and Thor get into Ian's abandoned car that was still parked outside the factory and Jane tries to staqrt the cat.
“So, Who’s Richard?”
Jean drives off from the factory.
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At Darcy’s apartment
Jean opens the door and rushes in the Apartment with Thor hot on her heels.
“Jane!” Darcy cried.
“Hey.” Jane said dryly.
Thor rushes over to the couch and places Y/n there.
“I need to see if I’ll going to get any reading.” Jane announced as she looks for the gadget she was using to find Thor days ago.
“Y/n!!! What’s going on?” Darcy wondered. “You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy! “
“If the Aether is inside Y/n this....” Jane said holding up the gadget. “.....Should tell us.
Jane turns on the gadget and waves it over Y/n’s body and nothing happens. No sound is made, the meter doesn’t even move. “Don’t understand....didn’t some of the Aether go inside Y/n?”
Erik walks out the bathroom and sees Thor, Y/n unconscious on the couch, and Jane.
Her and Y/n are wearing Asgardian clothes (Except Jane was blue and Y/n is red.) and disheveled state. “Did you go to a party?” Jane notices Erik for the first time.
Thor hangs his hammer on the coat hanger next to the door. “All the stuff we saw is spreading.”
“Erik?!” Jane said blinking.
“Jane, how wonderful!” Erik said as he goes to Jane and as he embraces her while he isn't wearing any pants. “You've been to Asgard.”
“Where are your pants?” Jane wondered.
“Oh, uh...he uh...he says it helps him think.” Ian answered.
“Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything.” Jane stated.
“Are you well, Erik?” Thor asked.
Erik chuckles then his smile fades quickly. “Your brother is not coming, is he?l
“Loki is dead.” Thor answered.
“Oh, thank God.” Thor looks at him in confusion. “I....I'm so sorry.”
“Thank you.”
Erik then embraces Thor.
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Back on Svartalfheim we see an Einherjar Guard use the ship that brought Y/n, Thor, Loki, and Jane onto the planet to return to Asgard, he goes to see Odin at the palace.
“Forgive me, my liege. I've returned from the Dark World with news.” The Guard said.
“Thor?” Odin asked.
“There's no sign of Thor, or the weapon, but...” he takes a step closer to Odin.
“We found a body.”
There's a moment's pause.
The warrior doesn't reply but just looks at Odin.
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Back at Jane's apartment
“Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected.” Jane explained.
“Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal.” Erik chimed in.
“Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time.” Thor said.
“Well, how do we know where that is?” Darcy chimed in.
“We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it.” Erik places a map of the British Isles on the coffee table. “All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map.”
Eril starts drawing on the map. “Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us...here.” he points to Greenwich on the map.
“Greenwich?” Ian asked.
“The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart.” Jane said.
Thor summons Mjolnir and it shoots over to Thor's hand from the where it was hanging on the coat hanger.
“What going on?”
All eyes turns to the living room. As they see Y/n standing up holding her head.
“Oh my G-O-S-H......your Red Wing.” Ian said with pure shock on his face.
“We’re on earth?” Y/n asked.
“Yes.” Erik answered.
“Erik....” Y/n said looking around the room and see every one but him. “Where’s Loki?”
Everyone physically tense. Thor moves forward slowly. “Loki....is”
“Back on Asgard.”
“What?” Y/n said in a curious tone.
“We were followed.” Jane answered.
“How we were clean.” Y/n indicated. “Loki wouldn’t give himself up unless.......”
Y/n, I’m sorry
“No,.....Thor you didn’t.” Y/n said with her head tilted downward.
“It was the only way to get Jane off Asgard.” Thor said with the a downward gaze.
“No it wasn’t, there’s always another way.” Y/n proclaimed. “I’m never going to see him again.”
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” Thor said moist eyes
“Me, too.” Y/n said with an sad smile as she walks out the apartment.
“Y/n....” Thor called out but the door was closed and Y/n was gone.
“I better get my pants.” Erik announced.
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Y/n walked the streets of London in her Asgardian attire that’s why she was getting funny looks not because she had black veins on her neck. It was the clothes. Y/n walked until she found an abandoned warehouse. She needed to let it out it been building up since she was on Asgard. She just ignored it because her mind was Preoccupied by Loki and being there for him that she bottled her emotions, to the point where she being to shake. This has never happened before. Seconds before Y/n is about to let it out....
“Don’t do that.” A voice announced.
“Don’t do what?” Y/n wondered as she powers reached a boiling point.
“I know what you’re thinking about doing.” The voice like it was getting closer. “I felt it all the way from the other side of the world.”
“What are you a mutant?” Y/n said in a curious tone. Y/n is hugging herself to stop her powers from lashing out.
