#i think one reason why i moved blogs was also bc i felt having so many followers was useless
thomine · 1 year
just a short notice that i'm not a very number person. this means that likes + reblogs (with no comments), although appreciated, are not as favoured as people commenting or letting me know what they think.
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moodr1ng · 4 months
(making my own post after being in someones replies again lol) i do think there was kind of a Moment on tumblr in i wanna say circa 2019-2021 where a lot of the accumulated biphobia that was present in the lgbt community at large and in particular on tumblr sort of blew up into a number of bi bloggers starting to talk a lot more on the subject and make a lot of posts explaining the material consequences of biphobia, the lack of support bisexuals have always gotten from the rest of the community, the specific biphobic opinions/takes that are popular both offline and in online communities, and also a lot of conversations about bisexuality, what its like to be bisexual, what it means to us, a ton of education on bisexual history, a lot of trans and nonbinary bisexuals talking about how bisexuality interacts w our genders, etc. at the time and being involved in all of this tangentially it felt a bit like a sort of tumblr bisexual renaissance where the pot finally boiled over and a ton of us started to be really loud and in your face about bisexuality and biphobia. i think this was a major reason for why a lot of takes that had previously been very widespread and either accepted or at least treated as debatable (thinking about butch/femme discourse for example) got rolled back and a lot of people who had been very casually biphobic all over the place suddenly changed their tune, switched their public opinions, and started sharing a lot more of support for bisexuals (though, tbh, i dont think i have seen literally one apology for past biphobia).
i do think there was some discourse that went a bit too far and ended up counterproductive (ive personally rolled back a lot of my past anger about the pansexuality vs bisexuality shit into a view that i think is a lot more charitable and community-oriented), but overall bisexuals on here did a lot of work to get heard, get understood, and get some much-needed support by the rest of the lgbt community, and there were also a lot of behind the scenes conversations where bi people created spaces like very active discord servers where bisexuality was explored in-depth among bisexuals, which tbh i largely credit for me being able to comfortably identify as bigender.
but, well, this Moment of bisexuals being loud and proud about bisexuality and refusing to continue to tolerate biphobia was met with, like, extremely caustic and vicious backlash which has led SO many bi bloggers who i followed, knew, was in servers and dms with, was/am friends with etc to either quit tumblr or move to new blogs where they only keep around vetted people and no longer widely engage w the topic of biphobia. my alter ran one of those blogs which i dont think could have really been qualified as popular, but which had a ton of constant interaction and some really big posts, all of which led to daily biphobic harassment as well as scrutiny of every other part of his identity and repeated cruelty about things that it was incredibly inappropriate for people to attack him on - some of you who followed him will recall the repeated attacks and accusations of ableism for his 'weird' typing style, despite a disclaimer on his blog that he types like this bc of autism+adhd+did, as well as a lot of vitriol and aggression which i think was at least partially racially motivated. like, im not even willing to disclose the url or his name here because im STILL paranoid about getting harassed years after he deactivated, which, like many others i know, he did because the constant biphobia was so bad for his mental health that the blog even just continuing to exist was not sustainable.
im not sure to what degree the conversations that were started on here during this time are continuing - im not seeing much of it anymore, but then again maybe im just not following the people having them - but it certainly feels like that Moment has died down now, though i certainly still feel the aftereffects in how a lot of people have changed their stances on bisexuality. it does feel like an acute loss still that so many bi people were effectively shut down and harassed off tumblr or into silence and reclusiveness by the backlash to bisexuals speaking out (and this especially imo affected bisexuals of color, especially black bisexuals, as per usual on tumblr). i miss the posts i would get to read daily as well as the very active discord servers and other conversations i got to be privy to at the time. i think this, as much as the discussions on biphobia themselves, rendered very explicit the degree of biphobia thats present within the lgbt community. as soon as a number of bisexuals got fed up with it and started to talk about it openly, the open and unashamed biphobia also ramped up.
ig the thing im stuck on is - were not talking about it as much, but all the people who dedicated themselves to harassing bisexuals into silence for years are still here. some stances have been changed and a lot of performative "we love bisexuals!" posts got shared but ultimately the work is still cut out for us going forward. however, i dont think i or my alter will be doing any of that work on tumblr in the future. the focus will have to be on real-life community to spare ourselves the backlash that comes from speaking about this on here.
idk, not sure how to end this whole tirade. i just happened to be thinking about all this earlier today and a mutual brought it up again just now so its on my mind. i do still miss that sense of heightened bisexual community that came from all of this. i personally not only was able to re-identify as bisexual after identifying as gay for a few years bc these conversations led me to reevaluate my sexuality in a more accepting light, but also i unlearned a ton of internalized biphobia which i had not only tolerated but often strongly believed myself, usually with a sort of self-flagellating notion of "i have to bow down to the rest of the community and accept that my opinion is inherently lesser because bisexuality is an inferior sexuality" which i only stopped believing after being in these bisexual communities. ig i just have to be content with the circle of bi friends ive built both online and offline and what benefits ive gained from these discussions.
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rosesrflo · 2 years
hiya I wanna request some william comfort fic bc I had a bad day today but where I can find your rules? I'm currently using tumblr app, so I cannot find it
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Feat; William James Moriarty x gn!reader (MTP). Genre; fluff, comfort
Prompt; ❛❛I’ll hold you tight.❞ Warnings; bad days, ugly crying/lh
Desc; IN WHICH William is always the first to pick you up on your worst days, not only is he a great crime consultant - he’s also an excellent comforter.
A/N; heyy lovely! Sorry i’m a bit late with this request, but i do hope you’re feeling better now - the reason you couldn’t find my rules is bc I haven’t made them yet. Mostly bc I’m using mobile + this blog is quite new - but I’m working on it atm ❤️ thank you and enjoy!
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We all have bad days.
And in all his genius, William certainly isn’t a stranger to them.
In fact, most of his days used to be plagued with storm clouds, with no sunshine or light until you stumbled into his life.
You were a gift, your very presence lifted him from the darkest depths, you were undeserved.
Back then, he had realised how angelic you were - Liam just knew that you were too good for him so he tried to scare you off by showing you his intentions, his thoughts, he trusted you with the worst of his plans.
Yet, you didn’t bat an eye. Only acknowledging each and every part of him, you saw him for who he was and began mending his heart because you love him.
It’s a WIP
William can still feel your warmth encasing him in a hug - that December night, the first time you ever saw him cry. You held him close, stroking his hair and kissed his head like a mother would. You filled that empty void in his chest.
That’s why he wants to do the same for you, Will believes he is forever in your debt.
And when you cry, are upset, have a bad day, he’ll hold you tight; just as you did him.
Also because you are literally the last person in the world that should go through any type of pain.
The corners of your lips downturned as you sat in the living room, cross legged with a cup of cold tea, your hands trembled, biting frost bite seeped into your bones and reached the depths of your soul. You felt heavy in sadness. No thoughts except crystal teardrops cascading down your frowning face.
There was no particular reason for the gloomy mood.
Today just so happened to be an off day, one where no matter what you did to escape it, you couldn’t. Your tea was near frozen over as cold, December nights bled into the estate. You were alone, shivering and crying with no one to confide in.
They’d all gone out to celebrate the closing in Christmas, maybe you should’ve joined them but it was far too late now.
What would they say if they saw you like this?
In your moment of pondering, you didn’t notice a familiar criminal mastermind standing behind you, his arms crossed and a thinking expression plastered on his face. William was confused as to why you hadn’t gone out with the rest of the organization. “(y/n)? I thought you were celebrating with the others.”
You froze in the spot, why was he here? In order to not reveal your distraught state to him, you stayed still without turning around to face him, “So did I.” Nonchalantly reaching for the cup of tea, you shivered upon the sudden coldness against your hand.
“I suppose we’re both in the same boat,” He smiled passively, realizing you were both alone together, “but I’d rather you tell me why you’re upset first.” Liam tapped two fingers on his other arm in anticipation.
A weak laugh echoed across the room, you being the source of it; even though he called your unsaid bluffs, you hadn’t flinched once, you didn’t take William an oblivious man, he was smart and easily figured you out, “I don’t know.”
After your empty chucking fit, you whispered a hoarse reply, nothing but honesty in your disappointed tone. He simply observed your manic attitude, not moving an inch, “I see.”
Staring down at your upturned hands, you felt dissatisfied, unhappy for showing yourself in this depressing light, the one part Will hadn’t seen yet. He was never supposed to see you like this, you were an utter mess today and what’s worse is that he saw it.
You felt the feeling before the sting of your hand as you slapped yourself lightly, “(y/n)-“ William jumped to action immediately, he rushed in front of you in case you dealt anymore harm to yourself. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this, I shouldn’t be crying over…something so simple.”
“Cry all you need to, although I despise seeing you distressed - it’s quite normal and let me tell you a secret-..” He lent to your face, cupping his hand near your ear to whisper something, “..-Sometimes, even I cry.” You giggled slightly at his jest, not noticing that this was his way of cheering you up.
