#if i don't quit work but i stop going to the youth group - how many friends will i lose bc they feel betrayed i picked my job over them??
slyvieselkie · 8 months
Reverse Comfort - Bakugo Katsuki
They say patience is a virtue, and it really is true. That's why everyone loves you and wonder why you chose to marry him. Because you were the personification of calm water, and Katsuki represented his quirk to perfection. You're tolerant, graceful, and there's always a peaceful smile on your smile despite the situation. And your husband since his youth has been seen with a snarl more than smiles, people have heard his shouting more than laughter, and have met glaring eyes more than collected ones.
His colleagues from high school squint seeing the two of you together, ignoring the way Katsuki's barking at them while you're laughing softly. They have so many questions. Like what kind of big bang phenomenon started this, and also what the hell was your household like? Because the neighbours of the Bakugo household don't really have any noise complaints, but then again the closest neighbour is a ten minute walk.
The high school reunion is held in a small function room and while Katsuki is screaming his head at the pesky things around him, the girls huddle around you. You blink and smile when they ask how you tame Katsuki. Patience, you respond, with time and kindness.
Then you giggle, "Besides, Katsuki knows that happy wife means happy life. I am not above kicking him out of the house for his rudeness."
They slowly nod and turn to their friend who was currently threatening to blow this whole place up...still don't see it.
But that's because its not something explainable, and Katsuki has said he has no intention of letting outsiders into your relationship. So you allow them to ponder while you think about it, the times when Katsuki has truly gotten angry. You snort hearing the group cry his name in panic, when is your man not angry?
The last one had been quite recently. Katsuki had been contentedly sleeping with you hidden in his arms, when he got a phone call. The man jumped out of bed prepared for a crisis emergency, only to hear that there was a management problem that only he could fix. Growling he barked at the other person to get lost, you giggle hearing your husband complain about having to go to work early. You get up to make him breakfast, but the man stops you with a frown and kiss.
"Go back to sleep, why the hell would you wake up?"
You try to resist but Katsuki rolled you up with the blanket like a sushi and smirk, "Yum."
So he leaves without any breakfast and no goodbye kiss meaning he's grumpy and even more prone to aggression. But that's not your problem until tonight, so you let him take it out on the employee.
However, that's not the only problem. Kirishima and Kaminari rushes into his office without knocking and he growls at them, only to freeze seeing the thing on their phones. A bunch of gossip articles painting a story of Katsuki cheating on you with some heiress he had been hired to protect a few days ago, the photos showing them walking down a narrow alleyway in masks and sunglasses. Kirishima scrolls and the man is raging because of course the photographers have a photo of the heiress throwing herself onto him. What they don't have is the after photo of Bakugo almost ripping her hair out.
He's silently fuming, wondering how to get revenge on those damned paparazis and the heiress' family. Then his red eyes zone in onto Kirishima because the one who was actually meant to be guarding her with him, except he had gotten injured at a prior mission so it was transferred to Katsuki.
"I'm sorry!", the hero's pleading for his life and Kaminari's next to him, "He didn't know this was going to happen! Kirishima's also a victim in this!"
Hearing 'victim' makes Katsuki deflate because there's only one true victim, and it's you.
So he pulls his phone out to call you, "Emergency, emergency!", and Katsuki's screaming as he jumps off the building to help a bunch of useless things to catch a villain.
The world tests him further with how the villain uses his camouflaging to hide. Usually he would love a game of hide and seek, ending it by covering the villain in explosions, however he has bigger problems to worry about. So he's running around the city, wondering if this is his villain origin story.
Unlike your husband whose about to explode, you were cruising about at home. After having heard of the small thing with the heiress, you were wondering when Katsuki would call you only to hear that he was caught up with a villain. Knowing that he'd be pissed enough to scare the devil, you went around cleaning since Katsuki loves nothing more than a clean, fresh home.
About evening while he's drowned in paperwork, you start making dinner. You learnt pretty fast into the relationship that when Katsuki is angry, he wants something else to be angry about. Hence his love of spicy food, so spicy one could cry at the waft of it. So you hum and add bags of chilli into the mapo tofu, tom yum, and curry.
Just as you've finished setting up the table, the door opens and your heroic husband walks in like he's the grim reaper.
"Would you like-", "Food!", he barked and storms to sit down at the table.
It would've been rude, and it was rude...if it hadn't been your husband. Because Katsuki would kill himself before he disrespects you, and he's told you before to scorch his ass if you feel that way. You don't because you understand that's just how he communicates after a frustrating day at work. He lets it out with a blast and burns out like a phoenix, only to return more steady until it happens again. Whether it was a good way or not, you've never found it a problem.
So the two of you start eating, Katsuki crying from his special dishes and he screams about how spicy it is before chugging water and milk. The actions are repeated until every last piece of food is devoured and he stomps up the stairs to the bathroom.
By the time you've finished cleaning up and have moved to the living room for the nightly TV session, Katsuki comes down fresh like spring. And you can tell he's burnt all of his anger, leaving behind your cuddly bear.
The man finds comfort in your arms and the crook of your neck, "...Nothing happened", he whispered and you hum stroking his hair, "I know."
His grip tightens and you feel like a python's prey, "That goddam-", "Katsuki", you start laying kisses all over his face, "I don't want to hear anything about her, unless its karma. I know you, and you should know me."
Your roles reverse as Katsuki pulls you into his lap and move your head to his chest, allowing you to hear his soft heartbeat. There's something warm inside you, since you know that only you get to have this effect on him. For the rest of the night he pampers you with kisses, feeding you fruits, delicately applying your skincare and even giving you a massage. He asks you what you want, a red diamond set, a beach house in Okinawa, a holiday to Paris?
You giggle and snuggle up to him, "Make me some omurice tomorrow for dinner", he snorts and nips the tip of your nose, "This genie thinks you're stupid."
Patience is a virtue, and it is so worth it in the end because you get everything you want and more. Katsuki's made you omurice with ketchup hearts, you have one of rarest diamonds in a full set, a beach house to visit in Okinawa, and the trip to Paris had been sorted for Christmas.
And the best of all, you watch from the comfort of your house as the heiress and her father bow to rows of camera for the terrible behaviour she displayed to Dynamight and his wife.
"Honey, I'm home~!", Katsuki cackles and catches you as you jump into his arms, "Welcome home, darling~!"
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Hi lovelies, hoped you enjoyed this one.
I was really contemplating what kind of comfort Bakugo would want from his significant other. And I believe that is acceptance of how he deals/communicates with his anger and frustration, even if its not the mature or best way. The metaphor of his anger as a phoenix also really stuck with me as i imagine it to start out like a candle, only grows more intense until it bursts and ends in ashes waiting to be revived. But until then, clarity has returned and Bakugo is more than thankful for your understanding.
I'll see you guys another time ⋆。゚♡。⋆。゚
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK's Weverse live 2 Feb 2023
JK man, what did you do to us?
4 hours of JK. 4 friggin' hours.
Before I dive into the abyss I will say that this post is based on multiple trustworthy translation accounts, seeing there is no official translation nor will there be for quite some time now (4 hr. live, lol). I will update if any changes need to be made (after the official translation comes out).
Also, This is a long ass post, so breach yourselves, get yourselves your favourite snacks sit down and enjoy the ride. So so much to come.
Starting with his:
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Knock knock, cheeky JK.
Let's sum up the 4 hours of the live shall we:
JK did the live in Brunnan.
JK's hair is long.
JK loves Bammi.
JK talked about his tattoos.
JK drank more beer than I could ever in one seating. Or maybe even 2 or 3 or 4...(I am a lightweight though).
JK was tired and still continued the live.
JK isn't working on his album at the moment, he's at home not doing much, well not working in any case.
RM commented a lot.
Tae commented a lot and got JK to do a live on IG that turned out to be pretty short, just surpassing his 7 min. live a few days back.
JK sang. A LOT.
JK sang Vibe. Twice. After calling JM cool, then adding Taeyang is cool too. He also gave us a little dance move.
Ooh, and we got JK singing Sam Smith's Unholy.
That's 4 hours in a nut shell I guess.
End of post.
Nah, gotcha.
We have tons to cover, so let's get it:
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JK starts the live telling us he's not really supposed to be doing a live, I told you, cheeky boy.
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JK moves on to tell us he's not working on his album at the moment, and actually not doing much of anything at the moment.
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I'm all for it. After 10 years of working practically non stop, throughout his youth, he deserves this time off.
JK does say he's spending time alone, at times hasn't left the house for 6 days in a row.
And as the introvert that he is, and as the introvert that I am, I get him. Totally. I could stay at home for days and feel totally content.
Doesn't mean he's not doing anything though. He's doing what he wants to do as opposed as living by a schedule. Taking the time to watch shows, videos, clips he wants to watch is one of those things he told us he does. I just do hope he's in a good mind space. The past couple of years were not easy. The not knowing not easy. Knowing MS is around the corner not easy. Jikook having to adjust to the new reality not easy. He needs this rest and I'm happy he's getting it.
Makes me think though about those stories told of him going out on the town like going skiing or snowboarding or spending time with Tae all the time (I literally have an ask in my inbox telling me just that). Dunno, perhaps it's time for many to finally start questioning these unsubstantiated stories?
Now don't come at me. Not saying JK and Tae aren't close friends. They might be both meeting up occasionally and/or playing online games together all day everyday. What I'm saying is that I'm sick of unsubstantiated stories someone sprouts on Twitter turned into facts without any actual proof.
And it's always the TKK side of things - believing until proven wrong. Because when the shoe is on the other foot, aka JKK, the knee jerk reaction is to not believe until proven true.
Just a thought...
After JK talks about how long his hair has grown, and damn, it has grown so long, Bam makes an appearance. Bammi. How we missed him so.
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I truly think Bam deserves a whole post of his own, and I will give you one. I promise. Cause so many cute Bamkook moments, including a lethal Bam kiss.
JK's asked about Jin and says he thinks he's doing well and that he's in touch with them occasionally in their group chat. That same group chat many fans forget they actually have to communicate amongst themselves and not via their public IG accounts. That is when they don't communicate personally with each other privately.
JK brings up not seeing "Yoongi marry me".
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Next JK started with the karaoke. We got to enjoy JK's flawless voice throughout his live. But he started us off with Vibe.
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JK singing and dancing vibe on his live - all I've been living for the past couple of weeks, lol - singing it TWICE.
This too deserves a whole separate post, and it probably will get one.
Saying that, JK with singing Vibe (do I have to remind he did it twice?) has now performed 7 of JM's songs while live or recording content.
JK continues to sing several songs by TXT, New Jeans, Seventeen, RM, etc. Like I said, karaoke night full blow (filling up the 4 hour live).
A list of his songs throughout the live can be found here:
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JK was asked if he has a tattoo on his back, to which he said he doesn't, only on his right arm.
We had a little JK-Army flirtation going on, as per usual, lol.
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Mr. Jeon Jungkook also thinks maybe he's the next to get appendicitis. I sure hope he's wrong.
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And that at 25 yo he's getting old.- everything hurts. Why am I not surprised (man cannot do anything half way).
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RM popped in to visit JK's live, a little drunk perhaps, lol.
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And JK...
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Next comes the thing everyone has been literally waiting for...
The tattoos.
I know this will be twisted and turned and I feel sorry for the accounts with their anons open, cause this, not surprisingly, is turning into to a shit storm...
There are a few translations out there, most not full ones, and others pretty unreliable.
So, I'm still on the lookout for a reliable full translation for these. I've found a couple that feel like they have an agenda.
I did find this one, a full translation that seems to be more or less on the up and up - lines up with all the bits and pieces I've found in the accounts I do trust.
One specific tattoo JK neglects to talk about is the eclipse tattoo. Unintentional you think? I think not.
So, let's get down to what we really came for, eh? His hand tattoo. The talk of the town.
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I know JK said the J is for JK. JK and Army.
Loud and clear, right?
But is it?
Is JK sharing the whole story with us?
Why then on the ring finger?
Why over the M?
Why not allow anything come between the two?
Also funny, as @jaksal pointed out, how for JM's birthday in 2021 for some reason the J and M were kept apart, distanced, quite like the J and M on JK's finger. Apart but not parted (mostly).
Another question I can't help but ask is since when does J stand for JK? Really. Please tell me when was the first or last time JK ever referred to himself as J.
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Jungkook calls himself JK. He is referred to by others as JK. When he writes his name in Roman letters he writes JK. Never J.
On top of that, why not put the J over the A? Would make more sense, J + Army from the start...
And if he decided to put the crown over the A, which he did, then why not put the J over any other finger other than the actual ring finger that happened to make a lovely clear and constantly touched up and darkened JM?
Could JK share the whole story with us even if he really wanted to?
JK in essence debunked the story that Army were living for since 2019 - that Army with the J stood for all the 7 members of BTS. The A inverted standing for V.
Yes, he said the J is for JK, but could he say he added the J on his ring finger over the M to make JM? The only one out of all of the members he decided to tattoo onto his skin, have on his hand for all to see?
Telling us J over the M on his ring finger stood for JM would be literally outing the two as a queer couple. No ifs ands or buts.
And you can't say the same about him telling us army is army. Because admitting army was for all the members wouldn't put him in a queer relationship with one of the members, all while having JM on his ring finger would seal the deal on that.
So what did JK do talking about his tattoos? He omitted the JM, and the eclipse - the two specific known tattoos that can link him directly to JM (and if the eclipse had nothing to do with JM why not talk about it too?).
Oh, and I know what comes next -
Being asked "are you calling him a liar?"
Heck no.
But telling a necessary untruth, or embellishing the truth, or omitting some facts, or perhaps the right way of seeing it is giving us the acceptable excuse.
Nope. Not lying. But all the above... yeah, that.
Seriously, take a second to think clearly. What was he supposed to do? Really? Admit that the J and M are connected and mean JM?
I've been seeing people talking about how JK didn't realise what he was doing. That he didn't see the placement came out like JM. Please give me a break. Do they really have such low regard for JK?
The man that came up with this:
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Wouldn't realise the J placed over the M makes JM - Jimin. Ha-ha-ha.
With or without the next paragraph, JK knew what he was doing.
But if we do trust this specific translation, JK points out that he placed the crown over the A. Thoughtfully. Intentionally. Do we really think he wouldn't have had the same thought process with the J?
Please don't insult JK's intelligence.
And if you wonder what K-JKKs are thinking:
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And being harassed and bullied and bad mouthed for speaking their minds. How familiar...
Oh, and just in case we forgot, during the live JK made sure we'll remember how he refers to Jimin... starting to actually say the actual name and then intentionally changing it up to JM. See for yourselves.
And if you are even interested to know what my 21 yo army non Jikooker daughter's reaction was to the whole Army and J tattoo explanation (you're getting either way)...same daughter that told me the army stood for all members and we argued about it many a times.
You know what she said to me?
"Well, what do you expect him to say? That it's JM? Of course he can't say that".
He can't say it.
So, if I haven't made myself clear by now I'll say it once more with feeling:
The combination of the J and the M on JK's ring finger stands for JM.
Again, I don't think JK is lying. But he's omitting.
The J could definitley be there to not only mean JM but him as well, which would make it even more romantic, if you will. The J and the M, JK and JM marked on his ring finger. If that's not commitment idk what is.
Then Tae joined the fun.
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So, JK started the live.
Full untranslated live here (couldn't find a reliable translated one on YT just yet):
JK getting up mid live, to get something?
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comes back and still talk for a few minutes, to each other (?) and that's it.
Not much was going on there.
Not gonna say the D (disconnected) word, cause y'all gonna come down my throat.
What was kind of obvious is that no, they no bumping knees. Two mates talking. To each other, next to each other, sometimes the first, sometimes the other.
When you are asking to have a live but then reduced to play with the filters cause the convo, it just ain't flowing, all to end the live after around 10 minutes (I think only around half of that was them talking to each other)...
I'd say reach your own conclusions.
The apartment
Before moving on let's talk a little about the apartment shall we?
We know who is on the lease of Brunnan.
We know it's furnished with some of the dorm's furniture (I'm not 100% sure, but that lounge sure looked like the dorm lounge).
Walls bare.
Clothes rack empty.
What looked like his coat maybe lying on the lounge next to him.
This time he was prepared with a chilled beer glass (after the tea cup wine drinking debacle, lol).
Let's get real here.
Could he be living there? Sure he could. Spending days on end in a bare, cold, lifeless apartment with zero character.
Could he be living elsewhere, let's say somewhere where we aren't even shown anything other than the tv screen? Sure he could. But not on paper. Not officially.
Could two grown men that literally aren't allowed to be in a queer relationship starting the second they enlist need to have official/public known separate addresses, and perhaps there is another place, kept secret, where they can spend most of their time together their privacy guaranteed? Knowing there are still queer couples in SK that live that way, my answer to that will be yes.
Do we know for sure? Heck no. And that, my friends, is the whole idea. We're not supposed to know, as much as our curiosity kills us.
Just a couple of more things and we're done. Phew...
We had this:
JK likes cute
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Just in case we weren't aware of it, once again JK confirms that his type is cute. Since forever.
Cute has JK giggling.
Cute has JK drooling.
Another one that deserves it's very own post. So much to do...
Note to self: you asked for Jikook content, don't complain now that you got some.
Sam Smith's Unholy
I'm going to end this long ass post with some JK singing and dancing to Sam Smith's Unholy.
