#if i had to do that nowdays
istherewifiinhell · 1 month
OKAY here another indulgence then
one thing i like and kinda grew obsessed with in becoming knowledgable about tfs was going to ppl like. hey you the transformers theme yeah? how does it go? and if u can get someone to play with you they probably do the "robots in diguise" bit or "more than meets the eye". possibly both.
but then you can go. how about the rest of it? and if theyve never heard the g1 version, u get to show them this rhymic glory. (notice about 10secs in)
yeah thats the good shit. i really enjoy seeing ppl experience it for the first time. u can also catch the outro version in there.
and cause we are also blessed i can also share this video of a person losing it trying to break down what's actually happening (i believe in actuality part of it justs comes down to an awkward edit, but its really fun to see, and i LIKE the awkward edit s1 version)
whats more tf core than being driven to the brink quibbling over things that are all techincally the same thing by a different name, lmao. also i want a piano interprolation of this theme so bad the way the chords get layed out in this sounds SOOOO good.
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wawek · 3 months
The world wouldve been a better place if the dunmeshi anime happened in about 2 years
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the-trans-dragon · 6 months
Y'know it was REALLY goddamn evil and nefarious that the oil fields gave my mom (a single mom working 3 jobs to raise 2 kids) a single $5,000 check in exchange for her signing a nondisclosure to never complain about them.
Of course we fucking took the money. Even with her working 1 full-time job and 2 part-time jobs, she barely made over $1,000 a month. Of course she took the money. We though about moving but we still couldn't afford it. She was so frugal with it, though. It did give us a sliver of financial security for years.
But goddamn. $5,000 is table scraps to them, and they bought her silence with it because she couldn't refuse the chance to slightly lessen the weight of poverty on her family.
#sorenhoots#i remember i was like 11 or something. she didnt know if she should sign it. and its not like we had or knew any lawyers. she had ME read it#over and even i was like “this is a nondisclosure and it means you cant ever talk about anything they do even if they do something terrible”#i recall being very proud of myself for knowing what a NDA was. lord knows where my middle-school self learned that from. she did eventually#have a lawyer of some sort look over it and they said the same thing but.... $5000#it wasnt an option for her. that was more money than wed ever had or saved. she had two kids who would need cars bc we lived so far in the#country. she knew i wanted to go to college. i dont think i ever saw her buy herself clothes before then either. it was money for emergencys#and necessities and birthday presents and road trips and... i often wondered about the person who offered us that. i wondered where they#lived and wondered how much their clothes costed and wondered if their kids got to have art or piano lessons. i wondered if their home was#over 80 degrees in the summer and under 60 in the winter and if they lived in a house that wasnt filled with dangerous spiders (we had nice#spiders too but we did also have Very Dangerous Spiders) and id picture him in his office in a button up and slacks and it would break my#heart that my mom couldnt have all of that. we just had a $5000 check and a vow to not complain.#she still feels earthquakes from it. less nowdays but still. and sometimee it still smells like a jar of hot petroleum jelly. and the attic#smell is worse than ever and the tap water smells like sulfur and wet mold#goddamn what the fuck? jesus christ. she should move.
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dentixvoxel · 2 years
random shout-out to greyromantic/aromantic people who are also allosexual.
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kurjakani · 1 year
Oh i just realized nubbins kinda reminds me of this one kinda rowdy kid i used 2 hang out w no wonder i feel so affectionate towards him
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hunting-songs · 3 months
 “Campfire Stories”
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Send me “Campfire Stories” and my muse will tell yours about a scary tale, folk story, or even one of their own spooky experiences.
She had fled the noises of the city to the nearest beach. Senritsu had never been a good sleeper, but sleep was nothing but a distant dream, a wish, a fantasy, when she was visiting cities even when the noises would die down at night a little. Those noises never died down enough for her, every breath, every electric buzzing, every honking car, every person turning in their beds, every step on asphalt, was another nail boring into her skull painfully. But sometimes the weather was a blessing and in the grey mist laying over the ocean by the beach like a thick blanket the noises were almost muffled down and if she focused- focused intensely, focused tieredly, focused desperately- enough on the waves and the gulls above she could almost think it was quiet. It was still not quiet enough to not hear Suguru. "It does not sound like the northsea at all.", the woman hummed, running her short, gnarled fingers nimbly through the cold water until they felt numb and cold like lifeless pieces of meat sticking to her arm. Shoes pulled off the woman had crouched down as close to the waves as she could without diving into the ocean, so the cold water would tickle around her ankles and shins icily.