William let a sly grin slide on his lips, “Now that’s the smile I love.” He linked your hands together, landing an intimate peck on your lips, his eyes softened at your delighted face; you were as beautiful as ever, especially when you were happy. He felt some sort of proudness at achieving this.
No one knew you like William.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Can you do a series for nepo baby of how her pregnancies went. Like cravings, her attire, what emotions she went through, the birth(s), how Eddie handled it, something with Wayne and nepo baby’s parents involved. I really LOVE when pregnancy fics are in depth
so overall nepo baby had a pretty good pregnancy each time- obv she was pregnant six times lol. she's one of those people who say like they enjoyed being pregnant, and she meant that.
she was sick a little, but nothing horrendous, and tbh a lot of the reason she felt so well was she was pampered the entire time. prenatal massages weekly, she went to birthing classes, and did yoga and had a birth coach/ doula. she spared no expense, neither did her parents or eddie.
the worst was with vega bc it was unexpected and was considered a 'geriatric pregnancy' so she was a little more on edge. the symptoms hit her a little harder and she was on bed rest for a long while.
eddie was so enthralled watching her pregnancies, watching how she grew, feeling the babies grow and move, and just how every single pregnancy was different.
she had the biggest cravings with the twins, duh, and they were the weirdest. she craved halloween pumpkin reeses during her pregnancy, and eddie had to scour the earth for them- paying too much to get them, because the easter ones would not cut it!!! she doesn't eat a lot of processed food as a mom (she's one of those that is into organic and farm to table, not vegan or almond mom like extreme, just more so free from preservatives bc they're harmful) and tried her best during her pregnancy but she got the weirdest craving for cosmic brownies and cool ranch doritios... together, when she was pregnant with zarah. eddie's in heaven bc fuck yeah he loves those, but also... together???? doesn't dare question it bc her hormones still rage from time to time.
she's insatiably horny all through the pregnancy with persephone. more emotional and cries all the time with kensington (eddie swears thats why kensie is emotional). with the twins she's sick the majority of the time and swells a lot, but to eddie its a win because her boobs are huge. the third trimester is the worst with them and she's super tired but tries not to be bc she wants to be with her other babies, and eddie has to constantly tell her to slow down and take it easy. zarah she's got the weird cravings, but it's her best pregnancy. everything's easy and relaxed (just like zarah in general) and she's just glowing and happy and excited. then with vega her hormones are on level ten and she's all over the place, mood swings left and right, and eddie is thrown each time lol (we'd expect nothing less from the mini queen of chaos vega).
I hc on my last blog she'd do home births, just for more intimacy and privacy. I think the twins and vega would be in a private hospital, just because it's safer and they were more high risk. eddie was a wreck each time, just so nervous because he thinks it's "hippy california ways" to give birth at home and is against it, but she wants it so they compromise. he makes sure there's some medical person there to help, not just the doula because it makes him feel better.
I think she'd do the classic 90's all white maternity shoot. probably a naked one for eddie too bc he loves her like this, thinks she's sexy anytime but she'd also just like to document her body when she was pregnant with her babies.
farrah throws her a baby shower each time in malibu, and it's always with the theme of the babies birth flowers (they miscalculated with the twins since they came early-ish lol). eddie always gets the flowers pressed and preserved for her. it's very bright and pretty and classic... then there's corroded coffin in their black and leather lol. and she really wouldn't have it any other way because that's authentically eddie.
the nursery's are always very personal and classic, but baby nurseries. she wants bright colors and pretty things, child things that aren't tacky but aren't dull (no beige toy babies sorry).
eddie always has a rocking chair, but like one of those comfy ones, because he's very serious about skin to skin time. he likes to rock the babies to sleep in it, most of the time falling asleep with them on his chest.
I think for the first few months, they'd keep a bassinet in the room with them for the baby to sleep in bc it's easier and they're both a little scared.
the hospital outfit is always the same for every girl, a tiny white gown with pink frills that nepo baby actually wore coming home that her mother gave her. she at least gets a picture for her mom, and saves it.
I'm thinking of doing a full pregnancy fic (no smut or very minimal, it's not the center focus lol) of rockstar!eddie and nepo baby, but which pregnancy would you like to see???
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petruchio · 11 months
Caroline I saw that post and I just wanted to reach out because I have some love and (possibly) encouragement:
Don’t worry Bestie, everything you described about having it all but still feeling so unseen, misunderstood and fundamentally lonely?
I promise promise promise that’s just what being 23 feels like.
I feel like that sounds so silly to say, but I promise I felt the same way, and it took me a while to realize that THIS is what people were talking about with the whole 23 thing.
Like, suddenly, I’m looking at my entire life with newfound understanding and. I really was just doing it all in hopes that it would solve something that simply can’t be solved that way. Like checking all the boxes won’t do this. I don’t think.
And wow I think I’ve always been so lonely and misunderstood. This whole time in fact. I feel that that I will always be this way. How could I not? How could something that (I now realize) is so fundamental to me ever change?
But thoughts have varying degrees of accuracy AND that’s just the 23-24 journey, I really do swear bestie.
23 didn’t feel like that for me at first, but then I “had it all” and it did feel like exactly that. And it did for a long a time. But slowly, I found some meaningful connections (which I already had, actually) but I got better at being present in those moments with those people. Letting those moments define my life, rather than worrying so much or getting caught up in weather I’m actually understood.
If someone wants to try understanding me, does it matter if they succeed? How could anyone truly understand anyone else? They’d have to BE them to really get it. So it’s the effort that counts. And the living in those moments of that effort and the feeling of that love and the seeking to do it for other people.
And more than that, maybe I haven’t been understood ever, maybe I never will, but it’s that people try this impossible task that is so moving. And that I try it for them in return. This is also the reason why I am so important to have on MY OWN roster. To be besties with myself. Bc I am, truly, the best friend ever for me. Because I always understand.
It’s really hard to describe what I mean about this, so I’m sorry for rambling, but I just want you to know that you’re so normal for this, and It’s just part of life I think. (Kind of like how every teenage feels that one specific way. you see it and you’re like “yeah, that’s what being a teenager feels like”) you’re in that right now, just a different age/lesson/skill.
I promise things will feel differently moving forward, maybe not now, but soon. I believe in you, and I’m rooting for you. Just take it one day at a time 💛
this is such a sweet answer, and i really love how you framed it -- not like, oh it's okay, you'll find someone who understands you someday! but like, you're always going to feel misunderstood but the magic is in finding people who care enough to bother with *trying* to understand you -- the magic is in the trying.
and yeah i do think it is a lot of just Being In Your Early Twenties because after finally leaving my parents house and college and really figuring out who i am on my own, i've been doing a lot of unpacking of why i actually do act the way that i do and that's been a huge process of grieving -- letting go of the dreams i used to have that don't serve me anymore, mourning the things i never even knew was missing during my childhood and teenage years, understanding the ways that my life is shaped by my personal and family history, figuring out what i'm trying to compensate for, and recognizing the ways i'm doing that in both healthy and unhealthy ways. it's hard work!! it sucks most of the time!! but it is ultimately a rewarding, if lonely, process.
i feel like i come on my blog a lot to complain about this deep sense of loneliness i have, and it's strange, because i do have friends and i do have a lot of people in my life who i feel really close to, and i have genuine and meaningful connections with other people that are fulfilling and great in their own ways. and yet i still have this feeling. so maybe there is a comfort in just admitting that i'm always just going to have a profound loneliness inside of me, and there's nothing i can do and no amount of friends i can have that's going to resolve it. and that trying to fill that empty space that lives inside of me with *more* friends, *more* activities, *more* money, *more* prestige, *more* meaningless boxes to check off... it's never going to work. maybe that's the process of letting go i need to work on now.
it's true that at the end of the day, the only person who's going to hang out with me for my whole life.. is me. i have to be my own best friend, like you said, and most of the time, i do a pretty good job of it! and i do love me for that, i love me for how hard i've been working to understand myself, i love me for wanting to get better, i love me for still being brave enough to love myself in spite of the giant whirlpool of anxiety and sadness and worthlessness inside of me that is trying so hard to suck me into the deepest and worst parts of myself. that's hard work, and i really am proud of myself for doing it.
i guess someday i just want to really have the experience of feeling... genuinely wanted. i have glimpses of it, so i know it's out there. and i think you're right, this is a feeling that is unique and specific to this era of a life and the reality of being a young adult, and for me, i do trust the universe and i do trust myself and i do trust that time and practice and continually opening up my heart no matter how many times it hurts will bring that to me. and i'm sure that someday i'll be nostalgic for my long lonely days and the lessons they're teaching me. i do wholeheartedly believe that life is about one long process of discovering and learning. and for me, at this time, this particular form of that learning is just going to be something i have to do by myself.
well i apologize for my rambling too. in a funny way, it's often when i open up about feeling misunderstood and lonely that i end up feeling the most understood. this message did that. it's one of those little glimmers of understanding that helps me to feel a little less alone. in a cheesy way... i guess it's moments like this that keep me hoping <3
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Hi! I came across your blog and wanted to offload some feelings, I hope you don't mind.
