#if he wss this close to me and he leaned down while telling me to scream i would faint so fast
ghost-of-you · 2 years
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Back to the days when the days where better.
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serejae · 21 days
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pairing ; vernon x reader
WHAT ! ; after rejecting his bestfriend vernon is left to ponder in what he lost, now its up to him whether to make things right
a/n ; i know ive been writing alot for vernon buttttttttt whos gonna fight me..😒
VERNON swore he didnt care, if anyone asked about you he shrugged it off. the news of you confessing to vernon wasn’t shocking to anyone, the way you two looked at eachother explained everything but the part that shocked them was when he said he rejected you.
“so what? you just rejected them?” dokyeom asked sitting in front of vernon on the floor as he laid on the couch. not bothering to look up from his phone, vernon shrugged
i dont get the big deal everyones making out of it”
“the big deal is that we all know you like them and we’re trying to protect you from regretting anything” dokyeom sighed. all he got back ad a response was a light chuckle from guy sitting on the couch. “i’ll be fine, you guys dont need to be so worried about the decisions i make”
“what if you regret it?”
he looked away from his phone for a second and thought before shaking his head.
now vernon was sitting at his dining table with his now cold mac n cheese infront of him. the word “nah” was constantly repeating in his hand like a broken record trying to overpower dokyeom words of regret, because maybe he was right
and vernon hated to admit it
that he had fell for his bestfriend
and especially when he rejected them first and was now feeling something about them going on a date with another person
it was weird, normally you’d stay for dinner and afterwards you both would cuddle onnthe couch while watching a movie (always of your choice) to digest, then go cuddle in bed and go to sleep. (with the many years of knowing eachother and getting comfortable with one another) its no surprise you fell for him, and he fell for you too
so it was like something, or someone…was missing tonight
the table was too quiet, too much room, he didnt like it, at all.
but vernon was too selfless for his own good to stop you now. you’re already hurt by him, so why would you want someone like him to come back to your life again?
closing his eyes, he rubs his temples as he thinkings about what happened that day. he didnt think you deserved someone like him the day you confessed to him
“just tell me who you like” vernon stretched out his words as he leaned towards you trying to bother you
shaking your head as you laughed, you tried to push him off but he was too persistent in bothering you
“cmon, ill help you” he said trying to convince you to at least give him a hint
“would you?”
vernon nodded his head quickly hoping your answer would be him, but why when it wss did he reject you?
“i like you”
he paused feeling his heart quicken, and out of adrenaline
“im sorry, i dont like you”
in his defense, the idea is much scarier than the reality. the moment he said yes, you would be stuck with him and his problems. so not wanting to hurt you he rejected you
so now why were you and him hurting?
the cold mac n cheese was now stored in the fridge as he lost his appetite thinking of you doing the same stuff you did with him to other people, let alone go on a date.
he wish he could change something about this.
so thats when it clicked
he can
grabbing a sweater and putting on his shoes he ran to his car trying to get their as soon as possible
well, the reality is much scarier than the idea because hes been standing outside your door for 10 minutes walking in circles while simultaneously looking around to see if any cars were pulling up to your drive way indicating your date
even then, if they did show up what was he gonna do?
beat them up?
well, maybe not.
but before they arrived and swooned your heart away, vernon hoped deep down that your heart still belonged to him.
as selfish as it sounded, maybe vernon needed to be selfish to get this one thing he wants
to be your favorite boy
not some random person.
so before his time was up he knocked on your door
and within seconds you opened it, looking as shocked as he did.
and his first words to you? (rather sighed knowing dokyeom was right)
“i still wanna be your favorite boy”
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jae-is-confused · 2 years
Heyyyyy rn I'm questioning if I'm transmasc so I would loooooove if you could write a lil something with reader being Steve's transitioning lil brother who's hopelessly in love with will and us afraid will won't love them back bc they're not a bio boy<3 sorry if it's too specific 😭
Heyyyyy I would love to help a fella out! It took a male!reader fic for me to realize I was in fact not gender fluid, but trans masc, so enjoy and I hope this helps
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Will Byers x Ftm!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Summary: Steve has been telling you from day one to 'shoot your shot' with Will. But he doesn't understand how different it is for people like you. Especially for people like you.
"y/n you just have to be direct with him. Just say how you feel and see where it goes from there." Your older brother Steve said while slipping on his green work vest. You groan and fell backwards onto his bed.
"I'm sure Robin has already explained this to you but it's different for people like us. It's alot harder to find someone who is as chill about it as you. Let alone someone who also feels the same way!" You continued to complain while Steve stood in his bathroom messing around with his hair.
When you don't hear a response you lean your head up a little to peek into your brothers bathroom.
"Dude, you look fine! Will you just put down the Fara Fawcett spray and listen to me!" Steve sighs and leaves the bathroom, now heading for his bedroom door.
"I am listening and to me it just sounds like your making up excuses." You jump up from the bed and follow your brother when you start to hear his voice trail away.
"Well I have every right to if I don't want to be beat up! I'm not actually a guy you know." Steve is how standing by the front door as you run down the stairs. Steve turns to you just as you stop behind him.
"Do you really think Will of all people has the willpower to hurt you? Or anyone for that matter?" He raises his eyebrows at you and adds a small 'hm?' at the end.
"No, but Mike might." You lean against the wall as you watch Steve tie his shoes.
"Last I checked you were confessing to Will, not Mike." You brother laughs as he stands up. "But if you like both of them then I'm going to be concerned."
"Like you can say anything. You've dated probably every avalible girl in Hawkins and now after Nancy I haven't seen you sneak one girl in." You grin at Steve as his face goes blank. He grabs your hoodie and throws it at you.
"Get in the damn car..." You muffle your laughs as you put on your hoodie and step out the door, closing and locking it, before trailing behind Steve to his car.
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You now stand leaning over the counter of the 'Family Video' store, Robin talking your ear off. You love Robin and you love to listen to her talk, but Steve was slacking so she was lonely and more talkative than usual.
You actually had a really nice conversation with her about what you should do about Will. She didn't have a lot of advice, her dealing with the same problem at the moment but you both came up with idea's. She was way more helpful that Steve.
At some point though you did have to go to school. It wss the last day before spring break and then it was off to Cali with Mike.
Yeah. That's why you were so worked up about someone who didn't even live here anymore. Because at 6am tomorrow you were getting on a flight with someone you were sure Will had a crush on to go see, well, your crush. So, awesome.
Anyways, you decided to walk to school and met up with Dustin and Mike outside by the doors. At some point after the assembly you broke off with them to hang out with Max. You met back up at lunch, talked about hellfire, blah blah- basically it was an eventful day.
In the end, after the game, you got picked up by Steve, grabbed your suitcases from home, and got dropped off at Mikes house. You decided to stay the night there so Nancy could drive the both of you to airport in the morning.
You stayed the night in Holly's room that night. Beleive it or not she was yor favorite Wheeler sibling. Things were weird with you and Nancy because of Steve and you and Mike just weren't that close anymore. You had a feeling Mike somehow knew about your feelings for Will and just never said anything.
So you spent most of your time at the Wheeler residence coloring and talking with Holly. After dinner you helped her pick out an outfit for tomorrow and set up a sleeping bag on the floor for you next to her bed.
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In the morning Mrs. Wheeler woke You, Mike, and Nancy and soon enough you were all off to the airport. At this point you were so tired and scared that you only remember getting on the plane, falling asleep, and Mike nudging you awake as the plane landed.
Mike helped you grab your bags from above you and then walked away.
'Man he's eager' you make a face and quickly stumble down the aisle as someone pushes you as a sign to move.
Exiting the gate you walk next to Mike, who looks ridiculous by the way, and peer your head over the crowd of people also exiting the gate. Your nerves are high as you look for Will's face and specifically Will's face.
You see Mike next you also looking around, which seems to work out better for him, when he grabs your arm and points. You look and see an ecstatic El waving you and Mike down.
You smile as Mike waves back and runs over to her, colliding with her into a hug when they meet in the middle. You jog over to the small group that has formed with Mike and El at the very center. Everyone was hugging and saying hi, though it was awkwardly. You just stood there, un-noticed.
Ouch. You look over to Will when he gives Mike an awkward side hug. You frown when Mike quickly retreats back. You walk over to Will and tap him on the shoulder, making him turn around.
You watch as his face immediately lights up.
"y/n!" He pulls you into a gentle hug and you laugh at his eagerness.
"Hi Will. Whatcha got there?" You pull away from the hug to look at the rolled up paper in his hand. His mood noticably shifts as his face falls slightly.
"You don't have to tell me." You say, putting a hand on his shoulder. On the outside you were pretty calm but inside you felt like someone lit a fire in your stomache. You were so nervous you were afraid your hand would sweat through Will's shirt.
Will shook his head and smiled at you.
"No, it's okay. It's just something I made for Mike but he doesn't seem all that interested right now." Will turns his attention over to Mike who was getting tag checked by some dude you hadn't noticed before. You instantly respected him though.
You felt the small fire in your gut go out when you saw how Will looked at Mike. I think deep down you knew that Will probably wouldn't have a care in the world for your romantic feelings for him. All because of the straight boy he just so happened to fall for.
Everyone in the friend group knew you were born female and were kind of on edge when you came out as trans to them. It's one of the reasons you and Mike aren't that close anymore. But after that Will came up to you one day and pulled you aside.
He told you that he was questioning if he liked boys and you were so happy. But, not, at the same time, for obvious reasons. But you were there for him. Like he was there for you when you came out.
After introductions were done, the guy with long hair, who you now knew as Argyle, drove you all to a small diner. After, he and Jonathan dropped you all off at a Roller-Skating rink. It was apparently a place El went to alot. She brought up her supposed 'friends' alot too.
You guys skated for a while but the whole time you were watching Will. He kept looking at Mike and El while they skated. Hand in hand.
You skated up to Will and grabbed his hand. He looked at you and flinched a little. When he saw it was you he untensed a bit. You guys skated in silence, getting weird glares from other people in the rink. Nice to know you look somewhat masculine.
After a little you finally broke the silence.
"Ya'know, I always had a hunch you had feelings for Mike." You whisper. Will looks at you with wide eyes as you continue to look at your feet, your expression unchanging.
