#if people wish for more photos just lemme know
carlysky815 · 7 months
“Oh no, surrounded, lynched by the masses”
I’ve posted Haruka in the past (and it’s a lil tricky to post Teardrop as I only got a few photos of it) so I’m posting out of order. If you guys want better or more photos of my T2 Haruka disc I’d be willing to share. Anyways until I get more photos of Teadrop, here’s Backdraft instead! I didn’t take any inside booklet photos for like any of these cause they don’t have any cool designs besides the character standing really like T1s does. But if people want I’ll mass post them later.
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Do you think you could do one for Rhea were it’s all about how she posts about her girlfriend on social media? Like she posts about her girl and the fans just go wild for it? Can make it fluff, smut, whatever takes your fancy. Could be headcannons if you want? ❤️‍🔥🌸
YES!! I love this one cause I literally think about these things all the time. Doing headcannons so I can fit more in🫡
Lemme know if yall want a part 2!
I've said it before, I'll say it again; Rhea loves doing TikTok trends with you
Whether you're running into her and she swings you around or your eyes are inches away from her tits, she loves them and she loves the reactions ya'll get from the fans
She constantly reposts fanart of not just the two of you, but fanart of just you
There's even some of you and her dogs which she commissioned the og artists to paint on a canvas so she could put them up around the house
And edits of course
She lives for the edits people make of you
You're not super active on twitter however Rhea will always find some way to flirt with you on every single post you make, no matter what its about. A winking emoji, some heart eyes, or the filthiest implications
and the mosherz always go batshit when she does it
she also reposts ever single one of your posts to hype you up no matter what it is
She also loves to just take pictures/videos of you when you're completely unaware and just totally natural because those are the things she loves most about you
Every milestone post has a caption so long most people dont even bother to finish reading it
of course its all about how much she loves you and how proud she is of you but omg its so long
she will bully the fuck out of anyone leaving even the slightest mean comment
like to the point they delete their account
she just loves to show you off every chance she gets
because you're hers and she's yours and everyone needs to know that
every thirst pic/video she posts goes to you first so you're always the first to see them
You also get bonus content thats not posted😉
sometimes you'll be in one of her tiktoks or thirst posts from Raw (or a ppv) and the caption is always something super raunchy that makes the fans freak out for the next few weeks
or until the next post
You've been obsessed with the Harley Quinn show on Max recently so for Halloween you made Rhea dress up as the Poison Ivy to your Harley Quinn
You won best costume and there was tons of fanart made of the two of you as them
You like to do face masks and you wanted Rhea to join you but she'd only do it if you would agree to do a little photoshoot with her with them on for her insta
She also took a little polaroid of you to keep in her wallet
On that note, when you revealed that Rhea keeps one of those mini photo albums for polaroids in her carry-on (no matter where she goes) FILLED with polaroids of you, you and the dogs, or the occasional ones of the two of you, or all four of you, Twitter blew up
it was all anyone could talk about for weeks
"The cutest thing ever!!😍 Rhea loves her SO MUCH😭"
She has "Belongs to Y/F/N" in her bio on all socials
Constantly taking pictures of you because "you're just so beautiful, babe"
The fans are in love with how in love you are
Like its a fairytale and they're living for it
She constantly talks about you in interviews and always reposts those clips specifically so that just in case people didn't watch/listen to that particular instance of her gushing about you, now they have
The fans cosplay as the two of you just like they do with Rhea and Dom
you are THE it couple
Everyone wishes they were you
When you got engaged, you changed your name in your insta bio to Mrs. Ripley and the fans actually went insane
like to the point that the official WWE accounts got involved
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
11/19/23 updates cpn 🎂🍦🍪
for some reason, today, both of them decided to share on their social media. for wyb, it’s his douyin. for gg it’s weibo + douyin. xzs also posted on their weibo. they didn’t even bother splitting it up like one will post in the morning and the other afternoon/evening. nope. it’s all in the same afternoon.
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we were hoping for some 24 hr relay, but these gremlins are like nope. we will just post very closely to each other. for wyb it’s definitely a part of his homework completion. lol. and the fact that he is wearing something evisu related again. how many things did he do during this shoot? 😂 as for ZZ, it seems like he is trying to catch up too? ( douyin stuff are from yuguyao promotion ) nonetheless, we are happy to get stock content.
doing this made them both go on HS. i love seeing their names on HS for stuff like this. (?FYI for wyb it’s more of the “cross dressing” meaning switching clothes.)
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now let’s see what else is there….
1. The same use of emojis as captions on there douyin posts as if they really have no time to think of even a word or line to use. lol. tho this kind of caption is not exclusive to them, it’s just nice to see them matching like this on the same day.
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2. There are a couple of guesses on what they are “celebrating” today ; what could possibly be the reason for doing this specifically on the 19th.
(p1) it’s wyb’s 105th post on douyin. 10.5 which represents zz’s birthday, so it’s special. that’s why they both posted today. (p2) the day zz shared his japan trip. i think this doesn’t need any more explanation, japan trip cpn is notorious on this fandom. (
(p3 and p4) this one is kind of reaching but it’s one of those 2020 candies that i love and it happened around this time too. 11/18 - 11/19 it was speculated that they spent time together. for those who were here during that time, WYB shared a video (11/20) of him skating and his caption was like i wish i could go skating everyday and then the three dots. WYB loves skateboarding and i don’t doubt that he wishes he can play everyday, but the cpn-colored glasses is wondering if what he is really talking about is skateboarding. or maybe, maybe he was wishing he could spend time with GG everyday or more often. and the three dots, which in turtledom means i miss you just adds fuel to this CPN. The penguin photo was shared by XZ on 11/18 and it’s a piece that people are adding, it is making the heart gesture and could be because XZ is happy to be with WYB.
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There is a CPN timeline from that period in 2020 so lemme just refresh people’s memories even if it’s totally irrelevant ( probably ) to this post. I love myself some cpn archaeology. 🔍
11/17 was luoyang opening ceremony so he was kinda busy here but they still got to spend time together. In hindsight, this is very telling, cause there was some heavy speculation that GG was present during Luoyang presscon. If he was there during the opening ceremony for the filming, he might have been introduced to select cast and crew. So it was easier for him to tag along for the press con before the official release cause he knows the people. 11/19 was the release of the wolf and WYB attended the chanel x vogue event. 11/22 GG released a douyin video and we CPN about the curtains and how it’s similar to one of Bobo’s. Again, hotel curtains are not the most reliable measure, i know, but that’s how CPNs work.
11/25, YBO posted alluding to the douban issue of downvoting works. basically manipulating data — look at YBO calling out this practice years before, they know how unreliable DB is. everyone knows. the point is, around this time, The Wolf was getting downvoted by antis.
11/29, an episode of TTXS was aired where WYB said “i can’t give up what i like”. A sentiment that is true in everything he does, from dancing to his other hobbies. No matter how hard it is and even if it seems like everything is against him, he will not give up. The same is true (probably ) with his relationships. 🤍 this episode was filmed 11/22 which was very close to when they allegedly spent time together so the feeling is there ( and there is a whole different cpn for that day too lol ).
In 2019, GG’s Bazaar promo was release where he said that he saw his love in a dream ( i don’t think this needs any explanation ) and 2021 they also posted around the same time and both are transitions.
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This is all guess work, they could be posting for the simple reason of KPI or their studios scrambling to get their bosses to be visible online 😂😂😂 BUT THE POINT IS, there seems to be significant things happening during this time and always including 11/19 between them. ✨ It fits the pattern we have been seeing for years.
