#if people like it I'll write chapter 2
vampirepuppygirl · 2 years
Morning wind rushed through autumn leaves and rattled forest branches as the morning sky broke with a myriad of reds, oranges, and yellows that streaked across the sky like paint on canvas. Crickets chirped their morning songs as life began to wake, the rustling of animals occasionally interrupted what was otherwise a constant hum of insect calls - nature's white noise. A young girl slept atop a small bed of soft moss; her simple linen clothes were dirty and torn in some places, and her shoulder length auburn hair was shaggy and littered with small sticks and the occasional leaf.
The girl stirred as she finally woke, groaning softly as she stretched her arms and sat upright. She rubbed her eyes and yawned as she looked around in an attempt to get her bearings.
"Where am I?" She pondered aloud while she analyzed the small clearing she was in. She tried to remember what she was doing before she fell asleep... but she couldn't. All that remained was a thick mental fog, and her name. Vanna. Why couldn't she remember anything? Why was she here? Where even was here? Questions began swirling round and round in her mind, making her head spin.
The snap of a twig quickly pulled Vanna out of her spiral. She inhaled sharply and turned towards the noise, while slowly standing in case she needed to run. She had no shoes, but if push came to shove she'd have no choice.
Following the snap was a soft rustling of leaves, whatever was hiding in the bushes wasn't doing a very good job of being stealthy. Vanna stood still, eyes locked onto the brush, as she reached down slowly to pick up a rock about the size of her palm. She hefted it in her hand, slowly turning it over as she debated throwing it at the disturbance. When the movement stopped she made her decision, and lobbed the rock at the bush.
"Ow," came a voice, "that hurt! Why'd you throw a rock at me?"
Vanna was taken aback by the voice, and further still as a creature that appeared to be roughly a cross between a human and a rabbit rose from the brush, rubbing their head with a scowl.
"Oh," responded Vanna, "I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were a person!"
"Hmph, typical," replied the not-quite-a-rabbit as it approached Vanna and looked at her with large cherry red eyes, "you'll have to do something to make it up to me now."
Vanna nodded in shame, holding her hands behind her back.
"I'm really sorry Mr. Rabbit, what can I do?"
The rabbit-person grumbled again.
"My name is Laefa, and I'm a missus, thank you."
Vanna blushed in embarrassment and held her head even lower.
"Hmph!" Laefa scoffed, "Two strikes already. Come with me, I know just the place you can repay the debt you've just put yourself in. What's your name?"
"Nice name. It suits you."
Laefa took Vanna by the hand and began to lead her deeper into the forest. The pair traveled over roots and through brush, past massive mossy trees and underneath gnarled snagging branches. As they walked, Laefa spoke up to cut the silence.
"So how did you get here?" She asked.
"I don't know," was Vanna's reply, "I just woke up in that clearing."
"What do you remember from before being in the forest?"
"Nothing. There's just fog."
"Hmmm..." Laefa scratched her head in thought, "we'll have to take you to Madame Sorusce. She's the most powerful witch in the forest, she's guaranteed to know how to get your memories back." She paused for a few moments, then added, "if you ever see a tall, thin man with white hair and purple eyes wearing a yellow coat and brown pants, run. If he asks for your name, give him a fake one. If he offers you a gift, say no. If he asks you to follow him, decline and walk away. And for the love of the Harvest Mother, if he offers you food, do not eat it. The Collector is not a kind man. Too many poor souls have already disappeared into his castle, never to be seen again. Try not to add to his Collection."
Vanna shuddered at Laefa's warning, and nodded.
"Yes ma'am," was her only response. She didn't have much time to think about Laefa calling Madam Sorusce a witch before the forest opened to a new, larger clearing. At the center of this clearing was a small stone hut with a combination of thatched and shingled roofing, that appeared quite old based on the amount of vines and moss that covered the outside. It would've looked abandoned if not for the continual plume of smoke that rose from the chimney, and the well kept flowers that bordered the house and adorned the windows.
"Alan! Twygg! Get out here and greet the newbie!" A crash and a bang resonated from inside the cottage at the sound of Laefa's voice, and soon two figures emerged from the front door. One looked clearly human, albeit with bright pink hair and eyes that glimmered like the night sky. The other was distinctly not human, appearing more like someone had carved a humanoid shape out of an old, gnarled tree, with hands that seemed more suitable for holding bird's nests than grasping things. They both wore plain brown shorts, a brown t-shirt, and a white apron, and they were both filthy.
"Pleasure to meetcha miss," spoke the one with pink hair, "I'm Alan. This is Twygg. Sorry 'bout the filth, we were uh... cleanin' up. Ain't that right Twygg?"
"That's right, definitely cleaning up and not trying to cast spells without permission again!"
Laefa let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Note to self, punish you two later," she grumbled, then turned to Vanna and gestured towards the pair, "now it's your turn, introduce yourself."