“Yes.” Voice emerges from the dark and Y/n see a man with neck length,Brown hair with a white streak in the front. He’s about 5'9 and he had electric blue eyes. Y/n could look into then and find calm. Maybe it’s because he’s a mutant and he doesn’t wanted her to be apart of his team. He walked up to Y/n slowly.
“I’m Nathaniel Grey.” He said holding his hand out for Y/n to shake.
Y/n hesitate then shakes his hand and doing so Nathaniel takes her hand and raises it to his lips and kisses Y/n’s hand.
“Your mother is Jean Grey?” Y/n wondered. “That name sounds familiar.”
Nathaniel’s eyes widened in shock. No one. I Repeat no one was able to read his mind. Not even Charles Xavier one of the most powerful minds he ever came across nor Exodus ‘The Hero With No Fear’ couldn’t read his mind. He had defenses in his mind put up to prevent anyone from coming in and yet Y/n did it with ease.
“Yes, she is and your mother is.........” Nathaniel trailed off trying to look inside Y/n’s mind but can’t.
“Ororo Munroe.” Y/n answered.
Mind you now Nathaniel has not let Y/n’s hand go. “You are astonishing.” Nathaniel disclosed. “How did I not feel you before.”
“Feel....are you telepathic?” Y/n wondered with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“I am....may I know your name.” Nathaniel said maintaining eye contact.
Y/n gives Nathaniel a quizzical smile. “Y/n Munroe.”
“May I see you again?”
“Ummm....ya yes....but I am in a relationship.” Y/n told Nathaniel as she slowly takes her hand out of his.
Nathaniel hides his disappointment but Y/n can see right though it. “I would still like to see you as a friend then.”
“Of course.” Y/n answered then realized that her arms had stopped shaking and the black veins had disappeared.
Nathaniel starts to walks away but he didn’t want to leave.
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything.” Nathaniel replied turning to look at her.
“You stopped me from destroying this factory and who knows what else.” Y/n said with a faraway look.
“Us Mutants stick together.” Nathaniel said with a coy smile.
“Mutant and Proud.”
Nathaniel smile. “Can I walk you home?
Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.
“I just think your love ones wouldn’t want you walking around at night.” Nathaniel proclaimed.
Y/n shakes her head but smile. “My home is in New York I’m just.......here.”
“Are you gonna go home?” Nathaniel asked.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Well….. I tried.”
“Ya you did.” Y/n as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “See you around Nathan.”
Y/n said as she flys away.
“What a woman.” Nathaniel whispered.
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The Next Day.
In Greenwich at the location outside a library Darcy and Ian grab Erik's gadget.
“Focus, this is important. We have to hammer them in all around the site and then Jane and Erik will activate them from the tower.” Darcy said.
“They're taped together!” Ian proclaimed.
“Do you even know what these things do?”
“Neither do I.” Darcy and Ian start placing Erik's gadgets around the library grounds. “Come on, come on!”
Suddenly Malekith's giant ship appears on the River Thames near the library grounds.
“Holy shit!”
The ship starts moving forward and crashing through the library grounds causing pandemonium until it finally stops in the middle of the grounds, Malekith and his dark elves step off the ship and the same time Thor flies in and lands in front of Malekith.
“You needn't have come so far, Asgardian! Death would have come to you soon enough.” Malekith proclaimed.
“Not by your hand!” Thor declared.
“Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished.” Malekith uses the power of the Aether to attack Thor but Thor manages to narrowly miss getting hit by it.
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It was a slow day at the Airport and Y/n was feeling it. It felt like it time had slowed down as she was sitting in the airport waiting for her flight to New York. Y/n didn’t want to leave but it was the only option. Y/n felt betrayed, Thor was supposed to be her friend.
Why would he do that
Y/n exhaling noisily through pursed lips and gets up and walks over to the lady sitting behind the desk.
“Hi, when is the flight from here to New York departing?” Y/n asked.
“It should be leav-“
Suddenly a woman by a big window screams and Y/n rushes over to her.
“Are you ok?” Y/n questioned.
“What an the bloody hell is that?” The woman said still looks out the window.
Y/n follows the woman’s gaze out the window and see Malekith's giant ship.
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Inside the library setting up the gravimetric device
“We're running out of time.” Erik stated.
“Almost there.” Jane replied.
“Are you sure this is going to work? These devices were made to detect anomalies, not cause them.”
“Oh, come on.” Jane looks out and sees Thor and Malekith battling it out. “Come on, Darcy.” Jane rushes off to find Darcy; outside Thor manages to deflect the Aether that Malekith is using to fight him off.
“You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder.” Thor said with a smirk.
Malekith is using the Aether to shield himself suddenly Thor throws his hammer at him which throws Malekith across the ground and smashes him against the library building, at the same time Jane sees Darcy and Ian placing the last of Erik's device in the ground.
