#if asked said spouses would probably truthfully say they thought that they both knew it was happening and didnt care
ssaalexblake · 1 year
I maintain that the idea of the doctor and the master being married back on gallifrey is a boring idea when you could actually have them being married to other people, and them not noticing their respective spouses are having an affair with each other bc they’re too obsessed with each other to register it. 
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Divorced and happy.” PART THREE
A/N: Part one here. Part two here.
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To say that, that conversation was devastating would be an understatement. You hardly remember the drive home, you just assumed it was awkward. You couldn’t begin to imagine how Adam felt, you wouldn’t have known how to react if you saw him in the arms of his ex, not only an ex but an ex spouse. Adam drove both you and Vanessa home that night, you don’t remember speaking at all, most of the aftershock was a blur.
You vaguely remembered watching Vanessa enter her home, but after that you were pretty much drawing a blank.
According to Samantha, Adam brought you inside and put you in bed, he let her know what happened that night. You cringed at the thought of him having to recall what he saw, you truthfully didn’t know what part of the conversation he even caught.
Understandably so, Adam decided to give you some space for the time being. Texting you ever so often to see if you needed anything, and occasionally bringing you something to eat but he usually didn’t stick around, which was good because you didn’t really want him to. Although, you were grateful a huge part of you was embarrassed.
The next few days or so were spent on your couch sulking when Reyna was at preschool. Nobody ever truly thought that Jack would come around, and you held your breath hoping that one day that he would, but he had some pretty terrible timing. You were frustrated because now it just felt calculated and a little too late.
It was the middle of the week now, you had just dropped Reyna off at preschool when you walked back into your apartment and saw Samantha standing there with a big grin and her keys in her hand.
“No Sam!” You groaned as you headed back to the couch. “You need to leave the house Y/N” she begged “or at least talk about how you’re feeling, come on! You’ve hardly said anything to me and it’s been days.”
“What else is there to say?” You shrugged trying your best to keep your composure.
“You know I know you better than anyone right?” she sat down next to you shooting you a look.
You wiped a tear that escaped you as you looked away from her.
“You also can’t keep avoiding Adam” she confessed and you knew in your gut that she was right.
“ I just don’t even know how to explain what happened. I mean did anything even really happen? Jack didn’t really say anything to me but I knew what he was trying to say…”you trailed off stopping yourself from getting emotional.
“You can cry Y/N, I’ve literally seen you go through everything especially with Jack. You don’t need to hold back” Samantha looked at you and you forced a smile back.
“I’m just so tired of crying over him” your voice shook. “ I’ve spent the last couple years of my life crying over him. I’m exhausted. I’m frustrated because he doesn’t get to decide to ask me those questions now. I’ve met a really good guy, I mean sure he can be a little boring but boring is okay sometimes right?“
Samantha laughed at your realization “Adam is a really nice guy though Y/N….”
You looked over at her and held back a laugh as she nodded “but yes, he’s a little bland.”
You looked at her with wide eyes “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT SOONER?”
Samantha laughed, before being silent for a moment, which surprised you, she was never one to be left speechless, so you looked at her confused.
“ I wouldn’t usually say this, but I feel like you owe it to yourself to hear what he has to say.”
You looked at her and felt her forehead, she looked at you weird for a moment.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure you don’t have a fever or something, because that’s the craziest shit you’ve ever said.”
She laughed “I feel like you need that closure conversation, and maybe you’d feel better.”
You nodded, sitting on the couch still deep in thought.
“Get ready, let’s go somewhere” Samantha tapped your leg so you’d stand up and you nodded, knowing you probably did need to get out of the house.
She wouldn’t tell you where you were going initially but once you started the drive you realized she was taking you to the lake you used to go to together all the time when you were pregnant with Reyna and a lot after she was born. “Remember this is the venting lake?” She laughed and you nodded “yeah, we haven’t been here in so long.”
You both got out of the car and sat on her hood, shortly after you were there for a while you noticed she was distracted by her phone. Before you could ask who she was texting a familiar car pulled up.
You went into a slight panic, Samantha noticed right away assuring you it was only Urban that was coming.
When he walked over to Samantha and gave her a kiss, you practically screamed.
“What the fuck?” The two of them looked at your expression and laughed.
“How long has this been going on?” You got off the hood of the car, staring at the both of them.
“Maybe a month?” Samantha laughed awkwardly, she wasn’t usually one to keep things from you.
“A MONTH?” You slapped her arm and laughed “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??”
You had always known that Samantha and Urban had a chemistry but the entire time you and Jack were together they were both never single at the same time, so a part of you was surprised and the other part of you was relieved.
Urban laughed “ We didn’t want to tell you until we were sure” he shrugged.
“Is this why you want me to talk to Jack?” You looked at Samantha wide eyed.
Urban looked over at her and then back at you “you told her to talk to him?”
Samantha shrugged “for closure.”
Urban didn’t say anything at all avoiding all eye contact with the both of you making both you and Samantha uneasy “oh god, what’s going on?” You asked hopeful he wouldn’t have much to say.
“He’s not in the best shape” Urban swallowed.
You raised an eyebrow at that “Urban, you can’t tell a half ass story.”
He shook his head “I mean, that’s my best friend. I can’t put him on blast like that.”
“He also cheated on me after I had our child. Do you remember that?” You looked at him knowing just how to make him feel guilty.
“Damn, you don’t fight fair” he shook his head.
“I think Sammie is right, I think now that you’ve both had some days to think about it that you should talk to him” Urban paused when he saw you looking at him holding back a laugh “what?”
“Sammie? You have nicknames?” You giggled.
Urban rolled his eyes “focus!”
“Yes sir” you laughed and he continued “ whether you two like it or not you’re going to have to deal with each other for the rest of Reynas life.”
You nodded “I know that Urb, but what do you expect me to do? ”
“Maybe when he picks Reyna up tomorrow you guys can talk” Samantha smiled, she could tell this conversation was overwhelming you. “Wanna take my car? Urb can take me home later” she smiled holding out her keys to you.
You reached for her keys “Oh you mean Urby? Urby bear?” You teased and they both laughed and you hugged them both goodbye before driving home.
On the way home you thought about the conversation you just had with Samantha and Urban, and also the fact that they were dating for an entire month and kept it a secret was crazy to you.
When you pulled up to your house you saw Adams car outside, which wasn’t all that surprising to you since he had been bringing you lunch ever so often but what you didn’t expect was for him to be visibility upset.
You got out of the car and saw him instantly get out of his, his face was flushed and he was obviously irritable.
“Hey babe” you greeted him and he walked up to you quickly “hi.”
“Where were you? I called you like three times.”
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and saw three missed calls from Adam and surprisingly one missed call from Jack. You shoved your phone back in your pocket right away.
“I was out, are you okay?” You eyed him up and down noticing now how clearly bothered he was.
“Were you with him?”
“Him?” You gave him a confused look.
“Jack” he looked directly at you, you could sense the sadness in his eyes.
“No of course not, I was out with Samantha and Urban” you were trying your best not to be defensive knowing Adam had every right to be concerned but you definitely didn’t like the way he was approaching you.
“Let’s go inside?” You looked around at your neighborhood and Adam followed you inside.
When you got inside you both had a seat in the living room across from one another, Adam had softened a bit since being outside.
“I’m sorry” he sighed, “we just haven’t talked in a few days and I mean, I still don’t know what happened the other night.”
“I get it” you nodded. “I mean, I just don’t know where to start.” You could feel yourself getting overwhelmed already, but you knew that if the situation was reversed you’d want to know the details too.
“What am I supposed to think? I walked out and saw my girlfriend sobbing in the arms of her ex husband” he shrugged defeated, you could tell he had been stressing over this situation.
Before you could speak he interjected “before you tell me anything, do you want to be with him? ”
You felt slightly hurt that he even had to ask that, but at the same time you had been so brief about your past relationship with Jack that you couldn’t blame him for having so many questions.
“No Adam, I just…” you sighed and started going into the details of what happened the other night. Adam understandably had a lot of questions but asked only one “he cheated on you and thats why you got divorced?”
You nodded “well, it was a mixture of things but yeah I’d say that was pretty much what sealed the deal.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” The look on his face was exactly why but you didn’t want to say that to him, the look of pity on his face sickened you.
“He’s the father of my child, and for that I’ll always have a level of respect for him just as a person” you shrugged “I didn’t want you to view him as some evil person, he’s Reynas dad and we were young” you shrugged again avoiding Adams gaze.
“If you’re old enough to get married and have a kid you’re old enough to know not to cheat on your spouse” Adam laughed, his tone came out sharp and you understood it but at the same time deep down you wanted to defend Jack for some reason.
Instead you just nodded, Adam could tell you were clearly upset by what he said.
“I didn’t mean to offend you Y/N” he walked over to you and held you.
You leaned your head against him “You’re right though.” You sighed looking up at Adam “why did you think I was out with him?”
Adam was embarrassed, his cheeks lit up immediately “ after the other night, and seeing how emotional you were I just got into my own head.”
“I haven’t spoken to him since that night” you assured him.
He looked down at his watch realizing he was going to be late going back to work “do you wanna have dinner tonight if you’re feeling up to it?”
You nodded “sounds good” and walked him to the door, opening it to see Jack pulling up to your house.
“What the fuck” you audibly reacted, feeling like the air had just been knocked out of your lungs.
“Haven’t talked to him since that night huh?” Adam looked annoyed, you realized he thought you were lying.
“I haven’t Adam” you said defensively.
“Why would he show up here knowing Reyna is at school?”
“Your guess is as good as mine” you sighed, slightly irritated at how accusatory Adam was being.
Jack got out of his car not noticing the two of you making your way toward him. The look on his face made it obvious to you that he hadn’t initially realized Adams car was there.
“Hey Reynas school called me, they needed her to bring something for show and tell today and I guess she forgot it.” You knew he was lying, but you appreciated the effort.
“You can’t just show up here without calling” Adam bucked defensively which surprised both you and Jack.
“Well, I called and nobody answered, it also pertains to my child….so” Jack laughed clearly annoy Adam, looking over at you for response.
You shot Adam a look, “I think after what happened the other night he should know better than to just show up here.”
Before you could respond Jack did.
“Do we have an issue?” Jack stepped toward Adam and Adam stepped forward too, it was clear to you neither man was going to back down without you interfering.
“There’s about to be one” Adam stepped forward again, his fists were clenched and that was enough for you. You put a hand between the two of them, Jack looked at the fear in your eyes and stepped back but Adam didn’t.
“ADAM! LEAVE” You raised your voice slightly, standing in front of Jack.
Adam looked at you, embarrassment written all over his face “Nice to know you’ve made your decision. Call me when you change your mind” he scoffed, walking to his car and speeding off.
You didn’t even know how to react to that, you were obviously frustrated by the entire thing.
Jack showing up unannounced was one thing but Adam being aggressive was an entire other thing in itself.
“Can I come in?” Jack sighed, obviously unaware that, that was going to happen.
“You have the best timing” you said sarcastically laughing and he shook his head following you inside “my fault.”
He took a seat on one of your barstool chairs.
“Sorry, I didn’t know he was here. I called you but you didn’t…”
“It’s fine” you interrupted, wanting to cut this conversation short.
“I didn’t know Adam was such a hot head” he smirked and you shook your head, obviously annoyed by that entire interaction. “The way you swooped in there and defended my honor was pretty attractive” he smirked.
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes, holding back a giggle “I didn’t want Reyna to see her dad with a black eye.”
“Is that right?” He laughed before changing the subject. “So Urb and Samantha huh?” He laughed again and you looked at him shocked “did you know before me? I’ll literally die.”
He shook his head “he called me like an hour ago to tell me and that you guys went out to the lake.”
You nodded and he continued “the venting lake” he used air quotes.
“You remember that?” You were genuinely surprised, you never felt like he paid you any attention, especially back then.
“Of course I do” he smiled.
After all this time, his smile was still your favorite thing about him. You hated to admit it but being alone with him still made you feel an overwhelming amount of butterflies.
“I assume you’re not here to talk about Urban and Samantha though right?”
He shook his head, he was never really good with expressing himself, which was ironic to you considering his entire career was based off of him being good with words.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about the other day and I had no right to ask you that question, at least not there. You’re right, my timing sucks” he laughed awkwardly.
You looked at him, reading his sorrow expression knowing this conversation wasn’t going to be an easy one. “I should’ve reacted better, but I just felt like I had no control over myself.
“Thats on me for that” he chewed on his bottom lip nervously, “ I’ve been known to have that effect on you” he sighed.
You nodded knowing it wasn’t the first time he had seen you break down like that, because of something he said or did.
“Jack, I- I really like Adam” you leaned against your kitchen counter directly across from him “well, I liked Adam, I have no idea what the hell is going on with that now” you sighed.
“Thats the thing though” he smiled at you “you’ve never told me that you love Adam. You’ve always told me that you liked him.”
You felt a sense of nervousness overwhelm you, you knew he was right, you’ve never said you loved Adam out loud before, because you weren’t entirely sure that you did.
“Whats your point?” Your natural reaction was to be defensive.
“If you don’t love him yet then maybe there is still time for us” he mumbled.
“Time for us?” He always knew how to make your blood boil. “What brought all of this on? You haven’t given a shit about me for the last few years, you didn’t even fight for me when we were married Jack.”
“That’s not true” he scratched at his beard, a nervous tick you were well aware of, making you smirk at him.
“I’ve always loved you, always. You’re the mother of my child, how could I not?”
“You don’t cheat on the person you love” you sat up now, arms folded across your chest clearly annoyed with the conversation “ you don’t divorce the person you love.”
“I fucked up, a lot, countless amounts of times, I know that” he watched you intently as your body language was defensive “I didn’t appreciate you and I should have. I should’ve taken our marriage seriously and I didn’t but I can’t do anything about that now. I can just show you how I’ve changed.“
You couldn’t help but laugh, passive aggressively of course.
“What’s funny?” He looked at you, an eyebrow raised in annoyance.
“Oh, I’m sorry? Am I not allowed to react? You want to finally show me how you’ve changed? After we’ve been divorced for what almost a year now? You don’t still love me Jack, you just don’t want to see me with someone else.”
“That’s not true” he huffed, standing up to approach you.
“I’ve been really getting my shit together. I started the label, I set time aside so I could be home with Reyna more, I’m a good dad! I’m ready to prove that i’d be a good husband or boyfriend again” he was standing close to you now, his energy felt overwhelming. It took everything within you not to kiss him and be agreeable, you had finally heard all of the things you’d been longing to hear.
“I’m not doubting that you’re a good father, you’re a great dad. You’ve just never been the best at being monogamous. I don’t see how much could have changed in such a small amount of time” you started to cry, he backed away from you slightly assuming that standing so close to you wasn’t helping, he kept his eyes on you though.
“Tell me” he cleared his throat, you could tell that he was holding back a cry too.
“Tell you what?”
“Tell me you’ve fallen out of love with me” he looked at you, you avoided his eye contact.
“I-“ You’re voice trembled, you didn’t want to lie to him.
