#if anyone has any makeup tips my ears are open and i will give u a kiss if so desired
rose-lalondde · 4 months
why is starting makeup so hard like i just wanna do the basics omg
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Can u do a Tom Holland x model (tall) reader where she’s friends with law roach and zendaya and z and law roach introduces Tom and Toms friends to reader at a after party and they become friends and it’s fashion week and reader invites them and reader does multiple runways and photo shoots and Tom really likes her 🥰maybe fluff and smut
Summary: ah, nothing like a nice life
Warnings: boob grabbing, dancing, sitting on laps and fluff! No smut!
T.H| I’m OuTsIdE iN a AmG
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You sat down on your phone, playing candy crush like the old person you are, it was an after party and you came with zendaya and law roach, you’ve been friends for a little bit but it was nice, you both got closer then you both expected. You sat there pretty in a black tuxedo, shirtless with red bottoms on, hair in a shag, a pretty one though. You lifted your leg and placed ontop of the other, it was like any other after party, boring. Zendaya and law roach singing the lyrics while others jumped around them.
“Y/n!” Zendaya said, catching your attention, you shut off your phone and put it in the side of your pants, looking up at her. “Get up I wanna introduce you to someone” “zendaya-“ “later please” she took your hand and lifted you from your seat, you took the seat with you because bitches be wanna steal shit. “So y/n, this is my friend Tom- did you really take the seat with you?” “I sure did, hello Thomas” you looked at him, curly brown hair, a little bit of gel, he wore a charming smile, he was also short. “Hi” he laughed. “Thank you-“ a stranger said, trying to take the chair, “I think the fuck not!” You yelled over the music, tugging it back. “Back Yo ass up!” You say, fake charging at the person making them flinch. “You are so mean” law rolled laughed.
“It’s not my fault she crazy” you sat the chair down and sat in it. “Well anyways, this is Harrison” zendaya said, Harrison waving with a smile. “And Harry, toms brother” he also waved. “Hi Tom and erbodyelse” you waved right back at them. “She apologizes” law said. “What did I do?” You asked, law looking at you. “Hey it’s okay, she’s funny” he laughed, you gave a innocent smile. “Well let’s party right!” Zendaya said, making everyone but you smile....until of course ice cube had to come on ‘you know how we do it’ you had no other choice, you could rap every single word of it, of any 90s song. You weren’t the type to party but you better make the best of it, zendaya handed you a beer and you took it sipping it. “I’m not letting this chair go” you said, “I’ll take it” Tom said, you stood and he took it, walking to the bartista and asking him to keep it back there and not let anyone else grab it. Once the achol got in your system there was no going back, you did what you said you could, everyone was suprised you didn’t even break a sweat, would you remember this? Of course you would! You aren’t that drunk dumbieee.
You’re the life of the party when your not so stuck up and stubborn, but it’s just your personality, you got your chair back and Tom was about tired as hell, he ended up sitting on your lap and having his back on the arm rest, having a normal conversation, you both have a lot of shared likings, basically the same person but not, your feelings are always mixed but Tom is nice to even it out.
“You think this is weird?” Tom asked, “Nah it’s good, look at her” you pointed at the girl who keeps whipping her head around to the song, leaving Thomas laughing as you silently giggled. “So your a model?” He asked and you nodded, sharing a hamburger you got from somewhere, it didn’t matter. You handed it to him and he took a bite “so like Victoria secret?” “Yeah and Rihanna, ya know fenty?” “Of course I watched it like a million times!” “Who was your favorite?” You asked him, “I mean Laura was pretty sexy” he shrugged and you laughed, “yeah she was” “but she wasn’t the best” “who was then?” “You, you danced in that tight underwear, it had to be uncomfterble” “no Rihanna makes sure it’s comfterble” “well I know you would kill it in some butterfly lingerie” he shrugged, handing the burger back to you. “Why thank you, seems like you like me showing skin huh?” “Hey I might not be sober, but I’m sober enough to not tell you my secrets” “dang it!” You laughed taking a bite out of the burger.
“I should come to your runways” he looks at you, his eyes slightly squinted. “That was just what I was thinking!” You took a bite as he laughed with his cheeks filled, you chewed away as you both just looked at each other. “So favorite movie?” “I can’t go one night without watching Spider-Man-“ “really? Thank you” he cheered, you only laughed, “you didn’t let me finish, Spider-Man into the spider verse” “that movie sucks!” “Noooo it’s miles morales! He’s fucking better then youu” “we can fight if you wanna fight” “then you wouldn’t be able to come to my shows” “ah fine”
As the time passed you both only made jokes, watching everyone else dance and point out the ones who don’t know how to. It was fun, he gave you his number and you gave yours to him, chatting and no more drinking, just eating.
“Naw I saw you both!” Law yelled as zendaya hyped it up. “Doing what! We were only talking-“ “and eating!” Zendaya added on. “That’s romance!” “Well I don’t think so, so hmph” you shrugged. “Whatever bye y/n” law exited the call and zendaya did to, it was time for your photo shoot for the week and Tom was expected to come, he didn’t come yet so you had time to get dressed.
You went shirtless with a pair of high waisted cargo pants and combat boots, your hair wet and your long nails black, there wasn’t really any makeup on your face other then a whole lot of highlighter, when you went out you found Tom. He had two water bottles in his hand, his hair wet with a black shirt and normal navy blue jeans with some black air forces, he looked around for you until he found you, giving you a smile as you holded your boobs with one hand to wave at him. He made his way over to you “hey!” He cheered. “Hey Thomas, how are you?” You asked and he shrugged, “I’m pretty full so I’m happy” “you ate without me?” “How was I supposed to know? What do you want” “loyalty” he smacked his lips at you “I got you water atleast!” “I can’t drink that right know, my stomach has to look good” you both looked at it, you basically were glowing.
“Water can’t kill you” “yes it can, that’s my que, let’s go!” You took photos in this large house, with a huge mountain next to it. Tom thought you looked beautiful with your hair out, he was to respectful to look somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. You sat next to the pool with a chair, sitting in it backwards you arched your back, Tom having a seat in the background just watching how you move and how the sun reacts to your skin, lucky you put on some sunscreen so you didn’t have to get sunburns. He sipped his water and smiled to himself, Tyler the creator played in the background and as you took your time you danced some, you were a cute dancer...you couldn’t dance but you looked nice moving!
“Tom I need your hands!” You yelled, Tom instantly came over asking you what’s wrong. “I need you to fix my hair really quick” “you and I both know I can’t do that” “then please hold these” you smile at him. “What’s?” He asked, knowing what you were saying but not so sure. “Hold my boobs dude” you took his hand with your free one. “Alright alright!” He says, coming behind you to hold your boobs. “Thank you Thomas” as you were about to grab your phone your hair stylist came up to fix your hair. “You can’t do it either” she said. You smacked your lips as Tom laughed at you, still holding your boobs with both of his hands, which they perfectly fit too.
“Alright Thomas you have to be in this photo shoot” the photographer said. “What why!” He asked, completely not ready. “It’s just a great pose” he smiled. “I don’t know if she’s okay with that!” Tom said looking at you. “I don’t mind” you shrugged, looking back at him. “Alright then I’m pretty sure we have some cargos for you!” “Right here actually!” Why do they have some men’s cargos, you like men’s clothes sometimes, your more thicker then Thomas though so that’s really confusing. You silently gasped “law!” You said to yourself. “Let me go change yeah” he said, you put your hands ontop of his, he removed his and ran to go get changed, when he came back he was dressed just like you, highlighter on his abs, everything.