Because how better to end this with a diva JK?
Of course he'll know the choreo.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Oh yeah the king family thing, it’s not like there was this big assassination of a very important person in Dallas who had the nickname Jack and it shook the world…who might have ended the Cold War sooner.
And his supposed killer was murdered before he was even questioned
And another character who filled his position wasn’t killed as well…
Okay allegedly it was the cia, but the FBI really think that the King family would buy their claim after wire tapping MLK own fucking home and sent that letter saying he should kill himself?
Oh and the Malcom x thing, I mean when you are a powerful figure that left an extremists group saying that white people was made in a lab by a bitter black guy. Not shocking who killed you
(Got a feeling the government payed NOI to do that hit?)
And Anna Frank thing, I presume her diary came out in the 50’s. Given that people had a panic about Pixar Turning Red the Asian female mc had LE GASP hormones(not to mention she tame af compare to the….less that ideal stuff I see women in fandom make) lords knows how many fathers and mothers would have heart attacks learn that their “innocent” daughters might be doing private if they read Anne Frank unedited diary
Fuck I sound like I’m on Epstein list
Oh yeah I heard about that academic paper, I mean leftist basically made the black version of birth of a nation with women king. And the majority of radfems goes uncheck and they have positions of power in institutions.
We only learn about the horrors the Nazis did, not the fact they had a “eat the rich” as the left don’t want to admit a lot of Jewish people that Hitler targeted was well off
Oh yeah the king family thing, it’s not like there was this big assassination of a very important person in Dallas who had the nickname Jack and it shook the world…who might have ended the Cold War sooner. And his supposed killer was murdered before he was even questioned
For some reason I read this like 3 times and each time even though I knew it's JFK you're talking about my brain added a "Ruby" to Jack, which I suppose works since jack ruby is the guy that killed lee harvey oswald.
The X-Files did a episode where they went into a lot of different stuff that CSM did, if you know the show at all.
"Musings of a cigarette smoking man" It's a really good one, actually works as standalone that you don't need to know anything about the show to enjoy.
Mallcolm X stuff is nuts, I don't think the feds bothered with him though, it's farrakhan all the way there. If there was a firm move towards improved race relations he might just lose his cash cow, it's not just politicians that profit from the status quo, look at any social movement out there who's original stated goal was achieved.
Title IX and the Civil Rights Act should have been the stop and then nothing else legislative needed, but nope that didn't happen.
1948 for the Diary, there was just a lot of sexual stuff, bisexual to be more specific I believe, talk of her period, things you would imagine a girl that age would be talking about really, like you said, but not in 1948 you don't get that published around the globe then.
I'm good with keeping the sanitized version the one used in schools too, at least till college maybe I don't know.
We only learn about the horrors the Nazis did, not the fact they had a “eat the rich” as the left don’t want to admit a lot of Jewish people that Hitler targeted was well off
You also aren't going to learn that there was quite a bit of socialism mixed into the nazi deal, collectivization, hitler youth indoctrination centers where you learn that your duty is to your fatherland and your fuhrer,
My dad sings in the chorus for the local symphony, guy in it was hitler youth, said it was like a summer camp, but he was part of a group that did tours and sung patriotic songs so he lucked out, also lucked out that his mom kept him home from that last trip.
But ya there's a lot of that they can't bring up today, because it looks too much like socialism (because it is) weren't before because socialism bad nazi bad was good enough, for the most part.
Should have done better on that sadly ______________
Sorry this took so long I was facetiming a friend I never really get to do much more than text with.
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weed-ols · 2 months
Reviewing Every UKISS Release: By Unpopular Demand ~ NEVERLAND
This release, by no exaggeration, permanently altered the direction of my life. This album is just hit after hit, and oscillates between adrenaline rush and sobbing loudly from the abrupt mood swings between songs, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
And yeah, this was supposed to be posted months ago but when I was grabbing screenshots, the post glitched and never saved and I rage quit writing this, but I'm back now!
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NEVERLAND - 2nd Studio Album | 2011.09.01
This was so big when it came out, like I think if you were an international fan of K-pop at the time, you'd 100% know this song. Like there were download links for it everywhere, dance covers, fan uploads, it was crazy. We were so sure they were going to get their first music show win, but in classic UKISS fashion, they overlapped with another titanic comeback and had to settle for second.
So there was a little docuseries about them in 2011, when exactly it took place, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm fairly certain it was during NEVERLAND promotions. It was technically about all of the members, and the work that goes into being an idol. Some funny bits I remember about it -
Kevin accidentally stomping on Soohyun's foot during practice
Worrying about their future because groups that don't win a music show in their first 3 years usually disband (lol we're in the big old year 2024 now)
Dongho eating cake in the bathroom like a gremlin
Eli's alleged bachelor pad
I actually don't remember if this was in this documentary or from something else, but Hoon saying Kevin was the meanest to him when he first joined because he would tease him over not knowing how to dance
About the actual album now, I think that this, like Bran New Kiss, is another real turning point for them. We get a good mix of dance songs and more emotional songs, we have their first unit songs, and first real self-written song (albeit just lyrical composition with some help, but still baby steps!!)
Intro | YouTube Music 7.1k | Spotify 31k
It's 56 seconds long and basically a NEVERLAND remix
What is there to review?
7.5/10 I don't hate it though
NEVERLAND (Audio) | YouTube Music 26M | Spotify 2.5M
This went triple platinum in my bedroom I was so in love with this song (still am a bit)
One of the few songs where everyone is an active and roughly equal participant
Soohyun, Kevin, and Dongho get a bit more though but that's fine
"Money love fashion fame and all that's in between" what a banger line from Eli for once I'm not laughing at him
"And we stay forever young" Dongho, the most babyfaced baby to ever baby says
"Ggeuteun eobseo never end/Yeogin Neverland" part of the chorus? Batshit so good I love it
Some interesting vocal/rapper combos - Kevin/Kiseop/Eli; Hoon/AJ/Dongho; AJ/Kevin/Kiseop; Hoon/Eli/Kiseop/Dongho
Chorus is basically Kevin/Soohyun + Hoon for the second one
It's not very deep, but I am a sucker for the eternal youth and hedonism themes
Makes a fun dance track just slightly dark, like we're having fun at the club but also a little scared
I also like that while the vocals have clearly been processed for stylistic purposes, you can still really hear the differences in their voices, and the power in Soohyun and Kevin
9.5/10 it's just so iconic
NEVERLAND (MV) | Official upload 23M
Just realized it's been years since I've actually properly watched this MV but good god if it isn't permanently burnt into my brain
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I have so many questions about who this mysterious DJ is and his purpose
Is he the reason they're seemingly trapped in this wintry apocalyptic-esque space? Is he why the party never stops? Is he even human?
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Iconique this was my laptop's wallpaper for like a good year in middle school (which is a super long time)
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These tinsel tops are both questionable and perfect, love the way the fabric and fringes move
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This was like peak male fashion in 2011 where copious amounts of guyliner can give untold confidence
Like guyliner so thick it removes the need for eyeshadow
That's deadass gotta be like an entire bottle of liquid liner right there
Also I really like that hair colour on him
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Peak male hairstyle in 2011
Like I think this was almost universal where if a guy in middle/high school had this haircut, he was automatically the coolest guy
Or in my experience, every Asian guy had either this hair, a buzzcut, or a bowlcut, those were the only hairstyles from like 2008-2012
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Not the statement necklace
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This is honestly one of my favourite parts
Also someone please let them out of the freezer the floor is cold and hard
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Love the obligatory smoulder and brood shots of the members so angsty for no reason
I like to think that this ice sculpture actually ate up majority of the budget along with the plethora of arts and crafts baubles attached to their outfits and eyeliner
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Love love love this bit of choreo
I was so obsessed with this water set as a kid and still am
So obviously there isn't much to talk about the MV since it's basically a bunch of dance videos in different sets spliced with some brooding solo shots and smouldering group shots
But you know what? It works the song has enough going on that if the MV had more it would feel like too much
The sets are standard vaguely apocalyptic wastelands, and I really like the blue snowy one and the orange water one in particular
Three outfits -- the black tanks with the silver mesh/tinsel loose tank over; the black short-sleeve/sleeveless tops with metallic accents, and the white outfits at the end, and they all look good still and in motion
The hairstyles were all fine, with Kevin and Kiseop really embodying Peak 2011 Male Fashion, and Dongho with the most bowlcut to ever bowl
9/10 so iconic so good so 2011
NEVERLAND (Stages) | Highest viewed 765k (Music Core)
I was so obsessed with this when it came out like how could I not? Also incredible that they've brought The Box, which was not one of the sets used for the MV, to the music show absolutely incredible
It's like they gotta hit all the second gen tropes they can
Can't tell if I love or hate this motion sickness-inducing camera work
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I can't take this part seriously anymore because I keep thinking about that charades game they played in Japan where they all mocked Kevin for this
The lines his arms make are very nice though, sharp and straight
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That hair is ahead of its time
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Another personal favourite part of the dance
Love that the smaller group work
This is more on the camera, but those background dancers integrated in seamlessly
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Also love that everyone gets a chance to be centre I think that's really cute and everyone gets some time to shine
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RIP to this arm pumping movement that disappears in like 2012 and the fact that AJ kept doing this last year
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This part is so good
Everyone crowding around Soohyun while he belts, the turns, so good
Kinda like he's sucking up their energy to sustain his singing lol
Firstly, outfits
Love that they're all wearing the same basic black vest and pants, and have their own gold accents for the vests. Super simple but interesting to look at, moves very nicely
Nobody has hair crimes against humanity, just the standard 2011 hairstyles
Singing-wise, oh this was absolutely live and it's kind of insane they did all of this?
Like yeah of course there's the backtrack, but it's obvious when they're singing live versus letting the backtrack take over for the moment
I completely get why they were constantly talking about having to improve their health and fitness for this comeback because wow they sound really clean, both the vocal and rap lines
Also get why they said this was dangerous for their health, I remember trying to learn the dance and it was hard. I can't imagine having to train the dance and sing cleanly like that
On the topic of singing while dancing and the fitness and skill required for it, I think the NEVERLAND choreo is really interesting in that regard
There's a lot of up and down movement, lots of arm and footwork, but the torso stays relatively intact
Not static, but very shoulders-ribs-hips connected, and a lot of the interesting shapes and lines in the dance are mostly illusions created from arm, leg, and head placements
Which makes sense because while I don't sing, I'd imagine that keeping the torso straight and connected would help with maximizing airflow
Overall, they all did great. Everyone got their little moments to shine, though of course Soohyun shone the most, and nobody was super eyecatching, which is really good for this kind of dance
10/10 this is definitely one of those songs where the live stages are just insane to watch (*cough cough* SBS Chuseok water stage *cough cough*
Anyway, lookbook time
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These feathered monstrosities with the rhinestoned tops
I swear they brought it up during UKISS On The Block when they were bemoaning second gen fashion
I think I see the vision of drawing attention to the upper body and arm lines, but it just makes their shoulders look perma-hunched
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Love the skinny jeans, combat boots, and black jacket look
The individualized jackets with gold embellishments never misses
The dangly bits really help draw attention in a good way without ruining the overall lines
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The white ensemble is nice, cuts a clean silhouette
But I don't like that Kevin and Hoon have theirs unbuttoned I get why, but I think if some of the others were also unbuttoned, or if they just had a different cut it would look better
The flopping vest is just a bit weird
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So these outfits are from a 2011.12.30 special performance
Love love love it why did they tease a vampire concept like this if they weren't ever going to do it
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Also really love reusing these vests with white skinny jeans, it's such a clean look
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Shiny silver trashbag vests and blazers with white jeans
Not loving the cut of the blazers though I do think vests are probably the way to go for the dance
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I do love these blazers though the slimmer-cut is definitely more flattering
Baby Don't Cry | YouTube Music 661k | Spotify 250k
I genuinely think this could've been a title track of its own it's so good
Another staple of my tween years - it's sad and angsty and moody
I like how the song song builds by letting all these sweet-toned singers do the first half before the second half is basically dominated by Soohyun and AJ + Kevin backing
Those first two verses honestly sound so pretty, and fit very well considering it's just them being sad boys
Second half is being slightly angry and petty, so of course Soohyun fits it perfectly
It's a genre-crossing "baby I love you please come back" to "baby you broke up with me :(" to "I'm gonna fight this other dude and I hope you become miserable >:c"
So so petty "I'm going to wish for your unhappiness"
Also went triple platinum in my bedroom
9.75/10 I would've given it a 9/10 for the first two verses alone they were that good
SOMEDAY (audio) | YouTube Music 1.5M | Spotify 336k
I'm fairly certain this is their first real slow song?
This was and still is such a comfort song
I love that it's a weepy song, not because it's sad in any way, but just because it's literally a comfort song
Another great collaborative effort for the first half before letting Soohyun and Kevin take the second half
Kinda surprised Hoon doesn't have more individual lines
Again, NH was kinda cooking by accident when they put them together like their voices all work so well
It's a shame we don't get to hear Dongho sing more I like his voice
The chorus is single-handedly responsible for getting me through middle school
10+ years later I still get a bit misty-eyed from this sometimes
8.5/10 I think it's a great foray into softer and more emotional songs, not their best especially compared to their JP ones, but a fantastic first go
SOMEDAY (stages) | Highest viewed 130k (Fan upload)
I don't remember them promoting this song that much yet there's so many stages?
I remember this Wave Kpop one but not the others
There's not much to really talk about since it's just singing, but it is crazy to hear Eli sing here versus even just a couple years later like he improved a lot
Super funny when Dongho sings his part and when Kevin's harmonization comes in, you completely lose Dongho's voice lol
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These outfits are fine, simple, but gets the job done
Also lol Kevin wearing full smokey eye makeup here
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Ooh these outfits are cozy, love the earthy palette
But also peak preppy 2011
Hoon in a full winter jacket is super funny though like everyone else is just dressed for autumn
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More cozy fits, but this time in black/white/grey
Lol Dongho's little newsie cap
And Kevin's poncho like can we talk about how in ponchos were in 2011-2012?
They also sound super on in this performance. Probably the best version of the Dongho-Kevin bit I've heard
You can also pick out all the others singing during the chorus, which is pretty rare
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Black jackets over white shirts with white pants, hard to go wrong
The blazers over graphic tees was so in at the time
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Oh I love this very cohesive look
I don't love the jackets but the aesthetic is so consistent I don't hate it?
Different looks but very similar, very well done
Take Me Away | YouTube Music 1.3M | Spotify 272k
The goddamn faint emergency siren is literally both the worst and best part of this song because it adds ambience, but I hate the possible implications of it
Hoon/Kevin duet?!?!?! The first and last they literally just did this one song together and never again
It's like they knew this couldn't be topped and just had to pack it up
Love that every part of this song is so simple and understated so that their sweet and slightly teary voices can shine love that for them
Lyrics are hella depressing, which is why I actually don't have this on a lot of playlists because I can and will cry
I think the lives of this are way better (unsurprisingly) they really hit you with the full brunt of everything
8.5/10 simple, depressing, and understated for all the right reasons
ON THE Floor | YouTube Music 246k | Spotify 166k
I love that that's literally the official title like why is it capitalized like this
So we're just gonna completely change the mood with a fun dance song now
Soohyun/Kevin duet featuring AJ, Hoon, and Kiseop in roughly equal parts
Kiseop gets a whole verse to himself?!?!
Really is just a party song with a dash of "girl we in love"
8/10 it's a fun song that does its job, it's just not a standout in any way
Love Of A Friend | YouTube Music 434k | Spotify 68k
Back to slow and emotional again
This song doubles as both a friendzone anthem and a situationship anthem like what do you mean "we're not friends, we're not lovers"??
Another song where everyone gets a little part I love it
Opening with Soohyun/Hoon/Kevin? Goated I love the slowly increasing sweetness
Third verse with the entire vocal line stuffed in there? Incredible
I also think that verse is just so sweet lyrically
It's such a sappy love song it almost feels out of place in their KR discography like this would 100% work for a JP release
I think they all sing the chorus? Hard to tell because Soohyun and Kevin are always loud as hell and drown everyone else out, but I can hear Hoon and AJ pretty clearly at times
The bridge confuses me greatly because Soohyun clearly sings the second line, but the first line sounds like it's split between Hoon and Kiseop
I wish there was a live of this so I could confirm it
Why is there no live for this??? A travesty I say an absolute travesty
The last chorus though? Incredible
Soohyun belting his little heart out like rent's due, Kevin fighting for attention, and AJ randomly busting through
10/10 I can't even put into words how much I love this song it's one of their best slow songs
Story of April | YouTube Music 68k | Spotify 43k
Soohyun landing their first collabotration with a female artist good for him
It's a weepy love song, which is basically his forte
I think it's nice, not my favourite, but I do like their voices together
7.75/10 I don't have much else to add, but something about the song makes me feel like it's missing something?
Obsession | YouTube Music 692k | Spotify 192k
The chokehold this had me in was insane
I think this was one of the most listened-to song on my iPod throughout all of middle school and part of high school
I was so not normal about this song and I'm still not how could I be when I was so completely in love with the both of them
And it's so cute they cowrote this
"Love which is effable" AJ that was such a banger
Remember when they performed this for their 2012 tour and when AJ sings "tears are falling down" he just starts tenderly carressing Kiseop's cheek???
