#if WE were a boy yall would have no idea the love story
chiistarri · 4 months
how do you make yourself stop thinking "i wish you were a boy" ab ur childhood bsf u swore u only liked for a week years ago no glue no borax no whatever
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catch1ngmoths · 4 months
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ “If your lost, you can look, and you will find me..time after time. If you fall I will catch you, I’ll be waiting…time after time” -Cyndi Lauper 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
Summary: after a one night stand with Joost you both can’t seem to get each other out of y’all’s heads. You were always on his mind since then and you couldn’t stop thinking about the blond boy with the cute accent… until your paths cross once more. This time Joost won’t walk away
Note: (all credit for the edit above goes to MCRBATS on TikTok!!) this is a part two for “only stay with you one more night” ITS FINALLY OUT GUYSSS!! I beg for more requests because yall give me the most scrumptious ideas for fics ever!! Also, this is kinda bad so please don’t jump me!!!
Warnings: SUGGESTIVE, Talk of past sexual relations, mostly fluff!
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It had been months, you hadn’t seen Joost since that night that left you both achey in a good and bad way. You’d pondered on your thoughts and feelings towards the blondie and you mentally scolded yourself for thinking he’d come back for you. It obviously meant nothing to him, he probably sleeps with people left and right. You were no different to all the others in his mind.
But you were. Joost couldn’t get your name out his mind. Couldn’t get your pretty face and voice out of his mind. He kept thinking about the way you said moaned his name and how soft your hands were against his rough ones. He wanted to go back in time and make himself bite the curb for leaving your apartment that early morning.
You were so so so much different. Sure, this one night stand wasn’t his first rodeo but the way he looked at you was. The way he felt towards you was, he didn’t know why. He really didn’t. He’d only fully been around you for around 5 hours but those moments gave him a feeling he’d never felt before. He felt so much love, care, and warmth towards your personal being and just wanted to protect you from everything.
He’d ruined it though, we walked through and out your front door that morning. He felt cold as soon as he did but there was no going back now. He had in his signature white earbuds in while he looked out the window of the Uber that was taking him home, his mind still on you. And just like that, that was the last time he’d seen your beautiful face and your addicting scent.
The sound of his friend, apson calling his name pulled him out of his trance. He was setting up for his concert in a few hours, when he was preforming it was the only time he could get you off his mind…well somewhat at least. He went over and helped out apson and the rest of his crew and friends. Helping them set everything up and getting everything done for tonight.
You on the other hand were at your friend, Alexis’s house just hanging out when she interrupted you while you were talking. Her eyes were wide like she’d just remembered something and her movements were one of excitement, taking you aback. “Oh my god!! Sorry to interrupt you but I totally forgot about something, so Mia, Rayo, and Lacey are coming over later and we’re all going to a musicians concert Mia likes!!”
You stare at her with a smile and sarcasm laced in your voice, “now why the hell would you wanna interrupt my story to tell me about that?” You say with a chuckle, “beaacauseee…I want you to come with! It’ll be fun and I know the others would love to have you there too!” You furrow your eyebrows, this reminded you of that night where they all begged you to come out to that club with them where you met that boy you haven’t been able to get your mind off of.
You take a deep sigh, “Lex you know how I feel about things like that.” You reply but Alexis isn’t ready to back down just yet, “no I know but this concert will be different, it’s not as big as mainstream concerts and Mia said it’ll be fun!!” Alexis says looking at you with those puppy eyes and pouting in a sarcastic way.
You groan and just like you did that night months ago you agree. Around an hour later the rest of your friends show up a to get ready. You hang with Rayo fixing your makeup before looking over to him, “who are we even seeing anyways?” You ask him curiously, “man I don’t remember, I just remember Mia putting on his music and showing me a picture of him. Good looking guy and his music isn’t bad whatsoever…soo” Rayo replies with a smile
‘Whatever..’ you think, ‘at least this will be something to get me out the house and doing something.’ You sigh as your friends squeal and run to the car, excited to go. You laugh at their childishness and run after them. It takes around 20 minutes to arrive and the whole time your driving you feel this sensation in your chest, you can’t stop thinking about Joost…he was always on your mind don’t get me wrong but something about this was just different.
Joost was backstage, talking with his friends and trying to calm his excitement for the concert. But something about this felt oddly familiar, he’d never felt this before any concert. His mind now fully immersed and focused on you, he shakes his head as apson calls him over. Trying to shake the thought of you out his mind, as he gets up from where he was sat to walk to apson.
“Het concert begint zo, zijn jullie er klaar voor?” (The concerts gonna start soon, are you ready?) Apson says to Joost, clapping his hand on his shoulder with a smile. Joost takes a breath and smiles at apson, “Ja, ben je er klaar voor? Heb je nog ergens hulp bij nodig?” (Yeah, are you ready? Do you need help with anything else?) Joost replies, nudging apson with his shoulder, this makes apson clasp his hands together. “Ah, Ja, dat ben ik helemaal vergeten. Kom met me mee” (ah, yes, I completely forgot. Come with me..) apson says as the two men walk to set one last thing up.
You and your friends finally arrived to the concert. You all scooted to the front, people being nice enough to let y’all shuffle through. You and your friends talked before music played out making everyone around you, plus your friends scream with excitement. A guy runs out on stage, dressed in a while collared shirt with a black tie and black pants.
He has…short, messy, blond hair.. the same hair Joost had. No way, that wouldn’t be him- that was what you thought before he turned to face the crowd. Those features. Holy shit. It was him. He spoke into the microphone and you immediately knew from the sound of that pretty accent. It was Joost, the boy you couldn’t get out of your head.
Your mind races and you can’t decide if you should be excited or mortified that he’s standing right in front of you. On one hand, this is the boy you’ve wanted to be reunited with for months. On the other hand, it’s embarrassing to face him now. You secretly hope he’ll see you and you’re also hoping he won’t.
He sings his song, “offline” as he looks at the crowd before he sees it. He thinks he’s imagining things, you’ve been a constant in his head for months but there’s no way you’re here right now. No way you’re looking up at him with the same shocked expression that his face definitely has. His voice slightly shakes but he keeps on singing. He’s imagining shit, god he needs to get it together
But it wasn’t his imagination. You were there, for the rest of the concert you and Joost made continuous eye contact. And after the concert was done and Joost was backstage he was his wracking his brain for any way he could catch you. He couldn’t let you leave again, he just got given a second chance and he wasn’t about to give it up.
You were thinking the same things, you were alone in your mind the whole concert. You were thinking and planing about what to do after this, once the concert was done and everyone was leaving. You panicked, “u-um you guys can leave without me, I can get an Uber back home! I need to do something..! I’ll text you when I get home safe!” You say
You knew they wouldn’t let you so you run away before they can protest against your words. You look around, after your far enough away. You second guess yourself once your by yourself. Your heart is racing but your thoughts won. What if he didn’t wanna see you? What is he forgot about you and everything about that night.? You shake your head and realize what you’re doing, your friends probably haven’t gotten far.
Before you can run back to your friends you hear heavy footsteps, you turn around frantically. And you finally see Joost turning the corner to the hallway to where you were. He turns his head when you both lock eyes, both of you freezing. You stared at each other, breathing heavily and hearts racing.
“J-Joost..?” You stutter out, your voice weak and body stiff. He immediately breaks out of his trace at the sound of that voice that he’d missed so much. He runs towards you and embraces you, it was strange…it really was. This amount of affection for someone you hadn’t seen a few months and only spend one night together.
But it felt like you both were intertwined, sewn together in some way (Adrianne Lenker mentioned?!) He smiles, picking you up and spinning you around. “Holy shit it’s really you, fuck I’m so sorry. I regretted leaving as soon as I closed your door. I’m sorry if I made you feel used or unimportant, your not and i-“ he’s put off my a soft kiss being pressed to his lips
You grab his face as his hands pull your waist to be flush against his hips. Both of you are out of breath, pressing messy and rough kisses to each others lips. You moan softly on his lips and joost took his opportunity to slip his tounge into your mouth. Nothing but love shown in the kisses as he presses you up against the wall behind you, towering over you as you finally pull away.
“I’m not letting you go again, I hope you’re aware of that..” he says with his signature smile and you giggle before responding, “I wouldn’t have it any other way..” you say before he lowers his head, catching your lips in his once more
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ “ Wanna listen to the sound of you blinking, wanna listen to your hands soothe. Listen to your heart beating, listen to the way you move” - Adrianne lenker 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
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TAGLIST: @timewillpasssoon @poppymelonz @pickle-juice-and-vodka @imsiriuslyreal
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throughthebluesea · 10 months
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship
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pairing: bada lee x reader
word count: 2.49k
genre: friends to lovers, bada secretly pining over 'straight' reader, howl is a jerk in this fic i am so sorry, i am a fan of his, some angst, slightly suggestive (if you squint), lusher and tatter being so supportive, lusher's gaydar never miss.
den's notes: got this idea from @deathspartner and i hope i gave justice to the prompt. this is inspired by the song jenny by studio killers, the mood maker of this one shot. not proofread, but i hope yall still like it! i might open requests, btw so let me know your thoughts and comments! i really appreciate it!
"i told you, i can't!"
tatter lets out an exasperated sigh for the last time and rolled away from their friend. tatter may have insane patience at times, but this time, she's had it. lusher finds it hilarious, though. their demise is lusher's joy, after all.
bada scowled at the two. at this point, she had given up with her friends. she expects the two to give her the best advice, but all she got were sighs and laughters.
"ssaem, i love you. but i already told you. you're not even sure y/n-ssaem is straight! give it a try!"
"plus, i don't think y/n-unnie is straight. my gay-dar never failed me." lusher adds.
"it's awkward! plus she's my best friend! i can't just barge in and say 'oh! hi my bff y/n! you're so hot and i wanna say i am pining over you since the day we met' randomly. i will look crazy!"
the two younger ones just stared at their mentor, thinking that she's being too pathetic and overthinking everything.
"plus... she's seeing howl." she said with disdain, and she can't hide how her eyes roll in annoyance.
both lusher and tatter knew how down bad bada was towards you, ever since you were introduced as one of the members of team bebe. you two are the same age, with bada older than you by a few days. you always thought that you two were soulmates because of these factors. your friendship started blooming, and the two of you were unstoppable.
sometimes, bada would get you as backup for the choreography drafts she directs, and you would do the same thing when you do your choreography drafts.
dancing became something both of you connect. and it became the turning point of bada's feelings towards you that is beyond borders of friendship began to bloom.
you had this habit of placing a hand on the small of her back, and trust me, bada tries her best not to crumble on the spot out of pure delight and just... her being intensely whipped of her best friend.
bada would think that what she's feeling is bad because... first, she's her best friend, and she remembered one conversation you had at the just jerk family dinner, and you mentioned that you don't see yourself dating girls.
that shit broke her heart. and bada tried to subside her feelings for you. but... she can't help revive such feelings when certain situations arise.
being best friends with you means that you are open to her about all the boys you had slept with. just by hearing your stories, it broke her. right now, you are seeing howl, a colleague of them inside the academy. bada would silently cringe when you told your stories of your moments with howl.
at the back of her mind while listening to you is that she wished it was her hands touching every crevice of her body, feeling every curve you had, the one hearing your voice when you cry out of—
bada shook her head at the thought and sighed. this is probably her fifteenth time sighing. "it's hopeless."
tatter was about to reason out to her usual banter when she heard shouting from outside. the three recognized your voice and howl's.
