#if there had been no zombis it would follow the greys canon
soft-for-them · 2 years
Dead dial - Leon Kennedy x plus size reader
Summary: You're a nursing student who lives in Raccoon City who frequently talks to an old friend, Leon Kennedy, over the phone. Just as he's about to move to the same city as you the living dead start to roam the streets. (There is some descriptions of zombie related gore.)
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: Replaying Resident Evil games. Might not be 100% canon, I'm not really into the RE law. Also this will get a part two if people like it enough. Not proof read because I'm tired.
“You know this probably is a bad idea, Leon.”
Balancing the phone receiver between your ear and shoulder you try not to pull in the old spiral cord too much, the old in phone wall in your outdated flat is probably as old as you.
Standing in your small kitchen, the kitchen island digging into your soft flesh as your lean into it so the phone cord does not snap, you look out the old creaky wooden window past the fire escape to the dim yellow bulb street lights and rain soaked grey buildings.
Sirens loud and ear piercing can be heard, followed by the flashing of the obnoxious red and blue lights of multiple cop cars. You’ve never really trusted the police in this city, funny considering the man on the end of the phone is about to become one.
“(Y/n).” Leon says with an exhausted sigh. You can imagine his rubbing his hand through his hair whilst saying it.
“There’s something going on here-“ you step closer to the widow the phone line going straight as you look outside like an nosey old person would, “-the hospitals have been so hectic lately.”
You should know, you’re a second year nursing student, it’s the whole reason you moved to Raccoon city in the first place. (It certainly wasn’t the damp filled flats and lovely raining weather that brought you here.)
For school you work partly in the city’s hospital and for weeks now the ER has been flooded with people, you don’t know why, but many either have been sent home or have suddenly died. There’s even a rumour that patients have been taken as test subjects by Doctor Bard, though you’ve been too busy dealing with the rise of ‘cannibals’ to even care. All the nursing students have been worried, hell everyone working at the hospital has been worried, but the city’s government and press have been keeping the rising casualties hush hush.
“I know…” Leon begins his words long and worried, “Was it bad today?”
He knows your answer regardless, for the last month you conversations on the phone have been less about happy things such as seeing a fluffy dog on a walk or eating a tasty pastry and more on just about how you feel like you’re an overworked underpaid nurse already with how much you’ve been helping at the hospital whilst also studying and working a part time job.
“They say us going to the hospital is for educational purposes, at first it was but now we just go to be extra hands. They need it. I saw a doctor collapse today she was so over worked… and well at least all this overtime is going towards my grade.”
“(Y/n).” Leon echoes your name so quietly to stop you from rambling, he has known you long enough to know when your anxious rambling begin.
“Haha-“ you nervously chuckle as more sirens blare on, this time from ambulances rushing down the narrow roads lined with parked cars and thin pavements, “-I’m going to get an A with all the work I’m doing.”
“(Y/n).” his voice is louder and filled with concern.
“I hand to hold man down today whilst he screamed… he was screaming Leon-“ tears start to bubble up in your tired eyes, them threatening to drip down your face like the rain drop on your windowsill, “-I- I-“
“(Y/n)… listen to me, ok.”
“I’m listening.” You sniff as you lean back on the kitchen counter.
“You’re ok, Sundays almost here and then you can have day off, I can call if you like.”
Leon hopes you will for his relationship isn’t going well and ever since you moved away he hasn’t had a proper friend to talk to about such mundane and normal things. He likes hearing your voice even if lately you’ve been sounding worn out and a bit sad.
“I- I have work Saturday and I’ll sleep through Sunday, I- well- I don’t want to miss a call, but it’s hardly a day off Leon.”
“Ring in sick, go to that café you want to go to- what is it call- Lauren’s?”
“Lorenzo’s coffee and cake.”
“Yeah, that. You said they have a cream cake and imported coffee beans.” He remembers you talking about it on a past phone call, “Or you said that you wanted to go to that pop up art exhibit-“
“- The classics one –“
“-Yes, you said there is a Van Gogh there.”
He recalls you staying that a private collector was exciting their art collection which just so happened to have a Van Gogh sketch in it. You were so excited when you told he almost asked you to go with him to it, totally forgetting you now live in to different places and not in the same apartment complex like you did before.
“I ends Friday.” You glumly say.
“Then call in sick Friday and Saturday.”
Surly your boss would believe you more if you’d come down with say a cold on the Friday rather than suddenly getting on the Saturday, that’s what Leon thinks as he says the idea to you.
“I guess it does make it more believable to but-“
“…I don’t want to let anyone down Leon. This city is going to shit and I don’t want to be the asshole who fucks everything up because I don’t turn up to work or class…”
“You work in a supermarket.” His voice is filled with a fun confusion, like he’s amused and shocked at your words, as he ponders how not turning up at your cashier job will affect the city.
“So? Three shops have already closed down this month, the customers have doubled because people have to eat and- and-“
“(Y/N), you’re overthinking again. They can handle a day without you.”
“They can?”
“I can’t handle a missed phone call from you, think about it. A day off and a long phone call with me or no day off and a missed phone call because you’re too exhausted to wake up?”
“You know I’d take the phone call regardless.”
“Take the days off and call me tomorrow, it’s getting late and we both need some rest.”
It’s your cue to say goodbye, which is already drawn out and filled with cheesy jokes from Leon that make you laugh. You always did say that going to bed on a happy note makes the next day a better experience and Leon remembers it, so he always tries to cheer you up before either one of you hangs up.
“Night Leon.”
“Goodnight (Y/n).”
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
You didn’t take the days off but you did stay up late long enough to speak to Leon. He was having girlfriend troubles and you talked to the sun came up.
You were on your way to a lecture but a mass email was sent out telling everyone to stay home, or arrive at the hospital to help out, you chose the former opting rather to go home and go back to sleep.
Maybe you’ll go to the hospital to help out later on.
Apparently half of the students were already at the university when the email was sent out and apparently a lot of teachers were too. Many people have been sending messages through the many university group chats and message boards to stay away from the school. On person said that the city was going t be evacuated.
The sirens have been going off for days now, public transport has been limited that morning for some odd reason, you had waited at you bus stop for a half hour before getting a text from a friend telling you about the email and walking back home.
Even now you hurry as if someone is following you.
It feels like for the last week the city has become smaller and smaller, like a video game with a map yet to unlock. More and more people have become ill and it seems the Umbrella Corporation is being shoved in your face, their advertisements playing every commercial break along with warnings to stay inside unless you need to go out to work, school, the shops or hospital.
You have no clue what’s going on but you’re glad Leon is starting work here, even if he’s a cop.
You hope that Leon will get to the city quickly. You see, it all started with a call from him last night of him crying and saying his girlfriend dumped him and ever since that call it has seemed to get worse for you both. No longer was he going to have that nice shared flat with her in Raccoon city and from what you heard he was drunk, whilst you were up all night the sound of sirens and screams keeping you up.
Last night you stayed up with him until he fell asleep and even then you couldn’t sleep. Even this morning, you were worried sick about him driving down to Raccoon hungover, so you left him a voice message.
“Hey, Leon. I’m just about to head out to class, but um just know I’m here for you if you need me, oh and drink some water and take some paracetamol... Yeah, anyway I was thinking that well if you want to you could crash here if that apartment situation is still – you know- fuck, it’s too early to think and talk coherently… Um, yeah, the offer’s there if you want, you know where the spare key is hidden, speak to you soon. Take care Leon. Bye.”
And even now as you rush home avoiding everyone out on the streets, which is odd because there hardy seems to be anyone at all, well apart from some people asleep on benches like they were drunk and apartment buildings filled with shouts of people angry and annoyed (which you don’t realise is the sounds of zombies roaming around.)
You hurry up your pace to avoid a crowded looking street that looks to have a car crash and an onslaught of on lookers on it. You don’t take one look at the reanimated corpse who stumbles out the car and bites an onlooker, you just carry on rushing back to your flat, a bad feeling taking over you.
Passing burning buildings not yet entirely engulfed in flames but getting there and all the cars normally parked on the sides of the road gone from their owners trying to escape the city you finally get your apartment complex, the big double doors barricaded shut, a cabinet pushed against the fragile glass.
You wonder up to the door to see if someone is near the metal letterboxes or if the janitor’s closet is open with the janitor taking a break. Leaning your head on the glass you look around but no one is there to help you get inside.
“Hel-“ you begin to speak, your hands clutching the straps to your backpack but you stop yourself, the odd feeling of dread making your stomach do back flips.
Stepping backwards you hear a blood curdling scream.
You whip around to see a woman coved in blood crying and crawling out of the spinning doors of the fancier apartment complex just a bit down the street, her voice screaming a croaky ‘help’ to no one in particular.
“Don’t be a coward (y/n), you’re a nursing student, go help her!” the voice in your mind urges you.
Freezing still in front of the barricaded glass doors you look on to the speck that is the screaming woman, your hands clutching at you backpack straps so much that that the plastic fabric irritates your skin.
White doctor daps step backwards and not forwards, the tarmac scuffing your shoes.
You’re too scared to help the woman.
A loud moan like growl reverberates the ground, you look to your left at the glass doors to see a person, no, a dead man walking. He tries to walk to the door the furniture blocking the door making him slump over, only his hands touch the brittle glass.
The noise of gargling blood, the sight of his glassy dead eyes, the absence of a left arm, it makes you panic. You desperately look around for anything, anyone, any opening to escape all the while the dead get closer and closer.
Finally you spot the side alley, well it’s technically a whole road that leads to another street but with all the rubbish and filth only police cars and rubbish trucks drive down it. Apparently your block of flats used to look over a nice patch of grass that was a park but a couple years before you moved in they had built more buildings grey and dull blocking out the sun light.
Passed the rubbish bins you see the fire escape, the same fire escape that leads up to your window.
You look one more look at the dead man banging his head on the cracking glass, then one more look at the now quiet woman slumped on the ground, back to one look at the dark alleyway, you know what you have to do.
You bolt.
Dodging black bags of gooey trash and a hoard of skittering rats you clamber up the frail rusted frame of the fire escape. You take two steps at a time up the stairs each step rattling and swaying the old structure. You do not look back as trampled footsteps echo out in the street nor do you dare look into the passing windows, some covered in bloodied handprints.
Soon enough you get to your window, your flat on the fifth floor a welcomed sight to see.
The old wooden windows are slowly rotting away and the locks are permanently broken. You’re thankful that you hadn’t bothered locking the make do lock you drilled and secured in the window, the blocky hinged lock looking locked deterring any burglars from coming in.
Leon had said that he’d happily fix the window for you when he was settled in the city but considering what is happening you don’t care all that much for the lock, only that your friend is ok.
With a couple of rattles and a whole load of upper arm strength you slide the window up. There is just about enough space to fit in, though you’re going to have to suck in your tummy to do so and you’re going to have to shove your backpack in first.
You do just that, the backpack falling off the counter onto the floor with a thud, then you squeeze yourself through, your hips hurting as you force yourself in, your ass landing on the draining board next to the sink.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you bang your body on the hard surface, your feet hitting the ground as you push off the counter.
As soon as you are stable you lock the window the fastest you’ve ever done, closing the blinds along with it, doing that partly so no one can see you inside but also partly so you don’t have to see the outside world.
You’re finally home but you’re scared as hell.
Automatically you go to your rotary phone hanging on the wall.
You pick up the receiver, your fingers automatically dialling Leon’s home phone.
There is no ringing or waiting sound.
The phone line is dead.
A/N: If you want a part two please send in an ask rather than commenting for another part, this is just because asks are an easier way for me to track requests. Comments are still welcomed and requests are open!
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quillyfied · 1 year
GO2 spoilers, keep going to avoid bc this is spoiler town now. Got so hugely long I crashed my tumblr app. Yikes.
So I get why Neil best thought they would have been better released as individual episodes now, because the last 15 minutes really do overwhelm the rest of the season. Cliffhangers often do. Next time I watch, I think I want to savor it more. Because:
- they continue to be The Most Married. They have a freaking “I was wrong” dance. The bitchiness of their bickering. The ways they just know each other.
- Baldad the Shuhite, best midwife slash cobbler in the land, lover of shoemaking and obstetrics XDDDD
- Crowley’s absolutely badass venomous “I long to destroy the blameless children of Job” thing…right before the goats give him away.
- Maggie!! So precious!! And Aziraphale! Brushing off a good deed as selfish openly!
- Nina! Deserves a better partner!!!! And to move on from whatever made her believe she deserved to have someone treat her like that!!
- so uh INEFFABLE BUREAUCRACY GIRLIES HOW WE FEELING???? Bc I’m feeling great, woke up with Buddy Holly in my head. I cannot believe the gift we were given and how pitch perfect it was for how the fans have written it for the past four years.
- Shelley Conn’s Beelzebub though!! What a stunning performance! What a costume change! What an absolute wealth of rotting teeth and great eyeliner! More flies indeed!!!
- the fly constantly buzzing around Jim was a huge clue but I hardly dared hope for it to be true tbh
- Aziraphale being morally grey all over this season, eh? And super touchy. Like. The dance scene was uncomfortable bc of the overwhelming of their free will to fit Aziraphale’s fantasy, which was another big piece of foreshadowing right there, but the amount of times Aziraphale touches Crowley this season. Unreal.
- “I thought you said it wasn’t lonely.” “I’m a demon. I lied.” KILL ME
- Aziraphale’s first reaction to food though. There’s that darling hedonist we love and enjoy.
