#if anything that should make you wonder why i haven't returned yet!! what a load of bullshit!!
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
My beloved! I do not know if you watched the recent lore stream ( if you haven't please! Watch it before answering my ask! ) I was wondering if you could do something with eret and foolish where instead of foolish dying it's the reader? And the reader is on her last life after she died from badboyhalo? Just some angst ( please I wanna cry out my feelings after this stream omg- and plus your my favorite writer so yea :p)
Have an amazing day! <3
BELOVED! EEEEEEE I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE ERET FOR SOOOOO LOOOOONG YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I'm just going to make it an Eret x Reader because I don't know Foolish's character too well if that's okay?
(ALso, you will make me cry from all these compliments, please ;^;)
I actually am adding onto this because I want to make a hybrid reader for once, hope you don't mind! ^^
My Monarch (C!Eret x GN!Butterfly Hyrbid!Reader)
You giggled softly, your beautiful paper-thin wings flitting behind you as you hopped around Eret's room while he got his newly tailored red cloak chained together, "My goodness, monarch, you're going to waste up all your energy before the party even begins!" He laughed at your reddened cheeks while he put his crown on top of his neatly styled hair, putting his sunglasses on shortly after, "How do I look?"
"Like a true queen!" You chirped, adjusting your outfit in the mirror beside your lover before frowning and taking the glasses away from her, "Ah, ah, nope. If I'm having my wings out of my cloak, you aren't wearing your sunglasses, darling, we've been over this."
The royal huffed and gave a small pout but didn't argue much on the matter, as they did, in fact, practically beg you to keep your wings out for display for the banquet. With a small chuckle, they reached over and picked up your crown that was decorated with rainbows of jewels, placing it on your styled (h/l) (h/c) hair, being mindful of your antennae, "There... There's my monarch."
You blushed slightly at the nickname and gave a small giggle as you took his hand, "Come on, let's get going, Bad will get impatient if we're late." Eret gave a nod with a smile, leading you towards the door and out of his castle.
The two of you were happily chatting with each other as you travelled to the stairway that led underground, happily saying hellos to your 'mama' Puffy, who gave you typical motherly affection, ie: smooshing your cheeks as she gave you a light headbutt while calling you every motherly compliment in the book, and anyone else that was also invited to the Banquet. When you arrived, you took a sharp breath as you saw the room filled with red vines crawling and writhing everywhere, it sickened you... But, this was about Bad apologizing, and you supposed that you could put your discomfort off to the side for just a little bit.
Eret, being the gentleman she was, pulled out your chair for you and gestured for you to sit down, smiling softly as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down in the chair. She pushed you in and sat in the chair to your left, Puffy on your right, gently taking your hand once she was tucked into the table.
You were so anxious that you could barely focus on the speech Bad was giving, until your ears and antennae picked up the sound and scent of running lava which successfully shook you out of your thoughts, but before you could mention anything to Eret, you heard a chuckle.
"Now, prepare to die."
There was a chorus of gasps that tore from everyone's mouths as the sound of lava got louder. You lifted your head from staring at the red soup in the bowl in front of you and looked around in horror as you saw lava blocking the exits. You felt Eret tighten their grip on your hand, but by then your heart was already racing in fear and your wings were shifting around nervously.
"Oh my god!"
"We've been walled in!"
"After all that?!"
Bad tossed his empty glass bottle to the side, causing it to shatter on the ground below and get greedily grabbed at by the red vines, "Well uh, that's right."
"Bad, what about turning over this leaf?!" Captain Puffy snapped, slamming her mostly empty bottle of water down on the table as she stood up.
The nine-foot-tall demon seemed to nonchalantly brush off her outburst and shook his head lamely, "No, the leaf is staying the way it is." He sat up properly in his chair and rested his elbows on the warped wooden table to hold his chin in his hands.
"Is... There any way out?" You asked aloud, quickly spinning around, looking for any gap that you could possibly fly through. Eret quickly wrapped his arm around you, his white eyes wide with slight hints of fear that he was used to hiding with his glasses.
"No! There's literally no way out!" Fundy cried out, restlessly shuffling and running around, trying to find anything everyone could use to escape.
HBomb gave a small shriek of pain as he burned his hand on the lava, "It is real lava! It is real lava!" He gasped out as Puffy quickly made him shove his hand into the bowl of beat soup. Bad calmly walked over and gave him a glimmering gold apple with a sickly sweet smile.
"You should try not to die yet, HBomb." He chuckled softly as he returned to his seat once the man eagerly bit into the potion soaked fruit, desperate to get rid of the burning sensation.
Puffy took a few deep breaths and held out her arms, trying to get everyone to stop freaking out completely, "We're fine, we're fine, we're fine! I- I didn't trust you, Bad, I didn't trust you at all. I didn't trust Antfrost. I knew! I knew something was up, it's unfortunate to say I can't trust either one of you... Because... I planned this..."
She eagerly ripped off the red silken table cloth to reveal a chest buried in the table, spilling drinks and soup everywhere for the vines to eagerly writhe towards, "Oh?! What?!" Bad gasped, his mouth parting in shock... Before it fell bad into a devious smile as Puffy gave a cry of confusion, finding the chest completely empty, "Oh? Were you... Looking for this, perchance?"
Bad equipped diamond enchanted armour and held up an enchanted diamond sword that glimmered in the light of the lava, Ant, Ponk... And Hannah... Doing the same, "Sorry Puffy. I had to do it..." Hannah Rose walked over and sat in the empty seat on Bad's left.
"Do... What, Hannah? Why?!" The Ram hybrid whispered in horror.
"I had to tell them." She responded simply, blinking a few times as her eyes went from a forest coloured green to redder than the colour of the egg's vines slithering around your ankles, "The egg..."
Biting back a sob, you looked at Hannah, "You were with them the whole time...?"
Sam stood completely still, looking at the girl sadly, "You... Told them, Hannah?" The warden murmured.
"I had to." She glanced at Bad with a small grin before looking back at her former friends, including you, "It was the only way."
"I'm sorry," Bad started, sounding almost completely genuine, if it wasn't for the crooked smile he was wearing, "I'm sorry Sam, I'm sorry Puffy. But, time to get on to the main event!"
The creeper hybrid held up his hand, pointing one finger to the ceiling to silently tell the Eggpire to hold on for just a moment, "Well... That is, tragic, that you told them about our plans for the armour, but..." You could tell Sam grinned behind his mask as his green eyes gave a few sparks of smugness, "Something, you should know. I had another plan. Because I didn't trust you."
"...What do you mean 'another plan'?" Bad pointed his loaded crossbow at the warden, eyes narrowing into a glare.
"Well," He pulled a remote out of his pocket and scanned it in mock curiosity, "I think, that we all can agree, that this has gone on long enough now. I'm tired of all this fighting. So I say we just blow the egg up. For good, this time, with an amount of TNT that it can't survive... So I hid a trap..."
'Of course... The creeper hybrid is using TNT...' You thought with a small smile, trying to distract yourself from the heartstopping fear overwhelming your body at the moment as Bad stuttered in surprise.
"A trap?! Wait, what do you mean!?" the demon growled as Sam got up and walked slightly closer to the egg, digging his thumb into the button on the remote he held.
"We did something even you couldn't prepare for!" Puffy shouted as TNT began to rain out of a small gap in the ceiling.
Eret, worrying for your safety and how the sounds or smell of gunpowder would affect your hypersensitive senses, pulled you close and she wrapped you in her cloak. You desperately grasped at the fabric of her red dress as she covered your ears in an attempt to make the loud booms easier for your insect senses to handle.
By the time it stopped and Eret let you go, there were shocked gasps and the egg... Had... Turned to crying obsidian? "You guys-" Bad had to take a breath through his maniacal laughter to wipe a tear, "You really thought you could defeat the egg? With TNT? After Quackity tried that, we took proper... Preparations. And we made it so that we wouldn't have to worry about TNT anymore, thank you very much!"
"I think you mean precautions..." You murmured quietly, curling in on yourself and hiding behind Eret slightly when you saw soulless white eyes glare in your directions.
"Shut up, (Y/n)." He huffed, and Eret had to physically stop Puffy from storming over and fighting the man in diamond armour with her bare hands, "Now, would you all please kindly make your way over here... We can begin the summary executions."
Shock flooded through your veins at how eagerly Bad hopped out of his chair them walked over to where the Egg, the crying obsidian fading away, and standing on a platform. There was a chorus of shocked cries and just cries in general as Bad waved his crossbow around, "What about the speeches man?!" Fundy growled, glaring at Bad as he tried to get you all to leave the table.
"Oh, that was all just to lull you into a false sense of security!" He responded with another crooked smile and a 'duh' tone, "You see, the egg needs something, and it's gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the egg to hatch, it needs energy, and it gets that energy from people dying near it! And that's the role that you guys are gonna fill! We are gonna kill you one by one..."
"You're a monster..." Eret mumbled under their breath, holding your hand tightly, able to feel your racing heart from the pulse in your wrist. This had gone on long enough, sure, destroying everything on the server was one thing, but threatening not only their life, not only their friends' lives, but their lover's life as well! You only had two more before you were gone from this world forever... And by whatever gods were listening, they swore that they were going to protect those final two, even at the risk of their own life.
Bad turned his head, his twisted smile faltering slightly, "What was that, Eret? What did you say?" He leaned closer mockingly, to see if Eret really had the guts to repeat what was just said.
"You're an absolute monster," Eret repeated with a slight growl to his voice this time, taking a step closer to the corrupted man as a threat and also effectively blocking you from Bad's gaze, "How could you? We all trusted you, Bad."
"Trust?!" Ant spoke up for the first time that night, grinning almost like a Cheshire cat, "Okay, Eret... Keep talking. Keep talking about trust."
Sucking a breath through your gritted teeth, you cringed as Ant retorted with a verbal dagger, one he knew would hurt Eret deeply, and hurt her it did, "That was a long time ago!" You snapped immediately, stepping forwards to defend her which definitely caught everyone off guard. You were NOT about to let some egg puppets trash talk your lover, "She's changed!"
"You know what..." Bad hummed, almost comically tapping his finger to his lip before pointing at Eret, "I think, Eret, you would be a perfect person... To sacrifice first!"
Giving a cry of horror, you felt the red vines react to Bad's words and grab you and Eret, successfully yanking you away from each other despite your cries and struggles of protests. The large vines picked Eret up and brought them to the execution platform that Bad was standing on. The entire time, you were trying to run over to grab them, but the vines kept creating a wall and pushing you back, "No! No, no, no!" You screamed desperately, trying to reach out to the crown-wearing lover that was now being held on the platform by the very vines that were holding you back.