"and how the fuck am i supposed to react to that, huh?"
"y/n, she is nothing! trust me!"
"trust you?! howl, this is the 3rd time i saw you with moana! and this time, i caught you two smooching each other inside my class studio!"
"moana is just a close friend! y/n, don't let your jealousy take over your senses!"
the three went silent, and they can hear you sigh. the two looked at bada, who is staring at the door, her hands clenched in anger.
'what the actual fuck, howl? i trusted y/n on you and you will do this shit? also, how did i not know that THAT jerk is doing this to my y/n?!' she thought to herself.
"this isn't working out, howl. let's just end this... i'll just act you're invisible here and just talk to you for purely business only."
she twisted the door knob, entering the studio where the three were in. they scrambled to the side and acted that they're not inside.
you were too into your emotions that you didn't notice the three inside. before howl can barge in and enter, she locked the door and slid down against it.
you listened to him sighing and left the area. the thought of him not even trying to take you back hurted you the most, and tears fell down your cheeks because of it.
the three watched in silence. they felt bad at your broken state, but bada was more hurt. she hates it when you get hurt, and she hates herself for not being there for you when you were suffering.
bada probably hated howl more because she trusted him that you will he taken care of but the fucker chose to break your heart.
tatter pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message directly to bada's phone, and sent it to her.
'time to be y/n-ssaem's knight in shining armor.'
when bada sees the message, she whipped her head towards the younger and glared at her. tatter rolled her eyes and pointed at you, mouthing a 'fucking go, unnie! do it!'
lusher was doing the same thing.
bada sighed quietly and walked towards your weak figure and cleared her throat to get your attention.
you lift your head up and your eyes grew wide at the sight of bada towering you. "b-bada-ya... you were here the whole time?"
she scratches the back of her head and sat beside you. "actually, lusher, tatter and i were here and... we actually heard everything. i'm sorry you had to go through that. howl is such a fucking jerk." she said, gritting her teeth.
lusher and tatter let out noises, agreeing with what the older said, and excused themselves so they can leave the two alone.
"i'm sorry... it's my fault, i trusted him way too much..." you said weakly, and you automatically leaned against her frame. bada's instinct kicked in and hugged her tight. "shh... this is not your fault, okay? if howl had some decency, he wouldn't do this to a pretty girl like you."
just the warmth of her arm around you unlocked more of your tears and you sobbed, and clinged onto her.
bada sighed and stayed silent for you, silently cooing to encourage you to cry and let it all out. she gently stroked the small of your back and stayed there for you.
you would mention something self-deprecating, and bada would dismiss it immediately, reassuring you.
"let's go to your place?" she asks when your hiccups and sobs stopped. you nod, and that's her sign for her to help you up and bring you to her car, and both of you drove to your apartment.
when you've arrived, she never left your side and helped you with everything. and when you settled down your room, bada announced that she's gonna leave her now (because she wanted to give you space, or some moment to clear your thoughts for a good while), but you stopped her.
"stay." you said and looked at her, and she groaned inwardly because she can't say to your boba-like eyes when you want to get something from her. bada obliges and she removed her cardigan first and scooted inside the blanket, hugging you immediately.
she heard you sigh and clinged her arms around you. "thank you, bada... i don't know what to do if you're not here."
she hummed in response, and pulled you closer. eventually the two of you fell asleep.
morning came, and bada was the first one to wake up. the sight of you peacefully sleeping dawned her, and she sighed. you're too precious, she thought. she instinctively fixed your bangs, and then she stared at your face.
"you're making it so hard for me not to fall for you, y/n..." she said faintly, "i'm sorry for hiding this. i just don't wanna ruin our friendship, but there's part of me that wants it. i wanna ruin our friendship, y/n. i can take care of you more than howl... let me love you."
she didn't realized that while she was talking, she had her eyes close and her face leaned close to yours. and she didn't notice that you have woken up and were able to hear her 'morning epiphany'.
"is that what you want, bada?" you asked softly.
bada's eyes opened and looked at you, shocked. "y-you heard it...?"
"most of it..."
"shit... i'm sorry." she sits up, and was about to leave your side, but you're too quick and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from leaving.
"why are you apologizing?"
"because... i shouldn't have caught feelings with my best friend... but i can't help it! you were kind, nice, talented, pretty, and most of all, you deserve the world and i wanted to give it to you. but i was afraid to confess because you might end our years of friendship, and i know you're not into girls... now that the truth is out, you will hate me and will cut ties with me... i'm sorry, i will set aside these feelings for you. i don't wanna lose my closest friend."
"i don't wanna lose you."
you noticed that she was looking down while she fiddled her long, slender fingers, something she does when she's nervous or she gets caught in the act when she pulls pranks at your crew.
you smiled at your friend and cupped her cheek, guiding you to look at her. there was this fond smile playing on your lips. "silly, you don't need to cut ties with me, nor set aside your feelings."
bada stared at you as her lips formed to a pout. "what do you mean..."
"i'm sorry i didn't know sooner... the one that understands me and takes care of me was at my side after all."
she stayed silent, and you grew anxious that she's not even reacting. on bada's part, she is trying to process what you said.
"earth to bada lee... did i lost her already?" you asked in a teasing manner. a tinge of light blush graced the latter's cheeks and cleared her throat.
that gesture made you chuckle, and you moved your hand to gently comb her strawberry and black locks. after being frozen for quite awhile, bada pulled your body close and hugged your waist tight. you felt her exhale and that made you smile more.
"i thought you're not into girls..."
what she said had you laughing. "i did say that, but the truth is, i don't see myself dating girls at the moment because of one reason."
bada pulled away and stared at you. lusher's voice echoed on her brain.
"plus, i don't think y/n-unnie is straight. my gay-dar never failed me."
well, her gay-dar didn't fail her at all. shaking the thought off, she squeezed your hand, urging you to continue.
"remember noze?" she nods. "yeah. what about her."
"i used to have this HUGE crush on her. i am head over heels on her. everything that she liked, i try to like what she does, eats, reads... just to get some sort of... good points on her."
bada began to blush, since she can relate to what you told her. she began to use the scent you wore because if felt like you were with her, and she gets validation from you that bada liked what you liked, as well.
she tried exploring on her cafè orders, venturing on the sweeter ones because you liked sweet blends.
all of those are hidden under her intentions of being your 'greatest best friend' image. she hid her pining over you under that image.
"we played a lot, we kissed, just your 'friends with benefits' shit, but when i was about to confess, she confessed that she was dating aiki-ssaem. and asked to stop what we're doing and just stayed at friends..." you continued. bada noticed sadness in your eyes, but you tried to smile.
"that was my first heartbreak... and she was the first female i fell in love with. that time, i realized that maybe liking girls is not for me. because i end up hurting. no one knew that story, you were the first."
bada went silent, but her fingers are still intertwined against your own. you were silent, as well, but minutes later, you were the first to break it.
"you know, the first time i met you, i felt attracted to you... but i got scared. because i might end up heartbroken again."
she looked up at you and saw you staring at her. "i like you, but i am scared, so i tried fooling around with others, trying to remove whatever feelings i have for you, but it reappears as much as i make it disappear."
"i think i still like you..." you confessed. bada gasped, and didn't hesitate to close the distance between you two, cupping both your cheeks and pressed her lips against your own.
your eyes grew wide but slowly flutters close as the hidden feelings took over. same goes with bada, all the feelings she tried to hide, now she pours it on the kiss.
she pulled away and stared at you. "my feelings for you never left, y/n..."
you stared back right into her brown orbs, and tears started forming on the corners of your eyes. bada hushed and wiped the tears away before it even fell. "i promise not to hurt you."
and you believe that. she was there from the beginning, and never left despite everything that happened. the pain from earlier slowly disappeared, and you don't fear what the future is because you have bada on your side. as your best friend, and as your partner... soon.
weeks later, things are going well between you and bada, and the rest of team bebe are delighted with the shift. lusher liked the glow that bada exudes during practices. she was more enthusiastic, and she had to thank you for that.
tatter liked your shift from mega depresso mood back to your cheerful and playful self. like bada, you're enthusiastic during practice runs.
but, what both tatter and lusher liked was the shift between you and bada. along with the other team bebe members, they felt love. the glances you two had and the way you two get so touchy (in a non-sexual way, of course.) during breaks. they inwardly groan because they had to endure the love bird moments, but kidding aside, they were glad the finally, they made it in each other's arms.
no more hidden pining, no more secrets.
— fin.
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saintmagx · 5 months
call it what you want 🎶
Grayson Waller x Reader
An: I just loved this idea and had to write about it! Also not sure what Scarlett goes by irl so I’m giving her the nickname Beth cause I think that’s what I’d actually call her 🤔
‼️ warnings: swearing, use of real names, not proof read, we are dramatic asf, Grayson is dumb and oblivious but we love him, not really much substance just a little short story‼️
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“No, absolutely not.”
“Matty please?”
“Yn I’m sorry i just can’t. I’ve spent so much time trying to be the bad guy, if I go, I lose all credibility. I’m sure if you ask Trin and Beth, they would go with you.”
“Trin is bringing Jon and Beth is bringing Kevin. I will literally be third wheeling everyone. Know what? Just forget I asked. It’s fine.” Upset, i storm off.
Taylor Swift. Taylor fucking Swift was the cause of this argument. The Eras tour was finally heading to Florida and i had tickets for us and our friends to go, however between purchasing the tickets and the actual concert itself, Matty decided - no wait sorry Grayson fucking Waller decided to start beef with the swifties - Rendering his attendance impossible.
Grabbing my phone I do what literally everyone else does when they need to rant about their man. Put it in the group chat for the girls to back you up.
Matty says he isn’t going to the concert 😢
Girl I’m sorry. That boy is dumb as hell. Why he starting beef knowing we had this concert?
Men are dumb - screw him, we will still have fun girl 💕
Honestly I don’t even wanna go now, yall can find someone to take our place.
No no no we ain’t gon do that. You’re gonna get you fine ass dressed to impress and you are gonna come to the concert with us.
Honestly yn it wouldn’t be the same without you there, please come - I’ll make sure your glass is always full 😜
I second that! Come on girl.
Know what you girls are right, screw Matty. I’m still gonna go and enjoy myself. Drinks on yall though - promise is a promise 😚
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Friday Night Smackdown
Backstage I stand with Trin who is currently warming up for her match tonight.
“We haven’t really spoke about it to be honest. I know I’m being over dramatic but he knew how excited I was for this concert.” I complain
A familiar scent fills my senses. A strong pair of arms wrap round my waist enclosing me in a tight embrace.
“There’s my girl, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He says.
“Well you’ve found me, now I gotta go get ready for my match.” I say u wrapping myself from Mattys grasp.
“I’ll see you out there Trin.” I announce before quickly leaving, leaving him confused.
“Boy, you done fucked up.” Trin
“What did I do wrong?” He says.
Shaking her head she replies “the fact that you don’t even know what you’ve done wrong makes this whole thing even worse.”