Vanna shuffled her feet and cleared her throat nervously.
"My name's Vanna... It's nice to meet you..."
The two boys smiled wide and bowed low in response.
"Beautiful name you got there, miss Vanna," said Alan as he straightened back out.
"Very lovely," agreed Twygg as he did the same, "it suits you."
Vanna blushed at the compliments but said nothing, which made Laefa snort.
"Alright, now that the introductions are over, Alan, draw a bath. Twygg, get to weaving. Vanna's clothes are ruined and she's going to need a few new outfits now that she's staying here."
Vanna blinked in surprise as the boys scurried off back into the house.
"Staying here? But I... have to... go..." Vanna began to speak, but trailed off. What was she going to say? Home? But where was home? Her mind began to drift again, at least until Laefa once more interrupted it.
"Go where? Sorry to say but there's not much out there for you. The forest is full of danger, and you still owe me for throwing a rock at me and calling me mister. You're staying here until you repay that debt."
Vanna nodded slowly in response, she was still struggling to wrap her mind around everything that happened.
"Yes ma'am..." came her reply. Laefa smiled at Vanna's words.
"Great! Now, let's go inside! While Alan draws your bath, I can show you around the house."
Vanna nodded silently and followed Laefa in. There was a distinct temperature change as the two passed the doorway, and as Vanna looked on, her eyes widened with amazement. The door opened to a foyer the size of the cottage exterior, with three large hallways branching off, covered wall to wall in colorful and intricate animated wallpaper depicting various knightly battles, wizard duels, mighty dragons, and tricksy faeries. Down each hallway were several doors on each side, many of which where different shapes or colors from the doors beside them. Above them was a large chandelier with tiny floating orbs of light instead of candles, each of which moved and traveled along the chandelier in random directions.
"Pretty cool, eh?" Asked Laefa once she noticed the girl's wide eyed stare.
"It's... what? Is this real?" Vanna couldn't believe her eyes. Just what kind of place was this?
"As real as you and me! C'mon, I'll show you around!"
Vanna didn't get any time to respond before Laefa took her by the hand again and led her deeper into the house. Vanna wasn't sure what to focus on, wizards were casting fireballs on the walls, hanging portraits moved and greeted Vanna as she passed, even the wooden trim along the floor and ceiling was animate, depicting various small animals that skittered and moved along it.
After a few moments of walking, Laefa opened a light wooden door with a bright brass knob. Inside was a fully stocked kitchen, though it was a mess, with unwashed pots and pans piled high in the sink next to equally high piles of dishes and silverware.
"This is the kitchen. A bit of a mess, but now that you're here, it'll be much more clean! Job number one for you, dish duty. Alan and I usually cook all the meals, but you're welcome to join us if you like," explained Laefa.
Vanna nodded silently, a bit disappointed that she was stuck with dish duty. Not that she had much say in the matter. The pair didn't stay in the kitchen for long though, as Laefa soon pulled her back out into the hallway to lead her to a new room.
The next door to be opened was a thick black door with a cast iron lever handle. Inside was... quite frankly a mess. Black soot covered the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, a shelf set in the far wall was in disarray, and several pieces of broken glass were crudely pushed into a pile in the corner.
"Ugh, those boys," Laefa complained, "I told them not to practice fire magic without my supervision! This is the magic room, where we store our non-alchemical material spell components and practice casting spells. It's warded so nothing can really destroy the house, but... Alan and Twygg make a mess everytime they practice magic. Job number two is cleaning up after them. You may also practice magic yourself, just clean up after yourself."
Vanna sputtered in confusion and amazement, her head spinning.
"Wh- you mean... I can... but I... but you... huh?!"
Laefa laughed at Vanna's reaction and ruffled her hair lightly.
"Yes, you can use magic, everyone here can. I'll teach you some basic spells later. But for now, let's go! Only 2 more rooms and then you can take a bath!"
Laefa once more took Vanna by the hand and led her back into the hallway. They passed a few closed doors before opening a cherry wood door with a brass handle again. Immediately inside were 4 large shelves lined top to bottom with jars, boxes, crates, and other containers full of various powders, crystals, dried herbs, and preserved animal parts. Past the shelves was a large indoor greenhouse, full to the brim with colorful and exotic plants.
"This is the alchemy room," said Laefa, "plus greenhouse. Your third and final job is to help me harvest and preserve plants when they're ready, clean up after Alan and Twygg's alchemical messes, and keep inventory of all of our ingredients so I know when to procure more."
Vanna nodded, and replied with a simple "Yes ma'am." She was still awestruck that she could use magic, so her thoughts were all jumbled and disorderly.
Laefa smiled.
"Good girl. Now, last room!"
The pair made their way down the hallway once more, finally coming to an oak door with a brass handle, and a golden plaque set into the wood. As Vanna approached, she saw the gold plaque shift, automatically etching her name into its face.
