#if some of it is incoherent it is because not once did i proofread
andvys · 1 year
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | S.H.
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Warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst, sad ending, allusions to cheating, heartbreak, break up, King!Steve, popular!reader, poorly proofread
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader | Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Steve is slipping through your fingers and you desperately hold onto him not realizing that his heart isn't yours anymore.
Word count: 2k
Note: This is only the preview, I wanted to see how this will do before I write the actual story! @take-everything-you-can thank you for listening to my ideas and helping with more!
The red wine is seeping through his shirt, staining his soft skin with it’s stickiness. He clumsily tries to wipe it off with a random cloth he found in Tina's bathroom, as though it would help, as though he could undo it, as though the redness hasn’t already stained too much of the blue material. 
He is mumbling incoherent words under his breath. 
You roll your eyes, reaching for the cloth in his hands, “it’s not coming off, Steve–”
“It’s coming,” he mumbles, drunkenly.
You sigh, walking around him, you put the cloth on the counter and reach out to him, cupping his cheeks, “come on, just let me take you home.” 
“Why don’t you go home?” 
He looks down at you with a look in his eyes that you aren’t familiar with. He furrows his brows as he looks into your eyes, searching for something that he won’t find in your eyes, ever. 
You are scared of it, you are scared of him, of what he feels, of what changed. You act like you don’t know what changed, you act like you are clueless, you act like you are unaware of everything that’s been going on behind your back. But you know everything. 
You know that Steve isn’t who you want him to be. 
He is King Steve and you are the queen of Hawkins High– you didn’t give that title to yourself, you never would, in a way it’s humiliating to you that people claim you to be some sort of queen, some mere girl that people look up to for some reason. You are nothing but a simple girl and Steve is nothing but a simple guy but unlike you, he loves the attention, especially the one he gets from all the girls, the ones that make him feel desired. You always hated the way he flirted with them even when he was already with you– he said he only did it because of Tommy and the other guys from the team, they always encouraged him to flirt with them. You didn't understand it, you would never do that to him. His flirtations were only halfhearted and he never actually did anything but it did nothing to make you feel better. Still, you stayed with him because you loved him and because you knew that he only did it for show, to keep up his stupid reputation.
After all he did only have eyes for you. Only you were allowed to see sides of him that no one else saw, only you got lingering looks, soft touches and kisses, only you got to lay in his arms and listen to the beat of his heart, only you were his girl, his only girl. Only you got all the I love you's.
He took you out on dates, he gave you flowers, he kissed you in his car, in downtown bars, behind the school, in his room, in your room. He made you happy like no one else did. He once did.
You were his first love, you had hoped that you would be his only love but then she came along and his love for you was just gone. 
When he suddenly stopped flirting with every girl that batted her lashes at him, you had hoped that he finally stopped caring about what his friends thought, you had hoped that he was finally ready to show everyone that he wasn’t like that, that he wasn’t some playboy who needed more than his girlfriend to keep him interested and satisfied but that was simply too much to wish for. You were a fool for considering that in the first place.
His eyes strayed away from you weeks ago, he had set his eyes on her, the girl that stole him and his heart away from you like it was nothing.  
Nancy Wheeler. 
The pretty freshman who was assigned to be his partner in some stupid history project. 
You knew that he was gone the moment he stopped calling you every night just to hear your voice before going to bed, you knew that his love had started to vanish when even after the project was over, he kept canceling or even forgetting date nights, you knew that his heart wasn’t yours anymore when you caught him staring at her with a look in his eyes that you wished to see when he looked at you. 
He isn’t yours anymore but you still hold onto him because he is still here, right in front of you and he puts his hand around your wrists, not hers. He looks into your eyes, not hers. But he doesn’t look at you with love or adoration in his eyes, no. He looks at you with something– with nothing. There is nothing in his eyes and you can already feel yourself growing sick because you know that this is it. You knew this was coming, you knew this would happen eventually, he will leave you, for her. 
You don’t know what happened between them, if anything happened at all, you don’t know if he crossed that line yet, he did emotionally but did he physically?
Your heart begins to pound in your chest, the sound of the music outside is too loud, even when you are stuck in this bathroom with your very drunk boyfriend who is about to shatter your heart into tiny little pieces, you still hear the music and it’s hurting your ears. Your throat tightens and your vision blurs. You feel like you are suffocating. 
“W-Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, not even recognizing your own voice, it’s so shaky and so far away. 
Steve frowns, he shakes his head a little as he keeps looking at you. His eyes flicker down to your cheeks, to your nose that he used to kiss every time he would say goodbye, your lips that are trembling from the fear that is running through your body, he holds your wrists tighter as he looks back into your tear filled eyes.
What is he doing? 
You step closer to him, blinking those tears away, you whisper his name, begging and pleading with your eyes. You love him. God, you love him so much. 
He says your name. Not baby, not honey, not babe, not princess. He says your name. 
“L-Let’s go home, okay?” You mumble shakily, tearing your eyes away from his, “let’s just go home together.” 
"Together?" He slurs as he stumbles forward a little, you steady him by grabbing his waist.
“Yeah, you wanted to stay with me, remember?” 
“I-I don’t wanna stay with you, I don’t wanna be with– with you,” he mumbles, closing his eyes, he sighs. You smell the alcohol in his breath, the wine on his shirt and it makes you feel nauseous. He grabs your shoulders and suddenly his touch is too much, knowing that it’ll be the last time he touches you. 
“W-What do you mean?”
He is too drunk to see how scared you really are, how hurt you truly are. He is too much of a fool to see anything. 
“You heard me,” he says as he gets closer to your face, “I don’t want to be with you,” he spits. 
You draw back, furrowing your brows and holding your breath as you feel your heart dropping to your stomach, of course you weren’t prepared for this even though you saw it coming. 
“Why not?”
He looks bad, his hair is messy from all the tugging all night, his eyes are red rimmed and he has dark circles beneath them, like he had been up all night, his eyes are filled with so many things yet none at all, right now, you don’t recognize him. 
He is gripping your shoulders tightly, you wish it’s because he is afraid to let you go. 
“I’m not in love with you anymore.” 
And just like that, with a few simple words, he broke your heart. 
Steve Harrington, the man you gave your heart to so willingly, despite your friends warning you about him, despite all the warning signs, you gave him your heart and you never regretted it even though you should have but he was your Steve. He was. 
Steve awaits a reaction from you. He expects you to break down, to slap him, to push him away from you, to ask why but you don’t. In fact, you don’t give him a reaction at all, you just nod at his words, somehow managing to keep the tears from falling, your trembling lip tells him that you do want to cry though but you don’t. 
The bile rises in your throat, you want to throw up, you want to fall to your knees and puke your guts and your heart out but you swallow harshly and close your eyes for a moment, pressing your lips together to keep yourself from sobbing. 
Please wake up, please wake up. You think to yourself, let this be a dream, just a bad dream. You want to wake up, in his arms, in his embrace, you want to feel his kisses on your shoulder, his fingers running through your hair, to hear his morning voice, to hear him say I love you. But you will never get any of it again. It’s over. 
“Okay,” you whisper, shakily. 
You step away from him, pushing his hands off your shoulders, you nod to yourself as you open your eyes to look at him one last time, “okay.” 
An unfamiliar feeling runs through him, gripping at his heart, it hurts and he suddenly feels nauseous. He blinks and stares at you as though he doesn’t understand what just happened. 
You look into each other’s eyes, you both drown everything else out, the voices outside, the music and the ongoing party. 
It’s over. 
You feel grief, the way you felt it all this time already, knowing that this was coming. 
He feels it too, though he doesn’t understand it yet. He doesn’t understand what a huge mistake he just made, how much he will despise himself for doing this to you, how much he will come to regret this. When he feels the loss of your touch, his heart begins to understand a little. 
Deep down you know that he will come back to you, he will. 
Unable to stand around him any longer, you step away, “I’ll get Tommy or something, he’ll drive you home–”
“What about you?” He asks as though he didn’t just tell you that he doesn’t want to be with you.
Your heart is hurting, it’s hurting so badly that you start to forget what it ever felt like to be loved by him. Your tears threaten to fall so you step around him and reach for the doorknob, “goodbye, Steve.” 
He says your name but you don’t dare to turn around to face him, you keep the sob in, pushing it down as you open the door and step out of the room.
By the time the door slams shut, you are already crying, the tears are streaming down your face as you rush through the hallway and down the stairs, not caring about the looks of curiosity of the people around you, you don’t care about anything right now. 
You stumble down the stairs, almost crashing on the hardwood floor if it wasn’t for your friend catching you before you can even take the fall. 
“Hey, oh my god, are you okay?” She asks as she steadies you, watching you with concern in her blue eyes. 
You shake your head as you look at her. 
She looks around as though she is searching for someone but when her eyes settle on him standing by the stairs, not walking down just yet, she knows that it’s him who made you cry. 
She rolls her eyes, putting her arm around you, she pulls you away from the stairs and out of the house, wrapping her cardigan around you after you both step out into the cold. The front door closes and despite the loud music, the laughter and all the people around him, Steve swears that he heard it shut, it echoed and it made him wince in pain. 
He doesn’t understand the deep regret in his chest, the pain in his heart and the confusion in his soul. 
He doesn’t understand it yet. 
next part
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scara-writes · 1 year
Knight! Reader x Y! Prince
(gender neutral for readers)
No proofreads. Forgive me for not answering y'all ask/request! I will do them once I'm done publishing the other ocs! (Y'all wilding for yandere gold digger and omega! Lol) this one is short tbh and has another part but I'm unsure about posting it because it was too long. Let me know if you wanna see it.
Warning: hints of death, yandere, psycopath
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You woke up groaning. Your throat hurts, confused at yourself. You never had a problems with your throat. Always hydrated before going to sleep, So why the hell that it feels like its dry at the same time it's not?
It's kind of like itchy.
You went down the staircase, hearing the bustling sound of your subordinate roommates.
"Captain! You look pretty tired today. Did you perha—woah! What happened to your neck?" One of your members looked shocked, their eyes looking at the said neck. The other members in the room looks at you in confusion before their face was the same as the person who asked you.
You raised your eyebrow at him. "What about it?"
You let your calloused hands caress your neck, feeling if there was out of ordinary. "Can some of you hand me a mirror? I am confused as to why everyone looked shocked right now."
One of your subordinates quickly ran around to find you a mirror. When they found it, they immediately handed it to you.
You look yourself in the mirror. Just like their reaction, you were shock to witness it.
"What... How...?"
"...It looks like a deep wound from one of our melee weapon, specifically a knife. Captain. No wounds can someone survive that!" The person sitting at the dining table said as he observe it."How did you got that?"
You shook your head,"I don't know.... I only woke up feeling my throat feels dry and fine at the same time. Itchy I would say, it doesn't hurt. It feels irritating."
"I think you should consult a physician or a doctor for that."
You trace the scar on your neck. Thoughtful, of where had you gotten this. "... I might."
You strolled up to the palace, not getting any breakfast—even dinner last night—and skipping your schedule to train as forgetting the fact that you are late to see your master, so you immediately went to the palace of your prince. The one you serve in your whole life.
Maids greeting you a good morning, and you greet them back. One of them offered you a sandwich, it looks pretty neat and delicious to eat. Drooling at the thought chewing on it. You tried to refuse but they insisted on giving it to you, seeing you didn't get a breakfast and dinner, you looked a little dizzy for someone who trained to endure without food for months. You accepted it along with a water, thanking them, feeling a little hungry and quickly gobble up the food making your way from hallway to the kitchen with them before anyone can scold you for eating around the halls. Parch from the food, you drank the water from the glass and put them on the sink before going back to your task to check up on your prince. You bid the maids a good bye.
Once you reach the room of your master. You saw there was no lady in waiting nor a butler on his doorway. So you knock on the wood, announcing yourself, waiting for your master's response to let you in.
"(Y-y/n)?" You heard a whimpering voice behind the room. It sounded like he was crying. You asked him if he was alright, but before you could get any answer from him, you saw the door being pulled opened and then finding yourself engulf by an arm around your shoulders.
"Mmm sorry—shouldn't doubt you!—my own fault!... Was supposed to trust you—love you so mmmh–much!I-I— don't l-leave m-me—hicc!" The prince cried on your shoulder, babbling incoherent words that you didn't understand. You look bewildered at his sudden burst, not expecting for someone who always smiles and befriend anyone regardless of their status. You slowly went to embrace him, comforting him, feeling him wrapping his legs around your hips and you let him, crying on your now wet uniform full of tears and snots continuing to blabber incoherent words.
You tried to let him lay down to his king sized bed but his grip on you wouldn't let you. So here you are awkwardly patting him on the back as you sat yourself on the edge of his bed instead. You were hesitant to touch his hair, it is against the rules that a lowly life like you has the audacity to touch them especially in their hair, it's a sign disrespect and could lead to a treason. But you decided to do it anyway, he needs your comfort right now and that rule doesn't apply to you if the prince needed it anyway—plus you already broke the rules when you hugged him back.
He freezes up when he felt your hands on his head before slowly taking a deep breath, sniffling, calming down from your touch. He buried his nose onto your neck, shuddering before planting a small kisses from you, whimpering.
"sssorry—hic-!ssorryyso-sorry... louvv you too..m..much.. shouldnn't...leea-hic-!leave me..."
You cannot comprehend what he was trying to say but his action made you surprised, but you let him be for now, continuing patting his back awkwardly because this isn't what you expect first thing of the day when you work.
Prince Rylle must have a nightmare for him to act like this.
"... Your highness?"
You heard him whimpered before leaning himself away from your neck, slowly looking at you. His eyes were puffy, some tears were spilling. Prince Rylle was sniffing and hiccuping from his tears.
You looked away from his eyes, indirectly obeying his older brother's words to not look straight at him. You carefully wipe away the water droplets coming out from his orbs, waiting for his nerves to calm down.
He stayed there at your lap for a few minutes, until he recollect himself.
After wiping his tears, one of your hand went to grab a handkerchief from your pocket trying to rid of the snot that was clogging his nose.
But before you can do that, the tanned male squeaks and tried to push himself off on you, falling down from your lap. Head first colliding on the floor. Thankfully, he didn't bleed.
"Your highness! Are you alright?" worriedly you went to assess his head from the impact.
"I-I'm fine!" He quickly got up, wincing from the slight concussion from his head.
"I apologize, it was my mistake for startling you. I shall be careful next time."You got up from the edge of his bed before stroking his head gently.
He looks at you, the way he gaze up to you seems like he had seen a ghost.
"... Are you really..here?" He whispered. You were puzzled by his question. "... I'm here your highness." Quickly bowing down to his level.
He walk up again to you, requesting if he could hug you again. You stood up and saw in your peripheral vision his eyes were starting to become teary again. His snot were starting to clog his nose, but you let him hold you.
You felt his arms around your waist. Hands firmly grip on your sides.
"... God, I t-thought I lost you." He whispered. Whatever nightmare that was. It must have traumatised him. You felt his tears running down again to your clothes.
"... I'm here your highness.."
"... You're really.. h-here." He whispered.
You patted his back. "... I am here."
"Today is 7th of May, Year..890." You uttered before jotting down the notes for your report. The prince was beside you, silent at his own office. He too is jotting down his report or at least he is, but you felt his gaze on you. You weren't used to the prince Infront of you being silent. He would always filled this room with his chattering, sharing his knowledge to you on what he learned from his teachers—since a commoner like you doesn't deserve education—and sometimes he would always complain about the other nobles being rude to their servants and how obnoxious they were.
So you broke the silence filling in the room. It is unusual for your master to be this silent.... And staring at you for quite some time."Is everything alright your highness?"
He didn't answer. He was still gazing at you.
"Your highness?" You repeat.
The prince snapped back to reality.
"O-oh! Yes! Yes I am! I'm-I'm still recollecting m-my thoughts about my nightmares haha!" His fake laughter died down when his gaze stayed to your neck. He frowned. He was contemplating whether or not he should ask. But he did.
"... Where did you get that? The... Scar on your neck."
You cleared your throat before feeling the scars again. Just like earlier, you didn't felt any phantom pain from it.
"... I would have tell you the reason behind it but I have no idea, your highness. I must have slip a knife drag it on my nec—" You wanted to jest about it but you got a sullen look. His face was frowning even more.
"Please, do not do it again."
"...I... Yeah. I am jesting your highness... I had woken up with a scar already imprinted on my neck." You didn't get a response after that, he avoided his look from it.
You look back at your finished report. Organizing them, putting them aside the table, before standing up. "Umm.. As much as I would like to accompany you all day, your highness. I have business to attend to with the crown prince." You didn't particularly give him the detail why you need to leave, you walked away. His brother technically assigned you on something dangerou—
"... Were you going to assassinate the southern duke who was accused of embezzlement of the empire's treasury?"
Your boots stop clacking on the tiled floor of the room, quickly turning your head back to your master. Whose eyes were blank as if he just absentmindedly told you what he said.
"... How... Where did his highness learn this... Information."
You were supposed to make him believe that everything around him is perfect. Is what your master's psychopath family told you to do. He doesn't need to know everything.
He was supposed to be completely utterly away from it and only focusing on the bright side of the kingdom.
The tanned male before you gave you a nervous smile. You realized that today he is acting weird."No! Nothing I-I was just speaking something ill! It was a mere jest, my sweet!" His hands were wavering as a sweat formed down to his cheeks, when he talks.
He was lying.
"Where did you get that information, your highness?" You looked at him, your body turning to him. Repeating your words.
He gulped, one of his hand pulled his collar a little as if he was sweating from his clothes. You noticed how his eyes were looking everywhere except your figure. He mumbled something before turning back to you, stammering."... Forgive me... I ... I overheard your meetings with my older brother that n-night."
You thought about the meeting he was talking about. It was Prince Rylle's birthday that time and he was at the very center of the attention so none of the nobles or slaves have witness you left to the garden when the his older brother, the crown prince commanded you to follow him there. You made sure before you left, the last time you saw him before you had gone to follow his highness, Prince Rylle was dancing with one of the noble ladies.