“Come on Trin, help me out.” He pleads
“The concert Matt, she was looking forward to you and her going and you’ve let her down. Do you know she wasn’t even going to go because of it? This is something she loves and wanted to experience it with you. You better get your shit together and sort it out before the gig.”
“Fuck!” He says letting out a huge sigh. He didn’t mean to hurt yn, he knew she was looking forward to the concert but didn’t think it would be a big deal if he wasn’t there.
“This whole swiftie thing has just got out of hand, but don’t worry Trin, I’ll fix it!”
“You better.”
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Day of Era’s concert
Perfect you say to yourself.
You and the girls had decided to dress up as your favourite Era. You had gone with Lover era. Standing looking the mirror you had found the perfect dress, a pink off the shoulder tulle mini dress, it was the epitome of lover - and of course your outfit wouldn’t be complete without and arm full of friendship bracelets ready to swap with all the other attendees.
You had sent off a text to Trin and Beth to tell them you were ready to leave. A small knock at the bedroom door startles you slightly, knowing it would be Matty you tell him to come in. Turning around you are met with Matty dressed up with pink trousers - similar to the shade of your dress. A white Taylor swift T-shirt and and a few little friendship bracelets on his arm.
“We ready to go babe?” He asks
“I thought you weren’t coming?”
“I wasn’t, but I didn’t stop to think how much you wanted me to be there, and how much I wanted to be there with you. I want to have all these experiences with you and I can’t do that if I’m sitting at home.”
He walks closer to me and takes hold of my hands, looking into my eyes he continues.
“I love you so much yn, no swiftie beef is gonna stop me from making your dreams and wishes come true.”
He leans down and tenderly kisses my lips.
“I love you too Matty, you have no idea how much this all means to me.”
The truth is he did know how much it meant to yn. He could see it in her eyes and he made a silent promise to himself that he would never again be the reason her eyes were filled with sadness.
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Thank you for reading whatever the hell this was. Appreciate the likes and reposts.
If you want tagged let me know! 💕
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kennysimp101 · 6 months
i’m begging for an Aj imagine where he dates a (female) f1 driver for red bull and in the beginning his friends don’t believe that they are dating cause of how pretty she is 🙏🙏🙏
btw love your work 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
"No chance": Aj x reader ☁
A/N: Hello Anon!! Im not a big Aj girly but I love f1 so ofc I loved this idea. I tried my best but it's like I forgot how to write 😭
Also, thanks Love <33, appreciate all of yall, and sorry for the very late update
You and Aj have been dating for 5 months. It's been amazing. You are a racer and this year you got signed with the leading team in F1, Redbull. You were overjoyed and had your first race in a week. You invited Aj and told him to get his friends along as well. 
A week later
The first GP was in Baku, and you had just reached. You went to your hotel and were planning to have lunch with Aj and his friends. You had never met them but you had watched a few of their videos when Aj showed you their channel, and you thought they were hilarious. Aj texts you to come downstairs. You go to the reception and you see Aj standing. “AJ!!” You shout and run over to hug him. You hadn't met in a week since you were so busy with practice. “Y/N, I missed you soo muchh” He says hugging you back. “Are we ready to go?” You ask about the lunch. “I just need to go to my room and wait for the guys to get ready too” He replies “Okayy, im just gonna go get ready as well” You both go into the elevator, Aj gets off on the 3rd floor, where u see his friends, wave slightly before the elevator goes to your floor.
Aj goes to his friends. “Your telling me you pulled her??” Kenny asks. “NO CHANCE MAN BROS LYING” Chunkz shouts louder than expected. “Yeah??” Aj replies confused to all the commotion. “Aj, you know your my friend right? Like we live together and im so close to you, but i call bullshit” niko says. “Aint no way shes your girlfriend, shes too pretty” sharky added on. “I cant believe this man. HOW DO YOU LOT NOT BELIEVE ME?” Aj gets upset. “Nice one bro, its gonna be a great video for you” Chunkz laughs and the rest join in. “I dont even care, just go get ready in 10 minutes for lunch” Aj says as he shakes his head and goes to his room.
10 mins later
All the guys meet up downstairs and are waiting for y/n. “Sooooo your “girlfriend” isn't here yet huh aj?” Niko says, air-quoting girlfriend. “She's coming omg guys believe me she's my girlfriend,” Aj says getting sick of his friends. “Right right we totally believe you bro,” Sharky says sarcastically. Then y/n comes out of the elevator “AJ!! Here!” you shout at him. “Y/N!!” He says back as you walk towards him and his friends. “Guys this is y/n my girlfriend, and y/n this is Niko, Chunkz, Sharky, and Kenny,” He said pointing at each one. “Hey guys, im glad I can finally meet you all!” you say while smiling. All the guys stand with their jaws dropped. “SEE I TOLD YOU!” Aj shouted at them. “What?” you say confused. One of them, you remember as Chunkz says “We saw you in the elevator before, and since youre soo pretty, we just assumed Aj was making this whole thing up as a prank, and we didn't believe him at all… Clearly we were wrong”. You laugh while Aj stands there pouting. “But why?” Kenny asks. “Cause y/n is beautiful, kind and ambitious af?” Aj says like it's the most obvious thing. “No I get that, i was wondering why she would choose you, she's literally a goddess-looking F1 driver, and you're a rat,” He says and all the boys laugh. “Awww, he may be a triangle, but he's a cute triangle” You reply which gets then laughing even more. Aj smacks your arm as you giggle. “She's funny too?? Damn Aj you got nothing over her” Niko says as all of you walk out to go to lunch.
Kinda short so sorry about that, finals approaching BUT IM TRYING TO START POSTING AGAIN SOOO YAYY. Also I went off the story so many times lmaoo (Thats y the ending is shit sorry). Im gonna try and finish up all the requests I have soon, then I was probably gonna put some f1 fics (Open to requests too)
Anyways love yall <33
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aricr0cs · 2 months
It all started in 2022 when my girlfriend used pictures of qunari pectorals to shamelessly tempt me into being interested in dragon age. I’ve never been into rpg on console. I like racing games and shooters. Stuff like that. But in my defense…. The Arishok.
She convinced me to watch her play. And I did. All of it. She began with dragon age origins. A completionist, She played it all, recording it for me in 30 minute increments which I consumed with growing interest. Every game. The dlc. Every quest. No chest was left unlooted (giggity). I’m sure I saw more in the last two years than yall will ever see here thybyht.
And boy did I consume it. I fell in love with every character. I fell in love with her ocs. I fell more in love with her for giving me this wonderful little piece of her head. It felt like a very special gift. And I gobbled it up.
And naturally, being me, I crafted my own ocs inside my head that were there too. Developed my own ideas of what I would do. My considerations of the actions I would take. The choices I would make. I became very invested.
They dropped the veilguard trailer and it was a new experience for us I think. She has loved this game for so long. I have never played it. But we were both squealing with excitement and buzzing about what we think will happen.
And then the playthrough aired. The one where we see Varric lose his Bianca and here I am having never played and yet my heart still hurt with worry for this little fictional man.
And so the itch began. The desire to make those choices for myself. To see Thedas being shaped because of my actions.
I have been sucked in.
On June 30th 2024, in a discord call with my gf, I downloaded origins and began my first playthrough. There will be some catching up posts of how I felt and the choices I made and then once I’m caught up I’m going to consider this my online da diary lol.
It's a juxtaposition. I know what is going to happen. I know the story. I’m already spoiled. But this is still very much my first playthrough of these games. So if I post old news or theories I apologize ynynyh. But I figured I’d share my joy and idiocy with the world. And I thank you old dragon age veterans for putting up with newbies like me.
Also my girl. Thank you Leah for giving this old gay a new world to become a part of. As always I’m dragging your ass with me uwu.
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anangelinthepit · 2 months
Baby, you're the right kind of Wrong
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Hello sweetface! Thank you for reading my story. This is my new series, and I hope you enjoy it. Shout out to @reyadawn for helping me with the 😉 parts. Love yoy to bits mama. Anywasy, let me know what yall thunk. Rkae care and as always with love Magenta 🌹
Part 1 is here
Part 2
We got to Ana’s house and only had 20 minutes to get ready. I guess we were expected to be there at a certain time, it made me wonder how planned out this entire thing was. Ana sat me down in a chair and straightened my hair, I had never seen it look like this. Mama and Papa never let me do anything with my looks. Next came my makeup, and boy, I was in for a surprise. Fake eyelashes, dark-colored lipstick, and eyeliner. You name it, she put it on me. My face felt so heavy with all this makeup. Again I’m not used to wearing any of it, Mama let me use her blush one time but made me wash it off before Papa got home from work. Last but not least, my outfit. Plaid pencil skirt with long sleeve crop top and fishnet stockings.
“Jesus girl, look at your ass! Where have you been hiding that thing?” Ana said as she spun me around.
“Ana I look like a creaking hooker,” I said, feeling embarrassed while looking at myself in the mirror.
“Yea, a sexy hooker! Who might finally get laid tonight,” she said, laughing
“What if someone sees me and tells my parents?” I said, looking at myself in the mirror
“Girl please no one would even recognize you. I turned you into a gothic Barbie. I'm so proud of myself.” she pretended to wipe a read away.
“Now let's get going before the sexual feeling wears off. Trust me, by the end of the night, you'll be sick of the makeup and heels,” she said, handing me knee-high boots
“What the heck do you use these things for? Gardening?” I said, holding them up.
Ana rolled her eyes and helped me put them on. How is it that even with these boots, I'm still so freaking short? We got in the car and made the 15-minute drive to the guy's house. My mind was a complete circus. All I could do was think about how I'm gonna talk and walk. Do I have it in me to snatch up a cute boy and be normal for once? Or are they gonna make fun of me and think I'm just this weird church girl who doesn't have a life? I have no experience in these situations.
“God, I feel like I'm gonna throw up.”
I'm starting to break out into a sweat, and my hands are getting clammy. I was about to have a full-blown anxiety attack until Ana's voice pulled me from my thoughts
“Let's go girl we’re here,” she said, pulling the keys out of the ignition.
I looked up and was met with a huge house that had the front door hanging wide open. It almost looked like the homes you would see in movies during huge house parties. Ana got out of the car, and a bunch of people came out and greeted her with hugs. One of them is the guitarist and drummer of BO
“How the heck does she know them” I thought to myself,
If this chick has been lying to me and knows the band, I'm gonna kill her in her sleep. She knows how in love I am with Noah and felt that leaving out the part where she knows them was a good idea. I slowly got out of the car, and just like that, all eyes were on me. They made it seem like I had a dead body behind me.
“Ooo Ana, is this your friend you've been telling us about,” Nick said
“Damn, she's beautiful. You weren't kidding.” folio said
“That's a little forward, but thank you for the compliments,” I said
“Don't mind them they've been drinking heavily already.” Anas bf said
“Wow, you fuckers didn't wait for the ladies? How rude!.” Ana said pushing folio
They threw a few more jokes at each other and then decided to move this little get-together back into the house. When we walked in Ana was greeted by literally everyone. The look on my face my face must have been obvious because Ana then mothers the word “sorry” to me.