3. WYB’s 105th post on Douyin and GG’s 1050 post on Weibo. 🤡🤡🤡
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4. The use of a light in their hands as an element to their post. For WYB it’s a transition to change clothes and for GGs it’s more of a sunshine/light.
They share the same brain cell. Lol. and BXGs are so good cause there is already an art for it.
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5. I love how XZ was like i don’t wanna be doing this while filming the Douyin. goes to show what happens behind the scenes and how similar he & WYB are. in the video, XZ was asking his staff “is this viral?” and they respond with “really viral” and he proceeds to make faces like he can’t believe 🤣🤣🤣 If he only knew, the most random things go viral. and he probably didn’t want to do it cause it had the cute vibe to it.
Similar to WYB, he prefers the cool transitions and he is someone who will not be willing to do a douyin trend. Both of them would rather share things they love like photos of places or their hobbies.
The lyrics for GG’s video is:
oh no oh no i haven’t talked to my baobei
baobei, what are you doing?
muah are you there? are you asleep?
baobei, what are you doing?
why aren’t you replying?”
Going by the theme of the song, missing someone, his baobei who is not replying lol is this a shout out to WYB? 😅
Anyway, it’s being linked to WYB’s post. The whole transition with the phone light he is doing was said to be popular in 2021. There is a couple version, which means two people are doing it and the BGM used is a song i will still miss you.
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Looking at the lyrics, I understand why he didn’t use it and went with the cool tune instead. It’s a bittersweet song and about missing because the couple grew apart. WYB still wants to match the missing theme but probably scrapped it cause GG’s is more on the cute type of missing someone. 🙃
6. Going back to the Japan Trip, their posts seem to echo that time. 11/19/2018.
From WYB’s use of his phone and the shot. To XZ’s most obvious posting on the same day and SAME TIME 🤯🤯🤯
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THIS IS WHY JAPAN CPN WILL FOREVER BE RELEVANT!!!!!! Happy 5th anniversary i guess! 💟 Dude I can’t fuckin believe Xiao Zhan did this the fuck he is insane for this.
7. In usual turtle clowning fashion, some of em commented xz or wyb’s photo on their douyin. These might be buried now cause solos are doing the most to make sure the top posts are theirs.
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Disclaimer: this is all CPN. meaning, it is interpretation/speculation from a cpf’s perspective and uses lots of symbolism and past events that are known and understood by cpn-inclined turtles. this is not the place to wash things cause again, it’s all cpn anyway. I don’t make these posts to be picked apart, it is for fun and to enjoy. Okay? Okay. If you wanna complain, do it on your own blog.
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Oki angels lately I’ve been working on results transferring! This basically just means I’ll do my methods and such but then I energy transfer the results to you instead ! Rn I’m focusing on the void state since a lot of people want that as their desires, but I’ve been working with all topics.
I’ve been experimenting on my friends the past couple of days and it’s been going great..so I want to extend it onto her on tumblr since there seems to be a slump. Obviously this is a free offer, but I’m still on break and wanted to try it on 5-10 mutuals, and then 5-8 anons.
It works the best if you know me and trust me, and I know what you look like but it has been working as long as I know your username and real name. So you don’t have to show a photo unless you want to !
This is not a *void service*!!!!!
It’s simpily something I’ve been practicing with and want to see the extent of its sucess so if you have too many expectations pls don’t participate in this. It’s more of an experiment, but a safe one ofc. Also if you’ve ever sent or wished harm on me, do not sly your way into here because (nothing bad will happen) but you won’t get results until you apologize or we have already made amends.
Anyways, It’s just going to be a first come first serve bases so just dm your name if you’re interested! I’ll message you if you’re in, after I get everyone I’ll go on my week break as I planned. Just keep track of any changes, and symptoms you have both mentally and physically. This doesn’t mean you’ll have any, but some people do haha. Also let me know any sucess you have, some of my friends has dreams about the void, had better attempts, reality glitches etc etc just lemme know all of it 🙃💗
You don’t have to do anything, just lemme do my thing and keep track of the results for me :)!
Edit: all the slots are filled !
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mqriuss · 1 year
Underneath the Cherry Blossoms
ZEN's birthday special — zen x fem!reader
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"Honey, I'm home!"
Your face lights up at the sound of the voice you know all too well. You rush out of bed—even painfully bumping your hip against the bedside table in the process—and dash towards the entrance of your boyfriend's cozy home.
"Zen!" You exclaim as you launch yourself at him, he catches you and picks you up off the ground. "Welcome home," you greet him softly, breathing in his sweet scent.
"Ah, I missed you so much!" Zen joins you in a fit of laughter, peppering kisses all over your face, the only face he likes besides his own. "I didn't forget about our date tomorrow!"
"Of course you wouldn't, it's your birthday," you chuckle, pulling away from him to admire him. Even though he comes home to you every day, you rarely get to see him with just how busy he is with his upcoming musical promotions.
"Mm, I may be a busy man but I'm never too busy for my baby!" Zen gives you a peck on the lips and flashes you a stupid grin, one so sweet that you could get a cavity just by looking at it.
Although your loving boyfriend knows about the date you planned tomorrow, he doesn't know about the little gift you had prepared for him.
"Ooh! Zen, lemme get a picture of you with the cherry blossoms. You can upload it to your instagram for your fans!" You say as you grab his phone, opening the camera. Zen sighs and looks at you lovingly, you were so cute whenever you got excited.
"How should I pose? You decide, babe," he smiles as you ponder for a while.
"Hmm, do a finger heart and then a peace sign! And then just do what you want."
Everyday Zen looks at you and believes that he can think of three different reasons on why he loves you. Yep, different reasons for each day. Today is just another day.
First, he loves how supportive you are! Even in the smallest ways. Ever since you started dating, most of his instagram posts were taken by you. He doesn't even have to ask you, maybe you just want an excuse to take a million photos of him. But you're always suggesting new ways on how to interact with his fans more. "Post more pictures! Your fans would love it, I certainly would." You'd say.
"How does it look?" Zen stops posing to walk over to you, snaking an arm around your waist.
"It looks pretty," you smile proudly as the both of you walk along the path, surrounded by cherry blossom trees.
"Let's get something to eat, there should be some stands nearby," you suggest, pointing in the direction in front of you.
Second, he loves how thoughtful and genuine you are. Thanks to his busy schedule, he hasn't been eating too well. But you always make it a point that he should just eat when he's hungry, and you don't care if he gains a little weight. You wouldn't love him any less, you wouldn't find him any less attractive than before, and you always make that clear to him.
"Mm! This is so good, babe. Try it," Zen's eyes light up as he feeds you a bite of his meal.
As you're eating, a flower petal sticks to your hair and it doesn't go unnoticed by Zen. Now he wouldn't be your boyfriend if he didn't act like a cliché male lead in a romance drama every time you guys went on a date.
"Oh, you have a petal in your hair," he inches unnecessarily close to your face just to brush the petal off. Seeing you become flustered, he smirks. "What's this? I think there's something else here~," he closes in, kissing you on the corner of your lips to tease you.
Third—and boy, he wishes he could go on, but he has to save some for tomorrow—, even though you can get shy sometimes, you're not any different and can catch him by surprise too!
"Zen, let's go somewhere with less people. I have a surprise for you," you grin, tugging lightly at his sleeve. Your boyfriend smirks, slipping his hand into yours.
