#until you open it and have to be like OH FUCK YOU MAN!! DECEIVED AND BETRAYED! YOU BASTARD
maryibgarry102 · 2 years
i wish all the people who put OC fics in the reader insert tags on like ao3 and shit a very die
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redrose10 · 17 days
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Part 2 of three… Thank you for all the comments and messages!
CEO Yoongi x Female Barista/College Student Reader
Title: Cold Brewed Love
Summary: When you begged the owner of Jin’s Java House to hire more employees you didn’t mean for him to stick you with the cold, rude, arrogant CEO Min Yoongi. Over time something begins to brew between you both and you end up forced to make decisions way above the pay grade of a cafe barista.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, hints of smut(nothing explicit), Yoongi is mean but we all know he’ll turn fluffy later, violence, kidnapping, mention of a gun, drug references, gang activity, murder, overdose
Word Count: 3,824
You woke up confused and alone in a room you didn’t recognize. Your throat hurt, but your head hurt worse. You looked around trying to make out your surroundings to get some idea of where you were. The room was empty except for an armchair in the corner with a small side table next to it. The only light in the room came from a small space between the curtains of what you assumed was a window. It seemed like you had been out for quite some time judging by the amount of sunlight.
You tried to stand up, but you felt too weak immediately falling to the ground. You tried once again, but froze when you heard the door handle begin to jiggle. The door swung open and a light was turned on making you squint from the change in brightness.
“Good morning Y/N, good to see you’re finally awake. Can I get you something to eat or maybe a coffee?”, a deep unfamiliar voice spoke.
“Who are you and how the fuck do you know my name?”, you spat not in the mood for pleasantries.
The man walked in and took a seat in the chair across the room. You took noticed of his expensive looking suit that was tailored to fit him perfectly. His hair was slicked back. A strong cologne followed after him. He reminded you a lot of Yoongi.
“Is that anyway to speak to the man that saved your life and took you away from that monster?”, he said while lighting a cigar.
You scoffed, “You saved my life? My life was just fine until you kidnapped me and threw me in this room.”
“Oh dear Y/N. You really are too good and naive for Yoongi.”, the man chuckled.
The mention of Yoongi made your breath hitch.
“How do you know Yoongi?”
“Well Y/N…I am glad you asked. You see me and Yoongi go way back. We met when we were just children. We used to be very good friends, actually like brothers. We ran a little side business together. The largest drug manufacturing and distribution organization since the 80’s, you know… nothing too extreme. Then one day Yoongi’s parents decided to finally give him the reigns to control the business and suddenly he didn’t need me or our organization any more. I agreed to let him walk away because he was my brother and I loved him as such. I wanted him to have a good life either way.”
The man paused to take a long draw of his cigar before continuing, “But it turns out that wasn’t good enough for Yoongi. He was selfish. He wanted to take everything we had worked for while also making sure his past life would never get out to the public. He lied to me. He deceived me because he knew I trusted him. He took all of our assets, every cent. He destroyed any evidence that could be linked to him. And then to top it all off he went to the police to get the whole operation shut down to make sure this could never come back on him. But..unfortunately for him I’ve been able to build back most of what we had even though it’s nowhere near what we once had. It took a lot of time and cost me a lot of money and many of my men all while I’ve had to watch him live the life of luxury in his comfy office, going to galas, being praised and awed by strangers around the world that don’t know how evil he really is behind the facade of expensive suits and sultry looks. I vowed that I would get my revenge against him and make him pay for what he did to me…to us. I was starting to loose hope that I would ever get my chance.”
The man suddenly stood up and took a few long strides to kneel down in front of you. You pushed yourself back against the wall as far as you could while trying to conceal your whimpers.
The man poked his finger against your forehead, “And then I saw the photos of your little date. I could see it in his eyes…just how in love with you he is. I knew this wasn’t some random hookup like the others. And I knew that my time had finally come. Min Yoongi took everything from me and now I will take everything from him.”
“So what are you going to do? Just kill me to get back at him?”, you scoffed.
“Oh no no no Y/N. Not yet at least. I’m going to have some fun first. I want him to suffer for a while. I want him to worry about you until he’s sick to his stomach. For him to know your pain is all his fault. Then I want to kill him.”
You watched as the man walked over to the door before he turned to look back at you, “At the end of the day Yoongi doesn’t care about anyone or anything except himself, his image, and his money. You’re going to learn real soon about the real Min Yoongi.” The man stood up and left you speechless as you watched the door slam shut behind him.
“Fuck fuck fuck”, Yoongi chanted as he drove around trying to figure out his next move. He knew he never should’ve asked you out. He scolded himself for being weak for you.
He thought back to the first time he saw you and how he developed an immediate crush on you. Something he’d never experienced before. He saw you behind the counter of the coffee shop. You were definitely new. You kept eyeing him before quickly turning away every time he’d try and make eye contact with you. He knew you liked him. He wasn’t stupid.
Unfortunately he liked you too. Your cheeks flushed from nervousness and the heat of running around in behind the counter. Your hair wet from sweat and plastered to your forehead. You bit your lip in concentration as you poured the coffee. You looked so cute to him and he wanted to get to know you. To date you and make you his.
Then you shakily handed him his coffee only to knock it down on the counter spilling all over his favorite custom made shoes. Sure he had three other pairs so it really wasn’t a big deal, but he took it as the opportunity to scold you hoping to make you hate him. Selfishly hoping it would keep you away from him so he wouldn’t fall for you even more.
But it didn’t work as he had hoped and he quickly fell more madly in love with you every time he saw you. Then his parents made him get a job at Jin’s Java House. He knew it was a bad idea from the start. He tried to argue with them, pleaded for another option but to no avail. He thought he was strong enough. He started off trying to be rude while working together to make you hate him even more then he already knew you did, but it only made him feel guilty and left him wanting to make it up to you any way he could.
Then he tried distracting himself with other women, sometimes as close even ten minutes before he came down for his shift at the coffee shop with you. But even when his secretary was topless and moaning underneath him as he thrusted into her on his office couch all he could think about was you and your beautiful smile and how he wished it was you below him instead. As he was burrowed deep inside someone else he fantasized about how he would take his time and do everything possible to pleasure you until it was you screaming his name over and over. He knew it was a lost cause at that point because he was a man in love. And now here he was driving around the city while you were God knows where because of him and his weaknesses.
Yoongi regretted his past life. He wasn’t proud of what he did. He had gotten in a little trouble at school so his parents had told him he was a failure and they would sell the company before allowing him to take control. He felt hurt and useless and desperate to prove them wrong.
So as a teenager he turned to crime. Him and his best friend started dealing drugs. It started small with just some weed or pills here and there to other friends and their acquaintances. Then it got bigger and bigger until next the thing he knew they were moving thousands of kilos of various drugs every year worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They had bases in Seoul, LA, New York, Tijuana, London, Rio, Moscow, and Beijing as well as dozens of smaller ones he couldn’t even remember any more. Money was rolling in like he’d never seen even though he already grew up wealthy. He had a new woman every night and said goodbye to them before the morning with no strings attached. He was on top of the world and the best part was he was doing it all with his best friend.
Then he got a call. His dads health was deteriorating. The generational family company was falling apart. His mom was coping by drinking and popping pills, probably from his own supply unbeknownst to her. They were proud of him for becoming so successful in his “pharmaceutical business”, a lie he told when people started questioning his job or where his money came from. His parents had changed their minds and wanted him to take over the company. Become the ceo and bring profitability and success back to the family name and business.
At first Yoongi told them to fuck off. He wasn’t going to give up what he had worked hard for after they tossed him aside like he wasn’t their own flesh and blood.
Then days later he got another call from one of the few people in the world that he respected, his grandmother. She asked Yoongi to take over the company that her and his grandfather had fought so hard to build and turn into an empire. She didn’t want to see it given to someone outside of the family or worse have it shut down completely.
Yoongi tried to politely decline, but then solemnly she begged him. She begged him to take over not only to save the company, but so that he could escape his life of crime before he ended up in prison or worse. She cried reminiscing about how many times she stayed up all night worried about him and what he was doing out in the world. How every phone call made her heart skip a beat fearing the worst. How she saw families being torn apart thanks to him and his business’s product. She begged him, even referring to him as her little dumpling, a nickname she had often used for him growing up that he hadn’t heard in years.
Yoongi didn’t ask how she knew about his secret life. He didn’t want to know to be honest, but he knew he didn’t want to be the reason for her tears any longer. So he called his parents the next day to accept the position.
His friend had been kind and understanding, offering to let Yoongi just walk away from everything and leave him in charge.
At first that was fine. Then one night on his way home he found out that his neighbors daughter overdosed. She was just sixteen. A star student and respected ballerina already being scouted by some of the biggest dance companies from all over the world. Yoongi knew the drugs were from his prior organization. There were no others around at the time.
He watched the girls parents standing in the pouring rain until their knees gave out and they hit the concrete and sobbed as the stretcher carrying their daughter was wheeled into the back of a waiting van. After that night his grandmothers voice started playing over and over in his head often keeping him up along with the screams of the parents he heard that night.
Yoongi decided he wanted to erase that part of his life like it never happened.
Because he was still trusted by his friend he had access to the bank accounts which he wiped clean. He destroyed every document he could find that would tie him to the organization. Anonymously he contacted police in every city he could think of and helped them to track down all of their operations getting them all shut down. Multiple people were arrested and a few even killed. He did his best to convince himself that their blood was not on his hands.
And when the few that were arrested tried to snitch and implicate Yoongi there was no significant evidence and the little the police could find was quickly swept under the rug thanks to a little cash swung their way.
Yoongi was able to walk away without anyone knowing of his past life. His friend left to pick up the pieces of a once great empire. And now here Yoongi was paying the price for something he thought was long behind him and could no longer keep him from happiness.
You walked around the room as you looked for an escape. The window had bars around it. Of course the door was securely locked. There was nowhere to go. You didn’t have your phone any longer. You resigned to taking a seat back on the floor trying to come up with a plan.
You weren’t sure how much time had gone by but at some point later in the day a woman appeared with a tray carrying a bowl of soup and some toast as well as an apple and a bottle of water. You thanked her even though you had no appetite at all.
As you sat under the window staring up at the little bit of the sky you could see you wondered what was happening in the outside world. What happened at the coffee shop when you didn’t show up for work? Did they call looking for you? You were going to fall behind in your classes if that even mattered any more. Was Yoongi even looking for you or was he worried this would get out in the public and ruin his image? It was all becoming too much and you began to cry fearing the future and the unknown.
After a while of crying and dozing off you decided you were getting a little hungry. Remembering the tray from earlier you decided against the soup which was now cold and gelatinous, but the toast still seemed okay so you picked it up taking a bite.
It was slightly stale but passable. As you mindlessly chewed you noticed a small piece of paper on the plate where the bread had been.
With your brows furrowed you unfolded the paper finding a hand written note. The writing was barely legible as it appeared quickly scratched down and was written in some kind of lipstick.
“I’ll come back tonight. When you hear three knocks at the door be prepared to run.”
Your mouth went dry. Your heart began to race. Quickly you chugged down the bottle of water as you contemplated if running was worth the risk. Surely if they caught you then you would be killed. And who is this woman and why is she helping you? What if it was a test?
You had a million different thoughts going through your mind, but they were cut short.
Slowly the door creaked open and the same woman from earlier peaked in the room. She motioned for you to follow her. What did you have to loose you thought so you did.
The two of you tiptoed down the hall and some stairs before you heard shouting after you.
“Run!”, the woman shouted so you sprinted not far behind her. You ran down hallways and and stairs. Looking for any exit door.
Just when you saw your hope, a door with a large window facing the outside world just down the hall from you, you were grabbed and harshly thrown down on the ground. You looked up seeing Yoongi’s friend breathing heavily.
“This is what I get huh? I tried to let you stay upstairs in a warm room. I gave you food. Yoongi always said I was the soft one out of the two of us. I guess he was right, but not any more.”, he spat dragging you down the hall by your arm.
Frantically you searched for the woman from earlier who tried to help you. You hoped she got out or was at least safe, but you quickly realized that was not true. A blood curdling scream rang through the air followed by a single gunshot. Your eyes widened in horror.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m not gonna kill you just yet. Not before you’ve gone on a final date with your Yoongi.”
You swallowed down the lump in your throat as the man threw you in a cell, the iron gates loudly clanking shut. It looked like you were in a dungeon. It was cold and there was zero light coming through.
Without speaking the man tossed you an old dirty towel to use as a blanket before heading back upstairs leaving you down there alone.
Days went by. You were barely fed and barely slept. You had accepted your fate at that point. Unsure if it was the delirium setting in or what but you often found yourself chuckling at your situation.
You missed the days of going to college. You missed your friends. You missed the smell of coffee and the warmth it brought. You couldn’t believe how your life had turned around in the matter of hours all thanks to you falling in love with a lier, con artist, the devil? You weren’t really sure how to view Yoongi right now. He was probably leading a meeting right now without a care in the world. He’s probably going out to dinner later with some woman he met on his way to work with the sole intention to get in her pants by the end of the night. A small part of you hoped he was worried about you. Looking for you. Doing anything to help. Because a small part of you still loved him.
You hadn’t heard anyone walk in until you heard the iron gate slide open ending in a loud clank.
“Put this on. And use these wipes to clean yourself up.”, an unfamiliar voice said.
You sat staring at the items in front of you not moving.
“Bosses orders”, the man growled.
Slowly you grabbed the wipes and began wiping down your face and arms. It actually felt kind of nice.
You reached for the other items, a black cocktail dress and hair brush. You took the brush and ran through your hair a few times until the knots were out.
You looked at the dress and then at the man in front of you. He rolled his eyes and sighed before turning around and facing the wall. Quickly you removed your clothes and put the dress on before the man could turn around.
Just as you finished, the familiar smell of cigars entered the air and not long after Yoongi’s friend appeared.
“Wow don’t you look nice. I can see why Yoongi likes you. I think he’ll appreciate that you dressed up just for him.”, he said before blowing a cloud smoke through your cell.
“Now go ahead and stand up against that wall.”, he pointed towards the other side of the cell.
You crossed your arms in defiance refusing to move.
He chuckled, “I like you Y/N. I really do. Too bad I’m only giving you twenty four hours to live.” Your face dropped in realization at his statement.
A bright flash lit up the cell for just a moment before you realized your photo had been taken.
“Thanks sweetheart. I’m sure Yoongi will love it.”, he laughed before leaving you alone once again.
Yoongi was back at his place pacing back and forth. He’d ignored call after call from Hobi. He’s sure he’s wondering where he and/or you are and he doesn’t have the brain power right now to come up with a believable lie.
As he stared out at the river below his apartment he heard a new notification on his phone. A text message from an unknown number came through showing the preview of a photo.
Clicking on the message he instantly dry heaved sure he would’ve fully vomited had he consumed anything today.
A photo of you in a black dress. Your hair frazzled. Immediately Yoongi noticed the bruising on your body. The cut on your lip and welt on your forehead. What killed him the most was the look on your face. The look of fear, of despair. He could see you were holding back tears and it was all thanks to him.
Seconds later another message came through, “Y/N’s a beauty Yoongi. I always did think you had good taste when it came to women and it seems like even after all these years nothing has changed. You have 24 hours to find us. If you involve the police I’ll kill her instantly. If you even care…”
You had changed back into your old clothes giving yourself a little more coverage from the cold. The floor was made of stone but you were so exhausted you were able to drift off to sleep quite quickly.
You fell into dreamland. Dreaming that you were on a beach. The warm sun shone down on you as a breeze rippled through the air. The ocean waves crashed gently against the sand next to you as you walked along the edge. Looking up you saw Yoongi just down the beach waiting for you. He flashed you a gummy smile showing you the two drinks he had in his hands. Just as you began to walk towards him the sky turned dark and a giant wave came crashing down on you dragging you out to sea. You screamed for help unable to get yourself out of the current as the waves kept you down. Running out of fight you felt yourself slowly drifting under water father and rather. The last thing you remembered was hearing Yoongi screaming your name.
You jerked awake sweaty and out of breath with your hand clutching to your chest.
Sitting up you did your best to try and calm yourself down taking deep slow breaths.
Faintly from a distance you swore you heard your name shouted. You brushed it off thinking it was just a residual memory from your dream.
Then you heard it again, a little clearer this time and you were a little more certain.
“Yoongi?”, you whispered to yourself hearing a familiar sound as the door slammed open.
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iwanty0uu · 8 months
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❄︎ all characters are 19+ y/n being 20, second female character being 19, and male character being 21, contains swearing and mentions of violence ❄︎
click me!
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏...
Jada kingdom blasted through the speakers of your car, you got off early from work deciding that you would surprise your boyfriend with his favorite, KFC, a movie and some Chic-fil-A for yourself. It was snowy and you were hype, snow was either non-existent or did to much when it came to New York, so the slush of the ice below the tires of your car reminded you of how lucky you were to have a light snowy winter, just in time for the new year. The only problem was, as you parked your jeep already walking towards his door,his keys linked to the ones for your car, the door didn’t unlock.The locks were changed. 
You put aside your immediate anger for this man and taught yourself patience, so it took you a while to figure out how you wanted to react to this, the rock next to his doormat and the key that is usually under it posing as the devil and angel on your shoulder. You could either fuck his shit all the way up, or invite yourself in, but there was no key to your surprise.. dusting the snow off of your uggs and hands,adjusting your light blue bodysuit and white puffer jacket. You adjusted your small white beanie with a sigh.You completely understood what this meant.
The bitch is a cheater.
