#if it's literally an established character you're writing about that's not a fucking reader insert!! don't put it in the fucking tag!! scre
maryibgarry102 · 2 years
i wish all the people who put OC fics in the reader insert tags on like ao3 and shit a very die
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
hey u know how mk only calls wukong by his title and never his name? and how wukong rarely if ever calls mk "mk," instead usually opting for "kid" or "bud?" and how both of those things are kind of representative of their relationship and how both of them care about each other a lot but they aren't honest with each other or with themselves about the other and how neither of them really wants to confront the fact that the other is a person with flaws and struggles? haha yeah <- normal <- lying about being normal
be glad i have been released from class now :) [narrator: she would later find herself late to her 2nd class while writing this]
so happy you have given me this excuse to talk about— i mean, yes! it is super normal to be thinking about this all the time and be comsumed by it and let me explain why:
i will start by going off on a tangent about names and labels and their narratove importance in stories because i love them and have a problem. (idk the word count here. viewer discretion is advized. i just wrote. it is long. beware)
In the Case of Names: a Sunburst Duo Essay
by Yours Truly <3
In the Case of Names in LMK: a Summary (please for the love of pete be a summary)
Ok, so, let me give y'all a quick overview (i failed. this is you're only warning. i failed, and this became a monster of an essay. run while you still have the chan—) of names in the literary sense. When studying novels and books and shit in your literature classes, you will notice that your professor might discuss the importance or ill-importance of characters' names in the story. For example: in the classic novel Fahrenheit 451, the protagonist's name is fucking Guy Montage to illustrate how he's just some fucking guy, a John Doe, a man stuck and complicit in the dystopian world.
You get me? No? Sorry, you want more examples? Fine then :3 let me introduce you to a story called Hard Times by Charles Dickens. It is an allegorical novel that criticized the utilitarian movement going on in dear old Great Britain in the 19th century thanks to the Industrial Revolution. Some fun characters were Johannes Bounderby and Thomas Gradgrind. Tell me, what images did you imagine when I gave you those names? Did you think of a bouncing ball for Bounderby? Were you imagining something square or maybe a mechanical grinder for Mr. Gradgrind?
Remarkable isn't it. The way choosing a name has on a reader/audience's perception of the character. Names are not just placeholders for a character. Names are the identity of that character. Names can establish their starting arc or their ending. Names can be visual in the sense that they invoke a strong idea of what a character might resemble or what themes they will present the audience with. Removing a character's name also removes their identity.
Remember that.
Anyway, I have talked enough about names in the general literary sense. Let us move on to LMK.
Given that this show is based off of Journey to the West (JTTW), many of the names of the antagonist are already provided, and their English translation is pretty literal (Demon Bull King, Lady Bone Demon, Red Son) with some exceptions (Jing & Yin, the Gold and Silver Demons), but their names all provide a description of what they are and how they should be viewed. Spider Queen is a spider demon and views herself as queen. Pretty solid characterization there. Lady Bone Demon, she's a bone demon and has enough rank to be considered a lady (or that could just be to ID that she is a woman but eh). Princess Iron Fan: she's a celestial princess and wields an iron fan. Got it? Good. These examples are simply here to show that a majority of the JTTW antagonists are still fulfilling their roles as antagonistic characters. What I mean is this: since "A Hero is Born," MK has been fighting against the Monkey King's old enemies from the JTTW book. It's like the moment MK inserted himself into the role of successor, the antagonist themselves were inserted to redo their old role of fighting the "Monkey King." It's almost as if nothing has changed beside the fact that their new op enemy is a "human" wielding the legendary staff.
[hmmmm, wait i actually never put this into words until now and it's fitting very well with the whole "MK's fight against Fate/the Narrative" but we'll just put a pin in that.]
However, when it comes to MK's friends (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Mei), they all share different names from their reincarnated/ancestral counterparts (Zhu Bajie, Tang Sangzang (they just give Tripitaka a last name lol), Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie). Their identity is separate, distinctive from who they are meant to reflect to the audience. (But look at how Tang still shares the same 1st name to the blessed monk, see how he's the one whose powers are the most similar, see how he being pulled into the direction of emulating the monk, see how much Tang fights it, see—)
Fascinating huh? But let us move on before I forget myself.