I really do like their voices paired together
Also does anyone remember if this came out before AJ's whole obsessive lover bit started or was it after, because either way I'm impressed he stuck to it at least until 2014
Like I'm sorry but that one Q&A game they played where the others were all like "being clingy/having a clingy lover is too bothersome :/" while AJ is just stomping his foot and shouting "love equals obsession!!" is soooo funny to me
Anyway when are we getting our Siyoon/Kiseop-produced UKISS album?? Like the chances of this actually happening now are significantly higher than when this idea was first floated
9/10 literally altered my brain chemistry
TOP THAT | YouTube Music 294k | Spotify 110k
Okay so now we're back to Bad Boy™ UKISS with another arrogant dance track
And the autotune is back babyyy
That persistent 'lalala' synth is both super annoying and infuriatingly catchy
Also lowkey kinda anxiety-inducing
So this is basically Soohyun's song since he's basically singing like half of it himself
AJ and Kevin get the next most lines, with AJ getting a whole rap to himself and Kevin coming and going throughout the entire song
Hoon, Dongho, Eli, and Kiseop are fighting for scraps lol
Honestly I don't remember feeling like AJ ever got so many parts, but this journey is proving me otherwise
Aggressively arrogant song
So I think that this is an angry post-breakup song where they're bitching at their ex?
7.5/10 I don't hate it, but the synth sound is so annoying. Otherwise, very normal uwukiss song
Tell Me Y | YouTube Music 88k | Spotify 81k
Rap line song??? Kinda sorta it's just Dongho and Eli with Swin PD doing the singing
Surprisingly slow and mellow song for what is ostensibly the rap line song
If you guessed this song is another "baby I miss you please come back" song, you'd be right
A very even three-person collaboration everyone got lines yay
I really like the instrumentation for this song, very chill and easy to listen to
8/10 I feel like I always forget about this song when I make playlists it's really nice
Let's Meet Again | YouTube Music 17k | Spotify 9.4k
Group project with Paran to cover a Paran song lol
Thank you Eli for the elephant impression, truly don't know what we'd do without you
So yeah it starts with a long group chat for the first few minutes while the 9 of them are stuffed in that recording booth
By the way, there's a making of album video of this and it's super adorable
The Paran guys are just teasing and babying Soohyun like that's exactly what he deserves
It's a bit difficult to sort through the voices because I'm not familiar with Paran, but it sounds mostly like the vocal line + the Paran guys
I think it's Paran who starts off, followed by Hoon and Kevin, then the vocal troika dominating the first chorus
Second verse sounds like Eli, who sounds very nice, followed by an equally nice Kiseop, then AJ, then the second chorus that's dominated by AJ and Kevin
Then SooHoon helping build into the very pretty last chorus that's mostly the Paran guys + Soohyun
I just kind of wish there was something else to help resolve the ending since it just kinda comes down, but the payoff doesn't feel super satisfying?
It's very pretty I love the instrumentation and how well it builds
You know, I've always wondered where AJ got his singing style from, like it's super distinct compared to the others, and he must have learnt/mimicked it from his Paran bros 🥺
It's such a mushy 'let's meet again' type song I love it
God I'd kill to hear a proper live of this done it'd be so good
8.75/10 god the buildup is so good and I love vocal-heavy songs
So yeah, after a very long time, I'm finally done with NEVERLAND, and we're entering their JP era next, yay!
Not a fun fact, but just a general observation, but this whole 2011-2014 period is so insane to me? Like they basically work nonstop for those 3 years doing constant promotions in Korea and Japan, international tours/concerts, all while members are coming and going? Honestly more surprised they didn't all crash and burn, considering how middling the returns were, but I guess that's why they're all batshit
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happytaffeta · 3 months
Don't wanna reblog with deraily thoughts that aren't particularly related to the main point, but earlier this evening I saw a post float by that was about goodness in fiction, differing authorial and audience philosophies, and how cynical worldviews can affect the reading of texts that completely gloss over any hopeful or encouraging messages in favor of the grim ones. And I realized, I think that happens in real life too. I think it happens person to person. I am not perfect, and I make mistakes, and sometimes I'm kind of a jerk, and once I even very publicly did a bit of accidental racism* and dug myself into quite a nasty hole before I stopped and reflected and realized I had, in fact, done extremely poorly. But I make an effort to improve. I try to make myself a better person by learning new stuff and thinking about and evaluating what I learn to find the things that are important to me and understand why and how they are important. I try to minimize how much hurt I cause and I try to do at least a little bit of good in the world, even if some days that's only making sure my cat is properly cared for and my little garden sufficiently watered. And I think, I hope, in general, I do okay at that. I hope that I do and am, basically, good. I think most people are, basically, trying to be and do good. But also a lot of people are pretty full of hurt. I'm one of them. And I think that sometimes we hurt each other because we expect to be hurt. I have definitely had people that I counted as friends, that I felt I had a decent rapport with, look for the bad in me so hard that they ended up manufacturing bad that wasn't even actually there. I have definitely messed up in my life. But I have had people end friendships with me by hurling accusations and entire timelines of stuff that never happened at me, and I sort of think they really believed their own fabricated string of events. The worst part of all that, right now, is that I think there's one or two people I might have done this sort of thing to in my youth as well, and that's a pretty upsetting thought. I'm trying to be kind to past me though. That guy was an idiot, but she was working with the info they had on hand. And sometimes the info wasn't complete, or was plain wrong. Be kind to yourselves, everyone. And whenever practical, be kind to each other. There's so much goodness in people, and yeah sometimes there's bad too. But if we try to be good to each other, when we can, maybe when we can will get bigger, and when we can't will get smaller. And even if that doesn't happen, I think it's still worth doing. I think that being kind, being and doing good, even if it's not very big good, is still important. This got a bit long. It's pretty late here and I haven't been feeling super great the last few days. I think I'm going to bed, if my executives will deign to function for a couple more minutes.
*this incident still routinely haunts me and I feel extremely gross about it whenever it drifts back into my mind. I do not actively think of various groups of people as inherently better or worse, if I do catch myself starting to think these sorts of things these days I make an effort to course correct, and I think that the fact that we as a species have so many variation in features, language, and culture is extremely cool in general, but I'm sure I have biases I'm not aware of and I am working on adjusting them, but man, did I do a shit job that one time. I've done smaller scale shit jobs in the past and those bother me too, but this one was just so very public, which means a lot of people may have seen it, which ups the number of people I may have hurt with that fuckup.
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I think without context, Miguel's words come off as concern for sure. And I think he does care a lot. But while I feel like he does deserve understanding and compassion, I don't think his trauma is an excuse for his controlling and domineering behavior, and he has a very, well the ends justify the means mentality about it sometimes. I think he thinks he is trying to protect people, but protection can be a guise for control and condescension. It's another way old heads lack respect for young people. And when that gets distorted, you have a 30-something year old throwing hands with a teenager simply because he doesn't want to listen and then abandoning another teenager because he blames her for the other teenager not falling in line. And it's not that I wanna be like, young people are right! Old people are stuck in their ways! I just believe in balance, and working together, as cheesy as that sounds. Each group has their strength. But age is a social marker and lends a degree of power to some people, and younger people don't have that going for them. So they get the short end of the stick sometimes. Miguel has every right to be upset and try to stop Miles, but not like that. He is not his parent or a paternal figure to Miles, so Miles has no obligation or will to listen. And Miles has every right to question Miguel's theories and position. Yes, he is a child, but it's been proven that he is quite intelligent and can understand these theoretical concepts. Miguel doesn't fully explain it to him and taking out the emotional/personal dimension, we know that many spider people are scientists. I highly doubt no one would question what they are studying and tracking, like you mentioned. Perhaps we didn't see it, but it's wild to me that Miles was the first person to question it out loud. That's just what you do as a scientist. You question to understand. And that's where I was going with my argument. Miguel is so certain of his theories and takes Miles questioning as defiance (which, part of it is, because he doesn't want his dad to die), but I think part of it is to fully understand how he got his conclusions. Miguel thinks the high probability of occurrence of his theories equals consistent certainty and that's just not how science works, as much as we want it to. I do agree that Miles did not want to consider his father dying and he has every right to do that. Part of that is youth and part of that is emotion. But Miguel keeps talking about canon events, and Miles literally already had his. It was Aaron. They established that in the first movie when the rest of the team talked about when they lost their person. That's what made Miles Spider-Man. So what would be the purpose of his father dying as well? I don't agree that Jeff dying is his canon event (it may be a canon event, but I question whether they need to allow it to happen) and Miles' situation (as well as Gwen's with her father) is a kink in Miguel's arguments. I do find Miguel interesting for sure, but looking at him more objectively, he projects a lot of his issues onto Miles and his solution to his canon events theory is actually pretty antithetical to the Spider-Man ethos. I do love what you said about it having that ancient Greek myth vibe to it, which usually ends in tragedy, and I think Miguel, like you said, has resigned himself to that. But like....that's on him and he's trying to make everyone else do that too and it's like, that's not fair, bro lol.
yes but that it what makes it interesting, imo. Miguel becomes the antagonist (not villain) because he goes too far from his initial honorable intentions and takes them to an extreme where they become actively counter to what he actually set out to do. He wants to help and save people but in order to do that he becomes controlling and distrustful. In trying to shoulder the responsibility alone he becomes distant and disconnected and resistant to differing views. In trying to find an explanation and a guideline to follow he arrives at this theory that seems to make sense but then disregards all opposing evidence and doesn't question his thesis anymore (which is definitely bad scientific practice but also very psychologically congruent). And I mean there is definitely a big helping of arrogance in thinking you know best, no matter how compelling you think your evidence is. The friction comes from everyone in this coming into the situation from their own specific trajectory and with their own specific viewpoints and convictions and then they clash. And until that is acknowledged there can be no resolution.
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badoccultadvice · 3 years
I'm a trans person and I want you to stop wasting your time attacking TERFs when you could be helping trans people.
If you have time to flame a TERF, you have time to write an email to your senator advocating for trans rights.
If you have time to make a meme making fun of TERFs, you have time to make a meme supporting trans people.
If you have time to study/dox/stalk a TERF, you have time to research how medication for trans people is incredibly hard to get and how their medication works on the body.
If you have time to make your blog about hating TERFs, you have time to make your blog about supporting trans people.
I will be clear: TERFs are a waste of anyone's time because they are trying to take support away from trans people by shifting the focus to pointless arguments that TERFs will never, ever listen to. So stop engaging and start finding a way to be useful.
I have seen 4 times as many "what is a TERF" educational posts as I've seen "how to help trans people" posts because y'all have decided our problems are your cute new hobby to yell about for the moment, and I'm not impressed with any of the TERF-centric posts. They leave me feeling like you forgot that there's even trans people on this site. They freak out and scare trans people in their extremism and they also make trans and pro-trans people appear incredibly militant, like you want some sort of pro-trans Antifa to form because you think protests got so fun in the last few years.
Quite honestly, I'm almost convinced that cis allies love hating TERFs and don't care about trans people. That they're just looking for a pet cause to post to social media about and feel good about all the notes they get for it. At this point this is about attention span and adrenaline. Go do a real sport if you need to burn off your hyperactive energy shouting at people on the internet. Stop looking for a target for all your rage and go talk to a therapist if you feel you need to fight people so bad.
Come back when you actually want to help anyone.
Some trans support resources:
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Sorry to send in so many asks; it’s okay if you don’t answer, but I have another suggestion
In Asian cultures, a parent cutting up fruit for their child is one of the most common forms of affection; how would the gf react to splinter Bringing them a bowl of sliced fruit and her finding out what it means?
Okay, so full disclosure, I AM NOT ASIAN, I am entirely relying on your expertise and I'm gonna be praying I don't do or say anything offensive. Edit: So, I read up and omg this is cute. Okay. You ready? Here we go.
Synopsis: Reader is stressed out and Master Splinter and his boys are there to offer some comfort.
Genre: Fluff,crack, comfort, non-ship
Mood-setter: frad - first date
Notes: Y’all better appreciate this one coz I relearned html just for this one post.
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Leo had promised to help you get your mind off work and stress and given as you were unfamiliar with the field, Mikey, being the ever supportive sweetheart that he is, had tried to rope both Raph and Donnie into it. The moment the deal was sealed, though, was the moment Master Splinter had interjected saying it'd do the team well to engage in this "group exercise".
So, Leo sat there in front of you, teaching you the art of guided meditation, with his brothers flanking you on both sides. Perhaps it didn't help that Mikey sat right by you, and he seemed incapable of NOT fidgeting around, readjusting, repositioning, and making whatever kind of noises.
So you were constantly distracted! Not just by him, but by your own thoughts too. You could not stop thinking about where your career was headed, or how every minor decision may have immense consequences!
Just as you were getting frustrated and nearly quit, a serene presence entered the dojo.
"May I interrupt?" he strolled into the dojo with something in both his hands.
He knelt on the ground next to where Leo was on the matted floor.
"To get free of your mind's chains, you must find where they are bolted. Give yourself time and space to think, child." he then said something to the boys in Japanese which you could not understand, as you seemed to finally catch onto what he meant but before you could word your response, he'd lifted himself off the floor like a specter and was already halfway across the room.
All that remained of his presence were five mismatched bowls of assorted fruit in front of each of you.
How the hell did he carry five bowls? Two in each hand and one in his tail?
There were some slices of peeled apple, some orange wedges and a couple of prefect cubes of watermelon.
Leo looked only pleasantly surprised by this, unlike Mikey who seemed overjoyed by the appearance of healthy snacks snatching the bowl up, closely followed by Raph and Don, meanwhile you were still stuck on how an elderly rat could move so quickly at his age where you in your blooming youth were scared that if you yawned too violently you'd break your neck.
"Let's take a little break." said Leo as he picked up his bowl of fruit and started munching a piece of watermelon.
That's so nice, you think, of Master Splinter to bring you some healthy snacks for when you take a break.
“It’s nice your dad tries to diversify your diet of just pizza with something actually healthy.” you comment giggling yourself, wondering how much workout you would have to do to eat as filthy as these guys and still be this fucking buff.
“That’s not what this is.” he chuckled back, munching on a wedge orange.
“What do you mean?”
“A bowl of fruit is a form of... " Don paused his explanation for a second, staring directly into a slice of apple as if it were the apple of knowledge,"... affection. Of care. It's how he says he cares without saying it.“
"Means you’re family to him." Raph filled in, and kept munching on his own fruits.
“Another way you could be family tho-”
You made sure to give Splinter a huge hug the next time you saw him, that was your way of showing affection.
@shadow-ninjas @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @aurora-the-kunoichi @go-shameless-weeb @samyp05 @thatonegothicgirl @remmushound
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 8 Translation
Play time! A heads up on the characters' names:
Muku: King Yuki: Q Kazunari: Ace Juza: Jack Banri: Fox Sakyo: Club
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Saionji: Muku-kun, how are you doing? Are you getting seasick?
Muku: I'm doing alright, thank you. Oh, and the room is so beautiful.
Saionji: I am glad it is to your liking. We purposely built the suite rooms in a place where you can't feel the ship's motion.
I am planning to take every possible measure for the theater venue as well, though do not hesitate to let me know if you are unsatisfied with anything.
Muku: I will. Thank you.
Kazunari: Dude, not only the suite rooms are superbs, but to think we also get a whole staff to ourselves…! We can even get the beverages here as many times we like!
Yuki: True. The service is just so good it surprised me.
Sakyo: Don't get too engrossed in these service or you'll be havin' a hard time once we return to Mankai Company.
Izumi: You have a point…
Banri: I don't wanna go back.
Juza: ...I'm thirsty.
Muku: Wanna get some beverages in our rooms?
Juza: No, it's fine. Our rooms are far from here.
Azami: There's a lot of vending machines there. I think they have your favorite strawberry milk.
Juza: I'll go get it.
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Muku: …
Izumi: (Today is finally our opening show. I knew it. They all seem pretty nervous because we're going to perform in a different venue.)
Juza: …
Izumi: (Juza-kun looks stiff.)
Kazunari: OK, guys! We've gotta form a circle in times like this!
Banri: Be more specific. What d'you mean by "in times like this"?
Yuki: Bet you already thought of what kind of circle you wanna do.
Kazunari: Righty right! Since our play is about phantom thieves, we all should strike a phantom thief pose!
Sakyo: The heck is that?
Kazunari: No complaining! Just follow me!
Yuki: Fine. Fine.
Juza: ...Muku, do the chant.
Muku: First things first, I'm sorry for causing you guys troubles when I was at a loss of what to do.
I don't want to give up on all the things I want to do. I've decided to do everything I can in all of them.
I'll run through until the end. Follow me, guys!
Juza: Yeah!
Kazunari: Okie!
Banri: Yea.
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Q: "It's as musty as always."
Ace: "Clean it up."
Q: "How about you do it?"
Ace: "No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happened to it."
Q: "That's because we had a clean-freak before."
Ace: "Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning."
King: "I think it's pretty clean, though."
Q: "Seriously?"
Ace: "Should've known a messy room owner like Leader would say something like that."
Q: "Anyway. Since this is the first time we gathered here after a year, that means you've already set our next target, right? Let's cut to the chase already."
King: "Our next target will be "Mermaid's Tears", a 12-carat diamond."
"It's going to be sold during an auction held at the Royal Star cruise. It's one of the event's highlights and expected to sell for 6 billion."
Ace: "Woo-hoo."
Q: "Heh. Interesting."
