#if she takes any with her they're the ones of her friends
bigification · 3 days
Beach Bears
The cold water felt good on my feet as the waves washed in and out. The sun warmed my skin as I stood at the edge of the beach. It was finally summer, the season where the ladies pull out their bikinis and I get to show off all the hard work I put into my abs over the winter. I finally got to wear my new orange speedo, it was a little big but the drawstring made it so it wouldn't fall down. It still showed off my ass well so I didn't care. I tried to convince my friend Leo to get a speedo too but he was hesitant. Although he did get a short pair of swim shorts, so he'll still be able to show off for the ladies.
"C'mon Leo, let's go already!" I yelled, waiting for my friend to join me in the water.
"Ya ya I'm coming!" He yelled back as he ran towards me.
We both slowly walked into the water together, it was cold but refreshing. We stopped just as the water reached our upper thigh, working up the courage to go deeper. In the meantime, I looked around to see if we had any catches nearby.
"Bingo!" I said to Leo as I tapped his shoulder. "Right there. Red bikinis." I pointed at two ladies swimming nearby.
"Slow down man, they're like ten years older than us. No way they want us around." Leo hesitated.
"Dude, were like almost 20, were basically adults. Just follow my lead." I said as I dragged towards the two women.
"Hey ladies. Need company to keep you warm?" I said, trying to lower my voice to sound smooth.
The women looked at each other and giggled quietly. One of them slowly walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Why don't you two go a little deeper. We're gonna get some sunscreen and we'll be right back." She said as she softly slid her hand down my arm. She then brushed her hand across my cheek and over my mouth. It left a sweet taste in my lips. I saw the other woman do the same to Leo as they started to swim back to the shore.
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" I said excitedly to Leo. He smiled back at me and we both went deeper to wait for the ladies to come back.
I laid on my back, floating on the surface of the water. My head was turning with all of the things I should say, or the things I should do when they come back. I didn't even notice myself mentally drifting away. It was getting harder to think, it was hard to tell how much time had passed. I felt comfortable as a warm sensation filled my body.
As I was floating, I turned my head to face Leo. It looked like he was mindlessly floating like I was, but something seemed off. His belly is sticking out a bit. At first it just looked like he took a big breath in, but then it never flattened back out to his normal abs. In fact it just kept growing. It swelled until it looked like he ate a basketball. I could even see fat love handles spilling over his waist, acting as floating devices for his growing body. I should have been terrified, or at least curious about what was happening but something about it felt normal.
I continued to watch Leo change, I felt mesmerized and paralyzed at the same time. His flat pecs grew into a pair of strong but soft pecs that complemented his gut. His once skinny and defined arms ballooned into strong biceps, and thick man hands. His legs and his ass plumped a lot too, making it look like his swim shorts were about to burst. Even his feet looked like they grew six sizes.
I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. Like the feeling I get when I look at a hot woman, but I couldn't take my eyes off Leo. Finally, I watched his lovely hair fall out, leaving a bald head behind. Then his clean shaven face quickly grew a thick and bushy beard that covered the double chin that had formed under his face. His features seemed to roughen up, giving him the appearance of a tough man in his late thirties.
As I stared at Leo, I noticed I was struggling to stay afloat. My body was sinking and my head was barely above water. I usually have no trouble floating, why is my body sinking like a rock all of a sudden. I go to stand up, and something doesn't feel right. I could even touch the bottom before, now the water only reaches my chest when I stand up straight. I looked down, feeling the scruff of my beard rub against my chest. Wait... I don't have a beard, why do I have a beard. When I looked down, I noticed my chest sticking out much further than it usually does. My pecs were thick and padded, and my stomach had a thick layer of muscle but it was hidden under a layer of fat. My arms were massive, It made me feel so strong. My biceps were so thick that I had to spread my arms so they don't rub against my sides. My hands had gotten so thick, I felt like I could grip a basketball with one hand.
I started to walk towards Leo, as my mind began to feel less foggy. My memories started to come back to me. I had to stop and undo the strap on my speedo, because it felt like it was squeezing me to death. I think I'll need a new one anyway, this one felt like it was crushing my dick with every step. It also shocked me how much I had to spread my legs while walking, leg day has been paying off with these thick thighs but man is it annoying sometimes.
"Wake up, babe." I said to Leo as I shook him. He snorted a bit before jumping awake. "You look so cute when you wake up." I said as I leaned in for a kiss. I loved the fuzzy feeling of his beard rubbing against my lips. He always asks me if I'm okay with him growing out his beard but I'm always adamant that I love it, I don't think I'll ever let him shave it off.
I saw his cheeks turn a bit red from the compliment. He was always so easily flattered.
"We should go back and put on some sunscreen before you burn your head again." I said as I dragged him back to the shore.
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I grabbed his hand as we got to the shore, Leo always had trouble with his balance with the waves hitting his feet. His balance gets worse the bigger his belly gets, not that I mind his belly though. I've made sure to feed him well ever since we started dating. That metabolism of his will give out one day and it'll be easier for me to fatten him up.
As we got to the beach, I heard a couple of girls giggling nearby. "You guys are so cute together!" One of them yelled out. Leo blushed and looked away, and I just gave them a wink as we walked back to our beach towels.
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scoonsalicious · 3 days
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8.2 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of sexual situations, mostly this is just fluff.
Word Count: 2.7k
Previously On...: You had a nightmare/memory of your time in Afghanistan.
A/N: It's really nice out. I'm writing outside today, lol.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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Bucky slowly came into consciousness to the sensation of small hands running up and down his chest. Blinking his eyes open, he grinned when he saw Major leaning over him, tracing her fingers along the planes of his muscles.
“Morning,” she said, smiling down at him, her long hair hanging around her face like curtains.
“Mornin’, doll,” he replied, voice rough with sleep. “You been up long?”
She hummed, running her fingers up along both sides of his collarbone and back down again. “No,” she said. “Maybe ten minutes?” She shrugged. “I was planning on letting you sleep for a while longer, but you looked so pretty, couldn’t stop myself from touching you.”
He gripped one of her wrists in his hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her pulse point. “Glad you didn’t, sugar,” he said, nuzzling her hand to his cheek. “Cause lookin’ at you’s better than any dream I coulda been havin’.”
Major playfully pinched his cheek as she rolled her eyes at him. “What did I tell you about your sweet talk, Sergeant?” she said. 
Bucky pretended to think about it for a moment. “Um…,” he mused, tapping his chin with a forefinger, “that there was nothing you could do to stop me from doin’ it? Even if I already did have you right where I wanted you?”
She laughed, and Bucky loved the way the morning light caught the natural highlights of her hair. 
“What should we do today?” he asked, sitting up so he was propped against his headboard and pulling her into his lap. He leaned down to kiss her shoulder where the collar of his too-big shirt had left it exposed. 
“Breakfast, at some point,” Major said, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
Bucky nodded, his hands tracing up and down her sides. “Obviously.”
“Maybe you could show me around this fancy compound of yours,” she suggested, playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Mmm,” Bucky said, sliding a hand up under the hem of his shirt she wore to rest it on her hip. “Sounds like a plan. What else?”
“Take me for another ride on your motorcycle?” she offered.
“I’d like to take you for another ride on something, sugar,” he teased, playfully nipping at the delicate skin of her neck.
“Bucky,” Major chastised, pulling back to look him in the eyes with a smile. “If you wanted to just stay in bed and have sex all day, you could have just said so.”
“I want to stay in bed and have sex all day.,” he deadpanned, trying to fight his grin.
Major scoffed and rolled her eyes. “It’s like you only want me for one thing, Sergeant.”
Bucky felt his entire body stiffen at the accusation, and he sat up straighter. “Sugar– Major, no! Of course not! I–”
She started laughing and gently swatted his chest. “Relax, Bucky; I was kidding. I absolutely do not mind having all the sex with you. I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but you’re actually quite good at it.”
He let out a breath in relief, but something still didn’t sit right with him. Yes, since meeting Major just four days ago, they had fucked. A lot. But he wanted more from her than that. He wanted to give her more than that. 
“I think I’m about to say something really stupid,” Bucky said slowly, hoping he was making the right call.
Major raised an eyebrow. “Okay,” she said, dragging the word out. “I’m proud of you for being able to recognize that beforehand, I guess?”
Bucky’s lips puckered disapprovingly. “Smartass,” he said. Major just laughed and pressed her forehead into the crook of his shoulder, letting him continue. “I think we should stop having sex.”
She pulled back, the look on her face full of such shock and disappointment that it was Bucky’s turn to laugh at her. “You can’t be serious!” she exclaimed. 
“I’m not saying, you know, forever,” he said, running his hands up and down her arms to console her. “Or even long-term. Just for, like, a little while.” 
“But, why?” Major whined, sounding like a child who was told she couldn’t have ice cream after dinner. “I thought you liked it.”
“Oh, sugar,” Bucky said, pulling her close again, “I fucking love it. I just want us to be more than that, you know? I don’t ever want you to think that that’s all I want from you.”
“Bucky, I was just joking around. I know that’s not–”
“I want us to last, Major,” Bucky interrupted her to confess. “I want us to last a good, long time. And if we’re gonna do that, we have to have more than just fucking between us. I want to know everything about you. And I want you to know everything about me. Hell, I wanna be everything you need. I want this to be real, and strong, and to have all kinds of intimacy with you beyond just physical stuff. It’s not that I don’t fucking love fucking you–” he smiled when she snorted at his phrasing– “it’s just that I don’t want that to be the only thing I love about you.”
He hoped she understood what he was trying to say without him actually having to say it: He wanted to fall in love with her–  more than anything he had ever wanted in his entire existence. He was more than halfway there already, if he was being honest with himself, but he was suddenly afraid that if they didn’t slow things down between them, if they didn’t take the time to get to know more than just each other’s bodies, they were going to fizzle out before they could truly shine together. 
Major’s eyes were wide and glossy as she studied his face. Bucky held his breath as she took in what he had said, knowing in his heart that if she didn’t agree, if she only wanted him for sex and nothing else, he’d cave in a heartbeat, just to keep her close.
“Okay,” she said softly. “I want that, too, so, okay.”