In the Case of MK's Names: a Paragraph (DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT GO OFF THE RAILS)
So, in the English version, there is a running gag about how MK's "real" name is long and complicated, and we don't actually know it. All we know is that MK switched it long before the pilot. And even before MK has that talk with Master Subodhi in s4ep7 (or 6? 8?), I would chuckle at how on the nose his name was. MK the Monkie Kid... how silly of the show writers....ahaha, what a funny little decision to make :)
Do we know why MK changed his name? Other than his original one being long, no. Do we know why MK specifically? We don't know. Maybe, in his fanboy brain for all things Monkey King, MK thought it would be cool to have a name that identified close to his idol. A name that identified with someone he wished to emulate and be as powerful as and felt so connected to. But what do I know? I am a mere local gal who feeds off of metas and theories and all things relating to my beloved sunburst duo.
Then, we have MK's many titles: Monkie Kid (IDs him as the new generations Monkey), Successor (IDs him as the one who will succeed Sun Wukong in both the title of Monkey King and power), Noodle Boy (pronounced "New-dle Boi and IDs as the boy who works in his surrogate/adopted dad's noodle shop), Delivery Boy (his actual job for the noodle shop), and last but not least, Harbinger of Chaos.
What makes a harbinger? What is chaos? What are their intentions? Are they good? Bad? Neutral?
So, I've already defined harbinger before and many others have as well, but to sum up: a harbinger is a being/person/thing that announced the coming of something be it good or bad but most of the time the focus is bad. A "Harbinger of Chaos" then, would be the one to announce the coming of Chaos™️ and the disruption of world order. Is this a bad thing? Well, the show presents it at the moment as so, but that doesn't mean it will be. Honestly, the show has shown order and fixed structures more in a bad light and promotes free will and choosing a destiny that fits you as the good thing 👀 (another thing to pin in the MK might to go war with Fate)
But now I have established MK's names and must shut up and move on before I no longer can.
In the Case of Sun Wukong's Names: some Paragraphs (STAY ON TARGET PLEASE)
I will admit that my knowledge of names in China is very low, and by low, I mean I know nothing (most of what I do know comes from asking friends and informational sites). So, let me begin this segment with an excerpt of Sun Wukong gaining his name from the book itself :) and break it down with my interpretation and how that is applied to LMK.
When the Patriarch heard this, he was secretly pleased, and said, “Well, evidently you have been created by Heaven and Earth. Get up and show me how you walk.” Snapping erect, the Monkey King scurried around a couple of times. The Patriarch laughed and said, “Though your features are not the most attractive, you do resemble a pignolia-eating monkey (husun). This gives me the idea of taking a surname for you from your appearance. I intended to call you by the name Hu. If I drop the animal radical from this word, what’s left is a compound made up of the two characters, gu and yue. Gu means aged and yue means female, but an aged female cannot reproduce. Therefore, it is better to give you the surname of Sun. If I drop the animal radical from this word, what we have left is the compound of zi and xi. Zi means a boy and xi means a baby, and that name exactly accords with the fundamental Doctrine of the Baby Boy. So your surname will be ‘Sun.’” When the Monkey King heard this, he was filled with delight. “Splendid! Splendid!” he cried, kowtowing, “At last I know my surname. May the master be even more gracious! Since I have received the surname, let me be given also a personal name..." ..."You will hence be given the religious name ‘Wake-to-the-Void’ (wukong). All right?” “Splendid! Splendid!” said the Monkey King, laughing. “Henceforth I shall be called Sun Wukong.”
What a fucking cutie <3
So, what can we gather from this excerpt? Sun Wukong just gained his official name. No longer is he a monkey with descriptive titles, no longer is he a monkey without a surname to be referred to as and respected for. He now has both a surname and a personal name. And while I don't fully understand everything Master Subodi listed when naming Sun Wukong, it is important to note the importance of it and how happy Wukong is to receiving it.
Before this, the book would simply refer to Wukong as Shihou (stone monkey) or the Handsome Monkey King. Both of these are descriptive titles that just inform you what Wukong is rather than who, just like with the other demons met in JTTW. But now, we get to know him as Sun Wukong, someone more than his titles and such. There's even an explanation in the preface how Wukong's own personal name has significant meaning or relation to Buddhism, but I won't get too much into that since my knowledge is of that is 0 and I want to try and stick to LMK.