"I think the only reason I noticed is because you spent so much time looking at someone who doesn't care when I was the one looking at you. I guess it just irritates me how much you pine over Mike while he has head up in the clouds, surrounded by El." You feel the back of your throat dry up and you stop by the entrance of the rink.
"I'm gonna go get something to drink." Without looking at Will you step out of the rink and head over the the food counter. You get a bottle of water and go to sit in an empty booth.
You sit there and slowly sip at the bottle of water in your hand, just staring at the table. At this point you didn't feel like crying, you felt like screaming. You took Steve's advice and ended up walked away before you could get an answer. Stupid.
You put your forhead against the table and softly banged it a couple times. You sat there with your head down for a while, to be honest you lost track. At some point you felt someone sit next to you. They grabbed your hand and you instantly knew who it was.
You look up and see Will with a worried expression adorning his face. When he saw your face he smiled a little and leaned back in his seat.
"Your right, about Mike. And I've definitely accepted that fact. But I think I have yet to accept the fact he's dating and loves El. I-I made that painting in hopes that it would at least bring Mike attention to me and get us talking again. I don't even care about feelings at this point anymore. I just want us to be friends again." Will sqeezes your hand as he talks, I don't think he realizes until he looks down.
"And I'm sorry I didn't realize your feelings sooner. Now I feel like I'm doing to you what Mike was doing to me." He lets go of your hand moves away from you a little. "I don't know how long I've liked Mike, probably my whole childhood," You frown and Will realizes that probably didn't help.
"But that doesn't mean I still like him-I mean I do but I-" He groans and turn towards you in his seat. Your eyes were welling up, thinking the worse possible situations. "Y/n, I do like you. but I'm not completely over Mike. Far from it actually. But that doesn't mean I don't want to move on." He grabs your hand again and rubs it with his thumb, keeping eye contact the entire time, which is rare for Will.
"I know what it's like to be chosen last, and the last thing I want is for you to feel that way as well." The entire time Will was keeping eye contact you could feel how sincere he was. You knew that Will didn't didn't have the heart to break other peoples hearts. That just wasn't him.
Your eyes drift from Will's eyes and before you know it your pushing our own lips against his.
He doesn't fight it.
He kisses back.
Your eyes go wide as you pull back from the kiss.
"Will- oh geez, I am so sorry. You just explained to me that you needed time and I just kissed you-" Will laughs as he cups your jaw with one of his hands, cutting you off as he pulls your face into a gentle kiss. You instantly melt, his hand on your jaw as if you were made of glass. The kiss lasted for about 10 second before you both pulled away.
"It's okay y/n. And if it's ok with you, I'd like to go on a actual date while your still in town." You smile at Will and nodded, still in shock from the sudden kiss. You lean back a bit and grab your water bottle.
"Are kisses still on the table?" You asked slowly, still unsure about where you both stand on this situation.
"Believe me, I would love nothing more." Will said bashfully. You laughed and pulled him into another chaste kiss, him placing one on your forehead after.
"We'll take this slow."
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HEY GUYS!!! It only took me forever but I finally got something posted. I had some stuff going on but I'm back momentarily. :D
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girlygirl-20 · 2 years
A place for us (1/?)
Paring: riff (2021) x female OC
Summary: after keeping their untitled fling under wraps for the past few months riff and lorelai (lori) struggle to continue keeping everything secret while battling with eviction and poverty in the west side of Manhattan.
Warnings: swearing, suggestive content, eventual smut (future chapters) racist and prejudice topics (it’s WSS) smoking, angst
The bright sunlight beaming through the thin blinds caused lori to scrunch her eyes together and stir in her sleep. She rolled over to find a very much asleep riff, his arm was still loosely draped around her waist and his hair was a ruffled mess.
He looked adorable, not that she’d ever tell him that of course, he would roll his eyes and scoff at the thought of himself ever being described as ‘cute’.
Lori caught a glimpse of the alarm clock on her bedside table and internally groaned knowing she’d have to be up in a few minutes if she wanted to make it to valentines in time for her shift. She also knew she had to get riff out of the apartment before her roommate seen him.
The boy stirred as she left soft pecks on his bare chest, she trailed her kissed up to his lips and paused for a minute to take in his features before kissing his lips. Just as she was about to kiss him that oh so familiar smirk appeared on his lips
“So ya gonna kiss me or ya still thinkin bout it girly girl” she giggled before leaning down and pecking his pretty lips. He deepened the kiss, grabbing her neck with his hand to pull her closer “mhmm baby I gotta go to go to work” she mumbled against his lips.
Before she knew it riff flipped them over in a swift movement so he was now hovering over her small frame “no ya don’t ya ain’t runnin out on me this time dollface” he smirked before planting kisses from her jaw working his way down to her neck.
“I..mhm baby…hm riff seriously I’m gonna be late”
“Fine” her grumbled in defeat before stealing one last kiss.
Lori forced herself to roll out of her boys arms and into the cold air, if she could she would stay with him trapped in bed forever but once again she’d never let him know that.
Riff watched her intently as she got dressed, her soft hair come out in bouncy curls once her rollers had set, applying light make up to here already gorgeous features. In his opinion she was the prettiest thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
Once dressed she checked she had everything and turned towards the boy still in her bed. “Ya walking me or not jet boy?” She smirked.
“Course I am, don’t need anyone thinkin my girl’s available” he stated springing out of bed and shoving his clothes on, she rolled her eyes as he slung his arm round her and they walked out the door.
Once they arrived at valentinas much to lori’s surprise instead of riff kissing her goodbye and heading off he entered the store with her.
“Hola valentina?” She called as she entered
“buenos días mi amor…and you juvenile delinquent” she scowled upon seeing riff.
valentina had taken lori and Tony under her wing when they were both very young they had both been left at a particularly young age with no parents, with lori’s father walking out when she was a baby and her mother passing when she was 6. She was given over to her uncle and aunt who weren’t exactly the maternal type so she chose to spend most of her time at valentinas. Tony and Lori grew close because of their similar circumstances and both spending most of their time as the drug store together. Tony was sent upstate almost a year ago for beating up some kid and Lori missed him like crazy he acted as a sort of brother figure she had longed for.
“So valentina anything you want done right away or shall I start sweeping?” The girl questioned “sí sí pero, I have a surprise for you first”
Lori cocked her head confused and as if right on que a tall figure appeared from downstairs.
“TONY!” She squealed running into his arms “hey lor” he smiled down at the girl he’d grew to love like a little sister.
“I- how are you!? Are you okay? Did they treat you well enou- gosh did they feed you decently? When did you come back? Wha-“
“Hey hey take a breath you! I have all the time in the world ta answer your questions” he laughed
Whipping her head around she locked eyes with riff “did you know about this?” “I might have heard a thing or two about it girly girl”
“Girly girly?” Tony chimed in, riff raised his eyebrow prompting tony to continue “nothin’ just seems a bit domestic is all” Lori shot riff a panicked look. “Pffft nah I’ve always called her that”
“Yeppp” lori forced a smile, just as Tony was about to continue digging valentina prompted both of them to get back to work. Lori grabbed a mop and riff took his que to leave, the pair exchanged a knowing look before he headed out the door.
Tony filled lori in throughout their shift about his time upstate, how valentina had offered him a job and a place to stay and how tension had been high between him and riff since he came home. Much to riffs disappointment tony had turned down his offer to stay with him, and chose to stay with valentina instead.
This would have been solved quickly if it had been a year ago, but that was the problem it wasn’t a year ago and Tony had changed and with that change came a new mindset on everything. Including the jets. Of course he still loved those boys like brothers, but he couldn’t risk acting out and getting himself sent to prison again.
“You’d tell me right?” Tony blurted out “hm” lori questioned “yknow if you n riff was a thing you’d tell me yeah?”
Lori paused to consider her options before realising it’s better to discuss it with Riff before saying anything as they themself hadn’t even discussed what their situation really was.
“Ehm yeah…of course I would, anyway I better go it’s getting late and you need to close up” she smiled “yeah Sure, want me to walk ya home?”
“No it’s alright….erm riffs going to walk me” lori grabbed her coat and headed out before tony could question her further. Tony wasn’t stupid riff was his best friend and lori was like a sister to him, he knew there was something going on, he just had to wait untill one of them cracked.
Turning the corner from docs she seen riff standing where he usually does smoking a cigarette.
“Hey baby” he smirked stubbing out his cigarette. Her smile grew just upon seeing him.
“Hey handsome” lori wrapped her arms around his neck as riff grabbed her waist and connected their lips. She giggled humming into the kiss as she felt him deepen it.
Breaking apart lori whipped her head around to see mouthpiece and Velma her best friend, the couple looked stunned to say the least.
God how was she supposed to explain this.
AN: I’m so scared to post this haha, I’ve never written a full on story only one shots! I’m excited but also nervous haha. This chapter was going to be longer but I didn’t want it to become too long and boring. Anyway I’m rambling I hope you enjoyed it and pls! Feedback is encouraged I’d love to know your thoughts 💕
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naki-taki · 3 years
Do I wanna know?
Pairing: Eustass Kid x Reader
Scenario: A battle of bands were you expose to Kid your feelings in front of everyone in the most subtle way or that's what you want to think.
Warnings: a mini paragraph with smut, bit if you find something tell me!
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The creak of the big doors of the Newgate's club got your attention from the invitation, as you entered with your band your nerves started to get the worst of you. Why wouldn't you be nervous? It was the final round of the battle of the bands.
Out of fifty bands, only the best five had the opportunity to compete for the last three spots in the final battle, the battle of The Pirate King. Well known for the great band of the greatest singer Gol D. Roger, who was sadly retired because of a voice damage.
Your group went to the backstage with the rest of the bands. You were impatient and stressed not because of the battle obviously you were but you couldn't bring yourself to admit it but because of him.
He was going to see you. YOU were going to see him. After all the things you went through. After your broken heart watching him kiss and looking Bonney with adoration, an adoration that was never in his eyes after all those nights spent together. After all the tears you had to see him for first time again on this day.
"Welcome everyone body! Tonight in the New World, one of the greatest club ever we are going to have the final round! FUFUFUFUFU" Donquixote Doflamingo announced with his tipical grin.