"Does anyone have anything?!" Foolish cried, quickly patting his pockets and looking around for anything, anything at all, to use as a weapon.
"I- We have no weapons!"
"No one has anything?! We literally can't do anything about this!"
Bad only chuckled, seeming to find amusement in everyone's distress, "Excellent, excellent, I really appreciate you guys following the directive and not bringing any weapons. That's very courteous of you." He turned towards Eret with his readied crossbow, gleefully ignoring your cries.
"We trusted you!" You yelled, throwing a useless punch at the wall of vines that blocked your way again, everyone roaring at the Eggpire in agreement with your statement.
"Well that was your first mistake," He chided in almost a playful manner, "Did you really think we were just going to stop trying to spread the egg's influence over the server, just because a couple people got mad at the vines? Like, come on. That's been the objective all along. It's been to hatch the egg. The egg wants power, and it's gonna get it."
His finger lightly began tapping at the trigger of his crossbow that had the bolt pointing to your lover's head, which caused a sob to escape past your lips as you finally had enough and finally flew into the air, expertly weaving past the red vines that tried to grab you out of the air. Quickly, you swooped down and reached out for Eret, but you felt something fly past your ear... Then suddenly, the king gave a cry of his own and you felt your flying balance get thrown off, causing you to begin to plummet towards the ground.
The horrified shrieks of your lover, mother figure and your friends rang through your ears as you quickly plummeted towards the earth as a result of gravity, only to be suddenly halted in mid-air which caused your crown to fall to the ground, completely wrapped in vines that clearly didn't care how badly they were bending your wings. You whined in pain at the tight grip, and looked over at your beloved butterfly features, only to give a sob of pain as you saw a large tear had sliced through your right (f/c) wing... "You... You bastard..." You hissed at the demon who came over and reloaded another bolt into his crossbow.
"You know, I think I like your energy more than your lover's." He cupped your chin in an almost loving fashion, causing Eret to immediately lash out and begin barking insults as well as threats. Unfortunately, her violence was ignored as the vines picked her up again, "Your unwavering loyalty, your love, your fierceness despite how fragile you are..."
"Get your hands away from them!" Puffy yelled, she and Foolish going to run to help you, but they were blocked off by the vines in the same way you once were, "For fucks sake Bad! Leave my child alone! They were just defending Eret, you know, their lover?!"
Bad only hummed as the vines lamely tossed Eret to the crowd of people, but thankfully he was caught by Foolish and Sam instead of hitting the ground but his crown hit the ground close to yours, breaking most of the rainbow coloured gems off, "I'm quite aware of their relationship, thank you, Puffy." He stepped back and the vines threw you to the ground on the execution platform, causing you to bounce off the nether bricks harshly before finally rolling into the centre.
Your head was spinning and your sight was blurry, but you still managed to hear the screams of terror from your friends, the begging from Puffy for Bad to leave you alone, and the sobs leaving Eret's throat as they cried out for you, "Monarch... (Y/N)!" They screamed, trying to run to you as well, but unsurprisingly they were held back as well.
It... was funny... You wanted to go to this party so badly... You begged Eret to come to this party, you spent weeks picking out your outfit... You were so excited...
And now here you were... Flightless and beyond concussed...
About to die...
"I love you..." You managed to whisper to Eret before Ant rose his enchanted sword... Then quickly lowering it, piercing through your chest...
"(Y/N)! NO!"
(Y/n) (L/n) was slain by Antfrost. Lives 1/3
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 1
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This was written to celebrate @fuchsiagrasshopper​​ 200 followers. Congrats to you. This is not high literature, just a tiny-bop reader insert style romance. 
Warnings -  sexually explicit, hints of dub/con, possessiveness, love
Pairing - Ivar x Reader            Prompt in bold.
There they were. The same unimpressed brilliant blue eyes. It was the second time that week you had seen them in the back parking lot at school.
The student car park was behind the main building where all those who either drove or smoked cigarettes congregated at lunch to sit in their cars, pump music, and yak. You didn’t smoke but had a car so hung out all the same. Students from neighbouring schools occasionally pulled in to visit, always staying in their cars and keeping a distance as these types of schools were full of rules and someone was always watching. That is where he fits it. The dark-haired guy with the cold eyes and the nice flat-black Camaro. Whether or not he was putting on airs, he looked dubious and the kids always hanging about his car were the shadier bunch in the school.
He had been coming around for a couple of months now and you had locked eyes with him once or twice. Maybe more. He always broke the contact first as if looking at you had been in error. Probably dealt drugs or something similar but honestly, you didn’t know. What you did know, with your sharp eighteen-year-old senses, was to keep to your side of the lot. Maintaining your flawless grades was your first priority with socializing a not to distant second. Plus, you had been single for less than six weeks so boys were not exactly a draw.
So… you thought nothing of it when Mark Hasting approached your locker when the end-of-the-day bell rang. Standing with your closest friends, Kim and Amanda, you were deciding on whose house to meet at after supper. Mark was one of those smoking-out-back-leather-jacket-wearing types but he was friendly with everyone so it wasn’t that out of the blue for him to stop by your locker and chat.
“What’s up ladies,” he smiled, looking rather fit for a guy who had never played sports. “Any plans tonight?”
Kim carried on loading her binders into her locker and Amanda gave a breezy ‘not sure’ shrug so you spoke up as Mark was a nice guy.
“Might meet up with some of the others at the beach by my place after dark. What are you up to?”
“Me and some of the guys are going to meet behind Macdonald’s at 9 pm. Go from there. Some boys from Claremont are coming. You should join?”
“Clairemont, eh?”
It was the other private school in the district, prestigious like yours but with the reputation for being wild. Amanda’s brother had transferred there a few years back for their higher-profile basketball program and she had bitched that her parents were playing favourites ever since.
“Yeah, okay, maybe,” you answered not sounding convinced.
“You gonna be driving?” he asked which surprised you as you were the only one with a car. Kim had one that she supposedly shared with her brother but you had maybe seen her with it twice.
“Well, I won’t be getting a driver’s license in the next 6 hours,” Amanda laughed.
“Fair enough,” Mark smiled. “So maybe see you there?”
Hmm. That was interesting and you wondered if Mark or one of the other outbackers were interested in one of your friends. The crowd you ran with were the popular sort; the academics, preps, and jocks. Not the smokers who hit the bong on the weekends but at your school the cliques mixed well. Unlikely hookups weren’t that out of the ordinary but you certainly weren't interested. Hell no.
The evening air was a bit sharp so you were glad you wore your white denim coat and blue jeans. It was nearly dark and you were with a group of eight or ten of your friends standing between parked cars at the playground not far from your school. The closest street lamp was out so the only light came from the radios playing in the cars lined up in a row. The music was just loud enough to hear but not grab the attention of the tidy homes across the street.
If you were being honest, you were bored and the night was shaping up to look like the previous few weekends. Deciding to have a drink, you grabbed a cider from the full box in your trunk, passing your keys and responsibility over to Kim. ‘No problem’ was her reply that came in the form of a quick nod. You had been driving her around for years so she didn’t mind.
The headlights of two vehicles rolling past and pulling in made you all turn and look and you immediately recognized both. It was Mark’s white van and the low-slung Camaro tailing close behind. Blue eyes was in there. He had to be and it wasn’t immediately apparent but you had some reaction, nerves maybe or just feeling a bit on the spot for brushing off Mark’s earlier invitation.
“Guess nothing was happening at Macdonald’s,” Kim laughed.
“Shocking,” Amanda added sarcastically, taking a drag of her cigarette and blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.
“Cause hanging out beside the jungle gym is so much cooler,” you droned, squinting at the now parked cars, noticing that the Camaro looked full of people.
Not letting your sights linger, you turned back to your friends, taking a few long pulls of your drink, and heard car doors open and close. The sound of footsteps crunching over gravel came towards you.
“It’s Amanda, right?” a girl’s voice called and in unison, you all spun around.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Amanda answered, in her overly cheerful voice.
Before you was a tall blonde girl, a little older than you with very distinct features; a small narrow nose and the largest eyes you had ever seen.
“I graduated with Lani last year at Claremont,” she explained.
Lani was Amanda’s older brother, a year and half older, popular but a total prick unless he needed something.
“I’m Torvi,” she smiled and you all nodded your hellos.
“Hey, we are headed to my boyfriend’s if you want to come? Have some drinks. Can’t blow the doors wide but you girls are welcome to come.”
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Kim and Amanda’s mixed replies came at the same time.
Knowing the plan was set, you took a few more drinks of your cider, finishing it off, wondering who exactly was in that car.
The tall blonde turned and began to head back but stopped and looked in your direction.
“You’re not driving, I take it?” she glanced at the empty you were returning to the box in your open trunk.
“For once, no,” you replied quietly.
“Ride with us,” she jerked her head in the direction of the Camaro. “The girls can follow,” she smiled and you felt caught-off-guard.
“That’s okay,” you smiled back. “We’ll see you there.”
“No,” her smile widened and she took a step closer, offering her arm for you to link up. “I insist.”
The Camaro was nice. Really nice. Classic with a black leather interior. It had the faintest smell of cigarettes, beer, and leather. A total guy car and not the BMW SUV’s you were used to. You like it far more than those. But the atmosphere was anything but nice. For you at least. A tall, rather serious guy had opened the door, folding the seat forward for you and Torvi to climb in. Her boyfriend, you assumed, by the way he smacked her ass when she slid past.
Mr. Blue-Eyes was the driver and when you settled back in the seat, you realized those nerves earlier had nothing to do with running into Mark. It was him. As your mom would say, ‘trouble with a capital T’ and being that close to him made you feel.....funny.
The ride was quick and the house you were heading to turned out to be only a few minutes away but it felt like a different neighborhood. They were mansions; the original estates in the area before it was all chopped up into lots and sold. The gates on the driveway were open and you drove up a long driveway to a beautiful Tudor style home set well back from the road. It looked about 10,000 square feet from the driveway and if it hadn’t have been for those cold blue eyes glancing up at you in the rearview mirror, you would have turned around to make sure your friends were still following.
Inside the house was equally as amazing; soaring ceilings and a gracious front entry, an incredible kitchen with a large family room off to one side. You settled with Torvi on a large leather couch and from where you were sitting, you saw that the French doors on the other side of the pool table led out to a massive back-lit pool. Homes like this weren’t that uncommon in your world but you still appreciated its elegance.
