#if hann’s baby turns out to have the same name I used
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This is not the first time that I’ve written something in a fic that later turns up in an interview.
Thinking of when Matty talked to Bret Easton Ellis about sinking into hot baths to try to feel weighted down and a very similar idea that I wrote about in “Lost Boys”, way before that interview.
Or when I included a line from “Anti Hero” in “Wintering” and a month or so later TS turned up on the 75 stage singing that song. We all know the rest of that story.
Spooky. It’s all super meta! What else can I manifest??
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toomuchracket · 1 year
these dad! matty blurbs are soooooooi cute i can’t 😭 could you maybe do one with the parents meeting reader and mattys baby for the first time? or maybe the boys 💗💗
the boys!! i think because the baba's birth was so easy and they were so healthy from the get-go, you and matty are allowed to take them home after a couple of days post-birth, and it's at your house the boys meet their newest family member for the first time (both sets of parents and you and matty's siblings came up to the hospital, though). and everyone - charli and carly and baby hann included - creeps in together, not wanting to disturb the baby, hugging you and matty, congratulating you, telling you you look amazing (matty's like "stop fucking hitting on my wife, the mother of my child" jokingly). and they politely ask about the birth - ross and george in physical distress at the detail - and make small talk, until baby hann is like "so... can we see the baby now?" and everyone laughs. so you lead them all over to the living room, where the baby is asleep in a little portable crib thing that carly recommended to you months ago (she winks knowingly at you when she sees), and matty picks baby hann up so he can see his new bestie and introduces them both - baby hann is quietly very excited - while everyone else exclaims at how lovely the baby's full name is. and they all take turns peering in at the new arrival - the boys fully cry when they see the baby has matty's hair, emotional about the fact their boy is a dad now, while charli and carly coo over the general cuteness. after baby wakes up for a feed and gets fed, you walk around introducing them to everyone - they just kinda stare, as babies do, but seeing their eyes (same as yours) sparks a debate about whether they look more like you or matty, which is never really resolved. adam holds the new baby for a bit while you and matty sort some snacks for everyone, which soon - with your permission - turns into everyone getting a little chance to hold the baby; charli is a natural at it (she's mother, after all) and you and matty delight in trying to convince her and george to have a kid soon so your babies grow up close in age. matty's nudging george like "mini-us! best friends! dream team! but cooler than we are, obv" and george is like "but is the world really ready for another daniel-healy friendship? i don't think so" and you're like "actually fair point it might be too chaotic" lol. but yeah, it's just such a lovely day watching your best friends become besotted with your baby - i also think everyone's chipped in to get the baba a gift, which turns out to be a tiny leather jacket and a little onesie with the box on it. matty cries when he sees them lol <3
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A Mixed Bag of Nuts
Taako and Kravitz get a new cat. They can't decide on her name, so Lup and Barry are invited to weigh in.
The link to read on Ao3 will be in the reblog!
"Cool Barry."
Barry didn't bother to sigh. He did, however, pick up his book from the coffee table and drop out of the conversation.
Lup did sigh at her brother's suggestion. "You're not naming your new fleabag 'Cool Barry' as if my husband isn't the coolest guy I know."
"There's no accounting for taste," Taako said, sticking his tongue out at her and crossing the name off his list.
"What about Her Lady Darkness of Eternal Suffering?" Kravitz asked, looking up from his own list.
"Babe. Babe, no," Taako said, shaking his head. "Look at her. Absolutely not."
Kravitz looked around. "Where is our sweet little Belladonna of the Night?"
"Also no," Taako said. He leaned over the arm of the couch to check some common kitty hiding spots. "She's probably just settling in, finding her favorite sunny windows. Whatever."
"C'mon, Taako, give me a couple more. Rapid-fire, hit me," Lup said, waving him on.
"Alright, alright. Let's start with... Angus."
"He would feel simultaneously so honored and so angry. No."
"Are you sure on Cool Ba-"
"Absolutely sure. Next."
"Lup But Never Lived In An Umbrella."
The twins' screeching started to sound genuinely angry. Barry glanced up from his book. He flinched slightly when Lup stole Taako’s pen and threw it in back at him, but relaxed when it missed by half a foot. He chuckled when he saw Kravitz eyeing the Fantasy Fire Extinguisher in the next room. Barry was more than familiar with the types and tones of the twins' fights. This one wasn't as bad as it looked. Kravitz would learn soon, too.
Barry was about to settle back into his book when movement on the edge of his vision caught his attention. A small grey cat was staring at him from the doorway to the sunroom. He smiled and slid down the couch towards her.
"Hi there," he cooed. "How are you liking it here?"
As if in answer, she glanced at the twins, who were now cuddled on the couch. They shoved Kravitz with their legs into a smaller and smaller section of cushion. They were still screaming at each other.
"Oh, yeah, they do get kinda loud." He chuckled. "You'll get used to it, I promise."
She gave a quiet, crackly mew. Barry held out a hand and she trotted over to nuzzle into his palm.
"Yeah, you'll do just fine," he said, scratching down her back. "You seem like you enjoy attention. That's a common trait around here. We'll all spoil you rotten in no time."
Lup fell off the couch with a thump. The cat twitched at the sudden noise. She evaluated Barry for a moment, then sought refuge between his thigh and the arm of the couch. Barry adjusted a little so he could read and pet her at the same time.
"Now, don't you tell the twins," he whispered, "but we spoil them rotten, too. The other crew members and Krav and me. But they'll never admit it. ‘Cause then we might stop spoiling them. Just like I'm sure you won't admit it when it happens to you."
Barry and the cat settled in together while the twins fought on. Every now and then, Kravitz would call his name, trying to get him to intercede. Barry barely pretended to "help," not looking up from his book for any interruption. He would call out for one or the other twin to stop whatever behavior was distressing Kravitz. Hair pulling, outfit criticizing, someone calling the other “sour little Lulu Lemon,” someone singeing the other's hat brim - the usual Taaco Twin Stuff.
"He's just as dramatic as the two of them," Barry said to the cat. She had been purring for a few minutes. Between that and his book’s plot picking up steam, he was starting to see the appeal of animal companions.
“Barold? Babe?”
Barry hummed in question while turning the page.
“Who you talkin’ to?”
“Oh, just lil Peanut.” He gave the cat an extra scritch behind the ear.
A hand yanked the book from his grasp. Barry made a distressed noise and reached for it, looking up to see who had interrupted him.
“Barry J?” Taako looked down his nose with a stony expression. “What did you just call my precious Mew-hann?”
Barry held out his hand for his book. Taako held it farther away.
“Is that what you guys settled on? ‘Mew-hann’? Cause- cause if that’s some kind of pun or goof on Johann’s name- It sounds more like a bad Fantasy Jedi name a kid invented for himself for a friend’s Kittens and Fantasy Star Wars themed birthday party, bud.”
“That’s basically what I said!” Lup said, bouncing across the room and taking the book from Taako as she did. “Or, I said it sounded like a Fantasy Star Trek species name.” She stretched out on the couch Barry was on, wiggling her fuzzy sock-clad toes under his leg and thumbing through his book instead of handing it back. “But I gotta say, I kinda like the sound of Peanut for the little fuzzball.”
“I can’t believe you,” Taako said. “Here, no, listen, she doesn’t like it either. Look.” He turned to face the cat. “Look at papa, Peanut!”
She did that.
Taako spluttered. Lup cackled.
“That- that was a- That doesn’t mean anything!” Taako said. “Lup, you call her. Use a different name, but use the- the- y’know, cat baby talk voice I used.”
Lup sat up to get a better view of the cat on the other side of Barry. “Hello, Ebony Sacrifice!”
The cat yawned.
“That means nothing!” Taako insisted. “My cat will not have a- that’s not a good enough name! We’re not calling her that!”
“Peanut! Come to Kravitz.”
The cat stretched and hopped off the couch Barry and Lup occupied. The room was silent as she crossed to Kravitz’s couch, rubbed up against his shins, hopped up next to him, and curled into a little kitty loaf.
“Huh,” Barry said.
“I hate you,” Taako said.
“The name’s kind of growing on me,” Lup said.
Kravitz sighed. “I was really hoping that Queen Vampiria, Destroyer of Realms and Hearts would be the one” He crossed off the last entry on his name suggestion list.
A/N: Barry “Are you afraid?” Bluejeans: The twins and Kravitz are so dramatic.
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virovac · 3 years
Nature of  Ghouls
Lovecraftian Xenology #3: Ghouls [by  Leila Hann Before continuing with Carter and the Pussycats, I'm going to be taking a closer look at the creatures that made their debut in "Pickman's Model" before receiving their official name here in "Dream-Quest." This is going to be a tricky one. Reading "Pickman's Model" in isolation gives you a very strong impression of the ghouls, what they are, and where they come from. However, reading it alongside the other, earlier Dreamlands tales - particularly "Celephais" and "The Festival" - one walks away with a completely different interpretation. As for their reappearance in "Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," well. On one hand "Dream-Quest" does silly things with other stories' continuities and perhaps should be best ignored. On the other, in the case of the ghouls, "Dream-Quest" not only expands on them in much greater detail than their debut story ever did, but is also the source of their official name. As such, I'm going to be taking the continuity approach, and looking at the ghouls within the framework of the Dreamlands series as a whole. ​The funny thing about "Pickman's Model" is that while the narrator is probably reliable, he's mostly relaying information that he learned from Richard Pickman, who seems to be much less so. As I noted while reading that story, there's a very obvious disconnect between the actions that Pickman depicted the ghouls performing in his art - particularly the "Subway Accident" piece - and what they could have possibly really done. Throughout his presentation, Pickman comes across as very much a showman, trying to create fear and horror in his audience and reveling mean-spiritedly in his success. Then, there's the detail of him interacting with the ghoul who tried to walk in on him and the narrator in the same way that a circus animal-tamer would with an unruly beast; not at all what you'd expect from a man who's trying to talk down a sapient, malevolent, possibly transhuman demon. As such, I think we need to take Pickman's art with a hefty grain of salt when it comes to inferring things about his models. This is supported by the ghouls' appearance in "Dream-Quest." They are described as hideous, frightening, and generally unpleasant, but they don't seem to be all that dangerous (unlike the zoogs, who are said to be dangerous to MOST people besides Carter, the ghouls don't even get an aside to this effect). Other than their antisocial habit of eating bodies from cemeteries that the deceased's friends and families would probably rather stay in their coffins, they really don't seem so bad. As far as the stories have reliably communicated, the ghouls are thieves and desecrators, but not the murderers and causers of disaster and misfortune that Pickman would want us to believe in. In fact, everything about the ghouls, from their appearance to their diet to their penchant for tombstones, scary noises, and dark, underground spaces, says that they aren't a force of destruction so much as one of horror. And, looking at "Pickman's Model" from that angle, we can definitely see how Pickman was helping them grow stronger in their element. Camel Spiders and Harnessed Horrors There's an animal called a solifugid, also called a pseudoscorpion or a camel-spider, that came to the western public's attention some time ago. Its a scary-looking arachnid, and one that you could easily believe was deadly if you saw it. Solifugids are mostly nocturnal, and so when they're forced to venture out of their lairs during the day they prefer to stick to the shadows...including the shadows of people, which they will chase after for that purpose. They're fast enough to keep up with a running human, and the rubbing of their legs when they move creates a squealing noise that could easily be mistaken for an aggressive vocalization. They also are always on the lookout for soft fibers to line their nests with; they got the name "camel spider" by being seen climbing on the bodies of dead or sleeping camels to cut off bits of their hair. In some cultures, this association was so great that people came to believe that the solifugids had actually killed the camels themselves. Less commonly, solifugids will crawl up onto the head of a sleeping human for similar hair-stealing operations. More than one American soldier sleeping in a tent in Iraq or Saudi Arabia has been woken up by a six inch specimen crawling across their face to see it opening its deadly-looking mouthparts just below their hairline. The solifugid is also completely harmless. In fact, its one of the only members of the arachnid class to have no venom whatsoever. It can even be a beneficial creature to have around, as it preys heavily on other arachnids including spiders and scorpions that actually are dangerous. During the early to mid 2000's, there was a rash of hoaxes about solifugids growing to lobster-size, being venomous, and even using a fictitious numbing agent to paralyze sleeping humans so they can slowly disembowel them alive. Someone was finding a misanthropic delight in taking this creature, which seems to have been practically designed by nature for this purpose with its appearance and habits, and crafting it into an instrument of irrational fear. This fear didn't come from nowhere, mind. The legend of the camel-spider harnesses the very rational human fears of venomous insects and being threatened in your sleep. But it takes those abstract rational fears and uses them to prop up a concrete figurehead of horror that is, itself, irrational. I'm an amateur horror writer myself, and I fell in love with the solifugids the instant I learned about them. I even had the pleasure of meeting a few during my time in the Arava Desert. I don't think that my soft spot for these arthropods and my choice of genres is a coincidence. In the Dreamlands, the cruel realities of the universe seem to be embodied in the Outer Gods, and anthropomorphized in their soul and messenger Nyarlathotep. If the ghouls are, as Pickman's art implied, meant to be like the witches of Puritan superstition, responsible for everything that goes wrong for humanity at the whims of a universe beyond our control, then it would make sense for them to be minions of Nyarlathotep. It would have been the easiest thing in the world for Lovecraft to cast them as such in "Dream-Quest" if that was really his intent; the story already calls for Nyarlathotep's agents to appear in numerous scenes, and the ghouls could have been among them. But they aren't. Instead, Carter meets the ghouls back on Dreamlands Earth, in entirely friendly circumstances, with them as the loyal servants of Carter's (trans)human friend Pickman. The ghouls are creatures of the relatable and imaginative Gods of Earth, not the apathetic and inhuman Gods of Space. Rather than being a cause or manifestation of our problems, the ghouls might even be one of our defenses against them. The witch was created so that we would have some kind of enemy to hunt down and revenge ourselves on when we suffer a tragedy caused by impersonal forces of nature such as disease or weather. The boogeyman in the closet exists because the darkness it hides in is so much worse, and putting a FACE on the unknown lets us believe that we can deal with it in a form we understand. The ghouls are indeed connected to the nightmarish witch superstitions that Pickman referenced, but it is a metafictional connection: they are the legend of the witch and boogeyman, and an embodiment of the psychology that leads to the birth of those legends. They harness the rational fears of human powerlessness, victimhood, and mortality, and embody them as an irrational archetype-creature, and in this form - as Carter just demonstrated in the latest episode of "Dream-Quest" - our fears can be useful tools. Even if the purpose of that tool is just confronting other people with their fears for fun and (in the case of Lovecraft, King, etc) profit. At several points in both "Pickman's Model" and "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," Lovecraft described the ghouls as being "gargoyle-like." They even look a lot like Gothic gargoyles, with their doglike faces, hoofed feet, and (in the case of at least one or two specimens that Lovecraft described) devilish horns. The purpose of the gargoyles in the European cathedrals wasn't to honor or appease the Devil; it was to mock him, and thereby rob him of some of his power. Ghoul-Changelings and Pickman's Transformation Given that Earth's Dreamlands are shaped by metaphors and symbolism taken from the subconscious of human dreamers (at least in part), its hard to say what is and isn't "literally" true about its inhabitants. Unlike most Dreamlands creatures, however, the ghouls are quite active in the waking world as well if only for brief periods at a time. As such, there are some objective observations that can be made. 1) Ghouls inhabit a network of caves in the Dreamlands' deep underground that contains portals to various urban dungeons and necropoli in the waking world, particularly in the New England area where the dream-sorcerers may have interacted with or even deliberately summoned them. 2) Ghouls eat the corpses of humans and other sapient creatures that they recover from both the waking world and the Dreamlands, but seem to be less interested in live prey. They also collect old tombstones and grave-goods. 3) After they've finished eating, the ghouls toss the bones into the chasm beneath their cave complex, which over time has become positively covered in bones, and attracted giant worm scavengers. 4) Richard Upton Pickman turned into a ghoul. The former three points are fairly self explanatory. The fourth, however, raises a lot of questions. In Pickman's art, he portrayed ghouls exchanging their own young with human babies in the classic fairy changeling mould, with both the changelings and the stolen babies eventually becoming ghouls themselves. Pickman also portrayed a Puritan-era changeling that bore a great physical resemblance to himself. Some readers have taken this to mean that rather than simply being a descendant of the Native American dream-sorcerers like Carter, Pickman was the descendant of a ghoul changeling, and the character he depicted in that painting was one of his own ancestors. Others, that Pickman was himself just one of many changelings from throughout history, and that he identified himself with an earlier New England instance out of whimsy. However, I find it a bit conspicuous that while Carter identified the fully transformed ghoul-Pickman and specified that he had once been human, he never mentions the possibility of any of the other ghouls being the same. Thus, its possible that what happened to Pickman is actually unique, or at least very rare, and that the changeling scenario depicted in his art was purely symbolic of the horror-artist's role as a devil's advocate to the rest of humanity and an ambassador to the dark forces of the universe. ​ Pickman's transformation. ​I'm inclined to believe that what caused Pickman's transformation was not him being a ghoul pup switched with a human at birth, but a product of him being both a) an almost obsessive devotee of horror, and b) a powerful dreamer with access to the Dreamlands, perhaps helped along in accessing them by some recovered magic from his oneiromancer ancestors just like Carter was. It could even be that rather than his art depicting something that had or could have already happened with the ghoul-transformation, Pickman's acts of imagining and drawing a transformation were what CREATED THE POSSIBILITY for such a transformation to actually happen. An idea of his was made real through the power of his dreaming, warping his own flesh into one of his ghouls in a similar - but more visceral - manner as Kyle being transformed into Kuranes. Another question about Pickman's transformation pertains to him having mostly forgotten how to speak English by the time Carter met him again in the Dreamlands. Did his transformation rob him of his English, or did he just forget it after spending so long in the Dreamlands interacting only with other ghouls? For that matter, how long HAD Pickman been a ghoul by the time Carter stumbled into the bone pit? Months? Years? Centuries? Time in the Dreamlands seems to work in arbitrary ways, as evidenced by how Carter can be timelooped in the waking world while living through consecutive centuries as an explorer in the Dreamlands. In "The Silver Key," we learned that the Dreamlands (or at least, Dreamlands related artifacts) can even send you BACK in time. Origins? Since time in the Dreamlands interacts in very unpredictable ways with the waking world's timeline, its very difficult to say when and where the ghouls first came into existence. Since Pickman's art is also of questionable waking world veracity, we can't really tell if the ghouls have actually been popping up in the New England witch tunnels since the 1700's, and - even if they have - they could have been born in the Dreamlands from an event that had not yet happened in the waking world's timeline and popped out of those tunnels earlier in history as we waking earthlings perceive it. Another interesting fact to point out here is that Randolph Carter, Dreamlands explorer extraordinaire, only knew about the ghouls BECAUSE he met Pickman during his waking life. Its possible that the ghouls are a manifestation of some core archetype within the human collective unconscious. The Horror, the Boogeyman, the terrifying friend to artists and writers who delight in confronting their fellow humans with humanity's frailties and fears. The creatures that appeared in the dreams of H.R. Giger and caused him to wake up in heart-stopping terror on so many different nights, and yet that he adopted and came to love. Even if his own fear of them never diminished, it became HIS fear, and they became HIS monsters, and he began to feel possessive of them and delight in sharing their terror with others who lacked his mastery over them. The creatures that appeared in the dreams of Stephen King and inspired him to turn the anxieties of the modern United States against it, while cackling about keeping the hearts of fictitious young children in his study. The creatures that haunted the dreams of H.P. Lovecraft, and inspired him to write stories like "Pickman's Model," delighting in his own ability to scare Weird Tales' readers just as Pickman delighted in scaring the narrator. There is a moment in "Pickman's Model" when the ghoul walks in on them and Pickman has to go make it leave, when PICKMAN HIMSELF is described as looking terrified. And yet, despite that, he was able to reassert control over the ghoul and command it to leave him alone until he wanted it to return. I suspect that if Pickman ever stopped being afraid of the ghouls himself, they would have abandoned him and sought a fresh artist to inspire. Such is the relationship between the horrorist and the monster. There is another possibility, though. And that is that rather than being a universal manifestation of horror that serve as muses to numerous masters of the craft, the ghouls are the specific nightmare-turned-minion of one specific master of horror. Kyle/Kuranes dreamed Celephais and its people into existence, and then abandoned the waking world entirely to rule them for all time. What might another instance of this look like, if the dreamer in question was less of a sensitive too-good-for-this-world melancholic, and more of an angry misanthrope with a fixation with his Salem ancestry and an almost monomaniacal obsession with showing us fear in a handful of grave-dust? Perhaps it was just Richard Upton Pickman who loved his own, personal, imaginary monsters so much. And, through the power of the Dreamlands, they were able to love him back.​
So ghouls are a combination of guardians, Halloweentown, and irreverance of 4chan.