- hang on, did Crowley figure it out since the Flood, then? Good for him!
- frankly, the whole miracle detection thing in heaven in the first place. Miracle detection truth girlies, how you feeling?
- Maggie being so brave against a bunch of demons and stumbling right into bravado and accidentally inviting them into the shop. Nina backing her up. The two of them holding off quite a lot of demons with just fire extinguishers and encyclopedias. And an active portal.
- do you think Crowley drunkenly revealing to Jim that the attempted executions at the end of last season were due to them switching places is going to have consequences in the future? Bc I’m nervous about that.
- also hey Crowley being super protective and particularly vengeful towards Gabriel truthers HOW U DOING???
- listen there’s so much to talk about and discuss and dig into but I really want to take a moment to weep over how Crowley kissed Aziraphale goodbye. So desperately. So sadly. And how venomous Aziraphale’s follow up “I forgive you” lands like a slap at the end of this tumultuous argument. Never could have predicted it to go like that. I’m still reeling.
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"What If?"
Canon x OC, CW: zombies, gore/blood, canon typical violence
AN: this been in my head for a while, "what if Catherine met Leon during the Raccoon outbreak?"
Catherine's footsteps echoed loudly as she ran down the dimly lit alley, pushing trash cans behind her. She hoped to the higher powers that it would slow those things shuffling after her.
It happened so sudden. Catherine had just finished getting ready for a date. A blond guy named Benny, who she met while grocery shopping. They both were reaching for the last box of Hamburger Helper and got to talking. Dinner and a movie sounded great! Catherine returned to her small apartment to shower, relax and eventually get dressed--green blazer with black buttons, grey polo shirt, loafers and khaki pants. She brushed her hair, deciding not to braid it.
But during the drive, Benny swerved to avoid hitting some people wandering the street, appearing to be drunk. He stopped his car and got out.
"Wait here," Benny had said.
Catherine shrugged and pulled out a compact mirror to check herself. A loud scream and what she could identify as a squelching sound made her drop it. Gathering her things she exited the car, walking in the direction Benny had gone.
The people Benny managed to not hit were all hunched and crowded around him, Benny twitching and jerking as they tore chunks of flesh from his body.
They were eating him alive.
Catherine staggered back as one the group, a bald man in a torn suit, blood and bits of guts dripping from his mouth, looked up, and began to stumble and stagger towards her, moaning. A few others began to follow, arms outstretched and moaning in unison. Their skin was grey and eyes were either bloodshot or an eerie, milky white.
Struggling to form any sense of what was happening, Catherine turned and ran back to the car, hopping into the driver's seat and sped off. As she got closer to downtown, she could see crashed cars, fires spreading and the wails of police and ambulance sirens.
She had to stop at an overturned truck engulfed in flames. She looked around for something, any semblance of life.
"Is anyone out there?!" she called out, to no response.
She spotted a pay phone that somehow escaped the fire and damage. Frantically pulling a few coins from her purse, she inserted them and dialed the emergency number.
"C-C'mon, pick up...Plea-please?" she stammered, looking around nervously.
The phone rang seven times, and Catherine heard familiar moans and pained groaning coming closer.
She dropped the phone as two women approached, their lips nearly peeled off, one missing an eye and the other was on fire lurched towards her.
Nearly out of breath, Catherine took a left at a fork and reached the end of the alley, only to find a barrier of abandoned cars blocking the way. But they weren't ablaze. Maybe she could climb over them.
Slowly and carefully she climbed on the hood and then the roof of a Robin's egg blue car, looking to survey the area. Just a few yards away stood a large building with a small courtyard behind a metal gate.
R.P.D, displayed in large letters.
"The station..." Catherine murmured.
No one has answered her phone call, but she knew she couldn't go back.
She gasped as she heard loud thumping coming from the car she stood on. Jumping down to the other side, her eyes widened in horror as more people appeared from the shadows, the one in the car crawling on his belly, gnarled fingers reaching to grab her ankle.
Catherine sprinted to the large gate, left slightly ajar. With all her strength she pushed it open, ran through the courtyard and into the building.
The main hall was empty. Just a messy front desk and broken computer.
"Hello? Anyone?" Catherine yelled, "Please, I need help!"
Wiping away heavy tears, Catherine saw a few paths she could take. Taking out her last quarter, she sighed.
"Heads, I go this way, tails the other way," she spoke aloud as she flipped the coin.
The coin was heads.
"To the West I go..."
The corridor was a gruesome sight. She passed by pools of blood, broken glass and rotting hands reaching through the boarded up windows. She has to stop and hold back from vomiting--on the floor was a man in a bloodied police uniform, missing his head. Nearby the corpse of a four legged, skinless creature lay in the corner, upon closer inspection it didn't have eyes.
Oh god, is that a brain?
The hall reeked of blood, but Catherine could catch hints of a burnt smell. Like gunpowder.
"Hell's bells..." Catherine murmured to herself, "What is happening...?"
A loud crash behind her forced her to stand and nearly fall backwards.
One of the people outside had managed to break one of the windows, a man with raven black hair wearing a sports jersey and shorts, who immediately made a beeline for Catherine, groaning and gurgling.
She turned and ran, feeling pain and heat shooting through her legs. She practically shoulder tackled the nearest door, entering a room full of desks, cabinets and a whiteboard at the back. From the brief glimpse the nameplate she caught on the wall outside: Operations Room.
Catherine didn't know what exactly she tripped on, but her legs gave way and she skidded into a bookshelf, which wobbled and fell over, its weight knocking the wind out of her.
Unable to move, Catherine swore she heard loud gunshots as the world blurred and faded away.
*blink, blink*
Catherine moaned, blinking rapidly. Someone was calling her? It sounded like a man's voice.
The heavy weight of the bookshelf had disappeared, though she felt as if she was hit by a bus.
When her eyes focused, she looked down to see a warm hand holding hers, the other on her shoulder. She was lying on the floor just a few feet away from the bookshelf, the desks all pushed aside from the center of the room.
The voice called out again. "Thank god...hey...you alright...?"
Catherine tried to stand, but the hands stopped her. Looking up, she saw a fair skinned man in full uniform kneeling beside her, his blue eyes filled with worry.
"Whoa, easy...easy," he said, lightly nodding his head, making the fringe of his hair sway back and forth.
"... Officer...?" Catherine whispered, blinking and shaking her head.
The man nodded, "Yeah. Kennedy. Leon Kennedy. What's your name, Miss?"
"I'm...My name's Catherine," she replied, "I tried calling here, got chased by the people outside but... what's going on...?"
"Was a mess when I got here..." Leon answered while helping her stand. "Just total chaos. But I intend to get to bottom of this."
Catherine nodded, looking down sheepishly. "This is probably asking for a lot...but can I come with you? Please...I just don't want to be alone..."
Leon thought for a moment and gave her an affirmative nod. "Stay close, ok?"
Catherine took his hand again feeling its warmth, relieved.
"Thank you."
@mishwanders @squashfics @resident-mercie @notrattus @the-resident-vampire @likesugarandcyanide
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blorbologist · 2 years
I adore Galdric and Vex's relationship in Sorrow is absolutely incredible, can we get any more thoughts or hcs about our favorite wolf boyyyy?
YEAAAAH my boi
I like to think he and Purvan's bond was really a classic sort of 'lone traveler and his dog' type thing, on the outside. A Ranger devoted to a very, very new goddess (Patia! knew! her! in! life!) in a world prizing mage-magic above all else, they really had to rely on eachother. I think Purvan really threw himself into it (even in Calamity we see he prefers to go by Champion) and Galdric just... he's a wolf. What can he do but follow?
He absolutely chased the Matron's ravens initially - because they're Scavengers and Irritating and tend to pull at a wolf's tail and otherwise heckle them - until Purvan got him to stop.
If Purvan survived the Calamity (I don't think we know exactly when he died?), Galdric would have provided some really service-animal like support for the PTSD this guy surely suffered. Likely during the Calamity, too, keeping him comfort and allowing him to sleep safely knowing Galdric was on watch.
(This dog is absolutely fucking traumatized, too, though. Infernal will set him off. Giant footsteps. Marching armies.)
I've touched on this a few times in One for sorrow, but imagine being an animal. And your master dies. You know he's dead. You wake up years later to some upstart punk with a passing similarity wearing his armor. Trying to command you. I'm very surprised it didn't go straight to combat tbh. I believe he really dislikes Vax and Percy and only initially behaved because of Grog and Keyleth, and then because he just... had nothing better to do.
(But, for a split, split second, I think he saw Vax and saw Purvan. Because their descriptions are *nigh identical*. What a cruel trick to play on the poor boy.)
There likely would have been a wolf pack or two living near Whitestone during the Briarwoods reign - easy livestock pickings with the humans so desperate, and zombie giants are easy to outrun. I bet they all scampered and fast when Galdric showed up (unfortunately for him, I doubt he'd get accepted into a pack easily - raised by a human, his wolf manners are likely all off ;;).
Galdric is old. He's tired. He's outlived his master, and yet he continues to live in Whitestone in canon and can be a Warlock/Cleric patron, suggesting he has some form of divine magic. I'd like to think this is a glitch in the Ranger magic - Matt says Trinket will live as long as Vex lives, yet Galdric's Ranger is an unliving sort of Champion to the Raven Queen. So... does that make him immortal, too? I hope it's this and not a deliberate immortality on the RQ's part. Why the Raven Queen would deny this guy some rest is beyond me - babe you're all about death being okay, yet this wolf has already outlived his natural lifespan (likely by several times depending on when Purvan died during/after the Calamity)?
I really, really love the idea of him taking an interest in Wolfe de Rolo just because a) funni name matches b) it's a fun Raven Queen connection just. right there, outside of Whitestone, waiting to give Vex grey hairs.
I think he resents the Raven Queen. A lot. Again - her service killed his master, had him buried with him, had some new punk wearing his owner's clothes, killed this kid too, and now it has him living alone near Whitestone. He can't even pass and rejoin Purvan. He's a *wolf.* A wolf needs his pack and yet he's alone but for the ravens.
He's absolutely taken up chasing them once more. I hope he's his own power, now. Not a minor idol subservient to her, but his own thing.
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mastermicd-arch · 2 years
i stand by my theory that izombie is just an au for greys anatomy
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hi! i've been following your blog bc of harringrove for a while and i really resonate with your taste in fic so, since i've just recently dipped my toes in lawrusso... could you rec me a few of your fav fics for the ship? i always feel pretty overwhelmed when starting in a new fandom, so i thought i would ask. thanks in advance! 😘
I am honored (and terrified) to help you get ankle deep in lawrusso fics.
Under a cut because it was a lot of scrolling when I made this.
in the business of date-crashing by narcissablaxk, T, 4706 words
“Spotted: newly divorced Mr. LaRusso at Home Depot at nine a.m. on a Saturday,” the message said. The picture was blurry but there was no denying that he was looking at a picture of Daniel LaRusso, in jean shorts and a baggy flannel shirt, his hair mussed and, if he looked closely, a streak of grey by his temple.
It was a good look.
“DILF,” was all Hawk’s reply said, and then a flurry of little picture emoticons that Johnny didn’t understand.
He had to use the Google to figure out what a DILF was.
Probably the first fic I read in this fandom. It's very fun.
He's My Karate Husband by lostmagician, E, 1945 words
What the hell was going on? Was this another one of Johnny's pranks? The worst part was that Johnny seemed unfazed whenever he said it—like he was just stating the way things were.
(Or: the one where Johnny keeps calling Daniel his karate husband, and Daniel doesn't understand why)
Also a fun story.
Safe Word: Cobra Kai by Zerrah, M, 5288 words
In a bout of overprotectiveness, Daniel follows Sam to an unconventional club, and gets more than he bargained for.
One where Johnny totally knows what Daniel really wants.
Love by Amymone, G, 1165 words
Johnny just wants to tell LaRusso that he loves him. What could possibly go wrong?
It's cute.
The Last Coors Banquet in the Valley by LulaMadison, M, 29436 words
During the zombie apocalypse Johnny Lawrence searches for the last Coors Banquet in the valley, but instead he finds a 16 year old kid living alone in an abandoned apartment block. He decides to teach the kid how to be a badass Zombie killer.
(I know some people don't like major character deaths in fic, but there are no 'on screen' character deaths in this fic, although any person not listed in the tags above is assumed to be a zombie or missing. Spoiling it slightly, but any character listed in the tags above isn't going to die.
There also isn't a lot of horror in this because it's not really about Zombies, it's about finding love and family at the end of the world :-P)
A much-needed zombie au.
I Can Give It All To You, Baby by succor_punch, E, 10873 words
Daniel finds the photos. *** Whatever pervert directed this photoshoot knew what they were doing. The next pose has Johnny leaning back against a rock wall with his leg half-hitched up and he looks every inch like a prime, sex-on-a-stick alpha male. White baggy trousers that offset his tanned chest, which is... shiny. Did they fucking rub him down with oil?
It's good and also now a series.
We have been down together in my sleep by trinityofone, E, 4226 words
Listen, it wasn’t Johnny’s fault that he never realized how much he’d love getting fucked.
Lovingly what it says in the description.
Fellas, is it gay... by momma_66, T, 1933 words
To goad your karate rivial into asking you to prom and then both of your egos are too big to back out? Is it gay, fellas?
