#if anyone else wants to share their favs go ahead lol
myarmstickles · 2 years
my favorite monsters in msm. block me if you dont like them /joking
1. Humbug
2. Denchuhs
3. Furcorn
4. Ghatz
5. Sox
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cakenpiewhyohmy · 9 months
So I slept on it, and I really think Tav is Halsins fated one.
So not going into super specifics but in dnd lore, elves typically do sleep around l, go through multiple relationships etc UNTIL they find their fated mate.
Man’s there’s so much evidence (either intentionally or unintentionally) that Tav is. You could literally do absolutely nothing besides saving him, (sometimes not even that) and his grove and man’s is head over heels for you.
In all his dialogue while he’s waiting in camp he’s flirting with you almost every chance he gets and makes it clear that he wants you.
But if it’s just a fling or casual sex, why wait?
Well I think it’s because Tav is is soulmate essentially so he’s actually so in love with them that they consume his thoughts constantly. BUT he has a lot of guilt and Trauma that he’s burdened with and he feels like he can’t even think of being happy with them until he’s righted what he feels is his biggest failure. And after it’s defeated he even has a line where he says something like “I’m yours” before trying to correct himself and saying he’s yours in battle etc. (I could literally picture him blushing at his slip up)
We don’t really get anything till act three because with the shadow curse lifted he feels free to try and follow his heart (which is now with Tav) but is a little nervous to do so. Like hes been with tons of people before Tav is the first one that hes actually in love and feels connected to (soulmates) and hes trying to pace himself. Unfortunately the world is literally at stake so he doesn’t have the luxury of time
So what does he do? Blurt out a really bad confession and then gets so giddy he wildshapes.
Like that whole scene has him so out of breath you can practically see his excitement and nervs. (He even says he feared that it was too soon)
And about the whole poly thing, for one I do think he’s mildly traumatized, a free love hippy Druid , and someone who genuinely is poly and maybe a swinger lol.
However I also think he has no intentions of seeing anyone else. Like Tav is it for him. There’s multiple lines of dialogue suggesting so, he says “you are all I want” but encourages you to share your heart with others even though you already have his (man’s even calls you “my heart” I-) I think this could be interpreted a couple different ways and proly has multiple meanings.
But if we’re running with the soulmate idea then it’s because he’s both scared and traumatized by losing almost everyone he’s loved in his life, and also afraid of being rejected outright. Like he would rather have a part of you than none at all.
Because elves that do lose their fated ones typically don’t last long without them.
The only issue is the devs did him dirty with his ending….which again can be added for angst in this HC cause why not.
-he’s secretly hoping tav chases after him (my fav so far) he doesn’t feel like he is enough and he’s so ill suited for city life that he feels he would make Tav miserable and he would be miserable and that’s the last thing he wants. Especially since the big bad is over now. He feels like he doesn’t have much use to them anymore and fears being truly discarded.
- he feels a sense of obligation towards helping others and fear of screwing up the one genuine connection he has with his soulmate like (he feels) he has with all other things he has in his life. Losing thaniel, killing the turned Archdruid, failing his grobe etc. he fears it so much he’d rather run away than have that become a reality.
-and if they’re with someone else? Even more reason to leave. I feel like they treated him like a side piece when it came to his poly romance with Astarion or Shadowheart (especially since shadowheart and him didn’t really get along lol) and this coupled with his feelings of guilt and inadequacies? Yeah man’s said quit while ur ahead.
-the same way Astarion needs reassurance, I think Halsin does too. Reassurance that he IS enough for them, wether that’s in a poly relationship or in a solo one (I still think hes a swinger but I digress).
Man even has a line when asking him about himself where he says that people look at him and think that his feelings can’t be hurt.
Long story short, Halsin has been in love with Tav since they freed him, but Is Going Through It too and doesn’t know how to cope.
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joeyjoeylee · 2 years
Ok so.... This is a weird ask lol. But if you don't mind can you share a mini update of both sides of the law? Like?? Do you think Beth still is in law? Is Rio still in crime?? Are they still together 😭? Like where do you see all the ch in the future? Also I love this fic so much seriously one of my favs ever thk you so much for writing it 💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖
Anon, thank you, this made my day - I'm so psyched you liked it and thank youuuu for letting me know!
And no, I never mind asks (the serotonin of seeing that little envelope with a dot on it lol) so let's gooooooooo:
I have thought about this in the context of a "sequel" of sorts and been trying (and largely failing lol) to see if I could continue the story and fill in blanks without using the two main POVs. Everyone BUT the "both sides" in other words. The "future" in that "sequel" though only goes out a couple years plus will likely never get completed plus it's easier to write in bullet points just answering your questions and ya girl prioritizes laziness and the easiest way out at all times so:
Yes, Beth would still be in the law, although the form of her career would change over the years. I see her craving the Law Firm life for awhile - having her own cases, telling people she is "Elizabeth Boland, ESQUIRE" (lol, nerd), feeling like she has a seat at the table with other experienced litigators she respects like Gretchen/Katz, learning the system and being part of all the "culture" (bar stuff, meeting judges, etc.), and most importantly making money. She's been a stay-at-home mom for a decade+, and while that is hard work, now she's surrounded by adults (albeit adults of the worst kind, aka lawyers) and she wants to prove that she's the smartest and most competent to all them too (less "prove" and more "make them acknowledge").
The Law Firm life would lose its appeal after a few years though. Katz would retire to Florida and she'd have the whole firm to herself but once she'd hired a bunch of new associates, got the whole thing running as Managing Partner, got a few "Best Detroit Mid-Size Firm" awards, etc., she'd be looking for other challenges. She's like Rio in that she wants to be in charge (thinks she is in charge at all times lol) but her need for power and control manifests a little differently imo - Beth wants it in a societally approved external way - wants everyone looking to say "Well, objectively, you just can't get better than that. We, as a Society, approve."
That's a judge or a politician. "Your Honor...." "Senator...." "Councilwoman..." - Rio would die laughing at wanting to be called any of those out loud, even as he'd brutally shut down any lack of respect towards him from anyone on either side of the law. Power to Rio doesn't need to be chronicled in the Wayne County Bar Association Newsletter before that makes it real, it just is. But this would be the Beth Dream imo. EVERYONE having to say ("Say it! SAY! IT!") her title, out loud and to her face.
So she'd maneuver herself into kissing ass and doing grunt bar/alumni work for the name recognition the first few years in practice until she was recommended for substitute judge positions, then springboard a few years after that into running for judge/political office.
In contrast, he'd stay with crime, yes of course. The problem with going 100% clean is that in the Legit World there is always going to be someone else Society makes your boss, and that rubs against his soul. Even the best lawyer with the highest hourly rate or most high-profile clients can get screwed by a shitty judge (see, e.g., the current United States Supreme Court). So staying clean/legit means working within the System mostly and that is just too limiting. Plus he likes the action, the rush, just likes it.
So he'd keep his criminal empire, but continue to morph and evolve to stay on top and one step ahead. He'd keep the legit stuff too as a cover and to interlace/enhance and because he likes the irony and fuck-you-ism of having his legit biz stuff be an entry into a prissy white country club that he only wants to be a part of to say a silent you-can't-keep-me-out and to get into fights with Gretchen on the tennis court.
YES THEY WOULD BE TOGETHER. And they'd stay together, whatever/wherever the road. The years apart would be like a bit of an unhealed wound they would never talk about but would always be lurking. A reminder of the alternative, a cautionary tale of what it could be like to choose pride/wanting to be right/being afraid of what others think over compromise. Nothing is as bad as that.
Which is not to say they wouldn't butt heads and battle on the regular though, both because it's a type of foreplay they both crave and because both of them deep to their core think they are right at all times and also the one in charge over the other. She'd try to get him to bankroll certain "community" type bullshit that he'd find deeply lame or try to strongarm him into going along with her wacky biz ideas. He'd try to steer her into how she should be running her firm (shots....FIRED, she would literally black out from rage) or taking on certain type of cases best for her "image."
(I was trying to play with this as the new conflict in their relationship - b/c hell no with cheating etc. - in the "sequel." Basically reimagining/reworking the Season 2 Crackhouse Goons Encounter. That Beth gets a felony drug court-appointed client who fails to appear for his court date. She's all gungho because she wants to kiss the butt of the judge who appointed her and show she is the Super Best Number One Court-Appointed Counsel Ever in Detroit. So she tracks the random junkie down to the Crackhouse, then actually goes in looking for him, Annie in tow, then has to bluff her way out like in canon. Rio is NOT pleased to find this out and tries to "order" her (lol, mistake) not to take on cases like that. This causes Big Fight that Gretchen is a reluctant bystander to and wants to kill herself watching how stupid and stubborn they are.)
Of the rest of the characters - do you mean like Gretchen/Gardner/Courtney? Or Dean/Ruby/Annie? Or just Rio/Beth and this is already too long (it is, I know). I'll just do a couple of law ones:
Gretchen - Stays at her Firm til the day she dies. Would never give up litigating or crim defense for judgeship or anything else. Sees it as her way to protect her family (literal family in Rio/Beth and figurative family as in their business and all its people), and is forever annoyed that Rio sees her sensible "I need to work within the Law as much as possible if I'm going to do us the most Good [and by that I mean, Bad]" as too cautious. Becomes a mentor of sort to Beth in her first few years of practice and then later deep friends/sister-in-law but neither of them ever fully see it, Beth because she views herself as having Ruby/Annie as Friends/Sisters Only in Life, Gretchen because she's always thought of herself as a woman who only gets along with men and not other women.
Gardner - tries to fit into the same big law shoes his father wore for 5 years or so. Ends up getting dumped by law school boyfriend/love of his life who's frustrated Gardner won't stop trying to squish himself into the Warrington Success mold his father wants him to fill (and not be gay, obvi). Comes to his senses 10 years or so after graduation and leaves private practice, becomes a law professor instead so he can read and think in quiet and work with shiny new students. Reconnects with Beth/Rio when he invites Beth to his wedding (new guy he loves a lot, even if he still thinks about Joel on occasion) on a whim and she replies with a Plus One and a note that Rio says to tell you "he's looking forward to it, G."