Now then, let us examine Wukong's name in the LMK sense. Literally everyone in the show call him either Monkey King or "simian" (and if he really pissed them off, Sun Wukong). The only people to refer to Wukong by his personal name is Nezha, Macaque, and Peng. It is literally just these three. And while we could argue all say it like "Wukong (derogatory)," I believe Peng's the only one who means it. Meaning, I think Macaque says Wukong because he was the closest friend of SWK, thus that's the only name Macaque would ever call him (sure, he said Monkey King and shit in s1 but that was when he was duping MK soooooooo). Nezha calls him Wukong because after the whole Havoc in Heaven and journey stuff, he is the new oldest member to befriend Wukong and not be enemies with him (yes, he will get annoyed and aggravated by him, and he will not always believe Wukong's intentions are great, but he still cares and is his 2nd closests living friend).
Peng, on the other hand, does not give a shit. I fully believe that guy never cared for Wukong. They only joined the brotherhood because of Azure (they even offered for Azure to be the brotherhood's leader). I do not think Peng cares for formalities when it comes to people they dislike. We could argue that maybe Peng cared for Wukong in the beginning, but I do, honestly, not believe it. The only reason Peng even felt betrayed was because it messed up Azure's plan. Not because the two were sworn brothers.
But yeah, very few characters actually call Sun Wukong by his name, and when they do, it establishes not just how close they are/were, but also how long they've known each other. It's the same thing with how Wukong refers to others. He barely calls Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy by their names. He will give people nicknames and shit just to place a safe distance from them because of his own very unhealthy attachment issues.
In the Case of MK and SWK's Names for Each Other: the Actual Sunburst Duo Essay (you are free now.....)
Speaking of attachment issues, let's talk about the Sunburst Duo and how much these two need to sit down and talk.
So, we have discussed how names are integral to identifying a character's purpose, thematic journey, description. We have discussed how a person's title can clue in on certain characterization, present or future, and how they demonstrate the way others view them. Now let us apply this to our beloved sunburst duo.
As mentioned in your ask, @gumy-shark, both MK and Sun Wukong barely call each other by name (MK never has as far as I am aware, and SWK has done so only a few). It's "Monkey King" from MK and "kid," "bud," "buddy" from SWK. Rarely do the two ever think to say each other's name.
In the beginning, I originally thought MK only calls Wukong "Monkey King" as a way to be respectful, and with Wukong, I assumed he called MK "kid" simply because MK was very young to him. However, as we get into s3, and especially s4, MK and Wukong have grown a lot closer. Neither of them see each other as just a mentor or student but as friends. And yet, they cannot seem to stop calling each other by their title or nickname.
Thus, the distance is still there. S3 ends with Wukong promising to do better as a mentor and be more honest with MK, and we do seem him attempt this. He gives out more praises, he's more open about his feelings and then gets sucked into the memory scroll. But here's the kicker: the two are doing a reverse in their dynamic.
When it starts out, it is Monkey King who establishes the line between the two. He will simply be MK's mentor and teach him all the kid has to know in order to succeed him. MK is ecstatic to even be near SWK. This is his idol, the guy he's had a special interest in for years probably. He now gets to train under the Monkey King. He wants to do good. He wants to kickass. He wants to be just like him.
But as the story goes on, we see SWK open up to MK more and care for him deeply and want to protect him, and we see MK uncover the skeletons in SWK's closet and feel so alone and learn that the power he used to wish for is not what he expected. And in the aftermath of s3, it is now SWK who is opening up and trying to help kindle and safely guide their friendship in a healthier path(ish). It is SWK who is placing his own protege on a pedestal because "loook at him! isn't he so great and powerful! he will help this world a lot more than i did". It is SWK who is disregarding th original rules he placed. But now ,it is MK who is keeping the distance more than SWK. It is MK is trying to force some kind of distance. He feels like he shouldn't burden SWK with his doubts and worries. He is terrified of his own powers and their capabilities and worries his actions will make the same mistake as his mentor.
With s3 and s4, SWK has called MK by name quite a few times. Especially in s4. It's not a lot, but it's definitely more than before. And yet, MK cannot call Wukong by name. Personally, I think he might still feel like he's under Wukong's shadow. As his successor, there is a legacy that he will carry when Wukong actually retires and gives his title to MK (which is what I assume Wukong will do??? It is still unclear what exactly MK's succeeding SWK of). And that legacy is quite the burden. I would not be surprised that MK is unable to place himself as being worthy of taking Wukong's place just yet (if ever).