A fun take on rival daring each other to go to prom together and finding the pics +30 years later
Paler than Grass by the_sound_of_inevitability, E, 4047 words
It’s just the two of them. He told himself he didn’t need an entourage to hand over the damn form, that he was going to keep his cool.
His cool lasted all of two seconds under LaRusso’s gaze.
But then, it never lasts. Whenever he sees LaRusso it’s like an electric charge.
Inspired by the deleted scene of Daniel asking Johnny why he likes intimidation. Canon compliant... until it isn't.
What if Johnny bullying Daniel was a thing they got off to?
Tit For Tat by t_time, E, 2487 words
“I can fix the car for you, at no cost. All I need in return is a little favor.”
Johnny tensed. “What kind of favor?” He asked slowly, not sure he wanted to know.
Daniel leans forward now, smile sliding off his face. “Suck my dick, Johnny.”
In which Johnny is as broke as his car is, and Daniel wants his dick sucked. Written for a Kink Meme prompt.
A bit of a darker Daniel here.
When the Fires Burn Low by petofi, T, 7113 words
A couple years after high school ends, Johnny is lonely and touch-starved. He goes to a beach party where, deep into the night, people will start putting on a blindfold and undressing while other people touch them.
One night Johnny puts on a blindfold, not knowing that a certain karate rival is watching from the other side of the bonfire.
Poor touch-starved Johnny and a kind Daniel.
Snake pit by dedlit, E, 49098 words
Sets after season 2.
1st Arc: Daniel strikes a deal with Kreese and starts loosing control over himself...
2nd Arc: Johnny is back in town, Daniel's downward spiral continues...
3rd Arc: Daniel and Johnny recover, heal and slowly something new can start...
A much darker fic, so well written, poor Daniel, but it does work out
little larusso is a cobra by narcissablaxk, T, 3844 words
When Anthony asks Johnny to teach him some karate to take care of a bully, Johnny agrees, even if it means keeping it a secret from Daniel. That is, until he finds out who the bully is.
It's good and fun.
Functional Flexibility by LMT, M, 23692 words
“How about you, LaRusso?” Johnny says. “What’s *your* secret weapon? Your crane kick of sex?” Knowing that the conversation will go nowhere good, Daniel just tells him that he will never, ever find out. Even if he buys shots all night. ************************** ((After Daniel and Johnny discuss some newfangled ideas about sexuality, which were definitely not in vogue when they were kids, things get weird.))
It's not Lawrusso, but it is a fascinating look at their relationship and both Johnny and Daniel as characters.
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untamedunrestrained · 4 years
Moral of the Story
I was scrolling through the WangXian tag on Tumblr when I came across a post that I eventually scrolled past but it seems to have planted a germ of an idea that I just can’t shake loose and I tried and I tried and then I procrastinated some more for good measure but it didn’t work. So, here I am trying to present my thoughts with some degree of coherency.
The post that was the impetus for this post, talks about LWJ’s punishment after the events at Nightless City just before WWX’s death. That post raises the question of how LWJ could forgive his uncle and brother for a punishment that would have killed a lesser cultivator.
The moment I read the post I disagreed with it but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why but since I have been thinking about it for the past few days, I now know exactly why I disagreed with the post in the first place.
Before we proceed, I would like to make it clear that while what I’m about to say tracks across every canon of MDZS, I’m going to pick the details from the novel verse because it’s more detailed with regards to this particular aspect of the story, and also if you have only watched The Untamed/CQL and not read the novel (albeit only in its translated form) it might be easier to fall into the type of thinking that lead to the previous post in the first place.
Ideally, I should just link to the original post but since I found the post while I was scrolling through Tumblr’s tag for WangXian and initially tried to ignore it completely because I didn’t quite understand why that particular idea was troubling me, I don’t think it would be easy to find it again and since I’m disagreeing with the post I don’t want the author of the post to find this because even when we try to be rational our first response to being disagreed with is hurt or anger and I don’t want anyone to feel that way. These are just my thoughts and you might agree or disagree with them but I feel like I should put them out there since the idea will not leave me alone.
So, let’s get into it.
LWJ is given thirty-three discipline whips for each of the thirty-three GusuLan elders he gravely injured to protect WWX.
When WWX sees LWJ scars in the novel these are his thoughts-
Usually, with only one or two strikes of the discipline whip, it would already be enough of a punishment for the bearer to remember it for their whole life, never to make the same mistake ever again. The amount of scars on this person’s back accumulated thirty at the least. Just what sort of monstrous crime did he commit for him to be whipped so many times? If it really was a monstrous crime, why didn’t they kill him?
As we will later learn LWJ’s punishment is a little more detailed than just whipping he was also made to kneel in front of the “Wall of Discipline” following the whipping.
It’s a barbaric punishment and of course, the ones ordering it are his uncle and his brother who have both been established as characters who truly do love LWJ. So, why? Why is LWJ’s punishment so severe, well there are two reasons for that and I will discuss the lamer one first.
His punishment was severe because by this point we know that LWJ is probably one of the best cultivators of his generation if not the best (I could definitely argue for the latter, I mean this guy can fight Xue Yang wielding his sword with one hand and keep an entire horde of zombies at bay while playing his guqin with the other. And, did I mention this is happening at the same time, he literally managed to fight a horde of zombies and Xue Yang with two different cultivation methods being practised simultaneously and of course, he won but not only that there wasn’t a moment during this entire fight when that wasn’t the expected outcome). So, of course, if you want to really punish this guy the punishment has to be on par with his own physical and spiritual strength, it wouldn’t be much of a punishment he was able to do it without even breaking a sweat. I told you it was a bit lame.
Secondly and more importantly, the punishment should fit the crime. If the crime is particularly grievous, the punishment must be as well, it must be severe and in this particular story, depending on the individual’s spiritual strength a severe enough punishment might be different for different levels of cultivation. So, the real question is did LWJ deserve the punishment and the answer is an unequivocal YES.
LWJ grievously injured thirty-three GusuLan elders who were looking for him specifically so that they could find him before the other clans did because if the other clans did find him first they would kill him. After all, he saved WWX and kept him alive. The same WWX who at the Nightless City declared war on the combined might of the Cultivation World and then proceeded to kill thousands of Cultivators and then when they died he resurrected them to fight their very own comrades, that WWX.
Now, we might all argue he only fought the Cultivators because they killed all the Wen remnants and that only happened because he killed Jin ZiXuan who he technically didn’t kill but he definitely provided the opportunity and the weapon for his death because his ego couldn’t let Jin ZiXun go. At this point, we don’t know that there is another player in the mix but both these fights that ultimately take the lives of Jin ZiXuan and Jiang Yanli respectively were both started by WWX and even if we forget about the inciting event (Jin ZiXuan’s death), WWX still killed thousands of people from all clans. But, we only know these intricacies because the story is told from WWX’s perspective. LWJ doesn’t know this and neither do most of the people in the Cultivation World.
What they do know is that LWJ took WWX after he had killed thousands of cultivators and depleted the remaining Cultivators of their spiritual energy so thoroughly it took them three months to recover enough to mount a second attack. No matter how you spin it WWX is responsible for those deaths and LWJ is responsible for saving an outright murderer and then he further cemented his crimes by fighting thirty-three of his own elders and grievously injuring them in defence of said murderer when it seems like they largely made the journey to protect LWJ's life and his reputation and not with the primary purpose of killing WWX.
So, yes he deserves his punishment and as he himself believes this -
But he (LWJ) said… that he could not say with certainty whether what you (WWX) did was right or wrong, but no matter what, he was willing to be responsible for all of the consequences alongside you.
The reason LWJ could forgive LXC and LQR for his punishment is because he didn’t need to. He understood exactly why he was being punished. At the end of the day, LWJ didn’t actually protect WWX thinking that he might be right, he protected WWX because he was intensely and irrevocably in love with him and he is ready to stand by his love right or wrong.
While these are all very valid points the real reason that post caused this disquiet to appear in me was because it was trying to paint LXC and LQR’s actions in a bad light with the power of hindsight completely forgetting that their actions were relevant in the context they happened in which brought me spiralling back to the story as a whole.
The story firmly tries to tell you that what you see and what you observe might paint a very clear narrative in your eyes but there is always a possibility that the narrative we feel is so immutable can completely change its structure if we were just able to see it in a different light as is beautifully illuminated by this story.
The other thing that we don’t realise is that in this story we aren’t depicted by LWJ or WWX or JC or JL or LSZ or even NHS and JGY for the matter. We are the mob, we are Sect Leader Yao, we are the people who are told stories that paint people in a certain light and then we can’t see them in any other light. In our very upbringing, some prejudices are a staple and we still harbour them and these influence how we interact with the world and more specifically how we judge people and their actions. This story urges us to remember that while things might seem black and white maybe unearthing the reasons behind them might make the story more grey, so the next time you decide to paint a group of people or even a particular person as wholly bad no matter how egregious their actions may seem remember the moral of Mo Dao Zu Shi, remember that there might be more to the story than meets the eye and more importantly remember that something in the future might make a success of today look like a blight on history.
If I have to be more precise, I would say the moral of this story is to be open to the possibility that we might not know the whole story and we might be wrong even when we are a 100% convinced we aren’t.
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bruzzy-art · 3 years
Hey would you mind telling more about Grey? I'm new to this oc character and i want to learn more about him. His personality, his life, how he meet Little Cato and the team squad and more important how both him and little cato fell in love with each other?
Ok, I'm gonna put this under a read-more cause it's gonna be pretty long.
I haven't decided everything about his backstory yet so there are parts that are still pretty vague, but when he was a baby his parents were fugitives who had to leave Ventrexia because they were accused of betraying their planet. While they were being chased by ventrexian guards, they ended up reaching a planet called Xaridya, inhabited by lizard-like people. Knowing they weren't gonna make it, they managed to make Grey land on the planet hoping that at least he would survive. He crashed on a village where he was found by a Xaridyan named Mara, who quickly grew fond of him and raised him as her own. He lived 15 years in the village, until one day the planet was sucked into Final Space. He spent the following weeks trying to survive and helping the other villagers, some of whom died of Final Space poisoning.
Now this is supposed to be the part where Grey and Little Cato meet. I came up with all this way before season 3 started airing, and knowing what I do now it doesn't make much sense anymore but reject canon embrace fanon I say.
At one point the Team Squad lands on Xaridya not knowing they're being followed by the Gary zombies. Grey and his friend Kari are patrolling the area in that moment. They've heard of the Gary zombies before and know that they're dangerous, so when they see Gary they assume that he's one of them and that the rest of the Team Squad is also working for Invictus. The Team Squad splits and Grey and Kari notice that Little Cato, Ash and Fox are moving towards the village so they attack them. Little Cato, Ash and Fox try to explain to them that they don't want to hurt them, but they're interrupted by the Gary zombies. They hide, and the zombies don't see them, but they find the village and most of the villagers are killed, including Mara and almost all of Kari's relatives. Grey and Kari rush to the village to find that it's been destroyed, so Little Cato, Ash and Fox take them in knowing they wouldn't be able to survive on their own.
Little Cato and Grey's relationship has a rocky start. Grey just lost everything and except for Kari he is now surrounded by strangers in an unfamiliar place, so he tends to isolate himself and will only talk to Kari. Little Cato being the sweetheart he is tries his best to offer emotional support and to make him feel welcome with the Team Squad. Eventually, Grey starts to feel more comfortable around him and to open up more, and the two get pretty close. Grey is the first to develop feelings for the other, and he's in denial about it for a good while and tries to make his crush go away because of his own insecurities.
Personality-wise, Grey is quiet and shy (although one way to get him to talk is if you ask him about swords). He likes to have his alone time and while he's generally calm and doesn't get mad often, he will become more irritable if you invade his personal space. He tends to keep things to himself so it takes a while to get to know him but once you do you'll see that he's really a sweetheart. He tends to put others before himself and he's very loyal to the people he loves. And if anyone crosses them...well, he has a sword and he's not afraid to use it.
I think that's everything, thank you for the ask! I'm happy to see you want to know more about Grey :)
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
3, 4, 20, 21 from the headcanons ask game! ✨
Sure, sounds like a plan @i-mybrunettelady :D
3. How big is the Pact in respect to other military forces? Who supports them monetarily (they’ve had enough resources to build Fort Trinity long before it was certain they could even take Zhaitan)
Originally (pre-HoT), I'd say pretty large! They smashed together the three orders of Tyria into one organization, and each of them was a decent-sized group on its own. It's really hard to get a sense of the scale, especially since I feel like most of the military/defense forces we see have to be smaller. (The Wardens came to mind first, but I think the Seraph and the Peacemakers are also probably both smaller groups than the Pact.) The charr legions as a whole have got to be at least the same size as the Pact, but individually they're probably smaller. Post-HoT, I have less of a concrete idea, but I imagine that they eventually build up their ranks to something close to or matching their original size.
As for monetary support, I have to assume that each of the orders have some way of making money, and the original building of Fort Trinity drew on those coffers specifically. Once the Pact forms, they might continue drawing on whatever those ways were; they might also (once they prove they're actually a viable dragon destruction force) be subsidized on some level by the different Tyrian governments--though I'm not certain exactly how that would work (or if it would work) in terms of politics and who they're beholden to, so that's a less likely option.
4. How much smarter than everyone else are asura actually? Is it all just hubris and in the end they just have a better education system?