I've been kinda aware of the situation in Palestine for a few years now (However I am sure that there is A LOT more I don't know) I'm from Western Europe, I'm sure you're aware of how little concern there was and is for Palestinian here. My stomach just dropped when I turned on the news this past weekend. The first thing I saw was the Israeli president proclaiming war. I felt horrified, I knew that whatever Hamas had done, the Palestinian people would be punished for it. It's terrible what happened to the Israeli people, of course, but the entire western world doesn't seem to acknowledge, accept or even care about the fact that those in Palestine are living in an 'Apartheid system'
I've seen videos of kids being 'roughed up' by Israeli military, old people forced from homes they've lived in for generations. They have been suffering for decades like this. Why is it okay for them to be treated like this? Because they're brown? Muslim? I'm sorry if that's a controversial thing to say, but I can't think of any other reason for it. It is both heartbreaking and infuriating.
I wish the western world just cared, if only a little bit. We have been bombarded with 'Israel the victim' narrative, there is some reporting about what they are doing to Gaza (cutting aid etc) and it's generating a little sympathy but not enough to change the overall narrative. Those who publicly support 'Free Palestine' are painted as antisemitic at best, a terrorist sympathizer at worst.
I'm sick of it!
Forgive me if I've got anything wrong here, but this is the opinion I've come to from what I've seen/read. Feel free to correct me.
Thanks for letting me vent.
sorry, i meant to reply to this when you sent it but ive been so busy 😭😭
im glad you feel that my blog is a safe space to vent :) and no worries, im fine w you feeling the need to spill all this. if anything im somewhat honored you chose my blog !
i will be expanding on some notes you said, but trigger warning for graphic depictions of violence. also notable that if people will get triggered at the very ideas of these things, at seeing them as words or on screens, then imagine those who face this in their every day lives, who have faced this every day for decades. you can choose not to read and not get triggered and move on. they dont have a choice.
the first thing id mention is that you mention how the condemnation is "why is it okay for them to be treated like this? because theyre brown? muslim?" and as a brown muslim, yes this is exactly why its okay for them to be treated like this. the west has made it clear for decades that muslims are terrorists or plane hijackers or bombers and they should be disciplined and indoctrinated, and arabs are either oil money bilionaires or robbers or sex objects who live in tents and dont use cars because they have camels. thats why white ukrainians are defending themselves but brown palestinians are terrorists
but also keep in mind that minorities such as arab christians are just as threatened, especially due to a lack of awareness about the fact that theres actually a large number of christians in arabia, and the christian communities in the middle east are some of the oldest in the world, with the ones in palestine able to date back to the birth of the church. in fact, arab christians are almost condemned more than arab muslims because people tend to blow them off because theyre arab christian and somewhat alien to other people.
not to mention that people have the nerve to say palestinians should die bc the majority are muslims and want to kill infidels and queers. what of the queer palestinians? im friends with palestinians irl and two of them are queer. are they excused from the massacre but their families should die? and its sad that this next sentence might be controversial, but even homophobes dont deserve to be slaughtered. yes, i said it.
next, this is smth that angers me, not what you said, but the fact that its so unknown. youve seen videos of "kids being 'roughed up' by israeli military, old people forced from homes theyve lived in for generations". i promise you, anon, this is the tip of the iceberg. scroll far enough, esp on twitter under the hashtag #freepalestine. the things ive seen will stay with me forever. the things youll see if you look far enough, i promise, you wont be able to comprehend how people who witness this every day can still have the will to live.
if you scroll far enough, youll see videos of women screaming in pain as they watch their homes getting bulldozed. youll see a video of a hearing impaired palestinian girl running, only to get hit in the face w a stun grenade. shes only eleven years old. youll see videos of a boy, only about six, eyes wide and staring off, silent as the person holding the camera urges him to speak and shakes him. youll see a father crying over his sons body after finding it among the dead. youll see a boy running through a crowd, screaming and crying for his dad, only to find his fathers corpse being held up by the people in front. youll find people being pulled out from rubble. youll find a boy pointing at his little sister and saying "look at the blood on her feet." youll see videos of people being held hostage in al aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in islam, by the idf. they did nothing but pray. youll see a man holding a dead fetus, saying that its mother was killed. youll see a father vlogging what life is like in gaza, he buys gifts for his daughters for eid but they keep hiding under pillows thinking that theyre going to get bombed and he has to reassure them and hug them. he died a few days later. youll see two children being held by an idf soldier as they cry and swear they havent done anything. youll see a palestinian girl gesturing towards destroyed buildings behind her and saying "you see all of this. what do you expect me to do, fix it? im only ten." youll see a woman talking about how her two and a half year old son, who was shot by israeli soldiers, was loved by everyone and he loved everyone. youll see a group of men in the middle of prayer, refusing to stop even when they hear israeli missiles hitting. they flinch but they dont stop praying. 
and what of the incidents that didnt get recorded? these are just from the last decade or so. what of the sixty five years before that? this is what i call terrorism. the hijabi on your flight is not a terrorist. the zionists who tells people to leave the land they grew up in, the land their ancestors grew up in? THATS who the the terrorist here.
and even those who dont get killed are terrorized. there are people who have to sign in with checkpoints any time they enter or leave their own home. theyre arrested by the idf for no reason and interrogated for hours.
i would also like to add a point. palestinians arent punished for hamas's crimes. palestinians are punished for being palestinians. people could argue that "oh, israels trying to attack hamas, the civilians are collateral damage, thats inevitable in war!!!"
bull. shit.
okay fine, lets assume that, ethically speaking, its morally just to level all of gaza with the aim of exterminating hamas. lets assume that its not morally questionable to do so, and lets assume that it doesnt violate international law. let me steal the argument of bassem youssef from when he debated w piers morgan:
lets assume hamas doesnt exist. lets assume theres a world where hamas doesnt exist in palestine, and lets call this world the west bank. ... whats the excuse for killing palestinians in the west bank?
(he said smth of the sort, im not sure these were his exact words)
why would you kill palestinians in the west bank, where there isnt hamas, and say that its "collateral damage" from a war w hamas? its thinly veiled racism, i promise you
the slightly more fortunate news is that the world seems to be waking up. there are protests, even in the west, in support of palestine. al jazeera news has an article abt places that have held protests in solidarity w palestine (the link is here) and a lot of them are in western/european countries. even jews are protesting, i remember seeing a video (its kinda old tho maybe two years old ??) of a jewish guy saying "we are embarassed of whats happening in the state of israel, in the jewish name" and that palestinians "shouldnt give up the struggle" (the video is here)
unfortunately, where i live, no protests can be held, but maybe if theres any near you, anon, you can show some love by attending :) and if there arent then you can simply donate (only if you can, obviously)
sorry this ramble is so long hahaha its just that your ask allowed me to let out some bottled up feelings of my own
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ameliatheamazing · 7 months
I watched the a:tla live action and because I used to be the Posting My Thoughts On Avatar blog, I'm gonna share the lil reviews I wrote after watching each episode. spoilers ahead!
1- aang:
ok so far it’s actually really good! The actors are amazing, especially aang and zuko, but like everyone actually. They are kids. And that’s like the most important thing. (i just hope they’re still kids by the end of the series lol). The visuals are BEAUTIFUL, the lighting and color grading is really good, the effects are great, the costumes are amazing- it’s all really faithful to the show. And it’s so exciting too bc i know it so i’m like so hyped every time something new that i recognize comes along. So overall i’m enjoying it. The main thing is it’s pretty tonally different, like bc it’s a limited series they’re focusing more on the war aspect of it all and cut a lot of the filler. Which makes sense i guess but like.. I do hope they let these kids be kids! Like please let aang goof off and show katara and sokka that it’s ok to take a break and have fun as well. I feel like that’s a really important aspect of his character so we shouldn’t cut all the filler. Please. We’ll see. (i had this exact problem with the pjo series too.. feel like i’m getting deja vu)
2- warriors:
Episode 2! Was really good! They took out sokka’s sexism which ppl were mad about but i honestly really liked what they did instead, how he connected to suki through them both being leaders of their villages. He still underestimated her and she still taught him to fight (he just wasn’t wearing makeup. tragic) and i LOVED every scene they had together! I was like kicking my feet it was so cute. Kyoshi came in and was so OP. I think it’s weird that they started going to the north because of some omen and not because aang needs to learn waterbending?? Like what’s the reason for that. so many of the decisions made here just seem to be trying to move the story along as fast as possible. But there are still good character moments and it’s enjoyable.
I love zuko. I already did so i am biased but his actor is amazing he really has that anger but also like, a clear softness beneath that. (my only problem is his scar isn’t quite as nasty as the animated version. Like from far away you can’t even really see it, i feel like it should be bigger.) I’m still not sure about iroh’s actor he’s pretty different from the animated version and i just feel like no one can live up to the original, but his character is similar to the one we know and love. azula and ozai made an appearance which is wayy sooner than in the og lol. but both of their actors seem great i’m excited to see more of them.
