#so naturally someone else closed the door but my break was about to end so i try to open the door
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corroded-hellfire · 10 months
My gorgeous soulmate. The love of my life. I can’t stop thinking about Reader waiting for a ride and accidentally overhearing Eddie talking to the Hellfire guys about some beautiful girl and how he’s afraid to ask her out. Reader assumes it’s someone else and leaves because she’s upset and doesn’t want him to see her. Bonus points for wingman Dusty Bun, but not necessary. Okay love you byeeeeee xoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Hello, my darling dearest. I hope you enjoy this and I love you too! 💕
Words: 1.5k
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Band practice ran late, but that didn’t matter one bit. Your older brother was always running behind to pick you up, leaving you the lone person sitting outside the school, waiting. Usually, you had a book with you, but you’d finished your last one and hadn’t gotten a chance to check a new one out of the library today. Honestly, the fierce autumn wind may have prevented you from reading anyway; the pages would be obeying Mother Nature, not you. The wind whistles and whips so viciously that you slide off of the brick wall you’re sitting on top of and seat yourself on the cold sidewalk, pressing as close to the wall as you can to avoid the harsh blowing.
Luckily, the gust eases up and you only end up having four leaves stuck to your clothing. As you’re picking them from your gray sweater, you hear the telltale squeak of the main doors of the school opening. Your brow creases in confusion because you didn’t realize anyone else was here this late. The dark evening has your mind floating back to the dozens of slasher movies you’ve seen that started with this very scenario. Taking care to be as quiet as possible, you tuck your legs up against your body as you hug your backpack to your chest.
“Damn Eddie, I’ve never heard you talk this way before.”
The voice is vaguely familiar. Nancy’s brother maybe? Right! He’s in Hellfire with Eddie Munson, who must be the Eddie he’s speaking to. An involuntary smile curls on your lips at the boy you’re head over heels for being just a few feet away. The closer they get, the easier it is for you to hear the thunk of the metalhead’s boots coming down the sidewalk. 
“Ugh, I know,” Eddie says, a hint of a whine in his happy-go-lucky voice. “But she’s so fuckin’ beautiful.”
The butterflies in your stomach sour, churning at hearing Eddie talk this way about some girl. He’s not doing anything wrong, and logically you know that. He doesn’t owe you anything. But irritation bubbles up in you as a defense from the heartbreak you’re desperately trying to run away from. Your fingers dig into your backpack as you squeeze your eyes closed to prevent the tears from leaking out.
“Ask her out!” That voice was Jeff’s—from your history class.
Eddie scoffs and you can just picture him shaking his head, his frizzy curls swaying back and forth. The thought of Eddie asking a girl out forces the hot tears to leak down your face, despite how tightly you’ve been keeping them closed. 
“Like she would want to go out with me,” he says. 
Now your heart also breaks for Eddie. Who could be so stupid as to not want to go out with him?
“Aww, I think you’re scared,” another voice goads. Probably the curly-haired boy that’s friends with the Wheeler boy. 
“I’m not scared,” Eddie says. “I’m just…afraid.”
“That’s the same thing!” Wheeler says before you hear a thump and the boy mutters an, “Ow!”
“Shut it, Wheeler. I don’t want to hear shit from you or Henderson on girls. Both of your girls live far away. Huh, kind of convenient, isn’t it?” Eddie asks. “They’re probably as real as the damn hair on top of Higgin’s head.”
“Hey!” Wheeler shouts.
“That’s bullshit!” the boy who must be Henderson shouts at the same time.
“You guys are letting him change the subject,” Jeff says. “When are you going to ask her out?”
Instead of giving an answer, you can hear Eddie grumbling under his breath the closer they get to you. It won’t be long now before they’ll walk past the wall and see you sitting on the ground. Waiting for a ride is easy enough to explain, but the tear tracks running down your face are a different matter. 
Before the group of guys can get any closer, you carefully push yourself onto your knees. Balancing yourself against the wall with one hand, you seek out somewhere you can hide. The corner of the wall is pretty far away, you’d never be able to crawl there fast enough. If you stand up though, you could walk that distance. Realizing crouching down so far is going to kill your back, you push up to your feet and keep your torso and head low as you speedwalk to the corner of the wall. 
Luckily, it’s just a grassy lawn on the other side of the wall, so you throw yourself down on it and catch your breath. Unluckily, you hear the piercing whine of your brother’s car pulling up towards Hawkins High. Fuck. Of course he comes now. 
You peek out from your safe space around the wall and see that Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire gang are climbing into Eddie’s van. A rush of breath leaves your lungs and you’re sure your adrenaline is about to come crashing down.
Your brother pulls up to the curb and you push yourself off of the grass and quickly slide into the passenger’s seat. 
“Uh, you okay?” your brother asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Fine,” you huff. “Just go.”
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Like the piece of gum you’d stepped in last week, the sharp pains in your heart stay with you much longer than you’d like. The next day, right before last period, you’re at your locker, switching out your books and hoping your eyes don’t look as puffy as they feel.
“Uh, hey.”
The voice makes you jump and drop your biology book. You don’t have to turn around to know who it is; you’d know that voice anywhere. It’s just never been so close to your ear before.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” Eddie says as he bends down to pick up your book. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s okay,” you manage to say as you turn around to face him. “Thank you,” you say as he gives you your science book back. 
Eddie clears his throat and glances over his shoulder before looking back at you—or rather, your shoes. Curious, you follow the line of sight where Eddie had just looked, and you see the curly-haired boy from Hellfire peeking around the corner. Henderson. As soon as he notices you looking, he pops back out of sight. 
“I, uh,” Eddie says as he finds the courage to meet your eye. “Hey.”
“You said that,” you say with a shy smile. “But then I freaked out, so…hi.”
The smile Eddie gives you isn’t his biggest by far, but it still makes your knees go wobbly. 
“You’re in band, right?” Eddie asks, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck. 
“I am.”
“Yeah. So, I was wondering if maybe after the game this Friday you might want to grab a bite to eat? With, um, me?”
The world freezes around you, time completely stopping. Your body is locked in place as you stare at Eddie with wide eyes. He just asked me out, you think. Why would he ask me out? He thinks that other girl is beauti—holy shit. I’m the beautiful girl he was talking about? This defies all that you thought you knew in the world. Is this a parallel universe where guys actually like you back? You realize you’ve just been staring at him since you spoke.
“Yeah. T-That sounds nice,” you say.
“Really?” Eddie’s eyes light up and your heart comes to a halt inside your chest.
“Yes,” you say with a small chuckle.
“Wow. Awesome. Okay, wow.” His disbelief shocks you. How in the hell was he afraid to ask you out? You’re just…you. He gives you a wider grin now before tugging up the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Do you have a pen?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” You grab a pen from your locker and write down your number on Eddie’s pale skin, right below a colony of inked bats. 
“Great,” Eddie says as he pulls his sleeve back down. “Um, I’ll wait in the gym after the game?”
“Sure. It’ll only take me a few minutes to change and get everything put away.”
“Awesome,” Eddie says again, and seeing him acting this nervous just tickles you pink. You’re not sure you’ve ever heard him say “awesome” before and now he’s said it twice within the last minute. “I guess I’ll see you in English tomorrow.”
“Sounds good. Oh, Eddie, wait. You’re going to go to the game?” You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. “I thought you hated basketball.”
“Oh. Well, I do,” he says with a chuckle. “Easier to take you out after the game if I’m there, though. And, uh, you know, Sinclair’s been bugging me to come see him play.”
“Right,” you say. 
Eddie’s cheeks turn a light red as he gives you a bashful smile. 
“See you later, beautiful,” he says. He doesn’t give you time to even react to his words before he’s heading down the hall. 
“Holy shit,” you whisper to yourself. “I make Eddie nervous?”
A jovial giggle slips past your lips as you close your locker. You feel like you owe the Hellfire guys a thank you. 
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heartdoomed · 23 days
heyyy I was wondering if you’d do a lil one shot with Mother Miranda where the reader is her maidservant and they’ve gotten pretty close and Miranda is working herself to death and the maid gently (and eventually a little more forcefully) encourages her to take a break. Lots of fluff ensues 😁 thank you for feeding the fandom you’re my hero 😂
First ask for our fav bird mom! Also thanks i’m a bit late for the party but I will try my best ✨
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| Stubborn
Pairing: Mother Miranda x Maid! Reader
Genre: One-Shot, Fluff
Warnings: None
From a villager, to a follower, to a personal maid.
Your journey with Mother Miranda was something you never truly expected, something suddenly but that you held little resentment about nonetheless. Miranda was, and is, a figure you can’t fully grasp yourself into — like a seductive voice in the back of your mind that has no set tune, something that comes wickedly in a natural manner and you just can’t help but to accept as it is. When she first laid her eyes on you, something changed in your life and all of it’s aspects, that woman had cursed you, had you wrapped around her finger the moment she ordered you to serve under her. A high priestess — no, a goddess, and her little helpful subject.
It was a matter of mixed feelings between fear and respect. Sometimes you thought of her with fear, fear for your life and how you have been dragged into this snowscape of a village and into somehow managing to match the high hopes she held for someone so close to her. On the other hand, she emanated glory, a superiority everyone including yourself could see — you found yourself looking up to her, quite literally like she was your only savior, the effect she had on people, and on you, was unmatchable. Soon the duty to serve somehow turned into a feeling of honor, you’ve never felt this fulfilled to have this role.
Your shoes quietly clicked as you made your way across yet another hallway, you always thought of Miranda’s manor as a labyrinth that you’ve grown fairly accustomed to. Dark walls that always seemed to close in with each curve and whispers that coincidentally also sounded like the blowing cold wind from the outer woods. It was cold, tainted by a heavy atmosphere, either your own mind playing tricks or something else rooted between those walls, at some point you felt embraced by the shadows somehow — sickly comforting.
Your hands held a square silver platter, carefully adorned with hand-made details and curls on its sides, so clean and shiny it almost seemed made of crystal glass. On top of it rested a a teapot with warm fresh tea you brewed yourself, herbs that were delivered weekly just as all the food you had access to cook — a tea cup and a plate with a generous piece of layered cake rested side by side. It was her usual snack for the afternoon, just another daily ritual you found somewhat soothing. You enjoyed cooking for her and unlike her past servants you gave her food a touch of familiarity she had missed — suddenly the food wasn’t just delicious but served with a touch of care that she managed to notice, it was rare the occasion she wouldn’t compliment your skills.
Your head became flooded with thoughts of past situations were she did took notice of your hard work; From carefully organizing mail into alphabetical order to amusingly adorning her freshly washed towels into the shape of flowers and bunnies, oh Miranda thought it was quite silly of you but nonetheless this only managed to make you two closer. You smiled to yourself, thinking of how you went from a scared new maid to someone you knew she started to trust, maybe to care? You weren’t sure but you surely knew you ended up caring.
But apparently not caring enough to pay attention to where you where going as you almost bumped straight up against her office doors. Your heart skipped a beat as you halted on your tracks, you held the silver platter closely to your chest and thanked your lucky stars to not have spilled anything out of place, how clumsy. Taking a big silent breath, you raised your hand towards her door to knock before stopping as the familiar voice of Miranda, muffled, but yet clear and sharp enough, came from inside.
“You should stop daydreaming while scattering around, you will end up hurting yourself. Come in.”
She pointed out. You cursed in your thoughts, rolling your eyes at being called out — she always managed to know of your shenanigans even when you tried to hide them, ridiculous. Shaking the embarrassing event away, you quietly opened the door to reveal a much less intimidating Miranda, one you had grown used to. Without her ceremonial robes and her imposing wings she felt much less like something to fear and more like something to respect — a woman with a commanding posture no matter the situation. You remember how strange it felt to see her this way for the first time, it was hard to change your half shocked expression though luckily she found it more amusing than anything else.
“I made cinnamon cake with whipped pumpkin cream and some honey tea… I thought it would be a good match for the entering of this fall season.” You announced before closing closing the door behind you, Miranda hummed at the description but her eyes were still set on the paperwork onto her desk — gosh, how you hated when she fell into her working streaks. Nights awake in her laboratory, continuous days locked into there office. “I… think it’s a good time for a break, no?” You gently offered, resting the platter in a less busy spot of her desk. Still, her eyes kept themselves focused on the countless words in each of the papers she held. It made you irritated how much of a workaholic this woman was sometimes.
“Hmmm, yes, yes, thank you honey—“ She finally murmured.
“Honey?” You asked, your eyes widening in surprise.
“Honey… tea— Oh, you made honey tea?” She asked, finally taking her eyes off her work to look at you. Her eyes were striking and you certainly would be flustered if you didn’t spluttered out a chuckle to which she replied with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, look who is daydreaming into her work now!” You kept chuckling with a hand attempting to cease yourself. Miranda squinted her eyes at your audacity.
“It is not a simple day dream, it’s my work.” She retorted, her slender fingers precisely organized the papers into a growing pile. “I will eat after I’m done.”
“But!” You attempted to protest.
“I’m almost done.” She justified.
“You said it hours ago when I brought your lunch, to which you refused.” You pointed out, your tone growing more preoccupied, which she caught up to. “Please… You can’t keep working like this.”
Miranda stopped, her fingers resting against her temples as she shook her head with a sigh. That woman was incredibly stubborn, you knew that but so was you when it came to taking care of her well being. Your eyebrows furrowed as you gently took the pile of papers away, resting them into a nearby empty desk to which Miranda stared in disbelief. “I’m sorry, but respectfully — you need rest!” Seething the trail in front of her, your eyes pleaded for her to at least take some time to eat. She could see how worried you were and as much as she wished to keep on with her work, she gave in with a nod.
You almost chirped with happiness upon finally seeing her giving a go at not working herself to near starvation again, gosh this woman was a challenge to aid sometimes but you cared enough to try and you knew that she noticed the effort you put into it.
“Well, honey?” You asked, a teasing smile on your lips.
“Excuse me?” She almost choked on her words, uncharacteristically enough to your amusement.
“Honey tea.” You smugly announced, pouring her some of the delicious golden liquid as she shook her head in disbelief — taking a satisfying bite off the soft cake you baked.
“I don’t know why I still keep you around, you will drive me crazy eventually.” She replied with a grumpy tone, to which waved off a hearted laugh. It was hard for her to hide a smile while also maintaining a decent eating etiquette but at the end of the day she was content to have someone cheer her up like you did.
AN: This was so funny to make! I feel like Miranda is a great softie when you push her buttons in the right way. Anyhow, hope ya enjoy it!
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Stalker/Obsessed Michael Gavey
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He knew it was wrong, but wasn't it natural to want to get closer to a beauty like her? It's only biological, he had thought over and over again when his eyes had landed on her.
Ever since he had seen her at the ceremonial dinner, he had enrolled in every course she had taken, just like anyone else, whether it was of any use to him or not. That sweet, almost innocent smile, the joy in her eyes as she chatted with the others, the unimportant, clueless hookers who belonged to the "rich and popular".
But she was different, he knew it as his bright eyes continued to watch her from behind his glasses, and with every bite he took, with every sip of tea he took, everything he took did not seem to taste in the least like her. Oh, he had imagined it a hundred times when he tasted her, how she smelled, how she sounded when he touched her.
She didn't even need an occasion, she was simply beautiful, whether it was now in the hot summer in the short skirts, the top that showed her belly, the boots and the bright make-up on her eyes. In his mind, she was an angel, his own personal angel who had lost her feathers.
It was easy for the best student on campus to gain the trust of the professors, even if they didn't mind anyway, as long as they had a success rate and the rest was nothing. So it was easy to get her file, the picture of her key, the replica, and finally get into her room.
,,I'm here at last... my love," he had muttered as he casually closed the door behind him, a glance at his wristwatch and a push up of his glasses later he knew he had about ten minutes before his favorite came back from her break completely changed her racket for sports he put on the cute pink skirt and the white sports top underneath no bra which he had found on the bed as he had watched from one of the opposite windows with a TV when no one was there in the morning, at noon in the evening at night.
Someone has to take care of you, he thought as he started to walk around her room.
The smell of sweetness was insatiable, as if ice cream was everywhere in the room and he could finally touch it. His hands gripped a slight tremble when he opened the drawer in front of him, he saw that it was her t-shirts and underwear.
A gasp passed over her lips as he felt his cheek heat up and he slid his fingers over the soft fabric knowing he didn't have much time but it was enough for the blond-brown haired man to grab what he needed to get what he wanted and let himself down on her bed.
For a moment he imagined what it would be like to lie here with her, but he would still have enough fanaticism at the latest when the moon rose again and he had his rest and the fabric in his hands had a use.
However, he rose only a few hours later and walked through her room one last time before disappearing from her room with something new that he could not only add to his collection, but he also had something to enjoy being a little closer to her.
When he reached into the drawer of his nightstand, as he did every night, he could choose between underwear, t-shirt tops and even socks. He collected all his pride from her, even if he knew it was morlaishc defensible and what he did was punishable, in the end it was only natural. Because he knew that if someone like Felix got his darling, she would be lost forever and he could never have her for himself.
But soon after he had decided to take the black lacy underwear, as the light of the lamp dimmed in his room, it didn't take much to feel the tingling excitement in his stomach. ,,So-ngh pretty sweetie" came over his lips as he stroked his hardness, the soft fabric of his underwear providing a measure of variety between his fine lines.
His thoughts replayed the day over and over in his mind it was easy to imagine her his beautiful angel as he slowly jerked off that sweet smell of her clothes still seemed to cling to him his glasses flashed in the moonlight as his hair became slightly tangled as he tried to suppress it with the back of his hand.
Normally he turned on the music but today it was too much fun to see her like this she had even said ,,Hello Michael" to him as she walked past him in math to sit in his seat. A twitching through his hips caught the hint of the fabric moving faster around a hardness.
The thought she had taken him in just a little more and he would feel her the way she was around him...her body against him, the soft pretty breasts pressing against the fabric of her top as she hugged her friend. ,,So-ah soft," he murmured as he continued to imagine her, the thighs he would love to touch with his fingers, kissing and biting lightly as he made his way to her center, finally tasting her.
He would fulfill her and bring her to every ecstasy, whether with his tongue or his fingers, he would do anything for her just to finally be able to taste her and touch her.
To feel her hands in his hair when she pulled him closer and pressed his body against her, telling him that she needed him, that he was so incredibly good.
A thought that made him feel the tingling in his crotch increase and, with a suppressed moan of her name, he poured himself into the fabric that was now wet with cum between his fingers.
His breathing slowed only slightly as he looked down at his hand, the lust he felt for her was real and so was the love, ,,It's only a matter of time before you do it too...my love," he murmured, looking up at the dull moon shining through the curtains and out into the night.
@ateliefloresdaprimavera , @valeskafics , @aemonds-holy-milk , @moonygirlsworld , @blog4horror , @palomam18 , @sapphirespiders
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mamamangaka · 8 months
(No one has posted this and I need it so I shall cook for myself)
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- Yandere!Alastor with a g/n reader who likes toys and art stuff -
Okay so here’s the thing I kinda see about Alastor:
Hes a fucking looney who will do anything and everything to keep you if he happens to fall in love.
But lemme tell you if you break past those walls and manage to ameliorate his aceness to the point that he’s yandere about you then baby you done.
You might as well have signed over your soul to him.
I like to think only one thing in particular would peak his interest at first.
Maybe your drawing outside a coffee shop -
Or reading tarot cards at the park?
Perhaps even reading under a tree, who knows?
But whatever it is, Alastor saw you and he froze.
He never once expected to fall so deeply in love (especially not at first sight) and I feel that when he did finally succumb after a bit of denial, it would be a quick realization and he’d make a decision to seek you out immediately.
He’d closely stalk you for some time but when he gets you, he’d keep you in his radio tower, where no one else goes and where his world really is.
He’d probably kidnap you mere weeks after realizing he’s enamored, it wouldn’t take long before he came up behind you out of nowhere.
He was someone you’d only seen once or twice in passing but found attractive each time, though you weren’t exactly thinking about a partnership.
He wouldn’t be asking you, he’d simply take you.
(You didn’t need to know he’d been admiring you anyway.)
You weren’t someone of great power or who was well known. You simply met a tragic fate and unfortunately ended up here by mistake due to being involved in “black magic”.
It was unfair, in your opinion, to be cast down simply due to your divination talents and history.
Never once did you misuse your gifts yet here you were.
When you come around, you’re in Alastor room in the hotel.
He explains the situation and gives you options.
You ask to go, not interested in whatever he’s offering and he explains that’s not an option so you need to pick another one.
