#if only there was a way in game to keep track
maintitle · 2 days
Gonna put this behind a read more because it may be a massive spoiler, or it may be me clutching at straws, but this will be a very rare speculative piece from me on DA:V:
So I've had the suspicion for a really long time that the betrayer in DA4 is actually Harding. I always felt like Inquisition was very careful with keeping Harding away from Solas, and while I don't think it was intentional I do think it's something they've commited too.
Folks can correct me if there's something in Tevinter Nights that I'm missing, but at the very least in the post-game comics stuff Harding has always been very quiet about him. She's there, she's helping hunt him, but she's always kind of quiet about her own involvement with him.
There's a really telling page from The Missing that I can't get out of my head:
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One of Varric's most core character traits is that he knows people, but doesn't ever see the worst in them. He can identify a bomb that's ready to blow, but he's too close to it to see the fuse lit on the other side of it. He saw Anders was a ticking bomb, he recognized Solas was very quiet about himself, but he didn't think much of it because he figured these weren't things that were his business, and that the good traits they had outweighed the bad. He has had a terrible track record of knowing there's a knife coming to stab him in the back but not looking for it to come.
This, to me, is Varric identifying that Harding is sympathetic to Solas. He realizes she doesn't see him as the danger Varric knows she is. Problem is, he knows and likes Harding, so he won't admit to himself that it may be a problem. This is his way of warning Charter without having to admit to himself that she might be a liability, not because she's not talented but because she might buy what Solas is selling.
I'm not necessarily saying Harding is against Varric in The Missing, she is very commited to at the very least finding him there, and she does say at least once that they need to stop him. But she's really distracted throughout the journey, and the journey is one dead end after another.
The info on the characters revealed that Harding now has magic. I find that odd, for both the obvious lore reasons of Dwarves not having magic, but also because of the timing. We basically know what Harding did with her time right before Veilguard, unless they set that time randomly back several years. The only way we know of that a Dwarf could get magic is through the Titans. Maybe that's the excuse she'll use, but I somehow don't think she magically went down there for no reason and ended up with powers that made the only person we know for a fact get them never leave the depths again.
There's also the fact that the side content has heavily implied Charter may well be a mole, but at this point that just seems like way too obvious a hook to take. So if there's a mole in what remains of the Inquisition... I think we may have a winner in an unlikely place.
I don't know, it's just a gut feeling. But it gets stronger and stronger the more we find out.
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darylbae · 3 days
i wanna request another vampire Daryl x fem reader pretty pleaseee
I would write this myself but I do not trust my writing skills LOL. A basic summary would be a lone reader who kinda just travels around, and one night when seeking shelter from a thunderstorm she finds this guy named Daryl, barely alive, and nurses him back to health (as much as she can by feeding him rabbit and meat barely cooked per his request), before realizing that Daryl is a vampire but couldn't really care less ("There's dead people walking around and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?").
Maybe for some backstory the reader is looking for their dad (or something like that) who got taken by raiders, so she's traveling around trying to find him and killing anyone who gets in her way, so by the end Daryl and the reader make a deal that Daryl will help her, and she just has to provide the corpses.
Ofc, don't feel obligated to write this, I'm sure you get so many requests anyway 😭😭 Again, love your fics!
sweet thing — daryl dixon
in which you meet you make a deal with vamp!daryl, hoping to benefit each other
note: i hope this is what you wanted anon, and u are too kind! i am so grateful for every lovely comment i get, it really keeps me motivated to write.
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The rain was pricking at your cold skin, eyes almost closed to keep the droplets from invading your sight, and there wasn't an end in sight. You had to find him. Your dad, the only familiar sight left in this damned world, was gone. You'd sat around a fire one night, sharing a can of beans, giggling about another guess the song game you'd been playing. Then you'd woken up, and he was gone. You knew he'd been taken, it wasn't hard to realize, his stuff still surrounded you as you cried into his jacket that morning. There had been raiders on your trail for a while, it was actually a group you'd split away from a while ago. Looking to drag you back in. Why hadn't they taken you too? You wondered every day since, all thoughts leading to you feeling too useless to anyone. So now you wander, hoping to find a lead to get you back on track to finding your dad again. You'd spotted a metal panel propped between two trees, it had almost resembled a hut, and it seemed the only shelter for miles. It'll do for tonight.
You'd lost count of the days now, it all consisted of walking, stopping to eat and drink, kill walkers. Still in the same God forsaken woods that you lost your dad in. The raiders typically stayed in wooded areas, easier to conceal themselves, which was proving to be true. Leaning against the coarse bark of the tree beside you, you'd sighed deeply and readjusted the gun on your hip. Another stolen prize from the raiders which had helped you immensely in escaping. It was time to search for a place to stay. It had started raining again, however much worse than it had last time. Thunder was booming around you, the rain quick to soak your clothes and your hair becoming stuck to your skin. In the distance you could see a shed, or what looked like a small house. Your brain had squeezed onto the hope of shelter, picking up the pace as you broke free of the woods. It was, in fact, a small home. A bungalow of sorts, good enough for you for a few nights. It didn't seem occupied, but you were still cautious, so you'd equipped your blade and held it up as you breached the door. It was worn down, seemingly vacant since outbreak. But in the corner, by a fireplace, you had spotted a shadow. A moving shadow. You hadn't thought it through, you just rushed over to the person, in hopes it would have been your dad. It wasn't. But it was a man, who seemed to be on Death's door. Wheezing in and out, shivering as his coat laid over his body, ghastly pale. You'd thrown your bag off your shoulder, ripping it open to find your makeshift First Aid kit. "Hey, you still awake over there?" You asked, incredibly surprised at your confidence around a stranger. A wounded stranger. He grumbled, giving you enough confirmation to keep administering First Aid. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
Turns out he'd been stabbed, too weak to patch himself up. These were all just guesses, as he'd remained silent in the corner ever since you'd gotten here. However, he stayed. Even as you went out to find some dry firewood, after the rain had stopped, he was still sprawled out in the corner of the room. You'd started a fire, and sat comfortably in front of it as you let your food cook and clothes dry. "Do you have a name?" You asked, glancing over to the man. He met your eyes for one second, pulling them away from yours in the next. He remained quiet. "If we're going to inhabit the same home for a while then the least I expect is some information." You spoke, stabbing the bits of rabbit with a stick on your improvised grill made of wire and clothing hangers. "Daryl." He mumbled, taking the coat down from his face and sitting up. It was nice to see more of his face now, and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His voice was smoky, gruff, kinda hot. You hadn't thought about someone like that since before the world ended. It had just been you and your dad, except for the group of raiders you'd abandoned. You smiled into the fire, happy you were making progress. "Want some rabbit?" You offered, waving the end of the stick over at him with a cooked chunk of rabbit meat. He shook his head. "I'll find my own food." "Come on," you huffed, "eat some damn food. You need it if you want to heal." "I like it rare." "How rare?" You asked, ready to chuck some more on the grill. "Not touched the fire kinda rare." You grimaced, gesturing towards the cut up meat on the floor next to you. He leaned forward, wincing as he held his stitches, and stole a few pieces for himself. It didn't satisfy him like you probably would, but this was unbeknownst to you, he had to sit in the corner and control himself. You'd been nice enough to keep him alive, so he owed you that much. "So why do you eat raw meat? Won't you get sick from that?" You questioned, done with your food for the night and just using the fire for warmth. He shook his head. Guess that was too far. Silence lay heavily on the pair of you, Daryl too interested in a crack on the wall, and you watching the flames dance in front of you. It was you making all the conversation, so you had assumed that was it for the night. You'd climbed onto the couch, laying as comfortably as you could, and closing your eyes, hoping to have a dreamless night. "Ya won't believe me. You'll run." You heard, and you'd sat up, facing Daryl who was now sat up, arms resting on his knees with his head dipped down slightly. "Why?" You asked. "Why would I run?" Daryl paused. He didn't want to be alone again. As new as you were to his life, he liked company above all else. Even if you were pushy. "I prefer humans." "You're a cannibal?" You shivered, sat up properly now, ready to make a run for it. "NO." Daryl answered, "well, kinda." "Vampire?" You asked. Judging by his silence, you were right. And it shocked you how... normal you were about it. "Okay." You laid back down, clothes still damp and uncomfortable. But sleep was catching up quick. "Ya ain't gonna run?" He asked, and there was a hint of innocence you could hear. Like a child that had been walked out on one too many times. "No," you answered, still laid down but eyes open and looking at him, "the world has ended, the dead are alive, and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?" "Myth." You smiled, happy to close your eyes again. "You gonna suck my blood?" He wanted to, so bad. He wanted to taste that sweet blood pumping around that pretty body. "No. Don't wanna hurt ya." Your heart quickened, and you were embarrassed how much of an effect this stranger was having on you. You needed some action. Bad.
The fire was out when you'd woken up, and the man in the corner, Daryl, was gone. You lifted your head, noticing the coat that had once covered him, was now covering you. Your cheeks tinged pink at the sentiment, as you'd sat up fully now, still keeping the coat nicely snug around you. He hadn't left, surely? You'd made your way outside, the heavy thud of your boots alerting him of your presence, as you'd found him on the porch smoking. "So you can still smoke, huh?" You asked, sitting down next to him and observing his demeanor. Even the way he moved was hot. "Same as you are, just different diet." "Guess that answers my question of how you're in the sunlight." You giggled, and you could almost see a smirk threatening to show on his face. "Want your coat back?" "Nah," he croaked, mid-inhale, "looks better on ya." You couldn't quite believe your life had come to flirting with a vampire in the apocalypse. "Going somewhere?" He asked, and he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. You shook your head. "All I've done is wander the woods for God only knows how long, I plan on staying for a while." Daryl knew it was a topic for another night. So he stayed silent. "Gonna find some dinner. Stay inside." He instructed, standing up and stubbing the end of his smoke. You nodded your head at him, planning on making this home a bit more homely.
Daryl had been gone a while, and you'd cleaned up the place a bit. Making it look not-so-run-down. And you'd even found a book, to accompany you as you waited on dinner. He'd returned back after sunset, having been gone all day. And you were becoming ravenously hungry. "Took you a while." You commented, slamming the book closed and getting up to get the fire lit. "Yeah, sorry," he grumbled, "see ya kept ya'self busy." He looked around at the space you were sharing, seeing it didn't look nearly as bad as it did when he found it. You had only just looked up at him, seeing a sleeveless shirt and being more interested in that than the deer slung around his neck. His toned arms, patches of blood and debris from hunting all day, it was enough to drive you mad. "Hey," he clicked at you, and you felt shameful, "eyes are up here." He joked, and you smiled awkwardly at him. "Ready to eat?"
You'd eaten a good amount of meat, both of you now sharing the couch. Shoulders touching, thighs touching, your heart was beating loudly in your ears. "What's got ya out here?" He asked, his gruff voice sending goosebumps up your arms. But the question was something you didn't know if you were ready to share the answer to. But Daryl could help, he could get you closer to him. Finding your dad again was all that matters. "It's been me and my dad for the longest time. We'd met up with a group of raiders a while ago, who did things we just weren't okay with, so we up and left in the middle of the night." You sighed, heart aching for your dad and wherever he was. "They've been hunting us since. And we settled down one night, and when I woke up, he was gone. Taken. I've been trying to find him ever since." Daryl's hand found your thigh, and you almost jumped at the contact. "I'm sorry." He offered his condolences, and the feeling of his hand on your leg was starting to catch fire. "Not your fault, unless you were a raider." You turned to him, and he shook his head, that smirk appearing once more. "What's your plan next?" "I'm not sure, I just needed shelter for a few nights so I could conjure a plan, until I found you." You admitted, a sweet smile upon your lips and you looked at him. Friendships tended to form a lot faster in the apocalypse, but you weren't sure what this was. Daryl was silent for a moment. "You given up?" "No. Never." "Well let's look for him, together." He suggested. "I'll rip through that whole group if I have to." "You'd help me?" You asked in disbelief. "I like ya company," he confessed, like a dirty truth, "wanna keep ya around. Gotta help each other out." You were beaming on the inside, if this wasn't confirmation of a friendship, then you didn't know what was. "What do I do for you?" Daryl looked at you, your sweet, innocent features, eyes full of curiosity and hope. You'd seen things, but you were truly broken yet. "Help me find bodies, people, not worthy of life, and I'll help ya find ya dad." He demanded, but his voice was low. You found yourselves inching closer together, and Daryl's thumb delicately dragged over your cheekbone. "Sweet thing. I'll help ya."