"Much too colourful. Much too rilassato. Ma non troppo murderous. And even with bells and buildings washed over by the waves beneath, it really does not sound like the northsea." The frown on her round face drew a long, deep line between her big eyes as she continued to tieredly listen, listen, listen. She heard the near harbour that never slept, she heard the waves, she heard the buzzing of electricity in the air from the near buildings, she heard Sugurus breathing warm and alive against the cold air, she heard the fish darting through the deeper waters farer out into the bay that were still unbotherd from any fisher or beachvisitor at this early hour. Between all those noises it was still quiet enough to sooth the migraine that the noises of the city hammering, hammering, hammering like ironnails into the Musicians skull would cause.
"Did you know that the oldest northgerman rhyme in songs and poems is Nordsee=Mordsee? Northsea=murdersea, roughly translated. It even shows in the local folklore how much that sea is feared for its murderous nature. When someone drowns at sea, they come back as a Gonger. Named after the Gong-sound the bells of the nightwatch make to announce midnight. So when this bell sounds air through the night the Gonger, bloated up and grey and cold rises out of the sea that had swallowed them. But they do not go after the family waiting for them on the Halligen or by the coast. Instead they hunt down the people seven generations down the line from them who dared to be born and raised and be happy without them. At night the Gonger presses through the smallest space, be that under a door or through a keyhole to lay down ontop of the people they hunt and make them dream of drowning. In the morning this people would wake up with in saltwater drenched sheets and a puddle of the same water covering their bedrooms floor. The Gonger will than fuoco continue to visit them until they either drown just like they do or they remember the drowned person they dare to forget. Most storys end with them drowning. The Gonger is not picky." With a huff Senritsu eventually stood up and stepped back, shaking the water off her gnarled feet even if it did not stopped any sand from sticking to her soles. In the much too early morning the sand was cold, crunching in her much too keen ears loudly beneath her feet like little bones. The noise made her grimace as if she had bitten on a foul fruit and Senritsu just shaked her head gently with a rueful laughter over such a little, normal noise making her flinch uncomfortable: "Its of course nothing but a metaphor for the aimless danger of nature. The Gonger, just like the northsea goes after random people with no connection to another, but the fact that they live near the coast like their drowned relative as people related to another sometimes happen to do. Just as people drown in storms by the sea for no reason but the fact that they happned to live by the sea. Its semplice stories that try to give sense to natural and random happenings." There was a quiet sound when she patted the sand off her cold, numb feet and slipped back into her ballerina shoes. The shells she had collected a few hours before when she had seekd ut the bay and put in her vests pockets clinked against another like bells. Almost, only almost overtuning the heartbeat of the sorcerer Senritsu was listening to. Voices and mechanic roars echoed through the mist from one near harbour slowly waking up from the early hours doozing.
"Well than, dear cicerone," The woman sang those words as sweetly as a song swaying in the tact of the waves when she grinned up to the man in all good humor: " I told you mine, now its your chance to tell me yours. Indulge my curiosity velocità. Maybe that pacific ocean of yours is indeed as murderous as my atlantic ocean, mhmmmmmmmmm?" [ @uzumakiuser ]
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boydaugther · 9 months
one of my most haunting memories was when I was 4 or 5, we were at school, all sitted on the floor listening to the teacher the kid in front of me had a space between his shirt and his pants that I kept staring at, I just wanted to pinch it so bad, but I tried to resist it and eventually pinched him as hard as a could and he started crying. the teacher was furious and kept asking why i did it and I really didn't know "I just wanted to" it said. the worst part is I actually liked that kid, I had nothing against him whatsoever, yet I didn't really feel bad about it. anyway I hope he's fine now but I still hold that as proof I might be secretly evil
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voids-cave · 11 months
apparently leon was misogynistic again how many times do i gotta teach you this LESSOn *gets out the transfem lazer*
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ce-heich-ce · 1 year
when I was a little kid I didnt watch shows like sailor moon or ranma ½ because I had thos idea on my mind that I shouldnt watch or do things that were meant for girls because I was boy, despite this I had no trouble watching sakura card captor on the morning cartoons or playing house with my girl cousins when I went to visit them on the countryside
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miley1442111 · 2 months
(part 2) choices and chances- art donaldson
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
summary: the last time you're second-place to tashi
pairing: art donaldson x reader
warnings: angst, feelings of disappointment, hurt, etc. +
PART 2 of 12
Art ran through the science building, tennis bag swinging from his back as he raced through students to get to you. Patrick was hot on his heels, shouting ‘where are you going?’ and ‘can you slow down?!’. 