I'm so sorry for this stream of consciousness, Anon, I've had 5 cups of coffee this morning. Hopefully this is what you were asking and THANK YOU again!
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kpostedsum · 3 years
daddy issues; D.M
summary: you and draco bond over issues in 6th year
word count: 2.4k
warnings: err angst, comfort, illusions to sex
song: daddy issues (the remix) - the neighbourhood
a/n: i tried not to make it stereotypical bc i didn’t wanna make it seem all “i like older men lol”, probably my fav fic i’ve written, also arent these anime gifs so cute
masterlist | taglist
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Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
Tongues battling for dominance, bodies rubbing against each other searching for a feeling. It’s become routine now, a different person in your dorm swallowing a new pill, entangling limbs with someone just to feel something.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
It was a constant cycle, putting yourself out there seeking the male attention you crave, seeking validation, constant reassurance and trusting too easily. That’s how you ended up with a different guy who always in the end leaves. You trusted too easily and people took advantage of how trusting and naive you are just for a quick shag.
You wished it wasn’t like this but that’s all you knew, wanting to be the best version of yourself for someone just to feel needed, no matter if the person was good or bad for you. You didn’t care, you wanted love from anyone you could get it from even if it just hurt you more.
You’re familiar with the absence, something stable made you feel a bit wary. It wasn’t something you were used to. Your father wasn’t the most present in your life, and even though he's there, he's never really there.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
You always wondered where you went wrong, he preferred your siblings over you and doesn't pay you a piece of his mind. Constantly going out of your way to get his attention whether it was academically or acting a certain way just to get some sort of reaction. But he was too preoccupied with his other children, even if they were from your mom or his affairs.
That’s how you found yourself right now sitting in the astronomy tower past curfew watching the rain fall, trying to clear your head while humming softly to yourself to keep yourself distracted.
You hear distant chattering from below and quickly get up from where you were sitting and make your way to your dorm unnoticed by anyone.
Except one person, Draco Malfoy.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
So I made with the sun
The shade
Always comes at the worst time
He’s seen you before, you’re known around Hogwarts for how you put yourself out there and how ‘desperate’ you are for some affection. He almost feels bad for you, but he’s in no place to judge. With his dad in Azkaban Draco had so much more to worry about, like his task and how he can succeed. But there was something about you that intrigued him that he couldn't ignore.
He saw you again in transfiguration the next day and noticed a few hickeys littering your neck that you had tried to cover but it didn’t work. He wondered why you gave yourself up to so many people, but once again he was in no place to judge. He noticed the way your tongue would stick out when you focused extra hard, the way your hands would tighten around your quill when you got a question wrong and your face.
The same face that many boys including the older years would fawn over, the face that entranced and attracted many, the face of someone who would do anything for someone for some affection and the face of someone who seeked out all the wrong things.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
You walk out of transfiguration on your way to the owlery to send a letter to your parents and feel eyes watching you everywhere. You like it, the attention, it’s something that you thrived in, but you couldn’t help but feel a new set of eyes on you.
Once you reached the owlery you realized you weren't the only one there, Draco Malfoy was also there sending a letter to who you assumed was his mother.
“y/n, right?” he asked, trying to spark a conversation.
“Yea, listen i’m sorry about what happened with your father i know you really looked up--”
“Dont worry about it, he wasn’t as good an influence as I made him out to be,” he sighed, looking away.
“My dad isn’t the best either if i’m being honest, i guess we’re in the same boat” you let out a light chuckle.
And that’s how you found yourself hanging out with draco malfoy bonding over your shared issues.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues
It’s been weeks since you two started hanging out since the interaction in the owlery and have been getting closer ever since. You both sat down together in the astronomy tower, backed against the wall as the cool wind blew against your faces. The aura between you two was calm, a comfortable silence.
“So tell me about your dad, how is it with him in Azkaban?” you asked, tilting your head towards him.
“Mother’s not taking it well” he frowned. “I can’t even say potter’s wrong for getting him locked up because he deserves it. All my life he praised the dark lord and taught me to be selfish and always defend my blood, but he was never there for me when I needed him. I would have done everything just to hear ‘i’m proud of you’ but it never came. It’s worse now because mother’s all alone. I wish I could have stayed with her” he sighed looking out the tower watching the stars twinkle.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been much quieter this year as well, you stopped making fun of people. It’s not that nice on the receiving end huh?” you said with a teasing look on your face.
He shook his head at you scooting closer to you, it’s like the demeanor between you two have changed over the past few weeks. You found yourself pining over him rather than being in someone's bed. But this is how the cycle always goes, you get attached and they leave, you couldn’t help but hope this wasn’t the situation this time.
“Tell me about your father”
Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present
Cheated on your mom but she never left him
First I didn't get it, now I understand
He broke her heart, left money in her hand
So everything got paid for
She made sure you and your brother had way more
Than she ever had growing up
And when you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up
“ I don't know if i’d even call him my father at this point, he doesn't want me.” you sighed. “He's been cheating on my mum for years now and she still won't leave him because she thinks they can work it out. He’s had affairs with different pureblood women and has children with them. But what hurts the most is how he treats them as his own children and treats me as if I don't exist” you said, looking down as tears pooled your eyes.
Draco moved closer to you and brought his arm around your shoulders for a sense of comfort and waited for you to catch your breath so you can continue.
“I just want him to love me” you cried. “I go out my way to try and get his attention with my school work but it never works. That's why I get along with so many guys. I seek the validation, the comfort and the reassurance that I can get from him from others and I am so tired of it. I just want him to want me draco.” tears slipping out your eyes as you looked up at him, you’ve never confessed this to anyone before.
“Everyone always leaves, please don't leave me” you cried
“I’m not going anywhere” he turned his face towards you, leaning forward cautiously as if you were made of glass.
You leaned forward, wanting the exact same thing. Both very hesitant he gently pressed his soft lips against yours and they moved together in sequence, only taking a break to go back to his dorm and to breathe, limbs tangled together for the rest of the night until the sun rose.
I can see it on your face it was rough left a bad taste on your tongue
And she didn't even take any drug
She would rain all day
Couldn't wait for her son to shine
And you made it shine
There when she cried, you saved her life
It's been a week since that night in the astronomy tower and draco had already been avoiding you. It’s humiliating, but you should have known. You thought the ‘bond’ you had with him would last, it felt so genuine this time. So real.
You’d see him around the halls snogging pansy on your way back to the ravenclaw tower, lowering your head down so he wouldn’t be able to see you so you could get by quickly and unnoticed.
But he saw you.
He stared you right down in your teary eyes as he made out with pansy. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal, for someone who promised he wouldn’t leave you like everyone else, he did the exact same.
You did the only thing you knew of, you ran.
I keep on trying to let you go
I'm dying to let you know
How I'm getting on
I didn't cry when you left at first
But now that you're dead it hurts
This time I gotta know
Where did my daddy go?
I'm not entirely here
Half of me has disappeared
Draco followed you to the girls lavatory, hearing your shallow cries coming from one of the stalls. He approached the stall you were in trying not to make too much noise so he doesn't startle you.
He felt awful.
He promised he would never leave you, after you both poured your hearts out to each other but he still left. He had too, he was putting you in danger just by being with him. If Voldemort ever found out about you and hurt you he wouldn't be able to live with himself, that's why he took it upon himself to hurt you first.
“y/n are you in here?” he called out even though he knew the answer.
You recognized that familiar voice anywhere. “What do you want draco?” you said, trying to make it seem as if you weren’t just crying.
“I want to talk to you, please”
“No,” you said getting up and pushing yourself out of the stall. “You don't get to just throw me away after I told you everything and just come back into my life like nothing ever happened. Just go away, that's all you guys are good for” you spat.
“Just listen to me, it was to keep you safe. I didn;t want to but i couldn't bear seeing you hurt” he tried to explain.
“Safe?” you laughed. “ and what exactly do i need saving from, malfoy.”
“From me” he said as he pulled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark to you. Your body instantly tensed, you knew he was having problems and his family was involved with the dark lord but you never knew it was like this.
“Draco i-” you tried to say something but the words were stuck in your throat. He stood there looking at you desperately like he was waiting for you to tell him everything was okay, you wanted to be there for him but you didn’t know what to do. You trusted him with everything but he couldn't trust you with this? You thought the bond you had made would have made him trust you in the slightest, but clearly it's always you who’s more trusting.
“Why didn't you tell me?” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
“I thought you’d leave me, you were the only good thing i had. Please don't leave me” he begged, salty tears escaping his eyes and running down his cheeks as he looked at you with desperation.
“So you thought pushing me away by snogging pansy was better?” you yelled, as he continued to look at you slightly taken aback by your lashing out.
“You know what, go ahead and cry little boy. You know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through. You gotta let it out soon, just let it out” you taunted walking closer to him looking straight into his teary eyes.
“This time I'll be the one that leaves.” and with that you were gone.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
It’s been months since that night in the girls lavatory, and you missed him. You wanted to visit him in the hospital wing once you heard what happened with Harry Potter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He left you, and you were tired of always going back to people who just hurt you.
Now here you were at the battle of Hogwarts, standing with everyone while Voldemort and his death eaters stood across from you all.
“Draco, draco come here” you heard narcissa call from across the scene. He looked hesitant, as if he was waiting for someone to stop him but no one did. So he started walking over to his parents.
But you grabbed his hand.
“Stay please” you whispered looking up into his eyes.
He looked back at his parents and back at you like he was contemplating his answer.