This chick knew more than what she told me. I wanted to be mad, but I got distracted by the group of people I was thrown into. Everyone except Noah was in the kitchen, and needless to say, I felt bummed out.
Everyone looked up and happily greeted her. They all seemed to have a nice friendship going on, I hope I can be a part of it. I walked up to the island next to Ana and was handed a drink. There are so many different guys around me. We’re there any other girls besides us? I started to get a little nervous because Ana always told me about parties where people do inappropriate things. I'm hoping this isn't one of them.
“Ana does your friend have a name.” folio asked
“She does,” Ana said, nudging me
“Oh um, my name is Y/N,” I said nervously
“Y/n? That's a pretty name.” Jolly said, looking at me.
“Thanks. Parents wanted to be different, so that's what they came up with.” I joked
Everyone laughed a little and went back to their conversations. I joined in on a few here and there but was becoming bored because the person I wanted wasn’t there. Don't get me wrong, it was cool meeting to the others, but Noah was on my mind. All day, every day. Almost an hour had passed by, and still no sign of Noah, I gave up and asked where the restroom was. Bryan pointed up the stairs and said the last door on the left.
I thanked him and made my up the stairs. I'm hoping just to get away from the group and wash some of this makeup off. The guys were becoming slobs, and to be honest, they were being unattractive. I was about to make my way to the bathroom when I heard someone singing from another room. The voice was so angelic that I forgot about the bathroom and made my way towards the music I could hear playing. Mama always said there are angels here on earth. Did I just find one?
I got to the door where the voice was coming from and slightly out my ear up against it
“Weight down on me, stay till morning way down, would you say I'm worthy.”
Just those few words made me grab my chest and have a knot build up in my throat. The amount of pain that was in this man's voice made me want to collapse to my knees and hold him.Suddenly, the door swings all the way open, and I am met with a tall and extremely annoyed Noah. Talk about bad first impression
“Are you fucking lost?” he said leaning up against his doorframe
“Um. N No, I'm sorry, I was on my way to the bathroom and I heard you singing.” I said, stuttering and trying not to shake
“Let me guess, groupies ?” Noah said with a raised eyebrow
“No no no I'm sorry, I'll um just be on my way. Again I'm so sorry.” I began to turn around with a knot in my stomach. I made the worst fucking impression and now I look like a creep. At this point, I just wanted to go back downstairs with Ana. I was about to head towards the steps when Noah stopped me with one question.
“How did it sound?” he asked while looking down.
“I'm sorry?” I said confused
“What I was singing. How did it sound?”
“Oh I thought it was beautiful but the way you were singing it made it sound really sad. Almost like something was hurting you. Are you okay?” I asked
“Am I okay?” he said looking at me confused
We stood there staring at each other for what seemed like forever. It was almost like the question messed with him mentally. Then again I'd just analyze him with no mercy, didn't ease into it or anything. It did make me wonder if anyone one ever asked him that before. Or at least that's how he's looking at me like I am the first person to ever do so. After what seemed like an hour, Noah finally spoke, breaking the silence between them.
“Um do you maybe want to hear the rest, I could use a second set of ears.” he said, opening his door
I smiled and shook my head yes. Noah opened the door all the way and was met with the same bedroom he would do his twitch streams on. The first thing that caught my attention was how cold the room was. It was like an icebox in here, and when I looked over at the thermostat I realized it was 54 degrees. “My God, what is this guy a vampire ?” The second thing was how clean and pristine everything was. The room had a luscious scent to it making me feel some type of way. “There's no way I'm getting turned on by a cute guy and a clean room. Snap the heck out of it”
Noah shut the door and walked past me while placing his hand on my shoulder. Would be lying if I said the touch didn't make me jump a little.
“Oh sorry,” he said with half a smile,
Dammit he noticed. For once, can I not be such a nervous wreck
“Here. It's probably more comfortable than the seats downstairs” he said, pulling his gaming chair over
I sat down, and Noah sat across from me on his bed. There was another awkward silence between the both of us, Noah broke it by speaking up first. Thank God because I didn't know how to.
“Um here. I hate being hot, so I keep it freezing here
Noah handed me a pullover hoodie that said TDOPOM. Whatever the heck that was. Must be some pop singer or something. I looked around and saw all his twitch equipment, all the times he would play fall guy or a scary game was right here in this area. I could also see where the candle left a soot mark from when it exploded. Noticing made me giggle, but Noah brought me to attention.
“I just wanted to say I'm sorry I was so rude at first. I'm kind of going through a lot, but It doesn't excuse my actions. I hope you can forgive me, and we can start over.” he said, looking up at me.
He seemed so soft and caring, compared to the guy who was about to take my soul with eyes just a few moments ago. I couldn't stay upset with him even if I wanted to.
“Oh it's okay, I understand. A random creepy girl has her ear up to your door eavesdropping. I would have the same reaction. All is forgiven, I promise.” I said, giving him a shy smile
“I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?”
“Y/N. I don't usually get out much, Ana convinced me this time around, though..”
“Not much of a party person, aye?.”
“You could say that my parents don't think it's a good idea,” I said,
Noah gave me a concerned look. I was confused at first, but then I realized how many 22-year-olds are controlled by their parents
“Wait how old are you?” he said
“Oh, I'm 22. I'm sorry I should have specified that in the beginning.” I said with a nervous laugh
“And your parents tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing?” he said with a raised brow
“Yeah for someone as inexperienced as I am, it's probably best,” I said, laughing
He leaned back on the bed, exposing his torso. A tiny part of his tummy was showing, which was also decorated in beautiful art. It made me wonder what the rest of this man was covered in.
“What do you mean?” he said with a smile
“I stumbled into a random guy's room. You could have kidnapped me for all I know.” I said, shrugging
“Hey come on, does the mustache make me look that weird,” he said jokingly
“Maybe a little,” I said
We both laughed and shared a smile.
“What?” I said, still looking at him with a smile
“Nothing it's just, you know you're a really beautiful person,” Noah said
“You barely know me,” I said with a small chuckle
“I know, but I can tell. You have this peaceful demeanor, yet your eyes are screaming at me to set you free. What's binding you, Y/N?”
“Alright, Aristotle relax. How about we get back to this song that I was eavesdropping on.” I said, joking pushing his shoulder
The conversation he was trying to start wasn't one I was ready to have. Especially with a stranger, to be honest, I wasn't ready to lose him yet even though he wasn't mine. These last few moments have been pure bliss, bliss that I haven't felt k such a long time. Noah grabbed his guitar and finally showed me the rest of the song.
“I can wait for you at the bottom,I can stay away if you want me to, I could wait for years if I gotta. Heaven knows I ain't getting over you. We'll try again When we're not so different. We will make amends
'Til then, I'll just pretend.”
When he was finished, I was lost for words. The story those lyrics made were like the ones I've read in books. The love story I dreamed of having and this man put it into a song.
“Hey, are you okay?” Noah said, putting his guitar aside and getting down on his knees to face me.
I didn't even realize I was crying until he wiped a tear from my face. The funny thing is, yes, I was crying because this song broke my heart, but also because someone hurt this man enough to make this haunting love story of a song.
“I'm so sorry.” I pulled myself together and just let my thoughts poor out
“I'm not sure who hurt you, but I pray you'll find happiness once again. You truly deserve it, and I'm so sorry.” I said, wiping with my sleeve
“You’re crying for me? Noah said confused
“Well of course, it’s not fair that someone put you through hell and back yet you stay loyal to them. I’m sorry but they don’t deserve you.” I said putting my hands into my face.
I couldn’t bear the thought of someone hurting this sweet man. Why would anyone want to hurt someone who is so kind? Maybe these are things I didn’t understand about the world yet since I’m constantly sheltered. To be honest all I want to do is hug him but I feel like that would be too much for the both of us. We just met an hour ago and I’m already bawling my eyes out.
“Y/N please don’t cry for me,” Noah said, pulling my hands down from my face and holding them. Noah eyes were completely locked into mine. He had the most breathtaking shade of brown eyes, all I could see in them was the warmth of eveasting earth.
“I'm okay, I promise,” Noah said
Something came over me, and I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and digging my face into his collar bone. I wanted him to feel some type of comfort, and I prayed this hug would do it. Before Mama and Papa went crazy, Papa would always tell you can heal someone's damaged heart with a meaningful hug. That's all I wanna do is heal these poor souls'broken heart. Noah wrapped his arms around my body and held me right. I knew it, I knew he needed a hug and hadn't received one in so long. I could tell by the way he was holding me that he never wanted to let me go. His luscious scent smelled like vanilla mixed with rosewood, so sweet yet so intoxicating at the same time. I wanted more but I couldn't sit here and hug him all night or else I would. Just getting high off his scent to the point where I'm completely stupid. I pulled away from the crevis of his neck, and we were face to face. Noah wiped my tears away once again and lightly drew his thumb across my lips.
“Oh angel, please don't cry over a demon like me.”
What he said sent shivers down my spine and made me have a knot pulling in my lower Abdomen. We kept making eye contact with each other lips. At this, we both had the same thing on our minds but neither one of us wanted to make the first move.
I'd never kissed anyone before and began to feel nervous about what he was going to do. I hope he won't force me or make me feel stupid. I didn't want to screw this up, and before I knew it, Noah was looking at me again. I think he could see how nervous I was. Did I give it away that I've never kissed anyone ?
“I won't do it if you don't want me to Y/N,” Noah said quietly
No, I want this more than anything, I'd rather you than some stupid church boy.
“Please. Please kiss me.”
His lips connected with mine, his tongue tracing across my bottom lip, a silent ask to deepen the kiss. I happily let him in. Before I knew it, his fingers were wrapped in my hair, and if I didn't know any better, his hand was wrapped around my heart. I could feel my knees two seconds away from giving in and wanting to give it up to him.
“Damn, THEY BOTH IN HERE GETTING SOME! YO ANA CHURCH GIRL GOT IT IN HER AFTER ALL.” Matt yelled, followed by some hallowing from everyone making their way up the steps
“Uh oh” I said
Noah POV
I’m going to kill every single one of these fucking idiots
Enjoy. I love you all @reyadawn @bloodylullaby @fadingintothegrey @dreamstyles @hurricanesfollowyou @supersquirrel1996
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vio-starzz · 4 months
Man I have so many au ideas like…
Actually wait uhm, I waste no time getting into this so.
Tw: Possible Body horror(?), Suicide, Death, Violence/Self harm/injury, drowning, Hallucinations, bugs
This gets very heavy, Like the first thing under the cut is just violent, and random (these are getting dumped in the order of how I think of em yall)
I can give the basic easy stuff tho!!! Before the cut where we go oh boy Z you hurt your blorbos don’t you.
> Rune (Green, Red, Blue, Vio, Shadow)
> Raven: Buncha adventures, dont know the names of most of em
> Willow: Botw, AoC, Totk
> Erebos: Dark Link for all -Rune & Willow
> Z: oc, no specific orgin
> Wilt (There but not rlly): Willows Dark Link
Fierce Deity + Hylia
(These designs MAY be subject to change)
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|| Anything past this part is just brain dumping lmao ||
> Vio (while in control of Rune’s body) stabs their eye all of a sudden. Rips the blade out and just watches the blood and shit fall… They never explained why. Even they were a little confused, they just felt… Compelled to do so: And because of it, Rune permanently holds that scar, when split only Vio has it! But when Vio ‘fronts’ per-say? The scar seems more. Prominent…Hence why they hide that eye, because it’s also color changed permanently to black and purple. Fun.