Art did not slow down. Art kept running. 
He knew this was his last and final chance, that if he didn’t make it to this, he would lose you for good. He was still sweaty from a warm-up session with Tashi 10 minutes ago, his hat was practically falling off his head but he couldn’t have cared less. 
As he came to a halting stop outside the lab you were having an exam in, his heart dropped when he saw the lights off and the chairs empty. He checked the time, 2:48pm. Your exam finished at 2:30, right?
Art opened your texts and scrolled back to the text in which you had told him about the date of your final exam, asking him to pick you up at 2:00pm. 
“Fuck!” Art shouted, gaining many stares from the students around him. He quickly dialled your number (he had learnt it by heart) only to be met with an automated voice telling him that his number was blocked. “Fuck!” 
His tennis bag was swung to the floor and he sat against the wall, anger and shame eating at him. You had a match against Tashi and a final science lab today, and he was too busy with Tashi, helping her warm up when he should've been with you. 
“Hey, at least you’re off the hook,” Patrick patted him on the shoulder and Art blew up. 
“I don’t want to be off the hook! I want her to be angry with me, I want her to see me, to want to see me! I want her to fight with me, because that’s all we fucking do nowdays and it’s all my fucking fault! Once again, I ruined the best chance I’ve ever had with tennis!” He shouted, standing up tall in front of Patrick. “And yes, Patrick, I’m aware that you’re dating Tashi and that you think I’m jealous, well I’m fucking not! I just want my girlfriend to still want to be my girlfriend! My Y/n to still be my Y/n! So don’t come to me every fucking time Tashi pisses you off, telling me that ‘I can have her’ because I don’t fucking want her!”
Patrick sat there stunned. Art had never raised his voice at him.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my girlfriend,” Art said after gaining his composure once more, and starting to walk down the hall. 
“Ex-girlfriend!” Patrick shouted after him, rubbing salt in the wound. Art flipped him his middle finger, and set off to find you.
Art didn’t find you before the match, but he was sitting beside an upset Patrick. 
You came out in your Nike tennis outfit, Tashi in her Adidas, and the match began. 
What ensued was real tennis. Tashi was talented, yes. But you, you were on fire. You beat Tashi Duncan. You actually beat Tashi Duncan. 
Art couldn’t have been more proud. Or worried. 
What if this actually was his last chance and he blew it on Tashi?
He knocked on your dorm door with a bunch of lilies in his hand, your favourite. He had a whole plan, he would apologise, grovel, congratulate, then fuck you. Then, he’d spend all weekend with you and go into San Francisco for a city break. 
You opened the door wearing one of his sweaters, a sleepy, but upset look in your eyes. “What?”
“Can we talk?” He asked, a smile on his face at your beautiful and drowsy state. 
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes and stepped outside instead of letting him in. Odd. 
“I’m so sorry, I thought that the final ended at 2:30 and when I got there you were gone-”
“What time did you get there?” You asked, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“2:30?” he lied. 
“No you didn’t. I waited until 2:40 for you Art, fucking praying you would show up, don’t lie to me.”
Art sighed. “I’m sorry baby.”
“Look Art, I’m getting really tired of being second place to everyone, sorry- to Tashi, in your life so please just let me go,” you asked. “Now, I would really like to get back into my dorm.”
Art knew he had to fight for you. “Please, I wanted to make it up to you, I thought he could go to San-Fran this weekend, just you and me, no tennis, no distractions.”
“I have a match this weekend Art,” you rolled your eyes and Art sighed, realising he’d forgotten. “Y’know, the one you promised me you’d be at so you could meet my parents?”
