#if bot all then maybe just blackarachnia and starscream
I genuinely wonder if ppl talk about my redesigns outside of tumblr
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Am I that special?
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in1-nutshell · 9 days
Hi, How are you? I Hope you're doing fine
Could i get parent Animated Blitzwing with bot buddy made from an allspark shard who follows him around because he's the first things they saw? Their alt mode is a duck, so looks like a baby duck following it's mom.
They are very curious but also scared of everything, buddy helps Blitzwing by alerting of potential dangers but doesn't fight that much, normally opting for hiding or biting the autobots and then hiding.
Could i get a normal lazy day with those two?
I fully see the sparkling having the duckling fluff on them.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the sparkling with a duckling alt mode with Blitzwing: Slice of Life
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Familial, Cybertronain reader
Blitzwing doesn’t care about the jumpy sparkling.
Nope, not one bit.
He only allowed the sparkling to follow him seeing as Lugnut could accidentally crush them, Starscream would try to get them to become unloyal to Lord Megatron, and there was no telling what that technorganic spider would do to them.
He could have them stop following him at any time.
Anytime he wants it…
Starscream walking up to Blitzwing.
“Blitzwing I need the report from last week’s evening patrol.”--Starscream
Blitzwing hands him the data pad but pauses when he sees Starscream looking down.
“Starscream… the data pad?”--Blitzwing
Starscream smirks at him.
“You have a little… a little something on your pede Blitzwing.”--Starscream
Blitzwing looks down to see Buddy nuzzling his pede looking up at him with those big happy optics.
“Honestly Blitzwing it looks like you’ve gone sof—”--Starscream
Blitzwing freezes Starscream’s servos.
Starscream shrieks running off before the triple changer could freeze anymore parts.
Blitzwing looks back down at the duckling, who only sneezed and puffed up before going back to the nuzzling.
The sparkling loves following him around.
They are especially fond of using their fuzzy alt mode.
Icy says he’s indifferent about the small sparkling… but he doesn’t mind their company though. Better than having Starscream or Blackarachnia on his neck.
Hot head finds Buddy cute.
Too cute.
So cute that he wants to punch everything in sight, especially when they poof up.
Random loves having the sparkling perched on his shoulder or helm.
Blitzwing decides to take it upon himself to teach Buddy the ways of the Decepticons.
First attempt: Evasive maneuvers at high altitudes.
Blitzwing holding Buddy in the air.
“All right Buddy, you are going to copy everything I do, okay?”--Icy
Buddy happily quacks and nuzzles on one of his digits.
Icy is repressing the squeal Random is trying to make and the urge to punch from Hot head.
“Now observe.”--Icy
Blitzwing lets go of Buddy and transforms doing some light exercises.
“Did you see that—Where did you go?”
He looks down to see the sparkling falling while panicky quacking is heard.
The triple changer quickly dives down and catches the sparkling.
“…Note to self… sparkling wings don’t do well at high altitudes…”--Icy
Buddy cuddles up to Blitzwing’s chassis slowly calming down.
“Maybe that’s enough training for one day.”--Blitzwing
Blitzwing ends up taking the sparkling to the pond in a nearby park.
He just settles down near as he watches the sparkling play around with the other organic ducks and geese.
Blitzwing doesn’t trust some of the geese, especially the one that was trying to get Buddy to come with them to their nest.
After a while the sparkling comes back waddling up to his servo and just falls asleep on it.
He gently strokes the top of their helm while watching the sun set over the horizon.
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hey i wanna ask if you could do a tfa starscream x autobot femme reader reader who has a crush on him and is bad at hiding it
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Having a VERY OBVIOUS crush on TFA Starscream would include...
- I have bad news, anon: you may be the most obvious motherfragger in Cybertronian history, but it turns out Starscream is the most DENSE.
- Seriously, he's way too busy being off in his own little scheming world to notice how much you stare at him, or the way you stammer when you try to speak to him, or the myriad of hints from Blitzwing that range from teasing to all but straight up telling him.
- Seriously, everyone knows except him, Primus help you. 
- You admire him? Of course you do! Frankly, more bots should.
- "I don't understand for the life of me why she likes you." "Because I'm a strategic genius, maybe?" Starscream preens and Blackarachnia decides it'll be much more fun to watch this disaster unfold than clarify anything to him.
- When you finally, finally, FINALLY manage to somehow get across that you mean you like him romantically, though, his attitude pulls a complete 180 and he becomes even more flustered than you've been. He doesn't know how to handle that sort of targeted affection, much less respond to it.
- He eventually gets past that moment of vulnerability and "allows" you to date him... but every time you complement him he's caught just as off guard as the first time, and it quickly becomes obvious he feels more for you than just appreciating the ego boost your company brings.
- And now you can both be flustered, lovestruck idiots (positive) together - congratulations!
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Tfa dark one punch bot ask! No one has ever seen op mad like scary mad before. How would the con’s react to seeing it first hand? A not as big as lugnut maybe bigger and nasty to the core crossed a line. Op get a dark look and punches him full center in the gut at first nothing happens. Then a rumble. Before you know it the cons insides explode out his back. Before he offlines op states (your lucky I controlled myself otherwise it would have taken days for the humans to clean you up from all over Detroit) he walks towards the group of con’s and passes by them shifting back to his normal chilled out state.
To Megatron, this confirms two things. One; he has made the right choice not to get on OP bot's bad side and antagonize him to this extent. Two; he needs to learn the source of this power. With strength like that he could easily defeat the autobots and establish the decepticons as the rulers of Cybertron. But that is a matter for another time, when he's not in the presence of a clearly agitated OP bot. Meanwhile, Megatron feels no sense of loss for the death of the con that had angered OP bot to this extent and simply curses him for possibly giving OP bot a reason to side against the decepticon cause.
Starscream feels all the energon drain from his face as he watches the gore fly through the air. He falls when he scrambles backward as the OP bot approaches them and remains sitting on the ground, petrified. All he can do is stare at OP bot with raw fear is his optics, scared out of his wits that they will turn around and focus their anger on him. It's only once OP bot has fully passed them that Starscream manages to snap out of it and gets the hell out of there, transforming into his alt mode and flying away faster than he's ever done before.
For once, all of Blitzwing's personalities go quiet. Even Random stops smiling. They were always very well aware of OP bot's strength but seeing them utilize it in such calm rage is something else. When OP bot approaches them Blitzwing's face starts spinning around like crazy. Not because any of his personalities want to say anything to the bot but because they are too afraid to face him, even if just briefly. So they rotate, Icy, Random, Hothead, Icy, Random, Hothead, round and round, as they try to push each other to bear the full brunt of OP bot's presence.
Even when scared, Lugnut positions himself between OP bot and his lord Megatron. While OP bot could most definitely kill him in just a split second he still has a duty to perform and if his death would give Megatron the chance to escape then he would die with no regrets. That doesn't mean he's any less frightened of course. Fear is an unfamiliar feeling to Lugnut and while his mind is screaming at him to get as far away as possible his armor puffs out in a threatening display as OP bot passes them by because his loyalty to Megatron is stronger than the fear of death.
Shockwave's mind runs a hundred miles per second, trying to desperately calculate the risk of death (98.07%) and the chance of escaping (0.02%) if OP bot decided to attack them like that. It's only thanks to these calculations that he manages to keep himself calm. He glances at Megatron. As long as his lord survives then he worries not about death but still, this sight... Shockwave has never been as aware of his own mortality as in this exact moment. It's a frightening realization that his life could so easily be wiped out and there would be nothing he would be able to do about it.
The first time Blackarachnia experienced near death for the first time was on Archa-7. Abandoned by her supposed friends and left for dead, she had only managed to survive by adapting and clawing her way forward. This, however, is not a situation she would be able to survive, of that she is sure. OP bot hasn't even done anything to her, hasn't even raised their hand against her, yet she can still feel the cold grip of death around her spark, threatening to snuff it out any second. She always knew they were a threat, she just never knew how little of a chance she actually stood against them.
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
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I’ve seen people talk about how TFA Blackarachnia got shafted in the name of man pain™️ and to make Optimus look noble in comparison, and I wholeheartedly agree. Her deep trauma is used mainly to show Optimus’s reactions to it, and she is coddled in ways no men would be. Like, she puts Prowl and Bumblebee on a countdown clock by envenomating them so Optimus will have to do her bidding... and then she needs rescuing (so Optimus can look heroic) and when she keeps her end of the deal and spares Prowl and Bumblebee, the conclusion of the episode is that maybe she’s good deep down—not that she was true to her word to make sure she can get Optimus to do what she wants in the future!
...But there’s also another trend in TFA that I noticed, one that I think could be extremely controversial in the fandom: I think TFA also treats Sentinel unfairly. 
Hear me out—I’m not saying he’s not a jerk! All I’m saying is that I think there were many cases throughout the show where he does reasonable things or draws the correct conclusion about something, and then the show goes out of its way to force him to be wrong... even when he’s actually right. That sounds paradoxical, but here’s a list of instances of this happening:
—Sentinel wasn't wrong to think Bulkhead broke that building while at boot camp and also wasn't wrong to want to disqualify him from service for it, but the show makes him look like a big over-the-top jerk to do that even though Bulkhead could've actually hurt people and that was a lot of property damage! And Bulkhead is the only one who could've done it, but the show doesn't take that direction with Sentinel's choice.
—I didn’t care much for the episode where Lockdown catches the Decepticons for Sentinel (I mean, he couldn’t even catch Starscream with Prowl’s help before, and why would he be dumb enough to think the lying clone would pay him more?) but if Lockdown is capable of catching them, why is it wrong for Sentinel to hire him? He’s a neutral, not a Decepticon.
—“We're in hot pursuit of a convicted Decepticon spy.” “Oh, you mean the one you just let get away.” Sentinel even goes silent for a moment like we should all see this as such a burn... but those are pretty bold words from Optimus when in actuality his team just let “Wasp” escape! There was enough time between “Wasp” fleeing the base and Sentinel and Jazz arriving that there was no way they could have even seen him!
—Optimus tells Sentinel he shouldn't be chasing Wasp on Earth and should be leading Cybertron, while Sentinel insists that Wasp's escape had something to do with the Decepticons. And he's right! Shockwave arranged it! But because Wasp gets mutated by Blackarachnia, the show never even reveals this and it doesn't matter.
—In the episode where Blackarachnia takes Wasp, Sentinel says a horrible thing about how she should've died as Elita. Saying that is probably the most terrible thing he ever does in the show. But later, when he says she didn't escape in the Transwarp explosion to save everybody and instead says she sacrificed Wasp to escape... I have no reason to doubt him? I feel like he's the only one who treats her a villain? But because he said something so terrible before, the show clearly doesn't want me to agree with him on this.
—When Sentinel later does what Optimus thought was right and tries to get home to Cybertron ASAP so the planet has a leader, he's immediately punished by the narrative because his prisoners escape.
—When Sentinel institutes curfews and makes propaganda videos saying the Autobots should be wary of Decepticon-like activity, he's framed as a fearmongering fascist by Ratchet and the show—but how unreasonable was his response really when their top intel bot was just revealed to be a Decepticon who critically injured Ultra Magnus? Sure, it looks extreme, but from his perspective, doesn't it seem reasonably cautious? The Decepticon who did that was still at large!
—In the most egregious moment IMO, the crisis literally would have been averted if he had been able to fire on Omega Supreme earlier—Megatron also wouldn't have wanted himself and Cybertron to explode! Sentinel would have called his bluff and saved the day! But instead, Ratchet and the Council immediately shame him for being "reckless"... even as the Council calls Ratchet and Captain Fanzone the REAL heroes... even though they also disregarded the rule of law?!
—Then, adding insult to injury, the show rewards Ratchet for taking the Magnus Hammer and Jazz immediately quits.
—In The Stunti-con Job comic, Sentinel is framed as being stupid for punishing the police for conducting a search without a warrant—so he's punished for being militant, but also punished for NOT being that way? Which is it?
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There are also a lot of smaller moments, like all the times Optimus's team claims something major with NO proof and Sentinel is framed as being a jerk for not believing them. But given Sentinel's position, wouldn't it be bad if he did believe claims that they broke the Allspark just to keep it from Megatron and that it isn't really destroyed (even though they had no fragments to show until later) or that Longarm is a spy without being presented with any proof first?
I just don’t think anything is gained from Sentinel having chronic always-wrong syndrome like this. If he was occasionally right or had a point despite being really flawed, then wouldn’t it just help characters like Optimus learn things and make the show more complex? It also would make it more understandable why Optimus goes to bat for him at certain points, and would explain how Sentinel has a high position and became a Prime. 
TL;DR Sentinel just can’t win!
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m0thisonfire · 2 years
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I made a modern Au where Prowl’s a detective and Starscream’s the golden retriever friend. Essentially Zootopia with extra steps but with Autobots and Decepticons.
It’s mafia based in the sense of the Decepticons being weapon dealers/thugs/mercenaries while the main Autobot cast is an elite special forces meant to stop them.
Cybertronians and Humans live in peace together and the Autobots are the main peacekeepers. The Cybertronian groups are divided by build type, for example: Autobots are ‘Manual Built’, (meant for working and everyday civilian life like humans, no weapons and are considered pretty safe) Decepticons are usually ‘Military Built’ (originally manufactured for war and never had their weapons removed or deconstructed for civilian life, considered considerably more dangerous and unstable but still have their niche in society) It’s meant to pay homage to the Allsparks Almanac’s implications that Autobots were labor bots and the Decepticons were originally their protectors.
The main plot is that Prowl and Starscream usually meet at a cross walk on their way to their respective work places and is a classic case of ‘-And they saw each other everyday but didn’t really talk to each other-’ Until one day Prowl’s pissy because he can’t solve a case with a mysterious elusive Decepticon *coughLockdowncough* Starscream is somewhat curious about what’s bothering him and Prowl vents to the retired ex ‘Con (not that he knows that yet). Since Star is an ex con and doesn’t want his walk buddy stressed he decides to give him a small nudge in the direction of who the ‘Con would be.