“Done.” Ian said. Darcy gives the OK sign to Jane and Jane rushes back to Erik.
“The Convergence will be in full effect in seven minutes.” Erik told Jane.
“That just means we have to keep Malekith busy for eight.” Jane gets the device ready. “Okay, you might wanna hold on to something.” She turns on the device and suddenly some of the dark elves suddenly disappear.
Darcy and Ian watch this nearby, Darcy talks to Jane on her phone. “That is awesome! How did you do that?”
“Well, gravitational fields interact with the weak spot between worlds creating...” Jane answered.
“Oh, there's a guy with a sword!” Darcy commented.
Jane uses the device again to make the dark elf disappear but instead she accidentally makes Darcy and Ian disappear.
“Oops.” Jean whispered.
“Let's go.” Erik urged.
Darcy and Ian appear in another part of London
“What the hell just happened?” Darcy wondered.
Suddenly the dark elves that had also disappeared appear and fall onto a parked car. “Move!” Darcy grabs hold of Ian's hand and they run off as the dark elves start chasing after them; back at the library Thor and Malekith continue their battle and everyone inside the library rushes to the windows to watch.
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 14: Please
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count: 1403
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 13?
“She didn’t see our face! We don’t have to kill her. Please. We don’t have to.” You hear a young boy begging from down a tunnel. Heaviness presses down all over your body and you begin to feel your body. You blink your eyes open to a blurry image of your lap. Slowly, your hazy mind clears. You notice two things immediately: you’re tied in a chair and you have one hell of a headache. Whoever bashed you in the head earlier is clearly standing in front of you, so you don’t move or look up; maybe your ignorance can save you.
“You’re right Cy. We don’t have to. We get to. Here. When I get back, I want her dead.” You hear retreating footsteps and open your eyes. You frantically assess your options, a strange mix of adrenaline and hunter’s instinct giving you clarity. You have nothing in your pockets. The rope is too tight to escape. You have no hope of fighting back while tied up here. He has a gun.
Escape isn’t an option. The only thing left to do is beg.
You finally look up. The boy is lanky and nerdy looking with glasses. He’s holding a gun and looks awkward with it, like someone handed him a dead animal. He seems afraid of you and is standing terrified, looking from the gun to you.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you blurt out in desperation. You don’t wanna die like this, chained to a chair like a dog.
He stares into your eyes, conflict and fear clouding his eyes. “Ummm… maybe I can untie you? And then you run. Before he gets back, okay?” His eyes look kind, but afraid behind his glasses. He seems sincere. He glances around frantically before he steps to untie you just as a large man rounds the corner.
You recognize him. It’s that Styne man that the boys had in the dungeon. The one who killed Charlie. All fear for your life vanishes as liquid hot hatred burns through your stomach. “YOU FUCKING MURDERER! I’M GONNA-” You scream at the top of your lungs, but the words choke you when Dean rounds the corner with a gun. You feel an instinctive surge of happiness at the sight of his face. He’ll save you and kill this asshole. Your celebration is cut short when you notice the mark glowing and see the glaze over his eyes. What has he done? He’s so pale, like all the blood has been drained from his body. His body and clothes are soaked in blood. How many people has he murdered? Your stomach drops. You gag and tremble.
“Been looking for you.” Dean says glaring at the large man.
“Oh yeah? Why is that? Oh wait. You're not still sore about um, what's her name?” The Styne man waves his arm, brushing it off. Your stomach burns with anger.
“Charlie.” Dean swallows hard at her name. “Her name was Charlie.” His face falls and his eyes dim. You look down in shame. You begin to pray to Cas, something you realize you should have done earlier.
“Yeah, well. Chuckie, she got what she deserved. Wanna know how I did her? It's a kinda funny story—"
“Shut up.”
You silently pray as hard as you can. “Please hurry Cas. I think Dean can be saved. He’s covered in blood, but he’s after Charlie’s killers.”
“Straight to it, then. I respect that. You got lucky before. This time, I'm sporting some new upgrades. See my old man-”
“Your old man's dead.” Dean interrupts. “They're all dead. So, you can save me the speech on the three hearts, the two spleens, the seven nipples, for the ladies... or the fellas, I don't judge. But even with all that, you still only have one brain.” Dean smirks.
In one swift motion, Dean draws his gun, shoots the man in the head, and turns his gun on the boy. He throws his arms up and starts to cry.
“No no no no no, don't! Dean, don't!” You scream desperately at Dean, struggling to break the rope.
Dean looks at you blankly and cocks his head, “Why not? He’s one of them.”
“No. No, I'm not! Okay, I hate my family! See, look!” The boy yanks his shirt up desperately, “No stitches! I'm not like them, I promise.”