“I’ll stay”
If you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
tagging fun ppl nd ppl who interacted (so srry if u don’t wanna be tagged)
@hellohellook @astoria-malfcy @justfangirlthingies @sfdlm @falling-loki @notvasi @gwlvr @malfoytookmyheart
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notnctu · 4 years
sugar | s.j ❀
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━ listen to: sugar by brockhampton 
❀ johnny suh x fem!reader ❀ genre - smut, angst, fluff? ❀ details - fwb!au, kinda unrequited love? who knows lol, sweet love makin ❀ word count - 2k ❀ synopsis - he’s always a call away, ready to love you when you think no one else will. and this will be the one time you ask him to spend the night because johnny suh is the only sweetener you need in your bitterness. 
❀ a/n: hello its author doie❀! its based off of the song sugar which is one of my favs ever so i hope u enjoy this smut, rlly this was just me avoiding explicit words lol ps i have never laughed harder in my life when @legendnct​​ (ily hannah) asked me if i was J O R N Y when i told her i was writing this at 4am 
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The honey dripping, rush of candy goodness, and sugar high of a man --- Johnny Suh. He’s like walking on sunshine, no other cares in the world can harm him, and with a bright happiness that promises anything worth fighting for.
He stands six feet tall of sunflowers that turn up to the clear blue skies and soak up the positive energy needed for growth. Johnny Suh, the man that has sugar addicts craving for a slice of his attention; Johnny Suh is the epitome of goodness and virtue.
And the puzzling, estranged question of why you are his subject of sweetness is beyond any galaxy and he’d never tell a soul his reason behind his many dazed gazes, or if they even had much meaning to them. Johnny Suh is the one boy that wears his heart on his sleeve, but holds your’s at his fingertips.
There have been many countless encounters of long and, some unfortunately short, nights of sleeping with bodies that only add to the list of people you’ve kissed. But to have consistency in that aspect? Quite hesitant, to say the least.
While you are able to tolerate a random one night stand with no necessary remembrance of the individual’s name, to give your vulnerability and consistent attention to one person is asking for too much. A flawed characteristic of yours is falling in love too easily.
The hookups are meaningless, quick fucks to fill the evening and rid the irritable desire of lust. The muscles involved exclude the heart because there is no opportunity to fall for someone if you are only going to part ways right afterwards.
Yet, the one remarkable night with Johnny turned into several nights which led into your current relationship with the glowing sun. The one thing you had wished to steer away from --- a friend with benefits.
There was no metaphorical gun to your head, you weren’t forced to sign a contract, there were no ridiculously restrictive rules. No boundaries to hold you back.
When there is no fencing around the edge of a cliff, is that grounds for people to free fall? Regardless, your lack of self control and demising loneliness had you jumping and falling into Johnny’s comfort. The golden boy is someone hard to come by, and you’re not foolish enough to turn down this once in a lifetime chance to be intimately acquainted.
But as you continued to see him, there was an unconscious decision to stop your other random flings. It felt like you already had someone to fulfill the ache, someone to spend your nights with. If you needed him, he’d be there. So, unknowingly by choice, you made yourself exclusive to him, even though Johnny did not decide to do the same.
That shouldn’t bother you, right? But it does. The worst part is that it’s no one’s fault but your own. Johnny’s harmless actions affect you because your feelings allow them to. As much as you ignore the fact you two are nothing more than friends with benefits, the annoying drumming of your foolish heart reminds you of your denial.
While you’ve always had a bitter palette, the dash of sweetener never hurt anyone. He never hurts anyone, with his best efforts. And the intent should have been made clear, that your nightly hookups are an unhealthy coping mechanism. Too much sugar has your glucose levels derailing and seeking out the one person that lights up your endorphins.
The love for Johnny stems from his warmhearted character. His bubbly, goodwill nature that has him overextending himself for people who take him for granted. An extroverted, head-turning personality that you can’t despise and look away, instead are easily attracted to.
Johnny is kind, he’s thoughtful, yet entirely complex as a human being with a fair share of cloudy days. He is simply someone you want to get to know because he makes the atmosphere a safe space and he reads like an open hardback book.
Everyone has a small crush on him, it would be a complete tyranny of your feelings to deny it. Some infatuations are bigger than others and you’ll shamefully admit that you fit under this group of individuals.
On another lonely night, you wonder if he’d be at your will and call, if he would drop the world to come make you feel better. One moment, you are staring at his contact name and imaging the deep voice answering with his signature greeting. The next, you’re actually hearing his voice on the other end of the receiver and panic settles as it’s too late to cancel the call.
“Hey baby, what’s up?” The nickname sends a crown of hearts swirling around your temples. However, he sounds rushed, like he had been in the middle of a strenuous activity.
A nervousness has stammered words falling from your lips, and you’re too incoherent for even your own mind to understand. Johnny chuckles lovingly, and the slight rustling that distorts the background has you imagining that the phone is pressed between his cheek and shoulder. “Collect your thoughts, babe. I’m ready whenever you are.”
A heavy notable sigh erupts into Johnny’s ear, but he doesn’t pull away from the device. He’s all ears, attentive and patiently waiting for you to speak, despite having company on his bed.
“I need you. Can you come over?” If only pride wasn’t so hard to swallow, the question would have flowed much smoother. As if your heart grew hands, it chokes your throat from the inside and you’re preparing yourself for the rejection.
Truthfully, he isn’t obligated to come and there have been rare nights where he declines your offer. But your hope holds onto the slipping strands and the tension of your nerves have fists forming and eyes squeeze shut.
Johnny takes a fast peek at the girl already in his sheets, mindlessly and effortlessly scrolling through her social media. There is a hint of sadness in your voice that he can’t let go and while that’s usually not entirely uncommon, he can tell it took a lot for you to call tonight. So, he finds himself pulling up his sweats and a clean shirt over his head.
“Be there before you know it.” And the clench in your throat relaxes, along with the other parts that had your nails digging moon crescents into your palm and wrinkles forming at your tight creases.
And with a sweet goodbye, he hangs up the call and politely offers to take the girl home as he makes his way over to your place. And you’re dosing yourself in puffs of fruity scents and cleaning up the runny mascara around your under eyes.
Tumblr media
With no words exchanged, Johnny knows every way to heal you and dawn a warmth that coats your darkest corners. All you have to do is open the door and let him in. His strength has you lifted from the ground, lips hungry to devour your softness.
A few fumble steps, he reaches your room at ease and gently lays you on your neatly made sheets. Johnny is consistent, no missed beats when it comes to loving you, and without a fail, he always takes a moment to himself to step back and admire your beauty. And your priceless shyness is also an added delight to the scene.
Each article of clothing is discarded and left at different areas of your small room, kisses lining your worst parts to you, but the best parts to him. When you can’t love parts of yourself, Johnny loves them for you and makes you whole.
“Were you in the middle of something?” It did not become aware to you of the possibility that you had interrupted something else, or someone else. And even if Johnny did choose to see you over spending time with them, you have the decent courtesy to make sure he is okay with his decision.
“Nothing important.” You’ll never be able to read him or notice any lies he tells. His smile is enough reassurance, and your question is quickly forgotten when his fingers dive into your wet flower. He uses his thumb to soothe circles around your growing bud, making your whole lower half blossom with trembling ecstasy.
His lips leave soft reminders to love your thighs, your legs, to not overlook their importance: they carry your graciousness into new ventures. Then, he pushes them wide open as he bends your left knee and your right dangles over his sturdy shoulder. The tight grip on your hip is bound to leave marks the next morning, along with the dark love bites he leaves across your canvas.
But his thoughts are focused on the meal ahead, your sugary juices coat the plush of his tongue. He remembers exactly how you like it, where melodic sounds hit the silence in gasps or groans. He suckles, he licks, he kisses your bead in a speed that has his brown locks tangled in between your fingers.
He drinks up more than your wetness, but also the pure image of your fucked out expression and the twists of your reacting body. He wants to surpass your limits, max you out until there isn’t a hint of melancholy in your tone anymore. To remember, to remind, to recall your happiness through heightened pleasure.
At the announcement of your high, he enters your spasming hole with rubber already on and groans at your walls squeezing around him, which halts him in place. However, the dragged movement of his length hits your sweet spot, your orgasm prolongs into a rapturous euphoria and you’re no longer in control of your body.
Johnny’s toned arms hold you close to him. The chemistry in your gazes has your heart pounding faster than his hips. As ruthless as each thrust is and each push moves you an inch upward on the bed, Johnny’s eyes are still kind and loving.
His fluttering kisses are delicate and nurturing. The marks resemble a healing touch that will settle you enough for the next day. For the night, he rids any angst that corrupts your mood by loving you when you think no one else will.
Together, your bodies fall into one another with a bite of elation as he finishes into the protection and your walls hug around him for the last time tonight. Even when your bodies disconnect, the feeling of fullness lingers and you wish to keep this for as long as you can. No more emptiness, not right now.
Perhaps it's the daze of your orgasm, but your hand reaches for his wrist to stop him from making his exit so soon. Selfishly, carelessly, honestly, this will be the one time you ask for him to spend the night. You can’t stand seeing him go, not at this instant. You refuse to spend one more night alone when your heart longs for him to be by your side when you fall asleep.
While the big heart of his beats speechlessly at your request, he lays down to draw you into his toned chest and pampers your forehead with honeyed pecks. Like many times before, no words need to be exchanged for him to know the remedy to your somber.
Possibly, the scene with Johnny caressing your chin and tracing your smile lines is all too perfect for your imperfect reality. And him whispering and wishing a happier narrative for you is more than what you had asked for. Nonetheless, he’s very good at it, mentally noting the fact that he’s probably done the same to other hookups or broken friends.
While you can get used to this form of aftercare, the guards you put up tell you that this is a one time thing. So, you’ll take and indulge all of Johnny’s affection and false love for the next few hours you had left of the night.
Nevertheless, even sweetness can be an overpowering flavor when consumed in tremendous amounts. And you wonder when you’d grow sick of his candied sugar or if you’d just forfeit your health to keep indulging more into your addiction. A sickly saccharine question of your own will be the pit of your downfall: do you love me?