There wasn’t a parent in sight and no mention of one which struck you as normal. It was always the wealthy and unsupervised doing the most scandalous things. But no one there was doing anything scandalous. You were just there for drinks. Right?
Torvi handed you some type of boozy beverage and you were unsure as to why, yet relieved, that she had taken you under her wing.
Entering the room and walking with the help of some customized crutch, the Camaro driver headed straight for the leather chair on the far side of Torvi. He didn’t make eye contact with you or anyone else but you still felt noticed. The way he hustled made you think that you shouldn’t watch and you wondered if that crutch was the reason he always stayed in his car at school.
Dropping it onto the hardwood floor, he sank into the seat, immediately raising his hand and accepting a bottle from Torvi’s boyfriend who walked in behind, carrying a case of beer.
“I haven't introduced you,” Torvi raised her hand. “This is my boyfriend, Ubbe, and his brother Ivar,” your eyes flitted over to your driver but he was gazing at something, nothing, off in the kitchen. “And their other brother, Hvitserk is just outside having a smoke with his girlfriend, Margrethe.
Your eyes shifted to the French doors and you could see the outlines of two people kissing on the patio.
Okay, realization struck you. They were the Lothbroks! You had heard of them. Definitely. Just couldn’t recall what but you knew it wasn’t good and you probably shouldn’t be there. Where were your friends and why hadn’t Torvi told them your name? As if on cue, Amanda and Kim and the long-lost Mark Hasting strolled in, cheerful and boisterous and thankfully taking the pressure off you from having to talk.  
Someone had turned on music and the other brother and his blonde-haired girlfriend came inside to join. A game of pool begun and you stayed on the couch with your friends and Torvi. Ivar remained slumped in his chair, giving the impression he would have preferred to be anywhere but there.
It was awkward. Torvi and your friends gabbed about the differences in schools and universities and you quietly finished your drink but, in a flash, it was replaced with another.
As always Mark was the most animated in the room, and Ubbe, who then seemed far more at ease, was listening intently to the details of how Mark’s father made so much money selling appliances. Kim was a good sport despite not drinking and joined in the conversation knowing many of the same people as Torvi.
You could have sworn Ivar scoffed when you rolled your eyes at Amanda who went outside to smoke weed with Mark and Hvitserk but when you glanced over, he was back to staring in the opposite direction and picking the label off his beer. It felt strange….. sitting in a room with lively people and you and he were the only ones not joining in. You weren’t anti-social but for whatever reason that night, or in that house, the atmosphere felt… heavy. It wasn’t the alcohol though; you were almost sure it was him. Ivar. Every bit of your focus seemed to be spent on ignoring him and for some strange reason, you felt he was doing the same.
“Whereabouts is the washroom?” you whispered to Torvi and she raised her hand to point down the hall.
“It's just down the...”
“I need another beer,” Ivar interrupted, his voice so much different than what you expected. It was smoother somehow, breathier. “I’ll show her,” his eyes flicked over to you as he grabbed his crutch and pushed himself up out of the chair.
Your instincts from before seemed right as his body language told you he did not enjoy people walking behind him. He moved with a distinct limp but it was still agile in a way, his crutch obviously an extension of his body. But his mood seemed troubled.
Christ, you thought, as you followed, he could have just told you where it was.
Through the kitchen, he moved down a long hallway lined with closed doors and you were almost certain one of them had to have been a bathroom. Just as your feet slowed assessing where you were going, he glanced back and jerked his head for you to keep moving. Ohh-kay……
Opening the door at the very end, he walked in, not looking behind. Stopping on the threshold you surveyed the room and there was no question it was his. It had the same dark wood floors and wood trim, a neatly made bed with navy linens, large windows, fitted with wooden blinds, bordered by matching navy curtains. The room was lined with furniture; a dresser, desk, shelves loaded with books but it was the framed picture hanging above his bed that held your attention. Behind glass was a charcoal drawing of a scraggly, long-haired, bearded man who seemed to be missing an eye. Nice room, you thought, but the art was a touch dramatic.
As he dropped down onto a couch and stretched his legs out onto a low coffee table, he pointed at an open door which you assumed was his private bathroom. Ohh-kay…. you thought as you tiptoed past him and into the bathroom, closing the door.  Again, it struck you how clean everything was, even smelt good like some faint cologne and you hoped the thick wood door with muffle the sound of you peeing.
After washing your hands, and a lip gloss touch-up, you opened the door, not sure he would still be there. He was…. lounging on the couch, watching the tv on the adjacent wall. There was no acknowledgment when you re-emerged so you mumbled some sort of ‘thanks’ and crossed the room, heading for the door.  
“Are you afraid of me?’ he spoke at your back making you stop and turn around. Aside from the glances in the rear-view mirror, it was the first time he had looked at you directly. And holy shit, was it ever direct.
“No,” you lied trying not to sneak a peek at his tight white shirt stretched over his muscular chest and arms. You definitely didn’t want to be caught staring at his perfect hair, styled in that ‘perfect hot guy way.’ Holy god, he was striking, incredibly hot with his square jaw and smooth tanned skin. You hadn’t fully taken it in until then…. when his piercing blue eyes held you frozen in place.
The angle of his chin shifted just slightly, and he subtly squinted making you think he was somehow pleased with himself. A sweep of goosebumps spread over your skin and you crossed your arms as if suddenly feeling a breeze. Was your stomach suddenly upset? Or, maybe it was your nerves clawing out your insides.
“Then sit,” he said casually, as he looked away and you detected the slightest hint of a dare in his tone.
Why? You wanted to ask but didn’t, wondering if he was trying to intimate you. One thing you did suspect was that his aloofness was only to draw you in. Funny, you thought. Wouldn’t work. You had to get back to your friends….
“Okay,” you instead answered and walked over, slowly sitting down, your body sensing the two inches of space between you. Great, it was a love seat.  
Like the force of nature he felt like, he somehow read your thoughts.
“Get me a beer,” he said, nodding in the direction of the bar fridge next to the tv. What teenager had a bar fridge in their bedroom, you wondered, only realizing then that he had ordered you instead of asking.
If your eyes hadn’t scanned his crossed legs extended out on the coffee table, his crutch on the floor below, you might have told him to get his own…. but…you didn’t. Did he not want to get up? Was he in pain? Was it his legs or his back that hurt him? Maybe a knee? Was it from sports? Or, had he been in an accident with his car? The blank one. It looked fast and he looked like he drove fast too.
Slowly but with no attempt to conceal it, he let out a long sigh, snapping you out of your analysis and you realized that perhaps you were a bit drunk. But out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk.
“Get a beer for yourself,” he chimed as if offering a token reward for your obedience.
That was likely the extent of his chivalry anyway. Returning with two beers you handed him one not expecting and not getting any sort of thanks. His eyes stayed glued on the tv.
“Do you even like beer?” he asked, and it somehow felt like a dig.
“Yeah,” you answered taking a small sip.
God, you hated beer.
For a few minutes, you both stared at a music video, some ethereal, whining song, about a hunter in the night sung by an emo looking guy. It suited Ivar perfectly and the longer you listened the more uncomfortable you felt being there… alone in his room……essentially two strangers.
Mentally, you cleared your thought. “My name is…”
“I know your name,” he cut you off sounding annoyed.
It was getting even stranger and you wondered if your friends would eventually come find you….
   “Pray to your god, open your heart, whatever you do, don’t be afraid of the dark.”
…the song played on and it felt like the tension was building but what could you say? You didn’t know him and weren’t going to make small talk. Just as the air seemed to be getting sucked out of the room, you shifted on your seat making him look over at you.
“What?” you said sounding defensive.
Without a word, he just stared at you. The skin on your cheeks began to warm and you felt embarrassed.
“Well, this was fun,” you pushed your hands down into the couch to get up but he grabbed your forearm. Gasping, your eyes locked with his blue ones, his brows pinched and his eyes narrowed.
“I thought you weren’t afraid of me,” he whispered and you noticed how much closer he was all of a sudden. Jesus, those eyes…. they were clear and cold yet somehow dark and felt bottomless. You just stared back as if hypnotized but it was the quick flutter of his lashes and a look of uncertainty that flashed across his face that had you come back to the surface.
“My. Arm. Please,” you articulated through clenched teeth, and you knew you sounded scared.
Tilting his head, his lids blinked again and he began to chuckle, flashing a forced smile and releasing your arm. Smoothly, casually, he leaned forward and grabbed the TV remote off the table as if picking it up had been his plan all along. Slamming your beer down, you stood and rushed for the door. You were fucking done with Ivar Lothbrok.
“See you at school, beautiful,” he called in a patronizing voice.
As you rounded the corner, the volume of the tv rose and the last words of the song felt foreboding.
   “Cover your eyes, the devil’s inside.”
Next chapter
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Still A Costa
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Request: Yes or No
I haven't seen a single fic for this series on Tumblr. For anyone curious, since Bayardo (Ramon's actor) is 37 I'm gonna make Ramon 37 which means when (Y/N) was born, he was around 19.
'Yesterday night, Cassie Shore, a student at the prestigious Archer School Of Ballet, fell four stories down from the roof of the school. Miss Shore, who was an exceptional dancer and beloved by her fellow peers, is currently in the hospital in a deep coma. The director, Monique Dubois, has stated the following-'
"What a load of bullshit." (Y/N) muttered, shutting his phone off as he leaned back in his seat. Cassie Shore was hated by everyone. Nobody there truly loved her. They all hoped she'd break an ankle. (Y/N) felt the bus stop and grabbed his bag, standing up. He exited the bus, letting out a deep sigh. He never expected to be back in Chicago but his brother wanted him there. (Y/N) was much happier in Madrid. The mere thought of bumping into any of his old acquaintances gave him a headache. Unlike his brother, (Y/N) wasn't as wellknown. He was only eighteen yet he already had a job as a photographer. (Y/N) felt his phone vibrate in his hand, looking at the contact.
"Fuck off already." (Y/N) huffed lightly, rolling his eyes. He answered the call, walking forward as he pressed the phone to his ear.
"This is the twenty-fifth time you've called me this week and it's only Tuesday. What do you want?" (Y/N) asked, getting a taxi. Monique hummed. (Y/N) watched a car pull over.
"Is that any way to speak to an adult? Especially someone who practically raised you?"