“If you can admit to me that you’re not still in love with me, I’ll leave you alone. You don’t have to worry about this conversation, we can forget it ever-“
You grabbed him by the neck so he’d lean down to you, you looked into each other’s eyes for a moment and you kissed him. He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and you continued to kiss him, not noticing the door flinging open.
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cousinwingding97 · 3 years
Silver Memories
Chapter Four: New Plan
Warning: Description of violence.
Realized this did not upload in the format I was hoping for at first. 😭 Sorry about that assault on your eyes. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!
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Mando stayed with you throughout your entire episode, gently caressing your scars absentmindedly while whispering in another language to you. Your shaking body finally calmed enough for you to breathe normally. The tears dried and you had enough strength to pat Mando’s arm to get him to notice you were ready for him to leave while you freshened up.
He did so immediately, without making you feel like he was trying to peek at anything. Despite his actions and his words about the memory, you were shaken to the core. He still could’ve been lying, but your mind was at war. The feeling of security would not leave; yet, the violence in his voice in your memory sent chills down your spine. He may have done something and now you were temporary allies. Or maybe you were allies because of your lack of memories. You had no idea. Boba had said not to trust anyone without your memories and despite your dislike of the man, you were inclined to agree with him.
You stepped into the shower and let the scalding water burn your skin. The pain helped you focus on the now. I am in a shower and safe. The water feels good to my bones and I am safe. That’s all that matters in this moment.
The steam fogged the fresher, but your mind was clearer now. You would be flying by the seat of your pants from now on. That’s all you could do. One day at a time.
You found no clean clothes, so you grabbed the towel to dry off as best you could and threw on the white ones from Pollis Massa and the cloak. At least your body was a little warmer now.
You stood in the hold of the ship, waiting for something to click in your mind to tell you what to do now that you were by yourself. You assumed Mando and Boba were up top in the cockpit flying you back to Pollis Massa; truthfully, you did not want to go up there and talk to either of them at the moment, but the thought of being alone with your thoughts was not an attractive option considering how your mind was finally feeling clearer to you. So, up the ladder you went to see if you could at least find some form of human interaction with them.
You should’ve known better. These men were deathly quiet. They didn’t even look at you as you entered the cockpit. You knew they heard you, yet they did not acknowledge your presence. You didn’t bother talking to them, not knowing how they would take it. You wanted to ask questions though. These men knew the past you. They knew and had deemed it necessary not to tell you anything. You fidgeted with nerves, the questions rolling through your mind one after the other. You opened your mouth multiple times to ask something, but promptly shut it not knowing how much information you would get.
“What is it you want to ask?” Mando inquired. He must have sensed the endless questions in your mind. Unknown to you, he had heard your start of questions multiple times with your mouth opening and promptly shutting with a clack of your teeth through the the enhanced hearing of his helmet.
You tried to think of the question you wanted answered the most. There were so many.
“Who am I?” You blurted out finally.
“You’re going to have to narrow that down, little one. He can’t answer your whole backstory without giving you another panic attack. Your head has to sort it out. Too much information and it won’t be able to handle it,” Boba interjected before Mando could say a word.
You stared daggers into the back of his head. Sure, he may have experience with memory loss according to Mando, but did he have any true idea? The humiliation of relying on others when you should be able to piece together everything yourself was beyond irritating.
As if sensing your anger, Boba turned his seat to face you, “You may not like my input, girl, but it is for your own benefit. You think your fit down there was bad? If Mando tells you the wrong thing or too much it could shut your brain down permanently from the trauma. Your brain is trying to heal on its own. Give it time and we’ll see if those at Pollis Massa can help. If not, then it’s up to you and your brain. So, be angry all you want. It won’t help you one way or another.”
“Easy for you to say when you have all your memories and a purpose,” you snarled back.
“You aren’t listening. Mando can’t give them to you. You’ve got to learn and heal. Until then, try to refrain from asking.”
Mando turned towards you now, “Runi, it’s for the best. Boba Fett’s right. I can’t answer everything. It truly is for the best. We’ll figure it out together.”
“You said you can’t answer everything, but can you answer some things?” You couldn’t help the spark of hope that lit your face and ran through your body with a warming glow.
Mando looked to Boba with the silent question and Boba just shrugged in response, “We’ll see. If you want to ask, go for it. I won’t answer you if it seems like a bad idea.”
You nodded your head excitedly since you would take anything at this point. Boba’s advice of not trusting anyone until you got your memories back still echoed in your mind, so you figured clarity would be best to discover if you could trust these two or not.
“Who are you?”
The Mandalorian froze with unnatural stillness. Boba snorted with amusement, but they were silent.
“Oh come on! You can at least start from the beginning. I don’t know you, so pretend it’s the first time meeting me.”
He thought it over and decided to play along, “I’m a Mandalorian.”
You groan in frustration and drop your hands onto your hips to further show you annoyance, “You do realize that means nothing to me and I don’t know what that is, right?”
Mando clears his throat in discomfort, “Sorry, usually people know us by reputation.” He shifts in his seat and fully faces you, “I live by a Creed. The Creed of Mandalorians is a serious one. We live in secret, train from a young age, and defend our people. We are a warrior clan. Our Creed never allows us to reveal our faces in order to maintain the secrecy of our identities to keep us safe. We used to live on Mandalore, a planet in the Outer Rim before it was destroyed by the Empire, so we have adapted. Learned to be bounty hunters, protectors, mercenaries. Whatever it took to survive.”
You have a lot of questions. So many more to add on to what you already have in your head. You blurt out the first one, “So you’ve never taken your helmet off? Is that why both of you keep wearing them all the time?”
“Easy there, princess. I’m not a Mandalorian like him,” Boba interjects, “I’m just a simple man making his way through the universe. Following my father’s footsteps and his ways. He was a Mandalorian and I wear this to honor him.”
“So, why don’t you take your helmet off? Is it against your rules?”
Boba doesn’t hesitate and reaches his fingers under the helmet. It comes off with a hiss and he turns to face you. His face is scarred. He has no hair, he is more tan than you would’ve expected for someone wearing armor all the time, but his face seems set to a permanent scowl. He looks scarier without the helmet. Not because of the scars but because of the eyes. His eyes look dead, emotionless. You can’t stare at them for long. You choose to look anywhere on his face, but his eyes.
“I wear it because people are intimidated by what they can’t read. What they don’t know, they fear. It has nothing to do with a creed. Just plain business tactics.”
These men were truly strange. You had no idea why they needed to be anymore intimidating than they already were. They look like they could break your bones with fairly little effort. They also sounded like they were in a cult, which was definitely disturbing to you.
“Then why can’t you take your helmet off, Mando? Besides secrecy. If you never take it off then don’t you just become just a Mandalorian and never the man underneath? Like how is it a secret if you just become it?”
He cocks his head to the side in thought. He’s silent for awhile trying to come up with an answer when he finally comes up with a simple answer, “This is the way. Spouses of Mandalorians can reveal their faces, but no one else needs to see it.”
You aren’t convinced. This just sounds like an excuse, “So your spouse has seen your face?”
He coughs and sputters out, “Uh no, I’m not... I’m not married.”
“So what if you die without anyone seeing your face? You’ll be unknown? What if someone takes it off forcibly? Are you still a Mandalorian?”
Boba Fett just sighs, “Look, you asking more questions about the Mandalorian isn’t going to help you. I’m tired of hearing your questions. You aren’t getting anything but more questions. I don’t see this getting anywhere except on my nerves. You should just rest.” With that he puts his helmet on and turns away from you.
You want to be angry, but you can’t help but feel like he’s right. The introduction left you more puzzled than you already were about these men. Now there was a whole culture involved on top of the backstories for both them and you. It was a lot to process and your body was weak from your earlier episode. You were cold too still in the wraparound cloak and thin clothes. The thought of relaxing under warm blankets on a soft bed was tantalizingly tempting to your weary body. You left the cockpit without argument in search of comfort in warmth. It did sound like Mando and Boba started speaking to each other quietly behind you as you left, but you didn’t bother trying to pick out any words.
Before you could even explore, there were footsteps behind you. Mando followed you from the cockpit. His cape was in his hands instead of on his back, you noticed. He was wringing it in his hands nervously. He reached you and held it out, offering it to you, “You’re probably freezing.”
As if in response, your body shivered as you brushed his gloved hands to take it. “I am actually. I was thinking of trying to find somewhere to sleep actually. I haven’t properly rested on a real bed for awhile. Well, besides the hospital.” You take his cloak and wrap it around you, easing the chill that you hadn’t realized has set in your bones. Thankfully, the cloak was soft and smelled good. Pine, maybe? It smelled like the silver armor of Mando’s and woods. It was relaxing to your mind. Faintly familiar.
“I’m afraid Boba Fett doesn’t believe in comfort. Even if it is for himself.” He vaguely gestures to the ship and you look around seeing just how sterile everything is. Not a single thing that would reveal anything about the person that owned it. Just metal and cold. Much like the man flying it. “He has a very uncomfortable cot he hardly uses and only lets guests use it if they aren’t bounties. I figured the cloak might help a little too besides...” he waves his hand over your figure, “your thin hospital clothes.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t find anything else besides this cloak on Utapau. I appreciate the extra warmth, thank you, Mando.” He nods once in acknowledgement and silence falls on you two. It’s uncomfortable. This man, who is supposed to be a fearsome warrior, bounty hunter is nervous and fidgety around you and it makes you nervous. You try to break the silence with literally anything.
“What’s your full name? Not just the Mando part.”
“Huh?” His attention is now laser focused on you in disbelief, “My name? People call me Mando, but it’s not my name.”
“Oh. I thought since you were Mandalorian, you had a last name to differentiate between all of you. Sorry.”
“No, no you’re fine. I mean, you’re re-learning practically everything. Unfortunately, my name is a secret as well as my face.”
“So, what did I know about you? Anything? You said we were allies, maybe even friends, but it sounds like I know about the same information now as I did then.” The continuous lack of answers is infuriating. Why even bother talking to them if they aren’t going to tell me anything?
Mando matches your frustration with his own, “Why did you leave Pollis Massa if you’re so desperate for information? You were safe there!”
“I thought you guys were the bad guys! All I saw was everyone shooting other people, hanging out with bounty hunters and apparently upsetting the new form of government! I thought about staying, but all I saw was all of you at each other’s throats! What was I supposed to think? All everyone had told me made it sound like Mandalorians are the scariest bunch you don’t want to mess with, so excuse me for being wary!”
“We helped you escape from your cell! You were literally locked up when we found you! And hurt! Does that sound like the hands you want to be in?”
“For all I know, they were trying to help me! You guys didn’t exactly look like the nice rescuing type! All of you looked like emotionless droids armed to the teeth just waiting to kill everything in your path! That doesn’t inspire confidence and from what I saw, you all desperately want to fight all the time!”
Mando doesn’t respond. Without him even saying anything, you know that you messed up somewhere. Just not really sure where or how, but you could swear you feel his anger in your own soul. It overpowers your anger and makes you feel worse for pushing him to this.
He steps closer to you, crowding your space. The armor may be cold, but the heat radiating off of him is scorching you. You take steps back, but there’s only the hull of the ship behind you with its cold biting into your back and now cold armor biting into your front. You can’t look at the black visor staring into the depths of your soul. You don’t know why, your only guess is his reaction, but you feel guilt about something you said. This whole argument feels pointless now.
“Is that all we are? Emotionless because of our helmets? You think we are just murder bots coming to kill and destroy whatever we find? You acted like you knew better when I asked if you remembered me, but if that’s what you truly think, then I won’t hurt your head trying to get you to remember otherwise.” His voice is level the entire time, never shouting, but so cold. When he walks away, you catch your breath you had been holding and somehow, his lack of presence makes his icy words that much worse. You don’t have memories to go to in order to block out the noise of what just happened, so his words are so loud in your head. Berating, cutting, throbbing in your mind.
With tear filled eyes, you eventually find the sleeping quarters and shut the door behind you. Mando wasn’t kidding when he said Boba had lack of comforts. The cot was thin and firm. Like sleeping on a wooden plank. Not that you felt like sleeping.
The argument keeps playing through your head. It’s extremely unfair of him to be mad at me when I don’t even know if I’m insulting someone. I shouldn’t have been so angry, but he could cut me some slack.
You quietly cry in the confines of Boba’s room with Mando’s cloak wrapped tightly around you.
Sleep was elusive. The anger, pain and sorrow still battered your soul. The ceiling became the most interesting thing to your eyes. You had counted every bolt, seen every shadow and the shapes they made. The grey tones of the ship started blending together with the tears in your eyes to make a stormy scene above you. A part of you could still feel the residual anger from Mando deep in your heart and focusing on that emotion kept you from falling too deep into a depressive state, and the sleep that your body desired.
You couldn’t understand how you could literally feel what he had felt in that moment. Nor the way you could feel the sense of safety that had drudged up from locked memories. It crowded out your own emotions. Your anger had been small compared to the insult he had felt. You were just mad at the lack of answers that they were giving you without even seeming to care that you were drowning in a body that didn’t feel like your own.
The ship lurched slightly with the suddenness of exiting hyperspace. You could feel the thrumming of the engines whine down. Since you had nothing better to do, you sat up and exited the room. Perhaps Pollis Massa will unlock my memories and I can move on with my life.
Slave I landed with a thud and the hatch opened leading to one of the landing platforms you had seen last time you were here. Boba and Mando descended from the ladder and you waited for them to lead the way. Mando took the lead, but Boba stayed on by the exit. You stopped and looked at him wondering why he wasn’t following.
Mando turned when he didn’t hear your footsteps following. When he saw you staring at Boba, he walked back up, “Boba isn’t coming with us. Let’s go,” he reached to grab your hand, but you turned back to Boba Fett, effectively keeping your hand out of his reach.
“Why aren’t you coming with us?”
He leveled his gaze at you, “I have business on Tatooine. A new business deal. I’ve already lost more time than I would like on this adventure. Now go on, you need to get going. You’ll be in my way otherwise.”
This time you felt a hand grab your arm leading you off the ship, a filtered voice sounded right by your ear, “I appreciate the help. Good luck with your venture.” The Mandalorian helmets nodded to each other and both turned away without another word.
You finally wrestled free from Mando’s grip and turned to follow him, “I thought you guys were friends. How are you going to get anywhere without a ship?”
“That’s a thought for a different time,” he answered bluntly. You got the feeling he was still pissed from earlier, so you let the questions die.
Mando led you to the med bay in silence. The floating droids had led you to the same room you had been in when you woke up. Mando stood to the side of the room, facing towards the entrance as if guarding you. You vaguely remember him saying that he would guard you to that girl Cara. You didn’t know why you would need guarding if this was a safe place, but you figured he wouldn’t answer any questions you had right now even if the silence was heavy as if both of you had storms brewing in your heads, waiting for the other person to speak before lashing out.
You fiddle with the sheets on the bed you had been instructed to sit on while they prepared for all the tests they were going to run. They hadn’t said what that would involve, nor if it would be painless or just scans. Nervousness kept you jumping at any sound you heard from outside the room.
You broke the silence between you and Mando just to hear something besides your racing heart, “Do you think it will hurt?”
He turned his head to you, but not his whole body, “I don’t know,” he turned back to looking out to the hallway.