“You look good” you complement. “Not as stunning as you darling” he said, ice cube now playing “alright let’s go to the mountains”
You all made your way up there, on the tip of the mountain, if you were to fall you’d die, you afraid of heights but Tom held your hand to reassure your safe, you and Tom stepped on the end, one of his arms came around your breasts, perking them up and the other came around your waist, you leaned on your left knee, tilted your head to lean on toms, the sun glistening your skin as you closed your eyes amd lips slightly open and your hand held his cheek as his lips were softly touching your neck. “Alright, perfect” they recorded you both, then when they look back there gonna make it pictures, they snapped another of you both hugging each other, his back muscles and the back of his head, showing his wet curls as you wrapped one around your finger, your lips so close to his ear, pelvis to pelvis and chest to chest, all very very good pictures.
You and Tom danced to the music, all oldies playing, Mary J Blige, Tony!, Tupac, Brandy, New edition, Micheal Jackson, snapping more pictures while you both weren’t paying attention. “Oh this totally gonna is gonna get in the book, this is gonna be all over the news” “oh tell me about it” the photographers laughed, but it was time to take the solo one, you covered your breasts as you were on the tip of the mountain, your face infront of the sun, you covered your face with your hand from a distance, revealing one of your eyes as they were light from the sun, you looked up at the camera and made eye contact with it, your lips again slightly open. “Perfect!”.
Tom put you on his story, smiling to himself as you came back down. “It’s hot!” You yelled, everyone laughing at what you said. “Guess who’s the new face of vogue!” Jim said, the photographer. “Me!” You jumped, dancing to yourself as everyone cheered you on as P. Y. T played, everyone clapping to the beat as you kept dancing, everyone singing and doing their own thing. Tom sung as he came up behind you, holding onto your waist as you moved you hips, some people recording for the YouTube video. It was like you were dating before you even knew it, it was nice, everyone could see the love you had for each other even if you both were oblivious of it.
“Did a wonderful job darling” he said, both in the same dressing room. “You didn’t do to bad yourself” you smiled at him, putting on your bra and your oversized shirt, taking off your pants and boots next as he followed along to put on the clothes he had on first. “Your the new icon y/n” he smiled at you. “Don’t say that, we both know zendayas the queen” “but you can be the king” he winked at you, you only smiled and shook your head. “So you guys, can we post these videos!” Jim said, you both looked at each other then the door. “Yeah!” Both of you said, I mean it was platonic right? Totally.
For the rest of the week you did the runways, the photo shoots, you of course were the new face of vogue, Victoria secret, Rihanna wanted you to come back, rumors of you and Tom dating which was okay you guessed, it was all just so going good for you, but Thomas not so much. “I think I really fucking like her” Thomas said, sitting in one of the front seats for your runway. “Then ask her out div!” “Harrison shut up!” “I’m just pointing out the obvious” he shrugged. “Well then don’t” he whisper yelled. “I can hear your whole conversation, Thomas” zendaya said smiling, “me too” law and zendaya high fives each other as Tom rolls his eyes, soon music starts playing and models come out, best for last so you weren’t out yet, Tom sat there bored wondering when you were coming out, crossing his arms over his chest as the time ticked, everyone was recording the models, professional cameras all over and recording.
And then your music played ‘Shes A Bad Mama Jama’ as you came out with your yellow layered large poofy dress, a deep v-line and black heels under, dangle earrings and your hair in butterfly braids, shinny lip gloss and long eyelashes, you walked down and danced a bit, everyone clapping for you, just cheering for you, Tom was lucky to even know you, the way your skin shined and you were so photogenic, you were just a goddess really, a mic in your hand as you finished coming down, you said a single ‘hey y’all!’ And everyone cheered for you, clapping.
“As you know I’ve done a lot in this week, including this” you held up your hands at the whole entire place. “But I couldn’t have done it without a few people” people clapped for you. “That includes, law roach” claps. “Zendaya” some ‘woos!’ “And Tom holland” he was shocked but everyone still cheered for him, smiling and waving at everyone who cheered him on. “I honestly feel so honored, I love every single one of you in this room, you’ve been with me ever since I didn’t get a chance, but that’s the thing” you pointed at the camera “if nothing works out, be your own boss. No one can reject you if your doing your own thing, that’s what I did” you shrugged, everyone clapping for you more. “So we have this set up right?” “It’s all in the trunk Thomas” “well are you gonna help me?” He whispered to zendaya which she laughed at “you have guns for a reason” she squeezed his arms. “Shut up” he silently giggled as he still payed attention to you.
You then walked out, everyone still cheering loudly as you waved them goodbye. You made your way to backstage, finding the models, including cara, Naomi, Gigi, Bella, Kaia, and Lupita. You walked over to the table and grabbed the champagne and grabbed it, law, zendaya, Tom, and Harrison all coming backstage and grabbing their glasses. “Ready?!” You ask and they all cheer, all around you, you popped the bottle successfully, you poured poured everyone some, including yourself. “Alright what are we cheering for?” You ask everyone, “your success!” Gigi says, making you blush. “Stop it, our success, we did it all together” you say making everyone ‘aw’. “To our success!” You yelled, everyone said it after you, raising their glasses and clanking it with some people before taking a sip, Tom came over and kissed your temple, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Congrats babe, you deserve it” he whispered in your ear. “What’s with the pet name” you laughed. “Come to the car with me yeah?” He asked, you nodded at him and the small group followed behind you, making your way to the car he opened the trunk, revealing balloons falling out and flying in the air.
but also a collage of you both, at the club with him sitting on your lap sharing the hamburger, laughing with each other to at the photo shoot, you both dancing with each other, the actual photos you used for the magazine too, then you both hanging out getting coffee and hugging each other in public, then both of you in these dark gothic wigs, with electric guitars, back to back as you put on this weird scrunched face, to hard to explain. You smiled as you picked up the collage “I love it” you said. “I love you” he said back, you looked back at him and he smiled. “I liked you the first moment I met you, your funny, sweet, stubborn, cute, your scattered everywhere-“ “I am not!” You cut him off. “Oh you are” zendaya said, the small group recording letting out small laughs. “You just proved my point y/n, but I love how I can even you out, I like the way you look at me, I want it to last everyday, every night, I just wanna be with you.... so in that case would you be my girlfriend?” He asked, you smiled so wide as you out the collage down in the car, you walked up to him and made eye contact with him as he stood there, looking up at you, you kissed him, smiling into the kiss and kissing him repeatedly “alright get it over with” law intruded, “yeah yes I will” you nodd and he smiled, kissing you again. Zendaya smiles “AGHHHHHH” she screams in excitement. For some reason ‘ivy’ by Frank ocean played and you both just made eye contact with each other.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
I am enabling you
BAND AU BAND AU. SO GLAD I GET TO WRITE ABT THIS YEEEEEEE i kinda lost motivation towards the end but dfvsdgfhsd its fiiiiine. i got a couple more ideas for this au so...expect a couple more fics?? maybe??
Jason wasn’t sure if he could call the room a ‘practice room’. It felt more like a lounge. The walls were checkered with soundproof foam in places, as was the floor. There were also a lot of things hanging up on the walls. Posters of various rock bands and cult classic movies, all framed of course. The room was littered with instruments. Guitars, basses, a keyboard, a drumset, microphones- any instrument one could need, it was there. But there was also a lot of comfy furniture. Bean bags, a couple armchairs that had been dragged out of the trash, and of course, the old reliable sofa. It was stained and the springs were starting to break, but it was comfy, and Jason was quite happy lounging across it. He kicked his foot calmly in time to the beat of the music quietly playing from his boyfriend’s record player. He sighed and glanced over at the boyfriend in question. His name was Zalgo, and he had copper-brown skin and fluffy brown hair that was dyed red at the tips. Tattoos swirled up his arms and another stretched across his neck. He was covered in piercings too. His ears, his nose, a couple on his eyebrows, even a snakebite on his lower lip. His eyes were closed, and he was lounging in a big bean bag, a weed joint clenched between his teeth.
