#if any talented ff writer wants to write this
scarrletmoon · 11 months
it's izzy hands it's kylo ren it's billy from stranger things it's snape it's draco it's loki circa 2012-2014 it's a REPEATED PATTERN throughout all of fandom of an antagonistic white guy getting a devoted fanbase that is both disproportionate to his importance in the story and also misunderstands the white guy's role as an antagonist. they think their mean little guy is a misunderstood victim and they base their entire fandom experience around him. and then in season 2 ofmd went and redeemed izzy before killing him off to further ed's arc, something that is a solid choice from a technical writing standpoint but from a fandom perspective it built the izzy fans up into thinking they were right about how izzy has never been homophobic, izzy is a poor downtrodden abuse victim, and from day one izzy has been a protector and the only competent guy around and a loyal and dutiful first mate. and possibly the most significant part is that so many izzy fans have accidentally and unknowingly tricked themselves into thinking that izzy is a main character bc their fandom engagement revolves so heavily around izzy that they forgot the actual show itself doesn't, so they were completely blindsided by a death that has been foreshadowed since season one ("im not dying, not for that twat and not for you" and "only retirement we get is death" and the whole "plumb the depths, man" sequence where izzy was talking to stede through a death shroud ffs). and i want so bad to just ignore it but we literally got a queer romcom centered around an interracial couple and an incredibly diverse cast and an indigenous main character and a diverse writer's room and the season ended on a happy note and it's all about queer joy AND YET. soooooooo much of the post-season discussion has to center around the white side character!!! even in death izzy hands takes up a disproportionate amount of the fandom conversation and im exhausted. it's every fandom! every fucking time!! this isnt anything new this is the same time-honored fandom tradition of white man favoritism YET A-FUCKING-GAIN and im SO FUCKING TIRED OF IT!!!!!!!!!
(i get so scared when i turn on anon bc i’ve consistently gotten such shitty, cowardly messages through it but i’m glad this isn’t one of them lmao)
i know i’ve said this 374748 times but the last time i made the kylo ren/snape/white villain connection on twitter (i mean that’s on me, it’s twitter) i had people legit furious with me for calling them nazis which………..i literally never said
and i get the frustration. trust me, I GET IT. the white villain problem smashes right into white fragility and makes it almost impossible to talk about any of it. it means, like you said, that we’re talking about a fucking white side character in cast of amazing, nonwhite talent, because some people can’t handle confronting the fact that whiteness insulates them from the realities of racism, and that their ignorance and hostility makes them active participants in white supremacy
(and it’s really hard to explain this to people who’ve been taught that racism is when slurs and white klan hoods, because then they’ll say and do the most vile shit and CRY or fight you when you gently try to explain the racist shit they just did)
and because fandom is very queer as well as very white, we also have to contend with the kinds of white people who think that queerness somehow negates their whiteness. that they can’t express their privilege in contexts involving POC. that we’re making shit up to be victims and to minimize their pain on purpose. and time and time again, i have had my queerness erased by white people, so they feel comfortable ignoring criticism i only ever shared bc i was hoping for something better
i’ve said it again and again and again and AGAIN that it’s ESPECIALLY depressing seeing white people close ranks in ofmd fandom especially BECAUSE it has such a diverse cast and doesn’t shy away from discussing racism in all the ways it manifests. like, most of the racism in the show isn’t even subtle and y’all STILL elected to ignore it? do y’all not feel ANY shame about that?
and some of them don’t! bc they think we’re infiltrators. bc they’re only a few steps removed from “they will not replace us” as they see more POC try to join fannish spaces. and they’ll pretend they’re not trying to push us out bc they’re marginalized in other ways — deliberately ignoring the fact that they’re also crushing their fellow queer, disabled and marginalized community
so you’re tired? yeah. me the fuck too. we deserve so much better
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arcielee · 11 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you so much @dragonwanker for allowing me to pick your brain on this wonderful story and allowing me to continue this series! 💜 As always, Interview With a Writer is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
Dividers by @saradika 💜
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Name: dragonwanker
Story: The Commune [on ao3]
Paring: modern Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns. This fic contains dark themes such as; descriptions of depression, manipulation, coercion, noncon/dubcon, and incest. Please mind the tags for each chapter.
So, when did you start writing?
Oh, just in September this year! I wrote my first fic and published it then, it’s called “Warm Me Up” 😊 But I’ve been obsessed since it aired last October and I’ve read miles of Aemond fanfic especially!
I’ve always been like a day dreamer, who needs a fantasy to escape to. I didn’t think I’d be any good at writing and avoided it for so long, but then I felt inspired and brave and thought I’d give it a shot. Fanfic really helped me last year when I had a pretty bad time mentally and I thought if someone would enjoy my stories like I’ve enjoyed so many others, I’d be happy!
What made you decide to start writing in English? Do you have any advice for budding new writers where English is not their native tongue?
I think I decided to write in English since I only read fanfics in English, there really isn’t a community in Swedish. Most Swedish people have high enough English literacy to read in the language, and being able to read and write in English opens up to so much more content. As for advice; I’d say read read read! Even if it’s just fanfics, there is so much talent among ff writers and so many lovely pieces to chose from!
I don’t think I would have been able to write without having read so much fan fiction in the last year honestly! I only ever read books in Swedish, or really boring text books and academic articles in English. So, reading has really helped me understand the tone that I enjoy reading in. And helped me understand how to describe and paint a picture for the reader.
I’ve had some time to practice writing in English though, I did both my bachelors and masters in English, but the papers I wrote in school were all boring academic papers.
But that did help me articulate myself and get my point across, something that I think might feel challenging when writing in a second language.
Where did the plot for The Commune come from?
Since I am new to writing, I thought I’d explore writing something darker (also cause Halloween was just around the corner hehe) but wanted it to be different from other stories I’ve read.
I studied politics in uni and was very focused on nationalism, identity and national identity. I think theories surrounding those concepts, like Benedict Anderson’s theory on ‘imagined communities,’ inspired me to write something about a secluded community, and then I thought of a cult.
And the idea works ‘cause Aemond (in canon, I mean) was brought up in a religious family, and I felt like the Seven would be fun to explore more, especially since the story takes place in a modern AU of Westeros.
And his personality really reflects other cult leaders, like Jim Jones (I used Jonestown as a bit of an inspiration for The Commune). Aemond is highly intelligent, calculating, persuasive, knowledgeable about the Seven, and authoritative.