“Oh, you are like them. There's bad in you. It's in your blood.” Dean insists matter-of-factly. “Now you can deny it and you can run from it all you want, but that bad.... will always win.” The absolute sincerity in his eyes makes your heart stop. He’s given up. How could you ever hope to save him if he’s already given up? And then it dawns on you: he’s going to kill that boy. Your Dean is about to murder an innocent kid. But maybe if you stop him, you can convince him that there’s still hope. This battle for a kid’s life suddenly becomes a battle for Dean’s soul. You continue to struggle with your ties with a renewed desperation. “He was trying to help me. He was going to let me run.” You beg with Dean as you frantically fight the ropes. You have to get to Dean so you can calm him down.
“I'll do anything you want. Okay, please. You don't need to do this” the boy begins to cry. “Please.”
Dean looks down and lowers his gun. He seems in thought. The next few seconds seem to move in slow motion. Several things happen at once:
You finally pull your hands free and yank the rope off of your torso.
Dean looks up at the boy, points his gun at him, and says, “Yeah. I do.”
You lunge at Cy. 
You and Cy come crashing to the ground into a pile of books and at first, you think you got away with it. You smile at him and he looks back at you, horrified. You’re confused, and the world is a little blurry. “What’s wrong?”
Cy points at your shoulder. You reach your left arm round to feel the back of your right shoulder. It comes back bloody. Cy’s eyes grow wide and he frantically tries to pull you toward him.
“What?” You realize your words are slurred. When you don’t budge, he begins to crawl away and trips several times.
You turn to look behind you and see Dean approaching. He seems to be in no hurry and his cold eyes hold no concern for you. It occurs to your foggy mind that this is odd as you are hurriedly bleeding out.
“Why did you do that?” He asks evenly as he points the gun in your face.
You try to slide away and fall over, groaning when you hit your shoulder. “Dean…” is all you can manage to get out.
Suddenly, you see a blur of beige as Dean is tackled out of your view. You hear struggling and your body starts to react on its own, desperately dragging you away from the fight. Something brings you to a halt.
You hear Cas start begging. “Dean stop.”
Dean stands over Cas and continues to hit him. Blood is everywhere, and Cas’s face is almost unrecognizable. You feel a surge of energy. This isn’t like last time. This time it ends in Cas’s death if you don’t do something. You start to frantically drag yourself back, not sure where the sudden energy and clarity came from. You are a couple feet away when Dean takes Cas’s angel blade out and raises it high above his head, pulling Cas up by his tie. Cas grabs Dean’s hand.
“No, Dean. Please.” Cas manages to choke out through the blood.
Dean hesitates a moment with a cold expression on his face. You reach his blood-soaked leg and grab it. “Please, Dean.”
Dean glances down at you coldly and shoves you to the side with his foot. You skid to a halt roughly into a pile of books and photos, finding that whatever propelled you forward before can’t fight the blood loss. You feel like you’re drowning. You’re swimming up and just can’t reach the surface.
Cas looks at you with guilt in his eyes. “I’m sorry I failed you.”
The last thing you see before the darkness overtakes you is Dean begin to bring the angel blade down swiftly into Cas’s chest.
Part 15
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My Lovely Forever Tag: @alexwinchester23
Best Left Forgotten Tags
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clockworkfromspace · 4 years
The Book v2 chapter 2
*Andrè begins to walk about the halls toward the door*
Chris was in there even though he was an Ultrabeings
Jea: Hi Chris!
He waves
Any teachers?
No? Good.
Mr. Taio: Okay everyone. Welcome to Ultra Study. If you took this class with me before, you should know that I am one of the seven most capable people equipped to teach this class.
*Andrè runs outside*
Freedom feels the same as being imprisoned
After school
Jea and Jenifer get on their bus
Josh goes to the car rider exit
*The next day*
Chris was already there
-Josh waits outside the bus ramp for the twins-
-their bus originally shows up-
Chris walks to the bus ramp but sees Josh and walks away
*Andrè shows up to school with a knife on his belt*
Chris was walking back needing to talk to jea
-the twins walk off the bus but Jea dresses like Jenifer so it's harder to tell them apart-
-Jenifer subtlety points at Jea-
He looks at jea "Can I talk to you privately please?..."
Jea gasps
"How'd you know it was me? Do wolves have one sort of 6th sense or something?"
"No not really but this is important..."
Weird humans
Imma go inside
Jea: What do you need?
"Something happened yesterday and I need your help...."
Jea: Go on
"Can I talk to you without people around? Please"
Jenifer: I got where she goes
"Fine i-i'm...homeless my abusive brother threw me out yesterday"
Live in a tent-like I do
"So...the reason I wanted to talk to jea is that I trust her..."