Being rational wasn’t your thing but neither was being dumb. You honked your car horn a couple of times and watched his windows, seeing the silhouette of a long skinny leg, with toes painted black, and an anklet resembling the one he gave you for Valentine’s Day…You heard the door knob shuffle, and wondered if your hearing deceived you because the front door remained still, and to your surprise he attempted to sneak the girl out of the back door which was diagonal from your jeep that you sat alerted in; door still open and legs hanging out, making eye contact with her as she mumbled something to herself.
Now, you didn’t expect your intuition to be spot on like this, in fact you hoped he had just changed his locks because something happened and he forgot to mention it to you.
“Shit” she said holding her head down covering her face with her gloved hands in shame, she knew she had wronged you and it took you a second to realize who it was, until her slimmer familiar figure approached the side walk, and stood in-front of you.
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“Bro why is she talking to her…”
He questioned as he paced around his living room, grimacing as he rubbed his hands with his face. He was still shirtless, pajama-pants hanging off oh his thick and muscular pelvis which revealed his recently trimmed happy trail, you could tell he liked what he did by how hard his dick was…He claimed you were his first love, took your virginity and loved you like no one else, but still fucked someone you trusted with your whole life, the future godmother of your kids even.He fucked up the best thing in his life.
What a dumbass.
Your eyes widened with shock as she profusely apologized without any pause, ”Y/n I’m so sorry I know he’s your boyfriend and stuff but I couldn’t help it and he left his jacket in Sasha’s car and I was close to his house and I am so so sorry I know you would never do something like this to me and you’ve took care of me my whole life and-“
Tears couldn’t help but welt in your eyes as the snow on your now damp lashes made them all the more sensitive…no word could describe how you felt, the hatred and heartbreak made your nose flush with even more red considering it was already colder than jack frost’s balls outside, you couldn’t keep it together and you wanted to do nothing but ruin her life after you realized..
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Late Night Visit
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x GN!Reader
Summary: While insomnia takes over you, a visitor decides to drop by. Literally.
A/N: I was watching The Amazing Spider-Man and Andrew Garfield got me all kicking my feet and giggly hehehe. also, i didn't want this to be too long so there will be a part 2.
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Sleep was evading you again and it's pissing you off. For the past few days, you've been struggling to sleep at a reasonable time. Melatonin wasn't even helping and you were ready to lose it.
So you're just sitting in the dark, staring at the wall when you heard a loud THUD at your window.
You shoot up, grabbing the bat you keep by your bed. You slowly creep over to the window, pulling back the curtain and looking out.
"Holy shit!" you place the bat down and open your window, "Spiderman? You okay?" you lean out and see the web-slinging superhero clutching his side. There's a gash and you see blood, "Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Spiderman is bleeding on my fire escape! Fuck!" you climb out and help him sit up.
"Ow ow ow ow!" he exclaims, causing you to freak out, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"Let's-Let's just stay like this for a while," he says as he's trying to even out his breathing.
"So, uh, rough night?" you ask, feeling awkward as hell because what do you even say to a superhero that's bleeding out in front of you?
He chuckles, "Yeah, guess you can say that," he clears his throat, "Is it okay if I use your bathroom and clean up?"
"Oh, uh, yeah."
You help him to his feet, hopping inside your room first to gently guide him in. He stumbles forward with a wince, and you catch him before he falls. He mumbles out a 'thanks' and then follows you to your bathroom.
He leans against the sink counter as you fish out the first aid kit under your sink, "Thanks. Um, do you happen to have a thread and needle?"
You nod, "Yeah, but I'm not stitching you up. If I even attempt to, I'll throw up. Like, no joke, I don't think I can-"
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I wasn't gonna ask you to. You've done enough for me already." You nod again, moving out of the bathroom to find your sewing kit. When you find it, you hand it to Spiderman, who gives you a nod of thanks, "Seriously, this means a lot. You didn't have to do this."
You shrug, "You do your best to keep all of us safe. This is me returning the favor."
"Thank you. Is it okay if I," he gestures to the door and you back up.
"Yeah, of course. Take your time."
You turn around when the door shuts and you go to your kitchen. You're up and awake, might as well make him some food or something.
Twenty minutes later, you're plating up some mac and cheese when you heard a crash in the bathroom. You immediately rush over and open the door to reveal a maskless Spiderman.
Both of you are frozen, staring at each other in shock for what feels like ten minutes until you're turning around, hands over your eyes, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I HEARD A CRASH AND I WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE OKAY! I'M SORRY!"
Spiderman is rushing over to you, "Woah, woah, woah! Hey, relax! It's fine. It's fine, you can look." You know he's standing in front of you, hands on your shoulders. You're still covering your eyes and he chuckles, "Seriously, it's okay."
Your hands slowly lower and you properly take in the man before you. His face is a little beaten up. His eyes are brown and he has dark brown hair. He's...very attractive.
He softly smiles, "Hi."
"Hi, uh, Spiderman."
"Well now that you've seen my face..my name's Peter."
"How are you so trusting with your identity?" you can't help but ask, "I can easily tell the world who Spiderman is."
"You don't look like someone who' do that."
You cross your arms over your chest, "Looks can be deceiving."
"Are you gonna tell the world who I am?"
He grins at you, "Then I'm okay." He lifts up his fist and you fist bump it with a smile. He then goes back to the bathroom, cleaning everything up.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up, by the way," he says shyly, as he throws the bloody gauzes into the trash.
"I was awake anyway," you reply with a shrug. When he gives you a questioning look, you add, "I've been suffering from insomnia lately."
"Ah," he nods in understanding, "I get that way sometimes too."
"So, um, I made you some food...if you're hungry."
"You didn't have-"
"It's fine. Really. Gave me something to do. But don't expect much. It's just mac and cheese."
He smiles brightly, "I love mac and cheese."
Peter follows you to the kitchen were you have a bowl of mac and cheese waiting for him alongside a glass of water and some painkillers.
"You're the amazing for this, seriously," he downs a few painkillers and immediately digs into his food.
You snort, "Did you not eat before you went out to fight crime?"
"I did, but it takes a lot out of you, okay?" he says as he shovels another spoonful of mac and cheese into his mouth.
Twenty minutes of eating and chatting go by and Peter has enough energy to get back home.
With his mask back on, he's out on your fire escape again, "I just realized, I never got your name."
"Well, Y/N, thanks a bunch for helping you. I'll see you around."
"You're welcome. Stay safe out there."
He gives you a salute and proceeds to jump off the fire escape. A web shoots onto a lamp post and he's swinging away, "GOOD NIGHT!"
You're waving even though he probably couldn't see you.
You close your window, locking it shut. You're body suddenly feels heavy. You plop yourself onto your bed and pull the blankets over you. Sleep finally comes to you.
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
Do You Want This? Pt. 1 (Jacaerys x Reader)
Hello everyone! Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I’ve had this in the drafts and nitpicking on it but fuck it consider it a gift and give me an A for effort. There’s incest here btw and also Jacaerys is older cause keeping him the age of the show is weird. Enjoy!
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“Sister, Welcome home”
(Y/n) called for Rhaenyra as her big sister opened her arms wide in order to embrace (y/n) in a big warm hug to which her younger sister ran into and wrapped her arms around Rhaenyras waist tight but careful not to hurt her or her baby. (Y/n) was almost attached at the hip with Rhaenyra when they were younger, it felt like she was the only person that understood (y/n), in her sisters arms she felt the familiarity and love she had missed.
(Y/n) was the second child of Aemma and Viserys, the reason her mother passed away, the reason why Viserys could barely look at her. He let the maester perform the cut hoping for a son so as a result not only did he lose his beloved wife, the child was another daughter.
(Y/n) felt her fathers disappointment in her from a very young age, however she never resorted into sitting comfortably in her victim role and slouch in the shadow of her sister, she found joy in not having to attend to the court meetings or learning how to perform duties of an heir. Rhaenyra never blamed (y/n), she was aware of whom it was that made the decision to go forth with the fatal procedure that took their mothers life, on the contrary she was protective of her -not that she needed it- she just always made sure her little sister was safe.
(Y/n) had been perfectly content with being alone, the quietness and freedom suited her well, Rhaenyra was amazed by how much her younger sister was glowing, she looked more beautiful than ever. (Y/n) had always been a lone wolf yet no one really believed she would have lasted this long.
“You left for a few years and you decide to give birth to an entire pact and with another one on the way”
(Y/n) teased playfully as she lightly caressed the bump that her sister had. Rhaenyra smiled before softly grabbing her sisters shoulders to give a small squeeze of endearment as she kept smiling wildly showing off her pearly white teeth.
“Gods have been good, I wish you the same soon”
“I’m perfectly content with being able to tighten my corset until I’m unable to breathe, I’m leaving the birthing stuff to you dear sister”
She joked light heartedly still there was some truth in her remarks.(y/n) had thought of being a mother, quite often actually however she hadn’t found someone to believe was worth to stand as the father of her child.
“My oh my, do my eyes deceive me? Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey, gods be good! You have grown to such handsome men”
“I missed you”
Lucerys blabbered out loud before running to her and squeezing his aunt. (Y/n) and Lucerys had shared quite the bond before they left, her and Rhaenyra were the only ones he would not cry when he was held, when he had bad dreams and did not want to admit to his mother that he was still scared of nightmares he would run to her bed and ask if he can sleep with her.
“And I missed you too dear Luke, let me take a good look at the future lord of driftmark”
(Y/n) of course adored him, he was such a sweet and gentle soul, she would do anything to protect him. She had him back and placed a kiss on the top of his head before she placed her hand on his chin to take a good look at him.
“You’re so much taller since I last saw you, hopefully now you can start taking me on rides with Arrax”
“Anytime you wish”
She kissed his chubby cheek before she diverted her gaze to the tallest man out of the three. She stepped towards him as she scanned his presence.
“It’s lovely to see you again, aunt (y/n)”
Jacaerys spoke in a low voice, avoiding to look at her. Jace always had a crush on his aunt, she was such a beautiful woman, he remembers dropping his sword on accident when she appeared on training or messing up his words when she tried to test his high Valyrian knowledge.
He was hoping his feelings have pasted and he would be able to face her, he was betrothed to a beautiful woman that had a good heart, he was praying that his little dirty thoughts would not come back, although they never really left him, he couldn’t have been more wrong. There she stood, her alluring presence and melodic voice was his soft spot.
“Jacaerys, welcome home my dearest”
(Y/n) smiled at the kind boy and walked over to hug him, Jacaerys froze for a quick moment before returning the favour. Her scent hit him immediately, she smelled of vanilla and jasmine, such a warm and suitable combination. He took a deep breath and felt his shoulders sink before he snapped out of his trance
As she pulled away (y/n) gave him a comforting smile and caressed his cheek in such a gentle manner that almost made him turn red before turning back to her older sister.
“Rhaenyra, I must show you how big Kai has gotten”
As the week passed Jacaerys tried to be as discreet as possible, he yearned for her presence and did almost everything he could to be around her. Respectfully of course, he was betrothed to Baela as well as being whispered around the castle that Cregan Stark had started to show interest in (y/n). It wasn’t the first time someone had shown interest in her, still he had to recognise that it was a tempting offer and people were starting to whisper about how she still has not been wed.
The hour was late yet Jacaerys could not seem to be able to rest, his mind was so preoccupied with different types of thoughts and refused to quiet down in order to fall into deep slumber.
He quickly got up and out of his room to roam around, as the idea of taking a walk to his dragon came to his mind he saw a small source of light in the library. Who would be up at this hour? He took a few steps before realising who it was.
(Y/n) was sitting close to the window in one of the chairs, her white night gown leaving her shoulders and collarbone bare, her hair was down and tucked behind her ears and she had pulled the material a little bit higher leaving her legs exposed, she looked like a dream as she sat there reading.
“I see that being discreet is not your strongest trait”
She spoke to him without looking up. (Y/n) had started to notice how Jacaerys looked at her, how he lingered in the background how his gaze followed her around wherever she went, she tried to rid of those thoughts although it was no easy task. Jacaerys was handsome, kind, a true gentleman, yet how could she do that to Rhaenyra? (Y/n) knew her sister would never understand.
Jacaerys cleared his throat before he fully entered the room, closing the door behind him as he faced (y/n). He could sit there and watch her all night if he could, he hated the gods for making him think like this, besides she would never give him a chance to prove himself worthy of her love.
“What’s keeping you up my lady?”
“I don’t know, I just cannot seem to fall asleep, what about you?”
“Do you want the truth?”
That was when she raised her gaze. He stood proudly even though his expression was filled with anxiety. No she must have heard wrong, he didn’t just admit that it was her that kept him up at night.
“I assume you are jesting”
“Unfortunately not”
“Jacaerys I-“
“I know what you will say. It is inappropriate for us to discuss this type of matter, you’ve raised me as your own therefor you could never betray Rhaenyra like that and the list goes on”
he interrupted her as he paced back and forth while talking with his hands moving. He was well aware of what she would try to say, that this could not be, that it would be impossible, that he is betrothed. (Y/n) got up from her seat making Jacaerys come to a halt while she left the book on the wooden table that stood between them. Her fingers traced the dark wood before she took a deep breath
“If you know then… what are you trying to achieve?”
“I guess one call only wish, is that such a bad thing? To dream of you”
“Yes, yes it is bad Jacaerys, I am your mothers sister”
“Do you think this situation pleases me (y/n)? You have made these past few days insufferable, I cannot seem to focus on anything, I am not even able to rest my mind cause you are driving me insane”
(Y/n)s palm came in contact with the table as she put her weight to her hands in order to support herself breaking eye contact for a few seconds so she can collect her thoughts.
In any other situation (y/n) would have already tried to get close to him, to show him she is interested, he was a man that did not go unnoticed, she was shocked when she first saw him after so long, he had grown into a ravishing young man, she had managed to ignore her sexual longing for Jacaerys for the past few days and now she came face to face with reality.
“I am leaving for the north in two days, I have decided to accept Cregans offer”
“No, I will not let you”
“Are you listening to yourself? You are to be married to Baela, she loves you Jace”
She whispered yet yelled at the same time exasperated, she was not only thinking of herself, he was the future king, his entire life was at risk, she felt responsible to prevent him for doing something he might regret. As she desperately tried to reason with him it took all her might to not spill her thoughts that had torture her.
“And I thought I loved her as well but I’ve been proved wrong.I’ve made so many attempts to remove you from my mind, to finally allow another woman I have always dreamed of you, ever since I was a young boy, do you want to know how many nights I’ve spend fantasising of you? of your… body, you are the succubus that has turned into a weak man with no power over my acts, I’m sitting here in the middle of the night begging for just a crump of your affection”
Jacaerys started to walk in her direction, his finger reaching out to make a trace from her wrist all the way up to her shoulder before he stood right behind her. His voice was Low and seductive, he knew the power he was starting to have over her, (y/n) exhaled loudly as his hand brought goosebumps at her spine and looked down in order to avoid eye contact.
(Y/n) could feel his chest colliding with her back while his free hand gently grabbed her hair and placed them on her right shoulder. He could feel her shallow and unsteady breathing, she closed her eyes at his touch that made her shiver lightly.
“My imagination has been my company through my adolescence, I have prayed to be given the chance for a few moments with you alone”
“I did not wish for any of this, think of the… consequences. This marriage means everything to our family”
“To hell with them, you are worth losing everything for. Haven’t you thought of it (y/n)? You’ve never spared a moment to imagine what it would be like if I… pleased you? Better yet, you have ever imagined what it would feel like? Say you haven’t thought of spending the night with me and I’ll be gone in an instant”
He whispered in her ear. His breath hitting her skin and almost forcing her to lose her train of thought. She turned her head slightly to look into his eyes which was a mistake. She fell victim of his intense glare that compelled her to not even be able to form a sentence.
“I know I’m not as experienced as you, yet you have haunted me throughout my life, I thought I would be happy enough with finding a woman that you shared similar traits but I just… my mind, body and soul yearns for you, your touch, your warm embrace, I belong to you”
“No, no we mustn’t”
“Yes we must”
He turned her roughly and head her by her waist in place, his body pressed against her leaving no space for her, her bum colliding with the table.
“Do you want this?”
“I- We”
“Do you want… me?”
She breathed out, her tone so low that he could barely hear, she had known lust before but mixed with the fantasy of biting the forbidden fruit made it more thrilling. His hands cupped the sides of her face as hers went to hold on tightly at the sides of his waist, grabbing the material of his shirt with all her might, it was better than any wine she had tasted and more passionate than any man she had bed.
His eyes trailed down and then up, her lips were slightly parted and her chest rose and fell as she tried to take deep breaths, her piercing eyes sparkled as she stared at him, like an antelope looking at their predator, he couldn’t believe she stood right in front of him, he was in awe of how she looked while the only source of light was the moon and a few candles, he had thought of this moment for so long so he wanted to take it slow, cherish every second of being this close to her.
“I have a wild imagination but i never thought you would be so… breathtaking”
His hands went to the small of her back as he slowly leaned in towards her lips, even though she tilted her head to the side he still stopped inches away from her lips wanting to tease her and make her feel just an ounce of how he has been dealing with for all these years.
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
She didn’t say anything, she just closed the space between them and attacked his lips hungrily. The kiss was full of passion, full of unsaid words and eagerness, they had both thought of this moment yet they had chosen to suffer in silence until now.
He pushed her up on the table and (y/n) wrapped her legs around him, she needed him to be as close as possible, as her hands found the hem of his pants they were both startled by the knock on the door.
“Princess (y/n)?”
It was her knight, (y/n)s eyes went wide before she jumped up and grabbed him by the upper shoulders to wake him from the shock
she whispered to Jacaerys. Lost in the moment and startled by the interruption he kissed her passionately one more time before he ran behind one of the bookshelves.
(Y/n) comped her hair before she took one deep breath and opened the door.
“Ser Helias, thank the gods you came I had seemed to…. Fallen asleep”
She said in a low and drowsy manner and even faked yawned in the middle of the sentence. Jacaerys wanted to laugh on the other side he was thankful but her quick thinking and a pretty believable story she had chosen.