"Sadly forty-five of the bands lost and we got left the final five. All of this bands are part of the worst generation. SO LETS GIVE SOME CLAPS FOR OUR FIRST PARTICIPANT, THE HEART BREAKRS!!" that was the announcement of the start of the battle and it was sealed at the moment that Law put his feet on the stage.
"For the one's that are not informed tonight we have a cover battle! Each band was secretly informed the genre or the band they have to make a cover of and the best one wins!" eagerly said Shanks.
Music started to play on the back and you started to get more nervous. At least you haven't crossed paths with Eustass but that changed after Law finished. When he entered in the backstage and went straight to talk to you Kid passed near and "accidentally" pushed the surgeon of death looking you directly at your eyes. Giving you again those mixed messages like when you confessed your love for him.
You sighed and went with Johnny and Yosaku to talk about anything to make you forget what was happening. They made so great the job lf distracting you that you didn't notice when the Strawhats, Kid's and Hawkins' bands passed.
"And for the last band we have the Hunters! With (y/n) as a lead singer! SO LET'S GIVE THEM A CLAP! FUFUFUFUFU" you nearly choke on air as you heard Doflamingo's announcement. You weren't ready. "DAMN IT I'M NOT READY" Minoruba screamed. "Well me neither! So shout up and get in there to play the drums!" Johnny kicked Minoruba.
"Good night people! We are the Hunters and tonight we are going to cover Do I wanna know by Artic Monkeys! Please enjoy" you shakily comment. A sigh escape from your soft lips and the guys started to play the melody with their own spice.
How many secrets can you keep?
'Cause there's this tune I found
That makes me think of you somehow
And I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee
Your soft voice recite the well known lyrics as your eyes traveled over the silent crowd to find his eyes. When you knew you had to cover Artic Monkeys and that he was going to be there you automatically chose the song.
So you searched for Kid to find that last flame that was going to make you win because so many years harvesting this love for him weren't going to be a waste you had to make it clear. At least they were going to be useful now because so many nights replaying his songs to listen his voice again, so many nights yearning a heart that wasn't yours and all your feelings and so many nights seeking again for his touch were going to be your fuel.
-Do I want to know?-
If this feeling flows both ways
-Sad to see you go-
Was sort of hoping that you'd stay
-Baby, we both know-
That the nights were mainly made
For saying things that you can't say tomorrow day
Your mind wandered to the memories of him. Memories of you being pressed against the cold wall, with sweat rolling down the valley of your breast while Kid was groaning in pleasure as he rammed into your wet pussy. Memories of you being pulled by your hair as he fucked you senseless. Memories of how the next day if you met with him and the guys he would act as if you barely knew yet he knew you better than anyone.
The crowd started to clap. Your friends in the crowd started to sing. Killer and the boys started to whistle because they knew about your, not so subtle for them, intentions and they knew the real feelings of Kid. They know that Bonney was just there to get you out of his heart and his mind. They knew that you were going to make his mind go havoc.
Crawling back to you
Ever thought of calling
When you've had a few?
Because I always do
Maybe I'm too busy being yours
To fall for somebody new
Now I've thought it through
Crawling back to you
Your hands were trembling over the microphone and your heart was aching. As a Sad to see you go, was sort of hoping that you'd stay left your shaking lips your eyes met his and you started remembering the last night you were together and that lonely morning when you saw her in his arms. And then the past nights when he told you that he wanted you, how you always fell on his bed even he told you that was the last time.
You were close to crying, so you closed your eyes until Yosaku leaned on your back and the sound of the bass and the guitar got stronger. You opened your eyes again and looked to Yosaku understanding his message 'This is your moment not his' so you sang with all your might, with all your confusion, sadness and love. With the biggest smile on your face and looked to the crowd again. Eyes locked with Kid's, never showing fear nor weakness you said:
-Do I wanna know-
Do you want me crawling back to you?
You let a sigh escape your mouth as you finished. With your left hand you swiped your sweaty forehead. There was no room for your thoughts just for the cheering screams of the crowd. You felt relieved and turned around to hug your band.
"So to finish the night! We are going to tell you the winners!" Shanks shaked the black envelope "So... In third place... THE HEART BREAKRS!!" Screams echoed around the club. "On second place we have the Hunters!" you froze. Yosaku started to jump with Minoruba and Johnny hugged/lift you up. "And on first place... THE STRAWHATS!"
When the announcement finished you went backstage alone while the guys went to party with the rest of the winners, you weren't on the mood to party so you wanted an alone time. You opened the door to your room and when you light it up strong arms snaked on your waist.
You punched the owner on his face. You punched him hard, like really hard and you were going to strike again until he talked. "Fuck. I never thought you could punch so hard. Dammit I didn't even thought you could punch"
"OH SHIT SORRY! I-I...I... It wasn't my intention! You scared the living shit out of me" you took his face on your hands and inspected it.
"I'm fine" he murmured and you were still engrossed on his face. "If you want to watch me I'm fine but at least so it after I'm done talking to you, weirdo!" He slightly pushed you with blush on his face. "Congrats you were awesome out there..."
If you didn't knew him you would though it wss because he was into you but you knew he was ashamed of saying that out loud. "ummm thanks, you too? No, no, you too! It wasn't a question, you know what i meant! You shaked hard your head.
"Hell I do, that's why I came here" he got closer to you if that was even possible "You think you can come and sing that looking straight into my soul after ignoring me for days without consequences? Doll you should know better" he pushed you against the wall and kissed you hard.
"This feel float both ways. I just didn't want to..." you kissed him shutting him up. He laughed "eager, are we? I missed you too" his hands slipped in your pants, touching your womanhood and you moaned. You were going to let him take you now and there.
"Hey Cap! Come on to party-.... With us..." Minoruba opened the door with Johnny on his back. "uh never mind i see you're... busy..."
"Well not anymore, you damn cock blocker" You sighed and composed yourself. "let's go. If I'm not going to enjoy my time, I won't let you enjoy yours!"
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nautiscarader · 3 years
Nautiscader's Wendip Week 2021 - Day 2, say something
Melody asks Wendy and Dipper a favour. Will they prove her right in choosing them?
- Okay, here's the baby formula, here are the spare clothes, here's his favourite toy. - Agu. - It's called Agu. - Melody continued - At least this week it is, I think. He cannot talk yet.
Melody smiled and dragged her finger across her son's belly, causing him to giggle.
- Now, don't take this the wrong way, guys - Melody addressed her babysitters - I would usually ask Mabel and Pacifica, but since they are out of town, you are kinda my last hope. Are you sure you can do that?
Wendy Corduroy and Dipper Pines exchanged confident looks and nodded, giving Melody wide smiles.
- Don't worry, Melody, Shaun will be fine. - Wendy replied with a warm smile and took the chubby boy into her arms. - Yeah, I’ve helped Mabel babysitting, and Wendy obviously has tons of experience. - Dipper reassured her.
Melody gave each of them one last look, as if she was making final decision of which shirt to buy and returned the smile they gave her.
- Alright. We should be back by 7.
She leaned and gave her son one last hug.
- You won't cause too much trouble with Wendy and Dipper, will you, Shaun?
The baby waved his arms and replied and answer only he could understand. Melody jumped in place when she hear the car horn outside.
- Okay, take care of him! Call me if something happens!
And with that, she stormed out of Mystery Shack, leaving the two teenagers with a gruelling task.
- He does look like them, doesn't he? - That's how babies work, dork. - Wendy joked back - But yeah, he sure is Melody and Soos' son.
Shaun reached for his rattle and brought it to his mouth, prompting a fast reaction from both of them.
- No, that's not food. It's not plastic enough for food nowadays. - Wendy spoke, pushing the rattle away, much to Shaun's sadness. - Here, take this. - Dipper handed him a bottle of milk. - You-you know how to use it, right?
And Shaun answered that by chomping his baby lips around the rubber, eagerly sucking the milk.
- I think we make a pretty good team. - Wendy said, and the two high-fived each other and leaned on the counter. - Yeah, Mabel told me all about those times she had to make sure the baby is fine, as if it could spontaneously disappear or combust.
The two burst into laughter, and turned around to check on the baby, their voices silenced in an instant.
- Where is he?! - Dipper yelled - He-he was there! - Wendy pointed to the Shaun-less counter, still with all of his toys and empty bottle of milk.  
The two began frantically looking around, first to the floor, then to the doors and windows, and to their rising horror, Shaun was nowhere to be found.
Wendy grabbed a rattle and using it as a lure shook it to catch Shaun's attention, but up to no avail.
- Okay, how fast can babies crawl? - Dipper asked, opening one by one each barrel full of toys sold at the Shack.
In his mind, he tried his best to estimate where on Earth could Shaun disappear, and whether they should alert everyone in ten-mile radius.
But fortunately for them, one single "ding" solved their problem.
Wendy and Dipper turned their head towards the vending machine and saw baby Shaun standing in the elevator, though they only caught a glimpse of him when the door closed.
- No! - they both shouted and ran towards the shaft, but not until it closed completely. - How-How did he open the door? - Er, I'm gonna assume that "Tehees", "Doggy-dogs" and "NGC 7619 Galaxies" are his parents' favourite snacks? Cos that's what the combination matches...
Dipper furiously retyped the code and paced in place, waiting for elevator to come back up, hoping Shaun would still be there. But if the previous minutes have taught him anything is that children are far less predictable than he thought.
Dipper and Wendy stormed into the empty elevator and began riding down, dreading what could have happened with Shaun.
- Please tell me that Ford locked his lab... - Wendy spoke, after hiding her face in her hands. - Well, he usually does.
The elevator door opened, and their hearts sank again. This time he didn't. The two rushed into the underground lab, truly unsure what they could find inside. In front of them were vast rows of tables and bookcases, each containing, as they supposed, one of Ford's new experiments...
The two split up on both sides of the aisle, checking each and every box, crate and anything vaguely dangerous Shaun could have crawled into.
- Uh! Come on, where are you? - Dipper barked, unable to locate him. - I thought you've said that you've helped Mabel deal with kids! - Well... - Dipper's voice lowered down - Like, once. But what about you? I thought you knew how to handle babies! - I did not sign up for babies crawling into labs, dude! she barked back - You have three brothers! - Dipper exclaimed - Didn't they do stupid stuff? - YEAH, BUT MY MOM WAS ALWAYS THERE! - Wendy exploded and hid her face in her hands.