Bucky let out the breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “Thank fuck,” he said, bringing his lips to hers for a kiss. 
“Now, when you say ‘no sex,’” Major began, “are you talking ‘no penetration,’ or can we still–”
“Neither one of us gets to use any part of our bodies to get the other one off,” Bucky said resolutely.
Major frowned at his declaration, and the sight was so alluring that Bucky was instantly second guessing himself. “That just seems unnecessarily cruel, Sarge,” she pouted. 
Damn it, he thought, it did seem unnecessarily cruel. He was already caving, and it had barely been a few minutes! 
“I know, sugar, I know. But I think we’ll be better for it.” He really did. He just had to keep reminding himself of that.
Major’s pout deepened. “I know,” she said. “Logically, it makes sense.” She sighed. “How long?”
“In all honesty,” Bucky said with a chuckle, “I haven’t really thought that far ahead. A couple of weeks? At least until after I’ve taken you out on a few more proper dates. Treat you right, you know?”
She threw her head back overdramatically. “A couple weeks?!” she cried. “How am I supposed to function without that good dick, Bucky?”
“Well, now you’re just being theatrical, doll,” Bucky smiled. 
“Fun fact,” Major said, “I did theater all four years in high school. I even got to play Sarah in our production of Guys and Dolls my senior year.”
Bucky smiled. “Well, I don’t know what that is, doll, but see! That’s something I wouldn’t have learned about you if we were having sex right now!”
Major’s laugh was rich, and it made Bucky think of hot chocolate on a winter’s day. Of a kiss on a scraped knee. “Fair enough,” she told him. “But it’s a crime that you don’t know what Guys and Dolls is.”
“So, that’s what we’ll do today, then,” Bucky said. “Show me this Guys and Dolls, doll.” He chuckled, amused with himself.
Major rolled her eyes good naturedly. “I’m going to need some breakfast, first,” she told him, getting off his lap and the bed. She raised her arms over her head in an elongated stretch, and Bucky couldn’t help but admire the way his shirt crept up her thighs, showing more and more of her tantalizing skin until--
No, he had to remind himself. They were going to be putting a temporary moratorium on that kind of thinking. God, this was going to be so much harder than he thought it would be.
He and Major took a shower together, and while there was an excessive amount of touching, they managed to keep it relatively tame. Afterwards, Bucky offered Major another of his shirts to wear, but she paused as she was collecting the rest of her clothes from where they’d scattered them across his room the night before.
“So, Bucky,” she said, her voice sounding confused, “really weird question, but do you happen to have my panties in your possession, by any chance?”
Bucky paused in the middle of toweling off his hair and looked up at her. “What?” he asked, thinking he must have heard her incorrectly.
“My underwear,” Major clarified. “I can’t find my underwear.”
Bucky snorted a laugh. “They’ve gotta be here somewhere, sugar,” he said, walking over to where she stood to help her look. “It’s not like I have a lot of stuff for them to hide behind.”
For the next few minutes, they searched the room, but they came up empty again and again.
“You don’t remember where you might have tossed them when you took them off last night?” he asked her.
Major looked at him. “You took them off me last night,” she said. “When you took off my shorts, you pulled them off, too.”
Bucky thought back to the previous evening. They’d been in a rush to get each other’s clothes off, but he was fairly confident he’d only removed her shorts. “Did…” he paused, the question he was about to pose making him a little shy. “Did you forget to put them back on before we left the woods?”
Major’s hands flew to her mouth. “Oh my god,” she said, trying to suppress a giggle. “I honestly don’t know! It was dark and I don’t remember! Oh, shit! Bucky!” She was trying so hard now not to laugh. “Did I leave my soaked panties in a fucking public park?!”
“That’s pretty deviant of you, doll,” he laughed. Major playfully swatted his chest. 
“It’s your fault!” she exclaimed.
“My fault?” Bucky was faux-affronted. “How was it my fault you forgot your knickers?”
“You just had to make that comment about imagining me in only the dog tags,” she chastised. “You knew exactly where that would lead.”
Bucky couldn’t fault her logic there. “Fair enough, sugar,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “I take full responsibility.”
“And now you’re going to have to live with the knowledge that I’m going to be walking around all day without any panties on, and there’s not a damned thing you can do about it, because you had to go and decide we shouldn’t have sex anymore.”
Bucky groaned. “Ugh, the me of an hour and a half ago was a moron. Remind me again why I thought that was a good idea?” he begged her. 
“Nope,” Major said. “That’s a hole you dug for yourself. Now you have to lie in it.”
“Lie in it with me?” he asked, putting his most charming smile on display for her.
She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Only if you keep your hands to yourself.”
To Bucky’s surprise, the rest of their day together went by in a flash, and he had a great time with Major– even if they both had kept all of their clothes on. He’d taken her on his bike to get a late breakfast at Melinda’s, and while Major had excused herself to the restroom, Mya had approached him.
“I like this one for you, Bucky,” she’d said with a knowing grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so wide before. 
After breakfast, they returned to the compound, and Bucky had given Major a tour, showing her all the amenities the facility had to offer, though he avoided the building where the new SHIELD recruits did their training. He brought her down to the shooting range, and the two spent a couple of entertaining hours together in the simulator, running practice combat drills. When Bucky watched Major hit every single one of her targets, it was all he could do to not throw his “no more sex” rule right out the window.
They had lunch with Sam and Steve, and Bucky thought he was going to die from embarrassment at all the things they were telling Major about him. When he said he had wanted her to know everything about him, he wasn’t thinking about that time in eighth grade when he’d asked Dolores Carmichael to be his girlfriend and she told the whole class he was a terrible kisser. But Steve, apparently, thought it was vital information.
“You’ve either improved tremendously since then,” Major had said with a laugh, “or old Dolores had impossible standards.”
When they’d finished exploring the compound, they went back to Bucky’s room and Major introduced him to the world of Guys and Dolls on Prime Video. The movie was nearly as old as he was– 1955, she’d said, and he appreciated it, though he found the entire thing ridiculous. But Major loved it, and he loved watching her love it, and that was good enough for him. 
Before he knew it, the afternoon was waning into early evening, and it was time for him to take Major back to Langston Park for her to get her truck and head home. He found himself driving his bike a lot slower to get there than he normally would have, savoring the feeling of her hands gripped around his waist. 
When they arrived at the parking lot, Major hopped off the bike and took off the extra helmet he’d given her. “Thank you for today,” she said, leaning in to kiss him. “I had a great time, even without having sex with you.”
Bucky laughed and pulled her close for a hug. “Speaking of,” he said, “you wanna run into the woods and go looking for your panties real quick?”
Major tossed her head back and groaned. “Ugh, no!” she said. “I’m too mortified! They belong to the forest now. They've probably gone wild.” 
Bucky chuckled, but soon his expression turned serious. “When can I see you again?” he asked. If it were up to him, she’d never be out of his sight.
“Whenever you want, Sergeant,” she told him, her voice an almost-purr. “You know where I live.”
“Dinner tomorrow?” he asked hopefully. 
“I’d like that,” she replied.
Bucky brought his lips to hers, and for a moment, they stayed there, kissing languidly. Eventually, though, Major pulled away. “Alright,” she said begrudgingly, “I better go now before I lose my resolve to leave at all.” Reaching over the bed of her truck, she tossed Bucky the shirt he had worn the night before and had left there to dry overnight.
Bucky watched as Major got into her truck and rolled down the window before backing up. “Let me know when you get home safe, yeah?” he asked.
“Yes, mom,” Major said, but he could tell from the glint in her eye that his concern touched her.
He watched as she drove away, sticking a hand out the window to wave a final farewell before rounding the corner and disappearing from sight. Just as Bucky was about to re-mount his bike to head back to the Compound, his phone pinged with a text. 
He smiled to himself. Was Major missing him that much already?
But, no– the text wasn’t from Major at all.
Lily: We need to have a conversation about you standing me up last night.
Bucky swallowed.
Well, shit.
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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theaceace · 2 days
I know that canonically (show-wise, at least) St Hilarion's worked to cover up Charles' death, and nothing was ever really done about the disappearance of Edwin and the other boys, but even so, do you think the school has a reputation for being haunted??
