#if someones mad at you or they hate you thats their problem to bring to you
enough with the "this completely ambiguous text means you secretly hate me" anxiety posts. where's my "everything is happening all at once and I'm gonna cry about it" anxiety. where's my "a stranger looked at me so now I have to prepare for an Interaction and what if they think i look scared of them and that sets them off when actually I'm just scared of being outside in general" anxiety. where's my "did I do something wrong or are they upset about something unrelated to me" anxiety. where's my "oh God I can't ask them to repeat for a fourth time but what they said isn't sticking in my brain should I just nod and smile and hope for the best" anxiety.
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basilcruzzzz · 8 months
Dysfunctional Fam™
Dysfunctional Fam™
sunboi: yo guys why poseidon looks mad
messenger pigeon: wdym bro
sunboi: he looks ready to turn someone into a dolphin
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: ey! That’s ripping me off!
sunboi: fine he looks ready to turn someone into a horse happy
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: very
seaking: ATHENA.
Athena Parthenos: Poseidon.
sunboi: soooo
What’s wrong people???
free therapist here yk
Athena Parthenos: it has been years poseidon
Let. it. Go.
sunboi: so were ignoring the free therapist offer
interested in a calm the heck down lollipop?
Athena Parthenos: so what?
Your son was ugly anyways.
seaking: GASP
messenger pigeon: bro got so mad he couldn’t even speak properly
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: lmao screenshotted
Athena Parthenos: Stop being childish, Hermes, Dio.
messenger pigeon: hey, listen, im just tryin to break the tension for our readers
Athena Parthenos: what
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: what
sunboi: what
seaking: what
messenger pigeon: what
sunboi: moving on-
You two @seaking and @Athena Parthenos take this to the Dms
Me and Hermes here need to talk privately too.
messenger pigeon: what..?
sunboi: you heard me, messenger boy
dms, now.
messenger pigeon: … sure.
sunboi > messenger pigeon
sunboi: why are you hiding from me, hermes?
messenger pigeon: what do you mean?
sunboi: youre avoiding me
You wont even look at me
What are you hiding
messenger pigeon: i cant tell you, apollo
sunboi: what do you mean?!
Is someone threatening you?
If they are i swear on the styx im going to toss them in the worst pits of tartarus
messenger pigeon: NO NOTHING LIKE THAT!
I just…
I cant say
sunboi: hermes please
I need to know
I dont want to be like this anymore
messenger pigeon: apollo…
Its supposed to be a secret
sunboi: so? 
That’s not as important as us
messenger pigeon: its about artemis
I just thought that, you know,
It wouldnt be fair to tell you to keep it from her
sunboi: i can hide something from her
I swear!
ive gotten better
Tell me
messenger pigeon: alright. Ill tell you
Its about orion
He’s returned.
sunboi: no.
No, no, no, no, no
It cant be
messenger pigeon has sent a video
messenger pigeon: this is the video hephaestus saw on cams
This is why he took so long to respond
im sorry apollo
sunboi: artemis is goig to finds outtr
yuo knwo that riughts???
messenger pigeon: eventually, maybe
but not now.
sunboi: i dont knwo whaat illl do if orion comes back
Wha t if artemis seeshim and brings him to olympus
Thentheyll both hate me
I dont want artemis to hate me
messenger pigeon: apollo thats not going to happen
Shes your sister
she’ll stick by you
I know youre panicking
Want to call?
sunboi: mhm
messenger pigeon started a call that lasted 6 hours
messenger pigeon > machines <3
messenger pigeon: hephaestus
machines <3: you told him, didnt you?
messenger pigeon: how did you know?
machines <3: I saw the messages in Dysfuntional Fam
messenger pigeon: well, you’re right
machines <3: do you really believe that he’ll manage to keep it a secret?
messenger pigeon: well it seems he hasnt kept a secret from artemis in a long time
But we dont know, so maybe he has
machines <3: i suppose thats fair
But its just a guess
not fact
messenger pigeon: are you angry?
machines <3: no, no
I should’ve expected it, really
after those issues with the cows were ironed out, you and apollo were inseparable
messenger pigeon: thanks for understanding, hephaestus
machines <3: no problem, brother
sorry for not posting but hereeee
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yandereseijuun · 2 years
Little sunshine
Yan!Dadam(Adam)xYui.K! Reader x Eve
Warning : It might contain some spoiler from DL , but it is not the same as the DL , here Yui! Reader tried to escape from The Sakamaki and Mukami siblings and live with the Tsukinami
For @kiannas-stuff srry if im extremely late
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Dadam has found you , laying down in the forest covered in bite and many injuries . And he brought you to his home , patching u up before letting you go
Well....at least thats what we thought
During your stay at their home , Mama Eve and Dadam grew attached to you , even Cain and Abel !
Mama Eve isn't the one who can kill anybody if they hurt u , thats Dadam you should be careful about
They won"t let you go! Having a peaceful walk in the forest ? Darling , Adam will go with you , if thats not Adam , Cain or Abel will be with you
If you dare to escape...well you cannot hide anywhere in the world because you have three vampire familt who"s chasing you and a new family who won't let you go
During your escape , Eve is the first one who always caught you so she tries to guilttrap you so you can"t escape.
When its Cain , he'll get a lil bit agressive , tries to take you and bring you to Adam by force or by pity
When its Abel , same as his mother , but he grew attached to you so much that he cannot let you go to his parents
And when its Adam , he will ask you gently three times , if you accept everything will be alright if you decline , get ready to be chained and get hit til you're all bloody
Eve and Abel hate it when you're getting punished but the rules are the rules
One time you were praying in a old chapel , Laito came to you , biting you which Adam wasn't so much happier when he saw this . He got mad pretty mad first of all
Why are you praying God? He's the one who throwed Adam and his family away and you except him to help u ? Adam will make you forget the All Mighty God as you may call
He and Eve doesnt want to corrupt your little mind , your innoncence , they want to preserve it as they were protecting a diamond
Cain and Abel are big brothers to you , even tho Cain is a lil bit Tsundere sometimes
One shot time!
Running , running fast as you can , many bruises on your legs , shoulders . Even that you still kept running for your life .
What in the world was happening .
You were running from Shin (Tsukinami) and his wolves , well Shin was misbehaving again and you told him to stop to which he doesn't . Telling Carla (thats a man fr those who dont know) he answered that wasn't his buisness and shoo Shin and you outside so you two could deal with this problem.
Then you two went outside still arguing and Shin looked at you devilishly proposing a thing that was unpredictable
"Sooo human , we're playing hide and seek , if you won , i'll forgive you in other case i won you'll be my prey fr a moment"
Scared thats why you ran for your life , hearing wolves noises behind you , you kept running in the unknown , hopelessly finding someone who might help you.
Suddenly you felt and knocked yourself out , you probably hurted yourself against a rock.
You opened your eyes , and you heard a woman voice "Darling she would wake up?" A feminine voice asked "Yea she will ,we need to take care of her until shes fully healed" a man voice spoke .
After you woke up , you met Eve , she was the one who took care of you. Then you met their sons Cain and Abel
Everything was alright until you noticed their behaviour suddenly changing , when u walk near a lake alone you always felt someone was following you which it was Adam , Eve was always at this to burst in tears , begging you to stay at home and their sons Cain and Abel mostly Cain will not hesit to kill the persons who dare to speak or see you (He let his family live tho)
The thing you love now , Karlheinz hasn't sent his sons nor the Mukami to brought you back , some rumors are spreading that the Sakamaki and Mukami has found a new "Toy" human to play with , Shin still mad and also worried because he couldn't find you and who's gonna give him some peanuts ? Or let him drink some blood?