Can you expand a bit more on your interpretation of Aemond. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in The Commune?
I’d say the trauma from losing his eye as a child drives him greatly, and that has both good and bad consequences. Like in canon, he utilises that when studying, and it’s implied that he is extremely intelligent, which I’d say is a result of his tedious work. The need to prove himself drives him greatly.
I also think he has a inferiority complex as a child that develops into a superiority complex as he gets older and praised for his amazing work in school.
So, he takes a natural role as the leader within The Commune (I mean, he’s the mastermind behind it) since he believes that he’s superior to everyone else, even those older than him (with more experience in life or in research). That is where the idea that he could be the father reincarnated comes from; his incredible intellect and how sure he is in everything he does.
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
I felt like some of us needed a relatable depressed girl whose too tired of her meaningless job to fight the manipulation.
But I guess I drew a lot of inspiration from real life, and having battled a bit with mental health issues, I utilised that. I wanted the ending to be a bit ambiguous; so that we don’t know if she chose to stay or if she was “brainwashed” into staying. So, she needed to be displeased with life from the start, otherwise she wouldn’t want to leave her career.
Plus, cults often pray on people like her: depressed and disappointed in life. So it felt fitting 😊
Do you think your Reader complements Aemond?
I’ve thought about it and in a twisted way, yes, I think she compliments him (or his delusions haha). He uses his scar and the trauma he went through as a child as a way to manipulate his followers, and having the girl who (he thinks) wronged him by his side as a devoted partner helps him further reinforce his agenda as this outer worldly leader!
That’s one more thing that drives him marrying her: he thinks she’ll help in his selfish goals of gaining more power.
So really, she complements his end game.
Were there any other characters in your story you enjoyed writing?
Oh yes, I loved writing Alys and Helaena! They’re only the two other real ‘actors’ in the story but it was so fun exploring how their characters would translate onto this dark, modern setting.
Helaena being depressed in King’s Landing and finding solace in the country where she can pursue a life without the stresses of modern society felt realistic to the way I interpret her character; someone who craves connection to nature (actualised through her fondness of insects) yet gets pulled away from that and thrust into the chaotic mess that is the Targtowers.
And Alys being this highly intelligent PhD student in phytotherapy; having vast knowledge on plants and ancient healing practices! Gets charmed by the young and confident political science student (Aemond) who promises a better life under a brand new philosophy.
Do you think you will do a sequel to this story? Or a new piece you might post?
Hmmm no, at least not at the moment! I like the way it ended and feel like I don’t have anything else to add that would elevate the story… but if inspiration strikes I’m not opposed to the idea!
I’m currently writing a series called ‘Rumours’ that I think people who enjoyed ‘The Commune’ might like; it’s not a dark!fic but there’s plenty of angst and drama 👀
Do you have a personal favorite fanfic you'd like to share?
I am beyond excited for more of @theoneeyedprince Tom Bennett story ‘As the World Burns’ and @humanpurposes modern!Aemond story ‘It Will Come Back’
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holybibly · 3 months
Hello! I usually don’t send in asks cuz it makes me super anxious but I decided to be brave today🥹 I just wanted to pop in and give you praise for your writing because I think it’s impeccable!!💓 I’m actually in awe a lot of the time when I read your work because of the way you manage so well every time to tell a story and your writing is so cohesive that if someone just told me to read something of yours and didn’t tell me it was your writing I’d be able to tell that it was the talented you who had written it, which I think is an amazing trait for a writer!!💞
Thank you for sharing your work with us and allowing us to read it. I hope you take care of yourself and that life is treating you kindly🥺💓
God bunny, you have just made my day. First of all, I'm very proud of you, my love, I love how comfortable and free the bunnies feel on my blog.
Hmm, I think there are no better words for a writer than that. Creating unique content is always very difficult, but developing your own style is even harder. I am happy that my bunnies can recognise my ffs without me indicating that.
I want to give them a bright and memorable experience because: "I know I am your favourite". My blog will be one year old this November and to be honest, I never expected to become a popular author with such a large audience.
I really enjoy writing and creating content. My brain works 24/7 on ideas and I wish I could clone myself so I could write full time. But for me, my blog is also a way to escape the stress of everyday life and reality. Who needs the real world when between the lines of a book you can be anyone and create any scenario you want? This is what I love about writing.
So I hope to create more unforgettable and wonderful memories with you, my sugar bunnies.
And yes, life has treated me well. I am the princess the whole world revolves around ~
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thistableforone · 6 months
piling up here some tag games I’ve been tagged in ✨ pt. 3
🌼 this picrew chain - tagged by @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare
i'm so late to this but!! very cute
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🌸 5 songs you’re loving right now - tagged by @julesnichols
i'm afraid these are mostly in italian rn ahah
too sweet (hozier)
considera (colapesce e dimartino)
so american (olivia rodrigo)
euforia (annalisa)
modì (gio evan)
ragazzi fuori (clara)
rocketship (llunr)
aria (margherita vicario)
picture you (mumford and sons)
ted lasso anthem (marcus mumford). always.
🌻 15 questions, 15 friends - tagged by @julesnichols
are you named after anyone? nope, no one. my dad just liked the name
when was the last time you cried? i don't remember clearly. maybe last week?
do you have kids? no thank you
what sports do you play/have played? i don't play anything currently, but i used to play volleyball when i was a kid (+ swimming for a couple of months)
do you use sarcasm? not much
what is the first thing you notice about people? the general vibe really, and if they smile or not.
what is your eye color? brown
scary movies or happy endings? i don't watch scary movies!! definitely happy endings :)
any talents? mhh... writing? taking nice pictures? but those don't really feels like talents...
where were you born? north of italy!!
do you have any pets? i have two babies (my cats)
how tall are you? 1,67 m more or less
favorite subject in the school? math, but at the end of high school i really loved literature, english, politics and IT, too.
dream job? as someone said, i simply don't dream of working :)
🏵️ 20 questions for fic writers - tagged by @beckstraordinary
How many works do you have on AO3? 20, a very nice round number!!