After demanding to leave, trying to open the door, banging and calling for help and eventually pleading and sobbing with him, you realize you aren’t going anywhere.
You wheep and hoarsely beg as he carries you into the wooded area that seems to pocket into another place.
You realize later that it was a path to the radio tower.
There’s a wooden door that leads to his own personal “home” in that tower.
And inside, I’d expect it’s quite nice.
Greenery everywhere, plants and/or herbs hanging from the ceiling and a cozy woodstove. Lovely flowers and pretty trees surrounding the outside, blocking the view of the horrors that hell had naturally.
A earthy, modest but very comfortable and exquisite environment and cottage style house with at least one library on hand.
But he can take all this beauty away quite easily, so don’t forget or step out of line. The view is a luxury he gives based on your behavior; do not tread lightly.
Now, he’s very commanding and strict with his darling, often times dictating what they eat and wear, bossing them around and physically moving them to where he wants.
• “My little doe, you were simply taking too much time to get to me, I was just helping you along.”
• “Oh darling, don’t you know I’m doing this for your own good? Don’t cry, come here: give me a kiss.”
• “No no, little doe. It’s best if you rest right now. Ah, yes, I can see you don’t want to sleep. How about I read to you or turn the radio on, hm?”
But he’s also super old timey and you would immediately be considered his spouse, and he would pamper and treat you with such respect (at least as much as he could)
If he found out you liked dolls or soft toys, well he’d be all over that and try to use it to his advantage.
I feel like it would be a rag doll copy of himself or a porcelain/ball jointed doll (dressed in 1920-1950 attire) as a Victorian styled Queen or what not.
• “You seem so lonely honey bun, so I picked you up something nice. Hopefully it will warm you a little when you think of me.”
• “I can see you fiddle with your hands a lot, mi amor. Here, have a doll to dress and play with for when your pretty hands need a break from the books.”
• “Oh my, it seems a nap is in order for your crankiness. Where is your toy? It’s better for you to have something to sleep with while I’m doing the broadcast.”
But he wouldn’t have bought it for you, oh no, because the only thing he buys you is the most pristine art supplies and most flattering jewelry and clothes —
— he’d have made this himself for you, from his own power.
And he’d use it to keep an eye on you no matter where you happened to be.
Needed a moment alone? Not without the doll he gave you.
Was hiding from punishment? Not without the doll.
If you left it somewhere in a vain attempt for distance, you’d find it on your person the second you reached in your bag or turned around.
And when Alastor found out you left it? He’d be livid.
But you wouldn’t know he was mad by his face, only his voice and the static crackle in the background.
• “Don’t you ever leave that doll again sweetheart. Do you understand me?”
• “This is how I protect you, darling. It’s best for everyone if you follow direction.”
• “Now honey, you don’t want to lose your privilege to wander around the hotel and mingle with the others, do you? Then you best keep that doll close, hm?”
If you possibly took a liking to the doll he gave you, well..
His heart might soar, he won’t lie
How cute and innocent you were, so completely unaware of the horrors he possesses — the doll possesses — if you step out of line
It’s something he really loves about you; you trust him (mostly bc you have to)
And if you took up sewing to make outfits for the doll?? He’d be so over the moon and even conjure up a little wardrobe for them if enough clothes are made.
And your drawings??? Oh don’t even get me started
too late I did it myself here I go
He would parade you around like you were the messiah of the demonic art world
It didn’t matter if you or anyone else thought you were good
You like doing it? Hes gonna over indulge you.
You drew something just for him???
Then it’s getting a golden frame and you’re getting the radio host fame.
He wouldn’t let anyone touch your sketchbook. He’d actually kill anyone who destroys any piece of your work.
He always coos over you, he’s literally obsessed with you.
Admires you while your drawing like you are the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
Always begs to see your drawings.
Does everything in his power to help you with inspiration or getting out of art block.
Hangs up his favorite pieces you’ve done around the hotel and talks you up to everyone.
• “My my, who would have guessed my little doe was so full of talent? Ah-ha, well me, of course!”
• “Oh yes, they’re nothing short of extraordinary and excel in everything they attempt. It’s absolutely magnificent.”
• “Quite the looker, aren’t they? It’s no wonder I fell so hard, they made this old withering heart beat once more.”
What if you broke a rule? Either accidental or on purpose?
*rubs palms together deviously*
I mean it’s hell, so it’s not like you could actually die and he’d permanently lose you, but I could see him considering killing, traumatizing and horrifying you to make a point for when you came back. If you broke the rule on purpose or left the hotel without a damn good reason or asking him, I definitely think he’d ponder on it.
But I honestly don’t know if he’d be able to go that far if he’s to the point that he’s fallen for you.
I definitely think he’d be the kind to chain you away for a bit and ignore you for a while after really scaring you though, having only come in when you cry out for him or need to be attended.
He’d be condescending and emotionally manipulating for sure.
• “Well dear, we wouldn’t be in this predicament if you would have just listened and been good, hm?”
• “No no, you can’t come downstairs. I told you this time out is for two weeks. It’s been only two days darling.”
•“Now that’s not the way one of such class as ourselves behave. Shush your crying, my sweet.”
He wouldn’t tolerate a darling openly defying him, he’d put you over his knee and bruise your behind so quick and wouldn’t think twice.
And getting off punishments easy? Nah.
Good behavior or not, you’re gonna be going through the whole thing every single time. He won’t let you have even an ounce of wiggle room on that.
Your bottom stings after only thirty spanks? He isn’t stopping. He said 50 and he meant it, so buckle up buttercup, this is gonna be a long ride.
You don’t want to finish your plate? Well that’s a nice opinion, quite cute! .. but he doesn’t recall asking you what you wanted, so eat up ~
You aren’t tired? Well, allow him the pleasure of wearing you out and soothing you to slumber.
I think he’d allow the darling to cling to him though, that’s the kind of yandere I see him as. He’d maybe mock you a little at first and seem patronizing but all in all, he finds the need to touch him endearing and he does become fond of it.
I think he’d make you dependent on it, really. He’d always encourage you to cuddle up to him, always making sure you sit or stand directly next to him and that’s he’s always got his arm around you or you hanging onto his own.
He’d be tolerant of your crying. I think he’d find you cute while in distress, so that would be his favorite time to hold you tight. He’d caress your tearstreaks and kiss away the droplets.
•“Sweet sugar plum, you’ve been so emotional lately.”
• “Pretty crybaby, what can I do to make you feel better? Come now, there must be something your husband can whip up for you.”
“Oh, my poor, darling y/n..” he’d tsk, stroking the side of your face and nuzzling noses, “don’t cry, hush now, it’s alright, your faithful and devoted protector is here.”
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sc0tters · 1 year
Teach Me | Mackie Samoskevich
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summary: when Mackie learns of your struggles he finds a way for you both to win.
request: yes/no
trope: lessons in bed
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving), swearing.
word count: 1.76k
authors note: first off kei thanks for helping with this and I’m sorry that I didn’t do it justice. This piece just didn’t click with me tonight but I really wanted to get it out for you all. So thanks for reading as an build the celly up.
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Mackie knew that it was wrong.
The way he thought about you as his room went dark each night, how your laugh made him feel. But worse of all how Mackie let out a cheer when he realised that Spencer was being sent to the AHL. Yes all of it was wrong.
But as your boyfriend left you in the state of Florida with Mackie as your next door neighbour, he couldn’t help but feel like the universe was on his side.
You two had grown close, the daily dinners together helped that bond grow. By the end of October Mackie was your favourite person in the state.
So naturally he was the man who eventually heard about the struggles you didn’t want to share with your boyfriend.
Spencer was a great guy, don’t get you wrong. But he was as vanilla as they came, especially when the distance came into play. Phone calls about your days ended in ‘I love yous’ and you knew you should have been happy about it.
Yet you wanted him to tell you how he pictured his hand around his cock being your mouth instead. The two videos you had tried to send Spencer with you wearing nothing in them it only had your boyfriend requesting that you stopped sending those to him.
To say that you were a mess of horny nerves was an understatement “you okay?” Mackie asked snapping his fingers in front of you.
You had taken him up on the offer of going to the gym in your apartment building together, ironically the offer came up minutes after your vibrator decided to stop working “yep.” No you weren’t. Mackie was in his compression shirt and some shorts that left little to the imagination.
His curls stuck to the top of his forehead “you know you can tell me the truth.” Mackie smiled putting his weight down to crouch between your legs as you were still sat on a weight bench.
It made you feel guilty how you enjoyed the way his eyes looked at you “I miss having someone between my legs!” You blurted out quickly slapping your hand over your mouth feeling grateful that nobody else was in the gym.
Mackie’s eye almost popped out of his head “you’re going to need to elaborate f’me princess.” His voice was soft as he pulled your hand away from your face so that he could hear you again.
The gesture calmed your nerves “you promise you won’t judge me?” You were dangerously close to telling him everything at its most unfiltered “I promise.” The hockey player moved to your side joining you on the bench.
You sighed fiddling with the ends of your braid “Spence seems like he’s no longer sexually attractive to me and my vibrator decided to break this morning-” your cheeks reddened as your ramble worsened “did you finish?” Mackie crossed his arms.
“Did you finish?”
All you needed to do was shake your head to make him smile “even when I do it’s not the same.” The feeling of someone’s cock in your cunt was truly never going to be replaced by the device that you now swore hated you “do girls like being gone down on?” Mackie’s question was genuine causing you to hold back a laugh “have you never gone down before?” He shook his head staying quiet until it seemed like he had a light bulb go off above his head “I think I have an idea that could help us both.”
You practically followed Mackie downstairs to his apartment like you were a lost dog as you followed him back “what do you say?” His suggestion made sense to you, you got your release and he got the practice.
The environment was safe, you two were comfortable and you both needed this. All signs pointed to yes “what about Spence?” Sure you knew your thoughts about the boy in front of you weren’t pure but you still loved your boyfriend “what he doesn’t know won’t kill him.” Mackie shrugged causing you to nod “let’s do it.”
His room had a similar layout to yours. It smelt of smoke oak and a candle you swore you had given him “you sure you’re okay with this?” Mackie watched as you sat on his bed.
You smiled at his care “c’mere Mackie.” You held your finger up at him motioning for him to come over to you.
The hockey player smirked as your cool fingers ran up the inside of his shirt “shit baby.” The American groaned as he leaned down.
Kissing you was everything he thought it would be. His lips were rough against yours his tongue slide over your lip making you gasp.
He pulled away to look at you “won’t make you wait for this.” Mackie smiled shifting his attention to your leggings “your ass looks so fucking good in these.” He confessed making your cheeks redden “Mackie-” you groaned feeling his hands run up your now bare thighs.
Mackie smirked “tell me what you want?” His lips pressed against your skin making you forget how to speak English “your tongue.” You begged watching as his fingers hooked in your waistband of your panties “where baby?” The boy watched as you grabbed at his sheets.
Your bare cunt faced him making him lick his lips “on my cl-clit.” Your voice was shaky as he wearily ran his tongue over the sensitive nub “fuck!” You groaned almost jumping in the process.
Mackie was quick to pull away as he thought he had done something wrong “go softer,” you pleaded sticking your tongue out in the way you want him to do so. The hockey player nodded repeating his actions with your instructions “right there.” You nearly melted into his mattress as he watched you silently taking that as approval.
His tongue lay flat against your slit “use it like your fingers.” You remembered that you were meant to be teaching him “fuck my pussy.” You instructed him wrapping your fingers in his hair.
You gasped feeling his tongue thrust into your cunt as his nose hit your clit “Jesus Mackie!” You cried feeing his fingers move to your pussy “you liking that baby?” Mackie cooed focusing his tongue on your clit once more.
This allowed him to thrust his fingers at a quicker pace drawing louder noises from your lips “y-yeah.” You nodded bringing your hand to cover your mouth “let me hear you.” The hockey player clicked his tongue as he focused on getting you close.
As your thighs wrapped around his head Mackie couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t done this before “I’m gonna come.” You announced not even caring about how quickly you grew close to your high.
Mackie continued to suck at your clit occasionally laying his tongue flat causing you to arch your back “don’t stop.” You begged driving your hips into his face as your body shook letting pleasure wash over you.
The boy didn’t stop his movements until you were pulling his face up to yours “fucking hell,” you mumbled not wasting time to kiss him.
Mackie enjoyed how your release tasted on his tongue “so sweet,” his voice was soft “you’re a good listener.” You were quick to compliment him letting your eyes flash down to the bulge in his shorts.
It seemed that the boy want get all embarrassed but you stopped him “think you deserve a reward.” You mumbled bringing him onto the bed with you.
In that moment he swore he was in heaven. Watching you let his cock go free from his pants only really bringing him back to reality when you let your cunt sink down on his cock “you’re so big.” You were both far too focused on the pleasure that soaked the room to care that he was fucking you raw “oh my god.” Mackie groaned watching you pull your shirt over your head leaving you both naked now.
His eyes stuck to your nipples particularly the one highlighted with a titanium bar “been hiding this beauty.” The hockey player didn’t waste time bringing his lips to it.
Your head fell back as your eyes screwed shut “making me feel so good.” You gasped occasionally hitting your clit against his torso as you rode his cock.
The room began to feel sticky as your hands went to his chest softly running up his abs “you like them baby?” Mackie smiled kissing up your neck as he held back a smirk at your responsiveness.
The two of you had been quiet for the most part as you enjoyed the peace that you got. Softy savouring each and every second of this like there was a small part of you that knew this couldn’t happen again.
A cry left your lips as you brought your hand down to rub your “you feel me in there?” Mackie’s hand pressed against your stomach making you nod “yeah.” Your mouth formed an o.
Now just because Mackie wasn’t used to eating girls out it certainly didn’t mean that he didn’t know that face, you were close.
Which was a good thing because the way your cunt squeezed his cock he was not far behind you “I know baby you can let it go.” The hockey player’s words seemed to let you drop your face into the nook of his neck.
His fingers dug into your hips as you whined finally coming for the second time in the night “oh my god.” Mackie had to held guide your body as it shuddered above him “holy shit!” The boy let out a grunt as your cunt clenched around him causing his cock to throb as he came.
Mack used his fingers to brush your hair out of your face “you okay?” He asked with his chest still heaving as he recovered from his orgasm “never better,” you nodded sending him a smile before you kissed his lips.
12 weeks later
You knew something was off, you hadn’t felt well and all of the possibilities of what could be causing this you had crossed off.
Well all but one. Your period had yet to come and was now eight weeks late.
So there you sat on the floor of your bathroom waiting for the alarm to go off.
It pulled your attention away from your gaze as your alarm went off.
Yet the thing that made you feel worse was that tonight was your first time seeing Spencer since he got sent to the AHL.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Mad Love Chapter 21
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
To decide my future as his lover, Roger gave me one final trial.
—However, I was still unaware of one unshakeable truth hidden from me.
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Alfons: I wonder if that man’s revealed something important to Kate.
Elbert: Something important?
Alfons: The cost that comes with that man’s egoistic way of life.
Elbert: …
There was a hint of sorrow in Elbert’s downcast eyes.
Elbert: Is that…something that will make Kate sad if she knew?
Alfons: Yes, if you were to liken it to a fairytale… It is the worst kind of ending.
Roger and I started working making an antidote for the condemned.
…But making it was more difficult than we imagined.
Roger: …The hell…
We had repeated the experiment many times, but it always failed whenever we got close.
Roger: Ahhh, can’t even find a clue.
(Roger looks so troubled…)
Roger: …The Privy Council and the Royal Hospital’s doctors used my research materials to synthesize a drug and then were poisoned by it. Meaning, if we reverse engineer it, then we can make an antidote.
Roger sighed as he thought over his past experiments.
Roger: But we haven’t been able to. What are your thoughts, Kate?
(Thinking about it in simple terms…)
Kate: We made a mistake along the way. Or…Oh, perhaps our process has been wrong since the beginning? What if they used a method other than what’s in your research…!?
Roger: Yeah, well…that could be why we can’t make an antidote. It’s highly likely those guys combined my research with “someone else’s”.
Kate: What do you mean “someone else”?
Roger: If I knew, then it wouldn’t have been this difficult.
Meanwhile, the criminals’ symptoms were getting worse. Worst case scenario, they die before they can even be condemned.
(Like Roger said, we “ can’t let them run away by dying”)
(We need an antidote immediately…)
Time was limited.
I frowned as I started getting impatient…
Kate: Wooooah…
Roger’s pressed against the crease between my brows with a finger.
Kate: What was that for?
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Roger: It was messing up my cute puppy’s face. Your earnest nature’s a good trait, but don’t overthink.
We’re already short on time
But I’m feeling frustrated
I don’t want regrets… +4 +4
Kate: I don’t want regrets…
Roger: Time’s running out so how ‘bout we don’t think for now. That’s how most would feel, right? Though surprisingly, taking a step back can be a shortcut.
Roger grinned.
Roger: So how ‘bout you take a break and run an errand for me?
Kate: An errand?
Roger: Yeah, it’s a kind of errand only you can do. I’m gonna keep researching, but I got someone to go with you—
Before he could even finish his sentence, the lab’s door opened.
Alfons: What is it. Why are you calling people over all of a sudden?
Roger: …See?
(—Alfons of all people?!)
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The errand Roger wanted me to run was—
To buy flowers to lay on Lance’s grave at the public cemetery.
It was something I didn’t manage to do the other day because I got kidnapped.
(The fact that I wasn’t able to visit Lance’s grave was something that’s always lingered in the back of my mind)
(Roger must have noticed and decided to send me on this “errand”)
Despite how straightforward he was, Roger looked after others.
Kate: …
I placed the flowers in front of his grave and closed my eyes.
In my mind I saw Lance’s faint smile. He had left this world without knowing that he was cursed.
(...Rest in peace)
(May you meet your sweetheart in heaven)
I then opened my eyes and twilight winds swept my hair.
I followed where the wind blew as I looked over the graves.
(So many people are resting here…)
It would be nice if all deaths could end with a “happily ever after” as beautiful as the and the ones in fairytales. 
However, life wasn’t that simple.
(I wonder how many people lost their live while holding despair in their hearts)
Kate: …
When an inescapable sadness gripped at my heart—
Kate: Woah! Hey! What do you think you’re doing Alfons?
I quickly covered my ear and the person who had just breathed on it frowned in disapproval.
Alfons: Oh my, what an accusatory reaction. Had you been feeling sentimental for any longer, you may have been taken to the underworld. I was only bringing you back to reality.
Kate: …Um, thank you?
I was baffled, but thanked him and Alfons gave a shady smile.
Alfons: Yes, of course. You’re welcome. —By the way, Kate. Your month as Fairytale Keeper will be over soon. You will be out of the darkness and free! Please forget everything you’ve witnessed here and have a fresh start. Work hard once you’ve returned to your old life.
I blinked like an idiot at his wide smile.
Kate: Um, I don’t have any plans on leaving Crown or my position as Fairytale Keeper.
(I haven’t told anyone about this, not even Roger)
(Why did Alfons bring this up…?)
Alfons: Meaning?
Kate: I still haven’t received Victor’s approval yet, so this is just my personal wish, but… I would like to continue being Fairytale Keeper after the month has passed. And I want to help Roger with his ongoing research on the Cursed.
I had planned to tell Roger that after we finished with the antidote.
Alfons: Though this decision is typical of an earnest woman such as yourself, it’s difficult for me to understand. Our curses are of no relevance to your life.
Kate: No relevance?
Alfons continued, no warmth in his voice at all.
Alfons: Yes, in the end, it’s someone else’s business. Did you know that you cannot work for the sake of others forever?
Kate: …It’s true that I’m not cursed. And I may never fully understand them. But…this isn’t someone else’s business. We met and you became someone important to me.
Alfons: …
Kate: Also, I’m not just saying this out of altruism.
(There isn’t a single part of me thinking about sacrificing myself…)
My desire is—
Kate: I’m…definitely the one that wants to see Roger overcome despair the most. 
Alfons: That muscle-glasses egoist is leaving your valuable life with. I find it difficult to believe. You haven’t forgotten about our fated “tragic ends” have you?
Kate: Well—
I was about to tell him that it wasn’t something I’ve ever forgotten about, but a sense of discomfort held me back.
Alfons: Roger is doomed to be “ruined by his own guilt”... I do wonder what sort of destruction awaits him. Ah, it’s horrifying to even imagine it.
(...There’s something strange)
(Alfons has had nothing but harsh words today)
(It’s like he’s trying to make me mad…)
Normally, I’d feel offended if someone doubted what I said in confidence and tried to discourage me.