> Rune didn’t realize the eye color change for a while! And then they got called a demon in the town, and needless to say they don’t go into town unless split, and typically it’s only Green and Red that’ll go when they need supplies. Blue despises the town, and Vio just thinks they’d be called a devil for how they look and act…. Luckily the town isn’t in Hyrule fully, but jeez/neg
> Vio(hi again) Gets a little bit angry at themselves after failing to bring Shadow back on another ritual. They did a blood ritual. all the things they did right! So when it failed? They weren’t. Happy about it. They ended up stabbing themself through the chest. Not caring they go through the heart. Like. complete suicide. This was in a fit of rage, and they were not thinking clearly- Didn’t even notice what they’d done at first until it was too late- and was simply mostly. An accident. HOWEVER. Because of their own blood ritual for Shadow. They brought themself back. (It did end up working Vio… Just not on the right person. Whoops. that’s the 400+ ritual attempt failed for Shadow, and the first success for Vio)
> Willow is an anti-hero. Because they have done things very unforgivable, and in every way they are twisted out of who they once were before. Murder? Torture? They’ve done it. No matter the age, they have made foul actions, and they have had conflicted morals since. They simply know they don’t believe to be a hero alone, because that title takes away from what unforgivable feats they have committed. They are a traveler to their world, and to most— They built the story on how Link died years ago, and they didn’t save the world…. Just because they don’t want the credit of being someone held so highly and proudly looked up to: When they believe faer a monster.
> Erebos’ body has very quick regeneration for a reason. If you were to take away his magic, you’d be able to watch in sheer horror as his own body eats itself to stay fed and just seeps of hatred and malice.
> Z’s ribcage is seemingly visible through their chest. You can see the faint outlines of it… But in realistic terms. At times, it looks like their ribs are outside their body…?
> With the first ever hero, Hylia after watching the love of her life die, went back to demise’s corpse, stabbing him and casting a bigger seal than the master-sword would keep on him. She prevented him from coming out too early, and reincarnated miserably as all she could think about was him. She knew her love was forbidden and fated to never work out, but she still tried to think it’d be okay. She still tried to make fate change, and her love work.
> Fierce found Willow in the forest with the master sword when they were six (6) years old. It completely broke him seeing a child that young, and fragile, hold a blade that ruined another (the hero of time) So… He put it upon himself to protect the child. And for another six (6) years, He raised and treated Willow as his own. He taught them, protected them, and they stayed in the lost woods away from society, which seemed better considering Willow looked abused… When Willow was twelve (12) almost thirteen (13), guards from Hyrule found, and took them away. Fierce watched it happen, and wanted nothing more than to intervene… But he wasn’t able to. Because of that, (Hero of Wars) and (The hero of Twilight’s) souls accompanied them around instead. They were the teachers, and tried to help being a knight more bearable, by being a safe place where Willow could just be themself. Instead of a silent soon to be “hero.” As they were taught to be.
> When Willow died, Fierce gave up a lot of their dark magic, and Hylia agreed to give Willow an even amount of her light magic, which bound itself around their soul alongside other fallen souls… Meaning Willow is a perfectly balanced creature. Their soul, is the only soul, that is even.
> Willow and Vio both main using Dark magic if magic is needed. They both don’t use light magic even with access to it… Meaning Vio’s hero spirit is rather corrupt (makes sense, they won’t refer to themselves as the hero anyways aka they gave their hero spirit to shadow when resurrecting them out of desperation because the ritual needed a soul, and that was the best they could pull up) and clouded, while Willow’s is just. Gone, it’s a part of them that they lost with death- So Willow doesn’t have the heroes spirit anymore, BUT they still were the hero from before death. They just don’t associate themselves with that part, because they’ve learned to move on from the past, and some parts of them they had to let go to truly be able to heal.
> Willow and Fierce still hold a child/father relationship. They are a family, and although Willow had forgotten them for a bit, those memories did return.
> Raven has gotten close to death several times, and been dead for a few moments before…. There was more to his dream than they realize.
> Willow, Vio, and Raven all have some connections/are known by the souls of the damned as a friend or a descendant. (Essentially, the ones who faced death before)
> Willow when dead and sunken in the shrine to heal, wasn’t fully out of it. They weren’t moving sure, but those a-hundred (100) years? They were left alone in a blank area. On-top of water, that sometimes broke and forced them to drown time and time again…This ‘water’ area, had a lone tree….how familiar That is where they spent time drowning, and being met by their shadow. who would decide to bring them back up. Their ‘dark-counterpart’ much like Rune’s, isn’t Erebos like how the others have it. It was there, that they befriended and met their new found friend. Who they chose to call Wilt. Wilt just decided to go along with it, not like they had a name before.
> Willow after the calamity, very quickly left Zelda— It didn’t feel right to stay with her, which confused her—They found themselves wandering, killing, and boring themselves. However, ‘Wilt’ decided to appear and give them something to do. The two wandered across and through time, and also discovered Willow could use dark magic, which meant Wilt chose to help teach them how to use it… That is what happened between the Calamity’s end and catalyst’s beginning. What was seven (7) years to them was actually… Thousands millions of years to them.
> Vio is a very good artist, although they think they draw like dogshit…. Nobody agrees with this, except Vio. Because Vio is the only being who fuels their own self hatred!
> Willow has memories of the other incarnations after waking from the shrine. The only memory that’s blurred out to them from others views: Is Vio’s time with Shadow. It’s weird to know the hero of Time’s memories…. Time loops are disgustingly unfair Willow would know
> Z was made to serve under Demise, as nothing more than a weapon. For several years, they had no identification, and feelings. It wasn’t until Erebos(after leaving Demise, to be their own leader) beat them in a fight and such, that they became.. Something. They lack empathy still.
> Hylia is not the one pulling the strings at all. Her involvement with the world stopped after the first hero, her love- Died. The only other time she did something, was to help Fierce keep Willow alive. Other than that, she is rather lifeless in the face of Hyrule. Forever grieving what she never could’ve kept. (She does the bare minimum, and though it is no excuse, she just feels broken.)
> Although not all heroes are traveling across together… They will encounter others- Who will provide a safe world and break. Perhaps, even info needed…. So maybe Willow will meet Fenn The hero or Twilight and Arrow the hero of Wars again!
> Rune will not allow themselves to be called Link. They fully believe in their head, that Link died all those years ago… Before even the Four Sword split their head into shards, Link was dead.
> Gloom is Demise’s pure anger and blood. It sticks and it kills anything. Malice is his anger and hatred, it twists monsters minds, and burns others skin— Yet very rarely does it take another’s life.
> Willow has the upside-down triforce on their hand! Though, sometimes it glows randomly. Willow doesn’t talk about it, Rune especially Vio gets concerned when they notice.
> When it comes to totk, Willow didn’t get their arm changed like in the game. Instead, it is entirely pure dark magic ‘gifted’ from the souls of the damned. That change also altered Wilt, as in— Wilt’s arm became a pure being of light magic almost as if a mirror to Willow’s wounds.
> The fierce deity was removed from history and as Hylia’s Brother, simply because of their actions. They used their magic to give monsters just enough magic to make them go insane, and kill/eat one another. Which at first was okay, until they lost themselves after Hylia shut themselves away after seeing the first heroes death… And with little control, and a lot of hate. They did the same to a town who spoke badly of his sister- Causing being sealed away in a mask for a long while… They may have a bit of a rocky relationship with their own sister, but he does NOT accept others shit about her.
> After the hero of Time passed, Fierce was finally freed, and isolation changes someone. It took thousands, if not millions of years until they regained sanity and awareness. Though they are better in Willows time, it just won’t ever be the same.
> Rune only stays together as one instead of the colors when in smaller towns, some of the others need sleep or are a bit injured—heal quicker when as one—or when people (like their father/zelda) ask for Link (They’re unaware that Rune holds the sword again AND although their body became one after four swords? Their mind didn’t.) Staying just as one person is a lot more uncomfortable to them all, as their thoughts jumble together so easily it gets overwhelming…. And the awful amnesia blocks between them all.
> Erebos and Z have a platonic bonding, although it took Willow seven months to realize they weren’t romantically dating— It was all platonic. (Aka Willow does NOT get the cues of anything and they’re so confused on platonic romantic, any of it. Like: ‘slay ig but man people are hard to read’)
> The heros of Wars and Twilight both disappeared after Botw, leaving Willow alone. When it came to totk? They only had Wilt, who wasn’t that much when it came to emotions.
> Wilt is kinda like Fi. Not a sword in the slightest, but, personality wise if you will.
> Willow believed in Hylia so greatly and placed their faith in her, and then the calamity rolled around, they died. and in the shrine of resurrection? They still were like I have faith— And then when they spent a year (1/104 to come) permanently drowning in the shrine, Wilt deadass went “Even death cannot save you, so why will Hylia be any different?” and like- That broke them… Because they finally looked at the full picture: And Hylia was never really there. She assisted the bare minimum- She failed Zelda— She failed everyone. So what point did they have trusting her to help— If she’s the one who failed to prevent the inevitable.
> Raven struggles with awful hallucinations. Nightmares sometimes fuel them, like lightning when it’s not actually there. Though sometimes? Voices, or disturbing sounds. A faint familiar tune that’s eerily off putting, there, but nobody else hears it: Worstly? Bugs. Crawling on them. Getting everywhere, being everywhere- It makes them sick, and shiver, and just overall they get so incredibly uncomfortable it fucks with them badly. Bugs are one of Ravens worst fears, they can’t explain it. But it’s just not their shit. Like. Realistically spiders crawling all over them when they get a little too tired…. Yet it always is a hallucination. Never real.
> Blue struggles with faces. Kind of like Vio, looking in a mirror just feels wrong, they don’t recognize herself, but unlike Vio— It’s like Blue can’t see her face. It’s blurry, and faces of everyone sometimes just. Aren’t there…. They typically just have to go off voices, because sometimes it’s really bad and blurry.
> Green is colorblind. There are certain colors they can’t really see, and sometimes they mix colors up… Though it isn’t where they just see blacks grays and whites.
> Ravens body hated the summer and spring so fucking much, they got allergies. And if being disabled physically at times wasn’t bad enough? Congrats Raven!!! Now it’s like you can’t breathe ALONGSIDE the already shitty mobility problems,,,
> Vio has a god complex, yet that doesn’t mean they don’t also hate themselves. It’s an internal battle of I’m god, but also I hate myself so much who let me exist.
> Willow can speak every language. Like that one language from fucking millions of years ago? Oh yeah! It’s ()!!! Like you can’t escape their ability to understand every single word in every language, and watch in aspiration as they can also do the signs for all those languages….
> Willow and Vio (*handshake*) Dissecting things out of curiosity <3
Ight it’s taken me a while but I finally decided to bless myself of admitting who’s in the AU, just not traveling, but still Link’s that are there!?