Somehow the two end up running around Detroit trying to stop Megatron from taking over the city while Starscream’s trying to hide the fact he used to be the literal SIC of the Decepticons, which becomes more and more difficult considering Prowl is a detective and Starscream is Starscream.
Lockdown, after being chased down and detained: Starscream! I was wondering when you’d show your face again, coward!
Prowl: You know him?
Starscream, trying to act nonchalant and confused: I’m not sure… we might have gotten into a bar fight some time ago? I dunno-
Blackarachnia, being brought in for questioning: So, Starscream, this is what you do in your free time now?
Prowl, growing suspicious: How on earth do you know the head scientist of the BioWare plant..?
Starscream, sweating slightly: I already told you, Prowl, I used to be a scientist before I went into Comics. It’s not rocket science to figure out-
Blitzwing, a well known Decepticon: Vell, Starscream. I knew you vere the adventurous type, but an Autobot? Zat doesn’t seem like you at all…
Prowl, getting even more suspicious: …Old friend of yours..?
Starscream, sweating profusely: Gee, Blitz! It’s been a while! I haven’t seen you since the old reunion party! How long it’s been? Twenty years?
Finally catching up to Megatron after many more coincidences: Well well well, if it isn’t my old traitor of a Second in Command- Starscream!
Prowl, slowly turning to his new partner:
Starscream, sweating bullets and choking on words: I- You- Well- Shoot, me?? I think I would hAve remEmbered thAT-
Starscream after getting him and Prowl out of deaths way: .. / .- -- / … --- .-. .-. -.---
Prowl, not in the mood for Starscream’s shenanigans: What is that.
Starscream, trying to lighten the mood: It’s Remorse Code…
Prowl, about to snap: I’m even angrier now.
Eventually Starscream and Prowl go on to continue to crack down on the bad guys and go on to get Starscream into the special unit so he can help take out the Decepticon threat once and for all. Maybe they go on a date, maybe not. Prowl would still be pissed Starscream lied to him and the poor bird is just trying to get his crush to forgive him-
Yes this au is an excuse to make Prowl x Reemed!Starscream content, it’s my late night simping and I get to choose the ship-
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deliriousbug · 2 years
Tfa decepticons with an s/o who's absolutely ruthless in combat
(crushing heads, tearing off arms, ripping sparks out, knocking over buildings, flinging cars, doesn't even bother taking hostages)
Basically on-sights anyone who gets in their way
For their reactions, this is the first time they see their s/o (the reader) go fucking ham in battle.
Megatron: He used to wonder what you would look like in battle but this. . . You had already proved yourself an impressive ally and a capable lover, but this just sends the point home. He swears the sparks flying when you smash that telephone pole onto an Autobot’s back are actually rose petals. He could watch you all day, quietly admiring your battle prowess. Primus he thinks you’re stunning when your face is twisted with pure rage and wild focus. 
Starscream: Does he have a type? Yeah. . . yeah he does. . . Large, strong, and aggressive. But at least you know when to stop the violence, and the gentleness you offer him makes the current explosions and destruction all the more thrilling, all the more exotic. Oh, and he wants to remember to ask: “Wanna overthrow my boss together, baby?”
Blitzwing: He can’t settle on a personality. Not that that would matter too much, since even Icy is having a hard time keeping his cool. He’s blushing and stutters when he tries to speak. Hothead hollers encouragement and starts smashing everything closest to him; this is an ideal date night for him. Random is. . . well let’s just say drooling. Like, a lot. Blitzwing just can’t get enough of you, and the energon splattering your frame is the perfect shade to complement your paint.
Lugnut: He may believe that no one is greater than Lord Megatron, but --by Unicron-- you come close. So close even a hawk couldn’t see the gap bc it’s so small. He wants to devote his entire existence to you if Megatron ever leaves the picture. 
Soundwave: Surely there’s a less messy way to dispatch an Autobot? Do you really have to rip their sparks out with your bare servos? He is marginally concerned because he has seen the toll that violence like this takes on a bot’s mind. But he’s also supportive if it means getting home earlier than planned. He will 100% help scrub you clean when you get back to base. And maybe check in on how you’re feeling. 
Shockwave: After so long holding back and hiding among weak, morally suffocating Autobots, he couldn’t be happier. It’s like you’re putting on a show just for him and it’s getting him all worked up. He wants you to use some of that violence on him once you’re done slaughtering the autobots.  
Blackarachnia: She is all for your dark side and loves that such rage lives inside of you, always waiting for a chance to escape. If she’d known before, she would have set up a fight long ago just to see it. You’ve claimed before that you would protect her with your very spark, but now that she’s witnessed this display of yours, she actually believes it. It makes her spark flutter with a joy and safety she hasn’t felt in ages. She’s definitely watching from a safe distance tho.
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liaswritesrobots · 3 years
If requests are open, may I request tfa starscream with a gender neutral cybertronian reader. He notices one of the autobots is clearly shy but continuously checking him out while fighting?
At first, Starscream thinks his optics are playing tricks on him. An Autobot? Checking him out? But he soon realizes that you are, indeed, passing glances at him mid-battle.
He can't blame you of course, look at him, he's the most handsome Decepticon to ever be created! Probably the most handsome mech you've ever laid optics on even! He's basically the Allspark's gift to Cybertronian kind! So of course you're gonna stare and your faceplate is going to slightly glow when he catches you.
"Like what you see little Autobot?" Starscream remarks, smirking as he lifts Bumblebee off the ground by his face as he yells, "If you're impressed by this kind of power, I promise there's plenty more stored away. Why don't we make this a private fight?" He says tossing Bumblebee behind.
"Bee!" You tell out, worried for your teammate. You soon let out a vent of relief though as Bulkhead catches the small yellow bot.
Starscream rushes you, pinning you on the nearest building, "You get distracted by everything huh?"
"F-frag off!" You shout, kicking at him, but to no avail since your legs are too short to reach him in the position he has you in.
"Awwww, too bad. If you weren't a tiny, puny Autobot you might actually stand a chance in this fight." He mocks, "Although…" He leans in close to your faceplate, causing it to glow brighter as you avoid looking him in the optics, "You could always defect and join the Decepticons." He hums out.
"Servos off my friend Decepticreep!" Bullhead shouts, punching the back of his leg.
Starscream lets out a yell and drops you. You scramble to your pedes and run over to Bulkhead and raise your servos to fight as Bee joins the two of you.
Starscream hears the sirens of Optimus Prime and Ratchet in the distance, along with the sound of that motorcycle Prowl, and decides that maybe he should continue this fight some other time.
"You haven't heard the last of me!" He yells out before taking off.
"Unfortunately, we know." Bumblebee quips. He turns to you, "Hey you ok? That was a nasty drop?"
"Yeah you're not hurt are you?" Bulkhead asks in concern.
"I'm fine, thanks guys."
"Why didn't he strike you?" Bumblebee asks, "He had the chance, you couldn't do anything!"
"No idea." You respond.
"Yeah it looked like he was just talking about something?" Bulkhead pipes in.
"Something about me joining the Decepticons?" You shrug, "Like that's gonna happen. Even if someone as cute as him asks, I'm not going to just up and betray my friends like that." You say without thinking. A couple of seconds pass by before your optics go wide and you cover your mouth with your servos.
"CUTE?! STARSCREAM?!" Bumblebee shouts in disbelief.
"Awwww y/n has a crush." Bulkhead smiles.
"Bee please! Lower your voice!" You say, faceplate glowing once again, "Besides… it's not like you guys have never found a Decepticon attractive. I remember that Halloween night we ran into Blackarachnia and-"
"Ok ok," Bee waves his hands, "But to be fair BA is a total babe, unlike Starscream, so ours at least made sense."
You groan and cover your face, "Bee… the others are coming over."
"Alright, I'll drop it. BUT, I am totally going to tease you about this in private when we get back to the base."
"I think it's cute." Bulkhead says, and you cover your face once again in embarrassment as the three of you go to meet up with the others.
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swombwave · 3 years
TFA Swindle started out as an Autobot but defected to the Decepticons, and I want that to be explored more.
Like, in Strika's profile in The AllSpark Almanac II, it's stated she doesnt trust ex-Autobots... and then mentions Swindle and Blackarachnia in particular (Blackarachnia is also an ex-Autobot, she used to go by Elita).
Not good enough for you? Well wait, there's more! Let's take a look at Swindle compared to the other Decepticons.
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mom said it's our turn on the xbox
He's shorter than Lugnut, Blitzwing, and the Starscream clones. Autobots are more often than not shortstacks compared to Decepticons. Also, take note of his purple eyes.
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Who else has purple eyes? Wasp! Who's Wasp, you might ask? Well...
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Wasp is essentially this teenager* who was falsely accused of treason based on... kinda flimsy evidence, I'm gonna be perfectly honest but maybe that's my inner forensic science nerd talking. Either way, he's an ex-Autobot... like Swindle 👁👁 not a Decepticon, though.
Now, there's a reason why Blackarachnia doesn't have purple eyes, I assume it's because of the organic DNA fused with her, but basically from what I've gathered if a Bot is just... no longer an Autobot for one reason or another, they get cool ass purple eyes. Their eyes... change color... and I want people in the fandom to explore that more with Swindle! I want headcanons and fan art and I swear to God if nobody else does it I'll do it myself because this concept is just so interesting to me
Sure, Decepticon turning Autobot is cute and all... but an Autobot turning Decepticon? Ohoho now you've captured my interest!
Knowing Swindle, and also comparing him to the other ex-Bots, I can't help but feel as though his decision also would've been 100% his own - think about it.
Swindle is an arm's dealer, he makes a profit off of the war, his desire for money and deals most likely played a factor into him defecting - he's literally a war profiteer, he makes the most money off of war. Blackarachnia defected after the uh... organic incident and felt betrayed that she was left behind, Wasp was falsely accused of treason and imprisoned. All things considered, it's very likely Swindle didn't have any sort of personal betrayal that lead him to the Cons, only greed and a business opportunity. And that... personally separates him from the rest for me.
I love me some angst and tragic backstories... but at the same time... I love stuff like this! Characters motivated solely by material desire rather than revenge. It's just... so... interesting... and I love it! I love it! You go you sleazy car dealer!
Basically... I just want more Swindle content exploring concepts like this and if I'm the only one who wants it then I'll probably be the only one who'll make it.
Gotta feed myself, I guess
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The Allspark Key is basically the best and worst thing about TFA at the same time! 🔑
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Well, maybe not the worst thing, but I still have super mixed feelings about it… 
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And it’s not just because how it sometimes gains a mind of it’s own or how it causes problems for Sari and the Autobots, when it’s not helping them… 
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It’s also because of how inconsistent it’s power is… 
The Allspark Key has the power to heal bots as well as alter and control machines...
Sometimes it’s power is shown to be limitless, other times the key is shown to have it’s limits...
Here’s some examples: 
The Allspark Key can’t get rid of Blackarachnia’s organic venom in Bumblebee’s and Bulkhead’s systems, but when Blackarachnia tries to use it to destroy her organic spider parts, it was slowly drain the life out of everything that’s organic in Detroit in order to do this? 
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“But you said the Allspark won’t effect organics...” 
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“Guess the writing is inconsistent. Imagine that...” 
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Or that time the key couldn’t activate the rusty, old furnace machinery, even though it could revive Megatron’s head, which has been dead for about 50 years? (By the way, I’m not truly a fan of the fact that Sari’s key can bring bots back to life, cause it sometimes feels like there are no stakes for the team since her key can literally being back the dead... I know it loses power later on, but still... There should be a few consistent limits...) 
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Speaking of reviving the dead, the key also brought Optimus back to life... 
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It also has the power to give sparks to earth robots... 
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Yet the key’s power stops working all together after it upgraded Sari... 
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And it’s never properly explained why... 
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Did it just ran out of juice or something like that?... 
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Is it cause it stayed in her chest for too long?... 
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If I had the power to rewrite TFA, here’s what I would’ve done with the Allspark Key: 
*I would let it keep it’s healing powers and it’s power to create new sparks.
*However, it can only bring back the dead once and after that the key will completely lose all it’s powers and become Sari’s security card again. (Let’s say Megatron’s head was in a coma, instead of dead and the key’s power accidentally woke him up...) 
*But it’s power would have no effect on organic life. (However, it can effect techno-organic creatures, by giving their robotic parts some powerful upgrades...) 
*If Sari gets her upgrades, the key won’t lose it’s power, cause it’s kinda silly that Sari’s upgrades are the thing that made her key lose it’s magic touch. 
*And so, Sari uses the key’s power one last time to revive Optimus (who dies later on in the series, instead of near the beginning) and the key stopped working. 
*Bringing a spark back to life is kinda different from creating a new spark and Sari’s decision somewhat threw the balance/hamrony of the Allspark out of whack, thus the Allspark Key stops working.
*It can’t risk Sari reviving other dead bots, cause that’s not how life is supposed to work, whether it’s robotic or organic... 
However, Allspark shards (like the one Starscream has) can still bring it’s holders to life and also help them create life! 
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So what do you guys think is the true reason why the Allspark Key stopped working or have any theories why it didn’t work during certain times? ✨⭐✨ 
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! It's me Again! Firstly, I want to say thank you so much and I really enjoy/love it!
If it's okay to request could you do another part of this request (Elita One's twin sister w/ Sg Blackarachnia)?
The reactions/interactions of other Cons, Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle (you can change/add Wasp or other cons, if you like);
Or reactions/interactions of Autobots (team Prime)?
(Takes place after reuniting with Optimus Prime, Autobots meeting Bot and their reactions/interactions to her)
also if it's okay to make a one of them as a separate request?
(Sorry if it's too much/complicated. Also take your time and thank you so much!)
She is back!!! Our Spider is back!!
I will be posting the second part to this request later on.
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister with SG! Blackarachnia's personality reaction to Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle, and Wasp
SFW, Platonic, Hint of Romantic, Slight Angst, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
As Megatron’s personal and only medic in the Decepticon army, Buddy sometimes had to travel where he went. From across the mountains to someone on the opposite end of the screen. That was how she got to know many mechs in the army.