But now theres a new problem
The family has found a new little sunshine to brighten their lives and you cannot escape them
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kaiserkisser · 7 days
OAKY GIRL DRAMA. For context this has been going on for years and i have. An anger problem so this may have been my fault
So theres 3 girls here. Girl x is my best friend, girl y is one kf my close friends that is directly involved in this and girl z is the one i punched
Basically girl x got a boyfriend last year and the boyfriend has drama with girl z’s sister becahse they had a 2 week long talking stage that did NOT last long because her sister is psycho. at the time when girl x and boyfriend got together girl z was cheating on HER girlfriend and i found out about both around relatively the same time. The problem with this is that girl z did NOT like girl x’s boyfriend and decided to spread rumors about how hes a terrible person and manipulative. I was like “woah buddy thats taking it too far…also arent you literally cheating on your gf like why do you have any say in someone else’s relationship” and she was just like “i do what i want” ok whatever
Fast forward a week or two and girl y and i have library period together (we get to be librarians for 45 mins) and we overhear some kissing sounds and its GIRL Z KISSING HER CHILDHOOD FRIEND?? that she hates btw. So girl y was like “oh shit we have to tell her girlfriend” — who, for even more context, goes to a different school than us but they all went to elementary together except for me so they knew who she was anyway
Girl y sends girl z’s gf a long winded message about the kissing and how shes worried that girl z is cheating on her. Girlfriend very understandably gets mad at girl z and confronts her. THEN a week after that we dont see girl z until she decided to start making shit up about me and girl y being terrible friends going behind her back spreading rumors. I get my cool ass dean to pull up security footage of them kissing and i Think the drama is handled until girl z wants to hold a “friendgroup meeting”
girl z is mad at me and girl y for telling her girlfriend she got cheated on. Meanwhile she is also mad at girl x for getting a boyfriend and “ruining her and her sisters lives” i stood up for girl x saying she had nothing to do with this and that she needs to drop it
NOW. Fast forward to today. This stuff has been happening for about a month now and ive been dealing with girl z calling me stuff behind my back, calling me the f slur and saying im manipulative and a horrible friend for taking her away from me, etc etc. Victimizing shit. So i call her out on it (and for a bunch of other little stuff thats been happening because i am FED UP. Particularly about her spreading lies about girl x and me, making stuff up about us cheating on our partners even though im in a messy situation with mine rn so that js COMPLETELY uncalled for, whatever you can think of shes said it)
So it was a lot of back ans forth of me bringing up stuff and her getting closer and closer to my face until i yelled for her to back the fuck up and act like a civilized woman and she said “im not fighting with a pussy (t slur) like you” so i clocked her in the jaw and her mouth was bleeding and i walked away💀
I REGRET IT IN ALL HONESTY BUT AR THE SAME TIME WHY WOULD YOU CALL SOMEONE THAT AND NOT EXPECT A BEATING?????? anyway thats the tea let me know if you want more my life is crazy😍
ngl personally i dont think its your fault??? i mean yeah maaaaaybe punching her was smth, but she LITERALLY deserved it SO much- like bro wtf???? girl if you dont have your life under control thats a you problem stop taking it out on others 🙄 literally how does she expect you to NOT react after insulting you AND your frnds for god knows how long???? dude you sure she doesn't need therapy or something? /hj
quick question was girl z also one of ur frnds? help tho this is insanee
tho im curious what happened to her after that? im assuming she was taken to the nurse ig? and like is there any change in her behaviour or has she started victimising even more 💀💀
dude yeah you're right the tea is CRAZY i legit dont have any idea whats going on in our school 💀💀 but things like this DEFINITELY dont happen, recently this one chill dude who was pretty good at studies got shifted to another class (and i think he was abt to be suspended or smth???? idk man) bc LAST year he was being shipped with this other girl who told her mom abt it and her mom took it to the fucking school authorities 💀💀 and it wasnt even bros fault?????? i mean ppl do date and shit but i have no idea what goes on bc im not part of the 'main' frndgroup where everything goes on 😭 pretty sure the grade below is much much more insane than ours tho lmao
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wildissylupus · 1 year
re: scraping genji off the concrete
i was talking to my friends in my discord server abt how demonized ashe is for being a loud country woman who’s also in a position of power
i was bringing up how characters like hanzo and gabriel get their actions excused because they’re attractive men and i was like “yeah people hate ashe for slighting cassidy but apparently thats way worse than hanzo literally hacking away at his younger brother with a sword?”
like i feel like people undermine how brutal it was like he didn’t just stab him one and done it was a massive fight and genji has everlasting scars + his legs are either very broken or cut off considering he mentions wanting to walk again in retribution
and yeah i get it GENJI forgives hanzo but i don’t
Yeah I do agree that people forget how brutal what Hanzo did to Genji was. It was too the point where it was only Angela who could save him. In a world where medical technology has far surpassed our own, do you know how bad it would have to be where only one of the worlds best doctors can save you? It would be bad-
I found a post awhile ago that goes into Genji's cybernetics and what would have been injured;
Yes's it's speculation but it's still worth noting that Genji lost more than half his body mass.
And with Gabe he was pulling a bunch of Bullshit before he even joined Talon. Going behind Jack's back, the Rialto incident, actively putting more people in danger by not thinking things through to point he should have. Let's not forget the little comments he makes towards Genji about Hanzo, and the fact that he let Moira into Blackwatch, someone who no one trusted and who ended being the catalyst of Talon infultrating Overwatch.
Contrast this to what Ashe has done, which is gang activity and being mad at Cole. It really is kind of unfair how the treatment of the two is so different. Yes it's hinted that Ashe somewhat lost her way in the early days of Deadlock's founding;
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Putting the gang in danger and possibly even getting some members killed because she was going bigger and bigger too quickly. This didn't just cause problems with law either, but with other gangs too;
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Deadlocks rapid growth got them being attacked from all sides, but do you know what she does in contrast to Hanzo? In contrast to Gabe?
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She realised that what she what she was doing wasn't working, she look at what she was doing, corrected it, then went for a more diplomatic approach. Ensuring the safety of both her gang, her family, but other gangs around the west too. After Gabe and Hanzo lost something they seemed to just double down and accept what happened while also trying to do something that at least gave the choices they made meaning. Trying to at the very least get something out of what they lost.
Ashe lost Cassidy. Though I don't think that is the only reason Ashe took the diplomatic approach, personally I think Cassidy and Ashe had a fight about morals and what was happening with the gang before he was captured and that's why she took the diplomatic approach, because she knew Cassidy was right. Either way she didn't double down, she looked at her behaviour and corrected.
Honestly the whole situation with Hanzo is going to be interesting, people say that the interactions in game between Hanzo and the other members shows that he'd get along with everyone instantly. But I think that would only be true for Mei, everyone else who were close to Genji while he was in Blackwatch are going to be very distrusting at first. Hell the fact that Angela and Hanzo have not interactions says to me that if they interact outside of story missions it would be a spoiler. (I am of the opinion that Cassidy and Angela are going to meet Hanzo together purely because Genji needs someone to stop Angela from committing a murder)
I think people forget that Genji forgiving Hanzo is a big thing for Genji's development, not just Hanzo's, and I do think that people are expecting them to get along like brothers when that dynamic can't really happen, I think it's part of the reason the writers added in the "your like a brother to me" interaction with Cassidy and Genji. It's also why I like that Kiriko was introduced, it gives Hanzo the ability to have a familial connection again. Neither of them can forget the damage that has been done, even before Hanzo tried to kill Genji.
I personally look at Hanzo and Genji in the same way I look at Cassidy and Ashe. Yes, they can become close again, but things can never go back to the way they were. Trust has been broken, people have changed and damage has been done. All they can do is move forward, with, or without each other.
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Johnny and the Revenge
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REBLOGS & CoMMENTS WELCOME don't repost or publish or translate anywhere
Thanks to bratz
Warning: none its just angst and fluff but I always put 18+ out are responsible for what you read
"Not in the mood Johnny"
"What's with you"
"I'm having a bad day ok save your stupid comments and save your pick ups for someone else."
I looked at the floor not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset. Sometimes we did have playful banter but sometimes he was an absolute jerk
"What happened who hurt you?"
I scoffed,"Leave me alone Johnny"
"I'm trying to be your friend here"
"Yea well thats the problem my friends suck."
He just stared at me. :I felt like he was looking me up and down."
"Is that all I get."
"Its more than you deserve"
"Hey I-"
"Don't want to be a notch on your bedpost" "Johnny"
"Hey I'm not your seem really upset I'm genuinely trying to be nice."
"Well my friend basically strung me along and then treated me like shit. I'm wondering if it was all a joke to her and her actual friends to just embarrass me involving me inviting me to something important and then uninviting me last minute."
"Ouch" his eyebrows furrowed a bit and as I continued my explanation his kind smile turned into a tight lip scowl.
"Yea I didnt even know I was uninvited so I asked her where I was and I dont know it seemed like a pity invite to the ceremony and the after reception party. "So I just I"
Oh screw it I thought "I don't have many friends and I really thought she I don't know."
Hi jaw ticket as his eyes roamed my face he took a second but right before I went to walk away he stopped me.
"I totally get that you want to ya know just wallow with zone with fuzzy socks and blankets watching a movie with cherry ice cream but-"
How the hell does he know what I like to do
"How about revenge instead?"
"Johnny as much as I'm mad at her I dont want to hurt her. As much as I hate to admit it I still care about her."
"It's not hurting her its showing her how," he thought "I wanna word this right- awesome you are."
"I'm listening."
"Bring me as your date."
"No. No. Hey I promise I will stand with you I won't look at anyone else and ill pretend d to be all over you."
"How can you pretend to be all over someone?"
"Well ok I'd have to actually be all over you but-"
"No I promise I'll be respectful." Throwing his hands up to show his intentions again. Maybe he should just keep them up there
"I cant believe I'm about to say this but fine."
He shows up the day of 10 minutes after the party started to we arrive late so all eyes are on us. Which I hate. But if anyone knows how to garner attention and put a party on its head it's Johnny Storm.
"It's her wedding celebration"
"No its an after party and she did invite you."
begrudgingly I agree if the is anything Johnny is good at its being an asshole and knowing how to get attention.
He knocks on my door.