What's your total AO3 word count? apparently around 198,713
What fandoms do you write for? i currently write for the ted lasso fandom only
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Breaking down (the walls) - hope you'll be safe (in the arms of another) - Touch me (like you do) - we should just kiss (like real people do) - no one's keeping score
Do you respond to comments? yes i do!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i think i only wrote one and it was a ff about maura isles
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? it's rather hard to compare happy endings, so i can't choose
Do you get hate on fics? it hasn't happened yet
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes i do, that's how i started basically (i miss it a bit, recently i've not been in the mood much). i'd say that my smut is... unnecessarily long and emotional. i fully believe it's a great way to understand who a character is.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? i wrote two - one was a castle x rizzoli and isles crossover about kate and maura together in college that i dnf-ed at a certain point. the second was this supergirl x rizzoli and isles crossover i'm still very fond of. i had so much fun writing that, and i still think it makes perfect sense :)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, very recently!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? no, i don't think i could
What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think i have one above all. i was really into caskett (castle) and supercorp (supergirl), but now i've grown past both, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have a supercorp wip that i thought was very cute
What are your writing strengths? i think... construction of the line as a whole, if that makes sense. i try to make the words flow well and sound nice together. also dialogue, showing emotions through little gestures, intimacy, and lately introspection.
What are your writing weaknesses? i can't for the life of me write descriptions. of anything. i hate adjectives. i also get hyperfocused on the dynamic between two characters and refrain from including anyone else. oh also worldbuilding/background stuff... i just don't care.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i don't think i've ever included it. but if i had to, i would do it with my own language.
First fandom you wrote for? only italians will get this one... un medico in famiglia. i still remember the first time inspiration hit.
Favourite fic you’ve written? definitely you said yes as I said please. i'm so proud of it and i was really inspired!!
no pressure tags, for whichever game you want to participate in!! @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @rancoreedisprezzo @julesnichols @calicomarie11 @fuddlewuddle
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Writer Interview Game
Thank you for tagging me @infernalrusalka I feel honoured that you thought of me 😭
No pressure tags: @gothic-lottie 😭 @ps-cactus @rypnami and everyone who wants to be interviewed! Some of you were already tagged so I wait for your answers on your Tumblr lmao
When did you start writing?
I think I was in middle school? I don't even remember if the first fandom I wrote for was Naruto or Harry Potter. Anyway, I canceled my account on the damned Italian ff site like a few years later because it was so bad and demential 💀
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Mhm, I don't think so? 🤔 Maybe on the contrary, I prefer writing angst over reading angst.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Mhm, whenever I read a good fanfiction I think "damn I wish I could write exactly like that" but at the same time, I want to be original and to emulate nobody.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
There are two. One is my room (I know, boring), often at my desk, but also in my bed. The other one is on board of a train or plane. Surprisingly, I feel very motivated to write when I travel!
Whats your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Ah I really have no idea. The 'muse' appears randomly 😂 but yes, like I said on the previous question, inspiration comes often when I travel!
Are there any recurring theme in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I'm still a baby writer 😅
What is your reason for writing?
Like my moots with their MCs, I really wanted to give my MC Tori a lore. It's still a work in progress but I love writing about Tori and Poppy and generally about HL Universe.
Also, I want to improve my broken English 🙃 I still don't feel 100% confident, but hey, if I didn't try I would have never known! And now I know many talented people 🥺
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love every type of comment, but I guess I like when the readers express the emotion I wanted to elicit? (I hope it makes sense 😅)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Oh, ehm... Idk! I only hope that my readers will enjoy what I write 😅
What do you feel is your greatest strenght as a writer?
Maybe I'm good at writing overthinking because i'm an overthinker. ✨Art imitates life✨
How do you feel about your own writing?
Bad. I often like what I write but not how I write. I still have a lot to improve but the only way to be better is keep trying!
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mirambles · 8 months
Welcome to SamdalRi - Disappointing is a mild word!
Let me say it up front - I adore Ji Chang Wook. He is so handsome, so gorgeous and an extremely talented actor. He is good at everything - action, comedy and emotions but no one serves angst like he does! I end up watching all his dramas and sadly have liked none since Suspicious Partner. That is my all time favourite - that was also Peak JCW - chemistry and acting everything!
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Needless to say despite me not liking the FL of SamdalRi much , I was looking forward to this drama and quite enjoyed the beach town , light hearted feel of the trailer. The first 4 episodes were decent and even if the drama was tropey and predictable I would have enjoyed watching it if the execution was right. But the drama went downhill sooner than I expected.
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The show starts with FL being wrongly accused and prosecution by media & public alike without any proof of the accusation. On spot reflection of Korean public towards celebs. I expected this plot to play out and FL to fight hard to prove her accuser wrong, but that plot had no consistency and emerged in the series on and off.
People will hate me for saying this, but all that SamDalRi became was a poor copy of Hometown Cha Cha Cha and Reply 1988.
Reply 1988: Families as neighbours/best friends. Gang of 5 friends 4 guys and girl - love triangle.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha:
1. Career oriented FL comes back to her small town after this setback
2. Genius ML opts to stay in small town sacrificing big town opportunities (Are plaid shirts a thing for small town men in Korea?)
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3. Halmeoni gang of villages
4. Trauma for ML (death of loved one)
5. Apply ointment on wound of ML scene
6. Drunk sleepover
7. Beach town setting
8. Mid-late 30year olds behaving like teenagers after confessing their love
Now many will say these are common tropes in Kdrama land, but given that HomeTown Cha Cha is recent - the comparisons are most likely.
The lazy writing in SamDalRi made me appreciate HomeCha even more, especially the female characters in that show - small or big were exceptionally written. I couldn’t even empathise or feel for the FL of SamDalRi, forget the sisters or the mom. You take an actress like Kim Mi Kyung and give her a role where she is only staring at everyone barring one breakdown scene.
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And what’s with all the adults hitting each other all the time, yelling at each other and the sisters being constantly drunk!
The Haenyeo gang was the most irritating in this show. My biggest gripe though was the age group of the leads and their friends! Who behaves in such a childish manner at 38 , which man is hanging onto his childhood crush till 38 despite knowing his best friend and her are dating or doesn’t express his feelings when those two split up and take his chance, then wants to express his feelings when the couple is back together! I have no idea if the writer understands the sensitivity around these things.
What’s the Korean drama obsession with showing 38 year old couple who has dated before behaving like they are in their 20s or teens when they get back together again! FFS there was a scene where the dad finds them sleeping in her bed and is mad at them and they are behaving like they got caught for first time!