3- omashu:
ok we knocked out a few major s1 episodes, with jet and the mechanist from the northern air temple being featured. neither of them were from omashu originally but combining them here actually worked out ok. i loved danny pudi as the mechanist obviously. they weren’t living in the air temple though which took out a pretty big struggle for aang, where he had to come to terms with other people living on the air nomads’ land. but they can’t include every detail and like i said, having them in omashu worked just fine. idk how i feel about the jet plot, it seemed pretty similar to the original episode it just had less focus so it was like weirdly paced i felt like. most important thing was we saw cabbage guy!! even in live action his cabbages aren’t safe
4- into the dark:
why did they have bumi like, literally try to kill aang? in the show they revealed he was bumi at the very end and he was like haha it’s me your friend! i was testing your strength or whatever. here, they had him be mad at aang for not being there during the war! like oh my god?? in the original series, not everything was about the war. you even forgot it was happening at times. here, they don’t let you forget.
so glad they included secret tunnel. also oma and shu were lesbians we love to see it. but it was so strange that the badger moles like… responded to love? what?? that’s not a thing. in the original cave of two lovers episode i remember katara thought love would be the answer at first, but then was proven wrong and the crystals actually just guided them because it was dark. but in this one, she was right and sokka looked like an idiot for not believing her?? ok. i am kinda glad they took out the kataang stuff, i don’t think we need it this early on.
i liked zuko and iroh’s plot, especially the addition that the guy who captured iroh had a personal trauma from iroh’s ba sing se attack. this show has so much depth and nuance rather than just having good guys and bad guys and this was a great way of showing that.
5- spirited away:
idk what to think of this one. it was kind of an all over the place infodump. they clearly used this one as a way to put in a lot of stuff they weren’t gonna cover otherwise, like sokka’s trial thing. it didn't flow together very well. but i still enjoyed it i guess. we met a bunch of spirits that normally don’t show up until later like koh, wan shi tong, and the fox that i’m pretty sure was yue. interesting choices. ok and why the fuck did they have june flirt with iroh?? bc in the og series he makes comments towards her that are a bit gross. and instead of taking that out altogether, they reversed it?? what the fuck? that’s not better. i think my favorite part of this episode was gyatso telling aang it wasn’t his fault. he needed to hear that.
i’m starting to get pretty annoyed that aang hasn’t learned waterbending AT ALL? by this point he had been practicing with katara quite a bit! like we are way behind on the mastering elements thing when that was literally their top priority in the main series.
that was actually amazing. pretty spot on 1 to 1 of the blue spirit episode, at least the second half. except at the end aang and zuko talked a lot more, they’re really pushing zuko towards that redemption more than in the original. zuko’s backstory also had a lot added to it which i really liked. ozai’s characterization is so interesting, he has a little more depth (we’re just seeing more of him rly) but he ofc is still the worst human being ever in the world. but the actor who plays him is so good and we're really seeing why he makes the decisions he does. the agni kai was more drawn out which made it even worse, and we saw the actual moment of zuko’s banishment which was also extremely painful to watch! :D when he was crying in his bed ugh i couldn’t take it. and i love the detail that the soldiers he wanted to save were assigned to be his crew, which led them to respect him more once they heard his story. i loved that.
they really dumbed down commander zhao in this, i watched the original episode again and he was so much more threatening. idk why they gave that asswipe more comedic relief than aang. let aang be silly!! i’m also craving more appa in this show.
7- the north:
this was pretty much just an expanded version of the waterbending master episode. (although aang is STILL not learning waterbending?) the katara vs pakku fight was amazing and really accurate to the original scene, which was one of my favorite fight scenes so i’m glad for that. although they took out the whole thing with pakku noticing katara’s necklace but that’s fine tbh. but yeah she had her girl power moment! slay. yue is amazing and her and sokka’s interactions are so great! although i wish sokka and suki hadn’t actually kissed in episode 2, bc i feel like it took away from the importance of his and yue’s relationship! like she was his first kiss in the series and now she’s not. she’s not even necessarily his “first girlfriend.” so yeah weird choices all around. i also found it interesting that she dumped hahn and was not even betrothed to him. and he was way less of an asshole so it's not even clear why she did that. i guess trying to give her more agency? but like it doesn't make sense.
8- legends:
this one was good, again pretty accurate to the season 1 finale. the fight scenes were really drawn out to the point where it felt like they were just padding time lol, but aang’s avatar state fish suit thing looked really cool. i don’t remember if aang’s conflict here was in the original but i don’t think it was? where he’s like “i have to bear the burden of being the avatar alone” i remember him struggling with that in season 3 but not s1. idk how i feel about that. I love that katara got her moment and got to not only fight but be a leader! also momo like, sacrificed himself to save someone but it fell pretty flat bc if you're just watching this new series, you would barely care about momo. he's like not in this at all. zuko was the highlight once again. i just love him. i think that's all i have to say? again, pretty much the same story as the original.
TLDR i didnt hate this series, most of my problems with it just came from the fact that it's a live action remake and i hate those as a concept. as a fan of og avatar it was really enjoyable! I didn't like the shift in tone very much but I knew it was coming. (i'm probably gonna rewatch the og series as a palette cleanser lol). The cast and overall visuals were great and the story, although condensed, was fairly accurate. I'm excited to see how they do s2 but i'm not like super invested and my hopes are still not that high.
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malrie · 7 months
tldr: ummm we never will see how strong the demigods get bc according to lore they’ll be even stronger in adulthood
aka a very long piper charmspeak ramble …… it’s come to this.
one thing my suspension of belief has worked hard day and night fighting for years is the fact that demigods in pjo attract monsters especially when young because they’re weak enough to be prey to them. fine. that’s ok. but something also that is true is that piper & leo both grew up to age 15 which even hedge mentioned was extraordinarily old already for demigods not to have been disturbed (hera’s hold on leo aside) kind of means monsters scented them to be extremely strong even w/o training or awareness, something that never even happened to any other demigod. that is ok too, they’re part of the seven whatever.
secondary to this is the fact that when demigods grow up, specially greek, they leave camp to try to live their own lives in the mortal world and can do so freely bc it’s implied they are strong enough monsters leave them alone/can fend for themselves. notably all done solo - ignoring the random crack celebs mentioned in demigod diaries. that is also fine. who cares. there are allegedly grown up/possibly elderly demigods (not legacies) in new rome. we don’t know them. ok.
EXCEPT this just opens up the door to the other implication that a demigod’s growth over time never really plateaus until much later in their years - meaning the kids in hoo now in teen years are nothing compared to their powers when they’re actual adults. and we won’t ever really see how the powers will develop.
since the seven are already above and beyond the cream of the crop in terms of abilities, what comes next has to be refinement (been a sec since reading hoo so ignore if these have been explored already lol): leo being able to control fire outside of his own body - which goes for other elemental-control types like percy with his water (do not mention bloodbending to me ummm copyright..) or jason (rip) with his lightning.
there are loads of reasons why nico & hazel within lore and also past canon can’t just cheat death but still so much within their death-related power can be pretty flexible. hazel earthbender metalbender truther btw. reyna’s power strengthening probably gets even crazier too. annabeth… love u baby girl go be megamind and be free.. frank can turn into a dragon. um that itself was crazy ig but i just can’t think of the furthering of shapeshifting so im gonna be quiet on him.
and let me SAY SOMETHINGGGGG. this is a piper mclean “joining the war on piper on the side of piper” blog. okay. but consider the fact that she CAN charm monsters and minor gods/sorceresses (medea specifically) and obviously the biggest contender being a whole titan. all before the age of 17.
i read the burning maze only ofc lol and one thing that struck me was that at that point in the narrative shes been charmspeaking for maybe 1 year?? max? and there was the one scene where she used charmspeak on 3 grown men before they went on caligula’s boats and she sort of half-fainted because she wasn’t used to doing that many people. and additionally this is a sometime after gaea. so where is the meter of growth here?
her power is not an elemental one (percy, leo, nico) or self-affected (frank, annabeth). funnily enough it might be closer to reyna, whose powers affect other people (can she power up herself??) and maybe a magical one that’s pretty freestyle like hypnos/hecate. but those seem to have guidelines and levels of known power too.
this is all coming from me just having reread the very first scene in mark of athena where piper was practicing her words to the roman’s and annabeth, just overhearing a little, felt compelled already. piper can control her power/enhance it, but isn’t shown in canon to even think if it affects others in her vicinity. also maybe doesn’t even know the depth of the effect.
past the age of 18, when a greek demigod is implied to move out bc they’re strong enough already not to need protection, piper would have evolved her charmspeak past all her past feats already. with the others, their limits seem pretty clear. hers isn’t?
here are the rules i feel like she has in canon: she can’t command inanimate objects or things/beings that can’t hear her period. huge crowds like the scene in new rome (brick jason scene) were difficult to control. but again, she can compel more than three mortals as of the maze book. so if with age she could charmspeak to a larger masses that would be pretty believable, even if difficult. say that she can’t make someone do something out of their own power, like asking a mortal to do a demigod feat. it still leaves a lot of open room there.