I open it- He looks me over
"nice dress l," he nodds "You're not wearing that." He pushes past me and goes into my room to look through my clothes.
"Wha- Johnny whats wrong with a black dress?"
"After parties are like clubs and no one goes to clubs in a little black dresses." He paused "Well not one like that"
"Put this on"
He hands me a fuschia pink sequined dress. That is usually fairly skin tight but in all the right places and loose in others.
"Johnny no this is"
"Perfect for a club. Trust me."
"Fine. Get out."
"What I'm just-"
"I need to change."
"Oh uh"
He turned around everything! There was mirror behind him and he actually looked shocked worries or confused as he could see me in it. It looked like he was t sure what to do. I'm not sure but definitely nothing to make me think it was a sneaky thing to try and see me undress.
I shook my head and went in the bathroom.
It didnt take me long to change.
"I feel rediulous." I said opening the door
I'm sure-" then he was facing me
"You look hot"
"I feel like I look like a striper"
"Maybe you'll make some extra money tonight."
"That it I'm staying home."
"I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm sorry. You do look amazing though."
I can't help but blush.
We walk in and its dark people are everywhere dancing and talking and Johnny is right this is more like a club than a wedding celebration.
I can feel everyone staring I go to put my hands over my chest to block it from view when Johnny grabs my hand.
"Relax no one is going to touch you. Well no one but me." I new he had a shit eating grim without having to look at him.
I hear people go:
"Thats the human torch."
"Whose that with him?" And other similar comments. And I suddenly want to puke. He squeezes my hand in reassurance. Its like he knows everything I'm feeling which is creepy.
"You're not telepathic are you?"
"No I just know you." He wisperes in my ear. Really really closely in my ear.
I feel a sudden surge of warmness in my hand it's comforting I look at him and smile.
My friend comes over
Pulling me towards her away from Johnny.
I don't know why but I look back and he nodded in encouragement as he rolled his eyes at a very pretty girl putting his hands on him and practically shoved her as I saw him walk to where drinks are.
"Oh my God is that Johnny Storm?" She was already close to the tipsy vs drunk line.
"Why didn't you tell me you two were together?"
"W-I dont know know never came up."
"Never came up? That's not something that needs a segue.
"Well I-" shit we didn't plan this part.
"So how long you have to tell me everything!"
"Not much to tell," I hear Johnny as he hands me a beer and I sigh in relief.
"Had to beg her to dump the shlub she was seeing and date me."
"Who were you seeing before him. How do I not know this?"
"Never came up?"
"Anyway this one has me wrapped around her finger."
I turn to look at him and say something amd he catches my mouth in his for an open kiss and I could tell he was holding back as he kept pulling his tounge back. Who knew Johnny Storm had restraint.
I'm not sure who parted from whom but I was a bit taken back and breathless.
"Uh sorry about him" I cleared my throat looking at him he actually looked diffrent I think because he was quiet?
"Johnny we're in public."
He let out a breath as he drank beer.
"Careful alcohol fuels fire."
It was late when we left Johnny of course was the center of the party
I kept thinking about Johnny.. he was digfrrnt and sweet and practically all over me but respectful all the same.. Then the next week I walk to get my mail from the mail boxes Johnny was there too, its normally how we run into each other. But he as on the phone so I didn't bother him to say hi; but I do hear him
"You should have seen the way she was acting it was so pathetic that fact I had to go with her, her hands were all over me it was pathetic I was like please its nothing I mean like if anything it was community service"
I let out a small gasp I didnt know I even did that as my hand went to my mouth.
Johnny still smirking and laughing turned
"Hey no wait I wasn't talking about you."
He ran after me.
"Just leave me alone Johnny." I turn around and yell. Running away.
But warranted.
He was sitting in front of my door and I heard a sniff. His head hanging down.
"What are you doing here?"
He looked up at me red eyed his face a little blochy but not much.
"Can we talk?"
"I think you've talked enough for tonight"
He leaned his entire body back on the door.
"Can I please get in my appartment. I may be pathetic but I'm still nice enough not want you to hit your head when I open the door i have an iron coat stand and if you hit it I'm frankly not sure I'd even call paramedics."
"Please" his voice was small.
I dont think Johnny could act this so I agreed.
"Five minutes. "
He jumped up and snuffed again when I walked in I got him a tissue to blow his nose.
"I wasnt talking about you. I know how it sounded but. When you were talking to some people I had stepped away for a bit a few times actually- remember? Anyway I went to get us some more drinks and this girl was begging me to walk her to the bathroom because she was supposedly scared. Which it was such a lie and bad acting but she kept tugging on my arm as I walked so I agreed just so she'd leave me alone her hands were all over me. It was pathetic she was acting like I was there with her and it felt like I was sentanced to community service. I wasn't talking about you I swear. I'm the one who begged you to go. Why would I-"
"You didnt exactly beg me Johnny. You'd said I'd get revenge."
"It worked didnt it?"
He looked at me like he was waiting for a response "On social everyone does keep mentioning you and us and not the actual wedding or the dress".
"See" he walked closer to me. And put his hand on my cheek. I didn't pull away. I didnt want to leave his warmth.
"If I'm sorry if you that or rather that you thought I-. I know I'm not exactly. I know what's said about me but when I saw you gasp and run away I - I was terrified you'd never talk to me again."
Why? We never talk much anyway
"Because I just kinda" he mumbled the rest of his sentance.
Sorry what?
He mumbled again
Johnny I'm serious I really can't
"I didn't think you'd actually give me the time of day ok? I mean you're always around in pretty outfits you're not trying too hard you always smile at people give them complement. You're even nice to me."
He looked down. "And I can never pick you up."
"Wait you were seriously flirting with me all those times but you-"
He puts his handsim his pockets
"You're a really bad flirt cause I thought you were being a cheeky asshole."
"I uh kinda got nervous around you but when I saw you sad I-I figured if I could helped you'd want me around andI didnt have to worry about messing up some stupid pick up line.
Is that I mean its probably five minutes I know I promised I should."
Johnny go sit on the couch ill get you some water.
I handed him the water bottle as I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"You seriously wanted to date ME? No one wants to date me."
"Are you kidding everyone wants to."
I scoff "ok ill admit the stares in the store are nice for my ego, I mean if I think I look ok but but-"
"Stares?"He seemed to get mad.
"Down boy what do you mean everyone wants to."
"We always talk about how gorgeous you are and what we'd do to you i-"
"Ok I get it."I blush
"And Sue likes you"
"She likes everyone"
"No she just pretends"
"She likes you Reed likes you Ben he says you wouldn't give me the time of day thinks you're too good for me. I mean he's right but-"
"Johnny You may be a flirt and a-"
"I'm not that convinced of that but I know there's a good man in there somewhere.
Actually that's a lie"
He looked up me like he was a China doll that is falling to the ground. Part of me felt bad but he had me upset tonight too.
"The good man is sitting right here in front of me. "
His shoulders drop on relief.
"You think so?"
"Granted it was to take over my friends wedding but you made me feel better and happy and God I cant believe I'm about to say this and I will deny this if anyone finds out but you made me feel special. You're around models 24/7 and you wanted to pretend to go on a date me?"
"W-wait you didnt you didn't think that was an actual date?" He looked hurt his eyes were slightly wider his gave had a a bit of surprised mixed with a
"Well I thought I mean you were."
It looked like he was pounting it was cute.
I thought it was just pretend cause you were helping me get back at my friend but it is a pretty good first date.
But I do have one question
"Where do you wanna go for our second?"
The kiss he gave me right there had nothing on our first kiss. And lasted so much longer.
Later on My feet were curled up under me and my head was resting on his chest with his arm around my shoulder. Just being in each others presence cuddling or checking something on our phones was just so, so comfortable, natural. Like breathing.And every time the fire started to die out out he'd flick his hand and it was roaring again.
"Wait Johnny"
"When I ran why didn't you come after me"
"You told me to stop. to not."
"I was upset. That didn't mean I didn't want you to try. And you ever cheat on me I'll- I" stopped and then laughed darkly.
"You'll what"
"Well its no fun to tell you"
"Sue, Reed and Ben were right," I thought "Johnnys got it bad for me and teasing him is oh so easy."
@nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen @sapphire-rogers @patzammit
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nilesmoon · 7 months
Hi, I loved your post about the family vacation with Ichi and Sawashiro. And I'll just say that I didn't have a problem with Sawashiro's role in IW... until the very last second. Because they get a freaking helicopter for Kiryu, but no one even went to look if Sawashiro was ok?? They just leave him in the chair while tending to Kiryu. BOTH of them are dying.
Like holy shit, Ichi would have gone to him in a second. He would have stopped Ebina's monologue instead of just standing there without even knowing if he was alive or not. That was for me the most disrespectful moment. I loved how Ichi believed in him at the beginning of Chapter 10, and then I was expecting some kind of reunion at the end but he f*cks off to Hawaii, not even a "Please save the Captain" to Kiryu or anything. That's what made me the most mad
I really hope they pay us off in Y9, he better come back with a cool eyepatch and join the party
Omg I didn't really expect anyone to read that post let alone get an ask about it but I'm so glad that you loved it!! And huge same if he's not coming back as a party member or dying in a meaningful way, there's no point bringing that asshole back.