I'm imagining Niko following various ghost-hunter groups online, especially when the agency doesn't have many cases going on, and occasionally the boys will mirror hop over to an interesting-sounding location, and they'll even get a real case as a result
So when she tells them that one of the teams is planning to investigate St Hilarion's (either it's been closed for a while or they have special permission to go during the summer holidays), Edwin and Charles steel themselves and decide to go, in case there are other ghosts there that need help ('can't imagine a worse place to be trapped for the rest of my afterlife' says Charles, who has been to literal hell. Edwin, who spent 70 years in literal hell, agrees)
So they go, with Niko and Crystal as moral/emotional support, except when they get there they realise they've fucked up and are there on the same day/night as the ghost hunters. They could come back some other time, but what if there really are ghosts here that are suffering? No one wants to take that chance, so Crystal uses her powers to convince them that she and Niko are there for work experience, or are friends of a friend, or are here to replace one of the tech guys who called in sick
Both Charles and Edwin are tense and uncomfortable returning to the place they died - Edwin had gone there after he escaped Hell because he didn't know where else to go, but they've built themselves a home now with the agency. This isn't like before, when it was the closest place to familiar he could find. Charles, meanwhile, feels colder and colder the longer they're there - his hair is wet, there are bruises flaring and spreading, and a faint rattle in his chest that would have become pneumonia if he'd lived long enough
But they need to be sure there aren't any other lost ghosts stuck here that need their help crossing over, so they keep going
(maybe, as a consequence of a door to hell being opened in the school, there are unusual happenings, maybe there's still a place where the line between earth and hell is very thin, maybe there's some fragment of a demon left behind, and they can do something about it)
Anyway, the most important thing is that Charles, either accidentally or in a fit of pique at the whole situation, knocks something over just as one of the paranormal investigators is asking for spirits to make their presence known. In fact, this happens repeatedly - the boys move things, change things around, their presence is detected somehow with the equipment. Crystal and Niko are doing their best to distract the team and ruin as much of the footage as possible, and at least once the boys do something on purpose, maybe because someone is being a creep to the girls (and yes, they both know that Crystal and Niko are more than capable of taking care of themselves, but this way scares the asshole more and is also funnier), and then also to fuck with their readings
Anyway, it's coming to the end of the night, the problem has been identified, and whaddaya knows, of course it's in the attic where they both died. This is fine, why wouldn't it be fine. They get started, draw some (invisible, ghostly) runes and start working their magic when, of course, the paranormal investigators turn up, because this is thought to be the most 'active' area of the school, and the body of a schoolboy was found here in the 80s
Yeah, they try to contact 'any of the boys who disappeared in 1916' and Charles. It would be fine if they weren't so irritatingly loud, Edwin's trying to concentrate, and Charles is now shivering and dripping wet, but they managed to ignore the team right up until they start speculating that Charles was killed by one of the angry spirits from 1916
At which point, Charles - half visible, clearly enraged, looking very much like the half-drowned and frozen kid he was, like a proper ghost - tells them to fuck off already before they get hurt, they don't understand anything, and how dare they give a shit now when it's too late
Which is, of course, the exact moment Edwin finishes the spell, and causes some sort of a magical rebound that fritzes the cameras for a second, throws furniture around, and knocks them all flying. When the cameras start up again, they catch Edwin kneeling by Charles, holding his hand, and softly telling him that it's ok, it's over, they can go now. Charles sniffs and smiles and knocks their foreheads together and says yeah, let's get out of here, and together they fade from view
The investigators think this means gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day that now that the truth of their story is known the ghosts have moved on, and it's all thanks to them! How beautiful, how wonderful, how affirming! Perhaps one of the boys from 1916 tried to help Charles, and when that didn't work, they both stayed to try and protect other people from these violent spirits, and now their unfinished business is finished! It's so tragic and touching story
Charles and Edwin, who are putting their tools back in the backpack, roll their eyes and smile at each other
On the way out, Charles swipes the memory cards from the cameras, Edwin inscribes a couple of sneaky runes on various pieces of equipment to fuck with it, and Crystal uses her powers to make sure they all remember a couple of details differently, so later they won't be able to agree on a bunch of stuff
The episode they were trying to make can't be released, their social media posts about the experience are full of details that don't match up, and fans are bitterly disappointed
Crystal and Niko watch the footage Charles stole with Jenny and the Night Nurse back at the agency. Jenny turns it into a drinking game. Charles does a dramatic reading of the posts with added commentary while Edwin pretends he's not laughing. They buy t-shirts of the paranormal investigators and wear them ironically. They leave anonymous comments
Just. The dead boy detectives having to work around ghost hunters, in a world where ghosts definitely, tangibly exist
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m0ckest · 2 days
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🛹 Teen Townies
Some cc-free* sims made for @rebouks' call for teens!
⤷ lookbooks & download
*shown with skin/eye override + eyelashes
Row 1
Mina enjoys skateboarding and is the effortlessly cool older teen the younger ones look up to. Despite her nonchalant attitude, she's working hard to get into her dream college to become a social worker.
Kenny loves bringing people together and can start the party wherever he is. He knows and includes everyone, "cool" kid or not, a value taught to him by his influential mother.
Row 2
Lacey feels like she can't relate to her peers and struggles with the right thing to say, but she doesn't have to worry about any of that when she's with her dogs! She speaks 'woof woof' fluently and trains the neighborhood strays with ease. A true dog-whisperer!
Gabriel, unlike Lacey, never worries about the right thing to say. He just says what he's thinking, which often comes across rude or outright mean. Fortunately, he only cares about his various computer-related projects.
Row 3
Mary-Lee grew up in a household where everything was DIY'd. She loves salvaging broken pieces to create new items and is the person to go to with broken electronics. Despite her young age, she's quite proficient with a soldering iron.
Samuel's passion is playing piano, specifically the one his grandfather bought him when he was a boy. He may be known as shy and quiet in school, but anyone who's heard him play knows he tells beautiful stories with his piano keys.
Row 4
Billie is a natural on the basketball court, whether they're playing for the school team or messing around at the park. However, they take their title as class clown seriously and their dream is to become known for their comedy. Dunking baskets and dunking (playfully) on their friends? Gold.
Sabira is about all things cute. As a budding digital artist, she looks to her favorite mangaka for inspiration. She loves making her world "cute," whether that's done by collecting Yamachan merch or treating everyone around her with love.
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azrakaban · 3 days
Heyyy how are youu?
I saw your resquests are open and i wanted to ask:
Enemies to lover with the boys? Mattheo pretty please and reader being a hufflepuff?
Like the whole you meet and both hate each other from the start for years because reader is always in her own world reading caring for magical creatures but she isnt afraid to talk back to them when they're arguing (like calling them players or returning their insults) until one of them as a 'fuck it' moment and kisses the reader and confess their love?
Sorry that was long thank you for taking time to read and thank you if you do write it 🤭💋
I'm great my lovely! Having a good day? Did you drink and eat 2day? :)
actually fr giggled and blushed when making this tbh, have so many Hufflepuff friends so basing this off of them <3 Also totally happy to write for Mattheo hes so bbg !
Careful - Mattheo Riddle
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Mattheo Riddle didn't like you. That was clear to anyone who saw you two interact, and honestly, there never seemed to be any kind of reason behind it.
The assumption was just basic house prejudice, but Mattheo was fine with other Hufflepuffs, so why were you so 'special'? You knew he had it in him to be nice, heck, you'd harboured a crush on him since third year, so why now had he decided to be an ass?
Maybe it was that you had a habit of tripping over certain uneven flagstones when reading, or accidentally smashing bottles in potions because you'd spotted a niffler. But you couldn't help being clumsy, right?
Everytime something like that happened, Mattheo would give a sigh and eye roll, which made you upset, naturally. It's not like you wanted to fall over!
As a result you would confront him and he would say the obvious. 'you're so uncoordinated it's almost painful to watch.' Well unfortunately for you, it actually was painful.
So you could imagine the reaction when Snape paired you for potions.
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"Shut up, I am being."
A quiet sigh.
"CAREFUL!" He threw out a hand to steady a jar of frogspawn you had nearly knocked over. You glared at him.
"It wasn't my fault, it was in an awkward place..." You said quietly.
Mattheo rolled his eyes, with that same sigh. "I'm sure it was."
You rolled your eyes, mocking him. He raised an eyebrow.
"Mocking me? Real mature n/n." You mocked him again, and he copied you.
"Mr Riddle, Ms L/N, something you'd like to share?" Snape said acidly. You quickly stopped, shaking your heads.
"No sir."
Once he had turned away, Mattheo muttered to you. "Your fault."
You gasped, offended. "It was yours, whore!" You replied indignantly.
Mattheo scoffed, trying to continue work on the potion. You pushed him to the side, and he looked at you in shock for a second, before pushing you out the way.
You did the same, and it turned into a war, before you both pushed at the same time and ended up on the floor.
"L/N, Riddle, Detention." Snape said greasily. "And leave the class."
You both packed your things, flushing, and left.
"Your fault." He murmured, smirking.
"Honestly fuck you." You replied.
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"Shut up."
You turned, glaring. "How about, until told otherwise, I'll be careful?"
Mattheo rolled his eyes. "Good idea."
You two were stuck in detention together, polishing trophies. Mattheo sniggered.
"You should get one for falling over, your face seems to have magnetic attraction to the floor." You bit back an exasperated scream.
"Look, I don't get why you hate me Mattheo, but just stop!"
"No, no, just shut up! Can you just stop?"
"I don't like it when I fall over, it hurts, but you seem to be a sadist on some level-"
"Okay fuck it, I'm just going to shut you up."
Mattheo kissed you then, cupping your face in his hands, pulling back after a few seconds.
"I don't like it when you fall over either, you know, y/n." He said, rolling his eyes. "I can tell it hurts, so it irritates me that you're not more careful! You get hurt, Y/N, I see the bruises, and that hurts me too. Just... look out for yourself? For me?" He pleaded with you.
You froze, trying to process.
"Okay so... you don't hate me?" You said, confused.
"No actually, I kiss all the people I hate to shut them up. Oh look, here comes Potter, I'd better give him a snog. NO, Y/N, I DON'T HATE YOU." He laughed.
You giggled quietly, then smirked. "You like me." You said in a sing song voice.
Mattheo flushed slightly. "Do not." He grumbled.
"Youuuuu like meeee." You sang, giggling.
He kissed you again, effectively shutting you up as you kissed him back.
"You like me too though, y/n, let's not forget that." He smirked.
"You know you can't just kiss me every time you need me to be quiet." He laughed at that.
"Don't worry, I plan on kissing you a lot more than that. Though you do have quite a tendency to yap." He reminded you.
You poked your tongue out, moving back to the trophies to continue your detention, and nearly tripping over another wobbly flagstone.
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Love and thanks for the request, hope this was what you were looking for, remember to eat and drink water <3
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notafragilething · 1 day
Late Night Buck & Tommy Rambles: We Won
I am having all the feelings right now. To start with, I am completely shocked that my timeline prediction was actually correct. I was apparently channeling Tim. So there is a lot to talk about and I'm sure I'm going to miss a lot but let's get into it.
1-3 are the big ones and I'm feeling so good about this couple moving forward.
I've talked about this before but I've predicted them moving away or killing buddie in their promotions and I think we fully saw that this week. There were a bunch of Buck & Eddie scenes + stills. We only got the short sneak peak, which is a lot less than what we could have expected in the past. The official instagram didn't really post any of the buddie stills either but did include BuckTommy.
Ryan's interviews. Not one of them has asked or mentioned Buddie and these are done by journalists that have definitely used that ship to bait in the past. So the fact that after this particular episode they didn't ask one question about Buddie? I really think they blacklisted buddie questions and told them they couldn't ask them. They were very, very specific in several of the interviews to refer to Buck as Eddie's "best friend" as well.
Ryan did get asked one question about Eddie and Buck co-parenting and this was his answer which, to me, seemed to go against the idea that they're co-parenting.
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4. We likely won't get a ton of interviews or comments over the next few weeks until production starts but....if they killed buddie in promotions and did a test run of Lou and Oliver interviewing together? That does give us an idea of the path the show is planning to take.