This is a man sized child. “Not like you would care anyway, I guess,” you whispered to yourself.
Against all odds, he turned to face you fully with a quickness that made your heart sink to your stomach as if he had actually heard your words.
Before another argument could break out, the hallway door slid open and one of the floating droids came inside. Mando clenched his fists, but relaxed a little as the droid came over to your side of the bed.
“Hello, Miss. I’ve been assigned to examine your head. You’ve been dealing with memory loss, correct?”
The droid had a tiny mouth that moved with each word. It was smaller. About half your size. The voice was soft, soothing. It calmed your nerves.
“Uh, yeah. I can’t remember anything about my past. My name, family, friends, anything. I heard my mind may have been wiped.”
The droid hummed in response, “Typically, that practice is reserved for droids receiving new owners or prisoners during war. The practice has been outlawed by the New Republic. It could be that, but let’s check your head. It could be injured and a simple injection of bacta directly to your brain may fix the problem.”
“Will any of it hurt?”
“Oh no, Miss. All tests and procedures are painless. Just relax while I do a preliminary scan and we will go from there, alright?”
You breathed deeply and nodded. A hatch by the chest of the droid opened revealing a blue light that started at your face, momentarily blinding you, slowing scanning down to the bottom of your neck all the way back up your head.
“I have my initial scans. I will be back shortly while my colleagues and I gather more information and read over the data. Please, try to relax.” With that, the droid floated away and left you alone again with Mando who was now staring at you.
You wanted to ignore him since his earlier reaction to the argument, which hadn’t eased up the tension from earlier nor his shortness with you.
“I’m sorry for earlier.” You still didn’t look at him as you said it afraid he would see you as weak or just be too angry.
“I was just upset that you guys won’t tell me anything. I get it’s for my own good, but you just keep telling me to trust you; yet so far I’ve been locked up, hurt, shot at, flown to unknown places, hunted, shot into the air, and apparently whipped. You keep telling me that I know you and trusted you at one point. I want to believe you. It’s just feels like you keep hiding the most important things from me. You also got mad at me for something I didn’t even realize was super insulting to you because I don’t know why it would be. I’m sorry for the emotionless comment. I know you feel emotions, obviously. Please, just try to be patient with me. We are starting from scratch, ya know?”
He doesn’t respond and you finally turn your head to try to get a read on him. He’s now right in front of you, which should be impossible since you didn’t hear him with all that armor on. His hands are on the rails of the bed and he’s leaning over you. It should make your heart stop right there staring up at a silver and black helmet that could kill you with a headbutt. Or die by heart palpitations since it’s starting to pound.
He leans further down and gently places his helmet against your forehead. Instinctively, you close your eyes against it. The metal is cool and refreshing.
The absence of sight makes his voice sound less robotic. You can hear the gruff voice underneath the coder.
“I apologize too. You didn’t deserve it, Runi. I’ll try to be more patient. You must understand though, I am used to a different you. Seeing your face, but not the same mind is a new adjustment. I’ll be more patient too, but please extend that same patience with me.”
“I forgive you. You’re right. I didn’t think about how it is for you, but I’m at a disadvantage. You know way more than I do at the moment. Like what does that word mean? The runi?”
His head snaps up from yours in surprise. He fumbles for something to say and acts embarrassed, “It means...”
The hallway door slides open again and the droid floats back into the room. Mando jumps backs away from you before the droid even fully enters the room.
The droid comes to your side again and starts poking you with a needle, drawing blood and more scans. More droids pop into the room with a monitor.
The first one speaks quietly to the others in another language for a bit before finally turning back to you.
“There is good news. Your brain is fully healed. You have no existing physical problems; however, the memory loss is not something we can heal. It is not something physical that can be solved with any of our equipment or techniques.”
“What? You can’t do anything to help?” Mando sounds more upset than you feel at the moment. You hadn’t expected much. You hadn’t had a chance to really think about what would happen if you gained your memories back. Now that you wouldn’t, the sense of hope that had been in your heart, shattered completely. You just assumed you would be yourself again and the old you would be back. There wouldn’t be any reason to be upset or confused anymore. Was there nothing to do now? Were you stuck like this forever now? Learning through painful memories?
You covered your mouth with your hand to hold in the tears as best you could. You felt wet warmth slide down your face regardless. You couldn’t see properly.
“Unfortunately, no. There’s nothing we can do. It does not mean it’s a hopeless cause, however. I am only saying that there’s nothing we can offer you.”
“So, what can you offer us?” Mando grounded out.
“The best we can give you is advice. You need to heal her mind. Taking her to places that mean the most to her might trigger her memories.”
“I was told that would hurt her mind.”
“As long as you don’t push her, it should be fine. Start with important places and take it slow. If that doesn’t work, or if it’s too much of a risk, there are those that claim strong connection to the minds of others. You may try them.”
Mando sighed in frustration, “That’s the best you’ve got? I don’t even have a ship.”
It’s hopeless.
“You can try on of the captains on the landing platforms. They may be willing to give you passage or even sell. This planet is a refugee center now as well. Someone may sell you a ship.”
Mando nodded and the droids left the room. He looked back to you. He crossed the room back to you; once in front of you, he gently grabs your chin to tilt it up to face him.
“I swear, I will fix this. Just stay here and I’ll head down to see what I can find.”
Mando turns to leave, but you shoot out your hand to grab his arm, “Please let me go too. I don’t want to stay here alone with my thoughts.”
He looks back at you and you can tell he’s considering. You’re almost afraid he’ll say no before he finally answers, “Alright. Let’s go.” He reaches for your hand that’s on his arm and puts it in his gloved one, gently pulling you from the bed.
After hours of talking to pilots, crew, literally anyone Mando and you could find to speak to about passage or buying a ship, both of you found one lonely older, green Twi’lek male unloading everything from an equally older looking ship. The ship had rust along both of its wings that came together in a “V” shape with the cockpit in the middle. It did have weapons and hyperdrive capabilities, much to Mando’s approval. The inside had plenty of room for you and Mando plus any cargo space for supplies. There was a larger refresher than Boba Fett’s. The sleeping nook was larger and more comfortable than Boba’s as well. Overall, the inside was clean and to your liking. Mando just seemed happy about the weapons and hyperdrive with little regard to the rest.
The Twi’lek negotiated with Mando about the price. Mando talked him down for repairs and tuneups that were needed and the Twi’lek accepted. He was anxious to be rid of it in order to retire on Pollis Massa. So, Mando handed over the credits and you both boarded the new ship, The Vanguard.
Neither of you had much in the way of supplies. You literally had the clothes on your back and Mando somehow had more weapons than you could’ve guessed he could hide on his body. The sinking realization that you would have to stop for supplies before you could focus on your memories took hold in your mind. You were tired of stops and delays.
“So, what’s the next step?” You asked Mando from inside the cockpit. He was fiddling with the controls and starting to warm up the engines.
Without turning from what he was doing to respond, “My best idea is to see someone about possible repairs and supplies first. After that, I’m not really sure.”
“But what about-“
“Look, I know you’re anxious for your memories to be returned, but without actual healing, I’m at a loss, okay? If I take you to places that are important to your past, I could ruin your chances and I’m not putting you in that position!”
“Mando, I need my memories. Maybe if we start with my home planet that would be a decent spot to slowly start the process.”
“You never told me where you were from.” He admits quietly.
Again the frustration with your past self rises up, “Why didn’t you ask??”
“I didn’t need to know.”
You groaned out a muffled scream. If you could punch your past self and Mando, you absolutely would.
“So, what do you want to do?”
He’s quiet and turns fully to you. “I do have a friend. She can connect with others on a mental level. Weird magical power stuff. She might be able to help you. We may even find supplies there.”
A friend? He has friends, that are girls? I didn’t think him capable.
You weren’t sure why, but your heart felt like it was corroding with an acidic build up. The thought of the girl made you feel uneasy. You hadn’t even met her, so why did you care? She was a friend and she could help you. You should be grateful.
“Have I met her?”
“Yes.” Of course that would be the only response from him. You rolled your eyes at his lack of explanation.
He caught that look and elaborated, “You liked her. She’s nice.”
It wasn’t much more, but at least you knew she wasn’t mean. It still didn’t shake the feeling that you were anxious about meeting her.
“Where is she?”
“Last I saw, Corvus. Hopefully, she’s still there.” He turns back to the controls and the ship roars to life, “Now sit down. We’re taking off.” You do as your told and watch as the ship leaves the slow, peacefulness of Pollis Massa and fires off into hyperspace.
Everything within the oxygen filled environment is on fire. Bodies and parts are strewn across the floor. The air smells like blood and burning flesh. Anyone that is still alive, crawling on the floor are wishing they were dead compared to their pain.
There’s one such being in front. A black boot lands on his head, effectively halting his crawl. Leaning down, a man’s voice echoes loudly in the now silent rest area.
“Have you seen a girl around here lately?” A gloved hand fills the vision showing a picture that looks like you to the dying man.
“No, n-no.”
“Pity.” Fear, bone-chilling, unadulterated fear fills your whole body. The voice sounds like Death itself. A red flash and a simple swipe from the gloved hands, decapitates the head from the body and boots move on.
“Lord Laz!” A humanoid black droid comes into focus. “I was able to recover some footage from one of the med bay droids. It shows her with a Mandalorian.”
“Really?” The voice purrs. “Did you find out where she went?”
“Partially. Sounds like they bought a ship and left here not too many cycles ago.”
The asteroid shakes as something explodes nearby. The gloved hands reach up and fire emits from them, burning the surrounding area.
The voice fills the emptiness again, this time with fury, “Find what you can about what ship and then we are destroying this place.” The view changes to show the once beautiful Pollis Massa now turned to ruins.
“Yes, milord.”
The sudden wailing and screams of terror fills the vision. The dreaded voice is gone, but fear and pain are left behind.
“Hey, wake up!” You spring out of your seat. A cold sweat chills you further along with the cold of space. Your breaths are labored. You can’t remember where you are until a silver helmet fills your view.
“Relax. It was a just nightmare.”
You shake your head vehemently, “No, I think it was worse than that.”
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tragedybunny · 3 years
Naming Day
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Swain wants to do something special for his wife Katarina, but finds out it is easier thought than done. Takes place after my story "The Blade's Edge"
I just wanted an excuse to write something sappy and fluffy about these two. I hope it works in that capacity.
A decent husband would recall his spouse’s Naming Day. That is the truth as espoused by those most intimately acquainted with living in matrimonial harmony. And for once, I intended to prove I was capable of being a decent husband. I am, of course, not one to indulge in celebrations of a spurious nature, Naming Days being one of the foremost of those. In times long past, the Noxii tribes would not name their children until they had survived their first year, marking the occasion with much celebration. As this tradition was passed down, the time grew shorter, and no one really withheld a name in the current time. However, a notion occurred to me as I overheard the bragging amongst a number of the Officers of High Command about the celebrations for their recent progeny. Marking the occasion would probably be appreciated by my dearest wife, and I rarely had the opportunity to indulge her.
Mere seconds later that thought was followed by a terrible realization, the source of doubts about my status as a decent husband. I had no idea when Kat’s Naming was. The notion tormented me as I hurried back to my office, a tactical retreat to plan my next move. Surely she must have mentioned it at some point. Was I not paying attention or had I simply forgotten? After bolting the door behind me, I settled into the chair behind my desk, desperately needing to think.
After an hour of stern concentration, and even inquiring of my birds, I still had no answers. Cold realization washed over me, I couldn’t remember my wife’s Naming Day. The battle was not entirely lost though. She had not been angry with me for any reason I had not discerned, so if I followed logic, it implied that I had not yet missed it. There was still one route to victory left to me, a strategic reserve as it were. Noxian records were unparalleled and went back ages. There was no way a Du Couteau birth in the years of Darkwill went undocumented. I would have to go myself though, I couldn’t trust this to anyone else.
With Kat out on an assignment, and the sense of urgency I felt, there was no better day to accomplish this task. As soon as the last dispatch of edicts and orders left my office, I hurried off. The records hall was just concluding its daily business as I arrived. “I have personal business to attend to, leave me.” The stunned clerk vanished as I waved him away. My steps quickly took me through the endless maze of shelves and cabinets, laden with registry books and rolls of parchment, to the section that should contain the correct date. With trepidation, I assessed my adversary, a near endless amount of paper, and felt a sigh leave my throat. Truthfully, I couldn’t place the year either. I could narrow it down, but still, the task would be daunting. Should I have asked for the clerk’s aid? Would it have been worth the embarrassment? The Grand General cannot figure out his wife’s Naming Day or birth year. With a frustrated growl, my left fist slammed into the wood of the nearest shelf and it buckled, making a distinct popping noise. It would seem I fell short again, a pattern I’m tiring of.
But I had to know the year, I...I’d been at the damned celebration. At the time it hadn’t been very remarkable, I had little interest in the Naming of an infant. Marcus had been a friend however, and our two families had long been allies. It was enough of an occasion that my parents had insisted on my attendance, even if I was only on a short leave from my fledgling military career. A memory floated to the surface of my mind, as though summoned at last by my concentration. Marcus spies me from across the room and rushes over, a smile adorning his features and a tiny bundle in his arms. “Jericho, you made it! Here, you must hold her.” That bundle is passed to me before I can utter a protest. I stare down at the cooing little thing, green eyes wide and locked on me, a dusting of red hair matching Marcus’s adorning her head. For just a moment I think perhaps infants are not so terrible after all. And then she screams at me, the wretched little brat, with such force and fury that Marcus quickly snatches her back.
It could be a humorous memory I suppose, but my teeth dug into my lip as I was reminded of exactly how much difference there was in our ages. So, just to make a clear assessment of my current position, I don’t know my wife’s Naming Day or birth year, and I’ve just been reminded I’m old enough to be her father. What a miserable set of circumstances.
Lucretia had laughed though. Another unbidden memory from somewhere deep inside, the place where I’d buried all remnants of her. I clenched my fists and willed myself not to feel the burning in my chest that accompanied it. “Lucretia.” The whisper filled the empty air around me. It had been the last laugh we would share, she would be gone in mere months, my first companion and friend, my sister. I remembered the year now.
It was easy enough at that point to find the correct registry containing all the high born births for that year, and from there, the Du Couteau name within. Ah, a solid victory at last, it was not for some weeks. We hadn’t been living together at the time last year, so perhaps it just hadn’t come up. I doubted the likeliness of that scenario, but either way, this year was sorted. We’d been busy enough planning for the wedding we never had that a small celebration would be a welcome break.
When the day had at last arrived, I felt a small touch of pride. I’d considered the notion of something more extravagant, but in the end, I’d thought she’d appreciate time where my attention was focused solely on her, where she didn’t have to share me with the Empire. It was something we both understood would be a rarity, but she never resented that fact. So, to that end, I’d planned an intimate evening at home, and handed Darius all authority until sunrise. Her gift was tucked away in the small wooden chest it had arrived from Piltover in. Dinner was arranged to be all of her favorites, starting with Cress’s seafood bisque and ending with a confection laden with strawberries. The bottles of her favorite Shuriman red had been brought up and placed on the table.
