#creative writing with ms claire
1, 12, 14 for Lucius and Driscoll? 👀
HELLO FRIEND THANKS FOR ASKING!! referring to this post.
since this all qualifies as Deep Lore Hours (which i love!! you're the best!!), and i'm a wordy person, have a cut checkpoint on your dash:
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
lucius actually happened because i asked claire for a starting blirb [sic] in ms. mecoli's creative writing class in high school (remember that???), and she gave me a bit about lucifer standing outside a churchyard with a big black dog*, and i thought "hm. bit on the nose," (for the weird little christian fiction thing i thought i was writing, which has obviously since mutated Significantly), so i changed it to lucius. originally he was the Antagonist™, and human although he didn't realize he came out of a test tube just like bewinged lili did, and all i knew about him was grown-up white dude with black hair.
obviously, he has since undergone SIGNIFICANT revisions (lol. lmfao, even), but embryonically he started with a modified name!! (i went digging through my archives, and i do in fact still have the index card with claire's pencil writing below my pen request! wild.)
(i don't actually remember when i decided he needed wings too, but i think it was around the time i realized i wanted my protags to be all Not Exactly Me, and therefore boy protag would be Different, and then he got his black wings!)
*the big black dog has also made it back into this version, after falling out of the intermediates!! vanya, my beloved, ...
for driscoll, i vaguely remember the purple hair probably being first (i recall chewing on finding The Right Name for a while?). to confirm, i went into THAT archived notebook (red, helpfully labeled "LIMINAL PREWRITE," with "LANGUAGE AND COMP" obliterated beneath thanks again, high school).
weirdly, the first four (4) pages of the driscoll thing is NOT the character profile (that shows up on page 5, and does mention purple hair/brown eyes/physical appearance), but one of these OC ask meme type things, transcribed into the notebook. hilariously, the very first question is "If they want to buy a firearm, what would it be for?" which. omg. (my answer eventually got to "no they wouldn't lol," but it's wild to see how that slow revelation happened on september 3, 2017, when i was first figuring this kid out.)
so apparently first for driscoll i wrote some random character finding Q&As, and then i have the story of their misplacement, and then the physical details, which: wild, on all fronts, to me. (it's a good thing i keep my notebooks in an archive refrigerator tower, or i would've bluescreened on driscoll 100% haha.)
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
oooh, good question. my lucius answer is probably biased, because i hadn't started doing the Bitch Journal while i was working through that drafting/those revisions (and i have the object permanence of a fruit fly), but i THINK my biggest difficulty was figuring out the right balance of ~Interiority~? and i still don't love where i left that querying draft at (now, after four years' distance, lol), but getting the right balance of Thoughts and Reactions down on the page was difficult for me, which i suspect was because i've been too in his head for so long, if that makes sense? like the things he notices and what he narrates on imply enough of the interiority to me that i don't see gaps readers do (because, shocker, they HAVEN'T been living in his head since uh. 2007.). and i think i cut away some of the interiority in my preliminary Wordiness Passes, which nerfed me, but i started fixing that in the fourth draft!
my driscoll answer is just. a web of angst lol. and i know most of it is Living Situational/Circumstantial, so we're going to Ignore That and just answer with the Actual Textual Difficulties.
so: driscoll's Actual Textual Difficulties are mostly that i started out writing thing as "someone i'd like to be" with regards to kindness and gentleness and how much they care about people, but somehow i had to backpedal and get a Character Development Conflict in there, which is hard when my starting point was "very good noodle." i think i'm getting there!! but nesting competing wants into a late-stage draft without breaking anything (or, y'know, while finding stealth-broken things that i didn't think were), is a Trying Time™. i'm leveling up about it! enjoying the leveling up!! i'd be leveling up faster if i wasn't burning all this emotional bandwidth on a bullshit living situation! we're fine!!
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
OH FUN, i percolated on this on my WHOLE BIG WALK yesterday, thank u for this enrichment
lucius: first, physicality is key. he has to be Very Aware of where he is in physical space/how much of it he's taking up (because an 18+ foot wingspan really doesn't fuck around, and only half the time is he somewhere that his dimensions are accommodated). when his awareness slips, it (1) has to be for a good reason and (2) usually results in something breaking, and both of those are fun to play with >:D
second, what he notices needs to read like More Than Human--he's got raptor vision, and he's spent half his life around other hybrids with combat training, so he's very visually Intense™ and good at reading a wide variety of body language. and because he's Friends with these combat trained hybrids, he's asked a lot of questions, and he notices a lot more than human people would.
driscoll: first, child, you have physical limitations, and you ignore them at your own peril. i put this kid in a shifting monsterscape armed with pretty much just a flashlight and the distinct ability NOT to be able to run away from their problems (because their lungs don't cooperate), so both driscoll and i have to be very aware of the Exit Plan for any situation they get themselves into (and they get into a Lot of Situations).
second, another dual-wielding type of thing: driscoll is both weirdly in tune with In Between and mostly cannot tell people that, so how i write about them navigating has to change depending on who they're with. hazard is the only one they're fully open with at the start, and they have to be carefully guarded with the other walkers/crew, AND they have to tell newly misplaced just enough to inspire confidence without revealing so much that they (the newly misplaced) will be Suspicious if they stick around to become townspeople themselves. it's a Lot to keep in mind (perhaps uh. More. than i kept in mind. in drafts two and three lol. we're working on it.)
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tallmadgeandtea · 1 year
Turn Week 2023:
Content Creator Appreciation Day!
Hi everyone! First off, I’d like to thank everyone for their shout-outs for today’s prompts. Words cannot describe how much I deeply appreciate them and all of the friends, followers, and readers who support my blog and my writing! Like I said in yesterday’s post, I had no idea how my first ever- official, let’s say- blog would go when I started posted in 2020. Since then, my life has changed for the better. I’ve become a better writer, a better historian in training, and I have a space to share my interests which I never thought was possible when it came to history. I’ve met some excellent people, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Now time for some shoutouts!
@enchi-elm for undertaking this years Turn Week! A toast for taking this on and letting me help out! Your determination to continue our yearly streak is great! And for your past seasonal fanfic collaborations, which helped create one of my fav SS&SP scenes I’ve ever written!
@ms-march and @culper-spymaster my wonderful best friends I’ve met through this fandom. Your support has meant the world to me these past three years, especially when we met in 2020. Adrienne and Levi are my lovely stepchildren and it’s so rewarding seeing your growth as writers. Thank you, Susan, for being a mom friend like no other, and thank you, Clair, for daily daydreaming about our numerous AUs!
@viola-ophelia for organizing last years Turnsgiving, the very first! It was such a creative and unique event, and I had a blast participating!
@turnwashingtonsbaddies for hilarious, niche pop culture post for the fandom and for all the chronically online people in it. Your horse girl posts live in my mind rent free.
@lottiematthcws for new, beautiful turn gifs in the year of our lord 2023! It’s always a pleasure to go into the tag and see a new set we can all reblog :)
@musicboxmemories @honorhearted for supporting me and talking to me about all things writing, history, and Seth! Your meta posts on Benjamin are some of the best analysis I’ve seen of him, and your gifs of how pretty he is are always an inspiration!
@arrthurpendragon who runs @ocappreciation and dedicates so much time to supporting OC creators and making them feel their worth, while having her own Turn OC, Lydia Woodhull!
I’m sure there’s people I’m forgetting but just know you’re all keeping this little fandom kicking! Keep up your posting and have a great day!
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The Day Before You ~ Part 3
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My Blurb: So i took some creative liberty with the Performance Center. As always if you didn’t write it don’t post it anywhere. And if someone else is interested in being added to my lil tag list feel free to message me!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Cor Meum = My Heart (Latin)
Summary: Forced into an awkward dance with a stranger at Sheamus’s wedding, Ridge doesn’t think he’ll ever see her again until she turns up at a show a few months later with Sheamus’s wife and he gets a second chance.
Pairing: Ridge Holland x OFC Lyssa Hutchinson
Warnings: None
Tagging: @pioched​​​ @snarkandsarcasmftw​​ @pikapuff316​​​  @moxskitten​​
Read First: The Day Before You Masterlist 
Also Check Out: Main Masterlist
Claire burst into my office causing me to jump and nearly spill my coffee. My glare turned to confusion when I looked up as she held the door open for a delivery man to bring in a vase of flowers. “Ms. Hutchinson?” he asked, glancing at his clipboard. 
“That’s me,” I walked around my desk to sign the paper he held out before handing me the vase and heading out of my office. The flowers were beautiful; roses, lilies and carnations in a variety of pinks paired with green chrysanthemums and other greenery I didn’t recognize. I set them on my desk and pulled the card from its holder, “Have a great monday, Ridge”. I grinned like an idiot as I leaned down to smell them, only to be reminded by a throat clearing that Claire was still in my office. 
“So I take it the date with muscle man went very well?” she wiggled her eyebrows at me and I blushed before returning to my chair. 
“We had a great time, he was sweet and romantic. He set up dinner at a gazebo on the water. He was a gentleman, pulled out my chair, opened doors, walked me to my apartment, and brought flowers.” I smiled, running my finger along one of the petals.
Claire smiled again, sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk, “so no ungentlemanly behavior?” 
“It was all very chaste.” I grinned back at her and was rewarded with an eye roll from my assistant. 
“We have got to get you away from editing the historical romances for a while.” she grumbled but I could see the gleam in her eye. “Are you taking him to the wedding?”
I scrunched my nose up at her question, “I don’t know, things are still kinda new, wouldn’t that be weird? Plus I think the assumption was that it would be Astaire coming with me.” 
“She’s your friend, I'm sure she realized by now that’s not happening anymore. Plus imagine the look on Astaire’s smug face when you show up with Mr. Muscles.” Clarie sighed dramatically and fanned herself, standing and heading out of the office when she heard the phone on her desk ringing. 
“He has a name!” I yelled after her before opening my phone to send a message to Ridge.
“Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful! *heart eyes emoji*”
I grinned at the text from Lyssa, it had been a split second decision to send her flowers this morning. Remembering the look on her face when I gave her the bouquet before our date made me want to do it again. I hit reply, sending her a quick message.
“You're very welcome.” 
“How’s promo day going?”
“Lots of snarling at the camera and keeping track of Butch.”
“Haha, still good for tonight?”
“Absolutely, I should be finishing up when you get here. Gotta go, our turn again.”
I stuck my phone in my back pocket and grabbed Butch, dragging him to the studio again. We were all filming promos for the upcoming PPV and getting new headshots done. Lyssa was coming by after work and I was going to show her around the PC. Her eyes had lit up and she’d almost squealed with excitement when it was brought up. I was pretty much willing to do whatever she wanted as long as she kept smiling at me, I was in serious trouble and I knew it. Sheamus gave me a hard time, but as a newlywed he didn’t have much room to talk when it came to women.
We wrapped up a few hours later, I walked out with Butch and Sheamus to meet Lyssa in the parking lot. She had texted when she left work and should arrive shortly. Sure enough, her blue car pulled in as Sheamus was pulling out. She beamed when I opened her door, greeting me with a hug the second she stepped out.
“I never thought I would be excited to see a gym.” She admitted, slinging her purse over her shoulder after tossing the keys in it. 
I chuckled, “Well it’s pretty impressive, there’s lots of other rooms for promos, videos and stuff too.” 
“You aren’t going to get in trouble for showing me are you? Isabella said she hasn’t even been here.” Lyssa slid her hand into mine, gripping tightly as we headed to the entrance. 
“Nah, there’s usually a family member or two being shown around. Isabella has probably never been because Sheamus is a jealous guy. Doesn’t want anyone hitting on what’s his.” I grinned at her, loving the way she rolled her eyes at my statement. 
“Oh, and you don’t get jealous?” She smirked back at me. 
“I’m more of a show off what I have kinda guy.” I replied with a wink, entering the first door that led to the gym area.
“That explains why you are never wearing sleeves.” She ran her hand up my arm slowly, grinning when she reached the edge of the tanktop, before tracing back down and capturing my hand again. “Not that I’m complaining.” 
I barely managed to contain a groan, I was quickly becoming addicted to her hands on me. I pulled her closer, turning so that our bodies were almost flush. I pulled the hand holding mine to my mouth, kissing it gently, “Careful cor meum…”
I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second, before my body reactivated when his lips touched my hand and it felt like the temperature rose 30 degrees. I couldn’t stop staring at Ridge, Nothing was touching but our hands but it felt like an electric current was zapping between our bodies. I licked my lips, attempting to relieve the sudden dryness, watching the way his eyes picked up on the movement. I opened my mouth to ask him what cor meum meant and why it made a warmth wash over my body. 
“Hey Holland! Who’s the pretty little thing you have trapped over there?” A voice interrupted me and I felt Ridge tense beside me, turning to see two guys heading towards us from the entrance. It took me a minute but I recognized them as members of Legado Del Fantasma.
“Nothing you two could handle,” Ridge retorted, his hand dropping mine and wrapped around my waist. “Lyssa, meet Joaquin and Del Toro.” I waved, snuggling into Ridge’s side. 
“Like you handled Imperium last week?” I was pretty sure that was Del Toro.
“A loss to Imperium is nothing when it's a good fight, I think the crowd fell asleep during yours.” Ridge shrugged before turning to me, effectively dismissing whatever they were about to say in return. “You ready for the tour?”
I smiled at him, nodding and letting him lead me away. We spent the next couple hours roaming around the building, me asking questions about different rooms or equipment and him explaining it to me in detail. It was clear wrestling was his passion and he took great pride in it. We finally circled back around to the room connected to the gym that had a couple of practice rings in it. 
It was empty and I ran my hands over the ring apron. I had never seen a ring this close and it was different then I had imagined. Ridge easily hopped up and sat on the middle ring rope, lifting the top one up. “Come on” he held a hand out to me and I quickly grabbed it, letting him haul me up and guide me through the ropes until I was standing inside the ring. 
“This is bouncier than I expected,” I tested bouncing a little on the balls of my feet. 
Ridge laughed, “A lot of people think that. The padding depends on the kind of match you’re going to have. Sometimes they pad it a little more when the high fliers get in the ring.”
“Or when you send someone flying?” I questioned, he shrugged in response. I put my hands up in a fight position. “I could totally take you.” 
Ridge raised an eyebrow at me, “I’m easily three times your size.” 
“So? I’m fast and I have a secret weapon.” I replied lightly punching his arm. 
He laughed before putting his hands up to match my stance, “What’s your secret weapon?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret.” I stuck my tongue out, dancing away when he made a quick lunge to grab me. We went back and forth like that for a while. I was aware he wasn’t trying his hardest but I appreciated it all the same. I would get close enough to lightly kick or punch him and he would attempt to grab me. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be good enough to beat me one day.” My sentence ended in a squeal when he grabbed my waist and very gently belly to belly suplexed me to the mat. 
“What’s this about a secret weapon, I’m about to pin you.” Ridge leaned over me with a gleam in his eye. 