King: "Royal Star is currently hiring staff. Q."
Q: "Got it. That means I have to sneak in as one of their staff members, right?"
King: "Ace, get close to the ship's captain and collect information."
Ace: "Roger."
Izumi: (I expect no less from Summer Troupe. They have great teamwork. I can totally feel it.)
(Not to mention Muku-kun's King is able to unite them as a leader.)
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Q: "I'm in charge of the rooms in Block A… Laundry and… Ugh. What a hassle."
"This isn't my job in the first place, after all. If that person were here--."
Crew Member: "Are you new here? You seem lost."
Q: "Yes. I don't think I can get out of this place if I lose the map."
Crew Member: "You can ask anyone if there's anything you don't understand."
Q: "Thank you."
Crew Member: "What's wrong?"
Q: "I think I saw someone over there--."
Crew Member: "But there's only a garbage can over there. Is it a ghost or something?"
Q: "Hey. Stop. I don't like it."
"Hm? A letter?"
"Could this be--I have to report to King."
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King: "I'll take the Mermaid's Tears--Jack."
Ace: "Can't believe he's aiming for the same thing."
Q: "Him and King sure are compatible in a strange way."
Ace: "Even though their personalities are the exact opposite of each other."
Q: "What are we going to do now?"
Ace: "Guess we're gonna have a change of pla--."
King: "We'll continue the operation."
Q: "Come again!?"
Ace: "So you mean we're gonna compete with Jack?"
King: "I will not send out this notice. Let's call it a direct confrontation between Trump and Jack."
Q: "Whaaaat!?"
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Jack: "Weird. The cops aren't on the move."
"Hm? Where's my noti--."
"It's been a while. How about a reunion? At The Mermaid's Tears' chamber. Trump."
"King, huh… It's just so like him to do something like this. Fine. Let's have a showdown."
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Fox: "Here. I got what you wanted, the Royal Star's blueprint."
King: "It is indeed the blueprint."
Fox: "I got you some addition as well. This one is a lil bit pricey."
King: "Figured as much."
Fox: "What are you going to do with this information, though?"
King: "It's prohibited to poke your nose into your client's private life."
Fox: "Oops. My bad. I was curious since you rarely asked for something like this. Oh, yeah. Your master said he wanted to see you."
King: "Club? I wonder why. I'll try contacting him."
Club: "I'm comin' in."
Fox: "Speak of the devil."
King: "Long time no see."
Club: "Perfect timing. Are you free now?"
Club: "I'm goin' to retire soon. Take whatever you need."
King: "Retire? Are you serious?"
Club: "My body is startin' to fall apart. It's an age thing. Tell this to Ja--Oh, right. I heard you two broke up."
King: "You made it sound like we're dating. Please don't do that. He just decided to quit my group on his own."
Club: "Y'all never change. Here I thought you'd keep workin' together. That's what you call youth, I guess."
King: "To be honest with you, I'd also never thought he would betray me."
Club: "Looking at that guy, I think he's in his rebellious phase rather than betrayal."
King: "Rebellious phase?"
Club: "He's got some strong sense of rivalry, y'know? Add that with the fact that he's never won against you."
"He must be jealous of you. You're a genius, while he can only do things in a crude way."
King: "Really? I like his way of doing things, though."
Club: "That's exactly why you're hated. Oh, well. You better make up before I die."
King: "Please tell that to him too. You're going to meet him after this anyway, right?"
Club: "You're right. Guess I'm also gonna tell him directly. Both of you are my most excellent apprentices, after all."
King: "Please take this as my present for your retirement. This one is 40 years old."
Club: "You sure are well prepared."
King: "I was actually planning to use it for the celebration party, though."
"--Oh, right. If you're going to retire, please give me that. You know, the 'Venus Ring'."
Club: "I refuse."
Fox: "Welcome. Man, I guess we've got a lot of 'speak of the devil' moment today."
Jack: "What are you saying?"
Fox: "Nope. Forget it. Anyway, this is your requested uniform and safe."
Jack: "Thanks."
Fox: "Oh, yea. Your master said he wanted to see you. Why don't you give him a call?"
Jack: "Long time no see."
Club: "Hey. Is it just me or did you lose some weight?"
Jack: "What do you want to talk about?"
Club: "I'm gonna retire soon. Take whatever you need."
Jack: "Whatever you need, huh. By the way, the 'Venus Ring'..."
Club: "Y'all really have the same taste. I ain't gonna give it out. I sent it to the right place."
Jack: "By y'all… Do you mean King?"
Club: "You should just go back and regroup with him."
Jack: "I'll never go back until I win against him."
Club: "What a pig-headed kid. So? You see any chance to accomplish that?"
Jack: "I have a feeling we're finally going to settle this soon."
Club: "Heh. You seem confident."
Jack: "Because I've made arrangements ahead of time."
Club: "That's so you. You still look as gloomy as ever, though. Why don't you go soaking up the sun in some warm places in the south once in a while?"
Jack: "No--But you have a point. Maybe I'll do that once this is over."
Club: "Do that. And make up with King."
Jack: "...It depends on him."
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Guard A: "Wait there."
Guard B: "This place is restricted to authorized personnel."
Q: "'Mermaid's Tears' has been carried away."
King: "Got it. Looks like they put it at the expected place."
Q: "How about the security? Can you unlock it?"
King: "I've already made preparation for that. We just need to see how things will turn out."
Ace: "Hey, wait a sec. Please, King."
King: "Find out the schedule for the guards' lookout."
Q: "Ugh. What a pain. Why do I have to do this…"
Q: "The guard will change at 1 P.M. The key will only be handed over when a substitute comes."
King: "So we need that key and the password that the captain has to unlock the door."
Q: "Ace, gain some time for us."
Ace: "Roger. Leave it to me."
Q: "Don't screw up."
Ace: "Hey, good work."
Guard A: "You're here sooner than I thought."
Ace: "Boss said my shift would start 30 minutes earlier since I'm always late, you see. Today I got here on time, though."
"Oh. Don't tell me you're gonna get scolded if you end your shift early? Wanna have some chat for thirty minutes then? Man, being a guard sure is easy."
"I actually want to increase my shift more, you know. But I don't reall--."
Guard A: "No, it's fine. I'll end my shift now. Bye."
Ace: "Oh. Okay, then. Bye."
Ace: "Mission complete. It's your turn now, King."
King: "Let's see, now. This is unexpectedy such a hassle~."
Ace: "I'm glad you seem to be having fun but please hurry up."
Q: "It's almost been thirty minutes."
King: "Just a little bit more…"
Q: "The guard is coming."
King: "I'm counting on you, Ace."
Ace: "Hey.."
Guard B: "Hm?"
Ace: "Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "What's wrong?"
Ace: "Oh, are you the substitute? Thank God. I'm starting to panic since my stomach is killing me. Good bye!"
Guard B: "Hey, wait, the key--."
Ace: "Key? Oh, right. I've gotta hand it ove--ouch ouch ouch."
Guard B: "Hey, you okay?"
Ace: "Wait a minute. Just until I calm down. Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "F-For now, just go to the toilet first."
Ace: "Don't think that's possible. I feel like it's gonna come out once I move."
Guard B: "Whaaat!?"
Ace: "Do you have some medicine or anything?"
Guard B: "No, sorry…"
Ace: "Can you bring me one from the infirmary? I'm on the edge here."
Guard B: "O-Okay! Wait a little bit!"
Ace: "King, you better open it now."
King: "...Weird. We may not make it."
Ace: "Come again!?"
King: "Oh, I got it. This one."
"...Nice. It opens!"
"Q, carry it out. Let's retreat."
Q: "Got it."
Guard B: "Hey, I have the medicine!"
Ace: "Very thanks, man. Here, your key! I'll leave the rest to you."
Guard B: "Yeah. Hope you recover soon."
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King: "...This is weird. Jack didn't come in the end."
Q: "Maybe he realized it's impossible to go against phantom thieves."
King: "No. That guy…"
Police: "Freeze! We're police!"
King: "--."
Q: "!?"
Ace: "Since when!?"
King: "We're being set up. Q, throw the 'Mermaid's Tears' to the sea."
Q: "Huh!? Do you hear yourself now!?"
King: "Do it now. We'll escape the moment the police look away."
Ace: "You're lying, right!?"
King: "Quick."
Q: "You're the one who told me to do it, alright!"
Police: "H-Hey! The jewel! Pick it up, quick!"
King: "Let's go!"
Police: "Wait!"
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Q: "What do we do now!? All of our hardship went to waste!"
Ace: "Our 6 billion…"
King: "That was a fake jewel Jack had prepared."
Q: "What?"
King: "Jack had stolen 'Mermaid's Tears' in advance and replaced it with a fake one."
"He was the one who snitched on us."
Narration: "The day before…"
Guard A: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Jack: "No, it's just… the engine…"
Guard A: "Hold on, hold on. If there's any trouble, you better do something about it or else it'll get worse later on. If we're liable for the damages…"
Jack: "There's smoke coming out!"
Guard A: "Say what!?"
Jack: "Stay away from the car!"
Guard B: "Whoa!"
Guard A: "C-Call the fire station! Wait, we gotta get the safe first!"
Guard B: "Hey, is it okay?"
Jack: "Yeah. The smoke disappeared. I found no issues with the machine too."
Guard A: "That means the safe is alright, yeah? God. Give me a break. We almost carry it away ahead of time."
Q: "So that's why Jack didn't show up…"
Ace: "He really got us! I already thought it was weird for the police to appear at times like that!"
Q: "Ugh. Even if the police didn't appear, Jack still won since he already got the 'Mermaid's Tears' before us."
King: "I wonder about that."
King: "He hasn't made any changes in his base. Well, isn't he a little careless…"
"Even his security system is so weak."
"Hm? A card?"
"'Out of respect of Master's retirement, I will hand over the victory.'"
"Don't be satisfied with second place. You could have taken measures if you know there's a chance it'll get stolen. Oh, well. I'll accept your kind offer…"
Jack: "..."
"He really came…"
King: "Hey."
Jack: "--ugh. Why are you still here, King?"
King: "It's been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me."
Jack: "This is why you're hated."
King: "But you don't hate me, do you?"
Jack: "How did you find out?"
King: "I got some information about you from Fox. It helped me understand your strategy to some extent."
Jack: "In that case, why did you fall into the trap?"
King: "Because, otherwise, you won't move forward as planned. I'll be troubled if you're on your guard."
"I could narrow down your base thanks to the location device I planned on the alcohol I gave to Club. The rest is my intuition."
Jack: "I can never bring myself to like you in the end."
King: "Now, now. Let's have a toast for the 'Mermaid's Tears'. Q and Ace are waiting."
Izumi: (This is the only scene where Jack and King talk face to face. Even so, you can tell how close they are just by watching this scene alone.)
(Maybe because they are cousins, they can create a unique relationship between rivals who understand each other the most.)
Muku: Thank you so much!
Juza: Thank you.
Sakyo: Thank you.
Yuki: Thank you.
Kazunari: Thankies thankies~!
Banri: Thank you.
Sakyo: The audience's reaction on our first show is great.
Juza: King was so cool.
Muku: Jack was even cooler! The fact that he's active behind the scenes is just so Juchan!
Juza: I can also feel the gap between King, a sharp person with a gentle look, and you, Muku.
Muku: I-Is that so? Ehehe. But your Jack…
Azami: They're going to be like that forever at this rate.
Yuki: When are you going to stop?
Banri: But well, it was good overall. Right?
Kazunari: Totally! Their chemistry was just perfect on the stage, even the audience was pleased!
Izumi: Let's keep this energy until the closing show!
Muku: Yes!
< Episode 7 | Masterlist | Episode 9 >
21 notes · View notes
nerdwaifuu-stories · 3 years
The Proposal
Happy (belated) Ninjago Oc Day! Ik I haven’t posted much on this account, but I figured it would be the perfect time to post something about my OCs.
Ig some basic info:
Word count: 4,966
Oc basics: the main two are Hisashi and Emon. Hisashi was a samurai/soldier who I have made Ronin’s (dead) uncle. Emon was a criminal who worked for Chen (although Hisashi doesn’t know about that. He just knows that Emon has previously done crime in his youth), but started to lose interest over time due to several factors. Another oc that’s mentioned is Lex. They are a friend of Hisashi and Emon’s, and they are actually an Oni.
Summary: Taking place roughly 25-30ish years before the Ninjago series, Hisashi is coming home from a mission. Since he and Emon have been together for some time, he figures it’s time to take it to the next step. He is one ring purchase and a ship and train ride away from trying to reach that next step.
If you want to know more about these characters, there’s some stuff on my art account @nerdwaifuu-art.
Hope you enjoy!
Cheers rang through the village as they saw the group in green armor entering the village. The soldiers marched through the middle, many with a look of victory on their faces contrasting the scuff, dirt, wounds, and exhaustion their bodies presented: all a worthy cost for a village's safety. Eventually their march and the cheering stopped as the chief approached the group.
"Oh great heroes, thank you! Thank you for saving us from those fiends! We will never forget what you have done for us! May the Creator bring you prosperity!" The chief cheered. Once he spoke his last word, the crowd of villagers' cheer erupted again, echoing the chief's message. From there, the chief and the captain went off to chat and the rest dispersed throughout the village. Some made their way back to the ship either to rest or prepare for the journey back to the city. Others remained in the village to chat or to explore. Amongst those exploring were two young men: a stout, short dark brown haired chatterbox and a long dark copper haired, silent listener. The two strolled through the village as one chatted away and the other listened while glancing at everything they passed.
"I wonder if the captain saw our hard work out there."
"I mean we were kicking butt out there."
"We should probably go to the medics to get our backs checked from how much carrying we were doing..."
The stout man slowed his walk as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Hisashi, you good? You're quieter than usual, and it’s hard for you to be quieter than you already are..." He paused before he threw himself on track to a ramble, "Anyways, you just seem out of it."
"Yeah... Uh, yes, yes I'm fine, Shiro," Hisashi stumbled, "My mind's just on, uh, other things."
"Oh? Other things? What kind of other things?" Shiro questioned.
"You know... other things..." Hisashi kept scanning the surrounding stands and buildings.
"No, I don't know other things. How about you introduce me to them?" Shiro coaxed.
With a sigh, Hisashi stopped his mini search and said, "I'm just looking for some gifts..."
Hisashi paused for a second, then said, "For my nephew-"
"Ah, why didn't you say so? No need to be so secretive with me," Shiro smirked, "C'mon, let's go find him something. One of these shops should have something he'll like" Shiro kept his hand on Hisashi's shoulder as he started to lead him. Hisashi resisted the push and said, "Actually, I know what shop I want to go to... I just need to find it again..." He looked around once more and then there it was: a small wooden stand run by a middle aged woman. The stand was covered with an assortment of items: jewelry, weapons, metal decorations, toys, metal sculptures, etc. He saw it the first time he arrived at the village and knew he had to stop by it.
"There it is," Hisashi took the lead and pulled Shiro with him as he approached the stand.
"Ah, hello boys~ Do you see anything you like?" The woman greeted them.
"My friend here is just looking, but I do see something I like," Shiro said, shooting a smoldering look towards the woman. The woman giggled and the two continued to chat (or Shiro commanded the conversation and continually bragged about himself). Meanwhile, Hisashi looked at the items. His eyes kept being pulled towards the actual reason that he wanted to come to the stand in the first place—a set of two matching rings sitting in a wooden ring box. Both were made up of a thick metal band that had a space cut in the middle where the gem was, making it appear as if the gem was floating. On the band, on either side of the gem, was a dragon carving colored gold. One ring had a black tinted band with a white gem while the other had a polished, silver finish and a black gem.
The woman noticed his interest in the rings and, once Shiro had taken a short pause, she shifted her focus, "I see that you've found something you like." She picked up the ring box and placed it in the middle of the table. Shiro shot a confused look at the woman and then at Hisashi.
"Oh, sorry, I was just looking at them. They're very beautiful," Hisashi admitted.
"Haha, no need to apologize for looking at what I'm selling, but thank you. My husband's... well, my late husband's father made them," the woman sighed, "Honestly the story is quite sweet. He came to this village and set up a blacksmith shop. A woman came into the shop one day and he fell deeply in love with her. He expanded his skills from weapon making to making small metal trinkets to give to her—" the woman glanced down at some of the other items at her stand before continuing, "She loved every single one and returned his love. Eventually, he decided it was time. He went into his workshop and began on his favorite project. The next time anyone saw him leave his shop, he went directly to the woman, took her somewhere nice, and proposed with these rings. She wore one and he wore the other..." A small smile formed on her face as she looked back at the rings, "Then they passed it down to my husband to use with me, and now here I am trying to sell them," she sighed, "I have no use for them now, and, even though I'm probably making some people roll in their graves, I need the money..."
"Awww, yeah that is really sweet. It's a shame you don't have a lady friend back at home, unless you and that Lexi girl have something~" Shiro teased Hisashi. Hisashi rolled his eyes. 'That Lexi girl' he referred to was Lex, but Hisashi only saw them as a friend. Instead, he had his eyes on someone else; someone else that he deeply cared about; someone else that he actually had something with.
"Plus we're here for your nephew. I don't think he'll have any use for these rings," Shiro reminded him.
"Um, right, of course..." Hisashi watched as the woman placed the rings back to their original spot.