When I greeted her at the door, her surprise was evident. “Home on time for once?” I knew she didn’t intend it with malice, still, I was reminded of my fears that one day, she would no longer tolerate this life.
“I can always work in my study if you decide to keep up the sass, Kitten.” At that, she bounded into my arms with enough force to knock me back a step. After a lifetime of war and ruthless ambition, I’m not a man who deserves to be loved like this, but I’m selfish to cling to it as tightly as possible. “Shall we?” I held out my arm and she took it with the soft, slight smile that I know is mine alone. The dining room door lay open, revealing the first course on the table, and the cake awaiting us at the center. She inhaled a soft breath and turned to me, eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Jericho.”
Looking down, I brought up my hand to cup her cheek softly. “Kat, I wanted to make this evening something wonderful for you and show you how much I cherish you. Happy Naming Day, my love.”
I leaned down for a soft kiss, which she absent-mindedly returned. Panic clutched at me, she was not pleased. Perhaps she had expected more? The wooden box on the table offered some hope, and I led her to it. After opening the lid, I carefully withdrew what was inside and set it before her. The finely carved crystal reflected the gas lamps and set hundreds of small glowing motes of light on the walls and ceiling. Two figures stood at the top of it, frozen in a moment. One turn of the small handle in the back and they began to move, the room filling with the soft tone of a waltz.
Still, she stood rigidly, saying nothing. “It’s the waltz from our first dance, that night at Solstice.” I offered, my heart rending in two. I had botched this somehow. All the careful planning, all my lofty intentions, it was all coming to naught. Even when I put all my will into it, I could not be what she deserved. “If it doesn’t please you I could find something else. I know it isn’t grandiose, perhaps it was a poor …”
“I love it.” She cut me off, but the melancholy in her tone did little to convince me it was the truth.
Moving in closer, I took her hand again. “I promise I won’t be upset if you don’t.”
“Did you realize you couldn’t remember when it was?” Her fingers entwined in mine, even as her eyes avoided me.
It would seem she had found me out. “Yes. I had to work it out. I’m sorry for forgetting.” Was that what she was upset about?
“You didn’t forget. I never told you.” The figurines stopped moving and she winded the handle again before finally turning to me. “I don’t celebrate my Naming.”
“Oh.” I’d still made a grievous error, just an entirely different one, it would seem.
Her gaze fixes back on the music box, the tune filling the silence between us. “When I was younger, just after Cassie was born, we stopped celebrating it. Father was away on campaign, this was before the move to Uzeris, and I excitedly went running to Mother the day of, asking how we would celebrate it. But she had Cassie now, and she looked at me with that cold look I would come to know so well, and replied that she was too busy with the baby. If I was old enough for Father to take away for training, I was too old for Naming Days, and that she would beat me if I continued to whine. I was five.” For a moment, she was quiet, staring into the distance. “You know what the worst part was? Father never said anything to the contrary when he returned.”
My own parents had been absent, cold, and ambitious to the detriment of all else, in many ways though, it was too typical of an upbringing in Noxian nobility. Kat though had experienced so much outright cruelty and intentional pain, I sometimes sensed I had not even scratched the surface of it. I wrapped myself around her until I could feel her head resting just under my chin, the place it felt like she was made to occupy. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stir up old hurts.” Though I wasn’t sure how, I felt as if I should’ve known better. All the secrets I’d seen, all my ability to be ten steps ahead of allies and adversaries, I should’ve figured this out. Desperately clinging to her, I kissed the top of her head.
“You know better, you can’t blame yourself. You’re not all-knowing, as much as you’d like the pretend.” Sadness still colored her words.
“A failure is still a failure, no matter the cause.” All I had wanted was one night to love her right. “I told you I would make a terrible husband.” My forced laugh did little to lighten things.
“Oh shut it, you’re wonderful.” Her arms tightened around me, making breathing difficult, but it was worth enduring. “You know what? Fuck her.” She looked up at me, that fire that I adore burning in her eyes. “She’s rotting in her empty manor, and I’m here with you, celebrating my Naming with the man I love.” There was a feral intensity to the kiss she suddenly pressed to my lips. “I won’t let her keep controlling me.”
In that moment, I doubted the gods themselves could control Kat if she put her mind to it. “Are you sure? You don’t have to force yourself.”
“I am. I don’t want to let the past ruin what we have right now.” There was no denying the conviction of those words.
I kissed her cheek and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “In that case, I do have further plans tonight that involve the two of us, another bottle of wine, and the bath.”
She inhaled sharply. “Only if it ends with the bed a wreck and both of us exhausted.”
“But of course, my love.” I kissed her deeply again, hands wrapping around her waist to keep her close. She really is the best thing that ever happened to me.
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personasintro · 4 years
My Tiny Secret | 11; Unexpected Visit
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𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆 | 11; Unexpected Visit
⏤𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; Pretty face doesn’t make it up for an ugly personality. And Kim Seokjin is the perfect proof of that.
⏤𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: seokjin x reader
⏤𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst, smut
⏤𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: toxic relationship, mistress au, strong language
⏤> 𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙
buy me a coffee?♡
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Seokjin is gone the next morning.
You're not surprised that he left after waking you up from your nap. Technically, it wasn't nap but you fell asleep so deeply, that you never heard the bedroom door creaking as he popped his head inside your room. You woke up seeing him, hovering over you while lightly shaking your head. You've slept for four hours, far more than you actually planned to but you needed it.
Your eyes were barely open and you were ready to go back to sleep, slapping his hand away from your shoulder before you heard Yoojin's soft cries from the next room.
“I think he's hungry.” was all Seokjin said, enough for you to sit up so fast that your head spun.
After you fed Yoojin, he was quick to fell asleep again. You put him in the crib, not sure whether Seokjin was still somewhere inside your home but you were too exhausted to care. So you fell asleep, waking up to Yoojin's cries while sun blazed into your bedroom through blinds.
What you never expected was, to find a blanket from the guest room on the couch. The grey soft material is disheveled with an empty cup placed on the coffee table. Did he stay the night?
There was no messages, notes or even missed calls from him, anything that would explain his sudden departure. He doesn't owe you anything, but it would be still nice enough to know if he stayed the night or not.
And when a firm knock resounds, you're sure it's him coming back. Ever since he got involved in Yoojin's, he comes to visit him more often than you thought he would. It's a pleasant surprise and you get to discover a new side of him whenever he holds or simply looks at his son. A side, he desperately tries to cover whenever he feels your eyes on him.
You can't point out that feeling that occurs your body, mainly caused by nervousness of seeing him again, but you feel another wave of emotion. Almost as excited, which is ridiculous. You surely feel this way because of loneliness you feel whenever Yoojin's cry can no longer be heard, and you're all by yourself in spacious apartment.
Even with Hoseok calling you every night, or making sure he says goodnight to you and Yoojin, you still feel lonely. Yet, you don't let him know that.
But once you open the door, not dwelling about how firm and different the knock sounded, your heart drops at the sight of one person you never thought you'd have to see again. That one person who makes shame creep out of its hidden place somewhere inside of you.
Seokjin's wife.
She stands in front of your front door with unreadable gaze, her black long hair are pulled up in sleek ponytail making her features more prominent and sharp. She stands tall in her heels, elegantly dressed in her burgundy pencil dress with a thin coat draped over her shoulders.
“Can I help you?”
There a sight shakiness in your voice, something you couldn't control, not in front of her. You're more than sure she caught on it, even though you've seen her only one time before now. If she knew who you truly were back then, God knows how would she react. She surely wouldn't apologize for almost bumping into you, or smile at you.
“I'm sure you can.” she hums, tilting her head at you with a sudden twitch to her perfect reddened lips.
Gulping, you almost choke on saliva by her brow arching at you. “I'm not sure.” you tell her, gripping doorknob tighter in your grip, away from her firm eyes.
She chuckles, and although you don't know her, even you can tell the falsity behind her sudden amusement. She seems intimidating without her actually doing anything, but that's exactly it. It's like she's ready to jump at you any second and you've no idea when.
“Oh, honey,” she grins, shaking her head at you, her long earrings jerking with that movement. “I think you're more than able to help me since this is about my husband.”
She emphasizes, no claims, that one person who only yesterday, walked through the very same door she stands in front of right now.
“How about you let me in, so we don't have to discuss this in the hallway?” she suggests, her voice velvety but still filled with confidence and authority.
It's like she thinks she has some power over you; from the way she looks at you to the tone she uses while speaking to you. She's acting so different than the first time you bumped into her and you don't blame her, to some extant of course. She still had the audacity to knock on your door, insisting on coming inside without you even allowing her to. You should be the one to propose her that, but yet, she's the one with upper hand. It's the exact time when you realize they're perfect for each other.
She and Seokjin live their own life, a life you never asked for and never want to be a part of. Wealth and power scream from them, from the way they present themselves.
She sees you hesitating, her expression slightly relaxing – probably her way of acting soft. “I mean no harm, I promise.” she tells you.
Maybe you're making mistake, but with a defeated sigh you open the door wider, enough for her to slide her slim and tall figure inside your home. She doesn't take her heels off, which is just plain rude but you could care less now, considering the current situation.
As you walk through the apartment, you can see her looking around. Little you know she has seen this place, just from the various pictures she found in Seokjin's nightstand. It looks way better than in the photos, maybe it's how cozy you decorated it. It has a character right now.
A set of plushy toys and rattles are placed all over the place, mostly taking their place on the coffee table or floor. That's definitely something you added to this place and she can't help but feel bitter at the sight.
You can see how her eyes linger on toys, moving to a pram in the corner of the room. It's distracting her, despite of you knowing her feelings. But you're sure it doesn't do anything good to her, when you see her gulp while gripping her hands into fist.
“Let's talk here.” you speak up, making your way to the kitchen. Away from all the toys and bitter reminder that you've a baby with her husband.
“I'll cut this short,” she says, as if she wasn't just having an inner battle with her thoughts just seconds ago. “Was my husband here yesterday?” she asks you, straight to the point but not before she leans against kitchen island as if she owns the place.
She doesn't forget to spread her hand against wooden counter, making sure you see the huge flashing ring securely wrapped around her finger. Once she sees you looking at it, she smiles in victory, satisfied that you got the message.
You've no idea what kind of relationship those two have, but probably not that good if she's here asking about him. The memory from the shopping center with the both of them talking to each other occurs your mind. They weren't just typical spouses, in love with each other. And again, you're reminded of their deal which makes it even weirder.
“He was.” you tell her truthfully.
She probably already knows that, considering her scoff and no shock evident on her face. She just wanted to make sure by coming here.
“Did he stay the night?” she pries, eyes flicking to yours as she patiently watches you across the kitchen island.
“I don't know,” you shrug, her brow arching at you in disbelief. “I fell asleep and when I woke up he was already gone.” you add, making sure she knows you're telling the truth.
You don't even know why the hell you care what she thinks about you. It's the guilt that's slowly eating you from the inside.
“Are you using him?”
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest, once you see her glare while her voice vibrates in your ears. “Excuse me?” you exclaim, scowling at her.
If she came here to accuse you of using her husband, she can gladly get out of your home.
“I had to ask,” she says with the same confident voice, not even slightly touched by her inappropriate question. “I'm just wondering if you didn't get pregnant by coincidence. As you know, my husband,” she doesn't fail to emphasize, “is very successful man. I wouldn't be surprised if you planned this. I mean, look at you. You already got more than you could ever get on your own.”
An embarrassment floods your body caused by her snarky remark because you know she is right. Not that you planned this. You'd never want to get pregnant with someone you had sex with for strictly pleasure. You'd never use someone and make another life, just to use someone else's money. It completely insults you, but then, she doesn't know you.
“I never planned to get pregnant,” your voice flatters, as you take a deep breath, trying to desperately gained confidence and power. “Do you think I wanted this? To be in his life just for him to disrespect me and show me no respect? I don't care about money and I've my own dignity.” you tell her, frowning at her as you feel the anger bubbling inside of you.
“Yet, you still continued having sex with him.” she points out, glaring at you with the same intensity like you do.
“I tried to break it off with him,” you tell her, pathetic attempt of reason your mistake. “But he'd just always find his way to me. No matter how many times I didn't pick up his phone, he always found me.”
You know there's no apology for your actions. If you really didn't want him, you'd never come back to bed with him.
“You should've tried better.”
And you really should. She's right.
“I broke it off with him. I told him I never want to see him again, but then I bumped into you in that shop and-- I never planned on letting him know about the baby.”
You know he had every right to know about him, but you wanted to protect Yoojin. Only now, you can see that maybe it can actually work out.
“You could've give the baby to us. You did enough damage to our marriage.”
She has the audacity to accuse you of not giving them your baby.
“To you? Why would I ever do that?” you narrow your eyes at her, the fire behind your eyes slowly lighting. “That baby has nothing to do with you. I made mistake and I've to live with it for the rest of my life. I'd never give up my baby just for money or for a feeling of forgiveness. And if you're going to disrespect me in my home, get out.”
Your voice is calm, but low enough to let your anger to show. She is caught off guard, especially the way you stand up for yourself. You don't see it, but you hold your head hight with stern look adoring your usually soft features.
“A home he bought.” she still remarks, scoffing at you as if you're just a piece of shit in her eyes.
And maybe you're. But that doesn't make her any better.
“You don't get to come here, accusing me of stuff I didn't do. I never asked for a single penny, it was all Seokjin's doing,” At the mention of her husband's name, she can't help but frown even more. “I'm trying to do what's best for my baby. And that is by giving him a home and parents who loves him unconditionally. I'm not sure if Seokjin's capable of that, but I don't have a choice. As a mother, I have to do this. So please, refrain from indirectly calling me a gold-digger or slut. You should've thought about it before having an open relationship with a man, who should be only man in your life.”
The mention of open relationship, her eyes almost fall from her head and she opens her mouth in shock. She never expected you to know about that and you wonder if Seokjin told you that. He had to. There is no way you'd know from elsewhere. The thought of you and her husband having a close relationship makes her blood boil, even you can see it from the way her knuckles whiten.
You're scared she's going to do something, putting her anger into action but she stands her ground with her perfect nails digging into her skin.
“Are you sleeping with him?” she asks through gritted teeth, looking up through her long eyelashes extensions.
Even with her perfect make-up and all those adjustments, she still looks natural and beautiful. You can see why Seokjin picked her. They're both attractive people who could've had a great family on their own.
“No.” you tell her, watching her shoulders relax.
She feels threatened by you. You get that. But why does the thought of him sleeping with someone else makes her so uncomfortable? Or maybe it's just the fact it's you. You've a baby with her husband after all. Maybe it's only you who truly bothers her.
“I'm sorry.” you suddenly speak up.
She looks up, not giving you any specific reaction nor emotion to be known on her face.
“When I first started it with Seokjin,” you purposely refrain from saying the word 'sex' or whatever relationship you had with him, knowing how sensitive she is about it. “I didn't know he's married. If I knew back then, I would never touch him.”
“Then why are you apologizing?” she scoffs, but you can see the curiousness in her eyes. She wants to know.