“We are going out.”--Megatron
“You and I.”--Megatron
“Me? Sorry, not today My Lord. I have to work on the med bay.”--Buddy
“What needs to be done in the med bay?”--Megatron
“Not going to tell you because then you’re just going to get someone else to do it. And no one here can organize my stuff the right way. I was trying to fix Blitzwing’s servo, my tool kit was nowhere to be found. For about half an hour I was searching for it, and it was under your throne. Who puts stuff there?”—Buddy
“You have been stuck here for the last couple of cycles. I do think it is wise for you to get out and stretch your struts.”--Megatron
“You would love to see that wouldn’t you?”--Starscream
“Wait what did he say?”--Buddy
“Nothing! We are going!”--Megatron
Megatron grabbing Buddy’s servo and leaving without a word.
When Buddy met Shockwave, it was through the main screen in the Decepticon HQ on Earth.
Shockwave had all her information from her Academy records. To say he was skeptical of Buddy’s position on the team was an understatement.
It wouldn’t be the first time the Decepticons would have a former Autobot change sides. No doubt Buddy would be the last one to do so either.
In this case, however, it nearly seemed too good to be true.
Shockwave going through going through Buddy’s file before the video meeting.
“Let’s see here… death certificates with no body found… former student at the Autobot Academy…several medical certifications, impressive… Special powers? Strange... Excellent marksmanship… Former protégé of some field tech, boring… Most likely to follow the Prime status? Unexpected but nothing more…what… had connections with Ultra Magnus?!”--Shockwave
It truly seemed too good to be true, but he kept quiet about his skepticism to himself. His first step was to get close to Buddy and try and get some information on them. Maybe find out if she is a mole or any potential blackmail material.
Shockwave was expecting someone sketchy trying to fill in the stereotypical Decepticon role or an Autobot with a poor, and or, offensive Con skit memorized.
Not someone who had their own unique style that would be associated with Decepticonism and who deeply cared for their comrades.
“Lord Megatron.”--Shockwave
“This is our newest chief medical officer on Earth, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Hello Shockwave, it is a pleasure to meet you.”--Buddy
“Erm—thank you Buddy, is it? Such a peculiar name.”--Shockwave
“Yes, it isn’t a common name or one that sparks any fear into the sparks of the enemy but, that is who I am. How has your day been?”--Buddy
“My what?”--Shockwave
“Oh, sorry was that not an appropriate question to ask?”--Buddy
“I—it has been a good day as of now.”--Shockwave
“That’s good to hear. We can’t have one of the Decepticon’s top spy’s in a rough shape can we?”--Buddy
“Top spy?”--Shockwave
“Yes! I have read a little bit about your work through the reports.”--Buddy
“You’ve read my reports?”--Shockwave
“You’ve read some of the reports?”--Megatron
“Of course! They are interesting to read. And it also doesn’t help when you leave some of the data pads out in the open My Lord. Especially around my work area.”--Buddy
“Don’t you have to go and reorganize the medbay’s newest supplies?”--Megatron
“Oh yes! Good-bye Shockwave! I do hope to get to know you better and that your work is truly—”--Buddy
“All right, all right I’m going. Bye!”--Buddy
Buddy walks out of the room.
“… She seems like a nice addition to the medical wing.”--Shockwave
“… I am not looking for a relationship now, My Megatron. Anyways Buddy is not my type.”--Shockwave
Shockwave was left a bit confused after that interaction with Buddy. It only got worse once Buddy had willing gone to the screen to contact him.
“Hello Shockwave!”--Buddy
“Hello Buddy. Has something happened? This call was unscheduled.”--Shockwave
“I know but I wanted to talk to you.”--Buddy
“About what pray tell?”--Shockwave
“I’m not sure I am following…”--Shockwave
“Last call you seemed… well you seemed a little bit lonely. It cannot be easy keeping up the façade of being Longarm Prime all day, especially in front of the council, Ultra Magnus, and the entire Elite Guard.”--Buddy
“…It is not. But there are certain bots here that are a bit dimmer than the average bot. It makes things easier. One of the Prime’s has the IQ of a bag of rusty bolts.”--Shockwave
“Is that so? Ouch! Do tell more.”--Buddy
“I believe one of the Autobots are on to me.”--Shockwave
“Are you sure? Do you need back up or something?”—Buddy
“No, not at the moment.”--Shockwave
“Good, you can never be too safe.”--Buddy
Shockwave was in denial of the friendship that was forming through those calls. He didn’t need friends talking to his audial all day long!
It’s not like he looked forward to having those talks with Buddy.
Absolutely not.
It’s not like the two of them have swapped personal com lines to further talk about personal things and away from the prying optics of other Cons that entered the room.
It isn’t until one late night he realizes how deep he is in.
Longarm listening to yet another boring presentation with the other Primes, trying not to stab Sentinel’s big chin with a pen. His mind slowly wondering what Buddy is going to talk about this time when he tells them about Sentinel’s big chin.
He freezes.
Oh no…
He has a friend.
He has a good friend now.
How does one keep a good friendship like this from falling into pieces in the face of a war?!
A little while later Shockwave starts searching up ‘Ways to keep good friend’ on Bing.
Blurr opening the door, giving Shockwave just enough time to go back into Longarm form.
“I know there is a spy here Longarm! I can feel it—what are you looking up?”--Blurr
“Umm… engex bottles.”--Longarm
“Oh really! What years are you looking at? I personally think—”—Blurr
Longarm/Shockwave sagging in a bit of relief from the scare.
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Swindle and Lockdown met Buddy at a weapons meet.
Megatron had invited Buddy to meet his arms dealer and favorite mercenary, Swindle and Lockdown. Buddy didn’t get much information on the two, being that they were on the borderline sections of potentially ‘sell outs.’
“Lord Megatron, is there any more things I need to know about these two mechs?”--Buddy
“Lockdown will not speak out of line. He is more interested in getting the latest gadgets for his collections.”--Megatron
“Mod collector, got it. And this ‘Swindle’?”--Buddy
“Any price he tries to get you to buy is a terrible one. Leave the bargaining to me.”--Megatron
“And when you mean bargaining, you mean peacefully or using intimidation?”--Buddy
“You are impossible sometimes.”--Buddy
“Only for you.”--Megatron
“Here’s our stop.”--Megatron
Swindle had been told beforehand that Megatron was bringing someone else to meet him. The new medical chief, from what he understood.
He thought about displaying a couple more weapons for this new Con, maybe get them to buy something.
Swindle placing a big cannon on the table.
“That’s a bad idea Swindle.”--Lockdown
“Oh hush! You don’t know what he is like.”--Swindle
“First, she. Second, I did my homework.”--Lockdown
“But they could have a fascination in cannons once they see this beauty.”—Swindle
“Like I said, I did my homework. I heard around that the medic isn’t too found in weapons.”--Lockdown
“If that is true, then why would she even want to go to a weapons meet with Megatron?”--Swindle
“I don’t know—Speaking of which, look who’s here.”--Lockdown
Megatron landing on top of the platform with huge mechanical spider coming off of his back as they both transformed.
“I thought you said Earth spiders didn’t get that big!”--Swindle
“That’s the chief medical officer, numb nuts.”--Lockdown
The two Cons were not expecting Buddy.
Well, more Swindle, after all, Lockdown did do his homework.
Lockdown kept to himself while politely introducing himself to Buddy. She politely responded back with a small smile.
Swindle kept on showing the weapons to Megatron as the other two made small talk about modifications.
“Hey Buddy!”--Swindle
Lockdown mouthing ‘no’.
Megatron wondering what this was about.
Swindle wrapping an arm around Buddy.
Megatron’s optics are staring at it like it did a capital offense.
“What do you think of these bad boys? I’m sure that there is something here that has caught your attention.”--Swindle
“Oh? Sorry I’m just here to visit, I’m not interested in buying.”--Buddy
“Oh please, I’m sure we can work something out. You’re the new chief medical officer, right? How about I show you some of the tools I—”--Swindle
Lockdown coughing.
“Lockdown and I got at another exchange. Top notch and… and…”--Swindle
“Umm, Swindle are you feeling, okay? You’re looking a little bit queasy?”--Buddy
Swindle just now noticing the Death Glare Megatron was giving him, specifically at the arm still wrapped around Buddy’s frame.
Swindle quickly dropping it.
“How about this, Buddy. I give you these tools, for… free. For free, and you tell everyone at the base about the great deals you got here!”--Swindle
“I mean, I could—”--Buddy
“That’s wonderful! Here they are and here are the weapons you purchased Megatron!”—Swindle
Megatron still glaring but nodding.
“Oh! Okay, Bye Swindle and thank you for the tools. I’ll be sure to tell everyone back on base.”--Buddy
“Anytime Buddy!”--Swindle
“Good-bye Lockdown. I hope you have a good time finding those new mods!”--Buddy
“Much obliged Buddy, bye.”--Lockdown
Megatron and Buddy transforming, Buddy getting on Megatron’s back as he zooms out of there.
“… Did you soil yourself?”--Lockdown
Swindle brushed him aside and continued organizing his stuff in his chassis.
Lockdown just wondered if one day he might see Buddy again. It was nice to have someone else besides Swindle to talk to sometimes.
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Buddy met Wasp under less pleasurable circumstances.
Buddy had been taking a break from the stuffy base one night and decided to take a walk on one of the islands nearby.
They had been walking around the area when they heard noises.
Like rapid little pede steps.
It couldn’t have been the Dinobots. Their steps were a kin to a mini earthquake.
It was someone else.
Quickly, she webbed herself to a nearby tree and watched.
A small green mech appeared from the brush.
He looked scared.
But what could have scared him?
Sure, Grimlock and the others were a bit much but if they were after the mech then Buddy would have heard them.
No, someone or something else was after the small guy.
Buddy freezing.
“Wasp, I know you’re out there! Come out with your servos up!”--Sentinel
Wasp making more whinnying noises.
Buddy quickly snapped out of it and webs him up into the tree with her.
“Shh! Don’t scream, I’m here to help. But I can’t help you if you continue to scream, okay?”--Buddy
Wasp nodding slowly.
It was Optimus and Sentinel.
As much as Buddy wanted to know what was going on with both parties, her attention was on the shaky mech that looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
Wasp didn’t know what to think at that moment, but right now this bot was helping him get away from the Elite Guard so he decided to play along.
The Autobots suddenly came out of the brush.
Buddy and Wasp froze seeing them from their hiding place.
Wasp was already looking for a way out when he saw his savior start to shake.
At first, he thought it was out of anger and that they were going to pull out their weapon and start shooting up the place.
Until he saw her optics.
Big, wide, shaky, filled to the brim with fear.
He had seen those optics before. Those were his optics sometimes.
What had those Autobots had done to this Con to get a reaction like this?
Buddy thought that she had finally come to terms with everything that had happened, especially when Optimus showed up.
Seeing Sentinel there sent another wave of flashbacks her way. It was too much; it was too much. She knew that she should have been listening in on the conversation, it could drop some important information for the team.
But the flashes of Elita’s smile, Sentinel’s antics, and Optimus’s laughter filled her senses like no tomorrow.
Buddy was in such a shaky state she didn’t know it until the little green mech held her servo gently. Like one would do to their kid if something was scaring them.
He was trying to calm her down.
She slowly stopped the shaking as the Autobot’s left the area. After a bit more of waiting, the two climbed down the tree.
“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that. I was the one trying to help you and you ended up helping me.”--Buddy
“Wasp is glad you okay. Nice lady bot scaring Wasp a bit.”--Wasp
“Again, sorry about that… Wasp? Is that your name?”--Buddy
“Yes. This is Wasp.”--Wasp
“Well, I’m Buddy. You have some scratches on you. I have a med kit with me, I can fix those up right now if you want.”--Buddy
Wasp looking at Buddy hesitantly before nodding.
Buddy getting to work.
“You are doing such a good job at staying still Wasp. Most of my patients like to move a lot. You’re doing so much better than they are right now.”--Buddy
“Wasp doing good job?”--Wasp
“Yes, yes you are Wasp.”--Buddy
“Buddy bot too nice to Wasp.”--Wasp
“No one can be too nice Wasp. It’s just that sometimes… sometimes empathy can get lost in wars like this.”--Buddy
“Wasp don’t like Autobots.”--Wasp
“I feel you Wasp…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Buddy bot? Hurt Buddy bot bad?”--Wasp
“…Yeah, you could say that…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Wasp too.”--Wasp
“I’m sorry to hear that Wasp…”--Buddy
“Wasp sorry for Buddy bot…”--Wasp
“Welp, I finished fixing those scratches and dents.”--Buddy
“Thank you!”--Wasp
“…Would you like to come with me to the Decepticons? That way you’d be safe from the Autobots.”--Buddy
Wasp pausing not sure what to answer.
“Listen, you don’t have to answer that right away. That’d be selfish of me to expect that from you right now. This is my private channel, if you need me, just call me.”--Buddy
Wasp in amazement simply nodding.
“You take care okay, Wasp.”--Buddy
“Bye Buddy bot!”--Wasp
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mk-wizard · 4 years
Another Top 10 Reasons TF Needs to Change its Status Quo
After making this list, I realised 10 reasons are not enough and that alone is telling. After some thought, I realised there are many reasons though these are the ones that are most important as to why Transformers needs to change its status quo.
1- Proper representation that is respectful and with the times matters. - Did you know that Jazz is so far the only confirmed Transformer of colour and every damn time he is used, he’s a stereotype of a black person? Did you also know that even though everyone knows Knockout from Transformers Prime is gay, the writers denied it by denying that Transformers don’t have genders or orientations even though it has been confirmed that they do since Beast Wars? Also, the first openly “oriental” Transformers are a little ridiculous to look at it. Windblade looks like a geisha girl with hair and make up to match. Then we have Drift who looks and acts like a stereotypical overly stern samurai. And let’s not forget Transformers Animated Ratchet who is another stereotypical old man character who is predictably grouchy, not fun, anti-social, borderline ageist and has PTSD. I hate being politically correct, but as a progressive and open minded person, it’s getting a bit ridiculous that the writing still treats the times like it is the 1980s in which every type of character is a stereotype of itself. Write characters naturally and don’t be afraid to make diversity a natural thing without extremism in culture, colour or anything. And that thing that the writers said about Knockout was outright offensive. Why create a character who is gay if you’re going to force him to stay in the closet? And what really stinks about that low blow move is that Knockout is NOT a stereotype of what he is and not everything is about him being gay. He is a well written fleshed out character. Transformers has to move on from the 1980s and accept diversity with open arms respectfully.