Me, being the Arakawa family tragedy enjoyer that I am, was overjoyed to see Sawashiro back for 8 and while he did have a few banger moments, the ending really did ruin it all for me. Me bitching abt it under the cut bc I need to puke out my anger Somewhere
Like I keep going back to think about how Ebina calls Ichi, tells him that he's got a bone to pick with him, tells him that he's holding Sawashiro captive bc what better bait to dangle in front of Ichi than the possibility of someone he cares for getting hurt??? And lets be real here the rest of the cast has no reason whatsoever to care about Sawashiro other than him being someone important to Ichi. (I think Tomi says something like 'i dont know this guy but if he's being used as bait he's gotta be important to you' iirc)
Then Kiryu walks in and is like "leave Ebina to me" bc Ebina's plotline is suddenly something personal Kiryu has to deal with??? (my feelings about kiryu being a protag in this game is a whole diff can of worms that I wont open rn but keep in mind how its mostly negative) So Ichi leaves that to him and doesn't really state what he's feeling about all the new info that gets dropped on him (this could be a 'Ichi putting others above himself' moment but i still hate it bc whats the point of Ebina's '''plot twist''' if Ichi was not even a part of it????)
And my god Sawashiro at that last scene. I think my live reaction of that scene is still on twitter where I just bitch for an hour. Even before the scene happened I was like "If they kill Sawashiro without Ichi present it'd make no sense. just like how killing Hanawa without Kiryu present was a Bad Choice".
When that chair turned... I think I tuned out the rest of Ebina's monologue bc I kept thinking the same 3 things: 1. none of this would've happened if sawashiro came with me to hawaii, 2. there's absolutely no reason for this to happen with This Cast (i dont think they even react outside of gasping or something) and 3. when will this masato clone wanna-be shut the fuck up so I can beat his face in (One thing I'll give to that chair scene was how it was a direct parallel to Hoshino's corpse. I think it was a very sexy thing rgg did.)
And then they're like "look!! he's not dead!!!" but at that point I was not sure if that was a 'last words' or a 'he's still alive!' moment. and I'm gonna be honest I Still Do Not know bc just like you said anon, NOONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT HIM??? (nor about ebina for that matter) AND THEN THERES NO FOLLOW UP WHATSOEVER????? and all this makes me see it as sequel bait tbh
and I'm not even going into how he doesnt even get to meet Akane again. Thats a whole other topic on its own and I think I already typed out enough lol.
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i’ve literally been obsessed w ur megumi smau since like chp. 14 or something LOLL,, i have this thing where i just psychoanalyze characters and ive been thinking a lot about yn like hm…
like yn (to a lot of people) may be like a little intolerable but honestly i think the reason we have such a reaction to her personality like that is bc we see a little bit of ourselves in her if that makes sense…
PERSONALLY, I AM A YN DEFENDER FOR LIKE THATS MY HOMEGIRL.. like imagine you grew up in a world where soulmates are the basis of your romantic future. the sheer fact that that in itself already builds a sense of you either love your soulmate or hate them in someones head (considering that most of the time,, soulmates are portrayed as; first time you meet, you just know)
yn,, having met megumi long before you brain could have developed a coherent understanding of relationships, and lacking in the sense that when she met megumi,, she didn’t feel sparks like they said she would, obviously, she would categorize those feelings as hate. THATS WHY WHEN MEGUMI SAID “i dont think you really ever hated me either” HIT SO HARD FOR ME I WAS LIKE OH MY GOD…
BASICALLY WHAT IM GETTING AT is the fact that there is so much pressure already due to the fact that soulmates are said to be your other halves, so if you don’t like them, theres immense pressure and insecurity (hence yn’s hostility to the subject of her hating megumi because she has no comprehended idea of why she actually hates him) plus the fact that they met when they were kids and that probably affected the way she saw relationships in the first place EXPLAINS WHY SHE IS SO ADMENT ON BEING INDIFFERENT TO HIMMM
ok… another thing (sorry)..
OK SO,, obviously i’d also get pissed off if my friends get hostile bc i bring something up to want to understand them better, BUT at the same time, i would also have some sympathy 😢😢
LIKE,, their immediate response is to press harder, and try to solve the problem and if youre looking at texts like that thru yn’s eyes, it will prob lowkey feel like your feelings are being invalidated. yn is already confused, probably insecure about her love life, and now having to literally throw up her heart into her hands just for her friends to understand why they feel that way,, like she’s not gnna want to do that no matter how close they are (but maybe thats js me idk…) and then their immediate response to her not wanting to show that side of her is to get pissed off like i’d be mad and sad like yn too :(
i think those are all the points i was thinking sbt but if not im not gnna try to rmbr the rest bc this is alr super long.. BUT I HOPE U ENJOYED MY RANT AND I LOVE UR SMAU AND I LOVE U MUAH I HOPE U HAVE A GREAT DAY
i absolutely ADOREEEE when people psychoanalyze the characters (mostly only when the analysis is correct tho LMFAOAO autism.) BECAUSE I DO THE SAME THINGGG i kinda have to when i’m doing plot heavy smaus like this to make sure everything fits n there’s the least amount of plot holes possible blah blah blah insert my annoying rambling on how i write
ANYWAY i loved ur analysis u r so amazing n so right ! like i get yn is annoying but lord have mercy so is everyone else that’s the POINTTTTT NO ONE HERE IS ACTUALLY IN THE WRONG OR BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. EVERYONE HAS THEIR REASONING FOR WHAT THEY DO OR DONT DO!!! ugh sorry okay i’m gonna shut up now i could talk about this forever i fear .
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caedogeist-rights · 9 months
(uhhh fuckin, wano act 2 spoilers, idk. i dont typically liveblog on tumblr. im at 943 rn.)
rarghhhhhhhh ok so. im not even done with the episode at this point but everything is going so bad for everyone except the strawhats, who are actively in battle so we'll fuckin see. the heart pirates... basil fucking hawkins i want his HEAD he's so fucking CRUEL and just... ugh the CRUELTY on display coming from kaido et al. kid and killer.... like... dude..... fucking KILLER..... i knew i recognized that face (from tumblr, not from the fascinating masked man) and just. oh g-d. oh that is the WORST thing. orochi and kaido steal your dignity and your pride and they are just... so fucking awful.
there's a theme all across one piece of luffy, freedom, vs. a controlling force trying to kill or control more. we know this. within this is luffy going against someone who controls others' specific actions, makes people do what they don't want to do. in thriller bark, dressrosa, and now in wano, (and also others but listen idr) the problem society faces is that someone is taking over their bodies. im putting a pin on connecting thriller bark to these two (short answer: its about someone changing how you're seen) but. i mean we know the connection between dressrosa and wano. we're all one piece fans here.
the POINT is. orochi and doflamingo and kaido and such are powerful people specifically in their ability to remove people's individual free will. doffy takes away movement and narrative/how one is perceived, orochi and kaido take away people's means of living (food) and means of expression (the fucking smile fruit). SMILE makes me so damn mad in a way that doffy's actions never quite did, because it is truly removing a person's... communication, essentially. the way they are seen and can connect with the world is, even if orochi and kaido are dead and gone, forever altered. they're always laughing, but the people fed SMILE who didn't get an animal are silenced. the truth of their lives is hidden and even if they try to explain anything, SMILE essentially scrambled the social signal to such an extent that the message can't go through properly. it's a terrifying thing, to not only be unable to express the emotions you want to, but to be wholly unable to express anything BUT joy. SMILE doesn't just make them laugh and smile, it- either directly or as a ripple effect/coping mechanism- changes how people talk about things, makes people sound optimistic, take things lightly, and overall reduce any weight to their words. they're seen as fools when all they are are victims with their mouths taped shut. and i fucking HATE it.
which brings me to killer.
im just seething with rage tbh. killer's identity has been shattered. the things he cares about have been removed. eating a SMILE, losing his mask- he lost his dignity and his pride and it just hurts to look at. he... has been changed to such a degree. they even changed his fucking name (i think??? at least like... the common name others use for him.) i want him to never smile again if thats what he wants.
i see. now. why wano is like... very much so... of COURSE the place where luffy ends up. and i think. from what ive gathered on this here website. of course wano is where gear 5 happens. they NEED that freedom. luffy save me. luffy. save me luffy.
i have like... 140 episodes left of this arc? im emotional? things will progress to such an extent? one piece is good and wano is weird? prolonged laughter is very uncomfortable to listen to? wahoo.