“Because I found out one night. And I still continued whatever we had. I just want you to know, that it was always strictly sex,” you finally let her know, cringing at those words but luckily, she doesn't tense, so you continue. “I'm sorry I probably ruined your marriage with this.”
She doesn't say anything, not calming down your guilt but you don't blame her. It was pathetic from you to think she would say simple 'it's okay' or something.
“Is he a good father?” she chokes out, her voice oddly tight as she looks up with hesitance at you.
“He's trying.” you tell her truthfully.
She nods, gulping at your words.
“Is it a boy or a girl?”
“Boy.” you almost whisper, watching her to clutch her purse closer to her body.
“Can I see him?” she asks, head turning up in confident manner but all you see is a broken woman, who despise you because she wishes she was in your place.
You're reminded that she can't have kids, not her own at least. And although it doesn't excuse her remarks and attitude, you know she's just being jealous.
“I don't think that's a good idea.” you tell her slowly.
You don't expect her to kidnap your son, you'd knock her down if she ever tried that. The reason of your refusal is simple. It'd just hurt her even more.
She nods, biting her lower lip but doesn't move an inch. “Does he look like him?”
She's hurting herself by asking you all those questions, but that's the least you can do for her.
“Yeah.” you nod, his cute little nose and plushy lips he got from Seokjin are the most recognizable features he currently has.
He's changing every day, every second and it's hard to tell from who he takes the most. But you can still make out the father. There is no doubt Yoojin isn't Seokjin's son. Everyone could probably see the similarities in their features.
“I,” she croaks out, avoiding your pitiful eyes. “I gotta go.”
She turns around, her heels quickly clicking against the floor as she practically runs out of your home. It's the sound of closed door that makes you finally breathe, noticing your slightly shaking hands at the unexpected visit.
After Yoojin asks for food, his piercing cry resounding around the empty apartment, you're quick to feed him. Your breasts hurt and feel tender from all the feeding you do, it makes you feel even more helpless and sad. The cream your doctor recommended you barely helps and you know it's a part of breastfeeding, but it doesn't make you feel any better. Of course, you're lucky to be able to breastfeed your baby. You just wish it wouldn't hurt so much.
You spend couple of minutes adoring your son's small eyes looking around, not looking at anything particular before he slowly goes back to sleep. You take that time to take a quick shower, since you can smell milk all over your breasts that spilled from Yoojin's mouth. You leave the door open, in case he'd start crying but you know you've at least a good hour before he wakes up. But just to be sure, you leave the door of bathroom and bedroom open.
The droplets of water hits your skin and you sigh both in relief and pain, as your nipples scream from the intensity of the water flow. With a little bit of wincing and occasional sobbing, you quickly get out of there not wanting to waste another second to torture yourself and not being in Yoojin's presence. It's weird and completely new, the mother instinct you got ever since Yoojin's in your life.
Wrapping a towel, the lilac one with your name written on it which Hoseok gave you two years ago, you cover your naked and shivering body. You hum some familiar tune to yourself, but after you make sure you don't hear Yoojin's cry. Once it's clear, you quickly rummage through the cabinets wanting to find the cream your doctor recommended you.
“Fuck, where is it?” you mumble under your breath, closing the cabinet with frustrated sigh.
Oh, you used it last night after you fed Yoojin, so it's on your nightstand.
Drying yourself, you quickly put a clean panties on with large white t-shirt that used to belong to Hoseok, but you secretly took it. He probably knows by now, you always refused to give it to him whenever he asked, or more like teased you about it. He always told you it's yours. You hear some rustling, thinking it's Yoojin trashing in the crib so you walk out of the bathroom.
“Oh, fuck!” you exclaim, your heart dropping at the sight of wide-eyed Seokjin in the middle of the living room with bags in his hold. Your palm is sprawled over your chest, your breathing quick as you try to calm down. “What the fuck?” you ask more calmly, looking at the man who suddenly disappeared without letting anyone know. Including his wife.
“I'm sorry?” he asks unsurely, his eyes slowly trailing down your figure.
You weirdly look at him, wondering what's with his face until you follow his eyes. Your legs are exposed and your hair is wet from the shower, luckily Hoseok's t-shirt covers your mid-thighs. Well, it's not like he hasn't seen you naked but it's still weird, especially now.
“How did you get in? Fuck, Seokjin.” you scold him, trying to get yourself together by pathetically fixing your messy hair from the water.
“I've a key,” he answers, your mouth dropping at the new information. When was he going to tell you about that? “I knocked but I guess you didn't hear. I thought something happened, so I used a key.”
It's weird, again, to see him explaining himself even though he still maintains expressionless gaze as he says it.
“I didn't know you had a key.” you voice out your thoughts, your eyes trailing down his figure the same way he did just couple of minutes ago.
His clothes are still the same, his suit is slightly wrinkled and you wonder if it bothers him considering he always looks perfect, unreal almost. His hair is out of place, nothing too drastic but even you can notice a few disheveled strands at the sides of his hair. He doesn't look bad, actually nowhere near that, but you've never seen him look so messy. Despite of his current appearance, he's still very handsome and–
“Yeah, I got a spare one. I can give it to you.” he cuts off your thoughts, causing you to cough in embarrassment.
You hope he didn't catch you admiring his appearance, even though- No, you weren't admiring him. You were just observing his looks, since he looks different right now. Yeah, that was exactly what you were doing.
“No,” you speak up, shaking head at your thoughts. “It's okay, you can have it,” he looks at you weirdly and you widen your eyes. “In case of emergency, of course. But please, knock first if you want to come in.”
It feels odd to tell him what to do, especially when he's the one who bought this place for you. It's like you've no right to tell him that, despite of your name being in the contract. And you wait for him to snap at you, reminding you of how you even got to this apartment in the first place.
“Okay.” he shrugs, silently agreeing with your conditions leaving you standing there all dumbfounded.
Okay? Is that it?
“What's in those bags?” you ask him, purposely avoiding your previous conversation. It's not like there could be told something else. You're just in shock that he agreed so quickly.
“Ah,” he exclaims, looking down towards his full hands with bunch of bags that look heavy, but he grips it even tighter. He blinks couple of times, the tip of his ears slightly red as he looks around himself. “I got you some groceries since your fridge is empty.”
And without another word and avoiding your gaze, he quickly scurries to the kitchen. Again, he leaves you standing there dumfounded as you project what has just happened.
And why the hell your heart beats so fast? Why are you so touched at the simple gesture? Maybe it's because it's Kim Seokjin we're talking about.
And then, only one thought occurs your mind while you hear him shuffling in the kitchen, opening and closing fridge and cabinets.
He really is trying.
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taglist: @kpopyandere​ @btsxarii​ @nostalgicstudyblr​ @rkivemagic​ @0minabean0​ @ughtear​ @queensavage1245​ @choppe96​ @mtgforall​ @jalexa83​ @euphoriugh​ @baekimseokjin​ @quirkyanya​ @ladyartemesia​ @seoulazzyy​ @sinstae​ @betysotelo18 (comment on the most recent chapter to be added)
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savage-rhi · 4 years
“It’d be better if people weren’t so afraid of their feelings.” Tyrion and Sansa
Oooo a GOT one! Coming right up you beautiful peep :D!
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Despite having opened up more since their wedding night, Tyrion and Sansa gave each other much-needed space. The whole ordeal had been a lot for the pair. Tyrion still had his reservations about the arrangement, not to mention he still felt that Sansa hated him. She had every right to considering what his family had done to hers. 
They were in the gardens, taking a daily stroll. It had become something of a catharsis for the two of them. They were able to get away from Joffrey and the others. Away from the quarrels of the royal life, even if for a brief moment. Occasionally, Tyrion would look up at his wife, seeing Sansa was either paying attention to her feet or was looking straight ahead. For a child, she was hard to read at times. He knew however she wasn’t feeling well, who could blame her? If Tyrion had been arranged to be wed to someone like him, he probably would have asked to have his balls chopped. 
“This walk of ours, it’d be better if people weren’t so afraid of their feelings.” Tyrion said aloud, getting Sansa’s attention as she looked down at him. They both smiled a bit at one another as they pressed on. Sansa looking at the flowers in the court. 
“Maybe some feelings are best left unsaid.” Sansa said truthfully as Tyrion nodded. 
“An excellent point, but I remember there was an old saying that spouses shouldn’t keep things from each other.” He was trying to be playful, making sure every effort in his tone conveyed such things. 
“Sansa, how are you faring from all of this?” Tyrion asked as she went quiet for some time. Tyrion thought she was brushing him off yet again and decided that he wasn’t going to pry further. He was astonished when she cleared her throat and began to talk. 
“I’m taking it a day at a time. I feel angry, sad, I don’t know--it's hard to describe it.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been feeling the same.” Tyrion admitted as Sansa looked at him, almost in disbelief. 
“Really?” She asked as Tyrion nodded. 
“You have no idea how many times I came close to pissing myself due to this arrangement.” He said, causing her to let out a chuckle. There, a smile finally, Tyrion thought to himself. He was doing something right. 
“You’re actually not so bad.” Sansa said, getting Tyrion to smile as he blushed a bit. He didn’t deserve her kindness, no one in the Lannister family did after everything that had transpired between the North and the Kings Landing. 
“I hope that you’ll learn to see me as a friend.” Tyrion said sincerely as Sansa swallowed. It would be difficult, but from the conversation, it was a start. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Blow By Blow ch.2 (baon)
Summary: Set the day after ‘With Brotherly LV’. Jeff is having his first day working at the Embassy, Stretch is having a bad anxiety day, Red is having a bad text day, and Edge is just having a day.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Prejudice Against Monsters, Angst, Injury Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, LV Issues, Brother issues
Notes: My timeline is getting a little wonky due to a few drabble sets and shorts. So this chapter directly follows With Brotherly LV
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Chapter One
Read Chapter 2 on AO3
Read it here!
Edge’s years in Underfell had prepared him for many difficulties in life. He’d learned how to set up traps to protect his territory, he knew how to stretch a meal for days, providing just enough nutrition without limiting his magic. He knew when to keep quiet and avoid riling the hair-trigger temper of a ruler whose decisions were not always what was best for his people, and he mostly knew how to deal with a brother who could be infuriatingly mysterious, bordering on cruel, even when the decisions he made turned out for the best.
None of that had prepared him to deal with a Bun whose motherly instincts were fiercely roused.
If Edge were asked to describe Janice in one word, he would choose efficient, and efficient was exactly correct to define how she promptly took him over. She was on her feet in an instant and, despite being at least two handspans shorter than him, she hustled him into his office and into the first available chair.
There was a small minifridge in his office with cans of soda and bottles of juice that Edge offered to guests that he didn’t mind staying. The little tray of ice cubes in it hardly produced enough to fill a single glass, but Janice took it out. Edge watched in confusion as she carried it out of the room with her, but she returned with a small zip-top bag, very likely one she’d emptied of her own lunch. The faint tremble in her hands was alarming, but she dumped the ice neatly into the little bag.
Edge didn’t offer a word of protest throughout, nor did he when she knelt next to him, her soft brown eyes wide with concern as she pressed the bag of ice gently to his face. The only protest he offered was a slight hiss at the cold. Edge was well experienced in battle and even he knew when to surrender.
“Oh, this must hurt terribly!” Janice fussed as Edge took over the duty of holding an ice pack for the second time that day.
“It doesn’t,” Edge said honestly. It probably would have been paining him by now if Stretch hadn’t been the one to heal it. Stretch hadn’t healed him often, but enough times that Edge noticed his healing technique focused more on stopping the pain first. It wasn’t the normal focus; most healers would concentrate on the injury…unless they were on a battlefield and their concern was to get the injured soldier back into the fight as quickly as possible without the distraction of pain. He’d never questioned why Stretch learned healing as if he were in combat triage; somehow, he suspected having the answer wouldn’t be worth the price.
He flinched as Janice gently pressed the backs of her fingers testingly to his cheekbone, forcing himself to relax. As a mother, surely she’d learned some healing techniques. The fur on her fingers was soft enough to be ticklish, and Edge tried to hold as still as he could while she confirmed what Blue had already noted. Stretch had healed the injured bone as much as was possible, for now.
He’d never felt her magic before. He wasn’t sure how it was for other Monsters, but for him, magic had a distinct scent that always faintly lingered but rose strongly whenever it was used. Red’s was reminiscent of his own, a sharper version of spice. Stretch’s was sweet, thick and honeyed, addictive, at least to Edge. Blue’s was fresh, almost soapy, while Sans was oddly vinegary and Papyrus a subtle, strange spice all his own.
Janice’s wasn’t as distinct as a smell; the only way Edge could describe it was soft, velvety as her fur as she let it brush over him.
It faded, leaving him faintly bereft.
“Was it the protesters outside?” Janice asked hesitantly, and suddenly her trembling made sense. Of course she’d be upset if she thought that, she’d had her own painful experience with those Humans, striking with the force of a literal brick.
“No, no,” Edge said reassuringly. “It was just an accident. This is nothing, it’s only a bruise. It’ll be gone in a few days.”
Janice only bit her lip, blinking too hard, and Edge was uncomfortably aware that he wasn’t sure how to ease her obvious distress. It was a bruise, painful perhaps, but hardly a fatal injury; in Underfell, he doubted anyone would have even noticed it, or if they had, they certainly wouldn’t comment on it.
From her position on the floor, Janice shifted uneasily. “Edge,” she began, slowly. “I know that where you’re from is…different.” That was unexpected; even within his familial circle, Underfell was rarely brought up. The Monster community wasn’t completely unaware, how else could Asgore explain their existence, particularly with Edge’s LV. They’d kept the details to a minimum, but any interested Monster would know he was from a difficult place. “But, no one has the right to hurt you for any reason, no matter how much they say they care about you. If you need help—"
His astonishment that she’d brought up Underfell made the words take far too long a moment to click. Any irritation he might have felt at the assumption was overwhelmed by a swell of unexpected affection. “Janice, if you’re trying to find a delicate way to ask me if Stretch did this, I can assure you now that he didn’t. He wasn’t even there. It was a sparring accident, that’s all. Truthfully, he was very upset about it.”
“Of course he would be,” Janice exhaled slowly, but her relief was palpable. “He would never…of course. I’m sorry for suggesting—"
“Thank you,” Edge interrupted her flustered apology. He settled a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. It suddenly occurred to him to wonder at why she’d drawn that particular conclusion on where he’d gained this bruise. Janice didn’t have a spouse, but she did have two children. It wasn’t at all his business, but perhaps Red wouldn’t mind exploring that question. Just in case. Red did always enjoy turning over rocks to see what filth lay beneath them. “I do appreciate your concern.”
He also appreciated her quick nod and the way she briskly climbed back to her feet, dusting off skirt. “Well, then, let me get you today’s schedule. No physical meetings, which might be for the best, but you do have a few scheduled online. Legal sent down a few briefings as well. I’ll bring everything in for you.”
In moments, she’d covered his desk with an orderly stack of papers and folders, swiftly gone over the schedule, and somewhere in that, a cup of coffee appeared for him. She was gone as quickly as she’d come, leaving him alone in his office. Efficient, and Edge never would have suspected that word would fill him with fondness.
