#if anyone else has thoughts feel free to share
cezqstar · 2 days
haven’t been active in the rykter fandom in awhile, but i’ve seen quite a lot of opinions floating around on here & twt that i had quite a lot of thoughts about!
someone said the show is queerbaiting… and i genuinely cannot believe how anyone can see a character figuring out his queer identity and only see the matherik ship & dumb it down to queerbaiting.
edit: i want to clarify this part i said on queerbaiting because i didn’t articulate my thoughts in depth. at the end of season 2, mathias initiated a kiss with erik ultimately implying his queer identity. and his season 3 storyline has confirmed him as a queer character, who is crushing on erik & struggling with acceptance whilst getting bullied by his ex-best friend. however, erik’s pov is open to interpretation, which leaves a lot of space for fan theories (that i eat tf up) but at the moment, that’s all they are. fan theories. erik’s actions can be interpreted as both platonic & non-platonic, and i don’t see the show dangling matherik in the audiences faces. since they’re very focused on mathias’ story and his perspective rather than erik’s. whose own story seems to focus on him hanging around the wrong crowd and his questionable behaviour. it leaves the storyline open to go down two very different routes: erik could have his own queer realisation and the two of them eventually end up together. or mathias’ has unrequited feelings for his straight (or aro 👀) friend but those feelings helped him with his own queer journey to acceptance. and i think with how they’ve set erik up, it could genuinely go either way and make sense.
^^ that’s why i believe the queerbaiting claims are a stretch.
it’s become very clear why people began watching rykter: matherik. but people NEED to remember that the show is not solely about them. it never has been. this show is about the chaotic lives of ‘sheltered’ (i can’t think of the word i’m after) teenagers who all have the capability to be stupid, immature and selfish. which yes, includes felix as one of those characters and yes, includes erik as a teenager capable of being a bad person at times.
these teenagers are also all (well almost all) capable of redemption. mathias has proved his own ability to be redeemed after his s1 antics, erik will surely have his own redemption path regarding his current s3 antics and thea is currently having her redemption this season. just because erik has been generally good in the first two seasons, doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to poor decision making & shitty actions. remember: they’re all 15-16 years old.
i’ve seen a few people suggest that the rykter writers are ‘getting off’ on or ‘enjoying’ the homophobic abuse that mathias has been subjected to, but i think that’s a massive stretch. and an extremely poor outlook on the shows writing in my opinion. many people forget that even though norway is a progressive country that homophobic shitheads still exist. and the way mathias is being treated by someone as horrible as felix & no one saying anything due to being ‘sheltered’ followers is quite real.
and when someone as jealous, hateful & spiteful as felix who clearly puts up with his own share of prejudice gets to put someone else down (someone who he also feels ‘betrayed’ by), he’ll jump at that opportunity in an attempt to make himself better and stronger. from victim -> perpetrator. i understand the frustration around this season focusing on felix quite a lot but people need to stop seeing his storyline as ways to ‘excuse’ his actions and moreso to explain them & simply SHOW his life. they seem pretty hellbent on showing you that he’s a shitty person regardless of his home life & personal issues.
anyways rant over! time to disappear again lol. feel free to disagree with anything i said. always happy to have a discussion!
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pondphuwin · 2 years
Hi anon! I actually loved the dynamics between mork and pi. but pond and phuwin's chemistry is so off for me in never let me go! for me, the boss and servant dynamics does not suit them at all.
Am I the only one????
hi hi anon! as a disclaimer i am very pondphuwin biased so my answer to this is probably not that objective if that's what you're looking for here.
to me, the things that are sometimes off about nlmg are not because of pondphuwin's chemistry. ppw are much more familiar with each other now since futs and have grown a lot as actors (esp pond <3), so i think the natural chemistry they've had since their first reading together for futs is now amplified through their experience. palm and nueng are attracted to each other, they have feelings for each other, you can see it through ppw's expressions and you could cut through the tension between them with a knife. however, the pacing of the show and their relationship especially can sometimes be jarring. like. ep 8 was surprising to me in so many ways. i think it's also an issue that comes with the show still trying to navigate how to balance typical bl romance beats, which are much easier to pull off and more natural to a rom-com like futs, and the very serious tone of its genre and premise. there is a lot going on and it doesn't always cohesively flow together. (but i love that they're trying, i love p'jojo for making this show and i hope it sets a precedent for future gmmtv projects)
also: it's a complicated dynamic to navigate and their characters are both teenagers and they both want so desperately without really having any thought to like. actually having game (like mork in futs). so to me it makes sense that they would be a bit clumsy and stilted in their relationship, but idk if that is intentional or just how it comes off.