"Oh? What surprise could that possibly be?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Pervert," you mutter, snorting as he bends and bursts into laughter. "I just wanna give you something, come on!"
"Okay, okay. Lead the way, baby!"
You drag him to a quieter and less crowded area, stopping in your tracks to stand in front of him. "I want you to close your eyes!"
"Hm? Okay..." Zen is curious now as he hesitantly does as he's told. He hears a few sounds as if you were looking for something. Finally, after what felt like eternity, you spoke.
"Alright, open your eyes!"
As Zen opens them, his eyes are met with an odd looking necklace. For a moment he's confused, until the realization hits him.
"You did not..." Zen gapes at you in disbelief.
"Mhm!" You flash him a smile. "I remember you talking about how cute these couple necklaces were, so I thought I'd surprise you with it."
Zen carefully brings his hand up to hold it, you bring your hand up to your neck, revealing the matching necklace hidden beneath your clothes.
"You're wearing it already!" His face is glowing at this point, like a kid that just got the toy of their dreams.
You help Zen put on the necklace. The second it was on him, he pulls it towards yours to connect them. The two pieces create a pink heart when put together.
"I'm never taking this off," he declares. "I don't care if it doesn't match some of my outfits, this is a part of me now."
You chuckle and secretly, you feel relieved. For the past few days you were just thinking about how you could make his gift better, but he seemed so genuinely happy about silly matching necklaces, you couldn't help but pull him into a hug.
"I'm so glad you like it."
"Are you kidding? I love it, baby! Anything from you is a precious gift."
Zen pulls away from you, cupping your face in his hands. "You seriously don't know how happy you make me, you don't even need to try."
Closing the distance between the two of you, you press your lips tenderly against his. It catches him off-guard for a second, but he melts into the kiss immediately after. He's a pile of goo in your arms, he couldn't ask for a better gift. There is simply nothing, and no one quite like you.
"Happy birthday, Zen," you say as you pull away from each other, fondly looking into his crimson eyes.
Zen sighs, caressing your cheek. "Gosh, I love you... I love you so much, darling."
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Hello! AH I've been wanting to send a request but don't know what to say xD Been wondering if you could do a four horsemen x singer fem!reader? Kida like how they act towards her and in the concerts, fans or backstage that kinda stuff. (You can do it if you want to of course! Will always adore your works for this fandom <3)
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yes yes ofc my dude I'm loving this ask 💕 sry if it took too long
You never fail to amaze homeboy over here with your talent
He does ask you to sing him songs, anything you make up or write is perfectly fine, mostly when he's falling asleep. Being baby n shit
Dude is a menace with instruments. Says "hey babe look I can play too" and bust out some god awful ear-ache of a tune. Completely as a joke, thankfully.
He doesn't stick around backstage much but he will sit with you if you're having some make up done or doing some sound checks. Mostly because it's very noisy and it can overstimulate him easy
That doesn't mean he won't attend your performance granted if he gets a free seat lol he's a pretty chill hypeman but hypeman nonetheless
He'll try an keep a distance from you but not too much. He's more private with congratulations and praise so you have time with your fans. Makes you a nice dinner too.
Damn, though, the fact you would be recognized more than him might bruise his ego but he won't admit it because you deserve the spotlight
If you get any hate mail he usually just tries to toss it before you read it. Stuff doesn't get to him like it might you unless it about u and he doesn't want you to have any doubt in your mind how special you are
I feel I shouldn't have to say but will anyway, definitely #1 hypeman out of the other three
Bro got perfect pitch he can throw you a note of help out if you need it. Or play an instrument for you if needed. Would be determined to teach himself all you can play to help with your efficiency and improvement
Half his notebook is now full of music theory and he's constantly trying to make a logical formula for this form of artistry
Dude is always backstage and will go out of his way to make sure everything is perfect. Ppl might get annoyed by him but others really appreciate his assistance with sound checks and what not
He would also rather stay backstage/helping any tech crew if needed when watching you perform. Mostly to avoid any screaming that drowns out your perfect voice. Best seat in the house
You could probably make a whole botanical garden with the amount of flowers he gives you. All at fucking once
High alert when you're around fans. Has quite the face if they get too close. He doesn't want any perv creeps trying to have a way at you.
Respectful tho and steps away if ppl come up and ask for a photo/autograph. He's so proud of u bro
All hate mail is incinerated. All haters are damn near the same.
#2 hypeman over here, to say the least. He comes with musical talent
(HC) His village had their own traditional instruments and styles of music. It's a nice perspective when expanding territory and a sweet bonding experience trying to teach each other your respective skilled instruments
He is a busy guy but he always tries to at least stop by to wish you luck. He's great to have around if you might have forgotten anything, as he's quick to fix it/get.
Sometimes he chips in with any stage makeup you may do (lemme tell u, he'd be great at any alternative or gothic subculture makeup)
Also tries to attend a full concert but if he has to go he'll try and be back for the end. Always has a flower for you
He doesn't have a problem with fans at all. He's happy you have people that you inspire and that look up to you.
Of course he is on standby for creeps. He's quick to trip them on their ass and nobody would know what happened. Or a smack on the back of their head
Has a personal hit list for haters (stop him he's srs)
He is such a simp it's rediculous. He LOVES that you can sing
Doesn't know shit about music though, sorry. He sucks to say the least. Would probably fuck up playing a triangle
Could also be sung to sleep but he's too embarrassed to ask. Even humming works. It could knock his ass out cold
He is always following you around (from a distance) backstage. Doesn't say much, just observing. He's trying to learn some idea about how things work so he doesn't feel completely ignorant
Also hangs around during a show but WAY on the side. He stands out from the crowd though no doubt. He looks like a body guard and would probably be there for you before your actual body guards
The concept of your fans threw him WAY OFF at first. Might experience jealousy. Strangers just basically toppling you for your attention? Thinks they need a life secretly. He can handle it after shows but surprises in public makes him him a little bratty
His praise is subtle, and a little awkward. He just gives a blunt "Nice job" while avoiding eye contact. With enough awkward silence he'll tell you what he liked about it. He's really trying but he has no idea what to say if you've heard it all before. V proud of you tho
Put this man on a leash or he'll tear every hater/hate mail to pieces. It won't be pretty
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thedadbracket · 1 year
Hold on lemme get the Asgore propaganda I have like 5 essays on this guy I'll get some relevant snippets of Him Being A Dad
(Sorry if this lacks structure I merged two different texts and that might have messed some stuff up)
New Home is a fascinating window into Asgore's personality and almost every single object in it is cleverly put there to show insight into the Dreeemurr family, so let's go through some objects with relevance to their relationship with Chara
The Worn Dagger is a christmas gift either from or to Chara, and shows their great relationship. Chara might have been interested in gardening, as their one wish before dying was to see the Golden Flowers, and they're pretty much omnipresent in New Home;
Speaking of that, the Golden Flowers are the only part of New Home with any color other than the ribbons in the gift boxes. This shows Asgore's interest in gardening, along with implying that the absence of his family stripped all color from his life, after all, the only colorful things in there are heavily associated with his children;
The clothes drawer, macaroni art, and calendar also show his relationship with Chara, as he still keeps their sweater even after more than a hundred years, they made a drawing for him and he keeps a constant reminder of their arrival. As such, they were most likely his favorite child;
The coffins show how much he respected the humans he took the lives of, as they’re put there along with Chara, who has already been established to be someone he loved very dearly. That comparison also shows how traumatized he was by killing the children;
The family photo. That is it.