Smiling, I reached up and grabbed head, pulling his face to mine and pressing my lips to his. He froze for a fraction of a second before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. Somehow I wound up straddling his lap, crushed tightly to his chest and he deepened the kiss. I had done it as a knee jerk reaction to his taunt but found myself getting lost in the way his lips moved over mine. We finally broke away when I shifted in his lap and rubbed against something very hard causing him to groan. 
“Ignore that,” he whispered, resting his forehead against mine. I was pleased to see that he was breathing as heavily as I was. I started to reply but was stopped by Ridge’s body tensing under mine. I looked at him to see him glaring over my shoulder at something. “We’re leaving.” he quickly pulled me up, readjusting himself discreetly. 
“Why?” I looked around, confused by his sudden change. That’s when I realized there was a window between the gym and the ring area. Wilde and Del Toro were in the gym, quite clearly watching us. 
“They’ve been watching us the whole time.” his arms were tense as he lifted me off the ring apron. “And if they look at you like that again, I’m going to fucking kill them.”
I bit my lip to hide my grin at his sudden protectiveness. “I thought you weren’t a jealous guy?”
“Apparently I am where you’re concerned.” he grumbled, shooting a glare at the two wrestlers before leaving the room. 
“It’s kinda hot,” I whispered, blushing when he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. 
He pulled me close to him, leaning down until his lips were almost touching mine before whispering,  “You’re going to be the death of me cor meum.” and then closed the gap with another searing kiss. 
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future-crab · 1 year
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[ID in alt text]
...a cursory glance showed very little about Ms. Ariadne Underwood that might be described as bohemian. She was wearing a waistcoat and trousers, and a starched white shirt buttoned all the way up to the collar. The menswear ought to have given her an air of eccentricity, but it didn’t. She looked like an accountant, down to the pair of silver spectacles perched on her nose, and if she wasn’t currently surrounded by (actually quite good) paintings in various stages of completion, Claire wouldn’t have guessed that she had a single creative bone in her body.
I recently commissioned the fabulously talented @hotdrinks to draw my OC, Ariadne, and it's inspired me to share a little snippet of writing. In this particular story, she's a painter in the early 1910's struggling to balance her desire for artistic freedom with her need to pay rent. In other stories... it gets complicated.
(Also, pssst @hotdrinks 's commissions are open right now, so if there's anything you want to commission yourself I highly recommend you check out his page)
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vesuviannights · 4 years
omg you’re posting again hi!!! i just have one question: do you have any advice for writing smut? anything i should focus on or keep in mind when writing it? i absolutely love your lemon fics and would love to know how to evoke the same emotions that you do in them.
Oof. Honestly, as simple as it is - just write. But write for you. Write something stupid and long-winded, write something that is filthy with positions that could never possibly work in real life. Don’t worry about how it sounds. Don’t worry about semantics. You’re writing for you and the beauty of smutty fic - any fic, really - is that you don’t have anyone to answer to. For more specific advice, I have this tag full of asks and a few smut-specific posts. 
Venture forth child and write the filthiest shit you can imagine.
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Ms. G: Newbie here. I just finished the books for the first time. There is a lot I don't understand. Can you explain how the letters from Claire and Jamie get to Brianna and Roger?
Welcome, Newbie anon!
There are 2 sets of letters...
First set: At the *very end* of A Breath of Snow and Ashes, after Bree et al return to the future, they're going through the Reverend's garage and find many boxes that are very old. They have been there for as long as Roger can remember. Jem's name - Jeremiah - is inscribed on the top. They open the boxes and find letters that Claire and Jamie had written to them - care of a mailbox - and that had been filed away for 200 years. Claire and Jamie use these letters to let Bree and her family know that they survived the fire, and that they're alive.
Second set: Bree and Roger write letters to each other during the course of Written In My Own Heart's Blood, when they're in the same physical place (Lallybroch) but in different centuries. Roger (in the 18th century) leaves a letter for Bree (in the 20th century) in a desk.
Both sets are certainly creative! If not a little bit hard to believe...
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sgribhisg · 3 years
Gaelic singer has joined forces with a Scottish charity to encourage Gaelic conversation, reading and creative writing via Zoom
Kathleen MacInnes, traditional singer and champion of the Gaelic language, is joining poets, academics and a bookshop owner in using online communications to nurture one of Europe’s oldest languages.
Lockdown is feared to have had a damaging effect on the language as speakers, who are widely dispersed in many areas, have been less able to meet and talk.
Some of Gaelic’s remaining strongholds in Highland and island communities that have experienced other severe pressures during the pandemic due to their fragile economies.
Open Book, a Scottish charity that runs more than 70 English language and a Scots groups for shared reading and creative writing, is now aiming to amplify Gaelic voices and allow them to be heard.
Supported by £4,000 from Bòrd na Gàidhlig it is offering one monthly creative writing and four regular shared reading groups for anyone with an interest in Gaelic, from beginners to native speakers.
Ms MacInnes who was raised in South Uist and is the Gaelic officer at Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre on North Uist, is supporting a newly launched Zoom-based Gaelic shared reading group.
The next online Gaelic session will be held on April 21.
She said: “I was lucky, it was the language of the playground and my home when I was growing up and I was surrounded by Gaelic culture. I love the language very much, whether it’s speaking, reading or singing. It’s a beautiful language and it takes me into another world.
“The feedback I’ve had about the idea has been very enthusiastic. I think people who have the same passion that I have will really enjoy the sessions.
"And it doesn’t matter whether they are beginners or fluent, they will be warmly welcome. And the wonderful thing about doing it online is that it doesn’t matter where in the world they are.”
Andrew Wilson, the proprietor of Wigtown’s Beltie Books, will be the lead reader for another shared reading group, and hopes it will be a digital link for far-flung Gaelic speakers.
He said: “There aren’t many Gaelic speakers in Dumfries and Galloway, they are quite isolated from one another, and it’s been very difficult to meet and speak Gaelic over the past year. When I heard about this it seemed blindingly obvious that it was a brilliant idea – you can have someone in Langholm chatting with someone in Stranraer and they don’t have to leave their homes and drive for hours to meet.”
Mr Wilson is a former council Gaelic development worker who learned the language over the last 25 years, wishing now he had studied it at University– nevertheless has fallen in love as much with the culture as the tongue.
He values the fact that Gaelic is Scotland’s oldest indigenous language and is linked to a rich tradition of music, song, literature and stories – and what he believes are a set of cultural values that put community, sharing, nature and the environment above individualism and materialism.
Heather Clyne, a Gaelic academic based near Inverness, has already successfully piloted Gaelic sessions for Open Book. She said: “To me it seems like a win-win – there are huge benefits in being bilingual, and knowing Gaelic helps you understand more about the country you live in.
“It’s a wonderful language – when I speak Gaelic, it does something to me, it is like when I am playing music with someone else. It’s like coming home. It’s like being in tune.”
Open Book was originally based round physical groups that met in libraries, care homes, community centres and a multitude of other settings. Covid–19 forced activities online, something it has now embraced.
When restrictions allow, it hopes that places like Uist, at the Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Arts Centre, and Dumfries and Galloway may be able to have groups that meet in person as well as in the virtual world.
Open Book was co-founded by Claire Urquhart and the poet Marjorie Lotfi as a gentle, fun and informal way to bring people together around reading and writing.
Unlike book clubs there is no homework or set reading. Reading groups meet up, share a text such as a short story, and use it as a way to spark conversation. The creative writing groups come together to talk about prose and poetry and to create their own work in response, in groups or individually.
Claire Urquhart, Open Book director and co-founder, said: “Our shared reading and creative writing models are ideally suited to support and promote Gaelic usage. They are a great way to share a love of the language, drawing out less confident participants and giving beginners more exposure to the language by providing an opportunity to read Gaelic texts aloud and discuss them in Gaelic.”
Three specific aims are to promote intergenerational transmission of Gaelic in the community, promote Gaelic in the home and support opportunities for adults to use and learn Gaelic.
Shona MacLennan, chief executive officer at Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig are delighted to support this project which aims to strengthen Gaelic communities across the country and allow their voices to be heard. We look forward to seeing this project have a positive impact on communities, specifically in promoting the intergenerational transmission of the language.
“The projects also contributes significantly to the National Gaelic Language Plan’s main aim of increasing the use of Gaelic, by more people, in more situations, and also supports the learning of Gaelic in adults and in the home.
We wish Open Book every success with the project and look forward to seeing the growth of Gaelic speakers across the country.”
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sammyheroes · 3 years
I want to know if I count with your support to finish this monster ‘what if’ fanfic:
Stuff Happens (read it in AO3) is my what if fic after Wizards and I’m glad I wrote 30 chapters of it before the movie because I am now electing to ignore it, no matter how amazing the animation is.
Here’s a quick part of chapter 30 that was published back in March, but currently I’m writing chapter 31 and I want to see how many of you will like me to actually continue this story and renew my will to finish this once and for all. 
So, bascially, in summary, it includes Nimue, Merlin’s past, the wizards don’t die and live with Douxie now, Nari lives in Arcadia, Jim gets Excalibur and Claire has some crazy  destiny plus the villain is Mordred and the rest of the Arcane Order and everybody in Arcadia are just pissed at a perfectly ruined Tuesday night. There’s the Douxie and Zoe content i wish i got and Archie ships them. 
In summary of the craziness that happens, of course.
It was a battle for the ages, at least that’s what the history books will say in a couple of hundred years or so. Arcadia coming together, humans, trolls and all magical creatures in the area alike, plus the help of extraterrestrials. It wasn’t something anyone would believe if they didn’t see it.
If looks could kill, Mordred and the Arcane Order would be dead by now. Merlin glared the most, not only was he fighting for Arcadia, but he was also avenging his mother. Many here had their reasons for going against Mordred and his Shadow Army, but tonight, the only reason was simple.
Take. Him. Down.
“Play the battle song!!!” Blinky yelled at Krel. The prince pulled out his boombox.
“This is the perfect battle song.” The king in waiting pressed the play button with a grin.
“I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ‘BOUT MY REPUTATION!!!” The boom box played.
The battle was on. The citizens of Arcadia, both magical and nonmagical rose a battle cry and ran forwards towards the shadow army. Jim at the front of the Arcadian Army with Toby right by his side. Those that could fly like Strickler, Charlie, Archie and the wizards, took to the skies with Merlin and Nimue leading them. Zoe and Nari ran with a small army of hedge wizards behind them. Trolls with various weapons followed. Blinky ran with Dwakstones in each hand and a bag full of them on his back. Aarrrgghhh followed with kruberas following him.
The Arcadia citizens charged with various creative weapons like cooking tools and mothers in law. Señor Url stepped on the gas of his beloved truck Susanna, yelling angry Austrian curses while Ms. Janeth, Coach Lawrence and his fiancé, Vivian Palchuk, hitched a ride on the back of the truck. Coach and Vivian waved baseball bats with nails on them and football paint on their faces while Ms. Janeth cited a quote from Shakespeare’s Henry VI part 3. “Sound trumpets! let our bloody colours wave! And either victory, or else a grave! AAAHHHHH!!!”
Mary and Darci charged while riding their bikes and armed with the strongest hairsprays and dry shampoos money could buy. Detective Scott drove his police car with the sirens on and his gun at hand. Aja, Krel, Luug and Varvatos ran behind them with serrators at hand. Eli followed in a hoverboard with Akaridion ninja stars at hand and Steve used his Water Magic to form a spiral of water that took him across the canal.
A typical Karen passed by in a motorcycle and wearing a Juicy Couture tracksuit, yelling at the dark wizard, “I want to speak with your manager!!!”
Mordred covered his ears from listening to the dreadful battle song. “What sorcery is this!?”
Skrael and Bellroc covered their ears as well. “Blasted modern music!” Skrael yelled.
Bellroc growled. “That’s enough!” Bellroc and Skrael charged as the Shadow Army followed.
“Oh no (No no no no no no) Not me (Me me me me me me)!!!” The boombox kept playing.
The battle had begun.
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
we can follow the sparks
More of this verse!
As they sit down to lunch, Alicia asks in a hushed voice, “Have you guys seen the new Latin teacher?” 
Josephine shakes her head as she bends down to pull out her history textbook. She’s one of those miraculous people that can study, gossip, and eat all at the same time.
If Alicia tried that, she’d dump bits of tomato on her book, ask “what?” every two minutes, and absorb zero percent of the reading.
“I have Latin tomorrow,” Aidan says as he digs into a container of leftover spaghetti.
“Oh, you don’t count,” Alicia waves him off and nudges her brother with to pay attention. Max looks up from haggling with Krissy for half of her pastrami sandwich.
Aidan's brow furrows. “Why?”
“Because you’re straight,” Alicia dismisses.
Krissy dumps the pastrami in front of Max and grabs half of his grilled tofu and veggie sandwich and his kale chips in return. Max’s face falls.
Aidan scowls at Alicia. “What, is the new teacher hot or something?”
Alicia scoffs, “Or something.”
Max’s face lights up hopefully. “Hotter than Mr. Winchester?” 
“Mr. W isn’t hot,” Krissy points out, nose wrinkling.
Alicia rolls her eyes. “You are literally the only senior who thinks that.”
“The only student,” Max corrects as he takes a hearty bite of pastrami.
Alicia holds out her hand, which Max slaps obligingly. Thank god Alicia has her twin. 
“Maybe Kaia has had him,” Josephine points out as Kaia takes the only free seat at their lunch table, Claire close on her heels. They both squeeze in, content to practically sit in each others’ laps.
Alicia rounds on the newcomers. “Have you had Latin?”
“I take Spanish,” Kaia says, shrugging. “Why?”
With her nose already buried in her book, Josephine supplies, “Alicia says the new teacher is hot.”
Claire chokes on her own spit.
“I heard from Patience he also teaches French and Spanish too,” Max says in a hushed voice.
“Oh,” Kaia says with a sidelong glance at Claire, “I have Spanish tomorrow.”
Claire silently hands Kaia half of her wrap, saying, “I’m not taking a language this year.”
“You can do that?” Krissy asks.
Kaia passes Claire her yogurt without looking at her because they are truly the most disgusting couple ever. Claire shrugs. “I was taking Mandarin at my old school, but obviously I can’t do that here.”
“At Carver,” Aidan spits.
Claire ignores him. “I’m taking AP English and Creative Writing instead.”
“Nice,” Max raises his fist for her to bump, “double Mr. Winchester.”
Claire makes a face. “I’m with Krissy on this one. I don’t get the appeal.”
Max shakes his head despondently. “Of course you don’t. You’re a lesbian.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes,” Claire snorts. “He’s old.”
“Nobody’s had Latin, French or Spanish yet?” Alicia asks, aghast.
“Hey!” Adian calls, “Alex!”
Alex looks up from the next table over where she’s squished between Patience and Tracy Bell. “What?” she demands, annoyed at the interruption.
Aidan smirks and says out of nowhere, “Do you think Mr. Novak is hot?”
Patience giggles and elbows Alex in the side as she splutters, “No!”
“That’s a yes,” Alicia says smugly.
* * *
Josephine approaches Mr. Novak’s desk cautiously, a little nervous to be talking to her new teacher one-on-one for the first time. She tries, “Professeur?”