It's really hard to tell. I want to guess half and half, but as far as I know (and I could be very wrong here), we don't have any canonical examples of asura who were raised outside of their education system. And even then, you'd have to do some sort of study in order to get any actual usable data, and...wow, my answer about asura is turning into a minor dissertation on the scientific method xD. (Not to mention that doing a study like that would have to be observational rather than experimental in order to be an ethical study and I think getting a large enough sample size would be difficult...)
But, anyways, I tend to assume half and half in my personal headcanons: they get a jump start, but it's not as much as they'd like everyone else (and themselves) to think. Though their education system does seem to be generally (minus the semi-frequent pompousness and assholery of the people in charge) pretty damn good, so they get props for that for sure.
20. How far has Orr been restored at this point?
God, I wish we could see this in game, so much. I know why the game doesn't work like that, but I would so love to see what it looks like.
But in my headcanons--it's getting there! It's been about 9-ish years in-game now since Trahearne did the cleansing ritual, so I don't think there's any way it can be completely recovered. We've seen that, even though Zhaitan is dead, the Risen are most definitely still around, so clearing them out alone probably is taking a while. I looked up ecosystem recovery to see if I could find any references, and apparently, in our world, forest ecosystems can take around 42 years to recover from devastation while ocean ecosystems take only 10 because there's more organism turnover. Based on that (and taking into account the fact that this is very much both the same and different because of magic and dragon corruption), my mental image of Orr right now is something along these lines, but with whatever plant life grows there:
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There's more undergrowth now, and the ground's a lot more green, but there's still many, many remnants of the destruction. Vines wrap over most of the ruins, covering up the grey, bit by bit. As far as animals go, there's most definitely small birds and bugs even in the more damaged areas by now that are living quite happily, and the wildlife from the border with Mount Maelstrom and from the less-corrupted areas are still working on fully spreading through the rest of Orr.
So, yeah. Getting there. But it's much less "zombie zone" and much more "recovering" now, though you should still probably bring a squad if you're venturing around there.
21. Malyck. Other Trees. Mordremoth’s blighting trees… Are the Sylvari not unique?
Hmm. Depends what this question is asking, exactly. They're definitely not the only plant creatures grown from a Tree like the Pale Tree, but as of right now in canon, are they alone in being sylvari? I don't know. It's definitely my headcanon that there have been other Trees (see: my OCs Rel and Nisha, as well as the aforementioned and very canon Malyck), but whether or not they're still alive and uncorrupted by Mordremoth is another story. Additionally, it's very possible that there could be more Trees in the future or that there are some that are still growing. The Pale Tree didn't awaken the Firstborn until she'd been alive for some 225-odd years, so if there are other Trees, they might not be old enough to produce other sylvari or might simply not be inclined to do so for whatever reason.
Also, while new Trees would most likely grow in or around Maguuma due to proximity and climate, it could be possible for them to grow somewhere else if someone like Ronan found other seeds and transported them far away. There could be Trees growing in places other than Maguuma.
As far as sylvari currently being unique, as in being the only plant beings currently existing and not having any "cousins", my metaphorical money's on them indeed being unique if you follow that definition. If there were other sylvari, I think they most likely would have been found by now. (Though it also is possible that they exist and haven't been located--Tyria is pretty big. Or that they were mistaken for Pale Tree sylvari; depending on what they look like, it might not be possible to tell on sight that they were from a different tree.). The only exceptions to this (canonically speaking at least) would be Malyck and any of his siblings, if they're still alive. As for whether that will stay the case in the future? I'd say probably not. I could easily see there being multiple Trees someday. There have to be unsprouted seeds left over after Mordremoth's death, right?
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lionfanged · 3 years
@gerudosage sent / meme :
nine / how long have you been roleplaying ?, twelve / are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as ? & eighteen / what’s the one thing you want to try the most on your blog ?
nine : too long. since i was eight years old?? i can DISTINCTLY remember being a wee lass on the neopets forums discovering in total delight that people were not only writing there, but they were doing this very fun game of collaborative writing! pretty much up until i graduated high school i was a MAJOR bookworm and was enraptured by the idea of writing my own stories, and third grade erika was elated to find like-minded people on a generally child-safe website. it has its up’s and down’s, but i had a very fun time rping fantasy wolves. (i rped edgy wolf twins raven, who was pitch black with bright red eyes, and shade, who was half white, half black split right down the middle with a red tail and wings that were the color of the opposite side, who’s dad was the god of the dead and took the form of a giant zombie wolf.)
twelve :
INHALES. i mean, who do i NOT want to write as?? i often have to rein myself in, knowing i will inevitably get bored and return to atticus, though there are some cases in which i just need to take breaks of varying lengths (i.e. i will never fully abandon gan, but sometimes i’m just not vibing). right now because im playing genshin im fixated on twink baby face diluc, and edgy anti-god man dainsleif. the difficulty of this game, however, is that it’s gonna take ten years for the full release, and i don’t rly like to have to make up 99% of the canon for a character i know has more content coming. i also honestly want to focus as much as i can on atticus, and i find people (understandably) latch more onto my canons than him, and i want to work that much harder to make him as interesting as any canon.
eighteen :
i’d love to do more stuff of atticus functioning in his role as the head of pursuant! and in non-pokemon related things, just him doing... evil things in general i guess? hell not even evil, tbh im reconsidering how ‘‘evil’‘ he really is. as his development as gone on, i’ve found atticus isn’t very black/white evil, but more morally grey in his belief system, not wishing the utmost of cruelties upon people, but committing evils like. yknow. forcible seizure of an existing government and replacing it with his own. but in general i rly would like to explore that i guess? in any verse where he can confront the status quo (i.e. his belief the gods are flawed and should be taken down in genshin, pushing an opposite line of thinking to the absolute reverence most people display in teyvat) and have people either resolutely stand their ground that their belief system is the be all end all, or find themselves questioning what they’ve followed all their lives. rly would just like some spicy threads where it isnt UR SO EVIL, EVIL MAN!! and ppl hoisting up their pinnacle of good charas.
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thevampireauthoress · 5 years
One Shot Fic: Time-Breaker
Jameson was late, again, but this time it wasn’t his fault... not quite. You just can’t get this brand of hat anymore, pursuing it was the only option, he told himself as he kept a firm grip on it. In those elongated moments, the rhythm of the raindrops splashing and his feet hitting the ground seemed to be the only sounds in the city. He fished his pocket watch out of his waistcoat and tried to hold it still enough to read. Giving up, he dropped it back into his pocket next to a scrap of paper. He would have to apologise to his client for his tardiness.
Tardy described Jameson Jackson very well. Never the first one anywhere and often delayed on understanding jokes, though many times the first to tell them. His fashion was late and so were his mannerisms, but in a city such as this it was easily waved away. He was grateful for that.
He slowed as he reached again into his pocket. Drawing out the scrap of paper, he squinted at the barely legible scrawl. Next to the dumpster - Carthage Street. Carthage Street was close, or it had been the last time he was here. Following his foggy memory, he arrived with a suspicious lack of difficulty. With a name like Carthage, Jameson expected it to smell burning and salt, instead the stench of old garbage and urine met his nostrils. Towering blocks of sardine-can flats lined the street; a cat hissed in the darkness, startling him.
Against his better judgment, Jameson made his way down the passage; thin, artificial city light crawled around corners, trying to peek at the dingy scene. A bundle of scraps against the wall moved as he approached, both parties hesitant. Jameson’s footsteps echoed as he came closer until the figure sat up to face him. Their skin was so translucent it looked grey as it reflected the strangled streetlights, everything about the thin man was pale, aside from his hair. Thick and dark, slick with grease and possibly infested with something Jameson didn’t want to think about. A dull, barely cognisant recognition showed on his face.
“You... came?” Eyes, misty with early cataracts, shone with diluted hope.
Jameson forced his hands into slow but brief answers, “I’m late. Sorry.”
“Safe now?”
Jameson hesitated, “Yes.”
The figure shifted, standing on unsteady legs, grasping for Jameson’s gloved hands, which he gave. As he stood the pale form upright, a violent thumping came from the dumpster. Freeing his hands, he turned to the young man with scars on his face,
“What was that sound?”
“Bad man? Dinner?” Hungry eyes moved towards the sound.
Jameson decided not to ask what he meant. The young man swiped his striped sleeve over his mouth, wiping away a string of saliva. Glancing over the pile of scrap the man had been unearthed from, he seemed to have no personal effects. Odd, Jameson mused, distinctly odd. Finding no more reason to stay in an alleyway that reeked sweetly of rotting things, he gestured to his companion.
“Time to go.”
“W....wait,” the soft slur of speech spilled from trembling lips, “who’ll look after my rats?”
“I don’t know... but they will be fine.” he added as the milky eyes grew concerned.
“Where we goin’?”
“A better place.” Jameson really hoped he was right as he took his companion’s elbow and led him through the streets. The man’s slight stoop and shuffling gait made for slow going, so unbearably comparable to the movement of the earth’s crust that Jameson considered asking the man if he wished to be carried.
Instead he focused on getting a good look at his companion; his messy hair had a purple tint to it, hands with dirt-clogged nails played constantly with his ruined sleeves. Eyes dark with bruise-like circles around them were starting to close in tiredness.
“Have you been on the streets long?”
Jameson’s eyes narrowed in thought, but he said nothing, only stroked the strange man’s arm. The stench of decay had followed the man, clinging to his skin like ticks.
Wall after wall of dirty, graffiti-covered city block passed the pair, until Jameson began to recognise the neon signs and sharp corners as being close to his client’s meeting place, he checked his watch and drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. His companion turned at the sound.
“Nearly there.” Jameson soothed.
“You stay with me?”
Again Jameson hesitated,“No.”
The man’s eyes glistened wetly and, without a word, wrapped himself in a hug around Jameson’s midsection. Jameson tensed at the sudden, unexpected contact, but put a hand on his charge’s back.
“Come visit!” A muffled, teary voice pleaded.
He brought his arms into the grayscale man’s sightline.
“I will do my best.”
Jameson never made promises that weren’t contracts, signed by both parties, but he really did intend to keep this one.
Turning the last corner, someone in a long-sleeved shirt and beret was waiting for them, in the unlit street Jameson couldn’t see their face. Standing with his charge at the alley’s mouth, he waited for his heart to slow before moving his hands in speech.
“I apologise for my lateness.”
“Worry not, my friend, you are here now.” A thick, jovial french accent answered him. “And you have brought the young man. Good, good.”
Jameson nodded the stooping man forward, in his periphery, he noticed a door to his left swing into the house. The pale figure sniffed the air, unsure. His tentative, scuffing footsteps marked his ungainly movements. Jameson gazed at both figures, his client and his charge.
“Take care of him, please.” He signed, partly at his client, partly to the universe.
A smile twinkled in anonymity’s eclipse. “Of course we shall.”
As the shadow-toned beret wearer drew the pale man into the dark, towards the open doorway, Jameson noticed many pairs of glittering eyes staring out. He wondered how many washes it would take to get the smell out of his gloves as he made his departure.
The clouds overhead glowed an eerie hue of orange and brown, yellow lights and walls of dark brick passed him as he walked. Was it the light pollution or the peculiarities that happen around him sepia-toning the world? He wasn’t entirely certain.
Time breaks around Jameson. He isn’t sure why. Threads of ideas try to pull themselves together but they tangle when he tries to interfere. Minutes and hours slip away like fleeting laughter. Weeks. Months. Years. He loses track of everything and everyone, but nothing seems to change. An anomaly is he, Jameson decides. Never fitting in but never being overtly questioned, like a spare vigilante in a comic. Hero or villain; he wondered where that arc would take him, if he chose such a career trajectory.
A woman with a scarf around her face met him on a corner, a piece of paper in her hands. Fixing his monocle in his eye and smoothing his moustache, Jameson sighed and read the contents. Nodding and signing it, he disappeared down a dead end alley and didn’t come out.
Schneep / Jackie / Marvin / Chase / Anti (?)
PART 2 BABEY... I’m not as happy with this one, but I can’t figure out what I’m not happy with -_-
I honestly don’t know what this is, I guess it’s because JJ seems so disconnected from all the other egos, he seems like a perfect go-between between canon and non-canon. Also I wanted to write the zombie boi and time anomalies. Sue me!
More ego one shots coming soon, any constructive feedback you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Tagging everyone from last time plus a couple more who expressed interest :3 (if you don’t want to be tagged or if you do, shoot me a message)
@kate807 @drunkpmacultist @sptgd @lilakennedy @kcarrollworld @khushiudasi @luvstoriesatstoplights2 @flamingarbagecan @rozapast @aaliyah-j-hall @septicuniverse @chaotic-cheshire @the-rampaige @maybekatie @amyxmiaplay
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Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #1, Venom vol. 4 #17, Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1, Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1 Thoughts
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I’m trying very hard to both cover Absolute Carnage in reading order and also not bog down said coverage of the tie ins, i’m hoping to give the main book and ASM tie-ins my full attention but for all the other ones handle them less comprehensively. Obviously that depends upon their respective content.
The Deadpool issue had great art, funny dialogue, a brisk pace, some clever moments and a refreshing acknowledgment that the Peter/Wade dynamic is stupid. 
Having Carnage acknowledge Deadpool as the motherload of codexes because of his bonding with the 4 Life Foundation symbiotes (a.k.a. also collectively referred to as the Hybrid symbiote) from Wade and Kasady’s last encounter was a great use of continuity. My hope is the lack of acknowledgement of his time with the Venom symbiote (see Deadpool’s Secret Secret War and Deadpool: Back in Black) confirms that those stories are not to be taken seriously as canon, at least as far as Spidey or Venom continuity is concerned.