A more benevolent take than my past one.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 4 years
SNK 134: Why we need to move forward.
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That's horrifying...
Oh but whatever they are probably bad people in there. Thieves, greedy people, hateful mothers, men who beat their wives , liars, bullies, killers, murderers, rapist, child rapist and racist babies.
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This is a rhetoric that has been used for ages and is currently being used in this fandom especially on reddit and 4chan.
The justification of injustice.
When George Floyd was slammed on the ground and died because he couldn't breathe anymore, conservatives and republicans at large ignored the police brutaliy leading up to that.
He was just a cocaine or drug addict who one day pointed a gun at a pregnant lady. So he was a criminal and deserved that.
Of course ignoring the racial segregation that happened from the very legalized slavery hundreds of years ago and how poor and racially stigmatized black people are being in America right now.
When the Uyghurs are being genocided by China, the world blinds itself because China is one the worlds necessary assets in economy as it basically produces a good chunk of what is being used in the world. Most made by children, " but it makes us live "... Apparently that's the only logical reason...
When Palestinians and Israelis are literally killing each other over some complicated non sense that no one ever really understands and also Israël basically doing Apartheid at this point,
When the totality of the Middle East has turned into a warzone because of the United States's violent imperialism,
When most far right or extremist group decided that Islam and Islamic terrorism are the same thing,
When xenophobes and racist always attack immigration,
"If she wasn't wearing that skirt, she probably wouldn't have been raped",
When we have homophobes, transphobes, LGBTphobes, telling us what's natural and always bragging about "\___-_-___/ God, Holy Jesus",
When you have people who tells you that poor people chose their way of living when there are a small percent of billionaires and soon to be trillionaires having such a gigantic amount of wealth,
When 6 millions Jews were genocided which was 40% of Jewish people at the time and 2/3 of European Jews,
When the prime minister of Israël is saying that the Holocaust wasn't Hitler's Idea but Haj Amin al-Husseini, (who was extremely anti semitic, don't get me wrong)who suggested it to him maiking the prime minister a revisionist but at the same time making his actions against Palestinians justified,
When around the world Christianic places of worship are being vandalized,
When entire SYSTEMS of segregations have made societies work,
When the South American continent has been attacked by the United States because of different political beliefs,
When people use their rape as a way to attack other communities of a specific religion or color,
When Black Panthers uses racism against White people because of the story of USA and are being anti semitic but essentializing a whole group,
When Nationalistic Israelis tells you what is a good Jew and what isn't a good Jew,
When dozens of groups have been forced to extinction,
Natives who were being murdered, yeah? YOU DON'T SEE THAT A LOT IN YOUR COWBOY MOVIES ?
When literal "feminist" calls for the destruction of men while they can't educate the kids about what to do and what not to do, OH, can also be transphobic apparently,
When you have entire websites who encourages pedophilia,
And pedophiles killed, left alone and live a life of endless torment while no one does nothing to help them and fight those who encourages it even in the highest places of our society,
Oh and Hollywood, that's all I need to say.
And let's not even talk about animal brutality and the destruction of ecosystems.
And there is more and more and more and more and more and FUCKING MORE,
All that because of reasons, reasons, reasons, reasons,
All stuck in a cycle of hate, violence and discrimination that just never ends.
The selfishness,
The greed,
And at end, everything is meaningless. There is just blood.
This is what this chapter represent the meaningless of it all. How everything goes to shit...
How everyone, whether it's the oppresor or the oppresed, will justify the violence, the injustice.
Society does nothing cause society right now runs for the entitled and the entitled only and creates it's own monsters.
I want to ask those people who defend the rumbling.
After everything we saw in this manga, after what the real world has commited, after how much these real events have inspired this story, how can you say it was the only way ?
After everyone hided Hange valuable informations including Eren who had information about KRUGER who was a spy in MARLEY. Who has created a civil war in Eldia and activated the rumbling while killing Eldian civilians in the way.
After seeing the mental breakdown of Bertolt, who we don't hear about anymore, Annie and Reiner's mental breakdown over GENOCIDING AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE, by the way Reiner totally didn't develop another persona at that time to cope with what he was doing, HUH ?
After all the deaths, Carla, Grisha, Dina, Faye Marco, Levi's squad, Ymir, Erwin, Sasha, Hange, Hannes, Floch and many others, how can you go and be like "CHAD EREN, BEING DADDY, FUCKING HIS MEAT WAIFU, PHILOSOPHER FREEDOM SEEKER"
"104th crybabies... xDdDDDD Prfrpfr"
Come on...
This isn't serious at this point.
And for the H character, we're gonna come back for her but...
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This has sparked debates.
Some are thankful for this speech by the commander.
Others are finding it disingenous.
Others think it's too on the nose and not natural.
Others don't care.
On my part, I enjoy it but I take it with the context. Most of their airships have been destroyed and they are facing their doom upfront right now. It's more of a death plea at this point. Just like in the cave with Histor... GOD IT'S SO HARD SAYING HER NAME... with Historia who said truly horrible things at the point of an imminent death. At that moment, words like this can tell what you really are inside but even that is not enough to have a full picture.
It did have some interesting elements.
It is true, using, raising, breeding hate and shoving problems upon a group will always come bite you up the ass someday.
Marley in their extensive and violent coloniaslistic, imperialiatic behavior towards Eldia creates only weaknesses for them on an international field and create this monstruosity that is right now Eren.
Eren, a soldier who suffer from trauma and PTSD, who has terrible insecurities and everything to lose after losing so much and possibly in my book being influenced by another entity decides to kill them all.
In no way does that justify Eren's actions, in fact it goes against it.
He is just as angry and hateful as they were back then but instead of destroying the system, he decides to genocide.
Essentializing the whole world as your ennemy and problem, and deciding to get rid of it is just continuing what has been started and continued for hundreds of years before.
No one ever thinks about the simple families, the innocent children, the homeless...
What about them Eren ?
What about the people who faced discrimination like Ramzi ?
What about the other groups that are almost extinct just like yours ?
What about the groups that tried to support the Eldians but were considered freaks ? HUH ?
What about the babies and innocent children ?
Isayama is even spelling it out for you this chapter.
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Is he not worth it ? To stop all this ?
He was born into this world just like every other baby.
Look at that while everyone, is trying to jump off, their trying to save the baby. Even if it's probably impossible. That's humanity right there.
And... jesus christ...
I literally saw people who said that the mother was dumb to give it to the people because titans were behind them.
I can't even...
Imagine if Eren is the daddy of H's Baby and that he completes the genocide, killing his friends or even persuading them and at the end he is saying you are free to this baby.
So this baby is worth more than this baby ?
He is more legitimate to live than him.
I can't even imagine what the arguments would be like with the Eren stans:
"He's protecting his friends."
While literally challenging them to fight and right now trying to kill them.
"Well, you know the Rumbling is horrible but they got what was coming for them. They did nothing to help Paradise."
While forgetting the complexity of human nature, how banalization of these acts of violence have come to be BECAUSE...
These just like me and you are just simple people. With simple lives and not too much power who can't do anything about it.
Most of the people today sees all the suffering in the world, they just don't have the power, nor the will to go against such complex geo-political conflicts.
Would you be able to just resolve the Israelo-Palestinian conflict ? I don't think so, so shut your ass down with this argument.
These people can't change the world with power that they have and the one that has the power to change that, is killing them right now. BRAVO.
" Well, uh, the child is a child, parents might be racist and uh... child maybe is racist or will become racist..."
Just because someone has done horrible shits or is an horrible shit doesn't mean he should die like this.
Here it is people, how we work as human :
Fuck redemption and possible solutions, let's kill everyone who did something bad.
Y'all would have been perfect during monarchies time.
And like... having an argument on a baby should face genocide is just fucking disgusting.
That you are interested into what could bring the Rumbling in terms of thematics and story is fine.
Do y'all even hear yourselves sometimes ?
You just sound like every racist, bigoted, fascist and violent person that has ever existed.
You're just excited to see someone die because he commited something wrong, sadistic pricks.
You're no different. Perhaps the guy who was talking to Grisha in chapter 97, who was a Marleyan and gave serums to Eldian is right. When he was talking to Grisha, Isayama use it to break the fourth wall and talk to the readers.
Why do we watch this, all this violence ?
" Because it's fun!"
" People take peace for granted!"
" Of course we're abnormal in society's eyes."
" We wish to exterminate all eldians!"
" Your sister did nothing wrong. Shame she was an Eldian!"
The fun fact is that this guy is a racist fuck but he dies pushed by Kruger and killed by his very own creation: a titan.
Why do people endorse genocide ?
" Because it's justice!"
" They got what was coming for them!"
" Isayama is just showing us that genocide is not really wrong if you just understand the concept of morals. Puritans."
" Humanity can die, they deserve it!"
" I'm sad for Ramzi, he didn't do nothing wrong but you know... maybe he didn't have good ideas about Eldians."
While also saying why children could deserve genocide. \____@-@____/
Of course I found most of these on Reddit and 4chan, the nazi propaganda website. Tumblr is a little free of it.
Literally babies...
That remind me of somethin'...
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*put gloves on*
Natalie, bring the bucket, quick!
Of fuck she shitted on herself a little bit!
So ?
Y'all like my fanfic ?
It's about how Erehisu is canon and how Historia is actually thinking about Eren right now because she is blushing.
But also about how Historia actually looks good and sexy while being pregnant and how she looks so happy!
She also is a lesbian that turned straight.
I'm so proud of my work.
In all honesty...
This is... dissapointing and an insult to Historia fans. Why ? What is the purpose or the reason ? Being tragic ? To show how far Historia can go to protect her loved ones ? A female Eren so ?
I always leaned towards the fake pregnancy even if I don't know how something like that could be really pulled. I didn't understand this choice for his storytelling. The others I understand but this one...
What the fuck ?
So she really is pregnant ? But nothing leading up to it makes sense.
The character whose thematics still rings too much true for this arc is put in the background and as a breeding farm on top of that.
It even came to a point I started people to stop asking about her.
I had faith in her presence in the final arc. That she would have a role play.
But now ?
For people who don't understand why this aspect of story is wrong, we have to break it down.
First off, Historia one of the first queer characters with Ymir in SNK. Others are suspected but these two are the few that holds a definitive representation as queer.
Most often in media or in real life, LGBT people have been forced into a situation that requires them to fall under heterosexuals lives. Here Historia is forced to be pregnant, yes in a way she agreed because of her people, but at the same time she didn't really want it.
For queer people, like me, this still rings true. Too much true. People literally forces you to go for your opposite sex everytime, to have a family.
No, stop forcing your view of your own life or desire of life on other people.
The fact that the fandom rationalizes that and says that she is happy and in love with Eren is just so fucking weird.
It either is blind ship following, heteronormativity or not understanding the story.
And I saw people saying she might be bisexual. This doesn't change anything. Also ignoring the fact that she hasn't shown any attraction to men other than women in the story.
If she is bisexual, it doesn't change anything, she is still queer. Not semi-straight AND EVEN IF SHE WAS A WOMAN WHO HAPPENED TO BE STRAIGHT, SHE IS STILL FORCED INTO SOMETHING SHE DID NOT WANT.
Bisexual is not semi-straight, semi-gay.
It's bisexual.
Bisexual, Straight and Homosexuality are not the same thing.
And if she was straight, that doesn't make it acceptable. It's just sick.
Just because you're a straight woman doesn't mean you are going to be more happy or have god like duty to have kids.
I just don't understand it...