2- Children do not follow a status quo when they play with the Transformer toys. - Here’s a secret that’s not a secret at all, people. When kids play with their toys, they don’t always make them act the way they are “supposed” to. When I was a girl, I used to pretend Barbie was a superhero and sometimes, when I played with Transformers, I didn’t always have them fighting. Sometimes, I used to pretend the Transformers would do regular stuff like go out, visit friends and stuff. I even used to know someone online whose daughter pretended Arcee was married to one of the Seekers (I don’t recall which one) and played house with them with other bots acting as their kids and neighbours. If kids don’t follow a status quo and are open to different settings when playing with the Transformers, they are going to be open to shows/movies/comics that don’t follow a status quo. In fact, I think it they would love it.
3- We need more movies and specials like Bumblebee. - In other words, films that showcase a fan favourite to give them their own backstory and character development which answers a lot of the questions fans have. Even if they are just straight to Blu-Ray or Netflix movies. I mean, DC and Marvel has tons of made for TV only animated movies and they’re great. I would love to see a movie that showcases Prowl, Arcee or tells us Megatron’s origin story.
4- A prequel of Transformers is worth telling. - Beyond short mini comic series, we have never delved into the origin of Megatron, Optimus or how the entire war began. All we know is that in the beginning, Megatron’s intentions were noble, but then went bad and he ruined Cybertron, so the Autobots rebelled. Transformers War for Cybertron attempts to give us a prequel, but it’s not quite one. It’s still a story about the war, but in the earlier phase while it was still happening on Cybetron only. Give us a real prequel. Please.
5- There are confirmed bad Autobots and it’s high time we treated them like villains properly. - Devcon is a bounty hunter who is Autobot by faction, but he doesn’t follow the Autobot values or any morals as he is just concerned with getting paid, and he has been known to do heinous things just to get a buck. Then there is Repugnus who hence his name, is the kind of guy who will disgust you because he is sadistic, he has no honour, he cheats, he fights dirty and has been discharged multiple times from the army for taking things too far. And for the record, the Decepticons won’t have him in their ranks because even they think he’s too distasteful. I think it would be interesting and good writing to showcase these two as reoccurring villains who even face consequences like villains instead of “pardoning” them just because they are Autobots.
6- Does Optimus have to be the Prime in every series? - Seriously, this formula is getting old. Even Robots In Disguise snuck Optimus in as Prime and it was supposed to be Bumblebee’s time to shine. Then there was Beast Wars who had an Optimus as a leader too. You don’t even have to kill Optimus! Just have a different group of bots with a different leader. Star Trek does that with every different series and it’s great for it. And get creative with the settings through that: exploration, repairing Cybertron, politics, home life, etc.
7- Make different versions of the same character DIFFERENT. - Transformers Armada always stood out to me as a series because it was the one series where Starscream was not only not concerned with overthrowing Megatron, he was the complete opposite! He was loyal to Megatron and just wanted his appreciation, and above all else, Starscream was a good guy. In fact, a lot of characters were very different from their moulds. Maybe we should do this more often. Make an Optimus who is not very nice, make a Megatron who is empathetic, etc. If you’re going to put out a new story and make the characters look different, why not make them different on the inside too? I think that would be fun.
8- Transformers is in fact alienating new fans by keeping the status quo. - A lot of the suggestions I am making are not from me a lot. A lot of fans especially the newer ones are begging for fresh new ideas, but for the most part, a large majority of Transformers’ media is just Autobots vs. Decepticons or something like it. If you keep ignoring the suggestions of new fans, you will cease having new fans.
9- It is ok for characters to fall in love and be in love. - If there is one thing that Beast Wars did right, it was incorporating romance into the storytelling. And it did it beautifully. A huge chunk of Blackarachnia’s character development was thanks to falling in love and with a great guy above all else. Moreover, it didn’t stop her, her boyfriend or anyone around them from being badass, goofy and going on with life in other ways that were not romantic. I also want to add that it is important for kids to see all of that so they can learn that love is not yucky. And that for most grown ups, falling in love and starting a family is a good thing and an adventure within itself worth taking. And more importantly, you don’t stop being you just because you’re married and have kids. Yes, some people don’t want to marry or have kids, but keeping everyone childfree and alone is just as unnatural and unrealistic as having them all get hitched and multiply. Besides, it has been confirmed that Transformers can be in love, be male or female and reproduce like we do. There’s no point of hiding it.
10- Transformer epilogues are worth telling. - Just as a prequel is worth telling, so is an epilogue. We sort of get that with Rescue Bots Academy after Transformers Prime and Robots In Disguise, but what about other series? What happened after G1 and how did the peace treaty between Autobots and Decepticons go down? Did it work out? How did characters adapt to peace? How did they deal with trauma and PTSD? What was life like for the civilians after? Were the problems that spawned the war fixed? Do Autobots and Decepticons even live together on Cybertron? Personally, I would love to see all of that as a huge fan of Steven Universe Future and Picard. Just because one story ends doesn’t mean another can’t begin. I think it would be a lot of fun and also, it would give closure to many Transformer series that never got any.
Do any of you have good reasons you can all think of as to why Transformers needs to change its status quo?
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mocacheezy · 3 years
TF WFC: Kingdom - Ep. 3
Gist of it: This show really acknowledges the fact what Megatron did on Cybertron haunts the hell out of him (and I love that), there are many rare-pair ship moments/interactions that have rarepair potential, and the most important part: They tried to give a nod to original Dinobot and his death. The emotions were lacking.
Here comes the Allspark!
Is it the- it is the Allspark
The show intro is really gorgeous
Cheetor you lil shiet
I love how this show REALLY FOCUSES on Megatron and how the things he did for the cause haunt him. Like DAMN!
We've got a Smeagol situation huh?
Starscream is stupid <3
Dinobot I fucking love you
"The pink one's cute." Blackarachnia x Arcee when?
Rattrap, just believe in the Matrix Vibes
Allspark playing tricks.
AIRRAZOR I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND DINOBOT!!! I ship it. Funny, considering me and friends were discussing rarepairs and I thought about drawing these two for Mermay. Few months later, WFC provides content.
Megatron listen to Soundwave
Dinobot you are stupid
Dinobot holy shit you hit him!
Barney fretting over Megs will never stop being amusing
The og Dinobot isn't like this one at all
Why was the lightshow neccesary Optimus?
"Remember why the Matrix chose you"
"You would've made a terrible Maximal" "Maybe," *dies*
... This scene hits different because he didn't defect
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Spotlight: Rise of the Radiotrons
Here it is folks, the first fan canon spotlight, showcasing Rise of the Radiotrons created by sleeveev! You can find this over at @riseoftheradiotrons and also on AO3! This is a long post, fair warning.
Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What's it about, what's it called, what's it like?
the cont, despite being called Rise of the Radiotrons, revolves around five main groups of characters, and the mystery that accidentally intertwines all of them. a lot of false identities, undiscovered pasts, mystery that you need to read all the way through to really uncover. it also takes place during the attrition phase of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and Megatron and Optimus are... dead. but... weren't they made immortal by the Eternal Surge? where are they?
Q) What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
characters that take the lead? hoo, boy, there's a lot. and be warned, this is OC-heavy. Wavecrash, Blackarachnia, Sparkplug, Pascal, and Ness make up the Earth detective team, the first to investigate the Radiotrons: Nanotube, Quicksilver, Greenscreen, and [REDACTED] (that is not their name, you will learn it later!).
Starscream, Moonkiller, and Pharma investigate a series of rust-related murders, later with the help of Eclipse and Terraform. the two they investigate? two hulking beings that carry a rust of sheer destruction of anything metal, Turbulence and someone known only as The Crimson Doctor. the third part is mostly with just a few characters. Dial-Up and Absolute Zero are in a cat-and-mouse chase, Dial-Up attempting to capture Absolute Zero and return him to the prison he escaped from. other 'bots come into this story, including Pylon, Airachnid, Suture, and Cyclonus, but they are not the main focus.
Turbulence.  this motherfucker. this moldy bitch.
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my personal favorites? i love Sparkplug, i love my little gaming PC gal. The Crimson Doctor has also grown on me quite a bit. i'm gonna make fat robots and you can't stop me.
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Sparkplug above, Crimson Doctor (Crim) below
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Q) I love how he isn’t crimson at all.
oh you'll learn why he's crimson
Q) Ominous! Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
a bigger point to this? well, i have quite my fair share of trauma for being in a military family - being on the home front of a war i never even learned about until i was like 12. i wanted to show the horrors of attrition above all, because attrition is the part of war that everyone seems to forget, but is possibly the most dangerous part of it. everyone's killing each other over resources, dying of preventable diseases, resources are spread thin among soldiers and thinner among civilians. it also lets new, perhaps worse groups arise from the dust.
war was never about who was right. it was about who could live longer. and RotR, with its rampant killings that people can't even begin to investigate until their leaders are toppled from their thrones and complete anarchy reigns among military sites, is a testament to that.
war was the cause for part of the namesake of the Radiotrons themselves - the Great Radiation Crisis. war was where everything went wrong
Q) How long have you been working on it?
now, for the slightly less dark - it varies from character to character! while the official plot of RotR was established on August 25 this year, some 'bots go much further back - Pascal's earliest concepts were made on May 8, Nanotube's were made on April 25, and The Crimson Doctor's roots go as far back as a character called The Crimson-Eyed Doctor, a character created on Dec 11, 2019 (happy belated birthday, Crim!).
Q) You’re very meticulous with your dates!
i lose track of all time otherwise
Q) Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
behind the scenes.
this is a mystery cont.
i will start with some no-context spoilers, here.
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and, now for something a bit more genuinely secret.
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whether this is a crimson doctor or a red herring, you decide.
Q) Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
this varies from subtle to shameless.
my cont would fit best in an comic format, so it makes sense that i was inspired by IDW - and that it was my entry into the TF fandom! there is also some TFA bits in there, but the majority of it is personal robot worldbuilding, with a couple sprinkles of headcanons and OCs taken from Afterburn, a cont made by a longtime friend of mine.
other fiction i took inspiration from is mostly in the character designs. Blackarachnia was loosely inspired by Tawna from Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (you went through such a good revamp sweetie. neon lesbian.). if you can't tell that Turbulence took inspiration from Cioccolata from JJBA: Golden Wind, i don't know what to tell you. Crim took less inspiration from a character and more from a trope - the "ever-obedient villain subordinate". i just sucked all of the homoeroticism out of it, and also decided to give him more of a self than just someone who serves the villain.
here's Tawna (specifically Crash Bandicoot 4), one of the big inspirations for Blackarachnia's design! we don't talk about your past sweetie.
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and Blackarachnia headshot to compare, because her fullbody is still in progress.
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i am sharing this specific image of cio, one of turb's inspos, because i BASED A TURB PIECE OFF OF IT.
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real life? RADIATION, RADIATION. i have radiation and radioactive things and the PERIODIC TABLE as a special interest and it SHOWS. it's all radiation. even the names. Quicksilver comes from mercury, Starborn comes from all elements being created from stars in space, Nanotube comes from carbon nanotubes, and [REDACTED] comes from... well, you don't know yet. there's also the whole attrition war thing, for real life inspiration, too.
Q) Show off something you're really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
this piece of Eclipse and Turbulence('s hand), for one
(the image is at the end of the post under a readmore, as it contains eye trauma, eye touching, and roboblood)
and another thing i am particularly proud of are all my worldbuilding posts! they look like textbook entries kinda but i really really love em. here's one of them, though there are many more on the blog!
lastly, my favorite character introduction post. if you know Afterburn, you may be pleasantly surprised seeing this.
Q) Ah, that guy.
fun fact about RotR Absolute Zero! his color palette is taken from a diagram of a human heart. here is the motherfucker in question,
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Q) What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
Afterburn. my best friend made this i can't just NOT advertise it. go look at it there's murderers and there's an OC that's actually very inspired by not one but two of my creations (the original OC he was a fanformer of, and his altmode - I'd had thoughts of various greenhouse 'bots like that). @transformersafterburn​. please don't simp for Abzero. or maybe do. he's a better option than Turbulence.
Mirror Mirror. found at @transformers-mirror-mirror​, it's got so many epic character designs and realistically sized altmodes despite not having realistically sized altmodes this makes me go happy flappy and is also inspiring a future project of mine, also Shattered Glass!
Q) [insert flattered keysmashing from me, creator of New Primes of Cybertron, otherwise known as TF:SNAP]
Thank you very much veev! Everyone go check out Rise of the Radiotrons! Stay tuned for next week, when we’ll get to see some Shattered Glass...
(aforementioned image under the cut, warning for eye trauma, eye touching, and roboblood)
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Shattered Glass Animated Season 1 Episode 6 - Blast From The Past
Overlord Sumdac is preparing a new kind of battle-drone to take out the Resistance and with his new unholy alliance, the threat is getting greater. Meanwhile, Blitzwing tries to teach Lugnut to be more amicable.
“Aw, come on!” Penny pouted up at Lugnut, hands propped on her hips. Miles was cowering at his usual place behind her. He threw nervous glances up at the Decepticon. Unlike his human companion, he was well aware of Lugnut’s annoyance.
“I am busy, human,” Lugnut snapped. “Find someone else for your rituals.”
Penny threw her arms up in frustration. “Who? All of you are always busy talking to Aaron or Cyrus lately! It’s boring.”
Lugnut turned away from the platform he’d put his damaged arm on to give Penny a one-optic glare. “Hard as it may be to believe, we all have more important things to do than participate in meaningless activities for your enjoyment! If that is a problem to you, I suggest you find a way to make yourself actually useful and leave me be.”