There was enough work here already to keep him busy for most of the day, but there was one thing he needed to deal with before he started. He took a sip of coffee for fortification before pulling out his phone, bypassing his text messages for his contact list.
The phone rang three times before Stretch answered with a cheery, “ebott association of toxic control, what’s your poison?”
“babe!” Stretch said, all bright surprise. As if he hadn’t known who he was talking to from the beginning. Oh, he was in a fine mood, wasn’t he. That mind of his didn’t settle easily and he’d likely been running everything through his head in circles, working himself up.
Edge flipped through one of the folders on his desk, already looking impatiently for where he needed to sign. “Stop harassing my brother.”
“dunno what you’re talking about.” That breezy tone did not bode well and Edge knew it immediately for what it was. A paper-thin veneer over his actual emotions. This was worse than he’d first thought; Stretch was furious and whether it was at him, Red, or simply the world in general remained to be seen.
“I’m sure you don’t,” Edge said, coolly. He gave up looking at the briefs, flipping the folder closed; this was going to call for far more of his attention than any of them. “Stop it, anyway.”
“i haven’t talked to your brother once today.” Not a lie, of course, damn him, the teleporting triplets took weaving half-truths to an art form. But what Stretch said next chilled him. “maybe i should. wander over, let him know what a shitty job he’s doing at—”
“Do not go over to see Red,” Edge said sharply. His soul stuttered over the very idea of Stretch confronting Red over anything. He loved his brother, knew he wouldn’t hurt Stretch...no. He wanted to believe Red wouldn’t ever hurt Stretch. Physically, certainly not, but Red could wound with words as effectively as he could an attack and those injuries weren’t ones anyone could easily heal. Especially not Stretch, who tended to take cruel words far too much to heart. “I mean it.”
Whatever reaction he was expecting, it wasn’t for Stretch to snap out, “don’t tell me what to do!”
“What I am telling you is not to interfere with my relationship with my brother!” Edge retorted, struggling to keep his voice down. This conversation had spun out of his control from the very first word and he was grappling with gaining it back, trying to ignore the sudden, pained throb deep in his soul. “The same way I would never interfere with yours!”
The silence on the other end of the line was long and sullen. “fine.”
“Promise me.”
That silence was worse. Stretch did not appreciate giving promises like this and Edge knew it, he rarely asked. But the very idea of Stretch confronting Red in the mood he was in right now was chilling him to the depth of his bones. Someone would be irreparably hurt and he was desperate to avoid that, for both of them.
“i promise.” Hissed through gritted teeth and Edge sighed inwardly. There was going to be a price for demanding that promise and he knew from past experience that Stretch would hold a grudge until it was paid.
“All right,” Edge said, trying for gentle even though his soul was heavy and riled. His LV was responding far too readily to his irritation, like an unlit fuse hunkering in his chest. “I don’t know what scenario you’ve concocted in that head of yours, but it’s not what you’re thinking. Red didn’t hit me. We were sparring together, that’s all.”
He couldn’t help wincing at Stretch’s ugly laugh. “wow, is that what it feels like? getting blatantly lied to? you fucking suck at it, babe, and i’m not stupid. you think i can’t see the difference between a sparring strike and a full-on attack? go on,” he goaded, sweetly mocking, “tell me another lie, see if you can fool me this time.”
His brittle control over his anger broke. “Given recent events, are you sure this is the argument you want to have right now?” Edge snapped. “Because if you’d like to discuss blatant lying, I have a few complaints of my own!”
He regretted it the moment he said it. Blast it, he was letting Stretch’s mood get to him, and his LV was not helping one fucking bit. Last night’s workout had damped it, but not enough, not right now when it was a burning distraction that he did not need.
“Love—” Edge began but the call disconnected. He looked at his phone a long moment, trying to decide whether or not to call back. Finally, he decided against it, tossing his phone carelessly to the side of his desk to bury his face in his gloved hands. He was forced to bite back a yelp at the pressure against his bruises, reluctantly scooping up the melting bag of ice and pressing it to his face.
Damn it all, that hadn’t gone how he’d hoped. He should have known better; Stretch was caught in a kaleidoscope of tense emotions from waiting on Alphys’s tests as it was. All his nerves were as sharp as broken glass, tumbling together in chaos; adding Edge’s problems in was only making it worse.
He shouldn’t have come in to work, sourly thanking hindsight for that much. There was plenty that needed done but working from home would have been a better choice. He would have if he’d realized exactly how much Stretch was struggling on top of how unexpectedly hard he was taking what Edge saw as merely a bruise. He was learning, too late, that in this Universe people took this sort of injury very seriously.
Thoughtless of him; he would have reacted the same if he saw Stretch or Janice with such a bruise and he’d been in this ‘verse long enough to know better.
Well, if nothing else, he could count on work as a distraction. Dragging the folder back over, Edge began working his way through the briefs. The tedium was almost like meditation. His soul slowly settled, his riled LV reluctantly easing back its grip.
Some time later, his phone chimed, but Edge ignored it. He was just settling down; the last thing he needed was a chat with Red to stir things back up again. He drank his coffee and did his job, and his bruised face didn’t hurt, but there was a headache starting to form right between his sockets.
This was going to be a long day.
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can you please do this prompt for lumax? “My biggest fear is drunkenly saying something I wasn’t supposed to say.” “Oh, like last night?” “…What?” xxxxxxxx
Okay! So this took me really long time to write and I am sorry about that! Also its painfully fluffy. Like so bad?? So be careful before diving into this one unless you actually want a toothache.
Also! I don’t write fluff very often so i’m not sure if its my best work, but I like it and think its fun, and I hope you do too!
Its bright. It’s so god damn bright. Why the hell is it so god damn bright!?
Max turns over in her bed to hide from the sun shining through her window. When she does, her head pounds against her skull and she groans. Her hand reaches out and feels cool hardwood floor, not the soft fabric of her sheets. So she groans again. It feels like she got hit by a bus, and now she was dying on someones floor. Great.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” A cherry voiced came from above. Max turned and opened an eye to see El’s blurry smiling face come into focus.
The night before slowly came back to her, bit by bit.
The party invite no one was expecting. Getting ready with El at her house. Showing up when the party was in full swing. Shitty music. Shitty people. Shitty booze. And then… nothing.
“El? Why do I feel like i’m dying?” Max’s voice was hoarse and shaky.
“Because you got super wasted last night, and refused to drink any water or eat anything.” El smirked. Her voice was quiet even if it sounded like screaming to a very hungover max, and she was already dressed for the day. How long has Max been sleeping?
“I did? I honestly don’t remember anything after you and Mike went into the basement.” Max grimaced, moving to sit up and squinting tightly as her head pounded even harder.
“Holy shit dude, you don’t remember anything? I guess that makes sense. I came upstairs and found you competitively taking shots with a group of cheerleaders. It was curtains from there.” El laughed.
“God, cheerleaders? Did I win at least?”
“Yeah you kicked their asses, but then you threw up and Lucas took you outside.”
“Ugh I feel like shit.” Max thought back on the bright red colors liquid everyone had been drinking all night. It tasted like pure sugar, and she was positive that that had been what pushed her over the line. Just the thought was enough to make her stomach churn.
“I’ll bet, but you need to put some pants on.” El said with a grin and stood up. “We are meeting the boys for breakfast.”
Max groaned for the hundredth time, but begrudgingly slipped on her jeans from the night before and borrowed one of El’s sweaters. She may have felt like complete garbage, but some greasy food just might make it all better.
Hopper dropped them off at Benny’s, and they saw the boys sitting and laughing at a table as soon as they walked in.
The guys had all crashed at Mike’s house (because he had a basement they could hide how drunk they were in) and Lucas hard driven them all over. Mike looked pretty much normal, his hair was a bit messier than usual but El actually thought it was kind of cute, so she sat next to him and ran a hand through it. Will looked perfectly fine, but knowing him, he probably didn’t actually drink anything anyway. Dustin looked just as bad as Max felt. He had his hat pulled low over his face, and his shirt had a few red juice stains on the collar from his inevitable spilling the night before.
Max took her seat next to Lucas, who had been the designated driver. He only had one beer that he sipped all night, and the kid held his liquor pretty well anyway.
As the others chatted amongst themselves and looked over the menus, Lucas and Max slumped back against the soft vinyl booth behind them. Max liked the way the warm sun beat down on her neck, it helped subdue the chills that kept sweeping over her arms and the bile bubbling in her stomach.
“Hey there party animal.” Lucas smirked at her. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better.” She sighed. “I actually blacked out. It’s pretty embarrassing.” Max grimaced, sipping Lucas’s glass of water.
“You blacked out? That’s not good. Like you don’t remember anything at all?” He wore a look of strange disappointment that Max couldn’t quite place.
“Nope. The last thing I remember is Mike and El walking downstairs… and I have like a really vague memory of Dustin dancing on a table.”
“Yeah that happened alright.”
“I hope I didn’t do anything dumb like that. My biggest fear is like… drunkenly saying something I shouldn’t have.” Max chuckled. She looked up to see Lucas staring back at her with a wry grin and wide eyes.
“You mean like last night?” Lucas chuckled back.
“What!?” Max hissed, dread instantly knotting itself in her gut. What if she told someone about the Mind Flayer? Or El’s powers? Or got into a fight with someone? She was panicking. “What did I say?”
“Oh I don’t know…” Lucas smirked, looking at his nails nonchalantly.
“Lucas Sinclair, you tell me what I said right now!” Her voice was a harsh whisper, if she really had said something embarrassing, she didn’t want the others to hear. They were all too busy lost in their own reminiscence of the night before to hear anyway, but she wasn’t taking chances.
“You really want to know?” Lucas teased.
“Yes you ass, tell me.”
“Okay okay fine. So basically, after you threw up, I took you outside for some fresh air. We walked to the edge of the yard and sat on this little bench. You were going on and on and on about El, and how much you loved her, and how much you loved all of us but mostly it was about El. I mean mostly it was nonsense, but the parts that were actually English were about that. You get really sappy when you are drunk.”
“That’s it? I mean, that’s kind of lame, but it isn’t exactly a secret.”
“Oh no, that was only the beginning. After we sat for a little while, you asked me if I could keep a secret from Lucas.”
“I asked if you if you could keep a secret from yourself?”
“Yeah, and obviously I said yes. I was worried you were going to say you had cheated on me or something crazy like that-”
“Why would you ever think that? I would never do something like that!”
“I know I know, but it was weird that you forgot you were with me, and you were talking about me so cut me some slack.”
“Okay fair. Continue.”
“So I said yes, I can can keep a secret from Lucas, and then you went on to tell me.” He blushed a bit, and smiled. “You kinda… sorta… told me that you loved me. Like a lot. So much that you started crying.”
Max stared back at him in stunned silence with wide eyes. They had admitted they ‘loved’ each other a couple of years ago, when high school started, but it wasn’t something they said often. It was kind of an unspoken truth that they both just knew.
“That’s…. That’s pretty embarrassing but I mean… it’s still not a secret.” She tapped nervously on the table, becoming more aware that he wasn’t finished.
“Yeah I know, but it was kind of funny to see you all teary eyed and swooning about me like I wasn’t even there.” He chuckled. “And then, you continued and told me that you wanted to run away with me and uh… get married and live in California.”
This time Lucas was the one who looked bashful. In all honesty, she had thought about those things with Lucas. She never ever thought she would fall in love, or want to be somebody’s spouse one day, but here she was. It wasn’t serious, and she didn’t want it to be anytime soon, but it was something she thought about. Obviously drunk Max thought it was more pressing than sober Max.
“Oh…” She said, turning pinker by the minute. Lucas was still smiling, but he had to think she was a freak now. He just had to. “I’m… um sorry I said all that.”
“Did you mean it? Do you want to like… be together forever?” Lucas suddenly turned serious, he looked directly into her eyes and held her hand lightly.
She bit her lip, not wanting to lie, but also not wanting to freak him out more than he probably already was. “I mean… Yeah. Of course I do. We don’t need to like… get married or anything crazy like that but… you are my best friend and I love you so…”
His face shifted back into a massive grin, from ear to ear. “Aww, Max, you totally love me. You wanna be Mrs. Sinclair one day, that’s so sweet.” He teased, pinching her cheeks and gushing.
She giggled and rolled her eyes, swatting his hands off of her face. “Or maybe I want you to be Mr. Mayfield.” She jabbed a finger at his chest. “And you totally love me back, which is super lame.”
“Oh just admit it.”
“Admit what?” El asked from the other end of the table. Clearly everyone had stopped chatting and tuned in on their conversation at exactly the wrong moment.
“Nothing!” Max said quickly.
“Admit that she wants to marry me.” Lucas sung, fluttering his eye lashes and dramatically clasping his hand to his chest.
“God! I do not, shut up.” Max shoved him playfully and blushed even harder, if that was possible.
The rest of the group stared at them like they were crazy (aside from El and Will who added to the embarrassment with a collective ‘Awwwww’), but it was kind of sweet. Max didn’t let herself be very sentimental or romantic, even when she wanted to be. It was nice to see that somehow drunk Max had gotten her feelings out in the open, even if it was disgusting.
“I think i’m going to throw up again.” Dustin said completely deadpan, with his head still in his arms resting on the table.
Everyone paused, not knowing if he was serious or not. Then he lifted his head and had that signature Dustin grin that only meant he was joking, and he laughed. Laughed hard. So hard that it made the others start laughing too. Soon they all snorted and wheezed, and slapped their hands on the table and made a real ruckus in the middle of Benny’s at 10:30 in the morning.
Max was relieved that no one seemed to care too much about her embarrassing admission, because truthfully, she meant it. Every word. She turned to see Lucas chuckling beside her with that big dopey grin, and her heart twisted.
She wanted to spend the rest of her life with that dorky little Stalker. It was a plan she made then and there, silently, while she laughed with her friends, that they all belonged together. Every last one of them, and she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with her favorite people in the world. Drunk Max obviously knew it to be the case, so maybe it was time for sober Max to own up to it. She loved them, this little band of misfits, with her whole heart. Apparently so much that she cried.
And she couldn’t wait to marry her dorky, nerdy, totally a loser, painfully sweet, adorable, dweeb of a boyfriend.
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qredence · 7 years
Hi hello here is another Drarry fam scenario for you: Harry and Draco taking the kids to meet the Dursleys. Pls I need to know how this would go!!
whoever you are, you’re an angel and i love you for sending me stuff like this.
this started out as just bulletpoints but somehow became an entire fic, oops .
In a perfect world, this would never come up. They could raise their girls and baby son without so much as a thought toward those wretched people who somehow both tainted and purified Harry’s childhood - in fact, once he’d married and moved away, he hardly thought about them anymore. Perhaps it’s because he’s actually happy, instead of living in a state of misery so constant that he hardly recognizes the melancholic limbo anymore - it just seems like life, in all its inevitable glory.
Unfortunately, the world is far from perfect. And truthfully, he’d never successfully fooled himself into thinking it was; but his face still manages to fall when the owl drops him a letter from an address burned into the back of his mind, as the stinging familiarity nearly causes him physical pain.
