#if i can forgive alex karev for all the stupid shit he pulled over the years
What I have learned from the past several days of my dash is that only some of us spent our teen years watching Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, and Glee, and therefore learned to just disregard shit we thought was stupid in regards to our favorite characters, and also shit that made the entire rest of the show not make sense. Never thought I'd say this, but thank you Ryan Murphy, Shonda Rimes, and the bozos running late stage Supernatural for inoculating me against the stupid shit Tim Minear is doing right now.
(Also there's part of me that feels like we all say we support people with mental illness, and we'll forgive TK for exhibiting symptoms of his bc depression and addiction are better understood than anxiety. And Carlos has, like, the world's biggest case of undiagnosed and untreated anxiety. But I'm not sure I want to get into that rn.)
Shoutout to @whatisamildopinion for talking this over with me last night before I fell asleep on facetime.
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Pairing: Alex Karev x reader
Warnings: ANGST! Mentions of abandonment, spoilers for season 16 episode 16
Your heart pounded against your chest as you opened the crisply folded letter with shaking fingers.
You could still remember the last time you spoke to him, the last words you shared. You were so scared he was hurt or dead or something in the past week. The letter was a relief but the idea of getting that instead of his typical lengths of communication like a text or phone call was unnerving.
“Dr y/l/n?” You heard Owen calling to you but your ears were ringing too strongly to focus on his words.
You were on his service for the day but this was immediately trumping any form of work you were supposed to be getting to.
I’m not good with words. I never have been, as I know you know. So I’m just going to start out with it. I’m not beating around the bush on this one. I am in Kansas with Izzie. I know it may come as a shock or betrayal or something like that but it’s the truth. When I was reaching out to people for Mer’s hearing, I called her. A little girl answered and I had no idea why. It didn’t register at first. But then she gave Izzie the phone. Izzie was shocked to hear from me but she quickly told me about our kids. Ours. I’m a father. I never realized how much I wanted that until it was a reality. I went out here to meet them and I just can’t bring myself to leave them or to come back. The minute I looked at those big brown eyes of my little boy, I was a goner. I will always love you, more than you could possibly ever know. You’re the greatest love of my life and for that I will always thank you. I wish it didn’t have to go like this. It shouldn’t go like this. You’ve been there for me since the Dr Evil Spawn days and I’m a shit guy for not being able to say the same. I’ve left my share of the hospital and my seat on the board in your name. I know that can’t make up for this but it’s the best I’ve got. I love you. But I’m still in love with Izzie. I hope someday you’ll forgive me. I hope someday you’ll be happier than I ever could’ve possibly made you.
You drop the letter on the table, your eyes glistening with unshed tears, your hand covering your open mouth as a small sob escapes.
You felt more naive than ever, thinking he was just visiting his mom. Thinking he was coming back for you, coming back TO you. Your mind swirled with random things you might’ve missed, that he might’ve done or said that could tip you off.
“Y/l/n!” Hunt repeated louder, bringing you back to your senses.
“What?!” You snap, turning your tearful gaze to him.
“Are you ready to prep for our surgery or not goddamnit?” He demands. You jump out of your chair, no longer feeling like you can stay sitting down.
“No I’m not.” You mutter, running your hands through your hair.
“Did you just say you’re unprepared for a surgery we’ve had on the board since yesterday y/l/n?!” He asks, bewildered by your response.
“Yes, yes I did! And before you say anything more on the subject, it isn’t because I didn’t study long and hard or because I got drunk last night and am hungover because I’m not! It’s because I just found out my boyfriend, the absolute love of my fucking life is gone! He left me for his ex and her secret kids! I am officially alone and I can’t bear it, I can’t even breathe! The one person who matters to me is gone, without so much as a proper goodbye! So ask someone else to scrub in just this one time, for the patients sake and my own Hunt.” You cry out, your eyes stinging with tears.
He reaches over to comfort you, unsure what else to do but you hold out your hands to stop him.
“Focus on the patient Hunt. She needs you more than I do.” You instruct, blinking away the tears to try and lower his concern.
He takes a moment but finally he leaves, making sure the door shuts behind him for you.
As you hear the hinges settle, you fall the the floor in an emotional fit. Your hands rest on your head, running through your hair. The room is silent, all except for your loud sobbing.
You hiccup, trying to catch your breath, trying to find the will to get up and get back to anything.
Soon, the door opens and you gasp for air, trying to regain calmness for whoever it was.
“Save the acting job y/l/n, I just read a letter from Alex Karev handing in his resignation and came right down here. Get over here.” Bailey orders, holding her arms wide open.