A manga who was so progressive with his female characters reduces Historia to this.
Just imagine...
Eren is the father. I would shoot myself in the face. A forced straight relationship at the end for the pleasure of shonen readers and heteronormative readers.
" What if I have baby, Eren ?"
" Only if it is from me. I want him to live and have FREEDOM!"
" It's open bar, honey." *saying this after hearing the guy says he's going to genocide which goes against her own values and actions as queen*
Ew... Just ew...
And even worse she wasn't supposed to give birth right now, she was supposed to give birth in a few months.
She could DIE. SHE IS 19. This is dangerous.
Everyone is like this is normal.
This goes against what she is supposed to have as a character development.
The fact that she would be okay for genocide while as a queen she reached out to the most weak and in need is fucking incoherent.
No. This doesn't make sense. Even Eren said that Historia's action as a queen were to help others. How could she be okay sitting at her house ? Telling no one about what Eren was going to do ? And becoming a breeding farm ? What is the logic in that ?
Why make it suspicious than ?
The only thing that was able to make any logical sense to me was that the person we are seeing here isn't Historia.
I know if my theory is right, it's sick, even more sick.
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The only times we saw Historia after the timeskip was during flashbacks, the reveal at 107 and possibly at the end of 123.
If this is her at the end of 123, I want to ask you why is she all prepared, why is she all dressed up and why is she wearing the same clothes in 134 that she is wearing 107. Something doesn't add up.
She is young, small-petite, blonde and her belly and face are hidden.
I was only able to go through the theory that this is a fake Historia. Than who it is than ?
Well, I searched for female characters who look like her or who could look like Historia right now. From all the characters that we haven't seen coming coming back and that has interacted with Historia, there is only one.
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Rico Brzenska.
For those, who don't remember her : She was a Garrison Member who helped Mikasa and Eren during the Trost Arc and also helped Historia while she was exhausted during the Clash of the Titans Arc.
She hasn't appeared ever since the start of the Return to Shiganshina Arc unlike many of the older characters.
She is the only one I see who could pass as Historia I think.
I know this is still sick. But this is the only way I would be able to make Historia get out of this crappy storyline and play some relevance in the story. And if we look at Rico and Historia in 107, they kinda look the same. They have the heart shaped face, they are both small and they both have this sort of closed eyelids.
One line that just stuck with me of Rico was:
"Hiding/Lying about Eren's rampage in the report wouldn't have benefited humanity. "
This was during Eren's trial before joining the Survey Corps. What was discused was when Eren lost control of himself during the Trost Arc and attacked Mikasa.
The second line that struck was the one where she holds Historia who is exhausted in her arms:
"Wow! Who is this girl, is she okay ?"
I don't know why it just pushed that theory. And I kinda believe it now, because no one can make me believe that there is something satisfying coming out of this. Why would she sacrifice herself for Historia ? Well, I don't really know but Rico was always a little wary of Eren, even after the Trost Arc but yeah ultimately for Rico being able to give her own life for Historia. I don't know about that. But with this manga you never now. It is a very dark and twisted theory but this is the only logical thing I can see right now since no answers have been provided.
Monkey is BACK
Zeke is back and like most of us predicted, Eren dragged him with him. And I'm not gonna lie, the way he was attached to the spine was pretty badass.
He is used as a puppet which reinforces the theory for me that all three of them: Eren, Ymir and Zeke are being used by the Attack Titan.
I cannot understand Eren's illogical behavior especially after seeing the train scene where he says he wants them to live long happy lives and than having him kill his friends.
Ymir the first being free and having eyes to returning to having no eyes just like before and Eren.
And Zeke would have never agreed to the Rumbling. And we can't see his eyes either.
Thank you, 104th for existing.
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After how much shit they have gone through and after how much the fandom, not just the Eren stans, have mocked them. Like the fandom has been the biggest asshole to the the Alliance while they were the ones who were able to survive through the sentence " Genocide is wrong!" that so many people seems to find to be so hard to say.
I will root for them until the bitter end, I don't care. They are the one who are fighting. You can call Cringevengers all you want but I am glad they are winning.
They all suffered like Eren but they didn't prioritize their own and only feelings above everything else and they stood by for the values they fought for since they joined the Survey Corps. Even if I have to admit they have, for most of them, conflicted feelings with what they were doing and have done things like trying to talk to Eren while it's obvious he wasn't going to talk and that in a situation like this I don't think someone would try to stop Eren by just talking.
Levi, and it would be foolish to not recognize it, is being consumed by his promise but he is restraining it and still is able to think about the bigger picture.
There's one thing I really like about this is Armin asking Eren:
"Eren... I'll ask you one last time... "What part of you is free" after we rip you out from there... "
Hehe... yes... what part of you is free ?
To be honest, there's many things I don't want for the ending.
A Lelouch Ending, it was all Eren's plan. Literally wouldn't make sense. No one would be questionning his free will and he wouldn't have these weird shits happening to him.
A Code Geass ending, why would Mikasa have to kill Eren, what does that add to her as a character ? More tragedy ? No she doesn't have the scarf, it's pretty telling what place she's at right now.
Eren being the daddy. NO, JUST NO.
Everyone dies, genocide is the right thing. You know all the worst shit that can happen.
But most of all I want important plot points to be explored and moved over because ever since the timeskip, there has been no important plot points out the way. Eren's behavior, Ackertalk, Bertolttalk, Historia's Condition, Paths stuffs, answers!
Whatever... Trust me Peace is not something I take for granted. Being proud of myself and having a life with the least conflict and problem is something you fight for. Having rights, being recognized as a human.
Never lose that, fight for it. But never with injustice, be smarter and stronger. Cause at the end what unites us is not only what we have in common but what the perspective of what we have not in common can make a bigger picture of what we are as humans. We all are different and have a different story with similarities but in the end, we are human and born into this world. And in that, we must move forward. In the present, because of the past and for the future.
We all wish for the problems to go away but if it's for the solutions to be rigged with injustice, it will not work. No one has acheived with genocide and never will.
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It's kinda sad that this long of a post has to say this. Did y'all see that ? Pretty inspiring what I wrote. Oh well you know what ? If they can be bigoted why can't I myself.
Here's a song I wrote:
(Fuck everyone and you.
We hate women
There are only 2 genders, the breeder and the breeded.
Everything is degenerate.
We hate brown, Arab and Muslim people.
Genocide is cool
And Hitler was too.)
I know but you know what, at least if they want a spy for Nazi Germany someday. They'll know not to give it to me because I'd laugh at the stupidity of the people just like you and I are doing with the rest of world cause for all the shits it gives us, it's entertaining.
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leviackermansbrat · 4 years
Sacrifices (LevixOC) Chapter One
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Utopia District: Year 847
Only my younger sister Layla survived the fall of Wall Maria. I was horribly mistaken to believe once I escorted them to the safety boats in Shiganshina that they would be okay. Before Armin and his grandfather arrived, a riot broke out over who would be allowed on the boats first. Unfortunately my family was caught in the crossfire. My father, a gentle and kind man, stood no chance against the angry and violent civilians who were fighting for their survival. He was trampled to death before he could step foot on the boat. My mother and brother were thrown overboard and left to drown. The only person who survived was Layla. In the end my efforts to keep my family safe were in vain. It wasn't the fault of the titans that my parents and brother were killed, it was humans who forced their fate. Humanity is ugly. But even so, I fight. I fight because I want to live in a world where the weak are not trampled by the strong. I fight to live in a gentle world. Because in this world, humans are just as dangerous as titans.
Jade tied her hair up in a high ponytail and made her way down to the fields where the cadets were patiently waiting for her arrival. She wore a black sports bra and green sweatpants with the Wings of Freedom badge sewn onto the left back pocket.
The blonde woman was never one for uniforms and seeing as she was now a squad leader and interim trainer for the cadet corps, she was allowed to follow her own dress code unless commander Erwin or Shadis stated otherwise.
"And you are?" Jade asked, looking at the new recruit with a buzz-cut.
Unlike the head instructor of the military corps Keith Shadis, Jade was not one to intimidate the new incoming recruits. She served as a nurturing and approachable figure in direct contrast to Keith's fear inducing presence.
This isn't to say that Jade couldn't be intimidating, that was far from the truth. However like her brother Kyo, Jade was a lover and not a fighter. This was very ironic for people who joined the Survey Corps whose sole purpose is to fight for humanity.
"Franz Kefka, miss Tojo!" the boy shouted, saluting to Jade.
Instead of intimidating the boy like Shadis would do, Jade gave him a smile.
"Nice to meet you cadet! I hope our next three years together will be lovely," she responded, making the young boy blush.
Jade, aware of her effect on people, always used it to her advantage. Her beauty was something that most people marveled at. Her long blonde hair that was normally tied in a ponytail was a direct contrast to her brother Kyo's short and loose brown hair. In fact, Kyo took after their father along with Layla, while Kai and Jade took after their mother with her blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Most wondered if Kyo and Jade were actually siblings, but their personalities cleared everything up. Both were kind and gentle but at the same time fierce and strong. A few differences were spotted, like the fact that Jade is more wild and carefree while Kyo is more protective and reserved, but the two were inseparable.
"M-me too!" Franz responded, averting his eyes from Jade's.
Jade simply chuckled at how uptight Franz was and moved on to the next cadet in the row.
Eren watched Jade as she maneuvered from cadet to cadet, bright smiles lifting their spirits and making them think that despite Keith's looming presence, the next three years wouldn't turn out to be actual hell.
The young brown-haired boy had admired Jade since the day she saved him and Mikasa from the titan following Hannes as he carried them. She was like a beacon of hope in his dull world. After his mom died Eren was angry, depressed, and miserable. Not even Mikasa could manage to make Eren feel better, but Jade managed just fine.
Once Mikasa and Eren retreated into Wall Rose, Jade visited them and offered them a place to stay within the Trost district. Although Jade became an older sister figure to Mikasa, Eren ended up developing a 'minor' crush on the young blonde.
Mikasa was slightly upset while Armin was absolutely mortified that his best friend had a crush on his older cousin. It was especially mortifying because of how close Armin was with Jade. After his grandpa died on the mission to take Wall Maria, Jade came around to spend as much time as she could with the blonde boy whenever she was given time off. Kyo accompanied her on these visits and eventually Kyo and Jade became like older siblings to the younger trio. Eren especially took a liking to Kyo and admired the boy more than he could say.
Eren was brought out of his thoughts as Jade passed him, not bothering to inquire about his reason for joining the military. It ticked Eren off, seeing the smirk on her face as she ignored him. If it was one thing Eren hated, it was being ignored by the person he had fallen in love with.
"Your name cadet!" Jade demanded from the bald kid.
The bald boy saluted incorrectly but was too busy to correct himself due to the hearts in his eyes after looking at Jade.
"Connie Springer! I am from the Ragako town miss Tojo!" Connie responded proudly.
Jade snickered at his incorrect salute and adjusted his arms so that he was saluting the right way. Connie blushed and apologized to Jade, which she shrugged off.
"We all make mistakes kid, but I implore you not to make that mistake around instructor Shadis. He will in fact have your head on a platter as a midnight snack. I don't want that for you cadet, so get it right," Jade scolded lightly.
Connie nodded sheepishly while Jade walked away to find her next victim.
One shared potato, a few injuries, and several hours later, Jade dismissed everyone to go eat. While she watched the cadets scramble to dinner, she sent Eren, Mikasa, and Armin a smile and waved them off once she saw Hange, Kyo, and Moblit approaching her.
"What brings you guys here?" Jade asks as Hange wraps her arm around her shoulder.
The young blonde welcomes the affectionate touch of her best friend and leans in to savor the moment. It doesn't last long as Kyo gets jealous and snatches Jade away from Hange in order to capture Jade in a hug of his own.
"Kyo you're suffocating me!" Jade whined, attempting to pull away from Kyo's hold.
Jade was unsuccessful and the brown-haired boy cries hysterically in his sister's embrace.
"I haven't see you in so long and that's all you have to say to me?" Kyo wails. "You're so mean to me Jade! I missed you so much and you left your big brother all alone to take care of your squad full of hooligans!" Kyo continues, crying onto Jade's shoulder.
Jade only rolls her eyes and pats Kyo's back. When Shadis requested an interim instructor to take the burden of training the cadets off him, Jade leaped at the chance knowing that she would see three of her favorite kids. However she didn't anticipate Kyo acting like a little baby at her departure.
"There there you big baby," Jade emptily consoles her brother.
Kyo glares and pouts at Jade which makes her laugh.
Hange cleared her throat in amusement in order to interrupt the two, and Jade happily skipped back over to hug Hange's torso.
Jade and Hange have been inseparable for years, only being four years apart. Wherever Hange was, Jade was soon to follow and vice versa.
"Why are you guys here though? Don't you have paperwork you should be doing?" Jade teased Hange knowing the older woman hated the mere mention of paperwork.
"We actually came to relay some news," Hange started, her demeanor becoming serious.
This immediately alarmed Jade because Hange was never serious unless it was absolutely required.
"Erwin has fallen gravely ill. I have scouts and medics monitoring his condition around the clock but it isn't looking too good. There is no known cure within the walls, except for the underground. Moblit and I came to inform you about this, and Kyo will be your replacement since you and Levi will be setting out to look for the cure. Levi has knowledge about where to find the cure in the underground, and I need you to back him up. You guys are the best soldiers humanity has to offer-"
"Wow Hange I'm right here," Kyo retorted, making Jade snort.
"Anyways, we need you two to find the cure, if there even is one. You won't be leaving immediately, we still have a few things to prepare before you can go, so you'll still be training the cadets for a day or two more. I just hope Erwin can hang on," Hange finishes.
Jade looks at Hange with a sad smile and nods her head.
"I know he will. He has to."
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kindness-ricochets · 5 years
Prompt: “Let’s get wasted and then go piss on his grave.”
Fic-a-day February, day 11! I’d like to preface this by saying that I assume in 10 years’ time, Nina Zenik will be very busy indeed, but I can’t imagine at what because, well, Leigh Bardugo is freaking brilliant. So I just kinda... had Nina visit. 
Warning - Character death (but it’s Jan Van Eck so it’s good news, everyone!)
Technically this is in my House of Van Eck series ‘verse, but only because Jesper and Wylan are raising his half-sister. Because I am soft for ‘characters learn to be parents’ fics.
A flawed man, that was what they said. He had been a flawed man. Still, such a brilliant one. He had a mind for business, unmatched, truly. Few held fond memories of Jan Van Eck as a man, so they reminisced about his trade deals. He had such a sharp mind. “Yes,” Wylan agreed, “and I do understand. Though for all his flaws, he was my father.” “Of course.” The parlor at the Van Eck mansion had seen more traffic these past days than in years prior. There were flowers strategically but liberally placed, kept fresh through Fabrikator craft. Tulips, mostly. Such a man of Kerch was Jan Van Eck, what other flower would rightly honor him? A portrait of the man himself sat on the mantle, wreathed in black ribbon. It was a much younger portrait, from his better days. How Jan would have surely wanted to be remembered, according to Hiram Schenck.