“Princess rhaenyra is asking for you, she says it’s urgent”
Her blood ran cold at the mention of her sister, could she had seen them? Or heard them? No it could not be. On the outside she remained calm, she smiled sheepishly to her knight and nodded
“Odd, alright then lead the way please”
Part two
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 7
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Listen, I didn't know how badly I wanted Mew/Ray until there was a legit chance of Mew/Ray and now IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT. Another killer episode as all the shit gets laid bare, Nick and Sand cement their bond over being pathetic simps for men who do not love them, Top sits in the loser feeling and DOES NOT LIKE IT and...OH YEAH MEW AND RAY ARE DATING NOW I GUESS. Last week Top ran away with the audience poll as I learned the valuable lesson that y'all actually pay attention to the poll question and I should probably think about it a bit more...lol. Here's my rankings for this week
🔹1. Ray (1)
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It’s never too late, Mew. I love you no matter what. It’s all up to you whether you want to open your heart to me.
I almost gave it to Mew because FUCKING EPIC but Ray actually got everything he ever wanted by the end of this episode: Mew has decided to give him a chance, even if it's as a rebound. And y'all, I am INTO IT. They're never gonna have sex, obvi, because Mew high key isn't interested and Ray is #1 simp so dumb obsessed he'll never push it, but I'm still enjoying the flavour. Besides, when Ray gets horny or needs actual affection, he'll just call Sand anyway...OOP. So yeah, Ray wins the week.
🔺2. Mew (3)
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I stopped being a good guy. I got no shit from that. To deal with nasty people, I must be as nasty as them.
Wasn't it fascinating that when it was time to break bad Mew a) looked to Ray for style inspo, b) decided to let Ray sniff it one time and c) is leaning into the Ray Life? I wanna dissect Mew like a lab specimen. He's like 'I'm gonna be shitty too' and then just...becomes Ray. Then he Boston-style mansplains manipulates manwhores his way into possessing Boston's sex tape. And THEN in what has to be a 100% Mew move (because neither Ray nor Boston would EVER) threatens to out Boston to his dad, but then Uno reverses it like OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE I'M BETTER THAN YOU. And he looked like he REALLY fucking enjoyed that vantage point from the moral high ground. He really looks down on those friends of his huh. And his destiny for always having to 'win' his friendships and relationships is being betrayed and cheated on...don't @ me it's canon. I WANT TO STUDY MEW SO BAD, because from one angle he looks righteous and from another he looks like the living fucking worst. Amy Elliot-Dunne, here's looking at you kid.
🔺3. Boston (6)
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Okay. I’m here to get yelled at. Yell at me all you want. Get it over with. Come on. I don’t expect it to be over. I just want you to vent. Fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was unintentional. It was so nice of me to introduce Mew to something new. I just borrowed him for a bit. What’s a big deal? Let’s be honest here. Without my help, there was no way Mew got his hands on a top-tier like that.
Boston sashaying into the hostel totally unrepentant is a top 5 Only Friends MOMENT and I LIVED for it. He decided the 'brazen' part of 'brazen slut' was the part to lean into and honestly, as one of the few people this ep actually owning their shit I respected the hell out of that. YEAH I FUCKED HIM, I FUCKED HIM BEFORE YOU DID, AND I FUCKED HIM AGAIN AND SO WHAT? In Boston's mind, everybody wins here: Ray wins, because Mew is single again, Mew wins because he knows Top's an untrustworthy cheater, and he wins because he wanted to fuck Top and he fucked Top. Everybody wins, let's just move on. I love the simplicity of Boston's worldview, and how internally consistent and oddly pure it is. He has the morals of an alley cat, but he never LIES. He'll manipulate, but he never actually deceives. In some ways you can trust him absolutely, he's unwavering. Fascinating.
🔹4. Nick (4)
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I love him. He doesn’t have to care about me. I don’t have to be his number one. But he must not hate me. Do you get it?
Man, Nick and Sand were almost tied because equally pathetic this week, but at least Nick got a teensy bit of a kick in by telling Mew about the sex tape. Also interesting how he didn't rat Sand out to Boston despite Sand clearly not thinking or really caring about how sharing the audio clip would blow back on Nick. Nick's a creep, but he has a little bit of a code. Do I feel sorry for him, no I don't, but maybe a teeny tiny bit.
🔻5. Sand (2)
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I’m your emergency staff anyway. I’ve always been since the first day we met.
I cannot believe that in episode 7 of Only Friends we got a scene where Sand and Nick hug each other and cry together over how pathetically they simp for shitty men who will never love them. WHOMST is doing it like Jojo n'em, I ask you? THAT MAN CALLED YOU A WHORE IN FRONT OF PEOPLE and then did it again while flinging you to the ground and in return you rescued him from a car crash, fed, bathed and shaved him. Sand has a degradation kink, that's the only thing that makes sense here I swear, because how can one human be down THIS atrocious? I wanna see how low he can go, and I also wanna see if we're getting that baseball bat and WHOM FOR. All the things I wished for Nick before the show aired, I now wish for Sand. Boil that bunny baby.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I will make you fall in love with me again.
Top really stunned that he's lost. Look, I know my read on Top isn't the consensus read on Top, and yeah maybe I'm wrong, but to me this is only incidentally about Mew, because for Top Mew is a means of self-actualization. Getting Mew to be his boyfriend was awesome, because it means TOP is awesome. Losing Mew over a rookie fucking mistake is a tragedy because it means Top is a loser. Getting Mew back would reaffirm Top's awesomeness to himself. TOP LOVES THE IDEA OF MEW, NOT MEW. I wish I could show you guys the parade of Tops that my peeps and I have met in life so you could understand why I cannot stand this man and want to see him in ruins. But yeah, he's on the rise, because Mew is totally gonna take him back after his disaster run with Ray.
🔺7. Gap (8)
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That look you gave. Was it intended to lure me to come after you?
Drake is back yet again, my favourite guest star. They totally cheated by not letting Gap and Mew actually touch lips, although that's probably character accurate. But Mew gets somebody else to look down on and feel morally superior to, and that's his version of an orgasm so Gap totally got SPIRITUALLY laid.
🔻8. Cheum (5)
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I was rooting for Top. I thought he was a good guy.
At least she's keeping the group project afloat so they don't fail this damn class, but literally NOBODY ELSE thought Top was a good guy, NOT EVEN MEW. Jesus fix it girl.
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unrulywritings · 7 months
{Too Little ❤️‍🩹 Too Late}
Summary: In which Alex accidentally spills his guts to his best friend… his newly engaged best friend ❤️‍🩹
Word Count: ~3.4k ❤️‍🩹
Category: Angsty-ish/Fluff ❤️‍🩹
Trope: Friends to Lovers/Love Confession (part one?); GN reader (alluded afab like twice) ❤️‍🩹
Warnings: Not much I don't think, cheating (not Alex), some swearing, mostly they/them usage (sorry if I missed changing any, I decided to change it halfway through), usage of pet names (love, sweetheart, darling), usage of Y/N (just once I think), possibly cringe writing, grammatical errors, my first fic- (feel free to tell me if there's anything else)❤️‍🩹
A/N: I'm sorry if this is cringeeee- this is my first fic I'm actually posting to the world so constructive criticism is welcome- if this goes well I may start regularly posting idk but enjoy -🌈 Rainbow❤️‍🩹
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
🎼 You had been engaged for one week. One terrible exhausting week. Your boyfriend, now fiancé, was late home tonight… again. You'd been having your suspicions about him for a while but did nothing, I mean you had suspicions but no proof. So why blow up something good when accusations were unfounded… right?
Well that was until now-
“I'm sorry that you had to hear it from me,” the sweet apologetic voice says, “I want you to know that I had no idea he had a girlfriend or anything and I'm so sorry, I feel like a fucking idiot, and terrible person.” you listen to the poor girl on the other side, shuffling through the photos from the manila envelope you found in the mail today.
“Yep, those suspicions were founded then” you think as you see a picture of your fiancé with not one but three different girls in different photos. How one has the time to trick not only one person but four into thinking you’re in a committed monogamous relationship is baffling. The girl on the other side of the phone is one of those girls just like you. Apparently she had gotten your number from someone and felt so guilty she needed to call you to apologise.
“No sweetheart, you did nothing wrong, he was the one in the wrong. I'm sorry that he has deceived both of us. And thank you for reaching out, truly it means more than you could know,” she apologises again saying she's done with him and how much of a fool she feels.
“Oh trust me, I feel even more a fool, he proposed to me last week, and I said yes even though I had a feeling he was stepping out,” you sigh, you really were a fool.
You say your goodbyes to each other as you hear a key click into the lock and the door open. You take a deep breath and prepare to see your soon to be ex-fiancé walk down the narrow hall into the living room but instead you hear the call of your best friend.
“Darling? Are you home? You didn't answer my messages so I just came over,” he calls as he pads through the hall looking for you.
“Oh there you are love,” he heaves slightly with a bit of relief, as if your hour of not communicating led him to believe you were in peril.
Alex Turner, front man of the Arctic Monkeys, media proclaimed sex-god and unbelievably attractive man. To you it was all funny, you remember him as the cute boy in your maths class in university who was nervous to ask you to pass around the flyers to their next gig.
He made you feel welcome and comfortable in a new place, you'd foolishly decided you wanted to go to school in a new place— one far away from home and across the pond felt far enough to you. You were wholly unprepared to be in the world alone and in a foreign place but when that nervous boy in your freshman maths class walked up to you to give you a stack of flyers to his next show you felt welcome.
After he had introduced himself he warmed to you quickly and when he handed you a small stack of papers he'd told you to “Invite any of your other pretty American friends, we could really use more of those at our shows.” You blushed at his comment and when you'd told him you were utterly alone in the world he told you “That’s alright, you're pretty enough alone, you'd more than make up for the lack of pretty faces in the crowd,” and before he turned a heel and left the room he also told you “oh, and you just made your first friend here, so you're not so totally alone anymore,” he then flashed a cheeky grin and disappeared out the door leaving you utterly charmed in a full body flush.
When you showed up at the pub they were playing it was the first time in a while you didn't feel alone. You felt like you belonged, a feeling you didn't even have back home. That night was the night you also met your fiancé.
You stop yourself, “Nope— ex-fiancé as of tonight.” you think.
But that was years ago, and now that little indie band you used to hand out flyers for on campus is now internationally known. The boys had just finished another tour and you felt like a proud mother. It made your heart swell to see them so happy doing what they love everyday but you were glad they were home. You'd missed them dearly, especially Alex.
You really wished that he’d come at a better time though, you had to plan what you were gonna do when your fiancé got home. How you were gonna break the news to him that you were now broken up. You wished you could confide in Alex what your fiancé had done but you feared what he’d say. Your mind raced with anxiety and anger.
It seems you'd zoned our because when you tuned back into it Alex was calling your name, “Are you alright love?” he asks you concern crossing his face, “you kinda spaced out there, is everything okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, everything is fine Alex,” you let out a bit more aggressively then you had wanted, “I just got a lot on my mind you try to soothe, Alex had quickly picked up on your tonal slip up and poor cover-up.
“Sure,” he says skeptically, elongating the “E.”
You roll your eyes at him and you move to go to the kitchen, “What do you want Alex? I'm kinda in the middle of something and I gotta get dinner ready before—”
“I can come back at a better time? I'm sorry I let myself in, you weren't answering my messages and I got a bit worried,” he gives you his puppy eyes, trying to apologise for his intrusion but you weren't mad at him you were mad at your fiancé, your cheating, lying fiancé who was gonna be home soon.
You sigh, “I'm sorry Alex, I'm going through something right now,” you rub your temple as a tension headache starts to form. All of this was too much.
Alex steps towards you and wraps you in his arms, “It's alright love, do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head “no” and bury your face in his neck. He smooths one hand down your back and the other in your hair instantly relaxing you, “Well when you’re ready I’m here you know. I’ll always be here for you.”
Goodness did he know you. The hug, asking if you wanna talk, everything about him puts you at ease. He was perfect, and his perfection only made the fact that your fiancé was cheating on you sting even more. You deserved better than a person who cheats and lies.
You nod affirmingly and reluctantly pull away, “Thanks love, but I really should get started with dinner, I’d ask you to stay but you know…” you trail off.
“Ironic” you think, that your fiancé was worried about Alex when he was the one stepping out on you. Projection much?
Alex’s shoulders dip, “Yeah, I know love,” he sighs, he looks troubled.
Your brow furrows in question and concern, “Alex?” you ask.
“Yeah love?” he asks right back.
“Are you okay?” you question him, just as he knew you, you knew him.
To any other person they may not have picked up on his mannerisms. The way his eyebrows have been furrowed the entire time he’s been here, a small crease forming between them. Or how he keeps fiddling with the pull on the zip of his leather jacket. Or how his dishevelled hair is even messier than usual. Or even the quiet storm that rages behind his eyes. You know he’s troubled with something but it was up to him to share that. You weren’t going to force him just as he didn’t force you.
It was nice to be understood like that, on a deep level that not a word needed to be exchanged to know the other. In a way that’s why you and Alex were best friends and why you were closer to him than any of the other boys. And if you let yourself think about it even closer than you and the person you had agreed to marry…
He clears his throat, “Yeah, yeah I’m alright love, no need to worry about me, yep, I’m alright,” he clears his throat again and runs his hands through his hair, “anyway I’m going to get going, see ya later darling.”
He was out the door before you could even blink.
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
🎼 I take the slick steps down to the street and get in the car waiting for me. I don’t even bother to try and avoid the pelting rain. It felt kinda nice letting the heavy rain sting my skin as I dip into the car, shutting the door.
“So, did you tell them?”
“Couldn’t,” I shrug.
“Really? After everything you did just to get here? The PI, the pining, the waiting, the songs, the—”
“I get it Matt,” I grit out, “they’re more to me than someone to hang off my arm and you know that. It was just the wrong time. I couldn’t do it.”
“I do mate, but you gotta act, how’re they gonna know if you don’t tell them anything?”
“Too little too late, I told you that last week.”
“You think they’re gonna stay with him after all he’s done? I doubt it. Y/N would be very stupid to say no to you, so it’s a good thing they are smart. They know their worth.”
“Just take me home,” I was done trying to argue, I’d lost them years ago, far before they got engaged.
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
🎼 It was even later than you expected for your fiance to get home. So late in fact that most of your stuff was already packed away in your car. You didn’t know what you were going to do or where you were going. All you did know was that you were going to confront the cheating bastard and leave him behind.
You sat on the loveseat in your cramped living room waiting for your fiance to walk in. You had heard the door open and close along with shuffling. You just sat and waited patiently for him to walk into the room wasting no more effort on him.
“Babe? Where are you? I totally got swamped at work, I’m sorry.”
You couldn’t help but scoff, even before you knew about his infidelity you hardly believed his stories about being swamped at work. You just assumed he wanted to hang out with his friends, and of course when you were most insecure, you thought he might be cheating yet each time you asked and he reassured you, you believed him. At your sound your fiance finally walks into the living room.
“There you are, did you make dinner? I’m sorry I’m late.” He leans down to where you are on the loveseat to kiss you but you swerve him, his lips landing on your cheek instead, “Huh? Is something wrong babe?”
You scoff again and get to your feet, “Is there something wrong?” you mock, childish you know but surely you deserve to be a bit childish after everything you’ve been submitted to.
His face screws up in confusion and he steps back from you, “Seriously? What’s your problem? Are you on your period or something?”
His words make your stomach turn, “Seriously? You can’t even have an original retort? And for your information, you are my problem,” you spit back, and cross the room toward the hall and front entrance.
“W-what?” he sputters, “I don’t understand, how am I your problem?”
You throw the envelope to him and it lands at his feet, “That is why you are my problem,” he moves to pick up the envelope as you put on your coat and pick up your keys at the front door.
Somehow his face gets even more screwed up, “Huh? Wh–? It’s not what it looks like! Where did you get these? Baby I can expl—” you stop him with a hand, making him pause.
“I don’t care to hear what you have to say, and whoever sent them did me a favour. Goodbye and fuck you.”
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
🎼 You pulled into the drive not knowing how or when you decided to come here. Something in you just said it was right and as you turned off the engine to your car you looked up at the windows of the modest but beautiful home of Alex.
You sighed and willed yourself out of your car. You weren't scared if Alex would let you in or anything but you were nervous about everything that came after getting inside. What would Alex say to you about devoting so much of your life to a scumbag? To you it was probably one of the only things you couldn't predict about your best friend. You knew Alex didn’t care for your ex-fiance and you never really knew why but for the sake of yourself you typically just tried to avoid the topic of relationships when you were together. It made you wonder about Alex’s relationships now, I mean since you never really spoke of yours he never spoke of his. What you knew of his partners came from the media and what he told you in passing. Your thinking also made you wonder what Alex was like in a relationship.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as the rain picked up again. You quickly moved up the drive to the stairs as the rain soaked you to the bone. You climbed the few steps and gave a firm but not aggressive knock to the door. When there was no answer you knocked again a bit firmer. When still no answer you sighed and used your key. You knew he was home by the lights on inside but you didn’t like using your key unless need be.
You let yourself in, stripping off your soaked coat at the door along with your shoes. You’re grateful for the warmth inside the house contrasting your shivering frame. SIghing you grab the throw blanket from the back of the couch in the living room and wander to go find Alex. You assume he’s in his home studio. It’s sound proof in there so the chances he heard you are slim. You make your way there and as you do you hear Alex and what sounds like his drunken ramblings through the studio door left slightly ajar.