“Yes of course, you know I’ll be there, I meant after we could go to San-Fran,” he smiled, his hands on your hips. 
“Don’t bother coming, we’re done,” you shoved his hands off your body and walked back to your door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a very hot guy from my science class who would like to fuck me again, so I’ll see you around Arthur.”
You slammed the door in his face and his heart broke, he had lost you. 
He had made his choices, and lost all of his chances.
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
PART 3: choices and meetings
art donaldson masterlist :)
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cyb3rspyd3r · 10 months
" SAY I WONT ☆. "
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pairing: e!42 miles x blk fem! reader
summary: miles is a streamer , his fans are doin a lil too much and it pisses him off..
contents: slight suggestiveness(?) , kissing , streamer miles
miles: purple you/mya: pink
miles is a popular streamer nowdays. not as popular as people like amp , but he was getting there. one of his dreams was always to meet kai , but besides his lil somewhat strong act he put on for you , he was nervous. he knew he could get his fans to get the word out there , but he waited patiently for his loving fanbase to grow before trying more things.
miles had been on stream for about 30 minutes now , with hella laughs. he was doing a q&a , these were always funny when he streamed. however , when miles streamed he wanted his favorite person to be there with him , but you weren't here yet.
miles continued checking his phone through out the stream , seeing if you had texted him to say when you were otw. as he put his phone back on the table , chat asked a question. "where is mya? shes always here"
"nahh chat i deadass miss my girl , haven't seen her in 5 hours she hadda go home.." miles sulked , he was VERY clingy to you , when you had to go he acted as if the world was over.. you once had to leave school early and he damn near screamed "THE WORLD IS CRUMBLING BRO NOO"
you slowly looked through the window , since this is mainly how you came to his house sometimes. (like there's not a door..) you heard him laughing over something one of his fans said , making you smile at his attractive laugh. you slightly ran over to him and wrapped your arms round his neck , hugging him and kissing his cheek, causing him to jump.
"wtff amorr , where did u come from i been waitinn" he cheesed , as you sat down in the chair beside him , smiling that you could make it to his stream.
"m' sorryy , i had something to do but im here noww , wspp chat" you looked over at the screen smiling and waving , the chat flooded with happiness , miles' fans loved you. "soo since my wifey is here now , yall keep them questions comin in and we gon answer em" he smiled , glancing at you then looking back at the chat.
after a few questions being answered , you and miles were cracking up at the both of your answers , and the questions. you had tears in your eyes from laughing , so you decided to get some water. "oh shit.. broo hollon lemme get my water bottle" you breathed out , trying to catch your breath from cackling while getting up to get your bottle from the side of your bag.
miles spun his chair towards you , still making jokes about the answer you gave the chat for one of the questions. "you said .. a nigga wit 3 arms .. yo ass seen an undeveloped squid?" he said before bursting out into laughter at his own joke , making you cackle.
however while you were getting your water from your bag on the floor , someone commented in the chat. one of those chats that read itself aloud .. yea.. miles didn't like what this person had to say
"miles do better bro" the chat read , making both you and miles spin your heads quickly towards the screen, miles scooting his chair closer to the desk scrolling up quickly to see who made the comment.
"yo.. don't make me end this stream right here right now yo. what yall niggas not finna do is talk about my girl like that. say i wont end this shit rn." miles was mad , he hated when other people talked about you like that , especially people neither of yall knew..
you sat down on the bed now being aware that weird ass ppl were on miles stream , trying to drink the last bit of your water as fast as possible so you could calm him down.
the chat flooded with people practically begging miles to not end the stream , but boy oh boy was he heated rn.. when you walked back over to miles he pulled you into his arms , holding your waist so tightly to the point where you would've had to damn near fight him to let you go. "this? yea this is my beautiful ass wife , don't eva say no shit like that about her yo.." miles said , pointing to you and kissing you. "mhm u heard him" you said , sticking your middle finger up at the camera and laughing.