“I won’t impose,” said Schenck, rising to leave, “I’m sure you want to be with your family, but for all our differences, I hope you know I respect you as a peer. Should you need anything in this painful time, you are welcome to reach out.” “Thank you,” Wylan said. “I appreciate your visit and I know my father would as well.” Actually, he did not appreciate it. The pained smile Wylan gave as a maid showed Schenck to the door was the most he could manage. Schenck had said horrible things about Wylan. Called him an imbecile, a dreamer, a stain on his father’s reputation… and Wylan still might have overlooked that, but for what he said about Jesper. About their relationship. Wylan held himself together as the footsteps faded. It had been a terribly trying time. After his father’s passing, he did all he was meant to do, showed the respect any father deserved of his firstborn. The front door shut audibly. Wylan threw himself onto the settee with a sigh. Ignoring the tea and cups that had been brought out for his visitor—propriety and all that—he grabbed a cookie and stuffed it in his mouth. “Mmf. At least this farce is delicious!” He couldn’t exactly tell Hiram Schenck to get stuffed, so Wylan simply accepted his good intentions. Wylan had always harbored his suspicions about Schenck—the man had been close with Jan and if anyone knew the truth, any part of the truth, it was him. But Schenck had shown no signs of it and Wylan didn’t ask. He reached for another cookie. They were delicious. Unfortunately he had opened his eyes to retrieve one and caught sight of the portrait. Wylan couldn’t help it: he winced. Then he glared. How dare he! How dare Jan, after all Wylan had done, after Jan had finally had the decency to die—how dare he look with such judgment? Wylan raised his middle finger to the portrait and held it there while he ate his cookie, eyes closed. “Wylan Lodewijk Fahey!” Wylan scrambled to sit up, dropping his salute to his father, eyes snapping open. Apparently while he had bid his father a fond farewell (said fondness applying exclusively to the farewell, not to the father), Jesper had returned from work, their little sister in tow. Both stood in the doorway, Jesper’s hand over her eyes. “My middle name is not Lodewijk, as you well know.” “Sure, sure. Go on.” The last was to Neely, who climbed onto the settee beside her brother. “We played a game at school,” she announced. She did not like most games. “I’m sorry, sweetpea. Can I hug you?” She nodded. “Plus it was okay, because I said I didn’t want to play because I was too upset, and then I pretended to cry about my papa who died. I was very convincing, the miss let me go inside and sit quietly, so I did the maths work like you showed me. I was very convincing, Wylan.” “I believe you.” He hugged her. “And I know this hasn’t been easy.” She hated lying even more than he did. Besides, she had never even met Jan Van Eck—Wylan had seen to that! Alys thought of taking her once, when Neely was an infant. For Jan’s birthday, Alys had said. Wouldn’t that be nice for Jan’s birthday? Wylan hadn’t the heart to tell Alys it was a horrible idea, she was so sweet, so excited. Instead, after two days of fretting, he had paid Kaz to create a “firepox outbreak”. Then gone back later to, as Jesper put it, kick up a mighty little fuss because he assumed the outbreak would be faked. Wylan still didn’t know or want to know what nefarious deeds Kaz executed with that little plague as his cover. Turning to Jesper, Wylan asked, “And how was your d—what in Ghezen’s name are you wearing?” Jesper’s shirt was… was… white! He huffed indignantly. “It’s almost the same as yours, Mister Complainy-Trousers.” “Exactly!” “Yeah, one of the kids vomited on me.” “You still love it, though, don’t you?” “I do. Almost as much as I love you.” -------- After a few days of receiving visitors, Wylan and Jesper left Ketterdam, bringing with them a couple of packages that looked suspiciously like a painting and a preserved body. Wylan had spoken privately with Mister Radmakker and explained that he would very much like for his father to be interred at the lake house, as he believed it was what Jan would have wanted. Luckily Radmakker hadn’t known Jan well. He found the younger man’s devotion to his deceased father truly touching. Jan, he had said, was lucky to have had a son like Wylan. They had brought more than a body and a painting to the lake house, of course. “I never thought it would happen,” Jesper said. “I was starting to think all that evil had pickled him.” Wylan laughed. They sat in front of a fire they only borderline needed, but it was nice. It was soothing and beautiful, and made the room smell delightfully of woodsmoke. “But now he’s gone,” Jesper added. He just liked saying that. “Hear, hear.” Wylan raised his glass and took a sip of wine. “Never thought I’d learn to like wine.” “You’re just a stubborn bastard who likes learning things,” Jesper said, mock derisive. Wylan laughed and leaned against Jesper. “Thank you for loving me anyway.” “Thank you for being easy to love, sunshine.” “You two are ridiculous,” Inej announced, seating herself beside them with a glass of wine. “Inej!” Jesper set down his drink and hugged her. “It’s so good to see you, darling. I missed you.” She reached up to kiss his cheek. “I missed you, too. And you.” She offered her hand to Wylan, who squeezed it in greeting. Perhaps it should have bothered them that someone had come into their home and poured a glass of wine without either of them noticing, and had it been anyone else, they would have been bothered. But this was Inej, the best and most trustworthy friend they had. Both were just happy to see her. She tipped her glass. “Congratulations on the death of your father.” “Amen,” Jesper said. “I’ll drink to that,” Wylan agreed. And he did. The following day, they built the pyre. All three of them collected wood. They built a pile with it and laid Jan Van Eck’s preserved, wrapped body on top of it, then built it up higher, burying him in flammable materials. Only at the very end did Wylan place the portrait on the sticks. He used great care, choosing the optimal placement for it. “You’re so weird,” Jesper said. “I love it.” “I’m glorious.” “You are.”
“I learned from the best.”
“You did.”   The Grisha brigade arrived not long after. They had caught a ride up from the river and looked mildly disheveled—or well-jogged, however one chose to see it! “Zenik!” Jesper shouted. “You made it!” “Wouldn’t miss it, Fahey!” “That’s also my name now,” Wylan reminded her. Legally, it was not. For the business, for the Council, Wylan had kept his name. It was professional. Instead, he had legally changed his middle name. “Whatever, baby merch,” Nina retorted, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so glad you could make it.” Jesper had moved on from hugging Nina to hugging Hanne, who was still getting used to his exuberance. Wylan wasn’t sure why—Jesper was only a bit more exuberant than Nina. Perhaps he was simply more stubborn about it. “I am forgetting all my Kerch,” said the third of the new arrivals. Wylan rolled his eyes. “No, you haven’t, Nhaban.” “Maybe I have.” “How do you put up with him, Aude?” Aude shook their head. “Thank you for inviting us, Wylan.” “Oh, you’re quite welcome.” “But… I think… maybe Nhaban and Nina were playing a joke?” “No, no, this is a party to celebrate my father’s death.” “Oh. I see.”
“He was a very bad man.” Nhaban’s partner was Suli. They were the newest addition to the group, less comfortable with the others than Hanne, probably because Hanne and Nina had been together for almost a decade now, just like Jesper and Wylan. Aude had only been with Nhaban for a little over two years. Still, they had officially become his longest-ever relationship. Looping his arm through Aude’s, Nhaban said, “I’ll be very useful here! I am an Inferni, after all!” It had taken him a long time to be proud of that, even after he reached the Little Palace. He had wanted to be a Fabrikator, like his father, and how could anyone fault him for that? They were all happy for their friend that he had come to appreciate his gifts. As afternoon wore into evening, the gathering became a proper party. Drinks were passed around. Snacks were consumed. Nina goaded Jesper into starting a round of filthy songs, then got herself drunk enough to join in. Even Inej wasn’t kind enough to pretend to like Nina’s singing. They started the fire with the branches. Although he wanted to see the portrait go up, Wylan wanted it to feel natural. He couldn’t explain why, but found it very satisfying when it happened. Kaz had arrived sometime, as subtle as Inej—helped by a rowdy group of revelers—but with less desire to announce himself. He was just there to watch a corpse burn. Wylan’s memories were vague by the next morning, flashes of incident. There had definitely been kissing. Fjerda was slow to change. So was Kerch, but they were fairly isolated and any criticism was likelier to land on Wylan, who genuinely did not care. So Hanne and Nina had enjoyed one another to the point Wylan was actually surprised they bothered to take it someplace a little more private. Nhaban had indeed enjoyed playing with the fire that consumed Jan Van Eck. He was fairly certain Aude had gotten extremely drunk. Jan had burned. Jan had burned and burned and burned, the pyre blazing well into the night. And he… “Ghezen,” Wylan whimpered. He had been drinking. “Mercy.” He head Jesper chuckling beside him. Their bedroom at the lake house wasn’t as lavish as the one in Ketterdam, but it had plenty of space and a soft bed. A smaller bed… secretly Wylan preferred that. He knew the trappings of wealth still appealed to Jesper, but a part of Wylan couldn’t help imagining sometimes having to share space with Jesper, but a smaller space, like the narrow cots that passed for beds in the Barrel. They would have been practically on top of one another! But this morning he wasn’t worried about that. He was too busy trying to understand why the sunlight sliced into his brain like a scalpel. “Did I… Ghezen. The whiskey.” “Indeed you did, merchling,” Jesper confirmed, making no effort to hide how this amused him. Villain. “Indeed you did.” Light through the window blurred, or his eyes did, and he remembered the pyre… he remembered… “Oh, no. Did I… shout at him?” Still amused, Jesper confirmed, “You did.” Wylan nodded. Okay. That was embarrassing, but not the worst thing. Nodding, though—nodding was a bad idea. He made a note to do no more of that silly thing. It made his brain rattle. “Oh—oh, Jes—did I—I kept my trousers on, didn’t I?” Wylan asked, turning quickly to face Jesper and just as quickly regretting it as the world spun around him. He had never felt this way before and he hated it. Wylan moaned and pressed his face into his hands. “You kept your trousers on,” Jesper confirmed. Thank you, Wylan thought to the Saints, to Ghezen, to whoever kept him from humiliating himself last night. At least until Jesper continued, “You got your lad out, though.” “No!” Wylan whimpered. Jesper laughed. “Wy, it was hilarious! Oh, come on, no one looked. Kaz, Inej, and Hanne don’t want to see that, Nina probably would have looked but Hanne had her busy, and Aude was giggling at the stars. And I didn’t need to look.” That didn’t exactly make Wylan feel better about exposing himself in front of all their friends. What had he been thinking…. But he knew. He knew what he had been thinking. This is why they came out to the countryside. They were scarcely going to desecrate a corpse in the middle of Ketterdam. He needed to know, though. “Did I piss on him?” “You pissed on him,” Jesper confirmed. Then he broke. He cracked up, laughing so hard he actually fell back onto the pillows. Wylan still had his face in his hands, his blush all but blistering his palms, but he felt the jolt of Jesper hitting the bed. “It was beautiful. Bottle in one hand raised in a toast, other hand at your crotch, pissing on the smoldering ashes of your father. Trust me. It was amazing. The send-off Jan Van Eck deserved. Now, come on! Get dressed and we’ll ask Hanne to take care of your head.” “Yes,” Wylan agreed. Yes, having the Healer banish this seemed very appealing indeed! “If she’ll forgive you for whipping it out.” Wylan yelped in outrage and hurled at pillow at Jesper, who laughed himself silly at how badly Wylan missed. If it hadn’t sounded painful for his bruised brain, Wylan would’ve laughed, too.
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Chapter 7-Gift From the Princess Who Brought Sleep; Scene 1
Gift from the Princess Who Brought Sleep, pages 260-268
“...Such an awful sight.”
Elluka gazed at the now-ghost town of Toragay in stupefaction.
The town was dead silent.
But that wasn’t because it was currently nighttime.
If she were to pick any home and head inside, she would probably find the residents all scattered around in an eternal sleep.
Should she call this a tragedy?
Or should she be grateful that the damage didn’t extend to any other towns?
…No, I can’t be off my guard yet.
The sixth “gift”—it was possible that there were still people infected with it left remaining.
If even one of them had managed to survive, and were able to slip by the police and leave Toragay--
Then the number of victims would spread from that once more.
Until all of humanity was put to sleep.
Elluka held her flank, where some pain still lingered.
--“Sixth, Venom”. After she’d been stabbed by him, Elluka had been carried off to a hospital in Aceid by Gumillia. The wound had been so grave that if the coachman hadn’t been pushing the horses as fast as he possibly could, she likely wouldn’t have made it.
Should she be grateful that her life had been saved?
Or despair that they were unable to find a means to save Toragay thanks to all the time it took for her to recover from her injury?
“Sorry, to keep you waiting.” Gumillia drew closer to Elluka’s side.
“You’ve done well. So, how was it?”
Gumillia had been investigating in Elluka’s stead, as she still couldn’t move sufficiently yet.
“Well…I searched, Shadow’s mansion again, but it seems the ‘doll’, wasn’t inside, after all. I don’t know, if it’s been taken away, or if it wasn’t there in the first place…”
They still hadn’t found the proof that Margarita had made a contract with a “demon” —the “doll” that was a Vessel of Deadly Sin. She’d assumed it was hidden in Shadow’s mansion, but it seems she’d been off the mark.
Gumillia continued her report.
“Margarita’s corpse, has also vanished.”
“…Maybe ‘Sixth, Venom’ took it away.”
They’d been beaten.
Elluka and her apprentice had lost.
Against Pere Noel.
Against its leader, “First, Santa Claus”—the red cat sorceress.
And against the Sleep Princess.
But she had no intention of letting it end here.
They might have lost all of their leads, but they had to search for their foes, no matter what.
--No, I suppose we haven’t lost all of our leads.
There was Bruno. He was connected to Pere Noel.
But in order to approach him directly they would need to go on the offensive against both the World Police and the Freezis Foundation itself.
We’ve a lot of preparations we’ll have to make--
But they absolutely had to.
They needed to cross this turning point in their lives and start heading towards the end.
Even so—no, because of that even—they couldn’t afford to just stand around.
“Thank you, Gumillia. Well then let’s get—“
“Wait. One more thing.”
“What is it?”
“’Julia Abelard’.”
“…That’s the name Shadow was using. What of it?”
“There is another woman, with the same, name. A noble, in Lucifenia.”
Shadow had said it.
That she wasn’t the “Red Cat Sorceress”, “First, Santa Claus”, or—“Julia Abelard”.
If a real “Julia Abelard” existed, then surely this woman had to be—
“I understand, Gumillia. In either case, we have to investigate more deeply into this…’Pere Noel’. So then our next destination has been decided.”
“Let’s go, to Lucifenia.”
“Yes, Elluka.”
“Hold up!”
There was someone who called out to Elluka and Gumillia, stopping them as they started to leave town.
It was the coachman from before. Though they’d stopped him many times, in the end he had forcefully accompanied the two of him here.
The moment they got inside Toragay he’d headed for his home. And now he had returned to them.
“…What’s wrong?”
She could guess the answer, though. The way things were, then surely his mother was like the others--
“It’s not…It’s not anywhere.”
“It wasn’t in the house, and I searched around nearby, but—my ma’s corpse isn’t anywhere. No, not just Mom—other people’s corpses too. Feels like there are a whole lot less of them than I thought there’d be. There are several people I knew that I can’t find…”
…What did this mean?
Could it be that—
“Wait a moment…I hear, something.” Gumillia said, cupping a hand to her ear and listening.
Elluka strained to hear it too.
--There was something alright.
It was very faint, albeit.
But a voice from somewhere.
“That way.”
Gumillia pointed in a certain direction.
The building that stood there--
“Let’s head there…to the Blankenheim manor.”
The lock was broken.
When the three of them went inside, they could more clearly hear the voice that had been so quiet before.
“…It’s coming from the basement.”
Elluka, the coachman, and Gumillia quickly headed for the stairs and descended downwards.
The voice gradually grew louder yet. It wasn’t just one person. Many voices were echoing up from below.
And when she got all the way there and opened the door, what Elluka saw was—
“—Hey, someone’s shown up!”
“Huh, what!? Are they infected?”
“I dunno. It’s some woman in a weird robe.”
“Maybe the rescue party’s arrived?”
“I don’t think so. They don’t look like police. Oy, you lot, who the hell—“
From a rough glance, there might have been about fifty people there. These citizens had been living here in this basement, crowded together in such a narrow space.
Obviously, none of them had fallen to sleep.
--They were all alive.
“Hey, make way!”
She could see someone parting the crowd of people towards them.
“Oh, what’s this? It is you after all. Your hair color’s different so I didn’t get it right away, but…That you, Hanne?”
“--! Ms. Brigitt—“
The coachman was the one that cried out. He hugged Brigitta and then collapsed to his knees, bawling.
“Thank goodness…you’re still alive…I thought you were…gone for sure…”
“Good grief…a grown man crying like a baby. There’s nothing more pathetic,” Brigitta said, her eyes also glistening somewhat.
“Ms. Brigitta…Thank goodness. But how are you safe--?”
As Elluka asked her question, Brigitta’s expression became a little bit darker as she answered, “We’re not safe. Everyone’s been fairly on the verge of death.  The survivors who realized it was a plague all fled to the basement of the largest building in town, this mansion.”
That was likely a last ditch struggle to keep the infection from spreading further.
“But even here, several people have died. We had people who had already caught the disease with us. …For a while there, we were all preparing to die here.”
“But everyone here is still alive.”