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v-arbellanaris · 2 days
so!!! i've talked a bit abt why i think rook might be part of the executors, but let me elaborate some more:
FIRSTLY, i thought that harding and varric were actually in kirkwall in the teaser - based off the architecture, and things like that - but thinking on it a day later, i think the little slave statues + the qunari architecture i noted here does support the idea that this is minrathous...
the first mentions of the executors as a group that we hear about is in inquisition - there's a whole wartable questline that, if you follow with leliana, shows the inquisition tracks the executors to a location in tevinter (though not minrathous specifically) until the executors ask the inquisitor to call leliana off.
BUTTTTT. absolution ended on kirkwall, and red templars in kirkwall having a new red lyrium source, and these guys in the beginning of the teaser are carrying red lyrium weapons and wearing red lyrium-embedded armour, so it COULD (to me) still be kirkwall and rook could STILL be an executor....
there's also another mention of the executors in varric's wartable questline in da:i, where you investigate someone who is writing sequels to the hard in hightown books, who is not him. in the process of investigating this hack writer, you find that a magistrate is the courier getting these books out of kirkwall - but by the time you investigate him, he's found dead and stuffed in a closet with a knife in his back, just like out of a scene in varric's book. investigating the murder further leads to a break-in at skyhold where someone leaves a letter like this:
'YOU ENCROACH UPON THE DOMAIN OF HIGHER POWERS. YOU WILL ANSWER TO US.' The letter is unsigned, except for a wax seal depicting six crossed swords.
leliana investigates the scene in the book and cross-references it with the murder and finds inconsistencies in the scene. it's at this point that we find out that there's a mention of the executors in varric's hard in hightown:
"Well, this doesn't look very interesting at all." Maysie frowned, disappointed. " 'What you have claimed belongs to greater powers. You will answer to us.' That's a lot of rubbish." ... "Oh, it's the Executors, of course!" Maysie peered excitedly at the wax seal, holding it up to the window for better light. "I should have guessed it from the silly 'great powers' nonsense. There's only been one example, on the letter claiming responsibility for the assassination of Queen Madrigal in 5:99! And this one is so much better! Just look at that imprint!" "Any idea how I'd contact these 'Executors'?" Donnen asked. "Oh, they're not real, of course. Everyone knows that."
additionally, the rip-off book consists of a lot of errors, and these errors seem to be a double-encrypted cipher. eventually, you crack the code, and it leads you to worthy, the runes guy in hightown, and it seems to conclude that he was both the killer and the author. HOWEVER, worthy himself says he didn't send the letter to skyhold, and i do wonder WHY worthy would lead a trail back to himself - especially since he has a whole little scooby doo villain line abt how he would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for the inquisitor. so what if he didn't, and the executors really had gotten involved somehow and possibly assassinated the magistrate, and this whole thing was a ruse to cover up that murder? AAAAAAA
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edit: as i'm writing this post, i just saw a sneak peak of the trailer which does seem to confirm early-game minrathous setting! i don't think this EXCLUDES rook from being an executor at all, nor does it necessarily mean he is not a kirkwall-based executor, but either way, the executors seem to have a presence in both areas!!! so!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA continues!!!!!
DOUBLE EDIT: I ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION i think it's kind of weird we keep running into this faction and bioware keeps writing ways for us to NOT find out more about them as a group of people and i dont THINK we've actually seen them as a group in the trailer yet (i feel like ive seen venatori and POTENTIALLY red templars, unless im horribly wrong BUT I DONT THINK I AM because of the templars/andruil parallels around hunting!!!!!!!! and the probably link between andruil and the origins of the blight!!!) which makes the most sense if WE'RE GONNA FIND OUT ABT THEM AS AN EXECUTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i think i might be a little addicted to my hypnosis tracks…
i swore i could just stop! they’ve clearly been affecting my continence and giving me babyish habits. but i don’t think i can stop!
while i’m gaming, cleaning, or just lounging around, i find myself craving them. i just get so bored that nothing will entertain or satisfy me but my tracks.
it;s hard to fall asleep without my big headphones on looping one of my regression tracks. i just toss and turn until i give up and put one on!
the worst is when i’m high. i can’t focus or do literally anything until i have a subliminal or a track playing in my ears.
i genuinely think i’ve conditioned myself to needing hypnosis. i can’t stop!
like i guess it’s fine for now. i’m in diapers 24/7 who cares if i’m dribbling constantly or messing with little to no control, that’s arguably what the diapers are there for anyway. and it’s fine if i need my paci constantly or can only babble when i’m stoned, i’m alone, no one has to know!
but it’s made me a million times more worried for the school year, how can i expect to potty train when i’m falling asleep to bedwetting and anti-potty training tracks every night? what will happen when i start unconsciously sucking my thumb in class?
i know i keep trying to fight it, telling people on here that it’s just for the summer and i can stop whenever. but i really think i might have made a permanent mistake…
i guess the only way we’ll know for sure is when i try potty training again in august. but for now i’ll keep listening to my hypno tracks and filling my diapers without really noticing. i just really hope i can be a big boy again….
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cattimeswithjellie · 5 hours
Stream Recap, PearlescentMoon, 6/11/24
((I started recapping this one before I knew it was going to be a six hour redstone marathon stream. It has taken literally all day, so I will probably think twice before doing one like this again. My knowledge of redstone is too limited to understand everything that was happening, so there are chunks of the middle of the stream where the recap is basically "redstone continues." Impulse and Skizz playtest Pearl's game near the end of the stream and it is very fun!))
3:50 Pearl opens her stream and greets the chat in audio-only mode. She tells chat she just woke up after being up all night and sleeping late. She got plenty of sleep, just at a weird time. She apologizes for postponing the stream yesterday and said she was making the video a priority for someone who was holding their own video waiting for hers. (It was Tango.) Today’s stream will have spoilers. She wants to do a couple things on the minigame today but she can’t make too much progress on the interior because she has to film an intro first. Chat is complimentary about the new video and Pearl says she is probably going to keep the new editing tweaks for redstone-type videos. She’s also going to keep the Editor Pearl overlay. She admits that the snow transition was a happy accident.
7:20 Someone told Pearl that the new video is engaging, which is what she is trying to do with her videos. Feedback sticks in Pearl’s brain, and some people have said on Twitter where they don’t know she is seeing it that while she is a nice person, her videos are not engaging. She is trying to make that better. Chat asks if Pearl feels okay, she tells them she usually wakes up a little congested but is fine. She talks more about finer points of the new video. She knows she can’t please everyone, but feedback that she could be more engaging in her videos is legitimate critique and she wants to keep improving.
10:10 Pearl and Chat talk about what it means for a video to be engaging. They talk about the different ways streams and YouTube videos and podcasts are engaging, and Pearl mentions how she deliberately changes up camera angles when there is a lot of talking in an episode. A chatter admits that the most recent video was not their favorite because redstone goes over their head. Pearl agrees that her audience is not a redstone audience and assures Chat she will not be getting too overly intense on redstone in her videos.
14:20 Pearl switches video on. She is logged into the server and standing at the start button for her Wordle game. She tells Chat that the Wordle invention VOD is up on her second channel for people who want an eight-hour stream of Pearl doing redstone. Something she didn’t show in the video is her adding the diamond barrel. Every Wordle attempt costs one diamond. She didn’t put that part in the video because she had 40 minutes each with Bdubs and Tango and had to do some severe editing. Hermits who fail the Wordle can try again by paying another diamond, Hermits who succeed should not play again til reset. She has plans to make a leaderboard so people can track their streaks.
18:00 Pearl wants to know if an item that bubbles to the top of a bubblevator will stay or despawn. Chat is not sure, but enough people think it will stay that Pearl takes their word for it. She wants to make a randomizer for the game supplies so players don’t have to randomize them at the end of their games. She says they can test the bubblevator despawn issue and test it, but if it works, bubblevating the supplies and then dropping them into a hopper is a great randomizing solution. She digs into the wall to create a test bubblevator. Chat offers suggestions for refining the resetting system. Pearl considers options for triggering the bubblevator, using freecam to examine the redstone she already has in place. She wants to be absolutely sure that the “success” items don’t come out together and first.
23:40 Twitch is having some minor resolution problems, but the stream is generally all right. Pearl goes and gets some water. She fills the bubblevator and throws a bunch of building blocks into it, then writes some signs to explain how the system will work. She discusses the finer points of reset with chat. A chatter suggests killing the player to reset the game, which makes Pearl laugh. A chatter can’t wait for Scar to break the game. Pearl says the only way to break the game should be going into the walls and actually fiddling with the redstone. She demonstrates some ways that players cannot break the game.
28:50 Pearl describes a timing problem where the game kept trying to play the fail sound while she was filming, but she added a pulse extender to fix it. It makes her very happy that she knows enough redstone now to be able to fix things when they don’t work right. She learned so much during her eight hour stream, but now she needs to keep doing redstone so she doesn’t forget it. She also needs to memorize item sorters.
30:30 Pearl checks the bubblevator. It does not work, the building blocks have despawned. She is disappointed, but has a minecart method she wants to try next. Minecarts are good because they take items super-quick, which will help solve the problem of dropping loose items onto a hopper and walking away, leaving them to despawn. Pearl goes out to collect some logs. A chatter suggests that an item does not despawn if a dolphin is playing with it. Pearl thinks that’s a funny idea, if impractical. Chat says that a multiple minecart system is what Tango used for the Decked Out shuffler. Pearl thinks about this, as well as thepossibility of a dispenser-based randomizing system.
35:00 Pearl realizes she is talking redstone like a redstoner and wonders what the heck has happened to her since last week. Chat embraces her new redstonification. She gathers up supplies for more testing. There’s a little bit of room in the existing redstone, but it’s going to be tight. Before Pearl starts redstoning, she thanks chat for donos and subs.
41:20 Pearl is happy to live in a place that doesn’t require driving or walking everywhere. Driving in a city is so much worse than public transit, but she also doesn’t have to walk a long way. Where Pearl lives, some things are walkable and she can drive to other places, and that is perfect. Chat agrees about avoiding city driving. She tells a story about getting stuck in LA traffic, which is even worse than Melbourne. She wishes she could enjoy the observatory she visited out there more, but it was right after TwitchCon and she was feeling horrible. A chatter asks if she’s been to Singapore, but she has not. She continues talking about public transportation and tells a story about a train that never showed up and required an expensive Uber ride to not miss D&D.
49:00 Pearl continues catching up on subs and donos. She considers whether there is something she can be doing while she’s talking, but there’s not much that doesn’t require brain effort. She is jumpscared again by having subs over 50 months, which seems like such a long time.
52:00 Pearl talks with Chat about Pokemon as she heads down into the redstone. She is very against the idea of brown Cyndaquil. Chat agrees about recent downgrades in Pokemon. Pearl says Platinum is the last game she loved. She begins installing the randomizer system. She needs to be careful because if the water-stream goes out of control, it can mess up a lot of redstone. Chat contributes ideas and critique about redstone as she builds.
57:50 Pearl successfully places her system without drowning the redstone. It doesn’t look quite as nice on the display side, but she is all right with it. She adds a timer to finish it up, and makes sure both hoppers are lockable. Space in the redstone area is getting tight. Chat suggests removing one hopper entirely, which helps. Pearl figures out what needs to be done in what order for it all to work properly. She warns chat that this will be Pearlstone, and that means it will not be pretty.
1:07:00 Pearl finishes connecting up the randomizer to the system, then has sudden concerns as to whether it will actually randomize the items as they come in. As the system is set up now, the dispenser dispenses before it is full, which means it will not have time to randomize. Pearl and chat devise a system to fix this and increase the randomzation. A chatter points out a problem in the line with a pulse extender and Pearl fixes it, while quizzing chat til she understands what the problem was.
1:12:00 Pearl begins working on the hopper clock on the opposite side of the new randomizer. There is not very much space available. She goes back and redoes some of the redstone she just made to add more room. She pops out to collect some scaffolding and thanks chat for subs and donos.