5. Also Tracie posted that behind the scenes photo from the medal ceremony that included Lou on her story and said she was so proud of all of them. So just another example of Lou getting included within the cast.
We're going to get so many good fics this summer and I think next season is going to be very good to us. Thoughts?
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nan0ka · 1 day
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summary. he promises to take good care of your flower, because you remind him of a rose.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. ~2.81k
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 “YOU'RE back.”
As you heard steps coming you closer, your gaze went to the side and you saw the boy you met weeks ago. This time he looked a lot healthier. A lot better. A lot prettier. You stared at him dead into the eye before observing him little by little while laying your watering to the side. Now you stood upright, your body turned to his direction. He looked happier. And you looked somehow emptier.
"Of course!" his voice seemed to be full of enthusiasm. "I'm here to pick up my rose."
His blue eyes shone brighter than any stars in the nightsky. His calm smile resembled the quiet moon. And yet his demeanor was similar to the sun. His presence felt alive. You did say if he looked healthier the next time you met, you'd give him one of your precious pink roses as a gift. Your flowers are important to you, you were pretty greedy about giving them away. You mean, you didn't promised it.
But you still wanted to at least keep your word.
"You remembered."
"Like I'd forget."
Whenever he smiled, it seemed like the sun was blessing him itself. Was it because the sun liked his silly smile? If it did, you would fully understand. His smile was beautiful. Really beautiful. Your eyes went back to the flowers and searched for the roses. And suddenly you remembered something. You can't give a rose away. Right. There was a reason why you planted them at first place.
"Right." you mumbled. "They're not available right now."
"What." his smile was replaced with a confused face. "Why?"
"I only planted six buds." you started. "For my sister's sixth birthday. Because she said she wanted roses to her sixth birthday. She's going to be a big girl now."
Your eyes darted back to him. He looked disappointed. Really disappointed. You almost felt guilty. For saying something and not keeping your word. But your little sister was still your priority number one. "Sorry." you apologized briefly. And suddenly, a smile formed on his face. Why was he smiling? He was weird. For what did he smile so happily after getting disappointed that bad?
"It's fine." was his response.
"Aren't you disappointed?" you didn't understand.
"Yes, I am. But it's for your younger sister, isn't it? Tell her I said happy birthday." he smiled. "But I still want a rose. Can you plant new ones?"
"Sure." you nodded slowly. "And I'll tell her."
"How long does it take for a rose to bloom?" he asked.
"Maybe three years. If you're unlucky then four—"
"Three years?!"
You winced at his loud voice. He looked surprised, and a bit shocked. "Yeah. Didn't you know? I think I have some buds in my backpack." you reached out for your red backpack and rummaged through it. "Found them." with that you took out some buds and placed your backpack on the ground again. "However, they need to be set in water for a while." you studied the buds before looking at him again.
"Let me help you!"
"Uhm... Sure I guess."
The smell of freshly-brewed coffee reached your nose as you snapped out of your thoughts. You stared at Kotoha's attentive hand movements while she served the elderly lady her afternoon coffee. "Kotoha-chan's coffee is the best in the town. Thank you, sweetie." the lady gave your friend the calmest smile before turning back to mind her own business to read her newspaper.
"You're exaggerating." a chuckle, which sounded pleasant in your ears, left her lips.
She quickly made her way back behind the counter to continue her work. The silence was nice. Enjoyable. The thing you like the most in this dine-in restaurant. Pothos was your second favorite place of all time after all. You sat there all day if you had some thoughts lingering in your mind. You looked down. The warm cup of cacao in your hands left a trail of savory smoke in the air.
"You seem distracted."
"And you always notice."
"It's not difficult to notice, [name]." she chuckled again while drying the glass. "What's wrong? Wanna talk?"
You watched her as she placed the glass on the table, moving forward to the next one while also having an open ear for you. "Don't know actually..." you started. "Actually. I really seem to... be quiet. I always listen to people's stories and keep my mouth shut the whole time. I don't know what to say. But if I stay quiet all the time, I'll fade into the background and feel forgotten. What if—"
"You're wondering what if the people, I hold dear to my heart, forget about me, right?" she finished your sentence.
"You're overthinking, you know?" a smile found itself on her lips, lightening up the gloomy mood.
" 'think so?" you looked up to her.
"Sure you are. I mean, it does depends on the person honestly. But the most of them really love people who listen to them. And sometimes they also feel annoying, because they think they get on your nerves too." her round amber eyes met [e/c] ones. "Maybe you should just leave few comments to make sure they know you're listening." her smile reminded you of his smile.
And her words calmed your thoughts down. "Thank you, Kotoha-san. Your advices are really helpful." you showed your gratitude with a small smile on your lips. It's a rare sight. You smiling. Your mouth-ends moving up. You showing some positive emotions. A shame that her brother missed it. "You think Hajime would forget someone like me?"
"Nah." she shrugged her shoulders slightly, the smile drops at the mention of her 'brother'. "If it would happen... He probably would be insane to."
This time the answer didn't satisfied you. You did trust her. Of course you did. But something in your head denies it. Your eyes went to your cup of cacao again. It's getting cold. Your drink is getting cold. The feeling of warmth left your hands, letting them feel a bit cold even though it's spring. "—How about you ask him yourself?" this suggestion lets you flinch a little as you looked up to her.
"I'd never—"
"Mhm. Sure, yeah." she rolled her eyes with a grin.
Out of nowhere the door was slammed open, letting the little bell ring. Your head immediately turned to side, shocked at the sudden intrusion. But you calmed down again, as you saw an overly excited man stepped a foot into the restaurant. "Speak of the devil." the owner sighed at the very familiar person who finally looked up from the door. "And stop slamming the door, Ume."
His excitment could be seen kilometers away. You shook your head and you stared at the man who opened his arms. "I missed—" the moment his eyes were set on you, he froze mid sentence. There you sat comfortably, on the stool right infront of the counter. "[name]-chan." he called out your name as he began to literally sparkle. "[name]-chan!" he screamed happier than ever and ran forward.
How could he not?
"No hugs." you furrowed your eyebrows slightly and placed your palm against his chest to stop him from wrapping his arms around you.
"Oh, how I missed the both of you! How jealous I am! I also want to laugh and giggle with you two." he beamed.
"We literally saw us each other yesterday." Kotoha and you answered simultaneously.
"Ah Kotoha, you look as cute as ever! I think all types of hairstyles suit you! Don't get me started about you [name]-chan!—" he started to ramble, only for you to shut his voice out of your
You only sighed again as your eyes landed on his companion, standing behind him. Short grey hair which was straightened back. Piercing green eyes. And the furin uniform. Compared to Umemiya's uniform, the jacket was rather short. "Nice to see you again, [lastname]-san." the annoyed and tired face was replaced with a polite smile.
"I only can say the same, Hiragi-san." you nodded. "We didn't see each other for while."
He only chuckled and began to tell you how tiring the leader can be while you listened quietly. Hiragi Toma, one of the few 'delinquents' you accepted. Sure you despise violence and most delinquents, but you learned that violence isn't always bad. And furin uses it for good reasons for the last two years. Can they even be called delinquents? Umemiya Hajime, the man who changed the perspective of a whole damn town.
Umemiya Hajime, the man who showed you another world.
A smile formed on Umemiya's lips, while he was watching the two of you. "I'm glad they understand each other." he turned to Kotoha with the biggest smile. "[name] doesn't need many people by her side. She'd even do fine with only you. But I enjoy seeing her be comfortable around my friends!" he sat down on the stool next to you while staring at his sister doing an omurice for him to eat. "One day I'll show her the world I live in—"
"—By the way. [name]-san wondered if you would ever forget her. Silly question if you ask me. But she wasn't entirely sure if it was true." the burgundy-haired girl broke through your thoughts once again. "How about you answer her?"
Not only hiragi stopped talking, you also stopped in your tracks. You slowly turned to the mature girl with hurt in your eyes which was hard to recognize. Only people you know long enough would notice the change on your face. "Huh?" Umemiya slowed down with his rant as soon as his sister interrupted him. "[name] asked?" he turned to you, confusion visible to your eye.
But the confusion turned turned to a sad puppy face. "[name] after all these years you spent with me. You ask me such a question?" he looked betrayed. You sweatdropped at first, before nodding your head slowly. A sob escapes his lips which made you deadpann. "You really..." the playfulness wasn't present anymore in just seconds, while he was looking at you with a serious gaze, yet he smiled.
"Do you doubt me?"
"What if I do."
"I don't know, but you must to trust me if I say I'd never forget. Because I honestly would never forget you."
On the inside you were dying because of heat and you're really lucky they couldn't see it on the outside as you heard his every word. How could you even have distrust if the person you're talking about is Umemiya Hajime? You felt a bit ashamed. Your eyes wandered around his face to see his features. "I'd be crazy otherwise." he chuckled and watched how red your ears got.
"And you make me go crazy..." you avoided his gaze at all costs with an embarrassed sigh and stood up to take your leave. "I'm leaving."
With that you took out your purse and left the money for your half-drunken chocolate milk on the table next to the now cold cup. You quickly turned around and wanted to step out of Pothos, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist. "Please wait until I'm down with my omurice. I want to accompany you home." as soon as your head went to Umemiya again, you could see how he grinned.
"Promise I'll finish it fast." he tried to convince you. "And you can drink up your chocolate milk without wasting your money!"
At the end you stayed. To make your money worth it. For the drink. Not him.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "Bye bye, Koto'-chan, Hiragi-san." you waved your goodbye.
"Get home safely, yeah?" Kotoha smiles at you.
"Take care of her." Hiragi looked at his leader who nodded with a grin.
"I will! But you both also need to take care, okay?"
With that he turned his back to him, just like you and walked by your side. Every time he feels your presence beside him, it excites him so much. The bubbly feeling in his chest is killing him. Every time your hand brushes against his, it makes him going crazy. He can't possibly smile any seconds longer, because it's hurting his cheeks. Even if those are only accidental touches.