Any response Dipper had was stuck in his throat, as he watched her wipe away her tears she exploded into.
- Wendy... I'm- - She's always been there. - she continued - Like, I helped and stuff, especially with little Gus, but she still did the most... And Dad's always been there too, so... I wasn't that useful, really...
Her voice cracked, as she spoke, unable to meet her friend's eyes.  
- But then you called and... and I knew you needed help as well, so I knew what to do...
Dipper shied away and reached his hand to console her.
- Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it. But we must find Shaun. - You're right. - she sniffed. - Agu!
At the sound of his voice, Dipper and Wendy jolted in place, frantically looking around, unable to locate the sound of the voice.
- Shaun?! Shaun! - Wendy shouted, getting familiar babbling in response. - Uh, W-Wendy...
Dipper tapped her shoulder, and pointed to the far-away end of the lab. Wendy gasped when she saw Shaun crawling on the top of flimsy-looking stack of books, reaching his hands to grab a model of a space-ship, dangling from the ceiling.
At the same time, Dipper and Wendy did the same thing. They've launched themselves, just as the stack of books lost all integrity, and baby Shaun fell.
Shaun was about to hit the other Shelf, but a pillow thrown by Dipper bounced him to the other side - evidently, it wasn't just filled with feathers.
Shaun fell into a box that Wendy caught, but as she looked inside - he wasn't there, and leapt from a second one, right next to her.
As she somersaulted through the air, Dipper tried catching him with a long net... and only succeeded by making him fly for another two minutes, as he wss now sporting wings.
Wings, which he lost when he passed through what looked like a UV light, but not before tearing the net apart.
But as he was about to slam into the ground, four arms reached out, grabbing him safely.
For an agonisingly long while, piercing silence fell, as Dipper and Wendy awaited some response from Shaun.
The baby looked at them, wearing the same baffled look, though without the dash of horror Wendy and Dipper sported.
- Shaun? Shaun! - Wendy gently took him in her arms. - Ugh, I wish he could say something! Hasn't Ford made a baby translator, or something? - Dida!
The two turned on the spot and watched as little Shaun babbled and pointed towards Dipper.
- Wait, what did you say? - Di-da! Di-da! - Shaun repeated eagerly - I think he means "Dipper"... - Wendy smiled, shedding another tear. - You think so, Wendy? - We-wy! We-wy!
Wendy gasped, and put her hands over mouth.
- That's-that's how Gus used to call me too...
She took him once more in her arms and giggled with him, hoping to get another rendition of her name. But the baby babbled "Agu" again, pointing to the spaceship model.
- Yeah, alright, have another Agu.
Dipper reached and, after checking if it didn't have any sharp edges, gave the flying saucer to Shaun.
- Let's get you back up... - Wendy, listen, I'm- - I know, dude. - Wendy cut him off - I didn't take it seriously enough as well..
With his new toy in his stubby arms, Shaun babbled in Wendy's arms, as the three got back in the elevator and rode up.
- Okay, should give two burps now.
Wendy read the instructions, watching as Dipper held Shaun in his arms. He gently tapped his back, and to his amusement, received two small burps.
- Hey, it worked! - At least that's comforting...
The doorbell rang again, this time welcoming Melody back, as the businesswoman rushed back to see her baby back. Warm smile appeared on her face when she saw Shaun in Dipper's arms and she walked to take him back.
- Oh, Shaun, I've missed you so much... - L-Look, Melody!
Wendy and Dipper grabbed the little Shaun and proudly lifted him towards her, as if she has never seen her own child.
- Di-da! We-Wy! - He-he talks now! - Dipper exclaimed - A bit.
Melody's eyes brightened and shone with tears, as she took her son back into her arms.
- Oh, I'm so proud of you! Wait until your dad hears about it. - she gave Wendy and Dipper warm smile - You two have done really good job.
At the same time, Dipper and Wendy shared nervous looks, and as they both felt something churning in their stomach, they decided to come clear.
- Melody, look... the thing is... - We didn't. We turned our backs for a second, and... he just disappeared. - And he got into Ford's lab, and...   - And all the hell broke loose! - We... we failed you.
Dipper and Wendy awaited Melody's reaction, watching as she listened to their confession.
- Yeah, but that's what usually happens. Did he activate the copying machine again? - No, but- - Wait, what?
Melody smiled.
- Yeah, Mabel and Paz didn't have much luck with him as well. - she giggled. - You had to see their faces when there were fifteen of Shauns to take care of! One was only in black-and-white, it ran out of colour. It's a good thing those copies are destroyed when wet... Quite easy for babies, if you know what I mean.
Dipper and Wendy listened to her surprisingly nonchalant speech, as she continued to toy with her son's belly.  
- Well, I guess you've got a test for when you'll be parents.  
The two teenagers looked at each other, both sporting a deeply crimson blush on their faces, as they both rushed to deny any such possibility for a long time.
- Want to do something else and never talk about that? - Agree.
And the two jumped onto the sofa, ready to watch a movie in complete silence for once.
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apollostears · 4 years
LOVE BIRDS [ d. kaminari & e. kirishima ]
↬︎ anime: my hero academia (mha)
↬︎ featuring: kaminari and kirishima
↬︎ warning(s): swearing (ofc) fluff
NOTE. happy valentines day my loves <3 if you don’t have a valentine, then consider me yours!!! these are hcs // scenarios for how kirishima and kaminari would ask you to be their valentines.
*photos not mine*
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➝︎ denki kaminari
pls...bless this man fr :(
lets be real, he short circuted at the mere thought of asking you out.
jirou was his first choice in helping romanticize you. that was a lost cause...
momo was second but her way was so out of touch for the kind of person you were.
and finally, mina. third time’s a charm and they were right. after swearing her to secrecy, denki got mina to figure out what were some things you wanted or expected, on valentines day.
he wanted to do something private, not being sure if he could handle rejection in public, and so he settled on yellow tulips, a big ass card, a giant teddy bear, and your favorite food.
valentines day was on a saturday and that was perfect because that usually meant students would go home and see their families, if they had any. your family lived in the states so you never left campus to visit.
it was seven pm when denki approached your room. mans literally waited all mfing day bc that’s how anxious he was to ask you.
you actually ended up running into him on your way back from raiding the kitchen. he was just getting ready to knock on your door when you appeared.
“kaminari?” your voice startling the young teen as he jumped ten feet in the air, loose flower petals falling to the floor in the process.
wait...flower petals? trailing your eyes from the petals on the floor to the bouqet in his hands, they eventually spotted the bag of goodies, ridiculously large bear, and the equally large card leaning against the wall next to your door.
you frowned deeper in more confusion. it never occurred to you that valentines day was today, you were never one to celebrate so it quickly became unimportant to you. was it my birthday? your mind racing a mile a minute to figure out what it was kaminari was trying to do before he could even tell you.
meanwhile, standing dumbstruck with his eyes wide and tight grip on the fragile flowers, kaminari watched you ponder the many reasons as to why he would be standing before you like that. this was not the plan. you weren’t supposed to catch him in the act. now what was he supposed to do?!
shit! get it together dumbass! kaminari cursed at himself internally, taking a deep breath to regain his wits.
thrusting the flowers out roughly, kaminari’s arms shoom with adrenaline. “w-will y-you be-be happy valen-valentines day?” he stuttered pitifully.
poor man had combined ‘happy valentines day’ and ‘will you be my valentines’ in one sentence that he didn’t even realize it. but you did, because you were absolutely fried trying to figure out what it was he was saying. “huh?” you asked dumbly.
not realizing his mistake, kaminari instantly deflated. you thought he was stupid for bothering you, acting like a child. “u-uh sorry to bother you. i-i’ll just leave.” he muttered, embarrassment replacing the adrenaline he previously felt.
snapping out of your own head, you dropped your snacks to grab kaminari by the shoulder in an urgent manner, halting his movements.
“wait! sorry, that’s not what i meant. your words got mixed up so i couldn’t understand what you were saying.” your voice was gentle and soothing, coaxing kaminari into telling you what he actually wanted to say.
face flushed pink, the electric boy turned around sheepishly and resisted the urge to hide his face behind the bouquet of flowers with half its petals on it from all his shaking.
“will you be my valentines?” he asked again, this time more firm and comprehensive.
you were surprised, nonetheless, but extremely happy. you had been secretly pinning over kaminari for the past three months, you never thought it would ever get to this point.
with a smile brighter than the suns, you nodded. “i thought you’d never ask denki.”
a moment that should have been sweet, was slightly ruined when kaminari short circuited from your response. “kaminari!”
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➝︎ eijirou kirishima
kiri was your boyfriend of five months when valentines day rolled around.
as hopeless romantics go, he was the biggest one.
you weren’t really surprised when you discovered that kirishima was the type to shamelessly flirt with you as if you guys weren’t dating, while you were dating.
he said it kept the love alive.
which, was true, but you doubted he’d ever let your love die. not on his watch.
soooo you can’t say you weren’t expecting anything on valentines day, but you can say you weren’t expecting what actually happened.
“more ice todoroki!!” kirishima’s voice was loudly heard outside the dorm.
you were walking past the common area to head into the kitchen when you heard him. now what in the sam hill billy sticks is this man doin? you thought to yourself as you made a bowl of cereal. it was a friday and it wss the end of the school day for y’all. it was also valentines day, which you knew because kirishima made it point to let you know that every thirty seconds.
his gift to you started that morning when he gave you five lilacs to signify your five months together. lilacs also meant the first emotions of love which was his way of proclaiming his love for you. *sigh* we love a romantic 😍.
then, during lunch, he had one of your favorite japanese dishes ready for you with your favorite drink. and to top it off, he gave you five roses. following into the last period, kirishima performed a haiykuu to you, accompanied with your favorite snacks + a few beauty products you like and, you guessed it, more flowers; sunflowers this time.
at this point, you were a hundred percent sure this man was to be your husband because there was no way it got any better than this. now, it was close to six in the evening and you hadn’t seen him since the end of school. he said it was to prepare your final surprise and you honestly had no idea what to expect.
your gift for kaminari was simple. a photo album of all your memories with little notes attached to them full of thoughts you had during the moment and then, at the end, a photo you took of him smiling with the note ‘this was the moment i fell in love with you’ and xkkydddrukjhgsdgssqr 😍😍😍. plus a custom made RedRiot™️ shirt with matching sleep shorts you were going to wear during cuddles. his first ever merch. pls, you guys are simps for each other.