“That’s thanks to him,” Brigitta said, and gestured farther into the basement.
Standing there was another figure that was familiar to both Elluka and Gumillia.
“Mr. Egmont…”
The owner of the La Bula pharmacy. When Elluka called to him, he seemed to realize who they were and leisurely moved closer.
“Hey hey, what’s with the creepy getup? –Including that officer over there.”
“Well, things happen…Are you the one who saved everyone here?”
“By chance. As a last struggle I started randomly testing all the medicine in my shop. And then—I discovered just one drug that seemed to have an effect.”
“And…what drug is that?”
“This, although there isn’t much left.”
Egmont took out a small bottle filled with a white, clouded liquid.
“…You’re kidding me, this is…”
“Indeed. The drug you bought from me that one time. Who’d have thought a mere energy tonic would have an effect on a pathogen. I was stunned.”
So was she. A medicine that could cure an illness brought about by the calamity of a “demon”—what in the world was in that stuff?
--Puerick Rogzé, who had developed the antidote that cured the Gula disease…he was a normal person too.
Maybe they didn’t need “sorceresses” to vanquish “demons” after all. Human ingenuity itself was what was most important for averting tragedy--
--Maybe it really is time for me to retire.
Bearing all that in mind.
As she felt relief that there were survivors, Elluka found herself growing quickly irate at something else.
What “Toragay in Ruins”!? The World Police and the Newspaper barely investigated…Honestly, I was right to quit after all.
At any rate, finding these people had lit a faint light in Elluka’s once depressed heart.
This white liquid…the drug that cured “gift”--
“Hey, this drug…What exactly is it made of?”
“…Ah, well, that’s a bit tricky.”
Egmont seemed to clam up at Elluka’s question.
“Tell me. The threat that ‘gift’—that the pathogen poses hasn’t completely gone away. We have to prepare for it and establish a manufacturing method—"
“…No, that’s, uh…it’s not really, uh, right to talk about here.”
“—Did you do something shady to get it?”
“N-n-n-no of course no—“
“Tell me! People’s lives are at stake!” Elluka threatened.
Egmont shrunk back from her. “Th-that’s enough! I’ll—I’ll tell you already!”
“Then what is it made of?”
“Hah…This medicine’s primary ingredient…that would be—“
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bangtanstanst · 6 years
Bangtan Unsolved: The Spoopy Spirits of Franklin Castle || 11:49 PM
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“Built in the 1880s for wealthy German immigrant, Hannes Tiedemann, the ‘castle’ was the site of four Tiedemann children deaths, as well as multiple murders in the secret passageways around the ballroom. In the 1990s, a skeleton was found in a closet. Today, visitors hear babies crying in the walls and spot a woman in black staring out of the tower window.” (x)
And tonight, Bangtan investigates.
series masterlist | bangtanstanst masterlist
characters: reader + hoseok, ft. the rest of ot7
genre: ghost hunter!au, horror I guess?, attempts at humour
warnings: (mentions of) ghosts & demons
word count: 1.7k
a/n: hi everyone! So, as you all probably know, it’s Halloween month! I really wanted to do a Halloween special, so here it is! I’ll be posting the following parts to this as the month continues. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments (especially because this is kind of new territory for me)! Have a great day/night wherever you are, and happy October :)
PS: if you’re wondering, I based the floor plans I had in mind when writing on what I found here!
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“… so, as a result, Franklin Castle has become known as one of the most haunted places in the country. And, fortunately for us, the owners of this small castle have allowed us to go inside for a night to help us prove that ghosts,” Hoseok pauses, glancing over at you with a pointed look, “are real,” he finishes, and you just look into the camera, theatrically rolling your eyes. Jungkook glances up at you from his viewfinder and snickers silently, holding the camera steady as you pointedly stand up.
“Well, that all sounds ridiculously far-fetched,” you decide, dusting off your butt as best as you can. Your fingers are starting to lose their feeling, the winter air too icy for even your thick coat or gloves to fight against.
Hoseok just huffs in reply, all too used to your criticism.
You smile at him, holding out your hand. “Let’s go inside before this woman in black catches us, eh?”
He mumbles something you can’t quite catch, though he takes your hand and allows you to hoist him up. Just as you turn to face the small crew of five, all here to help you document your night at the Franklin Castle, Seokjin yells ‘cut!’, clapping his hands for good measure. “Alright, let’s pack up and go in, we don’t have all night,” he says, turning to the crew, who are already packing up.
“We literally do,” you shoot back with a laugh. “That’s why we’re here.”
“You ever hear of a figure of speech?” Seokjin returns, an amused smile breaking out onto his face, though he turns away when something else catches his attention before you can say anything in reply.
Rather than an expected chuckle, you hear Hoseok sigh beside you, and when you turn back to him, he’s looking up at the house with the corners of his lips turned down. You have to admit, it does look a little imposing, especially in the dark of night. The tall building is clearly in a state of decay, dark bricks crumbling. Some of the windows are smashed to pieces, allowing the wind to freely play inside, and you shiver at the thought of having to walk through the door, enter this cold and musty ‘castle’. You can’t even look inside to see what’s waiting for you – all you see is darkness.
Still, though, you can’t help but equate it to the Luigi mansion in Mario Kart – a little creepy, and full of fake-ass ghosts.
Another sigh from the man beside you pulls you out of your thoughts and you look at him, noticing the script in his hand is shaking a little. You lightly pat his shoulder, sending him a small smile you hope will reassure him, even if it’s just slightly. “You’ll be fine, Hobi,” you tell him, leaning against the door with your shoulder. You hear Taehyung and Namjoon’s laughter somewhere in the background as the latter helps the younger man pack up the lights and put some of it back in the van. “It’s just a few hours.”
He huffs, breath coming out in a white cloud. “Easy for you to say,” he shoots back. “You don’t even believe in this stuff.”
You smile up at him, tilting your head. “And yet you keep picking haunted places for us to film at.”
He just sends you a look, choosing to remain silent rather than protest. “Anyways,” he says pointedly, leaning against the door, mirroring your stance as he tilts his head. “You went on a family trip last week, right?” You don’t have to nod, you know he already knows since you had to plan your shoots around the damn ‘vacation’, but you do it anyway. “How was it?” he asks, glancing aside at the crew, watching as Jimin and Jungkook fold their tripods, chattering back and forth.
You groan, leaning your head against the wooden surface of the heavy door. “Don’t get me started. I think I explained my job to my grandma like five times and she still didn’t understand on the ride home.”
“That can’t be all you guys talk about,” he says, clearly fishing for something ‘positive’.
You laugh and shake your head. “No, they also love to talk about my love life,” you reply with a huff, looking over his shoulder into the dark night. “Even if it’s absolutely non-existent.”
He grins at you. “Do I detect a hint of bitterness?”
You snort, shaking your head. “What do you mean? I absolutely love talking to air all night and waiting for a whisper that’ll never come,” you tease, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
Hoseok puts a hand to his chest, shaking his head at you. “I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
You snort once more and flick his forehead, stepping back as Yoongi approaches the two of you to check the small microphones attached to your coats. “That’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” you retort.
“Not really,” Hoseok says with a shrug, looking at you over Yoongi’s shoulder. “Just so I have someone to sacrifice if we accidentally anger a demon again.”
You chuckle and shake your head. “For someone who claims he’s afraid of ghosts, you sure joke a lot about them.”
“Coping mechanism,” Yoongi remarks with a small smirk, adjusting the position of your microphone a little so your hair won’t cover it during filming. “I mean, right before he starts screaming his lungs out when he hears the tiniest of ‘whispers’,” he adds, mockingly emphasizing the last word.
With a laugh, you turn to Hoseok, who just huffs and crosses his arms, though he allows enough room for Yoongi to fumble with his mic as he did with yours. “I’m not the only one that gets scared here,” he protests weakly, knowing he can’t simply deny all the on-camera instances of him actually screaming his lungs out. “Seokjin can barely keep his mouth shut!”
At the sound of his name, Seokjin looks up from his conversation with Namjoon and Taehyung, raising his eyebrows at the two of you. “What was that?”
“Nothing!” Hoseok returns with an innocent smile, turning back once the older man shrugs and picks his conversation back up. “I mean, remember when that rat scurried over his foot and he basically jumped through the ceiling?”
You can’t hold back your laughter, and you know Yoongi’s laughing too, even if he tries to hide it by focusing on Hoseok’s mic.
None of you will ever forget that night. You’d been stalking around the hallways of some abandoned diner for a few hours, once more coming up empty when, just before you walked out of the grimy kitchen, Seokjin let out a scream you’ll never be able to erase from your mind. He’d even gone as far as to jump on Namjoon’s back, upon which the papers both men had been holding fell to the ground, scattering all over the floor. You’d painstakingly had to pick everything up before you could leave, all the while Seokjin just sat on one of the filthy counters just so he wouldn’t have to touch the floor. You’d left the restaurant about an hour past schedule.
Regardless, it had made for one good episode.
You open your mouth to say something, but you notice the others are heading your way and you swallow your words.
“I’m sure you’ve all seen the schedule, but I’ll repeat it just to be sure,” Seokjin says, taking a sheet of paper from Namjoon’s hands. You and Hoseok huddle around him, Namjoon, and Taehyung, reading along as Jimin and Jungkook return from the van. Yoongi takes the script from Hoseok’s hands, stuffing it in Seokjin’s backpack.
“So we’ll start with the first floor – parlour, dining room, ballroom,” Seokjin begins, pointing to the rooms in question on the map Namjoon has brought along, illuminated by the flashlight Taehyung is pointing at it. “Then we’ll move to the library and one of the bedrooms on the third floor. We’ll go down to the basement around 3, where we’ll do the lockdown.”
Everyone hums at that, slowly nodding as you process tonight’s plans.
“We should be out by 4, but the owners say it’s fine if we run a little late. Besides, our flight back is not until eight PM tomorrow, so don’t feel like you have to hold back on the bickering,” he adds with a smile, at which you hold your hand up for a high five, and Hoseok enthusiastically claps his hand against yours. “Alright, I think that’s it. Everyone ready to go?”
There’s a chorus of ‘yes’s ringing through the silent night air. After Jungkook and Jimin quickly fasten a harness with a Go-Pro around your and Hoseok’s waists – something you always find makes you look slightly ridiculous – you and Hoseok walk back to your spots at the door while you’re shivering from the cold.
“You’re not nervous, are you?” Hoseok teases, raising an eyebrow when your teeth start to clatter.
You keep your jaw still, shivers still running down your back. “Just cold, you idiot,” you say, checking your camera if it’s on and on the right settings, as Hoseok does the same.
“Whatever you say,” he says with a smirk, clearly glad he can tease you for a bit now. All you do is roll your eyes at him, laughing a little.
“Alright, have a good shoot, everyone,” calls Seokjin, and you turn your heads briefly to the crew by your side. Jimin and Jungkook are pointing their cameras at the two of you, with Taehyung in the middle, carrying some of the lights needed to make your footage a little better. Yoongi is right behind them, his headphones on, listening intently to the audio coming through your mics, tweaking it here and there. Meanwhile, Namjoon and Seokjin are standing side by side, papers in hand, ready to fact-check or steer the two of you when it’s needed.
You turn back to Hoseok, who gives you a smile and nod, though you can see he’s already shaking again – and you know for a fact that it’s not just from the cold. Putting your thumbs up, you try to console him in the second you have before the whole circus begins.
“In 3, 2…”
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a/n: thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you liked it, if you want me to continue this, or if you have anything else to say, I’d love to hear from you! Have a great day/night wherever you are :)
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vengefulblue · 6 years
85 questions
tagged by @psychicmoth : thx fi <3
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i'm not tagging ppl, soz. do it if you want, maybe tag me if you want me to see it?? since i'm never on tumblr)
— what was your last…
1. drink: water 2. phone call: asking my sister for a ride 3. text message: i don't have a cell, but uhh,, my last dm was talking abt unironically using emoticons 4. song you listened to: affection by cigarettes after sex 5. time you cried: this morning, reading a stressful fic update (it was good, just sadsadsad)
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: yes, we were engaged for a while too - i should have listened to younger me's instincts 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: yes, at least once - probably more than i know abt 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: literally since my earliest memories 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yep, vodka is evil
— fave colours
12. all the blues!! 13. grey 14. black
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes <3 all my twitter mutuals 16. fallen out of love: yes (thank god) 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: no 19. met someone who changed you: yes! a person who is *just like me*, who every time we talk we find out more ways we are the same person 20. found out who your friends are: yes? probably 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no, i haven't kissed anyone in almost a year and a half  :c  i am lonely boye
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them except maybe 2? i was in middle school when facebook was popular, and everyone added literally everyone they knew (or who even had any friend in common)... so i still need to unfriend all the kids i went to school with, but i'm lazy 23. do you have any pets: juno kitty!! she is almost 4 (1 may) and she is lovely. i've had her since she was 8 weeks old, so she’s grown up to be exactly like me 24. do you want to change your name: yes. jensen isn't legally my name: it was meant to be temporary to help ppl adjust to calling me something different, but i still haven't found a better "permanent name" so i haven't done the legal thing yet. when i turn 25, i'll do that, whether i'm called jensen or something else (feel free to suggest names that fit me, fr) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: sit at home and eat seafood and drink champagne 26. what time did you wake up today: 4am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was passed out in an armchair 28. what is something you can’t wait for: 21 july i'm going to see dnp in schenectady with @daggerdove !!!! <3 30. what are you listening to right now: falsettos obcr 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: there were 2 toms in my class, plus one the year below me, so yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my dumbass school has changed their structure & program requirements drastically, with no warning, so i might have to apply & transfer to a different school, or else get a job. i want to scream and cry and break something and die (i'm doing none of those things, but i'm v v upset)
33. most visited website: twitter & youtube 34. hair colour: dark brown, nearly black 35. long or short hair: i like short hair but i'm trying to grow mine to shoulder length bc i haven't had it like that in abt 6 yrs?? and i think i might be able to do it in a way that's pretty but still boyish
36. do you have a crush on someone: i don't think so. it's hard to tell for sure bc i feel friendship and romantic feelings very similarly (i'm demiromantic, and i am always slightly in love with my friends??) but i don't have anyone i particularly want to date rn, just many ppl i would like to cuddle and maybe kiss on their cheeks and forehead
37. what do you like about yourself: i think i’m funny, and i care so much abt ppl 38. want any piercings: want more ear piercings (2nd, 3rd, cartilage) 39. blood type: A+ 40. nicknames: jenn (i do not like, is only ok for family) - i want better nicknames but nobody gives me nicknames :(( 41. relationship status: single 42. sign: double capricorn, taurus moon 43. pronouns: he/him or they/them 44. fave tv show: probably bake off or steven universe 45. tattoos: no, i might get some one day 46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: yes 48. piercings: ears? other than that, no 49. sport: no (maybe swimming if that counts) 50. vacation: ehm, someplace warm and sunny? i live in a cold cloudy place & i've only been on vacation once in my life 51. trainers: high tops or sand shoes (??? idk what to call these, the slip on canvas sneakers)
— more general
52. eating: i’m gonna have rajma chawal, but i haven’t done the rice yet 53. drinking: tea, in a moment 54. i’m about to watch: water boil 55. waiting for: sister to leave 56. want: warm squishy cuddles 57. get married: yes, tho i don't believe marriage should exist as a distinct legal institution, different from other contracts - legal things abt taxes, child rearing/acquisition, etc shouldn’t be affected by personal promises in that way 58. career: ???? no fuckin clue m8 - tbh i just wanna be a house spouse (lol rhyme) and read books and cook and raise babies, but that's not exactly realistic, so maybe writer?? english teacher?? office drone?? probavly office drone  >_<
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs </3 someone pls come cuddle me?? 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: tall masc folks, short femme folks 62. older or younger: older masc folks, younger femme folks 63. nice arms or stomach: arms <3 64. hookup or relationships: relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant: no?? i like decisive but gentle & sweet - no trouble, no wishy-washy-ness
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on first date: kinda?? not really, but something like that 70: broken someone’s heart: maybe 71. had your heart broken: yes 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: always
— do you believe in
75. yourself: not usually 76. miracles: absolutely 77. love at first sight: not exactly, but a bit? i believe in recognizing compatibility and “clicking” the first time you meet, but not 100% full blown romantic love 78. santa claus: no  e_e 79. angels: ye
— misc
80. eye colour: mostly brown, but they go a bit greeny-hazel sometimes 81. best friend’s name: probably jenna. i don't hang out with anyone but she's my only irl friend... & if mutuals count, i talk most at jolisa & morgan & corinne & soph (& anu, who is a more recent mutual <3) i don’t talk to menace (yes that is what i call them) so much, but we are twins at so many things that i consider them v good friend 82. favourite movie: moonrise kingdom 83. favourite actor: my auntie hanne <3 idk if she's like, good? it's been a few years since i watched anything she was in. but i love her, so she's my favorite (she was in ideal and a movie called dread)
84. favourite cartoon: thundercats made me a furry, so ???? and inuyasha also, it was my first actual full realization that i was bi (bc jfc i wanted to be in a inuyasha/kagome sandwich) 85. favourite teacher’s name: kerrin mccadden - taught creative writing in high school, best coolest teacher ever, and she's an amazing poet (google her!!)