Umemiya Hajime can't keep himself from staring at you. You look like a woman out of a gorgeous oil painting. Everytime you set a foot into the same room as him, his eyes are glued on you. And if you catch his staring, you get easily embarrassed. Your ears always turn red. Or sometimes even your cheeks. It's like you're wearing the most expensive blush. And the way you bat your eyelashes at him.
He is close to touch you, wrap his arms around you and shower you with all of his affection, but of course he'll try to hold himself back. He doesn't want to make you feel comfortable. He knows that physical touch isn't your thing. But why are you making this so hard? The only thing he can do right now, is staring at you. And even if he'd bump into a street lamp, it doesn't matter.
"We're there." you said. He can hear jow you're taking out your keys. Your eyes wandered to him as soon as you opened your apartment door.
"Quit gawking at me."
Now you're hesitating to continue. "Why?" it felt dry in your mouth. You're preparing for the worst.
"Too pretty."
Your wide eyes, full of confusion, shot up to see if he's just joking. Oh. Umemiya is not joking. He's smiling, yet you can see a slight desire. You can only see it if you look closely, because he's always so good in hiding things. He's actually a bit of a sly man if you're gonna be honest. "Snap out of it already." you sighed and got into your apartment, while turning to face his direction, but your gaze was on the floor.
"Get home... safely."
Is it possible for his smile to widen at your rather shy behaviour? The silence is getting louder and louder with every second passing, making you quite uncomfortable. Umemiya looks at your ears that were turning red in the moment. His finger twitched at that. His hand moved up and reached out for you. Only for you to look up because of the silent awkwardness.
The first thing you saw how his hand stopped, centimeters away from your cheek. You blinked. One time. Two times, three times, four times, five— Your cheeks fired up immediately as you grabbed his wrist. He was also observing your features as he kept his mouth shut. Since when was he so quiet? Since when was it this awkward for the both of you? Or was it only unpleasant for you?
"...May I.. touch your face?" his question makes you go redder.
"...Mhm." you nodded slowly, your hand stayed around his wrist but the grip was loose.
He smiles again. This time, the smile was softer than the usual ones. It was different from what ever you've gotten before. This smile reminds you of the one from yesterday. Has he ever gifted someone this kind of smile? You watched him as he tucked your [h/c] hair strands behind your ear before his hand brushed against your cheek softly. The warmth of his calloused palm was really nice.
Until he pulled back.
"...Wait." you stopped him.
And with that you ran into your room, leaving him to let him stand there like some idiot. Not a minute after, rushed steps were heard as he watched how you stopped infront of him while panting a little. In your hand was a pink rose. "Take this." you pushed the rose gently into his hand. "It's my favorite. And it's only three days old... If you take care of it really well, it'll live eleven days more."
"Promise, I'll take good care of the rose."
"That makes me happy... See you, Hajime."
His eyes widened as you gave him a smile and closed the door. It was a small one, almost unseen by him. Such lovely lips you have. Oh how Umemiya wished for you to smile more. You're alluring. If you would give him a brighter smile, he would definitely freak out. If only you knew that you're pretty like the rose. You leaned your head against the door with a completely red face. You couldn't hold it in anymore.
"How... embarrassing." you muttered and closed your eyes.
"She's divine like you, you know?" he whispered to the rose you gave him just minutes ago. "Sorry buddy, but..." he smiled happily and looked at the door.
"She's prettier than you."
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- NAN0KA [ may 31st, 2024 ]
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 days
hawthorne brothers after a (verbal) fight with their so head canons
my moot @never-enough-novels requested this a while ago (at this point she might not even remember asking for this), so here it is. hope you like them <3.
i mentioned this in my averyjameson fight hcs post, but, whenever they fight, jameson gets scared that avery will realize she deserves better and leave him. bc of this, when they're done fighting, he always cuddles up next to her for comfort. avery just sits there with him telling him that he's stuck with her.
jameson tends to blame himself for most of his fights with avery bc he thinks he's the problem (anti-hero) which makes him hate himself so, after they fight, they always sit down and watch friends or any other tv show to distract him (he's never explicitly said that it makes him hate himself but avery can see it. she started the 'tradition').
he hates fighting so he usually starts planning their next date after one. he's next to her lying in bed watching their tv show typing ideas on his phone. he sometimes asks avery for some input. he'll be there like 'hey, heiress, should our next date be in italy or spain', and avery just tells him that he doesn't have to do so much and they can just have a candlelit rooftop date. jameson then tells her she deserves the world and that he'll do anything for her. avery ends up shedding a few (happy) tears discreetly.
he becomes a touch starved mess. he's either holding avery's hand, begging for hugs and cuddles, or pulling avery into his arms so that he can stroke her hair and kiss her face.
fights tend to make him tired so he usually falls asleep next to avery while they watch their show. avery sees this, closes the tv, pulls him into her arms, and falls asleep too.
like jameson, he'll start blaming himself for his fights with his so, but, instead of finding healthy ways to distract himself, he overworks himself the next day to forget about it (i say next day bc he spends the day of the fight (after it of course) with his so)
fights give him anxiety so, to losen up, he takes a bubble bath (and sometimes his so joins him)
he finds this weird, but he always feels the need to change clothes after a fight bc when he looks in the mirror and sees the suit that he wore during the fight, he starts thinking about it and it makes him feel bad. his so usually has another suit out ready for him to put on.
at night, when his so is sleeping, he goes out for a swim to clear his mind. sometimes, one of his brothers (or avery) finds him and tells to get back to bed bc its late. sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn't. when he doesn't they just sit there with him/keep an eye on him from further away if he wants to be alone. (this might seem ooc of the brothers/avery but, in my head, in the books, whenever grayson is out for a swim at night, its usually around 10 pm and here its like 3am which is why avery/the brothers intervene)
he has to go to the bathroom and fix his hair bc he tends to run his hands through his hair when he's fighting with his so and it always messes it up, enough to annoy him.
xander: (i honestly see him and max as the type of couple who don't fight)
fights take a lot out of him bc he rarely has them which makes him hungry. he usually goes downstairs to have a scone and ends up bringing one up for max or he gets on of the maids to bring some food up for them.
he goes out the next day and buys items to make max a care package. he buys little bows and glitter to decorate (a rich boy's care package includes things like : 10 new books (or more), 100 bags of her favorite candy that she'll never have the time to finish (he only puts on in the care package and the rest he gets shipped to her), a new necklace with a customized pendant that reminds him of her, and more all wrapped and placed in a designer handbag)
in bed, later that night, he secretly wonders if he's good enough of a boyfriend for max. he doesn't dwell on this for too long bc he's scared of his own emotions, but he does take some time to think about it.
if he does dwell on it (what i mentioned in my last hc), he gets up and goes to his lab. he usually ends up building smth that he knows max wants to please her and to prove to himself that he's good enough (also building distracts him. its a 2 in 1). also, idk how to explain this so here's an example: max and him fought him bc he didn't give max enough kisses in her opinion so he builds a machine that slaps him every hour and yells 'kisses' (they would never fight about this, but this was easy to come up with a gadget for it).
sometimes, when he dwells on it (what i mentioned 2 hcs ago), he ends up taking a walk bc fresh air always clears his mind.
his first insitnct, after a fight, is to ask libby if she's ok. his feelings don't matter to him if she's not ok. if she's ok, he'll kiss her and think about what he's feeling (if he isn't happy), but if she's sad, he'll pick her up, sit her on his lap, and whisper sweet nothing into her ear.
libby doesn't need to explicitly say this, but nash knows she has abandonment issues and thinks that their fights will someday lead to him leaving her, so sits he goes out and buys her a gift and a card in which he writes that he'll never leave her and that he can't wait to grow old with her.
he's obsessed with her playing with his hair and it always cheers him up. their fights will sometimes sour his mood so he lays his head down on her lap which she knows means he wants her to play with his hair. he'll close his eyes and either relax or fall asleep. libby finds him adorable.
bc fights sour his mood, he usually brings libby out for some horseback riding. he also gets some food ready so that, during their ride, they can sit down somewhere and have a picnic. usually they take these rides close to sunset so that, when they settle down to eat, the sun is setting.
if the fight upset him or made him anxious and he doesn't want to talk about his feelings to libby, he either heads to the bar at night (not to drink but to bartend) or he gets a massage therapist to show up at the house and give him a massage. this usually ends up clearing his mind.
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Hi i want to ramble about the recent bound lore (5/29) (Rune and Vast) so beware if you haven't seen that!
SO! Lets talk about Vast
Vast cares so much about Rune. In a little bit of an obsessive way, though that language of "my treasure" is generally playing off the fact that Vast is a magpie (said by Heyhay themselves). But overall, they care.
There is a bit of a divide here in the focus of Vast and Rune. Vast cares about Rune and his relationship with Rune. When Rune got sploded, she was far more concerned with Rune than the Chronometer. Rune, after recovering just a bit from being exploded, was far more focused on the invention rather than himself. (After all, he's probably used to getting hurt at this point)
As they set off on their journey, Vast watches very closely. They become more nervous as the two get closer to the obelisk, the magpies also doing so, especially when Rune refuses to go back. The focus here has shifted- not just to caring about Rune, but fearing for her and Rune's relationship. He can't know about the Obelisk. It's not fixed. He can't know, because deep down, he's afraid Rune will figure it out. Figure out he's an Avicane. See him for the monster that he is.
So she freaks out. Rune won't listen, and he panics. He smacks the chronometer out of Rune's hand, causing it to break. And this, my friends, is what I see as a "point of no return". Because there's no way to salvage this situation anymore. Even without Rune knowing that they're an Avicane, she's already made herself look monstrous.
And of course he has to explain! So with the encouragement of the magpies, he shows Rune the obelisk. And here's where we get our second "point-of-no-return". The inventor finds out his love is an Avicane.
This shatters the trust between the two. After all, all that trust was built on lies. But who tells the man he loves that he's killed people? Who can look their love in the face and confess that they're more monstrous than any warden or beast they could ever encounter? Who goes to their love and confesses their horrendous deeds when you know no one could ever love someone as monstrous as you?