It’s not the first time you’ve heard said drunken ramblings and you roll your eyes at his ridiculousness. As you move closer to the door you can just make out a few words or what you assume are words as most of it is a slurred jumbled mess of sounds that vaguely resemble words. You’re just at the door when you hear Alex sigh and say your name. You freeze— had he seen you? Surely not, he hadn’t answered the door and you hadn’t made much fuss at the door. And as you listen further you’re sure he hadn’t heard you.
“They’re just so pretty, it’s like they’re made of sunshine and starlight,” he drunkenly slurs. You’re wide-eyed at that accusation, surely he wasn’t speaking about you— right?
“But I’m just a fool, a spineless fool to fall for me best friend and one engaged at that! Oh, Alexander, truly what a fool you are! To pine for a person taken before you could get the courage to ask them out and to spend years trying to recreate what you have with anyone else is embarrassing. All the times you tried to tell them such and floundered miserably; just like today. Oh, the time you’ve wasted on a person you can even have! And doesn’t it hurt to know that the bastard has been cheating on that beautiful soul and you’re to do nothing more. Ugh!” you hear a crash on the other side of the door, possibly a glass thrown but you were more preoccupied by the confession. The words bounced around in your head as you tried to make sense of them. You were so preoccupied in fact you hadn’t noticed the heavy foot fall heading right toward you.
“Oi and you’ve made a right mess of yourself haven’t ya? You certainly aren’t fit for a person worthy of more than the world or universe could ever conjure. A person wh—” he pauses as he flings the door open and collides with you in the dark hall.
You’re knocked back a bit but quickly steadied by Alex’s hands on your shoulders. His touch grounding yet electrifying and you jump back to reality. Both wide-eyed and painfully aware you stare at each other in the darkened hall, the only source of light the ambered glow of the lamp in the studio behind Alex.
“D–darling?” he stutters out nervously, “when did you get here? Are ya alright, you’re soaked! You’re gonna get a cold like that, here let me get you something dry to wear,” he tries to manoeuvre you out of the way but you stand firm.
“Alex?” you query and he tries to move you once again but you stand solid.
You shrug his hands away, “Alex? Is— is what you just said true? I mean— how— how did you know about the cheating? Do you really like me? When? How? What? I—” now that your head is catching up to everything you just heard a million questions flicker through your mind for Alex and even more for yourself.
“Do I like him? And if I did what would I do? Oh god am I blushing? I feel like I’m on fire! Did he say he wanted to tell me? TODAY? Is that why he got all squirrely this afternoon? Did he send the photos? How did he find out? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?”
Alex steps back and pulls at his hair seemingly having just as many conflicting emotions run across his mind, “Oh god darling, you weren’t supposed to hear that. I— I— oh god,” he collapses on the couch in his studio, head falling into his hands as he mutters on about how he just ruined everything.
You cross the room to sit in the matching armchair across from where he’s sitting, avoiding bits of glass that seem to have been the cup he threw at the wall by the door earlier.
You look at him and ask again, “Alex,” you plead, “do you like me?” You’re not certain what you want his answer to be but you’re desperate to know.
He goes silent for a moment and lets out a sigh. He runs his hands through his hair, his dishevelled look becoming even messier, “Would you hate me if I said yes?” he asked right back, sounding so insecure. It was like you were back in that class and he was that nervous boy trying to introduce himself.
And you could help but love that boy.
“I wouldn’t,” you smiled, “in fact,” you implored further, “I think I might say I like him too.”
Your words make his eyes snap to yours, “Really?” he asks, looking at you bewildered and unbelieving.
You nod and bite back an idiodic smile, “I think so… I mean if I think about it, who wouldn't love a man like you?”
“But, you’re engaged and—”
“Not anymore and that doesn’t matter anymore,” you interject, “I think we both have a lot of things to catch up on and lots to discuss,” you stand and put out your hand for Alex, “come on, it’s gonna be a long night.”
He smiles and takes your hand.
Maybe it wasn’t too late after all.
A/N (pt two): This ended up way longer than I expected (I am very long winded in real life as well 😅) I also wrote much of this while watching Tangled on repeat (Eugene is so baby) ANYWAY I hope you at least mildly enjoyed this I feel like it’s too cringe but I am done trying to edit this 😭 Feel free to interact as you please I am going to disappear into the void now
-🌈 Rainbow❤️‍🩹
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lavender-romancer · 2 years
Part Four  Tommy Shelby x reader  CW: slow burn, arguing, grace
You've been involved with the Peaky Blinders business for a few years now, undiscovered as a woman posing as a man. Now the Shelby boys have grown suspicious of you and want you found out. 
an: set in season one 
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previous part
Tommy and Grace. Grace and Tommy. It didn't sound right when you thought about it but here they were, flirting like it worked together when you felt deep down that Tommy wanted something, someone else.
Your mental state was one of pure confusion and you didn't know how to communicate to Tommy how insanely jealous you were because you had no right to be. You couldn't explain your feelings to Tommy because it wasn't rational for you to feel this way about the both of you when nothing was established. But, you felt something was there between the two of you and it was unavoidable in your mind when you saw Tommy so often. It made it even harder seeing him and Grace interact because the two of you interacted so much behind closed doors. 
You'd become accustomed to the knocking at your door at late hours of the evening but this knock was more intense and you worried it was someone other than Tommy when it continued. Walking up to the door slowly you held your cap in your hand by your side and opened the door slowly, it swung open and as you went to blind whoever it was they caught your hand. Seeing it was Tommy you sighed and lowered your arm. As soon as the door was shut behind the two of you, Tommy pulled you into the closest hug you'd ever experienced and you were so caught off guard. Your hands slowly made their way onto his back and you held each other for what was only a few minutes but felt longer. His touch was rough and tight juxtaposing your gentle and apprehensive one as you didn't know how to react. As Tommy pulled away he went into your front room and sat down with a sigh, leaning over his knees and holding his head. 
"Tom? What happened?" You asked sitting next to him in your assumed positions on the sofa.
"I- fuck. The Lees. There was a bomb and Finn nearly…" he trailed off and you could tell his stress was building with every word. 
"Sit here for a moment, I'll make tea." You stood up and Tommy let out a huge breath. 
Returning to the front room with both cups, Tommy seemed a bit more relaxed and he took the tea gratefully as you sat next to him. 
"Thank you," he said quietly. 
"Now what's happened, and go slowly." You told him. 
"There was a bomb in my car and Finn nearly fucking died, it was so close, Y/n." Tommy's voice broke and you bit the inside of your cheek. Suddenly he reached into his pocket and held something in his hand that he placed on the wooden table in front of him with a soft bang noise that made you jump. 
"What's that, Tom? Don't tell me it's a-"
"Yes, it's for me, it's my bullet. Made only for me." Tommy ran a hand through his hair and placed the tea down. You reached forward and picked up the bullet curiously, not quite understanding what he meant until you read the inscription on the bullet itself. It was the plain bold letters of the name Tommy that made you bolt your eyeline up to his with wide eyes. 
"Oh fuck," you muttered and Tommy sighed. 
"Oh, fuck indeed," Tommy paused "I have so much to fucking sort out and this is just another thing that inconveniences me." 
"What can I do?" You asked, placing the bullet back on the table and removing your blazer. 
"I think I need to meet with Campbell then the lees and come up with a way to solve all of this." Tommy leaned back on the sofa and spread his legs slightly, not hiding how he was looking you up and down slowly, taking your blazer off revealed a chemise. Tommy's eyes rested on your chest and you felt the need to move closer to him. 
"Are you sure there isn't anything," you paused "I can help with?" You asked.
"Oh I'm sure there's so much you can help me with darling, I don't know if I'm strong enough to resist you once it happens." He leant forward towards you and placed a hand on your bare legs and you parted your lips. 
"I think you think too much of me if it's that hard to resist," you licked your bottom lip and looked down but Tommy lifted your head with a finger under your chin. 
"You have no idea," he whispered, "But I have to go, as I said. I'm not strong enough to resist but if I give in I don't know if I can still see you the same way I do now."
"What do you mean? What way is it now?" You asked with furrowed brows. 
"Lust." He said with a dark expression and your breath felt like it got caught in your throat as your subconscious begged you to jump on him and never let him go.
"Lust, Thomas? Such a teenage feeling I would never expect from you. What about Grace and-" 
"I don't, I don't give a fuck about Grace. It's formalities, and I know I can't convince you of that but I feel nothing for her, I see her as objectively attractive." Tommy placed more of his fingers under your chin and tightened his grip causing your lips to part once again. 
"You could have me, any way you wanted. But I'm sure you know that, don't you Thomas." Your voice was barely a whisper and the lack of boldness in your voice surprised you. 
"Don't tell me things like that, Y/n. I don't know how to relax around you. I know it's the adrenaline talking but fuck, I can't think straight when I look into your eyes." Tommy stretched his hand round your chin to hold your face more firmly and all you wanted was for him to kiss you. 
"Then don't think straight," you began to move closer to him and he looked terrified in a way you'd never seen on his face before. 
"You fucking amaze me," Tommy looked into your eyes as you got closer and touched his face with your hand until you were inches from his face but the grip on your jaw tightened and he wouldn't let you come closer. His scent felt like it was filling your brain and bewitching you like a spell, without even thinking you were edging closer to his face.  "I can't." 
"You can, you won't," You shook off his grip and sat back in your seat. "You should leave now, I need to sleep." You averted your gaze from him. 
"Goodnight then." Tommy stood up and sniffed slightly as he walked away and closed the door behind him. 
You didn't know how to interact with Tommy after what happened that night. Was he just being a coward? Was there nothing between the two of you? Either way your head was mixed up again, Thomas had a stranglehold on your life even though you'd never asked for any of this but the fear of losing whatever it was between the two of you was terrifying. Losing your closeness with Tommy would hurt you so deeply that you wouldn't even entertain it.
You entered the Garrison the following day and ordered a pint, Harry poured it for you and then you saw Grace come out of the backroom. You swore in your head and looked down until your pint glass was put down infront of you, as you went to move off your stool Grace locked eyes with you.
"How are you, Eddie?" Grace asked with a smile.
"I've been alright, you?" You asked in a formalities sense, hoping she wouldn't sense anything off about your behaviour.
"Just working, you know. Do you have any idea where Thomas has been the past few days, I haven't seen him in a while?" She asked.
"Ah, he's all over. Best not get involved with men like that Grace, they're too unpredictable for their own good." You brought the glass to your lips and she kept her eyes on you, a look in her eyes you couldn't decipher.
"Perhaps he's right, Grace." Harry said in a hushed tone to her and you smirked.
"Afternoon!" Arthur said as he came in and sat down next to you.
"How are you, Arthur?" You smiled at him and he sighed.
"Been better, after all the shit that's been going on lately, John called a meeting starting soon so you better drink up." Arthur smacked you on the shoulder and you raised your eyebrows before downing your glass and walking into the private room with Arthur. Little did you know Grace was shooting daggers at the back of your head as you walked in.
You thrust your hands into your pocket and leant against the door as it closed. Realising Tommy was trying to meet your eyeline, you just looked down until he started with the meeting.
"There's more pressure with the Lees and also from Campbell for us to submit to him. We need a way to quickly fix all this with the Lees because it's distracting our energy from Campbell," Tommy paused and you sighed. "Something to add Eddie?"
"Well it's obvious right? We need to create an alliance between the two families and the easiest way to do that is through marriage so you need to have one of the Shelby's marry a Lee." You raised an eyebrow and Tommy laughed slightly before moving on. You knew it was a good way to resolve the issue but Tommy was so fixated on the issues between the two of you that he decided to embarrass you.
Near the end of the meeting John stood up to make his own announcement, straightening his jacket and looking pleased with himself, you saw Polly roll her eyes.
"I'd like to make my own personal announcement," John started and you looked up at his excited looking face "I'm going to be taking a wife."
"You what?" Arthur asked with a snicker.
"Oi! No, ever since Martha died you know I've been struggling with the kids and I needed to find them a mother so I have," he paused and took a long breath out "Lizzie Stark."
"You've got to be fucking joking?" Tommy asked John with a smirk and you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"I mean Lizzie fucking Stark, John? She's a strong woman I'll give you that and I'm sure she provides a wonderful service for her customers " Polly asked trying to hide her laughter. Arthur was reeling with laughter.
"I won't hear the word!" John yelled
"And what word is that, John?" You asked with a smile and he glared at you.
"You know what word." John muttered.
"Everybody bloody knows," Arthur sniggered behind his hand.
"Everybody can fuck off!" John yelled.
"Is whore the word?" Tommy asked.
"Or prostitute? Could be that one?" You added on, looking at Tommy with a smile and he couldn't help but smile back.
"I want it known now that if any man uses those words again I will blow his fucking head off!" John yelled and you rolled your eyes.
"John, Lizzie Stark has never done a day of work vertical." Polly reasoned and you had to cover your mouth with your hand it was so funny.
"But she's changed, people change like when they find God." John responded.
"So it's religion she's bending over for now?" Arthur asked and John slammed his hand on the table.
"Tommy, I want you to see it as brave, that she's a brave person who's had a difficult life." John looked to Tommy.
"Brave is going where no man has been before, John." Tommy looked over to you with a smirk.
"And I think we can all say that with Lizzie Stark that won't really be what you're doing." You added.
"John I don't think it's the right decision, I really doubt she's stopped working." Tommy replied and John rolled his eyes before walking out.
"Well that was indicative of his childishness." Polly noted and you smirked.
After about an hour you and Tommy were the only ones left in the room and you'd moved round to be sitting next to him as you both drank whiskey. You didn't say much to eachother just both read the paper individually until you felt Tommy's and high touch yours and his shoe shuffle over to be right next to yours. You didn't dare look up and just kept reading but fuck, you wanted to kiss him so badly.
"How are you?" Tommy asked softly and you smiled.
"I'm alright, I'm a bit confused about a few things but mentally sorting them out. How are you Thomas?" You asked as you turned over the paper without actually reading any of it.
"I feel the same, confused but alright. I'm better now it's just us two," he paused "Y/n." He whispered and you rolled your eyes.
"You love all this secrecy espionage type shit don't you?" You grinned and he let out a small smile too.
"Oh of course, what little boy doesn't grow up dreaming for spy's and mystery?" Tommy realised what he had said but you were too quick.
"Oh so I'm you're dream now?" You asked and Tommy rolled his eyes.
"You're a nightmare is what you are." He muttered and you laughed quietly.
"I've missed your visits." You whispered.
"I wasn't sure if you'd want me back after last time." He cleared his throat.
"I needed time too cool off, realistically your company is...nice." You had to bite your lip to stop you from laughing too loudly.
"Oh only nice now is it?" Tommy shook his head with a smile.
"I can't let you feel too important now can I? Don't want your ego even bigger than it is already." You flipped to the inside pages of the paper, something about a new bank opening up, you weren't paying attention.
"Can I see you tonight?" Tommy asked.
"I'd be sad if you didn't come round." You smiled and pressed your thigh closer to his.
"God, not used to you being nice to me." Tommy flipped over the paper.
"It's definitely a new experience for me as well," You stood up and looked at Tommy "I'll see you later," you smiled at him and he returned a small smile back.
Grace knew something was up, she didn't know what but Eddie and Tommy spent a lot of time in that private room talking in hushed tones. Why did they want to be alone so badly? Maybe Eddie was involved with the guns shipment? She'd already made Campbell aware of the connection when Grace noticed how much they looked for eachother but she was getting another feeling. Jealously.
next part
”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
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Peaky Blinders Taglist:
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timeofjuly · 8 months
i keep thinking of the scenario if electrician were to run into ppl of her past like izzy from new years… i like imagine her going “ bunny it’s been so long you look better then ever “ and electrician is like 😀 do i know you..? due to their gaps in memory (i’m also interested how much their memory will affect them as the story progresses, i myself suffer from the issue and being young it’s kinda scary sometimes 😞)
This ask made me write something! This is set pre-RTC in the earlier days of MC’s sobriety. They’ve just moved to New Ebott here. 
Read it on AO3 or read it below!
You’re leaving the DMV, of all the fucking places, when it happens. 
Most people hate the DMV but you had practically skipped into the place for your eleven am appointment, overcome with joy at the thought of getting your driver’s licence back. The public transportation in New Ebott is great and your ass looks amazing after all the cycling you’ve been doing when the weather is nice, but there’s something about the independence of a car that you’ve missed. With your licence back, your employment prospects won’t be limited to the boundaries of public transport and your stamina when pedalling. 
With your licence back, you’ll be able to go to school. 
That’s the thing you’re most excited about. School. College. University. Whatever. You just want to learn something, to use the brain that you’ve let go to shit. You don’t even care what - at this point, with your dismal record and embarrassing results from high school, you’ll take what you can get. 
You’ve wasted enough of your life and you don’t want to squander a second more. 
After tucking your brand new licence safely in your back pocket, you leave the DMV, still smiling, and make your way to the bus stop. You’ll miss catching it; all the drivers are lovely and it’s nice to be driven around the city, like your own personal tour. 
You’ve got time to kill until the bus arrives, so you open your phone and start scrolling through hundreds of second hand car listings. 
You’re not picky; you have a tight budget and will probably hit your fair share of curbs in it anyway, but it’s nice to look at the fancier ones and dream. A convertible sounds nice; there’s a bright red one for sale, way outside of your budget. You imagine the wind in your hair, the sheer cool factor of rolling down the street with the top down. Oh, or maybe a motorbike; you had loved your stupid, ugly little scooter, and a motorbike would be even better. And you’d get to wear all the sexy leather gear. Double win. 
“Oh my stars, do my eyes deceive me?”
The cold hand of panic twists through your ribcage and wraps around your heart, fingers taking hold and squeezing. 
You know that voice. 
You turn around.
On the sidewalk are two people staring at you with equally ecstatic expressions and you only recognise one of them. 