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northernsuccubus · 3 months
I want to clarify how I feel about certain things in asks versus DMs.
Put whatever questions or thoughts you want in my ask box. If I don’t feel comfortable answering it I’ll just delete it.
But if we don’t know each other then sending nsfw questions in my DMs is probably going to get you blocked, especially if it’s right away. Just try a regular conversation. I love regular conversations.
Asks feel more like a fun party game where I can just pass if I want to, but DMs are a one on one conversation. Just because you see me answering some nsfw questions publicly does not mean that I want you in my DMs with similar questions and comments privately.
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airborneice · 2 months
Curious and wanted to know if you have like a voice headcanon/reference for what timtum might sound like (even if his dialogue is limited to just 'tim tum' sdfwbwht)
oo good question!! hmm i can't think of a reference to link to i'm afraid but i picture him with a very small kind of squeaky voice? idk how to describe it but like. to me his voice sounds like how the tiny font feels
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relicsongmel · 8 months
The Hawthorne twins suffered more than Jesus
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digitalsymbiote · 10 months
do you have any tips to aliviate the pain of a soul meant to be part of a machine that is stuck in a body of flesh and bone?
I don't have much, unfortunately. The things that have been most helpful to me have been indulging in my plurality and my nonhumanity. Viewing myself and my headmate as the pilot and mech of our body, and engaging in the connection that way.
I also view my gender and identity as robotic/synthetic/etc. I use Ze/zir pronouns, and I've crafted a lot of my identity around that. I make deliberate fashion choices with that goal in mind and try to shape the way I present myself around that.
It's not easy, but I think the key here is intentionality. If this is something you want to be? then be that thing, ON PURPOSE. do the things that you can to shape your body and identity towards that goal.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#i want to learn how to vent healthily#bc i have this incessant pathological need to like share every thought i have#and if i dont i get this restless uneasy feeling in my chest and i get restless and worried and like wtf?#whats wrong w me? maybe it has smth to do w that during my entire life i have never been listened to or been helped#like during my life i've asked for help repeatedly but when i have i've only been dismissed or not believed etc etc#so maybe that translated into my head to just feel the need to share it in a public space.....#bc i used to write rverything in a diary but i filled them too quickly and i cant afford the money or space to do that#so i started using twitter and now tumblr... but that has only resulted in me like feeding into it?#it's not healthy to feel the need to share EVERY thought or else u feel crazy. i also shouldnt focus or dwell on thoughts sm#i do have issues bc of my disorders and anxiety. plus avpd in swedish is literally called 'anxious personality disorder' 💀#so it is in me to be anxious and worried and neurotic#but still i want to learn how to not be fixated on thoughts and feelings (also a challenge bc bpd makes feelings feel all consuming)#if i think smth - that also can be totally untrue and only based on my worries -#i can just think it and let it go. idk have to dwell on it and obsess over it. (im trying mindfulness for years lol)#bc most of my venting is like me getting stuck in feelings and idk why i feel the need to express it constantly?#it isnt worth it. bc actually it has caused rifts and missunderstandings in multiple connections i've had online...#i do feel like venting isnt smth bad.. and i think emotions are PERSONAL and like completely unrelated to truth and other ppl#but i get it.. esp when u only know eo online and dont know everything going on in eo's heads#then u only get that as a full image when it isnt the whole picture#so like idk. i WANT to be able to get a healthier outlook on it.. bc this isnt working#both bc of myself and for myself but also in relation to others#and like. why do i like never see anyone else on thmblr/twitter that post EVERY thought like me???? (i dont think its wrong to do bc *i*#have a different pov on it and idc abt other ppl's vents but .. yeah idk why do i do this but no one else does it at the level i do?#so idk i've just been thinking of this lately bc yeah.. yeah i just dont know i dont know.... :///#i actually want to be able to not ruminate and get stuck in it but idk how to break free?#plus expressing positive emotions & thoughts is terrifying to me like idk why but i cant????#why??? i feel like im undeserving of good things that i cant even express smth nice bc im like .. i dont deserve to think/feel that??