1:17:00 Pearl returns to working on the redstone. She falls off the scaffolding a few times and sarcastically declares how much she loves it. She runs out of smooth stone and grabs more. Chat suggests learning to color-code redstone, Pearl says maybe next time. She and chat have a conversation about the function of a reversed signal and a pulse extender. She explains to Chat the initial problem with reset that needed the pulse extender solution.
1:23:00 Pearl prepares to test the redstone. She set a new word yesterday but Tango was too busy flinging Skizzleman into the Void to actually play it. She tells Chat to close their eyes if they don’t want to know the answer for this week, then decides to leave camera mode and hide it so Chat can’t spoil it to anyone. One she has arranged the supplies appropriately for the correct answer, she brings Chat back and presses the solve button. The win celebration happens like it’s supposed to. She tests the fail. The fail happens like it should as well. Pearl is pleased. She hides the game again to unload the letters, but some become lost in the system. They are stuck in the dropper because she pressed the reset, but everything is okay. Chat sees some of the letters. Pearl decides to change the word and asks chat to guess. They guess it correctly.
1:29 Pearl shows off some of her prize bundles and says she is going to change some of them to be more themed. Chat suggests changing the theme every month or week. She does not want to retexture the dyes into letters, it’s no longer on theme with the shop. She also likes that it’s a little more vanilla. She tests the reset again and realizes she needs to adjust the water stream. She tests it again and this time everything comes back in a random order.
1:34:30 Pearl sees a flaw in the system. She thinks there might need to be a delay on item release or the correct letters might always come back first, ruining the randomizing. Further testing is needed. She collects her redstone supplies back up while talking with Chat about the possibility of flower crowns for rare prizes. Pearl needs to buy more fireworks, but not just yet. She starts doing the redstone to add the delay.
1:43:00 Chat is attempting to help with the redstone, with varying amounts of forcefulness. Pearl reminds Chat that there are lots of different ways to do redstone and people advocating too many methods or being too pushy about their preferred way can make it uncomfortable to do redstone on camera. The redstone is expanding rapidly.
1:49:50 Pearl tests the randomizer. The signal strength is difficult to calibrate, it is either too weak to activate the randomizer or too strong and sets it off early. Pearl begins calibrating the system to get the correct signal strength for the result she needs. She releases a bit of water but fortunately it only kills one bit of redstone. An Australian streamer raids in and compliments Pearl on the new video. She chats with them a bit about ancient city raiding in a hardcore world being nerve-wracking.
1:54:15 Pearl tests the redstone again. The delay is too short. Pearl explains the problem to chat, chat suggests “more comparators.” There is not much room to add more redstone at all. Pearl contemplates moving other redstone to make more room. She digs into the wall instead. She decides to do another proper test with the actual letters. Chat tells her that her redstone is reversed. She changes it, apologizing that she is not as cool as Tango and is doing Noobstone.
2:02:00 Time for the test. Pearl throws letters in in alphabetical order to see if they get scrambled nicely. It did not work because things came back into the chest too quickly to get randomized. Pearl has a big thonky-thonk about what to do next. Another streamer raids in. Pearl starts troubleshooting again.
2:09:00 Another test, it’s looking better, it will randomize til the letter G instead of C. She needs a long enough delay to send the whole alphabet through the system. Chat suggests an Etho clock, she says she is not very familiar with it, but will lean on chat if they help her build one. She replaces a patch of Pearlstone with a hopper clock, following instructions from Chat. Chat tells her she needs at least 17.6 seconds.
2:18:00 A chatter asks if Pearl is calling the game Wordle. Pearl says no, it’s Wordle-inspired, but she won’t call it that. She shows off the signs she put up at the entrance and says she took suggestions from the chat: the game is called “Dye-duction.” You use dye to deduce what the word is. “Pearldle” was a close runner up but is hard to say and a little cheesy. She returns to the redstoning.
2:25:00 Another test. The randomizing is working, but it’s still too short. Things are still getting stuck in the system. She decides to try extending the clock and also needs to fix the locking conditions on one hopper. She tests it again. It does not work. She studies chat, hoping for answers. Chat has suggestions.
2:30:00 More troubleshooting. Pearl accuses chat of misleading her when she was in fact right all along. Most of chat just seems a little confused, but of the chatters trying to help, the votes are split between “correct” and “wrong.” Pearl says this is why people don’t do redstone on stream.
2:36:40 Pearl spots a creeper down in the guts of the redstone and is Not Happy about it. She asks it to please not blow up her redstone. She gets her bow and takes care of the creeper with no damage done. Pearl asks why it always has to be a creeper and never a zombie or skeleton. Redstoning continues
2:41:00 Pearl takes a moment to process, thanks subs and donos. She is an hour behind on her donator thank-yous and has no idea how she is 2:42 into the stream. False raids into the stream. Pearl continues to disbelieve that she has spent this much time on a randomizer. She’s fine. She’s fine. Attendance is down for the stream, but chat is fine too. Pearl chats with False’s raiders. Chat asks if Pearl needs a snack or a drink, but she is fine. She has a drink. False and her chat have been doing base design. Pearl likes how everyone has been building bases in stages this season, it’s neat! Redstone continues.
2:53:00 Pearl loses some of the letter dyes from the system when they shoot out of the water stream. She finds all of them except light gray, and enables freecam to look for it. As she swoops around, she briefly dips out of the room and into x-ray view. There is a chasm below, which contains a number of mobs, and something that looks like a green room or tunnel with a white stripe along it. Pearl finds her lost dye and pops back into her body, mentioning she saw something down there she hadn’t meant to look at and is just going to ignore. She rearranges her letters in the box and does another test. The piston is very very loud and the signal is too strong. All the items get stuck at the top of the water stream. Pearl tries to put the items away but activates the circuit again, so the items spit back out again. Test failed.
2:57:00 Pearl disables the circuit and collects up her letters again. She decides to try again with a different repeater delay and yells at the hopper clock until it behaves itself. She reloads the letters for another test. Things are much less obviously broken on this test, but the hopper that should release stays locked for longer than is ideal. At the end of the test, though, the letters are randomized and in the chest. Victory!
3:03 Pearl resets for another test, this time to make sure that the first-in-first-out problem doesn’t cause any hints. She points out that she has added something to the system that can break. She runs the test again. The chest does not randomize very well this time, despite everything going through the system. Another test has the same result. Pearl figures out what is going wrong and discusses possible solutions with chat.
3:16:00 Redstone work resumes. Pearl has a solution in mind, and she hopes to do it without flooding the room. Pearl and chat briefly forget how many letters are in the alphabet. A chatter gives her an idea that will allow her to switch the game to allow for the entire alphabet later if she wants it. She likes that idea and decides to implement it.
3:24:00 Another test. It looks good in the water stream and stops when it needs to. Pearl is excited. The chest is nicely randomized. The hopper clock is not finished yet, and she has not solved the first-in-first out issue with the correct answer letters, but it’s progress! She goes to adjust the hopper clock and runs the test again. Again random, and with better timing, but the letter K is stuck in a dropper. She tests again. Letter C gets stuck in the same place. She adjusts the timer a little bit and wonders how this became a redstone stream. Everything works!
3:32:00 Pearl prepares for a full playtest. She walks chat through the gameplay and decides doing a reset on the reset barrel is not worth it. She does a playtest and pretends she doesn’t remember the word. The moment the letters are out of the chest, it begins cycling. She discusses possible fixes with chat. Chat suggests a “do not touch” potato that stays in the chest, but Pearl is certain that it will be touched consistently by Hermits because Hermits don’t read things.
3:38:30 Pearl admits that a “do not take this block” block is the easiest solution, but she’s trying to minimize points of possible breakage. The biggest consequence of moving the block would be a loud noise, so the problem is fairly small. Pearl comes up with a solution involving sticky pistons that might be effective and might be silly. Chat thinks if it works, it’s not silly. She tries out the solution.
3:45:00 Time to test the fix. Pearl simulates a reset and giggles “It’s working” as the items begin to circulate. She asks if she actually fixes it, with a solution she came up with herself and didn’t get from chat. She is very proud. Chat is very proud of her. She reorders the letters for a full randomization test. The test runs successfully, though with a couple patches of ordered letters. Time for a playtest.
3:50 Pearl reorganizes her inventory and sets up for a playtest. She adds the correct letters. The win condition runs successfully, but she forgets to put away the winning letters before reset. She tries it again. It works successfully, there is no sign of what the original word was. Pearl is pleased. She gets a nosebleed, but not a bad one. She stuffs a bit of paper up her nose to stop it. Chat tells her she needs Etho’s Kleenex box, but she points out that every tissue removed from that box is one less layer of sound dampening.
3:56:30 With four minutes left of stream time, Pearl says they couldn’t possibly have cut that finer. She decides to do a quick fail test. She puts in “PATHS,” then changes it to “PEARL” because it has some needed letters. The fail test works. Pearl doesn’t like that she can’t do a true playtest because she always knows the word. She thinks about asking Impulse to playtest for her. She puts in “SHELF”, another good test. She plays “FIELDS” and gets the win condition. She resets again and decides to ask Impulse to play. The correct letters are in the first five slots. Pearl needs to put a timer on the letter release. She decides that she has nothing big to do tomorrow, so she’s going to go overtime on the stream.
4:04:30. Back to the redstone. Pearl does another win test and looks at the way the chests empty. The letters randomize on this go-through. She wonders if she was just unlucky. She tries the test again and asks if Impulse is streaming. Chat says no, Impulse is sick. This test has three correct letters at the top and two at the bottom. Pearl is mostly satisfied.
4:14:20 Pearl invites Impulse to play a game. Impulse says “Depends” Pearl asks if he wants to play or not. Impulse asks if it will kill him. Pearl assures him it will not. He agrees to play. She invites him to the flower shop. She resets the game, cleans the playing room, and goes to find Impulse. He’s a hard guy to find.
4:18:00 Pearl finds impulse at the flower truck. He sounds pretty rough, but says he’s okay. She asks if he’s ready to play Wordle. He says he likes Wordle, and that he is proud of her for doing redstone. She leads him to the new shop and shows him around, then welcomes him to Dye-Duction. She tells him she’s just going to watch him play and see what happens. He doesn’t have to pay today.
4:20:15 Impulse reads some of the instructions aloud. Pearl reminds him to guess words and not just letter combinations. Impulse admits he didn’t read enough of the book to know where things are. He goes back and reads the book. He plays through the game with some small guidance from Pearl on the technical aspects of the game. He plays “SPACE,”
4:26:40 Impulse tries to think of a second word. His dogs start barking at the landscaper and he leaves for a moment. He comes back and says it’s hard when the dyes are not in order. He plays “BEING” and still has no letters in the right spot.
4:31:00 Impulse tries to think of another word. Pearl assures him there’s no pressure, she’s had people watch her do redstone for the past four hours and she knows from pressure. She tells him it’s really quite simple. He says it’s _not._ She asks what Impulse says when he’s doing redstone, like how Tango and Mumbo have catchphrases. He admits he hasn’t got a line, but Chat is bopping.
4:34:15 Impulse is struggling. Pearl is amused. Impulse plays “THEIR” and has one letter in the right spot. Still no more letters. Impulse is getting squeaky with Wordle-related distress. Pearl realizes that having each letter only once makes Wordle considerably harder and that random letter combos might be okay to counteract that. She mutes herself in-game so she can laugh at Impulse.
4:40:40 Impulse wants a sign he can write on. He tries it out, then realizes he can’t see his inventory when the sign is up. A sign would at least let him save guesses. Pearl and chat discuss custom textures to make the dyes look more lettery.
4:43:00 Impulse plays “FIELD” and gets the win event. He is happy and gets the prize. He reads the book and puts the supplies back in the box. He presses reset and tells Pearl the game is impressive and enjoyable. He isn’t used to playing Wordle under pressure and is sweating about it, but in general it was fun and he’s going to cut the footage to make it look like he guessed very quickly.
4:47:00 Pearl says she isn’t going to do signs but people can use whispers or an actual piece of paper to make notes. Impulse gives back the bundle because his game was comped, but Pearl says she’s going to reset the game and open it today or tomorrow so he can play. She says she’s going to rig up a hint barrel for people who get really stuck. She asks if he wants to see behind the curtain.