Mr. Novak pauses wiping down the board. “Est-ce que tu as un problème avec les devoirs?”
Josephine shakes her head, saying slowly as she mentally translates, “Je n’ai pas ma copie de l'étranger. Je l’ai acheté le weekend dernier, mais il y a un… delay.”
“Retard,” Mr. Novak translates for her. He smiles and adds, “Pas de problème. Je garde toujours une autre copie dans mon bureau. Si tu voudrais bien me suivre.” He gestures for Josephine to follow him to the Language Office, but they stop short at the sight of Mr. Winchester standing in the doorway, staring at Mr. Novak with wide eyes.
“Dean,” Mr. Novak says in surprise. “Qu’est-ce qui s’passe?”
Mr. Winchester goes bright red. “Cas?” he asks weakly.
Mr. Novak gives his head a little shake. “My apologies. It’s been a long day. Is there something you need me for? I was just about to give Josephine my office copy of The Stranger.”
Mr. Winchester’s mouth opens and closes before he stutters, “N-no, it’s nothing. I’ll just… catch you later.” 
Josephine glances up at Mr. Novak as they turn the other way down the hall, towards the Language Office. “C’est bizarre,” she mutters.
Mr. Novak laughs lightly under his breath. “Peut-être il a oublié ce qu’il voulait me demander.”
Josephine inwardly frowns at the suggestion that Mr. Winchester “forgot” why he stopped by Mr. Novak’s classroom.
Josephine had Mr. Winchester for English as a freshman. He never forgot anything. He had an endless supply of Vonnegut quotes on hand, and he always remembered to ask Krissy how her dad was doing after he had a close call with cancer over spring break that year.
This time, he didn’t look like a man who couldn’t remember something; he looked embarrassed.
“Peut-etre,” Josephine echoes because she wasn’t about to just say all that to a new teacher. And in French.
In his office, Mr. Novak hands her a copy of Camus. “Voilà,” he says, completely straight faced. “Si tu as besoin d’autres choses, viens me voir.”
Josephine bobs a nod. “Merci beaucoup.”
“Au revoir,” he says with a little wave as she leaves the office.
Josephine meets up with Krissy by the front doors, half-heartedly fending off Aidan’s shitty flirting. “Hey,” she says. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No problem,” Krissy says easily. She pushes off the wall. “Aidan was keeping me company.” She smiles at him, and Aidan perks up like Pavlov’s dog hearing the dinner bell. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Aidan says faintly as Krissy and Josephine take off towards Josephine’s car.
Josephine waits until Krissy is buckled in to say, “You’ll never believe what happened after French today.”
* * *
Krissy has never regretted taking German more in her life. Edlund’s a pretty small high school with a little over 500 students in total, so all anyone’s been talking about for the first two weeks in September is the new language teacher, Mr. Novak. 
Alicia and Max think he’s hot.
Josephine thinks he’s nice.
Aidan thinks he’s cool.
Kaia thinks… well, she’s been pretty mum on the subject, but she’s not the gossipy type, so Krissy isn’t surprised.
Only Claire rolls her eyes every time Mr. Novak’s name comes up.
Krissy hasn’t met the new language teacher. If she’s lucky, she can catch a glimpse of messy hair and a rumpled suit while she speed-walks from Calculus to World History.
While investigating Mr. Novak himself might be difficult, Krissy is close with Mr. W. 
She can still remember how Mr. W’s footsteps sounded down the hospital hallway in the oncology wing; how her heart pounded in her chest the first time she got in his car; how he talked for forty-minutes about “his baby” all the way to Josephine’s house.
Once a week for a month in freshman year, Mr. W chauffeured Krissy from the hospital on Tuesdays (Josephine’s parents took her on the weekends). Occasionally, he stopped in to talk to her dad, since they both went to Edlund High years ago. Edlunders, as Mr. W said, always took care of their own.
On the car ride to Josephine’s, they talked about Vonnegut, surrealist fiction, dystopian sagas… They only skipped over classic literature, since Mr. W thought everything written before the 20th century was boring as fuck. Mr. W did allow Shakespeare, though, because of all the dick jokes. 
Krissy knocks on the door to the Language Office three weeks into the school year. While she’d like to pretend to herself her visit is to get Mr. W’s opinion on Mr. Novak (his opinion would be more reliable than Alicia, Max, and Aidan combined, and on par with Josephine’s) she can’t pretend the mild haze of panic clouding her head has anything to do with a teacher she doesn’t even have on her schedule.
“Come in!” Mr. W’s voice calls.
Krissy steps inside, nodding to Frau Allen at her desk by the window. Otherwise, the office is empty.
“Hey, Krissy,” Mr. W says with a smile as she fiddles with the strap of her back, hovering by the door. “You wanna take a seat? Cas already left for the day.” He gestures to what Krissy assumes is Mr. Novak’s desk, next to his.
Krissy sits. “Thanks.”
Mr. W’s lighthearted expression turns serious as he reads her face. “Is everything okay? Your dad doing well?”
“Oh yeah,” Krissy says quickly, “still in remission. Everything’s looking good.”
“Good,” he says emphatically, and he means it, not like Ms. Masters or Mr. Trent after the news went around school that her dad was sick.
Krissy taps her fingers on Mr. Novak's vacated desk. “What happened to Mr. Turner? Did he finally retire?”
“Mm hm,” Mr. W hums. “He still goes fishing with Bobby - Principal Singer - so I heard he’s doing well.”
“How’s the new guy?” Krissy asks as she spins the seat around.
Mr. W frowns at her question. “He’s good,” he says as he pins her in place with a long look. “Why the interest? Don’t you take German?”
“I’ve been considering switching,” Krissy lies. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Frau Allen make a face.
“Because that makes sense,” Mr. W says, clearly not believing a word. “Aren’t you in AP German?”
Krissy ignores the question. “I heard Mr. Novak came from Carver.”
“He did,” Mr. W says cautiously. “So what?”
“Maybe he’s a spy.”
“This is high school, not the USSR,” Mr. W says with a snort. “Plus, Cas was an Edlunder first.”
Krissy blinks. “He was?”
“He was a student in my year.” He smirks. “He actually tutored me in Latin, if you can believe it.”
Krissy mulls that over. “So you know him pretty well.”
“Well enough,” Mr. W says, back to being cagey as hell. “I know he’s a good teacher and this school’s lucky to have him.”
“Okay,” Krissy says dubiously.
Mr. W rolls his eyes. “Now we’ve got that out of the way, and god knows why you wanted to talk about Cas, why are you really here?”
“Everyone’s talking about him!” Krissy protests.
Mr. W leans back in his chair and surveys her with a cool eye. “Since when have you been interested in gossip?”
“That’s what I thought,” Mr. W says, satisfied. “Just spit it out, kid. I promise it can’t be that bad.”
“Would you write me a recommendation letter for college?” she asks in a rush. “Please.”
Whatever Mr. W had been expecting, it wasn’t that. He laughs, and Krissy almost dies of embarrassment before he says, “Well duh. I have a draft of the thing I’ve been sitting on for two years.”
“Really?” Krissy asks, her eyes round.
Mr. W nods. “After everything with your dad, I thought this might come up. And there were parts I didn’t want to forget so I wrote ‘em down.”
“Great,” Krissy says faintly. She shouldn’t be so surprised. Mr. W told her he always liked to be prepared. A true boy scout, he’d say before laughing to himself. 
When she’d voiced her confusion - Mr. W being a boy scout wasn’t all that outrageous, if you take away the minor swearing (he was a lot worse when she was a freshman). He said they didn’t take men like him.
Krissy tactfully changed the subject, but the next week she went to GSA for the first time.
It was worth giving up her Thursday lunch period to see Mr. W smile when she walked into his classroom for their weekly meeting. 
* * *
Max winces as Krissy elbows him in the ribs. He’s giving up his Thursday lunch hour for this?
Alan Corbett’s been going on and on for the past twenty minutes. Sure, he’s President of GSA, but that does not mean everything he says is worth listening to. It’s a shame. He’s too nice for anyone to tell him how boring he is. 
Kaia and Claire are playing footsie under the table.
Thank god Krissy gets it. As their only Straight rep of the Gay-Straight Alliance, Max was highly skeptical when she signed up at the end of freshman year. But Mr. Winchester liked her, so it was enough to convince Max not to give her the cold shoulder when she sat next to him. Plus, whatever Mr. Winchester says goes, since Max could listen to him read the dictionary with that ruggedly deep voice of his.
Max doubts Krissy’s heard a single word out of Alan’s mouth. Instead, her whole attention has been riveted on Mr. Novak, who’s attending his first GSA meeting. He sits off to the side, by the big poster of Game of Thrones (Mr. Winchester says it’s based on a book, so it counts).
Krissy scrawls in all caps on the back of a history assignment: HEART. EYES.
Max subtly shakes his head and picks up his pencil. WTF?
Look at how they’re looking at each other!
They’re not tho
Exactly! Krissy taps her last message forcefully. They keep look at each other when the other one is looking the other way
Why do you care?
Krissy frowns.
If I wanted gossip, I would’ve stayed in the cafeteria with Alicia
It’s Mr. W. I know you like him
I like to look at him Could care less about his love life I thought you were the same What gives?
You only pretend to be a shallow man whore I know you like him You started this club with him 3 years ago
How else could I find questioning dudes to fuck?
But all I ended up with was… Max nods at Alan in disgust.
Krissy hides her smile behind the fist propping up her chin. You have the best gaydar in the city limits. So does Mr. W have a chance with Mr. Novak?
Mr. W flipped a closeted Republican, so… And I’m not talking about politics.
You didn’t hear it from me
You don’t even like gossip Who the hell told you that?
Alicia. Who else? She knows everything.
Max smirks as he starts his next note.
It’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.
Krissy doesn’t manage to stifle her laugh in time.
Mr. Novak frowns disapprovingly, but Mr. Winchester doesn’t notice since he’s too busy staring at Mr. Novak.
Maybe Krissy’s onto something.
Max looks down at their notes to find another message: Josephine told me Mr. W has it bad for Mr. Novak
Max scrawls incredulously, Josephine??? Since when does she pay attention?
That’s what I’m saying He’s got it so bad even Josephine can see it
Aromantic Josephine, who took a year to figure out Aidan was into you
I bet they’ll be banging in 2 weeks
Can you not
$5 says I’m right
Make it $10. 
* * *
Aidan sulks against the wall of the gym. He finally got Krissy to agree to go to a dance - Homecoming! - and all she wants to do is hang with their friends.
And fine, it wasn’t like he expected them to sneak out and make out or do more stuff when they were alone… but he kind of did.
At least he got a couple of dances in. Before Krissy dragged him away, he even got to grind up against her. It was fucking magical.
Now, he’s at a table with Kaia and Josephine. Krissy is waving over Alicia, so Max can’t be far behind. Only Claire is a no-show, but Krissy told him a few minutes ago she was in the bathroom. Girls always take a bafflingly long time in there. Maybe there are snacks?
“Where’s Max?” Aidan asks loudly over the music. There’s only two of them; the Y chromosome reps gotta stick together. 
Alicia vaguely waves her hand toward the dance floor. “I think he mentioned something about Ennis Ross.” She spins the folding chair around to straddle it and rest her arms on the back.
Aidan draws up short. “Ennis is gay?”
Kaia snorts. “Does it matter?”
“Not to Max,” Krissy says with a grin. “You know he’s always happy to play the baking soda volcano.”
“Huh?” Aidan asks.
Krissy rolls her eyes. “He’s always happy to be someone’s experiment.”
Alicia’s lips purse but she doesn’t comment.
“Did you see Mr. Novak and Mr. W?” Krissy asks, tipping her head towards where the two teachers lean against the wall underneath one of the basketball hoops, talking with their heads bowed together.
“They are cute,” Alicia agrees, looking grateful for the subject change.
Mr. Novak dressed up for homecoming with a tie the school colors, and Mr. Winchester has Edlund's mascot, Peppy the Pigeon, painted on his cheek.
“Do you think if Aidan spikes the punch, it’ll,” Krissy waggles her eyebrows, “make things happen?”
Josephine frowns. “I don’t think Mr. Novak could ever be drunk enough to make a move in front of students.”
“But Mr. W for sure,” Krissy says.
“Oh yeah,” Alicia says.
“Hey,” Aidan protests, holding his hands up in the T formation for timeout. “I’m not giving up my booze.”
“Speaking of,” Alicia holds her hand out, “Gimme some.”
“What? No! Get your own.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” she asks, eyebrows raised. “Mom doesn’t even allow Coca Cola in the house because it brings ‘negative energy.’”
Krissy nudges Aidan in the ribs with a pointy elbow, and he sighs. He fishes his flask out of his suit pocket and hands it over. Alicia takes a swig and promptly passes it to Josephine, who gives it to Kaia.
“Hey, save some for the guy who brought it!” Aidan says as he snatches it back.
“Not too much,” Max’s voice says from behind him. He grins as Aidan jumps. “Whiskey dick is a real thing.”
“Hey,” Josephine greets. “No go with Ennis?”
“Got spooked right as we were getting to the good stuff,” Max says with a shrug.
“Sorry,” Kaia says sincerely.
“It’s alright,” Max says as he throws himself into the last empty chair. “I only got one more year here, and then there’s gonna be a whole freshman class of questioning dudes ripe for the taking.”
Krissy wrinkles her nose. “You do you, I guess.”
“Thank you, Kristine, I will,” Max says.
Alicia rolls her eyes.
“We were just talking about Mr. W and Mr. Novak,” Krissy says, jerking her head to the basketball hoop. “Huh,” she says, her eyes widening a she scans the gym, “Where’d they go?”
“Probably to go make out,” Aidan says bitterly with a significant look at Krissy. She frowns.
“We can only dream,” Alicia says wistfully.
The song changes to something with a thumping baseline and a catchy chorus, and there’s a deafening cheer from the dance floor.
Aidan glances around, but nobody at the table moves to join in. He taps his feet to the beat. A few of the teacher chaperones have meandered closer to the dancing group, eyes peeled for inappropriate activity.
“Wanna get some air?” Aidan says in a carrying undertone (the music is very loud) to Krissy.
Max groans. “Yes, please.”
Aidan glares.
“Where?” Alicia asks.
Adian's mood sours further. He is never going to touch Krissy’s tits at this rate.
Kaia sets her phone down on the table. “Claire’s already out by the football field. She says nobody’s there.”
“Alright then,” Josephine says as she gets to her feet and stretches.
Krissy holds her hand out to Aidan. “Come on, you,” Krissy says with a small smile, “This was your idea.”
Aidan grumbles but follows the group. The halls are weird in the dark, still festooned with banners and streamers from Spirit Week. Everyone is oddly quiet as their footsteps echo off the rows of closed lockers. They pass one of the lab rooms, and a shadow moves across the window, accompanied by a hushed giggle.
Max smirks. “Wanna bet how many are getting it on right now?”
“I’d steer clear of the supply closets,” Alicia says with a shudder.