"And this room is yours. You should have the honor of opening it. Even I don't know what's inside, and I made this house!"
Vanna gulped and nodded, then slowly placed her hand on the handle and pushed down, gently swinging the door open to reveal her room. The walls and queen sized bed were a soft pink, the floor was carpet and a light green color, and there was a large oak desk on one wall, along with a mirror and washbasin. Against another wall was a large wardrobe, with two dragons engraved on each door that looked at Vanna with curious eyes.
Vanna took one step into the room, then paused. She still couldn't believe this was real. She had no reason to believe it wasn't real. Suddenly, every emotion hit her all at once and she slowly dropped to her knees, as tears began to stream from her eyes and down her face.
"Aww, there there Vanna," consoled Laefa as she knelt beside her, "I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm sure you'll be very comfortable here very quickly."
"I-I just... all this... it's..." Vanna sniffled through tears, "why am I so happy?"
Laefa didn't say anything in response, instead she just wrapped her arms around Vanna and hugged her close for a few moments. It took Vanna a minute or two to calm down, but she eventually took a slow, deep breath and sighed.
"Thank you Laefa. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now, I think Alan is probably getting impatient. It's time for you to take a bath."
Vanna nodded and slowly stood up, but before the two left Vanna's room, she gave Laefa one more hug. She couldn't believe someone who started as a stranger she threw a rock at accidentally could turn out so nice. Laefa smiled at Vanna, then took her by the hand a final time. The two walked down the hallway together in silence and approached the final door: a light birch door with a silver handle. Laefa opened it, revealing a narrow, white hall that ended in 5 doors. One of those doors, the first one on the right, was already open.
Laefa led Vanna down this hall and into the open door, which revealed a sizeable bathroom. On one side was a sink with a mirror and a toilet, and on the other side separated by a folding screen was a large bath, currently full of slightly steaming water. Alan waved as the pair approached, yawning dramatically.
"Bout time you two showed up, isn't it? It's been ready for a while. I'd say it's nearly lunch time now," said Alan with a cheeky grin.
"If that's the case then your next stop better be the kitchen! Vanna better have a meal waiting for her once she's done bathing, c'mon then, chop chop!" Laefa smiled as she spoke, and Alan just snorted and waved at Vanna as he left.
"Alright, alright, I get the memo slave driver, sheesh," Alan chuckled as he left, disappearing down the hall quickly. Once he was gone, Laefa turned back to Vanna.
"Towels are in this drawer," she instructed, as she pointed to a drawer set in the wall, "soap is there, showerhead is there for your hair, and Twygg should be done with your first outfit when you're done. If you need anything, shout. This house is really good at getting our attention."
Vanna nodded and thanked Laefa again, after which Laefa turned and left, closing the door behind her. For the first time since she woke up, she was once more alone. She slowly began to undress herself, unbuttoning her tattered dress and pulling it off before she slid down her panties and removed her bra. She dumped her clothes in a pile in the corner, then slowly submerged herself in the warm bath, letting out a sigh as the water lapped against her body.
As she washed herself, she thought about her day so far. She'd only been awake for what was most likely only a few hours, but it felt like a lifetime had passed. Everything was all so strange and new. Magic! A rabbit-person, tree-person, and someone with eyes that literally looked like the night sky! She leaned back and used the handheld showerhead to run water through her hair, pulling out the sticks, leaves, and dirt that had been trapped inside it. Once the big stuff was out, she grabbed the shampoo and poured some into her hand, then lathered it into her hair.
She wasn't very pleased at the thought of chores, and she thought about the jobs she had to start doing while living here as she washed the shampoo out of her hair. Dishes, cleaning up after Alan and Twygg's magic shenanigans, and helping Laefa harvest her alchemical plants, while keeping inventory of her alchemical supplies. Harvesting plants with Laefa sounded fun, but the other three tasks sounded arduous at best. At least it seemed like she'd have a lot of free time outside of those jobs, which was nice.
Once Vanna finished washing her hair, she leaned back in the tub and relaxed, just enjoying the hot water. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a bath, though she also couldn't remember much of anything at all. She hoped that whenever Laefa took her to Madame Sorusce she could provide answers. Knowing nothing about her own past besides her name felt... very strange.
But she'd worry more about all that later. Now, she was relaxed, happy, and grateful to be in the care of such fine folk. Once she finished all her chores for the day, she was going to learn magic, she decided. Magic was awesome. Just like this bath.
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feralshadowdemon · 4 months
for @skkbigbang-2023 with amazing art by jaylys !!
Chuuya looks up at the sky, a crack of thunder ripples through the air as a strike of lightning slams itself onto the earth. “The lightning sounds like more of a call than anything. Like a plea for me to return to the sky.” “Well,” Dazai stares at Chuuya's wings. “Tell the skies I'm not giving them their angel back after they themselves struck you.” “So poetic,” Chuuya snorts. “...I think I like being earthbound more, anyway.” ✦ yokohama feels like it never has storms, yet; dazai catches chuuya at fifteen during one.