> The hero of Sky (Fallen - He/Ae, Trans): Sksw
Pumpkin soup world, also kind of uncomfy but comfy world. Nobody really favors the goddess in the traveling group, and Willow seems very tense at times… It’s a lot better to not be on Skyloft, for some sad reason. Fallen feels bad about it, but they can see the reasons of uncomfortable, and they empathize and feel sorry for whatever the others went through. If only they could’ve done more, and stopped the curse…
> Hero of Time (Hearth - Any Pronouns, Tree): Oot/mm
Home world. Typically the most common one to test at, because with Malon also there, everything’s instantly better, and Hearth enjoys confusing them with the truthful ‘i am a tree’ statements…. Willow wants to be a tree too now…. and wants to apologize profusely for Fierce and explain it all, but they can’t….
> Hero of Twilight (Fenn - He/Him, Trans): TwiPri
Info world, and a happy little home to go to— INCLUDES WOLF SNUGGLES!!! STAN TWI WOLF FORM!!!
> Hero of Light? (Minshi - They/He, Nonbinary): ?
Rune looks up to them a lot, and their eyes world is more of for information, yet most times they fail to get the info they were supposed to, because everything about their world is just so soft and cozy, it’s hard to not just lay back and rest.
> Hero of Hyrule (Leaf - Fae/They/It, Agender): Zelda I&II?
Leaf is very happy to get the company, and it’s a relief to all around… Though Raven still hasn’t figured out why they look so highly up to them…. Though they don’t mind, Leaf is a silly fella/pos to go on adventures with anyways!
> Hero of Winds (Stormi - She/Her, Trans): WW, PH
She’s so confused, doesn’t really get a lot of the shit, but feels happy and free enough to act childish around the traveling group. It’s a safe space for all involved, and damnit Her grandmas soup only makes it better.
> Hero of Spirits (Soul - He/They, Unlabeled): ST
Free train ride world, and the amazing way to watch his Zelda posses things. Everyone finds this world fun, it is considered a ‘break’ world.
> Hero of Warriors/Wars (Arrow - He/It, Trans): Hw
Very fond and happy to see Willow (brother relationship), seeing as they are very close from being together for so long, which Arrow could never forget about. They’re just happy Willow’s alive, especially after the Calamity- Yet they still are not aware of the cataclysm. (Willow refuses to tell them. and tends to hide their arm when in his world) Its world is typically for learning info, yet they do tend to find fun inbetween that.
> First Hero (L - He/Him, cis): Hyrule Historia, manga part!
Just a spirit, they sometimes get seen by the others, yet it’s like they cannot hear, and just are forever lost to wander. They were Hylia’s only true love: But now they are gone.
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phoenix--flying · 9 months
things my friendgroup has said while playing roblox games but its just titan army characters (canon +my hcs and a couple aus)
Chris: Not pump up the music box. What is is? Luke: Wind up??
Ellis: It's 5:07, we might not even need to wind up the music box. Cecil: Did you just say its almost seven???
Chris: Watch them all come into the room at 5:50. bonnie appearing at the end of the hall Al: CHRIS. CHRIS! Chris: OH GOD BONNIE-
Drew: Ethan is just SO homophobic he'd rather die then deal with lesbians. Ethan: Uh...yeah true
Luke: What if we did a reverse Five Nights at Freddys where the animatronics had to spend five nights at our house and then we literally like smash them in with a baseball bat.
Lee: Yall I have no idea what I'm doing. Silena: You can do it Lee! Lee: dies
Lou: I think that was Foxy leaving his home. Cecil: uh..nuh uh.
Lou: Oh. I don't like that sound. Ellis: No neither do I.. Cecil: Run.
Lee: Ventilation sys-... *phantom puppet standing directly behind him doing nothing* HI?? CAN I HELP YOU??
Silena: I've never seen him on the first night. Luke: I have. Lee: ....I feel like Lee is about to tell us me a horror story.
Ethan: Hes alive. Al: *walks into the room and stares at him.* Oh shit.
Silena: He's still in here? Don't tell me to come closer bitch.
Al: Please distract him. *jumpscare noise* ...by distract him I didn't mean throw yourself into his arms.
Chris: Luke your head just flew off of your head for a second."
Luke: I'm dead by the way so I am...no longer living. Lee: wow i wonder...
Silena: He's by Lees corpse 🤗 Lee: Thanks Leens😒
spooky noise Cecil: What was that?? *runs off*
Lee: If you do die I will to. I'll die with you.
Chris, Al and Ethan: *incoherent yelling and screaming about balloon boy* Luke: .....what??
Nyssa: Yea Foxys like eating your ass right now.
Luke: I hate Balloon Boy, I hate his stupid round eyes and his frickin balloon sign. Get outta here. Silena: His like free balloons take one I love you sign? Luke: Yea. Chris: Like I don't care. Go burn. Lee: How about we just burn the whole place to the ground.
Al: If I don't see him, he doesn't see me....he might see me. He might see me. Ethan: He sees you.
Cecil: What if it's really fun. Like what if we go to fun land after this. twenty minutes later Cecil: NO WE HAVE TO SLIDE INTO FUN??? Lou: NO KING WHY DID YOU SAY WE WERE GONNA GO TO FUNLAND??
Lee: Wait thats a seven? Silena: Its a two for me! Luke: ITS DIFFERENT NUMBERS!?
Ethan: Is this Sirenhead?? Chris: Do not even start. DON'T even tell me that.
Lee: So just hang left? Silena: Yup. Luke: Just always go left. Chris: Hehe. That's what I thought too. Silena: Oh..
Al: Chris I can't believe your profile picture isn't a cat. Chris: Al I can't believe you're GAY.
Mitchell: Why is your face purple?? Ethan: You're purple too?? Drew: WELL. YOU'RE FACE IS PURPLE TOO.
Chris: But I can see really well, I don't know what's wrong with you. Ethan: Cause you...cause you died. Al: Cause you fucking walked into Bonnie??
Chris: Oh my god I did it guys! All me. Silena: YOU DIDN'T!? You died like immediately. Luke: You died before the animatronics even started moving.
Cecil: Why would you say that? Chris: You trusted the person who walked into Bonnie on the first night? Cecil: I don't trust you, Luke: And he wasn't even off the stage yet. Cecil: I'm just gullible.
Lou: Oh my god this is so much better I can actually see them....actually nevermind it's not better. It's not better. I see too much.
Lee: Do you wanna play FNaF 4 :D Luke: NO??? (they played fnaf 4)
Drew: Oh come on lets get out! Car! OH IS THAT A KIA SOUL!? EUAGHGHHH
Cecil: I kinda wanna go down there. I really wanna go down there. I'm going. Ellis: Don't die. You're probably gonna die what am I saying?
Chris: Oh Foxy's in the garage?? Foxy's about to drive that car bro
Drew: Is Freddy in this game?? Yeah he is. Silena: Yeah Freddy's in the room. He's under the bed. Drew: Oh! He's under the bed! That makes me feel really safe! That's really- I don't like that. I wish you didn't tell me that.
Lee: I feel like I'm being chased in a horror movie or something. Silena: Me too. Lee: Except I'm surrounded by JOSH HUTCHERSON and I can't be serious about that.
Luke: I'm heading there. OH nevermind I just got hit by a military tank.
Al: Why am I coughing so much?? Chris: Because you're gay. Al: Yeah its a sickness.
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forever-fixating · 7 months
Some Sentences Monday?
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Tagged by the ever-awesome @priincebutt
Okay, so I know this is meant for Sundays, but ya boi was destroyed from work and completely overstimulated so I had nothing in the tank. But after hibernating most of today, I am emerging ready to share a new project I have in the works. Getting such amazing response for Love on the Menu has really invigorated my desire to work, and now my mind is running with ideas. I've been toying with the idea of writing a historical AU for a while now, so allow me to introduce:
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I don't have an official summary for it yet, but to overhype myself, this story has everything: childhood sweethearts separated by tragedy, rivaling nations full of political intrigue, magick because I've been dying to write a fantasy AU as well so por que no los dos, a tournament where the grand prize of the joust is the hand in marriage of our sweet Henry, a cliffhanger that I am so excited to write but that I know will enrage everyone that reads it...get ready, yall!
Below the cut is a massively long teaser. Forgive the roughness of it. I am just so geeked to share it, but just know I'll be working on it until it's ready. Enjoy! (If you'd like a soundtrack for this, might I suggest Surrender by Natalie Taylor?)
The air was perfumed with the scent of springtime blossoms. Beneath the shade of a great willow tree were two young lovers. One was flaxen-haired, his ivory skin rosy from the sun and littered with constellations of freckles. His body and limbs were slender and knobbly, still in that awkward phase between boy and man. His light blue eyes studied his companion with unguarded adoration. The other young man was shorter in stature, but rigorous exercise had already defined his physique. Atop his head was an untamed mass of sable curls, still wet from swimming. His unblemished skin gleamed a rich russet shade that his fairer companion couldn't stop touching. The pair had completed their lessons for the day and decided to take a refreshing dip in the lake near their school. They were naked, hidden among the willow branches, like two woodland nymphs from a fable and not two princes from separate nations. The dark-haired boy Alex lifted his lover Henry's hand and kissed the signet ring on his pinkie finger. The ring's face held not a family crest but their initials. A promise.
"When we are married-"
"You mustn't say such things!" Henry laughed even as his stomach fluttered at the very prospect. "It isn't proper."
Alex leaned down to press a kiss against rose-petal lips. "A man must state his intentions plainly, and mine are to marry you, cariño."
"You are not yet seventeen, cariad," Henry said as Alex trailed kisses along his jaw and neck. In this sacred space, it was easy to get lost in the rose-tinted fantasy of their future together. He tangled his fingers in Alex's curls, tugging at the roots. "Our parents would say it is unwise to speak of such things at our age."
"Why," Alex hissed as he climbed over Henry's body, "are you mentioning our parents when I am trying to ravish you?"
Henry arched his body into that of his beloved, gasping, "You have ravished me twice already this afternoon. Is that not enough?"
As the twin suns began their steady descents into the horizons, the young lovers got dressed and made their way back to the school. Fireflies glowed in hues of pink, orange, and yellow as the pair discussed their plans for the following day. Given their disheveled states of dress, they were wary of running into Headmistress Beaufort or one of their professors as they made their way back to their dormitory. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side, and they rounded a corner and nearly crashed into Professor Wagner. He was a squat toad of a man who taught history and hated Alex for his frequent interruptions during lessons. His face held a perpetual bitter expression, as though he had just sucked on an unripen lemon. He berated them for looking and acting beneath their station and gave them detention for the following fortnight working in the stables with Gerald the groundskeeper. (It wasn't the punishment the man thought it was. They enjoyed Gerald's company, especially when he was joined by Julian, the music professor. Henry was convinced they were in love, but Alex said he was delusional.)
They scrambled upstairs to their shared dorm room to change. Dinner was already in progress when they joined their social set in the dining hall. Alex's older sister June was discussing a novel with Henry's twin sister Beatrice while their best friends Percy and Nora played cards. As Henry took his spot between Bea and Pez, his sister poked at the poorly concealed love mark Alex had gifted him earlier and teased, "My dear brother, it would appear you have been mauled by pixies. Should we alert Gerald of a possible infestation?"