“Talk about a cliche,” Krissy complains as they round the last corner before the large double doors to the field. “If I was sneaking around, the roof is the way to go. No one ever looks there.”
Aidan files that fact away for later.
The fall breeze hits them squarely in the face as they step outside. Aidan shrugs out of his jacket and puts it around Krissy’s shoulders, ignoring her eye roll and smiling at Josephine’s thumbs-up behind Krissy’s back.
Max gallantly gives Alicia his jacket too, and Josephine and Kaia huddle together as they pick their way across the field, stepping over bits of confetti, torn bits of streamers, and a few abandoned signs. The crowd had been particularly enthusiastic since they’d been playing Carver Preparatory.
Edlund High won, of course. For the fifteenth year in a row. Carver sucks.
They find Claire at the top of the bleachers, wearing her normal leather jacket over her midnight blue dress.
“Hey,” Kaia says, kissing her on the cheek. “What’re you doing up here?”
“I don’t like crowds,” Claire says, hugging her arms to her chest.
“Me either,” Josephine says as she sits next to Claire. 
“You didn’t have to bring the cavalry,” Claire complains to Kaia.
Kaia shrugs. “They wanted to come.”
“The dance was lame,” Max says as he bounds up two bleachers at a time.
“Because you’re too cool to do the electric slide,” Alicia says as she plops down on the row below.
Krissy wanders around, searching for the best spot to sit out of the wind, Aidan’s coat still wrapped tightly around her shoulders. “Hey,” she hisses, hand flapping in their direction. “Look!”
“What?” Alicia leans over to see what Krissy’s spotted. “Holy fuck,” she breathes.
Aidan, Max, and Josephine peer over the railings to see the shadowy area below, leaving Kaia and Claire to their whispered conversation.
Holy fuck is right. That’s Mr. Winchester. And Mr. Novak.
“What are they doing?” Aidan asks before he can stop himself. It’s not like he doesn’t know what a heavy duty make out looks like. 
Max snorts.
Alicia throws him a despairing look.
Krissy swivels around to face Claire. “Did you know they were down there?”
“Yeah? So what?” Claire says, frowning. “I wasn’t about to perv on a couple of teachers.”
Krissy’s mouth falls open as she stares at the group as a whole. “Do you think this is the first time?”
Max sneaks another peek. “Probably not,” he says critically. “Either that, or Mr. Novak’s way more randy than I ever gave him credit for. A real freak under that suit.”
Claire’s face spasms.
“Or maybe Mr. Winchester just brings it out in him -” Alicia starts.
* * *
“They’ve been dating for three years!” Claire explodes. 
Everyone turns to stare at her.
Two months. Two goddamn months of this. 
When she transferred to Edlund from Carver, she thought the worst part would be her family’s disapproval. They all told her it was stupid to throw away her future at a good school for a girl. They always said it like that, like Kaia didn’t have a name. At least Uncle Cas supported her, not that he had a single leg to stand on, since he was switching jobs and taking a pay cut to be with Dean. Claire would have preferred if her uncle didn’t follow her from school to school like the dorkiest duckling ever, but it was nice to have him in her corner.
But no, the absolute worst part was all the gossip she had to listen to. About Uncle Cas, aka the biggest doof on the planet.
Maybe Grandmother was right, and Edlund was filled with a bunch of idiots. Claire throws up her hands, saying through gritted teeth, “Castiel transferred from Carver to spend more time with Dean.” 
“How do you know that?” Krissy asks, her mouth falling open.
Claire purses her lips. “Castiel’s my uncle.”
“Your what?” Aidan gapes.
Claire rolls her eyes. “He’s my uncle. Dean’s his boyfriend. They’re gross together all the damn time - but not in school because Uncle Cas has opinions about it.”
“If Mr. Winchester could make out with him all the time, he’d do it,” Kaia adds because she’s had dinner at Uncle Cas’s way too many times and has seen it for herself.
Krissy leans over the railing. “Get it Mr. W!”
Alicia cackles as Dean and Uncle Cas jump apart, glancing around for the voice.
Dean’s Peppy face paint is nothing but a smear of grey and black on his cheek. Double gross. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he spots the group on top of the bleachers. “What the hell are you guys doing here?” 
“I wanted to make out with my girlfriend,” Aidan complains. Krissy rolls her eyes, but Claire doesn’t miss the regretful expression on her face before she turns back to the pair of teachers below.
“Just getting some air,” Josephine explains pleasantly as she aims a kick at Aidan’s shin.
“Don’t let us interrupt!” Max calls wickedly.
Dean runs a hand down his face and nudges Uncle Cas with his shoulder. “We should escort them back, right?”
Uncle Cas sighs. “It would be irresponsible not to.” He glares at Dean. And even in the dark, Claire can see how red his face is. “I told you sneaking off was a bad idea.”
“Be thankful we didn’t get to my real bad idea before the Scooby Gang found us,” Dean says, eyebrows waggling suggestively.
“We can still hear you,” Claire reminds them loudly.
“Alright, alright,” Dean says, flapping his hands at them like a giant mother hen. “Get down from there and back to the dance. I heard someone spiked the punch.”
“Really?” Aidan asks as he offers Krissy his hand to help her down.
“No,” Dean deadpans. He mutters to Uncle Cas, “I can’t believe we got cockblocked by a bunch of kids.”
Claire makes a noise of disgust as her feet hit the ground. “Are you incapable of whispering?”
Uncle Cas shoots Dean a warning look before saying calmly, “Nothing was going to happen. We were, ah, getting some air.”
“That’s not all you were gonna get,” Dean says in an undertone.
Claire groans.
“Stop,” Uncle Cas tells Dean reproachfully. “I know you’re goading her. It’s inappropriate.”
“I’ll show you inappropr-”
Uncle Cas actually slaps his hand over Dean’s mouth. “Not another word, Dean.”
They are the worst. Claire pretends to trip Dean up as they pass her, and Dean flips her the finger when Uncle Cas looks the other way.
Claire waits for Kaia and the rest of the group, dawdling after the pair of teachers. Bemused, she watches as Krissy, Max, Aidan, and Alicia hand Kaia money. “What’s going on?” Claire asks.
“Your girlfriend fleeced us,” Aidan complains as he pockets his wallet.
Claire raises her eyebrows.
Kaia shrugs, but her face is as smug as Claire has ever seen it. “I just bet everyone else was wrong.”
Claire’s mouth falls open. “Were you betting on them?” she hisses, pointing at Uncle Cas and Dean.
“I thought it would take them two weeks to sleep together,” Max says.
“I bet two months,” Krissy adds.
“One month,” Alicia supplies.
“A year,” Aidan says with a helpless sort of look.
Claire swivels to glance at Josephine. “What about you?”
Josephine raises her hands in a gesture of innocence. “I had no idea, which is why I didn’t get involved.” She studies the pair ahead of them for a few steps, her eyes narrowing as Dean reaches over to ruffle Uncle Cas’s hair. “I would’ve said something stupid like ten years.”
Claire bursts out laughing.
“What?” Krissy asks, annoyed.
Claire nudges Kaia, who looks stricken. “Come on, you know she nailed it.”
“I did?”
Claire snorts. “They got together after their high school reunion,” she says as Josephine’s face lights up. “It took ten years for those dumb fucks to get their shit together.”
Without missing a beat Uncle Cas calls over his shoulder, “Claire, language!”
Kaia smothers her giggles into Claire’s shoulder.
45 notes · View notes
womansharry · 4 years
Fashion blogger and New York Socialite Juliet Oliver meets rockstar Harry Styles. And what follows is a story that no one could have predicted.
Chapter 1 - Gold Dust Woman
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Juliet Oliver stepped out of the black SUV. A man in a black suit approached her.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Oliver. You'll walk the carpet in just a minute. Stay here. I'll send you as soon as I can." He turned to another man, and Juliet took a second to look down at her gown. She was wearing a purple Giambattista Valli gown. The floor-length dress was made entirely of tulle. It was growing heavier by the minute. She smiled despite the discomfort, relishing in the fact that she was about to walk the carpet at the Met Gala.
Juliet had grown up obsessing over fashion. She would stay up way past her bedtime and look at the pictures in her mother's copies of Vogue and Elle. She would often sneak into her mother's closet and try on her various dresses from DVF or Dior. When she was in high school, she developed a bad habit of leaving school early to go shopping at Bloomingdale's with her best friends.
Juliet had been born into a prominent Upper West Side family. Her father, Richard Oliver was a hedgefund lawyer. Her mother, Marie Lawrence-Oliver had been a model in the late 70s and early 80s before she met Juliet's father. By the late 80s, Marie had become a mother and decided that she would stay home with her children. First came Christopher. Chris had always been interested in movies. He had gone to NYU's film school for college and moved to LA right after. Next came Caroline. Caroline followed in her father's footsteps and went to law school. She attended Brown as a legacy student and had come back to NYC for a job in the financial district. Juliet was the youngest of the three and had attended college at Columbia.
Somehow over the past few years, she had amassed 1.2 million followers on Instagram. After graduating she decided to turn those followers into an audience and she launched a website. She had been writing full time for her blog for 3 and a half years. She had been featured in Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, and Vogue. The latter had led to a friendship with Anna Wintour. She had also traveled to Paris and London working with brands like Stella McCartney and Saint Laurent. Juliet could hardly believe that this was her life, working in fashion and writing about the things that she truly loved.
"Alright, Ms. Oliver are you ready?" She took a deep breath and smiled at the man. She started walking and was met with a large crowd of photographers and reporters.
There was a chorus of shouts, "This way!" "Juliet, over here!" "Look here," "Smile" as she made her way across the pink carpet. She began ascending the iconic Met steps. She stopped for a couple of interviews. As she was about to head inside she heard the shrieks of the teenage girls that were lined up along 5th Avenue. Years ago, that had been her. She looked over at the front entrance and noticed that Alessandro Michele, the creative director at Gucci, had arrived and with him was Harry Styles. Harry wore a sheer black top, black heeled boots, and a single earring. She admired his outfit from afar before turning her attention back to the front doors of the MET.
"Juliet!" She turned to see Lana Condor making her way up the steps. Juliet had met Lana and a few other ladies wearing Giambattista months ago during fittings.
"Lana, it's so good to see you. You look gorgeous!" Juliet pulled her in for a hug.
"Thanks, Juliet, so do you! They knew what they were doing when they put you in purple. It's your color!"
"You're the sweetest. Next time you're in New York we should get dinner." Juliet said and she moved up to the next step.
"Yes, for sure! I'll see you inside." Lana stepped towards one of the red carpet correspondents to give an interview.
Juliet headed towards the front door nearly running into Harry Styles as she did.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said quickly. He looked over at her with his emerald green eyes and dimpled smile.
"S'okay love. Y'look very nice, by the way." She felt warmth spread through her body and she smiled back at him.
"Thanks, so do you."
"'m Harry." He stuck his hand out towards her.
"It's nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Juliet." His large hand was softer than she had expected.
"Hmm, Juliet. Quite a romantic name." He chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Juliet, s'nice to meet ya. Maybe I'll see ya inside, yeah?" He moved closer to the door.
"Yeah." She smiled and followed after him and into the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Sometime later Juliet was running on champagne and adrenaline. Cher was performing a few of her greatest hits. The beginning chords of "If I Could Turn Back Time" sounded through the speakers and Juliet smiled. She was dancing around in her own little world with some of the people around her when she noticed that Harry was watching her from across the room with a smile on his face.
Once the song was over she noticed that Harry had moved. He came up beside her and leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"Ya coming to the after-party? Think ya should." She nodded.
"I'll be there."
"Save a dance for me, yeah?" She felt her face turn red.
"I can do that." He gave her a longing look and made his way back over to his friends.
Alessandro was hosting a Met Gala after-party at Hunter College. Juliet changed into a red pantsuit. The blazer was v-neck and she decided that she wouldn't wear anything underneath. It gave her an edgier look. Once she was inside the school gymnasium it didn't take long for her to find Harry. He had a champagne glass in one hand and was using the other as he carried on about something. The speakers were blaring a song that Juliet didn't know when someone grabbed her arm.
"I didn't know that you'd be here." Juliet turned to see Mary Kate Olsen.
"Oh my god! It's so good to see you." Mary Kate smiled.
"Let's get a drink." the two girls set off in search of the bar. "Are you still writing?"
"Yeah, it's going really well. I'm meeting with a few people next week about starting my own fashion line. I know it's a lot of work, but it's something I've wanted to do forever." Juliet said as they approached the bar.
"I think that's a great idea. It might seem like it's an oversaturated market, but if you bring something to the table that's new and unique you'll do great." The girls both got Vodka Tonics and went back to an open couch.
"I'm really excited to start the process. I've got a long way to go." Juliet said sipping on her drink.
"Well, if you need help or just someone to talk to, please call me." Mary Kate gave her a smile. Despite being so private, Mary Kate Olsen had always gone out of her way to be kind to Juliet. They had met a few years ago at London Fashion Week.
"How's Ashley?"
"She's good. I feel like we're constantly running 100 miles per hour with our brands. She was at the gala earlier but she was ready to go home. Why don't you come by later this week and see us? You could even throw out some of your ideas for your line. We'd be happy to give you our opinions." Mary Kate touched Juliet's arm.
"Yes. I'll text you tomorrow after I look at my calendar. You'd think I'd have it on my phone. I'm still old fashioned that way. I like writing things down in my planner."
"Yeah, I understand. Please do that! See you soon."
Juliet stood up as well and looked out at the dance floor, so many people were scattered around dancing and talking. She told Mary Kate goodbye and made her way to the edge of the dance floor. "Sucker" by the Jonas Brothers was playing. Juliet laughed as she saw Harry singing his heart out.
The song died out and a new one began playing. She knew what it was almost immediately. It was, "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin, or as many people knew it as the love theme from Top Gun. She downed the rest of her vodka tonic and sat the empty glass on the closet table to her. She took a deep breath and approached Harry.
"How about that dance?" He gave her a devilish grin and pulled her in his arms.
"How's ya night been, Juliet?" Harry asked as they swayed back and forth to the 80s pop ballad.
"It's been great. I don't want it to end..." she wished out loud. She admired the man holding her, his features soft in the dim light of the gymnasium.
"Think I'll ever see ya again? Quiet like looking at ya." He asked. Juliet felt her cheeks heat up.
"Maybe, if you're lucky," she said teasingly. If Harry wanted to see her again, of course, she would say yes.
"Can't believe we've never met before."
"I know. I'm glad you were a co-chair this year. I like your style a lot. You dress in a way that makes you feel good, no matter what anyone says about you. I like that about you." She said. His green eyes were sparkling.
"Thank you. 'm blushing, really." They laughed together as the song died down.
"It was so nice to meet you, Harry. I'll see you around." He hesitated, almost like he didn't know how to respond. Finally, the words came out.
"Yeah, you too Jules. See ya around." He held her hand a second longer before letting go and drifting off into the crowd of people.