‘’They’re late again.’’ he murmured. 
‘’Nnh?’’ the joint flicked upward as Zalgo grunted. 
‘’The girls. We were supposed to have a practice session,’’ he looked down at the watch on his wrist. ‘’Twenty minutes ago.’’ 
‘’Mmmh…’’ Zalgo shifted in the bean bag, then abruptly jumped up in a startlingly quick movement. He stretched and groaned, then pulled the joint out of his mouth, smacking his dry lips. He looked over at Jason. He was wearing contacts again. These ones were golden and bright, and accentuated how...alluring, his gaze could be. His mouth curled up into a small grin. ‘’Just means more time for you and me.’’ he murmured as he walked slowly over to the couch where Jason sat. The redhead smirked at him as he leaned down toward him. 
‘’...You’re getting old.’’ Jason murmured before shoving Zalgo’s face away. The other man groaned and swatted at him before breaking into laughs. 
‘’I am not! I am just as cool and as sexy as senior year! Girls love me!’’
‘’You’re gay, Zalgo. And almost thirty.’’
‘’Hmph.’’ Zalgo puts his hands on his hips, pouting. Jason looked him over for a long moment. Zalgo had certainly kept his style from highschool. He wore a loose cut black tank top with a metal band’s logo on it. The neck was low, exposing his collar and the necklaces he wore around his neck. He was also wearing black ripped jeans with a studded belt with chains hanging off it. Almost every finger on his hand was decorated with a ring shiny ring. He was attractive, and carried himself with a confident flare only he could pull off. Jason could never pull that off. Showing so much skin, playing with makeup- it wasn’t his thing. He stuck with classic jeans, button-ups and ties with sneakers. Simple, yes, but it worked for him. And somehow Zalgo thought he was handsome enough to have dated him for over ten years. Jason smiled a bit and settled back in his seat.
‘’Do you...want to sit down?’’ he asked slowly. Zalgo looked down at him and grinned. He moved to lay down beside Jason, but the redhead put his hand on his chest and stopped him. ‘’...give me the joint first.’’ 
Zalgo huffed and rolled his eyes. He handed his boyfriend the joint and lay down, snuggling up against Jason as he took a drag of the joint. He sighed out, smoke blowing from his mouth. Zalgo looked up at him, watching him calmly. He reached up and caressed the other male’s jawline. ‘’...anyone ever tell you you’re fucking beautiful?’’ 
‘’No, my mother didn’t love me.’’ 
‘’PFFFFFT-’’ Zalgo wheezed loudly, bursting into loud cackles of amusement. Jason smiled and laughed gently. They were so distracted with just laughing on the couch like a couple of stupid dumb teens that they didn’t hear the front door being opened. They did however, hear it being slammed shut without warning, and it scared Zalgo so bad he fell off the couch with a yelp. The two stared at each other as they heard voices in the front hall downstairs. Zalgo grinned and rolled over onto his stomach, listening intently to the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs toward them. Zalgo skittered across the room and pressed himself against the wall beside the door. 
Jason took a drag of the joint and watched the door, which was quickly and violently kicked open.
He blew smoke out of his mouth. "Hello Natalie." He greeted calmly. Natalie was a short girl, with long caramel hair and tanned skin. Her eyes were bright and green, and she grinned wide at him. She was dressed in a denim jacket that hung off her shoulders, along with a white Guns N' Roses t-shirt and ripped navy jeans. As she waved her hands excitedly Jason could see the watch around her wrist glint in the light. A birthday gift he'd given her a few years ago.
"There you are!" Zalgo lunged out from behind the door and yanked his niece into a tight bear hug. She squealed and battered her fists against him, making the both of them giggle. Jason glanced over at the door and noticed a girl he'd never seen before, standing there looking around anxiously.
She had curly ginger hair and wore a simple green jacket with denim jeans. She was shorter than Natalie, who was short enough for a seventeen year old already. When she caught Jason's gaze she smiled nervously and waved a bit. Her smile quickly dropped however when she noticed the joint in Jason's hand. He glanced at it, then reached over and snuffed it out in the ashtray on the end table beside him. Zalgo would probably be mad about him wasting good weed later, but he didn't really care. 
"This a friend of yours, Natalie?" The redhead asked as he sat up on the couch. 
"This is Alice." Said a tall girl as she walked into the room and leaned against the doorway. Her name was Jane, and she was Natalie's girlfriend. She had dark skin, decorated with paler splotches in random places. She wore a long black dress with a leather jacket, fishnet gloves and tights, and platform boots that made a satisfying 'clunk' noise when she walked. Her hair was done up in braids, which were tied up in a pseudo ponytail. And she was also munching on a teacake that she'd definitely stolen from the kitchen. Jason glared at her.
"I told you to ask before taking those, y'know." He muttered. Jane shrugged and watched Natalie stumble out of the tight hug she'd been suffocating in. She turned to Alice with a grin and lunged over, slinging an arm over the smaller girl. 
"This is Alice!" She said again. "She's part of the drama club in school. Really good singing voice!" She turned to the ginger girl. "Right? You're an amazing singer!"
"U-Um-" Alice rubbed at her arm anxiously. "I'm not...that good…" she mumbled, her head lowering. Jason softened as he looked at the poor, nervous girl. 
"Nice to meet ya, Alice." Zalgo said gently. He walked over and crouched down, holding out his hand for her to shake. Alice stared at his arm.
"Your tattoos are so cool-" she blurted. She immediately slapped her hands over her mouth, wincing. Zalgo chuckled.
"Why thank you! I'm pretty proud of em myself." He said with a warm smile. "So you're Nat's friend?"
"I...guess," Alice rubbed at her arm again. "She uh- she said she wanted me to...join a band…? I-I dunno if I'm really cut out for that…"
Natalie shook her head and clamped her hand down on her shoulder. "Alice, I already told ya, your singing is incredible bro!" She leaned down and grinned at her. "Uncle Zalgo knows eeeverrryyythinggg about music. You just gotta impress him and you're in the band."
Alice looked at Zalgo. "You're...uncle Zalgo…?" She asked quietly, sounding even more scared. Zalgo nodded and stood up.
"Sure am." He gestured over at Jason. "That's Jason, by the way. He has a huge crush on me and sleeps in my bed. It's super embarrassing."
"Hey, you came out to me." Jason growled. Zalgo laughed. 
"It's...nice to meet you, sirs." Alice murmured. Jason looked at her and smiled gently. He sat up on the couch so the others could sit down. Zalgo obliged, flopping himself down next to him with a soft grunt. Natalie was quick to join them, sitting on Zalgo's other side while Jane occupied the arm of the chair. That left Alice...standing in front of them. Like she was being judged. It reminded her eerily of an audition.
"How old are ya?" Zalgo asked with the tilt of his head. Alice fidgeted. 
"Erm- fifteen." Zalgo looked at Natalie and arched a brow. Alice coughed. "B-But um- I've been singing since I was seven." She added. Zalgo gave a nod.
"Alright...think you can demonstrate?" He asked. Alice glanced away anxiously and he smiled a bit. "C'mon, you can't be any worse than Jason."
"I like Jason's voice." Jane piped up. Jason smiled.
"Thank you, Jane, you're the only person here who shows me any kindness…"
"Hey! I bring home pizza for you!" Zalgo said, pouting.
"You work at Pizza Hut, Zalgo. You get that stuff for free." Jason replied sternly. Alice laughed a little bit at the two of them. Jason turned back to her and smiled. 