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cousticks · 5 months
If given the chance to live, what personality do you think Chuuya's clone would have had?
Gosh. Poor dear clone boy didn't get much of a chance to have one of those, did he. I probably go off topic a couple times, but I promise speculation on his personality is actually in here somewhere.
So. I don't trust a word out of N's mouth at any point in time. He's a horribly unethical scientist and even worse father figure but he does seem to be a relatively decent liar. This is the only decent thing about him.
That being said, if N were to be believed, then the boy in the coin-flipping video demonstrating a self-contained singularity is poor Cloney.
Quoting N's words:
"The owner of the self-contradicting skill. Other than his skill, he was an ordinary boy born in a hot spring district in the San'in region. This special vessel was calibrated so he wouldn't be crushed by the singularity's gravity. That's the only reason why he's still alive."
Looking back at the scene of the coin video, we don't really see much of the boy himself.
Someone was twirling the coin between their fingers. They were young fingers, but everything past their arm was off camera, so it was impossible to see who exactly the person was. They were, however, speaking in an almost singsong manner.
Whoever's in the video recites a couple verses of Upon The Tainted Sorrow. Not the activation verse we know, though.
Someone was holding a glittering coin in the center of the screen, but the camera was too far away to make out their face. The only thing discernible was how oddly spacious the concrete chamber was.
The video is obscured. We can't confirm or deny if it was Cloney in the video, we only know that he's young. But for the sake of speculation, let's say he is. To rule out the idea that it might be Chuuya in the video for the sake of narrowing down options: Chuuya had residual memory, or at least recognition, upon walking into Research Facility B, as its layout is similar to Research Facility A, aka what is now Suribachi City. He's got a pattern of that--seeing snippets of his true past having to do with the Arahabaki program, and it sparking his memory. He didn't do that when watching the coin video, so I'm just going to assume that whoever it was, it wasn't him. It would be off pattern for him.
I have one more quote to pull before rambling about what Cloney could have been like. Unfortunately it's the bit where he dies, but y'know, I only have so many scenes to pick from.
His face was no different than Chuuya's, but his eyes were a little kinder and much feebler. The boy grabbed Chuuya, his gaze pleading. He opened his mouth as if to say something. His lungs filled with puff of air. And that was it. His life had come to an end.
That's the part that really gnaws at me. His eyes were a little kinder. Assuming this is the same boy that has been a living experiment used to create an advanced version of himself (or having been created) and really only knowing dangerous experiments or a murky tube for going on 16 years now, seeing kindness in his eyes is almost baffling. You'd expect him to be kicking and screaming against anyone coming near him, probably. Or some kind of resignation, maybe. But he spent his last breath trying to communicate.
If he'd made it out of Facility B, I like to think he'd have been a hopeful sort. He probably wouldn't have been very well, though. The coin video scene notes the subject (Cloney) going into cardiac arrest. And surviving that comes with a lot of complications (unless the facility had some kind of healing ability on hand, but I'm calling that a 50/50 shot at best. The kindest thing I can imagine is trying to design transferable healing abilities in a similar way to how ability weapons were produced, but that may be too optimistic.) If I ignore the physical complications, there's extremely high rates of depression and anxiety after surviving cardiac arrest, which would probably be made worse by Cloney's living conditions for the last several years.
Verlaine is a bad example of how any reasonable person acts, but one thing pretty understandable is his distrust and paranoia of pretty much everything. And arguably, Verlaine has the most similar background to Cloney. So lets borrow some Verlaine traits, too, maybe.
And the fact that in the video, he spent most of the time flipping a coin. Young Cloney probably thought he was so cool like some movie character. I think his coin flipping is kind of similar to Chuuya's bit in Fifteen asking for hard rock music while he beats people up. They're both losers that wanna be action heroes at heart, to me.