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millepara · 4 years
CiaoFes post... if there’s any significant news I’ll put it in a tidy tagged post of its own (edit: there was nothing), this is just my stupid liveblog or w/e
I meant to post about ciaofes in the tag but I kept putting it off bc it was so far in the future, and I was so tired, but then suddenly it was today and I was busy and couldn’t watch it till now. whoops.
there’s way too many hours of ciaofes to watch the whole thing even though I do generally like this kind of stuff, so I’m just skipping ahead to the prichan part (first in the lineup... a testament to its greater popularity over aikatsu?? probably.)
oh, what I wouldn’t give for a single one of these five squeaky girls to speak in their normal voice... I can’t tell them apart when they speak at the same time
ok I will admit I’m excited about the mymelo/kuromi prichan id!! literally everything about this season rubs me the wrong way like a cheese grater directly on my skin but this one single thing is cute. gotta try to get a matching set for Biscuit and Milk.
they said they are showing a “special version” of last week’s all-MC performance, but I didn’t see it (beyond gifs on tumblr ofc) so I don’t know what’s special about it.... I’m sorry
AHHH Prima Donna Memorial!! one of my fav songs to sing to myself around the house.... 💖  BUT isn’t this just the same performance as in the pripara/chan movie? (which is... another thing I didn’t see... ;;;; god this makes me sound like I hate pretty series but I swear I don’t, I like it as much as I like aikatsu, I just still have a hard time liking prichan specifically when it’s abt anyone other than Ring Marry or Meltic Star or Oshama Tricks, I guess) anyway if anyone actually reads this and you know the difference between these performances I would be delighted if you’d share your knowledge w me
they’ve brought Pretty Rhythm back to Prism Stone Harajuku. this is just the same news they announced a bit ago though. wish they brought it back to Osaka too (;ω;) I don’t even need a postcard for playing I just want to see Otoha again
breaking news!! there’s a new character coming to prichan...it’s Yui isn’t it. ah yeah it is. but I LOVE Yui so YEAH!!!! YUI!! I MISSED YOU
and the end. now to aikatsu planet!! excited to see literally anything new, any tiny shriveled scrap of new content they deign to throw our way
Narumi (who plays Rose) is so cool. her outfit sucks though (imo)
but no one’s outfit sucks more than Sala’s...... hate that coat. must be a huge pain for whoever has to wash it every time.
lmao all of these girls are in the same big room but there’s a huge lag in btw each of them speaking as if they’re all zooming in. did they practice for this at all. did they practice remotely so now they’re including the lag in the final product 
there’s also a lot of people talking faintly in the background!! my kryptonite... this is agony
now the game pv is playing in the background on top of the distant mumbling and starts/stops and actual on-purpose talking!! this is truly an aural hellscape!!!
(turns the sound up to try to hear starry planet speaking) (gets my eardrums blasted out when they abruptly switch to the hosting crew whose audio is working correctly) there is no love without suffering
the aipura cabinet sure is cute though. I like the glowing border
for god’s sake please give this adult woman a chair to sit in while playing this game instead of making her crouch in front of it like an animal
omg when she (Yumecchi? I should’ve watched the intro lol) did the mirror-in high five, she was like “to think I had this kind of power...” haha that’s so cute
Yumecchi (?), on the idol’s start dresses: “oh, they’re in their underwear” LMAO
yay, they didn’t have to go back to the start dress. that’s nice. though I still do wish that your ability to wear a darn dress in your darn idol performance didn’t depend on making someone else lose (also the entire gimmick of the game, so not something that could possibly be changed before release....)
oh, the other comedian is going to play now. what’s her name. really should’ve watched the intro huh
I hate the word “Bloomy” so much. it sounds like something you cough up into a tissue
they switch back to starry planet, the mic immediately releases a feedback screech
no offense but this meltyhouse bear is so ugly. why does it have hips coming out of its armpits. an abomination
BUT that Ruli illustration is so cute!!!! I can’t wait to see the rest of the characters in that style!! I’d love to know the who the artist is 💕
they switch back to starry planet. Ruli’s actress is talking furiously. not a single sound leaves her mouth. is she... lipsyncing... the ad copy?? my mind flounders for an explanation, finding only this absurd suggestion. seconds later the audio comes back from break and blows my eardrums out again
WHY does brand mascot Meruri.. Melury... Merly...’s plush have its legs sticking up in the air like a cat with an intestinal worm infection
ah yes, that aionpa collab with my fav anime cafe anion that I’ve been bitterly trying to avoid bc they aren’t bringing it to Osaka and obviously I can’t go to it in Tokyo in the middle of an actual pandemic, much less... a cafe. any cafe. excellent.
the Happy Planet performance is just a repeat of the BNP fes one! time to pack up and go home.
so, a recap of what was new: the coord thing hellohimawarihana posted about, the Meltyhouse mascot’s crimes and sins, and the 10 seconds you could see that pink moth critter’s coord at the end of the second aipura playthrough. not much! but something, for sure.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
8 People I’d like to Know Better
Thank you @beevean for tagging me!
1. Birthday: August 2nd
2. Zodiac Sign: Leo 
3. Height: 175 cm (like I said last time, at least that was last time I checked lol)
4. The last song I listened to: It’s a tie between Como si estuviera and Sit Next to Me (thanks to the radio playing the latter one every day it has become quite a recent fixation of mine, yeah i still listen to radio in 2020)
5. Hobbies: I spend every single one of my days listening to music anywhere and everywhere I go (go ahead, ask me about music :P), but I also complement it with either playing videogames, writing or taking part in academic discussions about politics, economics and history.
6. Favourite Colour: Last time I said Green, soooo...
7. Last Movie I Watched: Sonic Movie, of course (working on reviewing it and maybe even share a photo or two :P)
8. Favourite Book: a recent fav of mine has to be The Last Wish. After playing through all The Witcher games in 2018, I went into 2019 with a bang by reading that book, and my gosh what an entertaining experience it is. I’ve been looking to get the next book in the series (Sword of Destiny) since then, but I’m always caught without money to buy it, ha... ha.
9. Dream job: I always wanted to work in something related to videogames, and as years went on I kinda found a niche in writing about games (my first experience was writing on a games-centered, half-blog, half-news site when I was 16). Thing is, I’m not studying journalism, but history, which is also something that I really loved since childhood, and teaching it is something I found myself enjoying a lot (even if my superiors and even my history peers can be fucking mean and selfish at times). So, my dreams are a mess, but I guess I would love to work as something that allows me to mix both gaming and history, like the Gaming Historian but with a harder focus on cultural and political context, and how political games are something that should NOT be feared of showing to the world (Looking at you, Ubisoft).
10. Meaning behind my url: I’m AWFUL at picking usernames, and back when I made this blog I decided it was time to drop my usual naming conventions just to make a fully-tematic, non-personal Sonic blog. That was 2018 Latin Dr. Robotnik: Sonic the Hedgehog seen through a Latin American fan’s perspective. Now it’s 2020 and I’m writing about myself, my real name, my tastes beyond Sonic, my personal struggles and even my personal photos, so I admit I failed on that original promise, lol.
You don’t have to do it, but regardless I tag @isakthedragon (you’ve been double-tagged, fam!), @waywardcollectionchai and anyone else who wants to try this!
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wallysbestie · 6 years
Q&A Tag
I was tagged by @sonyeon-ddaeng <333
You have to answer 11 questions and write 11 new questions. And tag others to do the same! It’ll be fun!! (this honestly sounds super cute i love the concept)
🌱 If you could only listen to one album for the rest of the year, what would it be and why?
okokok this is going to sound real stupid but probably the Hamilton soundtrack just because I feel like Hamilton’s story has a lot of important lessons that people need to learn and avoid repeating. Plus it ha many different genres of music that I’ll never get overwhelmed lol
🌱 The sky is falling and the only way to stop it is to accurately quote one movie word-for-word. Which movie are you choosing?
Freedom Writers. I watch this movie a minimum of once a year and have done so ever since I was in sixth grade so I probably know too much of the script lol
🌱 Describe what you like about yourself.
I like my sense of loyalty and motherly heart. I’ve grown up around a lot of people who are unsure of what true love and appreciation is so knowing that I’m able to make people feel loved and motivated and feel like they truly matter is easily the best trait I could ever ask for.
🌱 If you could spend the evening with one person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
I would personally live to sit down with Tablo from Epik High. This man has been through so much in life and has had his name and life questioned in the worst of ways and I feel like he has so much knowledge and advice that I could literally die for.
🌱 What is your stance on the Tiger v Shark debate?
like the animals??? like an actually tiger and shark?? because if so, shark. tigers need to focus on swimming to stay afloat. their paws are busy paddling and you can’t properly bite when you're 70% under water whereas a shark can just come in and snap
🌱 You have just won the big bucks (mega millions), what are you doing with it?
I’d use it to pay off the student loans I’m gonna get once I start my master’s program, buy a house, invest in stocks and then use whatever I have left to either move to Florence, Italy for a bit or just divide it all and give it out equally to my friends and family because there’s no point in having money if you have no one to share it with.
🌱 Which kid were you: Disney, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, PBS Kids, other (mention it)?
I grew up watching all four of these but PBS and CN has some of my absolute fav shows that I still rewatch to this day
🌱 On a scale of Squidward to Squilliam Fancyson, how musically inclined are you?
I’d like to consider myself a Patrick. I try my best to play but in the end, end up with my head shoved into a trumpet :’)
🌱 In the middle of the night your stomach begins to growl, what are you going to do about it?
Probably drink a bottle of water and then force myself to sleep because you can’t be hungry if you’re asleep lol
🌱 What is your dream job?
I want to be a clinical psychologist that helps kids learn how to live with their mental illnesses, a researcher that looks into psycholinguistics and how its effected by trauma and then be a foster mom or english teacher if all else fails.
🌱 I am the magic Genie, Ali, you have four wishes: go.
 1) Ease my friends’ pain and take away their trauma so they can live more happily. 2) Find well paying, stable jobs and kindhearted partners for my dad and uncles so my mom can have less stress in her life. 3) Make the world lose its sense of homophobia so my cousin can buy a pink backpack and sparkly notebooks without fear of him getting his ass beat for being “too girly. 4) Get rid of my own trauma so I can finally start to live my life.