Jenny: Need me to pound on your big bro? -she cracks her knuckles-
Need a hit?
Jea: No more fighting! You promised Jenny.
Just stole a night vision scope yesterday
Jenny: I promised I'd fight less.
Well I'm a free spirit
No parents
No relatives
No love or compassion
Jenifer: You dude, who are you anyway?
I'm a hitman
If someone would hire me
Jenifer: I have a few enemies.
Jea: Jennyyyyy
Jenifer: Kidding! -she mouths- "Sort of"
Who are you, people
Jea looks at both of them
"I'm not leaving the two of you alone. Now back to Chris"
Jea: I'm Jea and this is my sister Jenny. That's all there really is to us.
So Chris
Tents are 15 bucks at Walmart
"I am not living in no tent!"
Man up
I live in one
"And I have no money my brother has it all"
Get a job
Jea: No one should have to live in a tent.
Jenifer: I agree but it's not like there's a variety of options
Jea frowns
My mom left and my dads dead soooooo
Jea: Oh! I know. He can live with us
Jenifer: Dad would never let that slide
Jea: You're right
Jenifer: Though, they don't really need to know...
If they found out
I don't think they'd appreciate having enough bombs in their basement to cause world war 3
Jenifer: Then I'll take the heat.
Jea: Jenny no.
Jenifer: Were not debating this.
It's nicer than waking up to 3 wolf spiders
Jea: By the way, you weren't serious about the bombs right?
But I do have sniper rifles and assault rifles
Jenifer: Dude, as cool as it sounds, no heavy artillery in the house. Maybe a few handguns. Something easy to hide.
Where the hell am I supposed to keep my mini-nuke?
I'm joking
Jea: Thank god
But where am I supposed to, keep my guns
Jea: How about you keep all of your things that could be used to incriminate you in your tent.
Jenifer: Also, where are we going to keep them? Andre and Chris I mean.
Jea: no one uses the attic.
Jenifer: Too many webs to clean.
Jenifer: though, if they're willing to clean it out.
Can't be that bad
Jea turns to Chris
"What do you say?"
He smiles and nods
-later that day, at the end of school-
Jea: Our dad shouldn't be home but just in case, well sneak you through the back door
"And your mom?"
Jea: Dead.
"Oh.....i'm sorry for asking...."
Jea: Its fine.
Jenifer: Come on, our bus is this way
He nods and follows
*Andrè follows*
They get to the house-
-Jenifer leads them to the attic-
"thank you again"
Jea: Anything for a new friend.
I only have my micro smg and my 2 revolvers
That's it
Jenifer: Chill out sis
Jea: what's wrong Chris
Jea: Why'd you say dang?
Hello strange human
"Forget i said anything"
my name’s jeff
Jea: What are you doing in our house?
idk i just popped into existence
so who are all of you?
Jea: I'm Jea, this is my twin sister Jenny, this our friend Chris, and some random guy named Andre
I'm a psychotic motherfucker with guns
-You all hear the front door-
Great combination
Chris turns into a puppy and hides
dude that is awesome
Jenifer: Quickly, get into the attic
Jea: And you, mystery guy, sorry but you've got to go
Jenifer: Yeah you
ok *dissappears and reappears in the attic*
Mr. Kon: Girls I'm home!
-Jea walks to the living room- "Hi daddy"
Jenifer: Andre hurry up while Jea distracts him
*wonders why I had to go into the attic*
*Andrè sneaks to the attic*
*whispers*oh hey.
*whispers* why are we in here?
We're not supposed to be here
oh ok
-Jenifer closes it-
wanna see something cool andrè?
watch this... *morphs into a pit viper and slithers around andrè*
I would shoot you but that would compromise us
*morphs back into a human*
That would*
don’t shoot me
Mr. Kon notices Christ's tail
Mr. Kon: Jea, did you bring home another stray?
I’m an animagus. I can transfigure into a snake at will
Jenifer whispers: go with it
He yelps scared and runs off
Jea: Yeah. But don't be upset.
don’t laugh at me... *disappears and reappears behind André*
I can teleport too
Jenifer: I told her not to but look at his eyes.
Mr. Kon: I can't he keeps running off.
so whatcha wanna do why we’re stuck up here
Chris sits down in front of Mr. Kon and looks at him with sad eyes
Jea: Can we pleaaaase keep him?
-Mr. Kon notices a lack of man parts- "I think you mean her and..... Sure."
Jenifer: She meant him. Meet the world's first transgender dog.
Mr. Kon: The fuck?
The dog smiles at jenny
Mr. Kon: Are you kidding me?
Jea: Nope!