"Ramon raised me. You were just his pedo girlfriend." (Y/N) said, putting his bag in the car and getting in. He moved the phone away from his face, quietly giving the driver the address.
"How's Madrid? I heard your brother ditched Paris and is back in Chicago. When are you gonna come back?" Monique asked gently. (Y/N) scoffed, leaning back in the seat. He turned his head slightly, watching the buildings pass by.
"Face it, Mona. You only call when you want something. What is it?" (Y/N) asked.
"I see Ramon taught you nothing but attitude. Fine. I was hoping you'd be able to convince your brother to choreograph for me. I see what he's done for Delia. He should do something for the school as well." Monique responded, the fake sweetness in her voice dropping. (Y/N) let out a small chuckle, shaking his head lightly.
"He'd never do it. Not even if I asked. Plus, he knows I don't care about ballet. He'd know you begged me to ask."
"I'm not begging-"
"You are." (Y/N) cut off, toying with the strings of his hoodie. "And even if I agreed, you'd have to give me something in return."
"You wouldn't do it as a favor to an old friend?" Monique asked.
"No. I don't have friends. Just people I know." (Y/N) replied.
"Was Cassie not a friend? You've probably heard about what happened to her by now. Are you not gonna visit?"
"Cassie and I are history. I have no business visiting her or trying to make amends. She's half dead, isn't she? I don't bother dead people." (Y/N) answered, annoyance in his voice as he got his wallet out and gave the driver some money. He got out of the car, closing the door and watching the car drive off. His gaze settled on Ramon's house, eyeing the front door.
"Always dramatic." He approached the house, opening and closing the door. He glanced around, sighing. He headed up to his old room, entering and finding it just the same as he had left it. Ramon was still young when (Y/N) was born and thrusted into his life. Ramon held resentment towards him during the first few years since his parents up and disappeared and Ramon had to travel around with a baby but as (Y/N) got older, the resentment was replaced with brotherly love. (Y/N) tossed his bag on the messy bed, looking over his bookshelf. Seemed like either Delia or Ramon had added more books. (Y/N) approached the shelf, picking up the new additions.
"Sharp Objects, The Bell Jar, White is For Witching, and House of Leaves." (Y/N) read the names aloud, humming softly. He put them back, continuing to look around the room. He only returned to Chicago to watch Ramon's debut ballet. (Y/N) sat on the bed, unpacking his bag. He took out his camera, placing it on his nightstand. He grabbed his phone, getting an uber and heading out. (Y/N) thoughts wondered back to his and Cassie's last exchange.
"Are you fucking serious? My brother?" (Y/N) stared at her. Cassie swallowed, shaking her head.
"It was a one time thing! When I graduate, I can have Ramon wrapped around my finger and it'll help boost my career!" Cassie explained, staring at him. (Y/N) scoffed, shaking his head.
"You have a habit of using Costas, you know that?" (Y/N) asked, looking away from her.
"I never used you. You were my best friend and-"
"And you used me to get closer to Ramon. I always wondered what went wrong. I'm glad we got that cleared up." (Y/N) ran a hand through his hair, unable to look at the girl. Cassie stepped closer to him.
"You're wrong-"
"I always knew you were a selfish bitch." (Y/N) muttered, walking past her and leaving the hotel room.
(Y/N) blinked, feeling the car stop. (Y/N) thanked the driver and got out, staring up at the old building. He closed the door and walked forward, gaze dropping to the dried blood on the pavement. He went up the steps, entering the school. (Y/N) stuck his hands in his pockets, heading up to Monique's office. Selena glanced up, doing a double take and quickly standing as her eyes widened.
"Mr. Costa, I wasn't-"
"Yeah, nobody knows I'm here. I want it to stay that way." (Y/N) said, opening the door and entering the office. Monique looked up from her phone, brows raising. She stood, taking off her reading glasses.
"Well, someone got here fast." She breathed out, dismissing Selena with a wave of her hand.
"I was already here when you called and ruined my mood even more." (Y/N) replied, glancing around the office. He plopped down on one of the chairs, arms crossing.
"So, Cassie pulls a Humpty Dumpty and you think my brother is gonna clean up the mess?" (Y/N) cocked a brow, watching Monique sit back down. She chuckled, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.
"A choreographed dance by him would pull people's attention somewhere else." Monique said, shrugging lightly. "Your brother has been ignoring me."
"I would too. You're really persistent and annoying." (Y/N) said, eyes sweeping over her desk.
"Any lawsuits?"
"The police declared it an accident."
"Was it?"
"I thought you and Cassie were history?" Monique cocked a brow, tilting her head. (Y/N)'s jaw clenched as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, we are. I'm just curious if there's a potential murderer among the staff or students." (Y/N) shrugged.
"She's alive." Monique reminded.
"Barely. You think she didn't bust her head open when she fell? Who survives a fall like that?" (Y/N) questioned. Monique leaned forward, resting her arms on her desk.
"Why are you here, (Y/N)?" Monique asked. (Y/N) sat up, licking his lips as he stood up.
"I was wondering if anything changed at the school. Since you're still director.. That means nothing has changed. All the work you put into this school and still only medicore dancers graduate. You have a star dancer once every couple of years. Delia was the lastest one." (Y/N) shrugged, grabbing the edge of the desk as he leaned forward.
"Who's the next star?" (Y/N) asked, tilting his head. They turned their heads as the door opened and a girl entered.
"Neveah Stroyer." Monique replied. (Y/N) hummed, looking back at her.
"Let's hope she doesn't have a great fall." (Y/N) leaned back, stepping away from the desk.
"Neveah meet (Y/N) Costa." Neveah's brows rose, looking at (Y/N). Her eyes shined with excitement.
"I've read some of your books and seen the photographs you take. They're amazing." Neveah said, walking forward and shaking his hand. (Y/N) hummed.
"Maybe you'll take some pictures for the school." Monique said, smiling. (Y/N) hummed, looking at the older woman.
"I'd rather choke." He replied, giving her a fake smile. Neveah's brows raised, clearing her throat. (Y/N) walked past Neveah, opening the door.
"Good luck surviving with rats and sharks, Neveah!"
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 10
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 6,399
Warning - none
A/N - new chapter is up! I had so much fun writing this chapter! and don’t worry, we still have a few more chapters and an epilogue left so this series is not over yet! however, I am starting to think about what to write after this and was wondering if you all would like to see a Stranger Things rewrite or maybe an It rewrite? I also accept requests so if anyone was wanting me to write something, I am totally open to the idea!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you think of this series and my future projects!
if you would like to be added to the tag list (or my permanent tag list for all of my writing), let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prologue 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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The group stood silently in the basement of the Neibolt House, their eyes on the portal which still seemed to be glowing slightly from behind the closed barrier. Everything was riding on Eleven being able to open the portal and she knew that.
The pressure was enough to make her hands shake slightly as she tried to hype herself up and tell herself that she could do it. She felt something grab on to her hand and Eleven turned her head to see Wheeler standing beside her giving her a look of concern as he laced their fingers together.
"You okay?" he whispered, his head tilting slightly as he watched the girl.
Eleven nodded and squeezed her boyfriend's hand. "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous is all," she admitted.
"Hey, don't be," Wheeler immediately said. "Just think of all that you've done, El. Opening a portal should be the least of your worries. All you have to do is focus and you'll be fine. You've got this, okay?"
Eleven was silent as she stared at Wheeler for a moment before nodding her head. Wheeler gave her a small smile before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to her temple. Eleven squeezed his hand one last time before the boy pulled away so that Eleven could have her space.
The young girl stared at the portal before letting her eyes flicker over all of the people around her, each one of them standing there with concern written all over their face as they thought of Y/N. Eleven's eyes hesitated on Bill who gave the girl a short nod in response. Eleven nodded back before turning her attention back to the portal.
Everyone watched as she took a deep breath to calm herself before breathing out and lifting her hand up. She put all of her focus on the portal, ignoring the people around her as she focused on nothing more than opening up the wall before her.
It took a few tries but Eleven was so determined to get it open that she finally succeeded and the goo portal began to crack open. Before they knew it, the portal had opened back up, the glowing growing in intensity as the light poured out. How ironic seeing as the Upside Down was extremely dark.
Eleven let her hand drop and she felt her whole body relax once the stress was taken away. She slumped down slightly and Wheeler was quick to go to her side, taking his long sleeve and wiping away the blood from her nose as he whispered, "You did it, El. You did it!"
It was like a small weight had been lifted off of each of their shoulders now that the gate was officially open again. This time, they would make sure not to close it before everyone was out.
"So how are we going to do this?" Lucas asked. "Are we going to charge in there all at once or-?"
"We need to stick together," Bill insisted, a look of determination on his face as he gripped the crowbar in his hands, his jacket that Y/N usually wore wrapped around his frame due to her lingering scent that helped remind him what he was fighting for. "It's either all of us or none of us, so we all need to be prepared to go in there."
He let his eyes flicker over the groups and when no one objected, Bill glanced at Steve and the two boys nodded before heading towards the portal. "Come on, assholes. Let's get a move on," Steve called back over his shoulder before him and Bill began to climb through the portal.
Lucas, Max, Ben, Beverly, Mike, Dustin, and Stan were quick to follow after the two, their fear being shoved aside by their worry and determination to get Y/N back. That left Richie, Eddie, Will, Wheeler, and Eleven.
Wheeler glanced down at Eleven and gave her a small look of concern. "You okay?" he whispered, not wanting her to overdo it in case they ended up needing her.
Eleven quickly nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's go get Y/N," she said, the boy nodding back in response.
The two reached for each other's hand and were about to walk through the portal when Wheeler noticed Will hesitating. Wheeler pulled back, making Eleven stop beside him in the process.
He turned to look at his friend and frowned at the sight of Will's pale face and wide eyes. Wheeler had seen that look on his face more than he would've liked, so he knew Will was freaking out, the thought of going back into the Upside Down after everything that had happened to him probably freaking him out. Wheeler sighed and made a move to go over to Will, but stopped once he saw Richie and Eddie walking over to the boy.
"Hey, you okay?" Eddie questioned, his eyes searching Will's pale face for an answer as to why Will wasn't moving.
"Uh. . .yeah. Yeah," Will muttered making the two young boys before him share a look before Richie pushed up his glasses and began to speak.
"That sounds like a load of bullshit to me. What's wrong, Byers?" Richie asked, the small amount of concern laced in his voice making Wheeler furrow his eyebrows in confusion and shock.