“do you think i fucked up the nose?”
“of course you did.”
oka...what the fuck is going on. carrying your bowl of cereal with you, you stepped outside and quiet possibly had a heart attack. why was there a seven feet tall ice sculpture in the middle of the lawn?! what’s more is, why did it look like you?!!
the ceramic bowl clattered to the ground and shattered, gathering the attention of the five men outside as you stared up at yourself in awe. you didn’t have any arms in the sculpture, but fuck did that thing look damn near like you.
“oh shit, princess what are you doing out here? wait! don’t move because i don’t want you to cut yourself.” kirishima panicked, carefully making his way towards you.
“eiji...is this for me?” you asked, your voice cracking as you spoke softly. unaware of your own tears, you look at kirishima expectantly, waiting for a response.
meanwhile, the hero-in-training was stunned. frozen in place at the sound of your voice and tears streaming down your face. did he fuck up? was it too soon? there was only one way to find out.
“y-yeah. well it’s supposed to be. i know it’s not perfect like some artist but—”
in a rush, you stopped kirishima in his tracks and flung your arms around him to pull him into a bone crushing hug. “no! i love it! its perfect! you’re perfect!! thank you baby.”
with a relieved breath, kirishima hugged you back just as tight and nestled his face in your neck, kissing the skin available to him. “uh, hate to break the moment, but l/n your foot is bleeding pretty bad.” midoriya hesitantly interrupted.
abruptly, kirishima pushed you off him to assess your foot. “ah!!! y/n!! i told you to be careful!”
“sorry kiri!!”
*join our taglist:* @pimpnameyannie @supop @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @simplyskz-maya @sunrayyellowhalo
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summahsunlight · 4 years
All For You, Part 7
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Rating: T
Word Count: 2k+
Pairing: Poe Dameron X Pilot!Reader
Summary: Your life in the Resistance was not easy, being married to Commander Poe Dameron and a skilled pilot yourself. When you unexpectedly get pregnant, your life is forever changed. Raising a child on base is hard, but never having parents of your own as a child, you are determined to love your little girl and give her the best life. Poe is equally as devoted to you and your daughter, vowing to keep you both safe from the impending threat of the First Order.
Taglist: @thescarletknight2014​, @elmoakepoke​, @xxidontwikeitxx​, @liadamerondjarin​, @marvelofwitch​, @blushingwueen​, @april-14-blog​, @softly-sad, @agents-assemble, @paintballkid711​
Taglist is still open! Just let me know if you want to be added!
Being confined to your bed had some perks. One of them being that you saw more of Poe throughout the day than you normally would. He would bring you meals, pop in to make sure you were still in bed, and when he wasn’t available, he’d send BB-8. You found that the little droid was far more enthusiastic and eager to take care of you than you thought he would be. Somedays you wondered if Poe sent BB-8 along just to make you smile.
Leia wss doing her best to keep him on base now that you were on bed rest, but you knew that sooner or later, she was going to need him again to go on a mission.
Doctor Kalonia informed you that the baby could arrive any day now at your last check-up--which had taken a painfully long time to get to since Poe made you walk so slowly. You rubbed your belly now, feeling the building excitement and dread at the thought of finally welcoming your baby girl into the galaxy. She was still very active, always on the move, which you blamed her father for.
Poe would just smile at you when you complained about the baby’s constant movement and how she had inherited it from him.
“Hey, sweetheart,” your husband greeted you as he entered the quarters.
“Hi. Please tell me you brought lunch!” you exclaimed.
Grinning, Poe handed you some food. “I did. You didn’t think I’d let my girls go hungry now did you?”
You stuffed some of the sandwich in your mouth. “Well, considering how late you are today--for a while there I thought you might have forgotten about us.”
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Poe leaned forward and pressed his lips to your cheek. “Never, baby. I could never forget about you or our little girl. Speaking of our daughter--is she still active?”
“Constantly on the move. Just like her father.”
“Nah, she's just excited to come out and join us.”
“Well then she gets her enthusiasm from her father.”
Poe chuckled and then his eyes grew serious. “Leia needs me,” he simply said.
Swallowing, you gently nodded your head. “How long will you be gone?”
His fingers slipped along your back. “I’m not sure. At least a day; I can leave Bee with you...’
“No!” you cried, suddenly. “He needs... he needs to go with you!”
“Sweetheart I can get another droid for the mission,” Poe said.
“No, you can’t! I only trust Beebee to take care of you!”
“Now you sound like BeeBee-Ate.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks. Your emotions were running so high already but the thought of Poe going out on a mission without BB-8, who on a few occasions was the whole reason Poe was still alive--it made you terrified. You couldn’t lose Poe now, not with the birth of your child so close. Your daughter was going to need her father.  “Please, please, take him with you.”
Wiping the tears from your cheeks, Poe sighed. He shifted on the bed to pull you into his arms and whispered, “Okay...I’ll take Bee if it will make you feel better.”
Hiccuping, you buried your cheek against his shoulder. “Yes. It would make me feel better.”
“I’ll have Rose check-in on you,” Poe promised, kissing the top of your head.
“O-okay,” you whimpered, hating how scared you sounded.
“Sweetheart, I’ll be fine. Promise.”
“I know you probably will be, but I’m still worried.”
Poe wished there was more to say to you to ease your fears--but there wasn’t. He pressed one more kiss to your hair and then untangled himself from your arms. He had to get moving; Black Squadron was taking off in the next thirty minutes and he had mission prep. Taking your face in his hands, he studied every feature and then he smiled. “Don’t have that baby while I’m away.”
You laughed, even as tears streamed down your cheeks. “I don’t think I have much say on when the baby decides she’s ready to come out into the galaxy. Just get back before that happens, okay?”
His thumbs stroked your cheek. “I love you.”
Blinking back tears, you rasped, “I love you, too.”
Poe kissed you, lingering longer than he probably should have, but it was breaking his heart leaving you right now when you were bed ridden and could give birth any day.  But he needed to go; he needed to go to ensure that you and your baby were safe.
Twenty-four hours turned into thirty-six that Poe was away.
Rose did indeed check-in on you frequently to make sure that you were comfortable, fed, and helped you get to the refresher.  She tried to keep an upbeat attitude but you knew she was nervous that Black Squadron was away so long as well. After all, this was supposed to be a reconniance mission.
You busied yourself with watching holo-movies or reading. Sometimes Kaydel would stop by and work with you. Still, your fears that Poe wasn’t going to return were ever present.
As it passed the forty-eight hour mark that Poe was gone you noticed how increasing uncomfortable you were. By the tine Rose stopped by to bring you lunch, you were in mild pain.
“Do you want me to call the doctor?” Rose questioned.
“No,” you responded. “I’m nine months pregnant. There’s just no comfortable position to sit in.”
“Y/N--I think you’re in labor. We need to call her.”
“Labor? Rose...I’m not in labor. Go back to work.”
Rose hesitated. She was pretty certain you were going into labor but she also had learned over the last two days not to argue with you--Poe had been pretty clear to her that she shouldn’t upset you and that it could make the stress on you and the baby worse. “Fine, but I’m coming back in an hour and if you’re still in this pain, I’m calling the doctor.”
You agreed to those terms and watched her leave. Trying to get comfortable, you started reading the book Rose had left you. Or you attempted to read the book. The pain was getting worse; was it possible the tear was getting worse? You weren’t sure how that was possible, you had barely moved from your bed for the last several weeks.
Wincing, you tried to grab at the commlink on the nightstand, but your hand was shaking so hard that it fell to the floor. You cursed watching it roll across the floor. You had two options here--get up and get it, which you were sure you could hear Poe yelling at you from wherever he was--or just wait until Rose returned.
Under normal circumstances you probably would have waited for Rose, but the sharp pains coming from your abdomen sent you into a panic. If you were not in labor then something was wrong and you had no way of letting anyone know unless you got off the bed and went to get the com.
Making your decision, you rolled out of bed and waddled towards the discarded commlink. It was not easy--nothing really was these days as big as your belly was--but you managed to pick the com up.  Fumbling with it for a few seconds, you got a hold of the medbay.
Just as the medic told you that she was going to send someone to come get you, you felt something warm and wet trickle down your inner thighs. Glancing down, to your horror you saw not only a pool of clear liquid underneath you but blood as well. “There’s blood! I’m bleeding!”
“Captain Dameron, please just stay calm. The team is on the way.”
“Stay calm? My baby could be dying!”
“Everything is going to be fine. Breathe, ma’am.”
“Poe isn’t here! He’s gone!”
The medic was still talking to you on the commlink, but the blood thundering in your ears drowned her out. The baby could not come yet! Her father wasn’t on base! He should be here! You felt sick to your stomach, you felt dizzy--the pain only grew in intensity and you just wanted to curl up into a ball and sob.
Hands gently grabbed a hold of you; you were not even aware that the team of medics had arrived and used override codes to get into your quarters. They were helping you down onto a gurney. A needle pricked your arm and you anxiously swatted at the droid that had done it.
“Captain,” the nurse explained, “we’re prepping you for surgery.”
“Surgery!” you gasped.
“Doctor Kalonia thinks it will be safer to deliver the baby this way.”
“What do you mean safer?”
The nurse helped the medical droid continue preparation to move you to the surgical bay. “The tear in your placenta has obviously enlarged and you’re bleeding. A natural birth would make the tear even worse and you could end up hemorrhaging. She just wants to make sure that both you and the baby have a safe, healthy delivery.”
You wanted to scream that this was not how things were supposed to go. Poe was supposed to be here and you were supposed to hold your daughter the moment she came into this galaxy--now, you were going to be in a surgical bay, probably semi-unconscious, and Poe was still not on base.
Everything hurt, everything was falling apart and you could barely breathe...
“Y/N! Breathe!!” Poe’s voice shouted through the haze.
“Poe?” you responded, weakly, opening your eyes.
Bright lights flashed overhead as the gurney was pushed through the base, but there was Poe, his concerned face right beside you. He managed a smile, even if you could see the fear in his brown eyes. “I’m here, sweetheart, it’s gonna be fine. Just breathe. You scared us for a second there.”