(Yet, I don’t feel angry or annoyed)
Instead, it was like he—
(It was like he was trying to free me from getting my feelings hurt. At least, that’s what it felt like to me)
Kate: …Alfons. Is there a reason why you’re trying to stop me from continuing on as Fairytale Keeper?
Alfons: …Aha! Do you think I’m some sort of saint?
Kate: Please don’t avoid the subject.
There were still many more truths I didn’t know about them and Crown.
(Even so…)
Kate: I’m a Fairytale Keeper. …I may be inexperienced, but I do know that you’re the type to hurt people.
Alfons: You insist on believing that there is good in me. I like your views. Then, I shall live up to your troublesome expectations. —Kate.
His voice when he said my name carried a different feeling from before.
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Alfons: If that man did not have very long to live, would you still choose to stay by his side?
Kate: ——Huh?
When we returned from visiting the cemetery, I stood in front of Crown Castle.
(I need to go back to researching, quickly…)
But what Alfons said continued replaying in my head and I couldn’t move.
(...I can’t go back inside yet. Not when I’m not sure if I can act normal in front of Roger)
At that moment—
Ale: Woof.
As if to rescue me, a cute, fluffy mass came running toward me.
I picked Ale up and headed to the palace library.
(There’s not a lot of people around, it’s quiet, and I’m less likely to run into someone)
(Let’s calm down for the time being…)
I walked around and browsed the shelves to distract myself.
However—Alfons’ words still continued to replay in my head.
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night-dazai · 7 months
helloo can you please do a threesome with toji and nanami but in a non sorcerers au maybe like a office au and they are my higher ups?
The au isn't necessary but pls do a threesome with toji and nanami
Toji x Reader x Nanami 
Tags: Degradation, rough sex, threesome, smacking ass, female reader, blow job, slight voyeurism smut with little plot.
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(picture taken from Pinterest, shoutout to the original artist )
This was the worst, the most horrible thing that could happen this Friday.
 Tears threatening to spill from your eyes you stood there listening to your manager Nanami scold you. His voice was not loud or rough or anything but it was cold and demanding and ordering you to work better and you have not been doing it for a week. 
Your bf broke up or more like got caught by you when he was cheating with your best friend, your house water pipes all broke and you are staying at a hotel. It's the month's end and money is not flowing for you, crying about your break-up was not an option. 
You just had to mess up the worst client order to get shouted at now “I should smoothly fire someone for making such mistakes for a whole week y/n do you hear me ?” he asked looking at you as if you dared not give him a glance of your ugly face sobbing “so..sorry …I am sorry …sorry “ was all you could say looking down. 
Nanami sighed knowing he could not make up look up but smirked listening to your rambling “ I had a … bad…break …up ..it was not …water …pipes….house gone …” you kept rambling. Nothing made sense is what you thought and would greatly bend down again apologising “sorr..I am sorry “. 
Getting fed up with your rand words he spoke “ I should fire such a useless employee but .. it seems you could not get fired “ he said. Cold face getting smug as a smirk played on his lips as you looked up for the first time in 30 mins to look at him “Yes sir, what is it “ you asked.
Tears still running down your checks, but no black lines. Means you don't wear makeup or if you did it was not too much .” She looks naturally slutty huh ?” he thought and pushed his chair and manspread his legs throwing the files to the side “Kneel “ his voice still the same cold and demanding. 
It took you a few seconds to understand the demand, your face getting red and more tears spilt down. You were grasping at straws and this is the straw that you got but who cares “ he cheated not me “ you thought. Your boss was always the eye candy in the office, he was everyone's dream man but if you can spend a night with him why say no? 
Slowly you walked near him as he pulled you down making you kneel and grab your pony pulling your face to look at him “Now that's a good girl “ he mumbled and spread more to let you in. Pushing your face closer to his bulge by your hair “Be good the door is still open and it's 7:30 pm only office closes at 8 pm only “ he said and pulled you inside his desk and scooted closer pushing you inside the desk. 
Fumbling for a minute you freed his cock from the restraints of the creamy pants, and you stared. It was big mush bigger than your cheat of a man's dick and thick you could never imagine something so big in you. Testing waters you licked the tip with a strong lick and earned a hiss and tug at your hair “Don't play around or else it would be bad for you . “ the warning went straight to your core while your mouth to his dick sucking it. 
It tasted nice and salty but hot it throbbed each time you licked it, slowly you tried putting the tip and a little of the shaft in hollowing your checks, while you were busy thrusting his dick into your mouth little did you notice your wet panties and the knock on the door. 
His grip on your hand did not lose “Come in “ he said in the stoic voice he reserved for general business. You could not hear who it was but your heart was thumping hard very hard when a surprise thrust in your mouth had you moaning but nothing came out. 
You kept sucking him while the other person kept talking about how the client was very mad and that they might have to change the project manager itself. Hearing this your head hurts from the strong grip and your jaw burns with pain due to the subtle but firm thrusts. 
Clawing at his thighs you were forced to suck him off while after talking for what seemed like ages the person closed the door. The click sound was the same time your hair was free and your mouth empty. 
Coughing you looked up at your boss with tears strained, a red flush face while he looked at you with a blank face, eyes unreadable due to his glasses “Get up “ he said holding your hand and pulling you up and at the same time the door opened “ boss ..” a rough voice spoke. 
In an instant, you were pushed back to your knees and inside the desk “ Toji ..” kept saying looking quite surprised “Boss I know it's late have a minute ?” the bull-like man asked.
Your heart was beating faster than ever, he was the person sitting next to you at the desk, the other man girls drool over and someone who has the reputation of a fucking anyone. 
Nanami nodded while pressing his foot on your thigh and slowly worked his way to your cunt as you sat legs open on the tiny desk, pressing it.
Holding your breath you covered your mouth to stop the moans from spilling out as he continued to press on your clothed clit, you scooted closer to him and opened your legs more.
“Do you remember y/n ?” Toji asked making both you and Nanami pause “Yes what about y/n?” your boss asked and counited to rub his foot on you. “ Well I think she is having personal problems, she is not the type to mess up such a project. She has been looking down the whole week and one day she looked like she might have cried all night “ his voice got a little annoyed towards the end. 
Nanami pushed an eyebrow up “Mh… yeah I do know but you should also know that this project is about to leave our team cause of her “ his voice was lanced with anger. Toji nodded “Yeah I did hear that but …why not let her off with a warming or something, “ he asked scratching his head.
Scoffing Kento spoke while giving a particularly harsh press on your cunt “Why are you supporting her so much ? You have some relation with her ?” he asked. Toji smirked and looked at his boss without speaking he walked towards the door “No, her boobs and I say hi to each other . That's the only reason I look at that girl “ he locked the door and turned to face his boss with a smug look “ time is 8: 25 pm and more than half the people left the office you can let her out boss “. 
His words shocked Nananmi but he soon gathered his compurese “Well you are sharp “ he said pushing his chair back to let you crawl out. 
You did not want to, you were horrified. Your co-worker found you giving a BJ to your boss and he also just said that he likes your body. 
“Get out “ Kento spat as you crawled out and showed your drool and pre cum dripping chin and tear-filled eyes and wet checks.
“Thought I could join your game “ Toji said losing his tie and walking towards you and Nnanmi just sat and waited for his subordinate's next move. Whic was to rip your buttoned-up shirt open in one go and remove your bra as you struggled “Noooo….Toji !” you squealed but soon it stopped when Toji sealed your lips. 
Struggling under the man as he kept removing all the clothes on you “Please…. don't do this…” you cried and looked at your boss but he was busy enjoying the show. “Bend her here” Nanami said moving a few files and then you lay bent over the desk ass towards Toji and face towards your boss “Can I sir ?” Toji asked permission and got a nod in response. 
Soon you felt something hot, big at your entrance “Nooo..” you cried but it was not loud from your earlier dick-sucking. You tried to push him by his stomach but Toji grabbed your hands in one move and pined it on your back “Quite “ he said and entered your tight walls. 
“AH…….big…too bigg” you said squirming but not able to move much stood and took his length. You need not turn and look, you knew the was big and thick and not everything was in but you felt full as if it reached your throat. 
Kento grabbed your jaw “Keep busy “ saying he stuffed his dick back in your mouth. 
As to rammed his strong hips on your cunt, balls slapping your clit. You were there in between 2 men whimpering while the other abused your mouth. Thrusts from the back made you jerk forward but thrusts from Kento made you move a bit back. 
Being naked on Kento’s desk which was made from nice original oak wood rubbed at your hard perky nipples creating a lot more stumialtion. Never in your life did you imagine such a situation. 
But never in your life did you also receive so much pleasure, a dick filling you to the brim on both ends “Don't cum so fast “ Toji said slapping your ass again on the same side making it throb with pain. 
He pulled out when he felt your walls clenching on him tighter “You don't deserve to cum yet “ he said while your cunt clenched around nothing Nnankmi emptied his load in your mouth holding your jaw tightly making sure you took each drop.
They switched positions while Nnami entered your already wet hole, Toji took your mouth and rammed in with the same force while your pussy got abused more. “That's much better might think of keeping you around “ Nnami said giving strong thrusts as you moaned on Toji’s dick he hummed in satisfaction “Do it more “ he said. 
“You said his boobs were nice right ?” Nnanmi suddenly asked stopping his actions and making Toji stop his too “Yeah?” and with that, both men pulled out again and in a second you were flipped on your back by Nananmi “Let's have a look “ he said entering your hole again and flicking a nipple while Toji took your mouth again. 
The grip on your jaw tightened, and your neck hurt from the angel but your throat inside felt nice and soon you feel both men twitching inside your mouth and pussy. Toji came in your mouth which was already filled with Nnanmis's cum now mixed with his “Don't spill slut “ he warned gripping your neck while Nnanmi pulled your nipples while fucking you. 
Eyes rolling back both you and Nnananmi came at the same time, the laid hot and lots filled your gummy walls, he slowly pulled out with a lewd sound. Both men took a moment to admire their artwork “One more ?” Toji asked not satisfied. 
Coughing and stuttering you lay on the desk trying to catch your breath and life which seemed to be slipping away “Yes of course “ Kento said removing his shirt and revealing a chiselled body while Toji did the same and soon you knew, this was going to become your life in the office. 
At least you are not fired and you can still pay bills. 
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
Jason or Dick with a reader with social anxiety? 😊
sure!! dick grayson x gn!reader | tw anxiety, mild panic attack, dick comforts reader. also i know basically nothing about the young justice league so if anything's inaccurate my b
"You're gonna love them," Dick says, squeezing your knee, one hand on the steering wheel.
You smile tightly. Luckily, his eyes are on the road.
"I'm sure I will."
You loving them isn't the problem. It's the other way around.
The Young Justice League is so big now, too. You can't remember most of their names.
Okay. Artemis, Wally... Superboy. What's his name? You can't ask Dick, that's embarrassing. Shit. You should've had him text you all the names earlier so you could work on memorizing them.
You're so busy sifting through the members in your head that you don't notice Dick has parked. He hops out, already a ball of energy. You're more sluggish, dragging yourself out of your seat.
Dick quickly tugs you into his side as you walk to the elevator. You feel a little better when he rubs your shoulder, but as soon as he starts talking about his friends, your heartbeat quickens.
"...They've wanted to meet you for a while! I've talked their ears off about you. I think that—"
Ding! The elevator doors slide open.
Your mouth goes dry at the sight before you. Everyone's here. Jesus Christ. You thought you'd get introduced slowly. Especially on a Saturday afternoon—doesn't the world need saving? Why are they all here?
"Dickie!" Wally says, speeding over and yanking Dick into a hug. Dick hugs back, and you'd fawn over how sweet your boyfriend and his best friend are if your chest didn't hurt.
"Hey, Walls. Hi, everybody," Dick says, smiley and relaxed. "This is my partner."
Everybody looks at you.
You've always been jealous of how easily Dick can interact with people. Luckily, he's never tried to rope you into one of Bruce's charity functions ("oh, babe, I love you too much to do that to you!") When you're out and about, you flail in any social situation. But Dick? Dick is a natural. A born charmer. Everybody loves him.
You feel like you're going to throw up.
"So you're the saint who's dealing with Grayson," Artemis says, a hint of a smirk on her face.
Dick rolls his eyes. "You're dating Wally."
"Hey!" Wally squawks, then zooms to Artemis for a consolation kiss.
"You're a civilian," Superboy (damn it, what's his name?!) says, expression stiff.
You nod, unsure. "Um. Yeah, I am."
"How'd you meet?" someone else asks.
"Uh, well-"
"Wait, Dick said you've been dating for six months. How the hell did you hide your relationship for that long?"
"He and I-"
"They are overwhelmed," M'gann says suddenly, squinting at you. "Their heart is beating faster than normal."
You flinch at her knowing gaze. The chest pain has upgraded from moderate to is-this-a-heart-attack?
You turn to Dick. His smile slips as soon as you look at him.
"Baby?" he asks.
Escape. You need to escape.
"I-I need to use the bathroom," you blurt.
You run out of the kitchen before anyone can say anything. Tears form, and you blink them away quickly.
You can't find the bathroom, which is doubly embarrassing, so you end up going into the stairwell and wedging yourself into the corner of the landing, knees to your chest.
Okay. Grounding techniques. Take five slow breaths. Identify five things you can feel. Your jeans. Your shoes. The cool wall against your back. Two more.
The door swings open. You close your eyes. If one of those super-powered people who've probably never had a panic attack in their life finds you huddled pathetically in the stairwell, you'll never live it down.
You'll have to break up with Dick. You can picture the disappointed crinkle of his brow, the pinch of his mouth. He expected more of you, no doubt.
"Oh, baby," a voice says, and then you're being pulled into strong arms.
You wince, not opening your eyes. Your breaths are still too fast.
Of course your detective boyfriend figured out you weren't in the bathroom.
"I'm sorry," you say, burying your face into his arm. "This is so stupid, I—"
"It's not stupid," Dick says and coaxes you to look at him. "Anxiety isn't stupid. Was it too much, meeting everyone at once?"
You sniffle miserably. "You literally work with superheroes, Dick. I know I'm such a letdown. Someone learns that Dick Grayson, the Nightwing, is dating someone, and-and you expect alien royalty or a billionaire heir or something. Somebody more than me. And then I fucking freak over meeting some new people."
You scowl. "Some partner I am."
Dick looks heartbroken. He pulls you closer, rubbing your back.
"I didn't know you felt this way," he says quietly. "Some partner I am."
You shake your head. "No, it's not like I tried to tell you. I just—I wanted to be normal, D. I wanted to be a good partner. I didn't want my stupid anxiety to get in the way. And it's clear you love those guys so much, and you were so excited to introduce us..."
"Sweetheart, I love you too. Your feelings and comfort are important. If I'd known it was too much, I wouldn't have dragged you here. We could've waited or introduced you slowly."
Tears well up. "God, Dick, I just wish I could be like you. You're always so good at this stuff."
"Aw, baby." Dick tenderly kisses your cheek. "That's the product of years of media training. I don't like crowds either. I mean, I like people, but I get overwhelmed, too. We all do. Not like my family's much better. Jason doesn't like unfamiliar places. He has to case out a new restaurant at least three days in advance."
"Jason was dead for two years. He has an excuse."
"Okay, point," Dick allows. "But seriously, honey, we're all like that. B despises those parties he goes to. He's always exhausted afterward. It's all smoke and mirrors. The team has their tough moments too. And the way you feel isn't stupid. I'm sorry I wasn't more attentive to it."
You sit like that in silence for a while, Dick hugging you. Slowly, your heart rate returns to normal. You start to feel more regulated.
"Wanna go home?" he asks gently.
You shake your head.
"No, I wanna meet them. But..." You groan into his shoulder. "I totally made a fool of myself."
"No, you didn't. It's okay. I promise they don't think any less of you. They were worried, actually. And I told them to take it easy with the interrogation."
Dick slips his hand into yours and squeezes. You take a deep breath.
"Okay," you say. "Let's do it."
Dick smiles. "Alright. I got you the whole time, love."
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seung-mong · 1 year
help can we get a hurt / comfort but still smutty pt2 to that chef!minho drabble !!
omg no bcus for real after he fucks you he's literally obsessed.
he tries to remind himself to stay professional, you're still both here to work and uphold the reputation of his restaurant. he can't have you feeling like you're his favorite. he also cant have you feeling that since you're his favorite, you'd get special treatment. but minho can't help himself.
he needs to spoil you, needs to remind you every day that you're his and his alone. he's a naturally possessive man, and who wouldn't be? especially when it comes to pretty little you with your cute little smile and oh, when you stutter out an apology for being late? god he can literally feel his heart melting.
but besides his possessive nature, there's a side to minho that you are yet to discover.
he's protective of what's his.
you knock on minho's office door, trying to keep the tears at bay, swallowing down the lump that's stubbornly lodged in your throat. minho smiles when he sees your silhouette, putting aside his laptop.
"come in."
minho's smile starts to fade when he sees you, tears already streaking down your cheeks as you look to the floor. you awkwardly shuffle on your feet after closing the door behind you, head hanging low in shame as you refuse to let him see you cry.
and minho sees red.
who the hell made you cry? dont they know he's the only one who can make you cry? or are you hurt? did somebody do something to you?
"what's wrong, kitten?" minho tries to keep his voice steady, feigning composure.
you only sniff, still refusing to look minho in the eyes.
he swears to god if it was that bitch soyeon again.
"uhm- there's... there's someone who wants to speak with you chef." your voice is small, and minho catches the way your breath shakes at the end of your sentence.
"who, y/n?" his voice is stern.
"he- the critic, mr. park- he came again and asked for that impossible dish of his with the beef wellington and the consomme and i messed up again and i'm so so sorry, minho. he- he spat it out right in front of me and i've never been more embarrassed and he... he asked me to fetch you." you start to ramble, genuine fear settling in your stomach when minho exhales loudly, stepping out from behind his desk to walk towards you.
"you served it?" silence when you nod. "what else did he say to you?" his voice is surprisingly soft, gentle fingers finding yours and bringing it up to his chest. "tell me what he said to you."
you look up at him, surprised to see his eyes are gentle despite the harshness of his voice, and you cant help the little tears that start to brim at your waterline, just barely about to fall.
"he- he called me useless, said i was good for nothing. just a pretty face." you hiccup, trying so hard not to break down in front of your boss.
now, minho likes to think he's a level-headed man. he's never snapped at his staff no matter how utterly completely useless they are. never scolded anyone for taking a wrong order, preferring to gently urge them to do better next time.
but this?
he cant let this slide.
he lets out a deep exhale before moving towards you, gently encasing his fingers around your wrist and pulling you towards him.
"follow me. you're going to stand beside me while we have a little chat with mr. park, understood?"
but the thought of going out there, in front of all those people he embarrassed you in front of, sends a wave of panic and fear into your stomach. "minho," you try to pull away from him, but his grip tightens.
"listen to me." his tone is final, dark eyes staring into yours, letting you know there's no point in arguing. "no one makes my girl cry. you understand?"
"yes, sir." you mumble, letting minho lead you past the kitchens and into the dining hall.
minho can see his staff from his peripheral vision, some whispering with excitement with the scene to come, others shaking their heads in disapproval. he weaves through the crowd, hand still clasped tightly with yours. he offers a tight lipped smile to his usual customers, nodding in acknowledgment when others raise their glass to him.
you can feel your cheeks burn when you finally reach a table near the very center of his restaurant, glancing to the side to see that other diners have shifted a little closer to you in hopes of hearing the conversation.
"ah, mr. lee! it's great to see you again." mr. park smiles condescendingly at the young chef, who can only bite the inside of his cheek at the sickeningly sweet tone of the older man's voice.
"wish i could say the same for you." minho mumbles under his breath, but the critic hears him, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
"excuse me?" he scoffs, dropping his fork next to his plate.
"mr. park, you asked to see me? i'd prefer if we skipped the pleasantries and get straight to the point." minho's voice is firm, fingers still gently intertwined with yours.
mr park's eyes flicker to the way he holds your hand, and leans back into his chair with a chuckle. "so this is what this hostility was about. you're offended that i complained about your...." his eyes rake your figure, sending a shiver down your spine when he smirks. "sous chef? well, i'm a critic mr. lee. i was only being honest. how can a sous chef not know how to make beef wellington?" mr. park adds a condescending laugh and minho can feel the way you shake beside him.
minho fights the urge to jump the man in front of him, instead giving him a tight lipped smile before taking another step forward. "get out of my restaurant."