"Oh, a nephew? Is he into metal work? Or I'm assuming he'll like the toys if he's young or the weapons perhaps?" The woman asked.
"Ah yes, a 5 year old who's into metal work-" Shiro quietly snickered. Hisashi shot a quick glare at him.
"Oh, he's quite young, scratch the weapons then," she chuckled.
Hisashi looked around the table some more and decided on one of the small metal figures and an old pocket watch.
"Ah, I'm sure he'll enjoy that," Shiro muttered sarcastically when he noticed the pocket watch was no longer ticking.
"He likes taking things apart and making new things, so yes, he'll probably enjoy this," Hisashi defended his choice.
"Is he trying to be an inventor?" the woman asked.
"I believe he does have an interest in becoming one. He's been fascinated with all the technological changes going on in the city. I don't understand it, but at least he's getting prepared for the future," Hisashi answered, starting to take out his money for his purchase.
"I forgot Ninjago City was going through all that. All the beautiful wood and clay buildings being replaced with tall metal buildings... It's insane."
"Yeah..." Hisashi and Shiro nodded along. While Hisashi searched for the right amount of money, he noticed that the remaining soldiers started to make their way back to the ship. He glanced back at the rings and turned to Shiro, "How about you head back to the ship while I finish up here?"
Shiro nodded, said his goodbye to the shop owner and left. As soon as he was out of earshot, Hisashi turned back to the stand and asked, "How much are the rings?"
The woman stated the price and said, "So you are interested in them after all?" Hisashi nodded as he took out the right amount of money for the rings, the figure, and the pocket watch.
"So is this for someone or just keeping it for yourself?" The woman wondered.
"I have someone at home waiting for me—"
The woman leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. Before she could ask any questions, with a soft smile, Hisashi whispered, "I met h- uh, this person a while back and now we've been together for 5-6 years now... I figured I should do something special..."
"And decided it was time?" The woman asked at the same volume as him, with a large grin on her face. He nodded.
"Well, I hope the Creator blesses you both," she said, exchanging the items for Hisashi's money. He said his thanks and started to head off to the ship.
"Goodbye, may the Creator bring you prosperity and may the Great Serpent protect you on your journey!" The woman called out.
Hisashi turned around and asked "Great Serpent?"
"Oh, do people in the city not know this story?" Hisashi shook his head, so she explained, "According to some stories I've heard, there's a serpent that sleeps deep in the sea. She apparently used to rule the sea and was the reason for the waves and the storms, so people used to pray to her and give her offerings to keep her happy. Unfortunately that's all I know from the top of my head, and it's all probably just a story."
"Huh, sounds interesting. Thank you," Hisashi said before departing.
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Laying his bed, Hisashi could feel the ship rock back and forth and hear his roommates chatting instead of sleeping, excited to be one step closer to home in the morning. But none of it blocked his focus on reading. His brain refused to let him sleep as the nerves have finally got to him. He had a ring in his possession, and he was hopefully going to give it away once he got to the city. To try to calm himself down in the safety of his bed, he took out some letters he got in the past few weeks. Each one started with "My Dearest Sai," and ended with "I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
It was odd to think that these letters used to be closed off with a "Sincerely" or a simple "From," and "Love" was never a closing he had seen until 5 years ago. Even though it's been years, Hisashi's heart still flutters when he sees the word in Emon's handwriting. It still feels like such a new feeling, especially when he never acknowledged that such feelings could exist in him when he was growing up. Even when his brother tried to describe them when referring to himself and his now wife during high school, Hisashi never understood. Now he did.
After rereading each of the letters, he held the paper close to his chest. He tried picturing everything that Emon described. He tried remembering each random ramble that he sent him that Emon responded to. He silently laughed at the idea of him trying to make sense of everything Hisashi tried telling him. If he tried sending similar letters to anyone else he knows, they would just skim through everything and ask about how he is and how's work, avoiding to say "please tell me more about this random thing you learned ." Emon would be one of the only people who would say that.
The chatter in the room quieted down and the remaining lights started to disappear. With a sigh, Hisashi caught one more glimpse of the contents of the letters before it went completely dark.
"I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
He softly smiled, folded the letters, and placed them under his pillow.
"I can't wait either..."
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"Ah finally, land!" Shiro exclaimed once he and Hisashi got off the ship. Carrying their stuff (armor, weapons, supplies, letters, etc.), the two swerved their way through the crowds of people. Fellow soldiers were pouring out of the boat, being welcomed by their loved ones, going to a nearby inn or bar, or already beginning their ways home. Hisashi looked around at who was there, but he knew that his loved ones were in the city, which was a train ride away. He smiled at the thought of coming off the train to them, and clutched the ring box that hid in his pocket.
"Are you sure you don't want to stop for a drink? Or even for a snack?" Shiro asked, following his 6 foot friend to avoid getting lost.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Gotta make sure I catch the train," he said, glancing back to make sure Shiro wasn't too far behind.
"But the train's not going to leave for a bit," Shiro said, puzzled.
"I know, I just..." Hisashi trailed off and stopped in his tracks, leading to Shiro bumping into him.
"Oof- what's going on?" He asked, but got no answer. Shiro looked past Hisashi to see what was ahead, but it didn't click due to so many people being around. It wasn't until he saw two people: a short, medium tanned, black haired man with a scruffy beard and a towering, brown-skinned, short brown haired (hidden under a hat), female presenting person. The man noticed them and started to wave, then stopped and started approaching quickly while dragging his companion with him. Hisashi gripped the hidden ring box tighter as he started walking to lessen the distance. Once he was within a foot of the man, the man threw his arms around Hisashi and nearly lifted him off his feet within the first few seconds of the hug while saying, "It's so good to see you, Sai!"
"Woah, easy Emon. No need to break me," Hisashi chuckled, wiggling a bit to loosen Emon's grip and free his arms. Once they were free, Hisashi returned the hug and pulled Emon close while Emon buried his face into Hisashi's shoulder. Hisashi wished he could stay in this hug forever. He also wished he could just give Emon a big kiss, but he had to wait until they were in private; until they were in the city...
"Wait a minute—" Hisashi pushed Emon out in front of him, keeping his hands on Emon's shoulders—"What are you guys doing here?"
"Lex and I just figured that you deserved a welcome party as soon as you arrived," Emon confessed.
"And Emon really missed you and wanted to see you as soon as possible," Lex added.
"Yeah, that too," Emon chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. A smile stretched across Hisashi's face as he tried to hold in a laugh. His hand left Emon's shoulder and almost caressed his cheek, but he then remembered Shiro was watching from behind and they were surrounded by other people. He slowly pulled his hand back and hid it back in his pocket, trying to ignore the longing look in Emon's eyes. He then said, "Thank you, I missed you so much too. I couldn't wait to see you again..." Emon responded with a soft smile.
"Well, I missed you guys too," Shiro barged in, now standing next to Hisashi.
"Yes, it's good to see you, Shiro," Lex mumbled.
"I thought you would be much happier, Lexi," Shiro snickered. Lex's eyes were shooting daggers, but they tried to hide their gaze behind the brim of their hat as they said, "We best be going now. Don't want to miss the train." Before anyone could say anything, Lex had already turned around and started towards the train station.
"Ah what a shame. I wanted to talk with y'all more," Shiro sighed, "Well, see y'all back in the city tomorrow!" After an exchange of goodbyes, Shiro disappeared into the crowd.
"Well then, let's go," Emon said, linking his arm with Hisashi's. The two then followed behind Lex, trying to keep up.
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"What was all the hurry about Lex?" Emon asked them.
Lex turned their head away from the train window and said, "Just didn't want to get stuck in one of his rambles. You get him talking and you'll probably end up hearing too much about what happened during the mission. I'm just not in the mood to hear how he 'sliced one man's head off' or whatever."
"That's fair," Hisashi said, also looking at the passing land outside the window. He was there when all of it happened, and he didn't need to hear about it again. He only wanted his mind on one thing and one thing only.
"Speaking of which, how was the mission?" Emon asked.
"Oh, just a typical mission. The thugs were playing hard to get for some time. Fortunately, we stopped them before anything too bad happened, and we didn't have many major injuries this time around. Just some scratches here and there," Hisashi answered quickly. He took one last look out of the window before sitting up and facing Lex and Emon on the other side of the table, saying, "But, despite the mission, the place we were at was very lovely." Emon leaned closer, interested to hear more.
"It was a small village by the ocean. Whenever we had a break, it was so calming to be on the white beach and just listen to the calm waves. And the village was really lovely too. It was filled with small shops and stands, and the people there seemed nice. They were very welcoming and always closed the conversations with something about 'the Creator' blessing you." Hisashi said. Lex perked up to full attention towards the end.
"The Creator? Like the creator of the town?" Emon asked.
"Or the Realm..." Lex muttered quietly, but, when they got confused looks from the two men, they said, "World. I mean world."
"Oh right, that makes more sense," Emon chuckled.
"Yeah, they often referenced them, but I guess they have plenty of other stories too. Before I was leaving, a nice woman at a shop said something about a Great Serpent—" Hisashi then recited what the woman had told him. Both Emon and Lex were leaning in close to hear every word. When Hisashi finished, Emon, with excitement in his eyes, and Lex, looking like they wanted to say something but decided against it, looked at each other, then back at Hisashi.
"Woah, that's so cool! Bet that was fun to hear about right before getting on a ship," Emon snickered.
"Yeah, but it's merely just a story," Lex uttered, leaning back against the seat, "Nothing to worry about."
"Have you ever heard of it?" Hisashi asked them. Lex hesitantly nodded, "All I know about it is the same as what the woman told you..." Hisashi could tell that they knew more, but he didn't want to force anything out of them. He could probably try finding a scroll or a book with more information.
"Anyways, overall the place was really nice. If we didn't have work and other stuff to deal with, I would say we should go there sometime," Hisashi said, mainly glancing over to Emon when talking. The idea of just leaving the city, getting on a ship, and sailing somewhere to explore sounded so pleasant, especially if it was with Emon and even Lex. He would even want to take his nephew once in a while. Just the 3 and sometimes 4 of them on a ship, seeing what the world offered. But their lives didn't allow for that. Hisashi had soldier duties to take care of while Emon and Lex had their own responsibilities, and there was just too much they would be leaving behind. Maybe one day in the future it could become a reality.
"Yeah, that would be nice," Emon said, smiling. Then the table went silent. Lex went back to looking out the window while the other two sat silently. Hisashi started to fidget with the ring box in his pocket, only bringing back the nerves. He looked up at Emon and could see he was shifting in his seat, shooting glances at both him and Lex. He wondered what Emon could be so nervous about.
Lex turned their head and sensed the nervousness sitting next to them and across from them. They shot a "say something and get it over with" look at both Hisashi and Emon.
They both paused and tried continuing, only further interrupting each other, "Sorry, go ahead—no you go ahead—no I didn't have anything to say—no please, I interrupted you—"
With a sigh, Lex barged in, "So, do you guys have any plans for today?" The two paused and looked at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
"I heard the weather is going to be super nice today. Maybe you guys can go to the park," Lex suggested.
"You are such a mind reader. That was what I was going to suggest," Emon said.
"I was actually going to recommend the same thing," Hisashi nervously laughed. He's so glad that he wrote Lex about what his plans were, or he would've just chickened out and waited to do it.
"Hah, perfect. Maybe we can get some lunch too. You're probably starving. I know I am," Emon said with a grin.
"Sounds good," Hisashi replied with a soft smile. He turned to Lex and mouthed the words "Thank you."
They smirked and mouthed back the words "You're welcome."
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"Man, no matter how many times I come here, I always forget how good the food is," Emon exclaimed as he finished paying for the food. In defeat, Hisashi watched the check and the money leave. Him and Emon literally went back and forth about who would pay the bill only to find out that Hisashi had left his wallet at home due to him rushing to get ready and look nice for the day, so Emon came out victorious.
"I claim to pay the next check," Hisashi uttered while they got up and left the café.
"Haha, we'll see if you remember your wallet next time," Emon snickered, "Although it's not like you to forget it at all. Are you feeling well?"
"Yes yes, I'm fine," Hisashi chuckled, "Just adjusting to being home that's all..."
And just being a big ball of nerves, he thought to himself. At least he had the ring with him, or his whole plan would have gone down the drain because of one silly mistake.
"How about you though? You seemed nervous on the train," he asked Emon.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Um, yeah I'm good now. It was just being on a train. Y'know I don't really go on them," Emon said. Hisashi raised an eyebrow, but decided not to  further question him.
The two continued to chat as they walked towards and into the park. Circled by the new skyscrapers, the park sat at the center of the entire city. Full of green hills and growing trees, it was one of the few areas of nature in the city. It was still a work in progress as workers were busy with putting in new buildings, benches, and pathways, but it was still a nice place for a stroll and a proposal.
The two walked through the park, chatting and enjoying the scenery. While listening to Emon, Hisashi scanned the area, trying to find the best area. It needed to be a private area with no one around, but also needed to be a beautiful area.
All of a sudden, Emon grasped Hisashi's hand and said, "Come with me, I know a good place you need to see." He then started leading him up one of the hills, looked around, and then continued pulling him along. Down the hill, across some of the grass, and up a slightly taller hill. Once they reached the top, Emon stopped and tightened his hand around Hisashi's, looking out at the view of the entire park.
"Wow," Hisashi marveled at the view. It was beautiful... and there wasn't anyone else around... it was perfect.
"I know right. I came here all the time when I was younger. When I had no where else to go, I would just come here..." Emon's grip loosened, so Hisashi gently pulled his hand away and backed up slightly. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and took a deep breath as he went down on a knee. This was it. It was time.
"It's crazy to think that I've come all this way," Emon continued, still looking at the view, "I used to come here as a young thief just trying to survive. That's all I thought my life would be until the day I died. But you've changed that..." Hisashi watched Emon go grab something from inside his jacket, but he couldn't see what. "...You've shown me that there's more to my life. Life is not just about trying to get by. It's about learning and experiencing new things. It's about love. It's about so much more than I know, So, I took you here in hopes that I can leave the lonely, barely living thief behind and enter a new chapter of our lives. Hisashi Arima, will y—" Emon turned around, about to kneel down, but he stopped halfway. In his hands was a long, wooden box with a black finish, kept shut with a golden latch. He quickly stood up and hid the box back in his jacket, his eyes not leaving Hisashi. He ran one of his hands through his hair as his face started to flush red. "Sai, I— oh my god..." was all he could say.
Hisashi sat there frozen, unsure what to do. He had planned this for weeks, but now everything just jumped out of his brain.
"Were you about to propose..."
Emon lips formed an embarrassed smile as he quickly nodded. Hisashi's mouth hung open and he looked down at the ring box, unsure what to say. Should he just try to stick to his plan or let Emon continue?
"Forget about me, go ahead," Emon whispered, gently pulling Hisashi's chin back up.
"Um, well," Hisashi cleared his throat and took a deep breath in, looking into Emon's eyes. They had a sort of calming aura about them now. Hisashi's lip curled up slightly as he gathered his words.
"I guess to play off what you've said, you have changed my life as well. Before I really got to know you, I probably seemed like a stone cold guy whose only purpose was to work until he no longer could. You have added more purpose to my life... so much more purpose. And, despite trying to understand everything, love was never one I could get a grasp of. Now I feel like I know at least a tiny bit about it from the past few years, and I'm willing to learn more with you. Emon, I love you so much. I will love you until the day I die. Even beyond death, I will always love you..." Hisashi took a pause, trying to catch his breath from speeding up towards the end without taking a moment to breathe. During the pause, he decided to open the ring box, resulting in a quiet gasp from Emon. He glanced up at him to see the reaction. His smile was bigger, but was being slightly hidden behind one of his hands. His calming eyes started to tear up as he looked up from the ring to Hisashi.
"Will you... would you... uh..." Hisashi started, but his mind was back to blanking out. Improvising clearly took all his brain power. It was his turn to blush red.
Emon chuckled, took Hisashi's one hand that wasn't holding the box, and asked "Will you marry me?" Hisashi couldn't help but laugh along as he quickly nodded. Emon then took the polished silver ring and slipped it onto one of Hisashi's fingers, and Hisashi put the other one on Emon.
"By the way, that was my line," Hisashi joked as he gave Emon his ring.
"Technically it was supposed to be mine," Emon said before pulling Hisashi up and into a kiss with his arms around his neck. Once they both pulled away, Emon held Hisashi close and rested his head against his shoulder.
"I love you so much Sai, and thank you for the ring. It's absolutely as beautiful as you are..." Emon said, then remembered his proposal gift. He let go of Hisashi, grabbed the box, went down on his knees, and held the box up.
"This is what I was going to give you... I hope you don't mind it not being a ring..."
Hisashi took the box from him and unlocked the latch. He lifted the lid to find a ornate dagger inside. It had a pale green jade hilt with silver sheath decorated with floral motifs and pale green and red gemstones. He gently picked up the dagger and unsheathed it to reveal a silver, double edged blade.
"This is beautiful," he said in awe, sheathing the blade and placing it carefully back into the box.
"I'm glad you think so. As soon as I saw it, I figured it would be a perfect gift," Emon said, smiling.
"It definitely is. Thank you," Hisashi said, giving Emon a quick peck on the lips.
"Well, should we get out of here and start the next chapter of our lives?" Hisashi asked.
Emon took a hold of Hisashi's hand and said, "I'm ready whenever you are."
They took one more look at the view, and Hisashi started to lead Emon.