Bonus Headcanons ★:
miles g who always plays games with you while being on stream , and enjoys every moment of it. you two usually play roblox , he always acts as if he wouldnt be fucking terrified of the horror games but ends up screaming and jumping
miles g who doesnt like streaming without you that much , you're his gf and he loves basically having you as his lil partner in crime when he streams.
miles g who will NEVER tolerate any bs about you on his streams.. yk how amp does try not to laugh videos and they be doin fanum wrong? if they try that shit on u he WILL end the stream that instant.
miles g who buys you matching outfits with him so you two can match while he streams , or in general (he loves matching with you)
miles g who doesnt raise his voice or yell on stream when you're sleeping somewhere in the house , he knows how loud he can get sometimes so he makes sure that nobody intends for him to do anything that would wake you up
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pls dont let this flop i love this post sm
taglist: @gw3ndyswonderland @hiimayee @444morales @all444miles @nokkihy @spiderheartzz @marci-jean @rashadisback
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cuntess-carmilla · 2 years
The way "alt" is done nowdays is so exasperating. People (rightfully) talk about how dark academia and cottagecore and those trends that imo aren't "alt" but are distinctive aesthetics are more in the business of looking like they're someone who reads a lot or someone who bakes and lives in the countryside respectively instead of putting any emphasis on actually reading a lot of learning substainability or homekeeping.
And the same happens with the way alt anything is being done lately and that's why so many people get so disproportionately angry and defensive when someone who's actually into a subCULTURE corrects them, especially if that person doesn't even "look" the part as much as their fake asses do.
No interest in actual countercultural politics, ideology, sentiment, praxis or even artistic expression or practice.
They want to look like they're someone who's into unfathomably obscure non-palatable music and ideas, without having to actually put any effort into cultivating their musical knowledge or identity. They want the whole VISUAL package immediately, but nothing else (hint: that's why you get called posers).
Reminds me a lot of this:
[Image description: TikTok stitch in which the first video shows user @/dormence with text printed in front of them that reads "Did you know that there's no "correct" way to dress for a goth club. The truth is that fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. Tip: Allow yourself to be ok with experimenting and blending your favorite styles until you refine into your own symbol 🖤"
The rest of the video is of user @/awfullysinister speaking to the camera.]
Here's a fun story for everybody. I've been involved in my local goth scene for about 10 years now, I've been going to clubs and shows and events for about 10 years, I've been a DJ in the scene for about 6 years.
A few years ago I got booked for a DJ gig for one of my friends' club nights. I was late, unfortunately. It happens. I got to the venue about 30 minutes after the night started and I looked pretty bad… Worse than usual. I didn't have my hair up, I wasn't dressed nice, I had gym shorts on and a hoodie… I just had all my stuff with me in a bag and was planning on changing in the bathroom.
And there's this guy there that was all dressed up. He's got leather pants with straps, Demonias, he's wearing a black buttoned down tshirt with a fishnet shirt underneath it, his face is full of makeup… He looked like a Chris Motionless wannabe, basically.
And as I'm walking in to walk toward the stage to put my stuff up there, then go to the bathroom to change, the Chris Motionless wannabe stops me. Like, he puts his hand out, like this, like, on my chest, and he looks at me and he goes "Oh, I'm sorry, are you lost?"
And I look at him like a deer in headlights, like… What…? He repeats the question, and I just stare at him and say "I'm DJing tonight…" and he returns the look.
Anyway, I just brush past him and I go do my thing. It was a great night, I had a great crowd to my set, everybody was dressed in all sorts of ways; some people were really dressed up, some people were just wearing a tshirt and jeans, nothing special, but they were all dancing, they were all having fun.
The Chris Motionless wannabe didn't dance ONCE, and for what I saw, it didn't look like he was having fun, it looked like he was just standing around trying to look cool. In fact, at the end of the night, one of my friends told me that a guy that kinda looked like Chris Motionless remarked about how he hated the music and wished it was heavier. I don't know exactly what that means, I'm going to assume that he wanted to hear Metal.
That was about 3 years ago, and I have not seen that guy since. Not at any clubs, not at any shows… It's like he just disappeared, and I expect that I'll probably never see him again.
Anyway, the point is; sometimes the people that keep your local goth scene going, who are dancing the most at your local clubs, and who keep goth DJs like me feeling inspired to continue doing this, and to continue to seek out new music… Sometimes those people are just wearing a tshirt and jeans and aren't all that dressed up.