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orcelito · 2 months
i miss akechi goro so much. maybe even enough to finally finish that ladue chapter 3
#speculation nation#ladue shit#listen hes such an asshole and i NEEEEEEED to channel his voice for a bit again#if this urge persists to tomorrow i'll crack open the fic again. for a little reread.#this will satisfy only approximately 53 people (the total subscribers to that fic)#which ok that's actually a good few people when i think about them as actual people#but it's the least amount of subscriptions i have out of most of my multichapters#EVEN STILL. it's a matter of pride and self-satisfaction.#and god fucking damn i have 18k for chapter 3 already written. i literally just need to close the damn scene up#it's been over a YEAR NOWWWWWWWWWW like holy fucking shit. i need this OUT ALREADYYYYYYYYYYY#ladue chapter 3 i will free you into the abyss. i cannot promise more than chapter 3 but i can promise a chapter 3 at least.#i had a whole plan for the fic but idk if i'll ever be able to write it#considering it's taken like. ... years. between chapters.#it took me 2 years to post chapter 2 and it's been a year now since then. ugh.#see the thing is chapter 3 closes the initial arc of them starting to date. and then there's more stuff.#maybe i'll keep it open just in case the urge strikes me to continue it eventually.#and if it never does. i might make a 4th chapter that outlines the eventual plans i had for the fic. so that people know at least.#ive seen that a Few times for discontinued fics.#....but the thing is i dont want to mark any of my fics discontinued!!!! theyre all my darlings!!! i want to go back to them all eventually#i'll just have to see. if a chapter 4 ends up taking several more years. well. maybe it'll be time to call it there. who fucking knows lol#i'll try to get chapter 3 finished sometime soon though. i really want to have it out already.
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windwardstar · 3 months
my problem is that i write chapters that are entire novels on their own
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vitiateoriginator · 10 months
I'm finally taking a fucking vacation from my job next week
#I've never gotten the chance to use my vacation time at work before quitting#but Im not currently able to leave where I work and I'll lose my PTO on my anniversary date (sept 13th)#so I decided to say fuck it an use ut the first week of September#wish I could have saved it for the second week since my birthday is September 15th but again my PTO gets reset the 13th#so this will have to do#I'm not going on an actual vacation this year. just planning various enjoyable activities and day trips throughout the week#Im hoping on the first day to attend a local flea market#and the next day or two to go swimming before the pool in my apartment complex closes for the year#I also plan to visit a historical town thats about a half hour away from where I live#and I'm definitely going to sleep in a lot of these days cause I need to catch up on some sleep finally#I'll probably draw on my less busy days#and maybe I can knock out a chapter or 2 of the story I've been writing#tbh luck is never with me so the chances of me actually getting to do half of this stuff is slim#but at least I can say I have plans#I'm gonna try n do this stuff even if I have to go alone#I hate waiting around for others so I can go out and have a good time#like yeah some of these activities are better with other people#but people often find excuses to get out of hanging out or going places. or they're busy with work#and I don't want to waste the 7 days Im gonna have off so Im gonna try n do something meaningful during them#the weather also will effect how my plans turn out. I bet it'll rain the entire week lol. that'd be my luck#but Im still gonna try and have a decent time off#at the absolute least I am going to relax and unwind. thats the bare minimum I can doo#sam's rants about life
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thomine · 1 year
just a short notice that i'm not a very number person. this means that likes + reblogs (with no comments), although appreciated, are not as favoured as people commenting or letting me know what they think.
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amtrak12 · 1 year
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This 44 story subscribers/388 hits/ 65 kudos ratio single-handedly wrote me 2400 words on my story today. Plus editing the other 40k and pulling together a 2900 word outline for the current chapter.
Feedback and validation is awesome :D
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cullens-babe · 2 years
The Rise of Bloom Lavellan
Chapter 10: The Harrowing
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
OKAAYY!!! Now THIS is the start of the true DA:O story and how it is all told through my inquisitor's eyes. Like, ya know, it leads to DA2 and then DAI and such lol.
Forgive my mistakes if there are any and thanks for reading!
Reblogs and likes are appreciated!
It was a regular day in the circle for Bloom. She woke up, ate her breakfast, talked to her friends for awhile, and headed to Irving. She stood in his laboratory and waited for him to start, but he didn't.
When she entered, he sat at his desk and was writing something. She knocked the on the door as she entered to let him know of her presence.
He slightly jumped in surprise before he beckoned her in. "Come in, dear, I have something to tell you."
Bloom closed the door and walked to stand in front of his desk. "Is it something bad?"
"I can find out!" Jahel said excitedly.
"Don't-" Bloom started, but she knew it was too late.