"Let's go."
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 1, Old Places and New Faces (1 of 2)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Upon their return to Fodlan, Kazuma, Rean, Towa, and Aigis have found that it has changed drastically. Whether it was for better or worse, was unknown.
All they knew was to find Sitri, who had requested House Isekai's aid...
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Kazuma, Towa, Rean, and Aigis walked awkwardly through the crowds of students and guards, trying not to stare at their technology.
(Aigis) "Their devices seem...eerily similar to yours, Rean."
(Rean) "Arcus units and Soldats..."
Rean looked at the bipedal golems with swords and shields walking through the courtyard. It looked like students were trying to use them properly.
(Kazuma) "Soldats? Those things kinda like Valimar?"
(Towa) "Yes, but far easier to produce and a lot less strong, to put it simply."
(Rean) "How did they even get something like this? In our world, they took so many years to develop, alongside orbal technology..."
(Towa) "And their version of arcus units, didn't they look like the crystals from the Zanado tower?"
(Aigis) "Perhaps we should ask these questions to Sitri. Though, I am unsure of how to find her, since we do not have the proper clearance."
(Kazuma) "Hmph. Not to mention we aren't students, I'm pretty sure we're weirding people out just by being here."
Towa turned to where the Cathedral used to be, only to see a massive hangar full of the bipedal golems and guards from all three nations populating it.
(Towa) "The Cathedral was going to be my guess, but I don't think that's an option."
(Rean) "Maybe the listening hall?"
(Kazuma) "Are we even going to be allowed up there?"
(Familliar Woman's voice) "...Oh my goodness! It really is you guys!"
Everyone turned around to the woman's voice and were greeted by an old friend.
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(Kazuma) "Merce-! HOLY SHIT!"
Mercedes was accompanied by two of the massive golems, armed with a shield and lance just as big as them.
(Rean) "WOAH!"
(Towa) "EEP!"
(Mercedes) "Haha, oh, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten anyone!"
(Aigis) "It is amazing how that got behind us without anyone hearing them-"
(Rean) "U-Um, it's good to see you again Mercedes!"
(Towa) "AHEM! What are you doing here?"
(Kazuma) "More importantly, why are those golem things following you around?!"
(Mercedes) "I am simply a visitor, just like you four! Sitri thought it best to have bodyguards accompany me. Those bodguards happen to be the form of Knights."
(Towa) "...Knights sure have changed since we last saw them, huh?"
(Aigis) "Speaking of which, do you happen to know where Sitri is?"
(Mercedes) "Indeed I do! Would you like me to take you to her?"
(Rean) "Yes please."
Rean looked at the golems called "Knights" and couldn't help but feel nervous.
Now he knew how it felt to have Valimar follow around the old House Isekai.
(Mercedes) "Please, follow me!"
Everyone nodded and let Mercedes guide the way, the Knights following closely behind.
(Aigis) "It seems Fodlan's technology has greatly improved since we left."
(Mercedes) "It has, my mind is really having trouble keeping up nowadays. It seems every other month some new device for communication is put out!"
(Aigis) "That's a familiar feeling..."
(Kazuma) "So...everything's been fine since House Isekai left?"
Mercedes stopped outside the main hall's entrance and turned to the knights.
(Mercedes) "Worry not, these four protected me during the Five Year War. I will return shortly."
The Knights' heads nodded.
They went up into the building of the main entrance hall, making their way up to the second floor of Garreg Mach. The knights remained outdoors and Mercedes looked around her to make sure they were alone.
(Mercedes) "To be quite honest, it has been a bit...troubling. There's a host of new problems ever since this new partnership between the empire, kingdom, and alliance began. But, that shouldn't be anything you have to worry about! Actually, why are you here?"
(Rean) "We received a call from Sitri, requesting help from us. I guess the four of us were the only ones able to respond."
(Mercedes) "I see. If she requested House Isekai, then I am not sure it is a good thing...Oh? I believe she's speaking to someone inside."
[Arcana Code - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Sitri) “Then let’s get started. I have called you five here, because you are the best and brightest Garreg Mach Monastery has to offer."
Sitri put her hand to her chest and closed her eyes.
(Sitri) "We live in troubled times, as you can no doubt see for yourselves. Even with the advancement of our technology ever since the calamity two years ago, tensions between our nations remain at an all time high."
The students looked at each other, not sure of where this speech was going.
(Sitri) "Garreg Mach Monastery was created to represent the very best our nations had to offer, and pave a way for our youth to shape our world. That is why you all are here.
Of our three Houses, you have been chosen for an experimental class, and will be leading from example."
(Stefan) "E-Experimental how?"
(Sitri) "Surely you have heard of House Isekai?"
(Helena) "Think I remember hearing rumors about them with my old mercenary group."
(Astrid) "Those group of weirdos and undead!?"
(Kazuma's Voice) "Who are they calling weir-"
(Towa's Voice) "K-Kazuma! They'll hear us!"
(Kairos) "I only know from what I read from reports. They were the fourth house of Garreg Mach, right?"
Sitri nodded.
(Sitri) "They were a group of people that came from beyond our world, all with different histories and personalities. The reason I bring them up is because they worked with all three classes before the Five Year War began. And they were the ones who stopped the calamity from destroying our world."
(Elizabeth) ...?! "Hold a moment, Lady Sitri! Have we been called to work with these off worlders?! They have no place in meddling in the affairs of Fodlan!"
(Kairos) "Hmph. For once I agree with her, this matter should be left to us-"
Sitri raised a hand and interrupted them.
(Sitri) "These "off-worlders" had the opportunity to leave us to our fates when the calamity was at its worst. Instead, they chose to stay and fight for our sake. I trust them with my life. And so do your nations' leaders."
(Everyone) "..."
(Sitri) "Prepare yourselves to travel out, grab any essential gear and report back. We will continue the briefing once you are more situated."
[Musica Universalis - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
The students quietly left the room, keeping their thoughts to themselves.
They were too preoccupied to notice that they had walked by Kazuma, Rean, Aigis, and Towa.
(Mercedes) "I have my own business to attend to unfortunately, so I will see you all later!"
Mercedes bowed while everyone else waved goodbye, and she followed the students down.
Once they went downstairs, Rean was the first to enter the room.
Sitri took a deep breath and smiled when she saw them.
(Sitri) "Hello, everyone. I hope that speech I gave was alright."
(Towa) "I like to think so, but I can definitely see why the kids are so confused."
(Aigis) "You do not seem shocked that we are here."
(Sitri) "Well, I did have someone looking out the door for me."
She motioned behind her, Sothis materializing in front of everyone and waving.
(Sothis) "Besides, with how loud Kazuma is, I don't think it was too hard guessing who it was."
Kazuma rolled his eyes.
(Kazuma) "Yeah yeah, whatever."
(Rean) "I see you've been keeping yourself busy!"
Sitri sighed again, though sounding far more tired.
(Sitri) "You have NO idea...I hadn't realized how exhausting being a professor is, not to mention leading the reconstruction effort."
(Towa) "Oh, so that's why Garreg Mach is active again! You're doing such a good job!"
(Sitri) "Thank you, Towa. There's far more that needs to be done, but we've been getting by."
(Kazuma) "So, what exactly did you need us here for? We got your message."
(Sothis) "Well, a number of things really, but we should get to the most troubling news first."
(Sitri) "Right. We'll have time to catch up later. It's about the Zanado Tower."
Everyone straightened their backs and frowned.
[Spider Web - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Sothis) "We've been getting reports from the guards that...strange creatures are emerging from it."
(Kazuma) "That's descriptive. What makes them strange?"
(Sitri) "They seem to have intelligence but...they're nothing like we've ever seen before. Claude is in charge of the area around Zanado, so he ordered his men to just keep observing. These creatures never get too far, on account that they are killed by an unknown group."
(Aigis) "Do we have any visual references for any of these?"
Sitri nodded, and pulled out a crystal-like device.
It appeared similar to a tablet, but the information was displayed floating above it, which Sitri began swiping at it, making it show a picture of the creature.
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(Rean) "What in the...?"
(Aigis) "It does not appear to be a Shadow."
(Kazuma) "Hmph. Nothing I've seen in my world."
(Sothis) "To be honest, we were hoping at least one from every group showed up to confirm this or not, but for the time being we can only guess it's from a world none of us are familiar with."
(Towa) "But, I thought we stopped the Tower from continuing to rip apart other worlds?"
(Sitri) "We did. And that's why we're concerned."
(Sothis) "It doesn't seem like it's having any overall negative effects on Fodlan, but this only showed up recently."
(Sitri) "I put the message out a week ago, and if you all only now received it..."
(Rean) "Then we shouldn't waste any time. We need to investigate immediately."
(Sothis) "Our thoughts exactly. Which is why..."
Sothis turned to the door and disappeared, the students of Garreg Mach arriving back in the room, each carrying a small bag with them.
The students realized that there were more people in the room now.
(Astrid) "Wow, they look weird."
(Elizabeth) "Astrid! Where are your manners?!"
(Stefan) "Sorry about tha-...Wait a second..."
(Helena) "Hmph, maybe that's why. Are you guys from House Isekai?"
(Kairos) "Wait, these are supposed to be the people who saved us?"
(Rean) "Well, obviously we're not the full class but we were the core members. I'm Rean Schwarzer of Class VII."
(Kazuma) "Kazuma."
(Towa) "I'm Towa Herschel, it's a pleasure to meet the new generation of Garreg Mach's finest!"
(Aigis) "Aigis of S.E.E.S. Hello."
(Astrid) "Huh. Don't look like much to me."
(Stefan) "Well, we are pleased to meet House Isekai in the flesh after all the stories we've heard!"
Helena looked to the others. Astrid was frowning while Kairos and Elizabeth looked mutually revolted.
(Helena) "Least two of us are. Good job on getting those two to agree on something, though."
(Towa) "I-I'm sorry?"
(Kairos) "Lady Sitri, with all due respect, this is something that WE need to do ourselves. Getting outside help-"
(Sitri) "-Is necessary, considering what we're going up against. We all will be visiting the Zanado Tower in order to investigate the strange creatures coming out of it."
While Sitri recounted what she told House Isekai, the members of the old House looked at each other.
(Kazuma) "The hell do they got against us?"
(Aigis) "I am unsure. Did we do something wrong?"
(Towa) "Rean..."
(Rean) "I know, Towa. Well, I kind of have a suspicion."
(Aigis/Kazuma) ?
(Rean) "When my country occupied another, we were seen as meddling outsiders who had no business interfering in their affairs, causing all sorts of grief for every citizen involved..."
(Kazuma) "But it's not like our Houses have been taking over the territories here-"
(Towa) "True, but it's not like we had zero impact on the world either. I mean, just look at their technology! I think it's safe to say without us, they would not have progressed so fast."
(Aigis) "That is...a fair point."
Rean took another look at the students.
(Rean) "They remind me a little of my own class. And if that's taught me anything, is that they'll come around eventually. It's not like we all got along straight away either."
(Sitri) "...Now, without any futher delay.-"
Sitri closed her eyes for a moment as a portal slowly began to open behind them.
(Sitri) "I will take the lead for now. Everyone, please follow me."
They nodded and Sitri and the old members of House Isekai went in first.
(Elizabeth) "Ugh, this will NOT go well..."
(Kairos) "It's not like we can say no to Lady Sitri. We'll have to follow along for now."
(Astrid) "I mean, I don't think they seem that bad, just weird."
(Stefan) "We have to give them a chance at least!"
(Helena) "Fodlan's been through worse anyway. What's the worst that could happen?"
Meanwhile, inside the Zanado Tower...
Class VII stepped through the portal and found themselves in a completely alien environment.
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(Juna) "Woah..."
(Kurt) "What in the...?!"
(Altina) "Hm...The structure does not match any known signatures from our world."
(Ash) "Think that much is obvious."
(Musse) "Where's Instructor Rean?"
(Juna) "Uh, I think the better question is how do we even leave?"
(Kurt) "There appears to be a doorway ahead. Perhaps we can take that?"
(Ash) "Beats standing around."
Ash and Kurt moved first, with the rest of Class VII following..."
Through the scope of a sniper, a helmeted soldier slowly watched Class VII exit and wander the facility.
He was accompanied by three other soldiers, all wearing the same helmet and suit, with slight variations on their armor making them distinct from one another.
They were extremely high up on the platforms as they continued to fly past them, yet they still made an effort to remain out of sight.
(Buck) "What do you see Romeo?"
(Romeo) "Five kids. All wearing the same uniform, humans from the looks of it. Carrying some weird lookin weapons too."
Dutch lowered his weapon and sighed.
(Dutch) "Finally, some good news."
(Mickey) "Is it? How the heck did they even get here?"
(Buck) "One thing at a time. Right now, we go and get those kids to follow us, before whatever the hell those things were finds them first."
(Romeo) "Or, we could just find the exit instead."
(Mickey) "And leave them to die?"
(Dutch) "Really?"
(Buck) "..."
(Romeo) "Jeez, tough crowd."
(Buck) "Just shut up, Romeo. Let's get moving."
Everyone picked up their equipment and followed after Class VII.
(Romeo) "Besides, the weapons on them were-"
(Buck) "Romeo. Remember when I told you to shut up?"
(Romeo) "Yeah?"
(Buck) "Consider that a standing order."
(Amber) "Hm..."
Amber dusted off some of the crates around her and found food inside.
Although they packaging was covered in dust, they appeared to be fresh.
(Venti) "Ugh, finally food! I'm starving!"
Duvalie walked past Venti and her face scrunched up seeing how fast he stuffed it down his throat.
(Duvalie) "Tch, don't let that dust stop you from inhaling the food."
(Jean) "I suppose if it tastes alright...?"
(Kaeya) "No need to see if it's centuries old or poisonous, just go 'head and eat it."
(Lisa) "Perhaps we should worry about this food situation later? I do believe I saw another Abyss Mage run this direction."
(Diluc) "Then we have no time to waste."
Diluc grabbed his sword and moved the direction Lisa pointed.
(Duvalie) "Right!"
She drew her sword and shield and tagged along right beside him.
Even though they had found Duvalie by herself in this strange tower, she was already feeling like a part of the group.
Though Diluc didn't want to admit that. He already saw how ecstatic she was seeing Jean and himself fight. Though, a part of him wondered where she came from. She certainly wasn't from their world...
Outside the Zanado Tower...
Sitri stepped through the portal first, and the former members of House Isekai, and the Garreg Mach students came in right behind.
Drawing the Sword of the Creator, she took a deep breath before turning to the group.
(Sitri) "Students of Garreg Mach, begin the mission!"
[To be Continued]
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
I recently saw a heavy criticism of The Beach saying "it's the single least realistic portrayal of teenagers on television: spoiled, rich kids don't actively shun Zuko for having a disfiguring scar on his face, no one tries to start shit with Azula over the volleyball game, teenagers referring to themselves as teenagers, a teen boy tells people not to make a mess, a bunch of 14-16 year-olds sit in a circle and psychoanalyze each other, everything else about the campfire scene." Your thoughts?
:’) that someone looks at the Beach and dismisses it for being “unrealistic” by whatever their cultural standards are is probably enough of a sign of the irrelevance of said person’s opinion. I mean, obviously they’re free to think what they will, but...
Fire Nation society is not American society. I’m going blind here, maybe this person isn’t American at all, but somehow I mostly see such kinds of narrow-minded criticism from first-worlders who are seldom exposed to lifestyles outside their particular, contemporary bubble of experiences. 
Now then, let’s get into the actual debate: Fire Nation society values violence quite a lot. Fire Nation society is full of people who saw Zuko’s literal Agni Kai burning scene, and didn’t look away: the only character who does is Iroh, a very obvious hint by the writers that Iroh has discarded the cruel moral values the rest of the Fire Nation upholds.
With this in mind, a boy with a scarred face might earn all sorts of “ews” from our societies, damn right. From Fire Nation society, though? If even watching how the burn is inflicted didn’t bother most of them, why would the result be a problem? If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if people with burn scars are even seen more attractive because it implies they were caught in violent scuffles with fire and still survived? Of course, the argument might go that Zuko’s burn is meant to be a mark of shame... but it’s a mark of shame for PRINCE Zuko. For that mysterious boy with the emo haircut in Ember Island, whose real identity is a mystery? It is shown, instead, to result in this reaction:
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Now then, we could say that this is meant to be a jab by the creators and writers at Zuko’s hordes of fangirls, because frankly, Book 3 has several instances of groups of girls swooning over Zuko and it might be what they were going for. In this case, though, they’re swooning over him WITHOUT knowing who he is, as opposed to the fangirls in Nightmares and Daydreams. So, while it absolutely can be inspired on the many Zuko fangirls the staff knew about, this actually ends up serving to characterize a society, a culture: they don’t think his scar makes him unattractive. It’s blatantly stated that their reaction is the opposite. So, instead of thinking “oh god that’s so unrealistic”, how about we actually stop trying to measure everything by our standards and consider that this could be an element of WORLDBUILDING...? :’)
(Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a fair share of privileged young women in our current society who think Kylo Ren was hot as hell with a huge scar across his face... are those people not real, by any chance? :’D If anything, they’re living proof that girls swooning over a scarred boy in ATLA are absolutely feasible, no matter if not everyone shares their opinion)
Continues under the cut becasue this got long....