SamDalRi tried to do everything - friends to lovers to exes to lovers, love triangle, childhood friendships, friends more than family, small town found families, giving up on dreams, scandal, capitalism, life of haenyeos, grief after loss of loved one, a healing drama. It failed at everything, because it couldn’t focus and decide what was the main theme and the sub-plots.
The writing was lazy, there was no character progression or growth, and the audience couldn’t connect to any characters. The acting was quite average barring JCW who excelled in every scene. I know SHS fans liked her performance, but she didn’t move me or make me want to watch more of her dramas (this is the 3rd drama of hers I have watched and the only one I didn’t drop cause of JCW).
I wanted to tweet first, but I started to type and realised it would be too long a thread and so a post was better to rant about this show! I ended up skipping most of the scenes post E8 and only ended up watching scenes that featured JCW, even though he excelled and looked great - this was another ordeal of a drama to finish!
Come on JCW choose better scripts. Do justice to that awesome potential and come back in a mature, slow burn romance with Nam Ji Hyun, because no one else has 🔥 chemistry with you like she does and no one else matches you in all aspects like she does!
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
hi! kind of a random ask.
i'm really impressed with your writing and fics and i wondered if you had any other writing experience before you wrote in fandoms?(like working/studying in a field that has to do with writing for example) you're very talented!
i'm kind of an aspiring fanfic writer myself and i'm curious about what experience other authors have
i hope you have a great day!
Hi Anon! Wow this is such a nice ask to get! Thank you <3
There isn't really a clean answer to your question because I've been writing my entire life. Like my 'diary' as a kid was mostly just me making up stories.
I was a newspaper and school radio kid in junior high and high school, so I wrote articles and scripts for the radio show, which was my first experience writing for an audience. I also wrote short stories and poetry that were submitted for publication in high school and won some awards (idk honestly, I've kind of forgotten since they didn't really matter to me at the time).
I went to university for political science and communication (both require a ton of writing, but none of that was creative writing. I often got feedback from professors that my research papers were engaging and in retrospect I think that meant they weren't just a report out of facts - I always added some flair because I was trying to reach a word count).
In my career I've almost always had to do a lot of writing, I was in marketing for a bit, then grant writing, then I worked for a few tech start ups that lived and died by written plans. Now I'm in sales and project management - neither require the kind of writing I've had to do in the past for jobs but I think that's actually been helpful for my creative writing work because now I have more brain power to write the creative things I'm actually interested in.
I also got my master's in communication somewhere in there and I focused a lot on interpersonal communication (though mostly through the lens of workplace interpersonal communication). That required a ton of writing, but none of it was fiction or creative.
I guess at one point in my early 20s I also wrote a 120,000 word original story that has been lost to time and destroyed laptops (always back up your work folks!!!!). I'd love to get back to writing original stories again and I'm in the process of trying to.
A word of advice for you as an aspiring fic writer - Write. Write it even if you think something like it has been written before. Write it even if you think it's bad. Write it because you want to. You will get better with every thing you write. Try to find a few friends to read your work and give you honest feedback (if you want it).
When I look back at my earliest published fics (published in places like ff. net and *shudders* myspace) those weren't great, but I wrote them and I got better with each one. My stories got more nuanced, my characters had more depth. I liked writing more and more. And when I look back at my earlier fics on Ao3 I'm really proud of how much better I've gotten at writing over the years.
Like any art form, you probably won't be great the first time you do it, but that's okay! All you have to do is start.
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torialefay · 2 months
hiya! so i wanted to pop in because of the whole changbin exclusionist writer thing. i'm not a writer but i do still feel like there's some things i wanna say about this whole situation.
i'm gonna put a disclaimer here just to say that i don't have that many details on what exactly this person writes or says. this goes out to anyone who excludes one of the members just because you don't find them attractive
personally, i'm attracted to all the members except for changbin and seungmin. but that doesn't mean that i love them any less. i read that the author said something along the lines of "oh, i just don't want him to rail me like the others haha" and yeah, that's completely okay, but what isn't okay is saying that you're a stay and are ot8 when you aren't.
these guys, all of them, deserve the world and they've worked their asses off to be where they are today. so yeah. it's genuinely completely valid if you don't feel attracted to one, multiple or any of the members. but that doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. do you really think that the other members would like what you're doing? that they want to see one of their best friends, their family, be put down like this time and time again?
tldr; if you hate on any of the members just because you don't find them attractive, go outside and touch some grass ffs
i truly agree with this. it baffles my mind to think that this is normal in some people's heads.
like i genuinely could not IMAGINE a world in which i was like "yeah im just not gonna write for him bc i don't know him like that since i'm not attracted to him & don't pay attention to him." like that truly takes some balls that i would be MORTIFIED to show fr.
i think everyone has those members that they love & adore, but that they don't necessarily think of in any sort of sexual way and that is completely FINE. completely NORMAL. for example, although innie is turning into a v manly toast, he is my baby sister's age, so it can be hard for me to see him that way sometimes. like that's a baby for real, you know??? even though he's not even 2 years younger so it's kinda stupid 😭 just that mental block kinda thing from seeing people his age that i've always put into a "too young" category my whole life. but at the same time, i can appreciate the fact that he is objectively grown & handsome & has so much sex appeal. and i genuinely think the world of him and know that he should be included in what i write... bc he is inherently just as sexy as the other members & just because i have biases, it doesn't take away from that fact. and REGARDLESS, i appreciate him in stray kids. never in a million years would i leave him out.
it's completely normal to have biases & members you're more attracted to than others. & if you don't feel comfortable writing for them *sexually*, then okay, wtv do your thing. but to not include them AT ALL (even in a non-sexual way) in a post including everyone else in skz? i'm sorry, but it really does scream having no respect for them in the group. also screams that you don't actually give a fuck about them as individuals, but rather this is just about you wanting to fuck them. if you don't appreciate bin & don't write for him at all bc you don't wanna fuck him, then you're not ot8. just say that. do your thing, but own up to it being shallow. aint never heard a bitch say anything negative ab bin's personality or talent, so that sure as hell is NOT why you don't wanna write ab him 😭😂 i mean unless you really don't jive w his personality... which is all i have to know really lol.