His tail wags a lot
He jumps on Mr. Kon
Mr. Kon: Ah
-the next day-
Chris wakes up
He gets ready and heads to the bus stop without being seen
*Andrè sneaks out the house and walks to school
*teleports from the attic to the first block*
Chris was in his first block
ooh hey. I remember you. u were that puppy!
He blushes "y-ya...."
*teleports behind Chris* I can transfigure into a snake
Chris stabs jeff before he spoke not knowing who it was
*writhes in pain* ow-owwww
"Oh god...... I'm so sorry" he bandages it up
i-it’s fine
I heal fairly fast too
*wound stops bleeding*
"So your not human either?"
idk what I am
I’m a teleporting animagus
and I have fairly fast healing abilities
"Which is not human"
"And you already know I'm not human but anyway what's your name I forgot to ask"
it’s jeff
well nice to meet you, Chris! *sticks hand out to shake Chris's hand*
Chris shakes his hand
so, who were the other people?
"Idk their classes...."
well, who were they?
"Jea and jenny"
*time skip to lunch*
Jea, Jenifer, and Josh show up
Chris walks up to them he looks at jea and jenny "please don't be mad at me because of yesterday"
Jea: Mad about what?
*walks into the cafeteria and over to Chris*
hey guys
"About your dad seeing me... And hey"
*whispers to Chris* do other people at the school know about us having abilities or do we have to keep that hidden?
Jea: That wasn't your fault
Jenifer: It was a little. He could have stayed calm and rushed to the attic instead of running off as a puppy.
"Keep them hidden"
Jenifer: Though things worked out for the better
damn... that means I gotta walk places
Jenifer: It's better to have him disguised as a puppy then hiding him like Andre
you guys must me Jea and Jenifer. I’m jeff
Jea: We already met
oh yeah
Jea: You popped into our house
still don’t know how I got there
I wanna pull a prank *smirks*
"On who?"
I don’t know
we gotta find a group of preppy girls
Jea: That would be mean.
I know
Jenifer: Yet funny.
but hella funny
Jenifer: I'm in.
Jea: Jennyyyyy.
ayy... i like your attitude *smiles and looks at jenifer* u seem pretty cool.
well chris can turn into a puppy, correct?
Jea: You're a bad influence -she glares at Jeff-
i know *smirks*
Jenifer: Not really, sweety. I was born this way. He has nothing to do with it
Jea: Yeah but he came up with the prank idea.
"Ya jeff i can.."
Jea: Besides, you've already been written up 11 times and it's only the third day of school.
Jea: Make that 15
so the plan is, you’re gonna lure them over to you with the adorable puppy eyes
Josh: Can I help?
Jenifer: ew, no way.
"Oh no...."
and then i’m gonna be in snake form and i’m going to teleportin between them and you
teleport in between*
it’ll be great.
Jenifer: More of a jump scare than a prank.
and sure josh i guess you and jenifer can point chris out
yeah but still funny as hell
so you guys in?
Jea turns around and crosses her arms
Jenifer: Hell yeah
Josh: Yep
-jenifer pushes Josh aside-
0 notes
survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 8 - "I'm Fully Ready to Amass an Army" - Matthew
So my wonderful alliance, The Fam, is not something I plan on being a part of for very much longer rn. The Jay vote was handled completely wrong. I mean....I'm not upset it was him...but the way we did it....no. First of all I was told we were voting Jay not asked. In fact...Trevor just stated "I'm voting for Jay." What the fuck. That's not how alliances work. And then we didn't tell Isaac or David. And during this Trevor told me that Scott was voting for Isaac but clearly Owen knew he was getting that vote. I'm over it. I talked and apologized to David and Isaac about it last night and basically threw Trevor under the bus to them. Then we merged! And I told Matt about everything. He seems to really like J.D. and Ali so I am fine with working with them if comes to it. Matt really is my #1 ally at this point so I hope things work out. I am sure Trevor/Owen/Lydia will be pissed at me but this is just a game so it's not personal....I just don't like they way Trevor is playing rn.
Okay so full rundown of merge! I think I'm in a bad position right now, but I really want to have a F2 with Duncan. I think between my sunshiney personality and duncan being duncan we could probably get there? Maybe? Idk. Still scared of trevor, but maybe people will see me as less of a threat now that the other bangladesh peeps are gone. RIP rob and eddie, you are missed. 