And, sometimes, the people who're dressed to the nines, who look the part and have a closet full of expensive brand clothing, just stay home all day, on TikTok, pretending to be better than everybody else, with cringey usernames like "goth daddy" and "goth king" and "goth goddess". Sometimes - not always, but sometimes - those are the people I wish I never had to run into in my local scene.
Link to the TikTok
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eth4nsknife · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. friday night. [jack champion x reader]
── "thank you, my love."
summary: with jack’s busy filming schedule, it was hard for you and him to spend time together. you missed his cute brown curls, his soft cuddles, his perfect smile. you missed him. but you had a great idea.
warnings: none, just fluff! 💞
a/n: this is my first time doing this so i'm sorry if it's bad or contains any errors 😅
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jack’s phone buzzed in his pocket. his face lit up when he saw your name show up on the screen. he picked it up on the first ring. 
“hi, my love!” he exclaimed. 
“hey! how are you?”
“i’m doing great because you called” he said gleefully
you blushed and let out a giggle at his comment. “you’re so adorable. are you busy right now? i have something in mind for us.”
“i’m free for like..” he paused. “2 minutes.” he chuckled awkwardly. “tell me what you’re thinking about.”
“that’s alright. ok so i know you’re pretty busy nowdays and i barely see you, which i really hate because i miss your dorky face.”
he chuckled.
“sooo how about this friday night, we just stay at home and watch our favorite movies or something? we can take turns picking. i could buy your favorite snacks and candies, maybe we could have some popcorn—“
“i’d love to” he said softly. he did a little happy dance until he heard someone call his name. “aw i got to go, love. i wish i could talk to you more.”
“it’s ok! you’re busy i get it. i’m so excited for friday.” you smiled widely. ”alright, i’ll let you go. love you! text me when you can alright?” you blew kisses to the phone.
“love you more. i promise i’ll text you. bye!” he said as he hung up. although he was sad that he had to go, jack loved hearing your voice even if it was just for a second.
——— ——— 
you had just finished setting up when you heard the rhythimic knock that jack made up when you guys first started dating on your apartment door. you jumped up with joy and ran to the door. as soon as you opened it, you jumped into his arms. 
“i missed you so much, sweetheart.” you mumbled. he lowered his arms to wrap them around your waist and squezzed you tight. 
“me too, love” he kissed the top of your head and you smiled softly.
“cmon let’s go! close your eyes though, alright?” you said as you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. 
“wait w—“ but before he could finish, you covered his eyes with your hand as you guided him to the living room. slowly removing your hand, jack opened his eyes and gasped at the room. fairy lights hung across the ceiling and around the tv. his favorite snacks and candies placed carefully and neatly in a tray. a blanket fort in the middle with a ton of pillows inside. 
“lately you’ve been working non stop and i know you’re super tired, so i figured you needed a break.” you blushed. jack picked you up and gave you a huge kiss on your lips. 
“i don’t even know what to say. thank you so much, y/n.” he kisses you all over your face, which tickles you. 
“j-jack stop!!” you say while you bust out laughing. 
he puts you down and he gives you one more kiss before you let go and run to your room. you return with a cute pair of matching hello kitty pjs. 
“look what i bought us..” you smile mischivelousy. 
jack sighed and said “i’ll wear it just for you.” you jump up in joy, run up to him and hand him the pjs. 
“go change out of your dirty clothes.” you giggle as you walk to your room
after you both changed into your pjs, you sit down in the fort and choose a movie to watch. “i’ll let you pick a movie first” you say. 
“you sure? you should pick since you’re the one who planned all this.”
“you’re the guest of honor though” you said. he paused for a moment, then let out a big sigh and shook his head. “finee.” he took the remote from your hands and searched for something to watch.
after about 10 minutes or so, jack finally picked a movie. star wars. you placed your head on his shoulder while he was munching on some snacks with one hand, and holding on to your waist with the other. he started rambling about star wars lore for almost half the movie, but you weren’t complaning. you loved when he rambled. you thought it was cute.
“y/n?” jack said as he turned his head towards you. you didn’t even realize that you had fallen asleep. “oh i’m sorry” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. you felt so bad for falling asleep on him like that. “no no, don’t be sorry love. you must be tired after doing all this.” he cupped his hands on your cheeks. “thank you for everything. i loved it” he gave you a soft smile and kissed your forehead. he layed your head on his lap, and you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“i love you forever and always, y/n.”