Somehow, even in this panicked state, Poe made everything seem like it was going to be okay. His hand gripped yours tightly, and he continued to smile at you, assure you that it was alright as you were moved into the surgical bay. Doctor Kalonia immediately checked your vitals, instructing her team to prep for the baby and you saw Poe’s jaw twitch. “Is she... is she okay, doctor?”
Kalonia smiled at you. “Your baby is fine. Heartbeat is strong. Let’s get her out of there and bring her into this world, okay? I think she’s ready.”
You managed a weak nod of your head as Poe pushed your hair back and kissed your forehead. It was really the last coherent moment you had, the last thing you even remember happening before you heard your baby’s first cries. You couldn’t see her, thanks to all the medical droids and nurses around you, but you could hear her.
Trying to lift your head so you could catch a glimpse of your baby, Poe gently eased you back down onto the cot. “Sweetheart, don’t move okay. She’s fine. I can see her! I counted ten little fingers and ten little toes! She’s perfect, just like her mama.”
“Can...can I see her?” you asked. Force did you sound tired.
“Lemme get her, alright?” Poe said, letting go of your hand.
He returned a few moments later, your little baby swaddled in a pink blanket, softly mewing. Seeing your baby for the first time brought happy tears to your eyes, mirroring Poe’s.  She looked so much like you, but you could see Poe in her--especially her wildly curly hair. You prayed she never lost it.
Poe gave the baby a little kiss and then situated her so she was close enough to you that you could give her kiss also and run your hand over her soft hair. She was perfect and you never wanted to stop holding her the moment Poe gently laid her across your chest.
You were so busy focusing on your baby that you were not aware that Kalonia and the nurses were still working or that Poe’s expression changed from positively beaming when he looked at your daughter to positively terrified when he glanced at the doctor. “Poe,” you said, softly, but still loud enough to grab his attention, “she needs a name. What are we going to call her?”
“I liked the last one you came up with,” Poe said, smiling at you.
“Yeah. I think it’s perfect for her.”
As if on cue, the baby little out a little cry. You brushed soft kisses on her cheeks. “Emmeline. I like it.”
Poe saw the doctor step back out of the corner of his eye. She gestured for him to take the baby from you. “Honey, I need to take her now; the nurses need to do a little check-up. Everything is fine though, okay? You rest.”
Reluctantly you handed the baby back to your husband and watched through heavy lids as he handed her to the nurse. “Poe, I’m sleepy.”
“Go to sleep, baby,” he coaxed you. “Both Emmeline and I will be here when you wake up--and probably BeeBee-Ate too, he was rather worried about you when we arrived.”
“Then go tell him I’m fine,” you said, as you began drifting off to sleep. “I don’t want me to worry, Poe.”
Licking his lips, Poe watched as you fell asleep thanks to the anesthesia. If BB-8 knew what was happening right now, that you needed an operation to stop the internal bleeding from your placenta tear--he’d be worried, and perhaps just as terrified that you were going to die as Poe was.
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deathlyhogwarts · 6 years
The best prankster (James Potter x Reader)
Request: I’m not sure if you are still accepting requests, but if you are, can you please do a James Potter x Reader imagine? The girl is in Gryffindor but she’s very lowkey, and all she wanted was a proper education but there’s this stinking group of boys who always disrupts the class. She’s usually quiet and just brushes off the boys’ pranks until James Potter blew up her cauldron and she thought her grades were in danger so she retaliated. She’s stubborn like crazy and won’t stop until she wins
a/n: so these past imagines i've written are requests i got a long time ago. if you recognise your request, i'm really sorry. i almost abandoned this blog for good, but now i am determined to stay!
Warnings: probably some yelling/cursing
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School was very important. Education was really important. At least, to you. You could've gone to a normal muggle school, learn about basic mundane things, which, weren't exactly useless, but most of them didn't require use in day to day life. When you got your Hogwarts letter you were bursting with excitement. Not only you were going to learn something new, but you were learning magic! That is why you wanted to be at the top in every class, you wanted to prove yourself worthy of being there, and also because purebloods always mocked you for that. You wanted to prove them wrong.
There was only one problem — four very, very problematic boys who called themselves "the Marauders"; very ingineous, what could you say. They caused some kind of trouble in every single class, whether it was just a little paper airplane thrown at the teacher or there was some explosion of some kind. Always trouble. Though, you never said anything, you let it slip past you, but it annoyed you very much. They were always a distraction from your education.
As you entered the Potions classroom, you got to your seat in the front of the classroom, being one of the first to get there. You arranged your stuff on the desk as the classroom filled with kids. The Marauders entering amongst the last, you couldn't help but notice they all had an amused expression on their faces. You scoffed. Of course they had something planned for today. You glared as James Potter smirked at you. Whatever they were planning you weren't going to let it ruin your class.
The professor entered, greeting the class, as he took his seat and started telling us about a potion called Skele-Gro. He explained the history of it and told some facts about it. He told us to gather the ingredients and start making the potion. After a few minutes he wanted to see how our potions came out, but as he tried to sit up, the chair got up with him. You rolled your eyes. So this was the prank? Pathetic.
"Who put a sticking charm on the chair?" Professor Slughorn asked calmly, but there was a warning tone in his voice. Of course, he didn't have to ask, we all knew who were the pranksters of this school. No one answered. "Perhaps, Mr. Potter, Black, Lupin and Pettigrew would like to explain?"
Everyone looked at the four boys. Even they looked surprised. James got his hands up in defense and said: "We didn't do that, Professor." He sounded annoyingly sincere. So there was someone else who decided to be a prankster?
"Then whoever did this, would you care to explain yourself before I give you all Veritaserum and—"
Professor Slughorn wss interrupted by a really loud sound. You jumped from the sudden noise and then realised it was coming from your cauldron. Your eyes went wide and you started panicking. What did you do wrong? You never did something wrong, and even when you did, it was something small and it didn't sound like a dragon was about to give birth in your cauldron. Within a few seconds, your cauldron started shaking and excessively spreading smoke. Then it exploded. The potion was all over you and half of the students.
"Now that we did." You heard James Potter behind you and then he laughed. He had the nerve to laugh when half of your grade was spread all over the classroom.
You were furious. That was the last straw, you couldn't take it anymore. Who were they to think they could mess with everyone without any consequences? Red from anger, you turned so you were facing them. "You fool, you absolute fool! Who do you think you are, messing with my potion like that?! You think you're so funny and intelligent with all of your pranks, when, in fact, you are all just assholes!" And with that you gathered your things and got out of the classroom.
You were angry. You wanted to scream or punch someone, but you decided you were going to fight fire with fire. The Marauders didn't know what was about to come.
You decided to hit where it hurt most. You had a prank in mind for each one of the Marauders, each one being a planned, organised one. You went for light pranks for Remus and Peter, as they seemed the most down to earth. Especially Remus, he actually liked learning like you do, you noticed, and Peter, well, he usually got influenced by the others. They didn't annoy you as much, so you simply put a charm on Remus' books as to everytime he would try to open them, they would snap back closed immediately. Peter, you also put a charm on him as to everytime he took a turn on the corridor, he would appear in another one, and so he would get lost. That was easy.
As for Sirius and James, you had to really prepare this. You thought about it for a while and then something popped into your mind: what makes Sirius snob? His hair. So you sneaked into their dorm when they were off doing another prank and poured pastel pink hair dye into his shampoo and put a spell on it so it would last a week.
"Who in the name of Godric Gryffindor put hair dye in my shampoo?!" You looked up from your book and saw Sirius standing in the common room, a horrified expression on his face, but most importantly, his hair was pink. You hid your laugh as you buried your face back in your book. It was a good prank, but it was irritating how he managed to look annoyingly good even with pink hair.
James was next and last on your list. You were going to hit him where it hurt most — his pride.
You were in the hallway as were the Marauders and other students. You were leaning against the wall and watched them, as they all had smirks on their faces, even Remus, like they always looked before a prank. You already knew what was coming. Or rather, you knew what they thought what was coming. You've watched them for the past couple of days and saw what they were planning. What they didn't know, though, was that you twisted it.
You looked at James and as if feeling your stare, he looked back at you and his expression changed from mischevious to what looked like guilt. It was only for a second though, because their prey had just entered the hallway and he had to focus his attention back on his plan.
As the poor guy (that was not so poor thanks to you) passed, James quickly did a movement with his wand. You see, what was supposed to happen was a bucket of slugs to fall on the guy's head. As the guy passed by them and nothing happened, the Marauders' expressions changed quickly from mischief to confusion and they looked at each other in disbelief.
Then, in a matter of a second, a bucket fell on James Potter's head with a loud bang. He removed it quickly, looking bewildered. His head was covered in slugs and his hair was sticking out in every direction possible, thanks to a little charm you casted. Everyone laughed at him as he tried to remove the slugs from his face; even the rest of the Marauders chuckled lightly, but confusion was still very visible on them.
You quickly walked towards them and said: "Not so good when the one being pranked is you, is it?" You looked at all of them smirking and walked away.
As you were approaching the Gryffindor common room, you heard someone calling your name. "Y/N, wait!" You turned around and saw James running towards you, his face still covered in slugs and his hair still a mess. You wanted to laugh, but abstained with a very amused smile.
"I, uh—that was clever," he said chuckling. "We all clearly underestimated you." He picked a slug from his face and threw it on the ground.
"Yeah, you did,", you said, crossing your arms at your chest.
"Come to think of it, I was going to apologise about Potions class, I thought you were so upset that you might not even give me a chance."
You frowned. "A chance at what?"
"Couldn't you tell? I was trying to get your attention. And that wasn't the only time, but for some reason you never noticed." He smiled. "Remember when I threw paper airplanes at Professor Flitwick?" You simply nodded. "Well they were aimed at you," he continued, "they even had a text written on them asking if you would go to Hogsmeade with me, but thank Merlin it was charmed to be seen only by you; if Flitwick would have seen that..." he trailed off.
You laughed. "I was upset at you, you know, I kinda still am. School means a lot to me."
"I've noticed." He nodded.
"And my grades are important to me."
"I'm sorry," he said and you believed him. His tone was sincere. "I didn't think it would go as far as to mess with your schoolwork."
You smiled. "I accept your apologies."
"So, would you like to go on a date with me? Without pranks, as hard as it is to say that."