‘’So what style of music do you do?’’ he asked. Alice’s eyes widened.
‘’Oh- mostly showtunes, broadway stuff.’’ she replied. Jason nodded. She felt a bit more relaxed now. It just….felt like an audition. She’d done those dozens of times before. ‘’I can sing Defying Gravity- from uh- Wicked?’’ she suggested. 
‘’Go ahead, girl.’’ Zalgo replied, leaning back on the couch again. Alice nodded and cleared her throat. 
‘’Something has changed within me...something is not the same, I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game,’’ she hadn’t had a chance to warm up, and she winced at how her voice sounded. But when she looked at the others they didn’t seem to notice. ‘’Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep…’’ she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the high notes coming up. ‘’It’s time to trust my instincts...close my eyes...and leap.’’ 
‘’Stop.’’ Zalgo interrupted her. She stopped and looked at him, afraid. Had she failed the high note? Did her rusty voice really sound that bad…? ‘’You’re amazing girl!’’ 
‘’Seriously! You sound like you could be on broadway!’’ Zalgo grinned wide at her as he spoke. Jason nodded in agreement. Nat hopped up off the couch and slung her arm around Alice’s shoulder again.
‘’So is she in?’’
‘’Well of course she’s in!’’ Zalgo stood up and thrust out his hand. ‘’Welcome to the band, Alice.’’
Alice smiled sheepishly and took his hand. ‘’Thanks...what uh- what do I get for being in it?’’
‘’Free music lessons and pop tarts. Plus vibing privileges.’’ 
‘’V-Vibing privileges…?’’ 
‘’You’re allowed come over whenever.’’ Jason explained. ‘’Though you probably have better things to do than hang out with two thirty year old men who do nothing but watch Netflix all day.’’
‘’Oh c’mon, we’re cool!’’ Zalgo pouted at him. ‘’In fact, I can prove it.’’
‘’Please don’t.’’ Jason murmured. Alice watched Zalgo scamper over to the corner of the room and grab one of the instruments. He held it up proudly. It was a red guitar, with two necks and a body cut into jagged shapes. He grinned and held it down to playing height, strolling back over to Alice. 
‘’Pretty sweet, huh?’’
‘’Oh my god do you have to show that thing to every guest we get?’’ Jason called irritably. Zalgo shot him a look. 
‘’How do you even play that…?’’ Alice asked in amazement. Zalgo smiled.
‘’Lots of practice and quick timing.’’ he replied, strumming a few chords. ‘’What instruments do ya play, girl?’’
‘’Oh uh- I- don’t. I just sing.’’ Alice glanced away nervously as she spoke. Zalgo arched a brow at her, surprised.
‘’I thought she’d be good for backup!’’ Natalie chimed in.
‘’I think she’d be good for my songs,’’ Jane added. ‘’Just like with Jason.’’ Zalgo nodded and looked at the ginger girl for a moment. He turned on his heel and put his beloved guitar down, then moved over to another part of the room and rummaged through a plastic bin he had laying around. 
‘’I know just the thing for you then,’’ he murmured. Alice looked surprised, until he stood up again and held up a tambourine. ‘’This is exactly what we’ve been missing, and it’s easy to learn!’’
‘’...oh.’’ Zalgo strode over and handed the tambourine to Alice. She looked at it for a moment, then shook it halfheartedly. He grinned and clasped his hands together.
Jason sighed quietly and climbed up off the couch. He dusted his hands off and glanced at Nat and Jane. ‘’You guys hungry?’’ he asked. Zalgo shot him a look.
‘’Wait what happened to practice?’’ he whined. Jason rolled his eyes and walked over to the door.
‘’You already showed off your guitar, Zalgy. And I’m hungry.’’ Jason muttered. ‘’And I’m sure the girls are starving too.’’ he turned and looked at his boyfriend. He knew Zalgo couldn’t say no to him, not when he pulled out that nickname. He eventually sighed.
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blackcatkita · 4 years
Coffee Cups and an Underwear Drawer
Book: LoveHacks
Pairing: Mark x MC (Dani)
This one-shot (which was supposed to be a ficlet but you know me) fills a request from @darley1101 and is one of my “Mark and Dani: The College Years” pieces. I hope you like it and if you do, please like, comment, or reblog! I appreciate every single note!
“I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t let me drive, Mom. We could have made way better time and I’m the one who knows the city.” Dani pointed at the next intersection from the passenger seat of the car they’d rented to take her back to college half-way across the country. “Turn right up here.”
“Because you’re not on the rental agreement and you drive like a lunatic. You would have tried to lose your dad and brother just because you’d think it was funny.”
“No, I wouldn’t. They have all my stuff in that U-Haul.”
Her mom laughed, then checked the rear-view mirror and her blind spot before moving into the turning lane. “Tell me again why you got an apartment when the dorms are so much more affordable.” Making the turn, she watched in the mirror to make sure the truck was still behind them before speeding up. “The rent in this city is outrageous.”
“Because I’m a senior and all the cool kids are doing it,” Dani answered, watching the house numbers as they passed. Just off-campus, the entire street was lined with old Victorians rented out by Grantmore students. Dani and her roommate would occupy the third floor of one of them, complete with the attic space to do… whatever the hell people did in an attic space. Have parties, she supposed. It was gonna be awesome. “It’ll be fine, mom. I’m splitting everything with my friend Ashley. She’s in nursing school. You’d like her.”
“So because she’ll be a nurse, I’m automatically supposed to like her?”
“I mean, yeah. You’re a nurse so isn’t it like a prerequisite you like other nurses?”
“No,” her mom chuckled. “Where is this house of yours?”
“Oh, shit.” Dani turned around in her seat. “I think it’s back that way.”
“I’m just kidding!” Dani laughed. “It’s right up here. Pull up behind that white car.” Unbuckling her seatbelt as her mom stopped the car, Dani bent down to gather all the trash from their road snacks into a recycled grocery bag.
“Huh,” her mom said. “Surprise, surprise.”
“What?” Confused, Dani sat up to look out the window and felt a wide smile spread across her cheeks. There he was waiting for her; her best friend, sitting on the porch steps next to a to-go tray full of coffee cups. Her heart raced, beating two, maybe even three times faster than normal while her stomach flipped and flopped. Weird. It almost felt like she was nervous… but that can’t be it, it’s Mark. Maybe the gas station burrito she ate awhile back wasn’t such a good idea.
“Well, look at that,” her mom mused as Mark stood up and straightened his shirt. “His smile matches yours.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. We’re just friends. He’s probably just here to help me move my stuff… or something.”
“I don’t see any other friends here.” Her mom looked up and down the street before nodding in Mark’s direction. “That is not a boy waiting around to help his friend move her stuff. That is a boy excited to see the girl he loves after missing her for three months.”
“You’re delusional,” Dani laughed nervously. “He has a girlfriend.”
A slow grin appeared on her mom’s face as her eyebrow raised, giving Dani one of the many ‘mom looks’ she and her brother Alex knew so well. This one said- you think you know everything but you don’t know shit. “For now,” she said simply.
“Oh my God, stop.” With shaking hands, Dani smoothed her ponytail. “How do I look? Is my makeup ok? It isn’t all smudged and nasty, is it?”
“Why do you care so much? I thought you were just friends?”
“Ugh, forget it.” Rolling her eyes, Dani opened the car door and stepped out as the U-Haul pulled up behind them.
“I hope one of those coffees is for me!” her mom shouted as Dani slammed the door shut.
Walking up to her new home, and Mark, Dani couldn’t stop the smile on her face if she tried and when Mark met her halfway, he lifted her up in a bear hug so tight she didn’t know how she would draw her next breath. Or even if she wanted to, not if breathing meant he let her go. She pushed the silly thought from her mind as he set her down, still holding on tight. “It’s good to see you, Collins.”
