#if anybody has that i will add it
chipthekeeper · 1 year
Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out (Vel edition)
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(via The Onion)
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hijackalx · 5 months
i feel like we as a fandom sleep on the fact that a majority of bg3 is a bunch of city people and foreigners being thrown into an unfamiliar environment and having to live there/navigate it for like a month LMAO
long treks through rain, wind, heavy sun
biting bugs
baths in freezing cold creek water
boots getting stuck in the mud
someone waking up with a snake in their tent
failed attempts at learning to hunt or locate food and everyone getting hangry
accidentally eating poisonous plants
slipping/tripping/falling over various terrains
walking through spider webs
being sticky and sweaty from the humidity
aching backs and feet
taking a wrong turn and getting lost
scary animal noises in the middle of the night
everyone smelling like mildew, B.O, and dirt (a.k.a ten cans of BOUNCE THAT ASS)
i just feel like there’s some potential here
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melit0n · 9 months
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Some cryptid photos of Vessel (+ ii) that I've collected over the past week. The fact that almost all of them look like they came out of trail cam footage is absolutely sending me
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fluffyfangirl · 4 months
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springs-hurts · 5 months
I think Lancelot would be the only knight to immediately protect Merlin when his magic was revealed if he was around in s5. Gwaine and Merlin friendship seems strained he seems to hate magic and all the other knights also hunt magic users with no problem
Yepp, I wholeheartedly agree, Lancelot would either go all out, or he'd try to make them see reason...depends on which way it'd go(or which way it'd have gone, only if writers were brave enough, but damn! I can just imagine Arthur, his wife loves this man, his best friend told him his biggest secret, uh uhh, Lancelot bro, I'd run!)
But others, in Disir episode, Percival was making fun of all the hangings, and people write him as sympathetic, same goes for elyan...
So two people who'd support Merlin are Lancelot (if he didn't die) and Mordred, both would hesitate to draw their weapon, of that I have no doubt. But they'd support Merlin.
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mandrakeboo · 4 months
I'm curious to see if hoyo will incorporate predeterminism into sunday's stellaron hunter arc. firefly not being able to escape elio's script to talk to the trailblazer speaks volumes on the "control" elio will have over him. with gopher wood grooming him his whole childhood to be a sacrificial lamb for hosting ena's dream + the puppeterring associated with ena in general, both gw and ena being gone make for some really interesting cracks in the foundation of his "control," and I'm sure association with destiny's slave will have an effect on that. so, coming to the conclusion that predeterminism exists seems like it could be one of the next logical steps for him. I want him to be lightning/harmony, but the imaginary/nihility truthers most certainly have a compelling thought process...
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slumbergoblin · 3 months
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measlyfurball13 · 2 years
I've been trying to muse why Tom Wachowski from the Sonic Movie works as a good character whereas all the other Generic White Dudes from similar live action/animated mixed movies failed. I'm talking movies like The Smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunks, because let's face it, the Sonic Movie falls neatly into that genre.
TL;DR of my insane ramblings: Tom punches Eggman in the face, and that means everything to me.
Maybe it's because Tom isn't written as an asshole? Like, yeah, he definitely has his five minutes of "I don't know who you are, weird talking animal, why would I want to help you?" -but that's just it. It's five minutes. For the rest of the runtime, Tom spends his time getting to know and like Sonic. It feels like a lot of the other Generic White Dudes seem to barely tolerate their cartoon companions, despite the movie claiming that they've learned some grand "lesson" from their inclusion in his life. Tom has no third-act breakup, no Liar Revealed, no contrived misunderstandings or sudden betrayals of Sonic- he acts like how a decent person would. Somehow this is revolutionary. (Oh, and he actually loves his wife. Somehow this is also revolutionary.)
Maybe it's also because Tom slides naturally into the wacky cartoon hijinks instead of desperately trying to stay out of them. Films like Smurfs and Hop and Alvin and the Chipmunks constantly have the cartoon characters "ruining" the Generic White Dude's normal life with their presence. Tom's life and plans are ruined by Sonic, sure, but this is because Dr. Robotnik becomes his antagonist, too. Tom sees his house getting totally ruined by the cartoon villain who's hunting the cartoon animal and, instead of blaming the cartoon animal for it, he gets mad at the right person- the villain! Instead of lamenting "why are these talking animals happening to me?", he takes stock of the actual situation and goes "woah, this asshole wants to hurt this kid, that's not okay" and then proceeds to do something about it. He's got stakes in the outcome of the cartoon hijinks, which makes his presence in them feel like a natural inclusion rather than a random coincidence.
You get the sense that Sonic matters to Tom. The events going on in plot affect Tom. For Christ's sake, he gets a full character arc over the course of the runtime! Tom is a fully integrated part of the Sonic movie, core to it's DNA- you couldn't replace him without changing everything.
Because no other Generic White Dude besides Tom Wachowski would punch Eggman in the face.
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yagi-toshi · 1 month
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beastars 147 spoilers a sequence of panels that are important to me
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13eyond13 · 3 days
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thisteaistoosweet · 1 year
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Cahara but if he was a contestant of the termina festival.
(Made for an enlightened cahara au)
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melit0n · 21 days
"Let the tides carry you back to me." has always been among one of my favourite lines in Telomeres, and so, having listened to it again recently, a little idea popped into my head. Let me explain:
While ocean tides/currents is a very common metaphor, there's an underlying meaning to it. The ocean is a beautiful, but somewhat cruel place: tides can leave you stranded on a sandbank, or sweap you away before you even know it.
To put it in short, no object or creature that goes into the ocean comes out the same. For the tides to carry something back to you, something you've lost, it will be and always will be changed: eroded.