You thought about it. The way you were always obsessed with them and their pranks, you always thought James was the most annoying one, which was really a reason to excuse yourself from thinking about him. Deep down, you were attracted to him, too. "Yeah, I'd like that." You smiled at him.
"Uh, can you help me with these?" He gestured towards his face and hair. "Since, you know, it's you that caused it," he joked.
"Of course," you said and took a step closer to him and reached for his face. You placed a hand on his cheek, while the other one picked slugs from his face. Very romantic, you thought.
He smiled cheekily at you. "You know, if we're gonna be like this everytime you prank me, please do that more often," he said. Indeed, you faces were very close and he was looking at your lips. You leaned in and your lips brushed.
"Nice, so now can you tell me how to un-pink my hair?" You suddenly pulled away, only to find Sirius standing a few feet away from us. Oh, you weren't going to do that very soon. He looked very good with pink hair.
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The reasons why the Asian Restaurant cover worked so well is because i could go in, take them out for dinner and feed them usually the factory knew would see and so I would be their friendly. Frenemi is the word now but i would be friendly to the kidnappers because they kidnapped from children's parents ad i kidnapped from the kidnappers so in revelency we were similar enough to where we were both on a common criminal territory. I didn't want to get caught or beat up so I remained a low social. Helllo. Hey. Shit like that. Social interactions limited to im not a threat to you on the street in public so if you attack me then you will be the attacker to the general public and you'll be arrested not me because i am friendly.
Friendly not nice. Friendly is a personality trait. Easy go be friends with or easy to get along with. Nice is a vulnerability.
I was nice to the victims not the kidnappers
The fine line.
Secondly and most importantly, few girls left at a time. The restaurants would pick the girls up from the bunker facility or down the street,
In Bangkok near Jane and Lily they used a seafood delivery truck. Like he was dating and killing the girls.
In Times Square we used a taxi like the girls got comfortable and called for a service and they actually did there.
So up to about 5 would go missing at a time. So it wasn't a huge deal.. They wouldn't really notice until it was too late an they just figured they were running away on their own
Because i always returned them every time and wouldn't leave until every last girl was tucked away i wasn't a culprit.
I knew the girls but i would just deny knowing they left or sometimes i would admit they went home and i knew if the girl said i could So that my cover was okay And she would be okay if they returned for her or sbe returned.
At Times Square At the Thai restaurant they ended my restaurant taking before it began because the 31 girls that left with LL Cool J
They had a guard when i went to attempt to restaurant them the first time.
I explained you have girls missing because they run awsy because you don't give them freedom. Let me take them out tonight without you a guard and let them taste it and some Chinese food and you'll see they stay more frequently.
They said they heard about me and let them ask the boss. I asked if they had cameras or tracking and shit like that.
See friendly. I get the information i need to stay safe while they think im looking out for them. I am looking out for them but I'm trying to watch my own ass and not support theirs
They didn't. So the next night they agreed but it had to be during the daylight.
That was the doughnut eating guy always leaned against the wall, the boss.
So we trained the little ones to give LL Cool J a fit since he was so pent up nervous exhausting himself.
That three year old "golle dude you need to chill it'd 25° and you are sweating like a pig!" Was an inner fighter and we sprung her loose.
She had telepathic communication with her mom. She moved from the middle to the very last of the group. I watched her change her movement. She became nervous. So i watched her intently. I had dreams about her. One day she was a bit more bouncy. "If you need to GO" i esp to her.
She took off from our group into the crowd. "Wait! Stop!" I yelled to the group. I was way behind them. I was shocked she ran. I wasn't as scared as i thought i should be. The group didn't stop. I realized i didn't even say it. My head spun from the group to her.
She took off zig zag through the crowd towards the group, away. Towards me. Away.
LL Cool J glanced up at me from his dance, stood up straight and looked directly at her "wait stop!" She slowed. "Get her!!" He pointed. I was staring at him, i already lost sight of her. I walked slowly towards him purposely ignoring him. Knowing the boss was watching, I wanted to pass out. I couldn't lose her. But i couldn't chase her. She needed to run.
The boss three done his doughnut started to down the last of his coffee intending to go after her. I stopped in front of him. He didn't even see me. "Wait. Don't. She just has a lot of access energy and she will return to the group. He wont even need to get her. Oop too late"
She was running back and LL Cool J picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder he was bewildered. "PUT ME DOWN!!! I WAS COMING BACK! I WANT TO EAT TO!!!"
I grinned apologetically, raised my palms and said "see?"
The boss threw down his cup and then himself against the wall in a dark relief sigh of exhaustion.
"I gotta go catch up"
"I'll love you" i told the girl
I smiled, turned arounf jogged backwards and said "alllriiiuught girls! Hut to it! Hut two three four!!"
They looked at me like the fuck? You make me nervous. So i turned and slow jogged in place till i got to the little one in back
"What about it? These girls got no energy." The older girl in front caught on and told the other girls to catch on.
"Huh what. I just want my mom. I think it's Don-- no Idk what it is"
"Well you run anytime you need to"
"That was you?" I stopped my body fake jog "I'll do anything to get to where you need to be to be rescued if that means running for a bit here and there. Just be careful we can't lose you, too"
I didn't realize the boss was right behind me. He cut around us, speeding his legs. Told the front he wanted the girls to return. "Don't be disobedient"
The older girls turned around "I'm going to the restaurant!! Anyone else??"
"Uh huh" the little one held my hand. No one older than 6 disobeyed him. I had 4 plus me and the runner.
"Walk brisk" they had to run to keep up.
He raced behind us "come on I said to return the other girls"
"The other. Not these. Come with. Don't be disobedient" he threw his hands up in the air. And stopped in the street. He stayed at the corner. We continued to the restaurant.
"I got a problem" i explained everything. I was distressed. I hadn't explained about the dreams when LL Cool J walked in
"He said walk in small groups because the one ran off and they held hands the whole way"
"They did. I didn't even tell them to" i was stressed do when everyone started crying tears of pride for the little girls i didn't know why. I was scared my heart hurt I had to get these girls home. Soon all my girls were in the restaurant, walking in holding hands.
Finally my heart released its death grip on itself. I was happy. It meant i could get them home.
"Hey i got an idea, i don't carry--"
"Oh. My gun is at the hotel"
"Why are you at a hotel?"
"Usually he gives us houses. No hey. Money. I need money. I don't carry anything on me but these fake jewels. Just so i look older. I'm thinking if i take these little ones my group out the other way down the street to shop then i can say I am treating them extra special like a mom would. He heard me. He heard her say she wanted her mom. That's why he returned them"
"Yeah here" he gave me way too many $100 bills. I was all I need a $10
"Okay let's just keep the street clear of us while i try this thing"
So i explained to the girls we were gonna do a mom thing and do a little shopping maybe for candy. Just a little treat, and this time not to leave my vicinity. If they were gonna run they had to run together and not in the streeet only the sidewalk.
Those streets were not used for car traffic m it wss one block over from Times Square so we had no street traffic, only delivery trucks. But the mom Donnie had been panicked when she heard her kid was in the street.
It wasn't the first time i doubled psychic with natural but it was rare. And i wasn't used to it. But the child was calm and relaxed. My heart gripped itself in fear.
"I'm scared to death y'all but I'm going to do it anyway" I walked out the door and closed it behund me, stood in front and looked down the street I was already familiar with.
The door opened and hit me "come on. We are almost done eating and he wants to talk to you anyway" a small toddler hand grabbed mine. She was so mature my mind whispered to my heart. Lets just relax.
She disappeared into the restaurant as LL Coolly J walked up to me in the door way. The restaurant like most we used has a small wall to block in our guests and keep people from grabbing and dragging them out. One design I find important before scoping out a place to see if they are helpers.
"Why are you so scared? I can take the girls..."
I explained the tension, what was currently going on and for the first time outside of my NYC apartment I cried in public. I faced the door, LL Cool J stood behind me. Back to back. So no one noticed. I turned and tapped him on the back.
"Okay you need to fix your face. I'll take them meet me in the street"
He got so nervous he panicked at the first store, told the store cashier he was in an emergency hurry he thought the kids were kidnapped and did he have candy? He got it all for free.
At the restaurant LL Cool J handed me the bag of candy and small toys. A guy ran past us, LL said "that's the guy!" His face changed a thousand expressions until it reached a boiling point.
I turned he was talking to the boss. Wlldly pointing.
"Come on little ladies!! Come on girls!"
"That's the guy that gave me the free stuff? Why is he talking to the bad guy? He gave me a card for the police. Here look. He told me to tuck it into my waist band"
I kneeled down in front of them "I want you to do me a favor. Walk to the corner. Stop and wait for me there. Hold hands"
"But you never ask me for a favor and you said---" I grabbed her and held her tight in a hug, trying to stop the tears in my eyes.
Her eyes popped open huge "alright little ladies let's dance!" They grabbed hands and walked to the corner
I approached the two men "GO" he dismissed the employee
"Hey I would never done what he did. I thought hey lets shop. Burn some energy. But i started crying -- the wind -- so hey, do you mind if? Hey. This is neat" I twirled the card between my fingers
"It wasn't windy when you went in"
"Smoke. Steam. Restaurant. Look listen, as you heard the little girl she said she wanted her mommy. Now look how happy she is"
He turned and saw she had her arms spread wide her back to the 4 girls stopping them from crossing the street.
He began laughing. "You do have a way with them! Hey you got a trick" he took the card "this doesn't go to the real police Just some characters in costume"
"Oh that's kinda sucky"
"You look displeased"
"Well it's just... Nevermind" i touched his wrist wanting to snatch that card back "do you mind if we take them shopping when they have expansive energy?"
"Expensive or expansive?" He laughed
"Well they're really the same thing actually" i twaddled at him like hahaha hand flapping around so cute I dont want you to know the first thing I,want to do is throat punch you while you think about trying to fuck me.
"Sure sure. Go ahead" he blushed and smiled big
"Okay thanks. Let me get these girls" I growled him thinking my anger was towards them
"Hey use your money" he called after. He tossed the card in the air And caught it. He was sure happy. I hoped it was good for me.