Izzy looks… well, she looks good, you suppose, clothes fashionable and scales polished to a sheen, though you can see a few of them are missing. The spines on her head are droopy, a little paler in colour than what you remember, and there’s a beadiness to her eyes that you never noticed before. 
You haven’t seen her in months but from how unfamiliar she looks, it feels more like years. 
“Damn, you’re looking good!” says the man you don’t recognise. 
And you know that you knew this person once, can hear the echo of his voice through the fog of your memory, even recognise his hands for the way they’d felt on your skin, but there’s something missing, something your stupid, ruined, useless brain is unable to grasp.
“Hey,” you say, affecting your brightest party-girl smile. “Long time no see.”
“Fucking hell, no shit!” the man laughs. He’s handsome, tall and very blond. “How’ve you been? You look so different.”
With each month you add to your sobriety, you’re told that with increasing frequency. You don’t really see it yourself - you feel like the exact same person most of the time. Worse, even. You’re horrible to be around when you’re in pain. 
“Good, really good,” you say. “How have –”
“Dude, I thought you were dead!” Izzy crows, looking delighted. “You just disappeared, like that.” She snaps her fingers, a jarring scrape of scale-on-claw. 
“Yeah, we all thought that Jesse threw the bunny out with the bath water,” the man says. His tone is light, like it’s a fucking joke or something. 
This person is a stranger to you. You couldn’t even guess his name if you tried. And yet he knows about that —
You tense. Pull a smile to your face. Do your best to shake off the phantom feeling of ice crystallising on the tip of your nose. “Nah, I’m not that easy to get rid of.”
And he laughs and so does Izzy and you laugh too, even though it feels like glass in your throat, because what else can you do?
“Well, I’m glad,” says Izzy and then she sweeps you up into a hug. She smells like old perfume clinging to unwashed clothes and you can feel a faint tremble in her hands as they grip your back. 
You hug back, even though you suddenly feel strange and unwieldy, like your arms aren’t your own. 
I want to go home, you think. Another thing you’d be able to do if you just had a fucking car and hadn’t lost your fucking licence in the first place. 
Izzy pulls back but then the man swoops in to take her place. You’re pressed to the line of his body, and though you’ve probably seen it naked, touched it all over, the feel of it is foreign to you. 
You let go first. 
“What’re you doing in New Ebott, anyway?” Izzy asks. 
“Just passing through,” you lie, because fuck if you’re letting her know that you live here now. “What about you guys?”
“Same thing,” Izzy says. “We’re crashing with Palyso at the moment, remember him?”
“Oh, yeah, totally.”
“Yeah, good guy, really funny. Hey, he’s actually having a party tonight, you should come! Just like old times.” The stranger waggles his eyebrows at you. 
You don’t need to remember the specifics to work out what he means. 
“Yeah, come with us,” Izzy begs. “Everyone’ll be so happy to see you. I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
The itch you’re not allowed to scratch burns. It’d be so easy, so fucking easy, to say yes. What’s one night? You don’t even need to use; who says you can’t have fun sober?
The word yes sits in your mouth like a hot coal and then the memory of water, cracking with thin shards of ice, washes over it. 
The desire is gutted out. Not even smoke remains. 
“I’ll sit this one out,” you say. 
“Aw, c’mon, bunny! You’ve gotta—“
The sound of an engine rumbles behind you and your soul sings with relief. 
Thank you, timely public transportation of New Ebott. 
“This is me,” you say, hoping you sound apologetic. “It was nice seeing you guys!”
You don’t wait for a reply, practically flinging yourself onto the bus. The driver gives you a concerned look - you’re a regular and most of them know you by name  - but you just give her a reassuring grin, because you’re fine. You’re fine. You’re completely, one hundred per cent fine. 
You take a seat near the front and stare down at your hands. You think of the way Izzy's shook. The way yours had once. The way they don’t anymore. You hadn’t noticed that until now. 
God fucking damnit. 
Stupid, unwarranted tears prickle hot at your eyes and worse, there’s something sharp poking you in the butt. 
Fearing that you’ve sat in something that’ll rip a hole in your pants - wouldn’t that be your fucking luck - you lift your hips and grope blindly at your ass. 
Oh, right. 
You forgot that you wedged it in your pocket after leaving the DMV. 
You look down at your brand new licence, turning the shiny plastic card around in your hands. Your own face stares back up at you. 
You dig around in your purse and from the very bottom, unearth the remains of your old licence, kept purely for sentimental reasons. It’s cut clean down the middle, made unusable the moment you’d lost it, but the image of your face is still intact. 
You compare the two, side-by-side. In the new one, your face is fuller and your skin smoother. Your lips have colour to them and your eyes are bright and awake, the whites white rather than bloodshot yellow. 
In the new one, you’re smiling. 
Huh. You see it, now. 
You do look different after all.
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adickaboutspoons · 3 months
I dreamed of Gentlebeard; Cinderella-style. Stede was excited for the ball, but saw a young woman huddled under a table in a room off the hall & stopped to make sure she was ok.
"I'm fine; just light-headed," she said. He offered to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Along the way his glass slippers started hurting, so he took them off, tucked them in a room, & closed the door. Water fetched, he sat with the girl & chatted until she said she wanted to go lay down. He offered to get a servant to take her to a room she could use. "I know a place," she said. "Come with me?" "You must come here often to be so familiar with the place," he said, helping her up. She smiled. "Clearly you do not, but that's a refreshing change." Stede took her to the room & bid her goodnight. But now he had no idea how to get back where he belonged or where his shoes were. He started wandering. He found a room full of toys & books, &, suspended from the ceiling in the center, a swing big enough for an adult. He was going as high as he can when a footman came in, scolding him for being where he's not supposed to, & told him to leave quickly because the prince was coming. Stede's stocking feet slipped on the polished floor when he tried to stop, so he jumped, thinking he'd slide until he hit the door. But, whoops! someone opened the door he was inexorably skidding toward. "Look out!" he cried too late. He crashed into the man that just entered the room. A handsome man with long hair, a beard, & the loveliest eyes Stede had ever seen. Stede was mortified, profusely apologizing while disentangling himself, but the man was more amused than anything. He assured Stede it's fine, & asked what he's doing here instead of at the ball. Stede explained about the girl under the table. The man frowned. "So that's where the princess was hiding," he groused. Stede was astonished. "You mean I met a real live princess?" The man frowned some more; not unkindly - more like he was puzzled. "I think I would have noticed you at court," he began slowly, "so I suppose I can understand you not recognizing her straight away, but..." He indicated a large portrait on the wall beside the door. In my dream, Stede's near-sighted instead of needing reading glasses (no, YOU'RE over-identifying with Stede), & the mice stole his glasses while he dressed. Stede explained he "forgot" his glasses & could see the gentleman fine, but everything beyond that was a blur. The man was intrigued. “And you’re not cross with the princess for concealing her identity?” "I doubt it was anything personal," Stede mused, "I mean, she probably didn't mean to deceive - possibly she assumed I already knew. Besides, it must have been embarrassing for her to be caught hiding like that. It's hard when what's expected of you is contrary to what you want for yourself." The man stared at Stede. He opened his mouth to say something, but Stede remembered what the footman said. "Oh! We've got to get out of here! The prince is coming any minute!" The man chuckled. "You don't need to worry about that when you're with me." "Oh," Stede breathed, "Do you know him?" The man blinked a few times. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." "Well, glad as he might be to see you, I can't expect he'd have much patience for some stranger doing his best impression of Fragonard's 'The Swing' in the family wing." (Christ my subconscious is pretentious) The man laughed outright. "And for whom were you flashing your pretty ankles?" he wondered with a devastating grin. Flustered, Stede insisted, "That's not what he meant!" The more the man grinned, the more words turned to mush in Stede’s mouth. He cut himself off with a curt apology & said the man was welcome to stay, but Stede had to go find his shoes. The man seized Stede’s hand to keep him from running off. “Wait. I’m sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Why don’t I come help you?” “Won’t the prince be disappointed when he arrives & finds you’re not here?” "Pfft. The prince is a fucking bore,” The man flashed that rakish grin again. “Come on. Let's go!"
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
💭💭 one for each deputy if you'd like, also not sure if you're still doing them 😂💕
Okay, so your snippet on Grace's surveillance of Calahan totally inspired me to do a POV from him. I so loved the tense undertones to their interaction. <3
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Calahan took a deep breath as he searched for his lighter, desperately needing a smoke after another "talk" about his methods with Whitehorse. "For fuck's sake.", he muttered, cigarette hanging from his lips while the zippo was nowhere to be found, then a hand appeared and lit it for him. He took a hungry drag of nicotine before raising his eyes to the good samaritan that had helped him and the "Thank you" he had lined up died in his throat. "You're welcome.", came from the dark haired girl in front of him, the words paired with a sweet smile that chilled his bones. Something ain't right. Hartley wasn't keen on making any type of conversation with anyone with last name Seed, no matter how innocent they presented themselves to be. He knew how deceiving that family could get, how they stopped at nothing for Joseph. He exhaled a cloud of smoke, hoping it would be enough to chase Grace away, but she remained glued to the spot next to him. "Is something wrong, Deputy?" Calahan watched her from the corner of his eye for a beat, gaze trained at the building ahead when he muttered a stern "No." Where usually cold demeanor and curt words used to warn people to back off and leave him in peace in the rare moments where he didn't feel like socializing, here that approach seemed to encourage Grace to push further. To his displeasure, she leaned in closer. Just lovely. Joseph sending me a honeypot now? He wanted to laugh at the idea, but he knew the tactics the bastard used, how he tricked people into joining Eden's Gate. "Fall's End is such a lovely place, so many nice people! I do always enjoy coming here.", she continued, ignoring his silence, not taking any of his hints. He doubted if he waved a flag with "Go away", she'd comply. Two can play this game, sweetheart. He smirked, "Yeah, nice places tend to attract all kinds of folks. At least that makes the troublesome ones more easy to find. They tend to stand out against the rest." And one is right next to me now, no matter how friendly you want to appear. Grace giggled at his comment and he pushed down the urge to roll his eyes, feeling no need to give away he wasn't buying her little act. "Oh, you are so right, Deputy Hartley. Luckily we have keen eyed individuals such as yourself helping to show us the difference.", the smile that followed from her side felt rehearsed and loaded with intent, the sight sparked his anger.
He thought back to his argument with Whitehorse, how his inaction allowed the Seeds to spread their poisonous ideas around the County. Naive old man. How are we going to ever fix this? When Hartley didn't grace her (ha) with an answer, she straightened out her skirt and stepped in front of him in final attempt to lure him in, "Well then, I'll be seeing you, Deputy." She walked away with that and he finally felt like he could breathe, that he could enjoy his cigarette without a Seed's presence clouding his afternoon. He watched Grace until she disappeared out of view, at that moment he heard a familiar giggle, one that was as genuine as it could get and just as contagious. "Uncle Cal!", Savannah called out as Sabrina led her towards him and the little one held herself back from rushing over to him. Their arrival made him put out his cigarette hastily. "Well, if this isn't the person I missed the most.", he kneeled down and Savannah barreled into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I made you a bracelet.", she announced proudly and backed away, pulling out something from her jacket's pocket. Savannah opened her palm, presenting him with a word bracelet while a huge grin took over her freckled face. "I love it, Tiny. Thank you." "She was so excited, she insisted we come right away, kid.", Sabrina explained as she leaned against the wall of the Spread Eagle, then she lowered her voice, "I saw you talking with Grace Seed…" Calahan shook his head, letting Savannah tie the bracelet around his wrist. "Nothing to report, Gray.", he assured Sabrina while small fingers worked gingerly on making a knot. He looked down at Savannah's creation, another reminder of what needed protecting. What Joseph should never get his claws into. The innocents he could easily fool. "I have a bad feeling about this, Cal." "You and me both."
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Prompt: Send 💭 to hear my OCs most recent thought about your OC.
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the-smallest-star · 1 year
why cant you own up to your mistakes and admit what you are?
"Oh for the love of- FINE! If it means you'll leave Edgar and Alexander out of this!"
"I've made mistakes; I went back to a man who made my life hell after Rose died, I ran from my problems in the middle of the night with a half asleep child in tow, I made her homeless, I neglected my health, I didn't protect my child from my father and she got hurt, I killed a man while I was out of control, I don't behave like a prince or a demon, I'm fucked in the head and I don't know how to fix it, I tried to be more than some lab rat, and everyone keeps getting dragged into my problems because I don't fix them myself! Is that what you wanted to hear?!"
He's thrown the closest object at the anon, seething as his skin twitched and red veins flashed briefly.
"I'm James fucking Roberts, son of Carlos Roberts! So get the FUCK out of here!" He yelled, "Get away from me before I tear your chest open! Is that what you want me to say?!"
He staggered another step before he felt claws under his arm, turning his head to see Tirritus. The demon's head shook a soft look in his eyes as he lifted James up, his clone separating from himself. The duplicate's claws were out and gave chase as Tirritus strode down the hall instead.
"... That is what they want to hear... but that is not what you are my prince. You are not well, your mind is full of lies and trying to deceive you." The adviser spoke gently as he sat James back on the edge of the bed, "You are... normal. In the sense of anyone who was exposed to what you have endured would of ended up the same or worse. You have tried to protect yourself and your loved ones, learnt from mistakes you have made." He took James's shaking hands in his, bowing his head until his forehead pressed against them.
"You will be my king someday. But your methods are not my Queen's, nor Carlos's. While I know you were angry, I don't think you wanted blood... perhaps to punch them in the gut but-" Tirritus continued with a slight smile, enough to make the tearful James give a short snort, "demon or human you are alive, and you will make mistakes. Do not loose sight of the man you are, the man I can see under the pain. And next time, even though its not exactly... princely... clock them in the jaw. Now. Slow breaths."
James did as instructed, wiping his eyes on the back of his hand as he gradually calmed. "Better?" "Y-yeah... thanks Tirritus. Think I know why mum has you as an adviser." Tirritus chuckled, lightly tilting James's chin up as he rose, "While very different from each other, you are both stubborn and proud. And you will fiercely defend those you love. She did the Black Baron once." "The Black Baron?" "Yes, your father."
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eisiramdeus · 2 years
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LTRFLOYD, IN HIS LETTERS TO THE CAP’N    ❛  oral .   to  give  my  muse  oral .
Down the little glasses he wears and all. Well-fucking-played. He wears a lenseless frames at embassies, too, combined with his gelled, slicked back hair. It’s very disarming. And yet. Guess you got the better of me. Not an hour ago, he’d been drinking a little to George Strait in the little living room (he establishes dominance by imposing George Strait on all guests, he calls is an act of civilization for all under his domain), building a goofy little aircraft model. They do this a lot more often than anyone would think; it’d become some sort of bonding exercise, I think. He didn’t expect to become fond of the little fuck like this, but that’s just how things turn out. With the little thing on his knees before him on the couch, looking up at him with those glassy, little glossy eyes. His own squint, mouth agape, throat trying to suppress the warm feelings and gruff noises that rise like smoke in a wildfire. Is there a more beautiful thing than a man who doesn’t hold back? Whiskey-flavored exhales of pleasure into the ceiling as his head rolls into the sofa backrest along with his eyes, likewise rolling to Heaven. To Hell, more likely, but pardon me, I require analogies that indicate up rather than down. You’re wrong for that, Floyd, you know that? Deceiving a man like this... 
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Pretty green orbits looking up at him, seeking & deceiving. Scandalous and evil. No, I could never believe Bob ever had impure intentions, even when he’s demonstrating his profane skill at captivating a man like this. Greedy grasp of a real man’s calloused, heavy hands on Bob’s head, gripping as much as they can into Bob’s hair, charting their natural course into the back of his head, where they rest.  It’s functional, a bastard such as this might think. Keeps the other’s head within range. He’s lightly pulling his head down into his cock, as encouragement; looong, deep, gruff moans, as praises sung to his talent. ❝...❞ open, singing mouth contorts into a grin when just the right, sensitive parts of his head and shaft slide on smoothly by. Lips quiver and fingers curl into his scalp, he attempts to bite down and grind teeth to control his damn self. A nasal, sighing grunt of frustration. Needing, aching chest leans back against the couch so that his hips can push forward into Robert’s face, perhaps callously thrusting him deep while hands hold him there for a few brief seconds. The noises moments like this only fuel him, enchant him, taints and depraves the goodness in his heart. As if. 
A bursting gasp for mercy and air when it’s all the way deep in, fingers vibrate and tremble into Bob’s hair, and this time tomorrow, he would think to buy you flowers and dinner some time next week. As an apology. Eyes wide open, he’s looking down upon Bob, brows furrowed, cheeks whiskey-rosed. Oh, Bob. He pulls back, hands slide down to the sides of the aviator’s face, thumbs upon his cheekbone, ring finger just on the line of his jaw: they hold his head possessively yet gently, drawing him close, careful tugs to tell him to come here, pulling him up to the level of his chest, bridges of spit drawn from Alex’s tip trailing up to Bob’s lips until they tense and break. Work of fucking art. He curves down to make faces meet, tilting his head to the right to make them fit like the pieces to the model statue they erected in the living room there, shyly staring at them inanimately from the dining table. A purring, vibrating, pleased mmmm rolling in his mouth when lips meet, kissing Bob with a certain kind of lust and ardent, lost-in-desire aggression only a Greek warrior knew how. Tongue taking him in every sense of the word, tasting himself in another’s mouth, and, parting even more of his flavor unto Bob’s mouth. Stings like whiskey, tastes like sin, breaks like heartache. ❝Fuck.❞ Nothing else more expressive and succinctly put that he could have whispered breathlessly into Bob’s lips when they part briefly for air before taking him again.
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mochiswifey · 3 years
^Repost from other account. Ending Added.^
Make Believe.