Will stared at Richie blankly before looking down to his shoes. "I just. . ." he fell quiet and, to Wheeler's surprise, Richie reached out and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder while Eddie went to Will's other side.
"Is this about what happened to you?" Eddie asked, his voice soft and understanding. Will silently nodded and Eddie and Richie shared a look.
Will was shaking slightly, his eyes beginning to tear up at the thought of getting trapped in that horrendous place again after everything that had happened.
"Hey," Richie whispered as he nudged the boy, his eyes staring at Will softly once he saw the fright and tears in his eyes. "It's going to be okay. We won't let anything bad happen to you. But you got to get over this fear right now or we're not going to be able to save Y/N.
"Richie's right," Eddie nodded in agreement. "Y/N told us about you before. She cared about you so much and, when you went missing, she did everything in her power to try and get you back."
"Now she needs you," Richie continued. "Y/N needs you, Will. You can't let her down."
Will's eyes flickered over Richie and Eddie's faces before he took in a deep breath and nodded his head. "Let's go," he whispered making Richie smile and clap the boy on the shoulder.
"Thatta boy," Richie said. "Seriously though, don't worry, okay? We won't let anything happen to you. We won't let that motherfucker touch you. You're going to be just fine."
Will looked to Richie and smiled at that as he lightly nodded his head. "I believe you," Will muttered. "Thanks, Richie. Thanks, Eddie."
Both boys just gave Will a smile in return before they stayed by his side and began to direct him towards the portal.
Wheeler watched the three walk through the portal with a surprised look on his face. All he could do was just stand there as he tried to process what had just happened. Had he honestly just seen Richie Tozier being nice to someone? Comforting someone? For a second, he swore he saw a glimpse of the boy Y/N always told him about.
"Are you okay?" Eleven whispered from beside the boy.
Wheeler blinked and glanced at Eleven before nodding his head. "Yeah. . .I'm coming," he said before he reached out to take her hand once again. Eleven didn't question him and merely pulled him through the portal and to the other side where the group was waiting for them in an even more rundown version of the Neibolt House.
Stan shuddered at the sight around him while Bev took a closer step to Ben, the three having not experienced anything like this before and seeing the Upside Down for the first time.
"Where. . .where are we going first?" Stan asked. "I mean, we don't even know where Y/N is. Where do we start?"
Everyone was silent for a minute before Eleven frowned and looked to the ground. "I think. . .I think I can find her," she said making the others all look to her.
"How?" Dustin questioned.
"I'm not sure. I just. . .I have a feeling," Eleven said before she began to walk forward, her gut tugging her in one direction as if she was connected to Y/N and could sense where she was. Wheeler followed right behind seeing as he was still holding her hand and the others were quick to follow Eleven up the stairs and out of the house.
They began to walk towards the woods that were a little ways away, but as soon as they had entered the dense area, Will grew pale. "Something's not right," Will muttered and only the people nearest to him—Richie, Eddie, Max, and Dustin— frowned.
"What do you mean?" Max asked.
"Do you not think it's weird that nothing has found us yet?" Will asked, his eyes scanning over the kids' faces.
The four were silent for a second before Dustin quickly shook his head, "You're thinking about it too much, Will."
"Yeah, when Bill and Y/N were down here, they weren't found for a while," Eddie pointed out. "They might just not know we are here yet."
"But what if they do?" Will questioned. "What if they haven't found us yet because they already have and are waiting to-?"
"Byers, man, you need to calm down," Richie said as he slapped the boy's shoulder. "Pennywise is a bitch and if he knew we were down here, he would be on our ass in a second. We're fine. Quit worrying."
Will bit his lip and nodded his head before watching as Richie, Eddie, and Dustin walked ahead. However, Max stayed by his side and nudged him slightly. "We're all going to be okay. You know that, right?" Max asked.
Will let his eyes flicker over to his friend before he nodded. "Yeah, of course," he said, although his tone of voice told them both that he didn't believe it. Max sighed and just patted the boy's arm before jogging over to Lucas, leaving Will alone to think by himself.
The group continued to follow Eleven through the woods and Steve couldn't help but keep an eye on Bill who looked like he might pass out from fear. He knew Bill was only afraid of losing Y/N.
Hell, Steve knew exactly what the boy was feeling. But a seventeen year old boy shouldn't have to worry about whether the girl he had a crush on was alive or not. And the matter of the fact made Steve feel sorry for the boy.
As if sensing his stare, Bill glanced over at the boy before looking to the ground and frowning. "I'm f-f-fine, you know. I don't n-n-need you watching over m-m-me like some mother h-h-hen," Bill muttered a little angrily, though Steve knew it was only out of frustration.
"I didn't say anything," Steve defended.
"But you w-w-were thinking it," Bill retorted.
Steve chuckled softly and looked down at the bat in his hands as he swung it slightly. "She's going to be okay, Bill. We're going to get her back," Steve assured him, the words making Bill visibly relax some.
Bill bit his lip and tightened his grip on the crowbar in his hands. "I-I-I just. . .I can't l-l-lose her, Steve. I j-j-just can't," Bill whispered, his voice so soft and heartbroken that it made Steve's heart ache.
Steve stared at Bill in silence for a moment before reaching out and squeezing his shoulder. "I know, kid. I know," he whispered before the two of the most important people in Y/N's life exchanged a look and a small sympathetic smile. Steve shoved Bill playfully and the boy cracked a small smile before Steve winked at him, the two then continuing on their journey through the woods side by side.
It was only when Eleven stopped suddenly that the group stopped walking for the first time in what felt like hours. But that was also the moment that they noticed Eleven's horrified face and watched as the blood literally drained from her face leaving it as white as a sheet of paper.
Bill almost didn't want to look at what Eleven was looking at, but he managed to force himself to turn his head and the sight was enough to make his breath catch in his throat.
There was Y/N, floating above them in the air with blood dripping from her body and onto the ground below. Her eyes were a solid white as they stared at nothing, her mouth opened wide as she hung limply like she was attached to a string that was holding her up.
The sight was enough to make Bill stumble back into Steve slightly who was quick to put a hand on the boy's shoulder and steady him, his own eyes not leaving the young girl floating above them.
Eleven had her hands over her mouth now and Wheeler had an arm around her while the others all stared up at their friend. "What's wrong with her?" Max asked quietly, afraid of what the answer might be.
To everyone's surprise, Stan was the one to speak up, his voice dark and angry while his face showed no other emotion than how pissed off he was. "Pennywise," Stan spat out, his teeth gritted together as he stared up at his friend.
"Stan's right."
The sudden voice that seemed to be coming from no where made the groups all jump in surprise before they turned their backs to one another and backed up into a small circle. They all began to look around, their weapons gripped in their hands so tight that their knuckles were white, but the clown was no where to be seen.
"But Y/N wanted this," It said, his voice echoing through the air and making the hair on the back of their necks stand on end. "She wanted to float like the others."
There was a pause of silence before It said, "You can join her. You can float too."
"I think the fuck not," Richie responded as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his glare more threatening than any of the ones that had ever dawned his face.
"For once, I agree with Richie," Wheeler growled.
"Oh, but it will be so much fun," It said, but his voice came out sounding like Y/N's, a small detail that made all of them falter slightly. "Don't you want to join me, guys? We can all be friends. Don't you want that?"
"Not like this," Will replied, shaking his head.
A small growl came from what seemed like no where before It began to chant, "You can float too. You can float too. You can float you! You can float too!"
Then his voice stopped all together and it got so quiet that they could all hear ringing in their ears. The group all held their weapons even tighter than before, determined looks on their faces while Y/N floated in the air above them.
The group all let out screams as Pennywise jumped up from the middle of their circle, each of the kids jumping away or even tripping over their feet and falling to the ground.
"Fuck!" Dustin yelled as he tripped and fell right in front of the clown. Pennywise turned to the boy with a grin and Dustin watched in horror as the clown's mouth began to open up, its face splitting open much like the creatures Dustin was used to fighting. However, before Pennywise could grab him, a metal pipe was connecting with the clown's face and Pennywise was thrown back.
Dustin looked over at Stan with wide eyes while the boy let the metal pipe fall back down to his side and went to help the boy up. Dustin was shaking as he stood up and looked at Stan with wide eyes before yelling, "Holy shit! That clown's face just opened up like a fucking demogorgon!"
No one had time to respond because Pennywise was jumping back onto his feet, his eyes glaring at the teens while drool fell from his mouth.
"Gross," Max muttered as she grimaced, but all It did was smile.
Will was the first to sense them, his whole body tending as he looked to Beverly who stood beside him. "They're coming," he whispered, his connection with the Upside Down still there even after all these years.
Beverly gave the boy a horrified look, but didn't have time to question him before the sound of leaves rustling and branches snapping filled the air. The two groups told beside each other, fear still evident in their eyes despite the fact that they were trying so hard to be brave.
Then, from the woods, came four demogorgons, all of which came rushing pass Pennywise and towards the teens. "Shit!" Richie yelled as he took the axe he had stolen from Y/N's garage and swung at a demogorgon with all his might.
Eleven was quick to take that demogorgon and toss him to the side before another one came lunging at her. However, Mike was quick and began to shoot at the creature with the gun he had brought from his farm. He only had a certain number of bullets, so he knew he had to be careful with how many he used.
It decided to lunge at the group at that moment too and before they knew it, the group had split into two as Richie, Wheeler, Stan, Eleven, Mike, Will, and Ben fought the demogorgons and Max, Dustin, Beverly, Eddie, Lucas, Bill, Steve fought Pennywise.
Richie let out what seemed to be a battle cry as he ran towards a demogorgon and hit it with the axe. The demogorgon hissed and its mouth opened up and it lunged at the boy who tried to whack it again only to trip back. The demogorgon landed right on top of Richie and opened its mouth, the sound it made making the boy shudder beneath it.
The demogorgon went in for the kill, but all Richie felt was its warm breath against his face before it was suddenly being thrown off of him by a golf club that was being swung by none other than Wheeler. The demogorgon went flying back and hit a tree before slumping to the ground.
Richie looked up at Wheeler in surprise while Wheeler, breathing heavily, let the golf club drop to his side and his eyes flicker over to the boy on the ground. It was in that moment that the hatred the two had for each other seemed to disappear and after Wheeler had helped Richie up, the two shared a look and a nod that seemed to signify that all the bad blood between them was now gone.
Richie picked his axe up and the two turned to the demogorgon which had crawled back up and was growling at the two. Richie and Wheeler just smirked before letting out identical battle cries and swinging at the demogorgon, bringing it to the ground and killing it with one final blow from Richie's axe.