So it is not possible that he might overhear your conversation when he had to take turns on the ladies that lining up to have a dance with him.
"But you were in the middle of dancing with the lady Rub—"
"N-no! I wanted to-to find you to accompany me by the garden when you were not in your post! I found myself walking alone in the garden and then I saw with my brother! I promise I did not mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with my brother!"
That wasn't the only thing that his brother ordered you to kill someone. You would have refused if it weren't for the fact that your mother's expenses for her health wasn't increasing. But the crown prince promised salvation to your mother as long as you do what he told you. It was tempting deal but you did it, feeling pressured as if refusing that bastard's command would give you penalty of death. Was that even a deal? Plus shedding someone's blood by your own hands wasn't your forte. You are a knight that was supposed to protect Prince Rylle. You can only immobalize your enemy but you cannot bring yourself to kill.
The duke was not the only one who you need to assassinate tonight and you weren't even sure if he really did try to embezzled the treasury. You witness that old man to be strict, intimidating but he took a great care the people who serves under him and the villagers who were residing in his property. All you heard from his rumors was that he was a good leader and a good provider.
"Was that all you heard, your highness?" You were internally panicking. Not wishing to meet your punishment if one of his family heard about this. Prince Rylle needs to be pure from this world is what his family told you. He needs to be away from these secrets.
"... Can I ask you a favor?"
His soft gaze wanders around your lips before slowly nodding. So you asked him a favor to never let his family knows about him finding out about this.
He frowned as if he realized something. The white haired male stood up from his seat and walk towards you, as he softly grabbed your hands to his. Clasping it.
"Now that Gods favored me, this time I will protect you."
" Of course, darling... I will not let them." He unclasps his hand from yours before giving you a hug. You can't quite hear the last sentence he said.
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mccnstruck · 7 months
like LIKE you
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characters: kazuha x gn!reader
tags: fluff, misunderstanding, more crack, reader is DENSE af, proofread, op was writing this while their crush was right behind them so they apologize if this is incoherent
a/n: @soleillunne ALY !1!!! HIIIII i had so so much fun writing this for kazuha and i hope you have much fun reading it as i did writing it!! this is for @ecrin-de-litterature's kiss don't tell event !! pls reblog and enjoy <3
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- When you almost lost yourself in his eyes and hurriedly snapped your head away from him, you knew you were so screwed.  - Your racing heart knew.  - He’s cute. And he most likely knows that you think he’s cute. - You first saw Kazuha in your literature class when you had to sit next to him. He smiled at you before going back to his own work, thus leaving you both to do your respective duties.  - But as the weeks passed and class discussions were more frequent, you found yourself enjoying listening to Kazuha’s discussions on the text presented, sometimes bringing in your own input.  - His voice soothed your mind, and your heart clung onto every syllable he had spoken. His eyes sparkled everytime you listened to his thoughts-  - Ahem.
You were, inevitably, starting to crush on him. 
You walked into class and whispered a quiet prayer to yourself in hopes that you wouldn't reveal anything to him right now. 
And plus, Valentine's Day is such a cheesy day to confess! Besides the couples giggling and buying the really good chocolates, and seeing people talk to Kazuha, and noticing how cute he is when he laughs…
You internally smacked your head and chided yourself for the spiraling thoughts and sat in your seat. 
Kazuha smiled at you, before he resumed talking with with his friends. His friends snickered and patted his shoulder, before he covered his smile with the back of his hand. 
Huh. He never really gets flustered. Did he…
The bell rang, and his friends left the class, yelling out “Good luck!” before closing the door. 
Kazuha sat down and smiled at you once more, yet it was filled with excitement. “I’m sorry I didn’t greet you properly.”
You shook your head and smiled back. “It’s fine. Are you doing anything today?”
“For Valentine’s?”
You shook your head. 
“I was thinking of confessing to someone today. I’m meeting them by my locker after school.”
“You have a crush?!” 
Damnit, you thought.  
He laughed, and a soft red tinted his cheeks. “Mhm. I was thinking of sending them a poem with some sweets today.”
He showed you the gift and you internally recoiled. The gift was so unbelievably throughout, with your favorite sweets inside, along with a poem so sweetened the other person would become dizzy with love. It was beautiful, just like the grin on his face. 
Your heart shattered, and you wondered what you would do after school if you still had time after crying. 
“Kazuha…you put this together so nicely…” 
His grin widened, and he put the gift down. “I’m really glad you like it. It gives me a little bit of reassurance.” 
The teacher walked into the room, and both of you straighted your chairs to start the class. 
“So, because it’s Valentine's Day, we will do an activity…” 
Well, thank the teacher for rubbing it into your face.
Class went on for a begrudgingly long time, and the ache in your heart began to grow. Kazuha noticed your solemn expression and brushed your hands together. When you straightened yourself in a panic, you saw his face of concern. 
“Are you alright? You look stressed right now.”
“Uh.. yeah. Sorry, I have a project for another class that’s really stressful right now.”
He nodded, and you both resumed your work. The teacher droned on about the analysis of the text and the context of the author’s work, yet you couldn’t really get yourself to focus, not with this heartache that remains.
A thought rushed past your mind. What if this was for you?
You? That’s funny, if it didn’t hurt so much. There’s no point thinking about it anyways.
After some more time, class finally ended, and you packed your bag while Kazuha stood up. 
“Ah, I have to head out, I have something urgent to do for a class.” 
He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled. 
“I hope you finished this project of yours. Just let me know if you need anything, alright?”
You snapped your head back and felt your face burn. “Oh, thank you. I’ll see you later.” 
Kazuha left the room and you almost felt yourself succumb to the hot flare that passed your body. Your shoulder, where his hand was, almost felt weak to the touch, and you barely packed up your bag without having a heart attack. 
You looked to the floor and saw Kazuha’s gift underneath his desk. Quickly picking it up, you grabbed your bag and said your greeting to the teacher, before leaving the classroom. 
It was your free period, and you would finally decide on what to do with Kazuha’s gift. You wouldn’t want him to show up to his confession empty handed, or worse, his crush not show up at all. So, you would wait by his locker and make sure you run out before then. Alright. 
Well… it would be alright if it didn’t hurt so much.
And so, classes went on, droning about formulas and equations, and the minutes wouldn’t stop ticking, and your mind wouldn’t stop thinking of who would be the receiver of his gift. When the final bell rang for the day, you took the gift and rushed down the hallways to find his locker.
Except… there’s no one there waiting for him. 
A little concerned, you decided to wait to either give it to Kazuha or whoever was waiting for him.
But the minutes had steadily gone by, and you started to worry whether the person even got a message from him. 
“Ah…There you are.”
Kazuha’s face beamed as he got closer, and you laughed at the sight of him. 
“Here's your gift that you left behind.” You extend your hand to him, and his eyebrows furrowed.
Surprised by his reaction, you were silent as your own eyebrows furrowed. 
“This…this isn't yours? Kazuha, are you sure you're in the right mind?” 
“That's yours.” 
“But, you left it there?! Kazuha, what are you on?” 
“Why do you think I left it there?” 
Your mind blanked, and you looked at him with panic. 
“Kazuha, you left it there. I am here to give it to you.” 
Kazuha started laughing and covered his face with his hands. 
“You are so… I left it there for you.” 
You stayed silent for a second. Then another.
Now that you think of it, Kazuha is never forgetful. And the way he looked at the gift multiple times, and the way he knew of your favorite sweets, and the way he looked at you… 
You covered your face in embarrassment, yet your smile grew into a grin. 
“You could've told me, Kazuha…”
He took your hands and clasped them in own.
“Well, you are aware now, and I am sure you are aware of what I want to ask, dove.” 
Your jaw dropped, and your eyes flickered between him and the gift. 
“Hm? Dove?”
You failed to response, as your body was still in shock and in complete utter denial. 
You finally spoke. 
Kazuha smiled at you and took your intertwined hands to his chest, right where his heart was. 
“Well, ask my beating heart. I assure you it beats the syllables of your name every time I see you.”
You swore to every archon that this man right in front of you would somehow be the cause of your death as well. 
“So, dove, will you be my valentine?”
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kiraapie · 3 months
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word count: 711
18+ content MDNI!! — fem!reader, reader called “baby” and “doll”, smut!!!!! with a bit of fluff, nanami x reader, not proofread :< might edit l8rrr ! enjoy ^_^
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it wasn’t like nanami to express his emotions when shit happened to him.
but when you just got up and left him because he prioritized his work over you, he couldn’t help finding himself drowning in overdue papers and lying sleepless in bed for hours on end.
nanami couldn’t stop replaying the moment in his head, the way you yelled at him for not comprehending and how he just stared at you like you were spewing nonsense he couldn’t understand.
he regrets it. he regrets letting you walk out the door. he regrets not calling you for the past few weeks.
how did it take him this long to realize he needs you?
with that, he was gripping on the steering wheel, jaw clenched to hold himself from going way over the speed limit in the pouring rain.
he was rushing into your apartment building, soaking up the lobby.
nanami couldn’t even recall how quick he ran out the elevator once it reached your floor. he wasn’t necessarily out of breath, but his breathing was staggered.
he knocked, stood there with his body soaked from the rain, white shirt sticking to his skin. you opened the door, a puzzled look on your race because you weren’t expecting company.
you were wearing a t-shirt that was much too big for you and no pants, just a lacy, mesh pair of panties.
“kento? what’re you doing here? it’s like 10 o’clock.” you say once you’d connected the body to the face, you were shocked to see him, genuinely you thought he didn’t really care about you.
but here he was, soaked and dripping at your front door.
he just looked at you, his stoned expression quickly shifting to a soft, pleading one.
“i- i just needed to see you. baby, let me in. let me explain myself.” he was pleading, he didn’t care how desperate he looked or sounded.
he needed you back.
and his wish came true. barely 10 minutes after you two “talked it out”, he had you bent over your sofa, legs spread and face burrowed into one of the cushions.
your pussy was swallowing every inch with so much vice, and he made sure you knew that. made sure you knew how tight and good your insides felt.
how much he missed them.
he didn’t have to tell you much honestly, he was behind you grunting and huffing with every thrust. he was deep in there, the cushion was soaked with your tears, maybe even some drool.
you could hardly think with how harsh he was fucking you. you lift your head up and babble out some incoherent words. he laughs.
nanami lowered himself to bite against your ear lobe, his hands gathering themselves on your ass. “i’m sorry for being an asshole, doll.” he groaned into your ear in a breathless whisper, hands gripping the flesh on your cheeks as he hurried up his thrusts; leaving you absentmindedly moaning louder into the space of your apartment.
he couldn’t help the smile that tugged his lips at how he had you. he stood back up straight and grabbed your hair, crashing his hips with all his power when he felt how tight your pussy was squeezing him.
you stayed there and took it, grabbing the top of the couch. the state you were in was so embarrassing: mouth wide open, hair sticking to the drool on your face, eyes shut, and tears marks staining your cheeks.
when he pulled out then forced himself entirely in you, you screamed. finishing all over his shaft and leaving a ring around the base that he loved to see.
one thing about nanami kento, was that after care was never a problem. he carried you to your bed, cleaning you up gently with a rag. even putting a fresh pair of panties on you.
he debated staying. nanami stared at you as you started to fall asleep. at least he thought you were. but as he was heading towards the door of your bedroom, you spoke softly to him.
“you better not be leaving, kento.” and it made his heart flutter in a way he never felt before.
he was determined to not fuck up this time. it just felt so good to him that you were his.
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enhastolemyheart · 1 year
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pairing | best friend brother!niki x fem!reader
genre | fluff, kind of strangers to lovers, summer au (again)
synopsis | niki finally doing something about his undying love for you.
word count | 1.1k+
warnings | one kiss, swearing, teasing, mention of food, proofread but lmk if any mistakes, niki's sister name is Zuha but it's not the idol, Niki is a year older
a/n | it's here!! I'm really sorry for taking so long to do it, i jus got really really busy with school. I hope the 💍anon likes it! (lmk that you've read it!) thank you v much for requesting!! as always, requests and taglist is open! feel free to share anything if you'd like!! Enjoy reading!! THIS IS REQUESTED.
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Gosh, why the fuck is she so cute and pretty?!
You probably won't believe it but, that was what was going on inside Niki's head when you walked into their house. His sister, only a year younger, invited you to a sleepover because your finals had just ended and you were free to spend some time together. 
He couldn't help but ogle at you when you took off your shoes and walked inside to the kitchen, zuha offering you chocolate milk. 
"Bro, can you not stare at her like that? You're going to creep her out." The voice of Niki's best friend, Jungwon hissed. "Focus on the game man, we're losing against the other team, and you know how much I hate losing."
Jungwon's words came out very incoherent to Niki. His focus was solely on you, the way you were sipping onto the chocolate-y delight. Smile slapped onto your face as you and his sister gossiped about stuff. His heart melted on the spot when you pushed unwanted hair behind your ear. It was like his ears reddened. When you and zuha head to her room to spend the rest of the time there, his heart skips a beat when you glance at him, waving a small 'hi' and making your way to zuha's room at her call. 
Once you're out of his sight, Niki clutches at his heart and groans at how fast you made his heart beat, lip subconsciously making its way between his teeth. You both have never really interacted, the only reason was because both of you were shy and Niki thought it wasn't right to become friends with a person who's close to her sister. But, it's not like he's breaking a rule or something, right?
. . .
It was now dinner time, Jungwon and you were sleeping over at your friends' house. Niki's mother had prepared sushi and some other meals for the night. She has asked niki to set the table up, but you had insisted that you'd help. 
While grabbing the required cups for water, you were aware of the glances that Niki would steal whenever you both brush past each other to make your way around the kitchen. He also helped you carry the plates when he saw you struggling, you would feel tingles all over your body when his hands brushed against yours, tips of the ears going red. He cleared his throat as to come out of the daze you had unintentionally put him in. 
While eating, you both sat opposite to each other. It just happened to be that you were opposite to each other and Niki couldn’t help but feel giddy about the littlest interaction you had. 
"So, how was your finals? I assume everyone did well," Zuha's mother squints her eyes at Niki as she says so, breaking the the silence that had erupted in the room. The tiny, soft chuckle that escapes your lips causes Niki's face of suspicion to turn soft at the sight of you. 
“I did them very well,” Zuha answers, “I’m sure that I’ll get a good score this time.” Her mother let out a proud smile at her words before turning to you, “well, how did you do Y/n?” You stop midway of a bite before smiling sheepishly, “I did pretty good Mrs. Nishimura. I expect a good score as well,” she smiles softly before patting your head and turning to the boys to ask them.
. . .
You being you, help niki out with the dishes as his mother said doing the dishes after dinner is Niki’s job. He lets me lay off and take an early rest. Who knew Niki is such a good son? You are aware that you don’t interact with him often but when you do, your heart flutters at how respectful and nice he is. Despite all the good things, Niki can also seem to naughty and mischevious. You had occasionally witnessed him getting in small trouble around campus, you couldn’t help but think how silly and cute of a person he is.
Ever since last summer, when you had visited Zuha’s house often, you would often go to her house with the desire to talk to Niki (but also hang out with Zuha ofc!). After this summer, the way he had changed— glowed up for that matter —only made your infatuation for him grow into a full blown out crush. You were too scared to talk to him considering he is a year older and he kind of intimidated you, but now you have become more mature and gave yourself a word that you would talk to him before it’s too late. 
"so, any plans for summer?" You break the silence that has taken over the room.
Niki was drying his hands after washing them after cleaning the last utensil of the night, "um, not really. I do plan casual plans like going to the mall or the movies with boys but nothing big you know?"
"yeah I get it." You nod.
"What about you?" He moves closer to you. way too close. "What are your plans for the summer?"
"Uhm well," you mentally sigh, eyes closing at your stammer, "I am going to Busan to visit my grandparents in a month so, I guess that's fun."
"have fun y/n," He moves even closer, trapping you between the counter and himself "are you by any chance, free tomorrow?" You have no idea why he's acting like this. Since when did he get flirty? You’re glad that it's only you both in the space of the kitchen right now. Zuha and Jungwon are up in Niki's room watching a movie, on a projector screen that Niki had recently purchased. 
"Uhm yeah, it's summer so I’m free," the way your voice was low and soft. Like it was some sort of sweet melody that Niki could listen to for a lifetime. your eyes look into his when you hear a low chuckle emerge on his side. 
"Alright then, will you, Y/n who I've liked forever since middle school, go out with me?"
A big smile makes its way to your lips, he notices the way your eyes sparkle, you nod softly before the gesture becomes more prominent. This causes Niki to smile, "wait, really?"
And that's all you say before subtly placing your hand on his shoulder, going on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. The kiss however is short-lived, purposely so you can make him want for more. And he's definitely wanting more. But, he doesn't get any, furrowing his brows he opens his eyes to see you smiling giddy-ly before slapping him lightly on the chest and escaping from his hold. 
And Niki just stands there, a low chuckle eliciting, thinking how he was not too late.
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a/n | thank you sm for reading!! again, reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!! And I'll see you in the next one!
perm taglist: @jak-ey , @snoowhore , @hsheart , @hsgwrld (bold can't be tagged; send an ask to be added)
© ENHASTOLEMYHEART ON TUMBLR, 2023 — do not translate, copy, modify, or repost any of my works as your own in any platform or form of use.
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lxvebun · 1 year
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only in my dreams
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buns notes: Forgot I had this in my drafts and I want it OUT :,)
content Scaramouche x gender neutral reader. Angst<3. Softer Scaramouche because would it be my writing if I didn't turn him soft?. Cliffhanger? English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Not completely proofread ssh
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-can we be together
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He tries to ignore it, the pain that spikes through his body when you look at him and he can see it in your eyes that you don't recognize him. You've long since forgotten about him, Just as he had planned, so why is he feeling like this?. How is it that without a heart, he still feels like something is splitting apart inside his chest?