4:48:20 Pearl gives Impulse the redstone tour. He jokes about how she needs documentation for all this. She tells him she used his sorters for the game. He said he saw her screenshot while he was on his cruise and was proud to see his sorters. She thanks him for helping her test. Chat suggests naming the shop Dye On The Inside. Pearl and Impulse talk about how lack of repeated letters and only five guesses can make things harder. Impulse thinks no repeated letters is not bad, just hard to learn to think about.
4:51:00 Pearl explains that she’s trying to eliminate user error from the system. Impulse agrees it needs to be spam-proofed for Grian. Pearl needs to add a few more rules to the book before the game opens. Impulse says the game is cool and leaves. Pearl is pleased with the test run and knows she needs to install a locker room and hint barrel. Chat remembers that Impulse didn’t take his stuff. Pearl sends him a message.
4:54:10 Impulse sneaks in and grabs his stuff. Pearl explains her next video will be less about the game and more about stocking the actual shop. Before she ends, Pearl wants to do a few last things, but chat wants Skizz to test the game. Pearl sends him a message, asking “Would you like to play a game?” Skizz is always up to play a game. Impulse says he heard that in the Saw voice. Pearl says that was the correct way to hear that. She discusses the possibilty of making the game a death trap. It would be pretty difficult. She sets up a new recording for Skizz’s visit.
4:57:00 Pearl and Chat decide that easier than a death trap would be a chest where if the contestant loses, they need to pay another diamond to get their stuff back. Easier, but diabolical. The reward would have to be very good to justify that. She examines her bundles again and decides which ones to switch out. Chat suggests adding coupons to the bundles, Pearl likes that idea. Skizz doesn’t know where the shop is, so Pearl gives him directions.
4:59:00 Skizz and a creeper arrive at the flower shop at the same time. Pearl warns Skizz off while she deals with the “green cucumber.” She is very impressed with Skizz’s green shutter shades from Mission Possible. Skizz asks if he’ll be playing Wordle. She says yes and asks how good he is at it. He says he doesn’t like to brag, but… She leads him downstairs, introduces him to Dyeductions, and has him read the book.
5:00:30 Skizz looks at the book and is dismayed by nine pages. He reads the book aloud. He loves the “no letters twice” thing. Pearl adds a few editorial comments for things she’s going to change or that he doesn’t get. He accidentally picks up the book, sets it down, and loses track of it. This is because he is losing his connection, because he instantly falls offline.
5:03:00 Pearl hopes that Skizz didn’t fake losing connection so he doesn’t have to play Wordle. She talks to chat about color choices and waits for him to come back, which he does. He says everything crashed. He finishes reading the book and drops his inventory into the barrel. Pearl critiques his crowded inventory. Skizz gathers his supplies and readies for his first guess. He can’t remember what starter word he wants to use. After a moment of thought, he plays “HORSE,” because eliminating an H eliminates all H blends. He gets one letter, not in the right place.
5:08:30 Skizz clears the board and sets up for his next guess. Pearl creates a sign to remind players of which letters are not included in the game. Skizz is nervous! Pearl tells him not to be stressed. She creates a sign to remind players that letters do not appear twice. Skizz plays “CLEAN,” a word that pleases Cleaning Lady Pearl. He gets a letting in the right place and a letter in the wrong place. He clears the board again. He is so impressed by Pearl’s redstone prowess. Pearl tells him she had so much fun making the game.
5:14:00 Skizz tries to figure out his next guess. Pearl is impressed by his deduction attempts. Skizz says not having letters on the textures makes it hard, but Pearl tells him she is still not sure what to do about this. She mentions that all the vowels are flowers. Skizz says I before E except after C and promises he is actually good at this. He says he’s going to edit this to be much faster. He continues muttering to himself and looking at letters while Pearl thinks about Mission Possible.
5:17:20 Skizz decides on a word. It is “FIELD.” He bops all the letters into place. Chat is so excited. He gets the win condition and is very pleased. Impulse, who was stream sniping, yells “woo!” in chat. Skizz explains that when he and Impulse play Wordle, they share their results. A word guessed in two tries is a twofer, a word guessed in three is a woo. Pearl tells Skizz he did it in faster than Impulse with one less try. He demurs, saying he may have done one less try, but he doubts he did it faster. ((He did it much faster, in about half the time it took Impulse.)) He asks to take a peep at the redstone using freecam. He asks Pearl how she is both an amazing builder and an amazing redstoner and accuses her of hogging all the cool. Pearl says she’s not really a redstoner, but Skizz scoffs at that. He tells her not only did he have fun with the game, he was very impressed.
5:20:10 Skizz puts away the supplies and resets the game. He looks at his bundle, the orange and red dyes. She tells him he can keep it and tells him about her plan for new bundle rewards. Hoffen is doing the bundle texture. Skizz tells her he has an enormous amount of pink dye if she needs it. Pearl gets most of her dyes from Keralis, but she won’t say no to dyes. She tells him the shop will be open in a week or two, but the game is opening very soon, with one word per week. Chat is still busy loving on Pearl after Skizz’s compliments.
5:23:00 Skizz thinks Pearl could charge more than a diamond for the play or the hint, because the bundles are so nice. He promises to play again as soon as the word resets, then leaves. Pearl heads downstairs and realizes she forgot to ensnare Skizz in her Mission Possible task. She says she thought about doing it before he finished the Wordle, but he was very dialed in. She still has plenty of time. She has not told Chat what the task is. She wants to come up with a better sto- a better thing anyway. Chat asks if it’s in her video and she remembers yes, she did put it in the video. She’s still not going to give it away in case of lurking Hermits, but she’s going to get something better put together before she completes the mission.
5:26:00 Pearl says the worst problem so far is hermits not noticing the droppers. She thinks about ways to fix it. Chat suggests adding a sign with the date that the game was last updated. Pearl agrees, and talks again about the leaderboard and locker room. Otherwise, the game is done!
5:28:00 Pearl says it’s time to end the stream. She asks what it is about redstone that makes these 5+ hour streams. She must be having fun if she lets it run so long! She could actually keep streaming, but she has stuff to do in the gaming district. This week is birthday week, so she has family stuff to do, plus she uploaded late and has less time to make her next video. She wants to get back to her Friday release schedule. She needs to figure out what will be in her next video before she makes it, too. Her birthday and Kahn’s birthday are both this week, but she will not take a week off. Taking a week off is so bad for the YouTube algorithm. Right now she is very happy with everything she’s doing on the server and has been having a lot of fun. She tells chat she’s streaming again tomorrow
5:31:50 Pearl realizes she has not read out her notifications for three hours. She is embarrassed and blames redstone streaming. She wails a bit, then starts thanking her subs and donos. Pearl and the chat have a mutual-appreciation party for a little while. Pearl thinks Chat is wonderful, and that things are better now than in older streams, with less backseating and more support. She liked streaming back then but even more now. There are fewer trolls (she thinks this may be because she gave up facecam) and more peaceful building. She likes how Chat offers good suggestions in kind ways. Chat is loving this and feeding compliments right back to Pearl. Pearl says she feels good after every stream these days. Some people in the community give fair critique but in painful ways that makes people feel bad instead of making them better, and that has happened with other creators she knows recently, but her chat is excellent. Pearl also says she understands a fraction of what Tango felt when he finished Decked Out.
5:44:40 Ollie Orionsound appears in chat and asks about the game, so Pearl gives him the very short tour of how the redstone works for the game itself. Ollie thinks it is “so cool.” After the tour, Pearl says she needs to end stream now. No Hermits are streaming Minecraft so she raids into Jono, who is mixing the Poe Poe song, and ends her stream.
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 day
I Don’t Smoke
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(Post-War) Cooper Howard x GN! Reader
Summary: Cooper couldn't keep his promise even when reminded of you.
Warnings: Reader Dies, Held at gunpoint, Feral Cooper, Angst, Sad, Mention of body decay
A/N: Little bit inspired by the song I Don't Smoke by Mitski. Yes, I cried writing this.
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The Wasteland a dangerous place, holding no hand to those who took its challenge. Its sandy beaches and dry heat a home to many creatures. Safety being a thing of the past, many growing with the rough life, some dying to catch up.
Cooper Howard having two hundred years to grow in the wasteland, starting off to survive, now only shooting for the thrill, with caps being an afterthought. Yet everything changed, laying his sore eyes on you.
Remembering the days by the pool, lying up in each other's arms watching the sunset, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke coming straight from his whiskey lips. Times like those made it harder for Cooper to be around others, with his trigger finger twitching at the smell.
Letting out your cries and loving words from that day traveling with your ghoul husband, protecting each other in different ways against the wasteland. Though he made a promise not to hurt anyone without reason, which meant no more bounties, his cowboy days were over; trading it all for you.
"Here," you say, handing over a bowl of soup, it being all you could manage on the road. Gently taking it from you before sipping on the hot broth and chewing on pieces of meat.
"Good?" he nodded in response, giving reassurance to the quality of the quick meal, serving yourself thereafter. As the night went on with the kicked-out fire leaving a lingering smell, laying comfortably in Cooper's arms, ready for sleep to take you.
This being a cheap version of your life before, you couldn't ask for your old house back, but that wasn't what was missing. "Coop, do you have any cigarettes?" Your question made him laugh.
"Darling, I haven't had one of those in two hundred years." His answer surprises you, but the moment is cut short by the noise of rattling from the dry bushes. Staying close to Cooper as he stood ready to shoot.
Happing all too fast for him as you were snatched up in a raider's arms, both of you being held at gunpoint by the two.
"Fucking been tracking you for days," Cooper's captor says out of breath, watching as the man removes his hat, letting Cooper's face glow in the stomped-out firelight.
"The famous fucking ghoul bounty hunter" specking again, making you lock eyes with Cooper, knowing his past being as honest as he could without scaring you off.
"Pretty price on your head," your captor says, tightening his grip on you. "Yeah, and if you come with us, we'll let them go," the other says, leaning close to Cooper.
Wishing things had gone a little differently, but the wasteland gives no mercy, not even to the ones who play the game well.
Cooper watched as your body hit the floor, shot by the raider. Having hesitated moments before looking into your scared eyes, fear bubbled deep down in himself, afraid of you seeing his ways of destruction. Returning the same mercy to the two men taking their bullets as you couldn't.
Cradling your dead body, letting out cries of disbelief with every breath asking for your forgiveness. Rocking softly, you slowly head close to his chest as tears run down his scarred face—the same face you loved with no question. Even when he saw a different man in every broken mirror, you were there to kiss the doubt away. Never will he have that again.
As the sunrise came, shining its light on your body, allowing Cooper to see the full damage, causing more apologies and tears to spill. All of the blood staining his face and worn leather clothes glistened in the light.
Staying with you all night, whispering to you, retelling all the memories you made together, hoping you would make new ones. Regret filled his worn voice, continuing to tell of his sorrows in all of the nights, leaving you to sleep in a cold bed, working through the night on movies that mean so little now.
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Cooper's body moved, aching with hunger. Growls involuntarily escaped his mind, urging him to cry out. Worn clothing ripped over time, dragging along the floor as he circled a broken shed, his head snapping around to the sound of voices, following it with stumbling feet seeing two men chatting away.
Stepping closer, smelling a familiar scent, seeing as one of them smoked a cigarette, blowing the smoke against the breeze breathing right into his face. The thick smell brought back forgotten memories—memories that calmed his vicious hunger.
Remembering your face and eyes lit up at the mere sight of him, the smile that grew on your face making an urge to find you as if you were somewhere in the wastelands once again looking for him. Quickly, the memory of your last moments played, bringing back the hunger, leaving no mercy for the two men.
After finishing, Copper stumbled back into the broken-down shed, looking over at the bed where a decaying body was tucked into the bed. Breaking his first promise, hoping you'd understand having gone feral after losing you. When his sanity started to slip away, he promised to keep another; never to leave your decaying body.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @emoguardian @danveration @writtenbyhollywood
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princess-leaorgana · 19 hours
Fond of You
Summary: Cursed by Shadow Magic and a bomb inside of himself, Gale of Waterdeep takes on one more challenge. Prequal to my longer series 'Of Waterdeep' that I'll be writing little bits of here and their that reflect events that take place in-game.