Outside of New Home, there's also the Game Over screen, which shows just how much faith he put into Chara, by calling them "the future of humans and monsters". Not to mention, he was willing to sacrifice himself and the hope of his kingdom just so a single human could maybe possibly help them all, on the basis that the child was similar to Chara.
Moving on, Asriel is probably the most developed character in Undertale. He's the first one to talk to the player, the first and last monster in the battle screen in all three routes, and probably has the most info about him available in the game. In the Genocide version of New Home, Flowey explains what happened to him after being reborn, and in this he drops some very interesting lines:
"Eventually, the king found me, crying in the garden. [...] But... For some reason... I didn't feel anything at all.", and "I ran away from home. Eventually, I reached the RUINS. Inside I found HER, I thought of all people, SHE could make me feel whole again.".
This seems to imply that Flowey thought it was more likely he'd be able to feel love if he spent time with Toriel rather than with Asgore, which, along with the possible preference for Chara, makes it seem like Flowey isn't Asgore's favorite, and Asgore is not Flowey's favorite. But they are so similar as people that it could certainly seem that way! From the similar greetings of "howdy", to their color palettes, to the fact that, in a way, he's a personification of one of Asgore's most prominent interests, even to their personalities, as both are pacifistic and self-sacrificial characters that were ultimately cracked under pressure and gave in to violence, though to different extents. Asriel seems to subconsciously look up to Asgore in a way that really shapes his personality!
Kris doesn't have as much focus put into their relationship with Asgore, but something notable is that once you go to the flower shop and Asgore hugs them, he quickly backs off, noting how he doesn't know whether or not they even like hugs, which is a really cool display of respecting boundaries, which isn't exactly one of his strong suits in that universe. He loves his children enough to know when his own flaws may be bothering them and that's really cool!
Thanks for reading, have some Asgore fanart :D
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bestie i LOVE this all for you so much, tysm for sharing. asgore is so underappreciated and undertale as a whole means like. EVERYTHING to me. i am sad he lost but he is one of my favorite dads of all time still <3
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selfundiagnosed · 3 months
Insane that my mom ran the most popular patrick stump archival blog on tumblr + was a full time lawyer + was raising two mentally ill kids + doing culinary arts school + having a cookie business. I think its her autism i wont lie. But now its all catching up to her and she has no energy which would be the ehlers danlos fault this time.. tried to convince her to steal her old url back but on cohost so she made an account but couldnt immediately make side blogs but boy oh boy. she would be giving the fall out boy fandom what they want and more. Shes like i cant do it again i have no idea how i did it before im like ma! its called having boundaries. Shes like i cant do that when i have a special interest its called autism. Im like right but queue posts for once a day and find 30 pictures from a photo set and boom one months worth of posting fall out boy and you can conserve your energy. But she doesnt know how to do her special interests in moderation. Im honestly just glad she went and accepted a bunch of access to her mega archive folder thingy. But shes so mad she doesnt have access to like her actual archive bc the website she used go archive everything changed their subscription plans and she has so many photos it would be like a zillion dollars she doesnt have 😭 like bogus i remember photo storing websites were so free. Take me back to 2010 for real :T Anyway she used to get so mortified when i told my friends as a teen about her blog i actually told her coworker once and her coworker somehow RETAINED the url and went home and looked at her blog and she was so upset at me 😭😭 but now like she kinda doesnt give a fuck anymore bc fall out boy was her special interest for an entire decade and she’s over it. Obviously still a big big fan but not in bandom anymore. Her new special interest is a band i introduced her to when i was 13 and its kinda cringe so i dont talk about it but she also ran an archival blog for THIS band and i told my friend at a sleepover who liked this band about her blog and they fucking FOLLOWED HER and shit bricks and my mom was MORTIFIED. But anyway yeah she doesnt gaf now if i tell people she was this blog and i even posted a tiktok about it once and people started doing detective work that would make her autistic self so proud…. Bc thats what she was good at! sleuthing stalking detective work on the band. Pete wentz privately answered several of her asks on tumblr i’ll see if she can send me the asks and their responses. But yeah she doesnt care anymore. her original url was scrubbed by tumblr and shes very angry about it bc it was an original bandom url for patrick stump so shes like wtf ever i dont wanna touch this im so mad. Which SAAAAME. ive done that so many times. She started permitting access to people who requested it for one of her photo archive website thingies she left in her last post. But yeaaaahhh… she was patrick stump for halloween in like 2008 and she won the costume contest bc she had rhe coolest sideburns and looked so much like him. My first ever concert was a fall out boy concert in spring 2007 i was 6 turning 7 within the next few months lemme just say the music video for carpel tunnel of love played on the screen as they played the song and my brother and i was so traumatized. But then immediately they played this aint a scene after that and we were like HELL YEAAAAAAAAA. And my brother (5 at the time) and i knew every single song and sang along and my mom went look at everyone else no one else knows these songs. You guys are so cool. And we looked around and yeah no one was singing the songs and were sooo excited! Oh and theres that one time she recorded us singing keep it simple by cobra starship and THEY PUT IT ON THEIR MYSPACE PAGE AT THE TOP WE FLIPPED SHIT. i wish THAT video was still up. Shes also met fall out boy so many times and walked away from patrick stump while he was talking to her bc she didnt want to take up his time at a meet and greet. Omg. so many memories. I was literally raised in online bandom thats so insane. Maybe thats why im a homosexual
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urbanflorals · 4 months
ok ok so im posting this lil tid bit of a wip that i abandoned lemme know what you think :D
It happened on September 24. 
The day my already crumbling life fell apart even more. 
And all because of 
H E R.
I push the school doors open and walk inside ignoring the stares that follow. They burn into my neck and brand me. 
I walk past the whispering students, the resentful teachers, everyone. 
I used to be not popular but not an outcast either. I was known, teachers smiled at me, people waved and said hello. Not anymore. The only hope for a word from anyone now is a teacher telling me I have homework. But even then it isn't more than a few sentences.
When I reach my locker, I don't bother to look at the hateful words written, taped, stuffed on and inside it. 
Just one more.
One more step.
One more day.
You can do it.
Just one more.
I pull out my books and wish to every god that has ever existed to bring back Emerson. She is my best friend. My ride or die. My everything. And she had left for an overseas trip to France, a eight week ballet workshop, just before the incident. Emmie deserves it though. Its her dream to go to one of these workshops and she had finally made it happen. I'm proud of her. She texts me relentlessly, making sure I'm okay, but no matter how much she wants to come home, I refuse to let her give up her dream. 
So I wait. Wait for her to come home. Another two weeks and she'll be home and I doubt I'll ever be let out of her sight. 
I smile softly and look at the photo - slightly crinkled but still bright - of me and Emerson standing out the front of the local ice cream shop with sundaes and goofy smiles. We were twelve. 
"Why is she even smiling? Planning her next murder?" That wipes the smile of my face. Because when you've been accused of murder you can't be happy. Can't even smile. Why should a monster be able to be happy? 
I shut my locker and turn to walk to my homeroom the crowd of students parting like the red sea when I walk by. 
One more class. 
I silently walk into the classroom head down hugging my books to my chest like your average nerd in the movies. The room quiets, and the whispers start. The bells rings.
The homeroom teacher Mrs. Owen quiets the class and starts role call. 
And then she arrives. 