point blank: just because you do not find someone attractive does not make them "less-than", nor does it support why you couldn't write for them in a non-sexual way. if it's superficial for you, then it's superficial for you & i'm sure there will still be people that support that. just don't go acting like it's "i just don't really know him" when you've had just as much exposure to him as the others. don't make lame-ass excuses.
like imagine being in your own idol group that means so much to you. your fans are your livelihood & mean the absolute world to you. you love them more than anything else and center so much of your life around giving them what you think they'd want. but then you see stuff like this. posts including all of your members EXCEPT for you. how would you feel? would you feel appreciated at all? left out simply because you're not as "sexually attractive" as the other members? literally not even ACKNOWLEDGED until pressed about it.
but people grow up and learn that saying "this community wasn't what i thought it would be" when everyone is collectively telling you that you're problematic... hopefully to god at some point you'd believe them. it's not everyone else's fault that most people are ot8 & you're not, thus not supporting your work. sorry if you expected a bunch of people who love changbin to suddenly not give a fuck, but it's quite the opposite 🫶🏼
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
the ask you sent was so fun so you KNOW i gotta send one back
it's been a while since i was into dbh, but i remember seeing alice n kara and loving them both. do you have any thoughts on them? it can be either of them individually, their relationship, or just how they're treated in the fandom
ok ok thank you bye !!
Kara is my absolute favourite character. No one does it like her. She's just incredible, plus Valorie is insanely talented and she outperformed, making Kara more loveable.
Kara and Alice's storyline is not my favourite to play but it is my favourite as a whole, because of the found family element. That shit's my favourite. I hate d*vid c*ge, I despise how he shoved Kara into a stereotypical Mother role just because she's the only playable woman, ESPECIALLY since this game is only possible because of her. I hate how he used domestic abuse to make her storyline more "thriller" (because the only way he can imagine women feeling fear is if a man is beating them), and I hate how she is the only one who can die so early on and has less chapters than the other two male leads. But, I love Kara tremendously and her story is like a breath of fresh air from Connor's, and a relief when Markus's stresses me out lol.
I really disliked the "Alice is an android" plottwist. Not only was it dumb and predictable, but the way it was handled was sooooo lame and insulting to Kara's character. "she just chose not to remember" because they couldn't reveal it to the audience too soon. Like what kinda explanation is that. There's just so many inconsistencies the "plottwist" created in the story. And it felt entirely tasteless considering Kara was meant to be a bridge between androids and humanity, being an android who so deeply cares for and loves a human child enough to take care of her at any cost. That meaningfulness dies as soon as Alice is no longer human.
But I will defend Alice any time. I do love her. So much of this fandom complains about her being a numb child which is INSANE to me because we all saw her being abused by Todd. Like ffs. Complaining about her "I'm cold", she's a goddamn kid and she's cold, you want her to suck it up? After everything she's been through? God.
Also I'd argue, and have argued before, that Kara is the closest example we have to how a hypothetical ai gaining sentience and emotions would look. Again it's entirely theoretical and not possible in real life, but we actively see her gaining true emotion, we see how she rewrites her programming to suit her, and I wish we had more of it in the game. She's the only character whose emotional responses can be irrational, and therefore are genuine emotional responses. She even says, regarding Alice, "I can't be happy if she's not". That's not rational at all, but it IS a very common emotional response to caring about someone. We know she genuinely cares for Alice because of this. Kara is a beautiful character and I fucking wish the fandom acknowledged her more.
I could rant for days on how they're both mistreated by the fandom but I won't right now. They're both girls, I'm sure you can imagine what they go through at the hands of the fandom and how utterly undeserved and misogynistic it all is.
Ultimately when I ignore the context of the director and writer I am able to fully enjoy their story and their characters. But as soon as I think about DC I fume lol. As is MOST if not ALL things in this game. I honestly feel the only thing I truly enjoy about the game is the characters, and Kara and Alice are great characters. Well written despite the game's overall writing flaws, and very easy to love and understand. I love how passionate and stubborn and caring Kara is. I love how wonderful and loving and compassionate Alice is. I love and miss them both so much
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
how tf to start
hi babes, first *big fan big fan*. i used to write a bit on here and honestly just got too out of it but your works high key kinda inspired me to get back into it. i've had this idea for a whiskey fic and like started an obnoxiously detailed outline but since i'm not rly in the fic space, i'm hoping to find someone that i could bounce ideas off of. could i ask what you did when you first started? i want to be able to continue to motivate myself, and obviously while external validation is not the most important, it is a part of it lmao. i appreciate you and hope you're enjoying your august, you talented thing, you!
Hi lovely! Thank you for your kind words, I'm seriously blushing so hard and so happy for you that you're getting back into writing! I got a bit nostalgic looking back at my Tumblr journey, but here it goes -
I started off on Tumblr the same way many did - by lurking 😂 Coming from FF.net and a few years away from fic in general, I was amazed by the community I saw. It took me a few months to work up the courage to reblog and comment on the fics that I was silently reading, and I was amazed when writers replied! It was such an adrenaline rush, being part of a community, which I've never experienced before.
When I posted my first fic, a Din oneshot, I didn't have any friends or mutuals. The fic got mostly likes, and I was so happy about it because I used to get so little interaction on FF. Everything changed when I posted Consent. It gained a readership thanks to all my wonderful readers who reblogged it, and I was very fortunate that a couple of established writers very very kindly read and reblogged it.
One thing that I've always done from day one is to respond to every single person who interacts with my fics. It's so important to me that my readers know that I appreciate them so so much. It's through interacting that I met my first friends - both fellow writers and readers - most of whom I'm still friends with today.
So what I'm trying to say, very ineloquently, is that I got started by getting involved in the community, and I still do my best to be as active as I can. I (try to) read fics (sorry time is so tight lol), I reblog fics/art/gifs, I signal boost fics that I don't have time to read, I chat to my friends. Interaction is the bedrock of our community, and especially for creators, it's the way to meet like-minded people. And in building your community, hopefully you'll find people who will become friends who will cheer you on, and you will cheer on.