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Need a chapter name
Holding Levi's hand, Eren watched his husband's sleeping face. They'd weaned Levi off the drugs keeping in unconscious, and now they were all waiting for him to waken. In his lap, Ren had his face buried against Eren's chest, it was unsurprising that the boy hadn't let him go since Reiner and Bertholdt had left. Having his son with him might not have been standard hospital procedure, but having explained his history to the doctor, the man didn't make him send Ren home. For that, Eren was extremely grateful.
It seemed a small eternity before Levi's eyes finally fluttered open, and his husband let out a long groan
Wincing at the loudness of his own voice, he bit his lip in guilt. Levi's head was probably still tender in the bruise on his husband's forehead was anything to go by
"It's ok Levi. You're in the hospital"
His husband blinked at him, before frowning and Eren's heart sank. They'd warned him mental confusion was to be expected, but Levi hadn't even tried to talk...
Raising his left hand shakily, Levi placed it over Eren's hand that was firmly holding Levi's right hand
"You're ok?"
God. Even if Levi's voice was soft and rough, he was so happy to hear it
"Yeah. I'm ok. We're both ok. The boys are all ok... Ren's here"
Levi nodded
Levi's eyes slowly slid closed, and as desperately as Eren wanted to wake him go again, he knew his alpha needed the sleep
"Mum, is dad ok?"
"Yeah baby. He just needs a little sleep"
"Can I sleep with daddy?"
"Not just yet baby. Maybe we can ask daddy when he wakes up again"
Burying his face against Ren's hair, Eren let out a long breath. Levi was alright. His husband was going to be ok...
Juggling the two crying twins, Bertholdt was struggling as he tried to hush them both. Eren had to spend another day in hospital, so Bertholdt had automatically agreed to look after the twins... but now he was struggling badly. The boys were out of milk, so he'd done a trip to the store for formula, only to find the boys didn't want a bar of it. They refused to drink it, and were obviously hungry. After googling what he could try and feed the boys, he'd gone with stewed apple, only for neither of them to want any of that either. Hearing the knock on the door, he all but rushed to open it, thinking it would be Reiner returning from work. Opening the door, he stared down at the man, taking a moment to realise it was the same man who'd come to the house before
"Um, Eren isn't home yet"
Snorting lightly, the stranger nodded
"I thought that might be the case. Is everything alright?"
Looking down at the crying twins, Bertholdt opened and closed his mouth
"I'm Hannes. I worked Eren case back home. The boys have gotten so big..."
"I'm Bertholdt. I live next door..."
Was he supposed to invite him in? Eren didn't seem to want them around the kids, but Hannes was standing there and staring at him
"Sorry, Eren comes home tomorrow. Maybe you should come back then?"
"Oh right. I was just wondering if you needed a hand with the boys, but I suppose Eren already said he doesn't want us around the kids. He can very stubborn about accepting help"
"Yeah. I'm sorry..."
"No, it's good that he's got such a good friend. I'll come back tomorrow..."
Talk about awkward. Watching Hannes leave, he felt like he should call out to the man and tell him to come in, but the words never left his mouth. Standing there he could only watch Hannes leave.
When the twins wouldn't eat anything else Bertholdt tried to feed them, he felt like a complete failure. With his nerves on edge, and not sure what else to do, he organised their things and headed to the hospital. They were two tiny humans, surely he should have been able to keep them happy and fed. He'd let Eren down, and now his friend had something else to worry about on top of whatever was going on with Levi.
After finding Eren's room empty, Bertholdt had to track down one of the nurses and explain who he was. Luckily the woman seemed understanding enough, and was kind enough to lead him through the maze like corridors and to the room Levi was currently in. Technically Levi wasn't allowed to have visitors, but since he'd woken, Eren had refused to leave his husband's side, so he was given strict instructions to keep the noise level down and was only allowed to stay for half an hour. He didn't care if he wasn't allowed to utter a single word, all he cared about was getting the twins to eat.
"Bertholdt? Is everything ok?"
Looking to Eren, Bertholdt swallowed hard. His friend looked as exhausted as Ren and Levi, but at least those two were asleep
"Uh... Eren, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do. I can't get them to eat"
Eren's eyes widened, before a small smile came to his lips
"You don't need to be sorry. You did the right thing bringing them here..."
"I tried puréed apple, and I tried formula... and banana..."
"I didn't even think about the fact they'd be picky. We've been trying to get them eating solids, given how old they are, they really should be, but they still prefer milk. I'm sorry, but do you think you can help me feed them?"
Help feed them? What was he supposed to do? Nodding mutely, he moved to Eren's side and Eren lifted Eli from his hold
"If you can just hold Rilee while I feed Eli..."
Oh thank god. He didn't know what he'd exactly expected, but if it was only holding Rilee, he could definitely do that
"Should I turn around?"
Eren snorted lightly
"Bertholdt, you've seen me feed the boys before. It's fine, and someday soon you'll be doing the same thing"
Nodding again, Bertholdt looked around for a chair
"I'll just grab a chair from the corridor"
By the time he came back, Eren had Eli against his breast. He knew he was staring, but he couldn't help himself. Eren's breasts looked huge
"I've expressed, but they still feel swollen. It's starting to feel better now"
"Right... I'm still sorry I had to bring them in, especially when Levi needs his rest"
"Levi's going to be ok. He woke up earlier this morning, and he knew who I was. He and Ren had only just fallen asleep again when you came"
"So he's definitely going to be alright?"
"Yeah... the police are coming sometime later for his statement, but I don't think he's done anything wrong..."
"Hannes came to the house, he wanted to see you"
"Of course he did. I get that he used to know me and I'm grateful for all he did for us, but he needs to move on with his own life. We left everything behind... it wasn't supposed to follow us here"
"Do you know what's happening with that girl?"
"No. Not yet. We probably won't know until Levi's given his statement... but seeing she tried to kill us... I don't think she'll be getting away with it"
If Eren didn't think she was going to get away with it, why did he sound so scared? Feeling the urge to comfort the fellow omega, Bertholdt moved his chair closer to Eren
"Eren, you know we'll help you any way we can"
"I'm sorry... I... I really appreciate this, and it's hard to admit that I don't trust people and even harder to have to leave my kids with you. It's just... I had a best friend, and I thought we'd always be friends until it turned out he was still in love with me, and was just waiting for something to happen between me and Levi... I just... I consider you a friend..."
"I get it. You just don't want to get hurt again. I can't image what it must be like to have to leave your kids with us"
"It sucks. I feel so bad about imposing on you and Reiner... and I know I'm blinded by my love for my kids, but I also know they're probably a complete handful"
"Maybe just a little. Them not eating was scary. I felt like an idiot"
Placing his hand on Bertholdt's arm, Eren looked him in the eyes
"You're not an idiot. Baby's can be really fussy. These two are so much more fussier than Ren was. They didn't have the best or easiest birth and I couldn't even look at them without feeling guilty over it all..."
"But you look so happy, Eli looks happy"
The boy did as his chubby cheeks worked hard on draining Eren's breast
"It took a lot of time... and Levi. Levi is my everything. When you have kids, you'll understand how important it is to have your alphas support. I honestly don't think I have the strength to be a single mother. They're the amazing ones"
Bertholdt wasn't sure he completely understood what Eren was telling him, but took his friends hand
"Thanks Eren"
With both boys fed, Bertholdt felt like he could breathe again. Given there was a time limit on his visit, Eren gently woke Levi so he could give both the boys a kiss. The alpha immediately thanking him for looking after their boys and jokingly promising to never make them baby sit again. Leaving the hospital, the first thing Bertholdt did was call Reiner. Even if he wasn't pregnant yet, he really wanted to start planning the nursery and Eren had given him the confidence to finally tell his husband that.
Despite how tired he was, and the nonstop throbbing headache, Levi tried his best to give the police his statement. He could remember up most of what happened and that he intentionally crashed because Historia had her gun pointed at Eren. Neither officer seemed too happy when he said the crash was intentional, but apparently Historia had been screaming her head off about needing to kill him when she was brought in, and now they were sorting out the finer details of where the trial would be held. The initial incident had happened back in Paradis, but the accident and her "capture" had happened in Marley. Levi personally couldn't care where it happened, as long as Historia was locked away for a long time. Feeling his eye lids growing heavy, anything else he wanted to say was cut off by Eren asking the officers to leave so he could rest. The alpha couldn't deny he was worried about his husband. Eren seemed so lost and sad, despite the small smiles he would give him. He hated seeing Eren cry, and he was sure his husband was struggling to hide his tears. Waiting until the police had left, Levi then wriggled his heavy body over, before looking to Eren and sighing
"If I ask you to go back to your own room, you're not going to go, are you?"
"No... I can't..."
"Baby, you're exhausted"
"I... I'm just so scared I'm going to wake up and this is going to be a dream. I'm going to wake up and find we're still in the car and you're dead... and..."
Yeah. There were those tears he'd expected
"Come lay next to me. I'm going to be just fine"
"I don't want to hurt you"
"Eren, it hurts more not being able to hold you. Please?"
Sniffling, Eren placed Ren onto the bed before climbing up behind him. Laying their son along his chest, Eren shook his head
"This is all my fault"
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
A Valentine’s Gift || Adam Hann Oneshot
Word Count: 1,762 Warnings: Smut (with fluff!) Summary: “A smutty Adam one where theres a small argument that ends in the bedroom.” Authors Note: A little late night fun! Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!  
You had waited all week for Friday: Valentine’s Day.
You had made up the plans the week before. When Adam would come home from the studio, you would have already made a beautiful dinner with your favorites, dressed in a stunning gown bought especially for the occasion, and be sitting at the table adorned with rose petals and two lit candles. It would all be perfect. Adam would walk in, be amazed at how wonderful everything was, and after sitting for a romantic dinner over wine, the two of you would be able to continue the night in the bedroom, on a newly decorated bed with even more candles. You had it planned to the fullest. And you would be damned if it all did not happen as planned.
The day finally came. Not letting Adam in on the fact you were taking off work to prepare, you got dressed like usual in your daily work clothes. You made a cup of coffee, handing another over to Adam as he got ready in the early morning light. You gathered your things, just your normal morning bag, your laptop - the usual. He gathered one of his guitars and a backpack - his usual. Taking his coffee, he kissed you on the lips and promised you he would come home as soon as he could to celebrate the night. You grinned, telling him you would eagerly await that time. With one more kiss, he was gone, and you pretended to leave behind him. You hopped in your car next to him, and made your way behind him until your paths veered away. Only then did you turn back home. When you re-entered the door, you were off to putting your plans into motion.
The setup wasn’t as hard as you had expected. In fact, the hardest part if anything was finding the flower petals. Dinner cooked itself well, the candles were already stored in the cabinets in the kitchen, and the new bedding had been bought the week before on a trip to get new frames for a poster Adam got to commemorate the band’s most recent tour. The rose petals, as hard as they were to find, eventually were brought home from a local flower shop. You had the entire gig set up within five hours. The rest of the time was spent waiting. Waiting for Adam to return, and for the night to get kicked off. Dressed in your beautiful gown, a stunning red number that flowed to the floor, you waited excitedly. And wait you did.
All the way past the time Adam had intended to come home.
And a good hour after that.
Your mood fell as each minute ticked by. The food you made and heated was getting colder by the minute. The candles were beginning to burn too quickly, their wax dripping onto the tabletop. Your makeup, which you spent so long putting on, was beginning to smudge with tears. This was not at all to plan. If anything, this was turning out to be a worst case scenario.
You tried called Adam, ringing him not once but three times, and texting him three times that amount. He was so quiet that you began wondering if perhaps something ill-fated had happened to him on the roadways. One check of the news showed this not to be the case. At this revelation, you almost went to calling the other boys. You wished not to bother them in case they were already partaking in the holiday with their loves. However, at a point, you found yourself almost insatiable. Your finger hit your phone the moment you heard the key turn in the lock. Eyes looking up, you watched as Adam stepped into the room. His face fell at the sight of you, though he bewildered at her beautiful attire. Dropping his stuff at the doorway, he walked forward and marveled sadly at the present that sat before him waiting. You stared at him coldly, not fancying pleasantries.
“Love, I-”
“Where the hell have you been?”
He frowned. “{Y/N}, I am sorry, we were all held up there, official record business-”
“I don’t care,” you grumbled, tossing your phone on the table. “It’s Valentine’s Day! You ruined this entire night by being late. I did all of this...we have one night together to celebrate our love, and you showed up late!” “It’s not like we all wanted to be there!” Sighing, Adam ran his hand through his hair. “We all wanted not to do it. They held us discussing really important matters though that could not wait concerning the new album. I’m sorry love, but we had no choice. I had no choice.”
“I can’t believe-”
“Love, I-”
“Just,” you sighed, clenching your fist. “Just...give me time. If you need me, I’ll be in the bedroom. Eat up, whatever’s not cold yet should be fantastic.”
And with that, you were gone, shedding off your dress gone to waste and instead getting into a nightgown, buried under the covers as deep as you could. You did not wonder what Adam did in your absence. You thought you heard a bit, perhaps him eating the food like you instructed or cleaning up to apologize. By the time you felt you were almost asleep, you heard Adam enter. You listened to his footsteps, and eventually found his hands on you, holding your shoulders gently before his lips kissed yours.
“I’m so, so sorry. Can I make things up to you, my sweetheart?”
You sighed, keeping your eyes shut still. “I don’t know.”
“Will you allow me to try?”
You felt his hand that had rested so carefully at your shoulder trail from it, further down and along your curves until it rested on your backside. He gave it a gentle squeeze, enough to make his intentions clear. When you did not react, he bent down to kiss you, his free hand going to cup beneath your neck, bringing you close to where you could not shy away from him. Despite your frustration with him, you could not help but kiss back. He was your husband, after all. Perhaps you had been to rude to him, persecuting him for something he could not control. He did seem rather upset.
His lips, tender at your neck now, trailing up and down. They caused your eyes to keep fluttered shut, and your toes to curl ever so slightly. A true chaos, built under the guise of a soft night. He worked his lips anywhere else you granted him permission. A thief in the night, stealing your heart like he had in the beginning with kiss after kiss. A chill ran through you. You leaned into his kiss, more and more, letting him slowly back in as your heart melted over.
“Please forgive me.”
You breathed out, long and brooding, unsure how to think so beloved yet vexed by this man. His eyes, beautiful and emerald, beseeched you to choose forgiveness. His past, calling you to act cruelly. His hands split the tie, inching you closer to heaven with every touch and beckoning you to reconcile. WIth one more sigh, it was made so.
“I forgive you.”
Suddenly, the ball was in your court. Flipping Adam over, your turn came to ravish him with your lips. Kisses up and down his neck and chin, and soon his chest after unbuttoning it so. You kiss him like he were a king, pushing away all guilt from his body and instead replacing it with a heated feeling just below the waist of his jeans. You worked to undo those too, needy, hungry to turn this night up for the better. You took no time in getting them off, grinding on top of what lay under to earn a breathy moan from his lips. He gasped your name, but you did not give him rest.
“Is this enough forgiveness for you?” You cooed, achingly sweet against his heated skin. “Do you long for more?”