Juliet found the exit and called Cal, her driver. He pulled up a moment later. She got into the SUV and Cal drove off in the direction of her apartment. The entire drive home she played Harry's words over and over again in her head. "Yeah, you too Jules. See ya around." Normally, she only let her family call her Jules. But, she liked the way it sounded when Harry said it. As Cal pulled up outside her apartment, she silently prayed that tonight wasn't the last time she would see Harry.
Read ch 2 here! 
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oneweekoneband · 4 years
a hugely inexpert, absolutely correct examination of The Planets and their role in taylor swift turning out to be such a freak
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Astrology is real. Astrology is made-up nonsense. Made-up nonsense is real. One person’s chosen organizing principle for living is no more or less stupid than anyone elses. All of this is true or maybe it isn’t. Don’t roll your eyes too hard, but Joan Didion wasn’t lying—we do tell ourselves stories in order to live. It���s about all we do. I don’t understand the stars and planets because I don’t believe it’s my business what happens up there, plus I’m a little dumb, but I, like any blubbering narcissist, enjoy being told something about myself, and what is a horoscope but an opaque little love note designed to be interpreted by the reader in whatever way suits them best. There are astrologers who write beautiful, empathetic horoscopes that are a balm whether you believe them or not, and in this way astrology has a cultural value which makes any dubious scientific purity irrelevant. I don’t understand the stars and planets, but I have friends that do, and I like hearing whatever they sort out. Certainly, I’m not immune to believing in spurious little rituals; I was raised Catholic. Thinking that your star sign is responsible for certain aspects of your personality is no more impractical than keeping a Saint Christopher medal in your car to protect you from danger while traveling. These days I do both. Astrology is possibly real or possibly is not and maybe it matters what “real” means or else it might not, yeah, but the philosophical questions recede in the face of one fact upon which we can all agree: Taylor Swift has a profoundly upsetting birth chart.
Right off the bat, just from an aesthetic standpoint, this image (above) is not inviting. I don’t like to see it. When I wrote about Taylor Swift on this site in 2013 I didn’t know my moon or rising signs. This knowledge was not yet mandatory for trying to date girls and/or understanding jokes online. I was, at that time, far from even the semi-astrologically-literate state I am in now, yet even then if you’d have shown me this image, I know I’d shudder. It doesn’t take a scholar of any kind to see this and feel a chill down your spine, the itch of cold, spectral fingers closing around your wrist. Look at it again. The painful bisection by those angry blue lines. If you found this painted on a cave wall you’d turn and run back towards the fresh air of the opening, blinking back tears, certain some undead beast was following in your wake. This is a birth chart that says I am capable of writing songs like “All Too Well” but sometimes what I like better is to name a cat after the worst David Fincher movie and do a anti-homophobia music video that actually is so bad it felt somehow like it itself was homophobia. This is a birth chart that says I am going to release my new album, Red (2012), with a promo wherein Papa John’s will bring you a copy of it along with your pizza. This is a birth chart that says yeah, I used to do a fake twang as a teenager, and then I dropped the fake twang, but I can bring it back with no notice sometimes so all the girls (mentally ill adult women who have a Pavlovian response to anything that kinda sounds like “Hey Stephen”) go wild.
Taylor Swift is a Sagittarius. That’s the one with the arrow. It’s one of the good signs, theoretically, because it’s one that I have a lot of in my own chart, and because it’s in November and December, which are months where you can wear all your coats. Some other Sagittarians include Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Janelle Monae, 8th US President Martin Van Buren, Jane Fonda, my friend C., who, in fact, happens to share all three major placements, sun, moon, and rising, with Ms. Swift, but I still don’t think she’s murdered anyone, and, of course, Jake “Twin fire signs / Four Blue Eyes” Gyllenhaal. So we have basically a lot of hot people and one guy who died of asthma, but who did manage to get the highest ranking job in the country first, though the country was a lot smaller then, and didn’t even have McDonalds yet to serve to teams that win college football tournaments. All in all, seems okay. Her moon is in Cancer. I think this connotes something about the watery depths of her emotional self, and it’s the only astrological placement which gets a shout out in the Joni Mitchell song “Little Green”. Her rising sign is Scorpio which is, like... Well, Scorpio to me is Halloween and Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. Medically speaking, I think that influence is how the stylings for the reputation era turned out so very Hot Topic. My moon is in Scorpio so this is a self-own as much as anything else.
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Now look at this. What does it mean? Impossible to say, but that will not stop me from concluding that whatever it does mean is definitely bad. It will not stop me from extrapolating that probably a “multiple planet opposition” is the kind of thing that makes a person go to Stonewall during Pride for a surprise appearance but perform “Shake It Off” instead of any of the actual really good and sexy songs. But then, I bet it probably also factored into her developing into the kind of creative mind who would write something as weird and funny and vital as “And I’ve been meaning to tell you / I think your house is haunted / your dad is always mad and that must be why,” so possibly bad is good and good is bad and the various astrological signs just signify the different ways we relate to death. I don’t know. I’m scared.
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In the documentary Folkore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions, released on Disney+ last month to accompany the record, because this daughter of three generations of bank presidents is nothing if not a money-maker, Taylor wears a terrifying outfit that I started to like rather than recoil from by about halfway through, and while wearing it espouses a belief that we are all monsters, which I happen to figure is correct. In Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, essential book on astrology and, importantly, the vagaries of the human heart, the incomparable Claire Comstock-Gay writes, “For Sagittarius, the desire is shifting and undefined. This is a drive, above all else, to see, to learn, to experience, to continually seek knowledge. It’s a drive to live a life that never asks or requires that you cede your freedom and never requires you to stop searching.” Certainly, this is the kind of internal compass which would lead to making the unusual, dramatic, and frankly very cool decision to entirely re-record your first six albums when ownership of the original masters has fallen into the hands of a little creep named “””Scooter””” who refuses to relinquish this morally, if not actually legally, false claim. For years I have speculated that actual murder of a human would not be outside of Taylor Swift’s capabilities. This is a statement made with neither praise or criticism attached. It’s a clinical observation from a sterling mind. What I feel with equal conviction, but admit more grudgingly, is that, if it happened, she’d have a perfectly logical reason. (Note: Taylor, if you’re reading this, I am not the type who’d rat anyway. It’s fine. Please don’t sue me.) I’m positive the astrological facts support my findings on this, and if I’m wrong, fortunately I will never find out. Anyway, the next full moon is in 22 days. I always want to look at it and then I forget. There’s a lot going on in space, and while I do feel that any cosmic forces which would put me and Taylor Swift on Earth at the same time are sort of inherently malevolent, I guess it’s been pretty fun, too.
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
How about something with Toby and Jim?
You said Toby and Jim and my mind went to a scene I’ve wanted to write for the longest time. Toby asking Jim out After the Eternal Night. This is part of my Poly Trollhunters series that I’m calling Hammer, Sword and Staff. This one also got a llttle long. 
Also for some reason it keeps deleting my read more. Sorry everyone!
Jim sniffed while he stalked his way around the barn. The Eclipse Blade felt heavy in his hand as he sniffed again. For some reason his senses were even stronger than a normal troll's. He had keener hearing and a sharper sense of smell. 
Dawn was slowly approaching as he continued inspecting the perimeter. This was so far his least favorite place Trollmarket had stopped for shelter. The barn stank of humans, though it smelled like they hadn't been here in months. The last thing they needed was a human discovering an entire village of trolls without another scrap of shade around for miles.  
As Jim passed the open barn door he could see Claire, Blinky and Nomura working to cover the gaping hole in the roof. He desperately wanted to jump in and help them. He loved working with Claire, and would never turn away from helping Blinky. Even Ms. Nomura was always interesting to talk to, but he was the Trollhunter. He had other duties. 
Jim finished his patrol close to the barn and began making a wider circle. He kept sniffing at the ground and the air, his ears twitching this way and that, showing his annoyance. 
Trollmarket is moving so slowly. They've already been on the road for two weeks and they weren't even out of California yet. Only being able to travel at night at the start of summer stalled their progress. 
Making matters even worse Merlin had disappeared a few days ago. Just up and vanished during the day. Even his disappearance didn't stop him from haranguing Jim. Merlin appeared in what Claire called an astral form to hurry them on everytime they stopped. If he had been here he could easily use his magic to finish covering the hole so the trolls would be safe from the sun's touch. 
Jim's ear flicked as he heard Claire swear inside. Nomura had already been swearing for the past couple of minutes, getting increasingly creative with her swears as the large cloth they were trying to tie over the hole continued to defy them. He glanced at the silo that sat near the barn. The top had just been illuminated. They had maybe five minutes to get everyone inside and under cover before day break. 
He hurried his patrol into a jog, bounding around the area to check for any traps or other problems. As he ran he waved to the last few trolls still not inside the barn, hurrying them inside. Right before the light of day touched him Jim dashed inside. 
As the last trolls got settled inside the cloth slipped out of Nomura’s grasp and was about to fall to the ground. Claire swore explosively, Jim was certain he heard swears in at least three languages. Then she grabbed a handful of wooden staves, her eyes glowing purple, she threw them at the canvas. Each stave imbedded itself into the wooden beams of the roof, pinning the cloth over the hole. She flinched a little as one of the staves blasted clean through the wood and rocketed skyward. 
“Well done Lady Claire.” Blinky said, clapping his hands together. 
“You couldn’t have done that from the beginning?” Nomura said
“No I could not have done that from the beginning! I barely know what I can and can’t do with my magic. And the one person who could teach me disappeared for four days!” Claire snapped in return. Jim stepped up smartly to them. 
“I swept the perimeter. No threats detected, and every troll accounted for.” Jim reported to Blinky. The four armed troll smiled at Jim. 
“Thank goodness for that. With the cover in place we will be able to rest for the remainder of the day without too much worry.” Blinky replied, clapping Claire and Nomura on their shoulders. 
“Well done with that you three.” 
“Come on Jim.” Claire said, she was covered in sweat from trying to get the cover in place. 
“I mean it. Well done.”
“Well since Little Gynt approves then I guess we did a good job after all.” Nomura sneered. Then she walked away to be by herself. 
Jim decided against pushing his luck by following her. Claire walked slowly over to where she had dumped her pack when she had hurried to help Blinky. She unpacked slowly, her exhaustion weighing on her. 
Jim was about to help her get settled when his phone went off. He moved quickly away from the other trolls. The last thing he wanted was for any of them to get angry at him for disturbing their rest. He pulled his phone from the back of his armor. As close as he could tell the phone was stored in the armor somewhere. Toby was calling! Jim carefully hit the answer button on the now too small phone. 
“Heya Tobes!” Jim said excitedly. 
“H-hey Jimbo. Uh... how is the trek going?” Toby said. Jim didn’t need his trollish hearing to pick up how nervous Toby was. Now that he thought about it, it was the crack of dawn. During summer vacation. Toby was never awake at this hour. 
“The trek is fine.” Jim said shortly. “Is everything ok Toby?”
There was a long pause on the other end. Jim almost started worrying that the call had dropped. Finally Toby spoke again. 
“We’re pretty good friends right Jim?” Toby said. His voice was so quiet over the phone. 
“Toby we are the best of friends. You mean more to me than anything in the world. What is this about?”
“So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, really I’ve been thinking ever since you went into the Darklands. And I talked to Darci and she says she's ok with it as long as Claire is. And I really regret not bringing this up before you left for New Jersey. Now even if you say yes we won’t be able to actually do anything. I guess I could always call and talk to you but we couldn’t go on any real dates.”
Jim had been listening to his friend’s rambling as closely as he could. The last sentence brought everything into sharp focus. 
“Wait wait Toby. Are you asking me out? Are you saying you want to date me?” Jim asked. He could barely keep the excitement out of his voice. Toby was his best friend in the whole world. Had been his best and closest friend since they were children. Jim hadn’t told anyone before, but Toby was his first kiss. A kiss that helped sustain him during the long weeks in the Darklands. Sure dating Toby would mean a potentially awkward conversation with Claire, but Jim was pretty sure she would understand. 
“Uh, I… uh.” Toby hesitated. Then the line went dead. Jim shook his head, classic Tobes, he got nervous and hung up. Jim immediately called his friend back. Toby didn’t answer. Jim rolled his eyes. And dialed again. This time the call was canceled from Toby’s side. 
Jim wanted to pull his horns out in his frustration. If Toby had his way they won’t talk again for a week and he will pretend the conversation never happened. Jim called again. Toby hung up on him again. He wanted to scream his frustration. 
Jim shoved his phone in his mouth and bit down hard. He had chewed the phone and swallowed before he had a chance to think about what he was doing. He could only look at his empty hands in horror. He hadn’t felt this bad for eating something he shouldn’t have since his mom found him eating the blender. He groaned softly and grabbed his horns. After a few moments of sitting there stewing in his annoyance he stood up. 
He quietly made his way through the snoozing trolls till he came to where Claire had fallen asleep in her armor. After the all night march, followed by wrestling the covering, and the powerful magic she used, no wonder she was so quickly asleep. Jim hated the thought of waking her. But this wasn’t a conversation that could wait. 
Jim softly shook her awake. She looked up confused and disoriented, but relaxed when she saw her boyfriend’s smiling face. 
“I’m sorry to wake you. Toby just called me. I don’t think this is a conversation that can't wait till nightfall.”
Claire looked carefully at his face for a few a short moment, before nodding and getting up. Jim helped her out of her armor so she could actually sit comfortably then together they walked to the door of the barn. There was no where inside they could have a private conversation, and Jim didn’t quite want this to be a topic of gossip for all the trolls. Claire grabbed one of the emergency umbrellas and together they ventured out into the sun. They sat together in the shade of silo. 
“What’s up Jim?” Claire didn’t sound worried, only curious. Jim knew he rarely woke her up except for emergencies, but he hoped his tone and casual movements made it clear that everyone at home was still safe. 
"Toby just called. He wanted to ask me out. Like on a date." Jim tried to keep his voice calm. He didn't want to do the same thing Toby did and get nervous and back out.  
"Toby is aware you are already spoken for, and so is he?" Claire asked. She had her legs curled up to her chest as she sat on the ground. She looked so tired and had her head resting on her knees. 
"Uh, yes. He mentioned, kind of in passing that Darci was ok with the idea as long as you were." Jim suddenly felt way more nervous. He loved Claire and didn't want to ruin things with her, but he knew without a second thought that he also loved Toby.  
"This isn't because I'm not enough for you is it?" Claire asked. She seemed to shrink before Jim's eyes. She was so small, so vulnerable, so scared of losing him. He carefully wrapped her in a hug. 
"This has nothing to do with that. I love you. I will always love you. And I also love Toby.  I've loved him for years, now that I think about it. It was thinking of you two that kept me going in the Darklands. You and Toby." 
Jim held her close for several minutes, while she kept her face hidden. He was half afraid she had fallen asleep while he was talking. Finally she took a deep breath and sat up a little straighter. She unfolded her legs and stretched them out. 
"So what did Toby say next?"
"Well he said he regretted not bringing this up before we left. I asked him if he was asking me out. Then he hung up." Claire snorted at that. "I called him back a few times but he didn't answer. And then I uh…" Jim looked away embarrassed. "I ate my phone."