Gale x Tav (Tavriel, human sorcerer female, described)
Warnings- Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3
Read here on Ao3
Gale wasn’t used to being nervous. He excelled at almost every single thing he had ever attempted, and when he was denied a request, he had always figured out a way to get what he wanted. He was privileged and talented, he was ambitious, so nervous was not a normal feeling for him to have. But tonight he was nervous. He was very nervous. He felt stupid about being nervous, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He had just been tasked with an impossible task. Self-sacrifice, by divine request. He had been given control back to his body, but only for this. To let the synthetic, cryptic magic that had a hold over his whole life for the past year finally be under his control, until he was able to unleash it. He was given something back, his autonomy, yes, but he was also given back his nerve. There was something, through all of their groups adventures and misadventures he had been pining to do. He wanted more than anything to remove the tadpole from his head and the evil of this cult from Faerun, but not every second of his time was thinking and hatching new ways to do this. He was a human, a human who hadn’t had a lot of social activity in a long time, and now a very loud part of him was dying for more.
‘You look like a wet baby cow.’ Gale’s face turned bright red and he turned to his left. Astarion had snuck up on him at the campfire. That was a very annoying habit the elf had. He had a smarmy little look on his face.
‘I don’t think I want to know what that is supposed to mean,’ Gale remarked, with a decent amount of snark in his voice. Astarion’s smirk grew.
‘It's supposed to mean exactly what I said. You, Gale of Waterdeep, look like a baby cow who has been drenched, pining over at the wilderness. Mummy is coming right back, not to worry,’ he said and tutted playfully and Gale sighed out. His nerves were certainly gone, now that he was talking to Astarion. The vampire was charming, of course he was. The vampire was handsome, of course he was. But the vampire was a snobby asshole who had no idea when to shut up. It was very annoying how Astarion was truly loved by all, but certainly the first one fed to a pack of gnolls if a sacrifice was needed. Gale looked back at the thicket of trees, trying to ignore Astarion. ‘Fine, I was trying to be nice, so now I’ll be honest. Could you please go to her, confess your love to her and rut in a bush somewhere so we no longer have to deal with the sad baby cow face?’ Gale turned bright red again, his ears hot. He shot a look at Astarion, who was no longer smirking. He looked annoyed. ‘Although, now that I think about it, newly matched Gale might be more annoying than love-lost pining Gale.’ Gale stood up from his spot in front of the fire, trying to ignore Astarion, but the elf had one more damned thing to say. ‘I don’t know why you’re so worked up about it, Gale. She’s very….giving,’ he said and Gale stopped dead. He had been wanting to just go away, walk before he did or said anything too stupid, but Astarion had gotten under his skin.
‘After that little scrap we just had with those shadow demons, do you really think I’m the one you want to anger, Astarion?’ He asked and Astarion sat up straighter. A fight just won, luckily, and although no one was really keeping track of kills, Gale’s recent performance in the battlefield made him a fire wielding menace. Astarion laughed a little and put his hands up.
‘Oh, now, Gale, you know I was just-’
‘And she is giving. She’s very giving. Both you and I are very lucky she’s so giving, or I’d be in some remote cave in The Underdark and you’d already been captured by Gur,’ he added, pointing a very stern finger at the elf. Astarion didn’t get another word in before Gale walked away in search of the very person they were talking about, Tav. Tavriel. She was the very point, the epicenter of his nerves that evening, and he would face her, head on. He found her where she said she would be, at the river, washing her clothing.
She knelt over the water, scrubbing fabric. Gale watched her for a moment. He had the instinct to turn around and leave her alone, because how could he do this? How could he confess to her? Confess to her that he adored her, he was falling for her. It wasn’t much of a secret, and Tavriel had, on two occasions, suggested that the two of them become closer, but both times he let the moment slip from his fingers. How could he be so foolish? Both times he had been overcome with worry that the Orb in his chest would detonate if he became too excitable. Spending a night with Tavriel, or even just having her kiss him would be exciting enough. Although, it would have been a very fine way to go, he would never want to put her in any danger. But there wasn’t any danger anymore. No more sating the dark magic within to keep him alive. He only had to command it, he controlled it now. And now he wanted a little more control over his life.
Tavriel was in a nightgown, sort of. A linen dress, but nothing on her feet. That was always the strangest thing about Tav, when all was calm, she never wore anything on her damned feet. He always meant to ask her if she needed shoes, but he didn’t know if that was a delicate question or not. Her hair was still up in a slick braid, it was always that way. He imagined for a moment what it might look like down and he shook his head. He took a few more steps towards her and cleared his throat. She jumped a little and turned to look at him. She grinned. He couldn’t help but copy her.
‘Hello Gale,’ she said and tilted her head. ‘Did you need anything?’ She asked. Oh he did indeed, but he shook his head.
‘No, sorry, I don’t want to disturb you, I only wanted to…chat,’ he said and her grin widened. She nodded her head to space next to her and Gale walked over. She loved chatting with Gale. They were very different people, at first she thought Gale thought very little of her. He was a renowned wizard, a sage, she was a sorcerer. She was very powerful, but she was not as learned as he. Her magic just came to her, but he understood it. He would have had to or he wouldn’t be able to control the Weave at all. Wizards and sorcerers were always known to butt heads. But Tavriel liked Gale. She liked him a lot. He was also just joyful to listen to. When he was proficient at something, he was a showman, and it really amused her.
‘Am I getting another lesson?’ She asked as he sat next to her.
‘That was not the plan, but if my lady is requesting one,’ he said and she giggled. His lady. She knew that was just how Gale spoke, but it still made her blush.
‘What was the plan then?’ She asked him, wringing out a pair of socks.
‘Make an ass of myself,’ he said and Tavriel snorted and shook her head, placing her socks in a little basket.
‘Now what is that supposed to mean?’ She asked him, turning her attention to him fully. She had such bright blue eyes, round features, freckles across her face, she struck him so. Gale looked down for a moment.
‘I’ve been…waiting to tell you something for a while now. For a long while now-’
‘Yes?’ She interrupted, leaning in closer to him. He looked back up at her and he thought he felt his heart stop. When he was younger, before he shared a bed with the goddess of magic, Gale was very easily swayed by pretty girls. And he was charming, handsome and quite well off. Girls used to swarm him, and he got himself in trouble with that a lot. But now, a man in his early forties, a man who had experienced more than many men in history had ever experienced, he was repeatedly struck by this little sorcerer. He had planned a little speech for her, his confession, but it was gone now. He could barely blink. She looked so earnest. It would be obvious to the blind that Tavriel was very keen on him, the most logical part of Gale’s brain knew she was. But he couldn’t seem to admit it to her that he liked her as well, more than likely, he liked her more than she could realize. He might have loved her. ‘Gale?’ She asked as he was taking so much time to think. He blinked and cleared his throat.
‘We’ve been together for a while now-no, I mean adventuring together not-’ he shut his eyes and ran a hand through his hair in embarrassment. ‘And in that time I’ve grown…very fond of you,’ he said and opened his eyes. He searched Tavriel’s eyes, why were they so kind to him? The truth was, she was desperate. She had flirted with him twice, both times being rather forward, as she had never been a shy person. She felt very comfortable around Gale, but as two of her advances were met with nerves and shyness, she refused to push further. Their group had to get along and work together more than anything, so she would not create a strain or awkward drift between them by being too forward.
‘Really?’ She asked him softly and he nodded. ‘How fond?’ She asked, her voice a whisper. That question gave him a little relief. He felt stupid being so nervous, she didn’t need to spell it out for him to know how much she cared for him. His face grew a kind smile.
‘Very fond,’ he told her, his voice soft and low, speaking just for her. She felt her heart flip and she looked down at the grass and mud beneath them. She was grinning so wide her face would become sore.
‘I am very happy to hear that,’ she said after a moment of composing herself and she looked back at him. Her freckled cheeks were red. ‘Finally,’ she added and he gave her a little laugh. It was bold, but it was very true, finally indeed. The two shared a nervous giggle and Tavriel glanced out on the water. ‘What now, then?’ She asked and bit her bottom lip. His brown eyes followed her movement and made eye contact with her again.
‘I’d walk through a pit of lava if it meant I could kiss you,’ he admitted and Tavriel needed no more permission. The sorcerer flung herself up to meet Gale’s lips with hers. He was taken aback, but did not waste a second of time. The last time his lips were met with another mortals, well, that was a long time ago. His physical relationship with his patron was different. Everything was illusionary, made of Weave, nothing true. Nothing mortal. He had forgotten the little tingle he felt when kissing another. The way he could hear her breathing, how she smelled. He kissed her back, promising himself that a first kiss should be just that, a first kiss. He didn’t need to make more of it, it was special on its own. He placed a hand on her cheek and lifted his lips from hers, but touched his forehead down to keep in contact with her. Her eyes were so beautiful and bright. She looked so happy.
‘Was that worth a lava pit?’ She whispered and he smiled and hummed a little. She giggled at his reaction and reached her hand out slowly. She was reaching just above his wrapshirt, at his mark, his brand. She’d called it a tattoo before, that certainly wasn’t what it was. ‘Is this going to be alright?’ She asked and he nodded. Although his stomach and heart were both flipping wildly, the Netherese Orb was silent among the rest of his organs. She reached further and touched it gently and Gale let out a faint whimper. Her eyes grew and he shook his head.
‘Sorry, it’s been a long time,’ he said and she nodded and let her hand drop.
‘I’ll go slow,’ she said and he shook his head.
‘Please don’t,’ he asked and she smiled. ‘Since our kidnapping, it’s become very clear to me that every single day could be our last. Even before the kidnapping, to be fair, but we have had ourselves mortal perils galore as of late. I don’t want to waste any more time than I already have. I don’t want to rush or pressure, but Tavriel…I cannot stop thinking about you. Since you weakened my portal on that first day you have strengthened my heart,’ he told her and her face melted. He was a sweet man. Tavriel did have a little secret, one she would probably have to admit to him, with all of the other confessions. Tavriel had never had a male partner before. She liked men, but was much more comfortable with women. There was something so different about her wizard, she just felt so comfortable around him. She never wanted him out of her sight, he made her laugh. He was so kind and positive, she adored him. She leaned up for another kiss and sighed happily when she felt him kiss her back. It was a new feeling, kissing someone with a beard. Where Tavriel was from, facial hair wasn’t common at all. She loved Gale’s beard. He groomed it well, it matched his beautiful hair and his masculine facial features. She wanted him, she wanted to take him to her tent and hold him, touch him, anything, but she would need a bit more time to prepare herself for that.
‘You are a very good kisser,’ she whispered lightly and he chuckled and sat up properly.
‘You’re a bad liar,’ he responded and she giggled and bit her lip.
‘Could we take a walk? Get out of the mud?’ She asked and he nodded, getting himself up with a grunt, but helped her up quickly. She took his hand and stood up with him. ‘How are you feeling?’ She asked him, not letting his hand go, not just yet.
He looked up at her question, up at the terrifying night sky. They were in tents under the protection of dim torches and the power of a light cleric. The lands around them were cursed in shadow weave and nothing but despair lingered. An hour ago, he would have given her a very clear answer to her question. He was feeling dread, anxiety, fear. Perils aside, Gale was usually very positive. Tavriel could attest her bravery to Gale’s positivity. Always making light of each situation helped her face many things in these past days she wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. 
‘I don’t think there is a very good answer to that question,’ he said, looking back at her. ‘But after talking with Eliminster and now you…it’s hard for me to think about what lies just beyond our camp,’ he said and she gave his hand a little squeeze.
‘Elimister’s message left you…happy?’ She asked and he laughed hard and shook his head.
‘Gods no! I mean yes, there was a sliver of hope and relief knowing I would no longer be a danger to myself and all of you, but the rest, the bigger part of that message, happiness is not the emotion I would use to describe how I am feeling,’ he said and she nodded. That made complete sense to her. She had been present during Elminster’s visit. She knew how she could describe her emotions on that visit. Anger. She was still angry about it. ‘However, if we could just leave this conversation to what we are talking about now, I’d be very happy,’ he said and Tavriel nodded. She and Gale hadn’t spoken much about Gale’s new divine mission. Tavriel was convinced Gale was going to go ahead with it. Tavriel would absolutely not allow him to. ‘Because you, you make me happy Tavriel, happier than I’ve been in…well over a year.’ Tavriel squeezed his hand.