Jahel floated and focused on the paper Irving had. He gasped when he read through it. "It talks about Melody! She's doing her Harrowing today!"
"Are you all right?"
"Oh!" Bloom nods with a smile. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just stuck in my thoughts for a moment."
"We all get like that. I was saying that our lesson will be postponed for today."
"Thank you for telling me a big secret Jahel, but now I have to act confused. I'm terrible at acting," she complained to him.
She slightly tilted her head. "Why? Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing is wrong. I just have an important meeting to do today. I'm not sure how long it will take, so I need you to train with others, okay? Just for today," he explained.
"Well, it makes sense. We never know how long a Harrowing is," Bloom thought.
"I can do that, sir," she said politely.
He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I think you're going to be the easiest part of this day," he mumbled.
"What? Is the Harrowing so taxing on him?" Bloom thought.
"I mean, it does involve a hard test and it's never the same! And you know what happens if the mage fails..." Jahel said quietly.
"No! She would never fail," Bloom affirmed.
"Now, I ask that you head to Nella. She is missing you and she's training Delilah today."
Her eyes lit up. "That sounds great! I get to see two amazing people at the same time!"
He laughed and waved her goodbye as she left in search to find her friends.
Bloom walked down the hallway with excitement. "I can't wait to see Miss Nella and Delilah!"
"Me too! I bet they're going to be curious about what's going on."
"Yes, but I can't tell them. I'm not even supposed to know!" She reprimanded.
"I know, I know. I just got excited and I have the chance to see things you can't!"
Her mood slightly dimmed at that thought. He could see things she couldn't because he was a spirit now, he wasn't alive like she was. He had no mortal form, while she had the blessing of one. And it was because of her.
"It wasn't your fault," he comforted. He could almost always hear her thoughts, feel her feelings, so he already knew she threw blame at herself again.
Bloom went to reply, but stopped when she saw Melody walking towards her. She stared at the ground and picked her fingernails as she walked, showing she was anxious.
"Melody?" Bloom called.
Melody looked up with shock before she sighed with relief. She placed a hand on her chest. "Maker, I'm glad it's just you." She quickly moved to Bloom's side and gave her a hug.
She hugged back before she pulled away with a fake confused look. "Why do you look so upset?"
Melody began to bite her fingertips. "Someone said Irving needs me at noon. It was supposed to be a one-on-one lesson with just you at this time. And since you're here, I know somethings happened," she said quickly. "A-And I'm scared as to what it is. I know it could be just a normal little chat or something else, but this secrecy and worried looks from others is certainly NOT helping my anxiety," she rambled.
Bloom pulled Melody into another hug and ran her hand down her hair. "It's okay. It's all going to be okay," she whispered.
"H-How do you know?" Her voice wavered and Bloom knew she was on the edge of tears.
"Because he is kind and you have been following the rules. Why would he punish or be angry at someone who's done nothing wrong?"
"I guess you're right," she admitted. She pulled away a moment later and took in a deep breath. "I can't keep him waiting forever. I have to go."
Bloom smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "You'll be just fine, I promise. We've both been good students, so don't worry."
"I'll try not to," she laughed.
"That's all I ask for."
They shared one last hug before Bloom let Melody go to Irving's laboratory. She watched as Melody continued to mess with her fingers as she went to Irving, and she couldn't help but feel sympathy.
"I wish she didn't feel so nervous," Bloom thought. She turned around and headed towards Nella's laboratory.
"I mean, you can't blame her. He is a little intimidating," Jahel said with a small laugh.
"Yeah, he is. I just...hope she does well," Bloom thought.
"She will," Jahel affirmed.
"Yes, she will," she repeated to herself.
Bloom knocked on the door gently. "It's Bloom. Can I come in?"
"Bloom!" Delilah shouted.
A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Nella with a smile on her face. "I'm very happy to see you, dear."
"Me, too!" Delilah said.
Nella let her in before she shut the door. When she walked in, she could see Delilah sitting in a chair at the same table she used to be at.
Bloom sat in a chair beside her. She gave her a quick side hug before she looked at Nella. "So...what are you teaching? If I can ask?"
Nella sat down in front of them. "Well, I wanted to see if Delilah could work with her ice."
Delilah groaned. "I'm not good with ice!" she whined. "I'm better with lightning!" She said before she mimicked the sound of thunder and a lightning strike.
"Sparkle," Bloom said with a little giggle.
"Hottie," she responded with a wink.
"Girls," Nella interrupted.
The girls looked back at her and hung their heads low. "Sorry," they said in unison.
"It's all right. Let's just focus on the lesson."
"Yes, ma'am," Delilah said.
With Bloom's sudden interruption fixed, the lesson continued as normal.
Once Nella's lesson with Delilah is over, she and Bloom left to go back to their quarters.
"Why did you join me and Miss Nella?" Delilah asked as they walked down the hallway.