It might manifest differently, but I like to think from his final scene that he got a lot of Chuuya's resilience (y'know, the kind that Verlaine really lacked.) I think coming out of the lab he'd be a very troubled boy, but really that would make him fit right in with the cast around him. But still trying to make the best of things. I think he'd like bad action movies. I think he'd be a little claustrophobic, a little afraid of the dark, but adverse to big empty rooms too. I think he'd like being around people. I don't think he'd want to join the Port Mafia, and he'd definitely steer clear of the Special Abilities Department. So of our major Yokohama-based organizations, the best place for him would be the Agency... but I don't think he'd want to be there either. I don't think he'd want anything to do with any ability based organizations at all, really. I kind of doubt he'd be up to learning any coin tricks after what happened the last time, but that idle hand habit never really goes away. Maybe he'd pick up cool methods of shuffling cards and end up working as a dealer at the Sky Casino or something weird like that. I don't know, really. We only have one scene we know is Cloney, and some speculation, but I think he'd have a few traits similar to Chuuya, but maybe without some of his aggression. I think he'd have a few traits similar to Verlaine, too. And every character that struggles with humanity struggles with it in a different way, and I'm sure he'd be no exception to that. Lots of issues and problems, but I think he'd be the kind to just want to move on. I think Kenji would fix him.
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
I realized something about Jesse's fangs in the season 2 finale. That they're not the same ones his actor had used in the movie and in the season 2 finale! See!
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(Left Image: movie, Middle Image: season 1 finale, Right Image: season 2 finale)
It's kind of hard to tell in the season 2 screenshot (the one on the right), but his fangs aren't the upper teeth on either side of the two front middle teeth as seen in the other two screenshots. Instead, they're protruding from his canine teeth.
I don't remember who said this or where I saw it, but I remember somebody pointing out the fang (or vampire teeth) differences between our 3 favorite vampires (Sarah, Erica, and Rory) and the background/one-time appearance only vamps throughout the show. Then I think it was learned that the reason behind that was because they had specially fitted vampire teeth made for Sarah, Erica, and Rory's actors since their characters were technically reoccurring characters, and the actors would have to wearing the fangs/teeth a lot more than the one-time only/background vampire actors would. So, they just gave the one-time only/background vampy actors regular already made prosthetic fangs, instead, since that was the only time, they would get to wear fangs in the entire show.
Anyways, I'm rambling again. 😅
Well, I think they also had Jesse's actor get specially made fangs done for him, too. Like with Vanessa, Kate, and Cameron. Especially since he was the main bad guy in the movie and would be showing off those pearly white fangs of Jesse's quiet a lot throughout the movie. Now I have a theory about why his fangs were probably different between the two season finales.
Ok. So, for season 1, they probably still had his specially fitted/made fangs on hand somewhere in storage, and when they decided to bring back Jesse for the finale episode, they just used those ones.
But as for the season 2 finale, the fangs were probably misplaced or lost somewhere or whatever. And they either didn't have time to make new one's or there wasn't enough money in the budget to make them. So, they just went with the regular old already made ones that the one-time only/background vampire actors normally would use, instead. Fresh out of the package I'm assuming and not sterilized recycled ones that one of those background actors had used before, though. 😳 Lol! But that could explain why Jesse's fangs look so differently in the season 2 finale compared to what they looked like in the movie and season 1 finale.
*sighs in relief* MAN! I've been meaning to make this post FOREVER it seems! Lol! Well... more like ever since the day I discovered this, that is. Which like... a few weeks ago. 😅 But it's finally been said and is out there now! So, yippie!
I like to give a special thanks to the bestie @bettyweir for providing me with the screenshots of Jesse's fangs. You're the best and (in the words of your Debbie Dazzle meme) sparkle on! 😄😘
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thefuturewithoutus · 1 year
per your recent post i would love some house md amv and fic recs.. planning to watch s8 very soon
YES!!!!! okay i'll link everything season 8 related. i don't watch as many amvs as i should so the first two are season 8 related and the others just make me emotional.