Penny stared at him for a moment. Then her eyes started watering. She sniffled, turned on her heels and ran out of the room, Miles hot on her tail. She passed Blitzwing on her way out. The Triplechanger looked after her with a worried expression.
“Did something happen?” he asked.
Lugnut shrugged. “Organics. Always leaking over every little thing.”
Blitzwing frowned. “What did you say?”
“Evidently something she didn’t like,” Lugnut grumbled, turning back to his arm on the table.
Blitzwing ex-vented and leaned against the door-frame, crossing his arms. “Lugnut, would it really put you off-line to be a bit more friendly?”
Lugnut huffed.
“I am just saying, it might be hard to get the rest of the humans to like us if you keep being so hostile.”
“I do not need to be liked,” Lugnut snapped.”What use is bonding with them in any case? We’ll be leaving this planet eventually.”
“But we still don’t know when that’ll be,” Blitzwing retorted. “Megatron, Blackarachnia and Professor Black are still working to establish a way for us to communicate with New Kaon. We need what help we can get.”
Lugnut said nothing, though his movements grew a tad more aggressive. Blitzwing walked over, picked up the bigger mech’s arm, ignoring his protests and firmly put it back in Lugnut’s empty socket.
Lugnut stared at him for a bit, then moved the arm around. It stuck.
“..Fine. What would you have me do?”
Blitzwing smirked. His faceplate switched over to Hothead, who gave a bellowing laugh. “Oh, you will hate this next part!”
“I’m failing to see how this relates to my new body,” Optimus Prime said drily, his single intact optic narrowing.
Sumdac chuckled, tightening another screw on the gigantic, metal structure before him. “Oh, quite a lot my decapitated friend. What I am constructing here, is a new form of battle-bot. Once it’s finished, it will give us the edge we need to overpower the resistance and your metallic “friends” aiding them.” He took a few steps backwards to admire his work. Three gigantic metal bodies stood against one wall of his laboratory.
Optimus narrowed his optics at the things. To him, these creatures looked laughably boorish.
The one in the middle was the biggest, with a square body, ending in a long tail, two powerful hind legs and, as if to offset them, two very small arms with three claws on each one. It’s head was almost as big as it’s body with jaws the size of a scrap press. The one to the right was smaller, with more equal proportions and stood on all fours. It’s head was framed by a shield-like plate. It had two horns on it’s forehead and one were it’s nose should have been. The one to the left seemed tiny compared to it’s companions. It was barely two heads taller than Bumblebee, with two long winged arms and a narrow head that seemed like it had been pulled apart on both sides, forming a pointy beak and a crest. It stood upright on two spindly legs with sharp talons on it’s pedes.
“Stunned speechless, I see,” Sumdac said, grinning. “Not that I would fault you for that. These new models were made to resemble creatures from our earths’ Jurassic era. Roughly two hundred million years old.”
“That’s hardly impressive,” Optimus replied bluntly. “Cybertronians have existed for ten billion years.”
Sumdac’s face grew red and he took a deep breath. It was at times like these that the concept of just pulling the plugs connecting the head to his building’s systems grew ever more tantalizing.
“In any case,” he continued through gritted teeth, “These dinosaurs, as we call them,  especially the three I modeled these drones after, were apex predators and fighting machines. If properly motivated. Luckily, all the motivation my creations require, is the push of a button. And once they defeat and capture the Decepticons, I will have all the blueprints I need to construct you the body you so desire.”
With a self-assured smirk, Sumdac stepped up to a control panel positioned in front of the drones and pressed down a few buttons.
The drones’ eyes lit up red. They started to twitch, moving their limbs. Then the drone in the middle let loose a roar that echoed off the walls of the lab. Sumdac’s grin grew downright manic as he watched his creations come to life.
Then the drone on the left flapped it’s wings a few times and rose into the air. Sumdac’s grin vanished.
“Not in here you imbecile,” he shouted, waving his arms. “This room is nowhere near big enough to-”
The drone, in it’s eagerness, shot up and crashed right into the ceiling. It’s head got stuck in the countless cables in the air. It flapped, screeching furiously. Finally, it’s thin neck snapped under the unevenly distributed weight. The screeches subsided. It’s body crashed into the drone in the middle, taking one of it’s small arms off. The middle drone roared again, stumbling to the side.
It stumbled over the right-most drone and buried it beneath itself, completely crushing it’s body in a mess of bent metal and sparks. Smoke filled the laboratory. Right on cue, the sprinklers set in, immediately extinguishing the small flames coming from the mangled bodies.
Sumdac quietly stood there and watched the mess, fists clenched so tightly they shook.
“Evidently there was a reason they died out so soon,” he heard Optimus snark behind him.
“Alright,” Blitzwing announced, hands propped up on his hips. “Before you start being friendlier to humans, I believe we should practice with you being more friendly to fellow Cybertronians!”
“I’d just like to remind everyone that I have things to do,” Blackarachnia spoke up, arms crossed and a scowl on her faceplate.
She, Blitzwing and Lugnut were standing in one of the mine’s empty tunnels. Blackarachnia and Lugnut were standing across from each other, with Blitzwing positioned in the middle.
Lugnut’s optic narrowed and he opened his intake, but Blitzwing quickly stepped in front of him. “Which is why Lugnut is very grateful you took the time to help us anyway.” He elbowed the bigger mech slightly. “Right?”
Lugnut rolled his optic, but relented. “Yes, my gratitude knows no bounds.”
“Well that didn’t sound very nice,” Blackarachnia said, giving a mocking pout.
Lugnut’s optic narrowed again, but Blitzwing shot him a warning look and he ex-vented, shoulders drooping. “Thank you, I suppose.”
Blackarachnia shrugged. “Eh, it’s a start.”
“Alright, let us begin,” Blitzwing said quickly, clapping his hands together. “We’ll start with something simple. Lugnut, imagine Blackarachnia had done something to irritate you. Something like, taking the last energon cube. What would you do?”
Lugnut gave a long vent. “Blackarachnia, I wanted to take that cube. That was quite rude of you.”
“Didn’t see your name one it, big guy,” Blackarachnia smirked.
Lugnut’s optic narrowed. “Why you-!”
“Lugnut,” Blitzwing said warningly.
“I... suppose there is some truth to that,” Lugnut said through gritted denta. “Still, I really wanted that cube. You know I am a flight frame. I need more energon than you.”
Blackarachnia put a hand to her chin as if in thought. “Hmm, you’ve got a point there.” She let her servo drop to the side and grinned. “But then again, you could stand to lose a few megatons. Maybe you would actually hit something, if you were lighter.”
Lugnut lunged at her before Blitzwing could stop him. Blackarachnia jumped out of the way with ease, grin never leaving her faceplate. Lugnut crashed against the wall. The impact knocked several rock loose. The three of them managed to vacate the tunnel just in time before it came down.
They were still busy padding off dust from their frames and peeling smaller rocks out of their systems when Megatron, Starscream and Professor Black came running around the corner, the two Decepticons with their weapons raised and the mutant with one acid-dripping arm out of the sleeve of the special suit he’d taken to wearing.
“We heard an explosion! Is everything alright?” Megatron asked.
“Yeah, we’re good. That was just Lugnut trying to be nice,” Blackarachnia answered drily, flicking a pebble off her shoulder plate.
Optimus let his optic wander over the destroyed bodies of the drones, deep in thought. For all his taunting, he had to admit the drones were commendable for what they were. Though he wouldn’t be caught off-line admitting that to Sumdac.
The human had stomped out in a huff after his inventions had chosen to destroy each other instead of their shared enemies. Which had given Optimus ample time to study what remained of their body and circuitry. Like everything else on this planet, they were far too primitive as constructions to serve as potential new bodies for him.
But they were formidable enough to serve as his arms, metaphorically speaking. All they needed was a steady servo to guide them. Also metaphorically speaking, given his current situation.
Optimus let parts of his consciousness seep into the laboratories’ computers and machinery. It didn’t take long to reassemble the bodies and implant a signal beacon. They would be at his beck and call at a thought now.
When Sumdac re-entered the room, he found his drones fully repaired and operational.
“Spare me the thanks,” Optimus said, feeling a smug satisfaction at the sight of Sumdac’s disbelieving expression. “I suggest you have these things brought to the city. I’m sure our heroic friends would just love to meet them.”
Blitzwing looked out over the water from the spot on the beach he was standing on. He had to admit, the way this planet’s sun reflected off the gleaming surface made for a very calming sight. Almost peaceful. Neither the Cybertronian colony he had been forged on nor New Kaon had a sun as bright as earth’s.
The sound of Lugnut barrelling through through the thick foliage behind him tore him out of his thoughts.
“Oh don’t complain,” Blitzwing said, as Lugnut opened his intake. “I told you to land on the beach. This island will be the ideal place to train you. No humans to watch us and nothing else you could break or cause the collapse of.”
“I suppose,” Lugnut huffed, bending a small tree out of the way.
“Since practicing doesn’t seem to agree with you, I guess we’ll just.. talk about this.” Blitzwing scratched the back of his helmet nervously. He had to admit, this hadn’t been going how he’d planned it out to. “Let’s star with, um... why do you feel you have to be so harsh to the humans?”
“I am not being harsh, I am being straight-forward,” Lugnut said, crossing his arms. “Would you want me to tell them sweet lies and deceive them, like an Autobot?”
“No, of course not! But Lugnut, there is a middle ground between lying and being polite.” Blitzwing ex-vented. “Humans have feelings and thoughts just like we do. And perhaps you should consider that the next time you speak to them. A little empathy can go a long way.”
Lugnut went quiet for a short time. His optic expanded a little. “Blitzwing-”
“Lugnut, Blitzwing, come in!” Both Decepticons flinched slightly at the sound of Megatrons voice in their comms. They both reached up to their aduials.
“Where are you?” Megatron asked.
“At an island not far from the city,” Blitzwing responded.
“What? What for?”
“That is.. a bit hard to explain,” Blitzwing said, fiddling with his insignia and hoping the embarrassment didn’t seep into his vocalizer. He had completely neglected to tell anyone but Blackarachnia about his and Lugnut’s little trip.
“In any case, we need you back here and fast! It seems Sumdac’s machines are attacking the city!”
“Understood,” Blitzwing replied. “We’ll be there immediately.”
Him and Lugnut nodded to each other, then transformed and took off.
Downtown was chaos. Civilians were running through the streets in a panic, screaming and crying. Three humongous drones were rampaging through the streets, overturning vehicles and trampling everything in their way.
The drone who resembled a Tyrannousaurus, turned it’s head back and forth, as if looking for something, even sniffing the air a few times. It completely ignored the panicked young woman trying to dodge it’s claws. Before it could squash her, a laser-blast collided with it’s chest throwing it back.
Megatron lowered his arm cannon and turned to Blitzwing and Lugnut, who had just touched down a few feet away, already turned back into robot-mode.
“Blitzwing, Lugnut, evacuate the humans! The rest, help me contain these drones!”
The other Decepticons nodded. Blitzwing and Lugnut split up, each leading a group of humans away from the fight. Lugnut suppressed an annoyed growl. It was like these organics didn’t want to be saved! Every few steps they would stop to turn back and gape at the fight. Some managed to stumble over their own feet so often, Lugnut wondered if they perhaps hadn’t been assembled right at forging.
“Will you move, humans?” he finally snapped, when one of them once again threw a hasty look over their shoulder instead of running. They stared at him, eyes big and fearful. Lugnut flinched a little, remembering Blitzwing’s words.
“Now look,...The situation might be less than ideal, but, um...” He was no good at this. And now what little movement he had managed to bring into this group seemed to have stopped entirely.
He heard a noise behind him and extended his right arm just in time to catch a van that had been sent flying by the fight.
“Lugnut, what are you doing?” he heard Megatron shout behind him. “Get those humans away from here!”
“Do you think I haven’t tried?” Lugnut snapped back, turning around with a narrowed optic.
His anger lowered his spacial awareness. The servo currently clutching the damaged van collided with the wall of a nearby building. A part of the wall broke in, with a couple pf brick raining down on the streets and the still terrified humans. The sight of several heavy objects seemed to kick them into gear at least.
The humans started screaming in fear again and ran into the alleyways and side-streets. Lugnut stared after them, feeling somewhat guilty. He hadn’t meant to frighten them or put them in danger. At the very least they weren’t in harms way anymore. He turned to go back to the fight.
Megatron was busy engaging the drone with the enormous jaw, holding it back with his swords. Blackarachnia and Blitzwing were trying to subdue the other two, together with the humans. Starscream was currently chasing the sole flying drone through the air, trying to shoot it down with his pulse canons. being a seeker, Starscream was a fast flyer, but the drone was small and very agile, dodging his shots at every turn.
When the drone bearing three horns on it’s head tried to snap it’s jaws around Blitzwing’s servo, Lugnut punted it in the stomach, sending it flying into it’s companion and away from the Decepticons and the humans.
“What are those things?” Blackarachnia asked, looking down on Cyrus and Amicable Archer. “I thought you said this planet didn’t have any Cybertronian life-forms except for us.”
“It does not,” Archer responded, setting in an explosive arrow. “‘Tis another ploy of Overlord Sumdac! He built these vile beasts in the image of animals long perished.”
“Just without the skin,” Cyrus shrugged. “We call ‘em dinosaurs.”
“And what weaknesses do these ‘dinosaurs’ have?” Megatron asked, readying his sword at the sight of the two drones slowly picking themselves back up.
“Err, I dunno. They died out, like, billions of years ago,” Cyrus replied, assuming a battle-ready stance.
“Then we shouldeth repeat that process,” Archer grinned, letting his arrow loose.
The explosive hit the three-horn in the head, but did little but make it stumble. Starscream touched down beside the group, frowning.
“I hate to admit it, but this thing is too small for me to hit. You’d think fighting Autobots for stellar cycles would have prepared me for that.”