‘I’ve never envied all of that about you Gale. You were Msytra’s chosen, her lover, a renowned, powerful and talented wizard, yes, but…to be and feel such loneliness, it breaks my heart to think of you like that. You’re a wonderful man, and tadpole or otherwise, I’m very lucky to know you. To have you in my life,’ Tavriel spoke as they began to walk. ‘We all are,’ she finished and Gale chuckled.
‘Well, you know how to get to a man’s heartstrings, don’t you?’ He asked her and she grinned. She looked down at their interlocked hands and was instantly reminded of one of the first times Gale and her spent any time together. His little Weave lesson. It was the first time Gale had ever gotten a hint that Tavriel was keen on him. They had opened communication between them, their thoughts in a moment of comforting Weave. She might have been thinking about what it would be like to take a romantic walk with Gale, hand in hand.
‘Hmm…just like that moment we shared. Perhaps I have a little talent in Divination,’ she said haughtily, and Gale chuckled and looked down at their hands as well.
‘I used to think very little of Divination when I was younger, but I have dabbled in it. I find most wizards who claim they are sufficient in it are liars, making most people skeptical of the art,’ he told her and she hummed in response.
‘I assume your practice in Divination did not give you fair warning about our misadventures,’ she said, almost being hopeful, as if Gale had some knowledge hidden away. He shook his head.
‘No, believe it or not, locked away in my little tower, I never exactly wanted to see my future,’ he said, his voice a little low. Tavriel sighed and stopped walking. She faced Gale and he frowned.
‘I’m sorry, I know you said you didn’t want to, but Gale, we are going to find another way, I promise. We’ve gotten through a lot together and we can certainly-’ Gale lifted his hand and she stopped talking. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered and Gale just shook his head.
‘We haven’t found whatever it is that is The Absolute. There is quite a high chance that when we face it, The Orb will seem like a gift,’ he told her and she frowned. ‘Let us have this discussion then, please,’ he said and she chewed on her bottom lip. She would do anything to keep Gale safe. Allowing him to detonate was absolutely not in her list of possible outcomes. He had said that if Mystra and Elminster said this was the only way, then it was, and Tavriel just stared at the jarring hole in that solution. What if Gale had already died? What if they failed him in their journey so far and he never satiated The Orb with a magical item? What if the nautiloid crash killed him? What if his body gave into ceremorphosis? Then all of life was doomed? She refused to believe it, there was always another way. The Orb might be an easy way out, but it wouldn’t be for Tavriel. She would not allow him to be a sacrifice.
‘I’m sorry that I’m being selfish Gale, you’re going through enough, you don’t need me nagging at you,’ she said softly and sighed.
‘Yes, damn you for giving me something worth living for,’ he told her with a little smile. She looked up at him and half smiled back.
‘You have plenty to live for,’ she told him and he grunted. ‘No no, you speak very highly of your mother. I don’t know if I can say I have the same relationship with mine, but I have a feeling yours would be devastated if she were to lose you,’ she said and he laughed hard at that and he nodded. ‘And Tara? Your tressym? Surely you’d like to keep your best friend happy,’ she said with a confident smile. He shook his head, but he was smiling.
‘I could imagine the three of you getting along quite well,’ he said and smirked. ‘Stubborn, steely, all of you, and brilliant. And much too kind to me,’ he added and she nudged him. She looked at him, trying to find a way to lighten the mood and change the subject. She would not let it go, but she would for tonight.
‘So, how about that lecture?’ She asked him and he lit up a little.
‘Really?’ He asked her and she nodded.
‘Yes, and I will practice and perfect it, give us something to do tonight and…future nights,’ she said and he grinned.
‘How could I possibly refuse that, now…what shall she be taught then?’ He asked and their hands released as he brought one up to his chin. ‘Your current talents all line up in the elements, so let us use that to our advantage. What element do you feel most natural in?’ He said and she tilted her head.
‘Fire I have the most fun with, but my body seems to almost default to lightning, so I’m not exactly sure how to answer that,’ she said and he nodded.
‘Always knew you to be a firecracker,’ he told her and she grinned. ‘But lightening could be a great way to demonstrate the study of Evocation, it is my specialty. The study of controlling offensive elemental magic,’ he told her and lifted his hand. From the ground to his hand, bright blue bolts of lightning crackled. ‘You or any of our companions have never been hurt by anything I’ve casted, correct?’ He asked and she nodded. ‘That is by design. Now, go on,’ he said and nodded to his hand. ‘Reach out to it,’ he said and she obeyed. Lightning would not hurt Tavriel, so she had no fear. As she did, the flow of electricity seemed to bend away from her, like oil meeting water. She glanced up at him and he was grinning, very proud of himself indeed. The lightning disappeared. ‘Now you,’ he said and waved his hand. Tavriel chewed on her lip and raised her hand, copying Gale. Without much of a thought, angry lightning erupted from her palm and connected easily to the ground. Her magic was a bit more wild, but the same spell either way. Gale put his hand close and she hummed.
‘Wait,’ she said and placed her other hand under the first, causing the lightning to go between her hands. She figured she would have more control of it this way. He nodded.
‘Oh, good thinking, very clever,’ he said and her sparks brightened at his compliment. ‘Now, concentrate on your target. You only want to hit your hand, yes? Anger, you want to use anger, whatever might give you that feeling, use that to concentrate,’ he told her and she blinked a few times. She closed her eyes, not having a very easy time channeling her anger. But then she found it. Mystra. How ironic. ‘Do you have it?’ He asked her and she nodded and opened her eyes, looking at him. She felt electricity in her hair. Oh, she was rather angry. But she would need to channel that to her hand. Her left hand was now the lady of mysteries, goddess of magic. Another god to demand a mortal sacrifice their life for ‘the greater good’ because a god is too lazy to care enough. To care about those who gave everything to them, so they could have their damned power. A rogue spark flew, but Gale lifted his hand, trusting her. Gently, he lifted and very subtly, her sparks shot away from his hand. It did not bend gracefully like Gale’s demonstration, but it broke, as if his hand was cutting her magic. ‘Oh, very good. I’ve not yet seen it like that…’ he said and she looked back up at him, smiling at his compliment, but as her concentration shifted, so did her anger, and poor Gale bore the brunt of it. He moved back quickly, holding his hand and shouted out.
‘Oh!’ Tavriel squeaked and took his hand quickly, hissing. ‘Oh my gods, Gale, I’m so sorry,’ she said hurriedly, checking his hand. A little scorched for sure. She blew icy breath on the wound, just enough to cool him down.
‘It’s alright, I’m alright, I should have known better, but by Oghma’s lute, what were you casting?’ He asked. ‘I demonstrated a mere witch bolt,’ he told her and she frowned up at him and shrugged.
‘Lightning,’ she said in a soft voice, feeling horribly guilty. Gale looked at her from a moment and chuckled.
‘Well, that showed me,’ he said and laughed. He examined his hand quickly and shook his head. ‘It is no matter, I am fine, and I was preparing for this experiment not to work, please stop giving me that look,’ he said, still laughing a little. Tavriel felt embarrassment rise in her cheeks. Gale recognized that very quickly and lifted his mildly scorched hand to her chin, two fingers gently lifting it. That made Tavriel feel a whole different set of nervous emotions. ‘I’m fine,’ he told her, smiling happily. ‘Come now, let us try once more, concentrate this time, don’t let me distract you,’ he told her and she nodded. ‘I know I’m devastatingly charming, but you must focus,’ he said playfully, but there was a shallow overconfidence in his voice. Tavriel smiled and shook her head. She gave way to a giggle and refocused, lifting her hands once more.
The lesson only resulted in two more little zaps to Gale’s hands, and the two decided to walk back to camp. Gale happily carried Tavriel’s laundry. Back at camp, Shadowheart and Astarion sat at the fire, both with goblets in their hands. It was easily assumed they were not drinking the same liquid. They were chatting, but once they caught sight of Tavriel and Gale they stopped. Shadowheart smiled politely, but Astarion was less subtle.
‘There you are! We were getting so worried!’ He said with a smirk and Gale scowled.
‘You look it,’ Tavriel said sarcastically and walked to her little tent. Gale followed her and she took her little hamper from him. ‘Thank you, you really didn’t need to,’ she told him and placed it down so that she could hang her clothing out to dry. Gale smiled down at her.
‘I have to begin to pay you back, for giving me such a magical night,’ he told her softly. ‘I do hope it is not the last of such nights,’ he said and Tavriel smiled up at him.
‘It’ll take more than a century old curse to stop me,’ she told him, just above a whisper and Gale’s smile grew. It was nice to be wanted like that. That Tavriel wanted to be around him. It had been a long time since he had felt that sort of comfort.
‘Rest well, Tavriel,’ he told her and she leaned up for one last kiss of the night. He kissed her forehead, being polite about the few companions that, although were decently far away, were staring at them. Gale, although very excited to share his affection with Tavriel, was raised very differently than most of his companions. He was raised to be a gentleman, gentlemen did not commit acts of public affection. Though their camp in Shadow Cursed Reithwin wasn’t exactly polite society like Waterdeep and Tavriel certainly was not raised to be a gentle lady. She furrowed her brows and leaned up more, leaving him with a sweet little kiss. Nothing to excite anyone over. Gale was not expecting that at all and was a little taken aback by it. It was welcomed, very welcomed, of course. He blinked down at her.
‘Good night Gale,’ she whispered and smiled, planting her feet back on the ground. He was bright red and he turned to his tent, hearing a faint little giggle behind him. Tavriel happily went back to her laundry and was immediately biraged by Shadowheart. The half-elf was a little tipsy, which usually made her snarky, but she looked as joyful as Tavriel felt.
‘Well well well, finally time that spark was finally ignited,’ she said and Tavriel giggled and hushed Shadowheart.
‘I think he’s a little embarrassed,’ she said softly and Shadowheart just kept smiling.
‘I can imagine anyone would be a little nervous after all that time in self-isolation, you can’t exactly blame him,’ she said, very cheerful. Tavriel frowned and shook her head.
‘I don’t, I blame myself. I’m not exactly shy myself,’ she said and Shadowheart’s grin grew.
‘Then you will complete him. And him you, most importantly, of course,’ she said and Tavriel nodded. She hoped her companion was correct on that front. She glanced in the direction of Gale’s tent, the usual purple glow peering through the door flap. Tavriel had seen a lot in the last month, she’d changed a bit as well. She wasn’t confident all of her companions and herself would make it to the end of this adventure, this battle against the Absolute. But she knew one thing, she loved that gods damned wizard.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
whenever I do all bosses in elden ring I always end up forgetting like 3 of them and rn I can’t for the life of me remember who they are..
