#alice jackson
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Gonna start posting these along with normal incorrect quotes cause these are so fun to make
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huffle-dork · 4 months
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I keep scrambling to get these weeks done god I need weeks to be nicer to meeee
But here have a cute Dr. J and his daughter Alice for JJ’s septicart week <3
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insomniac-shado · 4 days
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THEMMMM AAAAAAH ignore funky lighting Im in a restaurant rn LOL
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ask-spooky-manor · 3 months
Do you guys have any general hobo heart hcs??
Yep! For a general heads up, asking for headcanons are always welcome cause the art takes a while to make, and this helps keep the blog active.
General Hobo Heart Headcanons
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- In this blog’s universe, he’s a reaper who’s been assigned the specific role of feeding a tree souls to keep it from releasing the spirits of some really dangerous entities
- He despises the job as he believes it messes with the whole point of an afterlife, which is an eternal rest (as long as you don’t end up in Hell). His souls don’t get that chance as they are literally being eaten.
- He’s the only character that isn’t part of any of the the main three groups (Slender’s Manor, Zalgo’s Troops, Sadie’s Shelter). He’s just a lone wolf doing his thing.
- Personality wise, he’s very work driven putting his duties above all else. Despite his big, buff, and scary appearance he’s actually a calm and gentle soul who’s very chivalrous in nature. He’s responsible and has a bit of a blunt attitude but generally speaking he’s a cool guy
- He’s dating both Brian and Zero, which is such a wild choice as they both feel like his opposite in every way (Zero especially), but he likes that about them. They were also a package deal, so if Heart wanted to date one he had to date the other. Fine by him cause he likes them both.
- Because of his partners, he has started to integrate himself in society a little more as they have expressed that it’s important to actually enjoy life as long as they have it. So far, his favorite modern thing are amusement parks both for the adrenaline high and the fact that the various accidents makes his job a tiny bit easier.
- He does have a human disguise, all reapers do, but he barely uses it unless he really has to.
- He hates shirts. They feel too constricting, and they feel a little off when he has that massive heart shaped hole in his chest.
- Any chance he gets, he makes sure to go out and take care of stray animals to keep them well fed and healthy.
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angel-atelier · 11 days
Alice & Ann
I was refamilarizing myself with zero since I only remembered some of her backstory, and I found out that her best friend was named Ann, which got me thinking...
⦻ So, in my AU Alice and Ann are college roommates who have a very love-hate relationship. They're eachothers only friends but they don't particularly like each other. They wouldn't be friends if they weren't roomates.
⦻ Ann took a gap year so she feels really behind compared to her peers, she doesn't know how to connect with other freshmen and people her own age seem unapproachable. They're so much more mature, they have this college thing all figured out meanwhile Ann's left in the dust.
⦻ Alice is a psychology student and Ann is in nursing with a psych minor, so they have a few over lapping classes which doesn't help with their tension. They feel they can't branch out and make new friends because they other one is "holding them back." This isnt true of course, they both just don't know how to make friends lol
⦻ Despite this, they do really love and care for eachother, they just aren't that emotionally developed to express their issues without being petty or getting in big fights. They are all each other has, they can't afford to not be friends.
⦻ Alice also has her own hangups that exasperate her mental health. Alice's uncle and caretaker lives nearby, so she visits him on some weekends. Before college, her mental state was the worst it's ever been, and it seems to suddenly stop when she goes to college. She does get better briefly, but it does it last for long. She never put in the work to better herself or even acknowledge the issues she had pent up for so long. She begins talking to Zero again. She's her only real friend, she tells her. Ann is just holding you back, pretending to be your friend. You can't trust her.
⦻ So after months of struggling with her mental health, Zero infecting her, and growing resentment towards Ann, she snaps.
⦻ Halloween night 2006, Ann prepares to go to a party. This will be her big break! She'll make some friends, maybe hookup with someone, who knows what the nighy will bring. Ann's costume is a black dominatrix-esque nurse outfit. She thinks the outfit is a bit funny, but she hopes it will bring some attention her way.
⦻ Alice, now Zero, had gone home earlier that day to see her uncle and get her. Unbeknownst to Ann, Zero had gone home and murdered her uncle, alongside burning down her house.
⦻ When Zero gets back to the dorm, Ann is finishing up her makeup, back turned away from the door. "Oh hey. Where've ya been? Thought I'd have to go without you." Zero doesn't respond. Ann turns back to look at her. She's bloodied with white skin and hair.
⦻ Frowning, Ann put down her lipstick."You're wearing that? Don'tcha think it's a little bit intense for a college party? It's gonna scare away anyon-" Before Ann could finish, Zero hit her over the head repeatedly, killing her. She dismembers her body, leaving a horrific display of blood and gore inside their small dorm.
⦻ As Zero escapes into the night to continue her reign of terror, Ann's body begins to reconnect itself on its own.
There's other changes (to zero) too but that'll be for a different post!
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megaeagle-11032001 · 1 year
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Alice and scp-035 kissed
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batcavescolony · 5 months
Poseidon: I can do one of two things. I can be the God of the Sea or I can control Perseus Jackson. I cannot possibly do both.
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all-too-unwell-13 · 4 months
imagine reading a book and not making it your entire personality for at least 5 months
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faunshiii · 2 months
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more renegade nell stuff.... and thank you so much for all the love on my morgana wip whaaatttttt????? i'll post the finished drawing and some other stuff soon :DDDD
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liv45no · 5 months
Mary, new to the gang: soooo what’s the best bromance in here?
James and Sirius: *pointing at each other*
James: I actually have a lot of bromances
Sirius: you’re seeing other bros??
James: dude, bro-
Sirius: bro??
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indigomood · 2 months
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spidernuggets · 6 months
this happen to anyone when they've joined a new fandom?
they have that one favourite character, and when i say favourite, i mean like reading every fanfiction of them in existence, imagining fake scenarios, etc, etc.
But then that character has one or more love interests, then you'd get jealous even though that character isn't even real and you'd have no chance to be in a relationship with them, especially compared to their love interests?
yeah, that's me.
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insomniac-shado · 4 months
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Flexing my multishippin skillz
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ryuzumisama · 4 months
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Went to ECCC yesterday and I made this Cullen sibling gang gang print just for the occasion 😅 Got Alice (Ashley Greene) and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) to sign it!
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lupus-dei · 3 months
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obsessed with her, your honor.
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megaeagle-11032001 · 1 year
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Megaeagle as date Yumi, swap catrina, swap yumi, classic yumi
Megaeagle as Alice the black angel and eve the nurse plague
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