“And those other two seem particularly stubborn, for all that they have no combat skills, “ Blitzwing added, rubbing a new dent on his side. “We should-”
The tyrannosaurus charged without warning, aiming right for Megatron. Megatron pulled his sword up just in time to block the drones jaws. The drone let out a furious roar, before clamping down on the blade, tearing it out of it’s owner grip and tossing it across the street. Before Megatron could react, the drone buried it’s jaw into his now weaponless servo, biting hard enough to make the plating crack and draw energon.
“Get away from him!” Starscream shouted. A bright light flashed from his eyes and the next second, his intake shifted. A sound-projector-like device assembled itself inside of it and shot a mixture of a strong acoustic wave and proton blast right at the drone.
The drone screamed as the blast hit it, letting go of Megatron. The blast threw it backwards, right into the three-horned drone who had just started to get up again.
Starscream’s intake transformed back to normal. The Decepticons and humans stared at him in shock. Starscream himself seemed just as shaken. He brought a hand up to his now regular intake, as if to make sure it was still there.
“Wow. Guess I know why they call you Starscream now,” Cyrus joked, crossing his arms.
“Starscream” Blitzwing said, “I’ve known you for stellar cycles and this is the first time I’ve seen you use this power. How did you do that?”
“I..I don’t know,” Starscream admitted. “I suppose I was just really angry and then... this. But, that never happened when I fought before!”
“In any case, it is a useful power to have,” Megatron said, laying a hand on Starscream’s shoulder-plate and giving him a smile. “I would have been short of a servo if not for you.”
“Ha, yes,” Starscream chuckled, face-plate flushing a little. “Though we were pretty lucky I made the thing let go before blasting it into a wall.”
Megatron looked thoughtful for a moment. “Do you think you could do it again? At will?”
Starscream hesitated for a second. “I think so.”
Megatron smirked. “Then I believe we just found a way to deal with these ‘dinosaurs’.” He turned to the others. “Round up the drones in one place. Make them as easy a target as possible. Starscream, do you think you could do the same with the flyer?”
Starscream grinned. “I said I can’t hit it. I didn’t say I couldn’t scare it.”
With that, the Decepticons and the humans took off.
Lugnut lowered his arm to allow Blckarachnia to download. When she was finished, the two of them with additional  help from Cyrus, surrounded the three-horned drone. It lashed out for Cyrus, only to be kicked aside by Blackarachnia. When it tried to lunge at her, Lugnut and Cyrus tackled it towards the middle of the street.
The drones with the large jaws tried it’s luck with Blitzwing, only to slip on a pool of ice suddenly appearing under it’s feet. It screeched and dug it’s claws in, trying to anchor itself. A blast of energy hit it in the side and propelled it towards the same spot the three-horned drone was currently busy fighting off Blackarachnia, Lugnut and Cyrus.
The flying drone was back to dodging Starscream’s proton-blasts, though it’s movements were a fair deal more frantic now. When a shot grazed it’s right wing, it let out an ear-shattering screech and dropped down onto it’s two companions.
“They’re all together! Now, Starscream!” Megatron shouted.
Starscream opened his intake. There was no light this time, but the sonic canon appeared anyway, firing a blat that seemed even stronger, now that it’s owner knew what he was doing.
The drones screeched, trying to cover their non-existent ears. Sparks jumped over their frames and they collapsed on top of each other, motionless.
“Sumdac’s really upping his game,” Cyrus commented, walking over to the drones to get a closer look. “That’s the first time he tried Dinobots.”
Blackarachnia raised an eye-ridge. “‘Dinobots’?”
Cyrus blushed a little. “We gotta call ‘em something, don’t we?”
“In any case,” Megatron said, re-sheathing his swords. “We should retreat back to the mines fro now. These things don’t pose a threat anymore.”
“Shouldeth we not take them with us?” Archer asked. “They seemeth to resemble your kind a great deal.”
“Not exactly,” Blitzwing said, picking up his human friend. “They have a semblance of a spark in them, but... they don’t have free will like we do.” He hesitated for a second. “I think.”
“Decepticons, transform and rise up!” Megatron commanded.
The group transformed into vehicle mode and took off towards the woods. Blitzwing couldn’t help but throw a glance back at the seemingly lifeless bodies of the Dinobots before following.
Optimus scowled at the pathetic scorching husks that had once been his attack drones. When the one wit the large jaw had sunk it’s teeth into Megatron he had almost been able to taste victory. But then came that annoying second-in.command and his sonic pulse.
Through their link, Optmius had felt it when it hit the drones. It had been... unusual. There was something else behind the sonic waves, an energy comparable to a spark. But as his connection with the drones had been severed shortly after, he hadn’t been able to analyze it further.
Sumdac had raged and huffed and thrown tools around and in the end he had retreated to his private quarters, not even bothering to look at the re-captured drones. For once, Optmius couldn’t fault him for his behavior. If he’d had a body, he would have done the same.
The drones had been the closest he’d come to being mobile again in solar cycles. Now they wouldn’t even twitch at his signal.
“If even the greatest mind of this planet can only produce you,” he told their still bodies, “Then my chances of ever getting my body back are grim. Locked in this lab-”
“’Grimlock’? I do say, ‘Grimlock’... It’s quite a nice name.”
Optimus’ optic widened. The drone with the large jaw had talked. And now it moved. Slowly, carefully, like a proto-form making it’s first steps, the drone pushed itself back onto it’s legs and turned it’s head from side to side, as if seeing the room for the first time. It’s two companions followed suit.
“Looks like the Decepticons didn’t destroy you after all,” Optimus said slowly. “So what did they do?” His optic lit up for a split-second, then dimmed again. “You don’t respond to my Cybertronian commands anymore either. But you still function. As if you had sparks.”
The big-jawed drone, tilted it’s head from side to side. “Yes, that’ll do nicely. I am Grimlock,” it muttered, as if it hadn’t heard.
Optimus fought down a  surge of annoyance at the thing ignoring him. “Well, Grimlock, my name is Optimus Prime. And I am your leader.”
Grimlock turned to look at Optmius, his own, small, blue optics narrowing just the slightest bit. “Beg your pardon my good Sir, but I am quite certain that I, Grimlock, am the leader of our trio. Though I admit I do not know much else...”
“Obey me!” Optimus snapped, optic lighting up again.
To his anger, the drones once again did not respond. But one of the many screens on the wall switched on, rattling off a documentary.
“-and so the remnants of the dinosaurs, known as fossils, serve as fuel for today’s cars, trucks and air transports. Furthermore-”
“Not you!” Optimus groaned.
He prepared to retract from the system to shut the voice down. But then he noticed the drones. All of them seemed focused on the screen now. Grimlock’s expression, what little of it could be read, seemed apprehensive now, almost disturbed.
“How barbaric!” he exclaimed, the other two drones squawking in agreement. “So these... ‘cars’, ‘trucks’ and ‘air transports’ consume our kind?”
If Optimus still had an intake, he would have grinned. “They do! Airs transports especially consume a lot of fuel. They feed off your fossils and at the rate they’re currently going, you’ll be extinct in no time. Your only chance of surviving is to destroy them.”
Grimlock’s optics narrowed. “It would appear so.”
“And do you want to know what’s worse than air transports?” Optimus asked amiably. “Air transports that transform into robots!”
He pulled up the security camera feed, showing the Decepticons in battle. The Dinobots seemed to believe him.
“It makes you angry, doesn’t it?” Optimus asked. “Use that anger. Let it out!”
Grimlock and the other two drones roared and opened their jaws. Three streams of fire surged through the air, consuming the screen on the wall until their was nothing left but melted metal.
“My word!” Grimlock said, examining the said remains of the monitor. “Were we always capable of such destruction?”
“Yes,” Optimus lied. “I built you like this. And if you manage to destroy the air transport robots, I’ll built and entire army of drones just like you. What do you say to that?”
Grimlock drew himself up to full height, snorting out a small fire ball. “I say, to battle, fellow Dinobots!”
The gate to the Terrordome opened. A procession of huge vehicles exited the building, driving towards downtown. The few civilians that had come back to garner what was left of their belongings saw the ironclad trucks and quickly retreated.
The trucks stopped side by side in the middle of the streets. The police drones that had accompanied them stood aside. The trucks transporters opened.
The Dinobots stepped outside, looking around curiously, as if they hadn’t been there only hours ago. Captain Fanzone exited one of the driver’s cab and looked up at his cargo with a wide grin.
“Well fellas,” he said. “Knock yourselves out! Just give us a call once your done!”
He re-entered the vehicle and gave the driver the sign to drive off. As the trucks rolled back towards the Terrordome, Fanzone heard a roar behind him. When he turned, he saw the Dinobot he had been told was named Grimlock pick up one of the parked cars and sever it in half with a single bite.
Fanzone chuckled as he settled, shaking his head. “This is why I love machines.”
“Don’t these things ever learn?” Lugnut asked, irritated, as the Decepticons once again made their way through the sky and towards downtown.
Below them the Dinobots were on a rampage, tearing up streets and throwing cars around.
“No longer shall we, the Dinobots, be food!” screamed the one with the large jaws.
“Apparently they learned how to talk,” Blitzwing said nervously.
In that moment, the flying drone opened it’s beak and released a stream f fire into a nearby car underneath it.
“As well as a few other tricks,” Megatron commented.
“Well, what’re we waiting for?” Cyrus spoke up from withing Lugnut’s cockpit. “Let’s give ‘em the old sonic shout and send ‘em back to the stone age!”
“Wait!” Lugnut called. “Perhaps we should lure them away from this area first. I’ve seen a few humans who have not yet evacuated when we flew over these buildings.”
“That... is a very good idea, Lugnut,” Megatron answered, sounding surprised.
Lugnut huffed, hoping his vocalizer wouldn’t give away his embarrassment. “I simply think the humans would be very grateful if their housing units stayed intact this time. And it will be easier for us to fight without them getting in the way.”
“Aww, no worries big guy,” Blackarachnia cooed mockingly from her sitting spot on Blitzwing. “We won’t get any crazy ideas about you having a spark after all.”
With that Megatron swooped down close to the ground Starscream and Lugnut following after him. Each of them rammed into one of the Dinobots, hard enough to knock them over, but not hard enough to do damage.
All three of the Dinobots let out infuriated roars.
“You wish for a fight?” Grimlock growled. “You shall have it!”
The Dinobots spit fire at their attackers, but the Decepticons had already taken to the air again, easily avoiding their attacks. Letting loose irritated snarls, the Dinobots followed suit. The Decepticons led them well outside of town, onto the road.
There, they touched down to the ground and transformed back into robot-mode, weapons out and at the ready.
The Dinobots stopped dead in their tracks, seemingly dumbfounded by this chain of events. Their optics wandered over their opponents, then came to a halt at Blackarachnia.
“Um, wereth they not going to attack?” Archer whispered to Blitzwing, confused.
“They were supposed to,” Blitzwing said.
“And what are they staring at me for?” Blackarachnia asked indignantly. “It’s not like I’m the only organic thing on this planet!”
The Dinobot in the middle perked up at her voice, then shook his head. “Ah, you must forgive me, fair spider-lady. I, Grimlock, seem to have been awestruck by your beauty.”
Blackarachnia blinked. “What?”
The three-horned Dinobot and it’s flying companion made a sound that sounded a lot like gurgling and pressed themselves on the ground.
“But how can this be?” Grimlock asked, seemingly talking more to himself than anyone else. “How can such a lovely creature be accompanying the vile flying transport robots who consume our kind?”
“Er, I’m confused,” Cyrus admitted, scratching his bald head. “Are we gonna fight or what?”
“We might not have to,” Megatron said grimly. he turned to Starscream. Starscream, do you think you could hit all of them at once with that new power of yours?”
“Starscream blinked. “I... yes, I think so but...will that be necessary? They’re fairly peaceful now.”
Megatron shook his head. “We don’t know if it will stay that way. We need to at least put them out of commission for now.”
Starscream hesitated, the nodded. He took a step forward. His intake transformed into the sonic gun. The blast hit the Dinobots with full force. With a pained screech, they stumbled backwards, then collapsed.
“Blitzwing, freeze them,” Megatron called.
Blitzwing lowered his ice cannons and encased the Dinobots in a wide block, big enough to take up most of the road.
“Well that was easier than I thought,” Cyrus commented. He looked up at the frozen Dinobots, frowning. “What do we do with ‘em now?”
“We destroy them,” Megatron said curtly.
Blitzwing flinched and turned towards his leader, optics wide. “Wait, what?”
“Blitzwing, you’ve seen what they can do. What they did. They are dangerous. We can’t allow Sumdac to find and repurpose them again,” Megatron said gravely.
“But...but,” Blitzwing stuttered. “Isn’t that a little extreme? You heard them, someone clearly told them we were some sort of threat! And besides that...” He looked at the Dinobts, optic thoughtful. “I felt like something was different about them this time. They seemed like they were aware. Like... like they had sparks. What if they’re more than simple attack drones?”
Megatron shook his head. “These are far too many ‘what ifs’ than we can afford right now. I would be lying if I said it didn’t irk me a little bit, but it has to be done.”
“I agree,” Lugnut spoke up, stepping forward. “I propose me, Blitzwing and Blackarachnia stay behind to take care of matters. You and Starscream should fly Cyrus and Archer back to our base in the meantime. Just to be safe.”
Megatron gave him a surprised look, then quickly got ahold of himself and nodded. “Thank you, Lugnut. I’ll believe we’ll do just that. Come along, Starscream.”
Starscream nodded, throwing a suspicious glance at Lugnut as he did so. Lugnut didn’t blink. Starscream shrugged, transformed and let Archer enter, before following Megatron, who had done the same with Cyrus, into the air.
Blackarachnia, Blitzwing and Lugnut watched them fly away.
“Now,” Lugnut said, when the two of them were out of sight. “I believe we have work to do.”
“Gotta say, big guy,” Blackarachnia commented, looking down the edge of the giant crater into the lush, green valley before her. “I really wasn’t expecting that.”
Donw below her, the Dinobots were roaming around through the grass, sniffing here and ther and letting out a joyful squawk or screech now and again.