“It’s hella good to see you too, Dani.” His deep voice sounded almost breathless in her ear and his hold loosened, only enough to look into her eyes and smile. “How was the drive?”
“Longer than necessary with my mom driving,” Dani laughed.
“Well, we don’t all think the speed limit is just a suggestion like you do.”
The smile on Mark’s face faded into something softer as he looked into her eyes and when his gaze shifted to her lips and back again, she distantly heard the rumble and clang of the truck’s rolling back door open; reminding her they had an audience. A very nosy but well-meaning audience who would tease her mercilessly for being in love with her best friend. Which was ridiculous, wasn’t it? Yes, of course, it was. Definitely. Nope, nothing to see here, just two friends clinging to each other on a sunny day, not weird at all. A warm flush spread across her cheeks as she let out an embarrassed giggle and stepped out of his embrace, breaking whatever spell his gorgeous blue eyes put her under. “Sorry. I umm…” she mumbled.
“I uh… I brought coffee for everyone,” Mark stammered at the same time. “It should still be hot if anyone wanted some, or whatever.” He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck, the blush on his face matching the one Dani could feel getting hotter on hers.
So he felt it too. The awkwardness, the embarrassment, the warm and fuzzy feeling in his stom… No, Dani, she told herself. It’s just Mark, your best friend, not some stupid crush so stop making it weird. She took a deep breath and smiled brightly, determined to move past… whatever was happening. “You, sir, are my hero.”
A soft, affectionate smile graced his lips as his shoulders sagged in relief. “I try.” With a tip of his head, he gestured at the porch and placed a light hand on her lower back. “Come on, I got you your favorite.”
Falling into step beside him, Dani heard her dad and brother arguing and glanced over her shoulder. Only her mom was visible, standing in the street behind the truck and shaking her head at what was going on inside. Plenty of time for Dani to drink some of her coffee then. All of it, if history was to be believed. Once those two got going it didn’t stop until Dani or her mom took control of the situation. Then they would pout for a few minutes, grumbling under their breath about why they were right before doing what they were told. She turned back around and found Mark holding out a large purple drink with an extra fat straw poked through the top. “You didn’t,” she gasped.
“I did,” he beamed proudly.
“BOBA!” Dani squealed as she took it and cradled its cold surface to her cheek. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.” She took a drink, closing her eyes in bliss as the sweet, nutty flavor hit her tongue. “Oh my god, and it’s taro too. I could kiss you for this Mark, you have no idea.”
“Geez, Dani. It’s just tea.”
“Uh-uh,” she hummed as she took another sip and shook her head. “It’s love poured into a cup and it’s everything.” While she happily chewed away at the black tapioca pearls from the bottom of her drink, the voices by the truck grew more agitated. Now take the goddamn drawers out like I told you to, she heard her dad yell. It took a moment for the meaning of his words to penetrate the boba induced euphoria fogging her brain, but once it did, her face went cold. “Oh, fuck…” she whispered, wide-eyed and slack-jawed with her straw still in her mouth. “They’re gonna find my vibrator!”
“What?” Mark choked as she thrust the cup into his hands.
Heart going overtime, breathless, and seriously regretting her life choices, Dani sprinted down the walkway. If her dad saw what his little girl had hiding in the drawer, she would die. He would die. Everybody would die. Ok, fine, she shouldn’t have relied on just burying it in her unders and put it in a box, but what if her mom unearthed it while unpacking? Not quite as bad, but still mortifying. Even worse if her mom pulled it out and said something like, ‘Oh, I like this model. Good choice, Dani’. Inquisitive or not, there were some things Dani just did not care to know and whether her mom used sex toys was definitely one of them. “Hey! Hi!” Dani shouted as she leaped from the curb and into the street.
Startled, her dad leaned away, lip curled as he looked her up and down, “The hell’s the matter with you?”
“What? Nothing. What do you mean? I’m fine,” Dani rambled, too fast for her words to be seen as anything near casual. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Dad’s bitching about the dresser being too heavy with the drawers in it,” Alex said from inside the truck. To clear the path to the source of Dani’s distress, he lifted a box marked ‘books’ from a stack of three. It was easy for him, thanks to his 6’3 frame, college football physique, and following in her father’s footsteps in the fire department. He set the box down on the other side of the truck and leaned against the open door, crossing his arms as he smirked down at her. “Nice of you and your boyfriend to tear yourselves away from each other to help, Dani.” He chuckled, as usual, thinking he’s funnier than he is as he nodded over Dani’s head. “Hey, Mark.”
“Alex, good to see you again,” Mark nodded back as he joined them, balancing the tray of coffees in one hand and taking a sip of her boba with the other.
“Hey, that’s mine!”
Mark shrugged. “Then why’d you give it to me?” He shot her a wink, then took the coffees, and her boba, over to where her parents were ‘having a discussion’ a few feet away.
“Aww, look,” her brother teased as their mom greeted Mark with a hug he could only return half-way. “He’s even in with the parents.”
Dani turned and scowled up at the stupid look on his face, hand pressed to his heart like the irritating moron he was. “Why are you even here, poop stain? Don’t you have a job you should be at or something?”
“Nope. Took a few vacation days to help my baby sister move into her first big girl apartment.” He shot her an extra-cheesy grin and pushed himself off the doorframe. “We’re gonna move as much furniture as we can first, including your stupid dresser. I’ll bring the drawers over so whoever wants to grab them can.”
“No, wait!” she shouted, scurrying up the ramp. She pushed her brother to the side and walked past him. “I’ll get them myself.”
“Whatever, psycho,” Alex mumbled. “What? Worried I’m gonna see your underwear or something? I used to change your diapers.”
“That’s impressive since you were like two when I was born.” Dani rolled her eyes as she slid out the first drawer and walked over to set it down by the door. “And yes, as a matter of fact, I don’t need you or dad seeing my panties ok?”
“Ugh,” Alex grimaced as she walked past for the second drawer. “Don’t… don’t use that word.”
“What? Panties?” she asked as she placed drawer number two on top of the first and went back for the one causing all the trouble. Mark could take the first two, and she’d take the third. Easy peasy and no one else would have to know what was hiding inside.
“Yes. It’s gross. Coming out of your little sister’s mouth, it’s gross.”
Balancing the drawer on her hip, Dani plucked out a pair of black lace panties and dangled them in Alex’s face. “Panties, panties, panties, Alex,” she laughed, chasing him to the other side of the truck. “Eww… so gross!”
“Mom!” Alex shouted, cowering in the corner as he tried to block the assault. “Dani’s shoving her underwear in my face!”
“I don’t feel bad for you,” their mom shouted back. “I seem to recall you chasing her around the house with your cup after football practice. Payback’s a bitch, Alex.”
“Ha!” Dani cheered. She got one more hit against the side of his head before he pushed her back and jumped out of the truck.
Red-faced, he pointed up at her from the ground while the rest of them laughed at the show. “I’m getting you back for that, shithead.”
“Ooh…” Dani shivered mockingly. “I’m so scared.”
“Fuck your drawers, Dani.”
“When you say drawers, do you mean…” Alex cut her off with a glare, but she raised her eyebrows and mouthed the word anyway.
Lips pressed together as he tried not to laugh, Mark handed back her still full boba and grabbed the two drawers. “I’ll take these,” he said in a pinched voice.
“Thank you, Mark,” she smiled sweetly. Not trusting her brother to not spill or spit in her drink, she placed the cup in the drawer and got a better hold with both hands. “I’ll get the doors open and stuff before we take more up, k?” she told her dad as she walked down the ramp.