Now then, Azula is shown to take the Kuai ball game too far. She outright causes the ball, in the final kick, to burst into flames and burns the net. Going by Chan and Ruon Jian, these kids are privileged idiots, why lie... but are these privileged idiots stupid enough to see a girl flying three feet into the air, kicking a firebent ball and then giving a foreboding speech, and say “OKAY WE’RE GONNA PICK A FIGHT WITH YOU FOR BEING SO COMPETITIVE!”???? I mean... honestly. Why would anyone do this? Azula turned an inoffensive Kuai ball game into a battlefield singlehandedly: THIS, as well, is meant to be a display of characterization. That people don’t take the game so seriously, that they wouldn’t pick a fight with her because she’s dangerous or because they just don’t care as much as she does... it’s characterizing Fire Nation people every bit as much as it characterizes Azula.
Azula and Zuko are both shown reacting in ridiculous ways to casual things in this episode: Azula takes the game too far, potentially stages the burning down of a house in retaliation for being rejected by a boy, Zuko is hysterical and jealous and snaps at Mai over stupid things... it’s, again, a matter of showing how poorly adjusted these characters are. They’re not normal kids. They DON’T behave like normal kids. Normal, privileged kids in the Fire Nation, are kids like Chan and Ruon Jian. The episode literally gives you the chance to see Fire Nation society for what it is, in a way no other episode does... and because it’s not like our societies, it’s somehow wrong?
... Also, teenagers referring to themselves as teenagers is somehow unrealistic? I mean... is it nowadays? I don’t think any teenagers had a problem with saying they were teens in my youth :’DDD literally remember MCR released a song called Teenagers and a lot of us loved it to pieces. What exactly is so outrageous about it? Might be that this worked better in the mid-00′s, but I hardly think this makes no sense? Aang refers to himself as a kid earlier in the show, is that unrealistic too and worth rebuking a whole episode over? Are all teenagers supposed to be pretending to be grown-ups, like so many 16-year-olds on Tumblr who always talk like they’ve figured out the world and try to impose rules on fully-grown adults upon whom they have absolutely no power? :’DDDDD Yeah, I think this particular point is a stupid thing to make a fuss over. Honestly, it is.
Chan tells people not to make a mess = unrealistic. Ha. Did this person ignore his reactions at the chaos Azula, Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee caused in his house? “YOU BROKE MY NANA’S VASE!!!”, anyone? Like... I’m sorry, but this IS characterization, yet again! This shows Chan is a spoiled brat who wants to stay in his family’s good graces. The party isn’t at all as crazy and wild as you’d expect from, again, an American teenage party... and why? Because, for one thing, Chan is clearly afraid of the consequences of too much chaos in the beach house: this implies fear of authority, of his parents, perhaps even his grandparents. 
For another, again, FIRE NATION SOCIETY: what does this clever critic know, by any chance, of Nazi Germany’s Hitler Youth? I’ve watched a few documentaries about it, and basically if you were a boy and you weren’t in Hitler Youth, you were no one. You were worthless. And what happened in Hitler Youth? Conditioning to the extreme. These kids were taught all the alt-right ideology that Tumblr despises, and they were made to believe it was an undeniable reality. Were there cases of kids who didn’t like it, kids who didn’t approve of it? Surely. But the general idea of Hitler Youth was to educate every kid to behave in the way Hitler considered appropriate, to the point where “the notion "Germany must live" even if they (members of the HJ) had to die was "hammered" into them.”
This is, of course, an extreme example and I’m sure Fire Nation education wasn’t that extreme because we saw it for ourselves, it’s not. But a slightly milder version of it? That’s absolutely feasible and consistent with what we see in The Headband. Therefore, kids getting high and drunk at a party? Maybe that kind of thing simply DOESN’T happen in a Fire Nation party? :’) Maybe they’re taught that those kinds of things are off-limits to anyone under a certain age (or outright forbidden, might be the case with drugs), and as they live in a tyrannical society that priorizes the Fire Lord and his decrees above all else, where his word is treated as that of a god, even mischievous teenagers refuse to act out? :’D oh, what an implausible concept, this just can’t possibly make any sense! Hitler Youth is unrealistic too!
Lastly, that a bunch of kids would sit in a circle psychoanalyzing each other seems implausible to this person is actually laughable for me. Not only have I constantly found myself, from my early teenage years to current days, serving as some sort of unofficial therapist for many of my friends, who share their woes and ask me for advice (whether they’ll heed it or not), most importantly, I once had an experience with a friend, back in high school, much like what happens with these kids in The Beach, after I’d spent years doing a lot of post-depression introspection. I shared a lot of stuff I didn’t often talk about, and beats me WHY I felt completely comfortable sharing it with my friend that day, but I did. She understood me, listened, offered her opinion, and we talked about her problems too. This happened when I was 15-16. If this person has never experienced such situation... why, that’s not anyone’s business. But it’s certainly not their business to determine this just DOESN’T happen, to anyone, ever. I can safely say it does, to people who do have problems and who sometimes just need a friendly shoulder to rely on. Maybe this critic’s life is just so perfect they’ve never had to share their woes with anyone else :’) I’m afraid that doesn’t invalidate those of us who are different, and it doesn’t invalidate the possibility that those four could talk, as they did, without breaking characterization, in the scene of the fireplace at the beach.
Saying that a show about a group of kids who save the world and then effectively become leaders of such world, facing very little opposition in the process, is unrealistic because “teenagers aren’t like that becuase I wasn’t like that as a teenager” may be one of the most ridiculous and shortsighted things I’ve seen in this fandom, AND I’VE SEEN A LOT OF RIDICULOUS AND SHORTSIGHTED THINGS. A person’s experiences are NOT universal, regardless of how widespread their culture may be. More importantly, fiction does NOT have to abide by rules established by our current society’s state and cultural values. ATLA, as it is, is a completely different world from our own, regardless of its inspiration in many Asian cultures.
I, personally, find it a lot more unrealistic that Fire Lord Zuko can become Fire Lord without much in the way of visible protesting or boycotting when he was a banished prince who didn’t even win in his Agni Kai against Azula since it’s Katara who ends up defeating her and, as far as the rules go, Azula technically won even if not in the most dignified of ways. I find it even more unrealistic that LOK tells us Zuko was Fire Lord successfully for 70+ years and the Fire Nation has been fully reformed into a non-warmongering country despite the 100+ years of indoctrination started by Sozin’s rule. That this gets swept under a rug, not only in the neatly wrapped finale that leaves a thousand unanswered questions, but in the sequel show that merely confirms Zuko succeeded and shows NOTHING of how he managed to reform such a fucked up society...? That is a thousand times more important to me than “privileged kids aren’t acting like privileged kids OMG!”. Honestly, you want privileged kids abusing all their privileges in our society? Go watch Gossip Girl, I genuinely recommend it. You want something that proposes a completely different possibility and a glance at what a society guided by a tyrannical dictator looks like? Feel free to watch The Beach again with a completely different focus and MAYBE you’ll understand what the writers were going for.
If this person happens to see my answer, I hope they learn that worldbuilding, for a storyteller, entails CREATING a world that isn’t necessarily like the one we’re familiar with. There are multiple layers to such a world, and society and culture are some of them. Not all cultures and societies work the same way, which is part of why sometimes you’ll find behaviors from people who belong to wholly different cultures and wind up perplexed because whatever they’re doing is completely unfamiliar for you. Are there any universal behaviors in humans? Maybe! But in a work of FICTION, even the most universal of behaviors can be changed, deleted, altered however the writer sees fit! :’D it’s not a novel concept, and as far as logical fallacies are concerned, this show features a whole slew of those that have nothing to do with this peculiar sense of “realism”, fallacies that absolutely can and should be called out. Namely, things that contradict the internal logic of the show, rather than things that are incompatible with OUR world. Portraying a world that’s very different from ours, on virtually every level you can think of? That’s called creativity, not lack of realism. Please learn the difference.
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rezdogsyonder · 5 years
A Fresh Start (3)
Pairing: Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Welcome to Burlesque.
Warnings: a trans comment that is used as an insult
A/N: All characters are the same gender, I’m sorry it’s kinda confusing :( and the comment is meant to say that Thor doesn’t look like a man but a female dressing up as a man.
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You follow Bucky’s directions and it led you backstage. Many dancers were running around getting ready, putting the finishing touches on their costumes before they step on stage. The sight makes you fall in love, and more determined to get a job here.
You see a set of spiraling stairs, and it seems to be the way to go because you don’t see Steve down here. The stairs were narrow and steep, it was a little nerve wracking to walk up them in heels.
Getting to the top you spotted a man doing a dancers hair. You walk up to him deciding he’s the one to ask.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for Steve?” You just hope that Steve will like you.
Unable to speak due to the bobby-pins between his lips, and with his hands in this girls hair, he nods in the direction of the man that was on stage earlier. ‘Even the owner is a dancer?’ You think to yourself.
Walking up behind him, “Hi, are you Steve?”
“And you are in my mirror because?” He asked while wiping off his eyeliner and other makeup. Maybe because it smeared a bit.
“Oh, sorry. I’m friends with Bucky, and I’m looking for a job.”
“And where have you danced?”
“At home, mostly. But I can move.”
“Okay,” he smiled, seemingly stifling laughter, “give your name and number to Sam.” He turned around and pointed to the man doing another girls hair. “He’ll let you know when we’re having our next audition.”
“When will that be, exactly?”
“Sam?” He yelled applying bronzer, “Where the hell is Thor?” Ignoring your question
“I don’t know. He’s late.”
“Oh I’m never late. Ever.” You interject.
“That’s great. Listen darling,” he finished up his work and walked towards you and Steve. “We’re trying time put on a show here. ‘Kay? You need to come back another time.”
“I’ve just never seen anything like this before. I need a job. I wanna work here.” Sam’s now leading you away and towards the stairs.
“Good enthusiasm, terrible timing. Alright? So leave your name and your number with Bucky, your friend downstairs.” Giving you one more push, “and we’ll call you. Okay? Promise.”
Not knowing what else to do, you turn around, about to listen to him when you ran into someone.
“Hello” it was the guy from downstairs by the bar, and he obviously wasn’t happy that you ran into him, causing him to drop a bag, spilling his costumes out on the floor.
“Oh my god! Thor!” Steve said so dramatically you would’ve thought he would faked fainting too. “You know you’re probably not gonna believe this but Sam and I were talking,” he put his arm around Sam, “and he said..” he gestured for him to talk.
“I said, ‘Its so sad that Thor couldn’t join us for the opening number, but it would be so great if he joined us for the next one’.” They were obviously mocking him, making it seem as though it was a regular occurance.
“Looking this pretty took longer than I thought.” He replied dully.
“So is looking for a job when I fire your late ass.” They both smiled.
“Yeah, right.” Turning around and grabbing his bag from you. “Hey. Bring me a scotch, neat. Tell ‘em it’s for me. And hurry back.” Not waiting for you to leave as he gets undressed.
The girl from out front grabbed your shoulders then smiled at him. “She doesn’t work here Thor.”
“Well then she’s not busy.” He said incredulously.
A moment passes and you watch him as you notice one is eye blue and the other is a beautiful yellowish brown. He has thick blonde hair, and is very well groomed.
He looks back and glares, “Didn’t your mother tell you it’s not polite to stare?” He continues to apply his makeup
“You’re just so damn handsome, I—” you stutter out.
“Well in that case, screw your mother. Stare away.” Smiling at your compliment.
“No one would ever know,” you began walking back to the stairs.
“Know what?” He snapped.
“That you’re not a dude.” If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now, but you feel smug as you walked down the stairs while the others laughed.
Back downstairs, you feel defeated. You’re about to go talk to Bucky again when you see the waitress from earlier is more occupied with the more active group. You guess that’s why they called her the shot girl.
You go over to the man that was trying to get Natasha’s attention and take his order. Along with everyone around him too, then walking back over to Bucky.
“Hat guy wants daiquiri, and around him are two whiskey neats, a bourbon on the rocks, and a rum and coke.”
He looked at you and continued wiping down the bar, slowly getting farther from you.
“Oh come on! Give me a chance, please. If I’m not better than the shot girl over there you don’t have to pay me.”
“Ok follow me.” Bucky commanded walking fast.
He led you back down the hall that leads to the entrance, you were about to say something when he pulls out keys and turns right. He quickly opens the door and ushered you inside.
“Your small.” He looked you up and down, “this should fit. I’ll be right outside.” And he walked back out, leaving you in what looks like a small break room.
You get dressed in the sleek black romper he gave you and went back through the door. Leaving your clothes on the rack where he got the uniform.
“Alright, you keep your tips, anybody touches you and you point to any bartender and they’ll take care of it. You ready?” You nod. “Then you’re up.” He pushed you back in the room.
You grab your tray and began to work when the next number begins drawing your attention away.
“A kiss on the hand may be
quite continental
But diamonds
are a girl's best friend”
The girl from the balcony was on stage again, lip syncing and walking around stage gracefully. You began to work despite the distraction, imagining when you will be up on stage.
You didn’t expect to do so well. You already have 30 in tips and the song isn’t even over.
“Hey, Buck, what's she doing here?” Steve said as he and Sam sat down at the end of the bar.
“She really wanted a job.And so she is our new waitress.”
“And when did I make you Head of Personnel?” Steve asked incredulously.
“She just picked up a tray,started working.”
“Well, her name is Y/N.”
“Y/N.” Sam breathed, dramatically, seemingly star struck.
“Hey, Y/N.” Steve called your over. “Look, this is cute, but come on. Push up those boobs. If you got ‘em, show ‘em. Work them.” He unbuttoned the top two buttons of your romper. “And don't ever go behind my back again.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And don't ever call me sir again.”
“Yes, ma’am. I mean sir. I mean Steve.”
“Get on the floor.” All three watched you walk back into the large crowd of patrons
"’Sir’?” Steve said bewildered
“What am I, my father?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Up yours.”
“Come on lets go back.” Sam slapped Steve’s shoulder. They both disappear behind the glass door.
A man at a table that is almost hidden from the main floor, but with a perfect view of the stage calls you over.
“Excuse me. Yeah. Dewar's rocks and a bottle of your best champagne for the table. Oh, and will you tell Strange that I'm here?”
“And you are...?” You answer back with a hand on your hip.
“A member since '91.” He gestures to himself as if it’ll make you know who he is. “Tony Stark. And you are?” He smirked.
“Y/N.” He leaned back, impressed, but you’re not sure of what. A cocky aura radiating off of him.
*Meanwhile backstage*
“I’m here. I’m ready.” Thor came bounding up to Sam.
“You are late. Bruce went on for you.” Thor peaked through the curtain, displeased.
“What’s that hag doing here?” Referring to you, serving drinks at a face pace.
“She is our waitress.” Sam pulled a tight lipped grin.
“Surely she can’t work here. I want her gone!”
“What did she do to you?”
“She said I looked like a drag king.”
“Can’t be the first time.”
Thor glared at Sam and looked around for a member of the stage crew. “Hey buddy,” the man on the platform above them looked down at them. “Get my spot.” And Thor walked through the diamond curtains.
I've heard of affairs that you
must keep liaisonic
Are better bets
If little pets get big baguettes
Time rolls on, and youth is gone
And you can't straighten up
when you bend
But stiff back or stiff knees
Back and forth, Bruce and Thor fought for the spotlight.
Outdoing each other with more and more dance moves, getting the crowd excited.
The dances and choreography are mesmerizing, and you try to soak it up as you watch. The customers too intrigued, they forget they’re waiting on drinks. You make mental notes of the choreography and each spot they’re on onstage.
You’re attention is brought back by Bucky. “Y/N. Y/N. What do you need?” He asked amused at how easily distracted you are by everyone.
“Dewar’s rocks and champagne. And keep it coming.” You turn back around to watch the show once again. “So he’s a regular huh?”
“Stark? Yeah, he’s dating Stephen. At least this week.” He puts the bottle of champagne in a bucket and fills it with ice.
“I wanna be up there. I wanna do that.” You gesture towards the stage and look back at Bucky. He stops pouring and looks back at you. Looking you in the eyes. He sighed and leaned forward.
“Question is... do you have the talent?”
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guaizine · 4 years
About #Menswear Selected By Guaizine: 
Digital Fashion Week - A One Time Only Event? 
Milan S/S 21 Menswear @showstudio Round-Up Discussion
Just a few @guaizine reflections about some of the opinions from the experts panel:
..."we are not going to get into a pandemic again"... well, I would not be so sure about it, and I think that is the main reason why we should get digital fashion weeks seriously and realize about the potential they have as a format if we manage to take advantage of it in the proper technical way. Those designers still presenting traditional runway shows have different audiences, broader ones, in comparison with smaller brands where the designer as a person is not as important as the product itself. For these smaller brands digital fashion weeks become crucial, as they represent the only -effective- way to reach a client; direct one or an eventual retailer. 
..."give the youth more control of the creation"... this is a very good point of view, and I am pretty sure that many of the people involved in fashion for years, -for generations actually - like happens in many of the houses that take part on the MFW for example, had or still does have that great idea of bringing new blood to their business in mind too, but I am pretty sure also that such a thing won't ever happen if that “old” generation do not effectively see that the new one has the proper tools to make it work. 