Lacey Burgess walks into the classroom with a bright smile on her face, waving at the teacher. "Sorry Ms. I dropped all my books and it took a while to pick them up." Anyone with their head screwed on right would see that that was a lie. But Lacey being Lacey Mrs. Owen just smiles and nods her head continuing role.
Lacey smiles and makes her way to the back of the classroom where her seat was saved by her friends. Her eyes flick to me once almost in pity. But I don't want it, not from her anyway.
The interesting thing about being framed for murder is that everyone hates you - that's fucking obvious - but usually they hate your family as well. It doesn't apply to Lacey apparently though. As soon as it was said I was a killer, people were reaching out to her to say they were sorry she was even half related to a monster. They were saying sorry to her. 
Her Mom, even my fucking Father. They were sorry he had unwillingly raised a monster. 
But he is the monster. 
Lacey is  the monster. 
Pippa  is the monster.
But no one would ever believe the girl who killed Mr. Winter; the richest man in the state let alone the town. Not when her supposed "family" are supporting the Winters. Telling them that I'm the killer. That they'll do anything to help. 
Not then.
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Advice I wish I’d been around to give myself the first time I got into photographing, especially myself.
Take natural pictures of yourself often. For me, art has always been real big about bringing out every side of me. It’s so cool to see how badass you can evolve when you’re chasing a visual. Eventually, you get accustomed. Today I can be Siouxsie Sioux, tomorrow I can be Taraji P. Henson, but aesthetics mean nothing if I don’t recognize the foundation underneath.
It’s hard. I don’t look the same way as I did pretty much all my life. I have to come to terms with the facts that the creases under my eyes, the roundness of my face, the one eye being smaller than the other dramatically shrinking after my stroke, a weird testament to the memory in which I’d lost mobility for a grip.. these are recognitions that come with age. I’m not twenty anymore. I can’t go shotgun a twelve pack and pull up to anything anymore. I still can party and can hang but you can see how those experienced tell stories through the evolution of my face.
As a woman, and y’all are gonna hate this part but lemme talk my shit. I’m deeply embedded in the insecurities that if I’m not wearing makeup, I’m ugly. Perfect skin, no acne, hair long thick and whatever— I fell prey to that monster for many years and people around at the time, preyed on it too. “You look so good with makeup. That fucking eyebrow is too square. Dude if I were you, I’d just Rock the makeup all the time.” And yeah, truthfully it got to me. Am I not worthy of natural beauty? Can I look into my own eyes and see attraction? What is wrong with me? Eventually, I got used to seeing the makeup, the fake curly hair, the image that it developed it’s own space rent free in my head. Gotta figure out what skincare regimen will make me look like that all the time. Eventually, I learned. It’s all art. Not to hide anything but to draw attention to what’s already there. As I take more pictures for myself and my loved ones, rid of the mask of armor.. I find, someone underneath who has experienced so many range of emotions.. I’m actually prouder when I can achieve a decent photo out of her.. one where she looks like she knows.
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seisoukan · 2 years
A Praying Chant - Chapter 5
Translated by: @seisoukan
With thanks to my proofers: @kuma829
Season: Winter
Location: Hospital Room
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KOGA: Cough, cough…
I’m still feelin’ a bit chilly… why’s this damn flu pesterin’ me so much…
And how come there are still so many people at the damn hospital? When’ll it be my turn to get an IV? What a pain in the ass!
(Koga finally receives his IV fluids…)
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SUBARU: Gami-san, we’re here to visit you~
How are you doing? Feeling any better?
KOGA: Don’t just hug me outta nowhere!
I’m already doin’ fine , so don’tcha look down on me, cough, cough…
ADONIS: However, you’re still coughing. Should we ask the doctor for some medicine?
MAKOTO: I’ve already asked them. The doctor said Oogami-kun can return home after the IV drip; with some quality rest, the cough will eventually heal on its own.
KOGA: But how did ya know I was here?
When Akehoshi called, I just told him I wasn’t at home.
SUBARU: Haha, because I have a friend who happened to see you while getting his medicine at the hospital~
He contacted me saying he saw a familiar-looking person, and asked if he was my friend or not~
To confirm his suspicions, he even sent a photo my way. But the photo itself is pretty interesting~
Ahaha! This photo of Gami-san wrapped up in a blanket burrito is a real treasure! I’m going to preserve it forever and ever ☆
KOGA: You bastard, delete that photo or else!
SUBARU: Ah, hey, don’t grab my phone!
MAKOTO: You two, stop horsing around. It’s not good to make a loud racket at a hospital.
Speaking of, Oogami-kun, we brought you a gift. Hope you like it.
ADONIS: The gift is with me. Here you go, Oogami.
KOGA: I just caught a small flu. D’ya really hafta to do all this for me?
But, whatever. Lemme open it up and take a look.
What kinda animal is this? I’ve never seen it before!
MAKOTO: This is a qilin[1]. It’s a mythical beast that brings luck to those it encounters. Plus, it has an elevated status compared to other beasts, and in some interpretations, is a symbol of power~
KOGA: Oh~ I never expected ya lot to be good at pickin’ out shit. Count me impressed.
SUBARU: This is our blessing to you, so you gotta cherish it~
ADONIS: Mm. The idea of blessings exists in almost every culture there is; thus, this longing for well-wishes could be called the natural and instinctive nature of humanity.
I think, rather than considering blessings an empty, useless gesture, it is more appropriate to call it the good intentions of the well-wisher.
We wish for our peers to be safe, sound and healthy; for this reason, we give blessings to all those we encounter. So please, allow us to possess this natural longing.
So, Oogami,
SUBARU: Anzu and friends, too ☆
MAKOTO: We all hope…
SUBARU: For you to be peaceful and safe!
KOGA: Wow. Ya bastards, ya really had ta go ‘n make it all so extra…
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Ya guys…
MAKOTO: Are you crying, Oogami-kun? Don’t cry, don’t cry… When we rehearsed our lines, we only really practiced saying “Oogami, get well soon!”
ADONIS: Ah, my apologies. I went ahead of myself and said a lot of things. At the time, I didn’t think of a proper starter, so my head was full of all sorts of thoughts.
SUBARU: Haha, I also thought just mentioning Gami-san seemed a bit insubstantial, so I added tons of people~
But thankfully, Ukki reacted in time, so we can count this blessing strategy a huge success ☆
ADONIS: Ah, that’s right. For Oogami to recover quicker, I bought barbecue meat. Eating meat can lift people’s spirits.
SUBARU: I also used my phone to record a greeting from Daikichi to you~ Isn’t that a super surprise?
KOGA: Ya, ya… I’ll take care of it one thing at a time, alright…
I’m all done with the IV, and it’s pretty crummy to take up a hospital bed. Let’s head home together.
(Feels like I’ll get a whole lot better tomorrow~)
Koga’s card is based off the qilin. You can read more about them here.
The Heavenly Beast's Scroll - Masterlist
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liliansun · 1 year
day 17/365 of haechan appreciation~
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the sunflower urge to gatekeep is strong today (once again)
i'll be honest - i hate writing in anything other than black.
6 questions for a bored/procrastinating sunflower :)... lilac i'm expecting answers btw and i'll share mine below
what are your three favourite hairstyles/hair colours on haechan and tell me why in detail
how would you describe haechan to a friend?
if haechan were a demon, what are the five items (doesn't necessarily have to be 'items' either) you're using in the pentagram to summon him?