"excuse m-"
"you don't fucking disrespect my staff, do you understand? i dont give a shit if you're the best critic in this town, write a bad review give us 0 stars i dont give a shit. now, get out of my face before i call security."
mr. park freezes, eyes narrowing before he lets out a dark chuckle. "you're making a big mistake, lee minho. there's plenty of other fine dining restaurants in this town. those who's sous chefs know how to make wellington. you're finished in this town." he abruptly stands, grabbing the table napkin and wiping his mouth before throwing it into his unfinished food.
you feel minho take another step forward, but your grip on his hand tightens as you pull him close to you. "don't."
minho lets out a deep exhale as he looks around, shutting his eyes tight when he realizes that everyone had stopped eating to watch the scene unfold. "i apologize for disrupting your meal. please, have a wonderful rest of your night." his voice is small, but it seems to echo through the silence of the dining hall. he promptly returns to the kitchens, with you trailing behind him- hand still clasped with his.
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"say it for me, baby." minho whispers directly into your ear, cheek almost touching yours as you whimper.
"d-don't make me... s'embarrassing." you whine, knuckles turning white from the tight grip you have on your boss' desk, papers and supplies scattering the floor as his desk threatens to give out from minho's harsh thrusts.
"say it. or i'll stop and leave you here." minho hisses, grip on your hips tight as he thrusts even deeper, tip of his cock kissing the deepest parts of you.
"i'm... i'm more than- a, a pretty face." you huff, voice breaking and cutting off when minho's every thrust.
"what a good girl," he hums, leaning down so his chest presses againt your sweaty back. "no need to listen to anyone else, baby. i know you best, yeah?" he kisses your bare shoulder before his teeth sink in, making you hiss at the pain.
you shudder when hie hands find yours, palm against the back of your hand before he locks his fingers with yours. "need to fuck you properly, get you in my bed. my girl deserves better than a quickie in my office." he huffs, sweetly kissing the back of your neck.
"y-your girl?" you whimper, biting down on your bottom lip when you let out a high-pitched sound from how deep he's fucking you.
"yes. my girl. mine only, you understand?" his hand harshly comes down against your bare ass, sure to leave an imprint of his hand in its wake.
good, he thinks. he wants you to remember how he made you feel every time you move.
"yes, i- i understand." you answer, knowing how well it pleases him when you respond.
"only i can make my girl cry." his voice is threatening, hitting deeper and harder when he starts to feel you shake, knowing how shaky you get when you're close.
minho groans when he feels you clench around him, grip on your hips tightening as he fucks you through your high before he cums, voice thinning as he whimpers at the feel of your pussy milking him. he kisses your back when he calms down, basking in the way your breathing starts to even out. you wince when he pulls out of you, cringing at the feeling of his cum dripping down your thighs.
there's silence as minho cleans you up, digging from behind his desk for a couple of wipes before he gently starts wiping at you.
"don't listen to what they say about you, do you understand?" his voice is suddenly serious, planting a soft kiss on your inner thigh. your cheeks flush at the intimacy, taking minho's hand when he offers to help you stand.
"say it. say you won't listen to them."
"i wont listen to them."
"only to me."
"only to you."
taglist: @abcdefgiwsmcty@n034sy@148-seungmin
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yantalia545 · 8 months
Can we get a part two for your motherly s/o? Except this time with the nations that have/had kid colonies. And the dynamic they have is a teamwork between a romantic yandere (Britain, France, Spain) and a platonic yandere(America, Canada, Romano).
They met when the chibi got lost and she helped them get back to their caretakers. But the chibi got attached to her so she decided to visit them when she has time. But as years go by both father and son are getting uncomfortably clingy towards her, her motherly nature filled in the absence left by the father and her concerned and nurturing nature for the adults made some days easier for them that they can't help but fall in love with her. It reached to the point where they really believed that she is their mother/wife and scared away anyone who dare tried to take her away from them. Even when the chibi grew up and is independent, he still supports his former caretaker.
"She's my/his wife, she just doesn't know it yet"
This one made my head spin @~@. So many ways to go about this.
May need to make a husband vs husband post after this. What do you guys think?
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England is a bit of a hardhead and a little hard to get along with at first, but he'll come along and appreciate your efforts eventually.
For a little while, when you first started coming around with America, he was a little jealous of you. England has never taken care of anyone before, but you seem to be able to do it with ease. He most likely will throw you out the first handful of times you come around just because he won't admit that he doesn't exactly know what he's doing and needs help. Only after America throws constant tantrums for you to come back will England finally put his ego to the side and call you back.
England is used to others being cocky and even very passive-aggressive around him, so when you first walked in the door and you gave him a long hug, he was very caught off guard. He even treated you horribly. Why are earth are you wing so kind to him?
America on the other hand, couldn’t have been happier to finally see you around again. He had someone else who would play with him. If you can keep up with him too, all the better.
Fairly quickly after that whole endeavor, America grew close to you. England was a very busy man and had lots of things that needed his constant attention. It was nice to have you around to fill in when England couldn’t be around. Not to mention, you were a little more easy-going than him too. America just felt more at ease when you were around. England wasn’t yelling at him as much. You made England softer and kinder towards him.
It was nice. To England, it was almost like you were married. Like a family. That world never failed to flutter England; family. You guys were a family. A real family. Finally, just like he’s always wanted. Unlike his nasty brothers that were always so rude to him. He had you; the glue to it all.
As America become older and started fights over independence, things began to grow tense. England was terrified of the feeling that his perfect family was beginning to fall apart. What was worse, you supported it. You tired to argue that America was grown now but England was too stubborn to let his family go.
England fought tooth and nail to preserver his family, but in the end, America still managed to get away from him and gain his freedom. That’s when things took a turn for the worse for you.
You betrayed him. You supported America leaving and because of your help, America managed to break away from him and gain his independence. You may be America’s mother, but you’re still his wife. You’re supposed to support him above all others.
You will be punished for this and England will be very snappy but also clingy to you for a while. Don’t hold it against him though, it was all your fault for breaking apart his family.
At one point, America will try to step in between the two of you out of concern. England has shown some dark sides of hisself thought out their time in war and was afraid for you safety. Knowing England for many years himself, America just knows that England is up to some terrible things when it involves you. Especially when he’s well aware of England’s affections for you.
The two will most likely fight often over you. Bickering in meetings especially.
“Why isn’t (y/n) allowed to come meetings anymore!?”
“Has anyone else been able to contact (y/n) yet?! Or is she just yours!”
These are all true, you haven’t been present in meetings in years and anytime someone tried to contact you, England will throw a fit and forbid you from responding to them. They’ll poison your mind and take you away from him. England’s already lost his brothers and son, he won’t lose his wife too.
The dynamic between these two is serious competition. Your son, America, will do anything he can to protect you while your husband, England, will do whatever it takes to keep what’s left of his family with him.
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France already had a good handle on being a good parent. Not to mention that Canada is a much easier child to handle than America is. However, France is still over the fence at the thought of you wanting to join his family.
With you around, his family is complete just like France has always wanted. Countries can produce children like regular humans can, so this was the best next thing. He, like England, has been dreaming for this moment. A family to call their own.
France will often brag about how wonderful his family is now that you're here. Especially to England just to rub in his face. France just couldn't be happier with you here. No one is going to take this euphoric feeling away from him.
You thought he was just being funny, but to France, he was serious. Ever since...you know who, he's dreamed of having a wife and a family to call his own, as I've mentioned before.
You'd go along with the joke, thinking that he was just being France. That was until France began to invest in your relationship.
It started off small and you ignored or played into them for Canada. Holding Canada's hand together, singing the little nation to sleep. Even cooking together was all things that you were doing for Canada's sake, not his. You didn't mind if they helped France out too . You wanted to lighten his burden as a caretaker. That was until things started to get a little too uncomfortable for you.
France had tried to kiss you on his way out the door. Luckily, he only managed to kiss your cheek when you turned away from him. You didn't wish to alarm Canada as you knew he was a nervous nelly, so you knew you'd have a discussion with France when Canada was asleep tonight.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You should have just run. Called England up to watch Canada and ran that day, because when France came home that night, it would be already too late.
He was having a secret meeting with your bosses today. Well, it wasn't intended to be a dirty secret. It was meant to be a surpise. France had decided a long time ago that he was going to marry you. Today was the day he'd finally put it all into place.
With a smile on his face and the most beautiful ring he could find, France practically skipped home that day. Excited to ask you the big question. France was a little worried about you avoiding his kiss that morning, but he pushed it to the side as just morning brain. If just a kiss can get you so nervous just wait until he tells you the big news.
When you rejected his proposal, he was shocked. What do you mean you don't love him? Isn't that why you lived here? To join his family?
No. No. No. No. NO! He won't have it. You do love him! France knows you do. You're just nervous and confused but don't worry, France will be a good fiance and husband and take care of you every step of the way. It's not like you can really say no when your boss already signed the papers.
Canada will be confused as he suddenly sees you less and less. Where did you go? What does France mean by needing to "heal" you? Are you sick? While France has his hands full with conditioning you he won't have a lot of time to spend with Canada. Being that he doesn't receive attention from others, this will impact Canada greatly. He'll start to cling to you more when you are allowed out. Unknowingly pushing the idea that your defiance is only hurting the family.
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Little Romano is quite the handful, so when you came around to offer your help Spain was more than happy to accept. If only Romano would behave himself and not catcall you.
What is he to do about that boy. :')
To Spain's surprise, he does see Romano settling down at some point during your visit. Romano just can't act tough forever. Not when you're pampering him like no other. Spain almost couldn't believe it when he saw Romano curled up against your side while you slowly pat his head. Careful not to touch his precious curl. Your voice was so beautiful as you sang a soft tune from your homeland. Romano was blissfully listening with a soft smile; Nealy asleep.
That day, you looked so heavenly in Spain's eyes. Like a goddess who tamed a wild beast. He almost couldn't believe that this wouldn't last forever. You would have to go home eventually as you were only a visitor.
If only there was a way you three could stay like this forever.
After that, Spain made sure to invite you over all the time. With the help of a fussy Romano who just wouldn't calm down until he saw you again, you spend an enormous amount of time at Spain's house. Much to their delight.
Whenever you were around, Spain could delve into his fantasy about being a happy family and Romano could have something that his stupid younger brother can never take away from him.
Despite Romano's hard exterior, he really is just a scared little child who was hurt by the abandonment of Rome and the overshadowing of his preppier brother, Italy. All he ever wanted was to feel seen and wanted. You were perfect.
You never once compared him to Italy or picked on him. You were always so calm and gentle but knew just how to put him back in his place. (You are quite terrifying when tempered). For that, Romano holds a lot of respect for you that carries on into his adulthood. He most definitely sees you like a mom. His mom. Not his brothers; Just his.
Spain is more than happy to use Romano's perspective of you to his advantage. If Romano sees you as his mom, then that must mean that you're also his wife. The three of you are a little, happy family.
Being a loving country, it doesn't really take Spain too long to propose to you. He was just so certain that you were dying to say yes. When you mention that you only see Spain as a friend and that you were only looking to help with Romano it shatters him. What do you mean you don't love him? Isn't that why you come around so often?
Spain takes your rejection very harshly. His mind just won't stop spinning with all these nagging questions and insecurities. Could you be seeing someone else? Taking care of another person's child?
This won't hold well for you. Spain most likely will be taken over by his rolling thoughts and lock you in his basement until you reconsider. He doesn't want to scare Romano, so he'll tell him lies about you and that this is all normal between couples. Romano will be too young to understand that what Spain is doing is really wrong. Besides, he does want you you stay with him too. Romano can't risk losing his mom.
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jcdlem · 1 year
o just read your ponyboy fluff alphabet and I loved it sm!! <33 would you be open to doing a fluff alphabet for Johnny Cade?
ೃ༄ Marcel
johnny cade fluff alphabet
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new template for my own sake. credits to @/the-coldest-goodbye !
warnings: not beta or proof read
a = affection (how affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
he’s affectionate, just not in all the ways one would expect. he mainly shows his love through acts of service—gives you his jacket when it’s cold, opens doors for you, steals things you’ve had your eye on for a while, and so on.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
you were friends long before you started dating; maybe someone introduced you, or you met through school. he treated you the same way he did the gang—listened to you rant, hung out with you at the lot, etcétera.
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
once he warms up to the idea, he adores it. his go-to is resting his head on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist. he also doesn’t mind being held by you—if you ask, he’ll gladly oblige.
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
he knows he wants to settle down eventually. he practically dreams of a future with you; the thought is comforting, given how dysfunctional his family is.
he’s decent at both cooking and cleaning—he picked up enough knowledge to support himself when his parents wouldn’t.
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
as much as he’d want to let you down gently, he likely wouldn’t. a breakup with him can go one of two ways: he expresses his feelings directly and offers to stay friends (to be polite, of course), or he gets dallas to tell you. just depends on how the relationship was and why he decided to end it.
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he’s not opposed to commitment. he sees it as a natural part of every relationship—healthy ones, at least. as for when, he wants to wait until you’re both ready, so whenever in time that may be. there’s no rush.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’s gentle, through and through. he can’t bring himself to be rough with you, be it in his words or actions.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he won’t initiate it often, but he likes them. he embraces you tight, winds his arms around your waist and holds you close to him.
I = I love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
it takes him a month or two. not because he doesn’t like you, but because it’s something of importance to him—he’s never been so close (or, rather, in love) with someone.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
he might grow upset if you’re receiving too much attention from someone else, but it’s not often his feelings reach the point of envy. he’s just not that kind of person.
on the rare occasion that he does get jealous, he’ll keep his actions subtle—tuck a hand into your back pocket, pull you closer by hooking his thumb through the belt-loop of your jeans, and so on.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
his kisses are soft and fleeting—maybe clumsy, depending on what point you’re at in the relationship. for no particular reason, he likes kissing your forehead/knuckles, and being kissed on the cheek.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he’s okay with kids. he doesn’t mind them, and in return they don’t pay any attention to him. even the ones he chased around with dallas and ponyboy didnt care about him—in their eyes, he was just…there.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings spent with him are calm. if you have no plans for the day, he’s content to stay in bed for a while—hold you in his arms and bask in the early sunlight. he’ll even (try to) make you breakfast.
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
again, if you have nothing to do, he’s happy to just lay in bed. he’ll light a cigarette and share it with you, ask you about your day and relish in the sound of your vice.
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he begins telling you things a few weeks into your relationship. in an attempt to not overwhelm you, he reveals them bit-by-bit; everything important comes first, the rest after.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
he has a relatively good handle on his temper. unless it’s a severe matter, he can somewhat keep his cool.
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything. he doesn’t always intend to; the little things just sort of stick with him, whether he likes it or not.
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
when you stargazed at the lot. you’d decided to stay with him for a while—it was one of those nights where it was warm enough for him to sleep outside—and somehow your conversation shifted to the constellations. the sight of you under the pale moonlight was nothing short of breathtaking.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
despite his lack of jealousy, he’s very protective. he doesn’t want to risk you being jumped; he’ll walk you home and do everything else along those lines.
he doesn’t really have a preference when it comes to being protected by you? he’ll be grateful for your concern no matter what.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
everyday tasks receive a decent amount of effort; nothing more, nothing less. everything else receives much more thought—they’re carefully planned out, suited almost perfectly to your preferences.
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he picks at the skin around his nails a lot; it’s not so much a nervous habit as it is an instinct. he also hides his emotions, waits until the worst possible moment to express his concern about something,
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
besides his hair (and basic hygiene, if you’re counting that) he doesn’t care much. he might try to look nice for you every once in a while, but that’s about it.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
you’re a constant in his life, not to mention his world—he absolutely would.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he makes you playlists sometimes. nothing fancy, just slips of paper with songs he thinks you’d enjoy jotted down.
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
someone who is disingenuous, or overly pushy (he doesn’t mind his partner helping him out of his comfort zone, just needs it to be at a rate he can handle.)
z = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
he has a tendency of stealing the blanket, albeit unintentionally. he always apologizes profusely in the morning, promises to not do it again (he does, but at least he means well?)
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starlazergazer · 2 years
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: The reader is a prisoner of war when Anakin and the other jedi find them and saves them ending up falling in love
Warnings: descriptions of claustrophobia
Word count: 6.5K
A/N: Okay so I may have taken this in a rather different direction following more the spirit of the request than anything else so if anyone wants me to write this again staying more true to the request let me know!! I may do it anyways because I had so many ideas on how to do this and had so much fun writing it lol. But if anyone has any other requests please send them my way I would love to write them!!! Thanks y’all and happy holidays!!
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  You had done a lot of stupid stuff in your time here but this had to take the cake.
Stealing food, blankets, clothing? Sure that made sense, people needed basic necessities and the prison guards liked to hoard them.
Sneaking around to scout any possible escape routes? How else are you supposed to stand any chance at breaking out?
But breaking into the commander’s office? That didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
You weren’t even sure what you were looking for, all you knew was something was calling to you here, an invisible string tying you to the locked office and you weren’t sure you could ignore the connection for much longer.
And because of that when the door slid open and you were met with an empty office you had to pause, had to give yourself a second to decide where to start looking, and what to start looking for.
But the pull hadn’t gone away like you had expected it to when you walked in, it got stronger if anything, more precise. The desk.
You followed the pull without question, feet carrying you quickly across the room to the desk on the other side of it, facing the door. And your hand knew what to do, on instinct going to the third drawer at the bottom, softly pulling it open.
And inside sat a glowing cube, something unlike anything you had ever seen before. You hesitated at first, thoughts running briefly through your head wondering if it was dangerous, and yet something seemed to quiet them, to assure you that it wasn’t, that you were meant to have it.
The cube seemed to hum softly as you picked it up, holding it up to the light hoping to discover anything more about it, though there was nothing. Nothing but intricate metal work backlit by light.
Close your eyes.
The words seemed to come into your mind as if they were placed there by someone else. But that didn’t really scare you, instead you listened, closing your eyes, picturing the cube in your mind.
From there it all seemed so natural, a twist of this corner, slide of a panel, unfolding of the figure, the cube seemed to undo itself in your head.
Then you opened your eyes to see the cube in your hands doing the same, now lying flat before you, then a hologram appeared.
You nearly dropped the cube in surprise, jumping back slightly as a man appeared in your hands staring up at you.
Then the door opened.
You froze on the spot, eyes going wide as you stared at the tall man standing in the doorway now, all thoughts of the hologram immediately gone from your mind.
But his expression nearly mirrored yours, eyes wide, mouth hanging open slightly, gaze jumping between you and the cube in your hands.
And almost on queue it snapped shut, jumping slightly in the air before landing back in your hands, perfectly resembling the same cube you had found in the desk just minutes before.
“How did you-?” the man was asking you a question though all you could focus on was the way he got closer, very aware of the wall just behind your back limiting your own range of movement.
Instinctively you pulled the cube back towards you, ushering it behind your back, not missing the way the man’s hands came up in front of him at the sight of it disappearing from his view. So he was here for the same thing you were.
“Look-“ Again he was speaking but you paid little mind to his words, using the corners of your eyes to scan the room, just barely catching a door to your left in your peripheral vision.
The man had slowed his pace towards you as you hid the cube, giving you the perfect opportunity.
With the briefest look into the strangers blue eyes you broke for that door, ignoring the man’s calls to wait as the door to what turned out to be a bedroom shut behind you.
You didn’t give yourself an opportunity to take in the commander’s room as you would have liked, instead you broke for the door across the way, every instinct within you telling you to protect the cube.
You heard the door to the office slide open just as you went through the next one into the hallway, not taking the time to think about where you were going, just picking a direction and sticking to it.
You skidded around corners, bumping into walls as you didn’t take the time to slow down but threw your gaze over your shoulder periodically, catching glimpses of the stranger following you.
You came to another T in the hallway and picked left on a whim, eyes darting down the next hallway as you ran, not expecting the flash of yellow you caught as you did so, feet coming to a halt when you came face to face with an entire battalion of battle droids.
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, each taking time to fully process the situation before you, you struggling to comprehend just how deep of shit you were in.
“The prisoner is escaping!” You heard a single robotic voice call out. And to your horror you watched as each droid raise its blaster, dozens of barrels pointed directly at you.
And you found that you couldn’t do anything about it, couldn’t do anything but stand there and brace yourself, eyes instinctively going shut.
Then you felt something crash into the side of you, sending you down onto your shoulder just beyond the corner just as a dozen blasters sounded.