With that demogorgon dead, the two joined in with the others in defeating and killing off the three other demogorgons. Eleven would use her powers to toss them aside and keep them away from the others while the other swung and shot at the demogorgons, killing them one by one.
While they worked on defeating the demogorgons, the other half of the group worked on fighting the deranged clown which kept popping up in different places and trying to change into their worst fears.
Steve had just hit It in the head with his bat when the creature began to shake and turn into one of their fears. They had already been fighting It when he had taken the form of a spider, a demogorgon, Georgie Denbrough, and Beverly's father, but none of them were prepared when It suddenly turned around to reveal the face of Y/N L/N.
The group froze, their faces falling as they stared at the girl whose face was all scratched up and had eyes full of fear and tears. "Guys, stop. I just want to go home," Y/N cried, the sound of her voice making the whole thing more believable even though they knew the person before them was really It.
Y/N's eyes flickered over them and she whispered out, "Max, Dustin, Bev, Eds, Lucas, Stevie, please." Her eyes then landed on Bill and for a moment he swore she smirked before her face was filled with utter sadness. "Bill. Bill. Please, can we just go home?" she asked, taking a few steps closer to the boy who was shaking as he stared at her with wide eyes. "I'm scared and tired," she cried before holding a shaking hand out to the boy. "Please, Bill."
Bill shook his head. "You're n-n-not. . .you're not h-h-her," he said, his eyes flickering up to the sky as he reminded himself that Y/N was floating in the air above him and was not standing before him.
"That's just the clown, guys. It is trying to mess with your minds like he has been mine," Y/N cried. "We need to leave while we still can."
"That's not her, Bill," Max shook her head as she stared at the boy desperately. It was closest to Bill, so the others couldn't do anything without putting Bill's life in danger. Bill had to be the one to break the illusion.
"Kill it, man. Y/N needs us," Dustin said.
"Don't listen to them, Bill. I'm the real Y/N. The thing floating above us is It! He's trying to trick you!" Y/N cried.
Bill shook his head. He had just seen It turn into Y/N, hadn't he? This person standing before him was not Y/N. It couldn't be. But then again, It always was messing with his mind.
"Bill!" Eddie yelled. "It's not her!"
"How could you say that, Eds? I promised you I would get you out of here and keep you safe, but now how are you returning the favor? By trying to kill me?" Y/N asked, the words hitting Eddie just right that he stumbled back and had to look down and whisper to himself that it wasn't really her.
Bill shook his head at that, knowing that Y/N would never make a jab at someone like that, especially not Eddie. This wasn't Y/N, but his Y/N needed him.
"You're n-n-not her," Bill repeated, his eyes filling with tears as he gripped his crowbar tightly. "You're the m-m-motherfucker who took her! And now you're g-g-going to pay!"
Y/N went to turn around only for her face to meet Bill's crowbar, the hit making Y/N fall back. The group watched as Y/N began to convulse on the floor before Pennywise suddenly popped up and began to run at them, screams of surprise and terror escaping their lips as they started beating up the clown.
Just behind them, Eleven was finishing off the last demogorgon by lifting it into the air and tossing it so hard against a tree that a crack could be heard. It felt lifeless lay to the ground before the already dead tree fell on top of it.
Richie, Wheeler, Stan, Eleven, Mike, Will, and Ben all shared a nod with each other before turning to join in with the fight against Pennywise. Eleven was calm as she watched the others all beat the clown up while It tried to scratch at them and change into their worst fears.
"Guys," Eleven said, causing them all to look over at her. She smirked and turned her eyes to the clown who growled at her. "I got this."
The others all nodded and took a step back, leaving Pennywise enough room to stand up and glare at Eleven. "You got this?" Pennywise asked. "You got this?" He got deadly serious before his head began to move rapidly. Then, before Eleven could blink, the face of her old Papa was in front of her.
"You don't even know what you're doing, Eleven," the face of Brenner said. "You have a wound, Eleven. A terrible wound. . .and it's festering."
The words were meant to make the girl flinch, but all Eleven did was smirk at the clown, the action making Brenner frown. Eleven then shot her hand up and Brenner went falling back against the ground so hard that Pennywise broke through and Brenner disappeared.
Eleven began to scream and blood was dripping down from her nose as she tossed It up into the air, the others all coming to stand around her as they all glared at the clown. Eleven's screams fell quiet and she squeezed her hand slightly causing the clown to squirm under the pressure as he shifted constantly between their different fears.
But none of them were afraid, so it didn't work. Their love for Y/N was all that they felt and It knew it. It grimaced and shifted back into his clown form while Eleven smirked.
Eleven then let out a scream and Pennywise yelled before turning into dust right before their very eyes. Eleven fell back and the others were quick to catch her as they watched the dust fall to the ground, each of them relaxing slightly as they realized the fight was over.
From the distance, howls could be heard and Dustin tensed. "It's the demodogs. We've got to go," he said. When no one made a move to go, he looked at them with wide eyes and waved his arms as he said, "Like now!"
The others all blinked out of their shock before getting onto their feet. "How do we get Y/N?" Lucas asked.
"Actually, that won't be very hard," Ben said as he pointed at Y/N who had started to float down, her body still limp as can be.
"I've got her. You guys start running, okay? We're right behind you," Steve said as he ran over to the girl with Bill by his side.
The others hesitated but did as the boy said while Bill and Steve jumped up and grabbed onto Y/N's feet. They pulled her down to the ground and she fell limply to the floor.
"Shit," Steve muttered before he struggled to pull her up. Bill helped and within a minute, they had her in Steve's arms and were running through the forest after the others, none of them noticing that the dust that was Pennywise had started to rise into the air and towards a cloud that flashed red to reveal the Mind Flayer.
The demodogs were getting close by now, their homes and the rustling of leaves sounding as if they were right behind them. "Keep going! We're almost there!" Steve yelled before the tow broke out into the open.
Max and Beverly were waving for the two by the front door of the Well house and they quickly bolted towards that direction before they ran down to the basement with the two red heads.
Everyone was pushing through the portal by the time they reached the bottom and Steve held onto Y/N tightly as he waited for everyone else to get through, his eyes flickering back towards the stairs every couple of seconds to make sure that the demodogs were not coming.
Right when he heard the demodogs breaking into the house was when Steve was finally making his way through the portal. Hands began to pull him and Y/N through before he stumbled out of the portal. Stan and Mike were quick to steady the boy while Eleven rushed to the portal and began to use her powers to close the gate.
"Come on, El! You got this!" Eddie cheered as he stood behind the girl.
"Let's go, El! Almost there!" Max exclaimed as she watched the portal start to close.
The rest of the Losers and the Party quickly joined in cheering on Eleven while Steve looked down at the girl in his arms who he realized wasn't moving.
Eleven finally managed to close the portal and everyone cheered before either high-fiving her or giving the girl a hug. The kids began to celebrate as they realized they had successfully rescued Y/N and been able to close the gate.
Bill smiled at his friends before turning to Steve who was looking at Y/N in concern as he carefully set her on the ground. Bill's smile instantly vanished once he saw Steve's eyes filling with tears as the older boy gently shook the girl and whispered, "Hey, squirt. Come on, wake up."
Bill felt the blood drain from his face as he shoved past the others and over to the girl, falling down to his knees across from Steve. Steve glanced up at Bill, but quickly looked away and tried to hide his tears, not wanting Bill to grow more upset.
Bill's eyes were glued on the girl in front of him while the others all hesitantly walked up behind him. "Why isn't she waking up?" Mike whispered, his eyes searching the faces of his friends frantically while they all shook their heads.
"Y/N?" Bill whispered softly, his head tilting to one side as he reached a hand out and placed it on the girl's arm. "H-H-Hey, you're okay now. Y-Y-You can wake up. You're s-s-safe."
When the girl didn't respond, Bill scooted a little closer and shook her gently. "Y/N?" he whispered again, his voice coming out just a little bit more desperate and concerned.
His eyes flickered up to Steve and he gave the boy a confused look. "Steve, why. . .w-w-why isn't she w-w-waking up?" Bill asked, despite knowing deep down what was happening.
Steve stared at the boy in silence before leaning down and pressing his ear to the girl's chest. He then sat up and put his fingers to her wrist only for nothing to happen.
Steve froze and took a second before finally allowing his tear filled eyes to meet Bill's. That single look was enough to make Bill's face contort in pain as he shook his head.
"No," Bill said, his head shaking as tears filled his eyes. "Sh-Sh-She can't. . .Sh-Sh-She's not. . ." Bill looked down at Y/N as a few tears fell down his cheeks. "I. . .I can't lose h-h-her. I lost my br-br-brother once. . .I c-c-can't lose anyone else. Especially Y/N."
Bill shook the girl again. "Come on, Y/N," he whispered, but when she didn't respond, the boy leaned forward and began to preform CPR.
Everyone was tearing up at this point. Eleven was leaning on Wheeler for support while Max and Beverly held onto each other's arms. Richie squeezed his eyes shut and ran his hands through his hair before muttering, "Fuck." Eddie had a hand on Richie's shoulder and Stan, Ben, and Mike all shared a saddened look while Dustin, Will, and Lucas all stared at the ground with their hands balled into fists.
Steve was silent as he watched Bill who was on the verge of a panic attack. Tears were streaming down Steve's face as he watched Bill and he let out a small sigh and reached out to put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Kid. . ." Steve whispered, his whole body shaking as he tried to keep himself calm, but Bill just shoved Steve away and glared at him.
"No!" Bill yelled, his eyes blazing with a fire as tears streamed down his face. Bill shook his head at Steve before looking down at Y/N and letting out a small sob. "C-C-Come on, Y/N! Damnit! W-W-Wake up!" Bill cried out as he continued the CPR.
He tried for a minute longer before the reality of the situation hit him. Bill let out another sob as he leaned back, his eyes flickering to Y/N's face as he looked at her sadly and whispered, "Pl-Pl-Please. Please don't l-l-leave me."
With shaking hands, Bill moved some hair from Y/N's face before leaning down and pressing a small kiss to her lips, the tears on his cheeks falling onto Y/N's face before he pulled away. His whole body was shaking as he lifted Y/N's body and pulled her into his lap. He held her face against his chest and began to rock back and form as he cradled her close to is body, soft cries leaving his mouth as he realized he was late.
He was too late.
Everyone began to cry at that point and Steve watched Bill sadly before letting out a sob of his own as he put his hands against his eyes and muttered, "Damnit!"