The cliffside will fall, the cave will crumble, etc etc.
With this in mind, we're yet again greeted with another example of Vessel asking for something he can't truly have. The person he wants will not be the same as they were before; they "collapse" into him, breaking apart, but still, to him, it's "the start of something."
His memory is warped, they are warped, and it'll stay that way.
However, what I would like to add is that, in DYWTYLM, it's theorised that instead of Vessel speaking to a second person, he's instead talking to himself.
Of course, this makes the song itself much more emotional (to me). Finding love for yourself is one of the hardest things you can do, but it has to be done to find love in others.
With that idea (stay with me here), the lyrics "Do you roll with the waves? Or do you duck into deep blue safety?" match up (generally) with Telomeres, which is mostly interpretated as being towards someone else.
So, what if some lines in Telemores are directed to himself as well?
Keep in mind, the tides don't just erode and carry objects (sediment), they also reflect. The Atlantic is one big mirror, and Vessel is staring into it's "deep blue safety" wondering what, or, rather, who, he was before he was Vessel.
Overall, the album name, "This Place Will Become Your Tomb", either being directed at Vessel or Vessel to Sleep (and being a Halo quote lmao), is more metaphorical than literal.
Who he was before Vessel sits in that coffin, not his physical body.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I'm not sure how to word this, but it's very frustrating to see people respond to trans people concerned about their state or country's transphobia with, "well, just move!"
It's so frustrating to see trans people's only options being to either move across their country, emigrate, or just take the transphobia and potentially be targetted or worse. It honestly feels pretty like victim-blaming, because, well, "if you didn't want to face transphobia, why didn't you move away from it?".
Trans people have lives, and they don't deserve to have to upend those lives in order to not be persecuted. Not to mention that moving is a very pricey endeavor that not many of us have the privilege of being able to afford.
Don't forget about the trans people who live in these places. Advocate for them, if you aren't in those countries or states. Don't blame them for the state of their government. They are not at fault, and they deserve to be safe.
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the-holy-ghosted · 8 months
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(mockingly) youre gay AND irish
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kanamesengoku · 8 months
till all the seas run dry
"Oi! Are you Shimotsuki?" Turning to his left, he squinted a bit against the sun and leaned over the railing to see a young man around his own age, dark hair mussed and a huge duffel bag slung over his shoulder. His face was open and friendly and his bright eyes stared up at Zoro expectantly. "No, uh… she's in the shop," he offered, gesturing vaguely downwards towards the door. Then, his brain catching up, he continued, "are you… Garp's… new tenant?" Apparently the boy found the question amusing, because his face split into a huge grin and he broke into a peal of laughter. "Haha, yeah, I guess that's me!" he stated, still smiling up at Zoro. For some reason, it made Zoro want to smile back.
Roronoa Zoro, university student and florist, meets someone for the first time that he already knows.
-- relationship: monkey d. luffy/roronoa zoro rating: explicit word count: 27,976 chapter count: 7 tags: modern au, flower shop au, zoro is good at math, too many hidden references, mentioned nami/vivi, mvp sanji, developing relationship, angst and fluff and smut, most of the strawhats are just cameos so don't read specifically for them lmao, minor spoilers through wano act 1
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alexjcrowley · 2 months
Sooooo one of my mutuls reminded me that I love The Talented Mr. Ripley so much and I am 100% not normal about it and I just to say that the last time I rewatched it (a few months ago) I hadn't watched that movie for a long time and my only thought was "they want you to think Tom Ripley is the dangerous character but it's actually Dickie Greenleaf. Nothing can destroy your life like the nonchalance a charming person picks you up and puts you down with". And I was 100% sure of that. And then I rewatched the movie and I was like "Okay maybe Tom Ripley was the problem" but you need to understand that everytime I watch that movie it fucks with my brain and my past friendships so hard after a while I always find myself thinking "if Dickie just knew how to love Tom in the right way, none of this would have happened. It's Dickie's fault." And it's not! Tom is deeply fucked up for several reasons! But this movie fucks so hard with me pegs my brain gaslights me like an abusive boyfriend that I always end up thinking "Tom did nothing wrong. Tom did nothing wrong, if Dickie just loved him the right way. It's Dickie's fault."
I just think that people like Dickie Greenleaf can make anyone insane. I think I'd rather never knew the joy of bashing in Dickie's attention that living through the desperation of being derived of it.
#being told I was unable to love right sure adds some layers to this conversation#this movie FUCKS#anthony minghella I'm in your walls#the talented mr ripley#jude law#matt damon#I've been a Tom all my life but sometimes I suspect I have been Dickie to some people#and the power that I might have held over them makes me sick#I associate Dickie Greenleaf with the children judges of Munster in Q by Luther Blisset#which is NOT a good thing#or to Jan of Leida's wife. which is also not good.#something about innocence in cruelty. being unable to perceive the evil one's causing.#but it's not your fault nor anybody's fault if that's your natural attitude. Hurting others without even noticing.#if you use your love like an ancient God would. Give and take back at your pleasure.#au plaisir de Dieu but you are the God#and what people want from you? You're just one. You can't be there for everybody all the time.#that's the job of a supreme entity but that's how people see you. Brighter than the sun. It's not your fault. It's not their fault.#you have a right to your love and your attention but they have a right to that as well because once they've tried it they can't go back#it's intoxicating being loved by someone like Diclie Greenleaf. Any man who has tried that would rather kill themed rather than go back#being ignored after that#it's Dickie who leaves death and desperation behind him#*conveniently ignores Tom Ripley's a psychopath* Ooooh I forgot about that part#anyway yeah movies I am sooooo normal about
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