The only real problem is that, whilst the start of the story technically precedes Absolute Carnage, when we get to the symbiote stuff it happens during Absolute Carnage #2 and thus really is best read after that comic as it does give a few minor spoilers for it.
Venom #17 was fantastic!
Now, as I said in my Absolute Carnage #2 post, the plotting is out of whack. Venom #17 should be read BEFORE Absolute Carnage #2!
The story itself, whilst basic, is effective. The Maker is as morally grey (or flexible if you like, get it!) as ever. Dylan is characterized well, believable as the son of Eddie Brock. Normie is underserved but this isn’t his story. Something that did bug me though is that the art depicts them as probably about the same age with Dylan dominating their dynamic. But really Dylan should be younger. Dylan was born between Venom Along Came a Spider (1996) and Anne Weying’s death in like 2000 or 2001. Normie meanwhile was born in the mid-1980s!
That’s a small complaint though and easily No. Prized.
Now as for the rest of the comic Cates pulls off a masterstroke in how he’s structured this event, at least in relation to the Venom book.
Absolute Carnage seems set to be the book where all the thrust of the story happens, that’s where you go to see Carnage and I suspect going forward where you will go to follow Brock/Venom. Meanwhile the actual Venom book is going to be following Dylan, who’s been adequately built up by this point. It helps make the Venom book relevant but not demand that you go other the same events twice or ping pong between it and Absolute Carnage to see the next part of the story, it’s happening adjacent  to the main events but it’s also not a meaningless side quest!
There is also a lot of great use of established continuity in this book. Venom himself might not be in it much, but his LEGACY is. Dylan is his son (and remember he’s as much the son of the symbiote as he is Anne and Eddie) and so are the Life Foundation symbiotes. The Sleeper symbiote also shows up.
I confess I’m only vaguely familiar with Sleeper because I didn’t read Venom: First Host but I believe he’s strongly connected to Venom’s past, I think he is maybe literally the first host of the Venom symbiote.
There is also an interesting angle in this story because the lead is Dylan, the sidekick if you will is Normie and the antagonists are the family from Separation Anxiety, 2 of which are also little kids. I hope this factors in somehow as it seems there is a theme of family underlying this corner of the event! You could even extend that to Normie as the theme of family, especially dysfunctional family, is very relevant to the Osborns and is obviously now relevant to Venom/Brock’s immediate ‘family’ as well as the Separation Anxiety nuclear family.
The ar is also stellar. It’s not Stegman good but it’s still beautiful eye candy and looks enough like Stegman that the change isn’t jarring. I’m very happy Coello did the War of the Realms tie-ins as a taster and ‘warm up’ for this in fact.
Just great, I’m loving this one!
Lethal Protectors #1 was one of the tests for me about the strength of this event.
See of all the tie-ins this was the one I was least interested in. I don’t hate Cloak, Dagger, Iron Fist or Morbius, but I’m also fairly indifferent to them. I only liked Morbius in the 1994 cartoon (though I hear his 90s stories were quite good) and to me Iron Fist is dull outside of when he’s hanging out with Luke Cage.
So I checked this out but only out of a desire to be a completist.
I was fully braced for this issue to be what derailed the event’s thus far strong batting average.
Even this issue delivered.
Granted it also kind of DIDN’T deliver since the cover characters aren’t even mentioned at all. Instead the closest thing to a protagonist is Misty Knight. Now I have no hate for Misty Knight but to my recollection her connection to the symbiotes began only in the Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage issue that this continues off from. I suppose having a vibranium arm makes her an obvious combatant against symbiotes, but she’s got less connection to the lore. She seems more like the vehicle to introduce the above mentioned ‘lethal protectors’ into the story. And I guess that’s fine but either include her on the cover or feature the title characters in the issue.
That’s mostly a nitpick though, the rest of the issue is great. More fun violent horror stuff with a creepy romance added on for good measure in the form of Carnage and Shriek’s toxic relationship.
The reintroduction of Demo/Demagoblin was interesting. I knew it was coming and I knew it would be a new female version but the fact that it was Shriek took me by surprise, I was sure it was going to be Lily Hollister a.k.a. Menace. Truth be told I’m disappointed it wasn’t as that would’ve been an organic use of a pre-established character and wouldn’t have swapped out Shriek (who is also very interesting) for Demagoblin.
It’s not a BAD direction but I’d have preferred the Carnage family from Maximum Carnage be reassembled differently. But seeing Demagoblin and Carnage make out is delightful in how over the top nuts it is!
They mention reintroducing Carrion and I really, really hope that happens!
The art, whilst not being as good as in other tie-ins is still doing a solid job!
Much like the other tie-ins this series is opening up a new front in this event and exploring it quite well thus far, so I’d recommend this too!
And as a plus they remember to tell you when this happens in relation to the main event book.
Miles Morales sadly...was the first slip up in this event.
Now I’ve made my criticisms of Miles (in the comics) vocal before and I don’t want to sit here and tell you this issue sucked shit or it was bad because Miles was bland in it. To be honest MOST of the protagonists of Absolute Carnage are fairly bland. Miles for instance was a knotch more interesting than Misty Knight.
In fact I wouldn’t call this issue BAD at all.
There were just some things wrong with it.
The most noticeable of these was how the events depicted towards the end don’t quite jive with the end of Absolute Carnage #2. If you just wrote them down on paper they would seem to. Miles and Scorpion are fighting Carnage cultists, Carnage/Osborn is there in charge, Scorpion breaks away from the fray, Venom shows up, Miles stands alone but is overwhelmed, he is taken over by the symbiotes.
However when you compare the art and dialogue of the two comics there are a number of discrepancies which is annoying because up until now you could make everything fit together one way or another.
Among the discrepancies, and this is a nitpick, is that the Carnage cultists are wearing their Ravencroft uniforms, which IIRC they don’t do in any other appearance. A more contrived aspect to them though is Gargan recognizing the tattoo of one of them. How? They are all covered head to toe in symbiote their tattoo’s would be obscured!
I also didn’t like how the Carnage Cultists were treated as so disposable. My impression was they each have a bona fide symbiote bonded to them so would be on a similar power level to Venom at least, so Scorpion impaling them wouldn’t be a big deal, they could heal from that. But they come off more as just super strong zombies, and not even as strong as Venom at that.
Grant that’s an issue perhaps with the event as a whole but it was most noticeable here.
The other problem with this book is that half of it is little more than a standard superhero fights super villain yarn until halfway through when it abruptly becomes an Absolute Carnage tie-in. It even kind of does that at the very start of the issue where the recap page randomly interrupts the story in progress for no reason, putting it ahead of the first page wouldn’t have spoiled anything.
It seems like a waste especially since the cliffhanger is identical to the cliffhanger of Absolute Carnage #2, it doesn’t progress the story at all it simply provides some preamble and not particular plot relevant preamble at that. It’s not that difficult to deduce Miles was probably fighting Scorpion before they were attacked.
What’s even more annoying, but not a problem with this book per se, is that the comic discloses that this should be read after Absolute Carnage #2 but similar disclaimers weren’t made for other tie-in issues. I don’t even think reading this between AC #1 and #2 would make much difference. There aren’t any spoilers for AC #2 because it simply depicts the same events regarding Miles in greater detail.
My final problem with the issue is one that’s more a problem with Miles in general regarding his status in the 616 universe. Let’s put aside how it inherently undermines the character for a moment, the recap page alone shows you how problematic it is to have him migrate to Earth 616. The blurb summarizing Miles’ backstory has to be so ridiculously generalized and use dialogue implying he might be from another universe but could equally be taken as poetic hyperbole. I don’t blame Ahmed, I even sympathize that he kind of HAS to write it that way. It’s just stupid is all and undermines the emotional resonance of Ultimate Venom being associated with the death of Miles’ mother. But then again DID she even die now? See what a mess this is?
I don’t want this to sound like this issue was terrible, it wasn’t it was just okay at best though sans the art. Absolute Carnage has thus far had good to great art and this issue is no exception.
As a standard Spidey v. Scorpion rumble goes this was fine, it was fun and got the job done, standard superheroics so I can’t complain too much. The only contentious part was Miles’ ineffective Venom Blast.
It didn’t work because Scorpion’s suit was insulated.
This is a double edged sword when it comes to analysis.
On the one hand that is inconsistent with the Venom Blast’s established power. It can work against electrical powered foes like Electro AND extremely powerful demonic beings like Blackheart. But you telling me some rubber lining enables Scorpion to just shrug it off? Bullshit.
On the other hand though...Miles having a cheat code power like that has always been reductive to his character.
The final thing I have to say on the comic is that the editors weirdly hype up the issue. In other tie-ins they praise Ahmed for reinvigorating the Scorpion, for even making him scary and a straight up killer. Putting aside how he was a fucking cannibal in Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers, Ahmed honestly didn’t do anything like that.
Scorpion is a standard supervilalin who DGAF about innocent life or killing, he just wants to preserve his own life and make a payday. He lands some effective hits on Miles and is a threat but...there is nothing revolutionary or reinvigorating about it. It’s not tired and bad it’s just standard and effective that’s all.
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
Withered Orchid
Note: the / / / symbol followed by italicized text, then finished with / / / again represents a flashback. I also want to stress on the fact that this is an Alternate Universe. It is not the canon Barnalau story.
* * *
/ / /
“If you mess with Merula, I’ll vanish your bones” Barnaby said with a cocky voice, a smile on his face as he tilted his head.
He couldn’t look more proud over what he just said. Now, he was showing exactly why Merula chose him ! Because he was strong and scary ! By seeing him, King will definitely falter, and Merula won’t have problems with him anymore ! After all, his threatening skills were pretty damn solid... right ?
Laurent Dorian King, however, didn’t look impressed. He barely stared back at Barnaby, checking his nails instead and
( mmm, they’re starting to get long, I should clip them )
not paying any sort of attention to Barnaby. After a few more seconds of silence, during which Barnaby did his best to keep on his smile, Lau finally looked up.
“Oh... so you were, like, already done ? Vanish my bones and that’s all ? That’s juvenile”
Barnaby’s eyes widened, so much that for a second, Lau feared they might fall out of their sockets and fall on the floor ( plop ! ). Finally, though, the other Slytherin opened his mouth to speak... but he realized he had no idea what juvenile meant. Lau rolled his eyes, and took a step forward, which made Barnaby almost jump in surprise.
“Now, you’re the one who is going to listen to me, Mr.I’m-Merula’s-New-Pet. The last thing I need is you and Ismelda trying to bother me, so we’ll make a deal, all right ?”
He suddenly pressed his index finger against Barnaby’s chest.
“You are going to leave me alone, and I am going to leave you alone ! Is that a deal ? Oh wait, I’m gonna answer for you: yes, it’s a deal ! So now you better walk away and never speak to me again”
And with that, King spun around, his wizard robes fluttering around him, and he left the Potions Classroom. Barnaby Lee was now alone... if you ignored Snape who was giving him an annoyed look.
/ / /
The sky is in different tones of grey as Barnaby keeps marching forward. His cheeks feel cold, as well as his hands, and he can feel his fingers tremble sightly. He should have checked the weather forecast before dressing up, he would have brought a coat. Now, because of the snow twirling in the air, his shoulders were covered in white powder. Luckily, it was pretty light, and would drag itself away as soon as Barnaby would move. At least, he was lucky with that.
Shit, did he shave ? He brings his fingertips to his chin, feeling the slight stubble. Oh, no. He totally forgot... but hopefully, people will be willing to ignore it and simply avert their eyes.  How deeply he wishes that... but that scenario might not happen. He is well aware that everyone’s attention will be on him, and him only. He nervously squeezes his small orchids bouquet. Purple, and absolutely beautiful. Like his own little orchid. His own small, redheaded, beautiful orchid.
( stop calling me that, you numpty !, Lau would giggle. )
It was probably the only times he didn’t mind being called as such, and that said a lot. He keeps walking, the snow crunching under his footsteps.
/ / /
“I don’t understand anything” Barnaby whined, before pulling his textbook away and slamming his face against his hands.
Merlin, what kind of class was Herbology anyway !? Watch over a bunch of weird flowers, water them and take notes !? What... what was interesting about that anyway ? Laurent King, however, seemed absolutely fascinated, and he giggled at Barnaby’s reaction.
“Come on, Barnaby, it’s not that bad. Your Valerian is in pretty good shape, in fact ! It might just need a little bit of water... and dragon dung... and...”
He quickly trailed off as he realized Barnaby’s Valerian might not be as good as he initially thought, and smiled shyly... before stepping closer to Barnaby.
“Come on now, Sprout isn’t looking” he whispered. “Let me help you !”
Barnaby finally removed his hands from his face, and he stared at his small friend.
“H-Help me... ?”
The last person who helped him in any class was Merula Snyde, and she kept calling him an absolute idiot. For a moment, he dreaded that Lau might do the exact same thing... but the redhead gently smiled at him, then observed his Valerian.
“Yes, help you ! I’m a sucker for Herbology, Barnaby. Follow my advice, and your Valerian will look absolutely beautiful !”
Valerian, what a pretty name, he couldn’t help but think. He then stared at Barnaby with a smile.
“So ? What do you say, Barny ?”