6 reasons why you like him? (short answers. bullet points. essays - just give my man some loooove)
if you had haechan as a contact in your phone, what would his contact name be?
what do you think people overlook or may miss about haechan? something you wish he got more credit for? (something like that - 'you may miss at first glance if you're not looking at him the way I am' kinda thing)
fuck. so many options. i want him to do that silver/white hair colour again from superhuman and get appreciated more for it. loved that red on him. purple too...... black. i don't actually know.
i think an actual conversation i've had about him is - *onslaught of photos* he's my baby. what do you think of him? // i approve. he's pretty. // i'm glad you know.
personally - kimchi jjigae, his camera, renjun, bucket hat, anything remotely related to michael jackson.
always wins. incredibly clever and witty. belongs on stage (everywhere) - he just knows where to look/how to act etc. articulate speaker. his smile and laughs. SO RNB ORIENTATED.
here's his options; (1) jjigae (2) beba (3) kiddo (4) baby (5) sunshine sunmine (not really it just came to my head) (6) the reason i'm going to die an early death
he's seriously overworked (not a secret) but i think he thrives from it? like take his hiatus for example - it was like he was restless throughout the whole thing. i think his stage has oddly become his comfort space?
listen, purple is my favourite colour but this just does not feel right.
Listen, having to change my color palette on the app doesn’t make it any better 😭 OKAY OKAY LEMME ANSWER.
1. PURPLE. it’s my favorite color overall so it’s kinda 🤭biased but purple hyuck really has a special place in my heart. Black haired hyuck makes me..feral. Like I literally become another thing I’m not even human atp I might as well be a dog bc I’m barking and howling at the moon for black haired hyuck. Lastly (and I don’t think we’ve gotten this like in actuality but have had a taste of it) I want BLUE HAIRED HYUCK. y’all know Jeno and Nana and even mark ROCK The blue hair,, just let hyuck have it please I’ll literally PAY. 👰‍♀️
2. (This is giving me butterflies just thinking about it) okay how would I describe him to a friend,, I’d probably say he’s the light on the darkest days. His smile instantly brings smiles to everyone around him and he’s funny,,the kind of funny that makes your stomach hurt when you laugh too much. He’s kind and caring and the most considerate person I think I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet and boy is he clingy, but if he wanted me to I’d hold him and never let him go and tell him how much he is appreciated and loved and how deserving he is of all he has and will become.
3. IF HYUCK WAS A DEMON PLEASE LET HIM BE MY DEMON PLEASE EITHER HIM OR RENJUN LETS BE HONEST. Ehm I’ll be setting up my lil pentagram w ofc a steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae, the nail ring the dreamies wear, a hoverboard from chewing gum, a Michael Jackson vinyl (thriller ofc) and probably doyoung so hyuck has something to do when I’m at work 🤭
4. Only 6?? Okay,, that’ll be hard but I’ll narrow it down. (1) his dedication to his music and performances makes my heart feel full (2) his laugh, oh boy his laugh really just replays in my head whenever I hear it sometime throughout the day on a video or etc. god I love his laugh. (3) the way he loves and takes care of his younger members in nct but also cherishes and absorbs all the love from the older (specifically 127) members. (4) his teasing of his members and even the fans, he just knows which buttons to push and when to stop and I cannot tell you how bad I’ve laughed w this boy just egging the dreamies (5) his entire fucking existence likee 🤕🫶 (6) his voice,, it literally gives me chills and I cannot describe the serotonin boost I get when I see him on my feed,, also his stage presence?? IMMACULATE. FUCKING. IMMACULATE.
5. POOKIE BEAR is one, hyuck 🫶 is another, the bane of my existence (affectionate) is another one I think of a lot, baby daddy is def a crowd favorite and lastly my sun 🫶
6. Honestly I wish people paid more attention to him when he’s feeling dejected and idk if it’s obvious, but he deals w a lot (I’m not him so idk this factually but I think it’s worse w the dreamies) and kinda keeps to himself when he looks like he’s down in his mood and it’s just sad bc people love him and appreciate him but at the same time walk all over him and it’s just sad,, I just think sometimes some things are taken too far and it hurts him more than we know—so I want people to appreciate the fact that he takes shit w a grain of salt when it comes to some things
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
Aurora Puerstella - Birthday suit up SSR voice lines
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Login on Birthday Eh~? How'd you know it was my birthday? I haven't been parading around telling everybody- Oh, Floyd told everyone. Of course he did.
Unlock Card Isn’t that the third time you’ve wished me a happy birthday?
Not you too! Furo already did my hair, but the ponytail is too tight, lemme just loosen it a little...
Groovy Today's party has been a blast! I'm all tuckered out now though.
Home setting These fancy suits look great on some people, but its not really my thing.
Home Transitions Usually, I’m never satisfied with my birthday cakes. Something about eating them on my birthday just dampens the taste. But Trey really outdid himself.
My family sent me lots of messages in our group chat. The notification sounds like a bird’s tweeting. It felt like waking up to the real thing.
I had to reply to all my relatives for their birthday wishes. I hate that.
Home Transition (Login Greeting) Its time for the annual birthday song, cake cutting, and photo-taking again. *Sigh* What a chore.
Home Transition (Groovy) Go ahead and take as much food as you want…Don’t get the wrong idea. I’ll be taking whatever you don’t.
Home Taps Apparently Jade and Floyd cooked everything for today's feast. That explains all the mushroom and seafood dishes. The one and only eggs benedict is for me, of course.
Rook's present for me was a Glizzy Glam™ Violet lip gloss, recently sponsored by Vil...He's bribing me to stop causing havoc in Pomefiore, isn't he?
Joules embraided an entire denim jacket for me, said it was for all the 'birthday' presents I've given him so far...Heh.
Pip made me a plushy. That’s very nice of her. But I’m not quite sure what it’s supposed to be. It looks like a giraffe, but also a weasel? I didn’t ask her. She worked really hard on it.
Ana sneaked a bar of chocolate under my door. She could have just put it on the table with everyone else’s presents…More personal? I never thought about it that way.
Home Tap (Groovy) You want to give me a gift too? Hehehe, I've been eyeing Professor Crewel's new coat for a while...
Duo Magic Aurora: Let’s go, Sebek! Sebek: Just because it’s your birthday, I’ll tolerate you this once!
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months
hey tabby! lemme just say I'm having a lot of fun seeing this little flurry of opinions on how different readers are pronouncing names and stuff and I'm totally living for how passionately we feel about it.
I'm also having a little giggle imagining people sitting somewhere across the world from me and sounding out the names of these characters and it's just soo cuutee
i think I say Azriel with a 'yell' at the end, so like uh-z-ri-el? and when I say Az it's more of like Jazz without the J? (wow I'm just making it more complicated for myself aren't I) and I think the whole American/English thing makes sense ig because the reason I've never thought there was any ambiguity about the 'iel' part of his name was because the place I come from there are these old gods of sorts? and one of them has a very similar name to Azriel—spelling wise atleast—and I've always heard it be pronounced with a 'yell' at the end and not a 'yuhl' because there are other deities closely related that have names that end with a 'yuhl' sound but their spellings were just different from the written 'iel'. (no idea why I just gave a whol essay about why I pronounce it the way I do lol)
on another note this reminds me of the whole 'Rhysand' discussion/fiasco on reddit I think? and there was a post about what we thought his last name could be/what we readers would like for it to be and there were so many comments that said they wished his last name was Rice just so people would finally stop pronouncing his first name(Rhys) as Rice. and then there were the afforementioed 'Rice' supremacy believers who were quick to let us know they thought it was bold of us to assume they wouldn't just continue calling him Rice Rice, like fr😭😭😭
Oh my goodness, that reminds me of a thing I read about that there was an art project of sorts where a group of people got together and went to different parts of the world and took a photo at the exact same time to show everything that was happening? I don’t know why that popped into my head but it reminded me of that—with having people from different places mumbling names under their breath 😭
And yes!! Hard agree on the Jazz/Az analogy!! And it’s interesting getting to hear about why you think the pronunciation might vary! I think I’ve heard of an angel called Azrael, which I think (not 100% certain, so sorry if this is wrong) falls into the shared beliefs between Judaism and Christianity since they share some foundations?