so even theoretically, she can touch a lot of realms of power here, not even in the vaguer way a hecate kid might. can she compel river gods/naiads into moving water for her? other elements with spiritual reps? can she ask the dead to come back to life? is that even in her scope? she wouldn’t do any of these things obviously, since it flies into a moral panic a little. can she ask someone to go mad and crazy and they will? i just said she couldn’t do inanimate objects, but what if that only excluded inorganic matter? can she ask a seed to sprout?
i say ask but she never has to ask. she just needs to speak. now imagine that at her peak ability.
if she can barely control charmspeak slipping out when she was a teen in the hoo books, I genuinely don’t know how she can walk around as an adult without anyone hanging onto every single word she says. or maybe bc she’s older she can control it much better, but it still implies refinement on a scale she never grasped canonically.
ignoring the greco-roman tragedy that is the tlh trio, writing her out of the narrative (and concurrently out of the world of demigods) like riordan did is kinda crazy because you’re just gonna let a charmspeaker run around like that?? haven’t you watched gen v….. oh wait.
i don’t want a time skip in riordan’s 84th random ass spin-off series that’s not what im saying at all.. I just want to speculate on my own.
piper is lucky enough to be surrounded with masses of people who love her, so she isn’t ever in danger of ever becoming an antagonist. remember how even hazel gets mad at jason’s coffin when he dies and “leaves piper”? or annabeth’s first thought when jason dies is how sad she is for piper. mellie & hedge also choose to move with her. the list goes on. she is a top priority.
what really strikes me in how we last see piper is that she has a support system enough to be satiated to never need to come back again to the demigod world. jason got cremated in new rome and she wasn’t at the funeral. leo is off god knows where. she’s close with annabeth, but they don’t have to be at either camps to be close.
what im getting at here is how much of piper’s relationships with people and their protectiveness over her is her power spilling out versus real connection. that is so nasty of me to bring up ofc bc piper is theeee girl and all but imagining the fallout of her realizing something to the effect of her influencing people very close to her without her knowing.. she could retreat further. that’s fully speculation though. no need to panic..
conclusion: piper’s powers hadn’t reached its peak in canon and may never have a real cap to her abilities unless there’s extensive trial and error well into her adulthood. no matter the outcome, she may not even want anything to do with the demigod world anyway.
disclaimer: mentioned some canonical rules here but also haven’t reread the entire hoo series in many many years I might be offbeat and wrong. ooopssss..
sorry if u read all this I can’t give you your time back. i am writing something abt this though. or sorry again if that turns out to be a lie cuz I don’t post it. well.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Hi! While not new to tumblr it’s been quite a while and oh boy, I wasn’t expecting some of the drama that’s been happening all because of people moving from twitter to tumblr. Though I am a jc/xicheng main myself, I’m sorry y’all are having to deal with this.
Personally, I understand not feeling how fanon can change a character. I’ve felt this way about lwj sometimes (some ppl make him care too much about jc that it feels ooc) so I often avoid certain things and that even includes some themes of xicheng that makes wangxian completely different). Ah, I’m saying that gibberish to mean that I can relate to the frustration even if it’s not the same—
You should be allowed to vent and talk about it. You guys created a tag specific to that too and you guys don’t bother other tags either. I don’t see what the issue is personally with that.
Also, just bc I’ve seen this accusation a bit, I don’t think it’s the JC Stans who’ve been on tumblr for quite a while causing the drama so much as it’s those moving from twitter. Even some tumblr Jc fans have said themselves [paraphrased] “they created that tag quite a while ago. Best to just mute the tag and let them be.” Honestly, I didn’t even know that tag existed until people started pointing it out. If you’re in the general Jc tag, you don’t see the canon Jc tag stuff anyway.
I say the best thing is to just ignore them and keep posting meta/analysis there as you guys have been. I’ve seen fandom discourse get bad enough (*cough* FE3H fandom *cough*) that you just learn to ignore, block, and keep doing the norm. They’ll leave you alone when they see they can’t move you. And if they’ve blocked you, they’re only doing it to themselves.
Hi Anon. Thank you for stopping by, it really is lovely to see you.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I think we can definitely agree on just not vibing with certain types of fanon even if we aren’t bothered by it existing as long as we can still play our own way. I have no beef with Xicheng fans at all, it’s just not my thing (and I totally get you on the LWJ bit of it too).
I really don’t know why it’s suddenly such an issue now too! We had like eight months of total peace about the tag! It made sense for those of us here and allowed us to stop feuding and I was happy with that. It’s nice to just have an easy shorthand where both sides can filter out the one they don’t want and go from there.
Yeah I agree that it’s the Twitter fans. I’ve had a couple of people say that the tag has been overrun by antis and that’s what gets me there, cause I was one of the first to start using it at all, so can a tag really be overrun if that’s how it was always used? It wasn’t like we stole it or anything, I don’t think it existed outside of a few quieter blogs before my friends and I got in on the whole thing. I’m glad to hear that tumblr JC fans are also being reasonable about the whole thing.
<3 thank you Anon for the suggestion. I shall do my best to not start up new fights, but honestly I do tend to bite back when people bring the fight to my posts and inbox. But I shall continue to tag accordingly and hopefully all shall die down soon and we can return to our relative harmony.
I hope you continue to have good times here and enjoy your purple lotus as you love him best! Thanks for taking the time to drop by. It really meant a lot to me this morning.
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thisismeracing · 8 months
Haven’t looked at ur blog since sending the og anon about patreon so idk where all the other anons came from with this discourse which i cba reading btw so yeah….. but i just find it super weird and unorthodox to charge money for fanfiction ive been in fandom spaces for over a decade and never seen this 😭 also i wasn’t trying to shame u for needing money ?? I also find it really rude that ur moots are under that post saying if im broke just say so, i think thats far ruder and shaming me more than anything in that original ask lmao so yeah that felt like a bit of a double standard 👍
Hi, anon! Answering you a tad late because the other anons and their asks that you cba to read ended up taking a lot of my energy (not blaming you, just sharing the reason why it took me forever to answer).
I dunno which fandoms you're part of, but charging for fanfiction is no biggie in huge fandoms like chris evans, one direction, and so on. it's nothing new. It's not a thing in the f1 fandom because it's a mid-sized fandom IMO, but still you can find people with a patreon in here (I'm not the first one). If you had just searched the tags on Tumblr before sending me your first anon you would see.
It felt like you were judging, or pointing a finger, but since in messages you can't really understand the tone, I'm sorry (AGAIN) if my answer came across as rude. And since I don't have trouble recognizing when something got out of hand and I'm in the wrong, I'm sorry the messages of my moots seemed like an attack towards you or some kind of judgment on people who don't have money (bc I don't have it too, obviously), they were just trying to stand up for me after an ask that sounded rude and judgy. So it was rather a reaction, than an action if it makes any sense. Still, I'm sorry.
Hope you don't take it personally, but just adding, to try considering how your words can be received before sending an anon to people. I see lots of things I disagree with and personally don't like, but you won't see me going on anon and telling authors all of my thoughts. all of us are going through a lot of shit, the last thing we needed is someone sounding rude in our inbox <3
It seemed as if it was all a misunderstanding, so I'm glad to move past it. Hope you can do the same. And again: I'm sorry :)
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piastrinorris · 1 year
get to know me!
anna @keerysquinn filled this in and i was thinking about my own answers and realised they go on for ages so i figured if y'all ever wanted a super lore drop about me. here it is!
since my answers are so long, i'm not going to tag anyone, but if you also get inspired to answer, i'm more than happy to learn about people so you can tag me in as the reason you want to answer these!
(under the cut bc of how long it gets lol)
Name(real or alias): rj. letter r, letter j. (i have to spell it out especially when i'm in america bc people think i'm saying audrey) it's an abbreviation of my given name, which considering it's common knowledge that i'm afab, it's probably pretty easy to guess? but i don't want anyone calling me anything other than rj, or ridge
ridge comes from the sounds 'ruh' and 'juh' being said real quickly in succession. my friend jamie once sent me an ask on my old blog forever ago that started with 'hey ridge' and i fell in love with it, but something feels weirdly overfamiliar when people call me it who i'm not mutuals with?? anyway, that's why my user tag is userridge, bc it wasn't being used and it is a legit nickname of mine i've had for years
Age: [schmidt from new girl voice] TWENNY-NOINE
Country you live in: england (derogatory). the oldies at the care home i work at (not for much longer!!) always assume that bc i visit my friends in america so often, i'm planning on moving there, but tbh as much as i'd love to not be an ocean away from the people i love most, domestic day-to-day life in america isn't worth the move. i'd rather sensationalise the one or two trips i get to wal-mart every year, lol
Fandoms: the only fandom i actively participate in, in terms of consuming regular fanart, fanfiction, character analysis, gifmaking and shipping, is stranger things. i have a lot of other interests in other media that i love to consume, but i don't necessarily feel any particular urge to take part in most, if any, parts of fandom culture within those interests like i do with stranger things and other projects affiliated with its actors
Why are you on tumblr (writer or reader or both): i've gone from being strictly a stranger things reader insert writer, to an all-characters-played-by-the-joes reader insert writer, to a sometimes reader insert writer but not for stranger things, sometimes pairing writer but only for stranger things rarepairs, and also now gifmaker!