Ok now here are my questions:
What’s the best memory you can think of from the past 5 years?
What’s your life motto and do you follow it often?
What’s the best/worst phrase you’ve heard before?
You can only describe yourself with 1 book, 1 song and 1 movie. Which do you choose?
Have you ever listened to a song that made you cry a bunch? Which?
Where’s your favorite place to just be alone?
If you could take one trait from your bias, which would it be?
What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened this past year?
If you could do one thing without suffering the consequences, what would you do?
What’s something you wish people you cared about dearly would tell you more often?
You have a one time chance to spend a day with your bias. What would you two do?
I’ll go ahead and tag a bunch of the cuties i get to talk to a lot and a few extra people I remember from my notifs because I’m super curious about their answers @drunkennessmv @dumb-bin @kuromatoki @tangerine-jinani @keeping-it-rosey @do-joon @gayforjiwon @strayaykids @unkooked @mauloveskpop @leader-chan @mias97 @jinhuwuan and anyone else who wants to do this please tag me id love to see your answers!!
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franeridart · 6 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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tomeandflickcorner · 6 years
2017 FanFic/Art Retrospective: As the year comes to a close, let’s take some time to reflect and pat ourselves on the back. Answer the questions about your 2017 works (complete or WIP), and then tag or pass along the ask to others can share what they accomplished this year, too! 1. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 3 FAV WORKS FROM THIS YEAR? 2. WHICH WORK DIDN’T GET THE LOVE YOU WANTED IT TO? 3. WHICH WAS THE MOST CHALLENGING? 4. WHICH WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL? 5. WHAT WORKS/IDEAS DO YOU HAVE PLANNED FOR 2018?
I got tagged by @imhookedonaswan and @xemmaloveskillianx.  Thanks, you two!
Let’s see.....
1) Out of the fics I started this year, I think the ones I enjoyed writing the most was Dreamwalkers, Power of Innocence and Anniversary.  But then again, I only have a few fics that were written and posted this year, so I don’t have many fics to choose from.
2) Well, I’m not trying to complain or anything, but to be honest, I haven’t exactly got much response with any of the fics I wrote this year.  Though that’s probably on me.  I probably shouldn’t have expected much response with my Labyrinth fics, as most of the blogs I associate with are focused on OUAT and Captain Swan.  So there’s little chance of someone from the Labyrinth fandom seeing my posts promoting the fics.  And while most of the OUAT fics I wrote are a continuation of Rash Defamation, they haven’t exactly focused on Captain Swan as much.  (In fact, Dreamwalkers didn’t feature them at all).  But I suppose I was really hoping for more feedback on the current WIP, Frozen in Darkness, as it’s an actual full-length fic and not a ficlet like Dreamwalkers and Once Upon a Christmastime.
3) Once again, I’m going to go with Frozen in Darkness.  Considering it’s the one I’m currently writing and finding time and motivation to write it is proving to be difficult.  Especially since it seems like I’m always at work these days.  It doesn’t help that I have all the later chapters mapped out in my mind while the earlier chapters are filled with gaps and holes that need to be filled with scenes that haven’t been fully developed yet.  Sometimes, I wish I could just skip ahead to those chapters. (lol)
4) Depends on what you mean by ‘successful.’  If you mean which ones got the most attention or feedback, I haven’t really had a big hit since Rash Defamation.  Maybe I simply haven’t been promoting my fics to the right people?
5) In the coming year, I hope to actually finish Frozen in Darkness and proceed to the fifth and final story in the OUAT canon divergence series that began with Rash Defamation.  In addition, I hope to find time to write another Labyrinth sequel, as well as continue transferring my old RENT fics from FF.net to AO3.  Also need to find time to put some work into a Lilo and Stitch fic I’ve been neglecting.
And maybe, just maybe, if I can get through all of that, I can finally start work on a multi-chapter AU No-curse CS story I’ve been planning for ages now.  So far, I’ve only got a few scenes written out for that one.  But it’s going to be quite a while before it’s ready to be posted to the public.
I’m going to tag @revanmeetra87, @hollyethecurious, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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garrus-vakarus · 7 years
Writer meme thing!
tagged by @a-man-adrift and @skylo-ben
1. How many works in progress do you have?
It used to be just one but I have about 4 at the moment? A novelization of Mass Effect that’s just going to be a continual process (on chapter 52 on AO3...), Desire Lines (the OT3 fic), and currently hobbling ideas together for an Omega AU and a “Garrus and Shep grow up together” AU.
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction?
At this point almost exclusively. I have written original fiction and probably will again in the future.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I like both. Ebooks are definitely more convenient but I like having a hard copy of books I really love. And I know it’s just literally mold but I love the smell of old books so much.
4. When did you start writing?
I was always writing little stories even from a really young age. I wrote a short story called “Goose Goosey” when I was 6 lol. But I would say I seriously became invested in it around the age of 12? My first serious endeavor was a Kingdom Hearts fanfic lol
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I’ve run ideas past people on discord and I would say I bug/harass @theravenofwynter for advice most but I don’t have any beta readers or anything
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
Just on the couch or on my bed mostly, though I don’t mind writing from a coffee shop and enjoy that environment for time to time. I like to be home and preferably alone when writing smut because I give myself secondhand embarrassment writing it tbh? I certainly can’t write it in a public place.
7. Favorite book as a child?
As a little kid the Trumpet of the Swan and the Redwall books were some of my absolute favs. I would say from the beginning of middle school onward His Dark Materials have been my absolute favorite books. They mean a lot to me.
8. Writing for fun or publication?
I mean for fun really. I would love to publish something one day if I felt confident enough in the finished product but right now it’s just not a high priority. Writing has always been a hobby first and foremost.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
Yeah actually! I took a creative writing elective my senior year of high school and then a creative writing class my senior year of college. I used to very much believe like “what can art classes REALLY teach you?” but I learned a lot from the college course about just kind of basic tonal and POV things that seem simple but that you also don’t really actively think about? It was really beneficial in improving my writing.
10. What inspired you to write?
Idk. I’ve always had a really active imagination. As an only child I spent a lot of time alone inventing stories with my toys which I think naturally progressed into writing as I got older. Plus games and other media I enjoy have always inspired me. Like I said, a fanfic was one of the first things I ever seriously invested time in writing :)
I’ll go ahead and tag @scientistsalarian @barbex @robinapril @saphistar and @mordinsolas and anyone else who wants to do it! link me if I tagged you and you already did it!
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pinkyarn · 7 years
I need more Drarry fanfics (COMPLETED PLEASE) because I've read literally so many I can't find new ones sorry for the trouble
oh hello there my friend, i’m not sure if you’re asking the right person because i do not actually do fic recs? bc i usually forget most of the thing i read lol /cries/ but yeah i’ll list few of my favs by no particular order
Battle Scars by @sappypotter (29k)Spiders, rats, wrongly-boiled Veritaserum, a couple of dangerous bets and drunk parties – all with all, it was bound to be a hectic eight year at Hogwarts for the golden trio. Trying to ignore the ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy, however, turned out to be more difficult than ever before. Especially when he seemed to be as obsessed with Harry as Harry was with him.
Welcome to the Broom Closet by incapricious (23k)Harry thinks he knows how his life will go: Become an Auror. Marry Ginny. Have a family. But then he sees an advertisement in the paper that no one else can see, and his life is turned upside-down. The Broom Closet: you can be anyone you want while you’re there, but you won’t remember it in the morning.
Serpentes by xErised (29k)It’s a shame that Draco Malfoy looks so good stripping in a club with stolen snakes, because Auror Harry’s got a job to do. 
Date of a Lifetime by @dorthyanndrarry (14k)Win a DATE with HARRY POTTER!At this year’s fourth annual New Horizons charity auctionand gala there will be a most rare and unusual item up for bid,a Date with the hero of the wizarding world, Harry Potter!Pansy leaned into his arm, “Would you win Potter?’ she asked and before he could answer she held up an ornate card.Draco’s eyes widened and he reached out for the invitation.Pansy twitched it back, “Draco,” she said quietly, “I will only give this to you if you win that ridiculous Potter date.” 
Never Feel the Burning Light by @carpemermaidtales (48k)When it falls to Draco to restore his family name to its former glory the road ahead of him is long, but with Harry Potter’s help and a plan that is just this side of ridiculous he just might succeed at accomplishing his goals and getting what he wants. What neither of them plan on is falling in love along the way. 
The Lip-Lock Jinx by cassisluna (20k)It’s a jinx that renders the victim mute, unless he/she serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. It’s just Harry’s luck that he’s in love with Draco. 
Hey, Potter by SunseticMonster (16k)Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 8th year, determined not to let Malfoy get to him. But when the snarky teasing starts up again, Harry finds that returning the jibes with compliments has a far more interesting outcome.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (114k) [[podfic]]Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
The Moon Looks Lovely Tonight byOmi_Ohmy (35k)When Harry moves into the damp and empty Black house, it doesn’t quite feel like home. And then the first owl moves in. After that, it’s a steep slope leading to bed-sharing, more owls, assorted housemates, strange potions experiments, and terrible cooking. And a bit of waltzing, too. 
this amazing ficlet by @decanthrope
this cupboard fic by @sappypotter
i’m quite sure there are a lot more amazing fics that i forget? but these are the few that come to my mind. remember to leave kudos and some nice comments to the author! :)
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survivor-guyana · 5 years
Episode 3 - "I am like... a very good person." - Nikias
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I forgot what i said last but this tribe swap was very good for me. I kept two allies Mitchell and Sarah. But also Aidan and Dani were in my “best fucking people ever” alliance so thats good. We have a fav Jenna with us. I dont want to lose but if we do its gunna hopefully be her. Im sorry but u guys are up by 2. 👀 keeping eye out for Jones and Tim.
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I was honestly sad about the swap because i liked my tribe so much. However, im excited to see how this all plays out. It seems like we got active fans on our tribe so hopefully group challenges will work well!