"Irving told me to go to Miss Nella when I arrived! He said my lesson is postponed, so he'll find me when he needs me," Bloom explained.
"I guess, but it does seem weird, right? And you said he called for Melody?" Delilah went silent as she thought.
She opened the stair door and continued their journey. "Maybe he just thinks he doesn't need to teach me anything today and only needs to help Melody?" Bloom guessed, even if she knew the truth.
Delilah gasped in realization. She grabbed Blooms arm tightly. "Do you think it's the Harrowing?!"
Bloom almost tripped on a step at the sudden shake. She regained her balance quickly and shrug her shoulders. "I don't know!" she lied.
"Sorry," she apologized before she let go. She crossed her arms as they reached the first floor. "It has to be! Melody is twenty-one! She's very smart, talented, and is ready for the test, so it has to be that."
The girls passed by a group of templars and they gasped when they heard them speak.
"They said this was the fastest Harrowing ever," one templar said.
"So it WAS-".
Bloom placed her hand against Delilah's mouth. "Hush! You don't need to be too loud about it!"
"My bad," she said, words muffled by Bloom's hand.
Bloom let go and bit her lip. "That means we need to check on her. We have to hurry." She grabbed Delilah's hand and the two hurried down the hallway to get to their quarters.
They opened the door and saw a few mages surrounding Melody's bed.
"She's all right! Don't worry!" Jahel explained.
Bloom felt slight relief at that, but still hurried over to her side. She and Delilah gently pushed through the mages to see Melody sitting up with a glass of water in her hands. She perked up when she saw them and smiled.
"Hey, girls. I think I did something special," she laughed.
Delilah squealed quietly. "That's amazing! You did the Harrowing, right?"
Melody nodded.
Bloom placed a hand on Melody's cheek. "See? I told you you'd do great."
"I'm assuming everything is all right," a voice said.
Bloom turned around to see Landon standing behind she and Delilah. He had a worried look on his face and concern in his voice.
"Everything is just fine, Templar," Melody said with a wink.
He sighed with relief and patted her head. "Good, Mage," he emphasized her title with a little smile.
"You did really well, I've heard," another voice said.
"Jowan," Melody said surprised. "I didn't know you were here."
He suddenly stood beside Landon. He chuckled. "Well, there were people surrounding you and I didn't want to overwhelm you. But now the crowds died down."
"Does something seem off to you?" Jahel asked.
"I'm still a little overwhelmed, but we can all talk," Melody said, standing up with eagerness.
"Was it dangerous?" Jowan asked curiously.
She crossed her arms and shrugged. "It was scary, yes, but it was okay. I knew where I was and I knew what to do, so I did it," she explained.
"Jowan seems nervous. I just...can tell," Jahel told.
"It's probably nothing to worry about," Bloom reasoned.
"Can I speak to you? Privately?" Jowan asked Melody. His posture was suddenly tense and his voice slightly wavered, and she noticed it.
"Is something wrong?"
"It's personal," he deadpanned.
"See! Something is wrong!" Jahel insisted.
"I don't have my lesson with Irving any time soon, so I can speak for awhile."
Jowan led Melody to the back area and Bloom looked at Landon. "So...do you know what's up with him?"
He eyed Jowan suspiciously. "I don't. I've rarely talked to him. Only seen him with Melody really."
Delilah giggled. "Do you think he likes her?"
Jahel blew a raspberry. "Absolutely not. He's so not her type."
"I totally agree," Bloom said aloud.
"You agree with me?"
"Uh," she stuttered as she realized her mistake. "No, I meant I totally disagree. We already know her type." She hugged her self and pouted. "She's totally in love with puppy boys."
The group laughed, but stopped when they heard a knock on the door. They, along with other mages, turned to look at the door. There, with a look of disapproval on his face, stood Knight Commander Greagoir.
"Uh oh," Landon whispered.
He crossed his arms. "Landon. I've been looking for you." His gaze turned to each of his friends. "I see you've been speaking with the mages?"
He bit his lip and looked down at the ground. "Yes, sir. I am very sorry." Without a word, he went to Sir Greagoir. He laid his fist against his chest plate. "Please, hold no ill to these mages. I accept the repercussions."
Greagoir stared for a minute, but eventually nodded. "So be it. You will run a few more drills tonight," he informed.
"Yes, sir."
Landon looked over his shoulder at his friends before he followed Greagoir back upstairs.
Delilah sighed with annoyance. "Of course he has to ruin everything. He just has to stroll on in here and give us that look."
"Well, at least he does look at us," Bloom comforted.
"Oh, it's you two!" A voice said.
"Oof!" Bloom shouted, as she felt an arm suddenly wrap around her neck.
Natalie appeared behind them and wrapped her arms around both Delilah and Bloom. "Good afternoon!"
Delilah sighed with relief as she realized it was her sister. "Woah, you scared me!"