He should be happy for you, this is exactly what he wanted. For you to forget about him just like everyone else. Live your life the way you always should have without him interfering. Travel Teyvat, follow the career of your dreams, and even find someone who can love you with all of their heart, something he's physically incapable of as much as he wishes he wasn't.
he did not take the possibility that his new self may want his memories back into his plan. he never planned on losing you since it would be like he never existed in your life at all. You can't lose something you don't have and that was supposed to be it. And to now just pretend that all of your once shared memories together weren't real, the stolen kisses under the moonlight, the way you so annoyingly (not really) stole his hat and ran away yelling "Catch me if you can!" With that stupidly breathtaking smile on your face...it hurts more than he lets on
But as Lesser lord Kusanali has said, some things just can't be erased.
So she taught him how to look into your dreams. While some dreams are just a bunch of incoherent pictures of things you're exposed to daily, familiar faces of friends and family pieced together to make somewhat of a story, some dreams are figments of memories deeply intertwined within your soul.
And that's how he's able to watch you now, as you sit in the sand, knees pulled to your chest, gazing over the sea. Back in a place that resembles the Inazuma shores, the one where you used to lay together to stargaze. Though the stars in this sky are way more frequent and brightly colored and the ocean is way more gentle. there are no monsters, no Nobushi, no thunder. something that doesn't quite reflect reality. A peaceful dream.
He wonders why you're dreaming of this place. It's not as if it was hidden, but people rarely, if at all visited. It was your shared happy place to wind down. A place that he showed you.
he's been present in your dreams for a bit now, you never seem to be aware of it, so he doesn't bother to try and be quiet. he's used to questioning and talking to you in your dreams and receiving no response. so he tries to not get his hopes up as you turn around to look at where he's standing.
Scaramouche feels weirdly exposed as your gaze doesn't falter and your eyes seemingly trace over every detail of him. it's as if you're truly looking at him and maybe it's just wishful thinking but he swears he sees a glimpse of recognition in your eyes
And then you break the silence
"Do I know you?" You asked as you stand up from your place on the ground, dusting the imaginary sand off your clothes.
Who would have thought that such peaceful dreams could shift into cruel nightmares in just a few seconds.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you-" he manages to croak out despite the way his voice is trying to break. "I didn't know you could see me, y/- he cuts himself off. swallowing the ache of your name in his throat and biting back the tears threatening to spill. Just as he begins to open his mouth to finish his answer, you speak again.
"You look familiar"
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Thank you for reading angels! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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atsuwiee · 11 months
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mean something
in which your classmate who also happens to be part of the student council, catches the aftermath of your troubles.
pairing: student council!jiwoong x troublemaker!gn reader | genre: fluff, ??? to lovers (kind of), self-indulgent fic
warnings: mentions of wounds, light swearing, grammatical errors, not proofread
xian’s note: can’t sleep so i lazily made this on my phone lol. 2am moments, also i didn’t know how to end this so… i’m sorry ? lol :P
story under the cut.
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the golden rays of the afternoon sun had shined through the empty classroom as you stayed behind, but you’re not the only one, jiwoong is with you. jiwoong, who stands before you with his arms crossed, his brows are furrowed and you aren’t sure if it’s a good thing. he’s part of the student council and is your classmate right now so it was a given that he was always on your back with each move— knowing you’re some sort of troublemaker but not only that you’re careless as well!
he sighs and he only gets down by his knees as you sat on the desk as he instructed you, your legs dangling slightly but he holds it still, he starts to clean your wounds. with your constant refusal of going to the school’s clinic, he had no choice but to do it himself.
but why though? it was a constant question. it had to mean something, right?
you hissed as he pressed the cotton and medicine on the wounds of your knees.
“jiwoong you really don’t have to,” you say softly but only met with his own silence. you sighed and he moves to your arms. you were roughed up pretty badly— just because of a fight between your classmates.
the guys were saying some nasty shit about your friend and you just… decided to step in.
“ow!” you exclaimed but jiwoong only exhales sharply. he looks more serious. sure he was quiet, but not like this.
“jiwoong, are you—“
“can you just— just stay out of trouble for once?”
your eyes widened slightly as he said that, legs stop moving and he’s still cleaning your arm. “this is the third time. the third time! you know what kind of offense you’d get with that?” you don’t answer but lower your head. “god, y/n, you don’t realize how bad this is, you’re even getting yourself hurt” jiwoong says with a frustrated tone.
“why do you care so much?” you blurted out. you didn’t mean to but the words slip just right off of your tongue. jiwoong scoffs at the question. “am i not allowed to?” he retaliates.
“you are. but why me?” you asked and he stops as he places the last bandaid on your elbow. “just… attached to you, i guess” he mumbles it.
you only perk up an eyebrow, his words were still incoherent. “just? just what?” you tilted your head as he got up to your level and checked your face for cuts or bruises.
“i said, i’m just attached to you,” he says with a hushed voice and sighs. “this isn’t our first time with this conflict, no? i’ve always just been reprimanding you and… treating you— even helping you in homework” he says softly.
it was… hard to refuse it meant something but you didn’t want to assume. did it mean something?
“what about it?”
you asked, genuinely clueless.
he scoffs.
“what about it? are you that dense?” jiwoong repeats, as he asks and he backs away for a bit to press the cotton to dry the corner of your busted lip. “do you not see how it means something?” he asks and sighs.
the only sound escaped from your lips were a soft “oh” and then looking right into his eyes. “thought you… well never thought about me as something else rather than a troublemaker” you mumbled and he takes the cotton away to put ointment to the corner of your lip, the proximity heats your cheeks up, creating a pink tint across your cheeks.
“you’re… interesting” jiwoong says and your a bit baffled by his admission on it. “you’re endearing and seem fun to be with, i just thought, why not i try” jiwoong spoke truthfully. you only stared as he fixed you up and then the sun was slowly going down. he wasted no time with finishing up then sighing in relief you were now finally having to have your wounds treated.
“come now, i’ll bring you home” jiwoong offers as you hop down the desk. “i’m alright—“
“i inist. it’s getting late and i don’t want you in another trouble” you sighed as he spoke then grabbed your bag like the gentle man he is.
“let’s go home.”
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lokifromvalhalla · 2 years
A nice punishment
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Ivar The Boneless x [gender neutral] Reader Genre: Smut / Comfort Words: ± 2 100 Kind of content: Oral fixation / Nipple play
Playing with his chest does get Ivar to shut up for a little. It feels way better than it should.
Not proofread! Sorry for any mistake!
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“How many times do I have to tell you?” You sighed as your hands ran across his warm back, feeling every muscle and the bump of every scar under your fingertips. That was something you had done so many times already that you almost memorized his whole back, always knowing if there was any new scar, as small as it could be.
Ivar scoffed, his back vibrating with each word. “And what do you want me to do? Simply not go anywhere? Just sit here like your little doll, is it?” Of course he would be dramatic, twist your words just so you could feel guilty and let him do whatever he wanted, but you already had a resistance to his whining just like Ubbe and Hvitserk, even if it wasn’t as strong. Dealing with Ivar wasn’t any new to you; you were there long before Ragnar returned, then with him when Ragnar came back and took him to England, helped avenge his father’s death, and now dominate York.
The flames from the torches hanging from the stone walls illuminated the room. Ivar had taken over the cathedral so he could establish his base, and used one of the  main rooms—probably the bishop's—for himself. It was wide, rather luxurious, as a noble's place. In the first days, you would just hang around the room, but with how he kept asking you to help him with massages or undoing his braces until late at night, now it was also yours.
Today was something like this. A long day of unnecessary efforts and blueish eyes by the morning had Ivar’s muscles protesting in pain, so you were there once again, your hands rubbing oil against his rough skin in an attempt to help him despite all the complaints. He did appreciate what you were doing, though. You knew it was some sort of facade because, even between four walls and a closed door, Ivar still had to keep his goddamn posture at least in a few points to ‘keep you humble’. As if you couldn’t shape him exactly the way you wanted, just like Ubbe would do with his younger brothers sometimes.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea,” you chuckled against his skin and pressed a kiss to the back of his ear. “My pretty little doll, all for me to use, hm?”
Ivar was silent for a moment, choking on his own words to the same level his cheeks heated up, just seconds before he was turning around and throwing his hands in the air. “What do you think you’re saying? I’m going to feed you flaming hot iron if you keep it like this!”
Another chuckle escaped your lips as you pushed him to face forward again. “And what?” You pulled him against you so his back met your chest instead. “Lose your best warrior? Best strategist? I don’t think you could handle even a day without me, knowing I’m not coming back,” you mumbled, chin over his shoulder and arms under his whilst watching your hands work against his ribs, slowly going up.
Whatever was going on in Ivar’s mind, vanished at the moment your hands started running over his chest. Instead, there were only quiet and incoherent grumbles that you could barely make out. “(Y/n), what...” His words trailed off, breath caught in his throat—he tried to fight against the will to arch his back at the feeling of your fingers tracing his nipples, running around them until they were hard. "Wh..."
"I'm just doing the massage you asked for," you scoffed, hands going down his torso just to come up and stop right under his pecs, proceeding to go up slowly. Ivar hissed at the friction as he arched his back; his hands tugged a little on the sheets before they found their way to your thighs, hence his nails sank into the skin messily in an attempt to both ground himself and warn you. Fruitlessly, of course. "How was your day, Ivar? You just mentioned why you're in so much pain, but never really told me what happened while I was gone.”
“Quit playing.”
“I asked you a question.” The weight in your voice had him shutting up for a moment, though the silence was quickly broken by a moan. Your fingers pinched his nipple, and it shouldn’t feel so good.
Ivar sucked in a breath, at first just spitting out stutters until the way you squeezed his pec had him speaking. “I—I was training, but then got... got in a fight.”
Got in a fight? You clicked your tongue. “Ivar. You woke up with blue-ish eyes, why would you even do that?” It was entertaining to watch how sensitive he was, slowly starting to squirm just because of his chest being fondled.
An indignant gasp came from Ivar, but he paused for a moment; his head leaned back against your shoulder for a moment while his hand adjusted against your thigh. “No...! I couldn’t let that happen! H—He was challenging me! Provoking!” His voice cracked once you pinched his nipple, playing with it between your index finger and your thumb, daring to give it an experimental tug. A louder gasp escaped his lips, back arched against you.
Oh, the old discourse about how a cripple can’t rule properly, you thought. It was already getting annoying to deal with.
“Of course, you ignored everything,” you mumbled, continuing to pinch his nipple, though now also doing the same to the other, and it was enough to start reducing him to pieces—the already uneven breathing lost its pace completely while his fingers trying to grip onto your skin however they could, almost having him throw his hips in the air in search for friction. “and grabbed your little sword so you’d kill the poor man.”
“Not a poor man!” Ivar growled. “He dared to doubt... of one of the sons...” He never finished his sentence, words lost into the dark corners of the room once you let go of him so you could get off your position. “Hey! What are you doing?” The blue irises were nothing but thin rings around the dilated pupils that observed you in desire.
Your chuckle had his eyebrows lowering, mouth pursing. “I thought you didn’t like it?” You raised an eyebrow, moving around until you straddled his thighs, pushing him back against the pillows. Whatever answer he had on the tip of his tongue, it died down with the way you parted his legs with a knee, carefully, instead earning yourself a glare, but it would take a lot more to discourage you. His hips were warm under your hands as you held onto them while leaning down to press kisses to his neck, sometimes nibbling on the skin. “You complain so much, sometimes I don’t know whether it’s real or not. How do you feel being so annoying?” 
“I think that you should shut the fuck up before getting yourself killed.” Empty words, of course. Ivar liked the teasing, if anything. In contrast to his words, his arms wrapped around your shoulders at the same time he threw his head back into the pillows to grant you more access.
You breathed a chuckle against his skin, feeling it rise with a shiver according to how you trailed down. “Oh, honey, you still insist on tricking yourself that you can live without me? Pitiful.”
It was fun to tease Ivar then silence him, watch the frustration build up in groans and quiet complaints, his nails sometimes pressing into your skin a little too hard. He was once again silenced, letting out a hum instead at how your lips worked on a spot some inches down his collarbones, sucking and nibbling on the skin until a purple spot was left behind. You knew he had some sort of sensitivity when it came to his chest, but you never knew it was that great until you decided to start exploring it that night; it probably was greater that time, given how long he had gone without being touched like that.
The way he shuddered and breathed shakily just because of how your tongue ran flat over his nipple was truly rewarding. You did it once more, this time snatching a moan that extended itself by how his crotch found a nice source of friction when meeting your thigh on the way once it pushed up. Your grip on his hips didn’t really prevent him from moving, more of guiding his movements and limiting his freedom.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you came untouched,” you mention. You could taste the light herbal taste of the oil on your tongue—it wasn’t bad, actually.
Ivar clicked his tongue, glancing down at you with a glare that would’ve made anyone else start praying for their life, but not you. Never you. That look didn’t give you anything more than entertainment. “Do you wish to die?”
“To kill you would be fun, actually.” A grin tugged on your lips, easily having Ivar more flustered. He wasn’t in position to criticize anything anymore, nor had enough coherent thoughts for it; he just turned his head away instead.
At first, soft kisses surrounded his nipple, soon being replaced by your teeth softly tugging on the skin, and there it was—whines spilled from his mouth with every nib until he clasped a hand over his own mouth in an attempt to muffle his sounds. It had you pausing, taking a moment to observe his messy form. Sweat had some of his hair strands stuck to his forehead, skin already flush and glistening softly under the dancing light of the flames. His chest heaved up and down with the deep sharp inhales.
The lack of interaction had Ivar’s eyes slowly turning to look at you, and that fucking deathly gaze had something stirring in your lower stomach.
“I wanna hear you,” you finally said, pressing a kiss to his fingers before you started to tug his hand away from his face, finally kissing his lips instead. His hands somehow felt in the way of something, something he didn’t know, but it still didn’t really feel right to just grip onto the sheets while you worked on him. He whined softly against your lips, kissing back with little care because all that mattered was how good you treated him, nibbling on his lips and letting your tongue meet his.
His back started arching once you started trailing down his neck once again, this time starting to nibble on the area around his nipple right away, this time working on the opposite one, with your hands back around his hips, tightly. “Fuck,” he whispered softly, voice tight in his throat, soon replaced by a moan. Your lips wrapped around his nipple to suck softly on it until he was arching his back and fighting against your hands, so you’d change to running your tongue flat against the nub instead.
It was slow and agonizing. Every single time the feeling would start to take over Ivar, erase the thoughts away from his head and have his eyes rolling back, you were there to pull him down, ground him again. Ivar crashed back into reality with quiet complaints and groans that only motivated you to continue, even if your lips would be left sore later. Then, there it was, finally. This time, you weren’t pulling away at the moment his hips started pushing up; you continued to suck on his nipple, even letting your teeth tug on it, and he wasn’t even that restrained anymore, with one of your hands letting go of him to instead fondle with the opposite side of his chest.
A string of curses escaped Ivar’s lips, though soon interrupted by the lack of air in his lungs, his teeth gritted and eyes pressed shut. His hips dragged slowly against your thigh, sending sparkles up his body and down again, right to his lower stomach. His shorter breaths had each time more space between them, as if just breathing would drive his focus away from his release, but then, there it was; a long moan was drawn from his lips at the same moment he finally came. As much as you wanted to see the face he was making, it seemed more of an advantage to continue messing with him until he was squirming, on the edge of oversensitivity.
You pressed a kiss to the bright red skin before you finally brought yourself up to look at him. He had his eyes shut, mouth moving lightly in inaudible mumbles to himself until he opened one eye lazily to observe you.
“You good, love?”
Ivar nodded lightly. “Do you need me to...?”
“No, no.” You shook your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “For the gods, Ivar,” you chuckled, “look at you. Came untouched, in your pants!” And just a few words had the haze that took over him fading away, replaced by his usual annoyance, curses and threats that escaped his lips seemingly unstoppingly.
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ryuua · 2 years
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You're having trouble with an assignment, and Hiiro happens to stumble upon your frustrated figure.
♠️ Amagi Hiiro x gn!reader
♠️ Genre: Fluff(?), Hiiro attempts to help you with work
♠️ Warnings: Hiiro might be OOC, not proofread, none other that I know of
A/N: This was actually a redo because I lost the original draft so I don't really have motivation to properly write, but I still hope this was a good first one-shot tho!!
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In a quiet corner of Café Cinnamon, you stared at the blank paper underneath you while your hands grabbed a fistful of hair. With a pen sat untouched beside the paper, you tried to rack your brain over and over again but to no avail. The ideas just weren't flowing! ...Is this how Leo feels every time he's stuck with no inspiration? Well, it didn't matter when the problem at hand was much more important, especially when it's due in a few hours and you still had nothing written in. Thank producer work and tuition for taking up 99.99% of your schedule.
As you heaved out the nth distressed sigh, Niki came over to pass you your fifteenth? Maybe twentieth cup of Shinonon Blend - you ordered so many that he had to check up on the table that was continuously ordering the same drink for about an hour now. The same worried look flashed over Niki's face as he stared at your disorganized self that seemed to worsen every visit he took to your table. You made a mental note to thank him for these later. When he left, you buried your face in your hands while mumbling incoherent curses, unknown to the redhead nearing your table.
You must have been so out of it because it took 4 calls to your name and a snap of his finger to get you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you relaxed at the sight of the younger Amagi brother. His presence brought you more comfort than anything else could.
"Hiiro! Sorry, I was thinking of something..." the boy flashed you a worried gaze so you mustered up a small smile to reassure him, "is there anything you need me for? Did.. did I forget a schedule with Alkaloid..??" you panicked at the thought and quickly whipped out your phone to check, luckily Hiiro was there to calm you that he just happened to see you here. "I felt an irritated presence, and it lead me to you. Is there anything I can assist you with? You've helped me adjust to the city a lot, so it'd only be right for me to repay you!" Oh, how you melted at the sentence, you almost forgot about the work due.
"Ahaha, it's nothing big. I'm just having some trouble thinking of what to write for this work"
"Although I won't be as reliable when it comes to information about the city, Aira has taught me a lot of new insight that I can share with you if it helps!" Hiiro said cheerfully, wanting to give you a peace of mind.