You scramble to your feet, not wasting any time in getting into her hug. She holds you, rubbing your back soothingly as you cry into her shoulder.
“He-he said he’d never- never leave me.” You stammer between hiccups. “He- he promised me!” You sob, letting all your unsaid words fall out of your mouth for Bailey to hear.
“I know y/n, I know.” She says, patting down your hair.
You start to catch your breath a bit, pulling away from her and crossing your arms over your chest.
“I kind of made a mess of your sweater, I’m so sorry chief Bailey.” You mutter, staring down at your simple white shoes in shame.
“Oh please, it can be washed. You feel free to let it all out if you need to.” She dismisses, smiling sadly at you.
Suddenly your pager buzzed. With a sniffle, you checked it quickly and pulled your hair back, quickly blowing your nose and wiping your eyes afterwards.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Bailey asks, eyeing you.
“That was Dr Hunt, he needs me down in the pit while he’s in surgery.” You explain, sniffling a little more.
“Oh no. Nuh uh. You’ll send an intern for that. I’m calling Wilson up here and she’s going to take you home.” She orders.
“Bailey, I’m fine. Really.” You promise her but you both know you’re lying.
“No.” She says sternly. “Stay here!” She orders, walking out into the hallway.
It doesn’t take her long to spot Jo walking down the hall. She brings her in to the room and shuts the door.
“I trust you’ll be very, VERY discreet with this Wilson.” She warns, walking off to order someone else around.
“What’s happening?” Jo asks, obviously very confused.
Too tired and emotionally distraught to explain, you simply point at the letter laying on the table.
She skims it over and without a word, envelopes you in a strong hug.
“Wilson, I can’t breathe.” You sigh quietly.
“Sorry. It’s just- you two were perfect together. You were the perfect example of a healthy, happy couple. I thought- everyone thought you two were soulmates.” She rambles.
“Well everyone thought wrong, he loves someone else. Would you please drive me ho- to Avery’s? I just- I can’t be at home right now. I can hardly call that place home without him...” You plead, getting teary eyes all over again.
“Of course! Let’s go, I just have to change out of my scrubs. You probably should too.” She suggests but you shake your head.
The clothes you’d worn to work that day held memories. Alex had given you the shirt for your Christmas present a few years ago when he’d been too stupid to think of something meaningful. The shoes were ones you’d worn on your first official date. The jeans were the ones you’d worn the first day of intern year, the first day you’d met him.
There was no possible way you could put any of them on without your entire body aching and longing for his touch.
“Ok, ok. I’ll meet you in the lobby. Just one second.” She orders, leaving the room.
You stand there for a moment, hugging your arms around yourself.
When Jo returns, Avery’s with her.
“What is it y/n, I was about to head into a surgery.” He says impatiently.
You give Jo a tired warning look, to which she responds with a sympathetic, sad smile.
“Alex left. He isn’t coming back.” You sigh hoarsely.
He looks completely shocked, blinking at you for a second.
“Are- are you ok? What do you need?” He asks, rushing to your side.
“I’m fine just- is it ok if I stay at yours?” You ask, biting down on your thumbnail absentmindedly.
“Of course! Stay as long as you need, you have a key right?” He says, looking even more concerned than before. You simply nod.
“I’m gonna give y/n a ride over there then but could you go down to the lobby with him/her/them and just stay there while I change? No one should have to be alone if something like this happens.” Jo explains.
You numbly grab your pager off the table along with the letter and follow Avery down to the lockers where you quickly grab your things, barely glancing at them as you do so.
He leads the way to the lobby wearily, acting far over protective of you.
You stand in silence staring at your shoes, practically enough to burn holes into them. Few people try to stop and ask questions but when they do, Jackson puts a stop to it with a simple look.
Soon Jo rejoins you and takes your arm, leading you to her car in the parking lot. Avery says goodbye but you don’t respond, too scared to speak.
You sit in the passenger seat and stare out the window at the Seattle night scene, feeling more empty than you ever had in your entire life.
6 months later...
You wearily let your knuckle tap the door a few times, fidgeting with your bare right ring finger. Not long ago, a silver ring had a place there. Not long ago, the person who presented you with that ring had his arms around you, smiling softly at you. That smile continued to haunt your dreams, your mind, your everything.
Maybe what you were doing was a bad idea. You knew that. But you needed it. It was like an itch, you couldn’t not scratch it.
A perky looking blonde opened the door and you didn’t even have to look at her to know who it was. Her long hair was in a perfect ponytail, she wore an apron covered in flour and had a little girl attached to her leg.