Oh my god they killed Jay! That's literally so sad :'( Jay mom wasn't lying when she said this was going to be an intense season. It's already been filled with tears, but now that we've merged, here comes the blood. I don't think I'm on the top of anyone's hit lists, but I'm not in a safe spot  rn so I could  be an easy peasy merge boot. But just happy to be here at the end of the day. Making merge every Athena game? nNut!! Now I have to get through 10/11 more votes....................party! I know Samuel trusts me bc I have him that idol and spit shined his ass the last tribal. Logan and I are kind of at a weird place. We trust each other more than other people but we need to find a fucking home or else we're gonna be get our torches snuffed back to back. As for merging with the other tribe? I'm so relieved to be back with Owen. Like thank the fucking lord there's someone who I can trust again bc all these players are dangerous as get out. I'm a lamb in a pack of wolves. The gag is I'm a wolf in a lamb costume. What I need to do is just law low for a couple rounds while not taking any power position and just strengthen bonds with my tribe mates. Idc who the vote is as long as I can make sure the vote isn't for me and I'm not next on the to go list. I want to do a f3 with Owen and Trevor bc they'll always be a threat as a duo before me, Owen had my back, and I can't get Owen to ever vote out Trevor so why not just work with him? Right? Ummm other things to say? I'm so glad I got the merge tribe name! Oizys! The goddess of misery and anxiety! Everything I've been feeling since this game has begun :-) although it's been stressful I've had a good time bc of how intense this season is. And if I win it, it will be definitely earned. Getting to the end in monuriki was kind of like a cake walk I'm not gonna lie. Getting to the end in motu? Emotionally draining? But with idol help it was manageable to get to the end. This time? Nothing could have prepared me for this. Like, this is so much more intense. It's not only a new ballpark, it's an entirely new game altogether. With merge happening the game has been reset and we'll see if I can play slither or sheep my way into some group. 
Im here to step it up! I hate all of my alliance for making me not vote with them but also i have no one else I care about so i HAVE to stick with them those BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways MERGE ITS HERE I DID IT MOM. I still dont have Scott added so theres that
Merge time! So, a 13 person merge with a 5-4-4 original tribe split is hot as hell and I'm proud of us as a cast for being so messy that we've kept the numbers super even. With the swaps and drama that's been going down, it's really difficult to judge at this point where exactly the lines are going to be drawn for the rest of this game. Numbers wise, people who have had bad blood previously are going to have to kiss and make up just to survive which is GLORIOUS for me, especially because I'm already working on becoming BFFs with Logan again after we found ourselves on opposite sides during the first NuOthrys vote. Duncan still seems to be difficult, however, because we don't even talk but I already hear he's doing things that are contrary to what I want to happen in this game and it's just a whole lotta yikes. As of right now, there's one person that sticks out like a sore thumb as a huge target, and that's my old pal Trevor. I absolutely adore Trevor, we were really close a long time ago and I still view him as an absolute sweetheart and great person, but he apparently hasn't been doing himself any favors in this game. Obviously, he has some major connections; a boyfriend for starters, and a BFF in Lydia. Even though that's only a small three, it's the same sort of fear I had about the Bangladesh trio. When you have a group of people who are so close, they basically function as one vote, which is really hella scary down the line because if you needed to flip someone it's not happening. I don't think it would be absolutely necessary to split them up this early, but Trevor has gone to the labyrinth like every single round. I know he knows about the coveted Door #9, which I've had my eye on since literally round 2 of this game, and it really scares me that he could have a whole lot of advantages that I don't know about. Another thing is that I've been able to meet back up with Ryan, my original closest ally on the starting tribes. According to him, Trevor lead the Jay blindside and left a lot of people uncomfortable. Apparently, he's also been making alliances left and right with basically everybody. I don't doubt this at all, especially because Trevor told me the night we merged that he wanted to bring Sam and I into his majority. That's awesome because it keeps his target off of me and sorta lets me know what he's planning, but it also sketches me out that he's playing so hard. I definitely think he will be able to shoot himself in the foot eventually, but I kinda view Trevor as an easy target that I can use to build trust with other people. When you make a big move, it really bonds people together, which is why I always trusted in The Hydra alliance of myself/Sam/JD/Ali. If we make another big move by dethroning Trevor, I can continue to solidify bonds with a much larger group of people. Anyway, the auction throws even MORE items into the game, because it's not like we already have an ENTIRE ROOM IN THE LABYRINTH where anyone can willy nilly pick up unlimited extra votes at any time right? I've been perusing my options here, but I've been tempted this entire time to bid on what Trevor is bidding on to prevent him from going to the labyrinth. I don't think this is the smartest idea for me because it exposes my hand very early and also would prevent me from going to the labyrinth and getting my hands on whatever is behind Door #9. My best course of action is just to be vigilant when results are posted and beat Trevor to the punch. The current plan of action is to weaken Trevor in any way possible and go in for the kill. I'm fully ready to amass an army to take him down that I can hopefully ride out for a few rounds. I'm definitely going to be putting myself out there, but with Trevor is gone, these people are going to need a shield. And I'm just going to be the shield that they can trust for a while.