“Yeah, alright,” her dad grumbled with a nod. “Don’t be putzing around up there though, we’re burnin’ daylight here.”
“We won’t, Dad,” she grinned as she and Mark passed.
“So I was gonna give Alex his coffee but I figured he might have thrown it at you,” Mark mumbled as they made their way up to the door.
“Nah,” Dani laughed. “He’s all bark and no bite but I understand your concern.” She walked up the porch steps and stopped, looking at what was hanging on doorknob then down at the drawer in her arms. “Ah, crap. I gotta get the key from the lockbox. Here.” She turned around and placed her drawer on top of the two Mark was carrying, making him grunt as the height of which brought all of her undergarments up to his chin.
“So umm… did Ashley move her stuff in yet?”
“Yeah, yesterday. Today she’s showing her sister Sienna around the city,” Dani explained as she punched in the code the landlord gave her. She glanced over her shoulder and held in a laugh at the sight of Mark, cheeks red, and trying very hard to look anywhere but at what was right under his nose. His eyes trailed down, then shot to the side as he cleared his throat and she resumed the task at hand before he could catch her watching. “Hey, what were you going to tell me earlier?” she asked as she got the key from the box and inserted it in the lock.
“What?” he croaked.
“When I ran off you were about to say something.” She pushed open the heavy wood door, turned back around and took the drawer off his hands. “What was it?”
“Oh.” One corner of his mouth twitched in a shaky half-smile as his blush grew deeper still. “I… I just wanted to say that I uh, I missed you.”
The smile she returned spread slowly across her face. “I missed you too, Mark. Like a lot.”
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hazzastylesfanfics · 4 years
Part 1/?
i’m back bitches
the maddness & boredom of this pandemic have finally hit so naturally i sat down to write for the first time in seven years .....
tell me if it’s shit/if i should continue !!
k thanks love u all <3
239 days. 239 days since him.
1 day. 1 day since him.
Some days I wonder if fate is real. I wonder if there really is a so-called “god” up there. Maybe there really is a divine power running my life, or maybe it’s all just one big shit show I’m struggling to keep together.
It’s 2 a.m. and I’m still pointlessly scrolling through Instagram looking at the same posts I’ve seen already. I open my profile and scroll through. Pictures of me posing with my friends, at wineries, and drunk nights out fill my feed. There’s no mention of him. I finally brought myself to delete them a few months back. I lock my phone and close my eyes. Sleep soon overtakes me.
The morning arrives far too early for my liking. Charlie is biting my hair, demanding her breakfast. I grab my phone to check the time: 5 a.m. I groan and pull the covers over my head hoping she’ll leave me alone. I just about fall back asleep when I hear a crash.
“Charlie, seriously?!” I sit up to see she’s shoved a candle off of my windowsill onto the ground and shattered it. “I swear to god, I’m gonna release you back into the wild,” I grumble.
She meows at me frantically until I give in and feed her. The thing they don’t tell you about getting a kitten is the fact you no longer run your life, the little spawn from hell does. She’s lucky she’s cute. I quickly sweep up the remains of my candle and fall back into bed.
Two hours later my alarm clock rudely awakens me for work. I feel like I’ve barely slept and one glance in the mirror confirms that feeling. A quick shower wakes me up just enough to drag my ass out the door.
I see my bus pulling away from my stop and frantically run toward it, shouting at the driver to stop. Maybe because it’s pouring rain or maybe because I look so distraught, but the driver takes pity on me and lets me hop on. I thank her as I sit in the nearest open seat. I’ve already been late to work three times in the past month and I can’t let Lana cover for me again.
The bus ride is a short one to the little coffee shop I’ve called work for over a year. It’s locally owned and loved by hipsters all around. I still wonder how I managed to get the job since I barely fit the bill of the “alternative” type that work alongside me. Lana was my first friend there. If you searched “Portland native” online, a picture of her would pop up. She’s adorable and dainty, covered in random tattoos she gets when she’s bored. She just dyed her hair blonde and cut her own blunt bangs. Her nose is decorated with a ring that she drunkenly tried to pierce herself, but I convinced her otherwise. She wears whatever the hell she feels like and exudes confidence in it all. She has the type of personality that draws you in but keeps you just enough at a distance to shroud her in mystery. I love the girl as much as I envy her.
We arrive at my stop and I thank the driver as I exit the bus. It’s still pouring so I run the two blocks to get to work. I see Lana happily chatting to a customer as I walk through the front door to the back room.
“Morning, Grey!” She chirps at me.
I drop my bag where there’s space and wash my hands before heading back out front.
“Jesus, girl, you look like hell,” Lana says as she thrusts a double espresso into my hands. “Rough night?”
“I was stuck with my own thoughts again.” I take a sip. It tastes more bitter than usual. “Also, Charlie decided my candle was much better in multiple pieces on the floor at 5 a.m.”
She laughs. “You still feel good about taking a stray in?”
“She was lonely and needed a home, okay?”
“Sucker,” Lana mumbles before turning her attention to the customer walking up to the front counter.
Thursday mornings always pass by fairly quickly. Customers are buzzing about Friday fast approaching, so most are in a pleasant mood. No amount of espresso can wake me up though. Some days I prefer zoning out and making drinks, especially days like this. Interactions with customers take it out of me. I don’t know how Lana does it so well.
“Erm, yeah, I’ll take a small black coffee, please.”
His voice instantly takes me out of my daydreams. That smooth, slow voice. I glance over at the register to see Lana helping the same guy that had captivated me two days earlier. Those chocolate brown curls look even softer than when I saw him in the bookstore. How the hell was that even possible? I stare for so long the milk I am steaming overflows onto my hand, burning me and eliciting a yelp. Lana and this beautiful man both turn their attention toward me. I laugh it off nervously and mumble something about being clumsy. Lana turns her attention back to the man, but he doesn’t break his gaze from me. He holds eye contact for another brief moment before thanking Lana for his coffee and dropping money into the tip jar. I am frozen in place, well aware that I need to stop staring like a fool.
I often visited Powell’s on my days off. It wasn’t hard to spend hours upon hours among the books, exploring each floor of the store. I rarely bought anything; I mostly came for the experience. I loved the smell of a new book. A thrill always came with picking up a random one and delving into what it had to offer between its two covers.
I was doing just that in the World Religions section when I heard his voice.
“Excuse me.”
My eyes snapped up from the current title intriguing me. There he was, clearly trying to get by me. I had absentmindedly parked myself in the middle of the aisle making it impossible for anyone to pass me. My ears grew hot as I mumbled an apology and took a step back.
He laughed lightly and glanced at the book in my hands. “Buddhism, huh? Let me know when you figure out the secret to enlightenment.” He chuckled again.
This is when I really got a good look at him. He was tall with lanky arms and legs to match, and a torso that looked like it never ended. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt that revealed many, many tattoos decorating his arms. My eyes instantly locked in on an anchor inked on the top of his left wrist. My exploration led me down to his hands, adorned with multiple rings. Finally, I brought my eyes up to his face. My god, did it take my breath away. His jaw was sharp and covered in stubble. His brunette curls sat atop his head in an impossibly perfect way. His smile though. I nearly dropped my book. If I believed in angels, they would have been singing at that moment.
I made a weak attempt at laughing and stumbled over my words, but nothing that resembled English came out of my mouth.
He flashed an even brighter smile and said, “Let me know if you need any recommendations.” And just like that, he turned the corner and disappeared. I didn’t realize I had been holding my breath until my chest started to hurt from the lack of air to my lungs. I bought the book in my hands and hurried out of the store.
He consumed my thoughts well into the night.
Now, as if a gift from the heavens above, this god is standing in my workplace. I suddenly become very aware of my lack of makeup and haphazard bun.