"Is that so? I'd love to hear about them!" you reply enthusiastically, maybe this could help you after all? "Come over to this side, it'll be easier for us to work."
For the next hour or so, Hiiro and you mostly talked about the differences in his hometown and in the city. Learning about where he once lived did spark some ideas in you, but not enough for you to write a full-fledged essay. In the end, you were still stuck and there was only an hour left until you had to hand it in.
"I'm sorry, I think I've only wasted more of your time..." Hiiro sulked when you still hadn't written anything down. "It's fine! I think I'll just ask for an extension with some excuse..." you sighed defeatedly, feeling depressed that you didn't manage to finish the work in time, you might even still be stuck during the extension period. Staring off to the side, you notice a bunch of colorful balloons pass by the window.
"Looks like some type of shenanigan Wataru would be up to..." your mumbling caught Hiiro's attention and he too, noticed the floating balloons outside. "Oh! Is this normal in the city too?"
You chuckled as you turned your head back to face him, only to realize when you do, your faces are a mere centimeters apart. Hiiro looked back at you, but he didn't seem phased in the slightest. "Is something the matter? You look shocked," he questioned while backing up after leaning in previously to admire the floating blobs. You continued to stare with no reaction and just as Hiiro was about to shake you awake, your hand instinctively lifted up the pen and started to write, your head dipped down in silence. As much as he was confused, he let you do your thing in silence, ordering the rest of your Shinonon Blend for you.
♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ - ♠️ -
BONUS (day after):
It was late evening, and Hiiro had you pinned to a wall. How did this happen? Well, it was your fault for avoiding him for the whole day after he helped you yesterday. Hiiro didn't understand why and was worried he did something to upset you so he went to seek advice from his dear brother, and that is was lead to this.
"Hiiro... I have a meeting to attend, can we talk about this later?"
"I really don't want to disturb you like this, y/n, but I need to know if I'm the problem so I can change... so you won't purposefully avoid me..." Hiiro looked at you with puppy eyes, intentional or not you fell for it.
Thinking up of an excuse on the spot was difficult, so you went with the dumbest one, "I play this with my friends often! We hide from each other until a certain time, but it's just a game we made up so no one else plays it..!" it was dumb, but it works.
"Oh! What an interesting game you city people come up with. I'm relieved you weren't avoiding me. Then, good luck on your meeting! Sorry for jumping to conclusions, haha!" Hiiro finally freed you after taking the bait, quickly hurrying away to not disturb you any further. You could tell he relaxed heavily when you told him it was a joke.
Once you made sure he was out of sight, you slammed your head against the wall. Opening your phone, you looked at the latest message from your tuition teacher.
"You did a great job on the essay, y/n. However this is typically not acceptable in your proper exam, so you will be given an extension to redo the work. I hope to see your skills put to... better use."
Your face reddened at the memory of what you turned in to your teacher.
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WOO!! It definitely wasn't the best, but it worked out somehow! Thank you for reading :DD
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chqnified · 2 years
That one biology essay I said I would share even if nobody cared.
What are genetic diversity and species diversity? Genetic diversity is defined as “the range and variety of genes species and habitats within a particular region” and species diversity being “the number of different species and the number of individuals of each species within any one community” [1]
How does genetic diversity arise? Genetic diversity can arise from mutations which over time create new alleles, giving rise to new characteristics or equally can arise from genetic recombination, a process that happens in a cell during prophase 1 of meiosis. Genetic recombination allows genetic material to be exchanged between two molecules of DNA. [13] A genetically diverse population arises from having a large gene pool, enabling lots of different combinations of alleles.
Problems that will arise because of lack of genetic diversity?
Reduced biodiversity means millions of people face a future where food supplies are more vulnerable to pests and disease, and where fresh water is in irregular or short supply. [11] Why is this? As genetic diversity decreases, due to monocultures, if the monoculture does not have an allele resistant to a possible new disease or pest or change in condition, they will all die. There will be no survivors as they would all have the exact same genes, whereas a genetically diverse population would have some survivors... ‘survival of the fittest’, allowing those to pass on those beneficial alleles to their offspring. However, if all our food supply were dependent on huge fields of monocultures, all it could take would be a single disease that would wipe out an entire food supply. Lack of genetic diversity leaves a species dangerously close to a very quick extinction. [12]
Causes in decrease of genetic and biodiversity diversity?
Deforestation and habitat destruction which often is caused by farming, such as the deforestation of the amazon rainforest in Brazil. Researchers used records of more than 14,500 plant and vertebrate species to create biodiversity maps of the Amazon region, they found that since 2001, between 40,000 and 73,400 square miles of Amazon rainforest have been impacted by fires, affecting 95% of all Amazonian species and as many as 85% of species that are listed as threatened in this region. The fires are not natural of the rainforest, they are purposely caused by humans for using the land to grow crops instead. [9]  In Borneo, palm oil plantations have largely been the cause of deforestation of the rainforest, this has lead to the dramatic decline of the Bornean orangutan which currently have a population of 100,000 in the wild, compared to 300,000 in 1973. By 2025, it is expected for the population to decrease by a further 22% . [15]
Habitat Fragmentation is a major cause of extinctions. Fragmentation is the breaking up of habitat into smaller patches. The habitats often become too small to hold a complex enough ecosystem, leading to it breaking down completely. This is in a way strongly related to habitat destruction. Habitat fragmentation also leads to many organisms being exposed and therefore venerable to predators or human hunters. Fragmentation also leads to the separation of species from resources, meaning that they do not have access to enough food or water to be able to survive. This effect decreases genetic diversity as there is less gene flow, due to the populations being separated or ‘isolated’ and as a result the gene pool decreases. [17]
Due to the use of pesticides, a third of bees in Britain are in decline, some populations having experienced a decrease of over 50% in the most recent 30 years. This is not only a significant issue concerning genetic diversity but is also a significant financial issue. The pollination of agricultural crops by the honeybee is estimated to be around $117 billion a year globally, proving to be critical to agricultural systems. [14]
Over exploitation of natural resources such as trees can lead to habitat loss. Organisms that previously lived around those natural resources are displaced, resulting in biodiversity loss.
Pollution and acidified water are more of an unthought threat to biodiversity, an example of this would be in France where from 1994, 20% of France’s forests have been damaged from acid rain. [10] Acid rain causes the decrease in pH of the water and soil, changing the species able to survive in these conditions. Acid rain causes a cascade of effects that harm or kill individual fish, reduce population numbers, completely eliminate species from a lake, and decrease biodiversity
How can we help preserve biodiversity?
There are many things we can do to help maintain biodiversity, here are just a few... Leave critical wildlife habitat undisturbed, especially nesting. Promote wildlife use by setting up bird and bat houses or even creating homes from bamboo for solitary bees, eradicate and control introduced weeds on your property such as the invasive Japanese knotweed, keep vehicles on main roads to reduce the disturbance to wildlife, reduce the amount of large new housing estate builds, support native species growth.
Protected areas are an extremely important part of programs to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems, especially for sensitive habitats [6]. Protected areas essentially stop unsustainable tourism, illegal harvesting of plants and animals and protect local species from invasive species.
An example of a protected area aiding the survival of local species from invasive species are woodland agencies which manage the habitat (in this case coniferous woodlands) such as the RSST (Red squirrel survival trust) which ‘Protect red squirrels by keeping reds and greys apart’ or the RSTW (red squirrel trust Wales) which protects the red squirrel from going extinct by eradicating the grey squirrels which are native to the eastern and midwestern USA. The grey squirrel (imported into the UK in 1876) is a major threat to the red squirrel population. It is said that for every red squirrel in England, there are 70 grey squirrels. Grey squirrels are not only much bigger than Reds, enabling them to have access to the limited food resources, but also the Grey has a much more varied diet, not being dependent on green acorns like the red. As well as this, the native US breed is far more prolific than the native breed of our country, having 2 litters a year as opposed to just 1. [18] [7]
Another method in the fields of agriculture is to replant hedgerows, providing more different habitats and different food sources resulting in more different species being attracted. However, the issue with this would be that farmers would have less land to grow crops, resulting in lower yield and income, so to help the farmers the government have a funding scheme. According to the Uk government website, the hedgerows must also be composed of at least 80% native shrubs. There are also other criteria to reach to be elidable for the funding such as leaving ‘the hedgerow at least 50% uncut’ which is said to increase the amount of pollen or berries available for the insects and birds- again increasing biodiversity [8]
Hedgerows make good habitats for hedgehogs, due to reduced hedgerows, hedgehog populations have been in decline. Along with the use of pesticides that have decreased the number of invertebrate preys of the hedgehog, other factors such as large housing developments have contributed to the decline. However, we can reduce our impact on the decline of hedgehogs by not having paving or decking in our gardens, increasing the number of plants, and therefore increasing the food sources for these mammals. Again, not using pesticides in our gardens will reduce deaths of hedgehogs. [14]
Restoring estuarine and coastal habitats is vital for aiding biodiversity. It has been reported that these habitats are some of the most biologically diverse habitats in the whole of the UK. In just 200 years, 98% of oyster reefs and 85% of saltmarshes have been lost. However, the UK government in January 2018, published ‘the 25 Year Environment Plan’ which set to reverse and restore marine biodiversity by improving environmental quality (air, soil, geology, and water) [16]
Returning and restoring lost native species will reverse loss and increase biodiversity. An example of this is the reintroduction of beavers in England and Scotland in 2009. The activity of Beavers and the environment they create have aided the restoration of wetlands, woodland, and riparian habitats. A substantial proportion of plants, mammals, amphibians, birds, and mammals rely on beaver created environments to flourish. [19]
To summarize, humans have had a drastic impact on biodiversity and genetic diversity, this is through the effect of simplifying ecosystems such as the rainforest for palm oil or forest for monocultures or housing. Landscape simplification and monocultures have been introduced over many centuries to cope with the growing human world population.
[1] Book: Oxford AQA Biology A LEVEL 2nd Edition – Glenn Toole, Susan Toole.  
Date of first publication: 2015
ISBN: 978-0-19-8351771
[2] website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3399204/#:~:text=Inbreeding%2C%20genetic%20drift%2C%20restricted%20gene,of%20extinction%20(Saccheri%20et%20al
Date accessed: 10/06/22 and 12/06/22
[3] Website: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2104642118
Date accessed: 10/06/22 and 12/06/22
[4] website: https://www.science.org/content/article/boosting-genetic-diversity-may-save-vanishing-animal-populations-it-may-also-backfire
Date accessed: 10/06/22 and 12/06/22
[5] website: https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/biodiversity/why-is-biodiversity-important/#:~:text=Biodiversity%20is%20essential%20for%20the,also%20value%20nature%20of%20itself  
Date accessed: 10/06/22 and 12/06/22
[6] website: http://www.greenfacts.org/en/biodiversity/l-3/6-conserve-biodiversity.htm
Date accessed: 14/06/22
[7] website: http://www.britishredsquirrel.org/squirrel-organisations/
Date accessed: 17/06/22
[8] website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/hedgerows-standard
Date accessed: 17/06/22
[9] website: https://today.uconn.edu/2021/09/study-shows-the-impacts-of-deforestation-and-forest-burning-on-biodiversity-in-the-amazon/
Date accessed: 17/06/22
[10] website: https://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Europe/France-ENVIRONMENT.html#:~:text=As%20of%201994%2C%2020%25%20of,%2C%20waste%20disposal%2C%20and%20chemicals.
Date accessed: 17/06/22
[11] website: https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/biodiversity/biodiversity_and_you/#:~:text=Biodiversity%20underpins%20the%20health%20of,in%20irregular%20or%20short%20supply.
Date accessed: 19/06/22
[12] website: https://www.naturetrust.bc.ca/conserving-land/what-can-we-do#:~:text=Leave%20critical%20wildlife%20habitat%20undisturbed,weeds%20and%20disturbance%20to%20wildlife.
Date accessed: 20/06/22
[13] website: https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/dna-is-constantly-changing-through-the-process-6524876/
Date accessed: 20/06/22
[14] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, November 2020, Volume 33, Number 2.  
ISBN: 9781 398309159
[15] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, September 2019, Volume 32, Number 1.
ISBN: 9781 510470309
[16] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, February 2021, Volume 33, Number 3
ISBN: 9781 398309166
[17] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, September 2020, Volume 33, Number 1
ISBN: 9781 398309142
[18] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, April 2020, Volume 32, Number 4
ISBN: 9781 510470330
[19] magazine: advanced biology, biological sciences review, Hodder education, April 2021, Volume 33, Number 4
ISBN: 9781398309173
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hey-kae · 2 years
Home is Where the Heart is
Part 4 and final part of the “Home is…” series.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: Language, smut, drinking alcohol, probably needs more proofreading.
a/n: i apologize that this took so long but the last few days were something else. I hope u guys liked this series and that you leave your honest opinion freely for me to read!
It was one of the few mornings where you woke up before Charles.
You fluttered your eyes open and immediately faced the sight of him asleep right by your side on his stomach, one arm under his pillow and his face turned towards you as he slept peacefully, the white duvet covering his body from the waist down but leaving you with the sight of his bare back.
Last night, after driving around the streets of his hometown, the two of you headed home and stumbled in while preoccupied with heated kisses that were packed with pure love and all sorts of emotions that you held for each other. Charles made it a point to show you how much you meant to him with every little thing he did, first with the constant smile you felt against your lips, then when he had you pushed up against the door once the two of you were finally in the safety of your apartment, his lips moving against yours in perfect sync, his hands planted on both sides of your face and most importantly, when his eyes locked with yours as he moved inside of you while the two of exchange muffled whispers and mumblings about how much you loved each other.
In the light of the new day, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of the previous night, you eyes still admiring your boyfriend's sleeping figure intently, the soft morning glow complementing his features perfectly.
Eventually and quite inevitably, you lost track of time as you laid there in the peaceful stillness of the morning. About three times, you considered getting up to put on some clothes but got too lazy to do so. You were fully aware that Charles waking up and finding that the both of you were still undressed would most likely escalate quickly but why would you mind that?
The trance was quick and abruptly interrupted when Charles' phone on the nightstand on his side started blaring an annoying ringtone as someone called him. Charles jolted awake, absentmindedly answering the call while his eyes were still closed.
"C'est qui?" Who is it? His voice was hoarse as he groggily asked.
Your eyes were practically glued onto him as he supported his body on his elbows, his muscles flexing and one of his hands fisting the pillow because of the scare. It was practically impossible to look away. He looked too good with his hair messy and the white of the bedsheets complementing his tan skin from the excessive time he spent in the sun so you watched with a smile as he took the call, hearing incoherent french on the other side of the line.
"Non, j'pourrait pas venir." No, I won't be able to go. Charles replied to whatever question he was asked.
"Arthur, que veux-tu au moment?" Arthur, what do you want right now?
"Non... Oui, Arthur...je dormais encore." No... Yes, Arthur...I was still asleep.
"On s'etait endormi tard hier soir." We slept late last night.
"Boucle-la... Ciao, je te parlerai plus tard." Shut up. Bye, i'll talk to you later.
Then, he let the phone fall back onto the mattress and plopped down face first onto the pillows, groaning into them in a way that gave you endless strings of inappropriate thoughts before he turned to face you, a stupidly big grin on his face. How he always woke up so energetic and in a good mood was something you struggled to understand.
"Bonjour." You grinned back at him, watching his eyebrows lift at the french greeting.
"Bonjour." He said it back in a much better accent as he turned onto his side and pulled you closer to him, pecking your lips softly once you were close enough to him. Simultaneously, your arm wrapped around his waist as his hugged you around your neck, snuggling you into his chest.
With a smile, you pecked the bare skin of his shoulder before pulling away a few inches to look at him, instinctively reaching up and pushing his hair out of his forehead, brushing your fingers through the tousled locks while his eyes were fixated on you.
"Was that Arthur?"
He hummed in confirmation, his eyes closing again as he enjoyed the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair.
"What did he want?"
"Not important right now." His arms tightened around your waist, "You're still naked." Charles stated the obvious, lifting the covers and peaking under them with a cheeky, childish grin.
"Your point? 'Cause you're just as naked as me." You swatted his hand away from the duvet and covered yourself up again as he chuckled.
He got his point across quite clearly a few minutes later when he ended on top of you, pushing deep inside you, your arms tightly secured around his neck while he had his face buried into the crook of your neck, his moans against your skin sending vibrations down your spine as he moved slowly, trying to keep the pace mellow since he was aware that you were probably still tired from last night, key word: trying.
"Charles." You moaned and he lifted himself a bit to look at you when the sound met his ears.
He stilled his movements for a second and locked eyes with you, a smile brightening his face as he did so.
"Say it again." He pulled out but quickly snapped his hips forward, his resolve thinning as always when he hears you moaning his name.
Your hand clawed at his back and your eyes shut at how sharp the thrust was, its intensity doubling since he stilled deep inside you after it.
"Fuck, Charles." Your head dug back into the pillow, the feeling of him so deep inside of you without moving making you squirm, "Move. Please move."
Your eyes were still closed but you felt his hand sweetly grazing your cheek, his heavy breathing echoing in your ears.
"Can you keep looking at me, angel?" His question was softly delivered and quietly answered when you fluttered your eyes open and met the sight of his green ones lovingly gazing into yours with an intensity that was in itself euphoric.
He smiled at you, pressing a kiss onto your lips.
"That's my girl." He reinitiated the eye contact and grinned while he started moving again, the last word ending up straggled as the friction of the movement stole his breath.
He moved in and out rhythmically, neither of you breaking eye contact as the pleasure filled your bodies so much faster than usual under each other's electric looks. Keeping up the same steady pace, Charles moved one of his hands down your body, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin as he traced his fingers lower and lower, down your chest and your stomach until he reached your clit and started rubbing circles on it, feeling your thighs trying to close around him as a result. You gasped and clenched around him at the added stimulation, your eyes now barely half opened and threatening to close like his were as he inhaled sharply when he felt you squeeze him, making the pleasure shoot through his body.