"Jim!" Claire smacked his arm lightly. "How are we going to get you a new phone while we are on the road? And you have no idea what the battery acid could do to your stomach!"
"I didn't do it on purpose!" Jim said, holding up his hands to ward off further smacks, though they didn't hurt at all with his stone skin. "I just...reacted on instinct. Then I woke you up and we had this conversation."
"Ok." Claire said. Jim looked at her in confusion, was she agreeing? "I'm going to have to call Darci and confirm that she's ok with this, you understand?"
Jim nodded and Claire kept speaking. "If we open our relationship are you going to let me date other people too?" Jim nodded again. "Are you going to get all territorial if I date another girl?" He shook his head. "What about if I date a boy? Even that dude from the Battle of the Bands?"
Jim hesitated. He distinctly remembered the way he acted around the band guy. What was his name? Anyways he could currently feel a twist in his gut at the thought of her with him. Claire sighed. 
"We can work on that. If you want us to open our relationship I want it to be on even terms. And I don't want you getting aggressive any time a boy comes up and talks to me."
Jim nodded, his eyes down and his ears laid back. Suddenly he perked up. "Wait does that mean you are willing to try?"
"Yes it does. But if you want me to accept that you have enough love for me and Toby you need to accept that I have enough love for you and...Toby, or Darci, or Mary or anyone else I want to date. Though as of right now that's the limit of who I'm interested in."
Jim smiled as Claire pulled out her own phone. "You and Toby too, huh?"
She smiled, a slight blush on her cheeks. Rather than answer she dialed her friend. 
"Do you mind if I listen in too?" Jim asked as the phone rang. Claire nodded and switched the call to speaker phone. 
"Hello Claire-bear!" Darci's voice sang as she answered. 
"Hey, Darci! I-" before Claire could say another word, Toby's voice came through the phone. He was talking so fast and so loud that Jim had to put his hand over the phone to keep him from waking the trolls. 
They couldn't tell exactly what he was saying considering Toby didn't seem to pause for even a breath, but as close as they could tell Toby apologized up and down for "ruining things" and was terrified that Jim had been hurt or had disappeared. When Jim was on the edge of shouting over Toby, even knowing it would wake all the trolls they heard the sound of someone wrestling the phone away from him. 
Darci's voice came back this time slightly echoey. "Claire? You're on speaker phone."
"So are you Darci. Jim and I are here." 
"Oh thank god!" Toby sounded like he wanted to ramp up into another apologetic ramble but his was voice was suddenly muffled. Jim assumed Darci had covered his mouth. 
"Let them speak or you'll never get your answer." Darci said to her boyfriend. "Go ahead Claire."
"Before I say anything else I want to make sure. Darci did you know Toby was wanting to open up your relationship?"
"Yes I knew. We've been talking about it for the past week. So if you two need more time you can call us again later."
"Jim and I will have our conversation about boundaries and expectations later, our decision is already made." Claire paused and looked at Jim. He smiled at her and she smiled right back. He could see her nervousness disappear. "We've decided to open our relationship too."
"I'm so glad to hear you say that!" Jim thought he could hear a strange tone in Darci's voice, but it was a little lost in Toby cheering in the background. Jim glanced at Claire to see if she had noticed the gone. She was blushing scarlet, her face red all the way up to the roots of her hair. Jim smiled, so that's what that tone meant. 
"I was wondering," Toby began. "Now, that's decided, if Jim and I could have some time for a call just the two of us?"
Jim blushed almost as hard as Claire had. Darci and Claire laughed. 
"Darci, I'll call you sometime this week! Let's let the boys have their call!" Claire laughed and kissed Jim on his cheek. Then she whispered to him. "I'm going back to bed. Don't wake me again today unless it's an emergency. We can talk more tonight."
Jim barely heard Darci say her own farewells. He felt like his long ears were burning. Claire got up stretching and walked back to the barn. 
"And don't eat my phone!" She called back softly over her shoulder. 
Jim could hear Toby walking up his stairs and getting comfortable on his bed. So Jim also stretched out getting more comfortable in the shade of the silo. He wouldn't be able to talk long but be could still talk. 
"That conversation went better than I expected." Toby said. Jim couldn't help but snort and laugh. 
"Toby you rambled for minutes, then hung up without actually asking me out. I ate my phone. Then when my girlfriend calls yours you take the phone and go right back to rambling! And you still haven't actually asked me out!"
Toby gave a nervous laugh. "Well Jim Lake Jr. Would you like to go out with me?"
"Tobias Domzalski, I would love to!" They both fell to laughing. 
When Toby could catch his breath again he asked, "Wait, did you say you ate your phone?"
They continued talking, long into the morning. Catching up on everything that had happened, and getting their feelings that had been hidden for far too long out into the open.
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hellyeahomeland · 6 years
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An HYH Exclusive Interview with Maury Sterling
[Here at HYH, it’s no secret that we love and adore Max. As the most dependable and loyal person in a sea of unreliable characters, it’s hard not to. And it’s about this time every season that we start and rally behind a #ProtectMax campaign. So it’s quite an understatement to say that we are thrilled to feature an exclusive interview with the man who’s brought him to life the last seven years, Maury Sterling. Maury was gracious enough to answer our questions about auditioning for Max, how he’s brought him to life, and his favorite moments working on the series as part of our ongoing “On the Record with...” series. Thank you, Maury! --the HYH team]
Hell Yeah Homeland: You first appeared in the pilot. How did you get involved in the show? What do you remember from your audition and first days of filming? 
Maury Sterling: I auditioned for the show. At the time, didn't know much about it. Neat bit of trivia, I read for the Virgil character. I remember the audition as being... special. Alex Gansa and Michael Klick were in the room. Junie Lowry Johnson and Libby Goldstein were casting. Was one of those that was relaxed, easy, good.  
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HYH: We think that everyone needs a Max in their life. What do you love about playing the character?  
MS: I need a Max. I'm terrible with technology. Max has taught me a lot. He has taught me about being simple, about listening, and about telling the truth. From a selfish perspective, I get to go to work and watch great actors do their thing.  
HYH: When we first meet Max, he’s Virgil’s “mute” brother whom Carrie is suspicious of. Now, he’s one of her (if not the) most trusted friends. How would you describe Max’s evolution overall throughout the seasons? How has the way you’ve approached playing him through the years changed?
MS: I never expected the role to have lasted this long. So, I've always taken it one season at a time and it has ended [up] being a happy surprise. That said, my approach to playing Max has stayed the same. The Homeland writers are so strong, and Max's character felt very available from the first episode. That clarity created a great foundation as we moved forward. Max has a line in season two (I think) when he says to Carrie, “I always believed you.” I feel like Max understands Carrie in a way, and isn't shy about telling her when she has screwed up.
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HYH: You’ve been a part of all seasons except season five. What has been your favorite scene to film? 
MS: Many scenes. Snooping with Virgil in the pilot. Great one-liners with Rupert. The scenes in season four, with Fara and Carrie, were powerful and heartbreaking. Walking into the bot farm in season six gave me goosebumps. It's really an honor to get to work on the show.
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HYH: Carrie’s relationship with Max is one of the few on the show we’ve seen from the very beginning. How would you describe the evolution of that relationship? Why do you think Max has remained loyal to Carrie for so long?
MS: Maybe Carrie, and this would be a question for Claire, can trust Max. A place that she can relax? I find being around people who tell the truth to be very calming. I don't always like what they have to say, but in the short and long run, it creates a stability. And, as I said earlier, I think that Max understands Carrie, and believes in Carrie’s mission to defend the country. And Max is just as committed to the job.  
HYH: Max was by Carrie’s side last season when she was battling for custody of Franny and again reminds her this season that she has to be home in time to get Franny from school. How do you think Max feels about Franny and Carrie’s role as a mother? 
MS: One of my favorite lines this season was, “Hi Franny.”  Max likes Franny. And feels for her in his awkward Max way. Again, I think Max has a mathematical way of looking at things. Meaning, he sees and understands the consequences of actions. It's not about judging Carrie or not judging Carrie, it’s about the cost. Max wants Carrie to win, to succeed. As a person, a mother, a spy. He's also got a big heart. He feels for people. 
HYH: Last season, Max astutely calls out that Quinn has a “thing” about Carrie. Max witnessed their ops and partnership from DC to Islamabad to New York. How do you think Max understood that relationship?
MS: So much drama. Just get on with it for crying out loud!  
HYH: Last year, the “Quax” bromance had quite a following on social media. We really loved Max and Quinn’s unusual but ultimately close friendship and we actually see how torn up Max is about Quinn’s death in the season six finale. Can you talk about what it was like to bring that friendship between Max and Quinn together onscreen with Rupert? 
MS: Unusual is right. At first I don't think Max liked Quinn very much. Quinn was the new guy: bossy, rude, arrogant. And Max is protective of Carrie. But, over time, I think Max appreciated Quinn's direct nature. Looked up to him (not just because he is taller), and greatly respected his skill set. I'm sure some part of Max wants to be like Quinn. And once Max decides to make someone a friend, he is deeply loyal. As for working with Rupert, he is a royal pain in the ass whom I miss. ;) I loved working with Rupert. He is a talented son of a gun.
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HYH: We’ve read that there was discussion of Max possibly being somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Can you talk more about this backstory and how it informs your portrayal of the character? 
MS: Yes, early on in rehearsal with Michael Cuesta, the director of the pilot, and Alex Gansa, we decided that Max was probably on the spectrum. It's been interesting to explore that aspect of Max. How it manifests? He doesn't like to be touched. He is generally uncomfortable with others. And he has a keen attention to detail. Max notices anomalies. He is also unfiltered in his way, and doesn't follow expected social graces. I had to validate Max's value in the world of Homeland. He couldn't just be the “weird little brother.”  He needed to serve a purpose. And I think that purpose is he sees the heart of things. Whether it be on the job or personally.  
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HYH: Our hearts broke for Max when Fara died, and we still miss the character dearly. Carrie’s role in Fara’s death was a major issue between Carrie and Max at the end of season four. How do you think that’s affected Max and Carrie’s relationship? Do you think Max will ever be able to move on from Fara’s loss and find love? 
MS: I'm not sure Max will move past that. I don't think Max has ever had any expectation that love would be a part of his life. I  think Max always knew that Fara was out of his league. He never really believed that they could be together. But it didn't stop him from loving her. Max loves Carrie too. And he gets the cost of living in her world. The loss of Fara, of Quinn, of shooting someone in Islamabad, all these things weigh on him. I think he stands by Carrie because he cares [for] her and part of that care is [trying to] stop her from causing excess damage. 
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HYH: What are your hopes for Max’s future? What would you like to see for the character as the show winds down next season? 
MS: I've been enjoying getting to do some of Max's own missions. Some more of that would be fun.  
HYH: Homeland’s seventh season is wrapping up. What other projects are you working on during the hiatus? 
MS: I'm doing some writing and looking into producing. And may be doing a play this summer.  
HYH: We also love following your wife, producer and actor Alexis Boozer, on social media. You both make a great team! What projects is she currently working on?
MS: She is really busy. She has at least three films in early stages of development. She is a badass.
HYH: You posted on Twitter about shadowing Lesli Linka Glatter as she directed the season seven finale. What are your biggest takeaways from the experience? As an actor, what insights did you gain from observing that aspect of the production? Can we expect to see “Directed by Maury Sterling” on a future episode of Homeland? 
MS: [It] would be nice to see “Directed by Maury Sterling” but I have a ways to go and some more learning to do. Takeaways: Preparation, preparation, preparation. Communication. Know what you want.  Bring your own vision to the table. Surround yourself with good people. Have a point of view. I can't say enough about Lesli Linka Glatter. She is an astounding human. I feel so unbelievably grateful that she let me follow along. Her work ethic, preparation, skill, kindness, boundless energy, [and] celebration of creativity are inspiring. One of her mottos is “best idea wins.” It's not about ego, it's about telling the story. She knows everyone’s name on set. She also taught me about when to stand one’s ground. The entire Homeland team is really impressive to see in action. A level of professionalism from the top down. As an actor, it is really good to appreciate that we are just the tip of a very big triangle. To see the whole machine, the whole crew, and all the work that goes into the moment when the cameras roll. Humbling. And don't [take] things personally, and preparation, preparation, preparation.    
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HYH: How did it feel, after six years, for Max to finally get a last name? Is Pietrowski really his last name or was that a cover? 
MS: Ha! It felt very validating. Mandy and I spent a few minutes making sure we were pronouncing it correctly. I also just like being “Max.” And no comment if it is just a cover. 
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For the Fanfiction Asks: 1-5 and 35-40 please!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
My first fic published I published on the web was a little Teen Titans drabble thing I did when I was 15. That’s back in 2005, mind you. XD
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
I’ve mostly been a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic writer (I had a massive AU that pretty much ran for about 8 years before being quietly put on indefinite hiatus for reasons) for the past decade, but since I’ve pretty much done about three Darkwing Duck fics in the past months and still doing so, I guess you can say that’s a good answer too.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
Really, I have more fun with untapped canonical characters that you can’t prove the most oddest headcanons for, but I do enjoy creating “background OCs”, which I use for world building. Most of them are simply there for a brief scene or act as a secondary.
Some particular favourite examples of such was Dr. Eric Thizon the Porcupine for my Sonic AU (a soft spoken timid doctor who gets stuck with the most unruly patient because he doesn’t ask too many questions about the situation that led to it), and Rick the dog and Ms. Mustela from my little Darkwing stories focusing on QuackerJack (the former is QuackerJack’s cubicle neighbor, and the latter is his therapist… Neither of whom I’ve actually really drawn so their name is the placeholders).
Also in my Sonic AU was my avatar character, “Rae”, who existed as a neighbor to housesit for any readers who were concerned about the main characters’ house during the adventure.
I also have what I refer to as “Halfsies”, which are just AU versions of preexisting obscure characters.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
I just like “General” fiction mostly, because it can be very flexible, but I also like to play around with “Suspense” and occasionally I can make a fairly decent “Humor” story. :P
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
Gosh, that’s so hard to decide. I’ve mostly been been pretty pleased with my stories over the years, but if I wanna be fresh, I’ll just say that currently “White Noise” (a “Supplemental Fic” for Darkwing that’s about QuackerJack and Claire) would be a good answer, because I think that’s the first multi chapter story I did in years that didn’t take very long to plan out and write. The whole thing was a spontaneous one that didn’t take much longer than a week to finish, and it was a fun one to make.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Sometimes I post teasers. Back in high school, I used to bounce ideas off my best friend, and there was this one plot twist that I told her about almost a YEAR in advance before I implemented the idea, giving me enough to to build up the subtle foreshadow. XD
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
That was not his ceiling.
This was not his apartment.
This was not his couch.
He didn’t even own a couch.
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
Usually my “best” humor bits happen within the stories themselves regardless of the genre, but apparently the one fic I did where QuackerJack got a mild case of the flu made a good amount of people laugh with its absurd chain of events and the stinger at the end. I did intend it to be a lighthearted take on the “sick day” trope, so I guess I succeeded. XD
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
I’ve only really fic collaborated a few times over the years, but the thing is is that I’m either too fast on my part, or you can really, REALLY see what parts I did because I’m just a bit odd in my style.