~Sanzu's Part~
You were just a sweet innocent girl who was sheltered from the violent world. You were naive and delicate when you met him and was deceived by his poison laced lies.
You were hesitant to trust him but slowly you fell in love until you could no longer think about anything else other than him. You always ran to him as soon as you heard the door open and you wrapped your innocent arms around his waist loving the way he feels.
It was a great illusion until the day you opened the door to an unknown woman. Taller and more mature than you are. Red lips and dark eyelashes. The givenchy dress that your husband gifted her hugged her figure perfectly. She’s someone who could take any man she wants but she took yours who made you feel alive and free for the first time in your life.
“Who are you?” You asked confused. She smirks and handed you an envelope containing her ultrasound and a video tape of her spending a wild night with the husband whom you’ve loved so much.
You went out of the house with your heart shattered to pieces and once you got back your belongings are moved from the master’s bedroom to the maids headquarters.
You entered the house and you could hear them moaning confessing their love for each other. From that day you stayed silent. You watch your husband shower her with love while she made you feel like trash.
That was 7 years ago. And now you grew cold and accustomed to the dangerous and disgusting life you have. You no longer wished to be wrapped around his arms and found someone else who cherishes you.
“Hey. If you cut off my foot would I feel pain? ‘Cause like my foot is cut off.” You squint your eyes to your boyfriend. He’s a whooping 6ft 4 half Brazilian a quarter Russian and Japanese and he looks intimidating as hell with his big body and tattooes not to mention the scar between his eyes down to his lips. But he’s just a big dummy on the inside always asking you dumb questions.
“Baby, you graduated with me on Harvard yet you ask stupid questions.”
“I studied law not medicine.” He says pulling your hand kissing it. You blushed and sighed. Sanzu cheating on you was the best thing that happened to your life.
You were able to study in Harvard and meet your boyfriend. You look at him and admired his beautiful face. He’s the man who made you realized that it wasn’t you who was at fault.
“When will you marry me?” He asked you and you were taken aback. He knows about Sanzu but-
“I can just kill him you know.” You nervously laughed and leaned on his shoulder never letting his hand go.
“You’ll start a war.”
“I don’t care. Can’t believe that bitch hasn’t overdosed yet.” You laugh and rolled your eyes. It sure as hell would be a good scene to see.
“Oh, I forgot I want to give you something.” You reached for your coat’s pocket and tried to pull out the watch you’ve brought for him but it was nowhere to be found. You cursed remembering that you hid it under your bed back at the house you never really go home to.
“Fucking hell, why did I hid that there.” You mutter to yourself.
“What’s wrong?” Your boyfriend asked you and you shake your head softly before returning it to his shoulder.
“Nothing, I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” He hummed and the two of you proceeded to go to his house where you two made love. He is different from your husband. He handles you with care afraid to break you. He looks at you with so much adoration and from his eyes you could tell that he’ll never betray you. After he fell asleep you changed and decide to go back to your “house” not too far away from his.
As you parked your boyfriend’s car in front of the place you hate you noticed that all of the lights are on and the maids stood outside of the house shivering from the coldness.
Some of them plastered frustration on their faces while the others looked quite pleased. You went out of the car and went to the maid who cared for you the most when you were experiencing pain from your husband and his mistress.
“What’s happening?” You asked and she held your face and smiled.
“Your husband found out that he wasn’t the father of the brat.” You chuckled. You somehow thought of it in the back of your mind.
“And that’s the tea.”
“That was a great tea. Thank you.” You smiled wildly before going to the house. The furnitures are destroyed and everything is a mess. Sanzu and his mistress were nowhere to be seen.
Shit, I would’ve like to have seen the chaos.
You went to your room and took the watch before heading out ready to go back to your boyfriend. You smile as you look at the watch you bought him. It was a rare watch and you bid a million to get it. Money wasn’t a problem for you or for your boyfriend so maybe just maybe you could just fake your own death and be with your loving boyfriend. Away from everyone.
This will look good on him.
As you stepped in the living room you hear coughing and your eyes went to Sanzu. He was laying on the floor with a bottle of whiskey on his hand and pills scattered around the floor. You cringe at yourself for liking him in the past. He’s a hardcore addict. Skinny and looks like the Jack? From the nightmare before Christmas. Or is it Jonny? You don’t know and you don’t care.
Ew. Is that snot running down his fucking nose?
“Wife.” He says tiredly his eyes barely open before taking a sip of his liquor. You ignored him and proceeded on your way but he then started to crawl towards you on a fast pace.
“EW! Stay back disgusting piece of shit!” You yelled as you jumped and dash towards the door. You felt like you’re being chased by pennywise and your heart was pounding in your chest. You slam the door close and immediately went to your boyfriend’s car. You sighed thinking you’re safe but a scream escape your mouth when you saw him on your window banging.
“Wife! Let’s talk! Please!”
“Holy FUCK!” You yelled scared but your fear soon turned into amusement. You called your boyfriend as Sanzu kept pulling on the door like the crazy maniac he is. His suit is covered with cocaine and he smelled like a fucking hobo.
“Baby where are you?” You almost moaned when you heard your boyfriend’s voice.
“Pinky got wrecked. His mistress cheated.” You laughed and your boyfriend from the other line went quiet before laughing with you. You turned on the camera and showed Sanzu. His eyes widen and started banging on the door harder. He was enraged to see the gorgeous man on the screen.
“Baby. He looks like RONALD THE FUCKING MCDONALD HOLY SHIT!!!” You and your boyfriend laughed together until Sanzu went away only to return with a rock on his hand.
“Shit.” You panicked and immediately started the car and drove off.
“That motherfucker is crazy as fuck.” You sighed relief that you got away from him. You look at the rear mirror to see him jumping around pulling on his fried hair yelling at the maids.
“What a fucking loser.”
“SHIT! WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?! CHASE MY FUCKING WIFE!” Sanzu yelled to the maids like they could fucking outrun your boyfriend’s Ferrari. He threw the rock on the wall and yelled profanities until he passed out.
“B-baby hey how are you!” Sanzu appeared out of nowhere and knelt in front of you. You were patiently waiting for your boyfriend to arrive at the cake shop you two always ate at and was quite happy until he ruined your day. The customers around got creeped out and asked to be moved leaving the two of you almost alone.
“Holy mother of fucking Satan. How the hell did you found me?” You threw your hands on the air agitated at his present. His hair dry, suit stained with god knows what and his under eyes that never had eye bags has it now.
“Look, lemme explain okay? I was fooled! She told she’s pregnant and the brat I thought he’s mine that’s why I left you but you know that I love you right?” He says wide eyed rubbing his hands together as he moves closer to you.
“Look, Haruchiyo-“
“No, don’t say that. I’m your Haru remember? I’m still your Haru.”
“Who the fook is this guy?” You laughed as your boyfriend impersonates Connor Mcgregor’s Iconic line. You stood up and went to hug your boyfriend leaving Sanzu on his knees to turn around just to see you in the arms of a foreigner taller than him.
“Who’s this guy baby?” You cringed at his words. He acts like he’s done nothing to you. He acts like he didn’t make you cry for months on end. And it makes you angry.
“Baby, Ass cheeks. You’re married to this…. Damn. You don’t deserve to be tied to this- Surprised this guy didn’t get sued for plagiarizing Joker. I’m actually a lawyer so give me a call-“ Sanzu stood up and swung at your boyfriend. Your boyfriend pushed you away and he took a hit from Sanzu which didn’t seem to have affected him. You groan after hitting the table and falling to the ground. Your boyfriend didn’t bother to take a hit and immediately went to you.
“H-Hey, baby. I’m sorry.” Sanzu apologize as he tried to help you up. You pushed him away and your boyfriend lifted you from the ground.
“Sanzu! Why can’t you let me be! I never said a word when you were with your mistress! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU MADE ME FEEL!” You started yelling at him. Your boyfriend wrapped his arms around your waist and you buried your face on his chest.
“You moved my things on the fucking maids headquarters, you made her do whatever she wanted to do. You fucked her in the bedroom we were supposed to be together. You never celebrated my birthday or anything with me! You let me go to America and we haven’t talked for years and now that I’ve found someone that I love and that truly loves me you’re just gonna ruin it because your whore fucking fooled you? SHUT YOUR SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOU!”
Sanzu was speechless. He hates that you are yelling at him while you’re in another man’s arms. It’s stupid. He knows. He’s a hypocrite, he knows. But he just wants you back. He forgot about you. It’s true. But why can’t he have you back now that he’s ready to love you again.
“You don’t know anything that I’ve been through. I hate that I fell for your lies and I hate that you’re trying to say that you still love me when clearly you never did. Because if you did. You would’ve never cheated on me. I was fucking 17! And I was in the same house as your fucking mistress! I questioned everything about me and blamed myself for your fucking faults!”
What did I do wrong? Was I too fat? Too childish? Immature? Dumb? Maybe it’s my stretch marks? The way I speak? Myself?
“I questioned everything and I was going insane! I went fucking insane.” You cried and poured all of your bottled emotion to the mad dog who doesn’t understand the concept of love. You burried your face on your boyfriends neck and he knew it was time to leave.
You did everything you wanted and threw me under the fucking bus. And now you want to take away my happiness?
Sanzu sat down on the chair you were sitting earlier and sipped on your half finished coffee.
If only he died you will surely come back to me.
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Soft breathings. You smile as you watch your boyfriend sleep. He’s not a saint and is quite ruthless but with you he’s always so gentle, scared to hurt you. Unlike your husband but when you’re in love you never really notice the other person’s flaws. You only realized that he wasn’t the best you’ve had when you met your boyfriend. He only cared about his pleasure and never thought about yours.
Never really remember anything about you and makes it your fault whenever you're mad at him. Gaslighter. Manipulator. Murderer and Cheater that’s what your husband is.
So, it really puzzled you how you fell in love with that kind of man.
Weeks turned to months and Sanzu never tried to approached you. Maybe he went back to his mistress. You don’t care. You’ll never care. Specially when you’re carrying the child of the man you love the most. You’re terrified to tell him but you know he’ll be as happy as you are.
“Babe? Are you okay?” Your boyfriend ask you as the two of you take a sit on a park bench after a long evening walk.
“I have something to tell you.” The winds intensified and he took off his jacket and placed it on your shoulder. “Yeah?” “I’m pregnant….” “Bitch what?” You laughed as his mouth remained wide open. “Baby, you gonna be a daddy.” He didn’t spoke for a few seconds and you got scared but relief washed over you when he pulled you for a hug. “If you say sike we are going to be done.” He says as he shower your face with kisses. You laugh and tapped on his shoulder trying to calm him down. “I’m really pregnant. 2 months.” He pinched your face before kissing you deeply and started screaming that he’s going to be a father. Some passers looked at him like he’s a weirdo and some congratulated the two of you.
Your life was blissful until one day when you went out alone to go baby shopping…. “Excuse me miss, orange is a gender neutral color right? We don’t wanna know the babies gender until they are born-“ You were with a shop clerk until you noticed that she was gone. “Long time no see.” Sanzu appears well dressed and intact. You stepped back and immediately guarded your stomach. He laughs in disbelief. You tried to use the clothing rack to guard yourself from him but he easily pushed it away. “You’re pregnant? I don’t remember making love to my wife.” Calm. He’s calm but beyond that is a sinister man. A dangerous man that could harm you anytime. “Haruchiyo stop. Don’t hurt my baby.” He steps closer to you every step he took made you closer to death. He then knelt in front of you and pressed his ear on your stomach. “Hello baby, it’s daddy.” Your eyes flickers as panic eats you. Your shoulder starts to shiver and your mouth dries. So dry like you’ve been walking in a dry land for miles on ends. He’s delusional. Delusional and lonely. You can feel how he longs for love. Love that he doesn’t deserve nor know. “Have you been taking good care of my child?” He asked you standing up and wrapping his arms around you gently hugging you. “H-haruchiyo-“ “It’s fucking Haru.” He snapped for a moment before caressing your face turning his facade sweetness again. “I-i I need to go.” You look up to his dead eyes. “Are you tired? I was hoping to take you around baby shopping-“
I can easily escape outside rather than be grounded on his house.
“Fuck, baby say that again. You make daddy happy.” He moaned before parting your lips with his thumb.
“Good girl.”
Shit, Christiano should’ve listened to you babe.
“Try to escape and I’ll pull my baby myself out of you today, got it?” He pressed his cheeks to yours and whispered to your ear. You nodded not wanting to harm your child.
“Great. That’s how I like you. Obedient and a good fucking girl. Just like the old days. When you greet me with your smile and wrap your hands around me. Don’t forget the nights when you let me fuck you dumb. It’ll be back soon baby.” He kissed your forehead and you try your hardest not flinch under his disgusting touch.
He held your hand and pulled you out of the store and dragged you inside his car. He sat you down and passen your seatbelt. 13 men surrounds you making it hard to escape. You soothes your nerves by thinking of your boyfriend and the dreams you two have.
“Kiss me.” He says and you complied. He wrapped his hand around your throat and he pushed his tongue in your mouth before starting to devour your lips like a hungry dog. He was too rough. He didn’t let you breathe and only stopped his harassment when you were tapping uncontrollably on his thighs begging him to stop.
This will end soon. This is just a quick nightmare.
“I should’ve been smarter. I should’ve picked you instead of her. Fuck. You’re so addicting.”
“W-what happened to her and her child?” He smiled sinisterly before returning to his seat.
“Kids organs are high on demands, hate to admit it but the slut has a great pussy so….” He trails off before leaning to you and giving you a peck on the lips.
“They deserve it, plus. The maids told me she was a bitch to you so it’s a good payback don’t you think?”
“Haru, what will happen to me and to my baby?” You asked him terrified at the future you two have. He signal his driver to start the car before returning his eyes to you.
“Nothing. We’ll just wait until you give birth and fuck like rabbits so you could pop out more babies.”
His touches and kisses it disgust you. But you endure it for your child. Haruchiyo took no chances and instead of the promise of taking you around he got smart for some reason and took you straight to his new house.
Trees surrounds the whole mansion and no one will ever suspect that there's a guarded mansion within the woods.
"Welcome to our new home."
He says as you stare wide eyed to the damn house. You fear everything. You fear everything that's been going.
If only you were more obedient and listened to your boyfriend. Maybe you wouldn't be in the position you're in now. You gulped and turned your head to Haruchiyo who's grininning.
"Yes? Do you wanna make love to daddy?" His words was like acid rain burning your whole existence.
Before you could start gunshot were heard from afar and it immeditely alerted everyone.
"FUCK. How the fuck- B-baby go inside." He panics and pushed you towards one of his most trusted men.
You smiled.
The guard dragged you inside the mansion and locked you. You didn't fought and instead started rummaging through everything hoping to find something that will set you free.
You were starting to lose hope and the fear for your boyfriend, and unborn child grew uncontrollably every passing seconds. The gunshots started to come closer and closer until it was heard from inside the house.
Your body froze and wasn't able to move as soon as you heard the door open.
"B-baby...." A new hope ignites within you after hearing the voice you love so much. You turn around and immediately ran to your boyfriend.
"Are you okay?" You look at his body trying to find wounds but miraculously he was unharmed. He tried to smile and calm you with it but the distress was visible.
And it made your heart ache.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't listen to you-" He hushed and kissed you deeply before grabbing your hand tightly dragging you away.
Bodies. Tons of them laid lifeless on the grounds but not Sanzu's. Blood was everywhere. It covered the man and even the woods.
After exiting the house you thought it was over but you were wrong. The ocean of bodies continued to the woods making it hard to ran to.
"C-Christiano- S-"
"Not now baby. We need-"
Two shots rang.
And the two of you stopped running and almost tumbled because of nameless body. Your boyfriend looked down and see blood oozing out of his stomach.
"You're not gonna take her away from me!" Shivers ran down your spine and you turned aroud and saw the devil himself. Almost beaten to death but still refusing to go to hell where he belongs.
"C-Come with me and I'll let him live." He says but rather than demanding it was begging.
Tears ran down your face as you realized the future was no longer as bright as you thought it would be.
"I'm gonna bring you with me." Christiano whispered before he turned around shooting the devil himself.
And the third one was for you.
Haruchiyo's eyes widen as he realized he harmed what he wanted to have.
But she'll be with me right? He asked himself desperate for anything but rejection.
As the three of you fell to the cold ground your eyes stayed with the man who has truly showed you love.
"C-chris- I w-want our baby to live..." You whispered to him and he cupped your face giving you a warm smile he's has always given you.
"N-nothing m-matters us..." He had no strenght but pushed himself to say those words.
You touched your stomach and his hand went on top of yours.
You never believed in god but you started hoping that the three of you will be reunited in the afterlife where there's no pain.
"W-we belong together." You mumbled and he nodded.
His eyes never got tired and never showed pain. Even as the sounds started fading and even as both of your eyelids started to get heavy. The two of you showed your love for each other until the end.
Haruchiyo crawled reaching for your hand but even before he got to hold you his breath was taken away from him never reaching you.
He doesn't deserved to reach you.
THANK YOU FOR READING {Reblogs&Comments are greatly appreciated}
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Church (Choi San) Rated
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Pairing: Choi San × Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, College AU, Friends to Enemies(?), Enemies to Lovers (?)
Summary: He used to be her best friend until he abandoned not only his childhood beliefs, but her in the process. One night, he decides to show her a glimpse of what she's been missing out on. Inspired by Chase Atlantic's Church .
Word Count: 6.3+K
Warnings: Mentions of religious beliefs, brazen college parties, allusions to alcohol/nicotine intake, body insecurity (reader has small breasts), oral (female receiving), fingering, nipple play, body worship/praise, slight cumplay, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (always use protection), slight corruption kink, inexperienced reader, experienced San. (Probably forgot something)
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @yunhoiseyecandy @yunhofingers @galaxteez @brie02 @deja-vux @a-soft-hornytiny @multidreams-and-desires @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie
The infamous rebel let out a pernicious snicker when he saw the serene and usually proper former acquaintance walk in his direction.