Favorite thing about yourself: i can take care of people, and i'm good at it. i can make people feel better, and i can stand up for them when it's needed
Something you think you are known for: being the co-captain of cheerscoops, and The Ralph Mutual (which is a kind way of saying the mutual mentally unwell enough to write a six-figure word count about a character with six minutes of screentime)
Who are you in a friend group(partier, mom, talkative, etc): lol what's a friend group? i kid, i kid. i don't really have any irl friend "groups" anymore, but even back when i did, i was more of a gap filler. like, i wasn't one of the first people invited to things, but then later on if someone dropped out or if the group realised more people could come, then i'd be offered
in online groups, i like to think i'm someone who makes people laugh? i'm definitely the indecisive one who needs to crowdsource every choice put in front of me, but that's what you get when you befriend a nonbinary bisexual lol. i also like to bounce ideas back and forth with people, though admittedly despite how often i do it, i do also hold myself back from it a lot bc i don't want people to think i'm taking their idea and running with it
Who do you love the most: keep this clip in mind as you read the next part of this sentence: ask me that again and look at my url. i haven't felt such a (distantly) parasocial connection towards (not with, there's a difference) any celebrity in a long time that i do with the joes. like, i don't want to know anything about their personal lives in the slightest, but i'm always excited to see what they're doing next, in a way i'm not necessarily about anybody else
What brought you to tumblr in the first place: this blog started out because @denim-mixtapes and i, who met through our former blogs dedicated to A Fandom We Don't Talk About Any More, were yelling about eddie munson via snapchat, discord, instagram, our public twitter accounts and our private ones, tiktok, maybe more? and then @fanatictypist, also a friend from AFWDTAAM and deep in the brainrot but never having taken the break from tumblr that mandy and i did, suggested taking our ideas to tumblr bc this was july 2022 when hype was INSANELY real
before that, i made a blog specifically for AFWDTAAM because a) i missed the fandom blog i'd had before that which i had previously deactivated, and b) i realised there was reader insert fanfiction for said fandom, but not enough featuring the person that i liked the most, so i started writing. i'd never written x reader before then.
before that, as i said, i had a fandom blog. it was the one i used to join rp groups on tumblr, which was fun until it wasn't. and i realised that i was going through a cycle of finding a new group, enjoying their company, having major drama ensue, and eventually instead of just moving to another rp group to see the same thing happen over n over again, i just deactivated entirely. i miss rp-ing, but also i wouldn't go back to it at the age of 29
Is there something you regret doing: i have a lot of things that i have learned from, and i regret the fact that actions i've made have hurt people, always inadvertently, but still. i wish that the things that helped me to grow weren't at the expense of other people feeling bad about something in regard to me, but i don't think that constitutes regret.
being autistic, a lot of the time, people seem to just drop me out of seemingly nowhere. and my irl bestie does tell me that a lot of the people i end up befriending, are people she gets a bad vibe from or doesn't really trust, and they're always the ones who don't stick around. but i do feel as though i must be accountable, too, and i know and understand that nobody owes me an explanation if i have done something that warrants them no longer wanting me in their life, but also, how do i know what i need to do to salvage important relationships to me if they don't think it important enough to tell me? that's why i'm a big advocate that your friends should not be your 100% hype men. if they are, i don't trust them. i need people to call me out on my shit and tell me if i'm doing something wrong, or going too far. and i need to feel like i can do the same with them, without them getting offended. it's for both of our benefits
Top five songs: ugh okay each of these has a v significant meaning so here goes
fool - djo: as previously mentioned, am autistic. i got myself diagnosed at 20, and everything suddenly made sense. my mum refused to accept it, told me that everybody's a little on the spectrum, that i only think i am bc i've looked it up and aligned myself with the traits. i learned at 28 that actually, i've had a diagnosis since i was 4. mum just never ever did anything to help me. not when i was going through school wanting to **** ****** bc i knew i was the "weird kid" but i didn't know what made me so weird that everyone ganged up on me so i didn't know how to fix it. turns out i couldn't. i could have gotten more support, but i didn't. and even now that they know i know about the og diagnosis, my parents refuse to acknowledge it. for years, they would scold and bully me away from behaviours that were actually just me stimming, and merely existing as an autistic kid. so i have to put on a persona for them, i have to be their "fool" to appease them rather than just getting to be my authentic, autistic self like i can be around my friends
consequences - lovejoy: going back to the earlier not-quite-regret-but-definitely-Something feeling of knowing that someday friendships and relationships will almost certainly be doomed. this sing encapsulates that for me a lot
car lights - james marriott: the queer anthem of all time. m+d have always said that they "don't care" who i bring home but whenever they talk about me having a future they talk about a husband, or a potential father of my children (which idek if i want) even though i've had relationships with women. it again feels part of something i have to hide from them
soft - motionless in white: a new contender thanks to kai and acey. i've always been the "wholesome" one, i've never really felt rage specifically, or had an outlet for it, but being a lifelong people pleaser and having something to inspire me to work on giving less of a shit what other people are thinking/saying about me has been a game changer for the ol self-esteem
undertale - toby fox: i can't explain this one. it just makes me cry every time i listen to it. like, weep actual tears. every time.
If you could go anywhere where would you go: i've always wanted to go to japan, but i also don't like going to countries where english is not a first language without having a basic understanding of the mother tongue of that country and japanese is fuckin difficult to learn. i've also always wanted to go to australia, even before anyone in particular came into my life tyvm
What is your hobby: fanfic writing, gif making, video game playing. procrastinating is a hobby at this point, lol. i like to try craft things, but i'm not very good at keeping up with them
Any tv shows you watching: i'm rewatching stranger things bc gifmaking has ruined my perception of the actual timeline of events. i'm actively watching the afterparty s2 and only murders in the building s3. it's not really a tv show, but i watch it on my tv, dimension 20's current campaign, mentopolis, is also something i'm actively keeping up with, on top of all actively releasing dropout content
What movie did you last watch: the last movies i put on were the mamma mia films, as background while i wrote, and ever since i've been slowly cooking a mamma mia stranger things au bc i'm basically incapable of consuming any media without relating it to stranger things at this point. i can relate each of the 3 canon characters to eddie, steve and jonathan, but i can't shake the idea that like. what if argyle was one of the potential dads. it wouldn't be a direct parody bc he's so different from any other character in the mamma mia franchise but i think it would be so fun to include him, too
Last thing you read(book, fanfic, etc): i'm reading rebel robin, atm, bc idk why i never really thought to indulge in the stranger things books before now? i used to read doctor who books so it's not like i'm a stranger to consuming media outside of its original format. i'm also currently reading through @pearlypairings' photocheer fic there is a light that never goes out!
Last text message you got: HAHAHA this one's funny. my sister's getting married next month and she's asking if we've all paid for our parts, I told her I'd paid it and her fiance told me they'd receievd it (he's an accountant so he's dealing with the money side of things) but my sister couldn't spot anything from me even though i told her what her fiance had told me, so my last text from her is "unless he's financially gaslighting me, or he's tucked it away in his fuck-off fund" (which i should establish is a joke bc he is 1000% not like that in the slightest)
Last text message you sent: sending to my sister, above: "or he's gaslighting me into believing i've sent it when it didn't go through, classic Dishonest [fiance name redacted]!" (again, all a joke)
Any pets: none atm :( i still live with my parents who have never wanted any of us to have pets, but now that my older sister has her dog, jasper, my family are obsessed with him. i mean, they have a photo of him in our living room that's bigger than any photo of any of us kids
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plumblossombouquet · 1 year
after 5 long months ive logged onto this account. ive cleaned it up of any cluttering posts. i feel a lot of regret for how ive handled certain things and for how harshly ive always treated myself. i had tried to be optimistic on this blog, you can see it, but deep down i was miserable. this isnt a sob story post, it is more of an update and analyzing myself too. because to analyze me back then and me now is to see growth as a person.
tbh i was struggling with a lot of things months ago and even relapsed in things i wouldn’t have imagined i would have. this isnt for validation at all, i like writing things publicly like this, like a note for myself? idk. 
i know i would make comments about my mental state back then “how it got better” but that was never the case. it was temporary. 
to be quite honest, i will get into the real real gist of it. i had moved out of my parents place like in october of 2022. living with my family has always been stressful, i wont go into that though. my roommate was an incredibly selfish and two-faced person. there were red flags but i either hadnt noticed or ignored them. she was a complete pos, imo, and even reveled in being one. she was even gross and her sister who also lived with us was also gross. i feel bad for her cat bc she wouldnt clean the litter box that much until she wasnt so “depressed”. i am honestly not sure, i put quotation marks bc honestly i feel that she was just lazy as fuck. she was one of those girls who followed trends and went out clubbing a lot and had lots of hook ups. i dont know man, maybe i seem like an asshole but ive struggled with depression since i was a kid and still find energy to clean my cats litter box. granted, i have better coping mechanisms and thought processes and am just in general in a better place mentally but idk i love my cats to death and feel like a dickwad when i even go a couple of hours over with cleaning their litter box. she also didnt try to help with her cat becoming obese basically and stuff, so yea. sorry for the long tangent, my roommate was a dickwad.