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TRIBE SWAP HAPPENED FUCK originally I was gonna sue the hosts,,, ORIGINALLY I was gonna file a restraining order,,,,, but,,, the more I thought about it,, and the more I talked with everyone on my "new tribe",,, I'm feeling okay? which is SHOCKINg for my standards let me elaborate,, I put "new tribe" in quotes because is it REALLY a new tribe when 5 of the 6 people are from the same original tribe? The tribe consists of myself, Nick, Tim, TJ, JD, and Nikias. Which is GREAT for me for a whole list of reasons... I don't think we'll lose as much because we have comp threats like JD and Nick on our team. If we DO lose, we have an easy boot in Nikias. And if we lose AGAIN, I'm in a 3 person majority with Nick and Tim (and maybe even TJ too) .So no matter how this swap ends up, I don't think I'll be the first person booted if we go to a tribal council at any point. which is GREAT. Actual now that I think about it, if we never go to tribal, that would be even more incredible. Because I think I'm doing a decent job at pulling Nikias onto my side. I don't think he's a bad person, and if we do lose, it would absolutely SUCK because he's really cool/could be a good ally down the road. actually now that I think about it,, I've talked more with Nikias in one night than I've talked to JD in a week? is that saying a lot? I think so. I ACTUALLY MESSAGED JD TOO and she was like "can I get back to you later? I'm busy" WHICH IS FINE and it's a lot better than leaving me on read BUT LIKE,,,, okay Jan. If I WERE to hypothetically go to tribal,,, I'd much rather see JD go than Nikias, but I'm not sure if I can help that? It really depends on what everyone else wants to do, because I don't really wanna stray away from the majority of the group at the first tribal I go to yk? Like,,, everyone on the tribe knows she's good in challenges, and if we ever LOSE a challenge, why get rid of the person who's best at challenges? IDK. hopefully we don't go to tribal at all? and I don't have to worry about losing ANYONE? that'd be great, thanks! god why couldn't i have been switched onto a tribe with Jose, thinking about this would've been WAY easier.
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So the swap: I feel really good about the swap bc 4/6 people in it are in an alliance. First of all, I want to win the challenge. Second, if we don’t win the challenge, I’ve wanted Mitchell out for a while now and I think Jenna will vote anyone to save her ass. I just hope the others stick to our alliance. It would be completely idiotic for them not to bc we have the numbers already, but who knows
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SO THIS REWARD CHALLENGE IS scary,,,,,, not because I think I'm gonna lose or anything,, but it's because I think I have an actually decent score? Idk what Obey the Game standards are, but I got to level 108. which SUCKs if it actually is a good score, because I'm not too sure if I want to win this challenge. I feel like i'm in somewhat of a good position right now, and I don't need the idea of having an idol clue putting a target on my back. I have other people on my tribe (and on other tribes) that would share their clues with me,, I don't need people to know that I have one. hopefully that makes sense Best case scenario: Nick/Tim win - and they share it with me either way Maybe Okay Scenario?: TJ/Nikias/I win - not sure if either TJ or Nikias would share it with me, and I don't want to the target on my back. Worst Case Scenario: JD wins. She won't share it with me. And she probably wouldn't say anything if she won lol. so lets LOSE THIS THING, BABY, WOOHOO
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Tribe swap... Tribe swap... Tribe swap... Tribe swap...  I still don't know how I'm personally doing in this game. This tribe swap is either going to make me or break me. There are four people from the other tribe and literally the ONE person I didn't want on my new tribe from my old tribe.. is honestly the ONE person I got stuck with. Is this some sick joke? Am I being Punk'd? Is this some sort of karma for being a bad human being from time-to-time? It's always hard to figure out what exactly my game plan is going forward. I'm honestly terrified of having a bad score and being voted out because I'm a weak-link. It's so much harder when you lose and there's only 5 other fucking options. I guess as of right now I'm trying to focus on making some social bonds. Sammy gave me that super idol so hopefully there is something there... Alyssa is basically me if I was 21, American, and like super pretty. Chelsea has some potential and José is a stoner like me? So I can work with this.. I just need them to want to work with me....
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FUCK THIS PARANOIA OKAY I gotta give myself a lil more respect I've been freaking out for like,,,, 7 years now about who my "number one" should be - whether that be Sammy, Tim, Alyssa Nick TJ etc etc etksjadslfk the only person that can be my number one is me I can't keep looking out for every single person in this game - sure, it's nice to have people looking out for me, and I can always reciprocate it. But my top priority will always be the betterment of my game. I can't devote so much trust to so many people. If I had to rank the people in trust that I've met thus far (from most trustworthy to least), it would be Sammy > Tim > Alyssa > Nick > TJ > Nikias > JD > Jenna > Chelsea > Jose. So yeah.  This is Guacamole Jones' Decree of Solitude: I will resort to writing down all of my info (so I never forget) I will be honest with the people that are honest with me. But I will not share this information with anyone, but myself. If anyone wants to open up to me, I will consider sharing a piece of my info but never the whole truth, and never anything more. I will share what is best for me. So I may receive the hypothetical One Million Dollars (- tax) Signed, (with love) Jones.
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So I feel pretty great about my new tribe.  5 original favorites and only 1 fan.  Nik got 2 votes last Tribal and seems to be on the outs with his old tribe.  Furthermore he seems like a good dude who if I can protect may give me his full loyalty going forward.  I also was lucky to swap with both Tim and Jonesy.  I also have a deal with JD and TJ.  So if we have to go to Tribal I’m not sure who is best for me to vote.  I’ll likely let the rest of the group decide and play along.  I am trending towards a leadership role, which is good for building a resume to win but with 18 ppl left it’s kind of early to be looking that far ahead.  As of now it’s better  to just stay under the radar and not make any waves.
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Well, this swap was interesting. I reconnected with a great friend in Nikias and think I have a solid ally there moving forward. I’m glad I get the chance to build my relationship with Jones and Tim more, and I’m excited to learn more form Nick and JD. Overall, I’m very curious how this is going to go!
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So how do i feel about my tribe swap? well in one word pretty weird.. The thing is that i am in a situation 5-1 which is pretty scary and it will be almost imposible to find cracks but on the other side i really like some people on this tribe. I feel like if i can make connections and play the card that i was on the bottom on the other tribe and that i hated my tribe, that could make them feel more secure with me. Its like i am in a bad position but it's a new begining in this game but i will just try to put myself in the best position possible. I am gonna try to be as carefull as i can be with my words and be better socially and work with people that are working together. But what is the best thing and the worst thing at the same time is that these 5 are strong competitors and i am like... a very good person. They can help me stay safe by winning immunity, but there is no doupt in my mind that i am gonna drag them down in the challenges and that's a really good argument of getting rid of me apart from being the only fan there.
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ok soooo I have been talking with a bunch of peeps and I am trying to get a solid group that I can rely on.  I am super tight with Jones and TJ and I have talked a lot.  Also I am trying to get close with Alyssa.  Anyways, I think I have covered my ground with the active people.  Jenna is on and off a lot so I am not sure how well I can depend on her in the future but ya never know.  I feel bad for the fans tribe too tbh bc like they really flopping lmaoooo.  I hope there is a swap soon so that I can meet new people but also switch the game up a bit.  ILL TALK TO YALL LATER
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So I go to bed early, cus I'm super tired from the competition (no I will not stop bragging about it lol) and when I work up, we won the challenge but i have like... 3 less people on my team. No need idea what happened. But I like it..oops to the person I'd just made an alliance with who is now on a tribe alone.... Was that one in the Alliance? I'm gonna have to check that lol the host are amazing, you've all been so go to me while I've been super busy, sorry of rigging me an idol, and trust me... I asked :( they are to good lol
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I am a little it annoyed with how this game is going for myself, I am not sure if I want to trust Nick as much as I did before, we will see I suppose. But something that struck me funny is that out of 6 of us on this tribe 5 went to search the Rainforest, and I was the only one that went to search the mountains. Now, the only thing I can think of is that the clue had something to do with Water, close to it or around it or, like 'hey, dont get wet'. BECAUSE GUESS WHO FOUND THE IDOL? The one that didn't go to the rainforest, the one that didn't know anything about the clue! But I found it over by the stream on the mountain sooooo that is what I assume the clue said.  Anyway, I'm feeling really on the out's and right now I am only really liking talking to Jones, I know its not just about liking to talk to people but you gonna have something to talk about right? *sigh* anyway, sad JD here, sitting on the outside of her tribe, but still bringing home the challenge cus I was the only one that did the rap part in the Riff-Off. I wish I could say like, Canadian gotta rep that Drake, but I dont know much of his shit but I love that part of the riff-off (sunglasses) ((((  https://dumielauxepices.net/sites/default/files/sunglasses-emoji-clipart-oversized-784794-395105.jpg   ))))
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(half of this is yawning)
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So this Immunity challenge my team didn't work together very well.  We picked IMO a hard song to build a theme and story with.  In addition I was a very weak teammate this round.  I had a bunch going on and didn't record any video.  I tried to give input in ways we could be creative... but all in all I was one of the weakest links to the losing team.  For that I am a little nervous.  However I think I am in a good spot with Tim and Jonesy.  I have shared my idol clue with them and am working on building a trusting relationship to help me get to the end.  IN addition I've been having good one on one talks with JD, TJ, and Nikias.  I don't think my name is coming up from any front as a result of the work I'm doing sharing info with them all and making them feel apart of my gameplay.  TBH I don't know who to vote.  I like Nik alot and I believe him when he says he is on the outs with his old tribe and I think if I saved him he would be in my pocket for the rest of the game...  but I also think voting out a favorite could make me a target in a new swap to a group of favorites that want revenge.  So, really no reason to make waves.  Prob going to have to vote Nikias because it makes the most strategic sense.