And his eyes widened as the nickname showed up by itself. Barny !? Oh Merlin, Barnaby will hate it, Laurent was certain of it...
But as he looked at Barnaby Lee, he saw that the boy was beaming.
“I’m in ! Teach me everything, Lau !”
/ / /
As he finally reaches his destination, Barnaby spots a familiar figure. Once he gets closer, he recognizes Merula Snyde. She, as opposed to Barnaby, checked the weather forecast, and she decided to wear a fancy black coat, her hands stuffed into her pockets. Her cheeks are sightly rosy, surely due to the terrible cold. It seemed like whenever a second passed, the air would suddenly get chillier. Barnaby couldn’t help but wonder if by midnight the entire city will be a block of ice.
“Hey, Barnaby” the young woman finally says.
Barnaby simply nods. Maybe the cold prevented his lips from moving too much. Or maybe he just wishes to not speak at all. Whatever the reason, Merula keeps speaking anyway.
“Gotta say, we all have a terrible timing” she mutters. “Everyone’s gonna freeze their asses off by the time it’s over”
“Well, there’s dinner at my place afterwards” Barnaby shrugs. “I guess I’ll just have to make something warm...”
“What, were you planning to serve ice cream or something ?” the young witch exclaims.
Barnaby can only shake his head. Speaking that amount already exhausted him, since he haven’t been talking much since the past few days. His vocal chords were strained, and trying to push out a single noise from them demanded great effort. For a few minutes, there was only silence between them. The snow kept slowly falling, and Barnaby watched as it landed on Merula’s hair.
( Ah, just a lot more and she’ll start looking like a snowman. I should get a carrot... )
“Remember when you first met Lau... ?” Merula shyly asks. “You told me he pretty much yelled at you the entire time... what is it you told him, already ?”
A weak giggle escapes Barnaby’s lips.
“If you mess with Merula, I’ll vanish your bones”
“Wow, were you even that good at magic to do that ?”
“Probably not, I just wanted to... impress him, sort of scare him”
A small smile shows up on Merula’s lips, but silence falls upon them again. It seems as if none of them are able to carry the conversation.
“Did you... did you know ?” Merula finally asks.
And Barnaby feels himself freeze.
/ / /
It was a warm summer day, and Barnaby Lee had never felt this good before. He was relaxed, he was calm, he was... happy. And all of this was because Laurent Dorian King was with him. He was certain that this was the sole reason of his great mood. Not the fresh grass they were laying on, not the clear blue sky without any clouds, not even the delicious pie that they will bake later. No, he was happy because Laurent was with him.
On this weekend, Charles Edward King had a business trip in order to try and associate the King-Clemence farm with bigger, more successful farms. As a way to take advantage of the situation, Lau invited his friend for a weekend of unrestrained fun. After all the struggles they had that were linked to the past school year, they needed some time to relax together at least once during vacations.
“This feels so good...” Barnaby breathed out.
He never thought that laying on a field would be this great. Lau was right next to him, making a flowercrown with a bunch of orchids he found. Purple, his favourites. Barnaby, on the other hand, 
( why do you like orchids so much ?, Barnaby had asked him once )
( because people see them as pretentious flowers, Lau replied. I decided to not judge them as fast )
preferred sunflowers. Huge, beautiful sunflowers. Maybe one day he can ask Lau to make a sunflower crown for him... that would be pretty cool. He turned to his friend to ask him, but he suddenly saw his expression: a profoundly sad and thoughtful one, and Barnaby immediately learned that he hated seeing his dear friend like this. He frowned, looking at Lau.
“Lau... ? What’s wrong ?”
Lau’s hands suddenly froze... and he slowly turned to Barnaby. Their eyes met, chocolate and emerald. As Lau weakly smiled, Barnaby’s chest tightened. He’s so caring, he doesn’t want me to worry...
“You know how I told you my mom died from an illness, right ?”
Oh yeah, Lau definitely told him about that... he nodded slowly, wondering what Lau exactly wanted to talk about. His friend suddenly turned to look at his orchids again.
“My mum loved daisies. And orchids. I guess I lied a little to you, that time you asked me why I liked them so much... I like them not only because they are misunderstood, but also because my mum adored them. Tending to them... feels like I’m still with her, in some way”
With his fingertips, he gently caressed a purple petal. He might have been too harsh, though, since it slowly fell on his chest.
“She was sick... so sick, Barnaby. It was unbearable to see. She... she looked like a zombie, a few days before she died. And she wouldn’t speak, she wouldn’t move. She’d just stare. Stare at us without a word, not even a smile... and that was terrifying”
For a seven years old boy, at least. He sighed softly, staring at the sky and extending his arm, as if he was aiming to catch it.
“Sometimes, I wonder if she’s out there, looking for me... cheering for me. Because I try so hard for her, Barnaby. I try so hard to live so that her death will mean something. That despite what happened, I’m still able to... to do my thing, you know ? And I know she would have hated it if I had simply let grief swallow me up...”
Barnaby listened carefully, as if he was listening to the most serious, yet most fascinating tale. By the time Lau was over, they were hugging each other, in that large, empty field.
Then they made a strawberry pie.
/ / /
“I knew” Barnaby admits at last.
Merula stares at him... but she doesn’t say anything. That’s Barnaby’s cue to continue.
“He told me how his mother had it, and how terrible it was for him. He was... he was just a child, and he had to see this... I don’t know how he managed to stay this positive afterwards”
Back in Hogwarts, you would rarely see Laurent Dorian King with a long face. He’d always be smiling, giggling and trying to cheer his friends up by offering them flowers or comforting words, sometimes both. Merula can’t hold back a sad smile.
“It’s Lau. That’s just how he is...”
A little ray of sunshine, Barnaby thinks. A beautiful orchid, misunderstood yet beautiful.
Because boy, did people misunderstood Lau. Weak, fag, coward, all of these words would be said about him only because he dared to be his delicate, flower loving self. Whenever he’d stand up against bullies, people just seemed to turn a blind eye to that, and only focus on what was deemed as ‘girly’, therefore ‘weak’ to several mean male students..
“Yeah, that’s just how he is...” Merula repeats herself at last.
“He didn’t tell me it was hereditary” Barnaby suddenly confesses. “He thought it wouldn’t get him. He thought he was strong enough to avoid it”
“Emphasis on the word ‘thought’” Merula replies bitterly.
Indeed, huge emphasis.
“Let’s head inside” Barnaby says at last, eyeing the giant building.
“Yeah, let’s do that. I’m freezing”
He wraps his arm around her shoulders, mostly because he needs to be close to someone.
/ / /
“Merlin, can I say how terrible Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop is ?” Lau asked, laughter in his voice. “I can’t believe Tonks and Charlie made us live this complete mess !”
Barnaby started laughing as well, and he wrapped his arm around Lau’s shoulders. It was getting darker, so it was starting to get cold... but really, his main objective wasn’t to warm Lau up. It was, in fact, his second. His true goal was to simply be closer to him... and Merlin, did that feel good.
“How about we plan our second date already, to forget about that Tea Shop ?” Barnaby joked. “We could have a fun time in the Magical Creatures Reserve... that would be amazing !”
“Oh, yes !” Lau exclaimed, his eyes suddenly filling themselves with stars. “And think about how many flowers we can find there ! Maybe beforehand we can also have a nice picnic in front of the Great Lake...”
And he gave Barnaby his most charming smile, and the Slytherin’s heart skipped a beat. He’s so cute.
Suddenly, however, Lau froze, and turned to Barnaby.
“Does that... does that mean you want a second date... ?”
A smile immediately showed up on Barnaby’s lips... and he nodded.
“I’d absolutely love to, Laurent. But only if you want to”
“Of course I do ! I-I’ve just been so scared I screwed up the date. I mean, the Tea Shop was terrible”
“But you know what wasn’t... ?” Barnaby asked with a shy look on his face. “You. It might sound cheesy, but... this was my most amazing date”
“But you told me you never had dates before” Lau said, skeptical.
“Yeah... true. But it’s the best, because... because it was with you, and I’d love to have a second date with you...”
And now, they were blushing. As bright as tomatoes, the both of them.
“I, too, would love to have a second date with you, Barny” Lau whispered softly.
Then... it simply happened. Lau tip toed closer to Barnaby, and Barnaby wrapped his arms around Lau’s waist.
And they were kissing.
/ / /
And everyone was now looking at him. Him and his orchid bouquet. Penny Haywood, Andre Egwu, Bill and Charlie Weasley, Tulip Karasu... everyone. And Barnaby can only lower his eyes in an attempt to avoid all of these glances. He decides to focus on how the room looks.
A lot of red chairs, as if they were all blood stained. Neatly arranged in rows, just like in a classroom. But in front of them is no teacher. No McGonagall ready to teach them about Transfiguration, no Flitwick telling them to ‘swish and flick’ their wands, no Kettleburn and his missing limbs. Instead, there are colourful flowers everywhere. Roses, daisies, chrysanthemums... orchids. All of these beautiful little things surrounding a large, open casket. Barnaby quietly steps towards it, his heart beating against his chest. On either side of the casket, small wooden pillars were holding large orange candles.
( Orange, his favourite colour )
A slow music was playing as a background noise. Le Temps de L’Amour, Françoise Hardy. Barnaby takes a step closer, looks inside the open casket. His heart twists itself inside his chest, and he wants to scream.
Laurent Dorian King is here, and... he looks peaceful. He looks normal. The mortuary cosmetologist did a great job with hiding traces of the illness, and Lau only looks as if he is sleeping and he’ll wake up at any moment. His eyes will flutter open, he’ll smile at Barnaby and stretch himself... and then ask him to bring him home.
However, as Barnaby keeps staring, Lau doesn’t moves. The illness definitely took him, and sweetly tucked him inside of that casket.
/ / /
“Everything is at stake now, isn’t it ?”
Lau’s voice piped up into the darkness, and Barnaby slowly opened his eyes. Of course they weren’t sleeping... who would, now that Lord Voldemort was at his full power ? And to think that all possible hope was resting on young Harry Potter’s shoulders... he was only a child ! He should be relaxing and hanging out with friends, not saving the world !
“I... I guess it is” Barnaby whispered.
As if speaking any louder would summon Death Eaters. Lau was a muggleborn, after all. He was greatly at risk, because of something he couldn’t even control: his blood status.
“Do you think he’ll make it ? Harry, I mean ? Merlin, Barnaby, he’s just a boy... he’s only seventeen... I know he’s technically an adult, but still !”
He choked up, and Barnaby could guess that Lau was crying. He immediately turned around in the large bed, and pulled his lover against his chest.
“Everything will be alright, Lau... when the moment comes, we’ll be here to help him. Us, Tonks, Lupin, Bill... everyone. And You-Know-Who will bite the dust”
“Promise... ?” Lau softly whispered.
Barnaby kissed his forehead.
“I promise, Lau”
( and as soon as this war is over, I’m marrying you )
/ / /
Now comes the time to carry the now closed casket. Barnaby is one of the pallbearers, as well as Tulip, Merula and Penny.
It’s heavy. Usually, Barnaby has no trouble with carrying heavy weights... but now he finds himself deeply struggling, even with the help of his friends.
( I used to be able to carry you so easily, it was almost ridiculous. How come you’re ten times heavier, now ? How come a huge casket is keeping us apart ? How come I can’t see your smile again ? )
/ / /
“Barny ?”
It has been about a year ever since Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. Ever since the constant fear was gone. Ever since Barnaby Lee married Laurent Dorian King.
Barnaby took some time to find Lau, but he finally found his other half in their room. He was sitting in the bed, wearing Barnaby’s old Slytherin sweater. Man, despite all this time, it was still too big for him. He sat next to Lau, a smile on his face, waiting for what he might say. Considering the fact that Lau was also wearing his boxers, revealing his long, sexy legs, he quickly had... ideas of what Lau might want.
But his husband’s face said many things, and it certainly didn’t say sex. Lau finally turned to Barnaby, a weak smile on his face.
“My mother’s illness, Barnaby... it’s hereditary. I didn’t tell you about it at first, because I didn’t think I’d have it... I thought I was strong enough to fight off the virus before it even touched me...”
A tear suddenly rolled down his cheek. Barnaby wiped it away.
“I’m sick, Barnaby”
/ / /
Speech. He must make a speech. The casket is right here in front of him, in the cemetery. Everyone is, once again, looking at him. He still haven’t let go of his orchid bouquet. He holds them tightly, as if they are a safety buoy and he is drowning. He surely feels like he is drowning... but he can’t stop that horrible feeling. It attached itself to him ever since Lau closed his eyes for forever.
Another look at the casket. Merula lowers her head.
“Lau... when I first met you, you basically told me to go fuck myself”
A few giggles, but they died down rapidly. That’s bullshit, Barnaby thought. Lau would have wanted people to laugh at his funeral. He wouldn’t want people to be this sad over him.
“A-And... Merlin, I can’t believe I’m doing this right now... I can’t believe this is happening... you were my forever, Lau. Did you know that ? As soon as we kissed, I knew it instantly. That... that you were the guy I was going to love and marry. And I loved you, I loved you so much... and I married you. I married you as soon as I could, and our wedding was probably the best day of my life”
He takes a step closer to the casket, tears now streaming down his face.