Alex, seated across from him between June and Nora, snorted into his goblet, and Henry kicked his skin beneath the table. Giving his sister a tight smile that told her he knew exactly at what she was playing, he said defensively, "It was only a single, annoying pixie. Hardly cause for alarm."
"Annoying?" Henry's stomach filled with regret the moment the words left his mouth at Alex's fallen expression. He looked away from Henry. "Perhaps the pixie will direct their attention elsewhere if they are such a nuisance."
Alex would not meet his eye for the remainder of the meal. Once Headmistress Beaufort dismissed the students for the evening, Alex was up like a shot. Henry felt the disapproval of their friends and loved ones as he stood and trailed after Alex like a lovesick puppy. When Henry reached the common room of their dormitory, he found Alex chatting with Liam, the son of a nobleman from his home country. While he knew there was no danger of them forming an attachment, jealousy sparked in his chest, hot and ugly. He strode over to them and said, "Alex, I wish to speak with you."
Alex's expression was that of cool indifference. "Yes?"
Ignoring Liam and tugging on Alex's arm, Henry insisted, "In private."
Alex rolled his eyes but stood, shoving past Henry to their dorm room. Henry didn't look at Liam but hurried after Alex. He passed some of their classmates roughhousing in the hallway. Alex's ire was quick to be provoked, but Henry hoped he could dampen it with gentle words of apology and a gift. Their dorm room was on the far end of the hallway to the right. When Henry entered, Alex was sitting on the window seal. Henry closed the door.
"You would be wise not to call me that right now," Alex snapped, not looking at him.
Henry bit his bottom lip. Pushing away from the door, he crossed the cross to retrieve a parcel he received earlier that day from his bedside table. Though he protested Alex's pure words down by the lake, Henry's heart ached at the very thought that Alex thought himself alone in this affection. Henry was naturally cautious when it came to matters of the heart. While his parents had a romance for the bards to write neverending songs about and supported his inclinations, his grandmother Queen Mary still held final sway over who her grandchildren would marry. While Alex's country was a rising power, full of untapped resources and potential, Mary looked down her nose at their progressive politics and rising status among the nations. But despite the perceived impossibility of their future together, Henry found himself desperately in love with Alex all the time.
Henry knelt in front of his wounded lover and placed the parcel in his lap. Alex finally looked at him before glancing down and asking, "What is this?"
"An apology and response."
Alex picked it up and tore away the plain brown paper. Revealed was a red velvet bag. Henry's heart raced as Alex opened the bag and pulled out a small golden key on a silver chain. The bow of the key, intertwined in delicate filigree, was their initials, much like the ring that rested on Henry's hand.
As Alex studied it, Henry said, "My words earlier were foolish and hurtful. The truth is that I am afraid of the end of term. Things as they are now seem too perfect and golden. I...I fear once we are parted, reality will make you realize I am not worthy, that you will find someone more suitable for-"
"You believe me to be easily swayed?" Alex snapped. Henry looked up to see frustration and sadness in his eyes. He reached down to yank Henry's hand that held the signet ring to eye level. "Is this not proof enough of my love for you? Is it not enough that I say I love you? If this is an apology, it is a very poor one, Henry."
Henry climbed on the window seal with Alex, desperate to be understood, tears in his eyes. "It is an explanation. I am scared, Alex. I know we are young, but I know in my heart I will never feel for another what I feel for you. But when my grandmother finds out about us, she will stop at nothing to keep us apart. Does that challenge not give you pause?"
"Cariño," Alex whispered, cupping Henry's face, the necklace dangling from his fingers, "I would slay a thousand dragons, cross the Great Salt Desert, and brave the bitterest frozen peaks if that's what it took to make you mine. You may fear your grandmother, but I do not. There is no one else for me but you."
Henry took the chain from Alex's hand and placed it around his neck. Pressing his hand over the key, Henry said, "As you are for me. I want to be brave like you. I want you to know you are not alone. This key is a symbolic gesture, the key to my heart. My promise to be true."
Two young lovers, bathed in moonlight and their love for one another, making a vow as true as the gods had ever heard. Perhaps it was their youth that gave them pause, or the sincerity in which the vows were given. Whatever it was, the gods took note and, in their mercurial way, decided to put that devotion to the test.
The skies were clear that night as Alex and Henry clung to each other, but they could not see the storm brewing on the distant horizon. A challenge.
Tagging @dragonflylady77 @onthewaytosomewhere @theplayfulfairy and anyone else who scribbles and is interested.
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chris-hallelujah · 29 days
Not a Secret Anymore | c.s.
Summary: A little mistake forces you and Chris to announce your previously secret relationship.
Contains: foul language, established relationship, minor cyberbullying, fluff, protective!Chris boyfriend!Chris, instagram post at the end
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Hi everyone! This idea was sponsored by the boys streaming so much recently. All ideas are my own and I do not give permission for anyone to share this on another platform. BTW, the female character has the nam 'Bailie' because I personally don't love using "y/n" but hopefully that won't influence your feelings of the story.
You were in Chris' bed watching him, Nick, and Matt stream on your laptop that was propped up next to you. You played Candy Crush while the boys played Dress to Impress on the stream. You knew they preferred to play other games, but the fans loved DTI so they played it every once in a while.
You and Chris had been together for almost a year, but kept it secret. You both had agreed that at your one year, you would hard launch. Chris was very nervous about how his fans were going to react. Not that he cared what they had to say about his personal life, but because he didn't want you getting hated on or attacked.
You weren't fully paying attention to the stream, more so just had it on in the background. It was about 6:00 and you were starting to get hungry. You texted Chris asking what the two of you were going to be doing for dinner. What you had not realized was that when you texted Chris, he happened to be showing the stream something on his phone. That chat started blowing up when they saw a notification come across his screen that read 'Bailie 💖' that was asking about dinner plans. "Motherfucker," Chris groaned as he snapped his phone quickly away from the camera. You still not having realized what happened, quickly looked at the computer to see what he was upset about. Your eyes widened seeing the chat.
Bet she's ugly
Back off bitch he's mine
I want to have a heart by my name in his phone 😭
Whoever Bailie is she's lucky
You felt your heart pumping through your chest. You began to panic, Chris was the one who was more anxious about going public and now it was out there and it was kind of your fault.
"We'll be back," Matt said quickly before turning off the mic and camera. You quickly climbed out of the bed and went into Matt's room where the boys were. From your spot in the door way you could still see the chat blowing up. Chris got up once he saw you and pulled you into him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't know you had your phone out on camera. I didn't mean to I'm sorry," you let out a few panicked breaths, mumbling your apologies into his chest.
"Hey, hey, hey, kid, it's okay," he kissed the top of your head, "Not your fault. We were going to go public in a few months, yea? We just have to address it now." His calm demeanor relaxed you. "You wanna sit on the stream and let me introduce you? I think we just need to rip the bandaid off rather than trying to play it off." You nodded and he led you to the edge of Matt's bed where he sat next to you. Matt and Nick were each in a gaming chair on either side of you guys so you and Chris were in the middle of the camera view.
"Alright, you two ready?" Matt asked. You let out a deep breath that you didn't even realize you were holding, Chris grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers.
"Ready," he gave Matt a nod and Matt turned the camera and microphone back on. The chat had slowed down a little bit but in the time you guys were all talking their viewer count had gone from about 300k views to 500k.
"Hey chat, uhhh, we're back with a special guest," Nick said looking over at you. You gave a small wave with the hand that wasn't holding Chris'.
"Everyone, this is Bailie, my girlfriend. Obviously this wasn't exactly how we had planned on telling you all, but, here we are," You let Chris take the lead in talking since you really didn't know what to say to his fans. This was his ball game. "Bailie and I have been together for about 10 months. We planned on telling all of you at the one year mark." The chat was blowing up again like crazy with mixed reactions. Somehow despite the chat scrolling so quickly you were easily able to pick out the negative ones. Words like 'fat', 'ugly', and worse were flying across the screen.
"Alright yea I'm turning this shit off," Matt said aggressively, disabling the chat.
"Yea this ends fucking here. I mean it with my whole heart when I say, if I see any negative comments about my girlfriend or my relationship, I will block you on everything. We are happy. If you all genuinely cared about me, you would respect that. I will not tolerate any sort of hate or negativity about my relationship," Chris sternly spoke to the camera. Your heart was hurting from the negative things you had already seen but fluttered at how protective he was over you.
"And that goes for all of us. We will all block you and ban you from all of our accounts," Nick added in, "Bailie has been such a great person to get to know and to be around. You all have even commented on Chris being more upbeat in videos over the last 10 months. Don't be fucking stupid about this and say something you'll regret."
"Now, we're going to turn the comments back on and take some questions, because I am sure you have some. But like Nick said, don't say something stupid and ruin it for everyone else," Chris said. Matt reached for his mouse and enabled comments again. They flooded in and were a bit hard to read but there were some questions that you saw repeated over and over. "How did you guys meet," Chris read, he turned to you, "Do you want to take this?"
"Yea, sure, um, we actually met at the beach. I was there with a group of friends and the boys were there with Nathan. We had asked them to play us in sand volleyball. After that we all went and got dinner-" you started to explain.
"And the chemistry between the two of them was like a fucking science class," Matt added in, earning a laugh from all of you.
"And then Chris and I kept in contact after that and our first date together was mini golf," you smiled and leaned toward the computer to find another question. "Can we have your socials? Sure! My Instagram is @ bailie2233 and the same for my TikTok."
"Will Bailie be in the videos?" Chris read, "Probably a few. Now that we're here, we will probably do a 'Meet Bailie' video for those who don't watch our streams. And she might be in videos here and there, but for the most part our content will remain the same." This was something you guys had agreed on a few months ago. You didn't want to intrude on the boys' content.
"Well, we're going to call it. But thank you guys for watching and being supportive of Chris and Bailie. We all love you and will see you in the Friday video," Matt said. You all waved and he turned the stream off.
Chris pulled out his phone, "I guess I can start posting you now," he said with a smile.
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@ Christophersturniolo: hard launch w/ @ bailie2233
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
I have to express my admiration for your work as someone who “writes” but reads waaaay more than what I write. The way you describe or girls pain and suffering, as well as her happiness it’s extraordinary. I feel for her, I relate to her feelings of inadequacy and like she doesn’t deserve nothing but she does deserves everything bad that comes her way.
She is all alone, even with the guys, even with her alpha… she only really got herself. I know the guys love her and care for her and she is important and blah blah blah. But if we see it from the perspective that they were a pack way before her, they had a form of understanding, the history, the friendship… and our mega? She didn’t have that. Everyone she cared for was taken from her. Everyone around her had their own agendas, their own loyalties way before girly pop was thrown in the mix . She doesn’t have someone that it’s only hers… someone that is loyal to her because of her! Not because the guys, not because it’s their job, no… because they saw her and were like “damn this person it’s so amazing i love hanging around them”.
I feel like with this happening she might get into her inner force and “I am all I have, I am the only one I can trust” and rescue herself, this making her feel like she doesn’t need them anymore, that she isn’t useless.
With that unnecessary reflection… I want to let out my conspiracy theories out jejeje.