"Putain." He cursed and you recognized the word since he used it a lot, especially during sex.
You knew his body like he knew yours so you were completely aware of what he likes, what he hates, what turns him on and what helps push him off the edge. With that knowledge in mind, you repeated the action from a few seconds ago, this time creating a pulsating pattern around him that had him panting within seconds.
"Fuck, you're driving me crazy." He breathed the words and increased the pace in which he was moving his fingers, making you lose control over the muscle moves you were pulling against him, turning you into a moaning mess underneath him as you felt the pressure build up quickly now.
"Charles, faster. Please." You urged him, your nails digging into his bicep, your eyes still fixed onto his lust-filled ones.
He answered your needs without further question, thrusting faster and increasing the intensity of his movements against your clit, the change of pace leaving you arching your back under him and reaching up higher to tangle your fingers in his hair, subconsciously but very lightly pulling on it as the pleasure became a bit too overwhelming.
The thing that tipped you over the edge was Charles moaning your name while his eyes were still intensely boring into yours, now hooded and dazed from the pleasure that came with being buried so deep inside you so early in the morning.
It was only seconds after that when you caved in and screwed your eyes shut, your thighs shaking on either sides of Charles as you whimpered, repeatedly moaning his names breathlessly with a bunch of curse words and "i love you's" thrown into the mess of incoherent words as you came under his admiring gaze.
Your orgasm triggered his rather quickly. His thrusts became deeper but messy, lazy and out of rhythm as he felt himself lose control. His moans became breathy and short, his own eyes squeezing shut while you watched his face twist, and his lips part as he came inside of you before letting himself fall on top of you, his face pressed into your neck while the both of you caught your breaths.
"The only logical use for phrases like good morning and bonjour are mornings like these." Charles spoke against your skin while a few giggles escaped his lips.
"Well, good morning." You chuckled while he pulled out and moved to lay beside you but not without pulling you in so your head was laying on his shoulder.
"How are you home right now? Don't you go paddling in the morning?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"Already told Arthur and Lorenzo i’m not going when Arthur called earlier so i have some free time until i have to go train with Andrea."
"Charles! You cancelled on your brothers?" You sat up, clutching the sheets to your chest.
"Well, yeah? We didn't exactly sleep well last night." He smiled and his dimples showed.
Ready to dismiss the subject, he dragged the sheets away from you and out of your hands and pulled you to sit on top of him, straddling his hips while his eyes scanned up and down your naked body until his gaze settled on your face, a not-so-innocent smile on his face as he caressed the skin of your waist, moving his hands up slowly up your body until his thumbs started moving against your nipples, pushing the air of of your lungs and making you shudder. Your reaction alone was enough to give him a semi hard on.
"Show me how good for me you are, angel."
"Funny you decide to call me angel at the worst of - shit." The words got lost when he pushed himself off the bed, his lips wrapping around one nipple rather unexpectedly.
"Show me, angel." He repeated, emphasizing the nickname this time.
Needless to say, that ended with yet another round.
Somehow, the both of you ended up in front of the bathroom mirror after that, now all cleaned up and refreshed as Charles messed with the cleanser pump, squeezing a bit too much onto his palm then proceeding to wash his face with the excessive amount of product nonetheless while you watched him in the mirror, rubbing the foam on your own face. He ended up with a big amount of bubbles when he lathered up the cleanser in his palms.
You chuckled and washed your face while he repeatedly splashed water on his skin, struggling to get rid of the foam because of how much he had used.
Luckily, the amount of moisturizer he used following that was on the logical side.
After that night when you had to sweet talk him into trying some skin care, he took a quick liking of the feeling of his skin refreshed, cleansed and moisturized. Now, he's the one asking you for the products.
Following that, you got dressed comfortably since you were staying in and Charles put on his gym clothes because he'd have to get going in about an hour and a half.
While you brushed your hair and made the bed, Charles disappeared into the kitchen. Over the last few days, you had realized that that was never a good thing, especially when it came with suspicious silence.
"Charles..." you called for him as you picked up yet another pair of socks he had left laying on the floor, a habit of his that you were noticing.
Having gotten no reply, you repeated again.
"Charles, what are you doing?" But the question was also dismissed so you quickly made your way to the kitchen and found Charles with an apron around his torso, preoccupied with a mop, looking rather stressed as he attempted to clean something off the floor. Quickly, you noticed his phone propped up on the counter, meaning that he was attempting to cook something.
"Baby..." you made your way towards his hunched figure, gently touching his back to get his attention. However, the sudden touch startled him and made him turn quickly to face you, dropping the mop onto the floor.
"What happened?" You chuckled.
He moved aside, allowing you to see the mess of batter on the floor.
"I was trying to make crêpes but i was... you know, mixing with the thing with metal wires things?" He furrowed his brows as he tried to find the english word.
"Whisking." You helped.
"Yes, i was whisking and it went everywhere." He pointed his hand to a half empty bowl sitting on the counter by his phone then rested his hands on his hips in frustration.
"It's okay, don't be so upset about it." You reassured, "I'll help." Kissing his cheek, you helped him clean the batter off the floor and started wiping the counter while he worked over the stove to make the crêpes.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his hand hesitate around the pan's handle, lifting it slightly off the stove like he was contemplating flipping it in the air.
"Charles, don't even think about it!"
Grinning when he realized he got caught, he raised his hands in innocence and watched you shake your head with a smile.
With no more accidents happening, the two of you sat and ate in peace then put away the dishes and utensils together before you found yourself sitting down in the living room with nothing to do.
Actually, there was something you wanted to do since yesterday morning but you’ve been pushing it off only due to your nerves.
You sat next to Charles, fiddling with your hands as you lead a self-conducted debate concerning your upcoming course of action while he was relaxed in his seat, his arm draped over your legs.
The truth was that, for the past few days, you weren't writing one song but two, one of them you started even before the agreement to move in together and, to put it into simpler words, it was about Charles and you kind of wanted him to hear it before anyone else but at the same time, you didn't want him to ever hear it.
Knowing the latter option would be impossible if the song gets released, you cleared your throat and prepared yourself for the excessive amounts of blushing you'd be doing in a few minutes.
It amazed you, he was your boyfriend for over a year now yet he still managed to effortlessly turn your cheeks red within seconds.
"Yes, baby?"
"Um, i need- I want to show you something. Are you busy right now? Do you have anything to do before leaving?"
Charles eyed your blushed cheeks suspiciously but with a smile, already considering what would you want to show him.
"No, i'm free now. What is it?"
You didn't reply. You just got up, clutched his hand and dragged him to the piano room.
You and Charles had used the room only once up until now but it was safe to say it was your favorite part of the apartment. His piano was sat in the middle of two walls full of shelves and picture frames.
One wall was full of Charles' helmets and trophies, by every trophy a hung picture of him on the podium receiving it. The opposite one had all your awards, also accompanied by pictures of you accepting them. Then, there was a third wall that was a shared space with way less shelves. It was reserved for you and Charles' favorite achievements. His trophy from the 2019 Monza Grand Prix sat proudly on a shelf with a big picture of Charles smiling widely while holding it. You insisted on him choosing that picture because it was most likely your favorite one of your boyfriend since he looked so happy.
On another shelf was your first Grammy you received and of course, by its side was a picture of you holding it and blowing a kiss.
Then, in the middle were a few pictures of you and Charles, your favorites. Some of them were at events or red carpets you attended together, others at races. You personal favorite was the one after he won the Austrian Grand Prix. The picture was taken from over your shoulder but it showed the way you had both your hands on his helmet as his eyes exploded with joy through the open visor, his arms very obviously very tight and firm around you. The position of your hands on the helmet felt like proving a point at the time since just the night before, you had sat with him on the hotel room floor as a dreaded question rolled past his lips.
"What if that is it for this season? What if i don't have it in me to win anymore races? What if i'm just not good enough to do that?" He had muttered, what had lead to long hours of reassurance and lecturing about how good of a driver he was, and how most of the bad results weren't even his fault.
Once the two of you reached the piano after you grabbed your trusty notebook, you gestured for Charles to take a seat on the bench and he frowned but sat.
You leaned over his shoulder and showed him what you needed him to play. Once that part was done, you took a seat by him so you would relax.
"So, one of the songs is complete and i kinda want your honest opinion on it. Like, completely honest, no matter what. Okay?"
His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Angel, is the song about me?" He teased.
That got him a playful pinch on the arm, "Just play the fucking song." You blushed.
You listened carefully as the piano notes started playing, waiting for your cue to start singing while fidgeting with your hands over the pages of the notebook off where you were gonna read the lyrics.
The second you started singing, Charles turned towards you for an instant, a beautiful smile adorning his face as his fingers continued moving against the piano keys.
He loved hearing you sing, especially if it was just for him. It was something he didn't get to enjoy as often as he would've desired so he learned to cherish it every time it happened. In fact, in the past, he had told you that your songs were a saving grace for when he missed you while travelling, for when he just wanted to feel you close while you were halfway across the world from him. At times like these, he would find himself playing acoustic versions of your songs or would search through his phone for the little exclusive singing voice notes you would send him, asking him his opinion on song lyrics or melodies. He loved it when some of those songs don't make it into the final album track list since that made them feel like just his, yet another part of you only he could have and enjoy, much like this version of you that he got to see at the moment, sat beside him on the piano seat, shy as ever despite how confident you appeared to the public, fumbling with the edge of the papers as you hummed lyrics that were making Charles' heart race.
He was practically making an effort to keep playing the piano because, in reality, he just wanted to forget everything that wasn't you at the moment. He just wanted to face you and admire you silently, to take in all your features and live in every word that rolled off your lips.
It truly was at times like these that Charles realized that love doesn't have to be grand gestures, at least not for the two of you. This was enough, laying in bed together was enough, driving around like the previous night was enough, making such big efforts to include each other in every part of your jobs that was possible was enough.
Love was so simple between the two of you.
Every lyric resonated and echoed in Charles' mind to the point where his hands were shakily playing the keys and his breath was caught in his throat. He couldn't help but to think about how much this resembled a happy ending, a perfectly directed and narrated scene pulled straight out of a romantic movie where the characters get their "happily ever after" after long-endured suffering, except this one was fully authentic. It made him think back to just a few weeks ago when he was clutching his phone a bit too tight, staring at your scared face on the little screen as the two of you realized there was no escaping the conversation concerning the future of the relationship, the same facetime call that ended with the agreement of moving in together. He was so happy and relieved that the two of you worked it out, that neither of you gave up on this love because he was a firm believer that feelings as strong as the ones the two of you held for each other are worth fighting for, that it would've been so criminal to give up so easily on the precious relationship you had.
As he listened to your soft, calming voice so intently, his emotions were at an all-time high. It just felt so special to hear that he was that loved, a muse for someone, that there were things about him that his girlfriend loved so much that she thought were song-worthy. It felt surreal. But, as he took in the lyrics, one particular part stuck with him, simply because he felt it and related to it so much.
It was the one part perfectly detailing how it felt like when the relationship was at risk, when you both were fearing that it was all coming to an end.
It was undeniably painful to look back at those times when the only thing connecting you was love and a phone, painful to think back at those nights of loneliness and even more painful to imagine you suffering through the distance. It was also hurting him that even moving in together didn't mean he'd have you by his side all the time but over the last few days, he left like he had gotten the chance to know you way better than he had in the longer timespan of a whole year. Deep down, he was scared the move wouldn't make anything better but with every passing hour, you managed to erase his doubts without even knowing about them.
Charles wasn't naïve. He was fully aware that the two of you would be facing more hardships in the future, the first of them being the flights each of you had to catch just tomorrow but it was more than relieving to know that you had the fighting spirit as well, that you were just as willing to fight for him as he was for you.
Before he knew it, the flowing words you had ensorcelled him with came to a stop and you were staring at him expectantly with a nervous expression on your face. His hands stilled on top of the piano keys, his dazed eyes staring into nothing for a few seconds as he thought of the right words to say. He felt your hand cautiously resting on his leg so he clutched it without thinking, turned to face you, bringing up your hand to his mouth to kiss it, a very small, almost shy smile instinctively decorating his face as he did so.
"Um... So, what do you think?"
"It's so perfect." He moved his legs so he was straddling the bench so he could face you. He brought you closer and heard you exhale in relief as he hugged you to his chest.
"Is this... Oh my god, the song actually is about us." He took a deep breath.
"Yeah, it is. I mean, it isn't the first song about you but... i hope you don't mind it."
"Mind it? Baby, i feel so lucky right now!" He breathed in a sharp breath again, blinking repeatedly when he felt his eyes tear up. "Okay, maybe a little bit overwhelmed but so lucky. It's beautiful and you're so talented and..." his hands grabbed your face and got you to face him, "and i love you so much."
Your eyes darted between his features, from his sparkling, glossy eyes, over his cheeks and down to his smiling lips. It was no secret to anyone who could see how handsome, even beautiful Charles was. In fact, the international agreement about how attractive your boyfriend was made you jealous over him sometimes, especially when he'd be miles and miles away, surrounded by girl pining over him but at the end of the day, he'd chuckle about it and assure you that you were the only person he wanted, the only girl he had eyes for and that would make you blush and leave you smiling to yourself for the hours following it.
You didn't even realized but as the thoughts and memories replayed in your mind, your eyes remained glued to his mouth in a way that wasn't anywhere near subtle.
"Angel..." He chuckled when he noticed and you quickly met his eyes with your widened ones.
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now."
"And what’s stopping you? Do it, i'm yours." He smiled.
Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, your chest flush against his as you brought him as close as humanly possible and pressed your mouth to his in a passionate kiss. You felt one of hands on your waist, the other moving up and down your back as he moved his lips against yours with soft and gently delicacy.
"Je t'aime beaucoup, Charles." I love you so much, Charles. You said against his lips.
You had been learning how to properly say the words since yesterday morning, practicing the accent at every chance you got.
Charles pulled away from the kiss with a wide grin and his eyebrows raised in surprise.
"What?" His chuckled with the same surprised expression.
"Je t'aime." I love you. You repeated with a smile, his face still mere centimeters from yours.
"Je t'aime aussi." I love you too. He smiled and reattached his lips to yours for a few seconds before he burst out in giggles.
"That's gonna get you way farther than those little 's'il te plaît' that you love to throw at me."
"Wait, i leaned something else." You laughed as well.
"Show me then."
"Okay, but i still don't know if I'm saying it right. Tu es ma vie entière?" You are my whole life? The words came out as a question but they still made Charles' day, leaving him staring at you with a grin.
"If it's wrong, that's on google, not me." You tugged on your shirt to show your innocence and Charles laughed.
"No, don't worry. They're right and they mean so much to me, angel."
Smiling, you relaxed against his body and rested your head on his chest.
"Bad idea to show me you learned new french words right before i have to leave though." He joked and wrapped his arms around you.
"Why?" You teased.
"Because..." he shrugged, "It makes me want to fu-" Your hand clasped over his mouth, not expecting such an honest answer.
Charles burst out laughing, moving from side to side while squishing you.
"Alright, now sing to me more, i have a few minutes left." He readjusted his seating position and refocused on the piano, the melody of one of your older songs filling the room.
"Wait, how do you know how to play this?"
"How could i not, angel? It is your song after all.
Following the piano session that ended with Charles correcting you when you sang the wrong lyrics to your own song, something that made him laugh for so long, he joined Andrea at the gym for a crucial session since there was a race that weekend. You too got your fair share of laughter when he called for you in a hurry before he left, asking you where the bottle of sunscreen was since he couldn't find it. You laughed so much when you saw the precision in which he made sure to apply two fingers worth of product onto his face before he was out the door.
Once he was gone, you took advantage of his absence and locked yourself in the piano room, refusing to leave it before you finish the second song you had to record soon.
About an hour later, you rejoiced as you finished most of the lyrics, a bridge being the only remaining missing part but it quickly dawned upon you how clueless you were about how you wanted the melody to sound. You tried a million different keys on Charles' piano and even pulled out your guitar for a few trials but nothing sounded right. It was frustrating to say the least but you had learned your lesson in the past. When things became this frustrating, that meant a break was due and needed.
You headed to the bedroom and grabbed your laptop, thinking about watching a few episodes of your favorite series when your phone rang and and unknown number showed up on the screen.
You picked up with hesitation.
"Bonjour! I really hope i'm not bothering you, dear." You instantly recognized Charles' mother's voice and instinctively straightened up even though you were well aware of the fact that she can't see you.
"Bonjour! Of course not! How are doing?" Your leg bounced as you replied.
"I'm okay. I got your number from Charles, i hope you don't mind."
"Of course not!"
"If you're not busy right now, maybe you could come over for a cup of coffee or tea? I would love to get to know you better and you could see where Charles grew up."
You instantly got up and headed for your closet, already planning an outfit because there was no way you were turning down the invite, no matter how nervous it made you.
"Oh, it would be my pleasure. I'll be over in half an hour, is that okay?"
With that, after brief goodbyes, you tossed your phone onto the bed and started getting ready at a record speed. You finished your hair and makeup and outfit all within less than 15 minutes and you were immediately out the door. You still didn't have your own car in Monaco and Charles' childhood home was quite close to the apartment so you decided on walking.
As you made your way there, you stopped by a bakery and bought some pastries to take with you. Out on the streets, you noticed a few phone cameras pointed at you. It wasn't something that you couldn't handle but it did however make you wonder how fast people would piece it together that you moved to Monaco.
Your time with Pascale went amazingly well. She showed you so many pictures of Charles' childhood and even more from his go-karting days. You snapped a quick picture of your favorite one and sent it to him, know he'd quickly wonder where you got it from since his mother told you she hadn't mentioned inviting you over to him. He replied with an emoji that had one eyebrow raised. When he didn't get any further clarification, he called you.
You transferred the call into a video one before answering, making sure that both you and Pascale were in the frame.
"Where did- Oh, i see." He smiled, "I should've known the two of you would sneak around behind my back."
After about two hours of nonstop chatter, you could say that you were actually comfortable around Charles' mother now.