after moving out of that hell hole (i wasnt apart of the lease so it was p easy), i think i moved out beginning of february? well, situations happen and i move out of parents place with my bf at the end of february. place ends up being fucking infested with bed bugs and the landlord lady was a bitch and so yea. i moved in and out like 4 times in the span of november 2022-march 2023 i think? tbh, that was all pretty stressful. but i think the good thing out of it was my cats are indoor cats now and i love taking care of them.
while cleaning my posts of clutter, i had a wave of nostalgia both good and bad. it wasnt that long ago but it feels like it. i loved rping hu tao and i think a lot of the reason as to why i could never rp with a lot of ppl was because i was harsh to myself and held myself back. i felt like i didnt properly convey hu tao’s portrayal and compared myself to other hu taos. it is easy to compare because it isnt your writing or portrayal. i could look at myself, be a harsh critique about my looks, but at the end of the day there could always be someone out there that sees things differently. in a more positive and less judgemental light, ig. i also had and still struggle with social anxiety. it has gotten better and perhaps it has helped that ive learned to be more understanding of myself like i am with others.
i love hu tao as a character and always will. and id love to come back to her! but tbh i have fallen out of the game and havent been playing it. i havent played the event including hu tao. i am not sure yet if i am going to make such a commitment to rping again but looking back at the posts made me feel a bit happy. i kinda like how i wrote her, i liked interacting and being goofy. 
so, there is that, i guess. 
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ftmtftm · 1 year
It does kinda seem that you put a whole possible group of people on blast for one kid's dumbass "joke". This is going to have repercussions that are a bit too harsh for the crime of being young and unfunny, as people are already making posts talking about sending them rape threats, suicide baiting them, and doxing them. Calling attention to this on your big blog probably wasn't the best move, even if you felt the need to distance yourself in a "its not me, its them officer" type move. This doesn't need anymore attention. It should've been handled privately with the user who originally made the joke, but I guess that's tumblr for you. Everything needs to be a circus.
I hope you're deleting any replies that are listing urls in your notes bc if you let that happen on your post, on your blog, and it goes too far, you'll have some perverbial blood on your hands too.
Hey, so first and foremost to address the very end of your ask: I have not seen anyone listing URLs in my replies or reblogs and if anyone has been doing that I would appreciate it being brought to my attention so I can delete it! I've scrubbed through the notes and my activity and cannot find anything, so if something has slipped through the cracks please tell me!
Secondly, and also related to the end of your ask, I really don't appreciate the guilt trippy nature of this ask at all! If you want to have a discussion about platforms and the way people use them, by all means we can have that conversation, but I'd prefer if it was had without the typical Tumblr accusatory guilt trip tonality. I'm addressing this upfront because addressing someone in the way you've addressed me really isn't how a productive conversation is had, but I wanna take the opportunity to try to have one. Let's just talk without trying to make each other feel bad to try to prove a point, okay?
I do agree that I should have put more thought into my post and also I should not have made it while I was on my lunch break at work. I had less control over the response to it than I would've liked and also left people in my DMs waiting on a reply in a way I'm sure was stressful. I'm not used to my posts gaining that much attention that quickly and that is on me for not having thought about that possibly.
I do think that I made it abundantly clear that I don't support the harassment of anyone, ever and that harassment and targeting individuals wasn't the goal of the post once I was able to. I do apologize that it wasn't something I was necessarily thinking about it the moment and that my comments were not soon enough to beat some of Tumblr's worst to the punch.
This is where I'm sure some people will disagree with me, but do I pretty firmly believe in openly, publicly talking about the failures of and issues within my own communities. I don't think there is anything to be gained from trying to shy away from it or trying to be quiet about it, especially when shying away or burying it just tends to lead to entire community collapse in the long run in my experience. That is why I made a post publicly about it in the first place.
I'm going to go more in depth into my reasoning for making a public post here, but if that doesn't interest you that's okay! The previous paragraph sums up my feelings pretty concisely, this next section is just expanding on it.
This is a new~ish blog, but I've been active on and off in Tumblr discourse spaces since I was about 16 so I'm looking at this informed by about a decade of experiences. The thing I've seen that happens most often is once people who aren't used to a giant influx of attention get that attention, especially if it is negative, things tend to get extremely sour extremely quickly. Usually this results in taunting, feeling like you need to get the last word in with a quippy remark, slippery slope-ing, and a lot of assumptions and poor taste comments that come from very real upset and distress. Those responses then get used as more fuel for the fire and it just continues and continues and continues really until someone deletes or abandons their blog. That's absolutely not to discredit the very real distress that is happening, but instead to call attention to this cycle that happens all the time.
I personally partially attribute the nature of this cycle to the fact that no one on the internet (especially on Tumblr) really knows how to healthily disengage because the internet is a culture all about engagement (especially negative engagement), but that's a topic for another post. The reason why I bring up the cycle is because in all of that individuals tend to get mean, defensive, and deflective and say things they might not actually mean or reflect extremely poorly out of context.
That's what has been happening with multiple people I follow the last few days, not just with one or two individuals. When a culture like that begins to take shape I think it's important to openly address the ways in which it is manifesting, especially when it includes a public joke about the oppression of another marginalized group. Like I said earlier, I do think I should have gone about it better in the ways I've already described but what's done is done in that regard. I also would like to address the fact that I explicitly, intentionally did not name individuals because there was already a harassment campaign happening and I did not want to directly contribute to that. Again, I see the failures within that especially given my own personal timing, I just want to give context for anyone reading this ask.
Again, you're more than allowed to disagree with my feelings or my responses/lack of response due to other constraints and you can extrapolate as much ill will and negativity from it all as you'd like. I can't control the thoughts and actions of other people. I do, however, know myself and I know how I feel and while I do believe I should have been more thoughful about my timing and wording I don't have any issue with openly addressing actions I disagree with in communities I'm in. Especially ones like that. That's not really going to change because of an anon slippery slope-ing about proverbial blood on my hands in my askbox.
I also want to add on the end here that I don't particularly like the accusation that I'm a "big blog" when before I made that post I had under 200 followers. Sure, I'm vocal, I've got a decently put together mobile layout, and I speak like I know what I'm talking about, but I'm that doesn't make me a "big blog" - I've just been on Tumblr for a decade and know my way around most of the time (though, as I think this shows, I'm also still human and have my own blind spots like everyone else).
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Maybe Colby doesn’t like the baggage that comes with being in a relationship but likes all the domestic stuff like going to concerts, goofing off, fooling around. Its the fact that this girl and others very obviously don’t feel the same way that throws me off. He’s openly said he likes being single and not looking to settle and this girl has this idea that she can change that. Don’t hate me please but I secretly think Sam and Kat are egging it on because why is she suddenly back in the picture as if nothing happened when something very obviously did given her behavior. She was in everything and suddenly for 3months or so she was left behind, not mentioned, or brought up unless Sam posted her in a photo dump. I think the idea of them having a forth wheel that would not only accompany Kat but attract Colby was appealing to them. Who invites a friend on a trip across the pond or to different events and then ditches her constantly so then said friend is stuck with the bachelor. Anyway, I appreciate you answering this. Not many platforms one can talk about this stuff so openly without being shut down or called names for seeing things differently .
I'm the least person to hate anyone on their opinion ♥️ don't worry, I'm here for what u think
So, my opinion and pov are the next, if anyone disagrees, tell me, but not the usual way "u don't know them/ they did nothing to u", cuz that ship has sailed and nobody knows them, yet speculations will arise no matter what, so spare ur time and other blogs' by commenting that when u disagree. Just state ur opinion. That, as a side note haha
Ok so
I believe that probably the friendship got shaky bc stas fell for Colby, of course, that's not a reason for sam and kat not to talk to her anymore bc they're still friends no matter what. They moved to vegas, they didn't have time to spend time with her and under no circumstances was there a reason for her to be brought with them. She probably got upset cuz they were moving, leaving her behind, which led to kat being colder to her cuz she had other priorities. I think the both ot them also had some quarrelling going on bc kat was very cold when answering her birthday post stas posted. Sam looks like the only impartial person in this group, so when it came to the photo dump, he couldn't just exclude stas because she was there with them. Probably he felt like that was rude to do or he has nothing against her to be petty and not post a pic of her or whatever number of pics there was. Of course, sam and kat would love for Colby to have someone while they're spending some couple time and maybe that's why stas also came back in the picture, maybe her and colby are fine now and sorted things out. Or maybe they were distant because she had feelings for him and colby wanted to have some time away from her. Which led to her feeling abandoned which is such a strong and petty word to make ur friends feel bad
They also look very distant, my opinion, idk how y'all see it, but it looks like there's some damage done yk. Also maybe her coming back was the way to end whatever was going on badly between them
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softjaeyvn · 2 months
August 9, 2024 | 1:21am
heyyy,, sooo its been a minute since i last updated my blog and 2023 has been a wild year with a lot of ups and downs, but im not really gonna talk about those stuff tonight.