This guy was his idol for a long time. And with that, you tend to place a high pedestal for those people. MK has given Wukong such a high pedestal, and Wukong is very aware of it. It's why the guy even keeps his distance in the first place, and why he's scared to disappoint him. But, MK has learned so much, has been told of the tales and pain his mentor inflicted on others in the past (a past SWK greatly regrets), and yet cannot find it in himself to lower that pedestal or even allow himself to think about it. Because if he does, then he will have to acknowledge his own pain and his own disappointment in someone he not only admires but has come to love like family. And it is very hard to reckon with the hurt and pain caused by someone you consider family.
So yeah, they are silly monkeys who cannot communicate to save their life and need to just sit down and talk or else this will continue to boil and explode and we'll have a SWK and MK showdown (fuck yeah! i will be crying so hard).
[end of essay]
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iceunhie · 3 months
admittedly very late but have some questions for the ask game !! it's ok if u don't answer them all
- Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
- What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
- What area of writing do you want to improve in?
- What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
- Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
- Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
- What are your favorite fics at the moment?
- Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
[ ask game here! come and drop a question, i don't bite :3 ]
- do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? how do you come up with titles?
my writing process is literally just an entire random wheel dictating the typing of my fingers on the screen, but fic titling often goes two ways.
usually, when i write a oneshot, i title the fic after the writing process. that way, the title feels authentic and doesn't really stray from the plot i established. i also do this because i get too focused on the plot to bother titling things 😞
for multi-character fiction/headcanons, i tend to pre-write the title after i've mapped out a general plot ☺️ i enjoy titling things prettily and formatting so it's not surprising that that is the direction i lean towards
- what area of writing do you feel strongest in?
HOOHHH boy this is a hard one..... not completely aware of it myself, but personally, i think writing character dialogue and exposition are my strong suits.
- what area of writing do you want to improve in?
description and overall writing tone. there's something in my writing that still feels lackluster (at least, to me), so i'm a little prone to being demotivated whenever that happens.
also, establishing common elements in my writing style! im very indecisive and a huge perfectionist that i often forget that writing is a journey, not a goal where i have to get the highest score in to feel happy 💦💦
- what’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
ummmm okay okay so i KNOWWW i shouldn't be bragging but a personal fic favorite is definitely breathtaking (wanderer x reader) and heart to heart (aventurine x reader)
also, if any old readers know, my old wanderer fic that was about 10k words in length, which im currently rewriting 🤩
- who is your favorite character to write for? has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
this is going to sound so controversial. and basic as fuck but it's obviously scaramouche/wanderer! he's the entire reason why i established an account in the first place 🙏
fun fact: my baby blog days were almost consistently posting about him like i could not shut up lol
other faves include aventurine from star rail, jing yuan, jiyan and lyney!
- have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
i love making things turn heartwrenching and establishing characters to be absolutely in love and down bad for their respective readers. also, i notice that i tend to lean towards expressive readers more than usual and have a liking for adding mini character traits that make them more like a mini oc than a self insert....
- what are your favorite fics at the moment?
anything by @ddarker-dreams, @daosies and @sixosix! some other recs include
≈ translation (aventurine x reader) by @/yinyuedjun [ NOTE: CONTAINS NSFW CONTENT DESCRIPTIONS, MINORS DNI ]
≈ needles and pins (ratio x reader) by @/inarvii
≈ you're a pain in the neck (literally) by @/xiaowhore [ go check their other works because they're also god tier ]
≈ how to woo the acting grand sage 101 (al-haitham x reader) by @/baeshijima
≈ crushing on sunday and robin finding out (sunday x reader) by the GOAT @milksnake-tea
- do you have any writing advice you want to share?
keep practicing and practicing! also, write like no one will read it; this is advice that helped me so much because it allowed me to be authentic in my writing style. aside from that, try to incorporate styles you like from your favorite writers and slowly develop your own elements from said style to create your own! we're an amalgamation of the things we love and cherish, and your writing style is no different.
finally, write like you're in love with writing. yes its it's cringe as hell but writing quality advances by leaps and bounds when you love the trope and/or prompt that you're writing for.