“Hi, how can I help you?” She asked with a friendly smile.
“Izzie I presume?” You say, gritting your teeth and cursing yourself for your idiotic decision to come out here.
“Yes? Do I know you?” She asks, clearly puzzled.
“No I guess not. I uh... I started at Grey-Sloan the same year as you. As an intern.” You explain vaguely, feeling too cowardly to go any deeper into detail.
The little girl peers up at you, clearly very curious. It’s enough to make you want to run away, never look back.
“Alexis honey, go find daddy and tell him he has a visitor.” She tells the small girl. She nods up to her, running off with a big smile.
The blonde eyes you up and down and you nervously rub your hand up and down your arm, trying to figure out what to do with your hands.
“Izzie who’s at the do-.” A painfully familiar voice starts, his mouth agape as your eyes meet.
“Hi.” You say sheepishly.
“Y/n...” He says, more like a statement than anything else.
“Daddy who’s your friend? She’s/he’s/they’re real pretty.” The little girl says with a shy grin.
You smile at her a bit, trying to keep from crying again.
“Thank you. So are you.” You reply with a forced smile.
“Kids go with your mom and help her with the cookies. Daddy and his friend need to talk.” Alex says, his eyes never leaving your face.
Izzie watches you both for a moment, hesitant to leave you alone until Alex gives her a pleading look and she takes each kid into their extravagant kitchen.
“Let’s um... let’s go and talk outside.” He suggests, rubbing the back of his neck. You don’t say another word and you follow him out to the yard, sitting down with him.
“How did you even find out where I live?” He asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence.
“Well, I first considered paying a PI to track you down. I wanted to make you feel even a fraction of what I felt.” You admit honestly.
He nods but completely avoids all eye contact.
“But then Meredith told me you gave her the address in your letter to her. That you invited her to meet your kids.” You add, kicking your feet around to distract yourself.
“Those letters must’ve arrived pretty late, I sent them over 6 months ago.” He mutters, biting at his index finger.
“No... they got there then. I just- I couldn’t bring myself to come out here and make a damn fool of myself.” You respond, biting your bottom lip. “Kind of like I’m doing now.” You add under your breath.
“Y/n, why are you here?” He asks, finally meeting your eyes with his own.
“Well evil spawn,” you start off and he does the half grin that makes your head spin every time, even now. “I had to see you. I had to see what it was you- you left me for.” You admit with a gulp.
“Y/n-“ he says but you shake your head.
“No. Let me finish. Please.” You whisper, your eyes watering again. He nods for you to proceed. “When I met you, that first day of intern year, you were a complete ass. Charming, funny but a complete ass. I got to know you and I fell for you, fell hard. My heart practically beat just for you. When you left... I was devastated. I didn’t know how I could live. I didn’t know how I could do what I love and work with all these kids, some of which you treated their entire lives.” You explain.
“Y/n I never meant to hurt you.” He promises, gulping down a lump in his throat.
“Don’t you think I know that?” You ask with a sad laugh. “God, I know you would never mean to. But I just- we have this... this story. I loved you. I loved you with everything I had and I just- your shares and your seat don’t make up for those years of love and memories I have. That WE have.” You say, tears streaming down your face.
“I remember the first time we were in the on call room together and you were already asleep and I came in and turned on the lights and you were so angry until you looked up and saw it was me. You started flirting, suggesting we share a bed to keep room for other Doctors. You actually fell off that bunk and said ‘guess I really fell for you huh’. That was the first day you made me smile the way you always did. It was the first time I took any kind of liking to you whatsoever.” You go on, smiling sadly at the past.
“I remember that. I had a bump on my damn head for weeks but it was worth the headache to see you smile like that at me. Because of me.” He chuckles.
“Yeah. I know, you kept trying to tell people it was because I was a freak in bed.” You roll your eyes at the thought that the man in front of you would ever say something like that.
“Anyway, my point is that I have all these great memories and experiences. But they’re all tainted with this one thing.” You sigh, staring at the gravel road.
“I’m not in love with Izzie.” He blurts, making your head shoot up to face him. “I don’t... I don’t know why I said I was in that letter. I think it was just to make it hurt so you wouldn’t hunt me down.” He continues.
“You always have liked keeping people at arms length.” You murmur.
“That’s not fair, you know it isn’t.” He exclaims in defence.
“I don’t even know what fair is anymore Alex! You took that from me too when you left!” You cry back. “You left me! You took off, taking everything of me with you. My dignity included. I cried, no I sobbed in front of Miranda Bailey, my boss! I cried in front of her and all over her scrubs! I can’t even enter my own home! It’s been 6 whole months but I can’t bring myself to go back in that loft because it will drown me and I won’t be able to come up for air Alex!” You shout.