Your eyes shot open to see the stranger hovering just above you, nose mere inches from your own as he stared down at you, a hint of a smile on his lips as you heaved, trying to catch his breath from the chase “Oh now you decide to stop running”
“I-uh” You weren’t sure where you were going with the sentence, relieved to see he wasn’t waiting for it either. Pushing himself to his feet he offered his hand out to you, not really giving you time to grab it before he was pulling you up to your feet and further down the hallway.
“You got me lost” he groaned as he took the first turn, never slowing down as he barreled down the hallway with you in tow, his hand still firmly grasped around your own, scared you were going to break away with the cube.
And mentally you were glad your earlier scouting of the facility served you well “go left”
He didn’t question you, didn’t think twice about trusting you before he banked hard, turning left just as you had told him, not bothering to ask for further directions, knowing you would provide them.
“Right” you told him quickly, and again he obeyed, taking the next right, getting not more than a few steps before he screeched to a halt.
You slammed into his back as he did so, your shoulder hitting his hard as you fell forward, the stranger pulling you back to him with your hand, pulling you into his chest briefly to steady you before letting go.
And you were ready to rear on him, demand what was that about, when you heard it, footsteps, dozens of footfalls too well timed to be anything but droids, headed right for you.
You swore under your breath, looking desperately back at the stranger only to see him one step ahead of you, hand out before him pointed at a grate on the wall near the floor.
The grate flew off the wall and towards his hand and he tossed it aside, giving you little time to process what had just happened before he was gesturing you through the new hole in the wall.
Without thinking you took his hand that he held out to you, letting him help you down into the vent, the reality of your situation only hitting you once you were fully inside of the vent, unable to stretch out your arms or legs.
The man filed into the vent after you, pulling the grate back over the hole to hide your exit just in time for the droids to round the corner.
“Ok we just need to wait-“ the man was whispering to you but you couldn’t focus fully on his words, the only thing registering right now was the tightness of the space around you, the feeling of the walls of the duct closing in around you making it hard to breathe, your arms and legs immediately becoming uncomfortably sore for being unable to stretch out.
“Tight spaces” you managed to get out, trying to assure yourself that the space was big enough, that you weren’t stuck.
But still you could hear the echoes of your breath bouncing back at you, each one coming faster and faster as you could feel the nearness of the vent walls on each side.
You heard the man swear softly, a hand coming up to clench yours, another coming to your chin to pull your gaze to him.
“I need you to take a deep breath for me okay?” He asked softly but all you could do was shake your head, breath coming out in short, ragged bursts as you struggled to control it, struggled to feel like your lungs could ever hold enough air.
“I need you to try” he shook his head back, giving your hand a soft squeeze as he dropped the one from your chin “With me okay” And slowly he took a deep breath, in through the nose out through the mouth, waiting patiently for you to join him.
And despite every thought screaming at you to do otherwise you forced a long exhale, syncing your next inhale up with his, waiting until you heard him exhale to do the same.
“Good” he whispered back to you after a few breaths “You’re doing good, you’re going to be okay”
And though you could do no more than nod at the moment, too focused on your own breathing you knew he could feel your appreciation, the shift in your panic, as he turned back to the grate, ducking down slightly to look out of it.
“Looks like we may be clear” he whispered back to you, looking back out of the corner of his eyes though you could see the hint of a smile on his lips “ready to go”
“Please get me out of here” you said it on an exhale, already scooching closer to him, ready to crawl back through the gate.
He laughed softly under his breath, taking care this time to gingerly take the grate off the wall and softly set it down, climbing up to his feet and glancing around before extending his hand to you, helping you up to your own feet.
As soon as you were back in the hallway you took an even deeper breath, giving yourself a brief moment to fully stretch out your limbs, feeling the space around you.
You saw the stranger watching you out the corner of your eye, not in an impatient or pitying way but almost a curious one, his head slightly cocked as he watched you stretch out.
“Sorry” you whispered, starting to move further down the hallway close behind him “I don’t do well in tight spaces”
“don’t worry about it” he brushed it off quickly with the shake of his head “sorry I couldn’t find a better place to hide”
“Believe me you never have to apologize for saving my life” you laughed quietly before calling out your next instruction “left”
Again the man followed with no questions, turning down the next hall before asking you “where are you taking us?”
You couldn’t help but let the hint of a smile crawl up your face, looking at him through the side of your eye “you’ll see”
And despite everything he laughed a little at that, shaking his head slightly but following your directions nonetheless, you leading the both of you through the twisting hallways until you started to be able to hear the rush of water, knowing you were close.
The stranger didn’t say anything as you led him through the last door, darkness creeping over the two of you as nothing but the end of the wide mouthed cave was lit, the two of you taking little time to run to the end of it and look out over the massive waterfall plunging into the ocean 60 ft below.
“That is your plan?” You heard him yell at you over the rushing water just beneath you, his expression not at all perturbed by the height but almost elated, a loud laugh escaping him as he peered down over the edge.
“Yeah” you responded with a small shrug, walking slightly back further into the cave, just barely able to make out the sounds of droids rushing in the hallway just behind you, the prison mere seconds from going red alert “can you swim?”
“Yeah I can-“ and the rest of his sentence died in his throat as he turned to look back at you, his eyes growing wide as he watched you square up.
“No wait!” it was all he could get out before you came sprinting directly at him, crashing your body roughly into his sending both of you over into the abyss.
You hadn’t regretted the decision to escape via the ocean until the moment.
Before you were so caught up in the feeling of the air rushing through your hair as you crashed down, the cold shock of water as it enveloped you, the soft sand that stuck to you on the opposite bank. It was feelings that after your 2 years of imprisonment had become ubiquitous with freedom, so far from the harsh cold of stone walls, metal shackles, and confinement.
But now standing in the center of the jedi council chambers, 12 sets of eyes staring down at you as you could hear the water smacking the floor as it dripped from your hair, you wished you had chosen a drier escape route.
“So you were the one who got the holocron from star’s end” you could hear to monotony in the man’s voice as the one in the center addressed you, clearly as confused as to why you were here before them as you were.
“Yes sir” you answered meekly, stealing glances back towards your rescuer, Anakin you had learned his name to be, who just look on with a smug smile, the glowing cube you’d taken from the wardens desk clutched causally in one hand.
“Yes” Ankain echoed you, never breaking eye contact with the man before you, a sort of game occurring between their hard stares sent back and forth you couldn’t quite crack “but that’s not all” and with no warning he tossed the cube to you.
You caught it no problem, the jedi council collectively sitting up in their seats as their gaze anxiously followed the arc of the cubes path through the air, visibly relaxing when it landed safely in your hands.
“Open it”
You raised a brow at his command, eyes never leaving Anakin’s as you silently questioned. You’d only opened it the once, by mistake, you had no idea how you had done it.
“Skywalker what is the meaning of this?” the man in the center asked with a dejected sigh, clearly with as much faith in your abilities to open the cube as you had.
Anakin, however, didn’t respond, his eyes cutting to meet yours, a soft smile and an encouraging nod sent your way before he spoke “just do what you did back in his office”
“I don’t know what I did in his office” you whispered the words back, as if you had any chance of concealing them from the council sitting before you.
“Close your eyes, focus on the cube” Anakin instructed you softly, words spoken only for your benefit “you can do it”
You looked up to see the council eyeing you expectantly before looking down at the cube with doubt. There was no way to tell if it was even you that opened the cube before, but Anakin hardly gave you any way out. So you closed your eyes.
You formed the cube in the mind, feeling its weight anchored in your hand, concentrating on as much detail as you could until you felt the weight of it slowly leave you, hovering in the air just above your hand, because though you couldn’t see it you could feel it do so, could sense it.
A twist of the corner, that was what instinct told you, the cube In your mind obeying obediently before showing you the next move, then the next, the puzzle cube unfolding within your mind until it was nothing but a flat plane.
Then there was a voice, the same voice you’d heard before in that office, greeting you.
You opened your eyes to the same hologram, speaking directly to you from the now flat cube hovering inches above your hand, and you were so caught up in your own awe that the next voice to speak startled you.
“how did you do that?”
You jumped at the sound, the cube tumbling from it’s spot in the air and crashing to the ground, hologram gone, cube now a 3D shape once again, 12 sets of eyes eagerly on you as they sat on the edge of their seats.
“I-I” you stuttered at first, unsure where you were going with the sentence before it came out “I don’t know. I just…felt…it”
The man in the middle shifted back in his seat, hand coming to his chin in thought as he just stared at you at first. “A child this force sensitive could not have gone unnoticed”
Your eyes cut back to Anakin with a raised brow, “Force sensitive? I’m not-“
“You are” Anakin cut you off with an eager nod, eyes darting between yours and the man in the center’s “You have to be, it’s the only way to open the holocron”
Your brows bunched together as you looked down at the cube, almost afraid to touch it again “I can’t- I would’ve- I would’ve known if I was”
“The question is no longer if” the man in the center boomed, drawing your attention back up to him “but how. How did you escape our detection, how do you still have such sensitivity without formal training”
“I want to train her” Anakin piped up at that moment drawing your attention back to him, your head spinning just trying to keep up. “I’m ready to take on my own padawan”
“No” the man’s answer was quick and final, the man giving the idea barely any consideration before answering, “she is too old, it is too dangerous to teach her our ways now”
“It’s too dangerous not to” Anakin countered quickly, clearly already ready for this objection “her abilities clearly aren’t going to fade, our best option is to teach her the path of the light side”
And this seemed to catch the man off guard for a moment, his eyes casting to the other jedi around him as a silent conversation took place before you, too many quick glances for you to ever hope to try and follow along before he was speaking again.
“On that part you are right” it seemed painful for the man to admit this to Anakin though Anakin’s smile grew at the words, “you may train her, however this does not make her a padawan nor you a master, this is nothing more than a side project and you are to do no more than teach her what will keep her from the dark side”
Anakin seemed to deflate slightly at the words, clearly this answer not entirely what he had wanted but the smug smile still remained, he clearly felt he had still won this time.
“Thank you master” At this Anakin bowed to the man and you instinctively did the same, following wordlessly behind Anakin out of the chambers, completely unaware of just how radically your life was about to change.
“You can do this” Anakin spoke to you in a soft, encouraging tone “just close your eyes and try again” and a part of you hated him for that tone, for how easy he made it seem, for how easy the task seems, lift the rock from his hand. You had opened a holocron, twice, why was lifting a rock so much harder?
But deep down you knew why it was that way, why it had to be this way.
You’d come to understand the force as an essence, existing all around you, and using it to your advantage was as easy as opening yourself up to it, lifting an invisible barrier that existed between you and it. And little things, small intuitions, sensing presences or people, that required the barrier to lift just a little, but actual telekinesis? That required a lot more, and you didn’t like what came with completely opening that barrier.
Not that Anakin knew that.
But as you looked at him you felt your resolve start to break, large blue puppydog eyes looking at you with complete encouragement and belief in your ability, and you just couldn’t let him down.
So you convinced yourself this time it would be different, it would be better, and with a deep breath you closed your eyes and slowly opened the barrier.
For a brief moment there was nothing but the force, as if invisible strings pulled you to the rock in Anakin’s hand, a simple pull on one of them and the rock was floating. You heard his cheer in the back of your mind and felt your lips turn up at the sound.
Then there was a flash across your vision, an electric whip flying through the air, a woman’s scream, a dark cell, then a small child huddled into the dirty corner of a room. You felt your breath hitch within you as you recognized the room, recognized your cell, and again part of you felt trapped, like you were back there, locked behind bars, little hope of ever escaping, of ever seeing the sun again. Then the child’s eyes snapped to you. All thoughts left your mind immediately as you met her gaze, unsure of how she could see you, unsure of how you could see her.
“You won’t leave us right?”
And you didn’t have an answer to that, because you had already left them, had already gotten out, had already left another person to occupy your empty cell.
“I-“ the words died in your throat before they could escape as you weren’t sure what to say, weren’t sure if you could say anything.
The sound of the door opening snapped her attention from you immediately, a set of armed droids waiting on the other side of it.
The girl was already shaking her head, trying desperately to pull herself further into the corner, tears welling in her eyes as she repeated “no” over and over again.
The droids ignored her cries completely, only stating their orders to her as if she were listening “it is your time for questioning”
The girl screamed, tried to kick back at them as they approached, tried to keep them off of her but she was just a little kid, there was only so much she could do.
You were rooted on the spot, unable to move even as she tried to reach for you, even as she called your name as they dragged her out of the room. You watched her disappear around the corner, given barely any time to wonder where they were taking her before you were slammed back into your body, again on the floor on the jedi training room, desperately gasping for breath, eyes rapidly scanning the room trying to ground yourself.
Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, another on your chin pulling your gaze to meet his, Anakin knelt down in front of you forcing out deep slow breaths, showing you what to do. And you were back in that air vent, not in a bad claustrophobic way but in a comforting one, a grounding one, again Anakin was there when you were drowning teaching you how to breathe.
You forced out the slow breaths in time with his, Anakin’s eyes never breaking from yours as he continued with the unnatural rhythm, waiting till you seemed to calm, waiting until you were ready. Then he carefully brought his legs in front of him to sit down, crossing them so that his knees touched your softly, leaning forward so his elbows rested on his thighs. “What happened?”
Your posture collapsed on the spot, your head going into your hands as you took a second to remember, to process what had just happened, how you had felt so out of your own body and yet still you.
“I-I was back in the prison” you started hesitantly, not daring to meet Anakin’s gaze as you spoke “They were torturing people I think and there was this girl. She could see me, she begged me for help as they dragged her out of her cell for questioning and I just sat there”
It was silent for a moment as your mind reeled, trying desperately to remember if there was any more to it before Anakin spoke in a sad, soft tone “They’re called force visions” he took a deep breath “they’re known for being unreliable”
You shook your head, gaze snapping to his as you straighter slightly “no this felt real, too real to be a vision, it felt like this was happening right now, real time and I couldn’t-“
You let the words hang in the air and Anakin knew what you meant, not stepping in to say anything as you thought, as you spiraled a bit more. “I left them there”
“you got out” Anakin’s rebuttal came quick but you didn’t let it hang in the air for too long.
“I left them there” You repeated, looking up at him with a small shake of your head “I had a jedi on my side and basically run of the place and I was so caught up in my own escape I didn’t even think about helping any of them get out. Who does that?”
“A survivor” Anakin’s answer again came quick but you were already shaking your head, gaze casted across the room as you refused to look at him.
“A coward”
His hand came to your knee immediately, pulling your gaze back to him as he leaned a little more forward, urging you to listen to him. “you are not a coward”
“I left children and elderly people, innocent people, to rot in a cell while I escaped. What right did I have to get out over any of them?”
“There was just two of us” Anakin objected sadly “we couldn’t have gotten them out if we had tried”
And it was like something had clicked within you, your posture straightening back up as your gaze cast back to his, a ghost of a smile playing on your face “so we need to bring backup next time”
Anakin’s eyebrows scrunched as he looked back at you, hesitantly retracting the hand from your knee as he spoke “next time?”
You nodded eagerly, already pushing yourself up to your feet “I need to speak to the jedi council”
“I want to free the people of star’s end”
The words didn’t seem to shock the council, you were under the impression that not much did, but still a silence fell over them, each member taking a moment to look at one another, sending silent messages between one another before master windu addressed you.
“You are not a jedi, you can do as you please miss L/N”
And though a part of you felt deflated, the council was playing obtuse on purpose, wanting to force you to ask out loud for their help, you saw Anakin from the corner of your eye, his tall proud stance just behind you, always having your back, and instead tried to mirror him.
“I am asking for jedi assistance with this master Windu”
Again the council shared a look, a silent discussion taking place before your eyes, before slowly each gaze returned to you, each’s expression as stony and serious as before.
“Star’s end is a separatist stronghold far too expansive for the jedi even with the clone army at it’s side to take it without many casualties”
You could see Anakin adjust his stance ever so slightly at his words, physically switching from offensive to defensive, and a part of you got angry at that, angry that you were having to prove to the jedi why the people unjustly locked in cages deserved to be free, angry that Anakin already seemed to feel this was a losing battle.
“Those people in star’s end are republic citizens, loyal to the republic in every way, the very people you all are sworn to serve and you are just going to leave them to die?”
You tried to control the anger in your voice, tried to bite it down knowing yelling at the council would get you nowhere, but couldn’t help yourself as your voice grew louder, your words coming out in rapid succession.
“We cannot serve the people of this republic if our army is dead” you could hear master windu’s own anger in his voice but you knew it wasn’t anger for his supposed forced inaction or anger in the loss of innocent lives, but rather in you, for daring to counterriot him, to argue with him in front of the council “we have a war to win miss L/N, that supersedes all else”
“The people in those cells were prisoners of war” you could hear the desperation in your own voice but in that moment didn’t care “soldiers in your war, they will gladly fight with you again all you need to do is unlock the cells. Give them a chance to help you free them”
“The answer is no”
“What if I went back in undercover”
You could see Anakin’s posture go rigid on the spot, for the first time his head snapping to you, his gaze fully falling on you as you spoke.
But in that moment you couldn’t take a second to focus on anything but master Windu’s face, the way it crinkled ever so slightly in thought, and you knew that was your chance.
“I know the schedule, the layout, how to fit in seamlessly-“
“Wait” Anakin’s voice was barely more than a whisper, his body coming inches closer as he took a step towards you, hand outstretched to grab you by the arm as if to physically stop you, but you just stepped forward, out of his reach, and continued on as if you had heard nothing.
“I still have the uniform, friends on the inside, I even know how to get in without being noticed-“
Anakin quickly gave up on trying to stop you, turning directly to the council this time, taking a step in front of you as if to shield you from them. “Master windu please excuse-“
The master silenced Anakin with a simple look, Anakin’s own words dying in his throat on the spot as he stared up at the council, gaze breaking desperately to his master’s silently begging him to do something.
Obi-wan, however, could do nothing as Master Windu turned to you, giving you a small nod before speaking “what do you propose miss L/N”
And you took a second to step away from Anakin, taking care to not meet his eye contact as you did so, your gaze never breaking from master Windu’s as you continued carefully, continued with a plan you hadn’t even realized you had formulated.
“I sneak in, unlock all the cells and the front gates giving a clone army not only unfettered access to the grounds but an entire army already within the prison” and you could see the hesitation on his face, the hesitation on all of their faces “the clone army needn’t do anything until the gates are open, and if I fail you can simply turn around. No harm no foul”
The council shared another look amongst themselves and you could see Anain’s eyes desperately scanning the room, clinging to every bit of silent conversation he could make out.
“If you are caught-“ Master Windu spoke again and you could see Anakin flinch ever so slightly at the words, his gaze whipping around to you once again as he slowly backed up to the edge of the circle, acknowledging finally he had no say in this decision, on either side. “You cannot disclose the location of this clone army should this be the plan. You cannot give any indication of the jedi’s involvement”
“If I am caught” you repeated back to him, trying your best to keep the triumphant smile off your face “well, master Windu, you said it yourself I’m not a jedi. Just a prisoner trying to escape”
You’d been sitting crossed legged on the floor for over an hour at this point, no longer even pretending to try and practice his exercise.
He’d hardly spoken a word to you since the council meeting this morning, no more than leading you to a training room and telling you to sit down and lift the rock in front of you while he paced.
Back and forth in front of you, none of the usual “good job” when you did it or light instruction when you failed to, just pacing.
At first you had prepared yourself for his blow up, waiting for him to yell at you, to lecture you for being irresponsible, for not talking to him before bringing your plan to the council. Instead you got silence, an impending doom hanging relentlessly over your head as you waited for the inevitable.
But a person could only wait so long.
So you had abandoned the rock lifting half an hour ago, doing nothing but sitting on the floor watching him go back and forth. And you weren’t sure if he even noticed. And quite honestly you were sick of waiting.
So one last time you closed your eyes and concentrated, easily using the force to pick up the fist sized rock in front of you, and hurling it directly at Anakin.
Anakin spun on the spot and lifted his hand effortlessly, the rock halting midair in front of him, floating there for just a second as his gaze snapped from the rock to you on the ground before it fell to the floor, hitting the hard stone with a soft thunk.
And it was only then, beneath that glare, did you start to question if that was a good idea.
“Really?” It was more demand than question “After what you pulled this morning you think throwing rocks at me is a good idea?”