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catboyroycebracket · 2 years
out of curiosity what abt people drawing characters as red + mr nobody and then calling it a transistor au do you like? no hate I’ve just never seen anyone with strong feelings on the subject haha
short answer: im mean. i hate shipping. i hate fandom culture. long answer:
i dont like shipping very much to begin with. i prefer more concrete analysis of what is actually in a given storys text. if theres romance, theres romance. if there isnt, there isnt. if theres romantic subtext/implications, its fun to analyze. i might humor the idea of characters in non-canon pairings, but i do not enjoy shippy fanfic. i do not see the fun in engaging with romance-centric media/fanfic constantly and/or squeezing 2-3 ships one becomes obsessed with out of every story one engages with. i find that most people that are really into shipping to the point of making/enjoying "[setting] aus" of the ships they like are seeking substantial romantic threads when there are none to be found in the source story. just read a different more romantic story lol. theres lines between "lets imagine the characters in a different setting" and "lets imagine if this pairing i like was recognized in-text" and "lets imagine the characters as a pairing in a different setting specifically so i can play out how i want them to kiss like theyre my dolls". like... sure, thats fine, but it bores me personally, and i get mad with it when it sort of tramples on the related characters or stories in favor of shipping.
transistor is a complete and self-contained story that centers on romance. it isnt a little template to force whatever jigsaw pieces youre currently interested in into. thats a really sad way to treat stories. aus are fine and fun im not your boss but almost all of these "transistor aus" are not actually about transistor. its all "what if my current favorite character couple was exactly like the transistor couple?" with no thought put into it past "its angsty". it feels like people are treating transistor as a source of inspiration towards something "more important" rather than recognizing it as its own whole work. transistor as a story employs tropes but its just the one story thats exactly like this... there is no "transistor trope". its not a widely recognized work thats commonly imitated/parodied. no one else goes through exactly what these two protagonists went through within the same game for it to be an in-story trope. no other unrelated characters fit the story's exact bill in a believable way, because they are from other stories.
in another life if the game was massively popular and genre-defining (lol) enough to bring that opening pose to an iconic status i wouldnt have a problem with all this. but it literally isnt. its an indie game thats popular enough to have people adore its soundtrack for life, yet very few people are actually talking about the game on tumblr in 2023. people keep posting about their limited tip of the iceberg perception of the game exclusively as a vehicle for unrelated ships. do you understand how frustrating that is??? people feel the emotional impact of transistors story and care deeply for its protagonists but halt their analysis of it there. its "this romance is tragic and i like it, how can i adapt it to my interest in shipping?" rather than "wow, i like this story that contains a romance, lets explore the full cryptic plot of the game as a cohesive and whole story".
i hate those aus because they betray an embarrassingly surface level understanding of red and mr nobodys deals + the entire games setting and plot + an obsession with shipping im too old to care for :/ the main tag on this site most often updates to have one of these aus rather than more straightforwardly on-topic posts. or at least it feels that way for me, someone who dislikes them lol. its really saddening to see an already overlooked indie game with a rewardingly complicated and hard to uncover plot (that most players dont bother to engage with) go further unengaged-with in favor of a butchering of a uniquely tragic and well written romance.
(spoilers if youre somehow unfamiliar yet on my blog) mr and mrs transistor's entire dynamic is born from the fact theyre a famous celebrity singer and unnamed off the grid bodyguard couple in love to the point of dying for one another within their strange futuristic 1930s-esque cyberpunk setting. they have specific disillusionment and despair problems tied to the city they love, and an over-willingness to die for one another. they kept their romance/engagement a secret, and thats why the guy is killed. red is running from robots that are trying to kill her. these are very very very specific parameters. you cannot divorce them from cloudbank + their love towards her and produce the same dynamic. you cannot give red and her man an entirely different set of personality traits and say the story would still play out the same. its not a primarily "singer/bodyguard" romance story, its a cyberpunk utopia robot apocalypse love story. there is much more to this story than its romance, but you cant have one without the other. if you only actually want to borrow the "singer/bodyguard" aspect, just... say that. why make it transistor specific. ditch the part where one of them is getting usb stick stabbed. everyone who i see place their blorbos into this dynamic is treating this one of a kind game's protagonists as if theyre a preset "trope" that any set of characters can fit into if you ship them hard enough. they really, really, really arent.
furthermore im extremely picky with what fictional romance interests me to begin with, and my interest does not extend to "what if we stripped these characters of their setting and development and entire reason to be who they are / why theyre in love and think about what they would be like in place of other super unrelated characters". i dont really like aus like that. they can be fun maybe in extreme cases but i would rather think about javascript. the "current blorbo + other blorbo = 🤔" mindset hinges on how accurately one read the text of both blorbos to actually work. it feels like online nowadays stories are being treated as something to consume, map your entire personality around temporarily, draw as much inspiration as possible from, then move on to the next, repeat. people eat the top layer of transistor, then move on very quickly. its fine but it tires me. also the m/f ships are ''less valuable'' than m/m ships aspect "transistor but make it gay😜" style. stop doing that. there are in-text gay characters in this story. red is slightly implied to be bi. open your heart to well-written m/f romance. or the aspect of people projecting what they personally desire upon ships and mass consuming/producing progressively further from canon shippy works out of their own loneliness (not the case with everything, but yknow.) which i personally find strange. its aggravating to see my favorite characters willfully misinterpreted for projections sake. i like romance in stories, but not in a shipping way. i dont like thinking of pairings i like as part of a maintained list of ships i care for or tags i check on tumblr. my interest in those pairings cannot be separated from my interest in their source material. the tightly written romance in transistor is something i really enjoyed about it. i thought others would recognize how special it is. sigh
this is just me though im mean. others can like these aus and feel free to make their own. its your art/stories. have fun online
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watery-pancake · 4 months
i dont know how to describe it to anyone
i dont even know if theres words for it, but my endless mind refuses to sit in silence, so i write, as i always do
i hate it when i talk to him and he ignores me. he's self aware of it too, but yet still. he blames me for misreading tones, but hearing "not bad" is different from saying "good". its like saying "oh youre not ugly" instead of calling them beautiful, or saying "oh youre not fat" instead of saying you enjoy their figure. its instantly categroizing it as bad, then saying its not. like the standard is bad, but oh its not. but its not great, its not wonderful. its mediocre at best, since it isnt good.
ive been talking less, not bringing up things that he does that bother me. i told him why. its like he thinks that me saying that means "oh she just doesnt want to talk to me" instead of thinking of ways to solve it. its blaming me when i point out his problem. him being clingy has suddenly abruptly stopped because i made the mistake of explaining why, and like an idiot, i think that he'll keep being as loving as always regardless.
all he hears is an insult from me. a way of putting him down. he doesnt think his action effects me. he just sees the effect and blames the one who is experiencing it. its like yelling at the house for burning instead of finding the one who started the fire. so now i have to deal with him randomly talking to me then ghosting me for hours, instead of the sweet boy i miss. i feel like throwing up i miss him so much. but i dont want to talk to him, because then i'll just be ignored again. you can't be ignored if you say nothing, there's nothing to ignore.
how can you be mad at someone, be extremely hurt by their actions to the point your whole demeanor changes, but still crave their attention and love. how can i go from calling him every night, texting him first every moment he texts me when he feels like it, to this. being with him, all ive become is just. quiet. and ive never been quiet in a relationship. i regret what i told him. i regret spilling that secret of mine and saying i feel safe with him. because as true as it is, now i have this overwhelming feeling.
its like im underwater and i cant breathe. its like bu telling him this secret of mine, i can never escape, and i just want to run. i want to erase that memory. forever. i feel so disgusted in myself and in him too that he knows this about me. he knows this truth ive never told anyone before, nor have even recollected to myself in journals or voice notes or anything. and the first time i do, is to him. and now i just want to shut up and stay silent forever and never speak to him again, or anyone. ive ripped open the wound and all i can feel is the painful sting of air and the gut feeling of just. disgust.
i shower but i am never clean enough. i change my bedsheets like the sins will be washed away. i talk less and pretend to smile more but it just hurts. it hurts so much. i hate existing in this reality, this one i was born in.
ive been depressed lately. having these... awful thoughts. no amount of love or comfort can ever make them go away. i want to drink, so so bad, but i promised. i would stop. all i want is to lay in the stars and forget it all ever happened. that i let myself be exposed. and all he could say? a joke about breaking up with me. he's terrible in moments like these, a tragic irony to someone who's studying to be a psychologist. the one he deems closest to him is one he cant comfort. and thats me. its me who can never feel enough comfort. i can be sobbing and have my head rubbed and whispered itll be ok but i cant stop thinking. what if i tried again. what if i drank until i threw up and kept drinking. what if that bridge was just enough to climb over. what if i just starved and didn't eat. its constant and throbbing and no matter how hard i try. it only goes away with him. and i hate that. the greatest comfort to me is someone who doesn't care about the birds i see. because its unimportant to him, it's not worthy of acknowledgement. but its important to me. and he knows this. but he still stays silent, knowing it hurts me. because i am the one being hurt, not that he is the one causing me to be hurt. cause and effect, with only seeing the effect.