(Okay I just looked it up and apparently Azrael is also one of the four archangels in Islam, who is an angel of death—so that makes sense for why he’s called a similar name)
(And oh my goodness I love the word fiasco!!)
Oh my gosh I love the idea of Rhys Rice as a tactic to prevent people from calling him Rice Rice but it just backfiring 😭 I’ve seen a theory that it could be Darling, which at first I was adversed to because it felt a little strange for a High Lord to have a last name of a pet name, but then I thought about Peter Pan and how there’s the Darling family in that? (Unless I’ve completely misremembered that 🫢🫣) And it was kind of comfy if that makes sense and almost graceful/prestigious to have such an unusual last name?
Also, since I think sjm pulls from mythology a lot, it would be interesting to see if a Rhys appears anywhere in there with a last name attached? Because that would be interesting 😭 Also it’s a little odd that we only got the Vanserra’s last names? Like why were we only told their last names and not anyone else’s?? I want to know more ☹️🧡💛
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Those were Yunho's hands? Thought they were Mingi's jdhwusjsbdnhahdusj. Bestie how can I forget Hwa when there's apparently TWO of him and my guy looked like a perfect villain in that cape?! And today's photos... 4 members at once? Chiiiillll! Complaining time: I wish their photos weren't as edited and a bit more creative, different lightning, poses, colours etc... Also I woke up and Ateez is in Japan?! Forgot about their upcoming tour 😅
My friend googled "insects crown" and THIS showed up 🤔 I watched Yunhwa's live and they talked about bugs coming to your house lololol
Yesterday I saw a post on my tl about loving rain and storms and I was like??? Couldn't be me seriously. Actually I still don't know whether Seonghwa's truly scared of storms or not, I need a solid confirmation if he's my fellow coward or not...
There are a few Korean Atinys, they seem to be friends and all of them are rather problematic but win so many fan calls it's sickening... how many albums do they buy or are they GOM's? So many questions
I'm sorry to hear that, it's your first time with rona? My friend managed to live rona free for years just to get it before her Skz concert 😭 I'm still not sure if I had it tbh, I got tested a few times I was in contact with people who got sick, but I was fine? It's sus though so I think I probably got infected, but shockingly I was symptoms-free. Damn skipping school is both a blessing and a curse 😭 your father's friend is a 🤡
Show me all the WIPs my hacking skills are rusty :///
The way Jessi got kicked out of the show is very sad and I know Sunmi's show gonna get a lot of hate, many people might be shocked at the atmosphere, but let's wait a few days and see how it goes. I'm happy Ateez got invited again and WITH SUNMIIIII. Also did you see this tweet about Ateez on celebrity Family Feud is this real or not I can't tell 😭 I'm wheezing this is so fucking random
Can't believe the members themselves are in for siren Hwa AU so they had to notify us of Seonghwa's swimming skills! Gonna fight for swimming lessons now? Alright 🤺 no but this is a good plot 😭 yeah I... even though I got shivers if cringe I also smiled like a fucking idiot and watched the video a few times because he went :]
When you searched Seonghwa on twt "Seonghwa tomatoes" was the first result lmaooo.Man said "lemme eat some tomatoes real quick"
I read both stories yes, first of all I remembered I had the blue hawaii drink once, but things didn't escalate like in the story. Fuckboy Seonghwa 🙊🙈🙉 I'm gonna hate and love that bitch boy, but Mingi and Yunjin are so wholesome, y/n poor girl but she's great so far!
I don't know Mr Kim was two faced, why would he ignore me like that when I was making good points? Just because he bought me some snacks doesn't mean he won me over.
Also Atz skincare brand collab finally? Ofc it'll come with photocards I assume 🥴 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Those were Yunho's hands? Thought they were Mingi's jdhwusjsbdnhahdusj. Bestie how can I forget Hwa when there's apparently TWO of him and my guy looked like a perfect villain in that cape?! And today's photos... 4 members at once? Chiiiillll! Complaining time: I wish their photos weren't as edited and a bit more creative, different lightning, poses, colours etc... Also I woke up and Ateez is in Japan?! Forgot about their upcoming tour 😅
YUNHOS HANDS YES at first i thought it was hongjoong’s????? TWO HWAS NO BC WHAT A THEORY??? ONE IS EVIL THE OTHER ISNT?? 😮‍💨😮‍💨 bestie all of them just randomly be dropping but at least we have a time 😭😭 bestie forget the images,,, THE NEW TRAILER IS SO FHKWHDKWJDKW SEONGHWA LOOKS LIKE HE FILMED SOME HIGH FASHION AD AND IM HERE FOR IT no bc i thought the jtour was next month 😭😭
also what is this choi guy doing
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My friend googled "insects crown" and THIS showed up  🤔 I watched Yunhwa's live and they talked about bugs coming to your house lololol
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 I MEAN HEY DRIP???? wish for ateez to drop a compilation of jongho getting scared of bugs id be pAYING MONEY FOR THAT TO BE POSTED no bestie bc u got bugs,,, my place apparently has miceS 2 SMALL ONES FBWNDBWM 😭😭😭
Yesterday I saw a post on my tl about loving rain and storms and I was like??? Couldn't be me seriously. Actually I still don't know whether Seonghwa's truly scared of storms or not, I need a solid confirmation if he's my fellow coward or not...