“Me neither,” Blitzwing admitted, smiling slightly. “I was sure you would actually destroy the Dinobots, when you proposed it to Megatron.” he turned to look at Lugnut, who was watching the Dinobots as well, expression unreadable. “May I ask what made you change your mind?”
Lugnut huffed, crossing his servos. “I have seen Cybertronians like the Dinobots during the war. Young, naive, still barely protoformed. Easy to manipulate in their youthful zeal. It was obvious they had no idea what it was they were getting into when they fought us.” He lowered his head a little. “Had we destroyed them, Sumdac would have found their remains and rebuilt them eventually. And then they truly would have had a reason to despise and fight us. What good will it do us to make more enemies on this planet than we already have? This island is remote enough to be a good hiding place from Sumdac. Here, they’ll be able to carve their own path, their own identity. Far away from any wars.” He looked up again. “A respected fellow Decepticon once told me ‘A little empathy can go a long way.’ I suppose I decided to heed that advice today.”
Blitzwing’s smile widened a little.
“Welp,” Blackarachnia said, stretching. “Since that’s all wrapped up for now, we should get going. It’s been a long day and I have a comfortable berth back at the mine with my name on it.”
“And I need to find a certain small organic,” Lugnut said quietly. “Whom I owe an apology.”
Lugnut and Blitzwing transformed, Blackarachnia jumped onto Lugnut’s wings and the three of them departed.
Back in the valley, the Dinobots were still wandering around. Grimlock looked around.
“I, Grimlock, must say I quite like this ‘nature’.”
He took another step forward. The humming of machinery inside of him intensified. His claws retracted. His massive jaw pulled in and onto his chest. His small, scrawny arm stumps were pulled into his body to be replaced by two mechanical arms. A helm with a red visor and a riffled intake popped out where his jaw had been pulled down from a second ago.
“But I must say. I like this even more,” Grimlock said, grinning.
He pulled a sword out from his back and watched as it engulfed itself in flames.
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Chapter one “Transform and roll out!”
It was dark and quiet in Shortstorm’s hab suite. Very little room was taken up inside and in the far left corner was a recharge slab and a table next to it with an alarm clock that never had been set. It was serene, with just the nightlight providing a dim light. That is, until a loud banging came on the door to the hab suite, scaring Shortstorm badly enough for her to jolt off the slab. “*Shortstorm? Are you in zhere?*” Blitzwing called through the door.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK, DUMBAFT?!” Shortstorm snapped, rubbing her head as she sat up, back against the recharge slab. Shortstorm could barely hear a sound she dreaded: a whirring sound.
“*I ZHINK ZHAT ZHAT IS A YES, JA~?*” Blitzwing laughed. “Besides, I don’t hafta get up for another few hours…!” Shortstorm groaned
“*ARE YOU CERTAIN~? YOU MIGHT VANT TO CHECK YOUR CLOCK AGAIN, SVEETSPARK~!*” Blitzwing cackled. Shortstorm checked the clock. 12:30.
“Oh, okay...12:30…..WAIT, 12:30 PM?!?” Shortstorm yelped.
Shortstorm hurried out to the bridge of the ship, gasping for breath. “What’s gotten you up so quickly?” Starscream asked, confused.
“I-I *WHEEZE* recharged late again…!” Shortstorm wheezed. Starscream raised an eyebrow.
“Late? This is early for you.” Starscream quipped.
“Wait, what?” Shortstorm peeped.
“It’s 8:30.” Starscream avowed. Shortstorm’s jaw dropped. Did. Did someone mess with her clock while she was in recharge?! As Shortstorm processed everything, Blitzwing walked in, a smug smirk on his faceplates.
“Did you mess with my clock?!” Shortstorm blamed.
“Me? Mess vith somezhing of yours? Please. I Vouldn’t touch somezhing zhat you’ve touched.” Blitzwing stated.
“But….I….” Shortstorm stuttered.
“Maybe you need to vatch how much you recharge, ja?” Blitzwing winked as if he knew something.
“Oh, you sneaky spawn of a gli-” Shortstorm started.
“Watch it, three-face. People might think you and her are conjunx endurae~!” Blackarachnia said smugly. Blitzwing frowned before switching to his Hotheaded persona.
“EXPRESS MY FEELINGS IN SONG~!” Blitzwing grinned, switching to his Random persona and beginning to sing an off-key variant of itsy bitsy spider. Shortstorm covered her audials with her hands. Oh well, at least it couldn’t get louder, right?
“NO ONE MOCKS THE WORD OF MEGATRON!!!” Lugnut bellowed. Shortstorm winced, pressing her hands against her audials harder, almost denting them. A few seconds after Lugnut finished, Megatron walked through the door and everyone in the room fell into line, Shortstorm following suit, slumping a bit. Blitzwing slightly leaned over, now on his Icy persona.
“(Stand up straight, newbie. Lord Megatron does not take kindly to slackers.)” Icy whispered. “(I’m trying, Blitzwing sir…!)” Shortstorm replied quietly.
“(Zhen try harder. Don’t vant to get offlined first day, ja?)” Blitzwing whispered.
“(N-No sir..!)” Shortstorm replied.
“(Zhen stand up straight.)” Blitzwing hissed harshly. Shortstorm almost fell over before Blitzwing quickly held her up by the lower are of her back with one arm. Shortstorm was about to thank him before he glared at her.
“(STAND UP STRAIGHT, NO FUNNY BUSINESS, BEFORE I DROP YOU.)” Shortstorm nodded, pushing herself onto her stabilizing servos and standing up straight. Blitzwing returned to his original position as though it never happened.
“Starscream. Report.” Megatron droned. Shortstorm slowly spaced out, vision focusing on a spot where there was a puddle of some sort of fluid. As she zoned out on the spot, she slowly lost the ability to hear the others and was lost in her thoughts.
(Iacon, Cybertron, cycle 1930000, as the war began.)
“So Stormy, what side are ya pickin’?” Ygravit asked. Shortstorm winced. She knew the question would come up at some point. She didn’t want to have to pick a side, but, sadly, she had to.
“I…….Autobot..” Shortstorm sighed.
“Really?” Ygravit grinned. Shortstorm sighed, shaking her head as a smile made its way onto her faceplates.
“Yeah...I wouldn’t make it out there on the ‘Con’s team. Too…Cutthroat.” Shortstorm rubbed at her arm. A nervous tic she’d picked up from her dad.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll do great! What position ya shootin’ for?” Ygravit asked. Shortstorm sighed, head hanging low as an embarrassed blush appeared on her faceplates.
“W-Well…” Shortstorm rubbed her arm again.
“Come on, Stormy! I won’t judge!” Ygravit smiled. Shortstorm smiled softly. Of course you wouldn’t, Shortstorm thought.
“Okay...I’m shootin’ for Elite Guard.” Shortstorm said, embarrassment leaking into her voice. Suddenly, Shortstorm was enveloped into a bone crushing hug.
“Stormy, I’m so happy for you!!” Ygravit squealed. Shortstorm chuckled, weakly hugging back.
“What can I say…? If I’m gonna shoot, better shoot high, right..?” Shortstorm asked, straining her voice.
“-hortstorm? Shortstorm?” A voice called.
“SHORTSTORM, ANSWER VHEN SPOKEN TO!!!!!” Blitzwing snapped, snapping his fingers in front of Shortstorm’s face. Shortstorm yelped in surprise and fell backwards, landing in a chair. Blitzwing whirled to his Icy persona, a frown of disappointment on his faceplates. “Please tell me zhat you vere listening.” Blitzwing sighed. Shortstorm shook her head no in shame. Blitzwing sighed in frustration.
“Sorry sir….” Shortstorm said in a tone that could be described as a child getting in trouble for something that they shouldn’t have been doing. Blitzwing took a deep breath before preparing to talk to her.
“Okay, okay...Okay okay okay okay okay…! So you spaced out again...It’s...Vhatever, you know? Not like zhat vas vhat ve needed you to listen to, I mean it’s not like it vas IMPORTANT or anyzhing, ja?!?” Blitzwing sighed heavily.
Shortstorm shuffled her stabilizing servos shyly. “I didn’t mean to…” Shortstorm mumbled. Blitzwing sighed, rolling his optics before mumbling something under his breath.
Shortstorm took a deep breath, calling all her courage up. “B-Blitzwing sir…?” Shortstorm asked.
“Vhat? Vhat do you vant?” Blitzwing asked, tone as flat as paper.
“Was….” Shortstorm faltered. “Was I…” Shortstorm faltered again.
“Hurry it up, I haven’t got all day.” Blitzwing ordered. Shortstorm shook her head.
“Was I always a...A-A Decepticon, sir…?” Shortstorm asked. Blitzwing froze like a deer in the headlights, dropping whatever he was working on with a loud clatter. “O-Oh goodness!!” Shortstorm yelped.
Before Shortstorm could react, Blitzwing stepped closer to her, practically within grabbing distance. “Vhat made you vonder zhis?” Blitzwing asked, hostility barely hidden in his tone.
Shortstorm fidgeted with her hands roughly, lightly denting them. “W-Well, I-I was just...I’ve been having weird dreams lately, but they don’t...They don’t fee….Th-They don’t feel like dreams…? D-D-D-D-D-Does that make sense…?” Shortstorm asked timidly.
Blitzwing muttered something under his breath. Shortstorm didn’t know what it meant, but the way he said it told her that it wasn’t exactly a friendly phrase. “S-Sir..?” Shortstorm said meekly.
“Oh, ja, ja, zhe...Zhe dreams...Just...ignore zhem, okay? It’s just your processor playing tricks on you, seeing how loyal you truly are.” Blitzwing said.
Shortstorm quirked an eyebrow at this. “Sir, you know I’m fully loyal, so wouldn’t my processor know that t-” Shortstorm started.
“Are you questioning your superior? Maybe zhose tests your processor is giving you ARE required after all.” Blitzwing chuffed.
Shortstorm hopped in surprise. Her?! Disloyal?! Preposterous! Although...She has been feeling guilt occasionally whenever she does as Megatron commanded her. “...S-Sir…?” Shortstorm asked shakily.
Blitzwing sighed, head and arms dropping down as he did so. “Durch den Allspark-VHAT?!?” Blitzwing asked, irritation slipping into his tone.
Shortstorm pulled back a bit at the sudden volume shift. “I-I was just wondering if maybe I’m just confused…? I-I mean sometimes, the-the-the guilt comes back and-and I wonder if we’re truly doing the right thing…?” Shortstorm asked, voice small as a mouse.
Blitzwing frowned. Oh. She’s one of THOSE Decepticons. “Okay, vell, zhere’s a simple fix for zhat.” Blitzwing said matter-of-factly.
Shortstorm perked up. “Really?! How?!” Shortstorm asked, bubbling with excitement. Blitzwing looked at her from his peripheral vision.
“How villing are you to go into zhe medibay?” Blitzwing asked coldly. Shortstorm’s optics shrank and she started shaking. Blitzwing rolled his optics and sighed heavily. “Relax. You von’t have to vorry about zhat anymore.” Blitzwing sighed.
“Wh-Why’s that, sir..?” Shortstorm asked sheepishly. Blitzwing scrolled through the datapad he was reading and chuckled slightly.
“Because you-” Blitzwing said shutting off the datapad and stepping in front of Shortstorm, looming over her. “-Vill not be in zhe front lines, let alone out in zhe battlefield.” Blitzwing said.
“Wh-What?!” Shortstorm peeped. Blitzwing teasingly roughly patted Shortstorm on the helm.
“Hallo~? Anyvone home~?” Blitzwing grinned maliciously. “It’s because every mission zhat you have been allowed on zhe battlefield has resulted in a failure~!” Blitzwing mocked. Shortstorm whined as his fist made contact.
“P-Please stop...!” Shortstorm whined. Blitzwing chuckled, sending shivers down Shortstorm’s spinal strut.
“Vhat~? Am I being too rough, Spielzeug~?” Blitzwing hummed. Shortstorm shifted uncomfortably, discomfort becoming painfully obvious at the nickname with her face heating up. Blitzwing forced her to make eye contact.
“Nobody loved you, Spielzeug~! How could zhey~?” Blitzwing mocked. Shortstorm shifted uncomfortably again.
“You know zhat you’re only somezhing for bots to eizher release stress, pass time, or ‘get off’ on, right~?” Blitzwing mocked. Shortstorm hugged herself tightly.
“Besides, Spielzeug~! You’re a FREAK. Who could love a FREAK, let alone YOU~?” Blitzwing mocked. Shortstorm’s optics misted up at the harsh remarks. Not that they were wrong, just...Hurt a lot…
Blitzwing’s faceplates whirled around to his hot headed persona, but he was grinning widely. As she noticed this, Shortstorm’s posture slumped and she backed away slowly. “YOU KNOW, YOU CAN’T REALLY AMOUNT TO ANYZHING VIZHOUT SOMEVONE TO HOLD YOUR SERVO~!!! IF YOU VERE EVER LEFT ALONE, YOU’D PROBABLY DIE FROM SOMEZHING STUPID~!!!” Blitzwing mocked.
Shortstorm winced a bit at the harsh words, despite the truth behind them. He was right, no matter what she wanted to believe...She tried to hold it in so he had no more ammo against her, but a small sniffle slipped out.
“VAS ZHAT A SNIFFLE I HEARD~?” Blitzwing grinned. Shortstorm’s face heated up in embarrassment and she broke optic contact.
”AWWW, DID I HURT YOUR LITTLE FEELINGS~?” Blitzwing mocked. Shortstorm drew herself back and Blitzwing laughed.
“IF IT’S ANY CONSOLATION” Blitzwing started, turning to leave the room, then turning to face Shortstorm, Icy persona in control.
“Your efforts vould not have mattered anyvay~!” Blitzwing smirked.
“*Blitzwing, report to your station. We have found the Allspark, or something just as powerful.*” Megatron announced over comms.
“Acknowledged, I vill be in in ein moment.” Blitzwing said, Icy persona taking control.
“*Oh, and Blitzwing?*” Megatron continued.
“Yes my Liege?” Blitzwing asked.