i could never do it. completely give up. i'm too much of a pussy to ever go through with it. thats a lie, haha. that drinking binge really was my attempt. but all he could ever say was "well that wouldnt work" thanks. somehow you made me feel more pathetic than i already feel. you see my suicidal actions and all you can do is point out my flaws. its like offering me support, seeing how in my altered state of mind i was trying to end it all and offering your love and sympathy, is too outside your reach. you see it and all you can do is point and laugh. while i cry alone in my room, regretting telling you instead of trying again. seeing how making me quit drinking was that, the catalyst. and your pride in me quitting vanished, and all that was left was disgust in the imagination in your head of me laying in my own vomit as i begged god to make it all go away. you didn't offer an ounce of sympathy. just disgust.
and you never bring things up. its always me. thats why we stopped arguing. because i gave up. i gave up on explaining your hurtful actions to me. last time i did, you made a long paragraph how it was my fault you cheated on me. remember that? i do. all you could do was give me a shitty fucking apology you made up on the spot. but for you? when i did something hurtful that was a result of your poor communication? when you know my emotional apology can only be seen in monotone? i have to be sobbing for you to take that apology. then you can grant me acceptance for the apology. but for you, i get a shitty applogy that you made up on the spot.
after all this, i still lay in bed. wishing i was next to you. i cant wait to go to sleep.
don't worry, i wont die. ill keep living. i have my summer internship after all.
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evonkyva · 5 months
I am always a little on edge when people complain about influencerculture because the first online influencers were pewdewpieand markipiler screaming at the top of thier lungs searching out the most offensive meme possible and not thinking about parasocial consequences ans absolutely ok with teenagers and sometimes children as young as ten supplementing thier ridiculous lifestyle ....
But its 2024 not 2007 and you're mad at the teenage girl pushing self care that to expensive for the auidence that chooses to watch her. You're mad at strangers for making someone who doesn't nothing but complain how her rich girl life is so hard. The family blog that used the same techniques the original ogs did ( but instead of lightly exploiting other people kids they did thier own ) and 300 drama channels later now You're complaining about wanting the old internet
Although there are problems we were always heading in this direction and if you think jusy NOW we have an isssues you are as thoughless as the "influencers" you hate are so much are " talentlentless"
# and we're not even gonna bring up.the fact the influencer hate went up once the face of influencers shifted from loud games bro to women thats a whole another fucking post
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am3ricanj3sus · 5 months
tired, sick and tired. i dont want to be in this town anymore. its pissing me off. i just want to leave. ik that ill miss it when im gone but i need to leave.
i hate school. i hate it so much. all the work and people. they always piss me off. like fuck just shut the hell up. i just hate being somewhere that i cant be myself.
i dislike people in my family greatly most the time. they always have something to say about anything and its just so. like why are you bringing that up. it doesnt matter!!!
i also dont know how to feel about this. my cousin is going to a college that ive always wanted to go to. and cool cool whatever its a public college, but why? the college is where my aunt lives and my family (me, mom, dad and brother) visited them in 2014 for the first time and i just knew that i wanted to go there one day. so yk whenever ive thought of colleges its always that one. ive always thought of what it would be like to go there and learn and party and just experience life over there. and now my cousins doing that, and i dont like it.
now dont get me wrong, i love my cousin. she was my best friend growing up most the time and we hung out a lot. in 2022 we took a trip to my aunts house with my mom and brother and she really liked it. and i love that she did! like if shes in college then she can show me around when i go! so yk when the time came and she was applying to colleges, ik that if she was accepted that she would choose it. and she did! shes attending in the fall and her jc graduation party is this month. our familys gonna be there and thats when the problem comes in.
my tia (whos not my aunt but we just call her tia yk, mexican things) shes gonna be there and well we dont have the best relationship. shes been nasty towards my aunt her whole life and has been with my mom recently. and yk ik shes family, but messing around with my mama and aunt not gonna fly. and ik that there'll be some judgement towards me.
ik she'll ask me at the party "oh where do you think you want to go?" and ik if i say the college she'll say "oh with youre cousin..." die. die die. NO NOT WITH HER!!! IM GOING ON MY OWN!! WE R NOT GRADUATING TOGETHER SO NO NOT WITH HER!!! and i dont want them to be like "oh well excuse me!" and have my cousin be upset at me. so yk ill be like "yep with her!" but its like. UGHHHHHH.
ive always wanted to go there. i dont want her to be brought up when talking about my future. and im not gonna act like this at my cousins grad party. god no im not a monster. but its like. pls js UGHHHHH
so its like over all im not upset my cousin choose this college, just mad at how my family will act and be like "oh you two together!" and its like no. we'll both be there. but we're not together. we're doing two diffrent things and i dont want to be grouped with her.
maybe im selfish for feeling like this. but i dont want to be grouped with someone that ive been grouped with most my life.
i’m just so tired of everyone. people r trying to plan hangouts with me and I love my friends to death but i’m so tired. and it’s like I don’t want to be mean cause there’s times when i’m busy, so I can’t do it but there’s other times where i’m just tired. and I feel so bad. cause I miss them. i’m just gonna be bunched up with people for a month nonstop and I don’t want to do that now.
being with them makes me so happy. like the sleepovers and js hanging out is fun but I come home and I just want to like claw my eyes out.
also sometimes i feel like i’m using people. I talk about myself and a lot and I js feel selfish. like what the butt. maybe i’m just. idk.
i’m so sleeps. so I sleep now.
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kath-artic · 1 year
wellthat all went in exactly the direction i thought it would and i still couldnt quite tell you what happened. she accused him of cheating on her and it turned into a whole big blow up. she’s had that angry energy around her all day, i knew this was coming. it feels so sickening knowing a fight’s coming. i tried to keep it together but when i went to go get something to eat she cornered me in the kitchen and started asking me “why am i going to be made out to be the bad guy in all of this?” and i just collapsed and sat there for an hour. there’s no answer i can give to a question like that because shes already assuming i have an opinion or that my dad has turned me against her when i haven’t talked to him at all. what i WOULD say if i knew i could is that my opinion only extends as far as i know that when she gets mad at him, she takes it out on me. my dad has never done that. me and my dad have fought before and he’s said stupid shit to me and done really really irresponsible stuff, but he’s never laid a hand on me and he’s always apologized and always reassures me that he loves me and i KNOW i can bring up any problems i have with him and he’ll actually be receptive. he’s not always the best dad and sometimes he feels more like a friend than a parent, but i’m never afraid that he’s going to hurt me (he might GET someone hurt by doing something stupid, but thats another story). my mom has hit me, told me she hates me and that i’m embarrassing, told me she doesn’t care that i was assaulted because she had it worse, and then denies it all when i bring these things up to her or deflects by saying its my dad’s fault she was so angry in the first place. when emotions are high, i KNOW my dad is the safe option. thats why it seems like i’m always on his side. when it comes to this situation specifically, my opinion is that there’s a pretty simple and innocent explanation for everything that i’ve been made aware of today, but i can see how the evidence she’s drawn together could point to the conclusion she’s coming to it’s just not enough for me to say “oh yeah he’s cheating for sure. go team mom.” i dont know enough to “pick a side” or whatever it is she wants me to do. she kept cominginto my room and asking me for my opinion and i just kept trying to tell her i dont have one, but to her that means i’m on my dad’s side and that he’s been influencing me so she started dumping all this dirt on him to me--how is that not influencing me?? i want to tell her that i honestly have no opinion because i will never know the truth and any information i get from either party would be “influencing” my opinion while also being impossible to confirm. there is no truth for me at this point. i don’t want to know it.
its not that i dont see her side either. i do see it. ive entertained her reality where every emotional outburst is the result of being worn down mentally to the point of there being no other choice and then having those outbursts be used to make you seem like a crazyperson to the point that even your own daughter struggles to believe youre being abused after watching you get pushed to the ground. but then i remember that the time my dad pushed her, he did it to stop her from punching me and that she stumbled and fell because she was drunk. i remember every scheme she was convinced my grandparents (her in-laws) were plotting against her that turned out to be completely baseless. in times like this where she demands that i pick a side, i remember that she’s my mother and that our relationship is fundamentally unbalanced and that these are not issues i should be made to weigh in on. she’s my mom, not my friend. i shouldn’t have to be doing this devil’s advocate shit.
above all else, i remember that night i called the cops on her because it really shifted things for me. i ran through the woods barefoot and crying to meet with the cops and to beg them not to arrest anybody because my mom was threatening to call the police on my dad for pushing her. i tried so hard to be honest and impartial, i told them yes he pushed her, but he did it to protect me and yes she fell but i dont know if he pushed her to the ground or if she stumbled because they both are claiming different things, but i can’t have my dad go to jail for protecting me. i remember the cop looking at me and telling me that it sounded like i was the victim in all of this and it stopped me dead in my tracks because i forgot i was even involved in the whole thing. i forgot that the whole fight centered around me in the first place because i was so caught up in the fact that my mom and dad were the ones fighting. i’d spent so much of my life being made to think of these things as an issue of whose side i was on that i never realized i could be on my own side. i shouldnt have to protect them. thats their responsibility. there are a lot of things ive done for them that shouldve been their responsibility.
tldr i have no patience for this “truth” shit anymore when it comes to family matters. i’ll always love everyone in my family, but i’m not on anyone’s side unless i have a concrete reason to be. everyone’s a faulty narrator, but i will love and believe so far as i am able to. at the end of the day, these are the people that were supposed to take care of me and i owe it to myself to at least take on that responsibility if they wont
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. sandwich eater organizer lefty eyebag 😅
I am good today, doing laundry. How are you?