When you got up to leave, she followed you to the door and gave you a hug.
"You know, at first it scared me that Charles was dating a singer because i knew it would be hard to manage but, now i'm happy that you're the girl he loves." She said and you felt yourself smile involuntarily. That definitely felt like the biggest compliment you'd ever received.
You got home ten minutes before Charles but when he walked in and saw you already in sweatpants and one of his shirts, on the floor of the bedroom with your guitar and notebook, he groaned out loud.
"Even i don't work as much as you do and i'm known as the extreme one! C'mon, get up." He pushed his hands out towards you and helped you onto your feet.
"We're both travelling tomorrow, i think we should spend some time together before that."
"Exactly, i'm flying out tomorrow to record two songs, one of which i still haven't finished." You emphasized and he groaned again.
"Give me two hours and i'll leave you to your songs."
"Just two hours?"
"Two hours, i promise."
You sighed in defeat and let him lead you out of the house after a quick change of clothes.
Charles' plans seemed to involve his yacht.
He parked his car and pulled out a few bags out of its tiny trunk. You waited for him to go put said bags on the boat before he came back to help you onto the rocking surface.
You sat by him as he drove the yacht out into the sea, sunglasses on his eyes while his hands expertly handled the controls. Every once in a while, he would turn towards you with a smile that you would happily return.
"We're in the middle of the sea in the middle of the day because..." You asked after several minutes of sailing.
"Because..." he dragged the word out, "I promised myself i would take you on more dates, so this is one."
You frowned and he laughed.
"Give me a minute." He drove a little more and anchored the boat.
Charles then grabbed your hand and led you out to sit on the yacht's deck. Thankfully, it wasn't a hot day so sitting out in the sun actually felt good.
"I'll be back." He said and moved away.
When he returned, the bags from earlier were in his hands.
He sat down next to you and started taking takeout containers of food out of the bags.
You watched him with a smile as he laid out all that he had bought.
"I got all your favorite food." He beamed as he collected the now empty bags and threw them away before sitting down and relaxing next to you, "Do you have the sunscreen, by the way?"
Everything was perfect, the reflection of the sun on the surface of the water, the sound of the small waves, the entirety of Monaco facing you, the warmth of the sunshine on your skin, the food, and Charles. Most importantly, Charles.
He was perfect, the feeling of his arm casually around your shoulders was perfect, his smile was perfect, so was his accent and the way he said "I love you", so were the looks he gave you and the way he laughed at your jokes, the way he insisted on drinking the wine out of the bottle since he forgot to bring cups and the way he persuaded you into joining him in that.
His ideas for dates were always so simple but so meaningful and you loved that because it showed that he really put thought into it, into actually making sure you'd like it.
After the food was finished and the giggles died down, you just sat with him and admired the sea. Somehow, admiring the sea turned into admiring him.
"I've been saying it a lot these few days but i love you." You smiled and took a swing of wine.
"You could say every minute and i would still want to hear it more. Now, say it in french." He grinned, making you laugh.
"Je t'aime." You smiled at him and he felt his heart beat faster.
"Fuck, it just does things to me." He chuckled, "I love you too, angel."
Two hours turned into way more and somehow, you didn't care. Charles said that sunset was pretty on the boat and for some reason you agreed on staying until then.
The two of you talked so much with him sprawled out across the deck with his head in your lap while waiting for the sun to set. Then, he told you he wanted to show you the space below deck and things escalated quickly down there when he showed you the master room.
The two of you made your way back out just a few minutes before sunset. Charles took a seat behind you, his legs on either sides of your body, his chest against your back as the two of you enjoyed the view.
It was indeed magical watching the sunset from the middle of the sea. You took your phone out and took a picture of the scenery, posting it onto your instagram story.
"Now, a selfie 'cause i'm the main event here." Charles spoke from behind you and you burst out laughing. He loved it beyond words when he made you laugh that hard so he enjoyed the few seconds he got to appreciate it before you flipped your camera.
He rested his head on your shoulder as you tilted yours to the side to give him more space. His smile was adorable, raising a genuine one on your face, what was rare in pictures. You captured the moment and lowered your phone to look at the screen more comfortably when it was snatched out of your hand.
"I'll handle this." He grinned mischievously.
"Handle what? Charles, give me the phone."
He didn't pay you any mind as he appeared to be typing for barely a few seconds. With a satisfied smile, he handed you your phone back and grabbed his.
You checked to see what he had done and found that he posted the picture on your story and tagged himself in it.
When you arrived home, you took a shower while Charles trained on the simulator then you sat down with him like you had yesterday. You managed to complete the lyrics within minutes so, much to your dismay, you had to leave him again to try and figure out a melody on the guitar or piano.
After that, it was his turn to shower while you continued struggling then the two of you ate a light dinner together and decided to go to bed a bit early so you'd get some rest before the hectic next few days. However, you were feeling like a kid going to school without your assignment so when Charles was in the bathroom before bed, you retrieved your guitar and gave the melody one last try. Charles walked back into the room at the exact moment you tossed the instrument onto the bed and fell back beside it angrily.
"Okay, what is happening?"
"The fucking melody is. Wait, actually it is refusing to happen. I fucking give up." Your hand were on your face as you spoke.
Charles put away the guitar and laid down beside you.
"It's not the end of the world if you don't record both songs this weekend. They're not gonna end your contract over it, angel."
"I know. I just hate it when i don't finish the things i promised i would."
"I know, baby but sometimes we just can't help it." He felt you move closer so he wrapped his arm around you.
Nodding, you pulled the covers over the two of you, figuring you might as well sleep since it didn't seem like you were gonna make any progress for the night. As you moved to put away your notebook on your nightstand, Charles interrupted.
"Can i read the lyrics?" He asked.
You hesitated before answering, "I guess but... it's also -you know- about us." You blushed and looked away.
"I'll love it even more then." He smiled and grabbed the notebook.
You laid down and listened to the sound of flipping pages, allowing it to relax you and before you knew it, you were fast asleep.
It was hours later when you woke up to an empty bed. You checked the time and frowned when you realized it was 1AM.
"What the fuck?" You muttered to yourself, wondering where Charles could possibly be.
That is when you heard it, the soft sound of the piano in the neighboring room.
Frowning even more, you got up and made your way to the source of the sound and peeked in through the ajar door.
Charles was sat in front of the piano with just shorts on, playing a tune you had never heard.
"Angel, what are you doing here this late?" You stepped into the room.
He immediately turned to face you with a big smile that contrasted the look on your face.
"I might have solved your problem."
You frowned, not awake enough to catch up. It made Charles wave your notebook at you.
"Oh..." you pretended to understand, "Oh! You did? How?" It finally clicked, making you rush to his side.
"Just listen, but hey -i'm not a singer, keep that in mind."
"Just play it, Charles."
And he did. And it made you cry.
Sure, he was mumbling the lyrics along the melody he had came up with but you'd prefer that over any award-winning love song you'd ever heard because you could see the smile of recognition on his face when he read over lyrics that described situations he remembered just as clearly as you did. You didn't know how he did it but even as his fingers moved on the piano, he was conveying his feelings for you in full clarity. Every note he had written expressed his love.
When the music stopped, he shifted his gaze towards you, the look on his face identical to the one on yours in the morning as he waited for your opinion.
"Looks like you're gonna have to make a stop in the studio, Mr. Leclerc, 'cause you're getting credit on the song." You giggled and hugged him.
"Wait, my name would be on the song? I would record the piano in a studio?" He beamed.
"Yes! Only if you want, obviously but yes."
"Any way you could move the recording session to tomorrow right after you land?" His smiled into the crook of your neck.
"Is that a yes?" You pulled back to see him.
"A hell yes." He laughed and you clapped your hands together.
You were in fact able to move one of the sessions to an hour after landing tomorrow so instead of taking a separate flight, Charles accompanied you.
When he called Pierre in the morning to cancel plans they had made for when he landed, he told his french friend that he had to record a song today.
"You're shitting me, right?" was the reply he received, leaving you cackling by his side.
But he did record a song that day, the piano part of it but a song nonetheless.
You insisted that no other instrument would be added and that the song would remain a ballad and for some reason, that made Charles blush.
Then, he spent the few more hours left watching you work your magic behind the soundproof glass and a microphone and, even if he didn't think that was possible, he fell more in love with you that day.
Later on, you drove him to the airport where he caught a flight to his race destination, the both of you dedicating the rest of your weekend for work.
Sunday afternoon, you landed in the country where he was, rented a car and drove to the track, arriving just one lap into the race after which Charles hugged you tighter than ever.
"I didn't know that living together would make me miss you more when i'm away but fuck, it does." He told you while holding you close.
A few hours later, you both were on yet another flight, this time straight home where the bed called your names the second you stepped into the apartment.
The two of you cuddled for the remainder of the day and while all wrapped up in each other, Charles asked you something.
"I wanted to ask you, do you feel at home in Monte Carlo? 'Cause i don't want you to force yourself to like it for me."
"This is gonna sound so fucking cliché but home is where the heart is, i guess."
Charles frowned, "And?"
"Well, you're here, aren't you? That's where my heart is so that is where i'll always feel at home."
The end.
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yikimiki · 3 years
not to be a needy slut but every single day i check your blog for your yandere eren fic. do you know if it’s coming out soon or should i calm down?
oops so that’s taking a little longer than anticipated because of some personal issues. I don’t wanna leave you hanging, though, so I wrote a little something for yandare!eren just for you (the story below is not related to the one I’m currently writing, just the same concept)
also pls ignore any eventual typos, I didn’t really proofread this
warnings: smut/pwp, dark content, dubcon (tagging noncon just to be sure because Eren cums inside without consent) yandere!eren, possessiveness, rough sex, vague mentions of murder and violence, unprotected sex, (forced) breeding kink, size kink, fem!reader, praise kink, mentions of lactation kink, pregnancy kink
Eren doesn’t think you fully understand how much you mean to him. But god, does he try to tell you — to show you — every single day.
He tells you again and again that he would go to hell and back for you, that he’d torture and kill in your name if that’s what you wished for him to do. Eren says that you’re the air the he breathes, the blood in his veins; that he wouldn’t know what do to — who do be — if you were suddenly taken away from him. He speaks all that through a thick veil of romanticism and he is afraid that you take it that way, not truly noticing that most of what he speaks of is quite literal. He would burn down the world for you. He would kill for you. He would kill you if you ever decided to leave him.
In a way, that makes him deeply frustrated. It’s like he’s speaking through a broken radio, trying to get his point across to someone who isn’t even paying attention to the transmission. Eren hopes that, one day, you will understand that your souls are part of one single entity. He hopes that you come to your senses and finally accept that he knows you better than you do yourself, that he knows what’s best for you. That you have to do what he says and you’ll both be so happy.
In the meantime, however, Eren tries to show you all of that in several different ways.
“Oh my— Please, slow d-down,” you whimper, nails digging to the flesh of his strong biceps as Eren looms over you. He has his jaw clenched, long hair trapped messily behind his head, and he looks (and fucks) like a feral animal. “E-Eren.”
“You’re so beautiful, baby, so perfect,” he doesn’t even hear your pleas (and, even if he did, he wouldn’t do as you asked). Eren himself is not a flawless human, and he knows: he doesn’t really pay attention to you when he’s completely drunk in the tightness of your cunt. “I wanna give you — fuck — I wanna give you all my cum. Wanna fill you up so bad.”
You make a strangled noise, shaking your head and gasping once his cock hits a particular spot. “N-No, don’t...” You feel dazed: sweaty and shaky, barely hanging into real life as Eren fucks you full of him, his fat cock stretching you so far that you can feel it in your stomach. Words seem hard to find inside your brain, and even worse to put out into the world. “Don’t cum inside me, I’m not—“
“Gonna fucking breed this pussy,” Eren interrupts you because he knows. He knows what you’re going to say: that you’re not taking your pills anymore, that your cycle has come back and that you can get pregnant. That’s what he loves so much about it: it’s not a fantasy. It’s true. Eren wants to claim you in the most primal way and make you bear his children, wants to make sure you are tied to him forever. Maybe that way you will understand. “Fuck, you’re getting so tight. Bet you fucking want it.”
You try to tell him that no, you’re too young for that, but your body is betraying you. The rush of your orgasm is too fast and heavy to follow, making your sentences blur into an incoherent moan as you gasp and clench around his cock. For better or for worse, that only spurs him on.
“Shit... That’s my perfect girl, you’re so good,” Eren praises, eyes fluttering shut. He is so much larger than you — a big pile of muscle that you know you’re not strong enough to push away. You can only lay back, trapped in the afterglow of your orgasm, and wait as his thrusts become sloppier, faster, aching for his release. “I fucking love this pussy, it’s all mine. You’re all mine.” He grunts. He’s speaking more to himself at this point, and you let him be. “Thightest, wettest pussy I’ve ever fucked. Fucking milking my cock, begging to be filled up with so much cum that it’s dripping for me.”
You gasp. “Eren—“
His eyes snap open — unfocused and darkened when they meet yours. “Tell me you’re gonna drip for me, baby. Tell me you’re gonna take my cum.” But you don’t speak, and he doesn’t care. Eren is too lost in his own needs now, cock throbbing inside you as he approaches his high. “Bet you’d look so pretty with my — oh, shit — with m-my kid. Fuck. Can’t want to fill your tits with m-milk—“ He shudders. God, he knows it’ll taste so sweet. He’d lick and suck on them every day just to have some of it. “Fuck, baby, gonna cum. You feel s-so good, I’m gonna—“
Eren spills inside you with a deep, thundering groan, throwing himself closer to you so he can inhale your scent deeply, his body weight making a rush of air leave your lungs. He sobs at the feeling, tentatively rutting in and out of you to try and give you everything he has, because he knows you deserve it.
Only half-aware of your surroundings, your cunt milks his cock dry and you whimper, mind starting to catch up to the severity of the situation: to the fact that you might actually get pregnant from this. Shit. Fuck. Why did he— oh my god. Your heart picks up, eyes widening. You need to buy some plan B tomorrow, find a way to protect yourself because this just cannot happen, you can’t be—
“Tomorrow,” Eren starts, his deep voice vibrating against the skin of your neck. He kisses you there, but there is a dangerous, controlling edge to his tone that you don’t miss. “You’re spending the entire day with me. And we’re not going out.”
And you know he is aware of what you’re thinking. And that he won’t let you go through with it.
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lumineere · 3 years
TW: mentions of blood, cuts, injuries, yelling, arguments, cheating accusations and death.
So this is my new post! Sorry for the lack of uploads again I had a concussion and whiplash from my car accident. Enjoy some angst that hurt my own feelings lol <3
afab reader btw
Not proofread
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You sat on the wooden chair, waiting for Childe to come home. Although the work may be tiring, it's not an excuse to stay after hours and leave you alone for hours on end and sometimes not coming home until the early hours of the morning. Loosening your grasp on the glass of tea you made you pick the other glass beside you and dump it down the drain. “He’s not coming home tonight, what's the point of keeping it?” You asked yourself. Of course no one would answer, not even yourself and no one had a certain answer. Walking back to your seat you took another sip of tea and felt a slip of a tear fall down your cheek. You yearned for the feeling of his warmth, his arm holding you and keeping you safe. His love was different. The way he held you, touched you and talked to you made butterflies fly in your stomach. His arms would slip around your waist and hips, holding you tight enough to keep you in place and breathe you in. The tears kept flowing and you needed release. It hurt not being with the one you love, not feeling the warm sensation of love and admiration towards you. What could he be doing, in all honesty he could be with someone else, were you not good enough? Was there something you weren't doing? Something you should've said differently or maybe treated him better? He doesn’t come home on time and it’s been consistent for months now, all the happiness and enjoyment you felt with your lover was fragile, easily shattered and replaced by the feeling of loneliness. Being stuck at home to do work and not having a proper excuse to leave left you alone, bored and empty. Childe has always been an admirable lover, people on the street would admire how he treated you. You made sure what he did for you was repaid evenly by you in your own fashion. Maybe it wasn’t enough, maybe he needed more. Your teacup fell off the table, shattering into a million little pieces and some larger ones. As you looked down at the shattered pieces you wept, letting the tears flow freely and breathing shakily. You stood up and grabbed the broom and dustpan, cleaning carefully as to be sure the shards wouldn't hurt you and wouldn't stay left on the floor, waiting for someone to get hurt. Once you tossed out the shards, faint footsteps could be heard walking up, you rushed to put everything away and unlock the door to be met with your lover.
“Hey y/n, I didn't think you’d be awake at this time.” He said, words drowsy and somewhat incoherent, he wasn’t drunk but something seemed wrong. His clothes were all over the place and he looked like he was in a fight. You felt a rage boil up, maybe it was the exhaustion, the lack of him or something else. So many variables but the fact stayed the same, you were downright pissed.
“Don’t pretend you missed me. Where on Earth have you been?” You snapped, you looked at him and folded your arms. You couldn’t help but wait for his answer, he stood across from you, stunned.
“I had some debts to collect, unfortunately it went into overtime. Is everything okay?” He asked
“No, all you’ve been doing lately is overtime without letting me know and I’ve been in this hellhole alone for months now.” You felt the tears well up in your eyes again, feeling this sudden, growing feeling of energy and anger growing inside you. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Tell me because this isn’t like you.” You asked, breathing calmly to ease the emotions swirling inside you.
“I’m sorry y/n, but honestly there’s nothing I’m hiding from you.” He assured, walking past you and laying on the couch, resting his eyes and covering them. “Is there another woman? Have you replaced me with some lady?” How could he just pretend that this wasn’t a big deal? It hurt deeply and you wanted just the love you felt earlier in your relationship. He sat upright immediately, seemingly shocked. Maybe you figured it out?
“Why would you ever think that?”
“I highly doubt you’re out every single day working overtime until midnight, sometimes even early in the morning.”
“I’m not seeing another woman y/n.” He stood up and looked into your eyes, glancing down at the features on your face and trailing back to your eyes.