Gritting his teeth, Adam could only place his hands on either side of your hips, holding you in your place as you moved against him. You grinded more, feeling him grow hard under you and smiling up at him with somewhat of a smirk to it all.
“I asked you a question. Do you want me to be angry again? Leave you here, like this?”
A growl escaped Adam, and your smile only grew wider. Dropping your hands, you removed his underwear and went to have him enter you, causing both of you to gasp in loud chorus, you from the suddenness of being filled, and he from the suddenness of feeling such warmth around him. You giggled when you could regain your breath.
“I think I’m doing a lot more to make up for your transgressions than you are, love.”
Adam gasped again, you moving against him so forcefully. “I-It’s rather hard to when you are being so k-kind as to forgive me like this.”
You hummed. “Well. Cannot we do both?”
Smiling, Adam nodded. “We could.”
His hand went to your clit, making you cry out as he filled you so, your riding him mixed with the pleasure of his fingers making your head spin. Adam chuckled, bucking up to you so as to meet your movements. It was more than enough of an apology, you were sure. A little speed made it almost near impossible for you to continue. To your surprise, you were gasping and cumming at the mere feeling of Adam. His continuing thrusts into you, more frequent to make himself meet your same pleasure, made yours only that much more satisfying. In seconds, he too was gasping and groaning your name. It was something magical, feeling him cum into you. You smirked, bending to kiss him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
Adam, still barely able to breathe readily, gasped a chuckle out. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.”
“We weren’t protected, you know.”
“You’re not upset?”
Smiling, Adam shrugged. “Well, if anything comes to be of it, think of it a beautiful late Valentine’s Day present, from your devoted husband to you.”
“You...you’d be willing to have a baby with me?”
“You decorated this place like something out of a dream and cooked a marvelous dinner all just to show your love to me,” he grinned. “I would be truly honored to have a child with anyone that loving.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” adorned Adam, bringing you to kiss him. “My beautiful, loving, forgiving girl.”
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vin-taege · 7 years
Petals (taekook)
// Slight Hanahaki disease au! Badboy V! Mentions of drugs! May contain swearing, but that’s the least of your worries //
Summary: Taehyung felt comfort with no one else aside from the five friends, brothers, he lived with. He felt comfort in smoke and sin, pride in all the bones he’s broken and scars he’s left. Jungkook felt comfort with no one else but himself. He was too pure for the world, too compassionate, and it made him too irresistible. 
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“Kim Namjoon, you either get out of my house or you stop breaking things!” It was the third time Namjoon broke the sink, and it was still two weeks before Jin’s next pay day. “I’m sorry. Just get Yoongi hyung to fix it like last time.” Namjoon said, distractedly dragging a cigarette away from his lips. “I can’t. He’s hungover.’
“When is he not?”
“Hyung, I got you another pack!” Taehyung slammed the door shut, loud enough to earn a groan from Yoongi somewhere in the house. 
“Ah, yes. At least someone here knows how to respect me.” Namjoon took the pack of cigarettes from the younger’s hand, a contented smile on his lips. Taehyung liked it getting this type of attention from his hyungs. The occasional rough-housing and teasing wasn’t bad, but sometimes it felt better to not be harsh towards each other.
“Taehyung, do you have the-”
He plopped an envelope on the counter in front of Jin. It had a thousand dollars in it, just like every month. “Thank you. I actually thought we had to sell another sofa to get food in our fridge.”
“No one would by our shitty sofa anyway. The only food we’d get from there is a few cans of tuna.” Jimin walked in the room and headed straight towards the fridge. He got out a beer and sat on the couch beside Taehyung. 
He wasn’t wrong about it. The foam was showing in some of the places, and the fabric was tearing despite their vain attempts to sew it back together. They were lucky enough to afford it. Actually, they were lucky enough to have a house. Jin barely got through a month trying to manage five other boys with the salary he got from waiting tables and manning arcades. 
“Maybe we could buy a new one if only T-boy over here had the guts to ask for two thousand instead of one.” He jokingly thumped Taehyung’s back. The younger boy’s cheeks grew pink. He wasn’t ashamed of what he did to get the money, but he didn’t want to be reminded of it either. He didn’t want to remember her.
“Fuck off, Jimin. I wouldn’t want her to think I’m that desperate.”
“Why? Is baby boy scared his sugar mommy would drop him?”
Taehyung punched Jimin a bit too hard on the shoulder to be considered playful. But then a lazy grin crept up his face. “Just wait a few more months. I’m going to be the one to drop her.”
Yoongi stumbled in the room, Jin following right behind him.”I told you to not wake me up until seven.”
“Yoongi, it’s seven-thirty.” The eldest sneered at him. The both of them joined their three friends in what they would call a living room. They sat on the floor, having no more space on the couch. The pasta that Jin had just finished cooking sat on the small dining table they had. Despite their grumbling stomachs, they had to wait for Hoseok. 
It’s always been that way. It started on their first Christmas, when Taehyung decided to drop everything and live with his best friends instead. He was the youngest of them, him being sixteen at the time. He had a huge backpack with him and he carried a tupperware box wrapped in tinfoil. To make things short, he had the best Christmas ever, feeling more at home with his new-found brothers than his own family. 
“I’m here!” Hoseok burst through the door, closing it, then locking it. “Why do you people never lock the door? For all we know, Seungcheol might burst in and shoot us in our sleep.” He set his coat on the counter and sat in the middle of Yoongi and Jin. “Don’t worry about them. I’ve talked to Woozi about it. Explained the whole misunderstanding. Plus, the cops didn’t get dragged in so-”
“We were almost caught in a drug ring, Yoongi.” Jin shut him up. The three other boys on the couch shuffled uncomfortably. “Hyung, I think I feel better here on the floor.” Taehyung knelt down. Namjoon and Jimin looked at each other, following the youngest’s lead. 
The boys circled around the table, eager to eat. They took their plates and got their portion of the spaghetti. Hoseok was about take his first bite, when Jin stopped him. 
“Say your thanks.” “Wha-”
“Everyone, say your thanks.” Jin said firmly. The five younger boys groaned, dreading at the amount of authority Jin had over them.
“Thanks for not getting caught.” Namjoon said quickly, the others mumbling their agreements.
“Ah, hyung! You always make the best food.” Jimin said through a mouthful of pasta. Jin chuckled at him. “Thanks. I hope you don’t choke. We still need your muscles in case something bad happens.” he playfully said.
“Jin hyung! Everyone! I suddenly remembered, I have to go somewhere tomorrow.” Taehyung looked up at them.
“Why? You need someone to go with you?” Jimin asked. Taehyung shook his head. “No, I’m just going for a walk. I’ll be back before six.” he assured them.
“Just don’t go near the law. If my manager somehow sees my picking you up from a police station, I’m surely going to get fired.” Jin nagged at him. The youngest rolled his eyes. He wasn’t going for a walk tomorrow, but he wasn’t going to cause trouble either.
Taehyung pulled his hood up, looking down. He didn’t want to run into anyone who knew him. It will just end up in either two ways:
1. He’d get dragged away, missing the opportunity to do what he needed to; or 2. He’d have to explain why the infamous Kim Taehyung was heading towards the public library.
He had made a name for himself in the years they’ve been in Busan, Vandalizing, destruction of property, breaking and entering, all those acts they did piled up on their name and created a filthy image of them to the public. Jin was the only one who didn’t participate much in their activities. His main role was to not let them starve, which is why he was the only one to land a decent job. 
Taehyung was grateful that Jin was nice enough to take him under their wing. Namjoon was their leader, but Jin still owned the house they were in. Obviously, asking Jin for an education was too much, so Taehyung had to drop out. However, he didn’t want to completely stop his studies.
For at least a day each week, he’d stop by the library and borrow the same thick Science book he recognized from his old school. He knew that the owner, Mr. Hann, recognized him. He has seen Taehyung’s face up close, but he didn’t turn him into the police. They never had a decent conversation, a few nods here and there, but Taehyung knew he could trust him. 
He walked through the door, searching for the book in it’s usual spot, heading to the chair he always sat in by the science-fiction shelves. 
He was grateful for the silence. He loved the laughter and chatter with his hyungs, but sometimes, a bit of quiet doesn’t hurt. And he wanted to clear his mind from the recent rivalry they had with another group.
He couldn’t say it was Yoongi’s fault, but somehow, someone fucked up and what was supposed to be a successful drug trade turned into a knife fight. The goods Yoongi were supposed to send Seungcheol apparently ended up in Daegu. To say he was pissed is an understatement. 
This then led Yoongi to drink for a few days now, saying how they could’ve been rich if only such a fuck-up didn’t happen.
“Yah, how about you just write the rest of our thesis and everything will be ok?” A gruff voice broke him from his train of thought. “I’m busy, I told you! I have grades too, you know.”
“Are you fucking serious right now? The submission is in three days. You have three days to make it.” The voice got louder this time. It seemed to be coming from the other side of the shelf. Slowly, Taehyung got up and went to the source.
“W-well, it’s not my problem.” He turned to see the weak voice coming from a boy who looked like they had the same age, maybe even younger. The man with the gruff voice had a flannel on, his back facing Taehyung. 
“Don’t get snarky on me. Unless you want another beating up, I suggest-”
“I suggest you fuck off.”
The guy in the flannel spun around. Taehyung glared at him. He usually doesn’t mind other people’s business, but there was something about the boy who needed help that lured him in. 
He had large circular glasses framing his chocolate eyes, and a cute nose. His hair was tousled a bit, hinting that he might’ve been sleep-deprived for a few days. He had plump, pink lips, which parted when he saw Taehyung. He recognized him.
“Oh, Kim Taehyung. Amazing seeing you here. What are you doing, finding more magazines to add to your porn stash?” Flannel guy sneered at him. Taehyung rolled his eyes. He taught he was pathetic. A bottom-dweller.
“Just leave that kid alone.”
“That kid owes me some serious shit. Why don’t you just go back to your crackhouse with your stripper friend?”
Taehyung’s eyes flashed. He felt the rage bubbling up, and people always told him he had anger management issues. He balled his fists and swung at the guy. He was able to dodge and tried to punch Taehyung back, but Taehyung twisted his body and kneed him in the stomach.
Taehyung took the opportunity to straddle the guy on the floor, continuing to punch his face. “Stop, stop!” He could hear the yells from the other boy. Soon, he heard footsteps running towards them, and Mr. Hann’s voice. “Break it off right now, or else I’m calling the police on you.”
Taehyung got off, the man’s face bleeding. He looked towards Mr. Hann, thinking that he was the same as anyone else. Scared of him. But the older man wasn’t looking at him. Instead, he was looking at the boy on the floor, his flannel ripped, a hand covering his face. 
He scrambled up and ran out the place. “You kids alright?” He asked them. Taehyung nodded at him, signalling a silent thanks. “Aigo. I told you Jungkook-ah, you should’ve told a teacher before things got worse.” Mr. Hann said as he started headed back to the front desk. 
‘Jungkook’ Taehyung took a mental note. He sat quietly, arms folded on his lap. “Yah. Who was that?” Taehyung approached him, leaning on the side of the table. 
“Why are you here? Do you need anything from me?” Jungkook’s voice was almost a whisper. He couldn’t look Taehyung in the eye. He knew he was dangerous. He has heard all the rumors about him and his group.
“None of your business.” Taehyung grunted, ignoring the last question. Biting his lip, he stuck his hand out towards the younger boy. “V, 21.”
Jungkook stared at the hand. Cautiously, he took it. “Jungkook. I’m twenty.” He said, shaking it lightly. “I know your real name. Taehyung, isn’t it? Or do you prefer me calling you V?” “Either way is fine with me.” Taehyung shrugged.
Silence took over after that. Taehyung started picking at his nails, while Jungkook kept staring at him. Jungkook cleared his throat. “I need to go home now. Thanks for... jumping in to help me.” Taehyung looked at him. He was shoving books into his bag, his actions gentle.
Black hoodie and some jeans, but he still looked like a model. ‘Wait, what?’ Taehyung blinked. “Oh, sure. You gonna be safe going home?”
The younger one nodded at him. “I hope you’ll be safe too, Taehyung-ah.” he smiled warmly. With that, he exited the shop.
Taehyung remained leaning on the table. He felt his cheeks heating up. ‘No. No, I’m straight.’ He ran a hand through his hair. He looked out the window, seeing the sun about to set.
Thinking about what he told Jin, he hurriedly got up. When he stood out of the shop, an empty street greeted him with no Jungkook. Shrugging off his shoulders, he started walking back to his place. ‘I’m straight. I know that. I like girls, not guys. I’m straight. I’m straight.’ he kept repeating in his head like a mantra. A vision of his father flashed back at him. The yells. The bruises. 
He shook his head. ‘I’m straight’. he repeated. But at the back of his mind, he couldn’t wait until he got to see Jungkook again.
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sueboohscorner · 8 years
The Have And The Have Nots S4 Ep4 "A Mother's Wisdom" Recap & Review #HAHN
The heat is turning up with each episode. One shocker after another. Secrets are being exposed and a bigger secret is being covered up. Sad part is none of them trust each other. How does secrets works without trust?  We have to wait and see how it goes down.
This episode continue down the who done it path with Veronica and Katheryn. Veronica holds the gun on David. Katheryn sits there with a smirk on her face. Veronica is enjoying the power over David that the gun gives her. Veronica comes up with the idea that Katheryn and David was having an affair. Jennifer come in and Katheryn shoot her and David. I don't think that idea would work. However, Veronica crazy enough to sell it. Veronica becomes emotional with David. She is hurting because David filed for a divorce. David say it was to protect her from herself. Honestly, David had enough of dealing with her craziness. That's my opinion. Besides, how can you stay with a woman who treats your son like trash in the dumpster. That's a hard position to be in, especially being a noble man. Veronica and David's heart to heart talk was a little sad. David geniuely loves Veronica but she just to crazy to see it. All of a sudden, David phones ring. Veronica makes him through the phone on the couch. Veronica calls the Miss call number back. Guess who it is? Erica!!! Erica is shock that Veronica answered the phone. Erica pretends to be a reporter calling about a story. Veronica makes Erica think her and David is rekindling their marriage. She tells Erica, next time call his business line. Veronica hangs up but she isn't stupid. She knows Erica wasn't a reporter. 
David gets up off the floor. He tells Veronica, "if you going to shoot me, then shoot me." Veronica is upset because David didn't believe she didn't kill Jennifer. Veronica does tell David the truth. She tells him how Katheryn called her to come over and set all this up. Davids tells Veronica he believe her. Katheryn continues to pin this murder on Veronica. David talks Veronica into giving him the gun. Veronica gives David the gun. She asked David not to kill her. a much stuff as Veronica has done to him, David won't hurt his wife. Jim finally arrives home. A bloody Katheryn runs to him ND Jim tells his wife not to touch him. Wow!! Katheryn tells Jim, "Veronica did it. She tried to kill me. Call the police." Jim doesn't believe Katheryn, you can tell. He asked David, "What the hell is going on?" The who did it game goes on between Katheryn and Veronica. Katheryn keep saying that's a lie. Jim finally asked,"who is on my floor?" I am kind of confuse. It's only been 24 hours, she still look like herself. David had asked the same question. I don't understand that part. Jim learns from David that is Jennifer Sallison dead on the floor. No matter what Katheryn say, Jim knows who killed her. Unbelievable how he makes it known that Katheryn killed her. He asked David for the gun. Katheryn insist on calling the police. Jim makes it clear, this is a federal crime. Jennifer was a District Attorney therefore a federal investigation isn't what they want or need. Jim let's Veronica go home. Veronica makes its clear to Jim the he doesn't let her do anything. I guess Jim is her master. Lol!! Katheryn is very upset with Jim. Even though Jim has his own way of handling it, he does has a point. All four of them has secrets they don't want digged up by the FBI. Jim tells David to call for a clean up like never before.
Benny is still sitting on the porch waiting on Candace. Hanna has packed her and Baby Q clothes. She's refuse to have her stuff on the streets, she leaves the house. She make a final attempt to get Benny to leave as well. The confidence in his sister and his stubbornness makes him stay sitting on that porch.