Having said all that, everyone goes about Tumblr differently, this is just my experience. I didn't go into Tumblr with a 'plan' either, this is just the way things panned out for me over the past year and a half. I hope you have fun getting into the community! If you do end up writing that Jack fic, let me know, I would love to signal boost 😘
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Hi Melody could I ask for any advice or personal tips you could give me, I've been writing ff myself for years and kind of went ghost for a while for (personal reasons) and I'm nervous but rly excited to dabble in the possible MK verse for my new fic and you're one of my absolute favorite writers and I admire your talent and hard work. I'm also super shy so maybe we could talk off anon about it if that's something you'd be up for, of course if you're comfortable and it doesn't ever disrupt your schedule? Thank you again for giving us readers a fun, beautiful way to explore away from the real world, even if it's a few minutes for me, it really does make me smile and gets me excited whenever you post! 💗
Omg Nonnie 🥺 you’re so sweet of course you can ask me anything.
You can send me a dm if you want! My dms are always open to anyone who wants to chat. I promise I don’t bite! (Unless you’re Jake Lockley, in which case I’m taking a chomp outta dat ass)
I never mind if someone messages me, if I don’t answer then I’ll answer later when I see it and I’m not busy!
Thank YOU to my readers for giving me the inspiration and motivation to keep writing. It’s a beautiful and symbiotic relationship. I need support to want to continue hehe.
I’m just over the moon that my work touches you and makes you that happy, seriously. This is such a nice message to her and I hope I hear from you soon!
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wonusite · 1 year
I probably said it before but getting closer mv is the definition of hot mafia boys and i remember you said you couldnt find any mafia svt fics
Honey, as a ff writer you can always write your own dream fic because as ff writers this is our fate
Cant find it, then write it yourself (and bless us with your talent, amazing imagination, incredible characters and many more things from you)
No pressure tho, just sending this to give you courage and maybe inspiration
aw you’re so sweet 🥹❤️ you know what a mafia au is something i’ve always wanted to write. i might just have to bc i haven’t found a lot for svt
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shaineybainey · 2 years
Jumping on the Ask Game Bandwagon!
(hope you don't mind, @texanmarcusdavenport 😅)
⛵️ Favorite ship? Least favorite ship? (Doesn't have to be romantic.)
No favorite ships. I used to really like Donald and Tasha, but throughout the show, there were more times where they were shown to be yelling at each other rather than being cooperative teammates. I know it was done for comedy, but it just...wasn't it.
Least favorite was Janelle & Leo, because what was that? Strung us along for three years, only for their relationship to actually mean nothing to Janelle??
And then Leo was just kind of left in the lurch. Like, 😑
Anyway. As far as brOTP, Douglas + Leo is my favorite, hands down. I don't know what it is. I don't know if Jeremy Kent Jackson and TJ Williams are just that talented, just have that fantastic chemistry onscreen, or all of the above, but man. They made the show so memorable even in its least well-written seasons.
👀 Characters whose relationship you wish was more explored?
Hm. None. They were all explored pretty well in the show, I think.
💥 Favorite crack ship / characters that never met in canon but would've been best friends if they had?
Okay, there is one. I often wonder how things would be like if Bridget and Tasha had met. They have a good number of things in common that I think they would've hit it off and became great friends.
Their friendship would have probably been like a mature version of Amy's and Hartley's on Villains of Valley View.
🐀 Favorite season of Lab Rats? Least favorite?
Favorite: season two for sure. It had some of the funniest lines, best writing, and enough bells and whistles to really keep it fresh and interesting. (Also: Douglas! And I will die on the hill that Parallel Universe is one of the best Lab Rats episodes of all time.)
Least favorite: S3b and S4. It's like most of the writers onboard began seeing writing for the show as a chore. They were bored, so we were bored.
There was one or two writers who wrote pretty good episodes, but alas, they didn't even end up writing a lot.
🏥 Lab Rats or Mighty Med?
Well, both have their own appeal. Lab Rats was just a bit more solid and mature in structure, but Mighty Med had the lore to really open up the extended universe to infinite possibilities.
How the two combined managed to fail is still beyond me.
But yeah. Lab Rats.
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite LGBT+/neurodivergent headcanon?
I don't have any of my own, but someone has shared their hc that Adam is dyslexic. That one, I do share.
📖 An AU/fanfic idea you'd love to see but don't have the motivation to write?
Since the Leo camp in FF had always been small, like the other writers, I've pretty much written anything I've wanted to read because it was just how things were. It was a "if you want to eat it, you gotta cook it" kind of deal.
BUT, there is one AU I've written some years ago that I wish I had the motivation to continue. It was a crossover with DC where Leo is the son of Superman (Val-Zod). Power Girl (Kara Danvers) is his cousin, and Red Tornado (Lois Lane) is his aunt.
It left off at the part where he and Douglas kept it a secret from the rest of the Davenports that he's half Kryptonian (they think his powers were bionics Douglas gave him to help fight Krane and the soldiers).
Oh! And at the end, it was revealed that Marella (Aquawoman) is Tasha's older sister -- which means he's also Atlantean.
I know. It sounds so insane, but I just love that AU so much. It had so many possibilities! I would have loved to write the part where Adam, Bree, and Chase meets the rest of the Wonders.
💭 Favorite headcanon overall?
Leo was raised by women. His mom, his grandmother, his aunt. That's why it's easier for him to develop true friendship with girls and why girls value his friendship. He understands them. He's not inclined to say insensitive things and he doesn't treat them like how other guys would.
The downside of that great quality, though, is that he has his own time of the month. He gets super cranky and sarcastic. It usually coincides with Bree's time of the month, which just puzzles Donald to the full, but whereas Bree can be pacified with chocolate, hot Cheetos, and pain medication, Leo has to shut himself inside his room for two days and introvert to the fullest.
🔥 Hot take/unpopular opinion?
They shouldn't have written in a baby at the end of the show. Served no purpose. I wish they had just let Donald and Tasha enjoy their blended family.
Actually, I wish they had just developed Tasha's relationship with Adam, Bree, and Chase more. Even in the end, the line between them was drawn clear. Tasha was a mother figure, but only because it's logical "since our father married her," and Tasha seemed to treat the kids as her 'husband's children.'
Would have been better if that relationship was worked on more the way Donald's and Leo's was developed.
❤️ Favorite character? Least favorite character?
Favorite is Leo. Least favorite is S3/S4 Bree.
The funny thing is, she's a favorite the first two seasons. So that tells you something.
⏱️ When did you start watching Lab Rats?
From the actual pilot, so February 2012. Actually, I found out about it because it was advertised a lot when I was watching Pair of Kings 😁
Yeah. It's really not a secret at this point that I'm probably one of the older fans in the fandom. I wasn't parent-age then, but I wasn't a kid either.