Yes, that's how I imagined Nat and Yelena too! I think that's why I don't read much Nat x R together because I see them more as just best friends, siblings or even roommates. But definitely like a devils advocate to R hahaha then with Yelena, same thing. Like best friends since birth, ride or die, can't get rid of.
Don't get me started on that sexual tension stuff that you write about R and Wanda hahaha I get all giddy and then angry because they're so stubborn! And you wrote the details so good, I think one time I got mad at you because you were toying with my emotions 🤣 all is forgiven though lol
So do you bring snacks on the plane?
Also, why of all places, did you guys choose to move to Oklahoma?
Correct, that's how I am. I'm glad that the people I was with before didn't complain about it. But at the same time, I wonder if they regret not getting much sex.
Nah, you made my eye roll, so now I can't see because of how far back it rolled ahahahaha okay, if you can guess what meal wins my heart instantly, then you win.
There was this studio that had brick walls. I was going for that kind of look, but someone took the space before me. I am the same way, I have a lot of paintings on my wall. It used to be a lot of dark paintings (my ex loves Halloween or spooky season) but since she took all that, I decided to hang the artworks I've done over the summer time.
When I build or buy my own house, I want to have a dark room to be able to do photography again. It's been my dream to have a small den where half of it is where I can paint, thne the other half is where I can develop photos.
That's a good idea, have the less used item on the bottom shelf. Cause in my place, it only comes with one cabinet for the pantry, its a tall cabinet too. Then the usual shelves for plates and cups. I hate that it's a small kitchen, but I like it at the same time lol
That's cute, a little signature 🤣 please tell me you can do a British impression?
Do you have a weakness?
hello you certain chip eater in a flatten sandwich righty eyebag! I'm back. sorry for the late answer. i hope u r still awake.
my day got a bit busy today. i did some laundry n fold some of them. :)
Ah i see. i like reading Natasha as the love interest..but Kate and Yelena, i dont really read them as love interest. plus i havent got the chance to read more. if i read more maybe i can change my mind about it.
hahaha to be honest, i actually laughed when i read ur comments here about the Ten Days and the sexual tensions. lol. which part in it that got u "angry"? hahaha. well, be prepare for that in the next chapters of Ten Days :D
Aaww really? i'm glad u enjoy it. it reallly made u feel giddy n then angry? thats good! that was kinda what i was trying to do :P for people have that emoitonal roller coaster but in a funny way n some jokes in it. i just love to put funny part in my fluff. :D
have u read my christmas fic with wanda n the maximoffs twin boys? "the best christmas" i think. haha. there is a joke n funny scene that i am low key proud of it. lol.
nah, not really. i mostly just get some water, iced tea or iced coffee when i fly.
we moved to Oklahoma because he got a job in a biggest weed farm in Oklahoma. :D
well, past is past. If they didn't complain about it, it means that it wasnt the main problem n it doesnt bother them. n don't feel bad about it. understanding in relationship is mutual. plus u told me that u dont mind with it to make them feel good n loved. So you've done ur best and didnt do anything wrong. :) i hope i make u feel a bit better? :D
hmmm whats ur favorite food or meals that wins ur heart. how about italian? something like pasta? did i guess it right? hahaha
dark paintings? something like what? like scary pictures? ouh i love how brick walls look like. that would be nice if u can get the brick studio. sometimes i imagine how it feels if i live in a penthouse a brick and minimalist rustic vibe or theme. industrial theme is nice too.
dark room? isnt it for printing photos in an old way? photographers nowadays still do that?
if i build my own house i want one movie theater room with a very good quality surround sound with cozy couch and full bar. hahaha. so i can enjoy movies and listening to music or watch concerts videos with good quality sound. n i want a nice large kitchen complete with anything u can think of to help u cook with a nice huge walk in pantry. hahaha.
yeah, i understand what u meant with ur cabinet n pantry size. but so far right now it's only u, so it wouldnt be needed to stock bunch of stuff :)
haha yeah my signature. n no i cant do brits impression. i wish i could speak in british accent though.
weakness? i'm a little confuse with what u meant. if i answer praises n compliments, are they what u meant?my other answer probably soft touches, because it's my love language.
or did u mean weakness as in my negative traits (which is sound like a job interview) lol
next questions?
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Summary: (Y/n) after decades of keeping her distance has finally found herself tangled up with the Mikealsons again. This time in small Mystic Falls. Hopefully she can reunite the family she once knew.
Warnings: cuss words I guess.
A/N: listen I’m sorry I haven’t been active and that this is all I can offer now. It’s just something thats been sitting in my drafts for a while. Don’t even know if I’ll ever finish the rest of this story but I need to post again.
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“Damon, stop. Let’s talk about this first,” Elena pouted. They stand, blocking the traffic of people on the sidewalks outside the small store.
“Why? Katherine said this was our best lead to scare Klaus”
“No, she said this was our last result, and you trust her?”
“Of course not, we just need to distract Klaus for a while. Someone else he can be mad at for once, but either way, this might be our best way to get Stefan back. He’s obsessed with finding Klaus’s weakness.”
“Fine, but you should just let me do the talking.”
The inside of the art gallery was filled with local and foreign artworks, but no customers. “Hello?”
A woman with a frustrated look came from around the back. “I’m sorry, but you must have the wrong store, we're closed.”
“Actually we’re searching for someone with information for us. You see, we have this problem back in our hometown.”
“Nope sorry can’t help you. I don’t do favors for sluts.” She said nonchalantly.
“Excuse you!” Elena tries to go after the woman, but Damon holds his arm out to stop her.
“Elena, I got this. Now see here Miss, I’m looking for what my informant calls a “jealous power hungry bitch” who can help us with our original vampire problem.”
“Well, you have a Petrova doppelgänger on your hands, so it sounds like you're covered in that department, so if that will be all.”
“Wait, do you mean Katherine?” Elena questioned.
“Don’t you dare say that bitchs name in my presence,” the woman’s voice was cold and seething with rage this time.
“Hey, hey, it’s all good. We hate her just about more than anybody on this planet. She turned me into a vampire. What’d she do to you?”
“She slept with my husband.”
“Yeah, that'll do it. We hate Kathe… I mean that bitch, and you do too, so will you help us now?”
She mulled it over… “Fine, follow me to the back.” She walked back through the curtain to a room filled with strange artifacts.
“Who are you exactly?”
“My name is (y/n) and you two are?”
“I’m Elena and this is Damon.”
“Yes, but why are you coming to me for help?”
“Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid, broke his curse, and now he wants to use her blood to create more hybrids. My brother Stefan on the other hand will stop at nothing to bring Klaus down. He’s all bent up on finding this vampire hunter that Klaus fears, but I hear you're pretty scary too. Though you're not what I expected, what, were you a Mikaelson groupie back in the day?”
“I had my encounters with the whole family, but I haven’t spoken to any of them in years. Thanks to the Mikaelsons I haven’t seen my husband in almost 90 years now.”
“I'm so sorry for your loss.”
“Didn’t you say your husband cheated on you? Sounds like they did you a favor.” Elena glared at Damon and slapped his arm.
She turned back toward (y/n), “Ignore him, he doesn’t behave well with others.”
“Big surprise. Let me make sure I understand that you want me to give you information on the Mikaelson?”
“Well no, we were more hoping you would come back with us and distract Klaus. We have a plan, he has these coffins he needs with him, Stefan thinks it’s his siblings, he currently has all of them daggered right now. If we take those, we’ll have some leverage on him but until we find the coffins we need him distracted and scared. We figured you’d be easier to negotiate with than the vampire hunter.”
“Yes, I’d like to think so. Well then I’m in, let me pack my bags, and I’ll tell you what I can on the way.”
Finally, back in mystic falls they arrive at the Salvatore home.
“You can stay here while you deal with Klaus, but we want him to be after you, not us, so keep this on the down low.” The other Salvatore brother joins them in the hallway.
“Uh Damon, who’s this?”
“Stefan this is our new best friend (y/n), she’s our Wikipedia for the mikaelsons.”
“Great, but we don’t need her. I have a plan to steal his coffins, remember.”
“Yes, brother, but we still need all the help we can get, and she’ll keep him busy while we find them.”
“If I can interrupt, I know where he would keep them at. Klaus always likes to keep them at an easily movable location in case he flees town. Basically, I’m saying I doubt he ever unpacked them during his move.”