Draco had eyed him from across the table where they’d been having their breakfast. The children weren’t yet awake and the house was filled with the pleasant silence that, especially since Severus was born, had become quite a rare treasure.
“Why do you look like you’ve pricked your finger?” The older man asks, setting his mug down into the table while his face contorts with concern.
Harry debates telling the full truth. He knows how Draco feels about his last drop of blood on this earth, of course prior to the births of their children - but he can’t quite gauge how his husband will react to knowing they’ve reached out. The basis of his knowledge is that it will be bad, but how bad isn’t quite fathomable, yet.
Sighing, he figures he’s wasted enough time brooding. “Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon sent us a letter.”
Dead silence. Several emotions phase across Draco’s countenance over the course of a few seconds - shock, disgust, anger, and curiosity; in this exact order. Harry finds some amusement in his spouse’s expressiveness, which drains just a fraction of the tension the mere presence of the envelope brings.
“How did those filthy muggles find my house?” Asks the blonde, eyes narrowed nearly to slits, “And why did they assume they have some sort of privilege to speak to you? Throw it in the fireplace.”
“Draco, no,” Harry rolls his eyes, stirring the last corner of his tea absentmindedly, “they may be rotten, but they’re still my family. I should at least see what they’ve got to say.”
A thousand ways to ask why are ready at Draco’s tongue like ammunition, but he only leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Alright, fine, whatever. If they had the gall to write something snarky, I’ll go all the way to their pathetic little house and hex them all. Especially the son.”
With that, the Healer’s tall and elegant form rises from his seat, gathering both their empty mugs to place in the sink for later cleaning. Harry mumbles his gratitude for his husband’s taking his mug for him, but the most of his focus has now centered on prying open the thick envelope.
It only takes a few moments, the letter itself unfolding near instantly upon its removal from the paper pouch.
Silence comes again, and Draco stands at the sink, facing away from Harry but listening carefully for any groans or grunts of discomfort. When nothing follows after a few minutes, the gray-eyed of the two turns and lets his impatience best him. “Well? What does it say?”
“Quite curious for someone who said to throw it in the fireplace,” teases Harry, all while Draco nears him and places his hands on his shoulders, leaning over his chair to see the parchment.
“Shut up, Potter,” orders the blonde, though his arms are sure to wrap dotingly around his husband’s shoulders. The Auror leans back into him before starting to explain.
“They want us to visit.”
Harry can almost feel the Healer’s eyes widen, especially once his voice comes in a scoff.
“My children? Setting foot in that rat’s nest of a house? I didn’t realize the Deadbeats had taken up comedy now.”
“Dursleys,” corrects Harry, though he knows Draco is already aware, “and they seem serious. They want to meet the girls - it seems they don’t know about Severus, yet.” To his own surprise, Harry manages to feel a little guilty for keeping his only family in the dark about his life. The only reason they knew of the girls was because years ago, Dudley had happened to run into Harry on the London streets, when Alba was no older than a few months and Lucy had just turned four. Looking back, he thanks God that Draco hadn’t been with him because that pleasant little exchange would have gone far worse, considering the Healer’s defensiveness over his husband.
Which, really, is very cute.
Harry thinks maybe it’s tied to Draco’s remorse for treating him less than cordially for most of their school lives, but he’s never actually asked about it - it’s an unspoken thing between them, for the most part. Harry is just as protective.
“They don’t need to know anything about us,” Draco says coldly, in contrast to the warmth with which he still embraces Harry from behind, “I was living my life just fine before they’d decided to butt their crusty little noses into my business.”
“Come now, Draco,” Harry starts, sighing a little. The addressed releases him, then, sitting on the edge of the table to face him.
“You actually want to meet with them?”
“No,” Harry answers truthfully, adjusting his glasses, “But, I feel like we should. It’s just one meeting … they really haven’t seen the kids at all, and Lucy’s six, now. They’re still family, Draco. If something goes awry, we can always leave.”
Plump lips are pursed for quite a while, until the blonde opens his mouth to speak - but is cut off by loud cries from upstairs, which signify that the youngest of their offspring has woken up.
Both of them stand, heading to the staircase almost immediately.
“Alright, Potter … but don’t think I’ll hesitate to hex them if I see it necessary.”
The baby pink ribbons tie neatly into the sea of dark hair, which Draco had managed to tame into two plaits, draping delicately over the girl’s tiny shoulders. His hand raises to smooth some of her fringe away from her eyes, which look just like his, albeit bigger and far more innocent, and he smiles as she tries to stretch up to see herself in the mirror.
“You look beautiful, love, no need to fret.”
A small giggle comes from her sweet throat, which only ever seemed to speak words of love and purity. He cups her face, leaning down to kiss her forehead before getting to his feet to check on the eldest, who insists now on dressing herself.
Upon entering her bedroom, he sees she’s chosen a light blue dress, and mostly has the mechanics of her ensemble figured out. He smiles dearly at this - but upon noticing the worry etched into her face, he frowns.
“Lucy, dear, what’s wrong?”
The child looks up almost instantly, rubbing at her eyes out of habit before shrugging her shoulders. “I’m scared …”
“Why are you scared?” Asks Draco, sitting on the edge of the bed where she faces away from him.
“Because …” he watches her struggle to find the words, forgetting for a moment that a child’s mind works a lot differently than an adult’s, “Papa said these people were mean to him, Daddy. I remember we met his cousin Dudley a long time ago, and Papa said he didn’t like him very much because he was mean. What if they’re mean to us? Or what if they’re still mean to him?
“They won’t be,” assures the parent, scooting closer to the little girl, “it’s been a long time since Dudley has been mean to your Papa. He’s grown up, now, the both of them are - so he’s probably grown out of it. But even if he hasn’t, don’t worry. I won’t let them be mean to any of us.”
Lucy hesitates, running her delicate little fingers along the white ribbon in her hands. Once she seems to have thought about it enough, she turns and wraps her arms around her father, exhaling the last of her troubled sighs. “Okay, Daddy.”
Leaning down, he kisses the top of her head. “That’s right, angel, don’t worry about it. Now, do you want help putting that ribbon in your hair?”
The quaint little house where Harry had spent the first eleven years of his life seems not to have changed at all. He nearly gets chills walking up to the front door, but holds his composure - mostly because Severus has dozed off in his arms.
Draco takes acute notice of this and gently swats Harry’s hand away when he goes to move, reaching forward to ring the doorbell himself so that the resting baby could enjoy a few more moments of peace.
It barely takes thirty seconds for the tumblers to start turning and the threshold to eventually be opened - and there stands Petunia; age apparent on her characteristically vigilant features as she emerges from the amber glow inside the house. She seems to light up once she notices who’s there, but Harry can tell it’s not entirely genuine.
“Well, hello! Welcome back, Harry, it’s so nice to see you after all these years,” she chirps, moving aside to widen the space the family of five has to enter.
The quintet moves swiftly to beat the autumn chill, Draco ushering the girls in first, then allowing Harry and Severus to enter before he trails behind, eyeing Petunia warily.
She falters for a moment, but appears to brush it off. “Alright, alright - don’t you all look lovely? Especially these two princesses down here,” greets the woman, smiling too widely at the sisters. Alba giggles happily and shouts a grateful ‘thank you!’, while Lucy smiles politely and bows her head.
The staircase shakes, and Harry figures Vernon has caught unto the commotion, and is on his way to greet the guests. Similarly, Dudley and his wife appear from around the corner.
Green eyes dart toward Draco, who seems as though he’s straining himself to mute his distaste. Their eyes meet, and the Healer sighs through his nostrils, attempting to smile in light of Petunia’s compliment toward their daughters.
“Thank you, Mrs. Dursley. That’s kind of you to say.”
“Really, I mean it. They’re beautiful - and they look so much like the both of you.” She almost sounds confused as she says this, and Harry thinks to explain how, biologically, that is possible - but he enjoys her bemusement and figures to leave it a mystery.
It’s then, Petunia’s eyes fall onto little Severus, who still sits asleep in Harry’s arms.
“Ohhh, look at this one! Isn’t he adorable?”
Her squealing wakes the infant, and Harry rushes to pat himself down for the pacifier, knowing that the child is due to burst into tears any moment. Just as Severus opens his mouth to wail, Draco comes to the rescue, popping the semi-opaque piece of silicone into the threatening orifice.
“Ah, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon,” Harry starts, noticing they’ve all gathered ‘round, “and Dudley, of course - this is my family. My husband Draco, and our three children; Lucy, Alba, and Severus.”
With the name ‘Severus’, Petunia appears to flinch. But she keeps her lips sealed on the matter, smiling as she offers her best homemaker’s greeting. Vernon, however, stares blankly at them prior to offering a dry nod. The most genuine reaction, surprisingly, is from Dudley.
“Well, isn’t this quite a family?” He remarks, stepping ahead of his parents, dragging his wife along with him. She smiles shyly at Harry, and even Draco, looking as though she’d rather be anywhere else in the world. “I’ll be damned, Cousin, you’ve really managed to do well for yourself. Your kids actually look pretty normal.”
Draco’s jaw clenches, and Harry subtly clasps an arm around him to remind him to behave. He’s only teasing, after all.
Still, Draco smiles in an annoyed way and lets his sharp tongue loose, albeit with mercy. “You ought not to swear in front of children so young, Dudley - you wouldn’t want to be a poor influence, now would you? Surely your mother taught you that?”
Petunia seems startled at the unexpected mention, and clears her throat. “Of course, it was just a slip of the tongue, wasn’t it dear? Now, I’ve made some hors d'œuvres for us to enjoy while we catch up. Dudley, if you and Emma will help me in the kitchen? The rest of you go on and get comfortable, we’ll be back!”
Getting ‘comfortable’ would be quite the task, but Harry would be a liar if he’d said he didn’t want to sit down. Vernon guides them over to the sitting area, where Lucy scrambles to sit next to Draco, and Alba seems to be the only one genuinely happy to be here. Of course, she’s just a happy child - perhaps Harry could learn something from her.
“So, boy,” starts Vernon, settling onto the couch facing toward the furnace, “two daughters and a son, eh? How old?”
Surprised by the pleasantness of that question, Harry doesn’t hesitate beyond a few seconds to answer. “Well, Lucy is oldest. Lucy, would you like to tell your granduncle how old you are?”
The little blonde is curled up against Draco, a worried look again present across her fragile countenance as she stammers. “I-I’m … six, Mr. Dursley.”
“Six, are you? Come now, Lucy, you don’t have to call me Mister - Uncle Vernon is fine. We’re … family, after all.”
Lucy purses her lips, looking away - and Vernon seems to be waiting for her to say something before he’s scared half to death by Alba’s sudden shouting.
“I’m two, Uncle Vernon!”
“Are you?” he laughs almost nervously as he recovers, the outgoing young girl nodding energetically as she swings her legs over the edge of the sofa. “That’s wonderful.”
Harry smiles at Alba, though gently encourages her to lower her voice. “There’s no need to shout, Love. We’re all right here, okay? Let’s use our inside voices.”
Draco manages a smile, too, mindlessly running his fingers through Lucy’s hair and remaining quiet, for the time being.
“And last but not least,” Harry prefaces, sitting the baby up on his lap, “This is Severus. He’s about half a year old, now.”
“Severus, huh?” Vernon rubs his stubbled chin, as the name tastes eerily familiar on his tongue.
“Yes,” Harry explains, noticing Petunia listening from the kitchen doorway out the corner of his eye, “he’s named after one of the greatest professors Hogwarts has ever known, whose sacrifice ultimately made his birth possible.” His eyes slowly meet their corners again, as Petunia’s shadow disappears.
“They’re all named for something or someone,” Draco finally chooses to speak, and Harry feels relieved that he won’t have to do all the talking. “Lucy for my father, and Alba for Dumbledore. You know who that is, don’t you, Mr. Dursley?”
It almost sounds threatening, the way Draco asks him. Vernon swallows tight in his throat and nods. “Yes, I do.”
At this point, Petunia and her helpers re-enter the scene with two trays of deviled eggs, which are set carefully on the glass coffee table. Dudley sits beside his father, and his wife, apparently named Emma, sits beside him. Petunia chooses the armchair closest to Harry, where Severus stares at her.
“So - Draco, yes? We’ve hardly heard anything about you. How did you and Harry meet?”
Draco eyes her as though she’d asked him for all the money to his name. Licking his lips, he obliges her with an answer. “School. We were in the same year at Hogwarts.”
“Oh, really? So you were friends?”
Before Draco can answer, Alba chimes in, “Daddy says that he and Papa didn’t play nice for a long, long time because Daddy had a big crush on him but he didn’t know what to do.”
Harry bursts into laughter, and so does Dudley, while Draco’s face reddens. “That’s a fairly abridged account, but technically, yes, that’s accurate.”
Petunia smiles. “Oh, I see. Forgive me for being so surprised, I was expecting Harry to end up with someone a little more … reserved.”
“Nah, cousin needs someone to whip him into shape. I like this chap he’s ended up with, looks like he keeps his back straight.”
Draco’s head tilts, eyes filled with anger and Harry deliberately cuts him off before he can start speaking, “Well, opposites attract, as they say. We’ve been married about eight years, now, so something’s working.”
“Yes, I must say, Harry - I’m pleasantly surprised that you’ve got such a lovely family. I hadn’t been expecting-”
“You weren’t expecting anything, were you?” Draco snaps, standing suddenly from where he’d been seated, startling Lucy. “You never expected anything from him. You kept him locked up in a damn closet and fed him the scraps off your plates until you felt 'generous’ enough to lend him a spare bedroom, only to lock him up there, too. And now you have the nerve to be surprised that he’s done well without you. I’m almost thankful you treated him the way you did, because surely your piss-poor behavior showed him how to be a decent person, and showed him how to never treat our children. You sit here and laugh at him and consciously insult him under your backhanded compliments - I’m sick of sitting here, listening to it. You want to know the story? I treated him a lot like you did when I first met him. But I realized that I was wrong, and made up for what I did - I’m still making up for it, honestly. But you - you haven’t learned anything, have you? You’re all pathetic, and I loathe that my children have to share a drop of your toxic blood. Goodnight.”
Draco gathers the children, including Severus, whom he plucks off Harry’s lap with little protest, and disapparates. The Dursleys sit in shock, stunned by Draco’s outburst, and Harry sighs, looking at them pitifully.
“Next time you want an update on my life, or are in the mood to pretend as if you care …” he grabs his jacket, throwing it over his shoulder, “just ask for pictures, okay?”
And with that, he follows Draco home.