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
Real talk
Im sooooo tired of Vox always being portrayed as the victim and Alastor the only one 100% responsible for their friendship falling apart
Did we all suddenly forgot that Vox is a terrible person too? He brainwashes his audience, he supports Val, he is willing to offer his lowest employees for Val to kill, he's also prob abusive to his employees as well, he stalks pretty much everyone, he has like 5 cameras inside Angel's dressing room, also it's like implied he's jealous of Angel because he gets Val's attention, him being jealous of Angel for being a victim of abuse is pretty messed up if you ask me. Oh he also told Sir Pentious to fucking kill himself and he also gets hard of seeing people in pain and get hurt! (Sure it was Alastor but still messed up)
" he looks so sad at the end of stayed gone when Alastor threatens him I feel so bad for him:(("
Really ? Well maybe if he had just kept his little hate boner for Al to himself instead of feeling to need to start publicly slandering him it wouldn't had happened. Just saying. Also I don't see how people feel bad for him. If anything he looks so extremely pathetic it's laughable I want to kick him
Okay this is kinda out of the point I want to make it's just many people who make him the victim seem to forget he's a terrible person so I just wanted to friendly remind everyone that he's as awful as Al ^^
I think, we should acknowledge, that it's a complicated, and probably tragic, situation. What if, maybe, they're both as equal at fault for shit going down hills for their friendship. Vox because he doesn't respect others wishes and cannot take no for an answer, he prob tried forcing Al to move on with recent technology, which Al hates. ((His request to Al to join the Vees also prob meant catching up with the nowdays stuff and new technology, like the rest of them)) and Al because he was prob unnecessary cruel and brutal with his rejection.
I don't think Al was just using Vox like I've seen many people say. He allowed Vox to take a picture of them together. For Al to do that I think it confirms their friendship was genuine. "Ah but it's Alastor so that means it was fake cuz he's an evil manipulative bastard who only cares for him-" You're wrong, but also right lol. He's an evil manipulative bastard, but , he's also capable of genuine friendships with others (( did y'all forget Rosie lol? )). What I think happened is that, time passed , things changed. Vox became obsessed with new technology and tried to force Al to follow in, Al didn't like that, but instead of communicating with eachother and solving their problems by talking it out and respect eachother's wishes, they had an unnecessary argument and fight. They're both to blame for this, they're no victims in the situation and it's okay you can still sympathise with eithers side
Also people who make Al the villain for like not returning Vox's confession and feelings in most One sided Radiostatic videos/fics I've seen-- yikes.. I really hate that I have to literally say to PLEASE don't villiantise the aroace character for being aroace and rejecting confessions. It's extremely ace/arophonic (and yes I get to have a say to this, I'm a replused aroace videos/fics like this genuinely make me feel negative emotions) even if he was extremely cruel with his rejection -- villiantise the fact that he's an asshole- not his rejection.
yes I agree!! this is essentially a consolidation of points I've made before ksdlfglg
like yes, alastor's an absolute shithead but I think there are some people who forget that vox is also... not a good person. I don't think there's anything wrong with there being sympathetic aspects to vox but I feel like there's such a huge amount of fanwork where he's the only one portrayed sympathetically without showing his own bad points in their relationship, and I absolutely hate it when alastor is fully blamed for how vox is now and vox is seen as
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vox got pissy at a rejection, that's not being able to take no for an answer, that's incel behaviour LMAO
feel like there's something to be said about people feeling the need to sympathise with the one with unrequited feelings compared to the one who has to deal with someone expecting romance from them when they don't feel the same. does it have to do with society's expectations about romance that unrequited feelings are more sympathisable?
but yeah I am glad that at least the "complicated" part of the description of their relationship implies to me it won't be as simple as "vox was the poor victim and alastor was just using him", I think it is much more interesting if there's no clear victim and both were at fault in a way
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selodka-pod-shuboy · 6 months
Statement regarding a possible Lonely encounter I had today.