“How do I know you’re not lying to me? I can’t lose you but I don’t know if I can trust you with this, Childe.” staring daggers into his eyes, he tried to hold your arms, but he couldn’t conjure any words for a split moment.
“I’m not sure, there’s nothing I can say that can change your mind. I just need you to trust me on this. It’s absurd that you think I’m cheating on you.” Squeezing your arms, he let go just as fast as he gripped onto you.
“God, you’re ridiculous! I’ve been alone for so long now why do you think I assumed you’re cheating on me!?” A breaking point, there’s no going back from the words you said, Childe turns around, facing away from you clenching his hands into a fist. You waited for the words to unfold, maybe for the truth to come out.
“You think I wanted this to happen!? I wanted to make sure we were well off and now you think you can justify your thoughts because of your poor loneliness?” He shouted, “It’s not my fault you feel like you need to be with me constantly, you stick to me like a poor dog to its owner. It’s pathetic.” His face was turning red, his hands weren’t clenched anymore, but at his side to express his point. You didn’t say anything, eyes wide at the statement towards you. Placing your hands by your collarbones, feeling the sheer cold of your fingers touch the skin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that y/n.” He relaxed his posture, reaching his hand out towards you, hoping you’d understand and forgive him.
“You looked at me when you said each word, I think you meant that Childe.” Nothing, all you felt was your cold hands against your chest and your mind was blank. Nothing, no emotions, the tension dissipated and the tears didn’t want to return. Before either of you could say anything, you turned around and rummaged through the closet.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked as you walked away, “I’m getting my coat. I’m going on a walk to cool off, I’ll be back soon.” You replied blankly, no words could express the amount of nothing and anger at once.
“It’s midnight y/n you’ll get hurt.”
“Maybe if that happens it’ll take me out.” It didn’t matter what you’d say, he’d argue and say anything to make you stay. You placed the coat on your shoulders and tied the strings together, and placed your hand in your pocket and opened the door.
“Don’t you dare leave this house y/n. We can figure this out I promise.” You closed the door behind you and started walking in a direcion, aimlessly without a final destination. Just needing an escape and going outside for once in a long while. As you walked down the path in the forest, a trail of burnt grass laid in front of you, it seemed fresh by the way the grass still singed and burned. Once you looked up you were met eye to eye with a mitachurl, axe in hand ready to swing down on you. All you had to defend yourself was your pyro vision, which would do nothing to your defense.
It had been several hours since your departure, it was early in the morning and Childe had gotten no sleep, he was waiting for you to return. It was about time for him to leave and go look for you, he left the house rather swiftly and looked around the area of Liyue. There was a hilichurl camp nearby, maybe you went there to blow off some steam. You had just recently gotten your vision and he got a growing worry, what if you couldn’t take them? What if you were injured? Constant ‘what if’s floating through his head, each new one getting worse than the last.
He reached the camp and it was empty, not a soul left there, but the camp had a trail of blood leading to it and there you were. On the ground, arms cut and bleeding out through the chest. Your head leaned to the side, mouth agape and breathless. No, this can’t be happening, she can't be, this can’t be real. The world crumbled around him as he held your lifeless corpse in his arms trying to sense a pulse, a breath, something that would say that you were alive. He cried for help, he carried you by your upper back and by the knees, holding your head in place and running to Liyue Harbor shouting for help.
“Please, no. You can’t be dead.” He whispered to your lifeless corpse. Surrounded by the healers, forming the conclusion you were too far gone, he wept and held you close. “I’m sorry.”
Life can’t always be filled with serendipity can it?
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elysianslove · 3 years
i think that aran gets pegged once and didn’t really enjoy it but he DOES very much enjoy watching you fuck atsumu senseless
i don’t think you understand what this did to me. !!! not proofread sorry
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it is a rather— pretty sight, he supposes. never had the thought of enjoying something like this ever crossed his mind, because although not often characterized as so, aran tended to be slightly possessive of you. no one could blame him, especially not those he was particularly wary of. namely, miya atsumu.
when he’d first introduced you, his new, pretty girl, to his teammates and friends, he’d watched as one by one, they fell under your spell. maybe a little differently than he had, infatuation rather than love for them, but it was as clear as ever in their eyes. some had the dignity to be bashful and careful about it, others... not so much. naturally though, as a lifelong friend of the blond, aran had expected the worst from atsumu, and the worst atsumu had delivered. bold flirting and cheesy one liners spewed from his lips all night long, and aran would be angrier if you weren’t shooting atsumu down so fucking well. consistently putting him in his place was a rather amusing sight.
so it should be no surprise that aran finds this just as amusing.
with his face pressed into the thick, fluffy pillow, atsumu sobs freely, fists white knuckled as they grip the cushion tightly beneath him. he’s arched so perfectly, almost like he’s so used to being like this, almost like he was made to being in this position, with the curve of his ass pushed up. his entire body glistens with a thin layer of sweat as his chest heaves, the muscles of his stomach, thighs, arms and chest all tightening and spasming impossibly. he looks — pathetic; aran loves it. and although he’s so used to telling atsumu to shut up and quiet down, will you?, he can’t help but finally understand how atsumu being noisy does have its benefits.
he hasn’t quieted down from the moment your fingers had been barely hovering over his frame, quiet, tiny whimpers and whines and hoarse moans spilling from his lips. the more he lost himself in everything, he louder he got, the less embarrassed he was. loud moans and desperate cries and incoherent begging and pathetic sobbing all melted into a puddle right by where his tears were spilling and his drool was dampening the pillow.
and you— you.
when the both of you had decided to give this a try privately, the sight of the thick, plastic cock hanging from between your legs was odd, too odd, and a little intimidating. he’d been uncomfortable, worried, anxious, nervous, and halfway through he’d pushed you onto your stomach and took control once more, doing things the way it’s always been down with you. but seeing you now, a different cock strapped to you as you thrust into atsumu— he supposes he does get the appeal of this.
you’re really good honestly— the way you fuck into atsumu at a steady pace, leaving him whining desperately, until you’re upping your speed and forcing unbelievably loud cries from his lips. you’re good. you know what you’re doing as you reach for the sensitive, overstimulated cock between atsumu’s legs, stroking it even as he squirms beneath you, twisting around. the action only forces the strap to press harder, tighter against the exact spot he doesn’t want it to.
“hn— hh— fuck— fuck— fuck— stop!” he begs, truly, properly begs.
from where he’s sat across the bed with his legs spread, aran laughs. “you sure that’s what ya want?” he retorts, watching as, unconsciously, atsumu rocks his hips back against you.
“look at you,” you coo, removing your hand off his cock and reaching for his face instead. with your other hand gripping his hip steadily as you grind slowly against him, your fingers reach out for his hair. “you look like a common whore,” you giggle and his chest heaves again, gasps falling from his quivering lips. your fingers weave into his hair from where his undercut starts until you’ve got enough hair in your grip, and once you do, you tighten your hold, and pull.
“ah! fuck— me–“
it takes him a moment for his eyes to open and refocus, blurry and burning from all the salty tears forced out of him. out of his peripheral vision, atsumu spots a darker figure, and he doesn’t have time to process anything before there’s another hand on his chin, gripping his cheeks, twisting his head to the side. this hand is much larger, rougher too, and when his teary eyes finally focuses, his entire body heats up at aran before him.
“won’t you give us a proper show, ‘tsumu?”
and it’s just as aran says this that your hips pull back and thrust so awfully, so brutally, back against him. the strap stretches him out deliciously, and it feels so fucking good that his cock twitches, sticky precum oozing and dripping from the tip, and his eyes cross, his mouth silently falling open as his tongue lolls out.
aran can’t help but laugh again.
“so good at doing what you’re told,” he praises as he pats the faux blond’s cheeks, catching onto the way his blush deepens.
from behind atsumu, you hum out a giggle, falling forward till your chest presses against his back and your lips are right by his ear. your hand, your merciless hand, reaches for his cock again, squeezing awfully, and it hurts so bad it’s good. and then you say, your voice dripping with honey, “hmm, our little plaything,” and atsumu’s gone for the thousandth time that night.
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highdramas · 3 years
it’s rotten work | b.b.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: language, possible tfatws spoilers, general talk about illness/stomach flu
word count: 1.7k!
summary: you have the stomach flu. bucky takes care of you. somewhere in there, love is confessed.
note: here’s another installment in the twalb story <3 again, you don’t have to read these in order, they stand independently, but they do all work together! PLEASE leave feedback/reblog! this is extremely helpful for me writing future parts to know what everyone likes or doesn’t like! just a heads up i wrote this SUPER quick and it is not proofread but the thought of bucky taking care of me when i’m sick....... ya i just had to write it
enjoy! <3
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you’re not sure when you padded out to the living room. you’re not even sure how you managed to get the bowl to set next to you, in case your stomach turned again. and you’re really not sure how you even thought to put a few cubes of ice in the mug full of water that sits on the coffee table.
all you had known was your stomach was a pit of fire and your head was pounding and you are an absolute baby when it comes to feeling ill. and bucky is finally beginning to sleep through the night in the bed that you two share. he doesn’t need to be woken by your moaning and groaning.
apparently, you had drifted off into sleep at some point. and apparently, bucky had noticed. you shouldn’t say apparently as if it’s so shocking. bucky pays attention to just about everything when it comes to you. you’re sure that the second he reached his arm out and felt nothing but the sheets, he sprung from the mattress.
you’ve been drifting in and out of consciousness for you don’t know how long. it was nearly two in the morning when you wandered out of the bedroom, and as you scramble to grab your phone, it reads 3:07am back at you.
“doll, what’s goin’ on?” bucky sits on the edge of the couch and his hand goes to your bare thigh, rubbing your skin, and you note that he is shirtless.
“don’t feel good,” you mumble and cover your eyes with your forearm. “didn’t want to wake you up.” you pause and look at him. “you look so good. ‘s not fair.”
bucky scoffs and he pushes your arm away, placing his hand on your forehead. “jesus, you’re fucking burning.” you faintly feel his hand moving down the side of your face. “you should’ve gotten me.”
“didn’t want to wake you up,” you repeat and you finally open your eyes. he’s looking down at you with an incredulous smile, that somehow manages to mix irritation and adoration. “or get you sick.”
“i don’t care about that.” you’re sure with the serum he couldn’t even catch a cold. “one second.”
you begin to push yourself up, protests on your lips, but bucky shakes his head and gently pushes you back into the couch. “stop. let me take care of you.”
there’s something simple inim the words that stirs your stomach.
and you promptly grab the bowl and throw up into it.
bucky’s not gone long once he hears you. he has a hair tie on his wrist and various other items which he sets on the coffee table before he scrambles to pull your hair back. you’re hunched over with the bowl in your lap and a pout on your lips. you look at him and say, “i’m sorry, this is so not sexy.”
you throw up into the bowl once more.
despite tying your hair back, bucky keeps one hand tangled in it, the other rubbing circles on your back. “i always think you’re sexy.” cue a gag. “even now.”
you pull back and look at him with furrowed brows. “shut up.”
bucky grins and he wipes your mouth with a damp towel. you slacken slightly as he holds you, as he takes care of you. your mind is nothing but a fog, but at the center of it is bucky. bucky’s touch, bucky’s hold, bucky’s soft voice in your ear. “i think i fell in love with you the first time i saw you,” you begin to babble, your head falling to the side. whether it’s the fever or the exhaustion or a mix of both, you’ll never know. “when you asked to help build kitty’s tower.” you point to where it now lives in the corner of his apartment. “look at your handiwork. you did such a great job. how could i not fall in love with you?”
bucky stills. the two of you have passed many firsts. hell, you two live together for christ’s sake. however, there is one thing that has never passed either of your lips.
i love you.
you continue. “it’s so easy, too,” you say, your head lolling to the side. “to love you. you’re so hard on yourself, buck. but it’s easy as-- it’s easy as breathing.” you smile and it quickly dissipates as you feel your stomach twist again. “god, i’m so sorry you’re doing this.”
“don’t be,” he says, and his voice is husky.
you love him.
he should’ve guessed, right? because he is in perfect agreement with you. he has loved you since he has known you.
slowly, you lean your head on his shoulder and he holds you, setting the bowl down onto the ground beside you. “i feel like you’re not going to believe me,” you mumble. “how much i love you. you never believe me.”
“it’s true!” you pull back, and your eyes are glassy. you fall back onto the couch and you once again place your arm on your forehead. “i wish you could understand.”
“understand what?”
blue eyes lock onto yours. “how deserving you are of good things in the world.” you stretch your legs out across his lap.
you don’t give him much chance to respond before you’re pressing your hand to your forehead and groaning. bucky opens and closes his mouth, trying to find the words, before he shakes his head. not the time. “here,” he grabs the bottle of ibuprofen he’d found in the cabinet and the mug full of water you’d fetched for yourself when you initially stumbled out into the living room. “let me help you. can you sit up?”
nodding, you push yourself up again. he taps your chin lightly, and you open your mouth. he places two pills onto your tongue and he holds the back of your head, handing you the water. a shaky hand takes it and you tip your head back, downing nearly the entire glass. “thank you,” you look at him. “you don’t have to do this. i would’ve been fine.”
“didn’t you just say something about being deserving of good things?” bucky studies you. “that applies to you, too.”
“i didn’t realize puking all over my boyfriend was a good thing.”
he rolls his eyes and you laugh. even when you feel like shit, you’re laughing, bucky notes. it’ll never be lost on him how lucky he is to get a front row seat to that laugh every single day. the two of you sit in quiet for a long time. he gets another damp rag and puts it on your forehead. he sits on the opposite side of the couch and he runs his fingers up and down your legs, making smoothing circles.
when you open your eyes again, sunlight is beginning to stream in through the windows.
bucky is still sitting in the same position, but now, he’s watching the tv, and he seems to have found a t shirt. no sound omits from the tv, but you watch as his eyes take in the subtitles at the bottom of the screen. as you begin to stir, his head snaps to look at you. “hey.”
you rub your eyes, and you’re already feeling a hell of a lot better than you did last night. “what time is it?”
“almost noon.”
bucky has clearly done some cleaning. the bowl from last night is gone and replaced with a new one, clean and empty beside you. there’s a new glass of water on a coaster next to you, as well as more medicine and some saltine crackers. you rub at your neck, trying to recall the events of last night. the things you said.
how could i not fall in love with you?
your heart plummets. you fix your eyes on him and he sits up a little bit straighter. “are you feeling alright?”
“oh my god,” you breathe, and you cover your face with your hands. “i’m so sorry.”
bucky pulls your hands away, scooting closer to you. “doll, no. don’t be sorry--”
“no, i am!” you press your hand to your cheek. “i throw up all over you, probably sweated all over you-- like, ew! and then, i incoherently mumble about how much i love you?! buck, that’s not the way that i wanted to tell you. not at all.” frustrated tears begin to rear their ugly head. “i’m sorry,” your apology is not more than a whisper.
bucky doesn’t seem to mind any of that, though. “you remember?”
“of course i remember!” you fall back and bucky takes your hand.
“doll…” bucky looks at you. “doll, c’mere.”
stubborn as ever, you stay where you’re at, embarrassment written all over your face. his hands pull you up and finally, you look at his eyes. “i’ve loved you since that night, too.” his words are soft, almost nervous, though you could never understand why. “i thought that maybe you were just… you know, when you’re feverish, you can say crazy things. i didn’t want to--”
you can’t help it, a laugh breaks free from your lips. “that is so like you,” your words are laced with fondness. “i confess my love to you, and you think it’s the fever talking.”
his cheeks go pink. you lick your lips and you hold his face in your hands. “i meant it.” you nod your head, biting down on your lip. “i meant all of it.”
it’s as if you can see the physical weight that lifts from bucky’s shoulders. he breathes a bit lighter, his smile is a bit easier. “i love you,” you insist. “forever, buck.”
bucky’s hand goes back to that spot on the back of your neck, pushing past the tangled knot that your hair has turned into. “i love you,” he says, and he leans in.
his lips barely brush yours before you scoot back, shaking your head. “no, no.” you laugh and move to stand up. “you had to see me throw up everywhere, i’m not going to make you kiss me with vomit breath.”
bucky grabs your hand, holds your face in those tender hands of his, and he presses his lips against yours. the kiss is slow, and it is sweet. when he pulls back, he looks at you with a raised eyebrow. “i’ve seen a lot of bad shit, sweetheart,” he pecks your lips again. “i’m not scared of a little puke.”
you fall in love with him over and over and over again.
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padme-parker · 3 years
Mizpah // the darkling x reader // ch 5
summary: You tumble a Grisha in more ways than one ;)
warnings: violence, fighting, cursing, SMUT, fingering, masturbation??, praise kink, not proofread. 
A/N: this is all over the place, forgive me y'all </3
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WHEN you awoke the next morning, you found a single glass of water placed on your night stand. Your head pounded as you tried to recall the blurred events from the previous night. All you remembered was catching up with Alina and then finally leaving her room. From there it was as if everything had muddled together to form a single incoherent memory. The sun had just begun to peak through your window.
While you were away last night, a servant must have stocked up your closet with clean clothes. They had mainly been a few soldiers' uniforms and some new nightgowns. Along with a few robes, each one as soft as a rabbit's fur. The gold kefta still remained in the dresser, collecting dust.
You changed out of your dirty clothes that you had slept in, and placed them in a neatly folded pile on the corner of your bed. After throwing on a clean uniform and putting your hair into a low bun, you rang for a servant. You asked her to bring breakfast to you. It seemed like there was no use in eating with the other Grisha. Where would you have sat? You weren’t a Corporalki, Etherealki, nor a Materialki. You certainly weren’t the Darkling either. There would be no place for you if you’d chosen to eat there with Alina.
Soon enough, a light knock echoed on the wooden door. “Come in!” You said, and the servant strolled in with a cart. She placed down a golden tray in front of you. You were served sweet pea porridge and fresh figs with a tall glass of water. You thanked the servant before she dismissed herself, leaving you to your food. There was another covering that laid on the tray, no plate under it. As you shoveled another spoonful of the porridge into your mouth, you took off the covering. Under the dome laid your weapons, cleaned of the dirt and blood that caked them. You placed your weapons back onto their respective places: a pistol and dagger at your hips, a knife securely tucked into your boot, and the last knife hidden away in your sleeve.