Also, I have a bit of a low opinion of my own writing, so I end up spending the whole collaboration writing period fretting that I’ve either bungled the whole thing, or that I haven’t been up to snuff. ^^;
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
Third. It lets the narrative be observant, as well as I can kinda snark in a meta sense in the writing. Generally, the narrative is written in my own speaking style, so if you’ve read my Darkwing fics, you may have noticed the consistent referral of the “dingle-dangles” of QuackerJack’s hat, because I don’t know what those things the bells hang off of are called technically and I refer to those as dingle-dangles. Regardless of the severity of the scene.
It’s dingle-dangles.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
Yes. In fact, I submitted a print out of some of my early Sonic ones for my Senior Portfolio in High School (a mandatory presentation you have to make to be considered to be able to graduate), as part of the “Creative Writing” back in 2008.
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vesuviannights · 4 years
I’m so happy to see that you’re feeling well and that you’re back. I know I’ve missed you! I kinda wish request for stories was open but that’s okay, even if you don’t open that back up, you come first. I have a idea but I’m not quite comfortable with writing the arcana characters since I’m sure how they would react to certain situations... I’ve got my ideas down at least... any advice if I ever get the courage to try?
Honestly? When I first started writing Arcana porn, I had only read Asra’s route all the way through, and my understanding of the other characters was shaped entirely through his route and the Wikipedia entries. 
To ensure I was getting things Right as I began to move further into the fandom, I actually liked to read other people’s headcanons for each character and incorporate those into my fics until I was able to build my own. You can see this in my early work, where I would typically mention specific Tumblr users or link to  posts I was sourcing from. 
I think having a solid set of HCs and notes to reference for a character in any fandom is essential, and I have them for any characters I write and reference them no matter how many times I have written that particular character. This keeps things consistent and flowing, and also stops that pesky Imposter Syndrome when you’re able to look back on your older works and go, “Ah! I did X thing in that work and X thing in my current work. CONSISTENCY. I’m a GOOD. WRITER!”.
If all else fails, go with the classic: just fuckin’ write. TBH when it all boils down, so long as you aren’t being offensive in how you do it you can get characters wrong as much as you like. If you’re just looking to write SFW or straight up p*rn just for the sake of writing, don’t let your nerves get in the way - 99% of the time readers forgive or completely miss a minor slip in characterisation because they’re just so happy to have something new to read and love it anyway.
PS - I have a lovely tag about writing porn and other junk I’ve learned (and unlearned) as a literature graduate and english teacher, if you were interested x
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kentonramsey · 4 years
The Definitive List: 100 MORE Black Designers You Should Know + Add Your Brand to the List !
After we published our first list of Top 100 Black Designers, we realized that one list was simply not enough!
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In the midst of the Black Lives Matter movement, we decided to create a post, highlighting the breadth and range of talent of Black Creatives and Black Style.
Though we already outlined 100 black designers, there are many who didn’t immediately come to mind! We have also discovered so many more in the past few weeks. Lastly, while our last list was limited when it came to accessories brands, this list bubbles over.
So, behold even MORE black designers you should know:
Luxury Designers
B Michael America
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B Michael America is an American treasure, and we are seriously face palming that we neglected to mention the designer in our initial list. The couturier creates flawless runway frocks, and frequently dresses ageless beauties like the incomparable Cicely Tyson.
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B MICHAEL: 2018 Creative Arts Emmy Awards – Day 1 – ArrivalsLOS ANGELES, CA – SEPTEMBER 08: Fashion Designer B Michael (L) and Cicely Tyson attend the 2018 Creative Arts Emmy Awards at Microsoft Theater on September 8, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.
Shop at BMichaelAmerica.com.
2. S.u.k.e.i.n.a
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Created in 2012 by Senegalese designer Omar Salam, Sukeina focuses on fabulous party dresses with intricate details: think fringe, appliqué’s, and make-a-statement feathers. Salam studied fashion design at Parsons, and worked at Christian Lacroix and Sonia Rykiel before launching his own collection. The brand is beloved by Naomi Campbell, Thandi Newton, and Draya Michele.
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See more at Sukeina.co.
3. Tope FNR
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Nigerian brand Tope FNR creates bedazzling custom pieces! From wedding gowns to glittering jumpsuits, each piece is made to measure.
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Learn more at Matopeda.com.
4. O Ray
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Ms. Ray Marshall specializes in one-of-one dresses, made with athletic cuts and drool worthy fabrics. If you spy one of her designs on her page @O_Ray, snap it up quick! Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.
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Purchase at OrayInternational.com.
5. Calechie
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Contemporary ‘It Girls” like Cardi B and Ari the Don have a new bespoke couturier to call on for singular sexy pieces. Calechie designs are racy and definitely not for the faint of heart.
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See more @ Calechie .
6. Valentino Omar
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Bahamas born, Miami based Valentino Omar specializes in red carpet and performances pieces, beloved by Amara la Negra, Tommie, and Claire Sulmers.
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See more @ValentinoOmar.
7. Selam Fessahaye
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Swedish-Eritrean stylist and costume designer Selam Fessahaye debuted her first collection in 2018 at Fashion Week Stockholm. Bright, bold, and whimsical Fessahaye’s clothes are beloved by fashionistas like Tracee Ellis Ross.
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Follow her moves on Instagram here.
Contemporary WomensWear
8. Shop J Bolin
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Though many know J. Bolin as a stylist to stars like Michelle Williams, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Tyra Banks, Bolin has branched off to creating his own line of smart separates, fashioned for women of all shapes, sizes, and style penchants.
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Shop here.
9. Courtney Noelle
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Courtney Noelle was created in 2014 to cater to women of all sizes, and stocks glamorous plus size pieces characterized by bold colors, ruffles, and daring prints.
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Shop here.
10. Phlemuns
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Comfy separates seem to be a specialty of Phlemuns, whose current collection includes sweatshirts, matching sweatpants, face masks, and skirts printed with clouds, lemons, and stars. Their accessories are also worthy of note: Snakeskin pocket bags are perfect to pop in your keys, iPhone, wallet, and go.
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@Shesmaad via @Phlemuns  @alealimay in @phlemuns_nonbasics
Shop here.
11. Ezie NY
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Created by a Nigerian American Emergency Room doctor, Esther Ihezie, Ezie NY offers fashion from the soul . On her website, she writes, “Despite her love for helping people through medicine, Ihezie could not ignore her concurrent obsession with fashion. She began designing her own clothing as a preteen, bringing sketches to the local seamstress in Nigeria to produce one of a kind outfit she would wear to church and she continued designing her own wardrobe throughout her study of medicine. Albeit formal fashion training, Ihezie worked to better herself at designing by attending seminars taught by industry professionals and would fit in classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology whenever she could.” Her unabashedly glamorous designs have been worn by Angela Simmons, Vanessa Simmons, Ming Lee Simmons, and Tamron Hall.
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Shop select items here.
12. Irregular Exposure
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With the tag line, “Be A Feminist. Be Confident. Expose your Irregular,” Irregular Exposure offers items for the contemporary Bombshell with swag. Created by Jessica Williams and made in LA, their ruched pieces are their signature, and a fan favorite.
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Shop here.
13. Shan Latris
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Alabama based Shan Latris creates contemporary clothes informed by her Southern Upbringing. Her most recent collection merges houndstooth with classic black and white, producing separates that pack a punch.
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Shop her new collection here.
14. LondonCouture.Est90
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Atlanta based bespoke brand London Couture creates everything from gowns to mini dresses to off the shoulder shirts with signature flair. Per their name, most of their items are custom. Dip in their DMs and get ready to turn heads.
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Follow them on Instagram here.
15. Something by Sonjia
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LA based brand Something by Sonjia has a little something for everyone, but their oversized pants are a crowd favorite.
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See more and purchase here.
16. Loud Brand Studios
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Kylie Jenner recently flexed on Instagram in a skin slinging body dress, equipped with a slash cut out at the bodice: thus introducing us to black owned British brand Loud Brand Studios. The young line has already sold out of the Vashtie dress, they still have select mini dresses, crop tops, and pants available.
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Purchase here.
17. GsuWoo
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Contemporary Miami brand is made for young Bombshell looking for figure flattering ensembles. Their specialty? Jumpsuits and skin clinging separates.
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Follow on Instagram @GsuWoo or shop here.
18. Erica Moore Brand
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Nigerian based brand Erica Moore creates everything from cocktail dresses to prom gowns to tracksuits for men. Though based abroad, they ship internationally.
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Keep up with what’s new on Instagram @EricaMooreBrand.
19. Lyl Official
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Lyl describes itself as, “a fashion brand for ambitious and stylish women.” They add, “We are a black owned, female run business providing a modern take of power dressing.“
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Their products are limited edition and available in UK sizes 8-16 with prices ranging from £90-£155. They ship worldwide. Shop at www.lylofficial.com.
20. Shop FKSP
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The brainchild of Bomb Blogger Folake Kuye of the blog Style Pantry, her line of chic, work ready separates and cocktails are just as chic as her personal style. While Folake’s particular style is hard to capture, her line helps you get close.
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Shop at ShopFKSP.com.
21. Front Row
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Created by style influencer, dancer, and designer Shateria Moragne-El, Front Row offers easy separates, reflective of the creator’s simple sartorial penchants. The website states, “She created the line allowing her fashion lovers to understand that you can be free, confident and unapologetic when you step out.”
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Shop here.
22. Loza Maleombo
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Loza Maléombho hails from the Ivory Coast, and was raised between Abidjan and Silver Spring, Maryland. She engendered a love of fashion at a young age, and later graduated from the University of the Arts of Philadelphia in 2006. Her line offers African prints with a contemporary twist, and has been worn by Beyonce, Solange, Teyana Taylor, and Kelly Rowland.
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Shop here.
23. Stevie the Designer
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Chicago based designers StevieEdwards creates everything from bodycon dresses to prom gowns. Tiffany Haddish and Jody Watley are fans.
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Follow on Instagram @StevietheDesigner.
24. Toni Gant of V’Che the Label
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Dallas based brand V’Che the Label is exquisite and elegant dressing, defined. Designer Toni Gant creates wrap tops, high slit skirts, and dresses in a classic neutral black and white color palette. V’Che the Label is beloved by Claudia Jordan, Nicole Murphy, and more.
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See more here.
25. Akese Style Lines
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Chicago based brand Akese Style Lines was created in 2012 by Ghanaian born and raised designer Jennifer Akese-Burney. The line triumphs due to its Ankara fabrics, fashioned with contemporary flair. With the advent of Covid-19, the brand is now making face masks to match its show stopping looks.
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Shop at AkeseStylines.com.
26. Jae Jolly
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Jamaican brand Jae Jolly creates resort perfect pieces: breezy jumpsuits, maxi dresses, and separates that seem pegged for lounging, stylishly.
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Purchase at JaeJolly.com.
27. Kai Collective
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Created by Fisayo Lounge, Kai Collective’s marble printed colorful dresses and turtlenecks are simply dreamy.
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Purchase at KaiCollective.com.
28. Olabisiodunne
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We were first introduced to Olabisiodunne via Nigerian Star Mercy Eke, who stunned on the ‘Gram wearing a skirt by the brand. While Eke’s ensemble skews casual, the brand also creates couture level dresses and wedding gowns.
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See more on Instagram @ Olabisiodunne.
29. Tove Studio
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British Brand Tove Studio was created by Camille Perry and Holly Wright. The contemporary brand has clean lines and classic silhouettes, boasting luxurious fabrics and expert craftsmanship.
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Shop here.
30. Adama Paris
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Though we’ve know about Adama Paris and its creator Adama Ndiaye for years, Beyonce brought the brand back to centerstage, wearing a stunning yellow look by the Parisian brand in her Black is King visual album. Adama Paris’s clothes are bold, colorful, and bright, and have been shown on international stages from Dakar to Lagos.
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Learn more here.
31. No Sesso
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LA based brand No Sesso (Italian for “no sex/no gender”) was founded by Pierre Davis in 2015. After storming New York Fashion Week with a Harlem Renaissance inspired show, the brand has become known for promoting diversity regardless of race and sexual orientation. Gabrielle Union is a fan!
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Follow them on Instagram @NoSessoLA.
32. Gueras Fatim
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Parisian brand Gueras Fatim was created by Fatoumata Guirassy, who matriculated at Balenciaga, Celine, and Alexander McQueen before launching her “Africa meets Asian” brand in 2015. The Gueras Fatim woman is described as masculine, yet refined and nonchalant.
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Shop their selection here.
33. Diarra Blu
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Senegalese born and bred Diarra Bousso created her line Diarrablu Diarrablu in 2015 to merge her love of style with her passion for math and algorithms. From the brand’s website, “Through a sartorial merger of tradition and technology, artisans and algorithms, the collections are marked by strong structural cuts, bold prints, colorful accents and sustainable solids. The brand’s design process is the result of innovative creative mathematics through the use of algebraic graphs and geometric transformations to create iconic prints.”
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Shop here.
34. Deviant La Vie
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Deviant la Vie creates custom rope pieces, beloved by Beyonce, Cardi B, Laura Govan, and many more. With frequent collaborator Alani Taylor, the duo make couture magic.
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Menswear Brands
35. Freemen by Mickey
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Freemen by Mickey Freemen is for men who use their freedom to express themselves sartorially. While Mickey creates a range of separates, his signature pieces include his kilts, made in cotton, wools, and leather.
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Get yours here.
36. Chocolate Clothes Global by Kwaku Bediako
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Chocolate Clothes is a Ghanaian brand with Universal appeal. Their cool colored sets have been spied on T.I., Jamie Foxx, and Steve Harvey. Sharp!
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Follow them on Instagram @ChocolateClothesGlobal.
37. Southern Gent Clothing
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Charlotte based clothing line Southern Gents produces a vintage aesthetic with a modern twist. Though the line is mainly geared towards men, they also stock outwear and hats for women.
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Purchase at S-Gents.com.
38. Rich God XX
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Dallas, Texas based Rich GOD XX ‘s pieces have been worn by Lil Durk, Fabolous, Money Bagg Yo and more! 
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Follow at @RichGodXX.
39. Heron Preston
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Heron Preston is athletic and athleisurewear personified, uplifted by pops of color and artistic prints. The San Francisco born, New York based Preston was nominated as the CFDA Emerging Designer of the Year in 2019. A graduate of Parson’s School of Design, Heron Preston has collaborated with Kanye West, Off White, Nike, NASA, and more.
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Shop at HeronPreston.com.
40. Carl Ulysses
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Though Carl Ulysses is known industry wide for his impeccable tailoring skills and costume design for Black Panther, The Bobby Brown story, Shaft, and All Eyez On Me movies, he also creates custom red carpet looks for the greats like Tyler Perry, Chadwick Boseman, and more.
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Follow on Instagram @ CarlUlysses.