“Remember when I told you I liked sunflowers ? I... I always felt like one whenever I was with you. You were my sun, my wonderful sun, and I was instantly drawn to you. I had to look at you all the time, I had to love you all the time, because... because that’s how things simply were”
He takes a pause, and uses it to cry for a moment. His tears splash against the orchids.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t fight this illness off you, Lau. I wished I could have found a way to get rid of it... seeing you suffer everyday was terrible... and yet you were so caring. You’d always worry about me, never yourself. You didn’t want me to feel sad... you wanted me to be happy for the remaining time we had together. And I think this describes you pretty well. You hate when people are sad and worried, you want them to smile and laugh. And that makes you the most beautiful person to be... the most beautiful orchid to be”
He leans down to place the orchid bouquet on top of the casket, among the other flowers on it.
“I love you, Laurent Dorian King. I loved you, I love you, and I will love you. You’ll always be in my heart... and there won’t be a single day during which I won’t think about you”
( because you are my sweet orchid, misunderstood and yet perfect )
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Hello everyone! I'm sorry if this is long but it's necessary so that you can jump straight into writing with me even if Emma is nearly an oc or a stranger to your muses - and because I'm not English and want to be sure it's all clear. I've been writing for eight years and I'm known to be chill and accommodating but I am also extremely aware of what my preferences and comfort zones are so please read the rules.
My name is Ele, I'm 31, cis woman, super friendly, slow because chronically ill especially when it comes to ooc chat which require too much energy and focus from me, so while I love plotting and commenting threads don't expect ooc chats to be a priority if they aren't fully about the threads. This blog has sideblogs: 'monsterinamusicbox', sosadandyetsoamazing, musesonawhim, and more might come. 
This is an AU Blog so you don't really need to have seen OUAT because this is NOT canon Emma Swan, there is no Storybrooke, and the princess Emma who remembers what was meant to happen in OUAT will let you know everything that you missed; so you'll need to read Emma's bio, either her AU enchanted forest backstory OR the backstory from our world which can fit Marvel, DC and other shows, depending on which character you play (it's awkward to realize the other person has no idea of what I'm writing, like I said, this won't be Emma Swan even in our world, she's been raised by her parents).
There is another backstory for non Enchanted Forest crossovers that doesn't have an abusive ex in it, check it out if the original one is triggering for you. You can request it, no explanation needed.
update of July 26: due to my health and lack of time I can't try to plot with every single mutual even if I follow first, so I ask you to please give me a sign you read my pages and would like to rp. Either by liking my many plotting calls, sending me a meme, liking starter calls, anything will do. Often when I try to plot people haven't read my pages yet or don't reply, and it's a lost occasion to plot with people who are ready. Thank you for your understanding.
I’m mutuals only and selective. If I don't follow you and you try to rp I'll ignore you, because I get anxious about saying no. If curious you can find reasons why I didn't follow you back here. Memes and opens have no expiration date. Untagged nsfw = I unfollow. Some shows I prefer not to interact with because I don't know them or aren't into some of their themes: vampire diaries, teen wolf, riverdale, gossip girls and any zombie/demons show outside of IZombie, Lucifer and Buffy/Angel.
Between asterisks it's what only people who write ouat characters need to read, the rest is for everyone:
**If your character is involved in her backstory, you have every right to discuss details with me so you won't feel godmodded/forced to adapt to it! I will also change things connected to your ch, for example if I write with a Jefferson, Emma's bff will be Ariel and not Grace. I'd rather not interact with ocs that are supposed to be her siblings or children etc. Henry was never born so if you play Henry we should plot it out because my Emma can’t be pregnant as a kid or she will be a completely different character.**
In this blog due to backstory issues she would want Regina dead so I prefer NOT to interact nor come up with new aus in which she’s fine with it (I have 2 plotted exceptions and that’s enough for me), and same goes for people who are currently villains from any fandom, though in that case we can plot out exceptions in which they aren’t being villains; if they are a grey-area, aren't people who hurt her family, and if you are pro-redemption it's fine, if not Emma wouldn't submit to anyone or bother to chat, she will try to kill them or die, so no threads are really doable. She's also not the type to hang out/bother with characters who are rude to her or to insist if they want her to leave, or to support who keeps manipulating her, hurting people or doesn't seem to be helped by her presence at all but keeps coming to her with pain to share (the latter would get a therapist card). Basically: Killian Jones the way he was written in the show, or even a Rumplestiltskin who found Belle and chose to do better and so on are fine. Villains who will mistreat Emma, have hurt her family, or are currently hunting children for sport? Not good for Emma.
Triggers will be tagged ‘name of the trigger tw’, you can always ask me to tag more AND tell me if something in her backstory makes you uncomfortable, so that I can find a solution (that issue is resolved/doesn't need to be mentioned) or tell you if it can't be skipped and you can choose not to write with me. I don’t write about miscarriage, toxic/abusive relationships and rape between my character and yours (temporarily evil due to magic/Dark One Emma being manipulative is fine, but rape is still a no). It’s not exactly a trigger but please tag your gore and body horror? The topic of hell is also complicate, I need you not to focus too much on torture and eternal damnation. And please, PLEASE, tag your daddy kink/mommy kink references ic and ooc. 
I’d rather get asks when you want to start a thread, reblog all the memes you want from me. I will reblog from the source or send you one if you prefer it that way but I don’t care if you reblog them from me.
Sometimes I'm fast, some I'm slow, but you can have as many threads with me as you want, take your time, reply as much as you want as long as you give me enough to write, drop threads, send memes or not. I like icons but I don't need them to write, you can stop using them whenever. 
NSFW and relationships
NSFW of the smut kind will be tagged as such and usually put under read more. I don’t write smut with everyone, only with people I know ooc/feel comfortable writing it with. I love shipping but I DON'T FORCESHIP, FRIENDSHIPS ARE WELCOMED. My Emma is straight. I do not romantically ship her with Neal/Baelfire even in aus, in her dark witch verse he's a past love Emma Swan had. Happy to find out if a relationship works between my Emma and Killian (my nearly automatic otp if you don't write him darker than in canon), the Huntsman, AU Pinocchio, Jefferson, and more if there is chemistry, but friendship is open to any of them too. Here for crossover ships as well. I’d really appreciate if you could tag your Swan Queen and Swan Thief, thank you.
Due to potential aus or crossovers, as in princess Emma showing up through a portal or me writing aus to adapt to your fandom, I want to bring up that some of the shows and movies I know are/what she can be in them with small changes to her regular backstory:
AOS (she can easily be inhuman or an alien),
Avengers movies (and at least Thor, Cap, Iron Man and Hulk’s movies), Ant-Man, Captain Marvel (same as above),
the 100 (she’s too happy to be anything but someone who comes from an unknown village or comes from one of the unknown worlds),
Chuck (she can be an ordinary human being, enhanced person/semi-alien depending on who rps the Chuck characters),
Elementary (she can be a regular human or whatever you want)
Flash (she can be a metahuman),
Guardians of the Galaxy (Same as for Marvel),
Legends of Tomorrow (human, alien, metahuman),
Doctor Who (she can be anything),
Firefly: she can be anything (I can also shake things up with her being an alien/having powers OR by coming from the planet where fairy tales are real).
Galavant (same universe as the Enchanted Forest),
Supergirl (she can be an ordinary human or alien),
IZombie (human or zombie),
Lost (she can be anything anything)
Buffy and Angel but only the tvshows (human, witch, one of the many new slayers),
Timeless (human unless the other rper prefers a crossover),
Lord of the Rings (probably just princess Emma portal jumping?)
pretty much any famous sitcom like Friends, the Office, Parks and Rec, b99 (likely she can only be human unless asked otherwise).
Also Lucifer and Good Omens (she could be an ordinary human or it’s more of a crossover in which she comes from her own universe and has magic), and more I can’t think of right now.
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iyliss · 6 years
Sooo @lily-liegh I finally finished writing everything for your gift >w< It ended up much bigger than expected so I have to post it here under a read more. Also I went for a travel in Paris since I know the place at least a bit, and im sorry if it isn’t always well written and has lots of mistakes...
Anyway I hope you enjoy it ♥♥♥
First, how they ended up travelling together... First was Akira, who had to go to Paris for a week for a business trip. But he managed to get paid for another week there, so he could have some nice holyday with Aoi since they never really travelled like this. But well Aoi couldn't stay alone in this city she doesn't know for the week that Akira had to spend on work... So he asked her if she had any friend or classmate who would like to come,and she invited Yusaku and Takeru.
When he heard about this, Kusanagi kindly « offered » to take care of the kids if he could come with his brother. Meanwhile, Ema kind of imposed herself and her brother in the trip because she always wanted to go to Paris (and Akira trusts her on keeping an eye on Aoi).
As for hanoi....Well, very sadly, Baira and Faust had a last minute work preventing them from doing that travel they had prepare... But it would be a shame not to use the plane ticket and hotel room ! Ryoken,what about you go with Specter ! (actually they never planned on going to Paris, they just wanted to give Ryoken some actual holydays and knew he would have never accepted directly). And it turns out they are in the same hotel as everyone else, and they kind of decided to spend the week together.
Now for the planning. Takeru absolutely wanted to go to Disney Land, Revolver wanted to go to the  Museum d'histoire naturel (natural history museum??) to find stuff to give to the other knights. Specter totally agreed with him, especially since he learned that the botanic garden was nearby.
Kusanagi basically wants to see the classic places (louvre, eiffel tower...) and take a lot of photos. Aoi secretly wants to go to Disney too, and she knows her brother will bring her to all the museums she likes anyway. Ema absolutely want to explore the catacombs and go shopping. Kengo just want to go back as soon as possible.
They somehow managed to organize everything in a single week, by allowing a day for each person who will chose where the group would go. It ended up like this :
    Sunday : the plane actually don't arrive too late but Akira spoke words of wisdom : « don't plan anything. You'll just be laying on bed all day because of jetlag. »
    Monday : a whole day for disney world. It was the most sunny day, and monday is always better than week end or wednesday.
    Tuesday : Morning for the louvre (it's a bit cloudy), afternoon for the eiffel tower (some more sun)
    Wednesday : late at night is when the catacombs tour take place, so they just kept the rest of the day empty to do what they wanted on their own
    Thursday : Shopping time ! And visiting the old paris, buying lots of souvenirs.
    Friday : Museum d'histoire naturel+botanic garden. Takeru didn't understand how it could take up a whole day.
    Saturday : Packing up, the plane is in the afternoon.
And... How each day actually went :
The beginning of the travel was pretty nice.Takeru managed to get the window seat, Yusaku in the middle and aoi on the aisle side (she asked her brother to travel with her friends). On the other side are specter and ryoken. At first Specter wanted to be by the window but he quickly felt bad so they switched. Behind was jin (window), kusanagi (middle), ema and on the other side kengo.
The first few hours were a lot of fun, they had started to play some card games, Kusanagi had food for everyone, and they took beautiful picture. The first one to fall asleep was actually Yusaku. Surprisingly, he felt very good in the plane and managed to sleep more during the travel than in the last two weeks.
Ema decided to sleep to keep a healthy schedule. She didn't, and watched stupid comedy with kusanagi for hours while criticizing everything. Takeru fell asleep while watching movies, and Aoi had to crawl all the way over Yusaku to take off his headphones which he was starting to entangle beyond recuperation.
Specter watched a 10 hours long documentary about the Amazon forest. Ryoken red a book, then slept, then tried reading again but couldn't, then started a movie he didn't finish, then slept again a bit, woke up on some turbulations, red again, and all this the whole time. Kengo said he was reading, but really he was playing with the game there was on the screen in front of the seat.
Aoi just spent most of the time half asleep, looking at everyone and listening to music when everyone was sleeping. When they arrived, she ended up the most capable with Yusaku to guide everyone to their hotel room. Though they almost forgot Takeru, who had fallen asleep on one of the subway station seat and didn't follow the group when it came.
But the magic of Disney land blessed him during the night, and he actually woke up first singing (badly) all the worst songs. Aoi, Kusanagi, Ema and Kengo yelled at him to shut up because they already started to have the songs in their head. Everyone prepared, and they arrived at the park quite early. They were expecting to see some people, but not that much crowd.... and now here comes my lack of knowledge of how this thing is like (i never went to disney land ever). So I have absolutely no idea what is really there. So sorry it'll be a bit lacking…
But anyway, they came back to the hotel incredibly tired. Thanks god they had eaten so much junk food, they didn't even need to think about a dinner.
The next day was harder for everyone. The sky was grey, and they were more than afraid to get lost once more in a dense crowd. But they still got to the museum around midday and ended up splitting up. Ema, Kusanagi with Jin, Takeru and Aoi went to see the Joconde and all the important stuff. Specter, Ryoken, Kengo and Yusaku went to visit the other less crowded flours. The first group got their great dose of selfies to expose on social media, and even ended up « retranslating » the guides speaking language they didn't know but with stupid explanations.  The second group found a nice little exposition about how middle-east prehistoric civilization were worshipping nature that satisfied everyone. They ate at the museum's restaurant and went to the eiffel tower.
And it's at this point they realized the hell that was Paris' subway. They came back to where they were countless time, had to ask many people, and spent way too much time arguing about where to go... and about how to pronounce all the exotic words
(kusanagi swore to god that « bastille » was pronounced like baseball). But they still found their way, and the eiffel tower. « It's small » said Aoi. « it's huge ! » said Takeru. « And this is where Humanity's hopeless vanity started. » said Kengo. « Look there's a colleague ! » said Kusanagi as he was reaching for the closest Hot dog van, not even minding that they ate copiously 2 hours ago.