today and the past few days has been kinda hard for me despite being on break from school. idk if i told you guys but i passed (well, reconsidered) my dream university! ust has always been the dream for me and never in a million years would i have traded it for anything. i was both excited and anxious on moving to schools, the expectations, the new environment, the people, and the overall culture. you can’t imagine the happiness i felt when i got accepted here in ust. many times during the reconsideration process i have felt on giving up but i pursued with it just to get in to my dream university.
now, i’m currently in my senior year of high school (yahoo) and ill soon be graduating ust-shs! ever since i was a kid, i had my eyes on which dream profession i would pursue when i grow up. but lately, i became undecisive on which course i’ll take in college. since i’m really into photography and filming, i kinda wanna take ab communication arts and my friends also adviced me to take ab comm instead of bs tourism since ab comm is more broad when it comes to picking your job in the future and i read that you don’t really have to take bs tourism to become a flight attendant so all roads lead me to ab comm right? but the reason i’m conflicted between these two is because of (1) most of my friends that is my blockmates are leaning towards bs tourism. so if i take ab comm, i would probably have to make new friends again. but there’s also a part of me that wants to distance myself from them since i had trauma with most of my blockmates. mostly because they don’t cooperate much and only do the tasks last minute and i dont like doing last minute works, (2) i researched the subjects from ab comm and bs tourism and compared them from one another. im nervous for thesis writing which ab comm has on 2nd year up until 3rd? i think. anyways, im not really that good in research and my last research took a toll on me bc of how incompetent my groupmates were. one even had the audacity to use chatgpt to search for our theoretical framework AND didn’t show up during the defense day. and lastly (3) my ate graduated from the same course (ab comm) with latin honors (cum laude) and that just makes me want to achieve latin honors too. no one’s really pressuring me to achieve anything and its mostly just me putting pressure on myself to do well so that i can match the efforts and achievements my relatives had. idk but to me, if i don’t achieve something in the course taken by one of my relatives before, i would think i’m not working hard enough and that i’m a failure. if i apply for ab comm then that pressure would be put onto me by myself. i don’t want to become a shadow of one of my relatives that graduated with latin honors just because i enrolled the same course as her and couldn’t match her achievements. all im saying here is that i’m insecure of how smart my family is and im not. they all achieved something in life while im just here. existing.
These conflicts about my course in college just scratch the surface on why i’m ranting right now. since i’m already a senior, i’m entitled to take all the cets from the big 4 universities. upcat was the first among the four that opened its doors for admissions, of course i wouldn’t miss the chance to apply so i did. as i’m writing this, it would only be 1 day left till i take upcat. i’m already getting burnt out because i wasted my time goofing around instead of reviewing for this. i asked for reviewers from my friend that attended a review session today and watched some of its lecture videos then got to answering a mock test. idk what i was honestly expecting what my grade would be but i was surprised that i got only a 30% and that is definitely not good. i know that that’s what i get for not reviewing enough but i was still somehow disappointed with it.
now, this wouldn’t really be a big of a deal for me since i’m only taking the test for added experience, im already thankful that i got accepted in ust. i just think of it as bragging rights for when i do pass. it’s honestly rewarding to see a “congratulations” on the screen and people would immediately think you’re so smart because you passed one of the most hardest to pass cets in the country.
why am i ranting over this? you might ask. ever since i got enrolled here in ust, the tuition fee is not a joke. 50k for one semester, that would equal to 100k for just one school year. now, i know that this is the consequence for enrolling in a prestigious university but the desire to get into my dream university blinded me from these kinds of things. now that i’m in my senior year, the fees increased by 4% and went from 50k to 60.5k for one semester. and that really took a toll in both me and my mom’s finances. we already applied for a voucher from peac since the start of my junior year but it has still yet to be applied so my mom is still paying full installments for my tuition fee. we also recently applied for a scholarship from our local city to try and somehow get discounted prices for my tuition. but, if my application doesn’t get approved, i will probably say goodbye to ust sooner.
When i was still choosing on what university ill go to for shs and college, staying in ust wasn’t really my plan at all. in fact, i thought that i’ll just take shs in ust and then transfer universities after. but that changed when i experienced what it’s like to become a thomasian to the point where i grew fond of the campus and lore and even the people that are just so so friendly and welcoming. i didn’t wanna leave so soon. i don’t want to suddenly leave after just 2 years of staying there. i want ust to become my second-home up until i graduate college.
my mom has been urging me to review and do well for upcat because it’s a state university and doesn’t have tuition fees (they probably still have but lower compared to ust) and given our current financial situation, she badly wants me to pass upcat. but i don’t really see myself in that institution and i just don’t think i have the mental capacity to pass that exam. now, its putting pressure on me because i might lose my chance of staying in ust in college, this might be my last year in ust and being a tomasino; or i might lose my mind if i ever do pass upcat and become an isko for college. i’ve already heard stories from seniors that they got delayed from graduating at up because of how hard it is to study there, and their thesis there are supposedly individual work which just goes back to my rant over me being conflicted with my course to take in ust (i hate research and im scared of thesis).
i honestly would love to study in up but im just being realistic with myself, i may bite more than what i can chew but that doesn’t mean i’m over optimistic to myself. i don’t want to have an expectation brought unto me just because im studying in ust or up. i really do hope i get the chance to stay in ust because i can’t see myself in any other university other than ust. ust has only been my home for a year and it has been a life-long dream to study here. i have yet to experience many thomasian traditions and i don’t wanna leave just yet.
ps: it’s been 2 days since treasure’s 4th anniversary! im really proud of them. i probably wouldn’t be the person i am today if i haven’t met them
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
My Stand-In Ep 12 Live Blogging
Sadness and despair at the fact that I couldn't watch it yesterday because I got home at like almost 10 and had a few other things I had to do. but today's the day!! Mostly spoiler-free except the very last (??) scene with the ramen on the table lmfao
Ep 12 (July 13)
Joe never escaping Ming's clutches fr
oh, the Sol and Ming convo is nice ig
the mothers speaking together
MingJoe are cute for no reason
lmfao Joe gonna be hungry as fuck if he waits for Ming to feed him bc ppl keep interrupting
Ming's apology
even the dad came around, I was kinda expecting that because in romance shows, generally the wealth isn't actually permanently cut off, they either get their inheritance back or they build it up again by themself
i still had Tong though agh can't we at least kill him? and also hashtag free May
what the hell Joe, take the fucking credit
well IIIII don't think Tong deserves a second chance!
I don't want May with Tong T.T and I don't wanna see them talk either, why the hell would I wanna see Tong get a happy ending aghh
Tong daring to ask May if she'd still love him if he didn't have fame oh my godddd i need to kill him
being reminded that Joe looks like a different Joe is the worst even though maybe they should actually remind the audience more often lol
who even is that? are we pairing Sol up randomly at the last second. oh well idc
idgaf about the brother and secretary Jim romance either i've gotta be honest
a cute dinner with Ming's mom, how sweet
oh yeah, I've remembered that the guy who's a Sol fan is a styling who's Joe's friend
the way Joe's original life ended and all the people who still remember him is so tragic man
i never really cared much about Joe's movie journey because it felt so hand-fisted every time like start as a support c'monnn
ah, starting their relationship all over again
"You can't stop me" makes another appearence
lmfao the ramen bowl shaking and the sneeze. cute
I wish this ep had more Ming/Joe scenes alone or even like cutely together (the dinner with mom was cute).
How does Ming live knowing he never faced Joe's original body while having sex?! That fact will haunt me like this show I feel like didn't touch enough on the horrors and despair of a permanent body switch bc I think in most fiction, the people switch back but here... Joe is just stuck in this random guy's body forever while his own body was cremated... horrific omg.
I knew going into the show that Ming is supposedly a terrible person who treats Joe shittily and Joe keeps going back to it and I think that preparation helped me really enjoy the show. The show redeems Ming by the end but it doesn't necessarily pretend that Ming actually treated Joe well back then, Ming's shittiness was the point. It's a fun show and I was excited to see Ming realize how much Joe truly meant to him rather than his crush on Tong.
I found Ming and Joe so cute together man, like when the times were good, they were soooooo good. I know people at the start wanted Joe to grow a spine and move on but I was curious how they'd make it work.
Why did they try to redeem Tong at the end?! I still hate that guy and May should've divorced him fr, I also can't fucking believe he dared to ask "would you still like me if I wasn't famous, May?" like motherfuckerrrr she's staying with you despite you causing so much trouble and getting into so much debt, how dare you accuse her of such shallow things? You're the one who is there for money, you piece of shit. aghhhhh fuck him fr
I feel like this ship would be soooo good for character study fics but I'm not skilled up, how sad.
Overall, a good show, definitely one of the better BLs this year and one where I wasn't disappointed compared to the hype.
Rating: 7/10
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