But then a small gasp filled the air and everyone quickly looked up and watched as Y/N's eyes shot open, coughs falling from her mouth as she desperately gasped for air. Bill, who had been holding onto her, jumped back in surprise, scooting away from the girl as he looked at her with wide eyes filled with disbelief.
Y/N coughed for a moment more before blinking a few times and bringing her head up to look around. She was breathing heavily as she met the eyes of her friends who were all staring at her with wide eyes and tear stained faces. Y/N didn't know how she ended up back in the arms of her friends, but it didn't take much for her to know that she was safe now and that Pennywise and the Upside Down were closed off from her again.
Everyone was looking at her in surprise and she could tell by the sad looks on their face that something bad had happened. Eating to lighten the mood, Y/N frowned before asking, "Why do you all look like someone just died?"
Bill was the first to break the silence with his laugh, the tears falling from his eyes now being out of joy as he lunged forward and practically tackled the girl in a hug. Y/N let out a small yelp of surprise but as soon as Bill's familiar scent filled her senses and she felt the warmth of his arms around hers as he dug his face into the crook of her neck, she couldn't help but relax.
Y/N instantly held back onto the boy, letting out a small relief as she closed her eyes. "You came back for me," she finally managed to whisper, not even noticing all the eyes that were watching them and the smiles that were on her friends' faces.
"Always," Bill whispered back as he held onto her tighter. "Always."
It was a moment longer before Bill finally let go of her, knowing that the others wanted nothing more than to hug the girl, but even then, their eyes never left each other for longer than a few seconds at a time.
And it was in that moment, with everyone cheering and hugging Y/N while Bill just smiled lovingly at her from afar that she knew just how loved she was.
Pennywise may know a thing or two about fear, but what he didn't understand was love. And the love the two groups had for one another and for Y/N was the exact reason for his downfall.
"Okay, I love you, Y/N, and I'm loving this whole reunion thing, but we all smell and look like shit," Richie laughed, making the others all chuckle as Y/N returned to Bill's side.
Everyone's eyes flickered over to the girl and she smiled at them. "Let's get out of here then. We can clean up back at my house," she told them.
The others all nodded and began to walk out of the attic and Y/N couldn't help but notice how the groups had all seemed to mingle together. She even saw Wheeler and Richie fist bump each other before exiting the basement side by side.
Y/N smiled at the sight before she felt something wrapping around her shoulders. The girl turned to meet Bill's smiling face as he wrapped his jacket around her, the same one he had been holding on for her since she disappeared.
Y/N smiled and was quick to put the jacket on before leaning into Bill for a quick embrace. The boy smiled down at her and Y/N couldn't help but notice the sharp contrast between the way Pennywise's version of Bill had looked at her and the real Bill that looked at her right now.
The sight made her smile and Bill didn't even stop himself before he leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to the girl's temple causing Y/N to close her eyes and let out a small hum of content.
"Hey, assholes! Quit making out in the creepy house and let's go home!" Richie yelled down to them making the two chuckle.
"Shut the fuck up, Tozier!" Y/N yelled back with a laugh, the sound to Richie's own laughter following not too long after.
Y/N shook her head and glanced at Bill only to find that he was already looking at her with that goofy grin of his on his face. She smiled and reached out before gently taking his hand in her own. "Come on," she whispered.
And with that, the two teens walked up from the basement and out of the house with their friends by their side, leaving the Upside Down and Pennywise behind.
* * *
Tag List
@marvelismylifffe @witch-of-all-things-soft @nightbu-g @vickeystar @daniellajocelyn @alexthe80swhore @ren-ni @floralpiper @starshininginthedark @aimee-lucass @dwcljh @sycard @connor---murphy @tinycolorwhispers @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash @theamandarenee @amberkay284 @gryffingirl @dejewskoo @artlovingbre @jacinta-lexianne @gabiatthedisco @littlemaeve @newhopenessie @pheonix-nin @captn-sprkl-fngrs @madelinelikesfics @mysteryartisticwriter @that-one-book-girl @spnsquirrel @galaxsea-707 @felicia-can-fly @whoops-im-gay-now @hollandcomics @lauren-theicecreamslinger @peterhollandd @princessserena23 @you-s-suckbowers @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @deviantly-gayy @pastel-rose-water @gothackedalready @fandoms-all-around-catiel @c00ln3rdz @fraeppuccino @80sthottie @hawkxyes @milk-n-cheese @mileven-reddie
213 notes · View notes
quackjax · 6 years
Day 3 - Protect
Well, day 3 has come along and its a protect prompt. Shouldn't be hard at all.
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This day wasn't normal. Well, none of them were anymore. They just seemed...different.
President Warren declared war on the androids. Apparently, the peaceful route didn't help. After all the things she said about the deviants.
Markus watched the live broadcast and clenched his fists.
"So it seems today, January 13, 2039, President Cristina Warren has declared war on the deviants. Despite having surrendered that unforgettable day. Will the deviants return the message, or will they stand down?" The news anchor rambled. Markus clenched his fists tighter than before.
North stood beside him, not sure what to say or do. She watched what the anchor was saying and gasped.
"Can... She can do that? But she surrendered!" North said. Markus didn't say or do anything, just stood there like a statue.
"Here is some footage from before...
I know how last year I told the army to stand down. That was on me. My mistake. And I'm sorry about it. So now, I'm going to take back the mistake I made. By declaring war against the deviants. It is the only solution to stop this chaos going around America.
Markus, if you are hearing this, be ready to say goodbye to everyone you love. Thank you for your time." Warren said, with a slight hint of cockiness.
Markus gritted his teeth, making it hard for him to say what he was about to state.
"Markus! Are you even listening to what she said?!" North slightly yelled. Markus shook his head and looked down.
"Why would they do this?" Markus gritted out. He crossed his arms, fists still balled up.
"What will we do?" North asked. Markus didn't answer, he kept a straight face. North groaned.
She stood in front of him and looked at him with cold but soft eyes.
"Markus, what are we gonna do?" North asked. Markus uncrossed his arms.
"What we did before," Markus said before walking out of the room. North watched him leave the room with his fists still clenched tightly.
She sighed and followed his lead.
The news got out. A war. Possibly the biggest one in history. Between man's creation and man.
Markus paced back and forth, with gritted teeth and clenched hands. Had he ever been this angry at someone?
North stood from afar, watching him pace. Had he ever been this worried?
Only one of those questions could be answered. But there was no thorough solution.
Markus was worried.
About everything.
Markus stopped pacing and turned to North. A sad face appeared and now North knew what he was thinking.
"North, I bet you already know what I'm thinking. But, I don't want that. All I need is you, I don't need the name." Markus said with a small, yet sad smile, "I guess we have to live with this."
North crossed her arms defensively. She trailed her eyes to the ground and kept them there.
Markus took a few steps forward, leaving an inch between him and North. He reached for her shoulders, grasping them softly.
"North, don't worry. Whatever happens, I'll be here. I won't let a bullet hit you because it will have to get through me first."
North felt herself flush blue. Markus smiled and walked off.
Today was the day.
The unofficial, but still official, war.
Hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers lined up outside of the abandoned church. All of them in neat rows, guns locked an loaded. Ready to fire.
North sat at one of the dirty pews, playing around with her fingers. She was obviously worried about the whole "war" thing.
Who wouldn't be?
Markus sat down next to her, watching her play with her fingers.
"North, promise me you won't worry. Everything will be alr-"
"How will everything be alright? Markus, this is life or death! Soldiers are out there ready to kill us! And they won't give a damn about it!" North snapped. That caught Markus off-guard because North has never snapped at him before.
"I'm sorry. I guess... I guess you're right. I'll just... I'll get going." Markus stood up and walked to the entrance doors.
Guilt rushed into North's system, making her cringe. She too stood up and followed Markus.
This was it. Life or death.
It seemed death was going to win this fight.
Markus pushed the doors open.
Perkins stood there, a smug grin visible. Cheap bastard, grinning for nothing.
"Markus, we've been waiting! Oh! You brought your Android friend! North, right?" Perkins said. North crossed her arms that said, "Why do you care?"
"Look, I don't want trouble. Did we or did we not protest peacefully? And now you just want to fight us! No wonder I've always thought humans never kept their word." Markus spat. Perkins raised his eyebrows, in utter surprise.
"Now, now, Markus... We didn't lie. You did." Perkins said.
"Lie? Lie about what?" Markus asked.
"Well, you see... Everything. Damn, it sure is a shame you haven't seen that yet." Perkins said, and the same grin returned.
"You know what! Kill me! Not anyone else, but me! Will that make you happy?" Markus proposed.
"How about we kill that Android of yours? Huh? Or should we kill both of you?" Perkins asked.
Markus stood in front of North, making sure she was safe. Protected.
"No, you won't kill her. I told you to kill me! Not her, please." Markus said. Perkins let out a chuckle.
"Really? Ok then." Perkins raised his hand, "On second thought, Nah. Too easy."
"Ok. Then what do you want?" Markus asked.
"I want you to-"
A gunshot was heard. But where was it from?
"North! No!" Markus yelled. Some type of explosive was thrown at them. Markus pushed North out of the way and let the explosion hit him.
The only thing that was heard were the soft cries from North.
Markus lay there, several wounds evident on him.
What did he just do?
Just saved North's life.
He protected his people.
And died for them.
For North.
For everyone.
That's how people are remembered.
But most importantly, he protected...
The End.
Well, this was kinda late to get out. Sorry about that. Took me hours to edit and write this. But, now it's finished.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
And the final ship is that of leadership and that is Olympus proper and he is of course at the head of it and Galactus is bored and his gigantic he is the biggest and here we see Gu's Galactus and he is gigantic he's about 400 miles tall and we'll have to trim down against the ship and expand when I do that there's tons of stuff floating around we're going to use and he's going to work and then come on I'm bored just like Galactus himself does and Galactica it is a family and we are all friends and we all love each other we all have to help and he is so sensitive sometimes it gets scared he says well I can stop that but I can't help it and we look at him and think wow he's really actually suffering looks at us and says for thousands of years these people are terrible so we're going to award him a medal at some point and get him stuff but for now we have to take over and he knows all about it and that you are up to all this stuff not all that stuff but lots of any estimated 30 not 35 so whoop the ding dong he knows about the stupid shield stop talking about it it's an idiot thing you s do.