- i bet on losing dogs by @cinemapphic
- self promoting lol but tropic of cancer
- teardrop by @alonetogether
- together, in all things by sebviathan
- esopus creek by shaycat
- love is blind, deaf, and walks with a limp by iwantedtosavetheworld
- and i fight time (it won in a landslide) by @mayfieldarc
- this poem by @ocdwilson
- c word comparative with angels in america part 1 / part 2 by @buckysoldatbarnes
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caruliaa · 9 months
starship au thts the same except the planet its set on is pnf404 and bug is a pikmin. the characters r the same characters theyre just like pikmin creatures and the starship rangers r like hocotations or koppaites and also maybe the rescue corp instead of the starship rangers but maybe not bc the rescue corp randomly going to a planet makes no sense actually makes a lot more sense for it to be hocotaite frieght or like. the koppaites going to pnf404 for fruit maybe but honestly they can still just be the starship rangers but pikmin version. the point is it wld be so slay . whos with me .
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androgynosaurus · 1 year
Finished my first run of Goodbye Volcano High and I've got a lot of feelings about it
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emily-mooon · 1 year
omggg you made the nancy and jonathan muppets match the colors of the mike and will muppets bc they're siblings :')
Yes I did do that thanks for noticing Anon!
I also did it because of muppet Joyce.
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Since she is also purple like Will, I figured that a muppet version of Jonathan would also be the same colour. I gave Jonathan the same nose colour as Will since they are siblings. I applied the same logic to Nancy since we do not see Karen, Holly, or Ted and I assume that they would do the same thing if either of them were shown.
Thank you for sending this ask in and I hope you are doing well!
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districtunrest · 1 year
Can we learn more about your clothing in Panem headcannons? Curiously nobody mentions this much.
absolutely you may! thanks for asking :)
not a fashion history expert, mostly going by vibes, but i imagine in a post-nuclear fallout North America that most of our current fast-fashion clothing doesn't survive, between the nuclear warheads and just time & wear, and so people resort to wearing a mix of what's left (classic, durable stuff that would span decades in our eyes) along with making it again. so there's still denim, corduroy, leather, wool, cotton, knit - but everything is more streamlined, economical (excepting the Capitol, fast fashion central). we know shoes have to be made and repaired by cobblers so in my mind people wear boots and loafers and sandals and such, not flip flops or sneakers lol - so again, not necessarily old in when they were made, but old fashioned and classic looking to us.
and I'd say this is consistent with canon. Katniss isn't very descriptive with clothing from home compared to how she describes the otherworldly fashion in the Capitol. still, the vibe to me has always been like 'great depression era but make it future dystopian'. we know from TBOSAS that at least 60+ years prior in D12, men are wearing jean shorts and white t-shirts off work and women simple dresses. I imagine it'd be more or less the same across the other districts and about the same by Katniss' time, as a place like D12 is likely to be behind on the trends (and not trying to keep up anyway). just kinda of using what's left and what's able to be made from home.
and let's remember D8, which makes textiles. I imagine they ship some materials to the districts vs. all materials and clothing to the Capitol. but the richest classes within the districts (meaning victors and gov officials, not merchants) can also afford clothing from D8. the Capitol also makes clothing, couture and otherwise, but D8 provides basics, made in sweatshops factories.
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solojihyo · 1 year
random question, which male idol do you think would fit iz*one's concept?
this is a really good question but also really hard…. i want to say soobin though! i feel like he would fit the elegant concept really well because he already looks very innocent and imo he never really fit txt’s more bad guy concept in the first place (like yes he tried but his strength seems to be lighter concepts). i think of all the male idols i know he could pull off an elegant concept the best
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owl-with-a-pen · 1 year
so what do you think Kara, Brainy, and J'onn were doing off-world (as stated in the Flash episode)?
I've been trying and failing to think of something imaginative in terms of what everyone was doing off world, and so instead I think I'll satisfy my wish for what could have happened in the Supergirl finale by saying that they were on Argo.
I personally had hoped that Kara would revisit Argo before making the decision to go public with her secret identity - in a way, to fully embrace that part of herself before making such a life-changing choice, but also just to get the chance to spend some time with her parents. Since that didn't happen, I see no reason why she wouldn't have done that after the world knew her identity. The publicity after a reveal like that must have been intense and getting away from all the attention would have been a well deserved respite for her.
Maybe Kara went ahead first and then later on, other members of the Super Friends joined her for the visit. And then, y'know, for plot convenience, it just-so happened everyone was there when Nia was comatose. Maybe Nia had been set to go too, but decided against it because she felt she was so close to a breakthrough in discovering the next step to her powers. 🤔
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