He looks to the ground, keeping his distance and not speaking.
“And Alex? That feeling? It hurts. It hurts so damn much, I ache all over trying to control it, trying to stop it. My body, my heart, everything aches for you even now and I can’t do a thing about it.” You continue, too worked up to stop.
“You left me stranded with not so much as a proper goodbye. THAT is why I am here. I need at least some fraction of myself back.” You say quietly.
“I love you y/n. Like I said in the letter, I always will.” He says sheepishly, pursing his lips as he stares down the ground.
“What, you think that letter of all things helps me or even helps you? It doesn’t.” You mumble.
“What else do I say exactly. That I miss you? Because I do. I miss you like crazy. But I can’t- I cannot leave my kids.” He sighs.
“I’m not asking you to. I’m not asking you to come back either. I’m not asking for anything. I just needed to say SOMETHING to you. I needed this for myself. It might be selfish or stupid considering you didn’t give me permission to come here like you did for Mer but I honestly don’t care.” You rant.
“Y/n, you’re kidding me right? I’m the selfish one here! I’m the one who made an idiot of myself, leaving the people I know, the people I love for this.” He exclaims, hand running down his head. “I mean I love those kids with everything I’ve got but I don’t belong here. I’ve tried to make it work with her but it’s become even more abundantly clear that she and I never have and never will work.” He admits.
You look at him, wide eyes, taking in everything he just said. You could feel yourself trying to resist him, trying to ignore the way he still looked at you like you were the only person in the world.
“I should’ve never left.” He mutters, head in his hands.
“Alex-.” You start, not wanting to hear the words you knew he would say, that you know would make you weak in the knees.
“No y/n, for real. It was stupid of me to think I could just abandon everything I cared about to move here.” He mutters, running his hand down his jawline.
You sit in silence for a moment, trying to process.
“You’re right. It was stupid.” You agree, avoiding his eyes. “But it’s a little late now. You have kids Alex. They... they depend on you. You can’t just leave that.” You say with a sad smile his way.
“I wouldn’t have to! The kids, they would love Seattle. And everyone there would love them! Not to mention, they would absolutely adore you y/n. Just like I do.” He says excitedly.
“Alex... Something tells me that Izzie would never be ok with that. And we both know with your situation she would win a custody battle. Not to mention the fact that you shouldn’t put them through that in the first place.” You argue.
“God, you’re right. You’re always right y/n. It’s annoying how much you’re right about things.” He groans.
You laugh a bit, getting to your feet.
“And it’s funny how wrong but cocky you always are.” You counter, giving him a goofy smile.
“I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed seeing that smile until you were already thoroughly pissed at me.” He laughs.
“I was not THOROUGHLY pissed at you...” You say and he raises an eyebrow.
“That’s not what Mer told me.” He teases and you blush pink.
“Fine I was practically throwing darts at your picture. But I got over it. Eventually.” You grumble
He nods, clearly understanding why you would have been angry. You already knew him well enough to know he would be just as angry at himself as you were.
“You know the reason I didn’t give you the address right?” He asks suddenly, his head bolting up out of his hands. You shake your head no and he starts to chuckle a bit, the half grin spread across his face. “I uh... I already knew that if I did, you would storm your way down here to yell at me and I would’ve taken one look into those big, beautiful y/e/c eyes of yours, I would never be able to stay here. I should’ve known this was a bad idea from just that alone. I’m in love with YOU. Izzie may be the mother of my children but you are the love of my life. I wish I’d never left you.” He reveals.
“I really mean that much to you Karev?” You ask, biting at your lip unsurely.
He looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind. “Of course you do y/n. You always have and I already know you always will. You’re my world, even now. Just the idea of you moving on drives me insane, no matter how selfish it is for me to say.” He rants.
This time, you can’t control your emotions or your movements. You go up to him and grab him gently by the back of his neck, pulling him in and smashing your lips on his. He immediately gives in, grabbing at your back and pulling you even closer, as though he was scared to let go.
You pull away, stopping yourself and him from going any further.
“I’d say that was the most proper our kind of goodbye could get.” You say quietly, touching a finger to your lips as you slowly step backwards, moving away from Alex.
“Y/n!” He tries to stop you but you’re already on a sprint down the driveway, not wanting to mess things up for his family anymore than you felt you already had.
And with that, you ran from the love of your life, not even looking back to see if he was chasing you this time or not.
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