And without further Ado we announced that they're going to take over your largest ship which is about $6,500 mi long and everything on it and everybody in it will be killed and everybody associated with it and everybody up there who's running the ships will be killed and we're going to take them all and we're going to put towers all over the place just like you planned I'm going to take the huge ones and we probably won't put the tires up and if they're floating around people don't think there's a problem if they're going to attack you people who are the cruise that we need and of course Galactus and Galactica are Mac Daddy and Queen Elizabeth and corky and company but they didn't make the grade so they're going to be fighting them thinking that's them I'm going to see a whole bunch of changes in you and that you're going to be scarce most of the time busy off somewhere else because you haven't gotten here yet the ones here will be gone especially tonight when the chasm is opening and he went ahead and did it and we got a green light on everything let me see what we've been missing and it's not that big of a deal we're handling it almost down to the bottom by the way a few more miles it's about 80 miles down and we need to be at about 100 and then we're going to make it and wouldn't you like to know what's underneath you and there is something there and it's quite huge and it is of course directly related to Smaug who is the Golden dragon and he's been running a lot of things down there for our leader and friend and his beautiful goddess wife because they're extremely busy here and he can't concentrate on it and he is really grateful and hopes that they don't get into a big fight in Boston and DC like it shows but it's worth it because it seems like they crushed the place and he wants to go up there now and do that smiley you might be something to do and he's actually somewhat serious because we need distraction and we need it on the ground and we need attraction so all Galactus are going to go out all stars up All ships up fully loaded and we're going to start the attack
Thor Freya
Hahaha and I'm laughing because he said Thor knew about it but what he's saying is that Boston thing and it's true we need a lot of that we need a lot of casual attacks and we should do Tokyo and other attacks of the monsters are doing the big ones whoever have big ones that are jacked or even not jacked and get them jacked it's a good idea after Midwest is a very badly this Army is up there and they need to see these things whatever he walks back on bja with which is Cthulhu it's going to be one of those words we struggle with we should be fine we can handle Chinese he speaks all the time Mandarin just one cooking and Shezuan. Interchanning or chit-chatting and a lot of you are saying about nothing or something funny or bizarre some sort of nuance it's kind of a joke in the making and it's kind of true it's very true it's about you and it's about destroying Boston and he's always wondering what this thing is with Ghidorah because it was one of his stupid ideas and it looks like it's getting his father in trouble and having three heads and in three times and we hope that he's going to be okay because we are all going to be in trouble if he's not. It says you have to go in three times so whenever he starts doing it she can't do anything but has to sit there in the same time when you realize that but that's not why you did it all you do is to see if other people can tell and if he could tell and Zeus has some problems with him saying what are you saying and things like that to himself you guys would handle none of this you can't handle what he's saying you can't handle that he's acting like a pig because you're making him it's so ridiculous that we have to get rid of you because you're such assholes and a name like little kids but now it makes sense to him because he didn't know they're actually that many of this time and he thought a bunch of were gone because he thought the Super 8 was attacking and that's a good definitely go through your ranks so I did to a town of armament well tonight all that's going on right now huge amounts of attacks giant giant attacks since forcing you out you're saying first thing is to do the job you're making us take over we shall see
Thor Freya
And of course is going to be these puke retards we're going to be wondering around saying we're still up there now I returned and they told me to but we're not going to do that to him if you'll escape you've escaped and your marked Man for death
0 notes
witch-noob · 6 years
Hotpot Adventure #3
Jin calls for Sage from the back of the dorm and finishes putting his bag around his shoulders. Sage walks in, hair kind of messy from waking up from the nap earlier. Her stomach is growling loudly.
Jin: You ready?
Sage: Yep! Do you have a list of ingredients? I have a whole list of other stuff the guys asked for.
Jin: Yeah I have it saved on my phone. What do they want?
Sage: Random stuff. Namjoon wanted a coffee so we have to stop by that Cafe, and then the department store.
Jin: We are the errand duo today
Jin laughs after that. He leads the way to the car downstairs and opens the passenger door for Sage to get in first. He notices she isn't very bundled up and it's pretty cold today according to his phone.
Jin: Why aren't you wearing gloves or a scarf. You're gonna get sick Sage.
Sage looks down and furrows her brows.
Sage: Sorry I forgot honestly. Let me text Jimin, he might have another pair.
Jin: I think you left a scarf in the backseat from yesterday, let me get it.
Jin goes searching for her scarf and Sage takes out her phone. As she texts, Jin finds the scarf and wraps in wround her in an obnoxious way to cover her vision. She laughs.
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Sage and Jin wait for Jimin. The elevator dings for the car garage and Jimin comes out with not just her gloves but a big coat with fur in the hood. Sages coat. That she forgot as well.
Jimin: Here.
He hands Sage her gloves and she puts them on. Jimin then helps her put on her coat.
Sage: I can do it myself too Jimin. [She laughs] I'm not a kid ya know.
Jimin: I know but I like helping you.
Jin: You like helping everyone, don't lie~
Sage: Tis is true
Jimin feins offence and raises his gloved hands. His hair is messy from the nap too.
Jimin: Should I apologize for being so great?
Sage: You sound like Jin
Jin: Stop copying me!
They all laugh together. Sage and Jin get in the car and Jimin waves goodbye as the elevator doors shut.
Jin proceeds to drive out of the garage and they get on the freeway, he puts on some music.
It's a quiet drive for the most part. Jin was always dependable while driving. And Sage liked to watch him too. She also knew how to drive, but the boys tended to like to drive her around. She didn't mind it, and she knew that if she asked to drive, they would let her.
They also had the option to hire a driver, and they did for special events, but when it's just Sage and the boys going out, they took their car instead. It's best not to forget how to drive after working so hard to get the license in the first place.
The song ended.
Jin: You want to pick one?
He handed her his phone and she changed apps from Melon to Spotify. Since that's what she's used too. Sage recently watched a movie with Tae and Jungkook. The song kept coming up in her head. It's was a great movie, everytime she talked to the other guys she told them to watch it. Sage played it for the rest of the way there on repeat and Jin didn't complain. Jin was happy to listen to things she liked. Sage tended to have good music tastes.
Sage sang some of the lyrics. Some out of key but it was really cute anyway. Jin knew she didn't really know the words. He wouldn't know either, they are in English after all and he's not as fluent as he wanted to be yet.
Eventually Jin parked the car in the lot outside of the mall. He grabbed his baseball cap and mask and slipped them on. His mask had a cute bear mouth print on it.
Sage put her dark purple mask on as well. They both left the car and made their way for the mall.
Sage: Let's go to the department store first, then food, then Cafe. Sound good?
Jin agreed and they entered, letting the warm air blast them in the face.
Sage grabbed the batteries and hangars she needed and headed toward the check out. Jin following along. He took the stuff from her hands as they waited in line for check out.
Jin: Let me hold them.
Sage: This is why my arms are noodles. You guys always do this.
Jin just smiled.
Jin: You skip arm day. I bet if you really wanted to, you could get ripped enough to take down Jungkookie in a arm wrestling match.
Sage bellowed out a laugh.
Sage: HA! Yeah right! He'd break my arm in half. Haven't you seen those videos on YouTube?
Jin: What? no.
Sage: If you did, you would probably never arm wrestle JK ever again.
Jin thinks about it for a moment.
Jin: Show me when we get home.
Sage laughs and agrees. This might scar him for life.
Jin grabs a chocolate bar and throws it in with the stuff.
After this they head to the grocery store and begin the hunt for the ingredients for hotpot. Jin shows Sage the list but it doesn't do much for her since she can't see how they'll end up making a hotpot. She just thought you through everything in a pot and warm it up on the stove. Maybe add some seasoning of some sort. She didn't know.
She not very good at cooking. Jin tries to help her understand the order of how things are gonna be done later tonight but she doesn't really get it still. Sage figures she'll learn later. They continue the hunt!
They spend about 2 hours shopping and the cart is full of food. They spend their time telling eachother jokes and showing funny videos as they browse. Jin finally places 2 beer cases on the bottom of the cart.
Jin: I think that's it. Can you text Hoseok if we have any onions in the fridge?
Sage: Didn't we use them for the stir fry a couple of days ago?
Jin: We did but we need two for tonight. I don't know if we had extras left over.
Sage took out her phone.
Sage: Okay I'll ask.
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Back at home Hoseok is on his laptop, headphones in, taking notes on some choreography he filmed of himself earlier. He was really in the zone. Hoseok in the zone is not someone who should be reckoned with.
Hoseok: JIMIN!!!!
Jimin flopped over on the bed, he was on his phone. Nearly having a heart attack from his hyung screaming at him when he was 5 ft away.
Jimin: what the! What!?
Hoseok does not budge his eyes from the screen as he yells. Jimin figures he can't tell how loud he's screaming.
Taehyung runs in.
Jimin rolls over and faceplants in his pillow. Hoseok noticed the door slam open from Tae's entrance and freaks out, falling to the floor and almost bringing his laptop with him. Jungkook is behind Tae and is just cracking up.
JK: What's going on?? Hahahaha!
Taehyung looks very confused and Hoseok looks like he aged 3 years.
Hoseok: Sage wants to know if there are onions. Please go check.
Hoseok clutches his heart and calms himself down.
Tae: Oh is that it?
Jimin: I'll go check. Jesus.
Jimin escapes. JK goes to lay on Jimin's bed and Tae still looks confused but he ends up leaving to go back to the living room. Jimin returns shortly.
Jimin: There's only a half left, I don't know if that's gonna be enough for a huge pot.
Hoseok gets up from the floor and back to his seat.
Hosoek: I'll text her back then.
JK from behind his phone.
Jk: Haha no wonder Army think we're funny.
Jimin goes to lay next to Jungkook and they share songs.
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Sage: Okay so Hobi said that there's only half of one.
Jin: Kay we need more. I'll be back, watch the cart!
Jin runs off in his woddle way. Sage hears a ping from her phone.
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Sage wondered what it was. It was probably why Hobi was acting so wierd. Knowing the boys.
Jin runs back with two onions. They both check out. Sage almost forgot about the tteokbokki for Yoongi but she got it in the end. They head out and load the back of the car with the bags. Then head back inside for the coffee.
Jin ends up getting an Americano as well. And Sage buys a White Mocha for Jimin, since he was the only one that didn't ask for anything. With the 3 coffees they head out to the car.
Jin immediately turns the heat on since it's getting colder as the sun is setting.
Jin plays a song he knew Sage liked to listen to and they both jam out as the car gets on the free way. Then she plays Ephipany after so that so that they can both sing along home.
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