Natalie giggled. "Who'd you think it was?"
"Some templar coming to hunt us for some reason," Bloom joked.
Natalie pulled away and jabbed her thumb backwards, motioned towards the door. "Do you know what Melody is doing?"
Bloom's brows knitted with confusion. "Where is she? I thought she was still here."
"She's in the Chapel with Jowan and another girl. I would've checked on them, but I have a message for you, Bloom."
"What did we do now!" Jahel complained.
"What is it?"
"Irving needs you." Her expression became concerned. "It seems pretty important and serious."
Bloom looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes. "I really hope it's nothing to do with Greagoir, since he loves to talk."
Natalie shrug her shoulders. "I don't know, friend. You'll have to find out when you see him."
"Sounds like some trouble," Jahel said.
"Probably, but I have to go see him. It's rude to keep him waiting."
"Alright, I'll go see him. See you both later this evening," she said with a smile.
She left and began to walk through the hallway. Usually, she walked calmly, but her pace was rushed.
"So I'm the only one that thinks something is wrong?" Jahel asked.
"Yes. Things are most likely fine. Greagoir may have told, but I truly doubt Irving will punish anyone for a simple thing."
She continued her walk to his laboratory, and did her best to ignore the slight unease she felt.
Her unease was correct. Her friend did the Harrowing, one guy who Bloom doesn't really know suddenly asks for private time with her friend, and then she is led to another room. I'd be uneasy, too.
That mere conversation led an event that would change the Circle and the world. For good and for bad.
AH! I hope you enjoyed! I tried to make it shorter, but I couldn't :(. Just so much to fill in a chapter! But as you can see, this chapter now starts the beginning of DA:O, just from a different perspective. I love writing this and am excited for the next chapter because THAT is where some tragedy happens.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated!
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oneawkwardcookie · 2 years
How DOES one plan long fics, especially those that are AUs of specific media? I am NOT used to long-fic, and plot and pacing and some sort of exposition and ... yeah
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iamthepulta · 30 days
I really want to finish the AU this summer. I don't think I can go another year writing two chapters and then reaching the end of the semester and realizing that most of my scenes were good in piecemeal, but actually it needs to be overhauled and completely rewritten for it to make sense.
Plus, I wanted to write all those non-fiction things and read- and I'm doing research. I... fuck man.
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doctorweebmd · 2 months
i have emerged from my baldurs gate 3 coma and a week on service to return in glory and bring you that good, good sskk porn
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400 words in and, no, this scene is just not going to work in this fic. Which means I need to think of something else. Needs to be more personal, but not sure what to do with it.
I'll save it as a oneshot idea where I can give it the vibes it actually deserves and not trying to wrangle it into this structure.
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moondaeznuts · 11 months
When you find a new webnovel that looks interesting but there's no fan tl :')
Now we suffering through mtl (I gave up reading LMAO)
reading action genre mtls is my enemy
Action fantasy is my most worst enemy to read mtl
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everymlmhybrid · 1 year
Good news I wrote for like two hours straight even though I rarely ever write anymore and feel like I'm cured of all writers block ever. Bad news is I remembered that my forte is angst.
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visacardteamloverrr · 1 month
ex's or not? cs55
summary: y/n and carlos once were the it couple, how are their lives after the breakup? did everyone move on?
warnings: writing this i was sick, i was done and i was ready to delete so enjoyy
i also was supposed to write part 2 to i'll be waiting but oh well...
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liked by lilymunihe, carmenmundt, and 65 000 more
y/njazzy Prague you've been great, next up my beloved Vienna 🍒
y/nstan mother is GLOWING
lilymunihe music to my ears (literally) 🫶🫶
y/njazzy i'm blushing 😊 💋
alexandrasaintmleux i haven't heard you play for agesss, see you in Vienna ig
y/njazzy and whose fault it is?? clearly not mine missy
alexandrasaintmleux oh look at the time, i have to go !!!
chillis the post breakup glow up is reaaal
loverofy/n can we expect some album soon queen?
charlesleclerc exactly @/y/njazzy, care to share with the class???
y/njazzy i will not confirm nor deny
y/njazzy and lord perceval do not push my limits. besides, if you would honour me with your presence, you would know. the choice is yours
charlesleclerc no comment.
user1 she calls him the way that carlos does...
jazzychill she looks so hot in red 🔥
chillistan don't you find it weird that after all charles is in her comments?
y/nfan through all the years y/n was with carlos, she formed a friendship with charles (especially with carlos in ferrari) and other people from the paddock, so it's nothing weird
jazzlover besides, alex and y/n are besties, no?
y/nlos do you remember how carlos would always melt when y/n wear red??? because i do.