He catches my eyes once more before turning away from the register and walking out the front door. He was gone. I just let this act of god walk out the door and I would never see him again.
“Um, earth to Grey?” Lana playfully pokes me in the ribs.
“Huh, what? Shit.”
“You need me to finish up that cappuccino there?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” I robotically step back from the espresso machine and let her take over. She finishes the drink in less than a minute and apologizes to the visibly impatient customer as she hands it over the bar.
Lana turns to me. “Okay, what the hell was that?”
I stand with my mouth hanging open, still trying to grasp the past five minutes. “Well, long story short I think I royally fucked up letting that guy walk out the door.”
“You’re telling me, babe, he was gorgeous. Do you know him?” I detect a hint of jealously in her voice.
“No, uh, not really. We had a short interaction at Powell’s a couple of days ago but it was nothing. I made a fool out of myself more than anything.”
“And how do you think you did this time around?” Her laugh rings in my ears.
“Okay, in my defense he ambushed me at my workplace so that is not my fault!” I huff. “You weren’t much help either,” I point out.
“What was I supposed to do?” She is still laughing.
“I don’t know,” I mumble. “He was staring too though, right? That wasn’t my own delusion?”
“Oh yeah, babe he was staring alright. He looked like he wanted to take you right then and there on the counter.”
I bite my lip. That didn’t sound like half a bad idea. My ears grow hot at the thought.
I feel a gentle pinch on my arm and flinch away. “Hello! Grey! Hate to interrupt your fantasy but we have customers.” I glance over her shoulder to see a small line has built up.
Three o’clock finally rolls around and I’m free. Lana had gotten off an hour earlier than me, but couldn’t stay to talk more. My thoughts are too preoccupied with that handsome stranger to be much company anyway. The manic side of me wants to walk straight to Powell’s in hopes he would be there. I get ahold of myself however and make my way back to my apartment.
Charlie greets me with vigor the second I walk through the door. She seems to have gotten this idea that whenever I come home means dinnertime for her. When I don’t give in, she destroys shit. Exhibit A: this morning. It’s not like she’s starving. My neighbor had discovered this little kitty outside of the apartment complex one morning while taking her dog for a walk. The landlord only allows one animal per apartment, so she couldn’t keep her. At the time, Charlie practically sprouted angel wings and a halo so I couldn’t say no. A week into having her revealed her true nature: demon. She’s into everything all. of. the. time. She frequently digs the dirt out of my houseplants and eats it. Her favorite game is launching herself onto the screens in my windows to attack bugs. She even tries to shower with me. Despite her faults though, I can’t help but love her. Living by myself can be lonely. I find myself trying to have full conversations with her sometimes shortly before questioning my sanity.
I change into an oversized band tee and settle onto the brown leather sofa in my living room. Charlie jumps up beside me, purring loudly. I pull the yellow blanket neatly folded next to me onto my lap and try to shut my brain off. The rest of my shift exhausted me and thinking about that guy did not help much. I have to accept the fact that fate was really doing me a solid and in return, I gave it the finger. This beautiful stranger entered my life twice in 48 hours and I didn’t do a damn thing about it. Charlie climbs into my lap and curls into a ball, content.
I wake up hours later to a dark apartment. One glance at my phone reveals I dozed off longer than I intended to. Miraculously, Charlie let me sleep through her dinner. The moment she notices I am awake, she starts yowling at me for dinner. I oblige with a small scoop of food in her bowl. I then venture to the fridge and heat up leftover pasta for my meal. I sit at the small table in my narrow kitchen and stare out the window. My view isn’t much - just a look onto my neighbors’ balconies who also live in this complex. I make a mental note that the plants on the windowsill need water. I rinse out my bowl and leave it in the sink, not bothered to do the dishes tonight. I’m exhausted and welcome the softness of my bed.
I open the next morning and it feels like actual hell when my alarm goes off at 4:30. Charlie loves days I’m up this early though, she gets an early breakfast. I don’t bother to change out of the band tee I slept in and pull on a pair of ripped denim shorts. True to Oregon’s style, today is supposed to be a direct contrast of the previous day: blue skies and sunny. Summers in Portland never fail to keep me on my toes. I quickly fix my hair into messy French braid pigtails on either side of my head and throw on a coat of mascara for good measure.
I never have an issue with opening during the summer. The sun has risen enough that there is a soft morning light to guide me on my walk to the bus stop. Winters freak out because it’s pitch black and weird people ride the bus this early in the morning.
The shop is dark when I arrive. I turn my key in the lock, step in, and lock it behind me. The one time I forgot to do this, a homeless person wandered in and refused to leave. He didn’t want anything, just continued to have a conversation with himself. I always make sure to double-check the door now. I turn on the lights and flip on the espresso machine. I set up the freshly baked pastries in the front case in an attractive manner. Just as I open the register to count the till I hear a tap on the front door. I don’t look up. It’s either a customer trying to come in early or another homeless person. I quietly count each bill out loud, enter the opening total, and tap “open” on the screen. Again, I hear a knock on the door. I look up in irritation. Whoever thinks they need their coffee this early in the morning can wait another 15 minutes until I formally open the doors.
It’s him.
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shirleenshamsie · 4 years
Shouta Aizawa x reader
You sighed as you pulled off your long black wig and set it on its stand. "hey Affi," you cooed as your cat jumped on the bathroom counter to greet you. "let me just take off my makeup and I'll get you dinner." You gave her a kiss on the head as you scratched behind her ears, making her purr loudly. You watched yourself in the mirror as you wiped off your lipstick and eyeliner, silently noting everything you'd have to change for tomorrow. It was your first day at UA and you'd be lying if you said you weren't scared shitless. You put food in Affi's dish and a little more water in her bowl before throwing together a lunch and breakfast-to-go and throwing both in your mini fridge. Finally, you stretched as you laid down on your bed. Affi jumped up and curled up against your side as you turned on light classical music to help you sleep and your alarms to make sure you didn't miss your first day.
You stood at the front gate with anticipation. You choose not to wear your wig and instead showed your short light purple hair. You wore a plain dust mask with the excuse of bad allergies and anxiety, but it was really to hide your face. You took a deep breath, hitched your backpack up and started into the building. Class 1-A. You waere a few minutes early, quickly finding a seat at the back of the room. You took out your notebook and a pen and waited with anticipation. You were surprised when the teacher walked in caring a sleeping bag. Jeez, he looks as tired as you feel, but there was a rugged charm about him that caught your attention. 'Shuota Aizawa, I like it. Wait, fuck, what am I thinking? I shouldn't even be thinking about that, he's my teacher, he just sees a high schooler and it needs to stay that way.’ You let out a quiet, frustrated sigh, mussing your hair under your hat so it covered your eyes more.
We were all led outside to do physical tests to test the limits of our quirks. Of course, you were at a disadvantage from everyone else, your quirk is mental. You effectively failed the combat part of the entrance exam but aced the written portion. You got pulled into a meeting after the entrance exams where your quirk was tested, and they accepted you. Now we’re supposed to use our quirks to show how physically powerful or strong we are? This is stupid. You gotta be honest, you’ve heard rumors that Aizawa is a tough but good teacher, but this is disappointing. How can he be a teacher here and not understand that not every powerful quirk is physical? Nevertheless, you held your own in most of the tests, you’re not a slob so you were above average in many areas so far. Mr. Aizawa’s words echoed in your head during these tests. ‘I was going to be expelled on the first day. Maybe if I can just do better than Midoriya…’
“F/N L/N.” Mr. Aizawa stopped you as you were walking up to take your turn on the long jump.
“Yes, sir?” You lowered your head but kept eye contact with his as he spoke.