It made the watch so much better, though. I caught a lot of the adult jokes, but I also remembered a lot of the funny moments that were brilliant because of how they were written and acted.
Maybe that's why I remember so many details about it. I just loved it for what it was. (Until the Bionic Island arc showed up. Then I just wanted to pull all my hair out.)
🟢 Any crossover ideas? Are there any shows you think would've made a better crossover than Lab Rats/Mighty Med?
It's a cheesy idea, but I really wish they had done a four-way crossover with the biggest DXD shows back then. It would have been fun to see Pair of Kings, Kickin' It, Lab Rats, and Mighty Med in a multiverse kind of setting, similar to what they did with the shows in Disney. (Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, etc.)
As far as ideas, got one for Lab Rats/EF and Villains of Valley View. Might not work on that for a long while, though.
🎼 What songs do you relate to the characters/ show?
I...have two whole playlists of that, actually. But it will stay the vault for now since they go with two specific WIPs I'm coming back to soon 😉
🟠 Which character is the most like you? Which character is the least like you?
Douglas lol I'm admittedly a dark cloud in human form, have a bit of a mean streak, and at times have difficulty getting people. But at the end of the day, I'm just a big nerd who loves tinkering with new ideas and doing what I can to be a better, kinder, warmer version of myself.
The least is Donald.
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signalwatch · 2 years
My Opinions on 2022 Movies!
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This is not an end-of-the-year list.  This is just a thing you are reading.  I watched 190 movies, and scanning the list as I was running numbers for 2022, these are movies I jotted down as remarkable one way or another.  
You are welcome to argue with me in the comments, I guess.  It may lead to me thinking you're a dumb-dumb, so go ahead and roll those dice.  
So, let's talk bad movies first.  
I won't include some movies I ran into face-first knowing they were going to be a disaster the way they were.  Simon and I watched Hired to Kill to have a good laugh, for example.  But even at that, one or two of these were... exceptional.
 Fantastic Four 2015 -  I could talk about Elektra.  But it was a sort of dumb, harmless bad where the filmmaker's grasp was less than their reach.  But then there's Fantastic Four (2015).  And it was just... so incredibly misguided from jump.  Supported by executives thinking they'd out-clevered Marvel Studios by taking the grim'n'gritty approach and a writer/ director that would expose the fun-lovin' FF for the tortured monsters they surely would be if you didn't want to sell any toys and hated joy.  Add in that mediocre people need to be very careful when making movies about very smart people - especially movies for a general audience and we basically get what is famously one of the most misguided attempts at a comics-to-film translation, and that is saying something.  I don't know who f'd up the FF, studio, producers, writer/ director - but this movie is just sad and cruel, like a kid who is working out his embarrassment at playing with kiddie things as he gets older by burning those toys and bragging to his friends about it, by spending $150 million.
The Key to Christmas - This movie was never intended to be good, but I honestly don't know what the @#$% this was, who it was for, or why it existed or why anyone put their real name on it.  It's just... baffling.  And head-ache inducing.  Is it anti-art?  Man, that would make me reconsider everything.  But it's also basically a guy and a handicam shooting during a pandemic in the backroom of an Office Depot, so.  It was never supposed to be good - landing squarely in "aggressively incompetent" initially, and then you realize, no... this movie is going to get drunk and do a swan dive into an empty pool in the shape of "fuck you, audience".
Out of Office - A colossal waste of fabulous talents.  A pairing of comedians famous and otherwise, and yet... the movie is never funny, just awkward and brain-dead about a kind of work none of the people in the film do (office drudgery) during the challenging period of COVID and everyone working remotely.  It's... flatly wrong. And then gags that don't work the first time just... keep... happening.  A heroine who should be highly likable written to be a sociopathic drip.  When your best part if Cheri Oteri having a 2 minute walk-on - maybe just keep following Oteri for the next 90 minutes.  It reminds me there are a lot of people working in showbiz who are a reminder that being good at showbiz is hard.
Who's That Girl - Ugh.  On the other hand, I finished this but did not finish Desperately Seeking Susan.  So there you go.
Bolero/ Sheena - lumped together as I watched these on the same night, and because they're both 1980's movies that were supposed to tease the viewer with sexiness.  Both...  basically the equivalent of a 17 year old writing erotic fanfic from a prompt and too embarrassed to just deliver.
Least Favorite of the Year:  How the Grinch Stole Christmas 
This is probably recency bias, but... thanks, I hate it.  This movie that did great box office, people say they like it and/ or watch every Christmas, and it's clear had a phenomenal budget.  And yet... it doesn't understand the children's book that it's based on. It makes the Who's into accomplices and villains and maybe making the Grinch right prior to his change of heart?  And endless scenes of Jim Carrey just...  Grinching it up by himself.  In the dark while you can almost hear Ron Howard saying "this is great...! Just great!" to himself.   All the not-Burton film sets look like they exist in a land of permanent twilight, and the Who make-up is raw nightmare fuel.  Oh... and the camera work.  Dear god.
Really, the only redeeming quality of the film is Baranski.  I'll go to my grave needing therapy for Martha May Whovier's mere existence.  So while I'm glad Martha May exists, the confusion all of that is causing me must be taken as a mark against the film.
Some Favorites of the Year
I stopped doing this a while back because... who cares?  Also, I could say plenty of good things about dozens of other films.   I didn't really include anything as a re-watch or anything super obvious like, say, Gilda, which could make the list any time you watch it.  But here we go.
Glass Onion - a clear great, last entry and one of the few movies from 2022 that I think people will still watch in 25 years, especially as Benoit Blanc becomes a familiar character to the mass audience.  Technically phenomenal, written and edited as tightly as a Swiss Watch, and with every actor hitting all the right notes.
 Lady Snowblood - Holy smokes.  Not for everyone, but a film that goes for the jugular and never lets go, contrasting beauty with the worst in humanity for revenge fantasy unlike anything I've seen elsewhere.
My Darling Clementine - I'm surprised how much this one stuck with me, but it did.  A noir-western with terrific photography, performances and edginess to spare.