Just as you finished your food, another knock resonated in your uncomfortably quiet room. You beckoned them to come in. A Grisha with a red kefta came in, the black stitching signifying that he was a heartrender. You gave him a polite smile as he stepped in.
“Hello. I am Fedyor. I am to escort you to the training grounds today.” He explained.
“Oh no, it’s alright. I don’t need an escort. I know my way around the palace, thank you though.” You assured him. Sitting on the corner of your bed, you put on your boots. You were surprised to find them in the normal place you had put them, at the foot of your bed, near the very corner. It was a habit you had since you were a child. Every other orphan at Keramzin always placed their boots either to the left or right of their beds. It was understandably easier than leaving your boots where you normally had, yet you couldn’t shake the habit.
“The General himself required me to accompany you. As you must know, I cannot obey the General’s orders.” He stated. After lacing up your boots, you made your way to the tray your breakfast was on. You put the small plate that once housed the figs into the empty bowl of the porridge you were served. Picking up the tray, you began to walk towards the circular table near the door and left the tray there so it’d be easier for the servant to clean.
You turned to him, arms crossed on your chest as you sighed, “Fine.” You examined the new jacket you were issued, it wasn’t the same as the frayed one you were used to. The hem of your sleeves were intact, unlike your old one when you had picked apart the stitching when you were nervous. The only thing that you were particularly happy about was the fur lining. Yours had matted from being used so much and slept on.
“You know, it’s quite odd that you’re staying in the General's hall.” You let out a hm, questioning what he meant by that. “Usually guests stay in the guest hall. The General never permits for anyone to stay in his. He’s the only person allowed to sleep in this specific hall.” He whispered as we walked past a group of Materialki. They were huddled amongst themselves, whispering and giggling as they made their way to their training rooms.
“Maybe it’s because I’m Alina’s friend? Perhaps he feels like he needs to watch over me himself since he has also taken her under his watch.” You said. You took a deep breath of the crisp winter air as the two of you stepped outside.
“Perhaps. But why is Alina staying in the vezda suite? Wouldn’t it make sense for her to be staying in the General’s hall as well?” Fedyor did make a good point, if Alina was the most important Grisha of all, why wasn’t she across the hallway from the Darkling?
“It truly is a mystery I suppose. But if I were you, I wouldn’t question his choices.” You teased. You thought you might’ve offended him until he lets out a short laugh.
“Saints know what he would do if I had.” He replied, making you giggle. Your laughter died as you arrived at Botkin’s training area. Grisha alike had already been paired up and were sparring. Alina had been paired up with a girl she had mentioned last night, you couldn’t remember her name. Madia? No that wasn’t it. Narie? It wasn’t that one either. Noticing a late arrival, Botkin walked up to you.
“Botkin has never seen little girl before.” You tried to suppress the surprise you felt when you heard him refer to himself in third person. “Who is she?” He asked Fedyor. By now some people had stopped training to hear the conversation. You noticed Alina was still sparring with her friend, unaware of your arrival.
“She’s here as Alina’s guest.” At the mention of her name, the girl stopped fighting. Finally taking notice of your figure, she let out a surprised gasp.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as she came closer.
“Training. If I’m going to stay at the palace I don’t want to rot away and do nothing.” You said, rolling your shoulders to loosen up your muscles.
“First Army girl wants to train with Botkin.” His voice, although baritone and guttural, brought a strange comfort to you. “Choose your opponent.” You surveyed the crowd, looking for someone who could pose a possible challenge. Your eyes landed on a tan skinned girl with raven black hair, bangs framing her face perfectly. Her black eyes stared into yours, challenging you.
“Her.” You stated while nodding your head towards her. Botkin weaved his head in the direction you had nodded off to.
“Ah, star pupil, Zoya!” So this was Zoya, the girl who told Alina that she reeked of Keramzin. “I have trained her since she was ten.” The raven haired girl offered you a way out, which you immediately declined.
“Fighters ready?” You put your fist up, getting into stance. “And..Fight!” You waited for Zoya to come to you first. She walked up to you, her fists hung up. You circled each other, playing the waiting game. You were about to make a move when you saw Zoya moving her right fist towards your face. You ducked left, managing to move in time to avoid the punch. With her back still to you, you jammed your elbow into her side making her hunch over.
She came at you again, this time with more veracity and anger behind each swing. Except she didn’t land a single blow. You were able to avoid each one as you let out a giggle, staggering a few steps back.
“Is that all you’ve got, star pupil?” Your comment only seemed to spur her on more. She ran at you in full force, this time you let her land a hit on you for the fun of it. What you didn’t expect was for her to punch you so hard that she drew blood. You sniffled feeling a drop of blood come from your nose. You began your attack with a right hook followed by a left one. In return she used her arms to block each time, leaving her abdomen vulnerable.
You were able to land a hard blow or two before you found yourself briefly soaring through the air, your back meeting the hard wall that was originally ten paces behind you. You let out a wheeze as you feel one of your ribs break.
Botkin had begun to reprimand Zoya, looking at her you could feel her shame as she upset her mentor. You couldn’t help but smirk as she looked at you, at least now she knows how someone from Keramzin fights. Her gaze hardened, about to walk up to you once more before she was taken away by some guards.
“Oh my Saints, now the General is really going to have my head.” Fedyor said in a panic. He helped you stand as he called for a healer.
“I’m quite alright.” You ensured, but the wince in your face gave you away. Alina came running up to you, giving you a once over before taking you from Fedyor and into her embrace.
“You know you shouldn’t be doing that.” She whispered into your ear. “It’s too dangerous for you.” She made a movement to grab one of your cold hands, giving it a squeeze.
“Everything’s a risk for me, Alina. The Doctor made that clear.” When you were younger, you were diagnosed with a heart condition. It was nothing serious really, and only acted up once in a blue moon. The tugging and squeezing feeling only lasted for seconds, but the pain left you feeling unstable for hours after. “The risk is always worth it.”
“But what if one day its not?” She pulled away from you, resting her hands on your shoulders. “The Doctor himself said there was no cure for this, no remedy that could help.”
“It’s worth it if it means protecting our honor.” You replied honestly.
“I don’t need you to protect our honor.” She protested. “I need you to protect yourself. Even if that means backing down from a fight.” You remained silent as a healer began to work on you. Starting first with your broken ribs then moving onto your bloody nose. After a few minutes of sitting still, the healer finally told you that you could leave.
Alina and Fedyor accompanied you back to your room. “What do you think will happen to her?” You asked. Alina shrugged her shoulders as the heartrender went to respond.
“She will probably get reprimanded by the General too. Zoya knows not to use her powers while training. Respectfully, especially not against someone who isn’t Grisha.” He commented.
You must’ve really gotten under her skin then if she went against all those years of training and discipline. “Good. She needs to know her place.” You snarked. “Now I’d like to get some rest.” You glanced at Alina, her gaze unwavering. “Alone, please.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I promise I’ll be fine. If I need help I can always call for the General.” You replied, placing your cold hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze. With great reluctance, she nodded her head. Fedyor and her leaving to return to combat training.
As you close the door, you feel your resolve break. Wincing as the pain and exhaustion came back. As you grew up, your condition continued to tire you. You couldn’t fight nor run the same way you could two years ago. At this rate, you’d probably be dead in the next two years because of your heart condition. That was if the war didn’t kill you first.
The sun was nowhere near close to setting. You still had most of the day to kill yet you didn’t know what to do. You thought back to one of the places the Darkling had shown you, perhaps you could go to the library. Gathering whatever strength you had left, you returned to the calm and composed front you had always put on.
The walk there had been time consuming, nauseating even. But you were determined to snatch a book or two to read while you were cooped up in your room. The library of the Little Palace was grand, filled from floor to ceiling with various books. If you ever had the chance to visit the Grand Palace, their library would definitely be on a list of places of visit.
You ran your finger along the spines of the books as you walked through the shelves. There were two things that you loved most in your life: the feeling of the sun on your skin and the smell of books. Strangely enough, the smell of the books had reminded you of Keramzin in a way. Probably because you spent most of your childhood with your nose shoved into a book. Collecting two books, you were adamant on getting to your room in time to be able to sit in the sun and read a couple of chapters. All of a sudden the smell of incense and mildew had taken over your sense of smell.
“My Saints, where is that smell coming from..” You whispered to yourself. Unexpectedly you heard a shuffle behind you. Turning around you saw a greasy man in a robe.
“Hello, y/n.” Said the man.
“Do I know you?” You replied cautiously, reaching for the knife you had hidden in your sleeve.
“I am the Apparat, a priest. Advisor to the King.” He stated. Knowing who he was didn’t make you any less tentative, your fingers still gripped the handle of your knife.
“Okay...right. Nice meeting you. I’ll be on my way now.” You said, trying your best to move around him but he stopped you. He latched onto your arm that had been reaching for your knife, effectively rendering your weapons useless.
“Do you remember?” He acquired his answer from the confused look on your face, “Oh, soon you will remember. Everything will face into place.” You ripped your arm out of his rough hands and ran out of the library, never looking back.
When you were finally in your room, you threw the books onto the floor as you rushed to the tub. There hadn’t been any warm water around but you didn’t care. You filled the tub with lukewarm water as you began to strip yourself of your clothes. Skewing them across the floor as you picked up a velvet robe and tossed it on a nearby chair. Stepping in, you grabbed a loofah. Scrubbing yourself clean of the Apparat’s lingering touch. You scrubbed and scrubbed until your skin was raw. After dunking your head underwater to wet your hair, you picked up a soap. It smelt of lavender and honey. In the First Army, they had always given you a singular bar of soap to last you a week. Showers came scarce due to the fact that the soap practically diminished once it touched water. Gently lathering the soap in your hands, you cleaned your hair first. The repetitive circular motions of your hands had started to calm you down, almost lulling you to sleep. Quickly finishing off your hair and the rest of your body, you found yourself smelling good for the first time in a while.
Feeling satisfied enough, you let out a sigh, letting yourself relax as you rest your arms on the edge of the tub. It wouldn’t hurt to take a nap. You thought. After all, you fought a Grisha without the use of your weapons and came out somewhat victorious. You let your hair dangle outside of the tub to dry as you close your eyes, sleep taking over you.
“Stop it!” You screamed, you could feel someone splashing cold water at you. Wetting your hair and dress. “Aleksander, stop!” You said while laughing. You could hear him let out a laugh before coming up behind you and taking you into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around your belly as he rested his chin on your shoulder. The stubble from his face tickling you.
“How are you today, my darling?” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. He began to pepper kisses up and down your neck, making your legs feel like jelly. Your hands flew to his in order to stabilize yourself.
“Good. But it could be better.” You teased, egging him on. One of his hands travels your hips, bunching up the fabric of your skirt to give himself better access. The other hand made its way to your core, ghosting past your eager bundle of nerves.
“Look at you, already so wet for me.” He shoved aside your underwear, plunging two of his fingers into your heat. He paused at the sound of your moan, “Taking my fingers so well.” He set an agonizingly slow pace, let out a few groans himself as he rubbed himself against you. His long fingers search for the spot he knew so well, the one that would make you mewl and fall apart in his embrace. He hits it once, twice, before extracting his fingers from you. He placed his slick covered fingers atop of your dry ones before guiding them back to your wet entrance. You were able to slide in with ease as he guided your movements.
“I can’t..” You breathed out, the feeling of his fingers and yours combined had been too much for you.
“Yes you can.” He purred, tilting your head with his own to get better access to your neck. “You’re almost there, I can feel it.” Just as he said that, he felt you briefly clamp down, signaling you were close. He guides your fingers deeper, nearing your g spot as his other hand lets go of your dress and goes to your clit.  
The action makes you come undone as you moan his name repeatedly, your juices coating both his and your fingers. You let out a whine as he removes his fingers from you, only to place his hand into his mouth, sucking your cum off of him.
“Sweet, as always.” He gently grabs your chin and turns you to face him, his dilated pupils meeting yours. “Here, have a taste of yourself.” His words alone made another wave of heat pool at your core. He grabs your hand before inserting into your mouth. You wrap your lips around your fingers, staring into his slate gray eyes all the while. After lapping up your juices, you release your fingers with a pop!
Even in your dream state you could tell this man looked suspiciously like General Kirigan. They shared the same face structure, their cheekbones rested at the same angle. His eyebrows were as perfectly sculpted as the General’s. Lashes equally as dark and long. The only difference was that the man-- Aleksander, had a near clean shaven face and his hair was grown out to reach his shoulders. The General had a beard and sported a slicked back look. Yet the two looked identical.
Your eyes searched his face, his body, for anything that could tell you anything. You spotted a mole near his right collarbone. Nearly hidden by the collar of his shirt, small but it would have to do. Without thinking, you reach up to grab his face to pull him in for a kiss.
“My Aleksander.”
YOUR doors opened with a bang, startling you from your sleep. The person entered without even knocking, alerting you to three possibilities: someone had broken in and now was here to kill you, you were being kidnapped, or the Darkling was here to brutally murder you. You let the first two options leave your mind, knowing how well guarded the Little Palace was. So there was no possibility for an intruder to get so far into the grounds. Yet the third option did little to ease your mind.
Realizing you were still in the tub, you got out. Not wanting anyone to see you naked. Not like it hasn’t happened before. You thought, thinking back to your time at Caryeva. You quickly threw on your robe, haphazardly tying it while you grabbed one of your knives and unsheathed it. You threw the knife just in time, the person emerging from the curtains being nicked by your blade before it landed on the trimming of the bathroom entrance.
“Oh my Saints, I’m so sorry…” The Darkling stared at you, surprise flicking on his features. “I didn’t hear you come in. I was asleep.”
You walked to the side, picking up a towel to clean up his wound. You dipped it into a bucket of clean water, wringing it out afterwards.
“In the bathtub?” You gave him a nod, a blush forming on your cheeks. “Well you certainly sleep wherever you can.” He joked. As you shifted closer to him, you felt that familiar wetness in your thighs. Fuck. You thought, your blush becoming deeper. You’d been so caught up with the idea of someone coming to kill you that you had forgotten about your dream.
“Are you alright?” It should’ve been you who was asking the question since you nicked him after all. He awaited your reply as you gently pressed the towel against the cut.
“I am. Nothing serious happened to me.” You replied, assuming he had heard of the events that had taken place earlier that day. “Are you?” You asked, “I mean, you seemed very alarmed when you barged in.”
“My apologies for that. You just...you weren’t responding to my knocks or my questions. I’d assumed the worst.” He said, struggling to find the words. You didn’t know how to feel, in a way you were glad that he cared for your well being, yet it slightly made your gut lurch. You’d been here for less than a week and he seemingly cared more for you than Alina. Then again, you didn’t know what the two did behind closed doors. You stopped cleaning his wound, the bleeding had stopped. The two of you remained close, only an arms distance away from each other.
“Why do you care so much? After all, I’m only a guest here at the palace. I’m not a Grisha like you or everyone else here.”
“You're my guest. It’s normal for me to worry about my guests.” He explained. You crossed your arms over your chest, eyebrows furrowing as you listened to him.
“Yes, but..” You paused, “Yesterday I was Alina’s guest. Now today, I am yours. So which is it?”
“Whatever you’d like.” He whispered, taking a step closer to you. His gaze flickering to your lips then back to your eyes.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.” He replied, giving you a smirk that made you roll your eyes.
“Have we met before?” You asked, making the General freeze in his place. His posture goes rigid, you struggle to read the emotion on his face. “.. I could’ve sworn that we…” You doubled over, your left hand clutching your chest as your right hand flew to his shoulder. The pain had never hit you twice in a day. Not even twice in a month.
“Alina..g-get her.” The General called for a servant to fetch her along with a healer. In his panic, he swept you off your feet and carried you to the bed. He laid you upon it as he took your left hand into his. In a haze, your right hand began to wander, weakly pulling at the collar of his shirt. The pain went away as a moment of clarity came over you, General Kirigan had bared the same mole that Aleksander had. As you placed your hand on his face, the pain came rushing back.
Before you allowed yourself to give into the darkness that called you, a tentative whisper left your lips, your eyes searching his.
Mizpah tag: @all-art-is-quite-useless @devilxangel @musicconversedance @parabatai-winchester @runawayolives @tartiflvtte @rbg1933 @thatguppienamedbae @batgal96 @thebarisinhell99 @5hundreddaysofsummer @kaqua @queenseneschal @benbarnes-supremacy @princessofpersia96 @takethee @dontjinx-it @freakytillthemoon @amortentiaaaa @marvel-ousnesss @coolninjavoid @areomalfoy @pansysgirlfriend @universalirwin @leavejuliaalone @xx-winwin-wednesday-xx @honeyofthegods @lunamyangel @d-list-goddess @comphersjost@telepathdestiel @the-celestial-kitsune @thestoryofmylife9 @s-corpionem @pancakeisreading @sanna2020 @secretsandtinyshadows @savannah-elliott @maliasblue @tea-effect @disneyandharrypotter @futuristicpinklemur @tanyaherondale @the-puff-is-strong-with-this-one @hxgreeves @yourboiialucard @thereeallink @ladyblablabla @wolfieellsworld @p3nny4urth0ught5 @louweasleymalfoy @the-natureofme @itsloveroflife @oddlittleminx @within-thehollowcrown @itsfangirlmendes @heyyimlaynna @jgtfvhsg @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @auggie2000 @itsnotquimey @jtownraindancer @sonnensplitter​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @poulterfilms​ @spookybooisa​ @stickyknightflowerbailiff​ @hollandsweetie​ @yungkvte​ @evyiione​ @2023-padfoot @kawaiimarshmallow @nikki-sixx-is-daddy @sanktawylan @blackbirddaredevil23​
mizpah taglist closed </3
S.a.B. forever tag: @deceivedeer
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