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Well that was a rough first week, back to back to back losses and tribal councils. Thankfully I wasn't among the first two leaving the game, but before we could even reconnect after Bee's departure, we were  thrown into a swap unprepared. Desperately wishing that my alliance had planned for a swap this early, but we were all thinking it wouldn't be for another tribal or two. My tribe broken and divided, I was lucky to land in a tribe with a majority of fans, while three of my tribe mates were thrown to the wolves in the other two tribes. Im worried that our success in the last immunity challenge, will be the death of Nikias, as he's the only fan in his tribe.
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Shit I almost forgot to confess!! Im so glad that my tribe consists of mostly OG favorites and one fan! Im also HAPPY that I got to swap with Nick and Jones. At this point she's my number 1 ally. Together we searched the idol system but found NOTHING I'm- . 
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We swapped this week and have 5fans/1fave AND we aren’t going to tribal this week. Life is good
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Omg we swapped and I’m on my same tribe basically. 5/6 of us were originally on arakaka. But we finally aren’t going to tribal so thank god!! Judges were harsh though because we tried pretty hard okkk. Anyway I love the tribe still.HAPPY??
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I think getting the numbers at the tribe switch is a blessing and a curse. I'm glad I'm with most of my "alliance" from the first tribe and definitely glad that I'm with Dani but I think it's going to give me this facade that I'm Arakaka strong until the end and I'm not sure. Playing in this new ORG environment where I don't really know anyone makes me feel like playing with no regrets. I don't owe any of these people anything and I trust absolutely none of them at this point...... I'm warming up to Mitchell more and more but I'm not sure how he fits in with the others. I do think he'll be loyal but who knows. I don't want to fry his chickens up in a Popeyes three piece just yet. As for Jenna... she's funny but bland with me? Maybe I need to try more but I'm threatened by her social game. But apparently she got 20th last time? I don't know how to feel about her. I think somebody on the ther tribe mentioned knowing her or being threatened by her. Maybe her scores were good? I have no idea but eh. At this point I just want to find a core three to move forward with but most of these people suck and I don't know if there already is one. 
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So I've been with my new tribe for about 3 days now and I honestly still don't 100% know how I feel about this whole tribe swap ordeal. I PERSONALLY like the people on my new tribe better. My new tribe members are more personable (with the exception of José) and I don't feel like I'm wasting their time by talking to them like I had previously felt on my old tribe. As of right now I do feel a tad bit more comfortable with Devon. He gave me his idol clue but I'm not too sure if he's just really trying to make me fall for this or not? Maybe he has already found the idol? WHO KNOWS? Alyssa is super fucking cool. We don't really talk about the game as much so that kind of scares me BUT there hasn't been a lot of game to talk as of yet? SO maybe that will change going forward (I hope so). Alyssa is someone I can see myself working tbh. Alyssa and Sammy are definitely the two from the old Horososo Tribe who have reached out to me the most. They are the social King and Queen of this tribe. CONFIRMED. Knocking on wood here.. BUT if we ever go to Tribal MAYBE just MAYBE they'll not vote out José and not me? Praying to Gaga.
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I won reward which was the idol clue. It doesnt really help me much but it does say there are other items as well in the game. And we won immunity whichbis great. Im so happy not having to go to tribal.
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moooood ok i don’t mind the swap bc everything’s going ok and im still not pming people meidgjskdkf but the comp went rly good!!! we came in second but i found out there’s three tribes so it’s ok! judges think there was literally too many ads and it wasn’t the challenge but have u ever seen a full video without ads on youtube lmao
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So my file corrupted on my original video for the challenge but I was able to submit something thanks to Jonesy. We lost anyways lmao and it looks like the vote tonight will be Nikias. Sorry pal but the numbers are just there.
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I’m going on a date tonight so I’m case I don’t get to submit a video tonight, I just want to be VERY clear: I fucking LOVE Jess and would DIE for her. F2 homie vibes
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So pretty much, I've been pretty much invisible the entire week, and it's been great. I'm letting my tribe drag me for now, and personally, i think with how things are going, we're going to continue to win challenges, and I don't have to worry until I reach another swap, which at that point, personally, I'm just going to go all in and people are going to be like... where did this bitch come from? LMAO
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I couldn't be more happy to be on the strongest tribe! Sammy and Alyssa are quite close, but they are also tight with Chelsea. That leaves 2 options: 1. Get them to vote out Jose, based on inactive attitudes. He won't supply them with any use later down the road. 2. Get Jose to draw rocks with myself and Jess, leaving the odds in a 1/4 against me going in rocks. I'm torn on what the best strategy is, but for now, I need to establish the best personal connections possible and hope our tribe secures immunity all the way into the next swap/an eventual merge.
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it's too late to come up with a jones pun, but,, JONES
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bestudy · 7 years
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a guide to bullet journaling
basics: what is a bullet journal/bujo
a bullet journal, also known as a bujo, is a cross between lists, planners, diaries, journals, sketchbooks etc and can be whatever you want them to be! they usually consist of a future log which is where you can plan things in ahead before putting them in your monthly spread which is (usually) a double page spread (hence the name) with a calendar format of the dates in the month, or a list of numbers down the side, however you wish to do it. after the monthly spread usually comes weekly/daily spreads where you can go into more detail about your tasks for the day or your thoughts/plans/etc
the original, official website - this gives a very minimalist, functional view of the bullet journal as it was created. you are unlikely to see this minimalist a bujo on tumblr tbh as this strips it to the bare bones
infographicy thing by @journalsanctuary  - this is a super cute visual which tells you in a lot more detail about bullet jornalling + links 
bullet journaling 101 by @bohoberry on youtube - this is a useful video series and she has a lot of videos if ur interested!
bullet journal series by @studyign on youtube - this is also useful for if u want to get started/binge videos lol
there are many many ways of doing a bullet journal. there's the super minimalism as seen in the original version, but everyone has their own take on it!!! for inspiration, i usually scroll down the bullet journal tag on tumblr tbh as many people upload their own photos (i also set it as recent first to smoler studyblrs can get more exposure bc most of them are so good? bu get ignored bc they don't have 10k followers)
tumblr’s ‘bullet journal’ tag tumblr’s ‘bujo’ tag my bujo tag on my blog
many many people do bullet journal flip through videos which i actually love to watch especially when i am feeling super stressed so here's some of my faVs (u can find them sO easily by just searching bullet journal or something into youtube. a lot of them have just music but i prefer people talking through personally)
by @bohoberry - part i part ii by @studyign - flip through by @studywithinspo - 2016 flip through by Jenn Rogers - flip through by @studyquill - 2016 flip through
what else can i put in???
u literally can put anything in!!! that's what makes it so great!!! u can stick in photos and cutouts from magazines and ribbons and tape and stickers and lists and tickets from things and receipts and art and aNYthinG u can put any pages in at all like things u want to see/do/buy, or just keep with the planner aspect. remember it is YouR OWN ThiNG!!! Do whatever You want to do with it!!! here are some lists of insp for if you want to put pages in your planner but don't know what!
50 promps by @photostudyblr ideas by @coffeesforstudiers 2017 weekly challenge by @whycantistudyinpeace things to put in your bullet journal by @excitingwriting prompts by @nvtrls
also worth mentioning
your journal is completely your own. there are so many different ways to do it (like an art journal xxx xxx xxx xxx which are super cool) and it's completely yours. you do not need to show it to anyone, or you can make it completely shared if you want. it can be beautiful to look at, but it can be somewhere where you enjoy filling out because you want to, who cares about the appearances. 
important reminder!!!! by @excitingwriting generic tips by @bulletproofjournal
thank u for reading! if any of the links aren't working or u want something of yours that i’ve linked removed pls don't hesitate to mssg me! 