Nobody - I find the John Wick movies boring after the first 30 minutes, but something about this movie - made from the same people but starring Bob Odenkirk as a former assassin who gave it all up for a mundane suburban life that is backfiring on him -spoke to me.  Like Lady Snowblood, it's a bit of the ol' ultraviolence, and maybe treated with as much operatic nutiness with none of the beauty.  Somehow the John Wick fans missed this, but this is the better film.
Prey - Damn, this was so good.  I had zero interest in any more Predator stuff.  But this movie completely turned me around on that idea, and Amber Midthunder is a star.  Put her - and her costars - in everything.  With a period setting, and taking the action away from "big men with big guns" the stakes are totally different, and the concept makes sense for maybe the first time since Predator 2 (which I will defend, mein freund).  
The Rescue - I pretty much cried my way through the last 20-30 minutes of this documentary about the Thai boys' futbol team trapped in a cave.  I know it was made into a movie by (sigh) Ron Howard.  Skip the movie, find this doc.  Sometimes people are amazing.
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - whether you're a Cage fan or not is irrelevant.  One of the smartest comedies in years.  Couldn't believe what I was watching.  
Witness for the Prosecution - I'm not a huge legal-thriller kind of guy, but this movie is so well directed (see: Billy Wilder) and has such amazing performances (Dietrich, Laughton, Lanchester, Power) it's absolutely spectacular.  One of those films you finish and are maybe ready to watch it again just to see how they did it.
Blast of Silence - a great noir indie from 1960, it takes risks studios wouldn't have and has as pulpy a lead as you're going to find in a film with no particular actory-schtick.  Maybe not as distant from the action as The Naked City, and with the conceit of using the second-person-perspective, it feels immediate and alienating at the same time.  One I'll be foisting on people in Christmases to come.
Call Northside 777 - If you're going to do a glossy, studio message picture, this is how you do it.  Of course Jimmy Stewart and Conte are dead, but there's likely a modern Conte out there (and I'll take noms for today's Jimmy Stewart).  Based on a true story of the wrongly accused, overcoming cynicism and working against the odds.  Great film.
Lust for a Vampire - the movie I originally dismissed as not very good, I actually watched this time, and it's phenomenal.  This era of Hammer isn't always a homerun, but this movie gets the horror for everyone involved, including the vampire herself, while remaining sexy and a fun watch.
Benedetta and Showgirls - Dammit, Verhoeven.  No, I am not relitigating Showgirls.  It's got issues, but is maybe better than I remembered?  But paired with his period-piece, based-on-real-events of a nunnery during plague-times, and the maybe mystical nun and the novice that loves her...  An underseen and under-discussed picture that takes on maybe the weightiest of human subjects in how faith works, and how that can be exploited and abused.
My Favorite of 2022 - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Was never going to be everyone's favorite, but does what you can only do with movies.  Rocks with googly eyes and a terrible raccoon puppet should not have me in tears.  A bagel that makes Thanos' plans look small and impersonal.  An absolutely stunning set of performances from everyone in the cast, from Signal Watch heroes Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis, to super-veteran James Hong, to returning champ Ke Huy Quan playing as smooth as Tony Leung when he's not playing incredibly sweet and goofy (and badass!), and - man - what a star-making performance by Stephanie Hsu.  
But - yeah, a movie that spoke to the work it takes to love, the fallout of what happens when you don't do the work, and some stellar sci-fi and fight scenes.  The worst thing about this movie has really been the folks on twitter, and I'm not on twitter anymore, so fuck the lot of them, supporters and critics.  
This film is an absolute joy as a story, as an oddball bit of cinema, as a set of performances, and we're lucky to have it.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/1QcbB7s
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1) It's not "for fun" to take away writers' rights, it's abject, it normalizes stealing from young talents. You want to be published? Give up your rights! Have you ever submitted your work as a writer? Because I have, and the contracts are disgusting, it's very commonplace to have a "give up your rights" clause and a "we reserve the right to change your writings" - it's not written that way but that's what it means. Never had a contract that said "give up on the credits" but I mean if it's to publish a story under your name that's completely emptied of its substance or essence there's no interest. It means you can submit a love story or a crime novel and it ends up being porn, with your name on it. It also means that if the book tanks with them you cannot submit it to another publisher.
2) A 1,000 words fictional story isn't just a letter, it's raw material. They don't ask you not to put any identifiable information to protect you, dammit, they want to strip you from your rights and sell your data and you think it's for you? They don't want you to write any identifiable elements because they're protecting themselves, from potentially being sued!!! I have no idea how it is to go through life this naively. Anderson knows all that, she's not the decent savior that will protect you ffs, she's been using her women fan base since she started theater in London.
Even a "good" contract will always have the bank win, by default you lose, you have to read carefully, take your time, ask for legal help. Between those who legally steal and those who just steal without your consent, that's most of the industry.
So it's not with "it's better with independent" bullshit you'll convince me. I had to deal with them.
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theflagscene · 2 years
Sorry not an ask. Just had a thought about one of your posts, the one about ff writers.
You are absolutely right. ff writers are even greater in my opinion. Like it still amazes me how these ff writers churn out amazing works day after day , most of them with jobs and difficult personal lives...and all for what.. just to share love.. just to make ppl happy... They are literally not getting anything in return...
. Its ridiculous and makes me angry when ppl say they are not writers ..
I am not a writer myself..but ffs have seen me through so much of my shitty life. So yes your are right. Ff writers are just the one of the greatest thing to exist in this world.
So thank you. That's all. Sorry for the rant.
I absolutely agree with you! And this isn’t because I write fanfic, because I’m slow as molasses and am self admitted trash peddler lol. There are fic writers out there that amaze me every single ass day! They are so much more talented than I could ever hope to be! Some have novel length fics written that I get lost in for hours, some post daily ficlets that make me laugh and cry and giddy all at once, every single day! Fanfic writers do what they do for fun and to share their stories about beloved characters with other people who love those characters just as much. They bring so much joy to a fandom space and I hate it when people shit on fanfic writers, imagine fandom without its writers and it’s artists, it’s gif makers and vidders and meta commentary! Just image how dull and boring it would be, creative minds bring fandom alive and I for one never want to make any of these creative amazing minds feel like they’re somehow less than ‘real’ creatives. What is ‘real’ art anyway? If you create it, then it is art! Even if no one ever sees it, if only one person ever loves it, it’s still important 💖💖💖💖
Also, you never have to apologize for dropping by my DMs to rant, by all means, rant away. I’m always willing to listen 🥰
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