Wyatt and Jeffrey arrives at his new place. Wyatt almost dying hasn't seen to change him at all. He talking about having more parties. Smh. Jeffrey can't believe his ears. He tells Wyatt he is done and leaving. Wyatt doesn't want Jeffrey to leave. He tells him, "He will do whatever he want. What do you want to do." Jeffrey leans in for a kiss. Wyatt back away. Wyatt will give anything but that to Jeffrey. Jeffrey may want Wyatt but I think he has accepted friends only they will always be. Jeffrey wants to leave. He knows that was the one thing Wyatt would do it, so it use that for his escape plan. As Jeffrey is walking towards the door, Wyatt breakdown. He admits he he thought the wanted to die but he scared. He admits that Jeffrey is the only person that really love him. He apologizes to Jeffrey for how he has treated him and their friendship. Is this apology sincere was all I was thinking. It's feels sincere but with Wyatt, you never know. Wyatt admits he can't control his self. One thing about being an addict, if you really want help; you have to do it for yourself first and on your own. Jeffrey finally release himself of trying to save Wyatt from his self. He offers Wyatt a phone number for help but he tells him he is done. Of course, Wyatt gets mad. Jeffrey isn't saying what he wants to hear. He can't believe he poured his heart out to Jeffrey and he still walked away. Will Wyatt save his self or continue down his self destructive path?
Hanna is pulls up on Candace's street. She sees the police surrounding Candace's house. She gets out the car and Ms. Pearl tells her to come here. She tells Hanna they looking for the man she saw go in but didn't come out. I swear, Ms. Pearl is nosey as hell. Hanna walks off and up on Candace. Candace is shock to see Hanna. Hanna asked Candace, "what is going on?" Candace isn't telling Hanna nothing. Hanna isn't stupid. She knows Candace did something bro Quincy. She just want Candace to confirm it. Regardless of Candace's devious ways, she still is her daughter. She wants to help Candace but Candace hates her and definitely hate her in her business. Seeing she won't get answers from Candace, she tells her to call her brother. Hanna paints the perfect picture of how Benny is hurting but still believe in her. Candace loves Benny, however her life has a murder hanging over her head. I do agree with Hanna. Candace can at least call Benny. Besides, Benny is an accessory in this murder a well. He should know what's going on. That would get him off that porch feeling sorry for his self. Candace troubles is piling up one by one. Explosives waiting to be lit. How will she get out of all this?
Veronica arrives home to a worried Melissa. Melissa notice the blood on Veronica's arm. She comes up with the story she was mugged. Seems like Melissa believe that. Veronica apologies to her for missing the party and then went upstairs. She calls Jeffery. I was surprised by that. She loves Jeffrey is a scary way in my eyes. Jeffrey answers the phone not really wanting to talk to his mother. Surprisingly, she offers to help Jeffrey and Candace. Now we know Veronica can't stand Candace and she loves making Jeffrey do as she say. What is Veronica up to? We all know her 24 hour experience hasn't made Miss Nice. She tells Jeffrey," you and that thing meet in 30 mins or try your luck." 
Back at Candace's house, they realize the red stain on the jucuzzi is a marker stain. While putting the cover back on the jucuzzi, the lead officer sees the fresh dirt area of the backyard. He demands Justin to get some shovels. It's about to go down now.  Justin warns Candace to get out of there now, they are asking for shovels. Justin stalled for as long as he could. Just as Justin walks away, Jeffrey calls Candace. He lets her know Veronica want to meet and help them. Candace knows Veronica can't be trusted. She also knows Veronica is up to something. Jeffrey tells Candace we have no choice. Then Candace drops the bomb that the body is about to be dug up. With no plan in mind and no other options, they have to meet Veronica. The messed up truth about this situation is: (1) Veronica is the best lawyer to get them out of this (2) Veronica can't be trusted and (3) she will have ammunition to blackmail both of them into doing what she want them to do. Tough decision to make for Candace and Jeffrey. This plot with Jeffrey and Candace just got thicker.
Mitch gets place in a cell next to War. Omg, you may not agree with me but that was the OMG moment of this episode.  War see Mitch and say, "ain't this a bitch." Mitch gives a chuckle and say, "I am looking at one." Man, I was laughing so hard. Between the shots fired of words and laughter of Mitch, I was laughing with tears in my eyes. These two needs more scenes together. Mitch was so sure his drug set up will send War away for a long time. War busted Mitch bubble. He tells Mitch he will be getting bout of here soon. Mitch find that hard to believe. He tells War,"with all them drugs. You ain't getting out." We puts it together that Mitch and Candace set him up. Only thing is Candace didn't set him up. Does War knows who Mitch family is? He made the comment, "you can't hide behind your name too long." I found that very interesting. As War repeatly threatens to kill Candace, Mitch confess it was him who set him up. He tells War, "Candace had nothing to do with it." He give War full details of what was in his car. War doesn't care that Candace is innocent. She still lied and played him. War makes it crystal clear, before he do anything, he is going bro Candace's house and slit her throat. Man, that anger got his blood boiling. Mitch isn't too worried because he thinks War is staying in jail. Joke is on Mitch. The officer comes and release War. Unbelievable to Mitch, he yells for his phone call. You can't tell me this scene didn't get you turned up for more. What will War do next?
After leaving Candace, Hann goes back to check on Benny. Hanna may have thought Candace wasn't coming before but she knows for a fact; Candace definitely isn't coming. Should Hanna just told Benny about the police being at Candace's place. I don't know. I have mix feelings. One child is already in trouble. Knowing how much Benny loves his sister, he will be in trouble to trying to protect her. Hanna tells Benny about his father being a good man. She tells him how he was good to her until she learned he had a wife. At 8 months pregnant with Benny, Tony (Benny's father) put her and Candace out on the streets. She tries to encourage Benny that like her, he can keep moving forward. Benny is so hurt and disappointed. He feels he did everything right and it was taken from him. Hanna tried to defend Candace. She does feel Candace heart was in the right place. However, Hanna has a point. Nothing good comes from devilish come ups. The marshalls arrive to evict Benny. Instead of Benny just leaving, he puts up a fight. Hanna does her best to get Benny to cooperate. Feeling low, anger, and just not wanting to feel his sister betrayal; Benny continues to fight and get arrested. All this is going on and Baby Q sits in the car watching. 
The body has been discovered. Episode ended with a bang...Boom!!!​
Stay tuned for next week episode. If you missed this episode, you can catch it on Comcast On Demand, download the Own App or watch the video below. 
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
This Is How It Starts || Adam Hann
Word Count: 2,101 Warnings: Smut!  Summary: “Adam smut- continue the "happy endings" one! Their honeymoon and………… when they find out reader's pregnant!” Authors Note: MAKE SURE that if you haven’t read the previous two fics to this Puzzle Pieces and Happy Endings, you do that before reading this! I hope you all enjoy <3 Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!  
“This is so beautiful!”
It truly was. After a week of simply enjoying being a couple, a family, you and Adam finally broke away from your daughter, Kassie, long enough to head off to your honeymoon. George took custody of her for the duration of it, Kassie being dropped off at his place to find already set up a pillow fort and a big heaping bowl of rice krispie treats. You and Adam hated to leave her, but you knew she would be in good company while you were gone. Packing up, the two of you head out to your destination. Cozumel, Mexico was the final stop. A beautiful island would be your home for the next two weeks. You could not wait to see it as the plane flew you both there. Sure enough, the wait had brought you to a beautiful scene, full of crystal-blue.
It was gorgeous, a sight straight out of a fancy magazine cover. The place you were sleeping at was a little hut, but in the area surrounding it was a beautiful water landscape. Yes, you were staying in little huts on the water, with only wooden bridges connecting huts to the mainland. You walked hand-in-hand with Adam up to the hut. He brought in your bags, settling them down on chairs beside the king-sized bed that was laid out for you. You plopped yourself on the bed, happy to feel its soft touch beneath you. It made you smile. You couldn’t wait to wake up day after day beside Adam in it for the next two weeks.
“Like the bed, sweetheart?”
Turning to face Adam on the opposite side of the bed, you nodded and flashed him a smile. “I love it. You’ve got to feel it, it’s like pure heaven. We’ve really got to consider getting this for our house.”
He sat down on the bed and tested its softness with his hands, When it seemed to meet his approval, he let himself fall down into it, rolling to face you. His arm snaked around your midsection, and you were brought flush up against him. His lips met yours, gentle, as careful yet loving as he always was with you.
“You look beautiful. My beautiful wife. Mrs. Hann.”
Grinning against him, you nuzzled your way into the crook of his neck. “You look handsome too, Mr. Hann. Positively dashing.”
“Forgive me for being hasty,” he whispered, his lips right against your ear, “but I really cannot wait to christen this bed with you.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Mr. Hann, how scandalous of you!”
“I’m sorry, something just comes over me when I have the most amazing woman in the world in bed with me.”
Giggles were exchanged until your lips found themselves better occupied against one another. Adam rolled you to lay under him, as he took comfortable space above you. By then, you knew how each other worked. You knew what Adam liked to feel, what made him truly feel like the most special man in the world and what made him come undone. Adam likewise knew exactly what to do to let you know how much he truly loved you, how to repay you for how well you treated him, how well you treated his daughter. He was in debt to you, and this was one of the few actions he could take that allowed for him to fully give back.
A war of undressing took place, with Adam first doing so with his eyes and then his hands, stripping you of your outfit, a casual tank top and floral skirt. In no time, you found yourself only dressed with his kisses, soft and gentle and full of the love he had expressed in his wedding vows across your skin. Goosebumps appear up and down your skin, earning proud nipping at your neck by Adam. It made him excited to see you so excited. He fed off of it, using your sounds and signs as guidance for what to do next. Excited, thrilled, he took to you, letting himself love you down for the first time as your proper husband. You let him happily go for it, only stopping him to help shed him of his shirt and pants. It was a tug of war of power, and he was keen on keeping you from winning. You were keen to play along and let him there was any fight as well.
Gentle caresses of the thigh, as cheesy and cliche as they were, were what you came to know as a specialty of Adam’s. He was a soft man, and he knew how to make his actions be just as soft and lovely as he was while still driving you wild. His hand massaged you, keeping you puddy in his hand. He brought you to the point where you were whispering for him and moaning, and then moved to enter you, because there was no time for games. You had the entire rest of your life to play games. In that moment, Adam wanted you, and he could tell you wanted him. Entering you, he took to kissing your neck. You gasped, pleased, and Adam was content.
He did not waste time with his pace either. Fast, needy, relentless. He brought your legs up, and you felt truly aghast at how intense the feeling became. He called your name, begging you to make noise, and make noise you did. Pleading, gasping, telling him everything he needed to hear and more. You nearly screamed as you came, and he moaned your name as he did as well. By the time everything ended and you both laid in a heap on the bed, he was kissing you again. This time, it was more gentle, loving.
“I cannot believe I am married to someone as lovely as you.”
And in your sweaty, panting mess, you told him the same.
You did not expect to be pregnant coming into only your third month of marriage, but it happened. At least, that was what the test you held and took said. And the five that followed. You could hardly handle it, the idea of giving Adam a baby you both happily made out of love. The thought of making Kassie a big sister to either a beautiful bouncing baby girl or baby boy. You couldn’t wait to tell them and break the news. While everything common sense wise told you to tell Adam first, there was something unique to telling Kassie first and her father second. You wanted her to have a part, and perhaps a reason to be excited for the new addition. So, when Adam was out to the store, you called Kassie over into your bedroom. She hopped onto the bed and gazed up at you with her beautiful wide eyes. You hoped your child with Adam held those same beautiful green eyes.
“Hey Kassie, do you know how to keep secrets?”
The little girl nodded, practically bouncing on the bed. “Yes! But Dad told me it’s bad to.”
“It sometimes is,” you said. “Do you want to know one that’s okay to keep?”
“Alright,” you took a deep breath. “I’m going to have a baby.”
Kassie’s eyes got even wider. To your happiness, she broke into a wide smile. “I’M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER?”
Giggling, you nodded. “Yes, dear. In a few months, you’ll have a baby brother or sister.”
The bed bounced as she fell back on it, her arms stretched high above her head. It was the happiest you had ever seen the girl. You felt so relieved to see her so happy about this. You hoped Adam would take on the same expression.
“Wait, why is it a secret? Is the baby bad?”
You shook your head. “No sweetheart, no. I just want to surprise your Dad! Think of it like a surprise birthday party, but instead of a party, I’m surprising him with knowing he’ll be a father to another baby!”
“Oooh, I like that.”
You grinned. “Good.”
“So when do we tell him?’
“I’m thinking when he gets home from the store,” you spoke, reaching to mess with her hair. “I’m thinking you can help me tell him.”
“That’s so cool.”
You giggled at her awe. “When he gets home, I want you to mention that I have a surprise for him waiting in the bedroom. If he asks what it is, don’t tell him. Just tell him he has to wait and see, alright? Bring him to the bedroom, and I’ll do the rest, alright sweetie?”
Kassie nodded eagerly. “I want him to be home now.”
“I do too,” you agreed, ruffling her hair more. “I’m going to go get things ready for him, alright? You yell to me if you see his car pull up, okay Kassie?”
More nods followed before Kassie was off, running to the windows to keep watch. In her absence, you worked on transforming the bedroom into a romantic scene, with candles galore. Your plan was to tell Adam while kneeling on the bed in candlelight. Hopefully, it would put him at ease and make the situation memorable. Thirty minutes passed until you heard Kassie squeal and her footsteps sprinting towards you.
“He’s HERE!” she yelled repeatedly, forcing you to have to grab her to hush her. Putting a finger to your mouth, you told her to go meet him at the door. She ran and followed the plan as you got into position on the bed, shutting the door behind you. You just had to wait. Wait for the door to open and for your secret to get revealed. You hoped to God Kassie kept things secret. She was the last thing standing between you and your plan working well.
“Hello love,” Adam said to the little girl as he walked in, tossing his keys on the counter. “Where’s your mom?”
“She’s in the bedroom,” she replied, sticking to the plan. “She told me to bring you there!”
His face scrunched up. “Why?”
“It’s a secret,” she whispered, causing Adam to raise his eyebrow. She shrugged before grabbing his hand and dragging him forward. “Don’t ask me, I’m only a kid.” They moved forward until they hit the door. Kassie let go of his hand and pointed at it. “Go get her, Dad. I’ll be out here.”
Nodding slowly, Adam carefully placed his hand on the handle and turned it. When he caught sight of you, he lost the ability to breathe. You looked stunning, angelic in the best way. He swallowed hard, trying to speak. You silenced him with a finger to your lips. Like daughter, like father.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“I can see.”
“No Adam...you’re going to be a father.”
Adam’s eyes went wider than his daughter’s. “W-What?”
You smiled meekly. “We’re going to be parents, Adam.”
Allowing you to breathe again, you caught the sight of tears forming in the corner of his eyes. “When did you find out, {Y/N}?”
“Just last week.”
“God, I love you.”
Seconds passed before his lips were on yours, nearly toppling you over on the bed from the sheer passionate force of him attaching himself to you. When he pulled away, his eyes were sparkling, radiant, wondrous. “We’re going to be parents, aren’t we?”
Nodding, you cupped his cheek. “Our own little baby.”
“Kassie’s going to be a big sister.”
“The best big sister.”
Faces turning to the door, you both giggled as you saw Kassie creaking the door open, her cheerful smile blinding through the candlelight. You and Adam shared a glance before motioning her in, letting her join your pile on the bed. One group hug later, and you all were a happy and tearful mess.
“I’m going to teach her everything,” Kassie went on, rambling as Adam braided her hair. “How to dress up, how to sing, how to paint-”
“What if it’s a boy?”
Kassie looked at Adam and rolled her eyes. “Not possible. I won’t allow it.”
Giggling, you kissed her cheek. “Sweetie, it doesn’t work that way I’m afraid.”
“Well, it does now. I’m getting a baby sister.”
And she would end up getting that baby sister eventually, with your hair color and Adam’s shining green eyes just like you had wished for. But then, in that moment, you would have been grateful for whatever you got, because it was your baby with Adam. You helped create it. Whatever it would be, it would be perfect. And that was all that mattered.
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