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mattodore · 7 months
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found out while putting together matthias's oc page that his name has the exact same etymology and meaning as theo's name...
i’m sure this is information matthias is very normal about…
#theo is in fact a gift from god so jot that down !#river dipping#i've been throwing myself into oc stuff bc i'm not doing hot mentally which is... tbh when i do my best writing 😭#none of this is new tho i wrote the bios and 'at a glance' intros months and months ago when i first made an oc page#which is why i do plan on rewriting them but for now i'm leaving them like this... so i guess the echthroi page is done?#obviously echthroi has more characters than this but i haven't taken new screenshots of everyone yet...#i put the gray cas bg back in my game a few days ago only to completely forget i wanted to take new headshots for the oc page 😭#like these are just placeholders... i want the backgrounds to match the oc page. oh... or maybe i could just do transparent pics?#i think i remember vyx made a post abt how to do that... will look into that when i open the game again. rn i'm at my keyboard 🧑‍💻#like i am writing new things! started a google doc for theo yesterday and have been writing on it here and there since then#i've already cried in there... lmaooo. i like oc pages for sure but i think a huge google doc is what i really need to keep track of things#i drop so much lore in tags on here and it's like! river write that down somewhere else or you'll lose it 😭#like i fr have never actually written down any of the info i've shared on here. i've just had all this oc knowledge stored in my brain.#so i went through and copied over a tonnn of tags and posts i've made into google docs but i just know i'm missing things i've probably#said in the tags of their core tagged posts... 🧍 if my blog didn't have so many posts i'd have an easier time going through it but 🤷#and on top of that i've been making a bunch of posts about theo and matthias on my main acc. which is like 🧍 well great now there's more#i'm gonna lose track of...... i fr have gottt to get into the habit of actually putting things down in theo's google doc!!!#i'm just trying to figure out the best way to format it all but i've downloaded a few templates that i've been messing with.#...anyway. if it isn't obvious i'm trying to get back to posting on here. i'm opening my inbox now with the intent to just.#sit here in my inbox until i can get myself to reply. lads... avpd is actually so torturous i'm not kidding.#i feel like i'm dying trying to get myself to interact with people sometimes even despite how badly i want!!!! to interact!!!#theo and me and our avoidant trauma responses holding hands and skipping around together
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i don't even like video games so why have i been playing Red Dead 2 for the past eight hours gay
#i think me brain likes the Reward of successfully one hit killing things with a bow and arrow#i was born in the wrong generation (should've been a hunter gatherer)#i dont even care about the story!!! the tutorial / first chapter was tedious as fuck!#im only completing missions to unlock things so that i can Keep Fucking Around!!!#also my horse's name is wizard and if anything happens to her im killing everyone in this game#thankfully when the fuckin. asshole odriscolls Ambushed me i was riding a backup horse i'd just tamed#so THAT one died instead of my darling wizard. but still. cmon#she was a gorgeous buckskin... her name was gonna be Egg... i was on my way to the stable to name her...#BUT YEAH I DONT EVEN LIKE THIS GAME ALL THAT MUCH WHY CANT I STOP PLAYING#maybe my brain is like 'oh my god finally something New. something other than the same shit we've been doing'#killin turkeys and deer#i tracked an elk into a train tunnel AND HIT IT!!#but it didnt die!!! and ran out!!! and then i couldnt find it!!! cmon!!#this game is so infuriating Why Cant I Stop#absolutely unprompted#though i have been thoroughly entertaining myself with my own antics#'i want to be nice to people 🥺'#ten seconds later im killing a man i couldve easily saved purely bc there were no witnesses around <3#well! he would'a talked! i got a camp to protect and provide for!#oh ok yeah i also think my brain likes being able to be a rugged western man w a beard#riding horses and Providing in a slutty little outfit i picked out#most of the game is Such A Drag (as my darling shikamaru would say)#but there are some good bits. addicting bits. sigh#like the allure of open world. optional story. yeah <3#no rules <3
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ozcarma · 4 months
Trying to watch 999 let’s plays is such hell to me - NO ONE PLAYS THE GAME RIGHT just shutupshutupshutupshutup and play the game!! Stop trying to make jokes!!!!
I’m too autistic for this, I cannot bear hearing let’s players doing their own voice acting when I adore the game’s VAs too much. Everyone always fucks up Santa’s and Lotus’s voices especially.
I understand the draw of Let’s Plays are largely the people playing them who have gained their own following, but as someone who just loves the game I don’t wanna hear ur stupid banter 💥💥💥 play the game and be intrigued but not TOO intrigued because give it a fuckin minute it’ll explain what’s going on 🙄‼️
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#zero escape#999#my opinion is that the let’s plays that are alright are half-blind play thrus where one person is knowledgeable about everything#and can keep the blind one on track and properly guide their curiousity#I also lose my MIND when people get stuck on the puzzles on this ridiculously easy game#(<- says the person who has played it numerous times and knows all the solutions by heart)#like you IDIOT just do THIS#(<- also the person who still has to look up the answer to the box puzzle behind door 6)#and don’t get me started on when the LPers hate Lotus#don’t get me wrong - disliking her especially when u get to the hospital room is Good and Correct as it’s what the writing is leading you to#but some LPers get so misogynistic about it I have to immediately tap out cuz its too much#also another reason why I don’t like when they don’t use the in-game voice acting#is cuz so many people play Junpei as Basic Anime Protag when Evan Smith’s voice acting gives him SO much character#and Junpei is my favorite >:(#I have many more gripes but that’s enough for now#I just want everyone to experience how great this game is but ONLY in the way I LIKE#I know I sound so whiny and entitled but please tell me someone else relates#the urge I get to just make a whole channel dedicated to 999 play thrus where I just play the game again and again with a different friend#would they all be identical to each other because I would be directing them all the same?#yes. but what greater autistic joy is that (for me)#I never thought the Joseph Anderson streams would be my favorite playthrus cuz I hated them too at first#but his dynamic with chat and consistent amusement and enjoyment of the game is very nice and soothing
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ryllen · 2 years
I am currently just getting into sdv (I know I'm super late) and I'm romancing Alex and oh lord I am OBSESSED with your farmer x Alex art it is blessed 🙌 😇 🙏
Want another alex to pull ur heart string? These are the soft alex feat farmer starter pack from me:
- bowlersandtophats [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] this incredibly the sweetest alex ever drawn but it aged, that it's drown & harder to find
- まるお / onigiri_island_ (@twitter) [1] [2] [3] will grab u by the love not-only directed to alex, but to all villagers - ㄱㅋㄹ (@twitter) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7 lmao isn't this the truth] [8] [9] i wish this person has pixiv. gotta scroll, but this alex is simply pretty sweet as well.
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toestalucia · 4 months
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this tagline...T_^ thinks about how main story alrdy referenced other timelines such as boundary power captain & like all of the events currently on the anni page? isnt only the sara & cagliostro events missing? along with all the different jobs, like its ssooo cheesy but i alrdy rly loved that they rly do lean into the timeline thing with 'everyone experiences granblue differently', so seeing this...regardless of the intention of it
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waywardsalt · 1 year
thoughts on totk now that i’ve beaten it
under the cut bc of length and bc there is honestly a fair bit of negative stuff
i don’t really think i can say that i liked totk.
it’s fine, it’s genuinely fucking incredible from a technical standpoint with ultrahand, recall, the three map layers and with how smoothly it ran for me. as a game it’s fine.
i’ll start with the things i dislike and end with what i actually liked
i honestly didn’t really like ultrahand? i disliked how much the game leaned on it, since so many puzzles and whatever just boiled down to ‘make something that’ll work’ and it just... it was far too clunky for me to really enjoy using it, outside of using some of the same few designs for traversal. there were a few times when i could see what the game wanted me to do with ultrahand and the given zonai parts and sometimes it just... didn’t work at all. more often than not ultrahand was frustrating for me to use so the game’s reliance on it just made it into a chore sometimes.
in a similar vein the dungeons were serious letdowns. i mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re fine, they had good themes and (mostly) had good aesthetics and general looks and identities to them, but the fact that they were just... basically twenty-ish minute little things was kind of disappointing. i hate that they all had the exact same ‘go hit x number of switches’ gimmick. it really limited what you could do and fucked with the dungeon design, too. the only one where that really worked for me was the fire temple, which was my favorite overall. the water temple was especially dismal, with the least inspired look and just being an astoundingly easy experience. the puzzles in those dungeons were so awfully easy, too, especially since half of the time they just hand you what you need so you barely need to really assess the situation and put a plan together
i hated the water dungeon’s little mini-areas where you do a single piss-easy puzzle to automatically get your prize, i hated the wind temple’s god damn ‘pull a lever and get your prize’ kind of puzzles, i hated how soul-crushingly disappointed i felt when i took a look at the lightning temple’s map and realized that every fucking floor had a singular room just for the switch puzzle. god forbid it’s as fun as the lowest level of that temple. i really miss stuff like mini-bosses or rooms where you have to do a puzzle in order to just... progress, i miss dungeons that i could get lost in or spend a while in or just had... something more interesting or some more substance so that i can’t just breeze through like it’s a glorified shrine. most of the puzzles in those dungeons were simpler than some shrines i did.
i didn’t care to do much exploration since there honestly isn’t much motivation to explore the surface map if you’ve already played botw, and the scarcity of materials this time really got to me, it took me a while to have a half-decent stock of materials, and i still had trouble not running out of stuff even though i was using amiibos to stock up on some things. the money situation was rough, too... a lot of things are cheaper to sell, but some armor is still really expensive plus you have to pay the great fairies to upgrade your equipment in addition to having the correct materials. that especially felt odd- having to grab a handful of (goddamn hard to get) lynel guts is hard enough to upgrade the soldier’s armor, but you want me to cough up 500 rupees, too??
(the scarcity of monster guts also got on my nerves, but i’ll just chalk that up to just some kind of really weird difficulty thing. it was annoying until i tracked down the stronger monsters.)
the story is probably the weakest part of the game to me. it’s really hard to have a baseline investment when you don’t care about these characters, anyway, and what i saw in this game’s story still failed to endear me to hardly any of them. link’s role frustrated me; he just comes off like a tool rather than a character this time through, he barely has any actual relevancy to the story segments beyond being the guy who can use the master sword and being the player’s vehicle to get from point a to b in the story. the blank stare and limited emoting worked in botw because... there’s a given reason for his lack of outward emotion in the past, plus he has no memory in the present. it makes sense. but this time around, he’s gotten memories in the years between this and the last game, but he just feels like a background character in most of the story beats. 
he has no role in the memories and in the present just exists to gather some stuff for other people, he gets the master sword from zelda and then helps the other sages get their secret stones, but he’s barely addressed as his own character in the grand scheme of things unless he’s being directly spoken to. he’s just the swordsman capable of wielding the master sword and zelda’s chosen protector as far as the story is concerned. he has no opinions outside of doing what he’s told and looking for zelda. at least not as far as i could really tell. at least in botw, the story directly concerns him, and it’s his story we’re following. this time around zelda and the sages seem like the most important characters, link’s just... there, doing what he’s been told to.
the new sages are fine, none of them really endeared themselves to me, and i will say that making the player watch essentially the exact same cutscene each time you finish a dungeon was BAFFLING. they were long and you learned almost nothing new after the first one, and there was nothing done to make them very distinct to each individual pair of sages or their respective regions; at the very least, it could have been interesting to meet the ancient sages not in the exact same stone garden, but perhaps at the top of a snowy mountain for the rito, near a volcano or something for the goron, maybe in a shallow pool of water for the zora, and in the desert for the gerudo- but no, they’re all effectively the same thing just with the speaking character swapped out with some minor changes.
(the sages themselves are a pain in the ass to use, having to chase them down to activate their power or accidentally activating a power when you don’t want it; yunobo was honestly my favorite, but because i generally defaulted to having them all activated at all times, i had a lot of trouble with tulin blowing shit away from me when i was trying to grab it while midair. they’re half-decent for combat)
i didn’t really care for rauru or sonia, either. rauru in the present as a ghost was fine, he was kind of interesting and seemed to have changed from his time in the past, but he never managed to be a character i particularly liked. i wasn’t really a fan of his... arrogance? or something in the past scenes, and he never really came off as very interesting. sonia was nearly completely uninteresting which is a shame since she has an interesting design, she just felt delegated to the role of supporting rauru and zelda and then dying to motivate them.
ganondorf is a character i was really looking forward to seeing, and it really fucking sucks that he’s so god damn one-dimensional this time! the story can’t be fucked to delve into him beyond just giving us scenes that just tell us that he’s evil and wants to rule hyrule and get the secret stones and nothing else because fuck having complex villains, i guess. especially frustrating because within the game itself you can draw more interesting motivations up for him, but the game really just doubles-down on him being evil for the fuck of it and wanting to end the world because uhhhh... he’s evil don’t fucking worry about it
the ignoring of the triforce in this game sucks in that way, too, because the way the triforce works and how it can grant wishes made it a much more interesting goal for ganondorf to attain, rather than some poorly-named ‘secret stones’ that do nothing more than just amplify power or something. it sucks how black-and-white this damn story is and how it seems like it just wants to do away with any possible nuance or gray area. no one but the bad guys or side characters are flawed in any actually interesting or significant way.
at least ganondorf was still the most interesting character in the flashbacks.
and then zelda, oh god ZELDA. i honestly really liked her in botw. i liked how you saw her as a flawed, insecure, pressured teen, and how you saw her struggles to relate to link and how she eventually warmed up to him. you saw her as a flawed person who develops and as someone who cares deeply about her friends and her duties and gets frustrated by her failings.
and then in totk a lot of her more interesting traits- her interest in sheikah tech, her excitement over field study and research, her more defining traits as this incarnation of zelda- are basically sanded down and she’s just this perfect flawless princess with great power and an insanely passive role in the past beyond finally taking some kind of action after one of her friends dies and she’s pushed to the brink. cool. great.