Lmao so there's a SECRET SECRET on this tribe behind the ninth torch door and I have a big feeling that everyone knows about it. So it's literally become a race to the labyrinth. I've already taken two major L's tonight with the auction items I got being useless and/or disadvantageous SO!!!! Hopefully I can get to that damn door first. [9:00:07 PM] Jay Berghuis (Emathia Host): The labyrinth is now open and I am getting off the train. [9:00:09 PM] Owen: Can I go to the labyrinth pls It literally took me two seconds so fingers crosst huh! Update: Fuck my life. I hate my luck in this game. I'm sixth. Anyways.... This merge of 13? W H E W. Once again, this game has been some kind of amalgamation of seriously weird relationships. There's Trevor, Ryan, and Lydia which is probably my closest like "collective" alliance here. But then there's Matt and David who are other tie-ins to Ryan since the four of us had an alliance too. But then there's Sam, who I want to work with, but I can tell he trusts Trevor more than me, which makes sense since they started together. AND THEN DUNCAN SOMEHOW HAS TO FIT INTO ALL OF THIS because at the beginning of the game I swore allegiance to him, but he has never fit into the other plans or groups I've made?? And then there are the newbies, Ali and JD. I really wanted to start this game with newbies on my side. I REALLY wanted to get to play with new people. And I really do like Ali. But Ali/JD are already doing what Sam says I'm pretty sure, and like.... They want to work with Trevor which probably includes me but as a fifth or sixth? Idk. And then there's like Logan/Isaac/Scott who I think are probably the most on the outs. It's strange because the pairing of Sam/Trevor has attachments to Ali/JD/Duncan and Lydia/Ryan/myself, with Matt falling somewhere in there too. It's a huge shit show orgy of alliances and I don't like it because it's not fun. I don't know why but I'm really not having fun. I know too many people in this game and not in a good way. I don't feel like I can truly do what I want because I have to keep in mind a balancing act with so many other relationships. I don't want to screw Trevor, I don't want to screw Duncan. I don't know. The whole Sam and Trevor thing makes it harder too. And I'd like to think I have Duncan as a number one, I probably do, but I can't be sure whether Duncan will think I'm lying or not. So what I need to do for a bit is just, let things be as they are. There are still 13 people in this game. I've proved in the past that I'm willing to make a move, I'm willing to flip a script, I'm willing to go against a majority. I've done it all. But like... This is a true Greek God-like family where the family tree gets all fucked up cause people can't keep their penises in their pants!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'll let the Gods eat each other's heads, fuck each others wives, swallow each other's children, do all that shit, and at the end of the day hopefully I'll be here in a few rounds to look at all of the pieces left and pick up the ones I want. Until then, my short-term goals are miniscule: don't get voted out, and keep Duncan safe. I literally have no luck in this game. I can't rely on an idol or any other power. I get the same damn message FOUR TIMES in a row. And two seconds wasn't fast enough to get anything else out of it. So :) Let them use their powers on each other and maybe they'll forget about me when they think about all the other people doing shit! Whew!
I cannot believe the shit Ali tells me???? Like Trevor and I are talking and Trevor's telling me all this stuff that Ali said about the labyrinth and everything and like sadfkhfjd Ali literally told me all this too and we've been talking for less than 24 hours. It's like... Good because information, bad because everyone else gets the same info?? But now he's trapped in the labyrinth so I guess he can't spill all the tea anymore!!!! oOPS! And JD.... JD. I love this girl because she doesn't quite understand.... And I want to be friends with her too I'm cryin fksjddhfsjd these newbies are something else huh!
SO. THANK YOU MATT FUCKING SUMMERS. Matt comes to me before labyrinth opened and he goes "So there's this locked door that opens post-merge that both Trevor and I know about." And I FUCKING WENT IN THE DOOR CUZ I GOT FIRST PICK. AND GUESS WHO HAS AN EXTRA VOTE?
Sooooo, I've really not good with auctions. I mean, that really isn't a surprise i guess. But all well. My alliance got some stuff and that's what matters... Partly Because it can still benefit me and partly because now i know what a lot of people got/ what it does
I feel... Much bad. Like i feel so stupid for questioning Trevor. This is way your not supposed to talk to anyone outside the game about the game. I shouldn't question him really because him really because i feel like him and Lydia both want to take me or and or Ali to the final. 'i helped carry a newbie with me, while protecting myself' they'll have another thing coming though if that's their plan. 
Omg ALI!! I'll come for you! We'll find out..... After tribal though~ it sucks because i cant communicate with my closet partner. So i just hope he's okay with what I do for tribal... Even though it's all basically the same as we've been playing.
Can I just apologise for chewing gum in my last video confessional? It sounds super distracting and annoying- sowwy! :)
0 notes