You just shrugged, pushing as much nonchalance into your expression as possible “you haven’t talked to me in an hour”
Anakin sighed in complete exasperation, a hand running through his hair before coming up to pinch the bridge of this nose “And what do you want me to do?” he asked, his voice too soft for comfort “yell at you? Tell you how dumb and reckless of a plan this is because you already seem to know that considering you didn’t bother to fill me in before addressing the council”
“I didn’t know I was going to propose that” you were quick to defend yourself, pushing yourself up to your feet, feeling at a slight disadvantage on the ground “I was desperate! I just needed them to work with me so I offered the only think I could think would help”
“Offering yourself up as bait” he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at you completely unimpressed “You went in with a complete plan and points to back up that plan that doesn’t happen on the spot”
“So if I had just filled you in beforehand you’d be okay with it?” you asked him with raised brow, already knowing his answer.
He took a second to just glare at you, knowing what you were doing, that you were baiting him “of course not” he sighed “but we could’ve come up with something better”
“We couldn’t have” you shook your head, noting his softer tone by this point, daring a step forward “this is the only plan the council would have approved”
And he did nothing but shake his head softly for a moment, big eyes staring back at you telling you that he knew you were right, just not ready to admit it right. “I could go with you” he tried
And you had to laugh softly at his expression, taking yet another step closer until you were right in front of him, a hand coming up to cup his cheek softly, Anakin not yet giving in, refusing to drop his arms from in front of his chest “you couldn’t”
He sighed dejectively, finally dropping his arms, one hand coming up to grab the one cupping his cheek, giving it a soft squeeze before pulling it away, never letting it go “you know you don’t have to”
“Ani-“ you started to object before he cut you off
“I mean it” his eyes bounced back and forth between your own “You got out, you don’t have to go back to that place”
“I left them there” you replied softly, retracting your hands from his “I got distracted, didn’t think, just wanted to get out and I left them all there, I have to go back”
And you could see him wanting to object again, to repeat that it wasn’t up to you to save them but you were prepared to stand your ground and you think he saw that too. So all he said as he stared back at you was “are you sure”
And you nodded, a soft smile rising to your lips “I’m sure. I can do this Ani”
And he chuckled softly at you, nodding reluctantly “I know you can. But you get into trouble I don’t care what the council says I will come for you”
“I know you will” you laughed again at him, taking both of his hands in yours, giving them a soft squeeze “you got me out once, I trust you could do it again”
“But nothing is going to go wrong” he persisted though you could see the smile reluctantly growing on his lips as he tried to remain serious “you’re going to release the prisoners and open all the gates”
“then I’ll come find you” you nodded.
“Good” he whispered before pulling on your arms, crashing you into his chest as he wrapped them around you securely “I’ll see you at the gates” he whispered softly into your hair.
“I’ll see you at the gates”
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saintrvckwell · 2 years
Not on my knees quite yet, but I was a fool back then (ellie williams x reader) 
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ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: ellie would've saved a lot of time if she stopped avoiding uncomfortable conversations
warnings: angst!, swearing, slight nsfw (kissing), ellie's being a d!ck from time to time
words count: 9.1k
a/n: the last piece i published made cry while writing so naturally (and gladly!) this one made me smile — and laugh. i'm sucker for this sort of trope and i figured i owe you something a lil happier after my previous work. i hope you didn't forget about me.
also! this si an angst and comedic gold at the same time. lol enjoy!
"did I let you down before i can make my peace? so if you're listening now, could you hear me out at least?"
The sun was already down, leaving the moon take its rightful spot. Your boyfriend’s touch was lingering your shoulder as you stood in his living room, mind drifting away from the conversation you were a part of just a second ago. With a polite smile on your face until you caught a sight of her.  There, on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall with a cup of beer in her hand, looking right at you. More than anything, you wanted to press your lips against hers. To stop the world around from spinning. To satisfy that little desire of yours. 
Yet you couldn’t. 
Because that’s not what friends do. And that is what you and Ellie mutually agreed to be. Without realising how much of impossible quest you had given to each other. 
It wasn’t always like that. Not so long ago, staring into her eyes without falling even harder wouldn’t seen so impossible. But not so long ago, the two of you were just friends. Two people who might have been impeccably good at hiding their likings. Two people who used to spend every minute of their days with each other. But those two people truly sucked at having uncomfortable conversations. 
And somehow ended up here. 
“Is everything okay?” your boyfriend’s voice pulled you back to reality, finally breaking off the eye contact with Ellie. 
Your eyes locked, seeing a hint of concern glancing in his. Smile crept up on your lips, sending a nonverbal answers for his worried mind. 
“Do you want a beer?” he asked, offering his cup. 
“No, it’s alright. I'm going to get some water,” you shook your head. 
Before you made a single move, his hand swiftly reached out for yours, stopping you. There it was again, the concern. 
“I’m fine,” you smiled, dedicating him the most believable form of fake smile you had in store. 
And once you managed to get out of his sight, you let a frustrated sigh out of your mouth. Closing the kitchen door, you got yourself a few minutes of peace. Few minutes to sort out your shit and pull yourself together. Before he will grow more suspicious, if that was even possible. 
You were here with your boyfriend. Yet you couldn’t stop thinking about her. And those words she shared with you on patrol. 
The two of you hitting the road wasn’t something unusual. Quite the contrary. You and Ellie took almost all of the patrols together, feeling the most safest around the other. From time to time, you ended up taking a route with someone else due to Maria’s schedule system. And although the townsmen of Jackson knew their way around guns, you never felt as comfortable as when you went out with her. You knew each other’s tactics to very last detail. You worked so well together. 
Every other day, just not today. 
Due to awkwardness that’s been floating over your friendship like a dark cloud, you ended having multiple close calls. Usual encounters with runners and clickers that you would handle without a single worry seemed almost lethal this time. The miscommunication and unfinished business you’ve been avoiding for weeks took its toll on you. And had you walking home without a single bullet left in your pocket. 
“I had it under control,” Ellie muttered, anger covered in her words.
“You didn’t have it under control,” you retorted, visibly not in the mood to be having a conversation with her. 
It was supposed be a usual route to check out the stores in a town nearby. One of the shops, a book store, ended up being full of infected. Something that became absolutely normal for you to come across. The two of you wanted to clear the space stealthy, just with different tactics. Both of you went separate directions, unintentionally drawing the attention of runners with your chaotic way of communication. A second later you were quite literally fighting for your own lives with shouted insults filling the air. 
Ellie wanted to run out through a little office space at the back of the store which led to emergency exit while you wanted to go back and took the main entrance since there was too many of runners for you to handle without any casualties. Ellie, as stubborn as she usually was, disagreed with you. More specifically, she didn’t even let you express your disapproval. She simply headed back there, with your yelling echoing the room. You managed to shoot down two more runners when you heard Ellie’s sudden cry for help. 
Needless to say, the worst appeared in your mind. You didn’t know which one of those catastrophic scenarios would be worse. Ellie being dead or bitten with the necessity of you to shoot her to prevent her from suffering? Thankfully, none of those turned out to be reality as you succeeded to save Ellie in the last second. 
Lying on the floor with clicker on top of her, Ellie was trying to reach for her gun tossed in corner of the office room. Not waisting any time, two of your bullets went through that clicker’s head, drops of blood splatted on Ellie’s freckled cheeks. You didn’t even have time to give her proper shit about it. Instead of that, you grabbed the gun, pulled her up and grabbed her hand, getting both of you out of that bookstore. 
As if that wasn’t enough. Once you were back on the street, barricading the main entrance with literally everything suitable, you needed to patch ourselves up. You headed to pharmacy two stores away, hoping to find something usable. You were on foot today and Jackson was more than an hour of walk away. You opened the door, letting the guard down for a second and stepped on the glass shattered on the floor. Ellie’s scream pulled you back to reality, as well as her hand, literally pushing you out of the store. Falling on the cold pavement, you looked at Ellie firing her last shots. 
“Motherfucker,” she mumbled, putting her gun back into her thigh holster.
You spotted the clicker bleeding out on the floor. Worse than that was just that banging coming from the bookstore, letting you both be aware of the fact that the barricade won’t hold for too long. 
“Fuck,” Ellie hissed as she turned to you. “Let’s go,” she walked past you. “Or do you wanna sit around and wait for a bite?” 
She was unbearable. 
As a matter of fact, that’s how you ended up fighting. Halfway to Jackson, because of her snarky attitude and your habit of not letting shit go. 
“I had it under control,” she stopped, looking right at you, fists clenched as she tried to surpass her anger. 
“No you didn’t,” you repeated your previous words — this time with much more resistance. “Because if you had it under control, I wouldn't have to jump over there and save your fucking ass!” 
“Like you’re the one to talk,” she laughed sarcastically. “Why the fuck did you go to that pharmacy in the first place? Previous close call wasn’t enough? Are you feeling suicidal today? Otherwise I can’t explain that fucking reckless decision of yours!” 
“I wanted to find us some bandages!” you explained, pointing you to multiple scratches on Ellie’s hands. 
“How generous of you,” she spoke ironically. “You’re such an idiot, truly.” 
“Am I what?” you whispered. 
“An idiot,” she repeated her words and took a step closer. “An actual idiot.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh over her affectedness. “Well, I’m sorry that I tried to help you!”
“I didn’t ask for it!”
“You’re such a pain in the ass today, seriously. We should’ve taken the main entrance as I told you—“
“Are you seriously going to turn this into a lecture?” she wasn’t even trying to hide her sarcasm. “Do you really feel like you’re in the position to be giving me shit about my bad decisions? You?” 
“What is that supposed to mean?!” you snapped, hands crossed over your chest. 
Ellie stopped for a second and took a deep breath, probably rethinking her whole dedication to have this conversation right now. 
“Nothing, let it go.” 
She responded quietly, breaking off the eye contact and getting back on the road. She didn’t bother to wait for you. In fact, you stood there for another five minutes, watching her silhouette disappear out of your sight. She arrived at the east gate without you, completely ignoring Jesse’s concerned voice asking her about your whereabouts. You arrived twenty minutes after her, not as furious as when she left you there. Mostly just confused by her words. Not in the mood to have a conversation with Jesse, who was visibly puzzled over your and Ellie’s strange behaviour. 
After that uncomfortable patrol, you headed home. Lately, it has been more than odd between the two of you. Even though you’ve made an agreement to be just friends, it didn’t seem like any side would be particularly pleased with that choice. In fact, it only made you more distant. This was just the final nail in the coffin for your friendship. 
You were so mad at her. Mad because no matter what shit she caused, it wouldn’t change the way you felt about her. She could’ve behaved like an absolute asshole, yet would still think of her. You would still give her a chance. Your feelings for Ellie weren’t leaving anytime soon. Which, in the end, made you feel horribly. Considering the fact that your affection towards your boyfriend was nowhere near the one towards Ellie. 
You already felt like the worst person after what you and Ellie did — what ultimately led to this mess. 
Obie was your rebound. Your distraction. Someone who appeared in your life, willing to give you that kind of love you desired to receive from her. And for a moment, you wanted to make this work — while Ellie was dating Cat. During that period of time, the two of you almost never hung out, rather avoided each other.
You’ve been thinking about it for weeks — about that night. About doing the right thing — accepting the consequences. You just didn’t have the guts to do it. You planned it for some time, yet failed every attempt to do so. But Obie wasn’t an idiot and soon enough picked up on your weird behaviour. That’s why he asked you to come tonight. To have fun with him and his friends. 
Which didn’t include Ellie. But she somehow managed to show up here and made you feel even worse. Again. 
You were aware of that poor choice of timing. Yet you couldn’t wait any longer. Appearing back in the living room, you grabbed Obie’s hand, quietly urging him to stop the conversation and head out with you. Taking a quick look around the room, your eyes met with hers. Noticing your intertwined fingers, she drew up, watching you both carefully as you fled the scene. 
Sitting on the stairs on Obie's back porch, second thoughts crept in. As bad as it might sound, Obie represented an insurance. Insurance for you that even if you can’t be with Ellie, you have someone who’s willing to give you the kind of love you demanded. And in some ways, he was your friend. Your occasional patrol partner. And you didn’t to prolong this. More than you already did. 
As soon as you let a frustrated sigh out of your mouth, Obie already knew where this was headed. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, feeling too cowardly to look into his eyes. “I really am. I’m aware of the fact that you most likely won’t believe me, though you have every single right for it, but I never meant to hurt you. That wasn’t my intention.” 
“What was it then?” he looked up at you, confused. 
“You liked me,” you whispered. “And I thought that by giving it a chance, I could eventually like you the same way. But I don’t. And you deserve someone who will.” 
“I hope you’re not planning on giving me that heartfelt speech of how much I deserve to be loved,” he mumbled sarcastically. “You should’ve ended this right away.” 
“I know,” you nodded with your tail between your legs. “And I’m sorry.” 
“Well, I guess she’s the winner, after all,” he muttered, getting your attention. 
A confusion was drawn over your face. “What are you talking about?” 
“Ellie?” he laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re so blinded by your own affection that you didn’t notice how much she’s pining for you.”
“She’s not—“ you stopped. “Ellie’s not interested in me. Not like that.” 
“The least you could do right now, is stop lying to me.” 
“I’m not lying to you,” opposed.
“You’re just embarrassing yourself,” he laughed to himself. “Why do you think I brought you here tonight? To prove my point. And I succeeded the second I saw how you were looking at each other. Or did you really think you’re so inconspicuous? Don’t even try to tell me that nothing happened between the two of you. Even if you do, it doesn’t matter anymore. 'Cause I am done with this. With you.” 
Before you attempted to finish your sentence, the door swung open, letting someone else to join your conversation. 
“There you are!” Jesse exclaimed happily. “We’re gonna play some games, are you guys joining us?” he asked curiously, overlooking the tension between you and Obie. 
Obie didn’t wait a single second. He stood up and left to room in a matter of seconds while you sat there, replaying your previous choice in your mind. 
“Are you going or not?” Jesse’s voice pulled you back to reality. 
You nodded quietly and followed him. 
“Did I interrupted something?” Jesse asked while the two of you walked through the hallway to Obie’s living room. “You guys seemed to be in the middle of—“
“Jesse, can I ask you something?” you blurred out, stopping in the middle of a hallway. 
Curiousness in his eyes served as a nonverbal kind of answer you were looking for. 
“You, Dina and Ellie went out last night, right?” you asked. 
During your morning patrol with Dina, she casually brought up their plan for the evening. She mentioned her, Jesse and Ellie were heading out for a few. She tried to persuade you to join them but staying home felt like a more suitable option for you. You’ve already declined Obie’s offer to go out that morning, when he walked you to stables. 
Jesse nodded. 
“Obie mentioned he was going out with other guys from patrol team. This might sound strange but… do know if Ellie and Obie ran into each other? More specifically — if something happened between them?”
“Hell yeah, I was actually starting to get a little worried, for Obie, of course. He made a few comments and you know Ellie. She wouldn’t just let it go and leave. They had an argument and it escalated into Maria and Tommy pulling them apart before Ellie managed to break his nose, in the better case,” he clarified. “Weren’t you patrolling with her this morning? I’m surprised she didn’t tell you. Considering how much she hates his guts.” 
Somehow, Ellie’s behaviour made much more sense now. 
“What did he say to her?” you mumbled impatiently, craving for answers. 
Jesse sighed, visibly not feeling comfortable in this conversation. “Listen, it’s none of my business. You gotta ask one of them.” 
“C’mon man!” you whined. “You can’t just leave me hanging!” 
“I didn’t hear much of their altercation. But from the parts that I caught, I reckon it was about you. It got pretty ugly for a second, before Maria interfered.”  
You were given what you had asked for, unsure whether this was the sort of answer you wanted. 
A few seconds later, you and Jesse joined others in the living room. Not many people left, mostly just guys from your age group at patrols. Majority of them, including Obie, were sitting on the sofa, except for Dina and Jesse who were snuggling on one of the chairs. And Ellie, who’s presence was somehow different this time — more pleasant. After what you learned from Jesse about the incident, you felt a bit guilty for snapping at her this morning. 
Although the reasons for your actions were justified. It was the anger and frustration bubbling inside you for the past few weeks that got triggered by Ellie’s stubborn persona and her need to have the last word. You had every single right to be furious with her, but right now — you couldn’t bring yourself to it. 
So when your eyes were struggling to find hers, minute after you appeared inside, your heart sunk deep into your stomach. You wondered if seeing you and Obie disappear was the straw for her. If this was all she needed to be done with you. Maybe she left, choosing the comfort of her little shed in Joel’s backyard. A part of you wanted to run after her. To get the answers, to stop this madness. 
Until you found her. Coming from the kitchen, she immediately saw you. A momentary smile was brought to your lips over that sudden sight of her. A momentary smile that she managed to spot and frown, confused. 
Redness in your cheeks forced you to look away and sit down on the carpet, trying hard to avoid locking eyes with her. Unfortunately for you, her steps led to the same place you took. With all the space left to choose, she still sat down right next to you, her thigh casually brushing against yours, sending shivers down your spine.  You didn’t dare to look at her, though you knew her eyes were all over you. 
When you finally took the courage to do so, your eyes met with Obie’s. The kindness was gone for good once you spotted the viciousness aimed at you while his eyes danced from yours to Ellie’s.
Then Dina offered to play spin the bottle. The four of you had your own version, mostly just forcing the chosen one to do the stupidest shits for fun. The fact that this wasn’t the silly version you created in Ellie’s house became obvious the second Obie made his turn. This version, completely followed by his rules somehow turned to be his own form of vendetta. 
Especially once the bottle pointed at Ellie. 
“Fuck me,” she cursed under her breath. 
Point of the original game was simple. The one spinning the bottle chooses the task for the selected one. Nothing's off limits and in case the player decides to refuse to finish demanded task, they have to handle a piece of clothing as a form of penalty. 
“I’m all in for happy endings,” that smile pictured over his face reminded you of Cheshire Cat. 
Ellie sighed with annoyance, definitely not having the time of her life. 
“So how about you give that best friend of yours a little kiss? Or a big one. That’s totally up to you,” he grinned, sipping from his cup of beer. Visibly proud of what he was trying to achieve. “I’ll watch it anyway.” 
For a second, you thought you might deserved to get this treatment from him. He was hurt by your actions. But not in any case, he had a single right to take out his anger on Ellie.
You stole a glance at her and noticed she was taking off one of her Converse sneaker. Without a single word, she tossed it right at him. 
Cold sweat covered your body, realising what she just did.
Obie caught her shoe, slimy grimace on his face. 
“And to think you wanted to break my nose for this,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Guess it wasn’t worth it after all. If this is what you want, then I'm happy for that sudden change of heart. But spare a thought for your best friend, she probably just got her heart broken.” 
As soon as those words left his mouth, Ellie’s eyes met with yours, noticing the slight disappointment you tried so hard to cover up. You looked away, taking a deep breath. You didn’t want to make this any more embarrassing — knowing that’s exactly what Obie was hoping to achieve. Getting up and storming out the house wouldn’t be the smartest choice considering your current reputation so you stayed. Trying so hard to avoid Dina and Jesse’s confused looks pointed at you and Ellie. 
As the rounds went on, so did the tasks. Dina and Jesse had to make-out which seemed rather ridiculous to you, considering they were doing this 24/7, mostly to annoyance of others. You sat on the floor uncomfortably, watching the two of them almost eat each other’s faces. For a second, you caught a sight of Ellie who shared mutual feelings till the moment she spotted you. Disgust was replaced with concern before you turned away. 
For some reason, the bottle never pointed at you, much to Obie’s obvious disgruntlement. Must have been a blessing in disguise that saved you from one of his vicious tasks. Ellie, on the other hand, wasn’t as lucky as you. And whenever the bottle stopped at her, Obie happened to be the one choosing the tasks. The second time she was dared, he ordered her to answers how many of her girl-friends she had kissed to which she replied by taking off her other shoe.
By the time the clock turned twelve, Ellie ended up totally barefoot, losing even her socks. You couldn’t help but wonder why did she choose to stay? Knowing how much she despised him, you thought she’d leave after that first task he came up with. But she stayed, losing pieces of her clothing as she refused to give him what he wanted. 
It couldn't even be more embarrassing for you. Another two tasks ended up being somehow connected to your and Ellie’s relationship. You hated yourself for how much you told him about the two of you as it has become the perfect weapon for him to use. Making this whole night an unbearable experience for the both of you, but mostly Ellie. Who got the worst of it. 
Eventually, he ran out of ideas. So when Jesse proposed to play seven minutes in heaven — right after Ellie got most of her belongings back, he couldn’t be more pleased with that offer. Obie as per usual, had to have his own rules. He declared to be the one choosing the couples to go into his pantry. Knowing how much he was enjoying the situation, you expected the worst outcome. 