as for improvement, always take it one step at a time. overall, writing is a very hefty process that sometimes makes you feel utterly tired and hopeless due to the many talented writers in active proliferation, but i assure you, your writing is wonderful. keep at it, and write, write, write. (ang corny Neto amputa sorry i just got sentimental for a second)
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jyndor · 2 years
Why do you think Melshi and the ship with Cassian is having way more attention than Bix and her past love story with him?
you and I both know what it is anon, but I see a few factors.
melshi is a white guy, fandoms love their slash ships especially with white guys. fangirls in particular like to erase all women, especially woc, from being "in the way" of their slash ships so they can get their rocks off while not struggling with internalized misogyny. hold that thought, I'm gonna come back to it.
bix and cass admittedly haven't spent a whole lot of time together building on their connection, in fact all of their scenes together have been pretty clear in them being each other's past and needing boundaries between them to move forward.
okay, so melshi and cass have just met and have this undeniable connection, and sure bix and cass have a sort of toxic vibe going on, but this is fandom. fandom doesn't care about toxicity. fandom cares about chemistry and vibes and are they hot??? and let's keep it real, bix and cass DEFINITELY HAVE CHEMISTRY AND VIBES. and yeah they're two of the hottest people lol like you'd think there would be a really toxic element of fandom loving their toxic dynamic, but there really isn't much of one. some people like me are pretty disappointed with bix's treatment and with how their relationship has played out, and some people do seem to ship them but there really are very little fan creations for them as a ship.
and it isn't like cassian has a fandom of people who are against shipping him with women. lol contrary to these idiot anons' beliefs, rebelcaptain is a very well liked ship for rogue one, probably the most popular. now I don't want to compare bix and jyn's dynamics with cassian because they're clearly meant to do two different things, and they're like apples and oranges. and jyn has more time with cassian on screen than bix does so far. but does felicity being white play a role? probably.
and then you look at ao3. why is it that cassian has more reader insert fic than he does with the literal established characters in the show? with bix, his first love? like I do not enjoy on-and-off again dynamics, I'd love it if they can move the fuck on, but undoubtedly they're worthy of some attention. I mean, even in my wips with rebelcaptain as the main ship, I'm trying to write bix and cassian properly, to give them the weight they deserve. they have an interesting, compelling dynamic regardless of the ending.
and in rogue one's fandom I'm sure there are plenty of reader insert fic with cassian and without jyn, but there's a lot less. and definitely there's a fair bit of ooc jyn and cass fic that makes me think it's reader insert in disguise.
but to me I think it's racism. of course it's racism. a lot of the melshi x cass stuff is based on misogyny and racism. but imo the reason why there's more reader insert x cass fic than bix x cass fic is because of racism, too. they're finding it hard to put themselves in bix's place long enough to let cassian rail her or whatever lmfao.
I mean I understand why cassian's girlfriend from niamos gets no recognition. its a shame but yeah she was on screen for two minutes and doesn't know his real name. BUT again I'm like really? hot lady over here naked in cassian's bed isn't enough for you? oh right, she's Black.
I don't know if it would be different had we seen some of young bix and cassian's relationship, but like come on for people who don't give a fuck about on and off again relationships or like how healthy a relationship is, which I KNOW fandom doesn't care about since reylo is a fucking thing, I think it might not have made much of a difference.
you know what it is anon. and you're right.
ps I wrote exes!cass and melshi ages ago, but apparently I'm homophobic for not saying they're endgame and that jyn and bix are cunty for getting in the way~~~~ or whatever lol
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vesuviannights · 5 years
Hello Claire, I am trying to write smut, and I blame (thank) you. I've never written it before and I'm feeling kinda unsure about how to go about it. Because you're such an inspiration, I was wondering if you had any advice for a someone just starting out like me. 😅 Thanks so much 😊💖
I accept (welcome) that blame.
I’ve written this post for similar purposes, but it’s focused more on getting comfortable with writing it without squicking out as soon as you start. I can definitely add onto it though, with some specific things that worked for me?
Same with the other post, not everything works for everyone and eventually you’ll spread your sexy wings and probably not use any straight advice anyone has given you - and when that day happens, it’ll be the best feeling in the world.
In the mean time, here’s things that worked for me and some things that I still do now:
Establish your preferred language very early on.