41. Grayscale
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Grayscale pieces are simple, tailored, and characterized by singular bold lines cutting down or across arms, the chest, or legs. Dwyane Wade and a host of ball players are fans of this brand, that embodies the phrase, “classic with a kick. “
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Follow and shop @GrayscaleIC.
42. Dreu Breckemberg
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@zaawadi  @jahirwe
Polished gents need look no further than Brooklyn based bespoke tailor Dreu Breckemberg, whose cricket inspired pieces are sure to turn heads.
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See more at DreuBreckemberg.com.
T-Shirt Brands
43. The Blairisms
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Blairism’s fun tees are the must have for Summer 2020, witnessed by their crewnecks and tank tops reflecting Megan thee Stallion’s hit song, “Savage.” Shirts rendering TV characters from Living Single, Golden Girls and more with descriptive adjectives, “Savage. Classy. Bougie. Ratchet.” They write, ““…Based between New Orleans and Virginia, #BLAIRISMS is for the melanin loving, pro-BLACK, warriors at the front lines of the resistance, the out and proud LGBTQ community living and loving who they are and everyone who understands that fashion is a form of expression and healing.”
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Ty Hunter in The Blairisms Tee
Purchase here.
44. Mess in a Bottle
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Founded by Kalilah Wright, Mess in a Bottle is a brand with a message, branded on tees, that come in a bottle! Wright was born in Jamaica moved to Brooklyn, New York at the age of 4. Over the years, she has been steadily growing her brand, which comprises t-shirts, mugs, backpacks, and face masks sporting phrases like, “A Black Woman Created This,” “Fearless,” and “100% Black Owned.”
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45. Served Fresh
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Founded by a wife and husband duo, Served Fresh delivers smart tees with cool designs, reflecting current events and of the moment occurrences. Their most recent tees say, “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks, “ “Don’t Tape Me, Help Me,” and “I am Not a Target.”
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Purchase at RefreshedCollection.com.
46. Project 96
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Vintage issue tees with positive messages? Sign us up! According to their website, “Born & raised in Lagos, Nigeria – Creator, Petahjay, draws inspiration from his ethnic background. His awareness of culture and authenticity motivated him to create a brand that could provide a platform not only for his unique take on fashion, but for a community of creatives and innovators. Petahjay’s desire to achieve an equilibrium between heritage and personal style resulted in the formation of Project 96.”
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Purchase here.
Shoe Brands
47. Tori Soudan
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Tori Soudan specializes in make a statement footwear, fashioned in bold color blocked strips for pumps, sandals, and boots. According to her website, “A true artist and visionary, her purpose, which was born out of a love for fashion, began at just 9 years old in her hometown of Stratford, Connecticut where her mother taught her to make fancy Easter dresses. As a teenager, Tori progressed to designing prom gowns for classmates. Her inspiration to design footwear came in 1994 when she studied abroad and saw a demonstration given by a master shoemaker near Venice, Italy. She was struck by the intricacies of old world shoe making and embarked on her vision to design footwear of impeccable quality for women. She went on to graduate Spelman College with honors and after studying design at the famed Parson’s Institute of Design in NYC and interning with American sportswear designer Tommy Hilfiger, Tori was ready to give women what she knew they deserved, the most superlative shoes imaginable and in 2011, she debuted her first collection.” Her designs were most recently seen on Amanda Seales, as she hosted the 2020 BET Awards, and on Fashion Bomb Daily EIC Claire Sulmers.
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Purchase at ToriSoudan.com.
48. TTOS
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Ashley Norment, the owner of TTOS, writes, “TTOS is all about comfort and style. TTOS values exclusivity for its customers by making a select amount per design. I am inspired by my hometown, Detroit,MI, in each design that I create. I hope those close or from afar can feel the love and inspiration behind each shoe design.“
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Shop at ShopTTOS.com.
49. Jessica Rich Collection
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Few fashionistas could step foot outside without donning a pair of perfectly cute clear heels, popularized by Jessica Rich. The sheer versatility of her signature stilettos and sandals made them the go to heel for J. Lo, Cardi B, Kylie Jenner, Saweetie, Normani, Kelly Rowland, and more. Here’s to comfortable, cute footwear, and continued innovation!
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Shop at JessicaRich.com.
50. Keeyahri
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From Keeyahri.com, “Keya Martin, Artistic Director and Founder, designs first through touch, manipulating fabrics and hand-selecting details that convey a simple sensuality. Released in small-scale seasonal collections, Keeyahri shoes honor the community that wears them: dynamic women with an eclectic sensibility and a point-of- view for the world. Poised and confident, Keeyahri shoes understand fashion as an investment in self-empowerment and self-expression. Independently made with a flair for the unique, they were made to strut in. “You will never go unnoticed in my shoes,” says Keya. Her story empowers all women to be confident enough to follow their internal voice and instincts while creating a business that makes them feel fulfilled.”
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Shop here.
51.LFLS Shoes
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Designed in the United Stated and made in Brazil, LFLS Shoes are a fabulous luxury shoe option for Fashion Bomb Men. They say, “Along with offering great quality, we pride ourselves on offering the most unique and eye catching designer shoes that the industry has to offer. With LFLS, you get the highest quality possible and a shoe that you won’t find at any other shoe retailer in the world. “
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Purchase here.
52. Salone Monet
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Salone Monet’s mission is simple: to create elegant, chic nude heels for brown skinned Bombshells. The glorious range of sandals and pumps have found a fan in Beyonce: They are heels fit for a Queen.
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Buy yours at SaloneMonet.com.
53. Titi Adesa
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Titi Adesanya launched her eponymous line, inspired by luxury footwear and elegant craftsmanship. According to her website, “After completing a Master’s degree in Pharmacy, Titi, who grew up between Lagos and London, embarked on a journey to express her purest self by way of design. Following meticulous research and courses at London College of Fashion’s Cordwainers, Titi invested two years grafting with the finest artisans in Italy to understand every aspect of shoe manufacturing and learn about the numerous, essential components involved in realising comfortable footwear styles for women.” The simple styles are made in Milan and available for purchase at TitiAdesa.com.
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54. By Dose
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Modern, minimal, and chic, By Dose Aurum sandals are the perfect shoes to complement any outfit. Though the brand is famous for their barely-there gilded heels, they have a full range, including heels in silver and nude tones. .
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Pre-order at By-Dose.com.
55. Voyette Lee
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According to Voyette Lee, “Each pair is handcrafted from the best materials by skilled artisans who stress every single detail and aspect.” Lee adds, “An image of self-expression that whether affordable or lavish, allowed my inner soul to manifest an appealing creation to show the world. My deep desire drove me to create something of my very own, a luxury shoe brand laced with my DNA.”
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Purchase at Voyette.com.
56. Rebecca Allen
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With the tagline Sophisticated solutions for Real Women, Rebecca Allen offers a range of nude heels for brown skinned fashionistas. Fashioned out of slick patent leather, Rebecca Allen shoes are sassy, chic, and comfortable.
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Shop at Rebecca-Allen.com.
Bag Brands
57. Silver and Riley
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Silver & Riley owner Lola Banjo is a woman on the go: a business woman with a robust travel schedule, who yearned to marry fashion with function. Thus, Silver & Riley was born. Each bag is expertly made in Italy with fine quality materials and thoughtful details. With rich hues and gilded straps, each bag uplifts every outfit.
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Get yours here.
58. Adoni NYC
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Distinguished, sophisticated, and luxurious, Adoni NYC carries buttery soft leather pieces, perfect for travel: wallets, backpacks, duffel bags and more, with an elegant twist.
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Shop at AdoniNYC.com.
59. Petit Kouraj
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Created by Haitian British Designer and fashion stylist Nasrin Jean-Baptiste, Petit Kouraj, “makes fun, stand alone pieces of wearable art that celebrates a love of knitwear, sculpture and identity.” The brand’s fringe bags are fun, fabulous, and handmade in Haiti.
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Shop here.
60. Zashadu
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British/Nigerian brand Zashadu works with locally sustained leather and exotic skins, fashioned into unique bags. They say, “At Zashadu we love to explore the tension between quiet elegance and unabashed glamour.” Founder Zainab Ashadu began her career as an actor in London, but honed her skills as a bag designer at the London College of Fashion.
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Purchase at Zashadu.com.
61. Bruce & Glen
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Twin brothers Bruce & Glen have electric personalities–and a bag brand to match.
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Purchase here and shop a few bags at FashionBombDailyShop.com.
62. Shop Tosha
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Created in 2011 by Brooklyn based designer, Towana Phillip, Shop Tosha bags are hand crafted creations, fashioned in bold colors and fabrications. A graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, Phillip worked in visual merchandising for Burberry, Nike and Saks 5th Avenue before launching her own brand. Signature styles include the peony bag, decorated with pom moms, and fringe bags, equipped with fabulous fringe.
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Shop now at ShopTosha.com.
63. Feliosiby
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Feliosiby carries Italian made handbags, along with men and women’s clothing, and some impressive wrist wear.
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Treat yourself at www.feliosiby.com.
Jewelry Brands
64. Beads by Aree
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Beads by Aree carries one of a kind pieces, ranging from cowrie shell earrings to wiry chokers to clothes, shoes, and more.
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See more at BeadsbyAree.com.
65. Dominique Renee
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Born and raised in Connecticut, Dominique grew up in a creative environment that fostered her lover of music, art, and style. On her website, she says “After high school I decided to go to college for Graphic Design, but soon after concluded that my heart wasn’t in it. My dreams of being a designer were stifled only by the feeling that I might not have what it took. When my nails started to turn heads everywhere I went, I realized it was time to go for it. What did I have to lose? I started designing my own nails because I couldn’t find salons that were able to do what I wanted done. It is not exactly how I thought I would get started, I just kind of fell into it, but I am passionate about it. Nails, for me, had become my most important accessory when putting an outfit together. We ALL know how important accessories are. With that in mind I decided to acquire my certification in Nail Technology, and to develop my own line of hand painted nails. After premiering my first couple nail collections, I expanded my line to offer other handmade accessories…Although I have chosen a career in design, music still plays a huge part in my life. I carefully curate a playlist for each collection that helps to set the mood, and to communicate my feelings and the message behind each piece.” Renee offers playful, music inspired pieces, as she says, “produced from a playlist of emotions.“
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Shop select Dominique Renee pieces at FashionBombDailyShop.com.
66. EBJ Gallery
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EBJ Gallery specializes in adding skins to Bamboo earrings and hoops. Fashionistas like Missy Elliott, Queen Latifah, and Tracee Ellis Ross all support!
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Purchase at EBJGallery.com.
67. Misayo House Jewelry
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More into subtle jewelry? Misayo House is the perfect choice. Their simple crystal hoops and bracelets are the creation of wife, mother, and philanthropist Idunnu Tomori.
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Shop here.
68. McKenzie Liautaud
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Haitian American designer Mckenzie Liautaud offers a range of jewelry options, from stone addled pendants and baubles to glitzy earrings, and pearls.
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Purchase a few selections here.
69. Axcexx
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Created by stylist to the stars Harrison Crite (Bonang Matheba, Angela Simmons), Axcexx offers simple jewelry for men and women. Many pieces feature brilliant stones, cast in silver or gold.
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Purchase at Axcexx.com.
70. A Little Touch of Vee
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Vianca “Vee” Delancy of the brand A Little Touch of Vee creates beautiful handmade jewelry for any occasion. Though based out of Miami, the brand ships worldwide.
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Follow the brand on Instagram here.
71. Amerie 1936
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Amerie 1936 triumphs in the lane of layered gold necklaces and make a statement earrings and rings. Established in 2017, the Charlotte, North Carolina based brand has been worn by Fantasia, Desi Perkins, and Kelly Rowland.
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Purchase here.
72. Sneely Jewelry
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Shauna Neely is the creator of Sneely Jewelry, a brand of diamond and CZ necklaces, tennis bracelets, studs, and anklets, along with sturdy gold cuban links, trendy necklaces, and more. This brand was made for the bold Bombshell who loves to sparkly and shine.
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Follow @ SneelyJewelry for new arrivals.
73. Aziza Handcrafted
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The the simple tagline, “Handcrafted Art,” Aziza Handcrafted specializes in rings, nail covers, and custom grills. The designer writes, “I’m just a women from the DMV whose happiness is art, whose therapy is art, whose love is art.”
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Follow them on Instagram @Aziza.Handcrafted.
Eyewear Brands
74. Vuliwear
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Vuliwear is where “fashion and nature collide,” with insect inspired frames and honeycomb compound lenses. All of their shades are unisex, created with high polarized lenses that reduce glare, and protect your bulbs from the sun. On their site, they say, “Our mission is to build a collection of fashion accessories that are quality, innovative and creative. Vuliwear wants to be a part of your personal style statement.“
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Purchase here.
75. Coco and Breezy
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Twin sisters Corianna and Brianna Dotson launched their sunglasses line, Coco and Breezy, in 2009. Thanks to their unique looks, DJ skills, and undeniable swag, their shades were instant hits with the glitterati, and have collaborated been worn by Prince, Diddy, and many others.
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Get yours at CocoandBreezy.com.
76. KidRaq
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Launched by celebrity stylist Raquel Smith, Kidraq stocks sunglasses for kids to adults.
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Purchase here.
77. Eeny Eyewear
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Eeny Eyewear is all about look-at-me eyeglasses and sunglasses with unique shapes.
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 @fearlessnegroPhotagrapher @essentiallycai @kosmik_kymit 
Purchase here.
78. Ashaka Givens
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Brooklyn Bombshell Ashaka Givens specializes in fly fedoras with funky details like cuban chainlink or gold leather bands. Since we first covered the brand in 2015, the Givens has expanded her repertoire to include fascinators, berets, and more.
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Photographer: Oluwaseye Model: Dosha Makeup: Oscar Caballero
Purchase here.
79. Esenshel
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Yoko Cap FW18 in Client Magazine. Photographer – Nathan Best @thebestboyshow, Model – Lyndon – @ly_n_king, Model – @dustyxbee. @offspring_ny
Esenshel is a brand of couture level hats, beloved by fashion trendsetters like Billy Porter and June Ambrose.
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Purchase here.
80. Jade Swim
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Described as luxe, minimal swimwear, Jade Swim was created by former Fashion Editor/Stylist Brittany Kozerski Freeney. The brightly colored one pieces and bikinis are beloved by the celeb and editor set, including the Kardashian/Jenners, Chrissy Teigen, and Jen Atkin.
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Purchase at JadeSwim.com.
General Accessories
81. Byond Measure
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Corsets are a hot trend! If you’re looking for options, look no further than Byond Measure, created by stylist and designer, Kelsey Ashley.
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Purchase here.
As you can see, this list is far from complete. If you would like your brand added to this list, send us an email to [email protected].
Read our first list of 100 black designers here, and keep it locked here as we add even more names to this list!
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The Definitive List: 100 MORE Black Designers You Should Know + Add Your Brand to the List ! published first on https://ift.tt/2Ok1zcp The Definitive List: 100 MORE Black Designers You Should Know + Add Your Brand to the List ! published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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