“Last I saw, he had them on a moving truck.”
“So they’re probably still in that truck.”
Stefan sighed, “fine, maybe she can be of some help, but I told you Damon. This is my fight against Klaus, not yours so stay out of it.”
“We’ll if it helps, I have my score to settle with Klaus. It goes back 90+ years, so I’d like to be included.”
“I figured I’d cause some trouble.”
The idiots of this town have been awfully quiet for a few days now. Klaus thought as he walked down the street. Sure, by now the teens of mystic falls were off licking their wounds and sighing in defeat. He turned the corner at the end of the street, waiting for the light to turn green to cross.
“Out for a walk Niklaus?” He jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. “Here I thought you hated any light in your life. You did always find a way to snuff it out.”
“What are you doing here?” His voice quivered slightly.
“I heard you broke your curse and were living all on your own now, so I thought I’d stop by and catch up.”
“You need to leave.”
“But I just started to get to know everyone in town, and they’re all so kind. I think I might stay awhile. I’ve been staying at this lovely boarding house actually and the two brothers are just such a treat to be around. They tell me you're making hybrids now. You’re still chasing after that unconditional family love, aren’t you niklaus?”
“How would you know, you never even had a family that loved you?” He sneered back.
“Don’t project onto me, Klaus, we both know that one's a lie.” He frowned and looked away from her, “I’ll be seeing you soon, Klaus, I have big plans for you.”
Klaus looked back at where she had been standing, but (y/n) had walked off and disappeared.
Damon searched around the house until he walked into the kitchen and found (y/n). “There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you.”
“I was just getting some food, what’s the matter?”
“We have a way to track down the coffins, but we still need you to distract Klaus.”
“Well, what is he after, what is important to him in mystic falls?”
“He wants to make Hybrids, and he needs Elena for that.”
“Then I will use her as bait and taunt him while you guys get his coffins.”
“What? No! We can’t use Elena as bait.”
“Why not? He won’t kill her, he needs her.”
“It’s too dangerous, what if he kills you, then what?”
“Then will do it somewhere where he can’t reach me, a house he isn’t invited into.”
Damon went to continue arguing with her when Stefan walked in. “What’s going on?”
“She wants to use Elena as bait for Klaus.”
“Okay, and what the problem. He won’t kill her as long as he wants Hybrids.”
“I say let her.”
“Great, then it’s settled, I'll get ready.” She walked out of the room and up the steps. Stefan went to follow, but Damon grabbed his arm.
“You can’t possibly put Elena in that situation.”
“Of course not, I’m not stupid. I’ll call Katherine, and she’ll take her place. Neither Klaus nor (y/n) will know.”
“If she finds out, she won’t be happy.”
“Like that’s my problem.”
Katherine waited inside the Gilbert house with Jeremy as Damon and (y/n) pulled up to the house. Damon walked inside, but (y/n) waited at the door.
“You know this only works if I’m invited in?”
Jeremy sighed, “Come in. Can we go now, Damon?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold on just one second. Remember (y/n) you're not actually harming Elena, just keep Klaus here.”
“I know, I know. I’ll call him as soon as you leave to get him over here.”
Katherine gave Damon an annoyed look as he left with Jeremy. She paced the room back and forth as (y/n) stared at her.
“You don’t have to be nervous. Klaus won’t get in.”
She tried to put on her best Elena impression, knowing she’d be dead if (y/n) knew who she was. “I know, I'm just worried about Damon and Stefan.”
“They’ll be fine. I’m going to go ahead and call Klaus now, I promise this will all work out just as I planned.” She picked up the phone and dialed his number.
“Hello niklaus.”
“How did you get this number?”
“I looked you up in the phone book.” She said sarcastically. “Just wanted to let you know I met a friend of yours today. Elena Gilbert, she was kind enough to go ahead and invited me in. I told you I had big plans for you, niklaus. You might want to get over here, though, I’m getting quite thirsty, and I’d hate to waste all her valuable blood.”
She hung up the phone. “He’ll be here soon. Time to put your game face on.” (Y/n) waved her hand and blew the front door wide open. She pushed Katherine into the hall and wrapped her arm around her neck, putting her in a tight choke hold. “Better smile for the camera.”
Klaus finally ran up to the door, seething in anger. “I swear if you spill even a drop of her blood, I will rip you apart myself (y/n).”
“You’d have to get in first, Nik.”
“You of all people know how long I've wanted this! How dare you try to threaten me when I’m this close to creating my own pack.”
“Klaus, you brought this on yourself, and you know it. You’re worse off than when I last saw you, Nik. You’re alone and you always will be.” She twisted her grip on Katherine's neck and snapped it, her body hitting the floor with a loud thud as (y/n) tossed her body into the living room.
Jeremy, Stefan, Alaric, and Damon all worked to move the last two coffins into the basement of the witch house as Elena and Bonnie checked the other three.
“Hey Damon, this one's a lot lighter. I think it’s empty?”
“Well, then who's missing?” Before they could look, his phone began to ring, “It’s Katherine, Hello?”
“Damon! You have to get over here (y/n) gone crazy. She snapped my neck and threw me in another room. She and Klaus are battling it out currently. I think he might tear the house apart.”
“I have to go now! Elena, come with me.”
They pulled up to the house and entered through the back door. (Y/n) was ducking down in the kitchen as Klaus threw things through the front door.
“(Y/n) what the hell did you do?”
She smiled, “I distracted him.”
“You pissed him off, is what you did! And you said no harm would come to Elena!”
“Oh please, you think I couldn’t tell that was Katherine the moment I walked in here. You're lucky I didn’t rip her heart out.”
Elena came around the corner into the kitchen. “Katherine's gone.”
“Good, she finally knows what’s good for her. I’m surprised you even got her in the same house as me.”
Damon huffed and walked out into the hallway with Elena. “Klaus stop! It was Katherine, Elena's fine!”
“That changes nothing! (Y/n) still threaten me and my chances of creating more hybrids, she can not…” he began to scream and clutch his head as he kneeled.
(Y/n) came out from hiding with her hand extended. “Oh Niklaus, you forget, I’m not just some other enemy of yours you can scare.” She squeezed her hand and he screamed louder. “I put Mikael down, remember, even you feared him. Now leave before I show you how.” She dropped her hand, and he stood up and took off. “Alright, so back to the house for tea?
“Was that magic you used back there?” Elena asked everyone sitting in the living room. “I thought you were a vampire?”
“I am, but many many years ago I used to be a witch. When I turned, my mother had the whole coven find ways for me to continue teaching witches our brand of magic. I spent a few hundred years finding ways to practice even a tiny scratch of magic. I can’t use any of my own power, but I can channel some power to scare idiots like him off.”
“So what, you thought you’d just “kill” Elena and then scare him off. If we hadn’t come along, you would be dead.”
“Hey, you asked me to distract him, this is all part of my plan. He hates me, as well as he now thinks I’m not on your side. If I was working for you, I would never have harmed “Elena” now he thinks I did it all on my own.”
“Well then, can you let us in on your master plan next time?”
“Sure, does that make you feel better?” He barely opened his mouth. “Good, I’ll go get us all some drinks then.” (Y/n) smiled and walked up the stairs.
“Did she just walk off?”
Before anyone could respond, there was a loud knock on the door. Stefan and Damon cautiously went to answer it.
They didn’t even have the door all the way open when Elijah pushed it wide open. “I need to speak to my wife.”
“Wait, weren't you daggered?”
“Your wife?”
He walked through the doorway, ignoring the brothers. “Don’t bother stopping me, I've already been invited in, (y/n)!” No response came. “No reason to hide, Klaus told me you were here.”
(Y/n) appeared at the top of the stairs. “I don’t hide, Elijah.”
“Would you please give me a moment alone with my wife?”
“Is wife really an appropriate term? Doesn’t Louisiana have a statute of limitations or something for couples who have been separated? Surely, after 90 years, we aren’t still legally married?” She smiled, but he kept his serious face.
“You two were married?” Elena asked.
“He slept with Katherine?” Damon blurted out.
“Oh do tell them the story Elijah, I’m sure they’d love to hear it.”
“I think it’s best if you give us some privacy now.” The boys shrugged and ushered everyone back to the living room. (Y/n) walked off into the dinning room and began to fiddle with the record player.
“Where are they?”
“You know who.”
“It’s still nice of you to ask.” She turned the music up slightly.
“The rest of my siblings, I swear if you’ve done anything to even a single one of them.”
She turned around, her face hurt. “I would never hurt any of them, you know that.”
“Then why are you here angering Klaus? Helping these fools harm our family?”
“I’m not helping them, I'm helping our family!” Elijah stood silent, shocked. “They’re next result was Mikael, for god's sake. After all I did to put him down, they would have just woken him up and brought him back with no regards to what he would do. I’ve had a plan from the beginning, you just have to listen to me.”
Part two: the electric boogaloo
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