You sighed, looked right at him, sitting in the middle of the sofa, looking around to find his next target. The second his eyes landed on you, there wasn’t any pleasing result coming out of this. 
“How about you, Y/N?” he asked, fake sympathy in his voice. “I feel like you’ve been pretty neglected tonight,” he mentioned, eyes pointing at Ellie. 
You knew she was looking at you, but didn’t dare to assure yourself of that assumption. 
“How about we spin the bottle to find your—“ he didn’t even finish his sentence. 
Especially the second Ellie grabbed your hand and pull you up with her, forcing you to almost trip over your own feet. 
“No need for that,” she mumbled, not even bothering to look at him. 
Instead of that, she dragged out through to hallway, right into his kitchen. Letting the anger bubble up.
“Could you slow down?” you uttered, trying to stop Ellie. 
Though she heard you, she didn’t bother to obey. Once she reached the pantry, she opened the door and pushed you in, her hand still holding yours. 
“You do realise you could’ve just closed the kitchen door? We didn’t have to be stuck in here,” you whispered. “It’s not like he is going to get his ass out there to check it out.” 
There wasn’t even the slightest concern towards your words. Instead of that she dropped your hand, taking a step closer to you, not leaving you any room for potential disagreement. Instead of that, she filled every inch of your comfort zone with her presence, grabbed your cheeks and pressed her lips against yours. 
Without a single warning. 
It lasted a second. A second that still managed to make it feel like a lifetime. A second that brought up all those memories from that night. That night that caused the two of you to grow apart.
It was shortly after Ellie called it quits with Cat. That evening you were at Joel’s house. You and Jesse offered to help move around some furniture in his living room and ended up having a dinner with him, Tommy and Maria. And, surprisingly, Ellie showed up. Overwhelmed with everything that happened over the past few days, she decided to accept Joel’s offer to join. She initially went there for new patrol schedule Maria left at his place. But once she saw you there, she couldn’t leave. 
It was for the first time in weeks that the two of you got to talk. Both of you knew you needed to sort things out, once and for all. And Joel’s dinner turned out to be the best opportunity for it. You spent the whole dinner chatting and enjoying each other’s presence the way you used to. After that, Ellie spontaneously offered you to spend a night at her place, reviving one your oldest traditions. 
“I didn’t bring my stuff with me,” you laughed while you were standing on Joel’s back porch. 
“That didn’t stop you before,” she grinned. “I can lend you my space t-shirt.” 
Your eyes lightened. Ellie’s space t-shirt was a piece of clothing that you absolutely adored. Blue shirt with solar system that Ellie found in one of the stores nearby during one of your patrols. Both of you had your eyes on it and she offered to sort the true winner with a game. So you rock-paper-scissored it and Ellie won. Though you were still convinced she was cheating which was why she never lent it to you. 
“You mean the one I rightfully deserve?”
“Since when?” she mumbled sarcastically. “Are you gonna mention that—“
“That you cheated? Yes, I will,” you laughed. “Ellie you had paper and changed it to scissors in the last minute—“
“If I lend you that t-shirt, will you finally shut up about it?” she stopped you by stepping closer, smile dancing on her lips. 
An hour later you were sitting on Ellie’s bed. You decided to watch one of her all time favourite movies but just after twenty minutes in, Ellie confessed she broke things off with Cat. Out of nowhere, she spilled it, forcing you to stop the movie and take a proper look at her. She explained you how this was the right call and she’s okay — because that’s what you wanted to know in the first place. If she was alright. 
The two of you weren’t the most affectionate kind of friends but you couldn’t help this time. You moved closer, crossing to her part of the bed and leaned closer. Whispering a quiet sorry you pulled Ellie into a hug, knowing damn well you should’ve kept your distance considering your own unresolved feelings towards that auburn haired girl. 
This was an exception you had to make. Her hands immediately wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer, your bodies brushing against each other. You were lying there in the darkness on Ellie’s side of the bed while her hands stayed pressed on your body parts. You felt her lingering touch on your hip and realised, now more than ever, how much you like being closer to her, physically. She was right behind you with her face snuggled into your neck and breath dancing on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. 
You knew this wasn’t what friends were supposed to do. Yet there wasn’t a single bone in your body that would pull away from this. You slowly closed your eyes, trying to keep this memory of the two of you in your mind. 
When Ellie broke off the silence. 
“I saw you around town with Obie,” she whispered. “Jesse said that you guys are dating.” 
The last thing you wanted to talk about was Obie. Obie who served as your form of escape from your feelings towards Ellie. 
“We went out a few times, it’s fresh,” you mumbled, noticing the grip around your waist has loosened. 
Cold sweat covered your body. You didn’t want to lose her, in any way. Physically or mentally. 
“I don’t know if we’re dating. Nor if I want to,” you whispered. 
“Why’d say that?” Ellie wondered. 
“Let’s just say the first kiss wasn’t something I’d want to repeat,” you uttered, hearing Ellie’s muffled laugh. 
You turned around, curious to see her reaction. A grin pictured on her face was enough for you to roll your eyes. 
“I knew he was a bad kisser,” she grinned.
You laughed sarcastically. “How the hell would you know that?” 
“Because he’s a guy,” she shrugged her shoulders. “Guys are not good at kissing. At least not as good as me.” 
“Alright, Ms. Pretentious,” you shook your head, still laughing. “I think Dina would disagree with that statement.”  
“That’s because she never kissed me,” Ellie winked at you.
A second later, the two of you burst into laughter. 
“Poor Dina then,” you mumbled, wiping away your tears dramatically. “Poor me. If only I had kissed you before I had that horrendous first kiss—“
“Wait,” she stopped you. “It was your first kiss?” that pure shock in her voice confused you. 
“Yeah, I just told you that my first kissed sucked,” you laughed. 
“But I thought you meant first kiss with him,” she shook her head. “Not that it was your first first kiss.” 
Silence settled across the room once again. 
“Man, that really ruined the whole mood,” she mumbled. 
Unbelievable gasp left your mouth. You reached for the pillow underneath you, hitting Ellie in the face. 
“Hey!” she grabbed the pillow, laughing. “It’s not my fault you have poor taste in men.” 
“Fuck you,” you frowned, turning your back at her.
Ellie’s hand touched your shoulder as she tried to turn you around. 
“C’mon, Y/N,” she chuckled. “It was a joke.” 
“If I have a poor taste in men, then you surely have a poor sense of humour.” 
She giggled, enjoying the situation. She gave it a few tries to force you to look at her but ended up lying down next to you, defeated. 
“Let me make it up to you,” she whispered, catching your attention. 
It was the curiousness that led you to turn to her face, just a few inches away from yours. The closeness between your faces was driving you crazy. Adrenalin was running through your veins the second her hot breath brushed against your lips. You tried more than ever to keep your shit together while looking into her eyes. 
“How?” you dared to ask. 
“By giving you the kind of first kiss you deserve.” 
You heart skipped a beat. 
Now more than ever, you had to hold it together. 
“I already had that one,” you whispered. 
“Yeah well, how about I give you mine as well,” she moved closer, devilish grin settling on her face. “Then, you can decide which one was better.” 
You’d be foolish to have any sort of objections. Considering the fact how much you wished for her to be your first kiss. How much you wished for her to look at you the way she used to look at Cat. How much you wanted Ellie to love you. The way you loved her. 
That tension was undeniable. Ellie slowly leaned closer to your face, the tips of your noses almost touching. She was observing every single detail of your appearance, not rushing anywhere. Even the smallest birthmark seemed interesting enough for her at this moment. You’ve never felt so vulnerable. So loved as you did the moment her lips met with yours, causing an immeasurable amount of arousal explode in your body. 
Understanding the fact that it was your first, proper kiss, she tried her best to make you feel as comfortable as possible. You always knew she was much more experienced than you which, in the end, made you feel better. Feeling that gentle touch of hers, feel her lips moving against yours. Whatever your idea was it wasn’t half as good as the reality. Reality that dawned on you the moment she pulled away. 
Still staying closer, she licked her bottom lip, letting that devilish grin back. 
“So?” she asked, already sensing what answer she’s getting. “Which one of your first kisses turned out to be better?” 
And you wanted to get back at her so badly. 
“Tough call,” you confessed.
Your words brought sudden confusion to her eyes. 
Didn’t take her long to realise what you were up to. 
“Tough call, you say?” she repeated your words, starting to close the distance, again. “Think I need another try to show you who’s the obvious winner.” 
“I think you do.” 
This time, she wasn’t holding back. Within seconds, she was sweeping her tongue between your lips, forcing a quiet moan to leave your mouth. She smiled to herself, grabbing both of your cheeks to pull you closer and deepen the kiss. You couldn’t describe any of those feelings running through your veins. A wave of arousal exploded in your body every time her tongue brushed against yours. More than anything, you were craving Ellie. Craving her touch, craving her kisses. 
One kiss turned into another and before you knew it, you were sitting right on top of her, passionately kissing her while her hands were discovering the unknown places of your skin. That night you lost almost all your boundaries. Nothing would’ve stopped you from reciprocating every single kiss of hers. Shortly before sunrise, you fell asleep with Ellie tight grip around your waist and her lips tracking every inch of your neck. 
Hoping this feeling of euphoria would last forever. 
That, of course, required Ellie not to disappear in the morning. When you woke up, shortly after eleven, Ellie’s side of the bed was empty. Not leaving a single note behind, she took off. As the yesterday's remorse was slowly taking its rightful spot, you grabbed your belongings and left her house. You were supposed to see Obie that night as the two of you planned to have another date yet it seemed as Ellie’s presence wasn’t leaving your mind anytime soon. 
As well as the unknown reason as for why she ghosted you. Though, you can’t say that your actions would be telling a different story. Not knowing how to face what you did, you accepted the same kind of tactic — pretending as if it never happened. Which, turned to an absolute nightmare. You knew doing what you did that night would’ve hurt you. But you didn’t expect that amount of madness to take over your mind. 
Every time you were patrolling together in deadly silence, you thought of that night. You thought of her lips finding their way to yours. You thought of her lingering touch sending shivers down your spine. You were screwed, more than ever. 
Especially once she stated that it was just a friendly thing. It was your first actual conversation since that night when Ellie proposed the two of you should not make a big deal out of it. A sentence that swiftly managed to break your heart and drive you right into Obie’s arms. Her words crushed you but more than that you wondered if that’s all you ever were for her. Just a friend. 
Now she was standing right in front of you, pulling her lips away from yours. 
And all of those feelings inside you were ready to explode. 
“What the fuck was that?!” 
You didn’t even bother to keep your voice down. You pushed her away, anger rising within you. 
“What do you mean?” she whispered, properly taken aback by your reaction. 
“What do you mean?” you repeated after her. “What do you think, Ellie?” 
“Alright, now I’m confused,” she admitted. “I thought that you—“
“You thought what? That you had a right to do this?” you shook your head. 
“Well, considering the look your were giving me while your fucking boyfriend was sitting a feet away—“
“Excuse me?!” you were losing all your temper. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Ellie?” 
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” she couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You didn’t have one nice word for me this morning on patrol and suddenly you feel an urge to kiss me?”
You couldn’t believe how lightly she was taking this whole situation. 
“Thought I could win back my socks.” 
That was all you needed to reach for the doorknob. 
“I’m done—“
“No, no, no! Y/N, wait!” Ellie jumped right in front of you, forbidding you from leaving. 
You didn’t want to look into her eyes but just like any other case — no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t resist. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered — honesty in her voice.
There it was, the guilt in her eyes. 
“I’m sorry. Fuck, it was a joke,” she mumbled, all nervous. “Please, stay.” 
And you realised, this might be the only opportunity for you, to sort things out. 
So you took a step back and leaned against one of the cupboards. Giving it all one last shot. 
Ellie eased up a bit, most likely rethinking all of her previous statements. For a second, it was quiet. With her, immersed in her thoughts and you — trying to find the right approach to this. 
“Is it all a joke to you?” you whispered, wondering out loud. 
Your words forced her to look into your eyes, facing her crimes. 
“This, me and you, us. The kiss.” 
Her eyes lightened up like the stars. 
“Was it all a joke to you, Ellie?” 
And then faded away.  
“I don’t know whether you care or not but it was never a joke to me—“
“Then why were you with Obie?” she interrupted you. “If it wasn’t a joke, why did you went out with him that night? The night after I kissed you?” 
There was pain her voice, though she took a mighty effort to cover that. She did it most of the time. Ellie always struggled with her vulnerability — mostly not knowing how to handle it properly. But you could always see right through her and she knew it. 
“Why are you with him now, Y/N? When he’s acting like an absolute piece of shit—“
“Like you should be the one talking,” you mumbled sarcastically. 
Hitting the right spot. 
Ellie’s eyes widened over that sentence, not even trying to hide her pain this time. 
Which you realised, just two seconds later and let out a frustrated sigh. 
“I’m sorry,” you said softly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. It’s my fault he’s taking out all his anger on you.”
“I doubt that,” Ellie chucked quietly. “He was never a big fan of mine, if you haven’t noticed.” 
You caught the weird vibe from them but paid no mind. Looking back, maybe you should have. 
“I heard you two had a falling out last night,” you admitted, drawing even more of Ellie’s attention. “He didn’t told me. Jesse did.” 
You answered the implied question. 
“And did he tell you what was the reason?” Ellie asked carefully. 
There wasn’t need to bring up what you knew from Jesse. You wanted to know the truth, directly from her — that’s why you shook your head, giving her an opportunity to speak up. 
“I never really cared for him, until the two of you started dating,” she avowed. “I picked up on his hostility towards me pretty soon but until yesterday, I didn’t realised how much he despised me. I didn’t even want to go out, but Dina insisted. I wanted to leave as soon as I saw him. He had a lot to say. Mostly giving me shit for making you feel so miserable. He made it very clear you’re not available.” 
“For who?” 
“For me,” she said softly. “He told me to stay the fuck away from you, to which I asked him if he finally managed to improve his kissing skills.” 
Maybe it was the result of everything that happened today or a pure madness that forced you to absolutely lose it over that statement. Either way, it took one look into each other’s eyes for both of you to burst out in laughter. 
For a split of second, all the tension was gone. Once it again, it felt so easy. So simple. Like those endless nights in her little shed. 
“You’re such an idiot,” you mumbled between laughs. 
She felt relief, seeing a smile appear on your face — even more, knowing she was the reason. 
“He’s an idiot,” she replied with a grin on her lips. “After that, the only thing he could do was call me a slur and I sorta lost it—“
“And nearly broke his nose?” you finished her sentence. “Heard that part.” 
Ellie gave you a fleeting smile before she looked away, hypnotising her black sneakers. 
“Well, me and that idiot broke up,” you confessed, seeing her eyes lighten up once again. “And the only reason I went out with him that night was because I thought you didn’t want me. Not the way I wanted you. I figured that was probably why you disappeared without a single world — wanting to avoid the awkward outcome.” 
Now, she was the one in loss for words. 
“I'm sorry about what he called you at Seth's,” you whispered. “And I’m sorry for what he did tonight.” 
“He just saw the opportunity and he took it. It doesn’t matter,” Ellie shrugged her shoulders. “It’s not your fault, Y/N. It never was.” 
“I know, but still—“
“Y/N, shut up, I’m serious,” she laughed. “Stop being such a people pleaser.” 
You felt slightly offended over that statement and she noticed. Just two seconds later, as soon as she saw the look in your eyes. 
“I didn’t—“ she whispered. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
You nodded quietly, still glancing at the tips of your sneakers. 
“Fuck,” she cursed under her breath, rubbing her cheeks.
There it was again, the silence. And for a minute you thought that maybe this was to closure you were longing for. Just for a minute. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” 
Before she spoke again. 
“We probably already waisted our seven minutes, so…“
“No, dumbass, I meant—“
“Seriously?” you stopped her, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
She clenched her fits, taking a deep breath. 
“Y/N,” she whispered, “I meant get out of this house. I’ve had enough of stupid games and jealous boyfriends for one evening. Let me take you the hell out of this place. And fix this night while I still can.” 
She was a feet away from you, but you could still see that glimpse of desire glancing in her green eyes. And no matter how much you tried, Ellie was too hard to resist. Especially in this moment. 
A to be completely honest, you weren’t particularly keen on the idea of going back to the living room and face Obie and his bizarre vendetta tricks. A part of you already regretted going here in the first place — just a part, the rest was glad for that choice since it brought you and Ellie back together.
Ellie, whose hand was currently holding yours while she was trying to quietly sneak you out. She reached for her jacket on the hanger in the hall before she grabbed the doorknob and pulled you both out of that haunted house. Just as you crossed the doorstep, you thought of Jesse. 
If it wasn’t for him and his impolite barging in, you and Ellie might never had this conversation. You could’ve gone home. Never knowing that you could’ve found an answer. And a solution. There was a guilt in you, for not saying goodbye to him — you felt like you owed him that. 
But within seconds, you forgot about all of them. Because the only thing you could possibly think of was her. Ellie, whose hand was still holding yours as you were walking down the streets of Jackson town. You wondered if she did intentionally or simply paid no mind. You didn’t dare to ask or have any sort of objections — you were enjoying it more than you probably should. 
There it was again, that feeling of simplicity. Hand in hand in the middle of the night, you thought of all those walks you and Ellie used to take. From time to time, when the two of you had a sleepover at her house and one of you couldn’t fall asleep, you’d took the flashlight and go out. Occasionally, you even traded the streets of Jackson for the world behind the gates. 
Though, you were always very careful. You were aware of the growing tension between Ellie and Joel and knew that if one of Maria’s patrol men saw the two of you outside, they would certainly bother to share this information with him — causing Ellie even more trouble that she already had. 
That’s why you mostly took midnight walks around her small neighbourhood. Sometimes even till the sunrise. Sometimes you spent hours talking, the other days you chose the enjoy each other’s presence in silence. And when Joel and Ellie stopped talking, you took these walks nearly every day. 
You knew Ellie had nightmares. The bags under her eyes, the sadness in her face — you saw it every morning on patrol. And then she showed up at your house, at three fifteen in the morning, all sweaty and shaking. You walked around yours this time. You held her hand and kept talking. About everything that could keep her mind off that. That could keep those nightmares away. 
You always took her back home. Tucked her in and sat at the edge of her bed till she fell asleep. Waited an hour to make sure those nightmares were not coming back. Only then you would go back to your place — after you knew that she was going to be alright. After you knew she was safe. 
Ellie had a special place in your heart. And there was nothing in the world that could chance that. 
No matter what happened between the two of you. She was sitting next to you right now, on the stairs of Joel’s back porch and you knew that if she got one of those nightmares again, you wouldn’t leave. You would stay there and hold her hand till she falls asleep.
“So this was your idea of fixing the night?” you asked, squeezing the beer bottle in your hand. 
She brought you into her backyard, sneaked into Joel’s house and stole two beers from his fridge. 
“How is this any different from sitting at Obie's porch?” 
“That dick you dated is not here, that’a first bonus,” she grinned. 
“And where’s the rest?” 
Ellie couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“You're really hard to please,” she laughed. “I wanted to spend time with you without risking any of those douchebags barging in.” 
“You didn’t seem to care about that when you kissed me.” 
That was a risky move. 
Ellie put the beer bottle down, taking a deep breath. 
“We don’t have to talk about that,” you whispered. “Again.” 
Though you wanted it. You wanted it so badly. To get a clear answer from her, once and for all. 
“I wanted to kiss you.”
There it was. 
“In the living room, in front of him. After what he said, a part of me wanted to just shove it down his throat. Get that fucking grin off of his face.” 
In all honesty, you struggled to pay attention to the rest of her speech after you heard the first sentence. 
“But it wasn’t worth using you. I didn’t want you to think I kissed you, because I wanted to prove a point.” 
You nearly got it.
“Then why did you want to kiss me?”
For a second, she looked into your eyes. “You know why.” 
“No, Ellie. I don’t,” you whispered. “You might be surprised, but I have no idea why you do what you do. Because you never give me a clear answer—“ 
Not even bothering to let you finish your frustrated statement, she closed all the space left between the two of you and smacked her lips onto yours. 
“If you’re gonna say that this is a clear answer, Ellie, I swear to God—“
“I wanted to do this the night I saw you in Joel’s dinning room. And morning after that, when I saw you sleeping on the other side of my bed. And then again, every single time I saw you walking around the town with him," she admitted. "It was driving me crazy, because I loved you, Y/N. I love you so much. And that’s the first and foremost reason as for what I did this. Today or any other day.” 
Almost there. 