"Are my eyes deceiving me or is that really the pastor's prissy little daughter out past her bedtime in a college party?" He found the situation much too amusing that he just had to point it out.
"I have a name you know." The female he was referring to halted in her steps to turn her head and give him an unkind and unfriendly look.
"You have several, actually. There's goody two shoes, priss, prude, prig-"
"Oh shut the fuck up Choi San." She scoffed as she began walking away from him, already feeling annoyed by his presence.
The man trailed after her, his face donning a shocked expression as he flailed his arms around in a dramatic way.
"Guys it's happening! The apocalypse is really here if L/N Y/N has not only attended a wild party full of debauchery, but her mouth has actually uttered out cursed words!" He shouted out, the other attendants either joining in laughing at her or ignoring him in favor of the bottles or sticks in their fingers.
"I'm surprised you even know what that word means." She turned to look at him with a mocking smile, arms crossed over her chest.
"Please, I know a lot more than you have ever pretended to know." He clicked his tongue, elbow coming up to rest on the wall next to him.
"Is that why you turnt corrupt and abandoned everything you believe in?" She couldn't help but spat back at him.
"Hey at least I was honest and didn't hide it like you people who lead double lives. Preaching one thing but living the total opposite. You're all nothing but a bunch of hypocrites." The venom in his voice was unmistakable, nose scrunching up in disgust as he remembered gross sins he had more often than not had witnessed from people who claimed to be pure and holy.
"I do not lead a double life." She remarked.
"Oh really? Then why the hell are you here in a college party? Full of alcohol, drugs and walking STDs? Riddle me that princess." His foot tapped against the floor, patiently awaiting an answer from her.
Y/N swallowed the non existent lump in her throat and turned her gaze to the floor in embarrassment.
"I just wanted to see what it was like. Just once." She admitted begrudgingly, the man in front of her chuckling lowly.
"Well you sure are going to have a lot to confess on Sunday to your dad. Silly girl, walking into the lion's pit like this." He jeered at her.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because I came here doesn't mean I've done anything morally wrong." She counteracted his words to which he only snorted.
Tired of his overly obnoxious attitude, Y/N spun on her heel to get away from him, but she spun so carelessly and fast that she ended up bumping into another classmate who unfortunately was holding a full cup of beer that ended up being doused all over her white blouse.
"Oops! Sorry, my bad." He excused himself, looking completely unapologetic about the situation.
Meanwhile Y/N looked absolutely horrified as she took in the drenched state of her shirt that now had the stench of alcohol on it. The fact San was bursting out in giggles only served to make her even more mad.
"Now tell me how do you plan on explaining that to dear old-"
"Can it San or I swear I'll gauge your eyes out." She threatened him as she stormed out the building, not caring that she bumped into a few figures on her way out.
Feeling just a bit of empathy for his old friend, San sighed softly before following after her. Upon catching up to her, he took hold of her wrist and started dragging her in the opposite direction.
"Hey! Get your filthy hands off me! I will not hesitate to scream!" She tried tugging her arm away.
"Calm down I'm not planning on kidnapping or anything like that sweetheart. I'm taking you back to my car."
She let out a dry laugh at that.
"But that's not kidnapping?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"I have a spare shirt in the backseat that you can change into. Unless you wanna go home smelling like PBR." He looked back to see the mess one more time, lips curling up into a smirk.
Against her better judgment, she allowed him to take her all the way where his car was parked, standing there quietly as San rummaged through the backseat before taking out a clean plain white tshirt and held it out to her.
"Here. Put it on."
She looked at him with a face that asked if he was stupid.
"Well what?" He asked.
"Oh yes..I'm totally going to strip in a middle of the street and let anyone passing by see." She rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh for fuck's sake, there's nobody here, nobody is going to see and frankly I don't think anyone cares about seeing your non existent boobs." He scorned at her as he gestured to her chest.
"Ok rude and uncalled for." She felt slightly hurt by his comment, having always been somewhat insecure about the size of her chest.
"Don't look." She warned him.
"Not like I want to." He jeered at her as he turned away to not only give her privacy, but to also serve as a lookout for anyone that might accidentally show up and see the scene. He could hear her behind him tearing off her clothes and then slipping it back on.
"Ok there. I'm done." Y/N announced as she stuffed the soiled shirt into her bag.
"Not even a thank you?" San pouted slightly, to which Y/N gave a feigned smile.
With that said and done, she brushed past him and started walking away, absolutely done with the night.
"Careful not to get caught sneaking back inside your house." She heard San say from behind.
"For your information I'm not living with them anymore. I moved into the dorms 2 months ago." She stated in a matter of factly, a proud look on her face.
"Well in that case....want to ride back with me?" He offered.
"Yeah no, I'd rather take my chances at being kidnapped and then butchered up. Besides, I wouldn't want to cut your wild night short." She declined the offer.
"Stop being so negative Nancy and accept my generosity. Geez."
Running over to her, he quickly snatched her up and threw her over his shoulder, ignoring her shocked exclaims and protests.
"Now this is really kidnapping!" She declared.
"Yeah I know, now shut up before I duct tape that bratty mouth of yours." San grinned mischievously as he tossed her into the backseat and shut the door before striding over to get on the driver's seat.
"Oh come on. Stop looking at me like I'm a criminal. Just because I indulge in a few sins every now and then, doesn't make me into a bad person." He stated when he saw the dirty look she gave him.
"Whatever." She muttered as she locked in her seatbelt.
San opted for just driving back to the dorms and get Y/N tucked in her bed since it was clear to him she needed it.
"You're lucky my roommate is on vacation, otherwise I would have left your ass back there." Y/N spewed out as she threw her keys onto her dresser.
"Thanks Y/N, I always said you were the nicest and most giving person in the planet." San complimented her as he felt he should given she was letting him stay the night in her dorm after a little tiny incident with his keys dropping inside one of the manholes surrounding the university. And the administration office wouldn't be open til the morning, meaning he was screwed unless his roommate showed up to let him in, but that was a definite no since San knew Seonghwa would definitely end up in someone else's bed and come back til the next day, hickeys plastered all over his neck and chest.
"No, you always said I was the most stuck up-"
San shushed her by pressing a hand over her mouth.
"You dwell so much on the present image of me you drew up in your head that you completely erased the friend you had all those years ago." He slid his hand off her mouth, shoulders slumping down as he turned away from her to crouch on the floor.
"That friend doesn't exist anymore, that is if he even existed in the first place. If I recall, my friend wasn't into parties, booze, vaping, tattoos, piercings and fucking around with every whore in the school."
San didn't say anything as he heard her ramble, he just let her talk away as she started pulling out spare blankets and pillows for him to use.
"My Sannie was sweet, cute, adorable, always ready to lend people help and respectful to others." She reminisced with a sad look. Pulling her expression straight, she laid out the blankets and started arranging them neatly on the floor.
"I still am."
San's voice was so quiet that she barely registered that he even opened his mouth in the first place, but she heard him.
"Maybe if you weren't so puffed up with pride and didn't cut me off after I cut ties with the church, you'd see that I'm still the way I was. You think I changed completely because of ink and metal on my body? Because I wanted to try certain substances and yes, satisfy some perfectly normal and humane needs?"
Y/N averted her gaze from him and continued the task she was in. San let out a despondent scoff.
"Of course you do. And yet didn't I just demonstrate to you back there that I haven't changed? Giving you my shirt, giving you a ride, yeah I know, it's not much and no big deal, but wasn't those the types of things I'd do even back then?"
Y/N's tongue poked against her cheek as she knew she couldn't deny that was San said was absolutely true. He did nothing different back at the party as he used to do years ago. Helping old ladies with grocery bags, giving away some of his clothes to less fortunate kids, he was always known as being such a giving and kind person.....
No wonder so many were devastated when it was announced he had resigned as a member of the church. Y/N herself was hurt and even indignated by his decision. And after that she adamantly refused to see him or talk to him, and of course San respected her decision and avoided contacting her so as to not make her uncomfortable. He understood that their friendship was broken and he wasn't going to overstep boundaries just to try and fix it when the other party didn't want it. So he just decided to live his life as he thought was right without his conscience bothering him. And he was much happier now, he felt free, something that he had never felt before. Perhaps he was so chained down by formality, discipline, strict regulations and even fear that he didn't realize that he was miserable all that time until his eyes were fully open and he found he didn't like what he saw, especially after seeing the dark and ugly side of what was supposed to be a safe and pure sanctuary. He was let down severely and he suffered in the process. But now that was behind him and he had no regrets......
Except Y/N. He truly missed her and her company. As he laid on the makeshift bed on the floor, he found himself unable to sleep as he recalled all those fond times spent with her. The trips to the lake, hiking, first day of school, their first accident after he had gotten his driver's license. He let out an involuntary smile at that memory. Unbeknownst to him, the girl on her bed was equally reminiscing on the old days filled with her best friend. She had been so alone ever since she distanced herself from him, the world now feeling empty and cold without him. Shifting around in her bed, she whined into her pillow as she desperate tried to sleep.
"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Her question startled San momentarily.
"Are you that sleep deprived that you're suddenly asking me to confess my worst sins?" He chuckled amusedly.
"Maybe it'll help me get actual sleep, I don't know. And.... I'm just curious." She clutched one of her plushies and started messing around with it.
"Curiosity killed the cat and I don't think your virgin mind will be able to handle my confession." He asserted confidently.
"I'm not a virgin, but oh well. Just tell me, what's the worst?" Her casual response made San flip out. He sat upright and kneeled at the front of her bed with an incredulous look.
"What do you mean you're not a virgin? When did you-?" He was so flabbergasted he wouldn't even finish his sentence.
Rolling over to where he was, Y/N smirked at him.
"Uh uh. I asked you a question first and you have to answer it before I can answer any you want."
Knowing he had no alternative, San placed his chin on the top of her mattress.
"Had a threesome with 2 of our professors." He laughed when he saw how shocked Y/N looked.
"What?! No way!" She refused to believe him.
"It's true. I won't tell you who they were since you won't be able to look at them the same way if I did...... I'll just dish this: they both got really huge tits and it's a shame they're married." He admitted with a smug expression.
"I can't believe you." She fanned her face which she was sure was now a deep crimson color.
"Ok now your turn. When did this happen? Who was it with?"
Y/N didn't even mind that San got up and crawled into her bed to lay down next to her. His face was rested on his hands as he looked at her with intense inquisitiveness. Knowing she'd have to talk about it sooner or later, she thought it would be best if San was the one to know since he would never tell anyone else and he'd understand since he was tainted as well.
"Remember when that group of missionaries came to stay over at our city for a while back in high school?"
San nodded, vividly remembering everything. Y/N blushed and smiled shyly.
"Do you remember that there was a family with a son our age? Chase?"
San widened his eyes and flopped over on his back as his hands came to hide his face.
"Oh dear lord, please don't tell me it was that Canadian boy." He groaned in pain.
"Yeah....yeah it was."
San couldn't stop cringing at the thought of his friend doing such a thing.
"How even did that happen?" He was so lost.
"I don't know! It just did ok? It happened while we were out in that camping trip. Somewhere there, we were left alone and we started talking about everything and nothing til it spiraled into talking about sex and us being virgins decided to see what was the big deal....." She bit her lower lip as the memory flashed in her mind. Looking over at San, she knew he was judging her as she expected. A tiny snort escaped his lips.
"That must have been the worst 45 seconds of your life." He joked, earning him a slap on his chest by Y/N's hand.
"It was not 45 seconds!............. it was 2 minutes."
San only laughed harder at that, nearly crying from how funny it was to him. He composed himself though when he saw how embarrassed Y/N looked about it. Feeling bad for laughing at her expense, he cleared his throat and patted her head.
"It's ok. First times are always awkward and uncomfortable. The problem was you weren't prepared and you were both inexperienced. He just didn't know how to please you."
Y/N couldn't help herself as she asked:
"And I suppose you can?"
Flipping onto his stomach, San cupped her chin with his hand and ran his thumb across her lower lip.
"Don't tread on dangerous territory little angel lest you want an evil demon to corrupt you." He warned her, and although he wouldn't actually follow through on it, he did want to tease her a little. But he wasn't expecting for Y/N to play along to his teasing, only she was not joking at all as she brought her face closer to his.
"Maybe I want you to corrupt me, show me what I've been missing out on." She brushed her lips against his, tongue daring to poke out and press on his slit briefly, leaving him stunned.
"You have no idea what you're asking for princess." San mused as he held himself back from touching her.
"I know what I'm asking for Choi San and what I'm asking for....is you." She responded with confidence.
Escaping from underneath the blanket that covered her, Y/N reclined back on the mattress, her head laying on her soft pillow as she gestured for San to come over to her, which he promptly did. Parting her legs so he could fit his body between them, he smirked softly down at her eagerness, fingers brushing against the soft skin on her thighs.
"You're serious about this?" He wanted to make sure it wouldn't be something she'd regret.
"I already messed up once, what's one more time gonna do?" She pulled him down against her, not caring when he lost balance and accidentally crushed her under him with his muscular body.
"Besides...." Wanting to further entice him, Y/N brushed her lips against his ear.
"Look at me and tell me you don't want to fuck me. That you don't want to stuff that hard cock of yours into my tight and inexperienced pussy. Bet you're itching to tear into me until I'm crying under you. Don't you want that?"
San let out a moan at hearing such filthy and depraved talk from her. It only fueled his appetite and hunger for indulging in carnal desires.
"Yes... I want that.... I want you."
Closing space between them, San molded his lips over hers, encasing them in a sloppy and wet kiss. Y/N could faintly make out the leftover scent of alcohol and nicotine as she let him taste her mouth, but she didn't mind or felt grossed out by it. She just kept her lips parted and allowed him to move his tongue freely inside her. Cupping her cheeks, San continued to roll his tongue over hers, massaging it gently with both deep yet gentle strokes. When he pulled away, he made sure to tuck her bottom lip between his teeth, pulling it towards him as Y/N let out a moan that was like music to his ears. Pausing briefly, their lips were barely touching as they breathed in each other's air. San was the first one to break into a smile, the one that had Y/N melting since it displayed his dimples to the fullest.
"Never thought I'd hear that sound come out of your pretty mouth." He teased her.
"S-shut up." She frowned, hand reaching up to smack his chest.
"It's not a bad thing. I like it. Now let's see if I can make sure you keep them up."
Stuffing his face into her neck, San ghosted his lips across her skin, tongue subtly poking out solely to hear her breath hitch slightly. Dipping his tongue into her collarbone, his lips opened up so they could firmly latch and spread wet kisses across her neck. Y/N gasped when she felt teeth sink down, head tilting back to give San more room which he took advantage of. Focusing on particular spots that he knew she was sensitive in, he sucked her skin into his mouth. Each time he pulled away, he reveled when he saw the finished mark that was now painted on her skin.
"I would love to see your parent's reaction to my love bites." He brushed a fingers across the newest spot he just embedded in her body, hand then reaching up to suddenly clasp around her neck. Y/N shuddered when his grip got tighter, her oxygen intake getting cut and making her feel hazy, but it was nonetheless enjoyable. Snaking a hand under her shirt, or more like his shirt, San swiped his tongue over his bottom lip as he started to pull the material up.
"How about I make some matching ones all across your pretty chest?"
Before he could lift the shirt any further, Y/N's hand clasped around his wrist, preventing him from moving any further.
"Don't." She begged him.
San retracted his hands away from her, fearing he made her uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry." He immediately apologized and began to move away from her, but Y/N's hands raked against his thighs to keep him in place.
"No, it's not you. It's just..... if we're going to do this, can I keep the shirt on? I don't...." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she admitted an insecurity of hers.
"I don't like my chest. My boobs are too small, it's unflattering and I'd rather you not see them." She slowly opened her eyes to see his reaction. San had a sad look on his face, bottom lip poking out as his fingers came up to brush against her cheek. Remembering what he had previously said back in the parking loyal, he felt terrible for saying that ill intended joke about her body. He probably hurt her and he didn't realize it.
"Y/N don't say that. Your chest size doesn't matter. You're beautiful the way you are and I bet underneath that layer is clothing there is the cutest and most adorable set of boobs in the world." She let out an involuntary giggle at his words, letting him run his hand down her clothed sternum.
"But if that's what you want, I'll respect it. Either way, my tshirt looks amazing on you." He acknowledged rather cockily.
Shifting further back, San took hold of the top of her shorts, making sure to look at her.
"Are you ok with these coming off?"
Y/N resisted the temptation to slap the top of his head.
"If you don't take them off, how are you going to fuck me genius?" She retorted.
"You'd be surprised at what I've learned." He uttered, mostly to himself than at her.
Like an expert, he practically tore her shorts down her legs, panties falling to the floor along with them. Y/N let out a soft squeal when he took hold of her thighs and brought her down so his face was at eye level with her most intimate part. San took a few seconds to admire her bare mound, lips parted and threatening to start drooling all over her thighs. Pressing both thumbs against each one is her lips, San pried her folds open, staring intently as he now clearly saw all of her.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna need to prep you real good. I can tell you're going to be really tight."
She wanted to ask him what he meant by prep, but her words got caught in her throat when she felt his tongue delve into her core. She had never felt someone's mouth anywhere near her folds and she regretted not having experienced it before. Her eyes shut tight as she marveled at the sensation of San's tongue lapping at her bud, his lips making sure to enclose all around the flesh surrounding it before giving it gentle suckles. Shaky breaths blew out from her mouth, her legs wanting to close themselves around San's head but his firm grip on her thighs kept it from happening. He kept her knees pinned to the bed as his mouth continued to ravish at her taste, sloppily consuming her heat fervently. Her mind was so occupied in what he was doing that she didn't register the hand that slowly crept away from her thigh until she felt something poke at her entrance.