And then Rune asks him to leave. Despite his pleading and explanation that he can fix it without hurting people, Rune asks him to leave. And of course he does. Rune is too wrapped up in the murderous tales of the Avicane that this solution that Vast is offering is practically ignored. Because he's still taking magic. He has still hurt people. He's still dangerous.
And Vast runs. He leaves, he flies back home and they pace on his porch and spirals. He's lost his love, his treasure. She rips the pages out of her book because despite everything she still wants to be good. He doesn't want to be the monster that he sees himself as, that he saw reflected back to him in Rune's horrified eyes. He's had his life flipped upside down and all it's gotten him is heartbreak the revelation that he's a monster. A brutish beast of the skies who does nothing but lie.
And monsters' can't be loved. Monsters don't get to love. All monsters do is hurt.
But he'll try to be less of one. They'll hide his claws and do what's right, then leave. Then he'll leave it all behind. Rune and Sylph and all those good memories. Because surely they won't want a monster. And she's got a job to do.
But how can she keep doing her job like this? When faced with the revelation that he's a monster raised by monsters? How can he keep living like that? What can he do? What is there to do?
Gonna do Rune in another post because this is so long- thanks for reading!
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causenessus · 2 days
cold kisses
part 0.05. intros.
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kozume kenma  ⋆꙳•❅*‧ ‧*❆ ₊⋆
second year in college majoring in marketing. also a part time streamer so yeah he’s a little busy :) currently roomates with y/n, when he asked her to room with him he told her they’d split the rent evenly but she has no idea he’s actually paying *totally* just *a bit* more than half <3 he’s just happy she’s with him but he's also been working very hard not to get her caught in any stream. thinks that things might blow up a little bit if people suddenly find out he’s rooming with a girl–a slightly well known skater of all people–and he’s right for thinking so. some of his fans are already a little weird about shipping him with others but he ignores it when he can. definitely has had a thing for y/n since high school and always felt a little nervous whenever she came to watch his games but kuroo was the only one on the team who noticed. he’s grown a lot more comfortable around her since then <3 they’re also co-parents of a cat they’re definitely not supposed to have in their apartment.
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third year studying a degree in sports management :) best friends with kenma and oikawa who he’s roomates with. they’re like the extremely less romantic version of whatever kenma and y/n have going on lmao 💀 a very small youtuber who often ends up posting videos that people request him for explaining how things in the sport world works and about science and then will turn around and post an 8 hour long minecraft playthrough video. also good friends with y/n but is mainly hearing everything from kenma’s side. he’s always kenma’s go-to person for advice whenever he’s confused about something and needs help <3
third year also majoring in nutrition but he’s cruising :) did volleyball and skated in high school but decided to pursue figure skating once he graduated. has worked a few times with y/n and they're good friends. also considers himself a girl’s girl and y/n backs him up on this <3 she wishes they worked together more but she doesn’t see him often. oikawa’s been besties with kuroo since high school and as a result also got to know kenma quite well. he’s pretty observant and has picked up on what’s happening between him and y/n as well so if kuroo doesn’t know how to respond to kenma they sit together at their little kitchen table in their dorm at midnight debriefing the tension going on between the two over tea and biscuits or something idk
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hinata shoyo & kageyama tobio ⋆꙳•❅*‧ ‧*❆ ₊⋆
first year majoring in communications bc bro is not the sharpest tool in the shed </3 was immediately pulled into kenma’s group because literally all of his superiors adore him and kageyama got pulled into the group as well (they like him too <3) he’s the group’s ball of sunshine whenever hope seems lost as finals round the corner and makes everyone’s day when he smiles <3
first year in college also majoring in communications. volleyball’s taking up a lot of his time but hinata pulls him around to be a part of the group whenever he can. he was a little terrified of what oikawa would think at first but oikawa could care less at this point and his living his best skater life. kageyama’s still obsessed with vending machines as always and usually gets kidnapped by hinata because he always knows where to find him.
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bellsmess · 3 hours
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Whenever someone calls Charles Rowland straight an angel dies.
What straight guy tells his best friend who just confessed to him that there's no one else – no one – he would go to Hell for. and that they have forever to figure out what that means. You don’t get his repressed bisexuality like i do!
Even modern bisexuals (I may or may not be speaking from personal experience) are oblivious to the fact they're bi because heteronormative roles are so engraved in our minds. when you're attracted to other genders, it's easy to miss a same-sex crush, only then to realise that oh, it wasn’t just admiration, it was attraction.
Charles, having grown up at the height of the AIDS crisis, with an abusive and probably homophobic father, killed by racist bullies? That would make anyone repress any gay feelings. Especially if you experience crushes on people with a different sex than you.
Charles sees Crystal and takes his chance. He's enamoured with this smart, strong-willed, pretty girl who can see him not only in a physical sense, but pays attention to him. He longs to be loved. Then he says the infamous "That sounds alot like you, doesn't it? Maybe that's why I like her so much" line. What an icon. And compares himself and his best friend to the greatest love story of all time, Orpheus and Euridyce's.
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When Edwin confesses to him, he doesn't rule out the possibility of returning these feelings. He knows they're already devoted to each other. They'vealready had 30 years of companionshipand solving cases together.
"As long as I have my best mate and a case to solve I'm good."
Being with Edwin is simple. They solve cases, help others, run away from Death. Charles gave up eternity to be with Edwin, because he was kind to him when he was dying. Charles finds him fun, wants to protect him, knows that Edwin is the kind and good person. One that Charles wants to be.
"Bad guys don't worry about being bad guys. And you, Charles Rowland, are the best person I know."
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Crystal's role is very important in changing the dynamic between Edwin and Charles. Not only because Charles falls for her, but because she opens them up. She digs out their repressed feelings and trauma. Charles finally deals with his dad's abuse, his happy-go-lucky mask falls. She points it out to Edwin. Charles kept it up so well because Edwin didn't press it, but Crystal does. And Charles finally lets himself process what happened to him, and how that affects his relationships.
Charles never saw genuine love between his parents, and that affects how he views relationships. It impacts how he forms them, too. But he's a loverboy, he longs to be loved, he falls easily. Why wouldn’t he fall for someone who stuck to his side for 30 years?
Crystal and Monty's roles mirror each other – they help the boys figure out their feelings and desires. Crystal makes Edwin jealous that there's someone else Charles cares about in the same sense he cares for Edwin. The Cat King helps Edwin discover desire, Monty – genuine love. As Charles' and Crystal's relationship kickstarts (albeit ends as quickly) and Monty persues Edwin, he discovers the depth of his feelings.
"These complicated feelings that you have? They're for Charles."
I would love to see their wants explored more in the future season(s, hopefully multiple). Charles giving into desire with Desire of the Endless' guidance? Yes please.
I simply cannot believe that anyone would doubt Painland/Payneland endgame. They're everything to each other. They're a constant presence, reassurance, and love. Platonic, romantic, it doesn't matter. Their bond is so deep and genuine that immortal beings see it and leave them be, in the afterlife they chose for each other. Their love is so deep it transcends planes: from mortal plane to Hell, it leads Charles to Edwin. Charles is not Orpheus, when he turns around to hear Edwin out on the staircase from Hell, he manages to get him out. And they have literally forever.
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scoonsalicious · 2 days
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8.1 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of violence, death, nightmares.
Word Count: 1.8k
Previously On...: Sexy times ensued, you went back to the compound with Bucky.
A/N: I got nothing today, lol
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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The sun was an oppressive force, beating down mercilessly on Major and her unit as they trekked through the rocky outcrops. The air was thick and suffocating, making each breath a struggle in itself. Sweat poured down her face, stinging her eyes and soaking her clothes beneath the heavy body armor she wore. 
The weight of her gear – body armor, helmet, ammunition, weapons, and equipment – felt unbearable. Each piece pressed down on her body, making her feel trapped and weighed down, claustrophobic. Each step was painful– the metal elements of her gear, heated by the merciless sun, burned against her skin and the rough fabric of her uniform chafed, creating raw, painful spots where her gear rubbed against her body.
As Major moved beneath the blistering Afghanistan sun, she licked at her cracked lips, but her tongue was bone dry. Every muscle in her body was aching with fatigue, the oppressive heat sapping her energy. 
Her vision blurred, the combined effects of the heat and dehydration, and she blinked several times to clear her vision.
She looked back at the line of troops following her– the men and women who had volunteered for this mission, who were willing to put their already endangered lives at further risk to go behind enemy lines at her command. In the distance, she could still make out the sounds of battle around them: the distant gunfire, the low hum of helicopters, the crackling of radios.
Trying to ignore the pounding of her heart, Major paused to double-check her map and GPS before leading her unit through a narrow, rocky pass. The terrain was difficult and treacherous, and she needed to be careful of her footing. A slip or fall out here could mean putting the entire mission in jeopardy if they had to call for rescue. That was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.
This hadn’t been the only route to reach their objective; after careful consideration, Major had selected the shortcut for the time it would cut off from their overall mission. Her second in command, Sergeant Lee Daniels, had protested, warning that the area hadn’t been properly scouted, and therefore the unit couldn’t be sure what might await them within the pass. In the end, though, it had been Major’s call, and she was confident in her decision. 
“I trust you completely, Major,” Daniels had said to her before they began the mission. “If you’re convinced this is the right way to go, I’ll follow you.”
The unit had trekked their way through the rocky pass, guns at the ready and eyes constantly scanning the outcroppings for any signs of an enemy presence, but so far, all had been quiet. 
The silence was broken by a deafening explosion ripping through the air, and Major was thrown to the ground. She struggled to regain her senses, ears ringing and vision blurred by dust and smoke. She fought to quell the rising panic surging through her as she tried to visually assess the state of her team.
They had scattered– some wounded, others scrambling for cover through the haze of dust and debris filtering through the air.
Through the chaos, she could hear the sound of one of her men shouting “IED! We’re hit!”
Scrambling to her feet, Major felt her heart nearly pounding out of her chest with both fear and guilt. She was the one who had insisted on this path. She was the one who had dismissed Daniels’ earlier concerns about potential threats in the area. And now, as the dust began to settle, she spotted Daniels, lying on the ground, his body twisted and covered in blood. Somehow, through the madness, his eyes had managed to find hers, and he locked onto her gaze with pain and confusion
“Daniels!” Major screamed as she rushed to his side. She reached down, trying to apply pressure to his wounds, but her hands were shaking uncontrollably. She watched helplessly as blood began seeping through her fingers, staining the tips crimson. “I’m sorry, Daniels. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, but her apologies were no use.