There are a few Korean Atinys, they seem to be friends and all of them are rather problematic but win so many fan calls it's sickening... how many albums do they buy or are they GOM's? So many questions
oh no way 💀💀💀 their gc must be thriving rn with all these opportunities 😭😭😭 i just hope no one is showing their fEET TO THEM BC 😭😭😭🤚🏼 no bc where do they get all this money to buy sO MANY albums like i get it they would work but does the pay check suffice???? 😳🤚🏼
I'm sorry to hear that, it's your first time with rona? My friend managed to live rona free for years just to get it before her Skz concert 😭 I'm still not sure if I had it tbh, I got tested a few times I was in contact with people who got sick, but I was fine? It's sus though so I think I probably got infected, but shockingly I was symptoms-free. Damn skipping school is both a blessing and a curse 😭 your father's friend is a 🤡
yes ma’am first time! but it’s already gone too 😭😭 NAURRRRRR THATS LIKE ULT BETRAYAL 😭😭😭🤚🏼 omf i think u got safe bc if ur water hating rona must not be into that side fbwnfben NO YEAH ITS BLESSING BC THE COMMUTE BUT A CURSE BC I LOSE MARKS 😭😭😭 oh absolutely is and he is also suffering for it fbenfbne
Show me all the WIPs my hacking skills are rusty :///
LMFAOOOO is ur hacking skills rusty or r u just a boomer 😧😧🤚🏼
The way Jessi got kicked out of the show is very sad and I know Sunmi's show gonna get a lot of hate, many people might be shocked at the atmosphere, but let's wait a few days and see how it goes. I'm happy Ateez got invited again and WITH SUNMIIIII. Also did you see this tweet about Ateez on celebrity Family Feud is this real or not I can't tell 😭 I'm wheezing this is so fucking random
YEAH AND it happened alongside her pnation contract end as well,,, she MADE that show with nftnmi idk how that’ll turn out to be 😭😭 yEAH IM JUST HAPPY ATEEZ R GETTING INVITED FBDBD ATEEZ ON KNOWING BROTHERS WHEN 😭😭😭🤚🏼 LMFAOOOO ITS NOT REAL BFNWBDKW CLOWNED W/ ALMOST 10k LIKES TOO 😭😭😭
Can't believe the members themselves are in for siren Hwa AU so they had to notify us of Seonghwa's swimming skills! Gonna fight for swimming lessons now? Alright 🤺 no but this is a good plot 😭 yeah I... even though I got shivers if cringe I also smiled like a fucking idiot and watched the video a few times because he went :]
NO FR THEY KNOW THEY KNOW or is it bc sirens r in their storyline 🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼 where is the piratey lore besties 😭😭😭😭 first mate hwa when 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO FIGHTING FIR ANYTHING ATP 🤺🤺🤺 FHWKHDKWJDSK RIGHT EXACTLY THAT 😭😭😭 NEVER THOUGHT ID BE LIKING AGEYOS BUT HERE WE ARE 😭😭
When you searched Seonghwa on twt "Seonghwa tomatoes" was the first result lmaooo.Man said "lemme eat some tomatoes real quick"
his red flag
I read both stories yes, first of all I remembered I had the blue hawaii drink once, but things didn't escalate like in the story. Fuckboy Seonghwa 🙊🙈🙉 I'm gonna hate and love that bitch boy, but Mingi and Yunjin are so wholesome, y/n poor girl but she's great so far!
OH??? how’s that taste ayo 👁👁,, LMFAOOOO FBWMFBKWHDKW ONE DAY BESTIE ONE DAY ITLL ESCALATE LIKE THAT omg stop bc the way he called her out i WOULDVE NEVER GONE TO SCHOOL “girl in front has a staring problem” my bp 📉📉📉
I don't know Mr Kim was two faced, why would he ignore me like that when I was making good points? Just because he bought me some snacks doesn't mean he won me over. Also Atz skincare brand collab finally? Ofc it'll come with photocards I assume 🥴 - DV 💖
2/2 Uhhhh I forgot to say these concept photos are giving BODYGUARD 🥴 ... I also need to bite Seonghwa's and Yeosang's necks (and it's confirmed the figure standing over the people in capes was Seonghwa what is he up toooooo)
But MINGI, Mingi seriously his photos are 😍 the most dynamic and interesting imo, the second photo??? Okkkk model - DV 💖
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no bc
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also yunho??????
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mrs-hollandstan · 2 years
Reader beings best frnds with Z and dating timmy secretly. Going to dune premier as Z's guest bt later paprazzi catching r and timmy kissing...
If u dont feel like doing it just ans it lemme know maybe :)
Posting this right after I finish it because I'm in a Timmy hole right now and I love this concept and I want more.
It really sucked not being Tim's plus one. Zendaya knew about the two of you, and of course, she understood the two of you wanting to keep it on the DL. Paparazzi sucked. And she was sympathetic when you explained that you just wanted to hold him in public without the repercussions. So she did the next best thing. She invited you to the Dune premiere and she planned this whole thing of the three of you sitting together, you between the two actors so you could hold Tim's hand in the dark. She'd watched youlen in and kiss Tim's cheek, as is polite, but she watched his eyes sparkle, 
"You guys are actually really adorable. I love you both and I wish we had more content from the two of you on Instagram." She'd remarked cheesily. You giggled, before you were looping your arm through hers and he was following the both of you to your front row seats. 
The red carpet walk had been agonizing and you thought for sure that you couldn't have been any more inconspicuous as when you always watched for Tim in his all black. And now here he was, sat next to you, his hand draped over the armrest, fingers laced in yours, cologne intoxicating. He squeezed your hand whenever he remembered your presence, smiling at you if he caught your eye in the dark. 
Halfway through the film, you'd had to pee, so you excused yourself, ducking where you weren't noticed under the projection. Tim watched you exit, checking every few minutes when you hadn't returned. The urge had been too strong as it was, and with everyone in the theater, he figured he could sneak away, follow you and just hold your body close, kiss your soft lips, nuzzle your sweet-smelling neck for just a fleeting moment. So he stood, and excused himself as well, following the halls to the bathroom. He rapped at the door, peeking his head in after a moment. When he caught your eye in the mirror, your own eyes widened and you turned to him, 
"Timmy!" He chuckled as you spun, brushing him out into the hallway again, "What are you doing? You can't just follow me. People will know." 
"Everyone is watching Zendaya in that film, half of them probably don't even realize I'm in it. Besides… it's gonna be like… another two or three hours until I get to hold you and I can't wait that long for at least a kiss." He murmurs. His hips press into yours as his palms slide up to your cheeks, cradling your face as he leans in and his lips cover yours. He's gentle and he tastes amazing. His lips are soft and plush and you could melt right here. 
But then you hear it… and behind your closed eyes, you can still see bright flashes. Tim quickly pulls away, cursing under his breath as his eyes find the paparazzi at the end of the hall, just outside an exit door, snapping photo after photo of the two of you. Your heart plummets. He brushes you back inside the bathroom, thunking his head back against the door, 
"Shit… darling… I'm so sorry." He tells you, eyes locked in yours. The way he looks at you breaks your heart. If he could have his way, you'd be flaunted at every premiere, party, gathering, set, outing, errand run, he didn't care. He wanted the world to know you were his, the beautiful specimen you are. He'd dreamed of showing you off. But he'd also respected your wishes. He'd always been respectful to you. He sighs, dropping his head forward. Before you can even think about it, you move forward and collect him in your arms, holding his face in your shoulder, 
"Its okay. It's not your fault." You tell him. He stares down at you, sighing softly again, 
"You're just so passionate about your privacy and now, once they find out who you are and all that, I'm scared they won't leave you alone or they'll say mean shit."
"I can handle it." You reassure. He stares down at you, 
"Are you sure?' You nod, 
"Yeah. It's… less than ideal, but you know what, for you, I'll do it." You tell him. He smiles slightly, 
"Yeah?" You nod,
"Yeah. As long as you'll hold my hand." You tell him. His smile widens and he nods,
"Absolutely. I can do it in public now too? You're in trouble. You're gonna see so much PDA." He jokes, wrapping his arms around your body, kissing your cheek. You giggle, pressing your forehead to his shoulder, 
"I love you." He kisses your temple, 
"I love you too baby. Always. And I'll do my best to protect you." He tells you. You nod, staring up at him when he draws back, 
"Thanks." He nods,smiling down at you, cradling your face again. He kisses you softly before he's taking your hand,
"Shall we give them more?" Taking a deep breath, you nod, squeezing his hand, 
"Yeah." He gives one last sympathetic smile before he's dragging you after him, squeezing your hand when you take a deep breath again. The click and flash of cameras again goes off behind you, but once Tim drags your hand into the crook of his elbow, kissing your knuckles, your heart melts and you know that there is no better situation you could be in, with any better person. And you're infinitely more happy having him by your side always.
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