“*Bring Shortstorm with you. She’s foolish if she thinks we haven’t noticed she’s not at her station.*” Megatron ordered. Blitzwing’s mouth dropped into a frown and his optics glazed over.
“Of course, my liege.” Blitzwing said, faking promise.
“*Excellent. Hurry up. We’re losing time.*” Megatron said before hanging up. Blitzwing muttered something under his breath before motioning for Shortstorm to follow. Shortstorm followed him shakily when he suddenly froze as he got an idea.
“U-Um, s-sir..?” Shortstorm waived. Blitzwing shook his head, resuming walking, then stopping again at a supply closet, waiting for Shortstorm to catch up. Shortstorm hurried up, bumping into Blitzwing and falling over.
“Vatch where you’re going.” Blitzwing said coldly.
“S-Sorry sir…!” Shortstorm stuttered. Blitzwing rolled his optic, punching in the closet’s door code. Shortstorm tilted her head in confusion, stepping closer.
“Why’re we here, sir?” Shortstorm asked, confused. Blitzwing switched to his Hothead persona and smirked, taking a few steps back behind Shortstorm.
Shortstorm was confused by not getting a response and was about to say something, but was cut off by being shoved into the closet. Shortstorm yelped as she was shoved in and the door was locked as soon as she was inside. Shortstorm shook the dizziness off and after a few moments sat up and started banging on the door. “HEY!! WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!” Shortstorm demanded, banging on the door in an attempt to get someone’s attention. Blitzwing chuckled to himself before returning to the bridge, Icy persona front and center.
“There you are, Blitzwing. Where were you?” Megatron asked.
“Apologies for zhe delay, my liege, but I got caught up vizh somezhing on zhe vay.” Blitzwing explained. Megatron looked around for something before raising an optic ridge.
“And where’s Shortstorm?” Megatron inquired. Blitzwing panicked for a moment before an excuse popped up in his mind.
“I apologize for Mein Kamerad’s absence, she vas not feeling zhe best, so I escorted her to her room.” Blitzwing lamented. Megatron made a hum of disbelief.
“I’m sure you did just that when escorting her back, Blitzbrain~!” Starscream winked. Blitzwing scowled, Hotheaded persona taking control.
“OH, HALT DIE KLAPPE, STARSCREAM!!! I VOULD NEVER DO ZHAT VIZH ANYVONE, LET ALONE HER!!” Blitzwing snapped. Starscream chuckled. “VHAT?!? VHAT IS SO FUNNY?!” Blitzwing barked.
“You knew what I was implying~!” Starscream sneered.
“Blitzwing, I leave you in command of the bridge, as I do not trust Starscream enough. I trust you will be able to handle it until I return?” Megatron droned. Blitzwing’s Icy persona took over.
“As you vish, my liege.” Blitzwing affirmed, bowing respectfully.
“Good.” Megatron said, walking out of the bridge.
(With Shortstorm)
Shortstorm eventually gave up trying to break down the door and instead slid down it, hugging her knees to her chest. She eventually spaced out again, audials filled with a ringing noise.
Zapstorm onlined her optics as she heard a loud explosion go off close-by, but not close enough to do much damage other than set off her balance. Had she listened closely, she could have sworn she had heard puK shouting something in the distance, but her hearing hadn’t returned yet, the explosion having forced her hearing to reset. She shakily pushed herself up, grabbing her plasma pistol and running out to assist anyone who needed it. Zapstorm rolled behind a piece of debris, regaining her bearings.
“Where were ya?!? We thought ya up ‘n’ offlined on us!!” puK barked.
“Wish I did!! My helm aches like the pits!!” Zapstorm laughed.
“Better to feel like the pits than to be there!” regnirpS joked.
“Arright, stop clownin’ and get poundin’!!” puK ordered.
“Yes sir!” Zapstorm said, rolling out from behind the debris and firing as many blasts as she could before needing to reload. As she reloaded, she heard puK shout to look out and before she could react, she was hit by four Decepticon bombs, putting her in critical condition.
Megatron punched in the four digit combination for the supply closet, being greeted by the door sliding up and Shortstorm falling out backwards. Shortstorm shook her head before saluting Megatron swiftly.
“......What are you doing in here?” Megatron sighed.
“Being locked somewhere that I don’t wanna be, sir. You?” Shortstorm asked casually.
“Taking you to your workplace.” Megatron sighed, grabbing Shortstorm’s shoulder and dragging her to her pedes.
“Right! Sorry sir!” Shortstorm apologized, stumbling to follow him.
(On the bridge.)
As everyone was at their stations, Megatron walked in, Shortstorm following close behind.
“With our simpering little friend in tow.” Megatron scowled.
“VHAT?!? HOW DID YOU-” Blitzwing started before stopping himself and switching to his Icy persona.
“How did you get better so quickly? I’m shocked at your speedy recovery!” Blitzwing corrected. Megatron started walking towards Blitzwing’s station menacingly.
“Recover from what?” Megatron asked.
“From feeling under zhe veazher, my lie-” Blitzwing started before Megatron picked him up by the collar of his chest armor.
“Truly? Because I didn’t find her in her room, Blitzwing, but rather, in the supply closet.” Megatron boomed. Blitzwing switched to his Random persona, fear overtaking his systems.
“You...wouldn’t happen to know how she got there, would you, my most loyal lieutenant~?” Megatron asked, malice and venom lacing his voice.
“No, no, no~!!! I vouldn’t, my liege~!!” Blitzwing sputtered. Megatron held him up for a moment before dropping him, Blitzwing scrambling away, trying to hide all traces of fear.
“Good~! I’d hate to imagine what would happen to you if it were true~!” Megatron threatened.
“Of course, my liege~!” Blitzwing sputtered.
“Don’t forget the Allspark, my liege~!” Starscream chimed in.
“Ah, yes, of course~!” Megatron hummed. Megatron made his way to the airlock, Starscream following behind him with a smirk on his faceplates. Shortstorm found this curious and followed stealthily.
“What is it, Starscream?” Megatron asked, looking out the airlock.
Starscream patted Megatron’s back, putting what Shortstorm recognized as a bomb on his back, but she didn’t say anything. “I only came to wish you luck, my liege~!” Starscream smirked.
“I don’t believe in luck.” Megatron narrowed his optics, taking off.
“Neither do I~!” Starscream sneered. Shortstorm hurried back to her spot as he started turning back, jumping into her chair, optics shrunken to pinprick size.
Shortstorm froze as she looked at her hands, noticing that she was shaking uncontrollably. “That’s n-n-n-n-not good….” Shortstorm sputtered. Blitzwing noticed Shortstorm spaced out and rolled his optic, shooting a gentle shot from his hyperfrost emitter at her, getting her back to reality, but scaring her enough for her to fall out of her seat. Blitzwing’s head fell into his hands as he sighed in disappointment.
“Who is your leader?” Blitzwing inquired, Icy persona in control.
Zapstorm failed to focus on the task at hand, attempting to escape where she was strapped in. Blitzwing sighed, slamming a fist down on the table in front of him to get her attention, successfully obtaining it.
“Please, make it easy for bozh of us and just give up. Zhe Autobots aren’t coming to rescue you.” Blitzwing suggested. Zapstorm shook her head no. Typical.
“So long as I remain sane and functioning, I’m an Autobot; through and through!” Zapstorm said proudly.
“Hm. Hubris. Fascinating.” Blitzwing narrowed his optics. Zapstorm shrunk in her seat, knowing what the look meant.
“Look,” Blitzwing said putting the datapad down. “I understand zhat zhis is stressful, but guess vhat? Vonce you renounce Autobotism, it’ll all be over. No more pain, no more torture, no more mental anguish, no more isolation, it vill all be over so long as you choose zhe right side.” Blitzwing explained.
“I’d rather die.” Zapstorm narrowed her optics. Blitzwing’s optic twitched, as did his cannons, itching to be put to use. Blitzwing took a deep breath before explaining again.
“Zapstorm, you vere caught attempting to put our defences down. Doesn’t zhat sound unfair to you?” Blitzwing mused. Zapstorm tilted her head in confusion. Blitzwing sighed again.
“You tried cheating so zhat your side could vin. Doesn’t zhat seem a little...Cheaty, to you?” Blitzwing asked, simplifying.
“Well...Maybe a little…” Zapstorm mumbled.
“Hmm…” Blitzwing hummed. Genius. AbsoLUTE genius.
Blitzwing smirked, putting his servos in front of him on the desk, plan formulating in his mind. “Zapstorm, are you avare of zhe atrocities zhat your supposed ‘friends’ have committed~?” Blitzwing asked.
“What do you mean?!” Zapstorm demanded.
Blitzwing chuckled. “Demanding little Autobot, are you~?” Blitzwing smirked, calculating his next move.
“Little Autobot,” Blitzwing smirked, reaching for his datapad and pulling something up on it. “Are you avare zhat your friends have wrongfully kept us from our home~?” Blitzwing asked. Zapstorm’s tanks dropped.
“Th-That’s not true…!!! Y-You’re the bad guys!!!” Zapstorm retaliated. As predicted.
“Are you sure~?” Blitzwing hummed, searching for something on the datapad.
“N-Not fully, but I’m certain that it’s true!!” Zapstorm retaliated weakly.
Blitzwing chuckled, eventually finding what he needed and selecting it. “If zhat vere true, little Autobot,” Blitzwing started, pushing the datapad towards Zapstorm and getting up and standing behind her as a video began playing. “Zhen vould zhey be killing ozhers who are just doing vhat zhey believe vould make zhe world a better place for all~?” Blitzwing smiled, drinking in Zapstorm’s horrified expression at the video’s contents.
Zapstorm’s optics filled with tears threatening to spill over at any second. “Th-They….” Zapstorm whimpered. Blitzwing chuckled, taking the datapad back and closing the video out, sitting back down, servos in front of him on the desk again.
“Who’s zhe ‘Bad Guys’ now, hmm~?” Blitzwing hummed, smirk growing on his faceplates. Zapstorm sniffled as reality hit. As calculated. Blitzwing smirked, reaching a servo across the table to gently hold her faceplates in a false form of comfort. “I know, I know, shh…..It’s okay, shh, shh, shh….” Blitzwing hushed. Zapstorm nuzzled into his servo, enjoying the touch. Keeping her all alone in a room with no form of positive touching must be catching up. Just as planned.
“I can’t believe it…” Zapstorm hiccupped. Blitzwing gently stroked her cheek, faking sympathy.
“I know how tough zhis is, but if zhey’re doing zhis, vould you truly vish to be associated vizh zhem?” Blitzwing asked in a hushed tone. Zapstorm hesitated. “You don’t vant to hurt anyvone, but you don’t vant to leave zhe Autobots, ja?” Blitzwing asked, faking gentleness.
“I’m…so...tired, Blitzwing…” Zapstorm whimpered. Blitzwing hushed her again.
“I know, but if you just leave zhem, you don’t have to be tired anymore. You can finally rest until you’re fully recovered.” Blitzwing assured.
“But that’d be betrayal...And they’ve all done so much for me…” Zapstorm whimpered.
“Ja, but zhey’ve also murdered ozhers who vere just doing vhat zhey vere told vas right. Is zhat fair to you?” Blitzwing asked. Zapstorm’s sitting position sagged, showing she was close. She was on the edge. So close to breaking.
“No…” Zapstorm whimpered. Blitzwing smirked.
“So does it now make sense vhy you shouldn’t associate vizh zhem?” Blitzwing asked calmly. Zapstorm held in a sob, but he could hear it forming in her throat. His smirk grew wider.
“Y-Yes…” Zapstorm whimpered, voice on the brink of breaking.
“Und doesn’t it, zhen, also make sense zhat zhey’re zhe bad guys?” Blitzwing theorized. Zapstorm started shaking. Almost there.
“Y-Yeah…” Zapstorm sniffled. Blitzwing started grinning. He had almost done it.
“So zhen, doesn’t it also make sense zhat ve’re zhe good guys? Zhat ve’re just trying to get home? Zhat ve just vant to rest, like you?” Blitzwing asked.
Zapstorm reset her vocalizer before speaking. “Y-Yeah…”
“So~?” Blitzwing hummed.
“So what…? If I leave now, I’ll be charged with treason...It can’t be worth that, right…?” Zapstorm asked.
“Ja, but also, if you help us vin,” Blitzwing replied, getting up and walking over to the side of Zapstorm. “Ve can remove zhose charges of treason und you can be back to a squeaky clean record, ja~?” Blitzwing falsely promised.
“R-Really…?” Zapstorm asked. Blitzwing nodded.
“Of course~! You just have to leave zhem~!” Blitzwing grinned. Zapstorm thought it over.
“I would love to.” Zapstorm said. Blitzwing was about to cheer in victory. “But I can’t do that. Everybot makes mistakes, they’re no different.” Zapstorm defended. Blitzwing scowled.
“Even zhough zhey murdered innocent bots?” Blitzwing asked shakily.
Zapstorm nodded. “Again, we all make mistakes. They’re only cybertronian.” Zapstorm defended again. Blitzwing scowled coldly at Zapstorm.
“I see.” Blitzwing said coldly. Blitzwing got up from kneeling next to her and picked up the datapad, going to the door.
“Wait-where are you going?!” Zapstorm asked. Blitzwing turned and looked at Zapstorm, giving her a freezing cold glare.
“To leave you here for a few orbital cycles. See if you change zhat vone-track processor of yours.” Blitzwing jabbed sharply. Zapstorm’s optics shrank.
“No!! Don’t leave me here alone…!!” Zapstorm begged.
“Does zhat mean you’ve had a change of spark?” Blitzwing asked sarcastically.
“No! I’m an Autobot, not a Decepticreep!!!” Zapstorm snapped.
Blitzwing tsked and walked out. “Such a shame. Enjoy being all alone in zhe dark until you change zhat tiny vone-track processor of yours~!” Blitzwing taunted before closing the door and shutting off all the lights. Zapstorm whined as the lights went out.
It’s Here! @bccfggffbgv, @new-account-sam-christy-456, @anaanswersstuff, Hope Ya Don’t Mind The Tags And Ya Enjoy! Reblogs Greatly Appreciated!!
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