So I live on the coast, and after work, I use the bus to get home
Today, when walking to the station, I saw a very thick mist coming from above the mountains, mixing up with the clouds above. I thought: "Well, that's unexpected, but not strange'
And so I get to the bus stop, and after some waiting, get on the thing. Just to clarify: I start working really early in the morning, so i usually get to work by train, due to it being dark anyway, and the tickets are cheaper. During the day, on the other hand, the inconsistent timing of my shift end means that I tend to miss the train and go for the bus. It's a little bit pricier, but i get to see the coast, because the road goes along the side of the mountain, and the sea just seems so infinite and pretty... I get to sit all by myself, tired and satisfyed with my day, and listen to whatever music I currently fuss over. And so I'm on the bus, as usual, enjoying the view, right?
But after a couple of minutes guess what I see? We've just left the city I work at, and there is a ship. Not in the nearby harbor, nor moving anywhere. A ship, big and dark and it was not there in the morning, and it is absolutely SWALLOWED by the mist, and you don't get fog just covering the water like this, or at least I have never seen that before.
So by that point my thoughts are already a mixture of "What the fuuuuuk" and "Oi, Peter". As if it wasn't weird enough, the bus, even though stuffed to the brim with people was too quiet, and the ticket lady wasn't in sight, even though she is always really quick to get to you.
And for some context: I have only been living here for a couple of months, so I'm still in the process of beating the language barrier. I have progress, but I'm not that good still. And when I use public transport, I always think, of how nice it would be to understand , what the people next to me are laughing about (I'm not an eavesdropper, it's just the shit you hear sometimes is wild). And I just feel so disconnected to them. And utterly alone... Well, all that combined, you can't blame me for seeing it as one big TMA statement material
The bus went like this for about 3 minutes, right until we made a sharp turn to the other side of the mountain, where my home city began, which lead to the ship going out of the sight.
The fog was still there, but it looked a lot more like a normal stuff you get before the rain. As well as, before I knew it, the ticket-lady was in my face, and i reached for the change in my pocket.
Not that it matters, but right before my stop, the driver unexpectedly slowed down, causing all the people standing to half-trip (me among them). In that moment, everyone almost... Sorta woke up? Like, you didn't notice it before, but everyone were suddenly chatting and complaining and that just wasn't there before.
So, guys, what do we think, was this a genuine Lonely encounter, or do I just see a TMA reference everywhere nowdays?
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i got so happy when i found out i'm aplatonic, genuinely. i think the main reason was because i have ocd, and one of my obsessions has always been this horrible fear of being an abusive toxic piece of shit being without realizing.
in turn that made me compulsively look up articles on How To Be A Healthy Person 101, and *so many of them* would go on and on about how you should have plenty of friends and broaden your social circle because by being friends/romantically involved with just a few people or even only *one* person you aren't going to "grow as a person" and "humans are social creatures" and "you shouldn't push all of your needs" onto one person, and for a long time that made me feel really fucked up
i would join discord servers, i would give out my handles to anyone who would breathe near me, i would try so hard that it was only after i realized i'm apl and started looking back that i noticed how bad all of that was being for me. i'd get so exhausted and uncomfortable, and it certainly didn't help that in today's internet culture people overshare *so much,* to the point where i felt like if i didn't share everything about myself i wouldn't be able to bond properly with others and feel that "spark" of friendship. none of my friendships ever lasted obviously, they died off very quickly.
upon learning about aplatonicism, it was such a.. relief? "oh! so it's fine. and i don't have to try anymore, because you can be happy just being by yourself with no friends." and consequentially i learned about so many more things, like how i enjoy being *around* people and even *with* them to a certain degree [depending on how i'm feeling], but not thoroughly involved, like in a class or a club, or people watching in an online game, that's how i get most of my Social Interaction Points. it all made me realize that i can reject concepts that don't work for me regardless of what society tells me, and that i should prioritize my well being and my happiness which had always been something i struggled with throughout my entire life.
most importantly, it made me more confident in how i navigate my relationships nowdays, and it made me better at establishing boundaries and pursuing the things i want. i have so much time and so many things i wanna do when i'm pretty much by myself almost all the time, it's very fun! feels so nice when i can stop for a second and appreciate that i'm by myself.
to all apls out there, you guys are very cool and i hope you have a good day today. :] thumbs up emoji
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