“You don’t need to hold back your quirk in these tests, you can do what you need to do to perform your best.” He spoke in what we quickly learned was his trademark bored tone.
“With all due respect,” You broke eye contact and looked at the ground in front of you. “these tests are unfairly biased to people with physically powerful quirks. Not all powerful or useful combat quirks are physical.”
“What is your quirk exactly, your file only says ‘Soul capture’, explain it.”
“I can take someone’s soul out of their body and hold it captive in my mind. Conversely I can also force my own soul into someone else’s body and control it as my own.” The class filled with murmurs as people talked about your quirk, but you couldn’t quite hear what they were saying.
“Hmm.” Mr. Aizawa thought for a moment before turning to the class causing them to silence instantly. “Does anyone want to volunteer to lend Miss L/N their body?”
“Wait, what!?” You yelp in shock. The class stayed quiet for a moment before Iida stepped forward.
“I’ll do it, it would be very interesting to see personally how this works.” He said standing tall.
“Good, L/N, lets see what you can do.” Mr. Aizawa stepped back as Iida approached you.
“What happens to me when you . . . possess me?”
“U-um, it’s like going to sleep for you, you won’t remember anything. A-are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, I can figure it out myself if you don’t fee-“
“It’s okay Y/N, just don’t kill me,” he gave a halfhearted chuckle, but you could tell he was a little nervous about this.
“I promise I won’t.” You reach up and put a hand on his shoulder, activating your quirk.
 Third person POV
The class watched in anticipation as Y/N put her hand on Iida’s shoulder and her eyes turned black with glowing red iris’s. Without warning, Y/N’s body went limp as Iida effortlessly caught her in one arm before he looked at the other, balling his hand into a fist and stretching his fingers out again. He gently laid Y/N’s body on the ground before walking to the start line and quickly stretching his legs. The class watched him get in position, close his eyes with a deep breath, before running even faster than he was before and taking a leap. They watched in amazement as he jumped much further than his first jump, but it wasn’t really Iida, it was Y/N in there doing the jumping.
“Woah, she did better in Iida’s body than he did in his own body!” Uraraka exclaimed.
“Good, now give Iida his body back.” Mr. Aizawa stated as he made scribbles in a folder,
Y/N walked back over to her unconscious body and got down on her knees before Iida’s body slumped and Y/N’s body started moving again.
Iida groaned slightly before looking around. “Did something go wrong? Did it not work?”
“It worked just fine, L/N told you that you wouldn’t remember anything.” Mr. Aizawa stated before calling up the next person.
 Reader POV
You told Iida what you had done while you were possessing his body as the rest of the class continued the long jumps. You explained the ergonomics of what you had done compare to his own jump as well as a few other tips to make his movements even more efficient.
“I never thought about doing it quite like that, I’ll be sure to remember that. Thank you, Y/N.”
Class finished smoothly after that, Mr. Aizawa didn’t pressure you to possess anyone else for the tests which you were thankful for, you don’t like possessing others unless you must. The whole class was relieved when Mr. Aizawa said he was bluffing when he said he was going to expel the student in last place.
“Miss L/N, I need to speak with you.” He stated as everyone gathered their belongings to leave. Well crap, that’s never a good sign. Even you knew that, and this is your first time going to school. You slowly approach his desk as the last of your classmates exit the room. “Relax L/N, I’m not going to bite you (OH WHAT A LIE!!! Sry). I wanted to talk to you about your quirk and this class.”
“Yes sir?”
“I want to make sure you realize you are going to have to work harder than your classmates in a lot of areas because your quirk is not physical. Are you going to be okay with that?”
“Yes sir, I know my quirk isn’t flashy or anything, but I’m still determined to stay at UA no matter what’s thrown at me. And you’re proof that you don’t need a showy quirk to be a pro hero.” I looked down as my face headed up. Am I blushing? Thank god for this mask! You look up and to your surprise Mr. Aizawa was trying to hide a light blush on his own face.
“Good, well as long as you know this won’t be easy for you. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He stood up grabbing a stack of papers and left the room.
Did he blush at my compliment? He’s probably not used to compliments, he’s so cold to everyone they probably don’t try to talk to him much unless they need to. You wonder how he’d react to a more direct compliment, what would go through his mind? You shook your head and tried to clear the thoughts of him. You look at your watch. Yeah, I got time to stop for food before getting ready for work.
Aizawa POV
This has never been an issue for me. That felt like an honest comment of admiration which I don’t often deal with so directly. But what’s really causing me an issue is the feelings stirred inside of me, they’re unfamiliar and I don’t like that. Get your mind out of the gutter, I’m not a pervert or pedo, but something is different about her. She’s very… mature. She may look 15 or 16 especially with that mask and her shy act but there’s no way she’s actually that young. That mask somehow makes her shy act a lot more adorable… wait WHAT?? NO! Stop thinking about that you idiot and do your work!!
I grunted as I hit my head on the table before running my hand through my hair and pulling the stack of papers closer to me.
 Your POV
You finish stuffing the food in your mouth as you slip into the bar, holding your long cloak shut and clutching your bag to your chest. The bar wasn’t open for the night yet, so you relaxed as you headed for the stairs.
“Oh Y/N” you hear the velvet baritone voice sing.
“Not now Haru, I need to get ready for work.” I called behind me as I ran down the stairs.
“Then I’ll help, darling we both know if I let you dress yourself, you’d look homeless.” He said as he followed.
Is it possible to be any more of a queen? You thought to yourself. “Fine, only cuz I don’t want to hear your comments all night.” You say as you took off your mask, hat, cloak and start undoing your uniform. You had no issues getting undressed in front of Haruto Takumi, I mean why would it bother you? He is your designated gay best friend after all. Plus, he’s right, you have no sense of style. He’s also the only one that knows you falsified records to get into UA and is all in with helping you lead your double life. You know full well it’s partially for selfish reasons though.
“Soooooooo?” He asks excitedly as he pulls out a monster truck shirt with a methodically torn back and a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
“Sooo?” You ask playing dumb.
Haru dramatically throws the clothes down on the bed as you head to the bathroom to ready your wig. “Did you get to see him? All Might? Is he as breathtaking in person? How tall is he? How big is he? Not down there, I wanna find that out on my own, I mean like his muscles, his pecks, are his abs really like a washbo-“
“DUDE! You really need to get yourself a boyfriend. Seriously, I’m not answering those questions for you.” You say, stepping out with your long, wavy black wig now secured on your head.
“Ugh, can you at least get a picture with him so I can get an idea?”
“He’s five foot four in real life.” You state bluntly as you pulled the shirt on.
“WHAT?? NO, THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE!” Haru looked heartbroken for a second before you burst out laughing.
“We haven’t met him yet, but you should have seen your face just now.”
“You bitch. You can finish getting yourself ready for that. You know you have to sing tonight right? Did you get the setlist?” He asked from the door.
“Yeah, thanks.” You grumbled. You really love singing and music, but you’re expected to sing a specific … kind of music (think in this moment, blood, whore, sick like me, ect.). You have fun performing but you wish the music was almost anything except that stuff, it grinds at you after a while not to mention the strain on your voice to scream all the time. Your primary job here is security, with your efficient hand to hand combat skills not to mention your quirk, the owner was practically begging you to work for him after seeing you in an underground fight. ‘You’re pretty, you look pretty harmless, and you can quickly take down a bunch of aggressors, exactly what I need.’ Was more or less what he said. You said sure and started working there after your 18th birthday so it was all legal. That was almost two years ago now and you couldn’t believe it. You hummed to Affi as you put your lip ring back in and applied makeup before giving her a small snack and heading to work.
If you want to read more please go to my wattpad, I’m going to try to continue the story there. 
 Thank you :)
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