* Dr. Keller is not a bad guy, she is laying unconscious somewhere in there and that’s why mega heard her phone ring ( I’m being delulu because I don’t want to face the idea of THIS Betrayal)
* Simon would be the craziest one of them once he learns that their girl is in danger. Full on killing matching on the loose. ( Also our sweet boy Gaz? He gives me Feral vibes)
* The person behind all of this? Daddy dearest… I can’t shake the idea that Omega’s father has some kind of involvement in all of this. It fells like he is THAT type of scumbag.
🩷 I really hope that I didn’t offend you and your story in any way of form, and also feel like I am writing a letter to a really famous author that lives in a private island of her own🩷
Awww thank you omg this is so sweet 🥺 I can't with yall and your compliments you're making me look bad because I can't take a compliment to save my soul 😭
'Mega really has had it rough and definitely still still has that mindset of "you can only rely on yourself" even though the guys have proven otherwise time and time again. (The camera situation definitely didn't help that.) Those fears and inner beliefs she has have definitely played a roll and will continue to play a roll as the story progresses. That's definitely something she has to overcome a bit, since we all know the guys are trustworthy and would pull out that scorched earth policy if anything would happen to her (I mean that's canon lol we know that much).
Definitely isn't an unnecessary analysis and reflection. I love hearing everyone's thoughts and theories and interpretations of the story and the characters and the plot. The inner nerd in me loves them 🥺
Anyway as to the theories....
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So sorry to use the gif but there's been a severe lack of use this chapter...
Anyway, definitely not offensive. I love asks like these!!! Please analyze and theorize away 💚💚
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lackablazeical · 3 months
Okay yall I was fucking LIED TO. I fucking hate the movie Bones And All and I was told it was good. Yall just see a man covered in blood and say it's good and look I understand that but the actual movie is fucking terrible.
Like why are cannibals just a whole fuckn. Species in of themselves. Bffr. It would've been so much more of an amazing love story if it was just the main girl who ate ppl, and this boy finds her and loves her even past the eating ppl part and like. Helps her and shit. Not this weird fucking cannibal subspecies thing. It didn't need lore and shit. She could've just fucking ate ppl to do it (see the movie Raw)
Also why were they just eating ppls bodies like dogs casually. Like I get it to show animalistic tendencies but then have there be contrast between how she eats WHEN she does. They don't need to be on their hands and knees eating when they ARENT desperate for food.
And not to be het-phobic but WHYYYY WHY WOULD A MAN BE THERE. CANNIBALISM METAPHORS ARE FOR THE GIRLIES GET THAT FUCKING TWINK AWAYYYY. Would've easily been a better movie if it was 2 girls btw. Just. Just EASILY.
Also this is just me but clearly they don't NEED to eat ppl. All I can think the entire movie is 'these people have no basic self control'
Also how she was mad at the guy who wasn't one of the cannibal ppl but still ate ppl. Like yeah I get the metaphor, someone idolizing what makes you suffer yeah yeah, but like. She Doesn't Need to eat people. They can eat non human-flesh food and get nutrition from that. She really was pissing me off yall
Also stop with that stupid guy who was like creepy and stuff that she didn't like. Like what. First, he's definitely coded as being special needs which. Very ableist to make the creepy cannibal villian coded that way when no other characters are.
And that also just muddles the theme of the movie. Like is the theme supposed to be about how women are unable to express their deep desires? About eating disorders? Like what the fuck is it even supposed to be cus it changes and isn't even consistent in the like 20 it decides to take a stance on. Pisses me off
Also they try in the movie to villianize the mom and dad of the girl in the movie but comma. They were literally both so valid.
The dad abandoning her? YEAH. He saw what happened to the mom. He didn't really understand her like subspecies. He could literally be charged as an accomplice to murder, assault, messing w/ a crime scene, hiding evidence, etc. Not even counting identity fraud and more. She could've easily turned and tried to eat him. He's so real for dropping her honestly
And the mom is so real for wanting to kill her daughter. Her daughter is killing innocent people for no fucking reason and clearly doesn't care that she is. Like I was hoping the mom would succeed so hard UGH. That's a whole plot, that the guy doesn't care he ate a guy that had a wife and kids but like. Even if he didn't you shouldn't eat random fucking people just Because. Bffr.
Also why they so wasteful of the people they do eat? Part of the movie is eating someone 'bones and all' (ikr) is a big deal but like. She SHOULD be saving these bodies and like. Processing the meat for later. All we see is them take like 2 bites of these people and move on. Like It's not hard to make jerky. I get she's from America and the idea of eating guts/bones/eyes/etc isn't popular but humans have so much muscle to eat and she just. Never does. We only see them ever take like a few bites and that's it????
If yall wanna argue feel free but don't expect shit from me abt my opinion changing cus I truly enjoyed watching A Serbian Film more bc at least it knew it was a shitty concept and story and acted accordingly
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studio-dreamie · 9 months
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chapter 7: tiktok advice
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Jaemin opened the apartment door as y/n rushed in. She beelines straight to Jisung's room only to see him on the floor rocking back and forth against the wall. She couldn’t help but feel sad at the sight. “Jisung,” she said softly, she walked towards the frantic boy. She sits down next to him and puts her hand on his arm, rubbing circles with her thumb. “Can I try something Jisung?” she asks. He looks at her surprised but hesitantly nods as he tries to control his breathing (somewhat failing). She reaches down into her pocket to find her white wired headphones that were connected to her phone from the walk (more like run) here. She took her hand off and put the headphones on jisung. She played a playlist named steady. “Why did you do that?” Jaemin asked as he hovered over the boy and the girl from the door. “I saw a TikTok saying it helps with panic attacks so I wanted to see if it would work” she responded. Jaemin’s mouth couldn’t help but fall open, “so you put the fate of our son in the hands of TikTok” Jaemin said. Y/n rolled her eyes and she moved closer to Jisung. He eyes her but then gives her a small nod. His chest slows down and his movements become less frantic in the next few minutes. She goes back to her original position except this time she wraps her arms around his left, pressing it against her like a teddy bear. Once the frantic moments stopped, y/n laid her head on the boy’s shoulder. Jaemin decided to come close and sit beside them, rubbing circles reassuringly on Jisung’s knee. They stay in this position until he falls asleep.
side story: hw assignment #2 (jisungs pov)
It felt childish to do a homework assignment like this in college. Worksheets were being passed around the class like we were back in high school. The big black bold letters sat on top of the paper in a font that seemed fitting for kindergartners. “Who is your hero?”. I couldn’t help but internally sigh, of course an English elective has to do the most. I looked at the paper with a straight face; who the fuck do i write about? Iron man? I thought about it for a second but then pushed the idea away. There was no way I could write a 2000 word paper on my emotional connection with Iron Man. I overhear everyone around me talking. “Oh this is easy” “Who are you gonna do?” “My mom for sure” “Hmm probably my dad or brother not too sure”. I continue to stare at my paper; there’s no way I’m writing a paper on my deadbeat family members, maybe iron man really is the best option. I stare deeply at the paper, god someone, anyone, why can’t I think, why does everybody gotta put their family member, who the hell do I put, what the fuck. My thoughts become interrupted as I get a text on laptop screen. hello my offspring it read. I softly smiled, I guess I know who to write about now.
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pairing: renjun x fem!reader
synopsis: the ultimate college friend group that does not escape the trials of suffering, love, drama, and weed. join y/n and her friends as they go through their third year of college together, they have no idea what's going on or what they're doing, but isn't that the fun of it?
genre: social media au, college au, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, comedy, coming of age
note: so i fully understand that this is a renjun x reader but like i really want to put emphasis on the other relationships she has, i want it to really be like you’re in college with all ur friends, and im a firm believer that side characters are main characters in their own story so i like to give them spotlight, if yall don’t fw that idk what to tell yall fr. in the character description i said jaemin and y/n are jisungs co-parents and i fr mean it
taglist: @she-is-dreaming @wavesandkisses @jenobubbles @finnydraws @snflwrhaerecs4u @sexygrass @miniature-tragedy @sweetcandycum @fae-renjun 
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the-9th-genderfluid · 2 months
Fuck it ok i have fandom opinion rants now.
911: buck x tommy suck, buddie need to wait until at least season 9 tho or it will feel rushed. Also this whole season kinda was not great sorry to say. I hope that season 8 managed to take the cool ideas introduced in this season and address them better. Also we need more henren, and main character ravi pls.
Spies are forever: amazing, makes me too queer and depressed to function. My only gripe is that I want it to actually be more depressing and make agent Mega more traumatized. In spy again, its very heavily implied/outright said that after owens death, Curt became kinda a alcoholic. (The "and another" lyrics) This makes me not love the vibes of one more shot. This man is basically a alcoholic dont give him more alcohol? This is the only one of these opinions i will accept criticism, please help me understand what im missing here, did i read to much into the song spy again?
Star trek: no mad rants actually i love tos and im growing to like tng as i watch more. I do wish the fandom would make more fic that are not heavily romantic and are written like actual episodes? Like i want more stories where the sci-fi is more important than the romance. Also if the fic is more about relationships than the scifi stuff, more fics that are less sex based and more romance based?
Criminal minds: i hate the new evolution seasons so bad, i always say that the last season and all of evolution dont exist. I have tried watching evolution, and i hate how it was not new unsub every episode. Also yall get the same message as star trek, more fics with well written unsubs where the bau unsub stuff is the main focus, not the characters getting in each others pants.
Hatchetfield trio: release the npmd soundtrack on Spotify soon please? I actually love how every fic in this fandom has a "think about the implications" reference. I dont actually have more opinions on this, the fandom and source material is all really great.
Bones: i will never forgive them for killing vincent. Also i have opinions about the last two seasons and the ending and all that. I hate bitter sweet endings, where you feel like the characters will never be in situations like they were in the series. I prefer when it feel like the series could go on, instead of ending with everyone moving up and away. (Looking at you b99)
Ok well i cant think of more to say, so bye babes, boys and boomerangs
P.S please feel free to recommend fics based on what i say in these rants.
P.S 2 dont come at me for spelling, i dont care enough to make my i a capital I and all that.
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henrysglock · 4 months
“I would arrive at the same conclusions, because that conclusion isn’t ship-based. It’s based on all facets of the story.”
oh come on now, don’t play revisionist history with us, we all have the receipts. don’t act like you weren’t salivating over the idea that henry was your poor little meow meow sad gay kid. don’t act like your delusional theories weren’t centered on the idea that creelarke was canon because of random lines in the show and that henry and scott were childhood best friends to lovers just like byler. and then the second that was proven wrong you pivoted to hating on patty 🤣🤣 and you people wanna pretend that you’re not angry that henry is in love with a black girl
He IS my poor little meow meow sad gay kid 😭
“Pivot to hating on Patty” Anon thinks I hate Patty because I talk about the events of canon and go ‘hmmmm 🤨 that doesn’t add up”
“Salivating” I was excited, sure. But what are Henry-Patty shippers doing then? Yall reduce a black girl down to her role as a romantic interest and tell me I’m salivating over non-canon things.
Creelarke hasn’t even been disproven yet, either. we still have a) the boy Henry left behind in Nevada (in a town that wouldn’t exist for 20 more years, mind you), and b) on-screen Henry who’s from South Bend, Indiana. Like come on now you don’t want to play this game with me, Anon.
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