“Then why did you leave?” you whispered the only thing on your mind. The one thing that’s been bothering you for weeks. 
“Because I panicked,” she confessed. “I went out because I needed to clear my head — I didn’t know where we stand, where you and Obie stand. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if I should go back and if so — what to say. And when I saw you that night with him, I figured. Or at least I thought I did — until tonight.”
“You could’ve just ask me!—“
“And then what?” she interrupted you. “Was I supposed to beg you to break up with him? I felt like a selfish asshole just thinking about it.”  
And then it all got to you. Weeks of avoidance, days of sleepless nights when the thought of her didn’t seem to leave your mind. The anger and frustration that you subconsciously tried to bottle up exploded. 
Right into her face.
“You're such an idiot!” you bursted out. “Oh my god!” 
It was safe to say that this wasn’t the kind of answer Ellie was hoping for after opening up to you. Hell, this was nowhere near what she was expecting. That sort of reaction caught her off guard — that was for sure. At least according to that confusion that appeared in her eyes, leaving her in an absolute loss for words for nearly twenty seconds. 
“Excuse me?” she frowned.
“This was the moment you chose not to be selfish? You’re such a dick, Ellie!” 
In your defence, you didn’t give yourself much time to rethink those words before they left your mouth — in fact, none. The ire got the best of you, it definitely wasn’t your finest moment. Though, no one would probably dare to blame you. 
“You knew I was with him because—“
“Well, I know it now!” she mumbled sarcastically. “This is so fucking stupid.”
“Tell me about it.” 
Every time you felt like you could finally reach the end, another obstacle emerged. The frustration felt never-ending. As if the two of you were walking in circles — again and again. Till one of you finally decides to make it stop. 
“You wanna know where we stand? Well, so do I. And we’re never gonna get there if we’ll keep pointing fingers at each other,” you expressed. 
“You’re the one calling me names.” 
There it was again, the sarcasm. She was making difficult for you to stay patient. 
“Just wait here,” whispered and within seconds, got on her feet and headed towards her little house. 
You obeyed, most due that confusion caused by her sudden resolute action. You stayed there, sitting on Joel’s cold stairs, replaying the events of tonight in your mind, till she hove into view again — this time with a piece of clothing in her hand. 
That landed in your lap as soon as she sat down next you.
“Is that…” you stopped to take a better look at it. 
Crumpled blue fabric that was slowly fading. Yet the solar system was still quite visible — enough for you be taken aback and pause for a second to process that. You needed a few seconds.
“The space t-shirt.” 
You looked into her eyes, determined to find the answer. 
“Why are you giving this to me?” 
Why here? Why now? 
There was way too many questions running through your head.
“I listened to you and I’m choosing a better moment for my unselfishness,” she replied softly. “I also might have considered that strange theory of yours…“
“Pardon me? It’s not a strange theory. I was the rightful winner from the beginning—“
“Yes you were,” Ellie admitted, nodding with a smile on her lips. 
Which caught you by surprise. The look in her eyes, the spark shinning again.
“And I’m sorry it took me so long to realise that.” 
“It was yours from the beginning. And if I wasn’t so stubborn and overthinking everything, it could’ve been yours long time ago. I wanted nothing more than that.” 
“I really hope we’re not talking about the t-shirt anymore.” 
All the seriousness she was building up disappeared the second those words left your mouth.
“I was trying to be romantic!” Ellie mumbled between laughs. “You’re such an idiot, Y/N.”
“Romantic my ass! That’s the second time you called me an idiot today!” 
“Because that’s who you are,” she whispered, devilish grin on her face. 
You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes, annoyed.
“Seriously, this is the worst attempt—“
“But you’re my idiot,” she leaned to you, closing the space once again. 
Again and again until her hands reached your cheeks as she pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. 
“Unless you don’t want to be,” she whispered into your lips. “My idiot.” 
“Ellie, it took you weeks to say this, are we sure I’m the idiot here?” 
She saw the sneer on your face. 
“Shut up,” she chuckled, pecking your lips. “I love you. Is that good enough for you?” 
“We’ll see. Do you have any better, less degrading nicknames for me?” you mumbled sarcastically. 
You felt her breath dancing on your cold cheeks as she slowly leaned in, ready to kiss you again. “Wanna find out?” 
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Silver and Gold *ONE SHOT* (18+MDNI) AU
Not requested just something i drafted real quick five minutes ago as i was taking a break from both HHP and MT. Hope you all enjoy it. *NOT PROOFREAD* so apologize in advance for mistakes or errors. again, the thought just came into mind as i was taking a break.
Pairings: Heeseung and Reader
Warnings: Strangers to lovers (or sexual partners), slight hint of non-con at first, but turns into consensual, unprotected (i dont encourage this, please practice safe sex) i just like to write it because writing about my characters wearing condoms is kind of a mood killer. This is for us to escape reality after all. I think that's it.
You were seated at your favorite spot by the window, reading your favorite book and sipping on your favorite coffee drink. The day was somewhat gloomy, despite as much as it looked to be of rainy weather, it hardly sprinkled. It was lukewarm in temperature, with the humidity being toned down by the oncoming winter months, a perfect time to wear a thin black long sleeve with a scoop neckline, paired with a leather asymmetrical black faux leather skirt, all coming together with short, heeled ankle boots. Dressed to impress with a flare of pretty and sexy mixed in one.
You left your hair down, since you had just recently added golden ombre highlights to the front portion that framed your face, as well as the ends of your lengthy hair. A decent contrast from your natural color that graced the rest of your strands. The golden hue of the recent dye job glistened and shimmered amidst the soft and warm light inside the café.
Walking in, he catches a glimpse of you from across the open area. You stuck out like a sore thumb, in a place filled with such fashionable and glamourous beauty such as Korea, you remained the zenith of every man’s dream as your appearance and features were abnormally attractive. Much different from the widespread of individuals that enhanced, altercate, or decorated themselves to meet the beauty standards.
You did more than meet them. You were all of it and so much more, with a flare of your own original features from your heritage, it was easy for him to spot you dead on.
He had on a pair of black skinny jeans, with a black fitted t-shirt and a white blazer. His hair was platinum silver.
Ordering his drink, he didn’t have any intentions originally to sit down, but the moment he saw you he couldn’t take his eyes off. He wanted to see more.
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Once the barista brought his order, he remained seated at a table, quite a few feet away from you, yet it was close enough for him to take notice on the shade of lipstick you had on, which complimented your skin tone immensely. The fashionable outfit you had on that showed off every curve of your body yet was subtle to not come off too strongly in a lascivious nature. And finally, your beautiful long hair that was framed with the golden ombre highlights that framed your face and dazzled the ends of your hair. You were a mirage of ultimate rare beauty. He couldn’t help it, once he had his sights set, you needed to continue to admire your features.
You remained unaware as you were so in depth with your book. When finally, your alarm went off.
‘Time to go.’
Grabbing your book, and your clutch wallet, you head out. It was still rather warm outside, you noted as you walk out, making your way back to your office.
“Oh Miss Y/N, do you need anything else from us before we head out?” one of your coworkers asked. You declined politely.
“No thank you, I’m fine. Enjoy your evening.”
“Okay, don’t stay too late. We already shut all the blinds and turned off the front lights.”
“Okay thank you.”
You decided to catch up on some of your workload, opting to stay behind even after closing hours. The front doors remained unlocked, as you were the only one that had the key since you were staying behind.
Settling in for twenty minutes, you hear the bell of the doors as someone enters. You were about to address the individual to notify them that the office was closed, yet you stopped at the sight of the dashing young man who entered. Your breath hitches.
“I know you’re closed…” he began, his voice deep and calm. He spoke with a sense of authority and a commanding presence.
“Ye-yes we are. Is there something I could help you with?” you remarked back softly as you stood up from your desk and slightly cross your arms as you made your way to the front desk.
“You? Yeah…yeah you can.” He responds back.
Puzzled, you furrowed your eyebrows slightly as you looked at him with a look for an explanation. When suddenly he reaches behind his tall frame and locks the door before taking his steps towards you.
You started to retract your steps as you felt your chest deeply heaving from the slight anxiety and thrill you were beginning to feel. He wasn’t posing a threat…at least not one that had to deal with serious bodily harm. You could tell by the heavy lids he displayed as he looked you up and down, while biting on to his bottom lip that he was wanting you.
“D-do I know you?” you asked, taking notice that it seemed the young man had seen or met you before.
“Nah…but I would like for you to….” He responds back.
As he draws near to you, he wraps his arms around your waist and pushes you back up against the wall, enveloping you in a deep kiss.
Stunned, you tried to push him away. It didn’t matter that he was handsome, you had only just met this man for the first time. He was a stranger; someone you’ve never seen in your life up until this very moment.
“What are you doing? Stop…” you whimpered out as he ravishes his kisses along your neckline.
“No…I can’t. Come with me.” He begins to drag you over to a loveseat in the lounge area, where he sits as he pulls you atop his lap. Applying his strength to put you in a double wristlock from behind, you had no way to push him away. Your skit rises as he forces your legs to remain spread and lay on his sides, straddling him as he pulls you in and down deep. While shifting each hand to break free from his white blazer, he ensured that he had a grip on your wrists as they remained pinned on your back.
“Pl-please!” you whimpered out as you started to feel him lick the base of your neck and shoving his face into your subtle display of cleavage.
“I know baby, I know.” He remarks. You weren’t sure if he was just antagonizing you or if he clearly misunderstood your objection.
“N-no! That’s not-“ you were cut off as he harshly starts to suck on your neck.
“No! Pl-please! No marks!” you whimpered out as you feel his teeth slightly sink in and his tongue licking in circular motion.
His groin starts to thrust upwards; you feel the cloth of his jeans rubbing against the thin material of your panties.
“Let me fuck you…let me make us feel good.” He softly says back as he begins to undress you. Beginning with your blouse, he nearly tears it as he grabs hold of the material and snaps open every button on the front, allowing the material to remain on your arms and collecting around your elbows as it drapes behind you. Your bra, which was made of mesh, was transparent and completely see through. Placing his mouth over the mesh material, he flickers his tongue back and forth over your areola as you feel the netting become soaked and sticking to your nipple.
“N-no..mmmm…” you began to moan out…he was making you feel good.
His hands move down to your skirt, undoing the zipper that lined from top to bottom, he had you completely undone as he exposed your entire lower region. Scooting your panties off to the side, he rubs with his soft fingers, up and down your core in between your folds.
Moaning softly, your body began to roll and move in sensual motions at the sensation of his act.
“There….see?...thats my girl.” He softly whispers as he tenderly kisses your ear, your neck, and your jawline.
“Tell me you want more….tell me baby….i need to hear you say it.” He issues out in between his kisses.
“Mmmmm…no…” you moan out, trying to remain steadfast yet you were faltering real quick.
“Say it.” His deep and commanding voice calmly snaps back.
“I…want more…please…touch me.”
Reaching in and feeding his shaft out through his trousers, he begins to enter, your body had already started to produce the slick lubricant he needed to easily fuck you into oblivion.
“Yeeeeeah…that’s it…..move with me.” He whispers softly into your neck right below your neck.
You start to moan out loud, gasping and panting. You didn’t even know his name, yet he was administering pleasure you’ve never felt before. The material of your panties pushed off to the side start to become soaked with the exchange of fluids as he begins to increase the pace and fuck you harder.
“Yeah beautiful…just like that. Keep riding it, you’re doing soooooooo good.” His voice become low and creaky as he initiated the momentum, allowing your hands to roam freely as he wraps his arms around your waist.
You could see that with his fitted black tee, he was of lean stature with hard muscle. His pectorals were broad, as were his shoulders. His hands were strong, as they grabbed hold, you felt him lift and pull you at rapid pace as he caused your body to bounce up and down his length.
“Uh..right there my golden princess…is that the spot? Hmm? Right there?” he sweetly antagonizes as your moans become louder, and your pants were relentless, you nearly drooled as your mouth remained open from the amount of pleasure his extremely large shaft was catering.
It was so good….so pleasurable, that you came within minutes of him thrusting into you. That didn’t stop him.
“Mmm...let me fuck you some more beautiful.”
And he did, for who knows how long. All you knew was that he had you cumming over and over again. It had been a while since you last received the touch of a man, yet that didn’t deter from the fact that this man, this person that you don’t know was fucking you better than you had ever been fucked before.
“Oh! Mmm…I’m cumming!” you whimpered out in a high yelp.
“Yeah? Again for me baby? God…I fucking love it when you cum on me….do it some more.” He remarks as he increased his pace, yet again.
Your hair flies all around as you were ferociously bouncing on his length, engorging his impressive girth as he watches the foamy and creamy substance formulating from the skin on skin contact from the penetration, all collecting at the base of his shaft and decorating the nudeness of your folds.
“Look at you baby…you’re making a mess…..hmm? do you see it?” his hands release your waist only to wrap around you and pull you in so that he could plaster his face onto your neck, issuing the sweetest kisses under your chin as you tilt your head back, your hair dancing against his forearms and fingers along your backside.
He fucked…and fucked….and fucked into you. You must have came several times already as he relentlessly kept going.
Cradling your rear cheeks, he softly grabs a handful with both hands, and slightly lifts them as he propels the movement of your body by the hold. Each time he retracted, his hands lifted your cheeks upwards, only for him to push them down once he thrusted back in. The simultaneous movement was conducted so fluently and at fast pace, he was easily sliding in and out of you. His shaft looked as if it was melting into your cavity as the blurred tone of skin on his shaft mashes inside you, with a thick creamy ring around it from your body’s natural moisture.
“Come on baby….one more time…for me.” He started to gasp out, letting you know that he was close.
Your hands flinched as you grabbed on to his shoulders, his tongue gliding over your breasts as he harshly slams into you.
“Mmm fuck baby…you’re going to make me cum…” he moans out, his hands flinching his grasp on your rear as he remains his hold.
“Oh fuck baby!” he snaps as he slows down his thrust, yet they remained harsh and hard as he thrusts into you as if his life depended on it, cumming inside you.
Pushing you down to fully envelope his length, he grips onto your waist, kissing you in a passionate manner.  
Limp and weakened from the pleasure of cumming several times, you felt the overstimulation kicking in as the sting of your cavity became apparent. You leaned in, resting against his chest as he remained his embrace on you, kissing your ear and running his fingers through your hair.
He picks back up on the thrusting, yet it was slow and deep, just to make sure that all of his cum was out and inside of you.
His passion and desire for you had overwhelmed him, yet he didn’t care. Though he was curious as he propelled to ask you,
“Will you let me fuck you every day if I wanted to?”
Your vision becoming clearer, you remark the contrast of your golden highlights against his silver strands, they paired beautifully as they shimmered under the warm dimmed light. Still too weak to think properly let alone talk, you nodded your head slightly. The pleasure that you had felt was something you didn’t want to give up.
With his deep and calming voice, he speaks once more.
“Well then, sounds like you got a boyfriend now. I’m Heeseung by the way.”
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au-starss · 2 years
༄ synopsis… a series of scenarios in which all odds were against you both, but you decided to rewrite the stars in your favour instead
༄ characters… albedo, artem, ayato, childe, diluc, dottore, kaeya, kazuha, luke, marius, pantalone, vyn x gn!reader
༄ tags… different aus, luke personal story spoilers, angst with a happy end
༄ words… n/a
༄ author’s thoughts… back on my grind baby (i say this then not post)
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albedo !
forbidden tv romance
Albedo was casted for a new hit tv show that would help him maintain his current popularity. His costar? You! You both were set to play a high school couple; one working as a superhero and the other is his assistant and detective. The manager of the show only requested that you two stay civil and don’t become romantic. Well, too many romantic scenes later, you two fell for each other. The manager fired you for it, killing you off in the show. So Albedo followed and quit. He would give up his fame for you, knowing that a day in love with you would always beat a life in stardom.
artem !
work keeps him consumed
As the top attorney in Stellis, his life is filled with work, work, and more work. It’s not like he wanted to be alone in his office most nights. And he doesn’t want to leave you alone like he normally does. You were so frustrated with him not being there for you, especially as your boyfriend. So one argument and slammed office door later, he realizes the fault in his ways, and feels terrible for neglecting you without intent. He makes it his goal to never hurt you like that again, finding you to reconcile and rewrite the view on your relationship from that point on.
ayato !
to be wed to another
The Yashiro Commissioner was to be wed to another from a different commission, a tactic to strengthen the bonds of Inazuma. It wasn’t a personal choice. If it was, he’d be wedding you rather than some random person he’s paired with. He doesn’t want to let you go, not ever. So, he proposes a compromise to his future bride. A deal that they will be “wed” for looks and the two may pursue relationships separately. So that way, you both can keep what you have going. Because he chooses his love over his relations any day of the week.
childe !
bad boy delinquent 
Known around for his chaotic nature, Childe had a reputation at school for getting into some trouble. The staff knew him by name, so did everyone else. You were no exception. So when he approached you one day asking to go on a date, you couldn’t resist. Your relationship progressed well and you were together for nearly a year. Then, you learn it was all one big bet with his friend. Even after you broke things off, he insisted he explain it all. Ajax fell in love during the bet, and knew telling you would hurt you. So he wanted to make things right. To love you. To cherish you. And boy did he from that day on.
diluc !
arranged marriage
Neither of you wanted to marry. Especially not for the sake of your royal family. But one meeting later, you were to marry Prince Diluc in the coming year. This meant a meeting a couple of days later, and you two were soon in a room together completely silent. However, upon actually speaking and chatting, the two of you seemed to have more in common than originally thought. You fell for him and his touch and kisses. You and him both wanted to take your relationship slow and have no societal pressures. So you asked for that, not taking no for an answer, deciding to take your love at your own pace.
dottore !
too dangerous
The doctor is very self aware of how dangerous he is. Anyone even bold enough to get close to him is put in immediate danger. This causes him to be really lonely. Enter you, someone passionate about caring about such a crazy man, and he foolishly gets close. Allows himself to open up to you. Break down walls. But you got kidnapped and hurt by his enemies before he could save you. The event in itself was traumatizing, and Dottore blamed himself. He finally admits how he has to leave you for you to stay safe, but you refuse. You promise to stick by him through it all. He finally understood how love worked.
kaeya !
family rivalry
Falling in love at a masquerade ball wasn’t exactly your plan, but it happened regardless. He had such a charming demeanor that pulled you in from the first word spoken. Unfortunately for the both of you, he was the son of your family’s rivals. You and Kaeya continued a secret romance, meeting each other at night and sending letters. But you were soon caught, and your family forbade you to ever see him again. But that didn’t stop him from convincing you to run away with him. So that’s what you did. Living a life away from a rivalry and instead sticking to what you both know best; love.
luke !
doesn’t want you getting hurt
Luke knows his time is limited. Anyone possibly getting close to him again is out of the question. Of course, you were too adamant and persistent for your own good. He allowed himself to foolishly fall in love with you all over again, just like years ago. Once he finally realized his time was coming in the following months, he pushed you away again. He was gonna flee town after settling everything necessary. But the night of his leave, you begged him to stay, promising to love him through it all. Your assurance was all he needed to break down and stay, deciding to give your love a chance to help heal him.
marius !
societal expectations
His reputation as executive president keeps the world’s eyes on him. Watching and waiting for his next move. You can only imagine the shock when he announced your relationship after your engagement. The amount of harassment both of you received was not something you anticipated. At the point when Marius found you alone in your shared room, crying, he felt an immense guilt within him. He shared his worries, and you both shared tears. You wouldn’t allow him to ruin his reputation, but he told you he would never let you go like this. You deserved the world, and he was gonna give it to you.
pantalone !
popstar vs. fan
You were a part of a famous musical show unit that traveled the nation. And Pantalone was your dedicated fan. You had met him on various occasions, engaging in conversation and enjoying his hospitality. He offered to show you around his town, and you accepted. And before you knew it, he asked you to be his. You were determined to keep him away from the spotlight, scared of the repercussions. But he wanted to be your everything. It didn’t matter who watched him, he merely wanted to be with you. Sure, you both faced backlash from some fans, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t fight together.
vyn !
his parents don’t approve of your status
As a prince, he must marry someone suitable for him and his status as a royal. That’s what’s expected. But, he fell for you, a commoner working in the gardens at his palace. Vyn loves you more than anything and anyone. And when he proposed, he conveyed to you that he will be there no matter what. So when his parents shamed him for being with you, he fought against them. Argued that he will be marrying you, and if they weren’t okay with that then he will step down from his title. The two of you are normally shamed upon, but with each other in arms, the stars are in your favour.
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