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chae-peachwon · 4 years
So I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile and I wanted to wait until I got home so I could be in the comfort of my house. But basically on Friday I had a “mental breakdown” about Namjoon and BTS as a whole and how much they have changed my life. I think this is gonna be pretty lengthy so I’m putting a read more
So this past Friday my friend and I were making a drive to our friends for our yearly Christmas party, which was about 4-5 hours (in reality it should’ve been about 2 1/2 but traffic was ass so). I might be saying stuff out of order, but tbh it was an emotional ride so I’ll be surprised if I remember every little thing that happened. Her sister is a fan of BTS so my friend has some knowledge about them. She knows a few songs (she likes Fake Love) and knows some of the members (she likes Jin lol). So we got on the topic of BTS and she asked me to play Fake Love since that’s the one she knows the most. So I asked her if I could play a few more of their songs and she said “go ahead!”. So I played Mic Drop, Epiphany, Euphoria, Boy With Luv, etc etc etc and then I said “Oh, I’m gonna play Spring Day because it’s one of my fav songs by them and the mv always makes me cry.” She laughed and said “Okay!” So I put on Spring Day and the part I always cry at is at the end when they’re all walking on the field and harmonizing and it goes all slo-mo (you know which part I mean) and I also explained that only the mv version has it but the songs keeps going after they finish singing and it’s just harmonization. I was also trying to explain the meaning of the song to her. So the song finished and then Answer: Love Myself started playing and immediately I was like “This song always makes me cry because of the concert.” And she asked for me to elaborate. I’m not sure if I’ve ever said it on here but I saw BTS last year in Texas and that song was the last one on their setlist.  So I went on and basically said something along the lines of: “Okay so last year was my second time seeing BTS and it was the end of the concert so obviously it was sad and emotional but idk what happened at the end but just hearing that song live really got me, as a warning I’m probably gonna start crying because it was for real extremely emotional for me. XX(friends name) in the chorus they sing ‘You’ve shown me I have reasons, I should love myself.’ and it was hearing that, seeing them right in front of me, and realizing this was the end of the concert that I just started crying. (at this point I was actually crying lmao)  It was like a wave of emotions just completely overtook me and the tears were just flowing out. Girls around me were crying too. I remember looking around the whole arena and then back up at them that the tears just started falling harder. XX I started crying out for the members, namely Namjoon and Taehyung because they were the closest to me at the moment (I was in the pit). And I reached my hand out to them like that would actually do something, and I just kept sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. At this point my friend noticed I was crying and was trying to comfort me. But it was so....I can’t even explain it. It was thinking that this might be the last time I ever see them live and also thinking about how much they’ve done for me.” My friend was trying to comfort me but she couldn’t do much because she was driving lol but she urged me to go on. I told her that I am so dedicated to these boys that I am 100% getting a tattoo for them. I know at one point earlier she asked me who else I love as much as BTS and I said Day6 and The Rose ( I also want tattoos for them) and she also asked me if they were all drowning who would I save. I said I couldn’t pick and she said “you would let them all drown??” and I said “XX I would drown with them”. But in the end I told her that BTS is my top top group.  I think it turned to her asking me if I could hang out with one of them who would it be and without hesitation I said Namjoon. She asked me if Jin was my favorite, why didn’t I say him. And then this is where the true mental breakdown happened. I’ll try to remember exactly what I said but no promises haha (also I was already crying from Love Myself but this convo just intensified it) “XX, you don’t understand how much I love Namjoon. Like it’s a different kind of love that I have for Jin. Jin will always and forever be my baby and my number 1 boy and will always be the first man I’ve ever fallen in love with, but with Namjoon...it’s a different kind of love. I love and respect him so fucking much, like he has gone through so much as a leader, as a person, and just in general. In the beginning he was the least liked member, which is so crazy right? Because he’s so loved now but it took him so long to get there. You remember what a fansign is right? Well this girl went to one and when she got to him, she said she got his photocard and he said “I’m so sorry”. Like really? He actually said that, and that just makes me so sad because he’s so amazing as a person and artist and he’s so smart and wonderful and creative and he does so so much for BTS.  Namjoon /hated/ himself for so long and he has a song called ‘Reflection’ and one of the lines is ‘I wish I could love myself”. (at this point I was sobbing) And XX it breaks my heart every time I listen to that song. XX I love him so so much that if I could have ANYTHING in the world (im actually tearing up rn as I write this) it would to be able to tell him just exactly how much he means to me and how proud I am and how much I respect him. (At this point in the convo I choked up on saying that out loud). There was this video I saw of one of their concerts and I think it was towards the end when the cameras were going on each of the members and it came onto Namjoon and everybody was cheering so loud for him and he looked so confused! Until he turned around and realized that everyone was yelling and screaming for /him/. And XX he got so embarrassed and shy and that was the exact video and moment that I realized I have this intense love that I have for him. And I think that’s when he realized that he is really loved too. I actually don’t remember if it was before or after that video but in one of his songs he changed his line to “I do love myself.”  Before I would always be like I love Namjoon so much yaaayyy, but I never really considered him a bias wrecker? But that video was the moment I knew that I have a different kind of love for him. And I don’t consider him a bias wrecker because Jin will forever be on top haha.” Guys when I say I was crying....I was CRYING. My friend was trying so hard to make me feel better and she was like “Please don’t cry, you’re gonna start making me cry.”  And I was like  “XX, these boys have honestly and truly changed my life and have helped me through so much. I discovered them through a friend and it was my first year of college and they have truly done so much for me. (this is where the convo got pretty dark). XX they have helped me through my happy days, my sad days, my depressed days and my truly lowest point days. When I say they have saved my life I honest to god fucking mean it. I promise you that if I never got into them, I would not be here today. I would’ve been gone long ago and I know it sounds dumb but they are the reason that I am still here today. (im crying rn typing this) The others( our other friends) know that I’m depressed but I don’t think they truly know to what extent. They’ve helped me through so much and that it’s okay to struggle and to not know what you want to do with your life. XX I’m still in the process of learning to love myself and for who I am and a bunch of other things” And at this point I was just trying to stop myself from crying because we were almost to our destination and I had to cleanup and stuff but the tears would not stop. I’ve always talked to my friends and sometimes on here about how much I love Namjoon and BTS but I’ve never really gone into depth about it, let alone said it out loud. That day in the car was the first time I truly poured my heart and feelings out about them. And even while writing this down I got teary eyed a couple of times and cried once. I’ve been a fan of BTS since 2015 and it has been a wild ride of emotions. They have taught and shown me so much and I can only dream about telling them how they have changed my life for the better. I’m not really sure why I wanted to write this down but I guess I wanted other fans to know that you are not “dumb” or “silly” or “over dramatic” for saying that a kpop group has helped your life. If you find that one special thing that makes you happy, then who the fuck cares what it is. As long as you know that that makes you happy and makes you forget about the world, then you hold onto that for as long as you need to.  I’m not gonna sit here and say that my depression is cured and that my life is sunshine and rainbows and that everything is perfect now. I still have my off days, my low days, my days where I really truly just want to say goodbye to everything. But BTS, among other groups, have helped me realize that not everything in the world is bad, that you can have your happy moments in life that make you say “Maybe life isn’t so bad after all.”. All in all, I just wanted to share my feelings and let other people know that you’re not alone for thinking like this. And I know I’m not the only one who says that kpop has been that /thing/ for people.  Anyway I guess this is all I have to say about this, I know I have more but I have too many emotions running through me right now lol.  Your feelings are valid guys, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. 
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A Jolly Christmas Tag
So you know I'm taking part in Blogmas this year, and I already have my posts planned out and I'm actually taking charge lol and writing my post ahead of time.
How awesome is that? yeah I know!
So continuing in the spirit of Christmas, I decided to do a Christmas Tag. I chose to use the questions from another blogger called The Enthusiat and I'm excited to answer them.
If you’re curious about my answers;
lets' start reading!
My Christmas Tag
1. What is your favorite Christmas Film?
My all-time favorite Christmas film is Tim Allen –The Santa Clause and yes I watched all the parts, and to this day I still watch them when they come on or just stream them.
2. Have you ever has a white Christmas?
Yes I have had a white Christmas although I live in the Caribbean. I lived in New York for a short time and thankfully I got to experience that snowny cold AF white Christmas. Sometimes I liked the snow and didn't mind but other times I hateddddd it! So I don't know if it’s as enjoyable as others may think. You will have a lot of shoveling to do, which is annoying. However, when you get to the city, all the Christmas lights and decorations are so warm and fuzzy. 
3. Where do you usually spend your holidays?
Well at home of course, only on occasion I may go to a friend’s house. Majority of the time I spend it at home with my mom, sister and nephew. It’s always been like that and we always enjoy ourselves although its the three of us. Last year though we invited some of our extended family and friends for a Christmas games night which turned out to be pretty lit!
4. What is your favorite Christmas song?
This is a very hard question for me because I love me some Christmas music, but since the question asked about one song I would have to say Mariah Carey Christmas Album lol. But I plan on doing a list of my favorite holiday music for you guys in the near future.
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Not anymore, I use to do it when I was a child....I would actually open my gifts and re-wrap them LOL. So I was never really surprised.
6. Can you name all of Santa's Reindeers?
Urmmmmm heck no! Not unless I google it for you guys and that would be dishonest. But I do remember Rudolph and that’s because my sister use to call me Rudolph all the time lol and I don’t know why (^_~).
7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
I am looking forward to the decoration of the tree and helping my sister make eggnog...well I should say watching my sister make eggnog lol. I always have to do the alcohol testing part which I just love lol *no I'm not an alcoholic I just love her eggnog*.
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
 Definitely, real!!! we just love us a real Christmas tree plus they smell so good and we get a real tree every year, it is like a tradition in my house. To me it makes my Christmas. That real Christmas tree.
9. What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?
My all–time favorite sweet treat is rum cake or fruit cake
10. Be honest: Do you like giving/receiving gifts?
I think giving because I will go out of my way to get my mom and sister gifts, even if I don’t receive anything. I love seeing the expressions on their faces when they get gifts they love, wanted and needed.
11. What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?
hmmmmm to be honest I feel like all my gifts are great or have been great, but I will name a few I still use every day which is my Pandora bracelet and my dooney and burke bag. I feel like I have gotten so much good gifts they all my favs.
12. What would be your dream place to visit for the Holiday season?
This is a tough question.....urmmmmm idk guys, I gotta think about it and get back to you guys.
13. Are you a pro-present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
I think I’m in between. I can wrap anything in a rectangle or square box otherwise forget it. I leave that up the store Christmas wrapping experts and sometimes my sister if she’s in the mood. and then there is always the holiday bag and simple tissue paper.
14. Most memorable holiday moment?
This is probably when I would dress up in red and white with my Santa hat and I would go on this Christmas motorcade giving out presents to the lesser able kids. Those were the good ole days.
15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
I would say when I realized my island is different from the movies. We have no chimneys and snow and I wondered how would he travel, funny thing is I didn't really care because I still got loads of gifts.
16. Do you make New Year’s resolutions and do you stick to them?
I do but it is normally just one which is to make me a better person....now if I stick to this all year round is another thing.
17. What makes holidays special for you?
It’s that time when family really come together, it’s that warm and fuzzy feeling that fills me up with joy.
18. Does your Christmas tree decorations have a color scheme?
Yes, my sister normally handles the decorating. We got our tree yet but she hasn't decided so I don't know what colors she is going with this year. I want gold and sliver I think that would be cute.
19. If you could only buy one person a gift this year, who would it be?
My nephew!!!! of course that was an easy question lol. this is gonna be his second Christmas and this time he is able to run about and help decorate the tree and really tear up his Christmas gifts and I can’t wait to see the joy on his face. 
20. When you think of Christmas, what comes to mind?
I get this feeling of love, joy and peace. Everything is always some warm and jolly and I just love that feeling, people are also more sharing and giving.
So this wraps up the end of my Christmas Tag. I hope you all enjoyed it. 
So I’m challenging some other beauty/vloggers/lifestyle influencers such as
allaboutthescrublife, Mandysway, Indigo Child and Keamone F 
all  influencers from Antigua (I hope I didn't leave anyone else out) to take part in this Christmas Tag... you can use your own questions or feel free to use the questions I have used to take part. I’ll absolutely love to read or watch your Christmas Tag. 
- Michele
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