I pushed the crosswalk button. "That was great girls"
"What are we doing? We never pushed the button thing"
"Magic watch see it will change and it will mean its safe to walk if there are cars"
"Did I do good? You're not my mommy but i tried to do twice as good for her, you know, for today"
"Nothing is less than perfect" my mind said loudly as the boss nearly dropped his card 3 times thrn did then looked at me to see if i noticed. Then picked it up and slid it in his pocket while turning away and doing a whistle. He sure does eat a lot doughnuts for Bing so skinny i thought
"Hmmm?" She looked up at me and moved her hair around her face
"Yes you did baby. You did perfectly?" You love me, i thought as i pushed her hair back from her eyes to help. What was with me? I never so affectionate. I know not to get too close. Oh well fuck me. It over. She would be home soon and each girl did neef attention and hugs and these were too short for m to look in their eyes all the time. Shit they probably don't even know i care.
"So who wants to hold hands with me!?"
"Me" They all said
"Okay let's hold my belt loops. Everyone just grab one. Its sort of strange for a skirt to have so many but here it is. We all have one"
"We choose you anyway. Not that the boss the mean man that's why we let her be the boss because you choose her to give a hug. And I want a hug! We all do! And our moms!"
LL Cool J turned down the street.
"I like this skirt its made of children, I'm like a human merry go round" I thought loudly the child I had dreamed of smiled as she ran around me ad i spun. The others not so much but when i quit spinning the girls kept running and twisted my skirt around me. And i watched all their smiles brighten ae,they ran faster and faster holding my skirt belt loops. I was stuck in magic and it was beautiful
"That guy is a real fucktard he gave the card for the police and then he went and told"
"Its the fake police, its a fake business card. Come let's talk inside" i said blissfully
"Idk what is with you" he shook his head and went around me angry
We played on the sidewalk until all the girls passed and went around the way around the corner.
I asked LL Cool J to accompany me home because I was afraid the boss was still at the corner and I had to pass him to get home.
Because the closest corner to my house was between the restaurant and my apartment but the bunker was a block over and behind a building so i could only see one corner. So I used to walk the longer way the oth3r direction to avoid notice on the way I walked the girls and would disappear into the traffic of the shops. Plus there were cameras in case I got mugged, I hoped.
So i asked LL to walk that way. He said he was almost too mad but i said we could do more research and i explained that the man said we could take the girls and so he got excited brain storming with the new found freedom we had and the ability to break down doors to find who the real kidnappers were.
Once he realized how close my apartment was, he moved in for 3 weeks until Michael could get him another. Uncle Donald owned most the area So he got him one in the same building a floor higher. He had been taking a train to Michael's hotel he owned so he spent most of his time in the bunkers and a lot of times slept in the boys bunker.
That sweaty nervous lad turned into a real detective.
Meanwhile i turned into a nervous wreck going to work cause i knew the boss liked me more than just a girl walking by. He wanted me a girl in his bed.
So Mark Anthony heard from LL Cool J if he was paranoid or if i was really upset about it. So he told me he could help me.
"Im going to go to work with you. Lets walk down the street like we are in love"
"Huh what's that got to do with it?"
"I mean let's be normal just like we are at home"
I couldn't say anything I just gave big nods
"Will that work for you?" He was all concerned and actually cared
I burst into tears, "it's true i can't take it anymore. The guy creeps me out so much!" I yelled into my hands.
LL Cool J popped his head into the door, leaned against the frame. Just watched.
"Yeah she said it would be a good thing to do, yeah she's normally not a crier but that mom is really getting to her Delores or whatever her name is..."
"Its Donnie. Delores is... Someone that is going to be very bad for me"
We found the little girl would hear her mom tell her things about her home and how to find it when she would "escape" she would say "i escaped! I escaped!" And her mom would ESP her home and all that. I should known she would be an Alabama girl. Huntsville. Just North of Decatur. That's why my heart squeezed so much. It's why we had such a deep connection.
So we would tell the girls "escape! Run! You are free!!" And i would lean against the wall 5 feet from the boss. "How do you know they will return to you?" He asked in a panic
"Its NYC. I'm an Alabama girl. I have no place else to be. Neither do they"
He really had the hots for me.
"Alabama huh? I been there once or twice. Got a couple of those 3 year olds from there"
"Uhh huh mmm yep"
He looked at me with a struck by lightning look knowing he let himself be caught "you know don't you" dead in my face.
I was tired of him he disgusted me. His stupid smile. His blushing. His bulge in his pants. I wanted him dead and if it was the last thing i did, i would order it.
"Yeah i do." I stood off the wall. Tall. My chin high. Disobedient. Fire. Ready to be challenged. To kill. "My dad was kidnapped in Decatur. So i went to Iraq, Isreal, Iran. I escaped And now im here too"
"And you are going to let them escape"
"Now you know and i will kill you if you have a problem with that. Now do you?" I didn't take my face off his. My pissed off face. "LL Cool J. Get the kids. Return to my house."
It was unexpected. He had casually mentioned it the night before and we were unprepared. But i was done fed up with this piece of garbage. He walked over. Saw my rock hard face. The little bitch against the wall bouncing his ball. "Okay"
"Out through the weeds" i waited till they were at the corner.
"No! You can't!"
"You tried to replace me with Delores because you couldn't fuck me?:
"But you are back now! And free!"
"Do not try to take my kids from me. I will kill you. Don't follow:
He did begging after me "please don't I'll get fired. I'm just a kid. 19"
I was 5 years old. I didn't give two fucks about him
"I SAID NOT TO FOLLOW" i took my shoe off and beat him with the heel. It felt like the world stopped and it was just me and him, him squatting down stupidly at my feet. Exposing his back So i could kill him easier. The hired English police ran over. "Take him"
"You could killed him in two hits" tells LL when i caught up
I cried a bit because i should had. I shouldn't had sympathy because he was stupid. We saw the English Cops then began to beat them with their baton "no wait" he called after me
I threw up. His desperation was so thick. Like he needed help. He was human. Whay did i miss with this one? He was actually respectful. Nosy.
LL saw me catching up to his thinking... "I'll stop him"
"I really think he's actually a kidnapped victim and doesn't know what to do." LL said again
"That's why i told him the truth"
"About these three??" He pointed to my Huntsville Hunnies.
"No about me. Take them to get their stuff then to my house. Let me talk to him"
We walked back. "You sit. You stay" the faux police stood next to the bench facing us. Hands clasped in front of him.
"Well what is your story"
"I was kidnapped at 12 or 5... Well both actually. And like i told LL Cool J, I just never thought to go home. Just stay and work and all would be okay. Then this gig came up and i volunteered. Thinking this might br my way out"
"But you kidnapped"
"No! No i didn't! I would never do something like that! I just knew we had some from the same plqcr Because the kids walks n all cheerful, "hi im from Alabama" and i got to talking to the kid..."
"And here i have been afraid of you all this time and you were one of me"
"The next one. That is how it is up here with the premonition. You are afraid of me but the next two you have to fear. You are always in hurries. So for real you are from Alabama"
I relaxed and leaned against him. Finally felt his real energy, not the cloud that he put out around himself. "But you were the guard that said you had to ask the boss"
"Because I guard these bunkers. 32 kids went missing in one night. We didnt know if they were dead or raped. God! What do you expect from us?!?!"
I grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. "You know you wanted that one. Hey. I'll send you home. Where are you from kid?"
I looked at him playing with the rocks on the sidewalk.
"My dad was kidnapped. I went to go find him. I couldn't. So now i do these. Send kids home to their parents"
He looked up at me His eyes huge "we been doing this 6 months and you just now tell me"
"Hey. I thought you were the boss out to rape me"
"Shit please. I wouldn't"
I grabbed him and hugged his side as he bent to play in,the dirt
"So what's wrong with you anyway why are you so huddled?"
"Well someone actually went and stuck their high heel shoe into my stomach then someone else beat mr with a baton"
"Will you go get him some ice please?" The police of faux nodded
"For you" i rubbed his thin back to help heal. "Did it go in?:
"Just a scratch"
"I bet it's as deep as a bullet wound"
The faux police returned with a 20 pound bag of ice. "He's losing a lot of blood"
"The ice will help stop it. Here sit up"
"That's too much. I have to put pressure on it"
"Your shirt is soaked. Here take my skirt. Let me see how deep it is." I stuck my finger in. Then shoved his t-shirt into the hole and then put my skirt down to absorb blood and the ice on top
He said it was my favorite skirt. And it was. But I told him it would wash out. I was wearing a man's business shirt and it was almost as long as the skirt and with tights I was okay dressed.
"Hey is this expensive?"
"Idk Michael Jackson bought it for me."
"You get paid?:
"How much?"
"Idk. I never need for anything. Just to get people home"
"Are you a clone?"
"No that's gross. Are you?"
"Idk are Detroitians usually clones?"
"Uhhhhh....,the city? No."
"I have a twin that's why I ask. Do you think you can get him home?"
"If you know where he is, i can get any one home"
"He said not to tell"
"Well come on kid. Get your stuff"
"I will tell his brother" said the police.
I had a feeling someone was behind me. I couldn't figure it out
"Your boyfriend must be calling"
I stood up and yelled "hey" towards my apartment balcony
"It is you" I heard behind me "LL Cool J called me and said he had you all kinds freaking out"
"Silly. And i thought i was dumb"
"Nah he isn't..."
"Hey I'm right here" he touched my ribs on the right "where are your clothes? I'm sure I didn't see you leave the apartment like this" Mark Anthony said.
"Like my shirt? I kept it on. I nearly killed this one So i took off my skirt to help absorb the blood.
"You what? Can i take a look?"
"I figure get him home in a warm bath and help clean it out, medicate and we will put a bandage. I missed any internal organs but it went through and through. You'll be alright. Its just a flesh wound."
"It hurts."
"The bath will help. It will i promise"
LL Cool J carried Kidd Rock to our apartment. The girls trailing in front using LL Cool J's luggage and bags from our apartment.
Our new temporary family. For some it would be a few hours before they got sent home. We had been waiting. Too cautious, not knowing who was really on our street.
For them it would be the first and last time they crossed the vacant lot across from my apartment in what was once called the New World, in NYC
And for them all It was the start of a New Adventure.
My heart sang the song of the Heartlands.
I heard nothing...
Just felt the love and glory. LL carrying my wounded victim, girls gabbing and carrying bags. I saw them all. Their love and their forgiveness.
Oh and the cards for the fake police? It was for our Englishmen! Our own faux police!!!
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