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dcndelicn · 4 years
cadence and carlos visit her ex in jail
britt Cadence was anxious about seeing her ex but grateful that carlos was going with her. Her nerves on top of the baby were making her uncomfortable. Carlos parked and Cadence got out and waited for him, her nerves making her impatient. Once he got out, she grabbed his hand, “Thanks for coming with me.” 
tess Carlos wasn't looking forward to this meeting. He didn't know how it would effect Cadence to see the man who attacked her, multiple times. But she felt she needed to do it, so Carlos was just glad she let him come with her. At least then if she or the baby had any sort of distress he would be there to address it. "Thanks for letting me come. Are you sure you want to do this? Its not too late to just go back home."
britt She nodded her head, “Yeah, I’m sure. I need to close this chapter of my life. Permanently. It’s not as simple as hey he’s in jail it’s over.” She spoke softly, resting her head on his shoulder. “Maybe when we get home we can eat ice cream and you’ll let me give you a massage for once because you my dear need one more than I do.”
tess He sighed nodding his head. "Okay. If this is what you need to do to move forward, then I support you." He said, wrapping his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. He nodded his head in agreement, opening the door to the prison for her. "I think I just might let you do that. " He smiled.
britt “Thank you. It means a lot. I know it’s not really something you pictured yourself doing. It’s not something most spouses would probably do at all knowing that it could potentially have a negative impact on the other.” She smiled, walking inside. “Thank you. You better let me. You spoil me, let me spoil you.”
tess "I just worry about what he's going to say. This is about you getting closure, and I don't want him to say anything that would make that not happen." He said, shrugging.  He followed her inside the building, nodding his head. "I like spoiling people, but I suppose I could share in the fun." He smiled.
britt “I’ll be ok. If I’m not, then i will end up being ok.” She assured with a smile. She walked inside as the security guard patted her. She grinned, “You better. It’s nice to get spoiled.”
tess "Just promise me if you aren't okay you'll tell me. And if he starts getting nasty or inappropriate you shouldn't stay and listen to it or give him the satisfaction. He let out a laugh, nodding his head as he took the keys out of his pocket, and let the guard pat him down as well. "Okay, and after this we both get spoiled by going out to dinner."
britt “I promise. I love you for wanting to always protect me. Thank you.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. She let out a squeal, “I’m down for dinner. I ate like 2 hours ago but I am starving.”  She said, taking a quick glance around as she waited for him.
tess "Husband, best friend, protector, they are titles I wear proudly." He said, smiling. It was weird to carlos being in a prison, and definitely not what he had pictured.  "Thats because you're eating for two. What are you craving tonight? Or should we just do buffet to be safe?" He said letting out a small laugh as he followed Cadence and the security guard.
britt “You know, I could say the same. Wife, mom, best friend. I’m pretty proud to wear those titles. Wife is probably my favorite.” She smiled. She laughed, nudging him gently, “Buffet sounds amazing.” She said, following the security guard. When they got to his visitation area, Cadence reached for Carlos’ hand, as more of a confirmation that he was still there.
tess Carlos smiled, nodding his head, "I think mom will be your favorite once the little one is here." Carlos like the buffet because if Cadence was craving something, they would likely have it. He liked to keep her happy, especially with all the hormones racing through her that came with being pregnant. Carlos squeezed her hand when she reached for it, "I'll be right here. Just say the word and we go."
britt “Probably. Same for you though. Although father should be your favorite now.” She smiled. She loved when he spoiled her. Truthfully, she loved his presence more. He squeezed her hand and she felt herself relax as they approached Jake. “Hi.” She said sitting down and Jake grinned. ”I didnt think you’d come.”
tess "Its a pretty great one." He said laughing.  Carlos didn't sit down, but instead stood beside her, holding her hand. He wasn't going to give the man the respect of looking into his eyes. His body was tense as he spoke, his smile  making carlos want to wipe it right off his face.
britt ”You brought your body guard” He stated and Cadence rolled her eyes. “Husband but yes.” She tugged at Carlos’ hand, letting him know it was ok to sit down. Jake chuckled looking up at Carlos then smirked. ”He married you? Even though you slept with my friend and got paid for it?” Cadence shook her head, tears already pooling in her eyes. There were things she didnt want to think about in terms of their relationship and that was one of them. “You’re failing to mention the part where you told me to once before and I said no so you beat the shit out of me and put me in a coma for a week so yes, I got paid to sleep with your best friend because I was scared shitless about saying no.”
tess Carlos shook his head as she tugged his hand, he didn't want to be sitting down. Hearing Jakes voice made him angry and the way he talked about Cadence disgusted him. He knew his wife and he knew that she wasn't  the woman he was attempting to paint her as. He jaw tensed when Cadence said that he beat her up for saying no. He wasn't usually a violent guy but Carlos wished he could knock his teeth out right there.
britt ”What was going through your head that night?” Cadence chewed her lip as she thought over his question. Jake grew impatient and slammed his handcuffed wrists on the metal table which caused Cadence to jump. “I um...I thought about how I wouldnt get to marry him..” She said nodding in Carlos’ direction. “That I wouldnt get to meet my grandkids, that my daughter would lose another mom and I’d be damned if I let that happen.” He smirked, nodding his head. “I try to forget but it’s hard because I’m reminded every day.” He shrugged his shoulders. ”Good.”
tess Hearing the metal clang together starled Carlos and his hand instincively reached out between Cadence and Jake, in protection. He let out a sigh at Cadence's words, knowing that he too was scared of loosing Cadence that night. He hated that she was reminded of the pain of that night every day, but he hoped that talking to him would help ease that a little.
britt Cadence smiled, looking up at Carlos then back at Jake. “I think one thing I’ll always think about is when we were at my parents and I told them about something incredibly stupid you did and you took me into the bathroom and choked me. In the same house as my parents. That was ballsy.” He chuckled then looked up at Carlos. ”She ever do shit like that to you?”
tess Carlos let out another sigh, there was so much that this man had done to her that he didn’t know, and each new thing made him feel angrier and sadder for Cadence. “A real man doesn’t ever put his hands on a woman. Ever. You’ve never been one of those though.” He said through gritted teeth.
britt Cadence sighed, “A real man doesn’t lock his girlfriend out of the house and let her sleep in the cold but he did so.” Jake shrugged his shoulders, ”You should have kept your phone charged.” Cadence wiped a fresh tear away, “What did I do? For you to do to me what you did. Because if I did something to piss you off I’m sorry. I mean, I shouldnt be sorry but..” Her voice trailed off and she shrugged her shoulders.  ”You were easy. You trusted me. What made you decide to leave?” Cadence didnt bother to hide the tears streaming down her cheeks, “I was 15. I’d have probably trusted anybody. Uhh....that second hospital visit. I realized after that, at almost 30 years old, that what you did to me, was not what I deserved. I gave you years of my life that I’ll never get back.” She looked up at Carlos then back at Jake, “But I thank you because I dont think if that visit hadnt happened, I wouldnt have gotten the courage to end things and if I hadnt ended things, I wouldnt have met Carlos and if I hadnt met Carlos, I wouldnt be the happiest I’ve been in a long time so again, I say thank you.”
tess Carlos sighed, shaking his head. When Cadence said she was sorry, Carlos frowned shaking his head, as if to tell her that it was NOT her fault. He listened as Cadence continued talking to him. He knew she needed answers to these questions, even if she might have already known them. Carlos smiled when she looked up at him, before looking at Jake. Hoping that maybe the asshole would feel some guilt, or at least hoping for a way to rub it in his face that Cadence was thriving without him.
britt ”So you’re happier now?” He asked and Cadence nodded. “Yes but it’s more like I’m finally happy. I dont have to watch what I say, what I do. I’m having a baby with a man who loves me so I’d say I’m pretty darn happy and like I said, I have you to thank for that because you taught me that I deserved so much more than what I got being with you. With him, I got a whole family and I know what it is to be loved and I couldnt ask for anything better than that so like I already said, I thank you. For showing me that I deserve better.” Jake shook his head, ”What happens when he cheats on you?” Cadence raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh, “I can assure you he wont and if he did, he wouldnt beat me for confronting him about it either. Maybe you’re incapable of love so you dont know what that word means but I am happy to inform you that it is the greatest feeling in the world and I pity that you will never be able to experience it.”
tess Carlos smiled at Cadence, and he gave jake a smirk. He laughed when the man asked what would happen when he cheats, shaking his head. “We’re both fully satisfied in that department. I’d never cheat.” Carlos was proud of Cadence for finally saying what she needed to to him. He didn’t feel any sympathy for Jake though. Jake deserves every punishment he got.
britt Cadence took a deep breath, nodding her head. “Ok, I’m content. I said everything I needed to and I needed you to see that you didnt break me, so for that, I’m sorry to burst your bubble. But I’m happy and I will forever pity you.” That wasnt what Jake was expecting and he was caught off guard. ”So what? We’re done?” The look on his face caused a smile to form on her face.  “I said everything I needed to so yeah we are.” Jake nodded, ”Cadence, I’m sorry that I was unable to kill you.” Cadence felt her throat tighten and nodded her head, “Yeah, I am too.” She spoke softly and stood up from the chair. “I have nothing more to say to you other than you tried to break me but you failed and you’re stuck here.” He smirked, ”You know, it would certainly be a shame if something happened to you or your family out there.” Cadence raised an eyebrow before letting out a laugh. “You know, if you still had friends, I’d actually be kind of terrified but you dont so I’m not. You try anything with my family though, and I will end you. Personally.”
tess Carlos let out a sigh of relief that they were finally about to be done with this asshole. When he said he was sorry for not being able to kill Cadence, Carlos body tensed up again with anger, but he stayed where he was, holding Cadence's hand. He smirked at Jake raising an eyebrow when Cadence said she would end him personally. She'd taken all the power from Jake, and he knew it. "If we ever see your face again, you will be dying. I promise that too. I happen to be very good with a scalpel. " Carlos said shrugging and tugging on Cadence's hand so they could leave.
britt A small smile graced her features, listening to Carlos. She was relieved when he tugged her hand and they could go and she got out of the chair and pulled on his hand, walking out of the room. Once down the hallway, she let out a sigh, “Thanks again for coming with me.”
tess Once they were far away from Jake and Cadence spoke, Carlos let out a sigh, letting himself relax a bit. "Of course. I hope it gave you everything you were hoping it would." He said. He couldn't wait till they were out of the building and far away. "I'm sorry you can't join me, but I really could use a drink after that." He said chuckling.
britt She nodded her head, “It did. I feel...better.” She let out a laugh, heading towards the door. “Go for it. Have one. Have several.” She responded with a smirk. “I’m sorry you had to hear some of that..”
tess He smiled, kissing her cheek, "I'm glad. Now we don't ever have to come back here." He laughed smiling when she said he could have a drink, letting out a sigh "I wish I'd have been a little better prepared, but I want to know. I need to know when something could be triggering for you so that I can be careful not to do it."
britt “Thank goodness. I dont think my mental state could handle it. I almost had a mental break down.” She chuckled then shrugged, “I should have told you. I’m sorry. Triggers are...not important. What else do you wanna know?”
tess "Really?" He asked, surprised when she said she almost had a mental breakdown, "Well it didn't show. You seemed completely cool and confident and I'm proud of you for facing your demon." When she said they weren't important, he sighed and shook his head. "Yes they are. You're my wife, I want you to always feel comfortable in our home and safe. "
britt “Yeah. I just kept telling myself that I’d have someone to go home to afterwards. Someone that makes me feel safe.” When he said he was proud of her, she smiled. “Thank you. That means a lot.” She let out a sigh and nodded her head. “Alright but you cant treat me like I’m a baby or that I’ll break ok?” She asked then chewed her lower lip. “Um, certain tones and certain sounds like metal clanking together and certain grips on my wrists. What else do you wanna know?”
tess "Well of course you do. I'm glad I make you feel safe though." He smiled, nodding his head. "I won't treat you like a baby, I promise. I mean, I'm gonna baby you a little bit, but thats because you're pregnant, not because of any of this." He said, giving her a soft smile. He nodded his head as she spoke, letting out a sigh. "Okay, I'll try and remember that. I mean I don't know? I can't ask about what I don't know about."
britt “I feel like I dont say it enough but I’m grateful for you.” She spoke softly. “Thank you. I dont mind you babying me because I’m pregnant.” She chewed her lower lip, “I should have better prepared you but I wasnt sure what would even come up. He did put me in a coma for a week.”
tess Carlos smiled and shook his head, "You say it all the time, my love. I'm greatful for you too."  He laughed, nodding his head, "Good, because its an area where I'm kind of stubborn."  Carlos winced when she said he put her in a coma for a week, "I'm sorry he did that. I promise I will never put you in a coma."
britt “I just dont want you ever thinking I take you for granted.” She shrugged. “Oh, I know, believe me.” She laughed. “I know you wouldnt. I uh...also didnt sleep with his friend willingly. It was kind of...forced upon me. I just dont um...want you seeing me differently.”
tess "I don't feel taken for granted. I feel very much loved and appreciated. You feel the same I hope?" He smiled, letting out a laugh and looking down for a second when she said she knew how stubborn he could be. "Cadence nothing in your past will make me see you differently. I know you were in a situation where your life was at stake. Even if it was willingly It wouldn't bother me. I may have only been in love with 2 women, that doesn't mean I've only been with two women, and I know that doesn't matter either. I love you for who you are now. The strong woman who just looked into the face of the man who almost killed her and didn't show him an ounce of fear. "
britt “Good. I’m glad to hear that. I feel very loved and appreciated. You show me everyday.” She smiled. She was grateful that he still loved her despite what he heard. He believed in her so much and it meant more to her than she could put into words. His words brought tears to her eyes, “I’m only strong because you help me to be.”
tess Carlos grinned, “well that’s my goal, and I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life.” He smiled, opening the car door for Cadence, “Hey, don’t cry. You are strong because you are you. I’m not taking credit for that. I wouldn’t have been able to deal with what you did.”
britt “You do good work.” She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “I dont mean to cry but I mean it. You helped me to become this person I am today. Honestly, if it werent for you, I dont think I would have had the strength to make it through that night but I did because I didnt want you or Laurel to lose someone else that you love.”
tess Carlos let out a sigh, shaking his head. "You were strong before you even met me though. You survived that monster for too long. I really wouldn't be able to handle loosing you, though. So I'm glad you fought through it that night for me."
britt “I believed there was something better out there for me and I needed to believe that and I found it.” She stated smiling. “The feeling is mutual. Losing you would be something that I couldnt handle. But I assure you that I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
tess "I'm so glad you did. I mean I know you think you're lucky, but I think I'm the lucky one. I thought I'd be single the rest of my life, and then I found my soulmate. That doesn't always happen to people." He smiled, taking her hand in his, "I'm not planning on going anywhere either."
britt “We’re both lucky to have found each other. I love when you call me your soulmate. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I never thought I’d find my soulmate either and I’m very lucky to be your wife.” She smiled, looking down at their hands, “Good. You better not.”
tess "Its true, you are. You know me better than I know myself. I also do enjoy making you feel warm and fuzzy." He said with a big grin. "So do you still want to go to the buffet? Or just home? I know you must be hungry,  but I get it if you don't feel up to going out anymore."
britt “I could say the same for you. It’s scary how well you know me but I dont mind.” She grinned, “I’m starving but afterwards I would like to go home. I’m drained, emotionally and mentally and physically. But I want food.” She laughed
tess "I think thats what makes us perfect. Cause we don't always have to say everything, we just know." He shrugged. "Thats understandable. Lets go eat at the buffet and afterwards we will go home and watch a movie and relax. And I will let you massage my shoulders, if you let me massage your feet. Deal?" He smiled.
britt “I agree. That’s pretty important I think.” She smiled. “Sounds like a deal to me. A pretty darn good deal actually.”
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