In his final moments, Daniels’ voice was weak, but still he managed to whisper, “It wasn’t your fault, Major. It happens…” His words hung in the air, hollow and meaningless to her. As she watched, the life drained from his eyes, and his hand went limp in hers.
The next thing Major knew, she was standing alone in a vast, empty desert, the silence oppressive. The sky darkened, and shadows stretched across the sand, morphing into the shape of a man. As the shadows solidified, Daniels' features appeared within them, his eyes filled with the same haunting look of pain… and betrayal.
“Why did you lead us here, Major?” his voice echoes, blending with the wind. “You knew the risks. Was my life really worth saving a few hours?”
Major tried to explain, to beg for Daniels’ forgiveness, but no words would come out. Her mouth moved silently, her throat constricted with grief and guilt. The shadows multiply, surrounding her with an infinite number of Daniels that close in around her, their faces accusing, their voices a chorus of anguish.
“You should have listened,” they chanted. “You should have protected us.”
The ground beneath Major began to crumble, and she felt herself sinking into the darkness. She reached out, desperate to hold onto something, anything, but her hands only grasped at empty air. She was falling, falling into an abyss of her own making, surrounded by the echoes of her mistakes and the faces of the one she couldn’t save.
You woke with a start, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat; the t-shirt of Bucky’s you’d gone to sleep in plastered to your skin. You put a hand to your chest– your heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it might burst from your ribcage. The darkness surrounding you felt suffocating, and as your eyes adjusted to it, you began to panic– this was not your room, and in your anxiety-fueled state, you were convinced you were still trapped in the abyss of your nightmare.
No, you reminded herself. You weren’t trapped in the abyss– you were in Bucky’s room. You were safe. You were someplace where the memory dream could no longer hurt you.
“Sugar?” You felt Bucky sit up next to you and slide his arms around your waist. “Are you alright?”
As the adrenaline pumping through your system began to fade, you were hit with an almost unbearable weight of embarrassment. “Yeah,” you croaked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep, Bucky.”
“Nuh uh,” he said, leaning over to flick on his bedside lamp, and you breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the receding dark. “I know what a nightmare looks like, doll. Have to say, I’m usually the one waking up screaming from ‘em, though.”
You turned your head to look over at him, and saw no recrimination or judgment in his eyes, simply understanding. “You get them, too?” you asked him, your voice small.
Bucky nodded and reached over to tuck a strand of hair away from your sweat-slicked forehead. “Used to get them every night, when I first got away from Hydra,” he confessed. “Sometimes, my body would wake up, but my mind would still be stuck in the dream. I’d get violent. Hurt myself. Punched Steve once when he had the bad idea of tryin’ to wake me up from one.”
You offered him a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes. “How’d you get them to stop?” you asked.
Bucky’s arm wrapped around your waist as he leaned back against the headboard, pulling you into him so that you were leaning against his chest. “They didn’t,” he admitted. “They’re not nearly so frequent now– maybe one every handful of months, but they’ve never gone away.”
“It’s been a while since I had one,” you told him. “I think… I think sleeping in a different place might have set me off.”
Bucky’s expression turned apologetic. “Oh, doll,” he began, “I’m so sorry– if I’d known, I never woulda insisted on you spending the night here. We coulda gone to your place–”
You shook your head, wanting to dispel him of any notion of guilt he might have. “No, no, Bucky. It’s not your fault. I wanted to spend the night here with you.” You sighed. “How… how’d you learn to deal with them, without letting them drive you crazy?”
Bucky chuckled as he ran his hand up and down your arm, and you could feel the vibrations of it through his chest and against your back. It made you feel warm and safe. “Lily was actually a big help with that,” he said. “She was staying at the Compound for a few weeks while renovations were being done on her house in town, and one night, she heard me havin’ a nightmare. She busted through the door and woke me outta it. Offered to stay with me til I fell back asleep. Some nights, I just couldn’t, so she’d stay up til dawn just talkin’ to me, gettin’ my mind off of it. I think it’s what helped us become such good friends,” he admitted. “She was there for me when everyone else thought I was crazy. Unstable. She made sure I wasn’t alone.”
You felt a twinge of… something at Bucky’s words. While you were glad he’d had someone with him, someone to help him through all of those horrible nights, you couldn’t help but feel envious of the intimacy it would have created between him and Lily, the way she had been there for him and the bond that had resulted because of it. Just acknowledging the thought made you disgusted with yourself.
“I’m thankful you had her,” you told him, choosing to focus on the positive component of his revelation instead of your negative emotions. “I imagine having someone to talk to about your nightmares helped take away some of their power.”
Bucky hummed behind you. “That’s a really good way of putting it, sugar, and I think you’re right.” He kissed your temple. “So, let me be that someone for you, yeah? Let me be the person you talk about your nightmares with, so we can take away their power over you.”
His offer made your chest ache with gratitude and affection. Here he was, offering to create that intimacy, that bond, with you. “Okay,” you whispered. “I’d like that. A lot.”
“We don’t have to start talking about them right now,” Bucky said. “Or even tonight. We’ll do it when you’re ready.”
“Thank you,” you said, turning your head so you could nuzzle your cheek against his chest. “I don’t know that I’m ready to talk about it right this minute, but knowing that you’ll be there to listen? Well, it means a lot to me, Bucky.” “You mean a lot to me, Major,” he clarified. “And I want to spend as long as you’ll let me proving that to you.”
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 7 hours
Hello! Love your writing, so yummy. I was wondering if you would take a request? I was thinking what it would be like if Lucifer was dating a fem reader who was a fox sinner and she randomly does animal like things. I think he would be so interested in the ear and tail movement and would try to see what different things cause what reactions. Foxes are very wary so I could see her jumping easily and him taking advantage of that lol 😭. Then, if he would see her like "pounce" on Angel as a prank cause they're besties. Lastly, I just know if he heard her growl, his knees would get weak (imagine them having a growling fight for some reason cause he growled at Alastor that one time 🤣💀). Anyway, I'm dragging this on, so have writing this if you do! I'd appreciate it! *mwah*
A/N— Just when I think the requests can't get any better, another wonderful anon pops up to steal the show. I LOVE THIS so much. This is more or less a small compilation 💅🏻🦋 I had to do a little research for this one, but I think it's so silly 😭💖 I hope you have a wonderful weekend anon!
Animalistic | Lucifer x Fem Fox Sinner!Reader
Warnings: Reader is a common Red Fox Sinner, swearing (I mean, seriously — it's Hazbin 🤣), Reader being a menace to society
Word Count: 696
Summary: More often than not, your animalistic behaviors take over. . .
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Lucifer watched you from afar — not in a creepy way, but in a ‘that's my girlfriend and I'm admiring her’ kind of way.
Right then, he was watching you wallow on the couch that had been placed in the lounge specifically for you, by Charlie, because you refused to sit on a piece of furniture that had the scent of the Radio Demon practically rolling off of it in waves. 
So the fucker went and sat on your couch.
The audacity. 
You were pretty pissed at the moment, which was evident by the growling and angry mumbling that became louder at times. 
He only caught a couple pieces of dialogue, like: ‘no fuckin’ respect for BOUNDARIES!’ And: ‘I ought ‘ta shit in that fuckers shoes!’ 
But it was enough to keep him attempting to hold in his laughter, which he ultimately failed in. 
You quit wallowing in attempts to get your scent to return back to the couch the moment you heard a noise. You jumped, one ear twitching while your tail lifted into something resembling a ‘u’ shape, showing you were now on high alert. 
The moment you caught a whiff of your boyfriend, you turned to face him. He was biting his bottom lip so hard to keep from laughing. 
You could only roll your eyes and stand from the couch, fixing your hair as you trotted over to hug him. “Better not be laughing at me.” You whined. 
“Your words, not you. Never you.” He replied, holding you close as you went about rubbing your scent on him as well. Just so no one would get any ideas. 
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You were watching. Waiting. 
Your tail was swishing at your side in a playful manner, just waiting for Angel Dust to walk past the dark hallway like he did every evening before bed. 
The moment his footsteps could be heard, you were prepared to launch out of the darkness — something you hadn't done in months. 
He came into your line of sight and it was go time. 
Launching out of the darkness, you easily tackled your best friend, the two of you tumbling until you landed on top, pinning two of his arms to the floor with your sharp canines on display as you grinned down at him. 
“Gotcha!” You cheered happily, your tail swishing from side to side.
“First off, ouch, that fuckin’ hurt — secondly, why the fuck can't you ever attack the short king with your midnight zoomies?”
“He's almost always asleep at this time.” You pouted removing your hands from his arms, nipping at his hand when he went to pet your ears. 
“I dare you to wake him up next time.”
You grinned, getting off completely to help him up. Oh, you would.
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Charlie approved of the relationship between you and her dad, but that didn't mean that she didn't witness some odd things whenever he decided to stay for dinner. . .
She could ignore you pouncing on him at random because you pounced on everyone except Alastor. 
She could also ignore him helping you hide snacks for later because she knew that a good snack didn't last long in the hotel. 
But it was harder to ignore you biting, growling, and scratching at Lucifer, laying on your back in his lap on your couch, with him growling playfully and running his fingers through your hair. 
It was cute in a way — her dad embracing the form you were given, and you, eager to play almost constantly. . . Except for when you were nervous or felt threatened by another demon higher on the food chain.
Though one look told her that he had hearts in his eyes. 
And you did too. Even when your sharp teeth finally latched onto his arm and you gently shook your head before releasing and bursting out into a fit of giggles that had Lucifer quit growling, instead leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
He smirked when your ears twitched and eyes crossed at the sign of affection. 
You growled in return, playfully nipping at his hand with a noise somewhere between a very fox scream and a whine. 
But it was all in fun.
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honeii-puff · 2 days
So me and my friend had a debate and it made me realize how you can see which characters are favored by the creators by how much of their backstory (how the grew up, what happened before s1, their family lives) we know of them.