"Oh-" She gasped, opening her eyes to see what was going on.
"Relax princess. It's just my finger.....for now." He momentarily pulled off her heat to let her know what was happening before diving back in to continue his task of eating her out.
His finger inside her felt a little weird at first, sliding in slowly before pulling out only to plunge itself back into her. During one of those times where she expected him to slide back in, she was surprised when she felt herself being stretched out as San curled a second finger inside her. Keeping them lodged there, he began scissoring them alternatively so he could further spread her walls apart. During one of those movements, his fingertips brushed along her hood, making her hips slightly jolt up into San's face, who smiled against her folds as he now knew exactly where to angle his hips for later. Using this new knowledge, that was probably unbeknownst to Y/N, he slipped his fingers deeper into her, knuckles deep as he moved his tips rhythmically on the the spot he found. Y/N's mouth fell wide open into an 'O' as whiny gasps and airy moans poured out of it. San's mouth latched to her clit and his fingers working deep in her hole was producing a stirring in the lower pit of her stomach that she couldn't quite make out. But it felt good, especially since it continued to grow more and more, almost as if it was a cord about to snap.
"San- wait. I feel, I feel-" She couldn't finish her sentence as her body trembled slightly, a flood of overwhelming pleasure washing over her that was prolonged by San drinking up the juices that spilled forth out of her body. He didn't pull away until he made sure to swallow every drop she had to give.
"Aren't you grossed out?" She asked him, always having wondered about that.
"Nope. I love licking girl's pussies, especially if they're as sweet as yours." He affirmed while pulling his shirt off his body.
Y/N turned her flustered face away from him, keeping her gaze locked on the wall to her right, which was decorated with several polaroids of her with her family, friends and members of her church, some of them even had San in them, back when they were inseparable. Before she could become nostalgic, a strong set of hands clutched her chin and teared her gaze away from the pictures, forcing her to stare at the now naked man in front of her.
"Forget about that for now. Right now I want your full attention on me and what we're about to do. After we're done, that image of a good girl you have will gone." His words seemed to almost taunt her.
Although she tried not to look, Y/N's eyes fell in between San's legs, filled with astonishment when she glimpsed for the very first time at her former friend's member, fully erect and leaking at the tip as it awaited to be hugged by her warm walls.
"Like it? Maybe later I'll let you play with it." San giggled when her eyes shot up at him in surprise.
Placing himself to hover above her, he hummed lowly as he slowly stuffed himself inside her, working her open until he was fully nestled inside her warmth. Although she felt a light burn scraping against her inner walls, it wasn't unpleasant or painful like her first time. She could tell San knew exactly what he was doing as he began rolling his hips. Perfectly recalling exactly where to aim at, he made sure to angle his thrusts accordingly so each time he pushed back in, he'd hit her pleasure spot.
"Oh God-" Y/N exclaimed when he continued to brushed against the hood of her core.
"Really think it's a good idea to call out the good lord's name when I'm balls deep inside your pussy?" He asked with a malicious smirk plastered across his face.
"No baby. Tonight your only lord is me."
Pinning her wrists above her head, San continued pushing his cock deeper into her. The harsh pounding of his hips against hers was becoming louder, their bodies starting to get heated and producing sweat. Y/N couldn't do anything but whimper and wrap her legs around San's waist, keeping him firmly locked to her body. She closed her eyes once more as she felt the same familiar feeling from before start piling up, only it felt more intense and stronger probably due to the fact that she was getting railed to her bed by her ex best friend, whom she still cared about deeply. She was definitely not planning on making up with him this way, but holy hell, she couldn't deny that he was making her feel so many emotions at once. Pleasure, lust, satisfaction, happiness, euphoria, love? Perhaps that last one was definitely a stretch, but she blamed her confused thoughts on how well his cock was abusing her hole. She felt unable to focus on anything except him.
"Clenching so hard around me babygirl. Are you gonna cum all over my cock?"
Slipping one hand in between their bodies, San pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing it back and forth so it would serve as an extra push to tip her over the edge. Y/N splayed her hands on San's lower back, nails raking against his skin, causing him to hiss.
"Fuck- am I seriously making you feel that good babygirl?" He knew for a fact he was feeling absolutely amazing, her tight warmth gripping along his shaft, making it hard for him to hold back much longer.
"Mmm yeah." She shamelessly moaned.
"Am I better than your first?" Although he already knew the answer, he still wanted to feed his ego and hear her say it.
"So much better! It feels so fucking good." She inhaled sharply when that she began to feel the sensation from before. With even louder cries from before, her body shook underneath San's, blood rushing to her head as an even greater orgasm coursed through her body. She was left speechless, a full on panting mess even after San had pulled out of her after helping her ride out her high.
"Oh geez. Shit." San's voice rasped out as he jerked himself off, his cum painting her thighs white, not stopping until he had finished coating them with everything he had to give.
Looking down at the mess, Y/N couldn't suppress a tiny giggle, one of her hands clasping over her mouth while the other picked up some of his cum and spread it between her fingers.
"Having fun there?" San grinned, finding her fascinated gaze to be completely adorable to him.
"Yeah.." She said as sat up to get a better look at the cum around her thighs.
"Well I was going to clean it off you, but seeing as you're so entertained by it, I'll just leave you with it."
Not forgetting that he was merely a guest, San slid himself off her bed and plopped his tired body onto the blankets on the floor. Closing his eyes, he was thinking he would finally be able to sleep, but he found his plans thwarted when he felt a pair of hands graze across his chest. Looking up, he found Y/N straddling his lap, biting down on her lower lip as she grinded her wet folds along his softened dick which was now becoming hard again thanks to her.
"What in the world are you doing you crazy girl?" He sucked in a breath, not expecting her to suddenly pounce on him.
"I wanna try that again." She pleaded, grinding her hips harder on him.
"Oh my- did I accidentally turn you into a nymphomaniac?" She chuckled at his joke and although he groaned as if he was frustrated, he obliged to her wishes and sat up.
Clasping her waist with his hands, he lifted her up and guided her so she could easily sink herself down on his length. Not letting go, he slowly rolled his hips up, burying himself deep in her body once more. Since they were both still riled up from their previous session, it didn't take long for both of them to start spewing out a clutter of moans and grunts as they once again get lost in a mist of lust that clouded their minds. San drunk up every expression on Y/N's face. Every twitch of her facial muscles, every shuddering breath she exhaled, each time her eyelids shut close, he marveled at seeing her enjoy the experience. He loved seeing her indulge in such an intimate practice with him, more so given how special she was to him, one of the most important people in his life aside from his family. Looking down at her torso, his fingers brushed along the hem of her shirt.
"Please...." His urging caught her attention.
"Please let me see all of you. I want to admire every inch of you and your beautiful body. I promise I won't laugh or judge. I just want to worship you."
Y/N hesitated briefly, still afraid to let him see what was hidden under the shirt.
"It's ok if you don't want to. I won't force you." He shot a kind smile at her as he focused back on making sure to drive his cock up into her.
Feeling safe and knowing she could trust her lifelong friend whom she thought of as a soulmate at one point, Y/N reached for the bottom of her shirt and peeled it off her body. Coming face to face with her bare chest, San groaned in ecstasy as he slid his hands up her body.
"Just as I predicted, you have very cute breasts."
Pulling her chest to his face, he opened his mouth and took one of her nipples in it, swirling his tongue around it before sucking on it. Y/N's fingers raked themselves through his hair, harshly tugging them when she felt his teeth sink themselves into her flesh.
"Aren't they too small?" She inquired.
Letting go of her breast with an audible pop, San cupped her chin.
"No baby, they're absolutely perfect. They're gorgeous, just like every other part of your body. You're gorgeous, absolutely stunning and holy fuck, you're driving me insane honestly." He confessed, his mouth diving into her other breast so it wouldn't feel left out from being tenderly kissed and sucked on.
His words sunk deep in Y/N's heart. He really did found her beautiful, attractive and it spurred something in her. Feeling a newfound passion, Y/N unconsciously began taking over their movements. Pushing against his thrusts, she began to set her own pace, rutting herself on top of his dick. San of course took notice and was happy about it.
"Oh wanna take over now baby? Well go ahead."
Laying back down on the floor, his eyes stared up at her with lust.
"Fuck yourself on me darling."
Encouraged by him, Y/N began bouncing herself on his cock. Finding an angle that she liked, she sunk down on his length over and over, her head thrown back as she used his body to push her down another spiral of immense pleasure. San just relaxed and admired the way she lost herself and gave into her deepest desires. He loved the way she rode his cock, and he loved feeling her walls tighten once more around his shaft.
"Oh shit- Sannie." She cried out his name as she quivered on top of him, her juices spilling out onto his cock once more.
Knowing fully well she was probably aching between her thighs, San gripped her hips and helped her ride out her climax so the feeling she was going through wouldn't go away just yet. He made sure to be gentle, easing her up and down his cock with absolute tenderness. Once he knew she was satisfied, he pulled her of him and set her down on the floor before sitting up above her body. Just like before, he took hold of his cock and began pumping his cum out of his body, plastering it all across her inner thighs and even splattering some on her stomach. Looking up, Y/N had the same giggly expression as before.
"Does my cum really make you burst into a fit of giggles?" He questioned her.
"I can't help it. It's just... I don't know. Maybe it's the fact it's so dirty and wrong, and then to have you spread it all over my body." She explained, which made San chuckle.
"Maybe I should baptize your thighs with my cum more often." Although he was joking, Y/N was more than willing to take him up on that offer.
"Will you?" She looked up at him with puppy eyes.
San studied her for a moment, before a wicked idea popped in his brain.
"How about you let me baptize and stain that pretty face of yours?"
Getting a hint of what he meant, Y/N got up on her knees while San stood up right in front of her, cock in hand as he brought it up to her lips.
"I hope you weren't planning on going to morning services tomorrow because I'm going to keep you up til morning until your knees hurt."
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jaesqueso · 3 years
A cheater’s punishment (m)
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pairing: boyfriend!jeno x fem!reader x boyfriend!jaemin
summary: jeno thinks his girlfriend might be cheating on him and jaemin helps him found out and give her the proper punishment
word count: 1,548
warnings: mentions of cheating, fingering, oral sex (giving and receiving), protected sex, double penetration, threesome
a/n: loosely based off this ask, NoMin might be my favourite threesome pairing after JohnJae... anyway, do give me some feedback please! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
“Yo Jaemin, we gotta cancel again…” Jeno says sadly on the other side of the phone.
“Again?” Jaemin replies. “When am I ever going to meet that girlfriend of yours?”
“She says she wants to take things slow, I think she might be scared to start meeting my friends…” Jeno sighs. “Or maybe I’m not the only one in her life…”
“Hey, don’t say that, why would she ever cheat on you?”
“I don’t know man, but she’s always cancelling our plans.”
“We could try to find out…”
“What do you mean?”
“Come over.” Jaemin hangs up.
Jeno walks to the youngest’s apartment. Could it be that his girl is cheating on him? The thought went round and round in his head. Was he not enough for her?
As he walks through the door Jeno goes straight to the living room and sinks in the couch with a sigh.
“So what did she said she was doing that she couldn’t have dinner with us?” Jaemin asks sitting next to the oldest.
“She said she had a group project to do for one of her classes but either this is a big ass project or I don’t know what she’s been doing for the last few weeks.”
“That could be true though…” Jaemin takes his hand to his chin. “Any other things you’ve noticed?”
“Well, she’s always very protective over her phone, never replies to her calls or answers any texts around me.”
“Maybe she just wants your times together free of technology.”
“Yeah I thought that too at first but one time we were on a date and when I was coming back from the bathroom she was all giggly texting. Then when she saw me approach she quickly changed her expression and put the phone away.” Jeno takes his hands to his face. “Maybe I’m just overreacting, I don’t know.”
“It does sound a little suspicious but it doesn’t necessarily means she’s cheating-” Jaemin is interrupted by his doorbell.
“Are you expecting anyone?” Jeno asks.
“Yeah, sorry, it’s the girl I’ve been seeing, I forgot to tell her dinner was cancelled.” Jaemin says as he walks to the door. Jeno was supposed to meet Jaemin’s girlfriend today too, so he glances at the door to at least see what she looks like.
“Hey babe.” Jaemin says, opening the door and giving you a kiss.
“Hey.” You smile walking inside and closing the door.
“Look, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, dinner was cancelled.” He apologises.
“Oh, really? That’s a shame.” You sadly say but then put a smirk on your face. “Does that mean I got you all to myself-”
“Y/N?” Jeno says approaching the doorway.
“Jeno?” You widen your eyes not expecting to see him.
“Wait, you guys know each other?” Jaemin asks confused looking between the two of you.
“Well Jaemin, this is my girlfriend!” Jeno almost shouts.
“What? No, this is my girlfriend!” The boys look at each other and then to you.
“I-I can explain…” You say as you step back to the door about to flee.
“Oh don’t even think about it!” Jaemin blocks the door. “You’ve been dating both of us?”
“Is this why you cancelled dinner? To be with him?” Jeno asked.
“I…” You look between them and then take a deep breath deciding it was time to end this. “Look, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I met you two around the same time and things started to develop and I couldn’t bring myself to choose between you-”
“So you decided to date us both?” Jeno yells in disbelief.
“To be fair I never agreed to be any of you guys girlfriend-” You stop as they glare at you. “I’m sorry, ok?”
“I can’t believe this…” Jeno mutters.
“What are we going to do with you?” You look up at Jaemin sensing a teasing tone on his voice. “You fucked up Y/N, now you need to be punished. Isn’t that right, Jeno?”
“W-What?” He looks up at Jaemin with widen eyes.
“She can’t just play with both of us like that.” Jaemin walks to Jeno placing his arm around his shoulders. “Maybe it’s our time to play with her now.”
You gulp as Jeno thinks for a while.
“You know what? Maybe she does need to be punished.” He looks at you, the anger in his eyes replaced by lust.
They both walk towards you and you back away until you hit a wall. The way they look at you automatically creates a pool in your panties. Each of them grabs one of your hands and they lead you to Jaemin’s room.
Once there, Jaemin sits on the bed pulling you with him so you’re laying across his lap. You yelp as he pulls your dress up exposing your damp underwear.
“Wow, is the thought of being punished by your two lovers getting you this wet?” You bite your lip realising what Jaemin said is true.
“Answer him.” Jeno says sitting next to Jaemin and pulling your head up by your hair. “Does it turn you on that you’re about to get destroyed by the two guys you’ve been deceiving?”
“Yes!” You almost scream as Jaemin removes you panties and gives a strong spank to your butt.
“Such a bad girl.” Jaemin says as you feel another spank.
Jeno starts to unbutton his pants to take out his half hard dick. You grab it with one of your hands and stroke it slowly as Jaemin keeps spanking you, his fingers lightly touching your folds each time.
Every time his hand lays on your ass you let out a quiet moan that Jeno is quick to cover as he pushes his member past your lips. You bob your head as best as you can and Jaemin stops spanking you to ease two fingers inside your pussy.
“Jeno do you see this? She’s so wet they slide right in” Jaemin grins as he pumps his fingers in and out.
“Fuck, I gotta taste that.” Jeno gently pushes your head off him and pulls you up to remove your clothes and his own.
As Jaemin gets undressed too, Jeno lays you on the bed spreading your legs wide in front of him.
You let out a loud moan as he starts licking and sucking your clit. In the meantime Jaemin leans over your chest sucking one of your nipples while massaging your other breast.
You feel a wave of pleasure running through your body and soon you cum in Jeno’s mouth. As you ride off your high Jaemin moves his mouth to your lips. You take his cock in your hand and stroke it as you hear Jeno go to the bedside table to pull out a condom. He lays down next to you and rolls the rubber down his length.
“Come here.” He kisses your shoulder and you let go of Jaemin’s mouth to look at him. “Ride me.”
You move to straddle him and ease yourself slowly down his member. You both moan as you take in all is length. You then start to bounce on him as he lifts his hands to massage your breasts.
Jaemin goes to the bedside table and takes out a bottle of lube coating two of his fingers. He gently pushes you to lay on Jeno’s chest and the oldest holds your hips pounding into you instead. Jaemin teases your butt hole with his lubed fingers then pushing one of them inside. You whimper as another finger slides in your back door stretching you out.
“Are you going to be a good girl and take us at the same time?” Jaemin leans over you and whispers in your ear.
“Yes…” You moan. You never took two guys at the same time but just the thought of it was getting you closer to another orgasm.
Jeno ceases his movements remaining inside you as Jaemin removes his fingers and aligns his dick, that he also covered with a well lubed condom, in your empty hole. You squirm as he pushes himself inside you and Jeno gives you a passionate kiss to distract your pain.
Jaemin massages your back biting his lip and once he feels you relax around his length he starts moving in and out. The pain quickly turns into pleasure as Jeno resumes his movements in your other hole.
You are a moaning mess as they pound into you and soon enough your reach another orgasm. As you clench your walls, Jeno soon follows you spilling his seed inside the condom. He remains inside you holding you steady as Jaemin keeps slamming into your ass. A few more thrusts and he too cums inside his own rubber.
As breaths get steadier and highs come down, they remove themselves from you discarding the condoms. You three lay in bed side by side looking at the ceiling.
“Maybe you don’t have to choose between the two of us,” Jaemin tells you and then turns to the other boy, ”what do you say, Jeno?”
“I guess I’m ok with sharing if I know I’m doing it.” You all chuckle.
“Well if I knew this could happen I would’ve came clean a lot sooner!” You giggle as they both nudge your shoulders.
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