They climbed up the tower. It turns out Specter had indeed dizziness (or vertigo ? Like when you're ill on height ? ), so he stayed on the ground with Jin who was too tired and Kusanagi who was talking business.
As they were walking on the countless stairs, Ryoken couldn't help but talk about how this was nothing compared to his own tower. Eventually they reached the top and gladly enjoyed the wonderful view. Aoi and Ema started reading some flyers they managed to find in japanese about how the tower was built, and Ryoken and Kengo got in a deep talk about how high you should climb on such a tower to start having trouble breathing. Takeru found one of those thing used to see the city closer (where you have to put a coin), that looks a lot like a big canon, and said played with it like a big big laser gun.
When everyone gathered, it was already quite late and the restaurants were all full. They got back to their hotel, found a pizza hut on the way, and watch with much incomprehension french tv shows in the same room.
The next day everyone woke up at their own pace. Aoi, yusaku and ryoken woke up quite early and decided to go buy croissants for everyone and enjoyed the grey morning together. After spending two days in loud crowds, the silent streets felt magic. When they came back to the hotel, specter had woken up and was a bit scared not to find Ryoken in the room.
After breakfast, ryoken, specter and Yusaku went around to find big book store with very specific books of their interests. They found a little shop with  old books, where Specter discovered an encyclopedia of plants from 1500~, with watercolor illustrations. Then they ate a sandwich, and went down a street with a bunch of retro video game shops and old informatic stuff. They regretted quite a bit not being able to bring back the most fragile and big pieces.
Meanwhile Aoi waited for Ema to wake up, while looking for various stores (mostly CDs). They left at the beginning of the afternoon with takeru and kusanagi. (Jin was too tired, kengo was too grumpy) they got lost quite a lot, but managed to find their way and enjoyed a nice time of trying to tell the seller what french singers aoi was looking for with the most terrible pronunciation.
They gathered where the catacombs tour started. Since there wasn't any in Japanese, they went for the English one (ryoken, kengo and Ema could both understand it well enough to explain to the others. Kusanagi thought he could too but it turned out that beside informatic words, he didn't understand English that well). Though after some time they ended up just trying to scare each other (mostly everyone trying to scare takeru). They also lost kengo and ryoken at some point. Ema thought it'd be funny to say they had been taken away by some zombies or demon. She almost got killed by specter. They eventually found them discussing French revolution at the entrance (they were bored and left).
Thursday: once again, they ended up in way too much crowd. Specter spent the whole time whining about all the people, except that moment they stopped to eat chocolate crêpes. Takeru had a little list of things he had to bring back for him and kiku. He barely bought half of it, and he spent most of his money on completely unrelated stuff(like those little metal eiffel tower). He still managed to find the hoodie he was looking for.
Kusanagi cried when he saw all the aprons there were in the souvenirs shops. He ended up taking picture of each of them and make a complicated organization to chose the ones he'll buy, two of each since yusaku needed one.
Ema bought more magnets than she had place on her fridge. She spent around an hour deciding if she should take one of those pin up lady ones. “They are so pretty! but that's still objectification of women. but they are really cute aaaah…”
Ryoken found a quite good old revolver replica and considered buying. Or more like Specter and Yusaku almost bought it for him before he allowed to gift himself with it.
Aoi tried not to buy much stuff since her brother always tell her about how all this is useless and just for tourist. She still fell for one of those little music box in cardboard boxes.
And of course they got lost countless time. And every time there was someone to say “wait let me check on my phone” to realize they had no connexion here…
When night fell, they found a nice little restaurant with traditional french dishes. Never did they eat that much cheese in their whole life.
Friday: specter was incredibly excited to see the garden, but it wasn't open in the morning so they first went to the museum. They spent hours at the place with dinosaurs bones and various animals exposed, until Specter realized it was 1 PM and he might not have time for the garden if he stayed with the others. So he went there with Aoi and Yusaku, who also wanted to see pretty flowers rather than dead animals.
There was strangely not that many people in the garden, and they greatly appreciated this calm moments after days of noisy crowds. Aoi took picture of all the colorful flowers, Yusaku red the little articles about the poisonous plants and did the little quizz with much concentration, and Specter skipped all the smaller plants and went to look at all the trees. He was very sad to hear he wasn’t allowed to touch all of them, but still took a lot of pictures and enjoyed it a lot. When he came back with a bunch of books from the nearby stores, Aoi pointed out it was all i english and he won’t be able to read them. “Don’t worry I can understand english well.” “But… you didn’t help us when we got lost?” “Revolver didn’t ask me to do so.”
The others kept enjoying the museum. Ryoken got the glorious idea to first go to the store and took his time to take stuff for each of the other knights, as there was a lot of choice. Takeru and Ema stayed at the animal section, amazed by all the wonderful creatures that lived on this earth (and takeru actually cried in the lost animals part, where it’s only species in danger or extinct). They also managed to scare Kengo with the dinosaurs reconstitution (Ema still has the recorded moment).
Kusanagi went with his brother to the geology section, and spent the whole time going for each pretty stones display wondering which one was the coolest. Also none of the three that went to the plants questioned why Takeru and Kusanagi had dino hats for the whole evening.
Saturday: Yusaku and Kusanagi woke up first. Yusaku didn’t have much stuff to put back in the bags, but Kusanagi had bought quite a lot and had to organize his luggage carefully to put everything in.  Ema thought about keeping enough space for her purchases, and managed to pack up quite quickly (tho she had to redo it completely once because she had lost her phone, which was inside the biggest bag). Revolver and Specter ended up with too many books, but by taking them with them for the travel they still managed to pack everything quite easily.
The real panic ended up for Takeru. He had bought way too many things for the space he had, so he had to organize everything like a tetris game. Despise that, he still asked yusaku and Aoi to take some of his stuff in their bags (Aoi would come back the next week so she didn’t had to pack, but she knew she wouldn’t buy much with her brother anyway).
They still came to the airport in time, could buy some food for the flight. They sat in the plain ready to enjoy the travel over the cloud once more… But every single one of them slept the whole time.
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
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NAME .      Brian. NICKNAME(S) .      Bri, asshole, fuckbench, Bri-guy, etc ALIAS(ES) .      Only those he uses for work when he has to. Aliases that he tosses out right after. AGE .      Only been active for the past 4 or 5 years. Although judging from his looks he could have been 20 or 21 before he ‘died’. BIRTHDATE .      He woke up December 21st  BIRTHPLACE .      Woke up in the desert just outside Reno Nevada  GENDER .     Male ORIENTATION .     panromantic pansexual . SPECIES .     [ REDACTED ] ( he actually has no idea what he is. That terrifies him. Most people assume he is a zombie or a ghoul -- but he knows that doesn’t quite fit.) OCCUPATION .      student. professional hitman. SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS .      working class. CURRENT RESIDENCE .      shitty bottom floor apartment in the rough side of  Monstropolis. He has a nice porch backing onto a park though.
PARENTS .      He doesn’t know who they are. He might not have known in “life” either. Wink Wink nudge nudge.   UPBRINGING .      He was raised in [ REDACTED ] as a [ REDACTED] for [ MEMORY TERMINATED ] BIRTH ORDER .      None. SIBLINGS .      None. PETS .      Ugly - a Barghest that followed him home one day. She’s less of a pet and more like a roommate. Sometimes she leaves for weeks at a time to go do her job as a death omen and drag souls down to Hell. He does find it amusing given his line of work that he’s attracted a death omen to his door step.
MORAL ALIGNMENT .      lawful good    /   neutral good   /   chaotic good    /    lawful neutral    /    true neutral    /    chaotic neutral    /    lawful evil    /    neutral evil   /   chaotic evil    . RELIGION .      None. Is disdainful of religion as a whole. His best friend is a demon too which doesn’t warm him to any sort of Judeo-Christian or Abrahamic religions. Just generally doesn’t trust it as a whole.   PHILOSOPHY .      cynicism    /    idealism    /    realism    /    apathy . SINS .      greed    /    gluttony    /    sloth    /    lust    /    pride    /    envy    /    wrath . VIRTUES .      chastity    /    charity    /    diligence    /    humility     /    kindness    /    patience    /   justice . SECRETS .      He’s got quite a few. He’s after all for the first time let someone ( @hellrager ) into his home. None of his friends even knew where he lived for the longest time. His other major secrets include -- his lack of a sense of touch. It gets so bad sometimes he can barely walk. He hides this major weakness do to his rough lifestyle (while it also explains it). He can’t remember anything about his life before or why he woke up outside of Reno of all places. This scares him. He has no idea WHAT he is. Which is even more terrifying. He has night terrors almost every night -- but even if he were to tell someone about this -- he can’t remember what they are about when he wakes up. Only that he’s terrified. He’s scared that whatever made him will eventually come back for him. Which is why he pushes away anyone who gets too close. He thinks that one day he might become a thrall to someone else’s will and believes that if he has less to lose... then when the time does come it wont hurt as bad. Lastly he wants to become a tattoo artist and do body mods. Although due to the last secret he doesn’t pursue it because he doesn’t think there is a point.  STRENGTHS .      creative , tenacious, determined, loyal, laid back, grounded, non-judgemental, supportive, adaptive, devoted to his friends, protective,  WEAKNESSES .      enigmatic , competitive , stubborn , wrathful, murderous, selfish, standoffish, introverted, impulsive, aloof, sadistic, liar, cunning     
KNOWN LANGUAGES .      English . EDUCATION .      All his education had been at [REDACTED] in ‘life’ and afterwards has been obtained at Spooky High.  MENTOR(S) .      Teachers at Spooky high. He’s also actually learned quite a bit about art from secretly watching @ciiclops work.  INTERESTS .      Tattoos, Scarification, body mods such as piercings or other cosmetic procedures (like dermals, or branding, or  gauges). Animals - he really is fond of animals in an almost cute way. Murder - something he genuinely enjoys taking part in. He’s unapologetic about it. It’s not just business - or because he has to. Brian kills people because he likes to. Making fun of shitty horror movies. Taking part in mass brawls.  
FACECLAIM(S) .      Canon appearance, for his human self Nicolas Brown from Gangsta. HAIR .      Black and surprising thick. It doesn’t have a proper style or anything right now. He cuts his hair himself when it starts to get in his way and that’s it. He doesn’t like strangers touching his scalp as it is the one place where he has retained a lot of feeling. EYES .     He’s got pretty long, almost feminine lashes. Thick like his hair. Black sclera with an icy silver iris.   SKIN .      Pale Green, at times almost ashen toned due to his blood being very dark. BUILD .     scrawny    /    bony    /    slender    /    fit    /    athletic    /    curvy    /    full - figured    / herculean    /    pudgy    /    average . HEIGHT .      6′0 WEIGHT .     I’m so bad with weights. Brian is however made of lean muscle tone. SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .     many. Main ones are: on his face - his cheek has been ripped off. Also has a scar on the bridge of his nose. His shoulder is also torn. Parts of his spine are exposed as well. And on his chest he has three huge gashes from a werebear. Full scar listing is here.  CONSTITUTION  /  FITNESS .      He’s like a machine with how fit he is. He has a strict work out routine and as of currently never gets sick. His body doesn’t even decay. But it doesn’t heal either. He has to patch things up on his own with fleshcrafting magic.
DISH(ES) .      Brian is a carnivore. He only eats meat based dishes. He’ll eat other things occasional for the pleasure of the taste -- but tends to stay away from breads. He likes strong tasting foods. Spicy or Sour.  DRINK(S) .      Anything with alcohol in it . PIZZA TOPPING(S) .      meat lovers. COLOR(S) .     Black. Grey.  Dark Red. Browns. Silver. Gold.  MUSIC GENRE(S) .     classic rock. Metal.  BOOK GENRE(S) .     horror, action adventure, lore books. MOVIE GENRE(S) .      horror, action.  CURSE WORD(S) .      fuckstick, cunt, bitch, fuck,  SCENT(S) .      fire, gun smoke, cigarette smoke, spicy scents, musky scents. Damien. QUOTE(S) .      “Talk Shit, Get Bit.” or “Whatever doesn’t kill me better start running.”
TOP , BOTTOM , OR SWITCH .      Switch. But he’s bottom leaning even if he wont admit it.  SINGS IN THE SHOWER .     VERY occasionally.  LIKES PUNS .      Yes. He can’t help himself. Murder + puns. yes. HOGWARTS HOUSE .      Surprisingly enough? He’d probably be Gryffindor because he is loyal, passionate, and an arrogant asshole. If not that then Sytherin - while he’s not ambitious which is what would keep him out of that house I think -- he IS cunning.  MBTI .      I really should do that test for my muses. It’s just so long I haven’t done it yet. TEMPERAMENT .      Angry at the world. Hostile towards strangers. Warm to friends.  ENNEAGRAM .     what?? ABILITIES  /  POWERS .      Brian is functionally immortal. This means that even if he is torn apart he can still survive the encounter. He one put himself halfway through a wood chipper to find out if he would die or not. It took him two weeks to put himself back together. Other than that he has super strength. Full posting of his skillset can be found here.  
tagged  by .    @seaprofound tagging . @hellrager @loveyourfears @doviilove @purpleshopkeep @shadow-of-fear-and-doubt / @lady-grey-vicky-blue / @a-poisonous-gamble @beesquad / @howlbrother @searegal @lioncovrt @a-goofy-zombie @just-scared-of-everything @oz-answers @ciiclops
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