For this, im going to be using characters that got introduced in S1, as they have had the most time to be added onto (almost a decade), plus Max as a shoe-in.
This list would be: The Byers(+el), the Wheelers, The Hendersons, the Sinclairs, the Mayfields, and the Harringtons.
The Byers:
Joyce married Lonnie and had Jonathan and Will before separating (I don't remember explicitly why, probably because he was a piece of shit). Jonathan and Will live with Joyce with no visitation from Lonnie, and are very close. Joyce isn't the most stable parent, so Jonathan helps around, kind of co-parenting Will. El grew up in the lab, and we see all the stuff that happens when shes younger, which makes sense since she is the main face of the show, so she's kind of exempt from this list.
The Wheelers:
On the outside, they're seen as the perfect suburban family, but in reality, Karen and Ted are in a loveless marriage, especially proven in s3 when Karen is having a weird relationship with Billy. The Wheeler siblings have a normal sibling dynamic of shouting and a love-hate relationship, with (this mainly applying to Nancy) the pressure of having to hold up the "perfect family" image.
The Mayfields:
Max's mom married Billy's dad when Max was young (I dont know if they mentioned what happened to her dad or if i just forgot), after Billy's mom had died. They lived in California until they were introduced in s2. Billy's dad is physically and verbally abusive, which has influenced Billy's actions towards Max. After Billy's death, we know that Billy's dad left, and that Max's mom isn't in a good mental state, leaving Max to take care of herself while also coping with her brother's death.
Now lets compare that to what we know about the Hendersons, the Sinclairs, and the Harringtons:
The Hendersons:
Dustin's dad isn't in the picture (we dont know why), and his mom likes cats.
The Sinclairs:
Lucas has both of his parents, who are in a loving relationship, and he has his sister Erica, who he has a generic sibling relationship with.
The Harringtons:
Rich background, Steve's parents are never around, but it's never expressed as to what his relationship with them is like. (Ik he wasn't meant to be a main character and he was supposed to die in s1, but its been a decade, they could have added onto it at any time)
We can also see this in how their trauma affects them
El and Will both have similar "im the freak" mindsets, which gives them the struggle of being able to make new friends and expand their circle. They also have a lot of trauma from the upside down, and El unknowingly blocked memories of what happened with 001 due to how traumatic they were.
Mike was bullied his whole life, which does reflect in his character, making him quick to react to situations rather than analysing them before responding. His trauma doesn't come from his family, but from other people he has been around. With both him and Nancy, it is shown that they both struggle with telling people that they care about "I love you" (Nancy with Steve, Mike with El), probably from seeing how "love" affected their parents.
Max's mental health had a steep decline after loosing Billy, and it is explicitly shown and a large part of her character in s4, so that one needs little explanation due to how blatantly obvious it is.
Now, Dustin, Lucas, and Steve have all been dealing with the Upside Down just as long as the others have been (besides Max), and little trauma is shown from it.
Dustin and Lucas were both bullied like Will and Mike were, yet it doesn't seem to actually affect their character like it has for Mike and Will. Both also have their share of events happening with the Upside Down.
Steve did go through a character arc, but we don't see how trauma has affected him, especially since he seems to be the shows punching bag. He got tortured by russians, almost got shot by his ex, has gotten into fight after fight for these kids, and got dragged to the bottom of the lake by his ankles and proceeded to get strangled and attacked by bats.
And none of them seemed to be affected by any of it.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
If there are any other ST characters you want an analysis on, send an ask!
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iliketangerines · 7 hours
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Raiden and Kung Lao with a reader that looks like this?? Like she works at madam Bo’s and comes from outworld. Shes fast with her work and now’s the boys orders- tehe
made to order
a/n: can't gang know i fw encanto (i cried during the rewatch of the movie)
pairing: raiden x reader x kung lao
warnings: xenophobia
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Raiden and Kung Lao stare at you from their table as you effortlessly put down two waters on the table while taking their order in your other hands at a customer’s table
when Lord Liu Kang had opened up the barrier between Outworld and Earthrealm, there was a never ending flow of people coming from Outworld to explore Earth
people also loved going from Earthrealm to Outworld and last either of them heard, some corporate bigwig was trying to make a tourist industry out of it
but Kung Lao and Raiden supposed it wasn’t so bad as they watch you finish greeting a table with a loud smile and gentle laugh
you glance over at the two of them, tucking a stray strand of water behind your ear, before coming over to them with a big smile
Raiden clears his throat as you ask them how they’re doing today and that you can take their order, and Kung Lao flashes you a smirk, opening his mouth no doubt for a bad pickup line
Raiden elbows Kung Lao in the ribs, trying to do it subtly to stop him, but you catch the action as Kung Lao grunts and shoots a glare at his friend
you just smile and ask if they need any more time, and Raiden quickly says no, saying that they’re just a bit tired from picking cabbage all day
he puts in his order, saying it’s what he usually orders, and Kung Lao quickly puts his in, adding on that hey come here a lot to Madam Bo’s
you snap your fingers together on one of your many hands, and you exclaim that they’re Madam Bo’s prized students
Raiden raises his eyebrows at the statement, Madam Bo talked about the two of them?
Kung Lao just takes the chance to lean in closer to you, saying that yeah they were those students, learned everything they knew about fighting from her
you smile and cock your head, tapping another hand on your chin before you ask them to meet you after your shift, if they're willing
you want to test your skills, and Madam Bo had told you that they were the best fighters in this side of China
they glance at each other, answer already clear in their heads as they both say the same thing in unison: yes
you beam at them with that gorgeous smile and walk away with a wink, putting their food orders to the kitchen
both Raiden and Kung Lao chat, watching you out of the corner of their eyes as you flit around the restaurant putting down plates and pouring glasses of water and taking orders
your arms certainly came in handy for sure
finally, you serve them their meals as you pour them new tea, and you tell them to enjoy their food
Raiden gives you a polite nod, thanking you for the speedy service, and Kung Lao gives you a large smile and tries to say something flirty
except he misjudged where to place his elbow as he leans his head on it and ended up slamming his forehead into the table
you place a hand over your mouth, stifling your giggle, and you nod your head at them before disappearing to serve the next table
Kung Lao rubs his forehead and Raiden ruffles his friend’s hair before going to eat his meal, a casual conversation easily rising between the two of them
several minutes pass, finishing their meal, and they hear a small commotion and look over, finding you looking rather irritated as a man too red in the face points at you
they spot the empty bottles of alcohol, how the spittle flies from his mouth, and then they see how his hand grab onto one of your wrists tightly
the man is shouting insults about how Outworlders don’t belong on Earth and that they should all go home, and Raiden rises up to help
but then, they watch you grab onto the man’s wrist with your other hands, easily pushing his grip out of yours, and bend his wrist back so far they’re surprised the bone hasn’t broken
they hear the man howl in pain, kneeling down to try and relieve the pressure, but all you do is bend his wrist further back with a cold smile on your face
you ask him to repeat his statement, asking if he really wants to test you right now, and he sobs out an apology, begging you to spare him
sighing, you let go of him and tell him to get out of the restaurant, but not before paying
he scrambles, leaving his wallet on the table, and you pick it up, fishing out a generous amount of money and counting through it as you walk over to the counter
you hand over some of the cash to the lady at the register and then pocket some of it for yourself before noticing how Raiden and Kung Lao stare at you
walking on over, you give them a slight embarrassed smile, saying you really wish they didn’t have to see it, but the both of them reassure that it’s fine, that they can’t wait to fight against you
you give them a relieved chuckle and ask them to just stick around a little longer, that your shift is almost over
you take their empty plates away, handing them the check
but not before sending them a flirty wink as you walk away, sending both Raiden and Kung Lao’s heart stuttering
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shyguygubbs · 9 hours
I was thinking about kotlc recently and how the Black Swan originally wanted to wait to bring Sophie into the Lost Cities until way later, probably when she turned 18, and how different of a person Sophie would have been if that were the case.
Like at the start of the series, she's this child prodigy who has to go to community college in the fall at the age of 12 because her parents won't let her go to Yale (a totally valid parental choice btw), and the thing is I think she would have THRIVED in that environment. Like at first she would be scared and hesitant because in all other school environments she has been bullied for being as smart as she is, but now she's going into a school that people choose to go to in order to learn. Community college doesn't just have mean, jealous teenagers who attend, there are people of all ages and all walks of life who are ready to learn. Sure, Sophie would still be the youngest one there, and I doubt it would be super easy with the whole mind reading thing, but she would be in a much more supportive environment when it comes to learning than anything else she's experienced.
She'd be able to make friends with her peers, being able to bond over a shared love of whatever they're studying, and these friends don't think she's too smart or too weird. She maybe finds some way to muffle the voices in her head better than her earplugs did. Yeah, she still gets headaches, but she can manage it. I can see her taking as many classes as she can, figuring out her passions and what she might want to do as a career. She'd be in a fantastic place academically to transfer to any school she wants when she turns 18. I can even see her parents letting her graduate when she's 17 and allowing her to transfer to a four year college to get a bachelor's in whatever she wants to study, whatever she finds her passion for, because she worked hard for this, and doesn't hate school now, and has found a path for herself in life that feels right.
And then the Black Swan shows up and whisks her away from all of that, and she's heartbroken because she doesn't need to be taken away from everything she's worked so hard for. Yeah it feels nice to finally have the whole mind reading question answered, but she doesn't need a new place to belong, she has one. I imagine this Sophie being a lot more confident in herself, but a lot angrier too. She's fascinated by her new world, but desperately wants to go back home, to just live out the life she's been working towards. I can see her working side by side with the Black Swan from the jump, because she's in a world with injustice and she can't just sit back and let this slide, but constantly fighting back this resentment for them and how they took everything from her. I think of how canon Sophie had a brief moment of hesitation when it came to training her Telepathy, and I think this older Sophie would be conflicted between wanting to know more about this abnormality that she's been dealing with her whole life, and wanting to cling to her human identity and her old life as much as she possibly can. Because she's been ripped away from it, and no matter what her genetics say, this Sophie still views herself as human.
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