she has practically no flaw in totk. if anyone in the present talks about her, they have nothing bad to say and just want to please her and follow her orders, she is right in telling the gerudo how to train their troops she is right even when misheard to tell people to put themselves in danger and she is hardly meaningfully questioned when her imposter is doing very clearly suspicious shit. neither the story nor any of the characters wants to let her be flawed. she’s just perfect in damn near every way and barely retains any interesting characterization she got in botw. there are some interesting snippets in her being a teacher and setting up memorials to those who died in the calamity, but there’s hardly any more than that, and it makes it really hard for me to give a damn about her. she’s not interesting this time.
the whole thing with zelda becoming a dragon too, is... it’s fine. it’s ok. but the fact that she turns back at the end with no problem whatsoever is one hell of a fucking misstep. why talk about draconification being forbidden for a good reason anyways if it doesn’t actually matter anyways??? if you never actually see any of those fucking repercussions why even bring them up??? i really feel like it would have been more effective for there to have been actual consequences for zelda beyond just fucking flying around half-conscious for a millennium or whatever- have her lose her memory when she’s brought back! there you go! there’s the reason why draconification is forbidden! there’s the thing about losing yourself! plus, zelda losing her memories as a result would mirror link having lost his memories in botw! that has so much more weight and significance then ‘oh uh ignore the warnings from a while back she’s completely fine dw abt it’ i hate that she’s back just like that without any of the consequences that the game suggests.
the dragon’s tears in general kinda just felt weaker than botw’s memories anyways bc you’re more just. watching stuff happen then actually learning anything. it has less characters and yet i feel like you only get to know like half of the important ones. like three of them are all about the same event. a few times they just replay parts of old memories in new ones. if they ever reference a past memory they just show you what they’re referencing instead of leaving you to piece it together. just play the voices or something don’t break the flow of things to play a clip of something i’ve already seen.
plus the fact that totk... barely acknowledges that it’s a sequel to botw really rubs me the wrong way. i understand that loz is extremely loose with its lore, but totk is a direct sequel set in the same world a few years later, and yet the events and characters of botw have might as well been forgotten and its all either ignored, brushed aside, or straight up replaced by something else for no good reason. the continuity between these games is absolutely dismal and to see the different ways in which the events and concepts or botw are just... disregarded really just left a bad taste in my mouth.
just- i love good stories and worlds in video games, and while some games can coast by for me by feeling good to play, having a good and engaging story and characters is usually essential to my enjoyment of a game, and when i don’t care about to the point of disliking the story and characters, and when none of the important areas are fascinating or distinct enough from each other, and when the game even fails to really reel me in with the gameplay...
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i wanted to like totk, but it really just did not work for me. i just ended up feeling frustrated and disappointed and even sometimes bored with all of the major stuff and man. totk is really, REALLY, not for me, and it just left me wanting to play older zelda games instead.
HOWEVER! there were actually some things i really loved about totk! it’s not all doom and gloom! (well, not all doom, at least)
so! the music was great! not all of it really fit or made a lot of sense with the context in which they played or failed to evoke the feeling they were meant to, but the new tracks in this game were great! i especially love the first two phases of the fire temple’s theme, the depths music, and most of the new battle and boss themes. zelda games almost never fail when it comes to the music.
i did genuinely like the fire temple- yunobo’s ability was used the best in this dungeon, and it had the best five switches gimmick, i loved how you had to hit the gongs (sometimes having to construct a path to account for the weaknesses of yunobo’s ability) and how it then ‘scared’ each of the five statues holding a part of the gate- it was very cute and fit in very well with the general feel of that part of the story. it was the best in terms of difficulty and complexity, but it didn’t have the best boss- the lightning temple had the best boss, and i will admit that even if most of them were easy, i really enjoyed the mirror puzzles, as well as the process to unlocking the dungeon. the wind temple had my favorite visual identity and aesthetic, though, i liked it being a part of this old rito song, and how it was the most distinct in looks from the other dungeons.
the sky islands were honestly fun, even if they weren’t all that interesting. getting to some of the harder-to-reach islands were some of my favorite times i had to use ultrahand, and stuff like the zonai forge island and the one orblike island with the mirror puzzle, and pretty much all of the more complicated parts of the sky islands were a lot of fun to explore and figure out.
being able to ride on the dragons was just really cool, and the fact that they come out of the chasms was fun.
the new horns for the monsters were cool, it helps differentiate the different monster strengths and i just thought they were really neat.
the quest with lurelin village was fun, even if the pirates just being monsters was a real let-down.
the stable trotters were also a fun bunch of characters, that was a good, new way to open up fairy fountains.
all of the new stuff with the yiga was really fun, like getting their outfit and being able to pretend to be one of them and learning the blademaster attack- so much fun it was so cute.
most of the new outfits are really good and useful, and while a bit janky and not that great, the house-building bit near tarrey was endearing.
while none of the main characters interested me, i really, especially liked tauro and yona and penn. for some reason they just appealed to me and i really wish they had bigger parts in the game because they’re interesting and they have good designs and i’d really like to know more about them.
the underground gerudo shelter was pretty cool, to be honest, and the look of the caves was really cool.
i adored the proving grounds shrines- easily my favorite shrines in the entire game, i had no problem spending a decent amount of time in those kinds of shrines, they were fantastic.
the new ingredients and recipes and new weapons were cool.
the way you basically return to the area you started at on your way to ganondorf is pretty cool, that whole path is really neat.
ganondorf in general was a pretty cool boss, even if he ended up being kind of easy for me. the whole final boss sequence was neat.
by FAR, though, my absolute favorite part of this game was 100% the depths. the fact that there was just an entire second layer to the map that was the same size as the surface, just inverted and dark and filled with new bosses and locations... i spent hours down there without going back up to the surface and absolutely had a BLAST screwing around in the dark, lighting up my path with brightblooms and tossing together little vehicles with lights so that i could get to the next lightroot off in the distance. the depths was probably where i ended up using zonai vehicles the most, and it was honestly pretty fun to go around spotting and reaching every lightroot, coming across different mines and weird little landforms and coliseums and yiga camps. the music and plantlife and look of the depths were so good, and it really felt distinct from the rest of the game in a very good way. doing all of the lightroots and getting enough zonaite to max out link’s energy cells was definitely a good move since it made finding shrines and dealing with later zonai machine stuff easier.
overall, tears of the kingdom was a severely mixed bag for me, and while there was stuff i did like, i don’t think it’s enough to really get me to say that i really liked this game overall- after all most of the stuff i disliked was unavoidable parts of the games, and it definitely put a hamper on my interest in the rest of the time. totk is fine, but it’s really not my thing. 
#i just- *slams head into brick wall* bro i did not have a good time with this game#going back to my silly little comparison point; totk was $70 and my copy of phantom hourglass was $70#$70 is a bullshit amount for a game but thats no the point here#totk from a technical baseline standpoint as a GAME is worth $70#its story and the amount of enjoyment it gave me was not worth $70 tho. the story and enjoyment i got from ph was more worth $70 to me#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#totk#'zelda games almost never fail when it comes to the music' if you talk shit abt ph's soundtrack i'll kill you. i like the dungeon track#i partially have the shinji chair image saved for this but i did also initally save it yesterday when i finished nge#listen this was fine on a surface level but it just wore me the fuck down#link was just some flavor of stonefaced or surprised or determined in any given cutscene and like. idk. wasnt too interested in him either#look i know about the silly little dialogue options. still didnt do it for me#link getting his arm back only makes sense to me bc i got every last light of blessing and heart container and stamina vessel#the gloom in his body is 100% gone hes squeaky clean for me. whyd you take his shirt off tho. at least keep his hat. cant take it seriously#put him in the archaic set or smth his arm is fully visible that way at least and its full circle thats what he wears at the start#couldnt take the whole grabbing zelda sequence seriously bc i missed the (hold) prompt and link flew away lol#totk spoilers#also wasnt really a fan of most of the voice acting yeah sorry. kinda rough all around aside from like ganondorf and dimitri- i mean rauru#mineru and the rito sage were fine too ig. im not going to bother watching any vids or whatever to check again#riju and sidon were fine too#sonia was cool too but everyone else was a lil rough tbh esp with having to say 'secret stone' that name sucks shit#my switch died in the middle of the credits. i had like 25% when i started fighting ganondorf.#it died twice actually cuz i charged it for a few minutes and what like yeah 5% should be good and nope. died again#anyways whatever. im not giving it a rating im tired of this game i dont think i'll be replaying or even just touching it any time soon#music was top notch again tho. made me feel stuff more than the actual story did. cool ig#bitching abt totk
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today on my When All You Have is a D10 project: Rolling a 6 with a D100.
1-16: Option 1
17-32: Option 2
33-48: Option 3
49-64: Option 4
65-80: Option 5
81-96: Option 6
97-100: Reroll
if you get that last one you can reroll the ones column, tens column, or both, up to you. tune in next time for so fucking help me i WILL find an efficient way to substitute dice for a deck of playing cards
#solo rpgs#solo ttrpgs#ttrpg tables#i doubt this is something people haven't figured out many times already; but! it's useful and i hadn't seen it anywhere#and it was enough of a hassle that i figured i'd save some time for anybody who also will find it useful and hadn't seen it elsewhere#also i know it would maybe be more in the spirit of the thing to call it 'when all you have is a d100'#because a *lot* of the time that's effectively what you're rolling for; and maybe i will change the name to that#but you could do it with just a d10! it'd be really annoying in some cases because you have to roll d10 twice for a d100! but you could!#current parameters of the challenge are 'make the roll without having to reroll anything below a 90 or a 10'#i made the rpgsolo hack to be playable with only a d10 and d100 and it was fun enough that i wanted to do more with that#also i will be fair and say that the dice deck thing is not necessarily when all you have is a d10. i will take any dice combo that works#my disabled ass can't use physical cards; and physical dice are dodgy#but there are a LOT more digital dice rollers out there than there are digital card deck tools#let alone ones that don't rely on an online server; let alone ones that actually work on mobile#it is A Quest of Mine and i have zero experience with game jams but i am legit considering poking at hosting one for this#in particular because there's like 5000 ways you could do it and it would be nice to give people accessibility options#in case whatever go-to i jury-rig for myself doesn't jive with them#it does count as awkward tables initiative to me though so it goes under the same banner as this one#when all you have is a d10 project#awkward tables initiative#RPGSolo#ttrpg tag#whosebaby does game dev#whosebaby makes things#edit: literally less than a half hour after posting this i found. the simplest possible way to draw a card with dice. wheezes#figuring out a method to keep TRACK of a deck efficiently is probably another story but OH MY GOD. IT'S BEEN A YEAR#AMAZING
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
hey what do you mean pocketcat had daans soul
#walked up the museum and pocketcat comes out w a wheelchair. says olivia got lonely and wanted to join the party. went in and fought the--#--mechanical dance. map still said there was a contestant in there so i tracked down pocketcat. hey man why do you have daans checkered--#--pants. kill him and get the blank soul. loot him and get daans loot. okay ??????#like pocketcat is an entirely separate entity right. rhers light affects only the people themselves stripping their humanity away and--#--supposedly revealing their true nature but i bought fuckin skin bibles from pocketcat AS daan. is this some sort of possession situation-#--did pocketcat somehow take daans body. WHY did he do that if so#daans blank soul and the whole idea there of him following the lead of authority does lend credence to that idea. a total imposition of--#--pocketcats essence on daans body (while hes got daans pants + loot he says the same exact lines as he did b4 night3) or something#then theres the whole angle where pocketcat is a creep and there is NO way daan does not have issues around sex after getting raised in--#--the cult of sylvain. head in my hands#also pocketcats fight when alone is a BITCH. dont have the salmonsnake rune so i only get a few free turns w the armguards--#--b4 he insists i choose smth else / goes after black kalev instead. i am keeping this stupid goat alive the entire game this time around#small aside. rlly interesting implication that olivia held out against the moonscorching long enough that it took direct interference--#--from pocketcat to turn. does that always happen or is it bc i didnt find a wheelchair for her + thus she spent most of her time in the--#--protected train cabin ?
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