..."Brands are forced to bring their narratives to people and audiences"... Yes! that is right and that suppose to be the right way to approach the digital fashion week from a brand point of view, that is why I was surprised about not hearing about brands like MSGM or Zegna XXX, that having a quite sharp knowledge of their audiences manage to arrive directly to the core of it with a couple of beautiful presentations undoubtedly effective, taking a few steps away for the storytelling and focusing way more on the product itself, a product that seems to be made for their very specific buyers, and not focused at all on trying to generate trends during the next season. Playing safe is always a valid way of being part of the game.
Another interesting point of view is the budgets brands have to put digital shows online, and is obvious that a bigger budget gives you the potential to do something better in theory but this is not always the case and this is the perfect opportunity to bring the Magliano presentation to the discussion, a low budget presentation with an original collection presented is a creative way, nothing was left behind, and everything works as a perfectly executed puzzle. The video is simply a video art piece, that gives to a group or fashion insiders with an unique point of view the task of sending a message to an audience they know well so they manage to address them exactly what they are expecting from the brand, going even further away by pushing forward the brand appealing with content that to me is interesting to look at also to people who is not actually interested in fashion.
..."I really didn't watch a lot of the films and stuff...because they are so much content to sort of digest"... and? so? What do you think editors do then during fashion week? How can someone build some criteria to later go and write a piece to be posted or published if it is not by watching in this case, or attending in person to every single show in each city season after season? How can you give an opinion about a fashion week by only looking to a few instagram feeds of two or three brands? would that be the proper way to approach a panel discussion? 
About Philipp Plein, Pierre was quite clever about going further instead of giving it time to be discussed. I have the feeling that the main reason why we still listen about him and his "work" during every fashion week is because with plenty of resources you manage to survive even if people only talk about you to criticize what you do. Maybe a bit less attention will give him the chance to reflect on his strategy and realize that maybe he has a market -obviously he does have one- but fashion weeks are not the kind of platform his brand needs and that huge budget can be invested on design or marketing.
About Etro doing a physical fashion show instead of a digital one in a city that has been suffering so much during the last months, I think is a topic very difficult to talk about especially if you are out of the social, economical and even political context of it. So I will leave to the brand itself and their PR team to deal with it, but also will avoid giving my free opinion about it on social media because saying that the event was inappropriate because I saw people not wearing masks for example is not only superficial but shows a huge lack of understanding of the context of the industry of fashion in the country, of the circumstances of the city today and so many other topics that goes beyond fashion. So saving the social media hubs our opinions about it I guess is the right attitude towards an issue we all know so little so far. Let's focus on fashion guys, please.
..."The people who were invited to Etro...most of them were white"... how can we be surprised about this in 2020?, there is not much black people involved in fashion, it is been like that for decades, so for me the element of surprise has no place at all in this discussion, what should be the brand doing instead? Inviting a bunch of random people just to make the show look diverse? I think the problem we need to face here once again is the lack of diversity in people involved in the whole industry and not in a particular fashion show that happens to take place immediately after the world has been facing weeks of protests that fight racism. Ironically seem to me like is way more honest a show like that, than the attitude that the most of the brands adopted for digital fashion week trying, desperately to look "inclusive": Being "inclusive" in fashion in 2020 according to digital fashion weeks, from Russia to Paris is "to exclude", Yes, exclude automatically from any fashion presentation or show any blonde model, as simple as that, Go for it and you instantly become "inclusive". Sounds exactly like a few years ago when we saw in the industry suddenly loads of oriental models to reach runways, presentations, and magazines after the fashion insiders finally realized that the oriental market was exploding and greeting western fashion and lifestyle as never before.
About the @gucci presentation and "...who would wear that"... is funny that after years of Alessandro Michele, a panel with plenty of stylists think that way about the brand and seems not to have done the exercise of to look at the clothes produced by the brand and designed by the designer and his team, properly, closely and separately. They all seem to stop instead at the styled looks they get from a magazine, or sadly once again, from the brand's instagram feed...
Let's move on..."There are a lot of brands struggling to survive, struggling to sell"... I agree, that is not a secret to anyone these days, But ironically you only had time to "watch and digest" two, maybe three digital fashion shows and they were of the biggest brands, so? What is the point here? won't those small brands be struggling less if we all will be talking more about them? showcasing them more on our websites and YouTube videos? "watching and digesting" more of their design and ideas? Don't you all guys think that would be a more fair approach to it, and without a single doubt an easy and effective way to "help" them?
..."Milan is always a step behind Paris"... please, let's be careful about this kind of opinion because we risk to look like people that see and live fashion -once again- from and around Instagram and Tik tok. The only reason why Paris and Milan are different is because the brands they showcase are different between them, different because they have different audiences, different markets, different targets, those factors make the difference and are not the trends they generate or not after the runway shows the relevant matter on this issue.
About Versace, the approach I agree was quite good, very much attached to the times. But I still have the feeling, even a few days after, that they missed a huge opportunity to make something great! They have everything that they need to make a video successful, but the director seems to be behind on the timing of the scenes, and rhythm was the big absent on the film, the whole final product seems lacking energy and action, which seems to be difficult not to be able to reach with such  a vivrant tune, an stunning dancer, and good clothes - either you like the brand or not-  at the end the whole looked more like a music video and not as a fashion presentation. With probably a huge budget you would expect a pretty much perfect piece of content, especially if in the past, smaller brands like Grace Wales Bonner, did stunning pieces like Practice, directed by Harley Weir and Grace herself and Devonté Hynes as a collaborator, demonstrating that is not money to make the different in this cases but talent mixed and balanced in the right way is.
The collection was presented under the title of "flash" because it was a "see now, buy SOON" collection and not a "See now, buy now" since as you mentioned it was not very successful at the end a few years ago. Keeping on Versace, I agree Gianni Versace was one of the main designers of the 90's but saying today that the brand needs to be given "expertise, fabric development and technical design" sounds to me a bit irresponsable. If you want "something a little bit new" I suggest you once again to look and focus on NEW brands, If we like -or not- brands like Versace is because they manage to keep a concept during their history and they try their best to present it in a different way season after season; sometimes they reach better results than others, ( becoming a "miss more than a hit" ;-P ) but at least there is a constant attempt on going beyond fashion and transforming those ideas more into a lifestyle for the people that likes, follows, and more importantly buy the brand products.
Moving into the JW Anderson presentation I heard ..."A designer explaining the meaning behind it...we do not get that from the designer mouth anymore"... come on, that is what designers do to press right before every single fashion show is about to start, and they do it once again to press and buyers after the show ends, is part of the fashion protocole, it is been happening for years, decades, so you will get that from "designers in the future" still, there is nothing to worry about. 
A final word goes to Pierre A. who I talked to very quickly on Twitter to express my feelings about this round up discussion and he mention that "a live panel is not an easy exercise (specially on Zoom)" and of course underlining that it was his first time doing it, but from my very personal point of view you managed very well, in this cases one of the most important things to keep in mind is to give space to your guests and you definitely mastered that bit! Very well done! <3   
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prorevenge · 6 years
You want to play dirty to win an election, We can play dirty too.
warning: very long story.
English is my second language so I ask for your forgiveness in advance for any grammatical errors. I'll state right off the bat that I don't think I was on the right side of this one, morally speaking, although I think we pulled it off quite well. It was satisfactory revenge at least. This happened several years ago, when Facebook was still a new fad populated with young people :)
For a little context, I live in a small community with a permanent residential population of about 2000 people. Of these, about a half are of legal voting age. However, in the same jurisdiction, there is a university. The university was built about two years before the election in this story. By the time the election came around, the uni had a population of about 6000 students, all of voting age.
More background: I've lived in this tiny community all my life. My parents built a house here and when they passed on, they left it to myself, my sister, and brother. The latter two moved on but I stayed, letting out the extra rooms for some additional income. Point is, I love this place, and I don't like to see it changing. For the past twenty years, the same lady, Mary (who also happens to be my godmother), has been our elected representative and she has kept our community safe, well serviced, and well planned - in fact, better than the majority of other representatives in our country.
Now, the beef started when the university was built. More people meant more services were needed and thus more people moved into the community. Over time, as the population increased, two groups of people could be seen. There was the old guard - people with property and money, older, and less tolerant of change - and their followers. Then there was the transient group of people. They moved in when the uni was in session, ran their businesses, and left when the school closed over the summer. This group included the students themselves. This group wanted more. Specifically, more say in how the community was run. Now, like I said, we of the old guard didn't like change, and we didn't want people who would leave in a couple of years changing how we permanent residents lived in our community.
That was the bone of contention, and the only way they saw to solve it was to elect one of their own. A youngster who would see things their way. Even before the university, the old guard, of which I was a part, had a slight majority which we had used in the past to keep control of the representative seat. We didn't count the students since they weren't present during elections. The university had put out a press release saying that they would give the staff and students a two-week break to go back home, vote, and come back. It was par for the course with all other universities.
So the election season rolled around. Most eyes were focused on electing the president and other high-profile positions. But in our quiet little corner, we were setting up for a titanic battle.
I am in no way qualified to run a campaign. However, being one of the youngest of the old guard, I was given two tasks. One was to get in touch with my fellow youths and bring them over to our side. The other was to handle the social media aspect of the elections. Social media was still a new concept in our country, but it seemed like a viable avenue of communication.
Now, the candidate who had emerged to compete with Mary was Brian. And he was a douche. His campaign was equal parts balling, bribing, lying and violence. Mary had ran against him before and won. When campaigns kicked off, both sides had a sit down to nail down the do's and don'ts. Using the students as a voting bloc was out. Even Brian agreed (but we came to realize later that he was lying through his teeth).
Anyway, Brian came at us hard and dirty. During the three month campaign period, that guy travelled all over the community in a fleet of fancy cars: Land Cruisers, Range Rovers, Benzes and such: Balling.
His campaign rallies were often just stops for him to dish out money to the financially disadvantaged: Bribing.
When we decided to hold rallies of our own, his thugs would come in to disrupt them: Violence.
We hated that guy but he was winning people over. Not many, but enough to gain a majority.
You know those signs that say "No Posters Allowed" or "Bill Posters will be prosecuted"? Brian printed a bunch of our posters and pasted them all over these areas. So on top of running a losing campaign, we had to deal with calls from irate citizens demanding we remove our posters or they would sue us. He trash talked Mary from the window to the wall. He rolled up with political heavy hitters in tow, all campaigning for him. I really did think he would win this one.
But then Brian made a mistake. If I were a proper campaign manager, I probably would have seen it sooner, but there we were. Hindsight, huh. Anyways, I noticed that Brian held a lot of his rallies in the university. And the Dean was often seen at his campaign rallies. In fact, what got me onto this trail was when the uni put out a second press release that students and staff would only have a two day break instead of two weeks. Now, the original two weeks gave students enough time to party and to vote, right? But now with only two days, they could do only one of those things, and with the apathy that many of them have towards politics, you can guess what they chose. Right in one, reader! They chose to stay.
That seemed hella suspicious to me. So I reached out to a few friends who had been volunteers during the voter registration drives and asked her how many people he thought registered. They confirmed my suspicions. A lot more people had registered that year than before. How many? at least 5,000. That meant that about four thousand students were eligible to vote in our community and normally, that number is usually less than 200. and since we didn't have anything to do with it, it was fair to assume that it was Brian's doing. He wanted a landslide and he had roped in the students to get it. He had planned this thing even before we had started thinking of campaigns, seeing as the registration process was carried out about eight months prior to the commencement of the campaigns. Now that was foresight.
Now, that may sound like a death knell, and it was, but not for us. See, the construction of the university and the increase in their finances from the government attracted significant levels of corruption, all kept under wraps, of course. Similarly, the existing student population was suffering the school's growing pains - not having enough available rooms, not enough seats to handle the student population, more expensive meals, disappearing grades when systems are overwhelmed, and other such shit.
I knew our response had to target the school somehow and get it closed, and so I dusted off my old trolling accounts on Facebook (everyone has those, right?). We basically pulled a Russia on Brian and his campaign and it was beautiful. Like, Oh, my God, you have no idea of the power of memes. We spread stories in the various university student groups on Facebook. We called into doubt where the school's funds were being spent. I didn't give a runny shit what was true or not. The dean's brother is developing real-estate? Did the dean finance it with the school's money? Student's grades are disappearing? Are ethnic minorities being targeted and held back in school so they can pay more? Brian posts a photo of a beautiful woman? Is the dean offering Brian female students for sex orgies? (I shit you not, I embraced the filthy side of politics like a long-lost lover). Students living outside the school get robbed? Is Brian behind the systemic intimidation of students who won't vote for him? Will Brian and his thugs run our community with an iron fist if he is elected? A new club opening near the school? Is the dean funding Brian's businesses using money for the school? We did everything possible to connect Brian and the Dean to corruption and violence and bribery online. Our messages reached the intended readers; the students, and through our Facebook posts, they got to see all this "news". And it riled them up something fierce.
Outside the university, we needed to reclaim the majority that we had lost. We didn't just take a leaf out of Brian's book, we took the whole goddamn book and wrote a sequel. First of all the Poster Wars intensified. The entire neighborhood was covered in posters. We even stopped putting up our own posters since we knew Brian would do that for us.
Secondly, and this was my brainchild, we would have cars fitted with loud speakers driving around the community at two in the morning shouting out Brian's campaign slogans at full blast. Annoying as hell, but when the cops were called, all we had to do was park on the side of the road, turn off the car and duck down. After a week, people were entirely pissed off. Brian, in his characteristic fashion retaliated with even more cars shouting out our message, but who would believe that the sweet lady Mary would do that? Brian is just mad because his campaign tactic didn't work and he's trying to pass off the blame (Said our Facebook posts).
We were not done with the University. The school absolutely had to shut down. So we reached out to the defeated aspirants of the university's student body. This part was Mary's idea and I think it was the tipping point. I was present at the meeting and the basic agreement was that if they helped us with the push to drag Brian through the mud along with the dean and the existing student body representatives, we would in turn help them get the current reps kicked out and support them in the university's next student body elections.
We did not tell them what to do (wink wink), but they went ahead and did it anyway. Building all that tension from outside the school through Facebook and inside the school through the loser contestants came to a boiling point. Six days before the election, the students marched to protest the "corruption" our team had "exposed". The protest quickly turned into a riot. windows were broken, small fires were started, riot police were called in. The following day, the university was shut down indefinitely. All staff and students were sent back home. And of course, we were there to ask; Did Brian and the Dean instigate a riot to stifle the votes of ethnic minorities? Did Brian's thugs burn down the school? Did the Dean instigate the riot to burn incriminating evidence?
The riot was not as large as many that have occured in other institutions, but to us, it was the final nail in Brian's coffin. Brian got less that one hundred votes since he made no effort to ingratiate himself with the permanent residents. He counted on the students (4000 votes against our 1000) and he lost. Needless to say, Mary was voted in as our representative, and again and again until she retired. Brian never tried again, and we have maintained control of our community ever since.
Clarify an issue. I wasn't the best teenager. I was a bit of a troll. Also, Having seen our community change in the past several years - despite our efforts - I concluded that I was in the wrong for trying to hold back change. But I still maintain that Brian's kind of change wouldn't have been good for our community.
(source) (story by JimmyChinosKnowsNose)
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arvilenesobrevilla · 2 years
“I wish things were back to normal again”, a phrase that’s become quite popular in the last year. The Covid-19 epidemic is one of the most catastrophic threats our world has ever faced. It is, first and foremost, a human crisis with serious health and socioeconomic ramifications. Pandemic has changed the world and the consequences of this global event will have lasting effects. The loss of life and the fear caused by the pandemic disrupted governments around the world at an unprecedented speed and scale.
The COVID-19 panic has resulted in significant changes in our daily lives, changes that have frequently occurred quickly and suddenly. Also the epidemic has had an impact on the kids, and youth are now compelled to stay at home rather than attend school or socialize with their peers. As a student, I'm having a hard time adjusting to life at an unprecedented time, as we're all dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic's interruptions, disturbances, and upheavals in our lives. Instead of learning in a classroom, we are emailed packets and given work to complete online. "Well, at least you get to learn," you might think, and although that is true, not everyone has the resources to learn, and some of us learn better in a classroom atmosphere. I can say that many things have changed as a result of COVID-19. But despite the ongoing threat, countries around the world are starting to lift restrictions. Heavily shaken by the corona pandemics many of us are currently thinking about how we could contribute to overcome this unprecedented situation. This is our contribute, first and foremost, we must inculcate into our minds to stay home, unless it is truly necessary or if there are immediate needs that must be acquired outside of our homes. It is for our own good and for the greater good that we stay in our homes. We could help our nation stand up and fight, for our health workers at the frontlines in this battle. They, who became our new world heroes. We also acknowledge our low-skilled workers who play a significant role in combatting the pandemic. Our janitors and street sweepers maintain our neighborhoods clean so that we don't have to worry about health hazards. To our barangay officials, police officers, and government personnel who protect the safety and well-being of our countrymen in their communities, ensuring that every family has enough food to eat and survives each day. To the efforts of civil society and non-governmental groups in providing basic necessities to the less fortunate.
As we question whether we will ever go back to what we once knew to be “normal.” But now is not that time. Now is the time for unity, for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences. Let us stay safe, well-informed and positive as we fight hand in hand. We will get through this crisis together and we will be multiple steps closer towards a new world with a healed humankind. I still believe “We can beat it” we just need to follow the protocols. Stay home, do your part wear a mask, don't spread a virus, don't be scared. i know that living in the future is hard, but it will be fun again—maybe even better.
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