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liked by landonorris, charlesleclerc, y/njazzy, and 2,093,728 more
carlossainz55 🌶🍔☀️
charlosfan what do they feed our drivers, he and charles are soooo hot
chillis the second photo, two plates, carlos sainz is that a date?
landonorris and where are pics from our little golf tournament 🤔🤔🤔 oh, maybe they aren't here because YOU LOST AHAHAHAHHA
carlossainz55 cabron we all know you cheated.
landonorris what a sore loser we have here
charlesleclerc do you remember when we played uno once?
maxverstappen i wonder why you played uno only once
charlesleclerc lando almost lost an eye
carlossainz55 do NOT listen to them, those situations did not happen
carlossteponme Y/N LIKED???!!
y/nfan they actually still like eachothers posts, i believe they said something about mutual breakup and that there's no hard feelings between them
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liked by yourbestie, lilymunihe, and 64,728 more
y/njazzy new project coming up 🔜
landonorris tell me who he is.
y/njazzy no❤️
landonorris and why exactly ???
y/njazzy i'll tell you, you'll tell oscar, oscar will tell logan, logan alex, and then magically the whole grid will know
landonorris you won't even tell your best friend?
y/njazzy you're talking about yourself or ?
landonorris PARDON #exbesties #friendshipover #offended
landonorris bye.
lilymunihe A MAN? A MAN? A MA-A-A-AN
lilymunihe girlies to the gc riGHT IN THIS MOMENT
lilymunihe avengers ASSEMBLE @/alexandrasaintmleux @/carmenmundt
carmenmundt i think we've missed a chapter here...
y/njazzy alex didn't.
carmenmundt excuse me !
lilymunihe SHE DID WHAT
alexandrasaintmleux tf y/n? i thought i meant something to you?
y/njazzy if i'm going down i'm taking everybody with me 😘😘😘
alexandrasaintmleux DO NOT QUOTE CHANDLER RN
user1 carlosy/nnation how are we feeling
user2 we don't.
user5 i have an idea...
user3 don't. don't give me hope
user7 fuck the guy NEW PROJECT IN THE MAKING ??? NEW MUSIC ???
user9 do i sense some movie soundtrack
liked by autor
user2 can you imagine
user5 Y/N LIKED !!!!!
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liked by maxverstappen, y/njazzy and 2,836,267
carlossainz55 getaway with mi amor
charlesleclerc i pay my respects to her
carlossainz55 ¿disculpe?
charlesleclerc for putting up with you 😘
user carlos sainz jr i was NOT familiar
user1 which one of you bastards stole my man
reyesvdec ❤️
user6 i miss her and y/n together in the paddock
user5 that's y/n. mark my words
user1 i truly aspire to be as delusional as you
y/njazzy she's a lucky girl
carlossainz55 im a lucky boy*
user8 y/n's comment? im dead
user3 carlos' response?????? i am crying, the boy really is in love
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liked by carlossainz55, reyesvdec and 482,471 more
y/njazzy love. love love love.
user8 our girl is in loooove 🥹
alexandrasaintmleux match made in heaven
carmenmundt you compliment eachother so well 🫶
landonorris you two are disgusting
y/njazzy jealousy, jealousy
user5 the luckiest girl???? i wonder why... maybe because she has carlos sainz
user ring ring, that's the mental ward calling for you
lilymunihe i'm heartbroken, how could you leave me
alex_albon execuse me? i'm right here??
y/njazzy lily it's just an act, let's run away together
lilymunihe i am ready to go
alex_albon HEY ITS NOT FAIR
alex_albon he can't even stand up for himself
carlosssainz55 he can
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liked by y/njazzy, landonorris and 5,839,821
carlossainz55 mi amor, you're the closest to heaven that I have ever been. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I promise to cherish you forever. I am so incredibly grateful for you and everything you do. I want to thank you for being there for me, even after we broke up. there is no one else on this earth taht i would spend my life with. you are my person, and I am yours.
georgerussell mate leave something for us
alex_albon what I am supposed to do rn, lily won't let me in to our apartment
charlesleclerc gentelmen we are so finished
landonorris die lol 👎
oscarpiastri yk that they can see you crying, right?
y/njazzy my one and only ❤️
user can somebody check on user5
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liked by carlossainz55, reyesvdec and 171,729,819 more
y/njazzy the only ex i would ever come back to 💋💋💋
alexandrasaintmleux finally the ferrari girls are reunited
y/njazzy not for too long
alexandrasaintmleux foul
charlesleclerc too soon y/n, too soon
maxverstappen i won't even ask about the last pic
carlossainz55 the less you know the better you sleep
landonorris i cannot belive this is happening
y/njazzy sucks to suck ig
carlossainz55 only ex i couldn't move on from 🫶🫶🫶
y/njazzy you flatter me
user1 the difference in the capitions pls ✋️
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altair214 · 2 years
I’m actually excited. My writer’s block and burn out seems to have gone away. I am currently about 7 pages into a wip and guess what
This is amazing. I’m feeling great about this. I might actually get to posting this. I have so many ideas
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