You probably won’t feel comfortable writing about sex if you don’t like the words you’re using, so figure out your preferred word for absolutely everything. Start with the genitals and work your way out from there. Some people prefer cock, others dick, some people stick with a plain old penis. Are you a pussy, sex or cunt person? Do you like breasts or boobs? Come or cum? Asshole, second hole, back hole? Write ‘em down. Play around with them. Say them outloud and roll them around on your tongue and in your head. You might find that you like one specific word for everything, or it might change depending on the mood of the piece you write, or even the character you’re writing.
Don’t be afraid to send the plot packing
Plot? Don’t know him. Get straight into the fucking. Don’t even worry about how they got there or making it believable. You’re here for the practise and to get comfortable with what you’re doing, worry about why your character is dropping to their knees in the back of a masquerade ball later.
Do little bitty baby smuts!
Headcanons! 200 word drabbles!! Two sentence stories!! All so amazing. Good ways of getting an idea out that you might want to use later and, just like above, good ways of being able to write smut without having to think about the nuances of plot, or even how the smut is going to end. Just write tiny little things. Tiny.
Refresh your creative writing techniques!!
This is the teacher in me popping out. We teach creative writing techniques for a reason - they work, even if you don’t realise you’re doing them. Want to create suspense or emphasis? Use truncated sentences ( “She cried out. Tight. So tight.”). Want to create a flow? List adjectives and verbs (“He sighed, moaned, keened as they thrust into him.”).
But also, don’t listen to the rules of the English language? It’s dumb. Start every sentence with ‘and’ if that’s how you want to make it flow. Have a sentence that’s 4 lines long, who’s fucking stopping you? Use repetition over and over and over and over again until your point is across. Use italics and capitals in literally any part of the sentence you want to create emphasis on, “Especially when your characters are talking during sex and you ne-eed them to–AH—be heard!”
Don’t be afraid to mimic
I’ll start off by immediately saying this doesn’t mean directly copying/pasting huge chunks of text and dialogue and calling it your own. What it DOES mean is that it’s okay to see a phrase or line in another smutty piece of work, go “oh I’d like to try that”, and play around with it in your writing. This can be from one line to a whole fic concept. No one is expecting anyone who is learning anything to come up with shit on their own, that isn’t how the world or learning works, people learn by seeing examples, scaffolding, doing and practising.
Hell, use my writing for this. Find a line you love but feel too unsure to write and just throw it in there. Work with it until it fits your work. Change a few of the words around. It’s a skeleton and you’re a god creating the meatsuit. You won’t know exactly what you like until you read or write it, and you can mimic another writer or even porn if you watch it, because what’s the harm?
Write it with whoever you feel comfortable
Depending on what you feel comfortable doing, the people you write smut about will change. I personally (and this is in no way shaming ANYONE) have never been able to write about real people because it makes me feel uncomfortable, and as I’ve grown in my twenties I can’t even really write about non-animated characters who are represented by actors because that also feels weird to me. What I DO feel comfortable writing about, though, is fictional characters who derive from books, comics and video games. So that’s what I do. Don’t write something or someone you don’t feel comfortable writing, you won’t have a good time.
Similarly, this can be extended to POV. If using first person makes it feel like too much of a self-insert for you and you don’t feel comfortable, skip to second person. If you don’t like the idea of writing to specific readers, skip to third person.
Use prompts
If any of you are old enough to remember, and it’s very possible this is still a thing, on Livejournal there used to be a thousand communities that were basically just multi-fandom prompt challenges. One of my faves was 50KinkyWays, which gave you a bingo card of 50 prompts and you just wrote a lil drabble or a huge fic for each using whichever pairing you wanted. And when I started writing smut, this was really helpful for me because it challenged me not to just do the ‘kiss, oral, missionary sex’ situation a thousand times over, and also forced me to research what I was writing about.
Way back when I first started this blog, I used this prompt list to steer what people requested. It was great, and gave me plenty of new material to use as a foundation for the requests.
If that’s too kinky or not your cup of tea, here are some other ones I’ve got saved in my drafts that are pretty fantastic too, ranging from mild smut to super kinky: 
Simple kisses prompt list
NSFW alphabet meme
Simple sentence starters
Mildly steamy sexy sentence starters
NSFW sentence starters - punishment edition
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk and I am always so happy to talk about creative writing and how amazing and dumb it is.
Biggest lesson: honestly just disregard anything I have told you that doesn’t work and just fuckin’ go nuts love u boo xx
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